arxiv: v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 27 Aug 2015

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1 Random matix nsmbls with column/ow constaints. II uchtana adhukhan and Pagya hukla Dpatmnt of Physics, Indian Institut of Tchnology, Khaagpu, India axiv: v [cond-mat.stat-mch] 7 Aug 5 (Datd: Octob, 8) Abstact W numically analyz th andom matix nsmbls of al-symmtic matics with column/ow constaints fo many systm conditions.g. disod typ, matix-siz and basisconnctivity. Th sults val a ich bhavio hiddn bnath th spctal statistics and also confim ou analytical pdictions, psntd in pat I of this pap, about th analogy of thi spctal fluctuations with thos of a citical Bownian nsmbl which appas btwn and Gaussian othogonal nsmbl.

2 I. INTRODUCTION Random matics with column/ow constaints appa as th mathmatical psntations of complx systms in divs aas.g bosonic Hamiltonians such as phonons, and spin-wavs in Hisnbg and XY fomagnts, antifomagnts, and spin-glasss, uclidan andom matics, andom actanc ntwoks, financial systms and Intnt latd Googl matix tc (s sction II and fncs in []). It is thfo lvant to sk th infomation about thi statistical bhavio; this not only hlps to pob th latd complx systm but also in valing th hiddn connctions among smingly diffnt complx systms. Th standad out fo th statistical analysis of a andom matix nsmbl is basd on its ignvalus/ ignfunctions fluctuations. This in tun quis a knowldg of th joint pobability distibution function (JPDF) of th ignvalus and ignfunctions. An intgation of JPDF ov undsid vaiabls thn, in pincipl, lads to th fluctuation masus fo th maining vaiabls; fo xampl, th spctal fluctuation masus can b obtaind by an intgation ov all ignfunctions. As discussd in [], th JPDF fo th column/ow constaind nsmbls can b divd fom th nsmbl dnsity but its futh intgation ov ignfunctions is not an asy task. This motivats us to sk, an altnativ out i. th numical invstigation of th nsmbls; ou focus in this pap is on following objctivs: (i) to undstand th ffct of andomnss (both typ and stngth) and basis-connctivity on th fluctuation masus. (ii) to analyz th siz-dpndnc of th fluctuation masus, (iii) sach fo th xistnc of any univsal fatus in th statistical bhavio. Th motivation fo th fist objctiv coms fom pvious studis of th systms with Goldston symmty; th column constaints in th matix psntation of thi opatos oiginat fom th invaianc und a unifom shift []. In absnc of disod, th low fquncy xcitation in ths systms hav long wavlngths and a dscibd by th quations of motion basd on macoscopic poptis. Disod causs local fluctuations in th poptis but xcitations a blivd to coupl only to thi avags ov a volum with lina dimnsions st by a wavlngth. Consquntly, high dimnsions, wh avaging is mo ffctiv, a xpctd to b disod-insnsitiv []. But almost all ths sults a basd

3 on avag bhavio of th spctal dnsity and invs paticipation atio (IPR). As th statistical poptis can in pincipl b xpssd in tms of th ignvalus/ignfunctions fluctuations of th latd opatos, it is natual to quy whth disod has any, and if so, what impact on th fluctuations of th xcitations, spcially in high dimnsions. As mntiond in sction of [], th spctal statistics of th low lying bosonic xcitations abov a gound stat E is analogous to that of an nsmbl of column constaind matics with column constant α l = E (fo l =,,..N). Th latt bing statistically simila to th cas α l = (xcpt fo a shift in th spctum), th spctal infomation about Goldston mods can b obtaind by an analysis of th α l = nsmbl. Kping this in viw, th psnt analysis is confind to th zo-column constaint nsmbls. Th modlling of complx systms by andom matix nsmbls usually quis considation of th infinit siz limit. Th numical analysis howv involvs only finit siz matics. To tanslat th numical infomation to al systms, it is ncssay to analyz finit siz ffcts which foms th basis of ou nd objctiv. Th ncssity fo th thid objctiv oiginats fom ou cnt study [] of th JPDF of th column constaind nsmbls (CCE) fo two diffnt disod typs and basisconnctvitis. Ou sults indicatd a mathmatical analogy of thi JPDF with that of a Bownian nsmbl (BE) appaing btwn and Gaussian othogonal nsmbl (); this in tun implis a CCE-BE analogy fo th local spctal fluctuation masus. Th implication is smingly in contast to a pvious study [4] which pdicts th analogy of th two point lvl-dnsity colation of CCE to that of a. But, as xplaind in [], th BE-statistics in an ngy ang na = is indd of typ (s th discussion in nd paagaph aft q.(73) in [] ) and, thfo, ou pdiction ags with [4] na =. Fo oth ngy angs, a dict numical compaison of thi fluctuation masus is ndd to confim th CCE-BE analogy. (Although a compaison of CCE numics with analytical BE-sults would hav bn mo dsiabl but, du to tchnical complxity latd to th othogonal-spac intgation, availabl BE-sults a mostly asymptotic). To fulfill th abov objctivs, h w numically study CCEs fo many systm conditions. Mo spcifically, w consid th Gaussian and bimodal distibutions of th offdiagonal matix lmnts fo many disod stngths and systm sizs; th diagonals a obtaind by invoking th column sum ul. Th dimnsionality in th matics is takn into account by vaying basis-connctivity i. by choosing th matix lmnts foming nast- 3

