arxiv: v1 [hep-ex] 21 May 2013

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1 ELECTROWEAK RESULTS FROM HERA arxiv:5.98v [hp-x] May A.F. ŻARNECKI (on bhalf of th H and ZEUS collaborations) Faculty of Physics, Univrsity of Warsaw, Hoża 69, -68 Warszawa, Poland Nutral and chargd currnt dp inlastic p scattring with longitudinally polarisd lpton bams has bn studid with th H and ZEUS dtctors at HERA. Th diffrntial cross sctions wr masurd in th rang of four-momntum transfr squard, Q, up to 5 GV, whr lctrowak ffcts bcom clarly visibl. Th masurmnts wr usd to dtrmin th structur function xf and to constrain vctor and th axial-vctor couplings of th light quarks to th Z boson. Th polarisation dpndnc of th chargd currnt total cross sction was also masurd. Limits on flavour changing nutral currnt procsss wr computd from th sarch for singltop production. Th lastic Z production cross sction was masurd tob in agrmnt with th SM prdiction. Limits on nw physics phnomna at high Q wr also drivd within th gnral framwork of four-frmion qq contact intractions. Introduction Th HERA acclrator was built at DESY, Hamburg, to study lctron-proton and positronproton collisions at cntr of mass nrgis of up to GV. Scattring vnts wr rconstructd in two multi-purpos dtctors, H and ZEUS, both quippd with silicon tracking, drift chambrs, hrmtic calorimtry and muon dtctor systms. During th so calld HERA I runningphas(99-), about pb ofdatawrcollctd prxprimnt, mainlycoming from p collisions. Aftr th collidr upgrad in, rsulting in significant incras of luminosity, about pb of data pr xprimnt wr collctd in th so calld HERA II phas (-7). Morovr, spin rotators installd at th H and ZEUS intraction rgions allowd th opration with longitudinal lctron or positron polarisation. With an avrag lpton bam polarisation of about -% and a significant incras of intgratd luminosity (spcially for th p sampl), HERA II significantly xtndd th physics rach of th xprimnts. Diffrnt dtctor configurations and complmntary vnt rconstruction mthods usd by two collaborations allowd for an additional rduction of not only th statistical but also th systmatic uncrtaintis in th combind analysis of H and ZEUS data.

2 [pb/gv dσ/dq HERA ] H p NC H p NC ZEUS p NC HERA II ZEUS SM p NC HERA II p NC (HERAPDF.5) SM p NC (HERAPDF.5) - -5 H p CC H p CC ZEUS p CC HERA II ZEUS SM p CC HERA II p CC (HERAPDF.5) SM p CC (HERAPDF.5) y <.9 P = -7 Q [GV ] Figur : Q dpndnc of th NC and CC cross sctions dσ/dq for th combind HERA III unpolarisd p and p data. Th innr and outr rror bars rprsnt th statistical and total rrors, rspctivly. Th H and ZEUS data ar compard to th Standard Modl xpctation basd on th HERAPDF.5 paramtrisation. Dp Inlastic ± p Scattring Dp Inlastic Scattring (DIS) was th main procss studid at HERA. Prcis HERA data ar in xcllnt agrmnt with Standard Modl prdictions ovr many ordrs of magnitud, as illustratd in Figur. At vry high squard momntum transfrs Q, comparabl with masss of th W and Z bosons squard, th contributions from nutral currnt (NC) and charg currnt (CC) procsss bcom comparabl in siz, which is a clar dmonstration of lctrowak unification. High Q NC DIS cross sction, nglcting radiativ corrctions, can b writtn in trms of thr gnralisd structur functions F, x F and F L : d σ NC ( ± p) dxdq = πα xq [ Y F± Y x F ± y F± L ] whr: Y ± = ±( y). Th snsitivity to lctrowak ffcts is mainly du to th intrfrnc of photon and Z boson xchang which dominats ovr pur Z xchang ffcts in most of th kinmatic rang covrd at HERA. Corrsponding contributions to th gnralisd structur functions can b writtn as: F ± = F γ (v ±P a )χ Z F γz (v a ±P v a )χ Z F Z x F ± = (a ±P v )χ Z xf γz (v a ±P (v a ))χ Z xf Z whr P is th lpton bam polarisation and χ Z = ( ). Accss to lctrowak sin θ W MZ Q ffcts is providd by masuring diffrncs btwn cross sction for diffrnt chargs and polarisation, thrby rmoving th pur photon-xchang part, dscribd by F γ. In particular, polarisation asymmtris can b usd to constrain contribution from F γz structur function, Q

