Data Structures and and Algorithm Xiaoqing Zheng

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1 Data Structures and Algorithm Xiaoqing Zheng

2 Trees (max heap) PARENT(i) return i /2 LEFT(i) return 2i RIGHT(i) return 2i

3 Binary trees root[t] / / / / / / / / / / / / / Not array!

4 Binary Search Tree Each node x has: key[x] Pointers: left[x] right[x] p[x]

5 Binary Search Tree Property: for any node x: For all nodes y in the left subtree of x: key[y] key[x] For all nodes y in the right subtree of x: key[y] key[x] Given a set of keys, is BST for those keys unique? 8

6 No uniqueness

7 What can we do given BST? Sort! INORDER-TREE-WALK(x) ) 1. if x NIL 2. then INORDER-TREE-WALK(left[x]) 3. print key[x] 4. INORDER-TREE-WALK(right[x]) i A preorder tree walk prints the root tbefore the values in either subtree, and a postorder tree walk prints the root after the values in its subtrees.

8 Sort?

9 Sort?

10 Sort?

11 Sort?

12 Sort?

13 Sort?

14 Sort?

15 Sort?

16 Sort?

17 Sort?

18 Sort?

19 Sort?

20 Analysis of inorder-walk Theorem. If x is the root of an n-node subtree, then the call INORDER-TREE-WALK(x) takes Θ(n) times. Substitution method T(n) ) = (c + d)n + c Base case: n = 0, T(0) = (c + d) 0 + c = c For n > 0, T(n) = T(k) + T(n k 1) + d = ((c + d)k + c) + ((c + d) (n k 1) + c) + d = (c + d)n + c (c + d) + c + d =(c + d)n + c

21 Sorting Does it mean that we can sort n keys in O(n) time? No. It just means that building a binary search tree takes Ω(nlgn) time (in the comparison model)

22 BST as a data structure Operations: 9 Insert(x) Delete(x) ( ) Search(k)

23 Search TREE-SEARCH(x, k) 1. if x = NIL or k = key[x] ] 2. then return x 3. if k < key[x] ] 4. then return TREE-SEARCH(left[x], k) 5. else return TREE-SEARCH(right[x], g k) )

24 Search ITERATIVE-TREE-SEARCH(x, k) 1. while x NIL and k key[x] ] 2. do if k < key[x] 3. then x left[x] [ ] 4. else x right[x] 5. return x On most computers, this version is more efficient.

25 Minimum and maximum TREE-MINIMUM(x) 1. while left[x] [ ] NIL 2. do x left[x] 3. return x TREE-MAXIMUM(x) 1. while right[x] NIL 2. do x right[x] 7 3. return x 8

26 Successor and predecessor 15 Which is the node 15's successor

27 Successor and predecessor Which h is the node 13's successor

28 Successor and predecessor TREE-SUCCESSOR(x) 1. if right[x] [ ] NIL 2. then return TREE-MINIMUN(right[x]) 3. y p[x] ] 4. while y NIL and x = right[y] 5. do x y 6. y p[x] 7. return y Running time O(h)

29 Constructing BST TREE-INSERT(T, z) ) Running time 9 1. y NIL O(h) 2. x root[t] 3. while x NIL 4. do y x 5. if key[z] < key[x] 6. then x left[x] 7. else x right[x] iht[ ] 8. p[z] y 9. if y = NIL 10. then root[t] z 11. else if key[z] < key[y] 12. then left[x] z 13. else right[x] z TREE-INSERT(T, 2) 8

30 Analysis After we insert n elements, 1 what is the worst possible BST height? 2 Pretty bad: n 1 Average: O(nlgn) 3 4 5

31 Deletion (case 1) z 6 7 z has no child. 7

32 Deletion (case 2) z z has one child. 7

33 Deletion (case 3) z y y 7 7 z has two children.

34 Deletion TREE-DELETE(T, z) ) 1. if left[z] = NIL or right[z] = NIL Running time: 2. then y z O(h) 3. else y TREE-SUCCESSOR(z) 4. if left[y] NIL 5. then x left[y] 6. else x right[y] 9. if p[y] = NIL 7. if x NIL 10. then root[t] x 8. then p[x] p[y] 11. else if y = left[p[y]] 12. then left[p[y]] x Note: z's successor 13. else right[p[y]] x just has one child or 14. if y z z has one child. 15. then key[z] [ ] key[y] [ ] 16. return y