4 nighbo pais non-zo and all oths zo (still subjctd to column sum ul). Th pap is oganizd as follows. ction psnts th nsmbl dnsitis fo th cass considd in ou numical analysis; ths nsmbls a spcial cass of thos considd in sction 4 of []. An analysis of th spctal fluctuation masus quis a spcific scaling of th spctum which in tun dpnds on whth th spctum is godic o not; this is discussd in sction.a alongwith a numical study of th godicity fo CCEs, BEs as wll as ; th latt is includd to illustat th dviation of CCEs fom. ctions.b and.c psnt th numical sults fo th avag bhavio and fluctuations, spctivly, of CCEs with Gaussian and bimodal distibutd off-diagonals, both cass considd fo infinit as wll as finit basis-connctivity and many matix sizs; th objctiv of ths sctions is not only to vify th thotical insight divd in [] but also to povid infomation about mathmatically intactabl fluctuation masus. Th sults of a numical compaison of th CCE-BE fluctuations a givn in sction 3 which confim ou thotical pdictions of []. ction 4 concluds this study with a bif viws of ou main sults and opn qustions. II. COLUMN CONTRAINED ENEMBLE: FOUR TYPE. To invstigat th snsitivity of th statistical fluctuations to th natu of andomnss and basis-connctivity, w consid following CCE nsmbls of al-symmtic matics H with ρ(h) as thi pobability dnsitis: (a) indpndnt off-diagonals with Gaussian distibution (infinit ang o d = CCGE cas) [ ρ(h) = N xp Hkl k,l;k l l= γ ] N ( ) δ H kl This cas cosponds to cas II of [] with α =. (b) Indpndnt, nast-nighbo Gaussian hopping in d-dimnsion (finit d CCGE cas) k () ρ(h) = N xp γ N H kl δ(h kl ) ( ) N δ H kl () k= l;l z(k) k,l z(k) l= k 4

5 with z as th numb of nast nighbos of a sit. Th symbol l z(k) fs to a sum ov all nast-nighbos of a givn sit k (xcluding l = k sit). This cas cosponds to cas III of [] with b = b =, α =. (c) Indpndnt off-diagonals with bimodal distibution cas). ρ(h) = ( N k,l;k<l This cas cosponds to cas IV of [] with a =, α =. (infinit ang o d = CCBE ) N ( ) [δ(h kl ) + δ(h kl + )] δ H kl. (3) (d) Indpndnt, nast-nighbo bimodal hopping in d-dimnsion (finit-d CCBE cas) [ N qa)] ( ) N N ρ(h) = N δ(h kl δ (H kl ) δ H kl k,l;l z(k) q=± k,l;l z(k) This cas cosponds to cas V of [] with a =, b =, α =. l= k l= k. (4) Fo numical computation of th ignvalus and ignfunctions of ach of th nsmbls abov, w xactly diagonaliz thousands of matics of sizs N = 5,, 97, 493 using LAPACK suboutins; by choosing an appopiat numb of matics, th statistical data siz fo ach N is nsud to b sam. Futh, as cla fom qs.(,,3,4), th spctal statistics fo ths cass is indpndnt of th off-diagonal vaianc (a scaling of th matix lmnts by th vaianc lavs th statistics unaffctd); this is also confimd by ou numics (shown h fo th lvl-dnsity cas in figu ). Fo fluctuations studis, th vaianc of non-zo off-diagonals in qs.(,) is thfo kpt fixd at γ = /. Pio to calculation of th fluctuation masus, it is ncssay to dtmin th godic as wll as stationay aspcts of th spctum. A. Egodicity and stationaity of th spctum Th spctal dnsity ρ () at a spctal scal is dfind as ρ () = N k= δ( k). Und assumptions that ρ consists of two spctal scals, a slowly vaying componnt, oftn fd as th scula bhavio, and a apidly vaying componnt, ρ fluc, on can wit ρ = + ρ fluc (also fd as th local andom xcitations of ) [, 3]. A spctal 5

6 avaging ov a scal lag than that of th fluctuations givs + / d ρ / fluc() = and = + / d ρ / (). Pvious studis of a wid ang of complx systms indicat to b mo systm spcific as compad to th fluctuations; th latt val a gat dal of univsal fatus and oftn dpnd only on th global constaints of th systm. Th infomation about local fluctuations can thfo b btt vald by an unfolding th spctum i. moving its systm-dpndnt pat by a scaling n = n (x) dx of th ignvalus n which sults in unifom local man spctal dnsity [, 3]. Expimntal studis oftn analyz th bhavio of a singl spctum which lavs th unfolding by th only option. But thotical modlling of a complx systm by a andom matix nsmbl is basd on th assumptions of godicity of global and local poptis. As discussd in sction..3 of [6], th godicity of a global popty such as th lvl dnsity implis () = R (), with R () as th nsmbl avagd lvl dnsity, and on can us R () as a substitut fo () fo vaious analytical puposs. It is thfo ncssay to chck th godicity of th lvl dnsity which quis [, 3, 6] () (), () = R () (5) with. implying an nsmbl avag fo a fixd. A compaison of th nsmbl and th spctal avaging fo th spctal dnsity of CCGE, BE as wll as is shown in figu ; h ach cas is considd fo an nsmbl of 5 3 matics of siz N =. As sn fom th figu (d), () vn fo a singl matix almost coincids with () as wll as R () fo all, confiming its godicity. Fo CGGE and BE, th -dpndnc of th fluctuats (wakly) fom on matix to th oth but th nsmbl avagd () dos ag wll with R (). Although th figu displays th sult only fo on systm siz, w find simila analogy fo high N valus too, with dviation fom on matix alization to oth diminishing with high N. This indicats an appoach to godicity fo th lvl dnsity in lag N limit. An godic lvl dnsity howv dos not by itslf implis th godicity of th local dnsity fluctuations. As discussd in sction..3 of [6], th godicity of a local popty say f can b dfind as follows: lt P (s) b th distibution function of f in th gion ov th nsmbl and P k (s) b th distibution function of f ov a singl alization, say k of th nsmbl. f is calld godic if it satisfis th following conditions: (i) P (s) is stationay i. P (s) = P (s) fo abitay,, (ii) fo almost all k, P k (s) is indpndnt of k 6

