FOREIGN OFFICE. H i ßs I II. ^h H. ... a щ К Yz... \ш. ...к Пэ ' Nam e of File : L S,. Ш. С. (CLAIMS) i r > ^ -I.

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1 tr r. FOREIGN OFFICE (CLAIMS) i r > ^ -I 1 IB Чйсг-' -g. Nam e of File : I 1 F i l e H N P/ П П. ; 1 L S,. Ш. С. S e n t t o : - D a t e R e t u r n e d S e n t t o : D a t e R e t u r n e d S e n t t o - D a t e R e t u r n e d ' '! >...II. ^h H a щ К Yz... \ш. и ;...к Пэ '... пь. H i ßs - щ - *. ; ;,. ; V. / ' ' : 1...

2 COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL DE RECHERCHES 3548 Arolien (Waldeck) Allemagne INTERNATIONAL TRACING SERVICE 3548 Arolsen (Waldeck) Germany TéléphoneI Arolsen 434 Télégrammesi ITS AnjlîeH*" / i!/: '% RECEIVED Our Ref.: TD I ARCHIVAT о. f c Your Ref.: HNP/763 (ф W f " s e n, 4 t h D e c e m b e r The F o r e ig n O f f ic e L 0 N D 0 N, S.W. 1 E ngland Re : E.S. LEGG D ear S i r s, W ith r e f e r e n c e to you r l e t t e r d a te d 4th November 1964» p le a s e he a d v is e d t h a t th e f o llo w in g in fo r m a tio n i s contained in our r e c o r d s: LEGG, E r n e st S t a n le y, born 25 March 1902 in G u ern sey, N a t io n a lit y : B r i t i s h, - was in th e " S t r a f a n s t a lt F ra n k fu rt/m a in -P reu n g esh eim " in th e y e a r 1944 ( e x a c t d a te unknow n). Document /4 4 is s u e d by th e " S t r a f a n s t a lt F rankfu rt/m a in -P reu n g esh eim " and Document 2 YLs 6I 8/44 is s u e d by th e " O b e r sta a tsa n w a lt F ra n k fu rt/m." Docum ents c o n s u lt e d : Nom inal l i s t e s t a b lis h e d by th e " O b e r sta a tsa n w a lt F ra n k fu rt/m a in ". Y ours s i n c e r e l y, N. BurcKnardt Director of tue I.T.S. Go.