35 Balanced search trees Balanced search trees, or how to avoid this even in the worst case 1 2 AVL (Adelson-Veskii and Landis) tree is identical to a binary search tree, except that for every node in the tree, the height of the left and right subtrees can differ by at most

36 AVL trees Which one is AVL tree?

37 AVL trees A violation i might occur in four case when we insert new node to the AVL tree. Case 1: an insertion into the left subtree of the left child of R. Case2 : an insertion into the right subtree of the left child of R. Case 3: an insertion into the left subtree of the right child of R. Case 4: an insertion into the right subtree of the right child of R.

38 Single rotation B A A γ B α β α β γ Right rotation ti to fix case 1

39 Single rotation A B α β B γ α A β γ Lft Left rotation tti to fix case 4

40 Double rotation C A δ α B β γ Single rotation ti fails to fix case 2

41 Double rotation (first step) C C A δ B δ α B A γ β γ α β Lft Left rotation tti

42 Double rotation (second step) C B B δ A C A γ α β γ δ α β Right rotation ti

43 Double rotation C B A δ A C α B α β γ δ β γ Lft Left-right htdouble rotation ti to fix case 2

44 Double rotation A B α C A C B δ α β γ δ β γ Right-left lftdouble rotation tti to fix case 3

45 AVL tree rotation Four types Rotation Case 1: Left-left f Right rotation Case 4: Right-right Left rotation Case 2: Left-right Left-right double rotation Case 3: Right-left Right-left double rotation

46 AVL tree example Insert 2

47 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 1 Right rotation

48 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 4 and 5 Left rotation

49 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 6 Left rotation

50 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 7 Left rotation

51 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 16 and 15 Right-left rotation

52 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 14 Right-left rotation

53 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 13 Left rotation

54 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 12 Right rotation

55 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 11 Right rotation

56 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 10 Right rotation

57 AVL tree example (cont.) Insert 8 and 9 Left-right rotation

58 Red-black trees BSTs with an extra one-bit color field in each node. Red-black properties: 1. Every node is either red or black. 2. The root is black. 3. Every leaf (NIL) is black. 4. If a node is red, then both its children are black. 5. All simple paths from any node x to a descendant leaf have the same number of black nodes.

59 Example of a red-black tree NIL NIL NIL 26 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL

60 Example of a red-black tree nil[t]

61 Height of a red-black tree

62 Height of a red-black tree

63 Height of a red-black tree

64 Height of a red-black tree

65 Height of a red-black tree

66 Lemma of red-black tree We call the number of black nodes on any path from, but not including, a node x down to a leaf the blackheight of the node, denoted bh(x). Lemma. A red-black tree with n internal nodes has height at most 2lg(n + 1) Dynamic-set operations search, minimum, i maximum, successor, and predecessor can be implemented in O(lgn) ) time on red-black trees.

67 Proof Subtree rooted at any node x contains at least 2 bh(x) ) 1 internal nodes. Base case: Height of x is 0, then x must be a leaf (nil[t]), subtree rooted at x contains at least 2 bh(x) 1 = = 0 internal nodes. Inductive: Height of a child of x is less than the height of x itself, subtree rooted at x contains at least (2 bh(x) - 1 1) + (2 bh(x) - 1 1) + 1 = 2 bh(x) 1 internal nodes.

68 Proof (cont.) According to property 4, at least the nodes on any simple path from the root to a leaf, not including the root, must be black. Consequently, the black-height of the root must be at least h/2; thus, n 2 h/ h 2lg(n +1) 1).

