Control of the molten metal crystallization process in the foundry mold

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1 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 Coro of e oe ea crsaao rocess e for o A Ab a V bov Absrac e oa coro robe of e ea sofcao casg s cosere e rocess s oee b a ree-esoa o-ase a-boar vae robe of e efa e e aeaca forao of e oa coro robe for e sofcao rocess s resee s robe as sove erca sg grae oao eos e grae of e cos fco as coe b ag e fas aoac ffereao ecqe c es e eac vae of e cos fco grae for e cose scree verso of e oa coro robe Keors Ao robe ea eqao oa coro efa robe RODUCO H cass of robes c a aera er aass rasfors fro oe ase o aoer ea reease or absoro s of grea eoreca a racca eres c robes arse ses of a eoea aog c eg a sofcao are e os ora a esrea e robes arsg racce o o rece o e escro of rocesses vovg ase rasos b aso ce coro of ese rocesses Coro of rocesses vovg ase rasos s erree as e coce of soe rocess araeers coros sc a a a e rocess s as cose as ossbe o a gve scearo; for eae e beavor of e q-so ase boar or a fco of eerare soe oa s coses o a reqre beavor A effecve aroac o sovg s e of robes as eveoe a ae racce b e aors of s arce e effcec of e eo s eae b e saeos se of ree basc eees Frs rg e soo of e a-boar vae robe a escrbes e rocess of ea rasfer e saee of a boar vae robe ers of eerare s reforae ers of ea e reaso for s s e fac a as oe ersecs e ase boar e eerare cages coos e e ea ergoes a s ork as sore b e Rssa Foao for Basc Researc roec o a a b e Progra eag cefc coos o Aa Ab s e Doroc Cog Cere FRC CC RA osco Rssa e-a: aaab@ar cage e seco eee of s aroac s a seca erave agor roose b e aors for sovg oear sses of fe-fferece eqaos obae as a res of aroag e a-boar vae robe e e erave agor s c ore effce a agors se earer: e ofe acob eo a e ofe Gass- ee eo Oa coro robes for era rocesses ase rasos are sa sove erca sg grae eos o esre e effcec of a grae eo e grae of e cos fco as o be coe o g accrac e r eee of e roose aroac s coece e fac a e grae of e cos fco of e oa coro robe s cacae sg e Fas Aoac Dffereao ecqe [] s eo offers caoca foras a roce e eac vae of e grae a scree oa coro robe [] s forae a sbsaae e saee a e e reqre o f e cooes of e grae of e obecve fco oa coro robes for era rocesses ase rasos b s eo oes o ecee e e of cacag o vaes of e fco e robe eae s arce aso reaes o e robes of coro of era rocesses e ase rasos For severa ears e aors of s aer vesgae e ffere asecs of s coe a racca eresg robe [] a aeaca oe of ea sofcao e cosere se as sggese a fe-fferece aroao of e rec robe of eerg e eerare a eac o of e obec a efg e sofcao fro as roose a a agor for fg e erca soo of e rec robe as escrbe [4] e coce of a cos fcoa a oes e ecoogca reqrees for ea sofcao as scsse a oa coro robes for s rocess ere forae [5] e oa coro of ea sofcao as cosere e case ere e o as e ses sae ae a araeee [6] a [7] e foraos of e oa coro robe for e sofcao rocess ere Var bov s e Doroc Cog Cere FRC CC RA a osco se of Pscs a ecoog osco Rssa ea: varbov@ar :

