arxiv: v2 [] 4 May 2018

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1 Disrete Morse theory for the ollapsibility of supremum setions Balthazar Bauer INRIA, DIENS, PSL researh, CNRS, Paris, Frane Luas Isenmann LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, Frane arxiv: v2 [] 4 May 2018 Abstrat The Dushnik-Miller dimension of a poset is the minimal number d of linear extensions 1,..., d of suh that is the intersetion of 1,..., d. Supremum setions are simpliial omplexes introdued by Sarf [13] and are linked to the Dushnik-Miller as follows: the inlusion poset of a simpliial omplex is of Dushnik-Miller dimension at most d if and only if it is inluded in a supremum setion oming from a representation of dimension d. Collapsibility is a topologial property of simpliial omplexes whih has been introdued by Whitehead [18] and whih resembles shellability. While Ossona de Mendez [12] proved that a partiular type of supremum setions are shellable, we show in this artile that supremum setions are in general ollapsible thanks to the disrete Morse theory developped by Forman [8]. 1 Introdution The order dimension (also known as the Dushnik-Miller dimension) of a poset has been introdued by Dushnik and Miller [4]. It is defined as the minimum number d of linear extensions 1,..., d of suh that is the intersetion of these extensions i.e. x, y V, x y ( i [1, d], x i y). See [16] for a omprehensive study of this topi. This notion is important beause, for example, of a theorem of Shnyder [14] whih states that a graph is planar if and only if the Dushnik-Miller dimension of the inlusion poset of the assoiated simpliial omplex is at most 3. Representations were introdued by Sarf [13]. A d-representation on a set V is a set of d linear orders on V. Given R a representation on a set V, we an define a simpliial omplex Σ(R) assoiated to this representation that we all its supremum setion. Sarf proved that every supremum setion of a representation satisfying some additional properties, so alled standard, is the inlusion poset of a d-polytope with one fae removed. Ossona de Mendez [12] proved that every abstrat simpliial omplex of Dushnik-Miller dimension at most d is ontained in a omplex whih is shellable and has a straight line embedding in R d 1. Supremum setions also appeared in ommutative algebra: Bayer et al. [2] studied monomial ideals whih are linked to supremum setions by what they all Sarf omplexes. They are used by Felsner et al. [7] in order to study orthogonal surfaes. They also appear in the study of Gonçalves et al. [9] of a variant of Delaunay graphs and in the study of empty retangles graphs by Felsner [6]. Furthermore, they also appear in spanning-tree-deompositions and in the box representations problem as shown by Evans et al. [5]. The goal of our artile is to generalize the result of Ossona de Mendez about the shellability of standard supremum setions to every supremum setions. As there exists supremum setions whih are not shellable, for instane the simpliial omplex haraterized by its faets {a, b, } and {, d, e}, we will replae shellability by ollapsibility whih is a similar notion. A ollapse is a topologial operation on simpliial omplexes, and more generally on CW-omplexes, introdued by Whitehead [18] in order to define a simple homotopy equivalene whih is a refinement of the homotopy equivalene. A omplex is said to be ollapsible if it ollapses to a point. See [10] for a omprehensive study of this topi. The disrete Morse theory introdued by Forman [8] is based on this notion and has numerous appliations in applied mathematis and omputer siene. Homotopy equivalene is a topologial notion of topologial spaes introdued to lassify topologial

2 spaes. Roughly speaking, two spaes are said to be homotopy equivalent if there exists a ontinuous deformation from one to the other. A topologial spae is said to be ontratible if it is homotopy equivalent to a point. Collapsible spaes form an important sublass of ontratible spaes. While ontratibility is algorithmially undeidable by a result of Novikov [17], the sublass of ollapsible spaes is algorithmially reognizable. More preisely Taner [15] showed that it is NP-omplete to deide whether a simpliial omplex is ollapsible. Furthermore, every 1-dimensional ontratible omplex is ollapsible but the house with two rooms [1] and the dune hat [19] show that there are omplexes whih are ontratible but not ollapsible. Finally, the onjeture of Zeeman [19], whih implies the Poinarré onjeture, states that for every finite ontratible 2-dimensional CW-omplex K, the spae K [0, 1] is ollapsible. 