Nash Bargaining Theory with Non-Convexity and Unique Solution

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1 Nash Bargaining Theory with Non-Convexity and Unique Solution Cheng-Zhong Qin y Shuzhong Shi z Guofu Tan x March 3, 2009 Abstract We characterize a class of bargaining problems allowing for non-convexity on which all of Nash axioms except for that of symmetry uniquely characterize the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. We show that under some basic conditions, the uniqueness of the solution is equivalent to the choice sets of the bargaining problems being log-convex. The well-recognized non-convex bargaining problems arising from duopolies with asymmetric constant marginal costs turn out to belong to this class. We compare the Nash bargaining solution with some of its extensions that appeared in the literature. KEYWORDS: Bargaining problem, duopoly, non-convexity, Nash bargaining solution, Nash product. 1 Introduction The model of bargaining introduced in the seminal papers of Nash (1950, 1953) postulates that a group of players chooses a payo allocation from a set of feasible payo allocations. The implementation of a payo allocation requires unanimous We gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from seminar and conference participants at Beijing University, University of Arizona, University of Bielefeld, University of Southern California, and the Third Congress of the Game Theory Society, Evanston, Illinois, July 13-17, y Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA z Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University x Department of Economics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 1

2 agreement among the players. In the case of disagreement, the players end up getting some pre-assigned payo allocation known as the status quo or the threat point. A bargaining problem in the sense of Nash is thus represented by a pair consisting of a choice set in the payo space and a threat point. Given a class of bargaining problems, a solution is a rule assigning a feasible payo allocation to each bargaining problem belonging to the class. Nash considered an axiomatic approach to resolve the bargaining problem: One states as axioms several properties that it would seem natural for the solution to have and then one discovers that the axioms actually determine the solution uniquely (Nash 1953, p. 129). Nash postulated a set of axioms that are deemed to be natural for a bargaining solution. It is remarkable that for the class of compact convex bargaining problems, Nash axioms characterize a unique solution, which has come to be called the Nash bargaining solution. Furthermore, the symmetric Nash bargaining solution assigns to each bargaining problem the unique maximizer of the symmetric Nash product over the choice set. Nash bargaining model has become one of the most fruitful paradigms in game theory. 1 One of the axioms is that of symmetry. When it is removed, Kalai (1977) showed that for the same class of compact convex bargaining problems as in Nash (1953), a bargaining solution unique up to speci cations of payo allocations for a normalized problem is characterized by the remaining axioms. This solution is known as the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. Furthermore, the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution assigns to each bargaining problem the unique maximizer of the asymmetric Nash product with powers equal to some pre-speci ed payo allocation for the normalized problem. A payo allocation for the normalized problem has been customarily interpreted as representing players bargaining powers. This interpretation can be traced to Shubik (1959, p. 50). The symmetry axiom helps determine the bargaining powers uniquely. For applications, the uniqueness of the bargaining solution up to speci cations of players bargaining powers is useful, when there is no a priori reason why players bargaining powers are not case-speci c. In most applications, both the choice set and threat point are not directly given. They are derived from more primitive data. As a result, the choice set needs not 1 An alternative approach to bargaining is to use sequential, non-cooperative models of negotiation. Nash (1953, p. 129) argued that the two approaches are complementary; each helps to justify and clarify the other. See Binmore, Rubinstein and Wolinsky (1986) for a formal establishment of the relationship between Nash axiomatic bargaining theory and the sequential non-cooperative approach to bargaining. 2

3 be convex. Indeed, the non-convexity of the choice set of feasible pro t shares arising from duopolies with asymmetric constant marginal costs and concave pro t functions has been well recognized in the industrial organization literature. 2 The convexity of the choice sets is usually justi ed by allowing for randomized payo allocations and by assuming that players are expected utility maximizers. The expected utility maximization is, however, not an automatically valid behavioral hypothesis, while randomized allocations can cause con icts of interest at the postrealization stage and may not be realistic in some applications. It is therefore desirable to analyze the extent to which the Nash bargaining theory can be extended to allow for non-convexity. Zhou (1997) considered an extension of the Nash bargaining theory. His results imply that the axiomatic characterization of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution has a high degree of generality. Speci cally, Zhou showed that for the broad class of bargaining problems with the choice sets being closed, comprehensive, and bounded from above and with the threat points being strictly Pareto dominated, any single-valued bargaining solution satisfying all of Nash axioms except for that of symmetry must be determined by the maximization of the asymmetric Nash product with some pre-assigned bargaining powers. However, the maximizers of the asymmetric Nash products are not unique on this broad class. It follows that the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution is not uniquely axiomatized. In this paper, we contribute to the axiomatic approach to bargaining by characterizing a class of two-person bargaining problems allowing for non-convexity, on which the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution is uniquely axiomatized as in the case with convexity. Our characterization is complete in the sense that under some basic conditions, the uniqueness of the solution is shown to be equivalent to the choice sets of the bargaining problems being log-convex of the kind to be speci- ed. We show that given bargaining powers, the maximizer of the Nash product over a log-convex choice set is unique. Furthermore, the maximizer can be separated from any given non-maximizer in the choice set by the tangent line of the Nash product at some point also in the choice set but di erent from the given non-maximizer. This separation result, interesting in its own right, enables us to establish the uniqueness of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution in a way parallel to the usual proof of the uniqueness with convexity. The log-convexity is strictly weaker than convexity. Indeed, we show that the duopoly bargaining problems with asymmetric constant marginal costs are log-convex, even though they are not convex as recognized in the literature. 2 See, for example, Bishop (1960), Schmalensee (1987), and Tirole (1988, p. 242, 271). 3