3 ± A.5 A ( p) HPDF H Collaboration γz F H Collaboration Transformd to Q = 5 GV H HPDF A ( p) HPDF Q [GV ] HERA II HERA II x Figur : Lft: Q dpndnc of th polarisation asymmtry A ±, as masurd by th H Collaboration, compard to th Standard Modl xpctation. Right: structur function F γz, xtrapolatd to Q = 5 GV, for th H data (solid points) and th xpctation from HPDF (solid curv). Th innr rror bars rprsnt th statistical uncrtaintis and th full rror bars corrspond to th total uncrtaintis. Z γ xf ZEUS ± ZEUS NC p ( 5. pb ), Q =5 GV SM (HERAPDF.5) SM (ZEUSJETS) SM (CTEQ6M) SM (MSTW8) x Figur : Th structur function xf γz, xtrapolatd to Q = 5 GV, and plottd as a function of x. Th closd circls rprsnt th ZEUS data, with th innr rror bars showing th statistical uncrtaintis whil th outr ons show th statistical and systmatic uncrtaintis addd in quadratur. Th curvs show th prdictions of th SM valuatd using diffrnt PDF paramtrisations, as indicatd in th plot. which is snsitiv to d/u ratio at high-x and to th vctor quark couplings, v q. A comparison of p and p cross sctions, i.. th masurmnt of th charg asymmtry, accsss th xf γz contribution, which is dominatd by th valnc quark distributions at high Q and is snsitiv to th axial-vctor quark coupling, a q. Both, th H and ZEUS xprimnts, hav masurd nutral currnt DIS cross sctions for both chargs and both hlicity stats. Rsults on polarisd cross-sction asymmtris, A ±, as obtaind by th H Collaboration, ar shown in Figur (lft). Parity violation du to γ Z intrfrnc is clarly visibl, in agrmnt with Standard Modl xpctations. Th masurmnt can also b usd to xtract th F γz contribution, as illustratd in Figur (right). Shown in Figur is th masurmnt of th structur function xf γz by th ZEUS Collaboration ; a similar masurmnt has bn also prformd by H. Th rsults agr vry wll with th Standard Modl prdictions obtaind from NLO QCD fits to inclusiv data. Th CC DIS cross-sction dpndnc on th longitudinal lpton-bam polarisation also follows xactly th Standard Modl prdictions, as shown in Figur. For lctron bams, only th lft-handd initial stat contributs to th scattring cross-sction, whras for positrons only th right-handd stat contributs. This is xpctd from th chiral structur of th modl. Th rsults can b usd to st limits on th possibl contribution from right-handd currnts.

4 [pb] σ CC ± HERA Chargd Currnt p Scattring p νx H ZEUS HERAPDF p νx H ZEUS HERAPDF.5 Q > GV y < P [%] Figur: Dpndncofthtotal ± pcccross sctions onthlongitudinal lptonbam polarisation, P. ThH and ZEUS data ar compard to th Standard Modl xpctations basd on th HERAPDF.5 paramtrisation (shadd bands). Assuming SM couplings and a light right handd ν, th H collaboration xcludd th xistnc of right handd wak bosons of masss blow (9) GV for p ( p) scattring. Th wid kinmatic rang covrd, and th high prcision of th NC and CC DIS masurmnts for polarisd p and p, allow not only th dtrmination of th parton distribution functions of th proton from th HERA data alon, but also allow th simultanous dtrmination of PDFs and lctrowak paramtrs. Rsults on th wak nutral currnt couplings of u and d quarks to th Z boson, as obtaind by th H Collaboration 5, ar prsntd in Figur 5. Rsults from th arlir ZEUS analysis and limits dtrmind by th CDF xprimnt and th LEP EWWG ar includd for comparison. A good agrmnt with th Standard Modl prdictions is obsrvd. Dtrminations of th light-quark couplings at HERA turn out to b comptitiv in prcision with thos obtaind from th Tvatron and LEP xprimnts. DIS cross sctions at HERA ar also snsitiv to possibl nw intractions btwn lctrons and quarks involving mass scals abov th cntr-of-mass nrgy, which could modify th cross sctions at high Q via virtual ffcts. This would rsult in obsrvabl dviations from th Standard Modl prdictions. Many nw intractions, such as procsss mdiatd by havy lptoquarks, can b modld as four-frmion contact intractions. Th H Collaboration applid a common mthod to sarch for dviations from SM prdictions for diffrnt nw physics scnarios, which can b considrd within this framwork. Data on scattring of polarisd lctrons and positrons collctd from HERA II wr combind with lctron and positron data from HERA I. No significant dviation from th Standard Modl prdictions was obsrvd, as shown in Figur 6 (lft) and 95% limits wr drivd for th rlvant paramtrs of th modls studid. For th gnral contact-intraction modls, limits on th compositnss scal, Λ, ranging from.6 to 7. TV wr obtaind, as shown in Figur 6 (right). Th study of lptoquark xchang yildd lowr limits on th ratio M LQ /λ btwn. and.86 TV. For modls with larg xtra dimnsions, scals blow.96 TV wr xcludd. Finally, a quark-charg radius largr than.65 6 cm was xcludd, using th classical form-factor approximation.