7 i. P k (s) = P (s), (iii) P (s) = P (s). Howv if condition (i) is not fulfilld, f is thn fd as locally godic. Mo claly, an nsmbl is locally godic in a spctal ang say aound, if th avags of its local poptis ov th ang fo a singl matix (fd as th spctal avag) a sam as th avags ov th nsmbl at a fixd (fd as th nsmbl avag). To analyz th godicity of local spctal fluctuations, w consid a standad masu, oftn usd fo this pupos, namly, th width σ(k, ) of th distibution P (k; s, ) of th ignvalu spacings k btwn k th nighbos (k =,,..) within a ang ( /, + /) with s = k /D and D as th man spacing [3, 6]; (not th man of th distibution is k + ). Figu compas th nsmbl avagd σ k with th spctal avag fo CCGE, BE and, spaatly fo ach cas (using q.(35) and q.(39) of [6] fo th spctal and th nsmbl avag, spctivly)). As th figu indicats, contay to, th local fluctuations in both CCGE as wll as BE a non-godic and thi unfolding with R () fo finit N cass is not appopiat (as it may intoduc spuious fluctuations). It is thfo ncssay to dtmin th local spctal dnsity ith by thotical, xpimntal o computational out. As mntiond abov, th stationaity is an impotant aspct which implis an invaianc of th local fluctuation masus along th spctum-axis. A non-stationay spctum can at bst b locally godic and thfo a complt infomation about th spctum quis its analysis at vaious spctal angs. Figu 3 displays th bhavio of an nsmbl avagd σ(k; ) fo CCGE, BE and fo many k-valus and fo a fw spctal angs takn fom th gion btwn dg and bulk. Not, as alady known [5], is also not xactly stationay and th dg statistics shows significant dviation fom that of th bulk (ou numics shown in figu 3(d) confims this bhavio). As cla fom th figu, th gions in which tanslational invaianc holds fo CCGE and BE a much small than in. B. pctal dnsity and invs paticipation atio: avag bhavio Th avag spctal dnsity is a standad masu fo xpimntal o computational studis of many complx systms (oftn basd on singl systm analysis); figus 4,5 dpict bhavio of a column constaind matix, fo two disod typs, namly, Gaussian and bimodal, fo vaious dimnsions (i. basis connctivity) and disod stngths. Th ffct of 7

8 dimnsionality on th avag bhavio is claly visibl fom ths figus. As shown fo th Gaussian cas in figu 4, th dpndnc of on th disod stngth γ can b scald out. Th siz N has no ffct on fo shot-ang basis connctivity (nast-nighbo hopping cass with low-dimnsionality d 3), fo both typ of disods (nsmbl(,4)). numics fo diffnt N fo th long-ang basis-connctivity (nsmbl (,3)), displayd in ( figu 5(c), howv indicats following N-dpndnc () = N f N ). A compaison shown in figu (a) suggsts th bulk bhavio of th function f as smicicl : () = πa an with a a constant. An impotant point to not fom figu 5(c) is th sam N dpndnc of in both dg and bulk; th citical BE with µ N is xpctd to modl th d = CCE-statistics in both ngy gims (s sction V.B of [] fo th dtails). Futhmo th dg-bhavio sms to b in agmnt with th lvl-dnsity of Goldston mods in spin-glasss fo d 3: (ω) ω q wh ω = and q = fo d = 3 and q =.5 fo d =. (Basd on vaious studis, th bhavio of lvl dnsity fo Goldston mods in spin glasss is blivd to b as follows: (ω) ω /3 fo d =, (ω) ω fo d = 3 [, ] and (ω) ω 3/ fo infinit-ang spin glass [, 3]). H, fo claity of psntation, th bhavio fo R () and () a not includd in figus 4,5 but, basd on figu, thi dpndnc on disod and systm-siz is xpctd to b sam as that of. As discussd in [], a typical ignvcto of a al-symmtic column constaind matix displays a nw chaactistic: it is th lack of singl basis-stat localization (th minimum numb of basis-stats quid fo localization is two) which is in constast with an unconstaind al-symmtic matix. This tndncy can b btt analyzd by a numical study of th invs paticipation atio (IPR) I, th standad tool to dscib th localization bhavio of an ignfunction. It is dfind as I (O n ) = N k= O kn 4 fo an ignfunction O n with O kn as its componnts in a N-dimnsional basis. Th minimum numb of basis-stats availabl fo localization sticts th maximum IPR I κ Th with κ = o fo a typical ignvcto of a matix with o without column constaints, spctivly []. As can b sn fom figu 6, th maximum IPR indd dos not go abov.5, xcpt in figu 6(f) wh it achs.6; th latt sms to b an dg ffct. Th localization lngth in gnal fluctuats fom on ignfunction to th oth. Th avag localization bhavio of th ignfunctions within a givn spctal ang can b givn by a spctal avagd I (i. avag of IPR of all ignfunctions within th ang) [8]. In 8