2 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 roose a se [6] ere cosere ree versos of e e oe of cosere sra se e case of a o of ses geoer - a araeee [7] e e foraos of e oa coro robe are cosere for e case of a o of coe geoer e rese ork s e fa oe Here s reresee e coee agor c s base o e cae above ree basc eees a e a of c e robe qeso as sove ver effecve A OF H PROB e robe er coserao oes e sofcao of oe ea casg s ko a e qa of e resg casg ees o o e rocess of coog a sofcao of oe ea rocees Accorg o eros ses of s rocess for a roc of g qa o be obae s esrabe e sae of e ase boar o be as cose o a ae as ossbe a s see o be cose o a rescrbe oe Fg rereses e oga roecos of a aca o c s fe q ea e o a e ea se are eae o rescrbe eerares for a e resecve e e obec e o a e ea se begs o coo graa er varg eera coos e sofcao rocess s coroe sg a seca sra se c cosss of er a oer ars e er ar s a frace e obec ovg se s oee b o verca arae as oe above b a oroa a ceg e as a ceg of e frace are eae o a rescrbe raer g eerare e oer ar of e se s a cooa rereseg a arge ak fe q a ose eerare s soea ger a e a eg o abo K egrees s ork e coser a verso c o aera as of e o o e ses ere ere are o frace as are ea-sae s oe aso escrbes e sao e severa os are e e frace a are ocae ear fro eac oer Fg ceac ve of e o o roecos e ea-fe o s so erse e cooa e q a as a reave o eerare c cases e sofcao of e ea Hoever e obec gas ea fro e frace as c reves e sofcao rocess fro roceeg oo fas e robe s o coose a rege of ea coog a sofcao sc coro araeers a c e sofcao fro as a rese sae a oves a a see cose o e rese oe e coaoa oa of e robe oa Q s e area of e o a e ea se Γ s a ecesesoo boar of Q e coog of e ea a e o s govere b e ree-esoa o-saoar ea eqao: H K K K Q Here s e eerare of e sbsace a e o cooraes a e e era cocv as e for: K ea K K o k k k k k K k kφ K kφ < H H e ea coe fco H H ρc ρ c H ργ ρ γ ρc ρc ργ H ρ Φ cφ ere γ s e secfc ea of eg Here < < s efe as ea o < < c c c Φ ρ ρ ρ Φ k k k Φ are rescrbe cosas e ces a a eoe e q a so ases resecve e eroac coeffces e es of e sbsace e ea caac a era cocv ave a a e ea o erface o coos are reqre o o a s srface; ae e eerare a e ea f s be coos e ea ca be saeos o ases: so a q e oa searag e ases s :

3 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 eere b e arro rage of eerares [ ] c e eroac coeffces a e coe fco var ra A scve feare of s robe s a e sbsace er s ergoes ase rasos fro q o so saes a back accoae b ea reease or absoro efa-e robes e a of oo of e ase boar s o ko beforea a as o be eere A e ea ecage coos o e boar Γ of Q ca be re e geera for α ϕ Here α a ϕ are gve fcos of e cooraes of a o o Γ a of e eerare e s e ervave of e eerare e oar ora reco o Γ e coog of e o a e ea se occrs e o e eraco of e obec s srrogs s ora o oe a e ffere ars of s oer boar are er ffere era coos e e as of ea rasfer e srrogs are ffere ese ars oreover e ars eseves a e era coos affecg e var e f e o s e oe a e s case s ecessar o ake o acco: e ea os b e bo e o s o raao; e ea gae fro e srrog q a; e ea rasfer e o coco beee e q a a e bo f e o s ose e oe a e s case s ecessar o ake o acco: e ea os b e bo e o s o raao; e ea gae fro e eg as of e frace; e ea gae fro e eg srface of e q a; 4 e ea gae fro e eg srface of roof Oe of e basc ecass of ea rasfer s robe s era raao o eere e ea f cog o e srface of e obec fro o srfaces s ecessar o sove a raer cocae boar-vae robe [8] a aeaca oe of ea rasfer rocess e o raao fro e eae srface o e o s roose Drg e sao of s rocess e seca feares of e cosere eerea se ere ake o acco A agor for cacag e ea f base o e cosrce oe as roose s base o e fa fora obae fro e egrao of geera reaos c escrbe e roagao of era raao e evoo of e ase boar s affece b a araeers for eae e frace eerare e eerare of e q a e e o c e obec s erse e q a e veoc of e obec reave o e frace ec Of seca eres racce s e eeece of e ase boar o e veoc of e obec ovg e frace For s reaso as a coro fco e se e veoc of e o e frace f e o o coro e see of e oo of e obec e bbbes of q ea for a coase se e casg rg e rocess of crsaao c ress a casg of oor qa o f a coro fco sasfg e ecoogca reqrees e forae a oa coro robe for ea sofcao s robe cosss of coosg a oe of ea coog a sofcao c e sofcao fro as a rese sae s esrabe e fro o be a ae orogoa o e verca as of e obec a oves a a see cose o e rese oe e veoc of e o reave o e frace coro fco s eere b sovg e foog oa coro robe We roce o casses of fcos: K a K e A a B be a ror gve cosas ore secfca A s e -coorae eerg e a oso of e obec reave o e frace a B s e - coorae eerg e oso of e obec reave o e frace a e a e o c e obec s erse e cooa A fco s sa o beog o e cass K f s coos a ecese soo for [ a sasfes e cosras A B a A e cass K cosss of a ecese coos fcos [ a are obae b ffereag fcos fro K A va coro be a fco of cass K A aor eee of a oa coro robe s e cos fcoa e ses ecae o e coce of a fcoa sasfg e ecoogca reqrees for e rocess of ea sofcao are carre o e basc cos fcoa s efe as: [ ] Here s e e a c e sofcao fro s a fore s e e a c e ea becoes coee so s e roeco of e ase boar oo a ae erecar o e verca as of e o are e aca cooraes of os o e ase boar a e e a are e esre cooraes of os o e ase boar a e e e cooraes of e ase boar are eere fro e foog eqao: ere s e eerare of e sofcao of ea c s eqa o / :