4 In the literature there have been several other extensions of Nash bargaining theory to allow for non-convexity. These extensions are made possible through extensions of Nash axioms. Among them, Conley and Wilkie s (1996) extension is closely related to ours, in the sense that both extensions are unique and singlevalued. They considered a single-valued extension of the Nash bargaining solution that involves randomization. Their axioms imply a two-step procedure for nding the solution. First, convexify the choice set via randomization and apply the Nash bargaining solution to the convexi ed problem. Second, use the intersection point of the segment between the threat point and the Nash bargaining solution for the convexi ed problem with the original Pareto frontier as the bargaining solution. The single-valuedness of their unique solution enables an interesting comparison with the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution for non-convex bargaining problems in the class we characterize. Herrero (1989) considered axioms that in general result in a multi-valued solution for non-convex bargaining problems. She showed that the bargaining solution satisfying her axioms can be essentially characterized by an equal distance property. When adjusted by players bargaining powers, this property turns out to be also closely related to the Nash product maximization for non-convex bargaining problems in our class. 3 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section brie y reviews Nash axioms and Nash bargaining solution with convexity. Section 3 considers bargaining allowing for non-convexity and provides our characterization result. Section 4 applies our characterization result to non-convex bargaining problems arising from duopoly. Section 5 compares the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution for non-convex bargaining problems with the Conley-Wilkie extension, and establishes an extended equal distance property of Herrero (1989) for the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution on the class of bargaining problems in this paper. Section 6 concludes. 2 Nash Bargaining Solution with Convexity The theory of bargaining pioneered in seminal papers of Nash (1950, 1953) takes a bargaining problem as primitive. A two-person bargaining problem is composed of a choice set S < 2 of payo allocations the players can jointly achieve with agreement, and a threat point d the players end up getting in case of disagreement. A bargaining solution on a class B of bargaining problems is a rule f assigning a 3 See Kaneko (1980) for another multi-valued extension of the Nash bargaining solution, among other ones. 4

5 feasible allocation f(s; d) = (f 1 (S; d), f 2 (S; d)) 2 S to each bargaining problem (S; d) 2 B. Nash considered the following well-known axioms on bargaining solutions. 4 Strict Individual Rationality (SIR): For any (S; d) 2 B, f i (S; d) > d i, i = 1; 2. Symmetry (SYM): For any (S; d) 2 B with d 1 = d 2 and (u 2 ; u 1 ) 2 S whenever (u 1 ; u 2 ) 2 S, f 1 (S; d) = f 2 (S; d). Invariance to Equivalent Utility Representations (INV): For any (S; d) 2 B and for any positive a ne transformation : < 2! < 2, f((s); (d)) = (f(s; d)). Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA): For any (S; d); (S 0 ; d) 2 B with S S 0, f(s 0 ; d) 2 S implies f(s; d) = f(s 0 ; d). When B is composed of compact convex bargaining problems with strictly Pareto dominated threat points, these axioms uniquely characterize the symmetric Nash bargaining solution. Moreover, the Nash bargaining solution assigns the payo allocation to (S; d) 2 B determined by the maximization of the symmetric Nash Product max (u 1 d 1 )(u 2 d 2 ): (1) u2s;ud See Nash (1953) and Roth (1979) for details. When the symmetry axiom is removed, Kalai (1977) showed that for the same class of compact convex bargaining problems as considered by Nash, the bargaining solution that assigns the payo allocation determined by the maximization of the asymmetric Nash product max (u 1 d 1 ) (u 2 d 2 ) 1 (2) u2s;ud to (S; d) 2 B is the unique bargaining solution under SIR, INV, and IIA together with the payo allocation (; 1 ) for the normalized bargaining problem: S = u 2 < 2 ju 1 + u 2 1 and d = (0; 0): (3) As mentioned before, the payo s and (1 ) are usually interpreted as representing players relative bargaining powers. For later reference in the paper, we have 4 Roth (1977) showed that a bargaining solution is (strictly) Pareto optimal whenever the solution satis es SIR, INV, and IIA. Thus, with INV and IIA, Pareto optimality as Nash originally considered can be replaced by SIR. 5

6 De nition 1 A bargaining solution on a class B containing bargaining problem (S ; d ) in (3) is the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution with bargaining powers 2 (0; 1) for player 1 and 1 for player 2 if it satis es axioms SIR, INV, IIA and f(s ; d ) = (; 1 ). The asymmetric Nash bargaining solution is unique if it is unique given any bargaining powers for the players. Applying the usual proof, it can be shown that the solution of maximization problem (2) satis es SIR, INV, IIA, and assigns payo allocation (; 1 ) to the normalized problem (3). Consequently, if the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution is unique, then it must be given by the maximization of the asymmetric Nash product with some pre-assigned bargaining powers. We show in the next section that a type of log-convexity of the choice sets is critical for the uniqueness. 3 Nash Bargaining Solution without Convexity Our motivation for considering bargaining problems allowing for non-convex choice sets comes from the bargaining problem between two rms supplying a homogeneous product. Firms constant marginal costs are c 1 and c 2, respectively, and the market (inverse) demand for the product is P (Q), with Q = q 1 +q 2 representing total supply from the two rms. Assume side-payments are not feasible. 5 Let = ( 1 ; 2 ) be a pro t distribution. Then, is feasible if and only if there exists a pair q = (q 1 ; q 2 ) 0 of quantities (or output quotas) such that 1 = [P (Q) c 1 ]q 1 and 2 = [P (Q) c 2 ]q 2 : Setting p = P (Q) and Q = D(p), we obtain = D(p): (4) p c 1 p c 2 We defer a general discussion of the non-convexity of duopoly bargaining problems to Section 4. Below we use a numerical example to illustrate the Pareto pro t frontier that implies the non-convexity of the corresponding choice set. 5 Explicit transfers or briberies between rms may be too risky due to antitrust scrutiny. Binmore (2007, p ) illustrated the use of Nash bargaining solution as a tool for studying collusive behavior in a Cournot duopoly with asymmetric constant marginal costs. However, the pro t choice set without side-payments is drawn as if it is convex (Figure 16.13(a)), which is not with respect to the assumed demand and cost functions. Using a linear demand function and asymmetric, quadratic average-cost functions, Mayberry, Nash and Shubik (1953) examined and compared several theories of duopoly including the Nash bargaining theory. The pro t choice set in their setting is convex. 6