69 Left rotation LEFT-ROTATE(T, x) ) x 1. y right[x] y 2. right[x] left[y] α 3. p[left[y]] x β 4. p[y] p[x] γ 5. if p[x]= nil[t] 6. then root[t] y 7. else if x = left[p[x]] y 8. then left[p[x]] y x 9. else right[p[x]] y 10. left[y] x α β γ 11. p[x] y

70 RB-Insertion RB-INSERT(T, z) 1. y nil[t] 2. x root[t] [ ] 3. while x nil[t] 4. do y x 9. if y = nil[t] 5. if key[z] < key[x] 10. then root[t] z 6. then x left[x] 11. else if key[z] < key[y] 7. else x right[x] 8. p[z] y 12. then left[y] z 13. else right[y] z 14. left[z] nil[t] 15. right[z] nil[t] 16. color[z] RED 17. RB-INSERT-FIXUP(T, z)

71 RB-Insertion Which of the red-black properties can be violated upon the call to RB-INSERT-FIXUP?

72 RB-Insertion (case 1) Change color y z y z 4 Case 1: z's uncle y is red

73 RB-Insertion (case 2) Left rotation y 7 14 y 1 7 z 15 2 z Case 2: z's uncle y is black and z is a right child. Convert case 2 to 3.

74 RB-Insertion (case 3) Right rotation y 2 z 11 z Case 3: z's uncle y is black and z is a left child

75 RB-tree insertion z's father is lft left child z's father is right child Types Case 1L: z's zs uncle is red. Case 2L: z's uncle is black and z is right child. Case 3L: z's uncle is black and z is left child. Case 1R: z's uncle is red. Case 2R: z's zs uncle is black and z is left child. Case 3R: z's uncle is black and z is right child. Operation Change color. Left rotation, p(z). Right rotation, p(p(z)). Change color. Right rotation, p(z). Lft Left rotation, tti p(p(z)). ( (

76 RB-Insertion RB-INSERT-FIXUP(T, z) 1. while color[p[z]] = RED 2. do if p[z] =left[p[p[z]]] lf 3. then y right[p[p[z]]] 4. if color[y] = RED 5. then color[p[z]] BLACK 6. color[y] BLACK 7. color[p[p[z]]] RED 8. z p[p[z]] Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1

77 RB-Insertion 9. else if z = right[p[z]] 10. then z p[z] ] Case LEFT-ROTATION(T, z) Case color[p[z]] BLACK Case color[p[p[z]]] [ [ [ RED Case RIGHT-ROTATION(T, p[p[z]]) Case else (same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged) 16. color[root[t]] BLACK Running time: Running time: O(lgn)

78 RB-Example INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 z Change color 10 10

79 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z 2 Node z s father Node z s father is black, so stop.

80 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z 2 12 Node z s father Node z s father is black, so stop.

81 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Change color z 2 12 y z 4 Case 1L: z's uncle y is red and we get new z.

82 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Change color 10 z 10 z Node z is root, so stop

83 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Left rotation NIL y z Case 3R: z's uncle y is black and z is a right child.

84 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Change color Node z s father is black, so stop z 12 2 y z 8 8 Case 1R: z's uncle y is red and we get new z.

85 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z Node z s father is black, so stop.

86 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Left rotation z z Case 3R: z's uncle y is black and z is a right child.

87 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Change color y z y z Case 1L: z's uncle y is red and we get new z. 7

88 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Left rotation y 8 12 y 2 8 z 4 z Case 2L: z's uncle y is black and z is a right child.

89 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 Right rotation y z Case 3L: z's uncle y is black and z is a left child.

90 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z Node z s father is black, so stop.

91 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z Node z s father is black, so stop.

92 RB-Example (cont.) INSERT 10, 2, 12, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 11, 5 No change z Node z s father is black, so stop.

93 RB-Deletion RB-DELETE(T, z) ) 1. if left[z] = nil[t] or right[z] = nil[t] 2. then y z 3. else y TREE-SUCCESSOR(z) 4. if left[y] nil[t] 5. then x left[y] 6. else x right[y] 10. else if y = left[p[y]] 7. p[x] [ ] p[y] [ ] 11. then left[p[y]] x 8. if p[y] = nil[t] 12. else right[p[y]] x 9. then root[t] x 13. if y z 14. then key[z] key[y] 15. if color[y] = BLACK 16. then RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T, x) ) 17. return y

94 RB-Deletion Which of the red-black properties can be violated upon the call to RB-DELETE-FIXUP?

95 RB-Deletion (case 1) B D D A C E w x B A C w E x C E β α ζ A C w β x ζ ε δ γ ζ ε β α δ γ Case 1: x's sibling w is red. Convert case 1 to 2, 3, or 4.,,

96 RB-Deletion (case 2) B x B D A C E D A C E w x C E β α ζ C E β α ζ δ γ ζ ε δ γ ζ ε Case 2: x's sibling w is black, and both of w's children are black. Get the new node x.