4 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 Fcoa s e e-average rs evao of e aca ase boar fro e esre oe s esge o esre a e fro veoc s cose o e esre oe a roves e faeg of s srface e oa coro robe s o eere a coro K a es e cos fcoa AGORH FOR DRG H PRAUR FD OF H OBC e frs eee of e soo of e oa coro robe s e rec robe fg e eerare a eac o a eerg e sofcao fro e erca agor for sovg e rec robe s base o e ea baace eqao Aoa e rocee fro e robe forao ers of eerare o a ers of ea coe e obec er s s aroae b a bo cossg of a fe ber of araeees s bo s ea ace a aar araeee ose ses coce ose of e obec We roce a coorae sse e o e ovg o e O as s rece verca ar e O as es a oroa ae a s rece fro ef o rg a e O as s cose so a O s a rg-a coorae sse e org O s ace a e fro boo ef vere of e aar araeee e e gr s efe b rocg gr oes { } e ses τ We aso roce o saa grs geera o-for: e basc gr { } ; { } ; { } ; e es ses: ; ; ; a e aar gr ; / ; ; ; ; / ; ; ; ; / ; ; e basc gr s cosrce so a a e oer srfaces of e aroag bo a a e ea-o erfaces are coorae srfaces of s gr oe a eac of araeees a corse e obec coas os of e basc gr for c For e obec so Fg 5 e srfaces of e aar gr are arae o ose of e basc gr e e oes of e forer e a e os of e seges og e oes of e aer e aes a ve e obec o eeear ces A eeear ce s assge e ces f e ce vere eares o e org coces e gr o e voe of sc a eeear ce s eoe b V a s oer srface b e s eoe e average eerare e ce as A eeear ce s eer coee fe a sge e ea or o or soe ar of s fe oe e a e reag ar e oer e V eoe e ar of ar of e ar of V fe ea a V fe e o aera ar a s aace o V a V eoe e s s e ar of a s aace o V f e obec s a araeee a e eeear ces are aso araeees Fg a f e obec s of coe geoer e a e erfaces of ffere ars of e obec ere arse e eeear ces of coe sae a ere o ecoere earer e ave e for so Fg bc c ces aas ave faces o e oer boar of e o As a res e cofgrao of becoes ore coe e coe cofgrao of e ces s be cosere e eerg ea fes sc ces Fg Fors of coaoa ces e erca soo of e rec robe s base o e ea baace eqao For e ce ee b s eqao as e for [ H H ] V [ H H ] V V V K s K s e K Here a :

5 K are e ea f eses rog e ce srface for e ea a e o resecve egrao of e ef ar of as eqa gves V H V H [ ] [ V H V H ] K s s K e e forao of e boar vae robe ers of eerare s reforae ers of ea e cosere coaoa oa s oogeeos coas ea a e aera of e for orer o beer ake o acco e geoer of ces a o e are fe e coce of e so-cae oa es of ea coe e ce s roce e V / V be e voe fraco of e ea e eeear ce ee b a e Φ V / V be e voe fraco of e o s ce Deoe b H Φ H e oa ea coe a e e akg o acco es e ce e reaos efg H a H e oba a eresso for : ere a b b a b b ρ c Φ ρφ Φ c < < ρ c ρλ / Φ ρφ Φ ρ / c λ ρ c Φ ρ c Φ Φ λ ρ c c ρ ρ e eerare RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 : a s efe as e verse of b b a < a < e fcos K a eresse ers of K Ω k k k k K Ω kφ kφ k 4 kφ Φ ρ : k k Φ k 4 4 k Φ c ρ c γ K ca aso be ρ c δ ρ c δ Φ Φ < < < 4 Φ Φ δ << < Fco as a fco a ees o e eerare e ea beaves as a fco H e a arro eerare rage [ ] s cagg ver qck aos abr For s reaso erave eos for sovg sses of eqaos a aroae e ea baace eqao coverge oor e eerare as a fco a ees o e oa es of ea coe oes o cage so qck a e e secfe coos are sasfe e agors for sovg e rec robe are garaee o coverge akg o acco s fac e eqa e s ass fro e : varabe o e varabe V A s A s ere A A Ω Ω ; ; ; 4 ; qao s e ea baace eqao re ers of ea fco for a ce of e obec beg vesgae qao s scree e sg e Peacea Racfor scee o-aer c scee egs a a oca oe-esoa scee [9] [] e ress 4 :