7 Example 1: Let D(p) = maxf20 p; 0g, c 1 = 0, and c 2 = 10. Then the monopoly pro t for rm 2 is 2 = 25. Given price 10 < p < 15 and given rm 2 s pro t 2 25, (4) implies that rm 1 s pro t is given by h(p; 2 ) p(20 p) p p 10 2: Thus, xing rm 2 s pro t at 2 25, rm 1 s maximum pro t is determined by choosing p to maximize h(p; 2 ). The rst-order condition yields It follows that 2(10 p) (p 10) 2 = 0: p( 2 ) = 10 + (5 2 ) 1 3 is the price that results in rm 1 s maximum pro t given rm 2 s pro t 2. Hence, 1 = h(p( 2 ); 2 ) = (5 2 ) 2 3 ; characterizes the Pareto pro t frontier for the rms. Simple calculation shows that the frontier is a convex curve. Consequently, the feasible pro t choice set is not convex. Intuitively, the non-convexity is due to the fact that side-payments between the two rms are not feasible and that production arrangements are necessarily ine cient in order for rm 2, the one with the higher marginal cost, to receive positive pro ts, so that one unit of pro t gain by rm 2 results in more than one unit of pro t loss for rm 1. When the rms marginal costs are identical or when side-payments are allowed, the Pareto pro t frontier becomes a straight line. In his extension of the Nash bargaining theory, Zhou (1997) showed that if a single-valued bargaining solution f satis es SIR, INV, and IIA on the class B of bargaining problems (S; d) such that S is closed, comprehensive, bounded from above, and d is strictly Pareto dominated, then f is determined by (2) for some 2 (0; 1) such that f(s ; d ) = (; 1 ). That is, it must be an asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. The following example illustrates that the asymmetric Nash bargaining solutions are not unique under axioms SIR, INV, and IIA. Example 2: Let a and b be positive numbers such that a + b < 1. Consider bargaining problem (S; d) where d = (0; 0) and S consists of payo allocations u = (u 1 ; u 2 ) bounded from above by the following two segments. One segment 7

8 connects points (1; 0) and (a; b) and the other connects (a; b) and (0; 1). It is clear that S is non-convex, although it is closed, comprehensive, and bounded from above. Simple calculation shows that given any bargaining power 2 (0; 1) for player 1, there exists an indi erence curve of the Nash product that is tangent to the Pareto frontier of S at the two payo allocations ; (1 )b 1 a and if and only if 2 (a; 1 product, or equivalently, a 1 b ; 1 b) and the two allocations yield equal value of the Nash 1 a b = : 1 b 1 a Thus, given a > 0 and b > 0 such that a + b < 1, there is a unique bargaining power satisfying the above equal-value condition given by ^ = ln(1 a) ln b ln(1 a) ln b + ln(1 b) ln a : (5) Consequently, Nash product maximization problem (2) has multiple solutions if (5) satis es ^ 2 (a; 1 b). By (5), ^ > a if and only if Indeed, since h(b) ln(1 a) ln b a ln(1 a) + a ln b a ln(1 b) + a ln a > 0: h 0 (x) = 1 a x + a 1 x < 0 for x 2 (0; 1 a) and h(x)j x=1 a = 0, it must be h(b) > 0. By similar reasoning, ^ < 1 b. Figure 1 illustrates the multiple solutions to Nash product maximization for the case of (a; b) = (0:3; 0:2), where the unique ^ is approximately 0: Since this bargaining problem is included in Zhou s (1997) class, it follows that his class does not have a unique asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. 6 It can be also shown that for any given 2 (0; 1), there is a continuum of pairs of (a; b) such that the equation holds and hence the maximization problem (2) has two solutions. 8

9 3.1 A Logarithmic Transformation of Bargaining Problems Fix a bargaining problem (S; d) and take a logarithmic transformation of the strictly individually rational portion of the choice set S to get 8 9 < u 1 > d 1 ; u 2 > d 2 ; = V (S; d) = : v 2 <2 9u 2 S : v 1 ln(u 1 d 1 ); ; : v 2 ln(u 2 d 2 ): Then, the maximization problem (2) is equivalent to max v 1 + (1 )v 2 : (6) v2v (S;d) Since ln(u i d i ) is increasing and concave over u i 2 (d i ; 1) for i = 1; 2, the convexity of S implies the convexity of V (S; d). But, the converse is not necessarily true. Indeed, we show in Section 4 that for any strictly Pareto dominated threat point d in the choice set S of the duopoly bargaining problem with constant asymmetric marginal costs and concave pro t functions as illustrated in Example 1, V (S; d) is strictly convex with respect to the Pareto frontier even though S itself is not. For the rest of the paper we consider bargaining problems that satisfy the following basic conditions: Regularity: S is closed, bounded above,d comprehensive (i.e. u 2 S whenever d u u 0 for some u 0 2 S), and d is strictly Pareto dominated by an allocation in S. We show in the sequel that the following condition is critical for the uniqueness of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution: Log-Convexity: V (S; d) is convex and its Pareto frontier does not contain any segment with a normal vector (; 1 ) for any 2 (0; 1). The above Log-Convexity imposes strict concavity on the Pareto frontier of V (S; d) but allows for possible vertical and horizontal lines at the two polar points of the frontier. Thus, it is weaker than V (S; d) itself being strictly convex. It can be veri ed that the bargaining problem in Example 2 is regular but fails to be log-convex. Before presenting our characterization result, we make the following observation about the Log-Convexity that will be useful in the proof of Theorem 2 below. Let 9

