arxiv: v2 [] 3 Dec 2008

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1 arxiv: v2 [] 3 Dec 2008 Connectivity of the Unifor Rando Intersection Graph Sion R. Blacburn and Stefanie Gere Departent of Matheatics Royal Holloway, University of London Egha, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdo, February 21, 2013 Abstract A unifor rando intersection graph Gn,, is a rando graph constructed as follows. Label each of n nodes by a randoly chosen set of distinct colours taen fro soe finite set of possible colours of size. Nodes are joined by an edge if and only if soe colour appears in both their labels. These graphs arise in the study of the security of wireless sensor networs, in particular when odelling the networ graph of the well nown ey predistribution technique due to Eschenauer and Gligor. The paper deterines the threshold for connectivity of the graph Gn,, when n in any situations. For exaple, when is a function of n such that 2 and = n α for soe fixed positive real nuber α then Gn,, is alost surely connected when liinf 2 n/ logn > 1, and Gn,, is alost surely disconnected when lisup 2 n/ logn < 1. Keywords: rando intersection graph; ey predistribution; wireless sensor networ. Corresponding author. This research was partially supported by E.P.S.R.C. grants EP/D053285/1 and EP/F056486/1. 1

2 1 Introduction 1.1 Notation and otivation The unifor rando intersection graph Gn,, is a rando graph defined as follows. Let V be a set of n nodes, and let M be a set of colours. To each node v V we assign a subset F v M of distinct colours, chosen uniforly and independently at rando fro the -subsets of M. We join distinct nodes u,v V by an edge if and only if F u F v. This paper studies the connectivity threshold of unifor rando intersection graphs. The study of Gn,, is otivated by an application to wireless sensor networs WSNs. A WSN is a collection of usually very sall sensor devices that are able to counicate wirelessly. Saple applications where WSNs ight be used include disaster recovery, wildlife onitoring and ilitary situations. Sensors coputational abilities are assued to be severely liited by their size and battery life. The sensor networ is designed to be deployed in an unstructured environent sensors ight be scattered fro an aeroplane, for exaple. On deployent the individual sensors need to for a secure wireless networ that is connected, but should also be robust against the coproise of individual sensor s secret data due to alfunction or capture. The classic WSN technique to accoplish this is due to Eschenauer and Gligor [6]: each sensor is preloaded with distinct encryption eys, randoly taen fro a pool of possible eys. Two sensors can for a secure lin if they are within wireless counication range and they share one or ore encryption eys. The unifor rando intersection graph odels this situation in the case when all sensors are within counication range. In the terinology of the subject, a unifor rando intersection graph is a networ graph for Eschenauer Gligor ey predistribution. The application requires the networ to be connected with high probability. Looing at other results in rando graph theory, we would expect the paraeters n, and to exhibit a threshold behaviour with respect to connectivity: for ost paraeters we would expect that the probability that G,n, is connected is either very high or very low. It is iportant to understand the connectivity threshold the area of the paraeter space bordering the regions of low and high connectivity probability as precisely as possible, as this threshold effects the choice of paraeters in the Eschenauer Gligor schee. Eschenauer and Gligor, and ost of the subsequent WSN literature, odel the unifor rando intersection graph as a classical Erdős Rényi rando graph Gn, p, a graph with n vertices whose edges are chosen randoly and independently with a fixed probability p. 2

3 They then use the asyptotic behaviour of Erdős Renyi rando graphs to find good paraeters for the schee. For distinct nodes u,v Gn,,, the probability that uv is an edge is p, where p = 1 2. To see why this approxiation holds, note that u is assigned colours and the probability that each colour is assigned to v is /. So the WSN literature odels Gn,, by the Erdős Rényi rando graph Gn,p where p = 2 /. It is well nown that the connectivity threshold of Gn,p occurs when p log n/n. So odelling Gn,, as an Erdős Rényi rando graph predicts that the connectivity threshold lies at the point when 2 / log n/n. Though siulations support this threshold, odelling Gn,, in this way is unsatisfactory since the behaviour of Gn,p and Gn,, is soeties radically different. For exaple, we expect any ore triangles in Gn,, than in Gn,p, especially when is sall. When u,v,w Gn,,2 are distinct vertices such that uv and vw are edges, then the probability that uw is an edge is ore than 1/2, since this is the probability that v shares the sae colour with both u and w. 1.2 Our results Let and be functions of n. Our proof techniques and results depend heavily on whether n or not, so we discuss these two cases separately. Suppose that n. We will show Theore 5 that Gn,, is asyptotically alost surely connected when li inf n 2 n/ log n > 1. By an event occurring asyptotically alost surely, we ean that the probability of the event tends to 1 as n. This threshold is tight: we will show that Gn,, is asyptotically alost surely disconnected when li sup n 2 n/ log n < 1. Di Pietro, Mancini, Mei, Panconesi and Radharishnan [4, 5] give a weaer for of Theore 5: that Gn,, is alost surely connected when li inf n 2 n/ log n > 8. The journal version of their paper [5] only clais that Gn,, is alost surely connected when li inf n 2 n/ log n > 17. Di Pietro et al also observe that Gn,, is alost surely disconnected when 2 n/ log n 0 as n. Part of our proof of Theore 5 is inspired by their techniques. We coent that there is a gap we are unable to bridge in their proof, which eans that we tae a subtly different approach to theirs: we discuss this at the end of Section 4. 3