6 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 roce b e ree fferece scees ere coare eac oer e oca oe-esoa scee erfors a arge e se s savg CPU e a s eas o ee b s coserab feror o e oer scees ers of accrac oo sg a c scee egs see sca ore sfe A arge ber of cacaos of e rec robe as carre o a a sffce e rage of aa e frace eerare e eerare of e q a e e o c e obec s erse e q a e veoc of e obec reave o e frace A cacaos ave so a e se of e Peacea Racfor scee gves e sae accrac of e soo of e rec robe as e o-aer c scee egs b e a of e Peacea Racfor scee e rec robe s sove coserab faser see [4] s scee as a sffce arge e se a reqres c ess CPU e a e c scee egs e Peacea Racfor scee as se o sove e oa coro robe We roce e foog oao c s se o re e e screao of a ore coac for: Λ Λ Λ Here A s A s A A s A s A s A s A s A e eoes e ar of s s a beogs o e ae eoes e ar of a beogs o e ae e srfaces a are efe a sar aer e srfaces a are aoa oes occrrg ces of coe geoer For eae s e ar of a beogs o e ae We soe or a aoa srfaces are abse e aer case e ce as e sae of a bo er srface areas are se eqa o ero e e screao of base o e Peacea Racfor scee as e for: V τ Λ τ Λ τ Λ τ Λ τ Λ / / / τ Λ τ Λ / ; ; ; Here ; / / τ / τ / / / e vaes V a V are ae o a sbrace fro e ef-a se of a e res s ve o ree eqaos sg o e a recos o oba e foog ree sbrobes: -reco: / Λ / τ Λ τ Λ τ V -reco: / / τ / / / τ τ V Λ Λ Λ -reco: / τ / / τ τ V Λ Λ Λ ; ; ; ; e era cocves Ω a Ω o e era srfaces of a eeear ce are aroae e sa aer For eae Ω Ω Ω R Ω Ω Ω R Ω Ω Ω Rˆ Ω Ω Ω Rˆ e oao R a R for e srfaces a a sar oao for Ω ae B B Bˆ B a B are roce a sar aer Boar coos α ϕ Bˆ o e oer boar Γ of e obec сa be rere e geera for K r q ce Γ Γ K Ω K K Ω e as eresso ss o o: Ω r q Γ Γ :

7 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 Ω r q Γ Γ [] ese o boar coos ere escrbe ea a eressos for r q r a q ere erve e above ree sbrobes e oar ora ervaves are aroae b e fora For eae ere We aso roce e fco efe as e ber of ces of e obec e frs e eqa o a e seco e eqa o ce e obec s serc abo e verca as a s ocae serca abo e frace ceere for sc e agor s escrbe for a qarer of e obec For a e ser coos are se as boar coos W e oao roce e saa aroao of e frs sbrobe se e oa er coserao ca be re as R B r R q B Bˆ R B Rˆ r r q q R Bˆ B Rˆ ; ; ; ere τ V e as reao os for era ces of Q ose aera faces o o beog o s oer boar f a of e srfaces reaces e oer boar of e oa e e corresog er e ea baace eqao s aroae akg o acco e boar coos For eae for e seco a for ers e frs sqare bracke e as eqa vas for ore ea see [] e as o sbrobes are aroae a sar faso e sse of oear agebrac eqaos resg fro e saa aroao of e above-cae ree sbrobes are sove cosecve e reco a b e roose [] erave eo For s reaso e fco of e eerare ese eqaos s reresee e for v ere / a / b / a < a < :