10 (S; d) and (S 0 ; d) be two regular bargaining problems with the same threat point d. Then V (S \ S 0 ; d) = V (S; d) \ V (S 0 ; d). This implies that (S \ S 0 ; d) is regular and it also log-convex whenever both (S; d) and (S 0 ; d) are. 7 The uniqueness of the Nash bargaining solution requires that the maximization problem (2) or equivalently the maximization problem (6) have a unique solution for any bargaining power 2 (0; 1) for player 1. It turns out that this imposes enough restrictions on V (S; d) to make it satisfy the Log-Convexity. Theorem 1 Let (S; d) be a regular bargaining problem. Then, (6) has a unique solution for any 2 (0; 1) if and only if V (S; d) is log-convex. The su ciency of Theorem 1 is straightforward. The proof for the necessity is given in the Appendix. Our idea is to show that the closure of the convex hull of V (S; d) equals V (S; d). The di culty of the proof lies in the fact that V (S; d) is not necessarily compactly generated (i.e., V (S; d) = C < 2 + for some compact set C < 2 ), although V (S; d) is closed, comprehensive, and bounded from above. For example, V = fv 2 < 2 jv 1 < 1; v 2 1=(v 1 1)g is clearly closed, comprehensive, and bounded above, but is not compact generated. Consequently, the convex hull of V (S; d) is not necessarily closed, in which case it is contained in but not equal to its closure. As a result, we cannot directly apply the Caratheordy theorem to rst represent a point on the boundary of the closure of the convex hull of V (S; d) by at most three points in V (S; d), and then apply the separating hyperplane theorem together with the uniqueness of the solution for (6) to show either the representation is degenerate or the boundary point is Pareto dominated by a point in V (S; d). Instead, our proof proceeds in the following way. First, we separate a point on the boundary from the convex hull of V (S; d) by a hyperplane with a nonnegative normal. Second, we approximate the point by a sequence of points in the convex hull. By applying the Caratheordy theorem to represent the points in the sequence by those in V (S; d) and then considering a limit point of the sequence of the representations, the uniqueness of the solution for (6) enables us to show that the point is either on the boundary of V (S; d) or is Pareto dominated in V (S; d). 7 Indeed, it is straightforward to verify that (S \ S 0 ; d) is reggular and V (S \ S 0 ; d) V (S; d) \ V (S 0 ; d). On the other hand, take any v 2 V (S; d) \ V (S 0 ; d), u 2 S, and u 0 2 S 0 such that u i > d i, u 0 i > d i, v i ln(u i d i ), and v i ln(u 0 i d i ) for i = 1; 2. Set u i = minfu i ; u 0 ig. Then, v i ln(u i d i ) and d << u u; u 0. By the Regularity, u 2 S \ S 0. This shows v 2 V (S \ S 0 ; d). Hence, V (S \ S 0 ; d) V (S; d) \ V (S 0 ; d). 10

11 3.2 Existence and Uniqueness of Nash Bargaining Solution We are now ready to present our characterization result. Recall that the uniqueness of Nash bargaining solution is speci ed in De nition 1 in Section 2. Theorem 2 Let B be the class of regular and log-convex bargaining problems. Then SIR, INV, and IIA uniquely characterize the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution on B. Furthermore, if the solution assigns (; 1 ) to (S ; d ), then it is determined by the maximization of the asymmetric Nash product (2) or equivalently, the maximization problem (6). Conversely, let B be a class of regular bargaining problems. If SIR, INV, and IIA uniquely characterize the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution on B, then (S; d) is log-convex for all (S; d) 2 B. The rst part of Theorem 2 extends the Nash bargaining theory to a wider class of bargaining problems allowing for non-convex sets of feasible payo allocations. The second part shows that the class is complete in that under the Regularity condition, the uniqueness of the Nash bargaining solution is equivalent to bargaining problems satisfying the Log-Convexity. The second part of Theorem 2 follows from Theorem 1. To prove the rst part, we need a separation result that enables us to prove the uniqueness of the asymmetric bargaining solution, in a way that parallels the standard proof of the uniqueness of the symmetric Nash bargaining solution. 8 Speci cally, let (T; d) be a regular and log-convex bargaining problem. Without loss of generality, we assume d = d = (0; 0). Let 2 (0; 1) and let x 2 T be the solution for (6) over T. Given any point y 2 T with y 6= x and y d, we show in Lemma 1 below that y can be separated from the indi erence curve of the Nash product by the tangent line at a point z 6= y, such that y is below the tangent line while x is not. Lemma 1 Suppose (T; d ) is a regular and log-convex bargaining problem. Let be in (0,1) and let x = arg max u2t :ud u 1 u2 1. Then, for any payo pair y 2 T with y d and y 6= x, there exists z 2 T such that z 2 x 1 + (1 )z 1 x 2 z 1 z 2 (7) 8 Bargaining problems in this paper consist of a subclass of Zhou s (1997). Intuitively, a bargaining solution is subject to stronger requirements on a larger class than on a smaller one. For example, for his characterization of bargaining solutions, Zhou applied the IIA axiom to bargaining problems with choice sets given by the comprehensive hulls of nitely many points. Those bargaining problems do not satisfy our Log-Convexity condition. It follows that we cannot apply his characterization result or proof to show that the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution is the unique bargaining solution on our class under all of Nash axioms except for that of symmetry. 11

12 and z 2 y 1 + (1 )z 1 y 2 < z 1 z 2 : (8) Before proving the lemma, we wish to remark the following. First, when T is convex, Lemma 1 holds trivially by simply letting z = x as in the usual proof of the uniqueness of the symmetric Nash bargaining solution. Second, in view of this, the lemma essentially extends the separation result to the case with a non-convex, regular, and log-convex choice set. Proof. Since (T; d ) satis es the Log-Convexity condition, x = arg max u2t :ud u 1 u 1 2 is uniquely determined. Let y 2 T be such that y d and y 6= x. Then, or equivalently, x 1 x 1 2 > y1 y 1 2 ; (ln y 1 ln x 1 ) < (1 )(ln x 2 ln y 2 ): Assume without loss of generality x 1 < y 1 (the other case can be analogously proved). Then, 1 < ln x 2 ln y 2 : ln y 1 ln x 1 (9) Since x; y 2 T and d = (0; 0), it follows from the Log-Convexity t(ln x 1 ; ln x 2 ) + (1 t)(ln y 1 ; ln y 2 ) = (ln x t 1y 1 t 1 ; ln x t 2y 1 t 2 ) 2 V (T; d 0 ) for t 2 [0; 1]. Thus, by the comprehensiveness of V (T; d), there exists u(t) 2 T such that (ln x t 1y1 1 t ; ln x t 2y2 1 t ) (ln u 1 (t); ln u 2 (t)), or equivalently, (x t 1y1 1 t ; x t 2y2 1 t ) (u 1 (t); u 2 (t)). Since x; y 0, from the Regularity condition z(t) (x t 1y1 1 t ; x t 2y2 1 t ) 2 T; t 2 [0; 1]: For t 2 (0; 1), the absolute value of the slope of the tangent line of Nash product u 1 u 1 2 at z(t) is x t 2y2 1 t (1 )x t 1y1 1 t and that of the segment between z(t) and y is x t 2y2 1 t y 2 y 1 x t 1y1 1 t : 12

