Random Walk and Expander

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1 Random Walk and Expander

2 We have seen some major results based on the assumption that certain random/hard objects exist. We will see what we can achieve unconditionally using explicit constructions of pseduorandom objects. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 1 / 89

3 Synopsis 1. Preliminary on Linear Algebra 2. Random Walk 3. Expander Graph 4. Explicit Construction of Expander Graph 5. Reingold s Theorem Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 2 / 89

4 Preliminary on Linear Algebra Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 3 / 89

5 Three Views Matrix = Linear transformation : N n N m 1. f (u + v) = f (u) + f (v), f (cu) = cf (u) 2. the matrix corresponding to f has f (e j ) i as the (i, j)-th entry Interpretation of v = Au 1. Dynamic view: u is transformed to v, movement in one basis 2. Static view: u in the column basis is the same as v in the standard basis, one point in two bases Equation, Geometry (row picture), Algebra (column picture) Linear equation, hyperplane, linear combination Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 4 / 89

6 Inner Product, Projection, Orthogonality 1. Inner product u T v measures the degree of colinearity of u, v cos θ = u T v u v, projection = ut v u T u u, orthogonality ut v = 0 2. Row space null space, column space left null space 3. Basis, orthogonal/orthonormal basis 4. Orthogonal matrix Q 1 = Q T Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, A = QR Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality. cos θ = ut v u v 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 5 / 89

7 Fixpoints for Linear Transformation We look for fixpoints of a linear transformation A : R n R n. Av i = λ i v i. If there are n linear independent fixpoints v 1,..., v n, every vector v R n is some linear combination c 1 v c n v n. By linearity, Av = c 1 Av c n Av n = c 1 λ 1 v c n λ n v n. In this case the effect of A is to move a vector c 1 v c n v n in the standard basis to the vector (c 1 λ 1,..., c n λ n ) in the basis given by v 1,..., v n. All capital lower case letters will denote column vectors. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 6 / 89

8 Eigenvalue, Eigenvector, Eigenmatrix 1. Nonzero solution to Ax=λx. In other words, A λi is singular. 2. S = [x 1,..., x n ] is the eigenmatrix. AS = SΛ. 3. x 1,..., x n are linearly independent if λ 1,..., λ n are different. 4. In case x 1,..., x n are linearly independent, A = SΛS We shall write the spectrum λ 1, λ 2,..., λ n of a matrix in such a way that λ 1 λ 2... λ n. 6. The value ρ(a) = λ 1 is called spectral radius. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 7 / 89

9 Hermitian Transpose and Symmetric Matrix real matrix complex matrix length x = i [n] x 2 i x = i [n] x i 2 transpose A T A H inner product x T y = i [n] x iy i x H y = i [n] x iy i orthogonality x T y = 0 x H y = 0 symmetric/hermitian A T = A A H = A diagonalization A = QΛQ T A = UΛU H orthogonal/unitary Q T Q = I U H U = I Fact. If A H = A, then x H Ax = (x H Ax) H is real for all complex x. Fact. If A H = A, every eigenvalue is real since v H Av = λv H v = λ v 2. Fact. The eigenvectors of two different eigenvalues are orthogonal. Fact. Ux 2 = x 2 and Qx 2 = x 2. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 8 / 89

10 Similarity Transformation Similarity Transformation = Change of Basis 1. A is similar to B if A = MBM 1 for some invertible M. 2. A and B have the same eigenvalues. An eigenvector v of A corresponds to the eigenvector M 1 v of B. 3. A linear transformation exists without any basis. A and B describe the same transformation, the difference being that they use different bases. 3.1 The basis of B consists of the column vectors of M. 3.2 A vector x in the basis of A is transformed into the vector M 1 x in the basis of B, that is x = M(M 1 x). 3.3 B then transforms M 1 x into some y in the basis of B. 3.4 In the basis of A the vector Ax is My. Fact. Similar matrices have the same eigenvalues. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 9 / 89

11 Triangularization Diagonalization transformation is a special case of similarity transformation. In diagonalization Q provides an orthogonal basis. Question. Is every matrix similar to a diagonal matrix? Schur s Lemma. For each matrix A there is a unitary matrix U such that T = U 1 AU is triangular. The eigenvalues of A appear in the diagonal of T. If A is Hermitian, T must be diagonal. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 10 / 89