4 We now turn to the case when n. We show see Section 3 that whenever 4n/ log n as n then Gn,, is asyptotically alost surely connected. We will show see Theore 3 below that this threshold is tight in the case when = 2. This settles the case, for exaple, when = on/log n. We note that this case is also a consequence of recent wor of Godehardt, Jaworsi and Rybarczy [9], who show that when is fixed, Gn,, is asyptotically alost surely connected whenever n is a function of such that n/ log as. We believe that their result is not tight: see Section 5 for a discussion. This leaves a narrow range of paraeters not covered by our results, when grows just a little ore slowly than n. Though this range is too sall to be of significance in applications, there are soe interesting atheatical questions here. We coent on this in the final section of the paper. By constraining to be of the for = n α where α is a fixed positive real nuber, we avoid this gap and obtain the following easy to state suary of our results: Theore 1. Let α R be positive. Let and be functions of n such that 2 and = n α. i Suppose that li inf n 2 n > 1. 1 log n Then asyptotically alost surely Gn,, is connected. ii Suppose that li sup n 2 n log n < 1. Then asyptotically alost surely Gn,, is not connected. 1.3 Related results Other properties of Gn,, besides connectivity have been studied. For exaple, Godehardt and Jaworsi [8] have results on the distribution of the nuber of isolated vertices of Gn,, when n 2 / log n tends to a constant; Bloznelis, Jaworsi and Rybarczy [2] deterine the eergence of the giant coponent when nlog n 2 = o; Jaworsi, Karońsi and Star [10] study the vertex degree distribution of rando intersection graphs. A related, non-unifor, definition of a rando intersection graph has been studied as part of the odelling of clustering in real-world networs 4

5 see [1, 7, 11, 12], for exaple. We define the non-unifor rando intersection graph Gn,,p exactly as in the definition of Gn,, above, except we choose the subsets F v differently: each F v is constructed by the rule that each colour c M lies in F v independently with probability p. Thus the set F v is liely to vary in size as v varies, and will have expected size p. In her thesis, Singer-Cohen [11] establishes connectivity thresholds for Gn,,p. To copare her results with Theore 1, consider the case when p = /, so the expected size of a set F v is. When α > 1, Singer- Cohen shows that the connectivity threshold lies at p = log n/n, which agrees with the threshold of Theore 1 though Singer-Cohen s threshold is sharper. In fact, when is large copared to n this agreeent is a consequence of standard concentration results. When α 1, Singer-Cohen shows that the connectivity threshold lies at p = log n/, which is uch higher than the threshold of Theore 1. The intuition here is that when is sall there are soe nodes v in Gn,,p with F v uch saller than p indeed, F v ay even be epty. It is these nodes that provide the doinant obstacle to connectivity in Gn,,p when α 1. This also shows that Gn,,p ay behave differently to Gn,,. 1.4 The structure of the paper The reainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 establishes the threshold for the existence of isolated vertices in Gn,,, using the first and second oent ethods; this result is sufficient to establish Theore 1 ii. Section 3 specialises to the case when = 2, and proves Theore 1 i when α < 1. Section 4 proves Theore 1 i when α 1. Finally, Section 5 discusses prospects of establishing tighter connectivity thresholds for Gn,,. 2 Isolated vertices We ai to prove the following theore on the probability of an isolated vertex appearing in Gn,,. Theore 2. Let and be functions of n. i Suppose that 2 n = log n + ω 2 where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,, does not contain an isolated vertex. 5