3 From; E r n e st S ta n le y LEGG, 42 Bordage S t r e e t, S t. P e te r P o r t, GUERNSEY? C.I. O ctober A t the b eg in n in g of 1943 I s ta r te d handing ou t c o p ie s o f the BBC E n g lis h news b u l l e t i n s, taken from the ra d io by my s i s t e r, Mrs0 H. G illin g h a m, and in corp orated in to the d a ily n e w s-sh e e t known as G.U.N.S. (G u ern sey's Undergound News S e r v ic e ) w hich was run by C haires Machon, Frank F a l la, my b r o th e r -in -la w, Joseph G illin g h a m, and C y r il Duquemin. I k ep t d oin g t h is from the s t a r t to j u s t about the end o f Then in March 1944 I was a t work when th e G estapo in s tr u c te d the lo c a l P o lic e to p ic k me up аз I was wanted by the Germans fo r q u e s tio n in g reg a r d in g the sp read in g o f the BBC new s. A fte r b ein g q u estio n ed by the G estapo fo r n e a r ly two h o u r s, I was e v e n tu a lly to ld I could go back to my work and th a t the N a zis would c a l l me when th ey wanted me. D uring A p r il 1944 I r e c e iv e d n o t ic e th a t I was to a tten d the M a g istr a te 's C ourt in the R oyal Court B u ild in g in S t. P e te r P o r t, where I was tr ie d a lo n g sid e my c o lle a g u e s, Machon, Duquemin, F a l la, G illin g h a m, and betw een us we were se n te n c e to j u s t over 8 y e a r s im prisonm ent. I r e c e iv e d a sen ten ce o f 1 y ea r 10 months and was f i r s t put in to the lo c a l p r is o n, where I was made to work u n t i l June 4 th, 1944, when I was se n t to Germany along w ith Duquemin, F a lla and my b r o th e r -in -la w, Joseph G illin g h a m, a l l o f whom had been sen ten ced fo r t h e ir share in the o ffe n c e w hich the N a zis d e sc r ib e d as " d is t r ib u tin g s e d it io u s news. F i r s t we went to the p r is o n a t F rankfu rt-on-m ain, b u t were n o t th eee fo r lo n g b e fo r e, a lo n g w ith o th er p o l i t i c a l p r is o n e r s, about 11 o f them were C hannel I s la n d e r s, we were tra n sp o r ted in what the Germans c a lle d a Kommando and taken by t r a in to N aum burg-on-saale. Here we were c o n fin ed to the p r is o n fo r about ten m onths. I t was w h ile I was a t Naumburg th a t one o f the Germans in charge o f the Workshop where we n a ile d the uppers to the wooden s o le s o f c ld g s, th a t he threw me down 18 or 19 s t e p s, from one f lo o r to the o th e r. I was then v e r y weak p h y s ic a lly and as a r e s u lt o f t h is I r e c e iv e d an in ju r y to my l e f t le g w hich has l e f t me w ith a bad lim p, con tin u o u s p ain and a bad lim p. Mt le g has sh orten ed by about an in ch as a r e s u lt o f t h is a c tio n by the German and I have had to spend a c o n sid e r a b le amount o f money in tr y in g to g e t r e l i e f and treatm en t d uring the p a st two y e a r s, but a l l has been o f no a v a il. A ttach ed p le a s e fin d my d o c to r 's c e r t i f i c a t e w hich b ears ou t the f a c t th a t when the German threw me down th a t f l i g h t o f sto n e s t a i r s a t Naumburg p r iso n I su sta in e d an in ju r y w hich w i l l rem ain w ith me t i l l I d ie. T h is was the w orst the Germans d id to me d u rin g my tim e in p r is o n but they o ffe n b ooted me alon g when I cou ld n o t g e t up enough speed to s u i t them, on top o f which I s u ffe r e d as d id o th er Channel I sla n d e r s from s t a r v a t io n, m a ln u tr itio n and g e n e r a l n e g le c t. In a l l the tim e we were a t Naumburg we had no com m unication w ith the o u tsid e w orld and my fa m ily knew n o t w hether I was a liv e or dead, and we n ever r e c e iv e d a s in g le Red C ross p a r c e l, l e t t e r or m essage. On top o f t h is I s u ffe r e d a form o f dropsy due to s t a r v a t io n, where the b od y, s t a r t in g from the l e g s, f i l l s up w ith w ater and when i t rea ch es your h e a r t n o th in g can save y ou, Wfeen, a lo n g w ith Frank F a l la, I was lib e r a t e d by th e American F orces (G en eral P a tto n s Tanks came through the town) the Am erican d o c to r w ith them sa id I m ight have liv e d 6 or 7 days b u t no m ore. I, to o, could have d ied in the h o s p it a l to w hich we were tak en, u n le s s Frank F a lla had com plained to the American Red Cross th a t the h o s p it a l a u t h o r it ie s were d oin g n o th in g to save my l i f e. He was able to t e l l the d o cto rs a t the h o s p it a l when th ey were paraded near my bed th a t i f I d ie d, th e y, to o, would d ie -----and the Americans meant I t fo r Frank F a lla to ld them I f E rn est L egg s l i f e is n o t sa v e d, then you w i l l d ie." As a r e s u lt o f t h is they im m ed iately g o t to work on me and In a m atter o f tw en tyfou r h ours they d rain ed o u t l i b u ck ets o f w ater from my body. But they could do n o th in g about my bad le g and i t was so bad when I came home th a t I had to change my job and do work w hich d id n o t demand s t r a in on my l e g. I sta y ed w ith Ahe American F o rces a f t e r coming ou t p f h o s p it a l and retu rn ed to England w ith Frank F a lla, f ly i n g v ia H a lle and B r u s s e ls and la n d in g a t Croydon0 We were then taken to the M in istr y o f H e a lth H o ste l a t H oneypot Lane, Stanmore Middx, where we were q u estio n ed by S e c r e t S e r v ic e p eo p le and I went up to H u d d ersfield u n t i l the a u t h o r it ie s made arrangem ents fo r me to retu rn to G uernsey, w hich I did a t the end o f J u ly or b eg in n in g o f A ugust O ctober ( s igned ) ( E. S. L egg. ) Oatoh I