12 Spectral Theorem Theorem. Every Hermitian matrix A can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix U. Every symmetric matrix A can be diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix Q. U H AU = Λ, Q T AQ = Λ. The eigenvalues are in Λ; the orthonormal eigenvectors are in Q/U. Corollary. Every Hermitian matrix A has a spectral decomposition. A = UΛU H = λ 1 v 1 v H λ n v n v H n. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 11 / 89

13 Diagonalization We still need to answer the Question. What are the matrices that are similar to diagonal matrices? Answer: They are the normal matrices. A matrix N is normal if NN H = N H N. Theorem. A matrix N is normal iff T = U 1 NU is diagonal iff N has a complete set of orthonormal eigenvectors. Proof. If N is normal, T is normal. By examining the equality TT H = T H T, one sees that T is diagonal. If T is diagonal, the eigenvalues of N are all in diag(t ). And the equality T = U 1 NU says precisely that the column vectors are the eigenvectors. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 12 / 89

14 Jordan Form What if a matrix is not diagonalizable? Every matrix is similar to a Jordan Form. λ i 1 1 J = M 1 AM = J, where J i = λ i 1. J s λ i Here s is the number of independent eigenvectors. The same eigenvalue λ i will appear in several Jordan blocks if it has several independent eigenvectors. Theorem. A, B are similar iff they have the same Jordan Form. Theorem. If an n n matrix A is of rank r, then it has r nonzero eigenvalues and n r zero eigenvalues.. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 13 / 89

15 Rayleigh Quotient Suppose A is an n n Hermitian matrix, (λ 1, v 1 ),..., (λ n, v n ) are the eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs. Let x be a nonzero n-dimensional vector and let y i = v H i x be the projection of x onto the i-th axis v i. The Rayleigh quotient of A and x is defined as follows: It is clear from (1) that R(A, x) = xh Ax x H x = i [n] λ iy 2 i i [n] y 2 i. (1) if λ 1... λ n, then λ i = max x v1,...,x v i+1 R(A, x), and if λ 1... λ n, then λ i = max x v1,...,x v i+1 R(A, x). One can use Rayleigh quotient to derive lower bound for λ i. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 14 / 89

16 Positive Definite Matrix A symmetric matrix A is positive definite if x T Ax > 0 for all nonzero vector x. Theorem. Let A be symmetric. The following are equivalent. 1. x T Ax > 0 for all nonzero vectors x. 2. λ i > 0 for all eigenvalues λ i. 3. A i > 0 for all upper left sub-matrices A i. 4. d i > 0 for all pivots d i. 5. There is a matrix R with independent columns st A = R T R. If we replace > by, we get positive semidefinite. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 15 / 89

17 Singular Value Decomposition Consider an m by n matrix. Both AA T and A T A are symmetric. 1. AA T is positive semidefinite since x T AA T x = A T x AA T = UΣ U T, where U consists of the orthonormal eigenvectors u 1,..., u m and Σ is the diagonal matrix made up from the eigenvalues σ 2 1,..., σ2 r. We assume σ 1... σ r. 3. Similarly A T A = V Σ V T. 4. Now AA T u i = σ 2 i u i implies that σ 2 i is an eigenvalue of A T A and A T u i is the corresponding eigenvector. So v i = 5. Observe that A T u i = σ i u i = σ i. 6. Hence Av i = A AT u i A T u i = σ2 i u i σ i = σ i u i. Conclude AV = UΣ. AT u i A T u i. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 16 / 89

18 Singular Value Decomposition 1. σ 1,..., σ r are called the singular values of A. 2. A = UΣV T is the singular value decomposition, or SVD, of A. Lemma. If A is normal, then σ i = λ i for all i [n]. Proof. Since A is normal, A = UΛU T. Now A T A = AA T = UΛ 2 U T. So the spectrum of A T A/AA T is λ 2 1,..., λ2 n. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 17 / 89

