Review of Basic Concepts in Linear Algebra

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1 Review of Basic Concepts in Linear Algebra Grady B Wright Department of Mathematics Boise State University September 7, 2017 Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

2 Numerical Linear Algebra Linear systems of equations occur in almost every area of the applied science, engineering, and mathematics Hence, numerical linear algebra is one of the pillars of computational mathematics Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

3 Linear systems of equations A linear system of m equations and n unknowns can be expressed in the following general form: a 11 x 1 + a 12 x 2 + a 13 x a 1n x n = b 1, a 21 x 1 + a 22 x 2 + a 23 x a 2n x n = b 2, a 31 x 1 + a 32 x 2 + a 33 x a 3n x n = b 3, a m1 x 1 + a m2 x 2 + a m3 x a mn x n = b m (1) Here a ij are the coefficients of the systems, b i are the right hand sides (RHS), and x j are the unknown values that must be determined a ij and b i will be given by the problem Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

4 Linear systems of equations Linear systems can be classified into the following three types: 1 Square linear system: If the number of equations equals the number of unknowns (ie m = n) 2 Overdetermined system: If the number of equations is greater than the number of unknowns (ie m > n) 3 Underdetermined system: If the number equations is less than the number of unknowns (ie m < n) Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

5 Matrices and vectors A convenient notation to describe a linear system of equations is in terms of matrices and vectors Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

6 Matrices A matrix is just a table of numbers containing m rows and n columns and can be expressed as: a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n A = a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn We typically use capital letters to denote matrices We write A R m n to denote a matrix with m rows and n columns A common shorthand notation for a matrix is A = { a ij }, where the values for i and j are understood from the problem Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

7 Matrices A matrix is just a table of numbers containing m rows and n columns and can be expressed as: a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n A = a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn We typically use capital letters to denote matrices We write A R m n to denote a matrix with m rows and n columns A common shorthand notation for a matrix is A = { a ij }, where the values for i and j are understood from the problem Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

8 Matrices A matrix is just a table of numbers containing m rows and n columns and can be expressed as: a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n A = a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn We typically use capital letters to denote matrices We write A R m n to denote a matrix with m rows and n columns A common shorthand notation for a matrix is A = { a ij }, where the values for i and j are understood from the problem Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

9 Matrices A matrix is just a table of numbers containing m rows and n columns and can be expressed as: a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n A = a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn We typically use capital letters to denote matrices We write A R m n to denote a matrix with m rows and n columns A common shorthand notation for a matrix is A = { a ij }, where the values for i and j are understood from the problem Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

10 Vectors If the matrix only has one row or column then it is called a vector A column vector with n entries can be expressed as x 1 x 2 x = x 3 x n A row vector and can be expressed as x = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] We typically use bold lower-case letters to denote vectors A column vector with n real entries is denoted by x R n, while a row vector is denoted by x R 1 n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

11 Vectors If the matrix only has one row or column then it is called a vector A column vector with n entries can be expressed as x 1 x 2 x = x 3 x n A row vector and can be expressed as x = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] We typically use bold lower-case letters to denote vectors A column vector with n real entries is denoted by x R n, while a row vector is denoted by x R 1 n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

12 Vectors If the matrix only has one row or column then it is called a vector A column vector with n entries can be expressed as x 1 x 2 x = x 3 x n A row vector and can be expressed as x = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] We typically use bold lower-case letters to denote vectors A column vector with n real entries is denoted by x R n, while a row vector is denoted by x R 1 n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

13 Vectors If the matrix only has one row or column then it is called a vector A column vector with n entries can be expressed as x 1 x 2 x = x 3 x n A row vector and can be expressed as x = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] We typically use bold lower-case letters to denote vectors A column vector with n real entries is denoted by x R n, while a row vector is denoted by x R 1 n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

14 Vectors If the matrix only has one row or column then it is called a vector A column vector with n entries can be expressed as x 1 x 2 x = x 3 x n A row vector and can be expressed as x = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] We typically use bold lower-case letters to denote vectors A column vector with n real entries is denoted by x R n, while a row vector is denoted by x R 1 n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

15 Matrix & vector operations Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

16 Matrix & vector operations Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

17 Matrix & vector operations: Transpose Let A R m n with entries a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n A = a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n, a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn then the transpose of A switches the columns of A with the rows, ie a 11 a 21 a 31 a m1 a 12 a 22 a 32 a m2 A T = a 13 a 23 a 33 a m3 a 1n a 2n a 3n a mn Note that A T R n m and that (A T ) T = A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

18 Matrix & vector operations: Transpose The transpose can also be applied to vectors In this case if x is a (column) vector then x T is a row vector: x 1 x 2 if x = x 3 x n then x T = [ x 1 x 2 x 3 x n ] Similarly if x is row vector then x T is a column vector Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