9 cas of an nsmbl, it is usful to consid th nsmbl as wll as spctal avagd I, lat fd simply as I. Figu 6 indicats th xistnc of a scal-invaianc of I with spct to off-diagonal vaianc and thfo dg of disod fo both typs. As cla fom th insts in figu 6, th localization tndncy fo th low lying ignfunctions (low ngy xcitations) fo th Gaussian and Bimodal typs is just th vs fo shot-ang basis connctivity but simila fo th long ang. Th fits in th insts fo ach cas suggst I,sm ω /3 fo d =, I,sm ω fo d 3 fo small-ω. Pvious spin glass studis on th Goldston mods giv th avag (spctal) localization lngth ζ(ω) ω /3 fo d = and ζ(ω) ω /3 fo d 3 [] which implis, using I,sm ζ d [8], I ω /3 fo d = and I,sm ω fo d 3. As th fits in th inst indicat, th CCE-sults a in agmnt with spin glass bhavio. C. pctal fluctuations Ou nxt stp is to pob th local fluctuations aound th spctal dnsity fo two disod-typs and fo diffnt connctivity in th lattic. As discussd abov, () fo CCE is -dpndnt and a compaison of local fluctuations fom two diffnt spctal gions with diffnt () quis an unfolding of th spctum. In past, many ways fo unfolding hav bn suggstd.g. polynomial unfolding (appoximating th mpiical staicas function by a polynomial) [7], Gaussian unfolding (Gaussian smoothing of ach dlta pak in ρ ) [, 8], Foui unfolding (moval of shot scal wavlngths using Foui tansfomation) o local unfolding (local man lvl dnsity assumd to b constant within a naow spctal-window) [8], dtnding th fluctuations [9] tc. Pvious studis of many systms indicat th statistics in th low-dnsity gions.g. dg to b snsitiv to th pocdu usd but that in th bulk is unaffctd. Although Gaussian unfolding is oftn blivd to b suitabl in th dg gion, th sults a snsitiv to width of th Gaussian smoothing [8]. Ou numical xpimnt with vaious unfoldings ncouags us to apply th local unfolding [8]: w fist dtmin th smoothd lvl dnsity fo ach spcta by a histogam tchniqu, and thn intgat it numically to obtain th unfoldd ignvalus n = N d. (Not, this is simila to th Gaussian unfolding xcpt now th smoothing of δ-functions is don ov th bins of fixd siz). Tsting of this unfolding pocdu fo two fluctuation masu of a, namly, th nast nighbo spacing distibution and th 9

10 numb vaianc givs sults consistnt with th -thoy, fo both bulk as wll as in th dg gim. Not, du to spuious fluctuations intoducd by finit siz-ffcts, all th unfoldings mntiond abov a unliabl fo lag spctal lngth-scals. Mo claly, th numical calculation of th shot-ang fluctuation masu is obust acoss diffnt unfolding pocdus but long-ang masu a snsitiv to th typ of unfolding usd. Only way to distinguish th tu fluctuations (thos psnt in N limit) fom th spuious ons is to analyz th statistics fo many systm-sizs and study th mgnt bhavio in lag siz limit [6]. Th fluctuations bing in gnal snsitiv to th spctal-ang (du to non-stationaity of th spctum), it is ncssay to choos an optimizd ang E which is sufficintly lag fo good statistics but kps mixing of diffnt statistics at minimum. W analyz -5% of th total ignvalus takn fom a ang E, cntd at th ngy-scal of intst (dg o bulk). This givs appoximatly 5 ignvalus and thi ignfunctions fo ach nsmbl. (Not du to almost constant lvl dnsity in th bulk, th statistics is locally stationay and on can tak lvls within lag ngy angs without mixing th statistics. A apid vaiation of in th dg howv allows on to consid lvls only within vy small spctal angs. Fo dg-bulk compaisons, it is pfabl to choos sam numb of lvls fo both spctal gims). Th standad tools fo th fluctuations analysis, both xpimntally as wll as numically, a th nast-nighbo spacing distibution P (s) and th numb-vaianc Σ (), th masus fo th shot and long-ang spctal colations, spctivly [, 3]. Ths can b dfind as follows: P (s) (sam as P (; s, ) dfind in sction II.A) is th pobability of two nast nighbo ignvalus to occu at a distanc s, masud in th units of local man lvl spacing D, and, Σ () is th vaianc in th numb of lvls in an intval of lngth D. Figu 7 compas P (s) fo Gaussian and bimodal disods fo vaious dimnsions fo fixd siz N = 3 and fo two ngy-angs i. th dg and bulk of th spcta; it claly shows th snsitivity of P (s) to both dimnsionality as wll as th ngy-ang but almost no ffct of th natu of disod i. Gaussian o bimodal. (not, as figus 7(a,d) indicat, th natu of disod sms to hav som influnc only fo d = ). Fo low dimnsion o in th dg gion, th statistics is shiftd mo towads, an indicato of th incasing ignfunction localization. Fo d =, th P (s) bhavio smingly appoachs singulaity at s =, implying a high dg of quasidgnacy among ignvalus. As, fo

11 d =, th systm is naly intgabl, th singula bhavio is in qualitativ accodanc with hnilman thom which stats that fo a classically na intgabl systm at last ach scond lvl spacing in th cosponding systm bcom xponntially small [4]. (Mo fomally, th thom stats that th spctum is asympotically multipl i. fo ach m > th xists C m > such that min( k k, k+ k ) < C m m k [4]). To analyz siz-dpndnc of th shot ang colations, w consid P (s) bhavio fo fou diffnt sizs of d = (figu 8) and d = 3 cass (figu 9). Although snsitiv fo small valus, th distibution shows a tndncy to bcom siz-indpndnt fo lag N- valus. As th figus indicats, th limiting distibution fo both dimnsions is indpndnt of th natu as wll as stngth of disod; this is in accod with ou thotically claimd Gaussian-bimodal analogy discussd in sction 4 of [] (btwn cass II and IV fo d = and cass III, V fo finit d). As mntiond abov, th long-ang fluctuations aound th spctal dnsity can b analyzd by Σ (). Figus, show Σ () bhavio of th CCE spcta fo both bulk and dg gions, of d = as wll as d = 3 cass, spctivly; th figus confim th bhavio indicatd by P (s)-numics discussd abov i. indpndnc fom th natu o stngth of disod but snsitivity to basis-connctivity and/ o ngy-ang. Th Σ () numics also indicats lag N-appoach to siz-invaiant bhavio fo both d =, 3 cass but th convgnc is slow in th dg gion and fo lag -valus. (Not, th cuvs fo N = 5 in figu and figu sm to display a non-incasing bhavio but as mntiond in sction II.C, th long ang masus contain spuious fluctuations fo small systm sizs and tu fluctuations mg only in infinit siz limit [6]. Th numics fo long ang masus thfo can not b considd liabl by itslf howv it can b usd as a suppot fo th thotical sults o fo oth masus (.g. P (s)). As cla fom figus,, th cuvs fo lag N not only show small dviation fom ach oth (.g. N = 97 and N = 493) (indicating appoach to siz-indpndnc as pdictd thotically by us) but thi bhavio is also consistnt with cosponding P (s) bhavio. Also not, du to finit siz ffcts, th statistical o in Σ ()-analysis incass with lag ).