97 RB-Deletion (case 3) B B C A D D A C E w x x w E D β α γ C E β α ζ E δ δ γ ζ ε Case 3: x's sibling w is black, and w's left children is red, and w's right child is black. ζ ε, g Convert case 3 to 4.

98 RB-Deletion (case 4) B D D A C E w x B A C E C E β α ζ A C β ζ ε δ γ ζ ε β α δ γ x = root[t] Case 4: x's sibling w is black, and w's right child is red. Terminate the while loop.

99 RB-tree deletion z is left child z is right child Types Operation Case 1L: x's sibling w is red. Case 2L: x's sibling w is black and both of w's children are black. Case 3L: x's sibling w is black, and w's left children is red, and w's right child is black. Case 4L: x's sibling w is black, and w's right child is red. Case 1R: x's sibling w is red. Case 2R: x's sibling w is black and both of w's children are black. Case 3R: x's sibling w is black, and w's right children is red, and ws w's left child is black. Case 4R: x's sibling w is black, and w's left child is red. Left rotation, p(x). Change color. Right rotation, w. Left rotation, p(x). Right rotation, p(x). Change color. Left rotation, w. Right rotation, p(x).

100 RB-DELETE RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T, z) 1. while x root[t] and color[x]=black 2. do if x = lf left[p[x]] 3. then w right[p[x]] 4. if color[w] = RED 5. then color[w] BLACK Case 1 6. color[p[x]] RED Case 1 7. LEFT-ROTATION(T, p[x]) Case 1 8. w right[p[z]] Case 1 9. if color[left[w]] lf = BLACK and color[right[w]] = BLACK 10. then color[w] RED Case x p[x] Case 2

101 RB-Deletion 12. else if color[right[w]] = BLACK 13. then color[left[w]] [ [ BLACK Case color[w] RED Case RIGHT-ROTATION(T, w) Case w right[p[x]] ih[ [ Case color[w] color[p[x]] Case color[p[x]] BLACK Case color[right[w]] BLACK Case LEFT-ROTATION(T, p[x]) Case x root[t] Case else (same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged) 23. color[x] BLACK

102 Analysis of RB-Deletion What is the running time of RB-DELETE? Running time: O(lgn)

103 RB-Example Dl Delete 3 Delete z Node z is red.

104 RB-Example Dl Delete 2 Delete z x

105 RB-Example Dl Delete 2 Chang color x x Node x is red.

106 RB-Example Dl Delete 9 Delete z x NIL 12 w

107 RB-Example Dl Delete 9 Right rotation x w 1 6 NIL NIL 11 x w NIL Case 3L: x's sibling w is black and w's left child Case 3L: x s sibling w is black, and w s left child is red and w's right child is black.

108 RB-Example Dl Delete 9 Left rotation x w 1 6 NIL x w Case 4L: x's sibling w is black and w's right child Case 4L: x s sibling w is black, and w s right child is red.

109 RB-Example Dl Delete 4 Exchange z z 7 Which is 4's successor?

110 RB-Example Dl Delete 4 Delete z 7 7 Node z is red.

111 RB-Example Dl Delete 10 Delete z NIL 12 x w 7 7

112 RB-Example Dl Delete 10 Change color x x w 1 6 NIL NIL 12 7 NIL NIL 7 Case 2L: x's sibling w is black and both of w's Case 2L: x s sibling w is black, and both of w s children are black. Then, we get new x.

113 RB-Example Dl Delete 10 Change color x 5 11 x Node x is red. 7

114 RB-Example Dl Delete 11 Delete z 5 12 x

115 RB-Example Dl Delete 11 Change color x 5 12 x Node x is red. 7

116 RB-Example Dl Delete 8 Exchange 8 z z Which is 8's successor?

117 RB-Example Dl Delete 8 Delete z 5 w NIL x

118 RB-Example Dl Delete 8 Right rotation w NIL x w 6 NIL x 7 7 Case 1R: x's sibling w is red.

119 RB-Example Dl Delete 8 Left rotation w 6 NIL x w 7 NIL x NIL 7 6 Case 3R: x's sibling w is black and w'sright Case 3R: x s sibling w is black, and w s right child is red and w's left child is black.