2 Notations In the following, V is a finite set. An (abstrat) simpliial omplex is a subset of P(V ) losed by inlusion (i.e. X, Y X, Y ). We all faes the elements of and faets the maximal faes of aording to the inlusion order. Definition 1 (Ossona de Mendez [12]). Given a linear order on a set V, an element x V, and a set F V, we say that x dominates F in, and we denote it F x, if f x for every f F. A d-representation R on a set V is a set of d linear orders 1,..., d on V. Given a d-representation R, an element x V, and a set F V, we say that x dominates F in R if x dominates F in some order i R. We define Σ(R) as the set of subsets F of V suh that every v V dominates F in R. The set Σ(R) is alled the supremum setion of R. It is easy to show that if R is a d-representation on a set V, then Σ(R) is a simpliial omplex. An example is the following 3-representation on {a, b,, d, e}: a < 1 b < 1 e < 1 d < 1, < 2 b < 2 a < 2 d < 2 e, and e < 3 d < 3 < 3 b < 3 a. The orresponding omplex Σ(R), depited on the left of Figure 1, is haraterized by its faets {a, b}, {b,, d}, and {b, d, e}. For example {a, b, } is not in Σ(R) as b does not dominate {a, b, } in any order. Definition 2. Let be a simpliial omplex. We say that a fae F of is a free fae of if it is non-empty, non-maximal and ontained in only one faet of. Let and Γ be two simpliial omplexes. We say that ollapses to Γ if there exists k simpliial omplexes 1,..., k and a free fae F i of i for every i [1, k 1] suh that 1 =, i+1 = i \ {F i : F i F } for every i [1, k 1] and k = Γ. We say that is ollapsible if it ollapses to a point. The Hasse diagram of a poset is the transitive redution of the digraph of the poset. Let R be a representation on a set V, we denote H(R) the Hasse diagram of the inlusion poset of Σ(R). Definition 3. Let (, V ) be a poset and let M be a mathing of the Hasse diagram of. For an ar a of the Hasse diagram of, we denote d(a) and u(a) the elements of V suh that a = (u(a), d(a)) and d(a) < u(a). A mathing M of the Hasse diagram of is said to be ayli if, when reversing the orientation of the ars of M, the Hasse diagram remains ayli. It is known that if is the poset of inlusion of a simpliial omplex and M is a mathing of the Hasse diagram of then M is ayli if and only if there is no sequene of ars m 1,..., m n of M suh that (u(m i+1 ), d(m i )) is in the Hasse diagram for all i [1, n 1] as well as (u(m 1 ), d(m n )).

3 Theorem 4 (Chari [3]). Let be a simpliial omplex. If the Hasse diagram of the inlusion poset of admits a omplete ( i.e. perfet) ayli mathing, then is ollapsible. 3 Our ontribution Theorem 5. Let R be a representation on a set V. Then Σ(R) is ollapsible. Beause of Theorem 4, it is enough to show that if R is a representation on a set V, then H(R) admits a omplete ayli mathing. 3.1 Proofs The proof relies on an indution on the dimension of the representation R. Let R be a d- representation on a set V. We denote R = ( 1,..., d 1 ) the (d 1)-representation on V obtained from R by deleting the order d. Lemma 6. The simpliial omplex Σ(R ) is a subomplex of Σ(R). Proof. Let F be a fae of Σ(R ). As every element x of V dominates F in at least one of the orders 1,..., d 1, the element x also dominates F in at least one of the orders 1,..., d. We onlude that F Σ(R). See Figure 1 to see what Σ(R ) is for the example representation of Definition 1. e bd bde a b d a b ab b d bd be de a b d e Figure 1: R denotes the representation from the example. From left to right: Σ(R) where a grey setion orresponds to a fae with 3 elements, Σ(R ) where R is the representation obtained from R by deleting the order 3, the Hasse diagram of Σ(R) where the rossed-out faes are the faes from Σ(R) \ Σ(R ) and where the fat edges orrespond to a omplete ayli mathing of Σ(R) \ Σ(R ). Lemma 7. We define the funtion ψ by ψ : Σ(R) \ Σ(R ) V F min <d {x V : x < i (max i F ) i [1, d 1]} Then the funtion ψ is well-defined. Proof. Let F be a fae of Σ(R)\Σ(R ). We denote f i = max i F for every i [1, d]. As F Σ(R ), there exists an element x V suh that i [1, d 1], x < i f i. So the minimum is taken in a non-empty set. We define the sets A = {F Σ(R)\Σ(R ) : ψ(f ) F } and B = {F Σ(R)\Σ(R ) : ψ(f ) F }. The goal is to find a omplete ayli mathing between A and B.