6 ii Suppose that 2 n = log n ω 3 where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,, contains an isolated vertex. The proof of this theore is an application of standard techniques fro rando graph theory: we include the proof for copleteness. We rear that Godehardt and Jaworsi have uch stronger results on the distribution of the nuber of isolated vertices on the threshold: in particular, they deterine the distribution when 2 n/ log n c for soe constant c; see [8] for a stateent of their results. Note that in contrast to any situations in rando graph theory it is not at all clear that Theore 2 iediately follows fro their result: probles occur with a reduction as, for exaple, has to be integer and if one changes by 1 then 2 n/ ay vary by a factor greater than log n. Proof. For v V, define the rando variable X v by { 1 if v is isolated, X v = 0 otherwise. Define X = v V X v. So EX is the expected nuber of isolated vertices in Gn,,. Note that, by linearity of expectation, EX = nex u, where u V is any fixed vertex. A vertex is isolated if and only if F v F u = for all v V \ {u}. Hence EX = n = n n 1 = n 1 i=0 1 i=0 n 1 1. i n 1 i i Suppose that 2 holds. We show that then EX 0 and the result follows by Marov s inequality. We have that EX n 1 n 1 n exp 2 n 1 So EX 0, as required. = exp w + ow by 2. 6

7 We now ai to prove Part ii of the theore using the second oent ethod. Note first that 3 iplies that = o, and thus for sufficiently large n 2 2 n n 1 n = o1. Since 1 p x = exp px + o1 whenever p x = o1 we have EX = n 1 i=0 = n exp 1 i 2 n + o1 = expw + o1 n 1 n 1 = n exp n 1 2 n + o1 which tends to infinity as n. The second oent ethod now iplies the result we require, provided that we can show that VarX EX 2. Now VarX = EX 2 EX 2 0, and so it suffices to show that EX 2 = 1 + o1ex 2. Note that EX 2 = EX + nn 1EX u1 X u2, where u 1,u 2 are fixed vertices. Since EX, it therefore suffices to prove that nn 1EX u1 X x2 EX 2 1 as n. 4 Note that X u1 X u2 taes the value 1 exactly when u 1 and u 2 are both isolated. For u 1 and u 2 to both be isolated, F u1 and F u2 should be disjoint so there is no edge between u 1 and u 2 and for all v V \ {u 1,u 2 } we ust have that F v is disjoint fro F u1 F u2 so there is no edge fro v to either of u 1 or u 2. Thus EX u1 X u2 = = 2 2 n = exp 22 n + o1 n 7

8 as before. Since we proved above that EX = n exp 2 n + o1, we see that 4 holds, as required. 3 The case when = 2 or = on/ log n In this section we prove the following theore concerning the case when each vertex is assigned a set of colours of size two. Theore 3. Let be a function of n. i Suppose that 4n = log n + ω 5 where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,,2 is connected. ii Suppose that 4n = log n ω where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,,2 is not connected. We rear that this theore iplies that Gn,, is asyptotically alost surely connected whenever = on/ log n and, in particular, Theore 3 iplies Theore 1 holds when α < 1. To see this, we first choose 2 colours for each vertex fro the available colours uniforly at rando to obtain an instance of Gn,,2. As = o4n/log n we have log n = o4n/ and thus by Theore 3 the graph Gn,,2 is asyptotically alost surely connected. If we now choose 2 ore colours for each vertex fro the reaining available colours uniforly at rando then each vertex has been assigned colours uniforly at rando, and so we have obtained an instance of Gn,,. Moreover the newly chosen colours can only add edges to the graph and thus the instance of Gn,, is ore liely to be connected than the instance of Gn,,2. To prove Theore 3 we first prove the following lea which says that we only have to consider values of that are not too sall copared with n. Lea 4. It is sufficient to prove Part i of Theore 3 in the case when n 1. 6 log n 8