4 ч urm A for use by surviving victims of Nazi persecution APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS A BRITISH VICTIM OF NAZI PERSECUTION N.B. 1. Before completing this form it is important to read carefully the attached Notes for Guidance and then to answer all questions fully. 2. Please attach all documentary evidence to the form. All documents sent will be returned. 3. All applications must be received before the 31st of July, Acceptance of an application for registration does not constitute a right to participate in the distribution. SECTION ONE IDENTITY Surname... /L. Æ. ^. û Other names a n iæ s x... «& Г Д Ц J L J S J %... Address.. JY js а я Ù A S i PæjtÆR Eo M X, <3-</yr C M 4N M X M /SM.AHDS... SECTION TWO NATIONALITY 1. How did you acquire British nationality? (Please write YES opposite the method that applies and delete the others) (а) By birth? Y js:..s... (If so, please attach birth certificate) (б) By marriage?... (If so, please attach marriage certificate and birth or naturalisation certificate of husband) (c) By naturalisation?... (If so, please attach certificate) (d ) By some other method? :...(If so, please give full details) 2. If you are not British by birth what was your previous nationality?. Do you still retain that nationality?... If not, when and how did you lose it?... (Please attach all documentary evidence) (2)

5 3. If you are a dual-national (a) Where were you ordinarily resident on the 9th of June, 1964?. 2 (Please attach all available evidence, e.g., receipts for rent or rates, &c.) (b) Have you been in Crown Service under Her Majesty s Government in the United Kingdom? (If so, please give full details and dates) (c) Are you the holder of a British passport? (If so, please give number and full details) <;Jß i. ' SECTION THREE PERSECUTION 1. Please give, on a separate sheet, the following details of your imprisonment: (a) Name of camp or other place of detention, its situation, its general conditions and régime; (b) Dates of imprisonment and of release; prison number; reasons for imprisonment and circumstances in which it arose; (c) If you are suffering permanent disability as a result of treatment received during your imprisonment please give full details of its nature and cause ; (d ) Any other information you consider useful and relevant. 1 (Please attach all documentary evidence) 2. Have you at any time received any payment in respect of this persecution?.../v 0... (If YES please give full details) I hereby declare that all the above statements are to the best of my knowledge and recollection true in all particulars. Signature... Date.../...r:... -

6 FOREIGN OFFICE APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION FOR DISABLEMEN RESULTING FROM NAZI PERSECUTION Date of issue of form Reference... N ote. The particulars given by the applicant on this form will be checked from official records ikshved IK M C M 1V F' ' < /34 8 JA Foreign Office, Claims Department, ÜWri.fm1/ / Charles House, ^ n u c o t Ь 5 Lower Regent Street, London, S.W.l. 1. Name... L Æ G G... R 14 Æ S X...S J T A... (Surname first in Block Capitals) 2. (a) Permanent address... 4 Æ S o F \ b A P o M T r G o a R I Y S >j (f>) Present address (if different) Date of birth...o?. Æ t f s R C L H.../ Î National Insurance Number H A 5. If you served in the Armed Forces, please give particulars of last period of service: (a) Unit or Ship... [ У о Мь Ш...Z l.xb) Rank М О.(c) Official No. M û H R. 6. Have you at any time claimed or been granted any pension, gratuity or allowance for injury or disablement sustained as a soldier, sailor, airman, member of the Mercantile Marine, fishing, pilotage or light vessel service, Home Guard, or for a war injury sustained as a civilian? (30»**r No)... t y O...If so, please give particulars of the award and, if known, the * reference on the official notification Have you received any payment in respect of any injury sustained since 1945? If so, please give particulars... /V What is the nature of the wound, injury or disease for which you claim?.. S a Y Æ R R......ö S T R o...r Я If a wound or injury, give a brief account of where and how it was inflicted.r^ä.ö.w/.лг... DobOJV / 9N?rPWÆ S te p s B S f G Ä «М ЛМ М Ш Ш Ш N /U /rt& o в & OH S A A LA P f U S G ft 10. If a disease, when and where did you first begin to suffer from it?... I V o x R M s e R / Did you suffer from the condition claimed or anything like it before your subjection to Nazi, persecution? JYo : Do you claim that your disability (a) Was caused by Nazi persecution?......' (b) Although existing previously was made worse by Nazi persecution?... JYO Please give the full name and address of your present doctor (private or N.H.S.)... />*. ajla. ÛLCKS «PAU G A A T M Æ 4 RSP.AHJ\ g r Po r t - G u a r h s r Y