19 Vector Norm The norm of a vector is a measure of its magnitude/size/length. A norm on F n is a function : F n R + satisfying the following: 1. v = 0 iff v = av = a v. 3. v + w v + w. A vector space with a norm is called a normed vector space. 1. L 1 -norm. v 1 = v v n. 2. L 2 -norm. v 2 = v v n 2 = v T v. 3. L p -norm. v p = p v 1 p v n p. 4. L -norm. v = max{ v 1,..., v n }. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 18 / 89

20 Matrix Norm We define matrix norm in compatible with vector norm. Suppose F n is a normed vector space over filed F. An induced matrix norm is a function : F n n R + satisfying the following properties. 1. A = 0 iff A = aa = a A. 3. A + B A + B. 4. AB A B. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 19 / 89

21 Matrix Norm A matrix norm measures the amplifying power of a matrix. Define A = max v 0 Av v. It satisfies (1-4). Additionally Ax A x for all x. Lemma. ρ(a) A. A 1 = max 1 j n A = max 1 i n n A i,j, i=1 n A i,j. j=1 Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 20 / 89

22 Spectral Norm A 2 is called the spectral norm of A. 1 n A 1 A 2 n A 1. Lemma. A 2 = σ 1. Corollary. If A is a normal matrix, then A 2 = λ 1. Let A T A = V ΣV T be the decomposition, let v 1,..., v n be the orthonormal eigenvectors, and let x = a 1 v a n v n. Then Ax 2 2 = x T (A T Ax) = x T ( σi 2 a i v i ) σ1 x i [n] The equality holds when x = v 1. Therefore A 2 = σ 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 21 / 89

23 Random Walk Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 22 / 89

24 Graphs are the prime objects of study in combinatorics. The matrix representation of graphs lends itself to an algebraic treatment to these combinatorial objects. It is especially effective in the treatment of regular graph. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 23 / 89

25 Our digraph admit both self-loops and parallel edges. An undirected edge is seen as two directed edges in opposite directions. Whenever we say graph, we will always mean undirected graph. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 24 / 89

26 Random Walk Matrix The reachability matrix M of a digraph G is defined by M i,j = 1 if there is an edge from vertex j to vertex i; M i,j = 0 otherwise. The random walk matrix A of a d-regular digraph G is 1 d M. Let p be a probability distribution over the vertices of G and A is the random walk matrix of G. Then A k p is the distribution after k-step random walk. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 25 / 89

27 Random Walk Matrix Consider the following periodic graph with d n vertices. The vertices are arranged in n layers, each consisting of d vertices. There is an edge from every vertex in the i-th layer to every vertex in the j-th layer, where j = i + 1 mod n. Does A k p converge to a stationary state? Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 26 / 89

28 Spectral Graph Theory Suppose G is a d-regular graph and A is the random walk matrix of G. The following hold is an eigenvalue of A and its associated eigenvector is the stationary distribution vector 1 = ( 1 n,..., 1 n )T. Ie, A1 = All eigenvalues have absolute values G is disconnected iff 1 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity If G is connected, G is bipartite iff 1 is an eigenvalue of A. In spectral graph theory graph properties are characterized in terms of graph spectrums. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 27 / 89

29 Rate of Convergence For a regular graph G with random walk matrix A, we define def Ap 1 2 λ G = max p p 1 2 = max v 1 Av 2 v 2 = max v 1, v 2 =1 Av 2, where p is over all probability distribution vectors. The two definitions are equivalent. 1. (p 1) 1 and Ap 1 = A(p 1). 2. For each v 1, p = αv + 1 is a probability distribution vector for a sufficiently small α. By definition Av 2 λ G v 2 for all v. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 28 / 89

30 Lemma. λ G = λ 2. Let v 2,..., v n be the eigenvectors corresponding to λ 2,..., λ n. Given x 1, let x = c 2 v c n v n. Then Ax 2 2 = λ 2 c 2 v λ n c n v n 2 2 = λ 2 2c 2 2 v λ 2 nc 2 nv 2 n λ 2 2(c 2 2 v c 2 nv 2 n) = λ 2 2 x 2. So λ 2 G λ2 2. The equality holds since Av = λ2 2 v Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 29 / 89