12 III. CCE-BE ANALOGY Th thotical analysis discussd in sction IV of [] indicats that a N N CCE of alsymmtic matics H is analogous to a sction of th BE i. th sub-nsmbl with unifom ignvcto and zo ignvalu. As q.(7) of [] indicats, th local spctal statistics of a N N CCE appoachs, in lag N limit, th BE-statistics. Th nsmbl dnsity fo th BE analog can b givn as [ ] ρ(h) xp η N N Hii η( + cn) Hij (6) i= i,j=;i<j with c = fo th analog of a CCE with d = ; (not th thotical analysis in [] could not xactly pdict c-valu fo th BE analog of CCE, finit d cas). Eq.(6) is also known as Rosnzwig-Pot (RP) (o Pot-Roszwig) nsmbl [5]. Rfing it as a BE, howv, has som advantag: it givs an incntiv to sk connctions among BEs and CCEs und global symmtis oth than tim-vsal. As xpctd du to non-stationaity, th local fluctuations of a BE analog vay along th spctum axis. Du to lativly small lvl-spacing, th statistics in th bulk of th BE spctum is vy clos to a but th dg-statistics dviats significantly fom th latt [6]. This indicats that th -CCE analogy is xpctd to b valid only fo a vy small spctal ang E aound = [] which bcoms naow as th siz N incass. Th thotical study in [4] howv claims that th -point lvl-dnsity colation R (, ) (th pobability of finding two lvls at a distanc ) fo a CCE is analogous to that of a fo all ngy angs. To claify this discpancy and find th coct CCE analog, w numically compa th spctal CCE statistics with that of a BE and a, both in th bulk as wll as dg. Figu displays th compaativ bhavio fo fou spctal masus, namly, R (), R (, ) as wll as P (s) and Σ () fo CCGE, d = and BE, ach consisting of 5 matics of siz N = 3. As can b sn fom figu (a), R () fo th d = CCGE cas dviats a littl fom its BE analog but thi local fluctuations masud in tms of P (s), Σ () and R () a analogous. (Although R () povids th sam infomation as givn by P (s) and Σ ()), it is considd h to substantiat ou analytical claims against th on in [4]). Fo th claity of psntation, th d = bimodal cas is not shown in figu but its analogy with cosponding CCGE cas (figus 7-9) implis th sam with BE. Th abov compaison is also patd fo CCGE, d = 3 cas;

13 as confimd by figu 3, its BE analog, obtaind by a numical sach, cosponds to µ N. In gnal, th BEs psnt th non-quilibium stats of tansition, divn by a singl paamt, btwn two univsality classs of andom matix nsmbls. But th BE analog of a CCE with infinit connctivity is indpndnt of any paamts xcpt th systm-siz N. In asymptotic limit N, thfo, th statistical fluctuations of a CCE with d = a f of all paamts and psnt a nw univsality class (diffnt fom tn standad univsality classs). (As sn in figus 8 and, both P (s) and Σ () fo CCE, d = a siz-indpndnt; not, in figu, an appant siz-dpndnc of Σ () fo small N is du to spuious fluctuations intoducd by finit siz ffcts). IV. CONCLUION In this pap, w hav psntd a dtaild numical analysis of th spctal statistics of th column constaind nsmbls (al-symmtic cas with indpndnt off-diagonals and column constant α = fo all columns) und vaious systm conditions. Ou study claly indicats a non-godic as wll as non-stationay bhavio of th CCE-spctum vn fo infinit connctivity; this is in contast to th godic, stationay natu of (which is simila to th CCGE in tms of matix stuctu xcpt fo column constaints). This implis an ngy dpndnc of th spctal fluctuations which is confimd by ou numics. W also find that th stngth o natu of disod has no ffct on th local spctal-fluctuations. Although th avag bhavio of both, lvl dnsity as wll as invs paticipation atio, is snsitiv to th typ of disod (fo finit basis-connctivity), its dpndnc on th disod-stngth can b scald out. (Not h only thos typs of disod a implid which do not chang th global constaint class of th nsmbl). Futh both th avag bhavio as wll as th fluctuations a snsitiv to oth systm conditions.g. dimnsionality/ basis-connctivity and ngy-ang. As connctivity in th basis incass, th avag bhavio also bcom insnsitiv to natu of disod. In lag-siz limit, th spctal fluctuations in CCEs bcom siz-indpndnt too. As pdictd in [] fo CCE cas with infinit connctivity, ou numics confims th analogy of its fluctuations to thos of a spcial typ of citical BE, intmdiat btwn and and f of all paamts. But, fo a CCE with finit connctivity, th BE analog 3