120 RB-Example Dl Delete 8 Right rotation w 7 NIL x Case 4R: x's sibling w is black and w's left child Case 4R: x s sibling w is black, and w s left child is red.

121 Typical disk drive

122 B-tree root[t] P C G M T X A B D E F J K L N O Q R S U V Y Z The minimum degree for this B-tree is t = 2, every node other than the root must have at least 1 keys and every node can contain at most 3 keys (2-3-4 tree)

123 B-tree (1000 keys) root[t] Each internal node and leaf contains 1000 keys.

124 Definition of B-trees A B-tree T haves the following properties: 1. Every node x has the following fields: n[x], the number of keys currently stored in node x; the n[x] keys themselves, stored in nondecreasing order, so that key 1 [x] key 2 [x] key n[x] [x]; leaf[x], a boolean value that is TRUE if x is a leaf and FALSE if x is an internal node. 2. Each internal node x also contains n[x] [ ] + 1 has the pointers c 1 [x], c 2 [x],, c n[x] + 1 [x] to its children. Leaf nodes have no children, so their c i fields are undefined.

125 Definition of B-trees 3. The keys key i [x] separate ranges of keys stored in each subtree: if k i is any key stored in the subtree with root c i [x], then k 1 key 1 [x] k 2 key 2 [x] key n[x] [x] k n[x] All leaves have the same depth, which is the tree's height h.

126 Definition of B-trees 5. There are lower and upper bounds on the number of key a node can contain (t 2, minimum degree) Every node other than the root must have at least t 1 keys. Every internal node other than the root thus has at least t children; Every node can contain at most 2t 1 keys. An internal node can have at most 2t children. Theorem. If n 1, then for any n-key B-tree T of height h and minimum degree t 2, h log t n.

127 Searching a B-tree SEARCH K root[t] P C G M T X A B D E F J K L N O Q R S U V Y Z

128 Searching a B-tree SEARCH K root[t] P C G M T X A B D E F J K L N O Q R S U V Y Z

129 Splitting (B-tree) Try to INSERT T R X P Q S U V Y Z Minimum degree t = 2

130 Splitting (B-tree) Try to INSERT T R X R U X P Q S U V Y Z P Q S V Y Z Number of keys = 3 Minimum degree t = 2

131 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Minimum degree t = 2

132 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Minimum degree t = 2

133 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F S Minimum degree t = 2

134 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q S Minimum degree t = 2

135 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q S Q Splitting #keys = 3 F S Case 1: current node is root and has 3 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

136 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Q Insert K Q F S F K S #keys < 3 Case 2: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

137 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Q Insert C Q F K S C F K S #keys < 3 Case 2: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

138 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Q Splitting F Q C F K S C K S #keys = 3 Case 3: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has 3 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

139 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q Insert L F Q C K S C K L S #keys < 3 Case 4: the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys (after case 3). Minimum degree t = 2

140 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q Insert H F Q C K L S C H K L S #keys < 3 Case 2: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

141 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q Insert T F Q C H K L S C H K L S T #keys < 3 Case 2: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

142 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q Insert V F Q C H K L S T C H K L S T V #keys < 3 Case 2: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

143 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q Splitting F Q T C H K L S T V C H K L S V #keys = 3 Case 3: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has 3 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

144 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q T F Q Insert W T C H K L S V C H K L S V W #keys < 3 Case 4: the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys (after case 3). Minimum degree t = 2

145 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. #keys = 3 F Q T Q Splitting C H K L S V W F T Increase height C H K L S V W Case 1: current node is root and has 3 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

146 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. #keys < 3 Q F T C H K L S V W Minimum degree t = 2

147 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Q Splitting Q #keys = 3 F T F K T C H K L S V W C H L S V W Case 3: current node has at most 2 keys and the appropriate subtree has 3 keys. Minimum degree t = 2

148 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. Q Insert M Q #keys < 3 F K T F K T C H L S V W C H L M S V W Case 4: the appropriate subtree has at most 2 keys (after case 3). Minimum degree t = 2

149 Insertion (B-tree) INSERT F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E. F Q B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Y Z

150 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 #keys > 1 F Q B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Y Z

151 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F Q #keys > 1 B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Y Z

152 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F Q Delete Y F Q B K T W B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Y Z A C D E H L N P R S V X Z #keys > 1 Case 1: key k = Y is in a leaf.