31 The spectral gap γ G of a graph G is defined by γ G = 1 λ G. A graph has spectral expansion γ, where γ (0, 1), if γ G γ. In an expander G, γ G provides a bound on the expansion ratio. In terms of random walk, λ G bounds the speed of mixing time. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 30 / 89

32 Lemma. Let G be an n-vertex regular graph and p a probability distribution over the vertices of G. Then A l p 1 2 λ l G p 1 2 < λ l G. The first inequality holds because A l p 1 2 p 1 2 = Al p 1 2 A l 1 p Ap 1 2 p 1 2 λ l G. The second inequality holds because p = p p, n 2 1 n < 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 31 / 89

33 Lemma. If G is an n-vertex regular graph with self-loops at each vertex, then γ G 1 12n 2. Let ɛ = 1 6n 2. Let u be a unit vector such that u 1, and let v = Au. If we can prove 1 v 2 2 ɛ, we will get v 2 1 ɛ 2. It s easy to show 1 v 2 2 = u 2 2 v 2 2 = i,j A i,j(u i v j ) 2. By the assumption u i u j 1 n for some i, j [n]. Now u i u j = (u i v i ) + (v i u i1 ) (v ik u j ) u i v i + v i u i v ik u j (u i v i ) 2 + (v i u i1 ) (v ik u j ) 2 2D + 1, where u i u i1... u ik u j is a shortest path and D is the diameter of G. The lemma then follows from A h,h, A h,h+1 1 d and D 3n d+1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 32 / 89

34 Randomized Algorithm for Undirected Connectivity Corollary. Let G be a d-degree n-vertex graph with self-loop on every vertex. Let s, t be connected. Let l > 24n 2 log n and let X l denote the vertex distribution after l step random walk from s. Then Pr[X l = t] > 1 2n. Graphs with self-loops are not bipartite. According to the Lemmas, A l e s 1 2 < It follows that ( A l e s )t 1 n > 1 n 2. ( 1 1 ) 24n 2 log n 12n 2 < 1 n 2. If the 24n 2 log n walk is repeated 2n 2 times, the error probability is reduced to below 2 n. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 33 / 89

35 Randomized Algorithm for Undirected Connectivity Theorem. Connectivity in undirected graphs is in RL. An undirected graph can be turned into a non-bipartite regular graph by introducing enough self-loops. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 34 / 89

36 Expander Graph Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 35 / 89

37 Expansion graphs, defined by Pinsker in 1973, are simultaneously sparse and well connected. Sparsity should be understood in an asymptotic sense. Expander graphs behave approximately like complete graphs. Hoory, Linial, and Wigderson. Expander Graphs and their Applications. Bulletin of the AMS, 43, , Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 36 / 89

38 Well-connectedness can be characterized in a number of manners. 1. Algebraically, expanders are graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is bounded away from 1 by a constant. 2. Combinatorially, expanders are highly connected. Every set of vertices of an expander has a large boundary geometrically. 3. Probabilistically, expanders are graphs in which a random walk converges to the stationary distribution as quickly as possible. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 37 / 89

39 Algebraic Property Intuitively the faster random walk converges, the better the graph is connected. According to Lemma, the smaller λ G is, the faster random walk converges to the uniform distribution. Suppose d N and λ (0, 1) are constants. A d-regular graph G with n vertices is an (n, d, λ)-graph if λ G λ. A family of graphs {G n } n N is an (d, λ)-expander graph family if G n is an (n, d, λ)-graph for every n N. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 38 / 89

40 Probabilistic Property In expanders random walk converges to the uniform distribution in logarithmic steps. A 2 log 1 λ (n) p 1 2 < λ 2 log 1 λ (n) = 1 n 2. In other words, the mixing time of an expander is logarithmic. The mixing time of an n-vertex graph G is the minimal l such that for any vertex distribution p, A l p 1 < 1 2n, where A is the random walk matrix of G. The diameter of an n-vertex expander graph is Θ(log n). Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 39 / 89