4 Lemma 8. For every F A, we have F {ψ(f )} B, ψ(f {ψ(f )}) = ψ(f ) and max d F < ψ(f ). For every F B, we have F \ {ψ(f )} A and ψ(f \ {ψ(f )}) = ψ(f ). Proof. Let F be in A, we denote F = F {ψ(f )}. For every i [1, d], we denote f i (resp. f i ) the maximum of F (resp. F ) in the order i. By definition of ψ, ψ(f ) < i f i for every i [1, d 1]. Furthermore, f d < d ψ(f ), otherwise ψ(f ) would not dominate F. Thus, f i = f i for every i [1, d 1] and f d < d f d = ψ(f ). Suppose that F Σ(R). Then there would exist a suh that a does not dominate F in any order. Thus a < i f i (= f i ) for every i [1, d 1] and a < d ψ(f ) whih ontradits the minimality of ψ(f ). We dedue that F Σ(R). As ψ(f ) < i f i for every i [1, d 1], ψ(f ) does not dominate F in R, F Σ(R ) and ψ(f ) d ψ(f ). If ψ(f ) < d ψ(f ) then we would have ψ(f ) < i f i for every i [1, d] as f d = ψ(f ). We dedue that ψ(f ) = ψ(f ) = f d F. Finally, we onlude that F {ψ(f )} B. The seond property an be proved in the same manner. Lemma 9. The Hasse diagram of the inlusion poset of Σ(R) \ Σ(R ) admits a omplete ayli mathing. See Figure 1 to see an example of a omplete ayli mathing. Proof. We define the funtion ϕ : A B defined by ϕ(f ) = F {ψ(f )} for every F A. Let us show that ϕ is a bijetion. To do so, we define the funtion η : B A by η(f ) = F \ {ψ(f )} where F B. Lemma 8 implies that η is well defined, that η ϕ = id A, and that ϕ η = id B. Thus ϕ is a bijetion and ϕ defines a omplete mathing M = {(F, ϕ(f )) : F A} between A and B. Suppose that M is not ayli: there exists a sequene m 1,..., m n of ars of M where m i = (F i {ψ(f i )}, F i ) for a F i A for every i [1, n] suh that (F i+1 {ψ(f i+1 )}), F i ) is in the Hasse diagram for every i [1, n 1] as well as (F 1 {ψ(f 1 )}, F n ). As for every i [1, n 1], F i F i+1 ψ(f i+1 ) and F i + 1 = F i+1 ψ(f i+1 ), we dedue that ψ(f i+1 ) F i. Therefore ψ(f i+1 ) < d ψ(f i ) for every i [1, n 1] and thus ψ(f n ) < d ψ(f 1 ). As (F 1 {ψ(f 1 )}, F n ) is in the Hasse diagram, we show in the same way that ψ(f 1 ) < d ψ(f n ) whih ontradits the fat that ψ(f n ) < d ψ(f 1 ). We onlude that M is a perfet ayli mathing of Σ(R) \ Σ(R ). We an now prove Theorem 5. Proof. We prove the result by indution on the number of orders. Let R = ( 1 ) be a 1-representation on V. We denote m 1 the minimum on V in 1. Let F be a fae of Σ(R) whih ontains an element x different from m 1. Then m 1 does not dominate F in R as m 1 < 1 x. The set {m 1 } is a fae of Σ(R) as every element of V dominates {m 1 } in the order 1. Thus Σ(R) = {, {m 1 }} and H(R) admits a omplete ayli mathing ({m 1 }, ). The base ase is therefore true. Let d 2, we now suppose that the result is true for any (d 1)-representation on V. Let R = ( 1,..., d ) be a d-representation on V. We denote R = ( 1,..., d 1 ) the (d 1)-representation on V obtained from R by deleting the order d. We define K as Σ(R)\Σ(R ). Beause of Lemma 9, the Hasse diagram of the inlusion poset of K admits a omplete ayli mathing M 1. By indution hypothesis, H(R ) admits a omplete ayli mathing M 2. Thus M 1 M 2 is a omplete mathing of H(R). Furthermore, H(R) is the union of H(R ) and the Hasse diagram of the inlusion poset of K with some ars between K and Σ(R ). If an ar between K and Σ(R ) is oriented from Σ(R ) to K, then there would be a fae F of Σ(R ) that would ontain a fae G of K. As Σ(R ) is losed by inlusion, then G is also in Σ(R ) whih ontradits the definition of