9 Proof. Suppose that we have proved Part i of Theore 3 under the additional assuption 6. Suppose that 6 is not satisfied. To prove the lea, it is sufficient to show that we ay replace by a larger function 4n log n of n such that 4n log n and 4, with the property that Gn,,2 is less liely to be connected than Gn,,2. Define by setting = whenever 6 is satisfied; otherwise let l be the unique positive integer such that 2 4n 2 l log n 4 and define = 2 l. Note that 4n log n as n since whenever we have that 4n = 4n 2 l log n 2log n, log n by our choice of l. It reains to show that Gn,,2 is less liely to be connected than Gn,,2. Let M be a set of colours. Partition M into classes, each of size 2 l. Identify the set M of colours with the classes of this partition. We generate an instance of Gn,,2 as follows. Firstly, we generate an instance of Gn,,2, so each node v is assigned a set F v M of size 2. Secondly, by replacing each colour by the class containing it we assign a set of at ost 2 colours fro M to each vertex. Thirdly, for those vertices assigned only one colour fro M, we assign an additional colour uniforly and independently at rando. Note that this process does indeed generate an instance of Gn,,2, since the vertices assigned one colour fro M in the second step are coloured uniforly and independently. To see that Gn,,2 is ore liely to be connected than Gn,,2, note that each of the last two steps adds edges to the graph where the adjacency relation of the graph at the end of the second step is chosen to be the obvious one. Proof of Theore 3. Part ii of Theore 3 follows fro Part ii of Theore 2, since a graph with an isolated vertex cannot be connected. So it suffices to prove Part i of the theore. Moreover by Lea 4 we ay assue for the reainder of the proof that 4n 4. 7 log n 9

10 Given a graph Gn,,2, we define the corresponding colour graph Hn,,2 as follows. The vertices of Hn,,2 are the set M of colours. Two distinct vertices x and y of Hn,,2 are connected by an edge if and only if soe vertex v in Gn,,2 is assigned the set {x,y} of colours in other words, if there exists v Gn,,2 such that F v = {x,y}. Thus Hn,,2 has vertices and at ost n edges. We clai that the colour graph Hn,, 2 asyptotically alost surely contains at least n log n 3 edges. To prove the clai we define for any two distinct vertices u,v Gn,,, a rando variable X u,v by X u,v = { 0 if Fu F v, 1 if F u = F v, and let X = X u,v, where the su is over all pairs of distinct vertices in Gn,,2. Now EX u,v = 1, 2 and so 7 and linearity of expectation iply that n 1 EX = 2n log n2. Marov s inequality now iplies that Pr X log n 3 2log n 2 /log n 3 = 2log n 1 0, and so asyptotically alost surely there are at ost log n 3 pairs u,v of vertices such that F u = F v. When Hn,,2 has n i edges, there ust be at least i pairs u,v Gn,,2 with F u = F v. So the clai follows. We say a graph is near connected if it consists of a connected coponent together with a possibly epty set of isolated vertices. Note that Gn,,2 is connected if and only if the corresponding colour graph Hn,,2 is near connected. We ay regard the edges of Hn,,2 as being obtained by sapling n ties with replaceent fro the set of edges of the coplete graph on vertices with the unifor distribution. By our clai asyptotically alost surely Hn,,2 contains at least n log n 3 edges, and so we stop the process after we have sapled this nuber of distinct edges to obtain a subgraph H of Hn,,2. Note that H is chosen uniforly fro the set of all graphs on vertices with n log n 3 edges. Since the property of being near connected is onotone, Theore 3 will follow if we can show that H is alost surely near connected. A rando graph with vertices and x edges is near connected whenever x 4 log + log log + ω, 8 10

11 where ω as see Bollobás [3, Page 164]. Now, log log 4 + log n log log n since 4n/ log n by 5. Since n whenever is sufficiently large, we find that log n log + log log n log 4 log + log log log 4. If we set x = n log n 3 we see that 4x 4n 4log n3 = log n + ω o1 by 5 and 7 log + log log + ω + O1. Thus 4x log +log log +ω where ω as, and therefore 8 holds. So H is near connected, and the theore follows. 4 The case when n Theore 5. Let and be functions of n such that n. i Suppose that li inf n 2 n > 1. 9 log n Then asyptotically alost surely Gn,, is connected. ii Suppose that li sup n 2 n log n < 1. Then asyptotically alost surely Gn,, is not connected. Note that this theore iplies Theore 1 holds in the case when α 1, and so our proof of Theore 1 is coplete once we have proved this theore. As before, Part ii of Theore 5 follows fro Part ii of Theore 2, since a graph with an isolated vertex cannot be connected. So it suffices to prove Part i of the theore. Our proof of Part i parallels and tightens the wor of Di Pietro et al [4]. If Gn,, is not connected, it has a coponent S of size at ost n/2. Leas 6, 7 and 8 together show that the probability of such a coponent 11