41 Combinatorial Property Suppose G = (V, E) is an n-vertex d-regular graph. Let S stand for V \ S for S V. Let E(S, T ) be the set of edges i j with i S and j T. Define S = E(S, S) for S n 2. The expansion constant h G of G is defined as follows: S h G = min S S. Suppose d N and ρ > 0 are constants. We say that G is an (n, d, ρ)-edge expander if h G ρd. Ie, G is an (n, d, ρ)-edge expander if S ρ (d S ) for all S. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 40 / 89

42 Existence of Expander Theorem. Let ɛ > 0. There exists d = d(ɛ) and N N such that for every n > N there exists an (n, d, 1 2 ɛ) edge expander. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 41 / 89

43 Expansion and Spectral Gap Theorem. Let G = (V, E) be a finite, connected, d-regular graph. Then d 1 λ G h G d 2(1 λ G ) J. Dodziuk. Difference Equations, Isoperimetric Inequality and Transience of Certain Random Walks. Trans. AMS, N. Alon and V. D. Milman. λ 1, Isoperimetric Inequalities for Graphs, and Superconcentrators. J. Comb. Theory, N. Alon. Eigenvalues and Expanders. Combinatorica, Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 42 / 89

44 d 1 λ G 2 h G Let S n 2 be such that (S) S = h G. Define x 1 by x = S 1 S S 1 S. x 2 2 = n S S, x T Ax = 1 ( S 2 E(S, S) + S 2 E(S, S) + 2 S S E(S, S) ) d = n S S n 2 E(S, S), using d S = E(S, S) + E(S, S) = E(S, S) + E(S, S). The Rayleigh quotient R(A, x) provides a lower bound for λ G. λ G xt Ax x 2 2 = 1 n S S n 2 E(S, S) d n S S = 1 1 d S (S) n 1 2h G d. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 43 / 89

45 h G d 2(1 λ G ) Let u 1 be such that Au = λ 2 u. Write u = v + w, where v/w is defined from u by replacing the negative/positive components by 0. Wlog, assume that the number of positive components of v is n 2. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 44 / 89

46 h G d 2(1 λ G ) Wlog, assume v 1 v 2... v n. Then A i,j vi 2 vj 2 = 2 i,j i<j n/2 (vk 2 vk+1) 2 A i,j j 1 k=i = 2 [k] (vk 2 v 2 d k+1) k=1 n/2 2 h G k(vk 2 v 2 d k+1) k=1 = 2h G d v 2 2, where the second equality holds because for any fixed k the term vk 2 v2 k+1 appears once for every edge i j such that i k < j. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 45 / 89

47 h G d 2(1 λ G ) Av, v + Aw, v = λ 2 v 2 2 follows from Au = λ 2u and v, w = 0. Since Aw, v is not positive, we may derive 1 λ 2 1 Av, v v 2 2 = v 2 2 Av, v i,j v 2 = A i,j(v i v j ) v 2. (2) 2 Let brown = i,j A i,j(v i + v j ) 2. Using Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality, blue brown A i,j vi 2 vj 2. (3) i,j 2 Now Av 2 σ 1 v 2 = v 2 implies Av, v v 2 2. Therefore red brown 8 v 4 2. (4) (2)+(3)+(4)+the previous inequality implies 8(1 λ 2 ) 2h G d. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 46 / 89

48 Combinatorial definition and algebraic definition are equivalent. 1. The first inequality implies that if G is an (n, d, λ)-expander graph, then it is an (n, d, 1 λ 2 ) edge expander. 2. The second inequality implies that if G is an (n, d, ρ) edge expander, then it is an (n, d, 1 ρ2 2 )-expander graph. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 47 / 89

49 Convergence in Entropy Rényi 2-Entropy: H 2 (p) = 2 log( p 2 ). Fact. Let A be the random walk matrix of an (n, d, λ)-expander. Then H 2 (Ap) H 2 (p). The equality holds iff p is uniform. Proof. Let p = 1 + w such that w 1. Then Ap 2 2 = Aw λ w 2 2 = The equality holds when p = 1. ( ) γ p 2 + λ p 2 2 p Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 48 / 89

50 The smaller the spectral gap, or the larger the spectral expansion, expander graphs behave more like random graphs. This is what the next lemma says. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 49 / 89