13 Thus, the tangent line of Nash product u 1 u2 1 at z(t) is atter than the segment between z(t) and y if and only if x t 2y2 1 t (1 )x t 1y1 1 t < xt 2y 1 t 2 y 2 y 1 x t 1y 1 t 1, xt 2 (1 )x t 1 < xt 2 y2 t ; y1 t x t 1 which, by L H^opital s rule and (9), holds as t! 0. Now choose t 2 [0; 1] so that the tangent line of Nash product u 1 u 1 2 at point z(t), which is given by z 2 (t)u 1 + (1 )z 1 (t)u 2 = z 1 (t)z 2 (t); (10) is atter than the segment between z(t) and y. Since x is Pareto optimal, x 1 < y 1 necessarily implies x 2 > y 2. Thus, z 1 (t) < y 1 and z 2 (t) > y 2. It follows that y is below the tangent line in (10). On the other hand, as the unique solution for (6) over choice set T, x cannot lie below the indi erence curve of u 1 u2 1 at z(t). (See Figure 2 for an illustration.) Therefore, (7) and (8) are established by setting z = z(t). We are now proceed to prove Theorem 2. Proof. Let B be the class of all regular and log-convex bargaining problems. Suppose that g is an asymmetric bargaining solution with bargaining powers 2 (0; 1) for player 1 and 1 for player 2, but g is not determined by (6). Next, let f denote the bargaining solution determined by (6) with f(s ; d ) = (; 1 ) and consider a ne transformation (u) = ( 1 (u 1 ); 2 (u 2 )) = (u 1 d 1 ) ; (1 )(u 2 d 2 ) f 1 (S; d) d 1 f 2 (S; d) d 2! ; u 2 < 2 : We have (f(s; d)) = (; 1 ), (d) = d, and ((S); (d)) 2 B. Let T = (S), x = (f(s; d)), and y = (g(s; d)). It follows that x = arg max u2t :ud u 1 u 1 2, y 2 T, and y 6= x. Thus, by Lemma 1, there exists z 2 T such that y is below the tangent line z 2 u 1 + (1 )z 1 u 2 = z 1 z 2 of Nash product u 1 u 1 2 at z. Let S 0 denote the choice set formed by the tangent line together with the two axes. Clearly, (S 0 ; d ) is regular and log-convex and y 2 S 0. Thus, by INV and g(s ; d ) = (; 1 ), we have g(s 0 ; d ) = z: 13

14 Since (S 0 \ (S); d ) is regular and log-convex and since z 2 S 0 \ (S), it follows from IIA that g(s 0 \ (S); d ) = z: On the other hand, since y = (g(s; d)) = g((s); (d)) 2 (S) and y 2 S 0, we also have g(s 0 \ (S)); d ) = y: It must be y = z, which contradicts y 6= z. Since 2 (0; 1) is arbitrary, this establishes the uniqueness. As the Nash product maximization f(s ; d ) = (; 1 ), the usual proof implies that the f is an asymmetric Nash bargaining solution with bargaining powers for player 1 and 1 for player 2. This establishes the existence of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. Now let B be a class of regular and log-convex bargaining problems. Suppose the three axioms uniquely characterize the Nash bargaining solution on B up to speci cations of bargaining powers. Then, for any 2 (0; 1), f(s ; d ) = (; 1 ) implies that f(s; d) is determined by (6) for all (S; d) 2 B. 9 It follows that for any (S; d) 2 B and for any 2 (0; 1), (6) has a unique solution. Therefore, by Theorem 1, (S; d) is log-convex. 4 An Application: Bargaining Problems Arising in Duopolies As Example 1 illustrates, the pro t choice set of the duopoly bargaining problem is not convex. In this section, we show that for a general demand function and asymmetric constant marginal costs, the duopoly bargaining problem without sidepayments belongs to the class of bargaining problems characterized in Section 3. We assume without loss of generality that rms constant marginal costs c 1 and c 2 satisfy c 1 < c 2 and D(c 2 ) > 0. For i = 1; 2, let i (p) = (p c i )D(p) denote rm i s monopoly pro t function and p i its monopoly price. Notice c i < c 2 implies p 1 < p 2. To make bargaining non-trivial, we further assume c 2 < p 1. Let = ( 1 ; 2 ) be a pro t distribution between the rms. By (4), the feasible set of pro t allocations 9 As argued before, the uniqueness of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution implies that the solution with (; 1 ) as the payo allocation for the normalized problem must be given by the maximization of the asymmetric Nash product with bargaining powers for player 1 and 1 for player 2. 14

15 for the two rms is given by ( = 9p : c 2 < p < D 1 (0) = D(p) (p c 1 ) (p c 2 ) ) : The following lemma characterizes the range of Pareto optimal prices for the rms. Lemma 2 Suppose 1 (p) and 2 (p) are concave. Then, price p is Pareto optimal if and only if p 2 [p 1 ; p 2 ]. The proof of Lemma 2 is given in the Appendix. Given price p > c 2 and rm 2 s pro t 2, it follows from (4) that h(p; 2 ) 1 (p) 2 (p c 1 ) p c 2 (11) is the pro t for rm 1 should they agree to let rm 2 receive pro t 2. Thus, by Lemma 2, a pair 2 is on the Pareto frontier if and only if 1 = max p 1 pp 2 h(p; 2 ): The supporting price, p( 2 ), is determined by h p (p; 2 ) + (c 2 c 1 ) 2 (p c 2 ) 2 = 0 and the Pareto frontier is given by 1 = h(p( 2 ); 2 ) for 2 2 [0; 2 (p 2 )]. Our next result shows that under the assumed conditions on the cost and pro t functions, (; d) is a non-convex bargaining problem, but is included in the class characterized in Theorem 2 whenever d 0 is strictly Pareto dominated. Proposition 1 Assume c 1 < c 2 and i (p) is twice continuously di erentiable and concave over the nite range of prices at which demand is positive. Then, is non-convex, but (; d) is regular and log-convex for all threat points d 0 that are strictly Pareto dominated in. The proof of Proposition 1 is given in the Appendix. Proposition 1 and Theorem 2 together imply that the duopoly bargaining problem (; d) has a unique Nash bargaining solution under the assumed conditions. One can thus perform comparative static analysis of the Nash bargaining solution with respect to relative bargaining powers, marginal costs, and threat point. 15