5 v u H 68% CL H prl (9-7) ZEUS prl (9-6) v d H 68% CL H prl (9-7) ZEUS prl (9-6) Standard Modl LEP EWWG Standard Modl LEP EWWG CDF CDF a u a d Figur 5: Rsults at 68% C.L. on th wak nutral currnt couplings of u (lft plot) and d (right plot) quarks to th Z boson, dtrmind from an H analysis of HERA I and HERA II data. Rsults from a ZEUS analysis and limits dtrmind by th CDF xprimnt and th LEP Elctrowak Working Group (opn contours) ar includd for comparison. Th stars show th xpctd SM valus. /dq SM / dσ dσ/dq /dq SM / dσ dσ/dq H p NC. fb (P = 6.%) CTEQ6m p H p NC.9 fb (P =.5%) CTEQ6m p H H p NC. fb (P = 6.9%).8 CTEQ6m p H p NC.8 fb (P = 7.6%) CTEQ6m p H Q [GV ] Q [GV ] 9 LL 8 LR 7 RL 6 RR 5 VV AA VA LLRR LRRL H Sarch for Gnral Compositnss - Λ [TV] Λ [TV] ± Λ [TV] Figur 6: Lft: Th ratio of th masurd cross sction to th Standard Modl prdiction, dtrmind using th CTEQ6m PDF st, for polarisd H NC DIS data takn from th yar onward for diffrnt lpton charg and polarisation data sts. Right: Lowr limits at 95% CL on th compositnss scal Λ for various chiral modls, obtaind from th full H data. Limits ar givn for both signs Λ and Λ of th chiral cofficints.

6 Evnts 5 HZEUS (.98 fb SM SM Signal ) l ν [GV] M T Figur 7: Distribution of th lpton-nutrino transvrs mass M lν T for vnts with an isolatd lctron or muon and missing transvrs momntum in th full HERA ± p data sampl. Elctrowak cross sctions Both thhandzeuscollaborations havusdthhighstatistics ofthcollctd datatostudy a varity of procsss snsitiv to lctrowak intractions, in particular th production of havy wak bosons and th top quark. On of th intrsting signaturs, which was considrd in th combind H and ZEUS analysis, is production of isolatd high-p T lptons (lctrons or muons) and a larg missing transvrs momntum. Th main SM procss that may produc vnts with this topology is th production of ral W bosons via photoproduction with a subsqunt lptonic dcay: p W ± ( lν)x. Only with th full HERA high nrgy data, corrsponding to an intgratd luminosity of.98 fb, a cross sction masurmnt for W ± production in this procss bcam accssibl. Th xpctd numbrs of signal and background vnts, aftr th final slction cuts, wr 6.7±9.9 and.±. rspctivly (total of 87.8±.) and obsrvd in th final data sampl wr 8 vnts. Th distribution of th lpton-nutrino transvrs mass, MT lν, for th final sampl of slctd H and ZEUS vnts is shown in Figur 7. Th rsulting cross sction stimat is: σ W =.6±.6(stat.)±.7(sys.) pb, in agrmnt with th SM prdiction of.6±.9 pb. A similar slction procdur can b usd to sarch for singl-top production at HERA. In addition to an isolatd lpton and missing transvrs momntum, a larg hadronic transvrs momntum, PT had, is xpctd. A b-tagging algorithm can additionally b usd to supprss th W production background. Evn though th SM cross sction for singl top production at HERA is blow fb, th masurmnt of this procss is important, as a significant nhancmnt is xpctd in svral BSM scnarios du to FCNC couplings. A sarch for anomalous singl top production was prformd using th data collctd with th ZEUS dtctor and a limit on th production cross sction σ <. pb (95% CL) was st 8. Th cross sction limits wr convrtd into limits on th anomalous top quark couplings and th branching ratios t uγ and t uz, as shown in Figur 8. Also in cas of th Z production at HERA, th SM cross sction is prdictd to b vry low, about. pb. Th ZEUS Collaboration studid this procss using an intgratd luminosity of about.5 fb. Thanks to th xcllnt nrgy rsolution of th ZEUS hadronic calorimtr, th