12 S existing tends to 0 as n, and so the theore will follow fro these three leas. Note that 9 and the fact that n together iply that log n for all sufficiently large n. In particular, as n. Lea 6. Under the conditions of Part i of Theore 5, Gn,, asyptotically alost surely contains no coponents of size s, with s en 8/9. Proof. We clai that it suffices to prove the lea under the additional assuption that 2 4 log n. 10 n For suppose we have proved the lea under this additional assuption. Given any satisfying 9, define by { if 2 4 log n/n, = 4 log n/n otherwise. Since 2, we ay construct an instance of Gn,, by first assigning colours to each vertex to obtain an instance of Gn,,, and then assigning an additional colours to each vertex to obtain an instance of Gn,,. Assigning the additional colours can only add edges to the graph, so the probability that Gn,, has no coponent of order at ost en 8/9 is bounded below by the corresponding probability for Gn,,. Since li inf 2 n/ log n > 1, the probability that Gn,, has no coponent of order at ost en 8/9 tends to 1, by the lea under the additional assuption 10. So our clai follows. For a set S of vertices of size s, let A S be the event that S is a coponent of Gn,,. Choose a constant 0 < ε < 1 such that 2 n 1 2ε log n > 1 11 for all sufficiently large n. Such a constant exists by 9. Let B S be the event that fewer than 1 εs colours are assigned to S. Note that PrA S = PrB S PrA S B S + PrB S PrA S B S PrB S + PrA S B S. First, we shall give an upper bound on PrB S. There are 1 εs choices for a set of 1 εs colours; each of the s vertices in S is assigned a subset 12

13 of these colours with probability 1 εs /. So 1 εs s PrB S 1 εs e 1 εs 1 εs 1 εs e s s εs. By 10 and since s n 8/9 and n, we have s 4 log n n 8/9 n 2n 1 9 log n. Since as n we have ε and thus for sufficiently large n ε s PrB S e 1/ǫ s n 2s. If B S does not occur, we ay find a subset K of colours of size 1 εs that have been assigned to S. For S to be a coponent, each of the n s vertices not in S ust be assigned colours that are disjoint fro K, and so 1 εs n s 1 εs n s PrA S B S exp 1 ε n 1+εs sn s n s 2 n 1 ε n s s n 1 2ε n by 11 for sufficiently large n. The event that Gn,, has a coponent of size at ost en 8/9 is bounded above by the following expression, where we su over all subsets S of vertices of size at ost en 8/9 : PrBS + PrA S B S S PrA S S en 8/9 s=1 s=1 n n 2s + n 1+εs s n s 2n 1+εs = 2 n ε 1, 13

14 which tends to zero as n tends to infinity. Lea 7. Under the conditions of Part i of Theore 5, Gn,, asyptotically alost surely contains no coponents of size s, where en 8/9 s in{/, n/2}. Proof. Just as in the proof of Lea 6, we ay assue in addition that the inequality 10 holds. For a subset S of vertices of size s, define C S to be the event that S is assigned at ost 1 4s colours. We proceed as in Lea 6, with the event C S replacing the event B S. So the probability that Gn,, contains a coponent of the size we are interested in is bounded above by PrC S + PrA S C S, S where we are suing over all subsets of vertices of size s, where en 8/9 s in{/,n/2}. We wish to prove that this su tends to 0 as n. We begin by showing that PrC S 0 S as n. A siilar arguent to that in the proof of Lea 6 shows that PrC S S in{/,n/2} s= en 8/9 n s s. s s/4 4 But then PrC S s S s s s s/4 4 2 s s s/4 4 s in{/,n/2} s=1 es s/2. 4 We ay write the suand in this last expression in the for x x t, where x = es/4 and t = 2/e. Since x x has no internal axia just a single 14

15 iniu at x = e 1, our suand is axiized at the extrees of its range. So our suand is bounded above by µ where { } e /2 e /2 e n/4 µ = ax,, = on 1, by 10 and since. Thus PrC S n/2 + 1µ = o1, S as required. The event A S requires that the colours assigned to the n s eleents of V \ S are disjoint fro the colours assigned to S for otherwise there would be edges between V \ S and S, and so if C S does not occur we see that Hence PrA S C S PrA S C S S s s s/4 n s in{/,n/2} s= en 8/9 1 s n s. 4 n 1 s n s s 4 ne s exp s2 n s s 4 n 1 9 s exp s2 n 8 s n 1 9 s n 1 8 s by 9 n 1 72 s = s=1 which tends to 0 as n tends to infinity. 1 n Lea 8. Under the conditions of Part i of Theore 5, Gn,, asyptotically alost surely contains no coponents of size s, where / < s n/2. 15