16 5 Comparison To simplify, we consider bargaining problems with threat point d = (0; 0) and choice set S satisfying (R1) for some pair u = (u 1 ; u 2 ) 2 < 2 ++, S = u 2 R 2 +j0 u 1 u; u 2 (u 1 ) ; where : [0; u 1 ]! [0; u 2 ] is di erentiable, strictly decreasing, (0) = u 2, and (u 1 ) = 0. If is concave, then S is convex in which case extended Nash bargaining solutions often reduce to the Nash bargaining solution. Correspondingly, the focus of our comparison is on non-convex bargaining problems. Notice that (R1) implies the Regularity condition. In addition, with (R1), the Log-Convexity would require 10 (R2) for u 1 2 (0; u 1 ), 0 < 00 (u 1 ) < ( 0 (u 1 )) 2 (u 1 ) 0 (u 1 ) u 1 : With (R1)-(R2), Theorem 2 imply that the Nash product maximization (2) has a unique solution. Under Conley and Wilkie s (1996) extension, the bargaining solution is determined by the intersection of the Pareto frontier of the choice set with the segment connecting the threat point and the Nash bargaining solution for the convexi ed problem. Although they only consider extension of the symmetric Nash bargaining solution, their method can be applied to extend the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution. We denote by f N (S; dj) the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution with bargaining powers for player 1 and 1 for player 2 and by f CW (S; dj) the Conley-Wilkie s extension. Proposition 2 Suppose (S; d) satis es (R1)-(R2). Then there exists ^ 2 (0; 1) such that (a) f N (S; dj^) = f CW (S; dj^), (b) f1 N (S; dj) < f1 CW () and f2 N (S; dj) > f2 CW () for < ^, and (c) f1 N (S; dj) > f1 CW () and f2 N (S; dj) < f2 CW () for > ^. 10 Condition (R2) is satis ed when is log-concave. The duopoly bargaining problem with asymmetric marginal costs discussed in Section 4 also satis es (R2). 16

17 The proof of Proposition 2 is in the Appendix. Proposition 2 implies that the Nash bargaining solution without convexi cation is more responsive to the relative bargaining powers than the Conley-Wilkie bargaining solution. The intuition appears to be that the Nash bargaining solution without convexi cation tends to utilize more local curvature of the Pareto frontier of the choice set than the Conley-Wilkie solution does. For the class of duopoly bargaining problems with c 1 < c 2 discussed in Section 4, we can further show that ^ > 1=2, implying that in the presence of asymmetric marginal costs and equal bargaining powers, the Nash bargaining solution favors the less e cient rm as compared to the Conley-Wilkie bargaining solution. Conditions (R1) and (R2) also guarantee a geometric property of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution given in Proposition 3 below, where I 1 () and I 2 () are the horizontal and vertical intercepts of the tangent line to the Pareto frontier of S at f N (S; dj), respectively. Proposition 3 For any 2 (0; 1), jjf N (S; dj) I 2 ()jj = (1 )jjf N (S; dj) I 1 ()jj for any bargaining problem satisfying (R1) and (R2). Proposition 3 states that the distances between the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution and the two intercepts are proportional to the associated bargaining powers. In the case of equal bargaining powers, this geometric (equal distance) property is the main feature in Herrero s (1989) characterization of the multi-valued bargaining solution under a di erent set of axioms and has also been noted in Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (1995, Example 22.E.3, p. 842) for compact convex bargaining problems. The proportional distance property of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution in Proposition 3 represents an extension of the equal distance property to the asymmetric cases and a large class of bargaining problems satisfying (R1) and (R2). 6 Conclusion It is well-known that on the class of compact convex bargaining problems Nash axioms without that of symmetry determine a unique bargaining solution that is parameterized by players bargaining powers. The parametrization by players bargaining powers is useful in applications, for it o ers exibility in tting data by 17

18 choosing suitable bargaining powers. In this paper, we have studied the extent to which the axiomatic characterization of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution depends on the convexity of the bargaining problems. We have shown that the axiomatic characterization holds on the extended class of regular and log-convex bargaining problems. Bargaining between duopolists with asymmetric constant marginal costs and concave pro t functions for the rms results in non-convex bargaining problems and belong to this class. Our ndings imply that the Log-Convexity selects the largest class from the set of all regular bargaining problems, for which the unique axiomatic characterization of the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution holds. The uniqueness and single-valuedess of the Nash bargaining solution make it possible to conduct comparative static analysis with respect to bargaining powers, threat points and determinants of the choice sets such as the marginal costs for duopoly bargaining problems. They also enable interesting comparisons with other single-valued bargaining solutions that appeared in the literature. Appendix: Proofs Before preceding with the proof, we make the following observations. First, the logarithmic transformation (v 1 ; v 2 ) = (ln(u 1 d 1 ); ln(u 2 d 2 )) is a homeomorphism from S \ f(u 1 ; u 2 ) j u 1 > d 1 ; u 2 > d 2 g onto V (S; d). It follows that the (S; d) of V (S; d) must be the homeomorphic image of that of S \ f(u 1 ; u 2 ) j u 1 > d 1 ; u 2 > d 2 g; that (S; d) = ln(u 1 d 1 ); ln(u 2 d 2 ) u : u 1 > d 1 ; u 2 > d 2 : Thus, V (S; d) is closed. Second, because S is bounded above, so is V (S; d), (S; d) 6= ;. Third, for any (u 1 ; u 2 ) 2 S \ f(u 1 ; u 2 ) j u 1 > d 1 ; u 2 > d 2 g, the intervals ((d 1 ; u 2 ); (u 1 ; u 2 )] and ((u 1 ; d 2 ); (u 1 ; u 2 )] are transformed into (( 1; ln(u 2 d 2 )); (ln(u 1 d 1 ); ln(u 2 d 2 ))] and ((ln(u 1 d 1 ); 1); (ln(u 1 d 1 ); ln(u 2 d 2 ))] in V (S; d), respectively. As a result, V (S; d) = V (S; d) < 2 +. Thus, by moving the origin properly, we can assume without loss of generality that for some constant h > 0, V (S; d) (h; h) < 2 +; (A1) so that the closed cone generated by V (S; d) and any line passing through the origin with a normal vector in < 2 + have no point in common other than the origin. : 18