153 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 #keys > 1 F Q B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Z

154 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F Q #keys > 1 B K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Z

155 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F Q Exchange X and W Delete X F Q B K T W B K T X A C D E H L N P R S V X Z A C D E H L N P R S V Z Case 2-a: key k = W is in a internal node and one of its #keys > 1 children that precedes or follows k has at least 2 keys.

156 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE F other than W Minimum degree t = 2 #keys > 1 #keys = 1 F Q Merge Q B K T W B F K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Z A C D E H L N P R S V X Z Case 2-b: key k = F is in a internal node and the both of its children that precedes or follows k only has 1 key.

157 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE F other than W Minimum degree t = 2 Q Exchange F and E Delete E Q B F K T W B E K T W A C D E H L N P R S V X Z A C D H L N P R S V X Z Case 2-a: key k = F is in a internal node and one of its #keys > 1 children that precedes or follows k has at least 2 keys.

158 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F Q #keys > 1 Exchange Q and R Delete R F R B K T X B K T X A C D E H L N P R S V Z A C D E H L N P S V Z Which h is Q's successor?? It is R. Case 2-a: key k = Q is in a internal node and one of its children that precedes or follows k has at least 2 keys.

159 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F R F R Merge B K T X B K T A C D E H L N P S V Z A C D E H L N P S V X Z Case 2-b: key k = X is in a internal node and the both of its #keys = 1 children that precedes or follows k only has 1 key.

160 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 F R F R Delete X B K T B K T A C D E H L N P S V X Z A C D E H L N P S V Z #keys > 1 Current node is { V, X, Z }

161 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 #keys = 1 F R Merge F B K T B K R T A C D E H L N P S V Z A C D E H L N P S V Z Case 3-b: key k = K is not present in a internal node and the appropriate subtree that must contain k has only 1 key and the subtree's immediate siblings have only 1 key.

162 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 B F Exchange K and L Delete L K R T B L R T F A C D E H L N P S V Z A C D E H N P S V Z Case 2-a: key k = K is in a internal node and one of its #keys > 1 children that precedes or follows k has at least 2 keys.

163 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 #keys = 1 #keys > 1 F Borrow one key from the sibling B L R T B F R T L A C D E H N P S V Z A C D E H N P S V Z Case 3-a: key k = B is not present in a internal node and the appropriate subtree that must contain k has only 1 key and one of the subtree's immediate siblings has at least 2 keys.

164 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 B L Exchange B and C Delete C F R T C F R T L A C D E H N P S V Z A D E H N P S V Z Case 2-a: key k = B is in a internal node and one of its #keys > 1 children that precedes or follows k has at least 2 keys.

165 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 C L Borrow one key from the sibling F R T C E R T L A D E H N P S V Z A D F H N P S V Z Case 3-a: key k = H is not present in a internal node and the #keys = 1 #keys > 1 appropriate subtree that must contain k has only 1 key and one of the subtree's immediate siblings has at least 2 keys.

166 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 L Delete H L C E R T C E R T A D F H N P S V Z A D F N P S V Z #keys > 1 Case 1: key k = H is in a leaf.

167 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 L #keys > 1 C E R T A D F N P S V Z

168 Deletion (B-tree) DELETE Y, W, Q, X, K, B, H, P Minimum degree t = 2 L Delete P L C E R T C E R T A D F N P S V Z A D F N S V Z #keys > 1 Case 1: key k = P is in a leaf.

169 B-tree Thinking and practice. Write code for B-TREE-SEARCH(x, k) Write code for B-TREE-SPLIT-CHILD(x, i, y) Write code for B-TREE-INSERT(T, k) Write code for B-TREE-DELETE(T, k) How about B+ tree?

170 Any yquestion? Xiaoqing i Zheng Fundan University

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