16 Proof. We need to show that the probability that Gn,, has a coponent of size s > /, where s n/2, tends to 0. If / n/2 this probability is 0, so we assue that / n/2. Let T be a set of vertices of size /. Let D T be the event that there are at least n/2 vertices in V \ T having no edges to T. Note that if Gn,, contains a coponent S of size s where / < s n/2, all the events D T where T S occur since V \ S has size at least n/2, and the vertices in V \ S have no edges to S and so in particular have no edges to T. So the probability that Gn,, contains a coponent of size s where / < s n/2 is bounded above by T PrD T, where the su is over all subsets T V with T = /. Let C T be the event that T is assigned /4 colours or fewer. We have that PrD T = PrC T PrD T C T + PrC T PrD T C T PrC T + PrD T C T, and so it suffices to show that T PrC T and T PrD T C T both tend to 0 as n. Now, /4 PrC T /4 e /4 /4 /4 = 4e /4 4. / As, we ay assue that 4 when n is sufficiently large. So n PrC T PrC T / T 4e /4 4 /4 4e /2 4. Since 4e < 4, we see that this su tends to 0 as n. Let T be fixed, and let v V \ T. Let E v be the event that there are no edges fro v to T. Then PrE v is equal to the probability that the colours 16

17 assigned to v are disjoint fro the colours assigned to T. Thus PrE v C T /4 3/4 4/5 4/5 log n. Note that the events E v are independent. The event D T occurs exactly when n/2 or ore of the events E v occur. So, writing p = 4/5 log n, we find PrD T C T Pr Bin n /,PrE v C T n/2 Pr Binn,p n/2 exp n 1 2 log 2p log21 p by the Chernoff bound see Bollobás [3, Page 11] exp 1 2 n log n log5/4 + On. Thus T PrD T C T 2 n exp 1 2 n log nlog5/4 + On = exp 1 2 n log n log5/4 + On 0 as n. So the lea follows. We coent that our approach subtly differs fro Di Pietro et al [4, 5], in the following way. Let B be the event that there exists a set S of the vertices of Gn,, with S in{/,n/2} which is assigned S /4 or fewer distinct colours. Di Pietro et al show that this event occurs with negligible probability, and then perfor the rest of their analysis on the rando graph obtained fro Gn,, under the assuption that B does not occur. The colours assigned to different vertices given that B does not occur are no longer independent, but Di Pietro et al see to assue independence in their estiates. Our approach avoids this proble by considering the individual events B S for a fixed subset S of vertices see the proof of Lea 6 for exaple. The event B S only depends on the colours assigned to vertices in S, so colours assigned to vertices not in S are still chosen independently when we assue that B S does not occur. 17

18 5 Discussion We conjecture that it is possible to prove a sharper threshold for unifor rando intersection graphs. Indeed, we believe that the following conjecture is true. Conjecture. Let and be functions of n. i Suppose that 2 n = log n + ω where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,, is connected. ii Suppose that 2 n = log n ω where ω as n. Then alost surely Gn,, is not connected. The results in this paper show that Part ii of the conjecture holds see Theore 2 in Section 2 above. Moreover the full conjecture holds in the special case when = 2 by Theore 3 in Section 3. To prove the full conjecture, a natural approach would be to deterine the correct generalisation to hypergraphs of the threshold 8 for the near connectivity of graphs. This ight allow a proof along the lines of Section 3. However, as far as the authors are aware, no sufficiently strong results for hypergraphs are currently nown: it would be interesting to see whether such results could be established. Let p conn n,, be the probability that Gn,, is connected. It is easy to show that the function p conn n,, is non-decreasing in. We proved a special case of this fact in our coents below the stateent of Theore 3, and essentially the sae proof wors in general. It sees reasonable to believe that p conn n,, is a non-increasing function of so the probability that Gn, + 1, is connected is no larger than the probability that Gn,, is connected but we are not able to find a proof of this. Can a proof be found? References [1] M. Behrisch and A. Taraz, Efficiently covering coplex networs with cliques of siilar vertices, Theoretical Coputer Science , pp

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Model Fitting. CURM Background Material, Fall 2014 Dr. Doreen De Leon Model Fitting CURM Background Material, Fall 014 Dr. Doreen De Leon 1 Introduction Given a set of data points, we often want to fit a selected odel or type to the data (e.g., we suspect an exponential

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