19 Lemma 3 Let U < 2 be closed, convex, and comprehensive (i.e. U = U < 2 +). If the of U is non-empty, then U < 2 +. Proof. < 2 + U < 2 + = U is automatic. Conversely, let u be any interior point of U. Then, there exists a number > 0 such that (u i + ; u j ) 2 U for i 6= j and for all 2 [0; ). Set i = supfj(u i + ; u j ) 2 Ug. Since U is convex and comprehensive, i < 1 for at least one i, for otherwise U = < 2 which 6= ;. Assume without loss of generality 1 < 1. Then, u 1 = (u ; u 2 ) because U is closed. It follows that u = u 1 ( 1 ; 0) < 2 +. This shows < 2 +. Proof of Theorem 1: The su ciency of Theorem 1 is trivial. To prove the necessity, we only need to show that V (S; d) (which we simply denote by V ) is closed convex because the necessity of the last part of the condition is obvious. Let V denote the closure of the convex hull of V (S; d). Notice V also satis es V = V < 2 +, and from Lemma 3, V V < 2 +. For any boundary point v V of V, it follows from the separation theorem that there exists a 2 < 2 such that a v = max a v: v2v (A2) Since V is comprehensive, a 2 < 2 +. Without loss of generality, we may take a = (; 1 ) for some 2 [0; 1]. There exist sequences fv k (n)g n in V for k = 1; 2; 3, f(n)g n in < 3 +, and f(n)g n in < such that 11 v = 1 (n)v 1 (n) + 2 (n)v 2 (n) + 3 (n)v 3 (n) + "(n); 1 (n) + 2 (n) + 3 (n) = 1; "(n)! 0: By (A4), we may assume the sequence (n)! 2 < 3 + ) = 1: (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6) 11 The reason is as follows. Since v is in V, there exists a sequence fv(n)g n in the convex hull of V such that v(n)! v. By Carathéodory Theorem, for each n there exist v 1 (n); v 2 (n); v 3 (n) in V and (n) 2 < 3 + satisfying (A4) such that v(n) = 1 (n)v 1 (n) + 2 (n)v 2 (n) + 3 (n)v 3 (n). Finally, (A3) and A(5) are established by setting (n) = v v(n) for all n. 19

20 By (A1), the sequences f k (n)v k (n)g n, k = 1; 2; 3, are bounded above, and by (A3), (A5), and (A6), they are also bounded below. Hence, we may assume k (n)v k (n)! w k 2 < 2 ; k = 1; 2; 3 ) v = w 1 + w 2 + w 3 : (A7) Suppose rst k > 0 for k =; 2; 3. Then, since V is closed, (A3) and (A5) (A7) imply v k (n)! v k 2 V (S; d); k = 1; 2; 3; v = 1 v v v 3 : (A8) Suppose now k = 0 for some k but k 0 > 0 for k 0 6= k. Without loss of generality, assume 1 = 0, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0. In this case, v = w v v 3 ; 2 ; 3 > 0; = 1: (A9) By (A2) and A(7), a w 1 = lim n!1 a 1 (n)v 1 (n) = lim n!1 1 (n)a v 1 (n) lim n!1 1 a v = 0: On the other hand, by (A2) and (A9), a w 1 = a v ( 2 (a v 2 ) + 3 (a v 3 )) 0: It follows that a w 1 = 0. This shows that w 1 lies on the line having normal vector normal vector (; 1 ) 2 < 2 + and passing though the origin. As the limit of f 1 (n)v 1 (n)g, w 1 is in the closed cone generated by V. Thus, by (A1), we must have w 1 = 0. Suppose nally k = 1 for some k. Assume without loss of generality 3 6= 0. In this case, a similar proof as before shows w 1 = w 2 = 0. By letting v k be arbitrary element in V when k = 0, the preceding analysis establishes ~v = 1 v v v 3 : (A10) When k > 0, (A2) and (A10) together imply a v k = max v2v a v; which implies v k If a = (; 1 ) 2 < 2 ++, then the above equality and the assumption that (4) has a unique solution imply v k = v whenever k > 0. Hence, v V. If a = (1; 0), then a v = v 1 = a v k = v k 1: 20

21 Assume without loss of generality 1 > 0 and v 1 2 = maxfv k 2 j k > 0g. Then, by (A10), v 2 = 1 v v v 3 2 v 1 2: Consequently, v 2 v 1 < 2 + V. If a = (0; 1), then a similar proof establishes v 2 V. In summary, we have shown v 2 V for any v ~ V. Thus, by Lemma 3, V V V < 2 + V < 2 + = V: This concludes V = V ; hence, V is closed convex. Proof of Lemma 2: Notice that the concavity of the pro t functions and c 1 < c 2 together imply p 1 < p 2. Suppose rst p < p 1. Then, since both 1 and 2 are monotonically increasing over [p; p 1 ], it follows that 1 (p) < 1 (p 1 ) and 2 (p) < 2 (p 1 ). This means that the pro t-share line in (4) at p 1 is everywhere above the pro t-share line at p. Consequently, p cannot be Pareto optimal. Suppose now p > p 2. Then, since both 1 and 2 are monotonically decreasing over [p 2 ; p], repeating the preceding argument shows that p cannot be Pareto optimal either. Suppose nally p 2 [p 1 ; p 2 ]. Then, since 2 is monotonically increasing over [p 1 ; p 2 ] while 1 is monotonically decreasing over that interval, no price in [p 1 ; p 2 ] can Pareto dominate price p. Proof of Proposition 1: The non-convexity of the under the assumed conditions was shown in Tirole (1988, p. 242, 271) (see also Schmalensee, 1987, and Bishop, 1960). To complete the rest of the proof, it su ces to show that V (; d) is strictly convex for all threat point d 0 that are strictly Pareto dominated in. To this end, notice rst that from Lemma 2, the Pareto frontier of is given by the function 1 = h(p( 2 ); 2 )) over [0; 2 (p 2 )]. It follows ( V (; d) = v 9 2 : 2 > d 2 ; h(p( 2 ); 2 ) > d 1 ; v 2 ln( 2 d 2 ); v 1 ln(h(p( 2 ); 2 ) d 1 ): and the Pareto frontier of V (; d) is characterized by relations v 2 = ln( 2 d 2 ) and v 1 = ln(h(p( 2 ); 2 ) d 1 ) for 2 > d 2 and h(p( 2 ); 2 ) > d 1. Consequently, along the Pareto frontier dv 2 1 dv 1 = ; = h 2 : d 2 2 d 2 d 2 h d 1 Denote by k( 2 ) = dv 1 =dv 2 the slope of the Pareto frontier in (v 2 ; v 1 ) space. Since v 2 = ln( 2 d 2 ) along the strictly individually rational portion of the Pareto frontier, 21 )