14 dpnds on a singl paamt. This indicats a coss-ov of CCE-statistics fom to this spcial citical BE with basis-connctivity as th tansition paamt. Th psnt study still lavs many qustions unanswd. Fo xampl, th alsymmtic nsmbls considd h a applicabl to tim-vsal systms with column constaints. It would b intsting to numically analyz th complx Hmitian nsmbls with column/ow constaints; ths nsmbls a appopiat modls, fo xampl, fo Goldston systms without tim-vsal symmty). Th psnc of colations among off-diagonals (applicabl to intacting systms), vaying column constants fo ach column o an absnc of Hmiticity (lvant fo systms.g Googl matix) a som oth impotant ffcts which a yt to b pobd. Anoth impotant opn qustion is th ffct of column constaints on th ignvcto fluctuations. It would also b intsting to xplo th xact dpndnc of th CCE-statistics on th lativ valus of th nsmbl paamts and th column constaints.g atio α/ γ in cas III of []. W xpct to answ som of ths qustions in na futu. [] P. hukla and. adhukhan, Pat I. [] F.Haak, Quantum ignatus of Chaos (ping, Blin, 99). [3] T.A.Body, J.Flos, J.B.Fnch, P.A.Mllo, A.Pandy and..m. Wong, Rv. Mod. Phys. 53, 385, (98). [4] Y. V. Fyodoov, J. Phys. A: Math. Gn. 3, 749, (999). [5] M.L.Mhta,Random Matics, Acadmic Pss, (99). [6] O. Bohiga and M.J.Giannoni, Ann. Phys. 89, 4, (975). [7] A.A. Abul-Magd and A.Y.Abul-Magd, Physica A, 396, 85, (4). [8] J.M.G. Gomz, R.A.Molinas, A. Rlano and J. Rtamosa, Phys. Rv. E, 66, 369, (). [9] I.O.Moals, E.Landa, P.tansky and A.Fank, Phys. Rv. E, 84, 63 (). [] V. Guai and J.T. Chalk, Phys. Rv. B, 68, 347, (3). [].L.A. d Quioz and R.A. tinchcomb, axiv:cond-mat/6343v. [] A. J. Bay and G. J. Rodgs, Phys. Rv. B, 38, 46, (988). [3] A. J. Bay and M.A.Moo, J. Phys. C: old tat Phys., 4, 69 (98). [4] B.V.Chiikov and D.L.hplyansky, Phys. Rv. Ltt. 74, 59, (995); A. I. hnilman, Usp. 4

15 Mat. Nauk. 3, 65, (97). [5] N. Rosnzwig and C.E.Pot, Phys. Rv., 698 (96). [6] J-L. Pichad and B. hapio, J. Phys. I: Fanc 4, 63, (994). [7] P.hukla, Phys. Rv. E, (7), 66, (5); Phys. Rv. E, 75, 53, (7); Phys. Rv. Ltt., 87, 9, 94, (). [8] R. Bhatt and. Johi, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf.., 79 (). 5

16 , R (), < > (x -3 ) (a) R () < > , R (), < > (x - ) (b) R () < > , R (), < > (x -3 ) (c) R () < > , R (), < > (x -3 ) (d) R () < > FIG. : Egodic bhavio of lvl dnsity (): Th figu compas th spctal avagd lvl-dnsity () fo a singl matix to an nsmbl avag R () as wll as () fo fou nsmbls: (a) CCGE (q.()), (b) CCGE (q.(), (c) BE (q.(6)), (d). In ach cas, w consid an nsmbl of 5 matics of siz N =. Th numics shows that fo CCGE and BE fluctuats fom on matix to th oth which manifsts in a cla, although small, dviation of fom R ; th dviation howv sms to duc with incasing N. As shown in th pat (d), th godic natu of is claly visibl fom an xact analogy of R () with and also with fo a singl matix (to mphasiz th latt, two matix cass a shown in figu (d)). 6

17 σ k (a) spctal avaging nsmbl avaging k σ k (b) spctal avaging nsmbl avaging k σ k (c) spctal avaging nsmbl avaging k σ k (d) spctal avaging nsmbl avaging k FIG. : Non-godicity of local fluctuations: Th figu compas th spctal avagd bhavio of σ k with nsmbl avag fo many k valus and fo spacings takn fom bulk na = ; h σ k masus th width of th ignvalu spacing distibution P (k, x, ), to find k th nast nighbo lvls at a distanc x in a spctal ang aound. Th spctal and nsmbl avags a obtaind by using q.(36) and q.(39) of [6] spctivly. Th sults a shown fo fou diffnt nsmbls: (a) CCGE, d =, q.(), (b) CCGE, d = 3, q.(), (c) BE, q.(6), (d). Th dviation of nsmbl avag fom th spctal on in fist th cas is an indicato of non-godicity of local fluctuations which howv sms to b quit wak. Th non-godicity is confimd by th lack of stationaity of σ k shown in figu 3. Although a small dviation is sn in th cas of a too but it is du to spuious7 fluctuations and is a finit siz ffct; (as indicatd by th stationaity displayd in figu 3(d)).

18 σ k (a) E E E 3.5 E 4 E k σ k.5 (b) E E E 3 E 4 E k σ k (c) E E.4 E 3 E 4. E k σ k.8.6 (d) E E E 3 E 4 E k FIG. 3: tationaity of local fluctuations: Th figu displays th bhavio of nsmblavagd σ k, th width of th ignvalu spacing distibution p(k, s, ) fo many k valus and fo lvl-spacings takn fom th lvls of fiv diffnt spctal-gims: (i) E = 98 8, (ii) E = 96 6, (iii) E 3 = 94 34, (iv) E 4 = 39 4, (v) E 5 = 49 5, Again fou nsmbls a considd: (a) CCGE, d =, q.(), (b) CCGE, d = 3, q.(), (c) BE, q.(6), (d). Not th dviation of σ k fo a fixd k and fo diffnt spctal-angs is significant in pats(a,b,c) whil it is almost ngligibl in pat(d); this is an indicato of th non-stationaity fo th fist th cass. 8