51 Expander Mixing Lemma Lemma. Let G = (V, E) be an (n, d, λ)-expander graph. Let S, T V. Then E(S, T ) d n S T λd S T. (5) Notice that (5) implies E(S, T ) S T dn n n λ. (6) The edge density approximates the product of the vertex densities. N. Alon andf. R. K. Chung. Explicit Construction of Linear Sized Tolerant Networks. Discrete Mathematics, Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 50 / 89

52 Proof of Expander Mixing Lemma Let [v 1,..., v n ] be the eigenmatrix of G with v 1 = ( 1 n,..., 1 n ) T. Let 1 S = i α iv i and 1 T = j β jv j be the characteristic vectors of S and T respectively. E(S, T ) = (1 S ) T (da)1 T = ( i α i v i ) T (da)( j β j v j ) = i dλ i α i β i. Since α 1 = (1 S ) T v 1 = S n and β 1 = (1 T ) T v 1 = T n, E(S, T ) d n S T = n dλ i α i β i dλ i=2 n α i β i dλ α 2 β 2. Finally observe that α 2 β 2 = 1 S 2 1 T 2 = S T. i=2 Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 51 / 89

53 Error Reduction for Random Algorithm Suppose A(x, r) is a random algorithm with error probability 1/3. The algorithm uses r(n) random bits on input x with x = n. 1. We can exponentially reduce the error probability by repeating the algorithm t(n) times. 2. The resulting algorithm uses r(n)t(n) random bits. The goal is to achieve the same error reduction rate using far fewer random bits (in fact r(n) + O(t(n)) random bits). The key observation is that a t-step random walk in an expander graph looks like t vertices sampled uniformly and independently. Confer the inequality (6). Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 52 / 89

54 A Decomposition Lemma for Random Walk K n is perfect from the viewpoint of random walk. No matter what distribution it starts with, a random walk reaches the uniform distribution in one step. Let J n = [1,..., 1] be the random walk matrix of K n with self-loop. Lemma. Suppose G is an (n, d, λ)-expander and A is its random walk matrix. Then A = γj n + λe for some E such that E 1. We may think of a random walk on an expander as a convex combination of two types of random walk, 1. a walk with probability γ on a complete graph, and 2. a walk with probability λ according to an error matrix that does not amplify the distance to the uniform distribution. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 53 / 89

55 A Decomposition Lemma for Random Walk We need to prove that Ev 2 v 2 for all v for E defined by E = 1 λ (A (1 λ)j n). The following proof methodology should now be familiar. Decompose v into v = u + w = α1 + w with w 1. A1 = 1 and J n 1 = 1. Consequently Eu = u. J n w = 0, w def = Aw 1, w u. Hence Ew = 1 λ w. w 2 λ w 2. So Ev 2 2 = u + 1 λ w 2 2 = u λ w 2 2 u w 2 2 = v 2 2. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 54 / 89

56 Expander Random Walk Theorem Theorem. Let G be an (n, d, λ) expander graph, and let B [n] satisfy B βn for some β (0, 1). Let X 1 be a random variable denoting the uniform distribution on [n] and let X k be a random variable denoting a k 1 step random walk from X 1. Then Pr X i B i [k] ( γ β + λ) k 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 55 / 89

57 Expander Random Walk Theorem Let B i stand for X i B. We need to bound the following. Pr X i B = Pr[B 1 ] Pr[B 2 B 1 ]... Pr[B k B 1... B k 1 ]. (7) i [k] By seeing B as a diagonal matrix, we define the distribution p i by p i = BA Pr[B i B 1... B i 1 ]... BA Pr[B 2 B 1 ] B1 Pr[B 1 ]. So the probability in (7) is bounded by (BA) k 1 B1 1. We ll prove (BA) k 1 B1 2 1 n ((1 λ) β + λ) k 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 56 / 89

58 Expander Random Walk Theorem Using Lemma, Therefore BA = B((1 λ)j n + λe) (1 λ) BJ n + λ BE (BA) k 1 B1 2 = (1 λ) β + λ BE (1 λ) β + λ B E = (1 λ) β + λ. β ((1 λ) ) k 1 1 β + λ n ((1 λ) k 1 β + λ). n BJ n v 2 = BJ n α1 2 = α B1 2 n B1 2 = n β n = β for v 2 = 1. Therefore BJ n = max{ BJ n v 2 v 2 = 1} = β. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 57 / 89