8 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 v b / b / < a a < s ve of e eerare fco s sbse a obae sses of eqaos Frer ese sses of eqaos are rece o e so-cae ragoa ar for a are sove erave b ag Gassa eao Deerao of e sofcao fro e ea as carre o sg e foog agor e a be e cooraes of e saa gr os For eac o ere s e roeco of e ase boar oo a ae erecar o e verca as of e o e f a e sc a oe of e foog coos s sasfe: s case e asse: e coao of e rec robe rar aeo s gve o e evoo of e sofcao fro a o o s affece b e araeers of e robe A seca sofare ackage [] aoe s o ake a ook a e acs of e ea crsaao rocess as eveoe o vsae e ress of cacao of robes c coe ac rocesses are vesgae a aos o refec a veo e cage of a arbrar fa scaar fe over e a aso sgs arbrar aar obecs a er boares c co aso be ovg V OVG OF H OPA CORO PROB e oa coro robe as rece o a cosrae oao robe a as sove erca e e of grae eos Foras for grae evaao are erve sg e Fas Aoac Dffereao ecqe s ecqe offers caoca foras rocg e eac vae of e cos fco grae for a cose screao of e oa coro robe [] so be oe a oer eos for cog e cos fco grae for eae fe ffereces ere fo o be ar acabe o sovg s robe [] s esae e rocessor e reqre o coe e grae of e obecve fco b eas of e Fas Aoac Dffereao ecqe oa coro robes for era rocesses ase rasos Usg e eae of a oa coro robe for e eg rocess e assero a e e reqre o f e cooes of e grae of e obecve fco b s eo oes o ecee e e of cacag o vaes of e fco s forae a rove o cacae e grae of e obecve fco sg e Fas Aoac Dffereao ecqe a frs a e eqaos aroag e rec robe are re a seca caoca for c s secfe beo e s roce e foog oao For a e f a eoe e -esoa vecors: r q R r q f r q f B f r q r q For a e f a eoe e -esoa vecors: r q Rˆ r q r q f f Bˆ f r q r q For a e f a eoe e -esoa vecors: r q :

9 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 R r q f r q f B f r q r q ese a sbseqe foras e sbscrs a f eoe e ea a e o resecve e e sas a e rg-a se of e corresog eqa s cacae a e ceer of a aoa srface for ces of coe geoer W e oao roce e aroaos of e above ree sbrobes ca be re for a as foos: -reco: [ f ] f f f f [ [ ] ] [ ] [ ] f ; -reco: / / [ / / / / / f ] f f / f / / / f / / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] f ; -reco: [ / ] f f / / [ f ] / / [ ] f / / / f / / [ f ] [ ] Defe e o-esoa vecors f f f f f f ere oe a ; ; a ere We aso roce oao for e foog scaar rocs for a : f f ; f f ; f f W e oao roce e as ree sbrobes ca be re e foog coac for: -reco: 4 -reco: :

10 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 / / / / / / / / / 5 -reco: / / / / / / / 6 ; qaos 4-6 are e caoca for of e cose scree verso of e rec robe e cos fcoa s aroae b a fco F e e of e raeoa fora: τ F f τ τ f τ f Here s e e of e e gr o corresog o e e ; s e e of e e gr o corresog o e e ; f ; ; a are e ces of e saa gr os aog e O a O aes resecve a efe e boares of e cross seco e arges cross seco of e ea fe ar of e obec; e esˆ e vae s efe a e e of e r seco Accorg o e Fas Aoac Dffereao ecqe eac eqao of e cose scree verso of e rec robe 4 6 s re as Ψ Λ U 7 Here Λ eoes e se of a ν αγ a ces α γ a ν a eer o e rg-a se U of 7 a s e se of a cooes of ν ν ν a eer o e rg-a se of 7 Aog e coro U e se ees o o e e e s eqe e saa ces a o sress a e effec of s coro s ffere a ffere saa os F are coe e cooes of e grae of fro e cooes of e vecor { } b sg e foog reao c s a geeraao of a se []: F F 8 α γ ν K ere ν αγ Ψ ν α γ ν Λ U α γ ν α γ ν αγ are e cogae varabes eere b sovg e sse of ear agebrac eqaos F Ψ α γ ν Q α γ ν Λ α γ ν U α γ ν ν αγ Q e e ses a K are gve b { α γ ν Λ } { γ ν U } Q : α γ ν K α : α γ ν se 9 for cog e cogae varabes s sa cae e ao robe We roce e foog oao for soe ervaves c s se o rerese e ao robe a coac for: D D D D D D a ; D D D D D D ; 9 :

11 RAOA OURA OF AHACA OD AD HOD APPD CC Voe 7 a ; D D D D D D ; a ; D D D [] a eae escro of e cogae eqaos s gve c are obae e case of sg e obec of e ses for - a araeee Here e gve a coac for of e ao robe for cacag e qaes e case of e obec of coe geoerc for c s reresee Fg e coac for of ese eqaos s ossbe f e fora asse: / / / / / / / / / / / / a Coos for e Cogae Varabes o oba e cogae varabes a e as e eve e foog sse of ear agebrac eqaos s sove for a a a : D D D D D F / Frs brobe for e Cogae Varabes / e cogae varabes a e e sbeve / are coe b sovg e foog ear agebrac sse of eqaos for a a a : ere / ξ / / / D / / / D D / / D / / D ξ / / D D / D / D / / D D / D / D / / D / F D / eco brobe for e Cogae Varabes / e cogae varabes a e e sbeve / are coe b sovg e foog ear agebrac sse of eqaos for a a a : / / / D / / / D D / / D / / / D ξ :

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