19 σ = σ =N - σ =N -3/ (a) σ = σ =N -/3 σ =N -/ (b) a = (d) () a = σ = σ =N - σ =N -3/ (c) a = (f) FIG. 4: Disod-dpndnc of lvl dnsity (): Th figu illustats th bhavio of () of a column-constaind nsmbl fo a fixd siz N = but fo diffnt disodstngths γ = σ fo Gaussian disod and diffnt basis-connctivity (to consid dimnsionality ffcts): (a) Gaussian cas d =, q.() (b) Gaussian cas d = 3, q.() (c) Gaussian cas, d =, q.(). Not, in pats (a,b,c), is scald by Nσ γ N which sults in an analogous fom fo diffnt σ; this scaling is sam as usd in qs.(34,54) of [] to mov γ-dpndnc. To undstand th dpndnc on th disod-typ, w also consid bimodal cas fo a fixd disod stngth and th typs of basis-connctivity (fo N = ): (d) bimodal cas, d =, q.(4) () bimodal cas, d = 3, q.(4) (f) bimodal cas IV, d =, q.(3). 9

20 ag with availabl sults fo Goldston mods in spin glasss G G G 3 G 4 B B B 3 B 4 (a) G G G 3 G 4 B B B 3 B 4 (b) G G G 3 G 4 B B B 3 B 4 (c) f f Gaussian Bimodal (d) ω f f Gaussian Bimodal () ω f Gaussian Bimodal (f) ω FIG. 5: iz-dpndnc of lvl dnsity (): figus (a)-(c) dscibs th lvl-dnsity bhavio of a column-constaind nsmbl fo a fixd disod-stngth σ = ( γ = (σ ) )) and fo diffnt sizs N: (a) d =, Gaussian cas q.(), bimodal cas q.(4), (b) d = 3, Gaussian cas q.() and bimodal cas q.(4), (c) d =, Gaussian cas q.() and bimodal cas q.(3). To avoid clutting, th notations in (a)-(c) a changd; th symbols G, G, G 3, G 4 f to Gaussian cass with N = 5,, 97, 493 spctivly and symbols B, B, B 3, B 4 f to Bimodal cass with N = 5,, 97, 493 spctivly. Not in pats(a,b) is scald: /N but in pat (c), th analogy of diffnt N-cass sults only aft following scaling: / N, / N. As shown lat in figu (a), fo d = cas bhavs as a smi-cicl in th bulk: () =.3π 4N. Th pats (d)-(f) dpict th dnsity of th lowngy xcitations fo diffnt dimnsions and two disod-typs, along with fits f fo Gaussian and f fo bimodal cas: (d) d =, f =.3 x, f =.x.5, () d = 3, f = x, f =.4 x, (f) Infinit ang cas, f = f =.6 5 x 3/. Th fits in figus ()-(f) sm to

21 <I > <I > σ = σ =N - σ =N -3/ (a) ω (b) 3 σ = σ =N -/3 σ =N -/ ω <I > <I > (d).. a = ω ().4.8. a = ω <I >.6.4. FIG. 6: σ =.6.4. (c) ω <I > (f).6.4. a = 5 5 ω ystm-dpndnc of invs paticipation atio I : Th figu dscibs th I -bhavio of a column-constaind nsmbl (N = ) fo many disod stngths (with γ = (σ ) ) (only fo Gaussian disod), basis-connctivity and fo two diffnt typ of disods. Th insts in ach cas show th bhavio fo small xcitation-ngy ω along with th fits by solid lins: (a) Gaussian cas q.(), d =, fit =.479.8x.3, (b) Gaussian cas q.(), d = 3, fit =.485.8x /3.x, (c) Gaussian cas q.(), d =, fit =.6.5x+5 6 x 3, (d) bimodal cas q.(4), d =, fit =.5 +.3x.3, () bimodal cas q.(4), d = 3, fit =.355.x /3 +.3x (f) bimodal cas q.(3), d =, fit =.6.8x+ 4 x. Th plots in (a, b, d, ) a scald by th off-diagonal vaianc σ. Th infinit-ang cas fo Gaussian is considd fo a singl disod-stngth only; (as cla fom q.(), th off-diagonal vaianc fo this cas can b scald out).

22 (a) Bimodal Gaussian (b) Bimodal Gaussian (c) Bimodal Gaussian Bimodal.8 (d) Gaussian () Bimodal Gaussian (f) Bimodal Gaussian FIG. 7: Dimnsionality-dpndnc of nast-nighbo spacing distibution: Th figu compas P (s)-bhavio fo two diffnt typs of disods, and th typs of basis-connctivity of th Column constaind nsmbl in two diffnt ngy angs. Th siz is kpt fixd at N = ; not, N = L d fo cass with d =, 3. Th Gaussian and bimodal cass fo d = 3 cosponds to q.() and q.(4) spctivly. Fo d =, q.() and q.(3) giv th Gaussian and bimodal cass spctivly. Th pats (a)-(c) dscib th statistics in th dg and (d)-(f) in th bulk of th spcta: (a) dg, d =, (b) dg, d = 3, (c) dg, d =, (d) bulk, d =, () bulk, d = 3 (f) bulk, d =. Th figus suggst an incas of lvl-pulsion with incasing basis-connctivity, with at of chang slow in th dg than bulk. Th diffnc in th dg and bulk statistics fo ach dimnsionality also indicats a lack of stationaity in th spctum.