19 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix addition Let A R m n and B R m n then the sum of A and B is given by } A + B = {a ij + b ij This is just the sum of the corresponding entries of the elements of A and B For this sum to make sense A and B must be the same size Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

20 Matrix & vector operations: scalar multiplication Let α be a real number and A R m n then the product of α and A is given by } αa = {α a ij Note that this is just α times each entry of A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

21 Matrix & vector operations: Vector-vector products There are two types of vector-vector products that arise quite frequently These can be derived from the definition for matrix-matrix products (discussed later), but it is worth stating them separately Let x, y R n then the inner product or dot product of x and y is y 1 x T y = [ ] y 2 x 1 x 2 x n = x 1y 1 + x 2 y x n y n = y n n x j y j Note that the inner product is a single number The inner product is sometimes denoted by x y j=1 Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

22 Matrix & vector operations: Vector-vector products There are two types of vector-vector products that arise quite frequently These can be derived from the definition for matrix-matrix products (discussed later), but it is worth stating them separately Let x R m and y R n then the outer product of x with y is x 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 y 2 x 1 y n xy T x 2 [ ] x 2 y 1 x 2 y 2 x 2 y n = y1 y 2 y n = x m x m y 1 x m y 2 x m y n Note that the outer product is a matrix of size m-by-n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

23 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-vector products Let A R m n and x R n then the product of A and x is given by Ax =x 1 a 11 a 21 a 31 + x 2 a 12 a 22 a 32 + x 3 a 13 a 23 a x n a 1n a 2n a 3n a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn (2) Thus, the product Ax is a linear combination of the columns of A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

24 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-vector products Important observations regarding the matrix-vector product Ax: The only way for this product to make sense is if A has the same number of columns as x does rows Ax R m, ie the product is a column vector containing m entries If we let b = Ax then we can alternatively express the ith entry of b as b i = n a ij x j, i = 1,, m j=1 This illustrates that b i is just the inner product of the ith row of A with the vector x In general, computing Ax using the above formulas requires mn multiplications and m(n 1) additions Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

25 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-vector products The range of a matrix A, denoted by range(a), consists of all vectors that can be formed from linear combinations of the columns of A, ie all vectors y R m such that y = Ax, for some vector x R n Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

26 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-matrix products Let A R m n and B R n p, and let B have columns B = b 1 b 2 b p The matrix-matrix product C = AB is given as C = Ab 1 Ab 2 Ab p This shows the kth column of the product AB is a linear combination of the columns of A with the coefficients in the linear combinations being determined by entries in the kth column of B Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

27 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-matrix products Important observations regarding the matrix-matrix product AB, A R m n, B R n p : Number columns of A must equal number rows B AB R m p, ie the product is a matrix containing m rows and p columns In general, AB BA, ie the product does not commute Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

28 Matrix & vector operations: Matrix-matrix products Important observations regarding the matrix-matrix product AB, A R m n, B R n p : We can express each entry of C as c ik = n a ij b jk, i = 1,, m, k = 1,, p j=1 So c ik is just the inner product of the ith row of A with the kth column of B Computing AB using the above formulas requires mnp multiplications and m(n 1)p additions The transpose of the product AB satisfies: (AB) T = B T A T Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

29 Linear systems in matrix-vector notation Recall that we can express a linear system of equations with m equations and n unknowns as a 11 x 1 + a 12 x 2 + a 13 x a 1n x n = b 1, a 21 x 1 + a 22 x 2 + a 23 x a 2n x n = b 2, a 31 x 1 + a 32 x 2 + a 33 x a 3n x n = b 3, a m1 x 1 + a m2 x 2 + a m3 x a mn x n = b m (3) We can express this linear system in matrix-vector notation using the previous definitions Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

30 Linear systems in matrix-vector notation Let x R n, b R m, and A R m n, then the linear system is given as Ax = b, or a 11 a 12 a 13 a 1n x 1 b 1 a 21 a 22 a 23 a 2n x 2 b 2 a 31 a 32 a 33 a 3n x 3 = b 3 a m1 a m2 a m3 a mn x n b m }{{}}{{}}{{} A x b Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

31 Linear systems: solvability Recall that Ax is a linear combination of the columns of A: Ax =x 1 a 11 a 21 a 31 a m1 + x 2 a 12 a 22 a 32 a m2 + x 3 a 13 a 23 a 33 a m3 + + x n a 1n a 2n a 3n a mn Thus, the only way there will be a solution to Ax = b is if b can be written as a linear combination of the columns of A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

32 Linear systems: solvability There are three possibilities for the linear system Ax = b: 1 There are an infinite number of solutions that satisfy Ax = b An infinite number of ways to linearly combine the columns of A to equal b 2 There is one unique solution to the linear system Only one way to linearly combine the columns of A to equal b 3 There is no solution to the linear system There is no way to linearly combine the columns of A to equal b Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