7 Br uz xcludd by ZEUS ZEUS ZEUS.5 fb H t uγ CDF t u(c)γ,u(c)z D t u(c)z ALEPH t u(c)γ,u(c)z Br uγ Figur 8: ZEUS limits on th anomalous top quark couplings shown in th BR(t uγ) vs BR(t uz) plan. Also shown ar corrsponding boundaris from H, CDF, D and ALEPH xprimnts. Th shadd ara is xcludd. Th dark shadd rgion dnots th ara uniquly xcludd by ZEUS. hadronic dcay mod could b usd in this analysis, significantly incrasing th xpctd vnt rat. Th analysis 9 was rstrictd to lastic and quasi-lastic Z production in ordr to supprss QCD multi-jt background. Figur 9 shows th invariant-mass distribution of th slctd vnts. It also shows th fit rsult for th signal plus background and th background sparatly. Th invariant mass distribution masurd for inlastic vnts was usd as a background tmplat in th fit. Th fittd numbr of obsrvd Z vnts is , which corrsponds to a. σ statistical significanc. Thcross sction forthlastic andquasi-lastic productionof Z bosons at s = 8 GV was calculatd to b σ(p p ( ) Z ) =.±.6(stat.) ±.(syst.) pb. This rsult is consistnt with th SM cross sction stimat of.6 pb. Conclusions With high luminosity and lpton bam polarisation, HERA providd a uniqu window for prcis lctrowak studis. Although data taking was compltd in 7, th H and ZEUS collaborations ar still working hard, making progrss in undrstanding th dtctor and finalizing various data analyss. Th rsults prsntd at this confrnc ar only a small slction of rcntly compltd work. Th prsntd rsults on th NC and CC DIS at high Q, including charg and polarisation asymmtris, ar in vry good agrmnt with th SM. With th high prcision and th larg kinmatic covrag of th data, th NLO QCD analysis was xtndd to xtract not only parton dnsitis in th proton but to fit lctrowak paramtrs as wll. Th obtaind constraints on th light-quark couplings to th Z boson ar in good agrmnt with th Standard Modl prdictions and ar comptitiv in prcision with LEP and Tvatron masurmnts. Th prcis masurmnts of dp inlastic ± p scattring at larg Q wr also xploitd to sarch for possibl nw physics byond th Standard Modl. As no significant dviation from th Standard Modl prdictions was obsrvd, limits wr drivd for diffrnt modls of nw physics. Th production of lctrowak bosons and top quarks in p collisions ar also good bnchmark procsss for tsting th Standard Modl. Th full HERA data sampl from both xprimnts was analysd, corrsponding to a total intgratd luminosity of.98 fb, in a sarch for

8 ZEUS Evnts ZEUS 96 pb 8 6 Fit ( Z signal b.g. ) Fit ( b.g. ) 7. Nobs = M jts (GV) Figur9: Thinvariant-massdistributionfor thslctd sampl oflastic andquasi-lastic Z productionvnts. ZEUS data (solid points) ar compard with th fit rsult for th signal plus background and th background shap tmplat basd on th inlastic vnts. W ± production. Th total and diffrntial singl W production cross sctions wr masurd to b in agrmnt with th SM prdictions. An analysis of th ZEUS Collaboration rsultd in th firstobsrvation of Z production in p collisions, with signal vnts, corrspondingto a. σ statistical significanc. Th rsulting cross sction for lastic and quasi-lastic production of Z bosons is consistnt with th SM prdiction. Rfrncs. H Collaboration, I. Abt t al, Nucl. Instrum. Mthods A86, and 8 (997); R.D. Appuhn t al, Nucl. Instrum. Mthods A86, 97 (997).. ZEUS Collaboration, U. Holm (d.), Th ZEUS Dtctor, Status Rport (unpublishd), DESY (99), availabl on H Collaboration, F.D. Aaron t al, JHEP 9, 6 ().. ZEUS Collaboration, H. Abramowicz t al, DESY5 (August ), accptd by Phys. Rv. D 5. H Collaboration, Combind Elctrowak and QCD Fit of Inclusiv Nutral and Chargd Currnt Data with Polarizd Lpton Bams at HERA, Hprlim--, availabl on 6. H Collaboration., F.D. Aaron t al, Phys. Ltt. B75, 5 (). 7. H and ZEUS Collaborations, F.D. Aaron t al, JHEP, (). 8. ZEUS Collaboration, H. Abramowicz t al, Phys. Ltt. B78, 7 (). 9. ZEUS Collaboration, H. Abramowicz t al, Phys. Ltt. B78, 95 ().

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