23 (a) N=5 N= N=97 N= (b) N=5 N= N=97 N= (c) N=5 N= N=97 N= (d) N=5 N= N=97 N= FIG. 8: iz-dpndnc of P (s) fo column constaind nsmbl with d = : Th figu dscibs th P (s)-bhavio fo th Gaussian cas (q.() and bimodal cas (q.(3)) fo fou systm sizs N. As sn in th figu, P () appoachs to an invaiant fom as th systm siz N incass. Th limit is snsitiv to th ngy-ang (.g. dg vs bulk) but almost indpndnt of th natu of disod (.g. Gaussian vs bimodal) :(a) dg, Gaussian, (b) dg, bimodal, (c) bulk, Gaussian, (d) bulk, bimodal. Not th statistics in th bulk is clos to a as xpctd fo a BE with µ = N (only % lvls chosn fom th cnt of th bulk in ach cas). In th dg gim, intmdiat bhavio of P (s) to and limits is again in agmnt with thotically xpctation (as Λ bulk > Λ dg (s sction V.B of [])). 3

24 (a) N=5 N= N=97 N= (b) N=5 N= N=97 N= (c) N=5 N= N=97 N= (d) N=5 N= N=97 N= FIG. 9: iz-dpndnc of P (s) fo d = 3 cas: Th figu shows th P (s)-bhavio fo Gaussian cas (q.() and bimodal cas V (q.(4) fo fou sizs N fo th cas d = 3 wh N = L 3 and piodic bounday conditions a imposd at lngth L. H again th appoach of P () to an invaiant fom with incasing N is indicatd. imila to d = cas, h also th appoach is snsitiv to th ngy-ang (.g. dg vs bulk) but is almost indpndnt of th natu of disod (.g. Gaussian vs bimodal) : (a) dg, Gaussian, (b) dg, bimodal, (c) bulk, Gaussian, (d) bulk, bimodal. As compad to d = cas (fig 8), th dg-statistics h is shiftd mo towads gim which is xpctd du to an incasd localization of th ignfunctions, oiginating in confind hopping. 4

25 Σ () (a) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (b) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (c) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (d) N=5 N= N=97 N= FIG. : iz-dpndnc of th numb-vaianc Σ () fo cas d = : figu shows th vaianc of numb of lvls in a distanc of man lvl spacings fo Gaussian cas (q.()), and bimodal cas (q.(3)): (a) Gaussian, dg, (b) Bimodal, dg, (c) Gaussian, bulk, (d) Bimodal, bulk. To dtct th N-snsitivity in N limit, ach cas is considd fo fou systm sizs. As visibl in pats (c,d), th statistics in th bulk is again na a and confims P (s) bhavio shown in figu 8(c,d). Not, th appoach to siz-invaianc fo Σ () in th dg gion is slow fo lag but is visibl fom th bhavio of cuvs fo N = 97, 493 in pats (a,b). Th statistics now is intmdiat btwn and limits; this is in confomity with cosponding P (s) bhavio shown in figu 8(a,b). 5

26 Σ () (a) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (b) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (c) N=5 N= N=97 N= Σ () (d) N=5 N= N=97 N= FIG. : iz-dpndnc of numb-vaianc Σ () fo d = 3 cas: Th Figu shows th vaianc of numb of lvls in a distanc of man lvl spacings fo th Gaussian cas (q.()), and, th bimodal cas (q.(4) fo fou sizs N: (a) Gaussian, dg, (b) Bimodal, dg, (c) Gaussian, bulk, (d) Bimodal, bulk. H again, th appoach to siz-invaianc in th dg gion is slow fo lag but is visibl fom th bhavio of lag N-cuvs; simila to P (s) bhavio fo d = 3 (figu 9), th statistics h is intmdiat btwn and limits. 6

27 dg-gion. Th sam analogy is valid fo CCE cas with bimodal disod too which, although R () (a) CCGE Bownian fit R () (b) (d) CCGE Bownian CCGE Bownian R () (c) CCGE Bownian () CCGE Bownian FIG. : Σ () (f) CCGE Bownian Σ () (g) CCGE Bownian Compaison of column constaind nsmbl, d = with BE: H w compa CCGE givn by q.() along with its BE analog (givn by q.(6) with µ = N). Each nsmbl is considd fo a fixd siz N = but th sults shown a indpndnt of th systm siz in th study: (a) R ()( scald by N), (b) R (), dg, (c) R (), bulk (d) P (s), dg, () P (s), bulk, (f) Σ (), dg, (g) Σ (), bulk. Th pat (a) claly indicats th dviation, although small, of R () fo CCGE fom that of BE; as xpctd, th smi-cicl fit=.3πn 4N ags wll with th bulk of BE but dviats in th tail gim. As sn in th pats (b,c), R () fo CCGE dviats fom that of in th dg but ags wll in th bulk. Th pats (d)-(g) confim th CCE-BE analogy of th local fluctuations fo Gaussian 7 disod, both in th bulk as wll as in th

28 R () Σ () R () (b) (a) CCGE Bownian CCGE Bownian (d) CCGE Bownian (f) CCGE Bownian R () Σ () (c) CCGE Bownian () CCGE Bownian (g) CCGE Bownian FIG. 3: Compaison of column constaind nsmbl, d = 3 cas with BE: H w compa CCGE givn by q.() with th BE, givn by q.(6) with c =. Each nsmbl is considd fo a fixd siz N = and fou fou fluctuation masus: (a) R ()( scald by N), (b) R (), dg, (c) R (), bulk (d) P (s), dg, () P (s), bulk, (f) Σ (), dg, (g) Σ (), bulk. Th dviation of R () fo th CCGE fom that of BE is now claly visibl fom th pat(a). But, as th pats(b, c, d, ) indicat, R and P (s) in both bulk and dg ag wll fo th two cass. A small dviation sn in th pats (f,g) fo Σ () may b a finit siz-ffct. Anoth possibility is that th BE with c = is although clos but 8 is not an xact analog of th CCGE cas consid h. Not ou thotical analysis givn in sction IV.B of [] dos not xactly pdict th BE

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