5 K. Therefore the ars between K and Σ(R ) are oriented from K to Σ(R ) and we dedue that M 1 M 2 is a perfet ayli mathing of H(R). We onlude by indution. Referenes [1] R.H. Bing, Some aspets of the topology of 3-manifolds related to the Poinaré onjeture, Letures on Modern Mathematis, II, Wiley, pp , [2] D. Bayer, I. Peeva, B. Sturmfels, Monomial resolutions, Mathematial Researh Letters 5, 31 46, [3] M. K. Chari, On disrete Morse funtions and ombinatorial deompositions. Disrete Mathematis, 217(1-3), , [4] B. Dushnik and E.W. Miller, Partially ordered sets, Amerian Journal of Mathematis, 63(3): , [5] W. Evans, S. Felsner, G. Kobourov, and T. Uekerdt, Graphs admitting d-realizers: spanning-treedeompositions and box-representations Pro. of EuroCG 14, [6] S. Felsner, Empty Retangles and Graph Dimension, ArXiv preprint arxiv:math/ , [7] S. Felsner and S. Kappes. Orthogonal surfaes and their CP-orders. Order, vol. 25, no 1, p , [8] R. Forman, Witten Morse theory for ell omplexes. Topology, vol. 37, no 5, p , [9] D. Gonçalves and L. Isenmann, Dushnik-Miller dimension of TD-Delaunay omplexes, Pro. of EuroCG 17, [10] D. Kozlov. Combinatorial algebrai topology. Springer Siene and Business Media, [11] E. Miller and B. Sturmfels, Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, Graduate Texts in Mathematis, Springer-Verlag, [12] P. Ossona de Mendez, Geometri Realization of Simpliial Complexes, Pro. of Int. Symp. on Graph Drawing 1999 LNCS 1731, , [13] H. Sarf, The Computation of Eonomi Equilibria, vol. 24 of Cowles Foundation Monograph, Yale University Press, [14] W. Shnyder, Planar graphs and poset dimension, Order 5(4): , [15] M. Taner, Reognition of ollapsible omplexes is NP-omplete, Disrete and Computational Geometry, 55(1), 21-38, [16] W. T. Trotter. Combinatoris and partially ordered sets: Dimension theory. Johns Hopkins Series in the Mathematial Sienes, The Johns Hopkins University Press, [17] I. A. Volodin, V. E. Kuznetsov and A. T. Fomenko. The problem of disriminating algorithmially the standard three-dimensional sphere. Russian Mathematial Surveys, 29(5), , [18] J. H. C. Whitehead, Simpliial Spaes, Nulei and m-groups. Proeedings of the London mathematial soiety, 2(1), , [19] E. C. Zeeman, On the dune hat. Topology, vol. 2, no 4, p , 1963. v1 2 Aug 2006 v1 2 Aug 2006 A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE TUTTE POLYNOMIAL VIA COMBINATORIAL EMBEDDINGS OLIVIER BERNARDI v1 2 Aug 2006 Abstrat. We give a new haraterization of the Tutte polynomial of graphs. Our

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