22 to show the Pareto frontier of V (; d) is strictly concave it su ces to show k( 2 ) is strictly decreasing in 2. To this end, notice from the preceding two equations, k( 2 ) = 2 d 2 h d 1 h 2 : Di erentiating both sides of the above equation with respect to 2 yields 0 k 0 dv1 ( 2 ) = = (h d 1)[h 2 + ( 2 d 2 )h 2 pp 0 ] ( 2 d 2 )(h 2 ) 2 : (A11) dv 2 (h d 1 ) 2 Since h > d 1 and 2 > d 2, it su ces to show h 2 + ( 2 d 2 )h 2 pp 0 < 0. By (11) and h 2 (p; 2 ) = p c 1 ; h 2 p(p; 2 ) = c 2 c 1 > 0; (A12) p c 2 (p c 2 ) 2 h pp 1 2 2(c 2 c 1 ) 2 (p c 2 ) 3 ; p 0 ( 2 ) = h 2 p(p; 2 ) h pp (p; 2 ) : 2 1 (p)=@p 2 < 0, it follows from (A12) and (A13) h 2 pp (p) 2 (c 2 c 1 ) 2 (p c 2 ) 4 (A13) 2(c 2 c 1 ) 2 (p c 2 ) c 2 c 1 2(p c 2 ) : (A14) By Lemma 2, p( 2 ) p 1. This together with c 2 < p 1, d 2 0, and (A14) implies h 2 + ( 2 d 2 )h 2 pp 0 = 2p + c 1 + c 2 2(p c 2 ) Thus, by (A11), k 00 ( 2 ) < 0. The claim follows. d 2 2 c 2 c 1 2(p c 2 ) < 0: Proof of Proposition 2: Notice rst that (R1) and (R2)imply that V (S; d ) is regular and log-convex. By Theorem 2, there is a unique Nash bargaining solution determined by (2), where the rst-order condition is given by 0 (u 1 ) = u 2 (1 )u 1 : The Nash bargaining solution (f1 N (S; dj); f2 N (S; dj)) is determined by the preceding equation and u 2 = (u 1 ). It follows that the ratio of the two payo gains is R N () f 2 N (S; dj) f1 N (S; dj) = 1 0 (f1 N (S; dj)): 22

23 Moreover, the rst-order condition can be written as 0 (u 1 )u 1 (u 1 ) = (1 ) where the left-hand side is strictly increasing in u 1 by (R2) and the right-hand side is strictly increasing in. It follows that f N 1 (S; dj) is strictly increasing in for any interior solution. The frontier of the convex hull of S is a straight line given by u 2 = u 2 u 1 (u 1 u 1 ): Applying Nash bargaining on the convex hull yields a solution u = (u 1 ; (1 )u 2 ). This solution and the Conley-Wilkie s extended Nash bargaining solution have the same ratio of the payo gains for the two players, which is given by Comparing the two solutions yields R CW () f 2 CW (S; dj) f1 CW (S; dj) = 1 u 2 : u 1 R N () R CW () = 0 (f N 1 (S; dj)) u 2 =u 1 : The strict convexity of and the monotonicity of f N 1 (S; dj) at the interior solution imply that 0 (f N 1 (S; dj)) is strictly decreasing in. Thus, there exists ^ 2 (0; 1) such that (a) R N (^) = R CW (^), (b) R N () > R CW () if < ^, and (c) R N () < R CW () if > ^. The claims then follow since both solutions are on the frontier. Proof of Proposition 3: Let z 2 S be an allocation on the Pareto frontier. The line that is tangent to the frontier at z can be represented by u 2 = (z 1 ) + 0 (z 1 )(u 1 z 1 ): The tangent line intersects the horizontal axis at I 1 = (z 1 + (z 1 )= 0 (z 1 ); 0) and the vertical axis at I 2 = (0; (z 1 ) z 0 1 (z 1 )). The distance between z and I 2 is given by kz I 2 k 2 = (z 1 ) 2 + (z 1 0 (z 1 )) 2 = (z 1 ) 2 [1 + ( 0 (z 1 )) 2 ]: 23

24 The distance between z and I 1 is given by It follows that kz I 1 k 2 = ( (z 1 )= 0 (z 1 )) 2 + ( (z 1 )) 2 = ( (z 1)) 2 [1 + ( 0 (z 1 )) 2 ] ( 0 (z 1 )) 2 : kz I 2 k 2 kz I 1 k 2 = The proportional distance property states that which is equivalent to z1 (z 1 ) : (z 1 ) kz I 2 k kz I 1 k = 1 ; z 0 1 (z 1 ) 1 (z 1 ) + z 1 0 (z 1 ) = 0: (z 1 ) Since 0 (z 1 ) < 0, the above equality is then equivalent to 0 (z 1 ) = (z 1) (1 )z 1 which is the rst-order condition for an interior solution to the Nash product maximization problem (2). The maximization has a unique solution since conditions (R1)-(R2) imply that V (S; d 0 ) is regular and log-convex. The claim follows. References [1] Binmore, K. (2007), Playing for Real, A Text on Game Theory, Oxford University Press. [2] Binmore, K., A. Rubinstein, and A. Wolinsky (1986), The Nash Bargaining Solution in Economic Modelling, RAND Journal of Economics 17: [3] Bishop, R. (1960), Duopoly: Collusion or Warfare? American Economic Review 50: [4] Conley, J. and S. Wilkie (1996), An Extension of the Nash Bargaining Solution to Nonconvex Problems, Games and Economic Behavior 13:

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26 u (a,b) u1 Figure 1: Multiple Solutions to Nash Product Maximization Figure 2: Separation between Maximizer x of Nash Product u 1 u2 1 and Point y by the Tangent Line of the Product at Point z(t) 6= y 26

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