7 14. Please give below particulars of any medical treatment you have obtained. 2 If living overseas, state your address in the United Kingdom at the time of any medical treatment in the United Kingdom. Full names and addresses of doctors and hospitals Nature of illness Dates of admission or first attendance Dates of discharge or last attendance (1) Doctors Any doctor (private or N.H.S.) if different from the doctor named at 13 above. (a) Before your subjection to Nazi persecution: I Y & r -.. *, (b) Since your subjection to Nazi persecution : /V (2) Hospitals (see Note below) (a) Before your subjection to Nazi persecution : "V... Ж о... (b) Since your subjection to Nazi persecution : & S 3 & Ü ' Note. Give the name and address of each hospital (but not of the hospital doctors) and add I.P. or O.P. to indicate whether the treatment was in-patient or out-patient. If you are at present receiving hospital treatment, show this at (2) (b) : the entry in the last column should be Not yet completed. JYO 15. Add here any further statement you wish to make in support of your claim. If this space is insufficient and a separate sheet is used this should be signed and dated by you and securely attached to this form. I А т т л с ^ н Æ о DECLARATION N ote. Before signing the Declaration please make sure that the questions have been answered correctly (dashes or ticks are not sufficient). This will save correspondence and delay. I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the answers to the questions of this form are true and complete. I hereby authorise the doctors and hospitals named to make the relevant medical records available at the request of the Foreign Office to help the consideration of my claim for compensation as a victim of Nazi persecution. I also consent to other Government Departments supplying extracts from any records which are held by them and which are required by the Foreign Office in dealing with this claim. 6, (Usina signature of applicant) Date.../ ^ 2:.../...T.:...б Д Т

8 c- - Щ S. o< л ^г> с( & O ç_c ^ Y Y ^ J U r ^ X y ^ C r ^ d x + J r О т-о ^ - ^ С ^ С г г у < у г 1 ^ J \ ^ ^ A > C a W ^ ^ < j o J G n * * S - * / /? * ^ & ^ э ~ < и е з ( ^ r c r ^ r x a - У П о -& Л Х л л ^ /гз < ta ^ Ц л г н А 7 > l ^ ^ ' ' V ' V'U ^ Y^ & ^ < Х Л Я - -Y'& C j C À Оп а А ^ х ^ Л a ^ w e y ^ i j G A ^ k x i x s ^ < & < rr- A A x f l a ^ C : ^ ^ a ^ v A o X X X ^ O - s d -&. ^ L X i u i ^ x $ ^ Х У Ц ^ < X "Ÿ-<X_XAJi^cf < 1 л о С / -flsuejz. C W 0~TTL-a~ o-^ 3 ^ 2 /X A & * X J L r K > ^ o ÿ - ITe*^~oO-<^Yf /QA*st /? y rv ' ß c ^ d > ^ & С гу-са Х с х Ы J *c L a ^ e c ^ o ( Т Г Ъ а ^ ^ л и ^ 7 Г ггг / f j o-c r. é. ejfo aj^uza &Xx a /^ ~ t X A a / ^ / t t / v W $ C 4 j L <!^У-^О уса ^ с г ^ г г ^ д ^. <л^ -y ~ < ^ n n ^ c ^ j-s r ' é-j-afô- c x % * s. x t ß ^ / 8 * i r ^ ' A j> jt-^tl b& * * Щ :v

9 Dr. W. B. FOX Dr. M. D. FOX Dr. А. У ROSE Dr. P. HEYWORTH Dr. J. R. DICKSON Dr. R. M. Ff. FOX Dr. T. A. FOX THE SURGERY, GLATEGNY ESPLANADE, ST. PETER PORT, GUERNSEY, T E LEPH O N E: CENTRAL 182 Mr. Ernest Legg, aged 61, 42 Bordage, St. Peter Port. This is to certify that the above is suffering from severe osteo-arthritis of the left hip confirmed by x-ray in 1961» He gives a history of a fall during the war when as a prisoner in a German Gamp he was thrown downstairs. There was considerable pain in the left hip for sometime after this. In my opinion the present condition of his left hip is consistent with being the result of such an injury. 21st August, J. R. Dickson, F.R.C.S.

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