33 Special types of matrices: Diagonal matrix A diagonal matrix is an n-by-n square matrix with zeros in every entry except possibly the main diagonal: d d D = 0 0 d 3 0, d n where d 1, d 2,, d n are some real numbers Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

34 Special types of matrices: Identity matrix The identity matrix is a diagonal matrix with every diagonal entry equal to 1: I = It has the property that for any matrix A R n n, IA = AI = A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

35 Special types of matrices: Lower triangular matrix A matrix L R m n is lower triangular if all the entries above its main diagonal are zero Square n-by-n lower triangular matrices take the form l l 21 l L = l 31 l 32 l 33 0, l n1 l n2 l n3 l nn where l i,j, i = 1,, n, j = i,, n, are some real numbers Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

36 Special types of matrices: Upper triangular matrix A matrix U R m n is upper triangular if all the entries below its main diagonal are zero Square n-by-n upper triangular matrices take the form u 11 u 12 u 13 u 1n 0 u 22 u 23 u 2n U = 0 0 u 33 u 3n, u nn where u i,j, i = 1,, n, j = i,, n, are some real numbers Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

37 Special types of matrices: Symmetric matrix A matrix A is symmetric if A = A T Note that only square matrices can be symmetric Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

38 Inverse of a matrix Let A be an n-by-n square matrix (ie A R n n ) If there exists a square matrix B R n n such that BA = AB = I, where I is the n-by-n identity matrix, then B is called the inverse of A The inverse of A is denoted by A 1 If A 1 exists then A is called nonsingular, otherwise it is singular Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

39 Matrix inverses and linear systems If A is a square, nonsingular matrix, then the solution to the linear system Ax = b is given formally as x = A 1 b Important: When solving a linear system, one should never first compute A 1 and then compute the product A 1 b There are much better ways to solve the system (for example using Gaussian elimination when n is not too large) Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

40 Properties of matrix inverses Suppose A is nonsingular then the following statements are true A 1 is unique A 1 is nonsingular and its inverse is A A T is nonsingular If B R n n is nonsingular then AB is nonsingular and (AB) 1 = B 1 A 1 The linear system Ax = b has a unique solution Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

41 Vector norms A vector norm is a scalar quantity that reflects the size of a vector x The norm of a vector x is denoted as x There are many ways to define the size of a vector If x R n, the three most popular are one-norm : x 1 = n x k, k=1 two-norm : x 2 = n x k 2, -norm : k=1 x = max 1 k n x k Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

42 Vector norms However a vector norm is defined, it must satisfy the following three properties to be called a norm: 1 x 0 and x = 0 if and only if x = 0 (ie x contains all zeros as its entries) 2 αx = α x, for any constant α 3 x + y x + y, where y R n This is called the triangle inequality Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

43 Unit vectors A vector x is called a unit vector if its norm is one, ie x = 1 Unit vectors will be different depending on the norm applied Below are several unit vectors in the one, two, and norms for x R 2 1 Unit vectors with respect to the one norm 1 Unit vectors with respect to the two norm 1 Unit vectors with respect to the norm x 2 0 x 2 0 x x x x 1 (a) One-norm (b) Two-norm (c) -norm Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

44 Matrix norms A matrix norm is a scalar quantity that reflects the size of a matrix A R m n The norm of A is denoted as A Any matrix norm must satisfy the following four properties: 1 A 0 and A = 0 if and only if A = 0 (ie A contains all zeros as its entries) 2 αa = α A, for any constant α 3 A + B A + B, where B R m n 4 AB A B, where B R n p This is called the submultiplicative inequality Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

45 Matrix norms Each vector norm induces a matrix norm according to the following definition: Ax p A p = max x p 0 x p where x R n and p = 1, 2, = max Ax p, x p=1 Induced norms describe how the matrix stretches unit vectors with respect to that norm Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

46 Induced matrix norms Two popular and easy to define induced matrix norms are One-norm : -norm : A 1 = max 1 k n A = max m a jk, j=1 1 j m k=1 n a jk The one-norm corresponds to the maximum of the one norm of every column The -norm corresponds to the maximum of the one norm of every row The two-norm of A is defined as the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A T A This is computationally expensive to compute Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

47 Non-induced matrix norms The most popular matrix norm that is not an induced norm is the Frobenius norm: m n A F = a jk 2 j=1 k=1 Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

48 Important results on matrix norms The following are some useful inequalities involving matrix norms Here A R m n : Ax A x 1 m A 1 A 2 n A 1 1 n A A 2 m A A 2 A 1 A Math 565 Linear Algebra Review September 7, / 40

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