59 Error Reduction for RP Suppose A(x, r) is a random algorithm with error probability is β. Given input x with n = x, let k = r(n). Choose an explicit (2 k, d, λ)-graph G = (V, E) with V = {0, 1} k. Algorithm A. 1. Pick v 0 R V. 2. Generate a random walk v 0,..., v t. 3. Output t i=0 A(x, v i). By the Theorem, the error probability of A is ( γ β + λ ) k 1. Here B is the set of r s for which A errs on x. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 58 / 89

60 Error Reduction for BPP Algorithm A. 1. Pick v 0 R V. 2. Generate a random walk v 0,..., v t. 3. Output Maj{A(x, v i )} i [t]. Let K [t] be the set of samples for which A errs and K t+1 2. Pr[ i K.v i B] ( γ ) t 1 2 β + λ assuming γ β + λ 1/16. By union bound, ( ) 1 t 1, 4 Pr[A fails] 2 t ( 1 4) t 1 = O(2 t ). Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 59 / 89

61 Explicit Construction of Expander Graph Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 60 / 89

62 Explicit Construction In some applications the size of expander graph can be handled. An expander family {G n } n N is mildly explicit if there is a P-time algorithm that outputs the random walk matrix of G n on 1 n. In some other applications a huge expander graph must be used. An expander family {G n } n N is strongly explicit if there is a P-time algorithm that on input n, v, i outputs the index of the i-th neighbor of v. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 61 / 89

63 We will look at several graph product operations. We then show how to use these operations to construct explicit expander graphs. O. Reingold, S. Vadhan, and A. Wigderson. Entropy Waves, the Zig-Zag Graph Product, and New Constant-Degree Expanders and Extractors. FOCS, Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 62 / 89

64 Rotation Map Suppose G is an n-vertex d-degree graph. A rotation map Ĝ of G is a function of type [n] [d] [n] [d] satisfying the following. Ĝ(u, i) = (v, j) if vertex v is the i-th neighbor of vertex u and u is the j-th neighbor of v. Clearly Ĝ is a permutation. The rotation matrix  is defined by  (v,m),(u,l) = { 1, if Ĝ(u, l) = (v, m), 0, otherwise. Walks described in  are deterministic, meaning that no random bits are necessary. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 63 / 89

65 Path Product Suppose G, G are n-vertex graphs with degree d respectively d. Let A, A be their random walk matrices. The path product G G is defined by the random walk matrix A A. G G is n-vertex dd -degree. Lemma. λ G G λ G λ G. Proof. A λ G G = max Av 2 A v 1 v 2 = max Av 2 v 1 fact that Av 1 whenever v 1. Av 2 Av 2 v 2 λ G λ G using the Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 64 / 89

66 Tensor Product Suppose G/G is an n-vertex/n -vertex d-degree/d -degree graph. The random walk matrix of the tensor product G G is a 11 A a 12 A a 1n A A A a 21 A a 22 A a 2n A =.... a n1 A a n2 A a nn A (u, u ) (v, v ) in G G iff u v in G and u v in G. G G is nn -vertex dd -degree. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 65 / 89

67 Tensor Product Lemma. λ G G = max{λ G, λ G }. If λ is an eigenvalue of A and v is the associated eigenvector, and λ is an eigenvalue of A and v is the associated eigenvector, then (A A )(v v ) = λλ (v v ). Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 66 / 89

68 Zig-Zag Product G is an n-vertex D-degree graph. H is a D-vertex d-degree graph. The zig-zag product G z H is the nd-vertex d 2 -degree graph constructed as follows: 1. The vertex set is [n] [D]. 2. For i, j [d] and (u, l) [n] [D], the (i, j)-th neighbor of (u, l) is the vertex (v, m) [n] [D] computed as follows: 2.1 Let l be the i-th neighbor of l in H. 2.2 v is the l -th neighbor of u and u is the m -th neighbor of v. 2.3 Let m be the j-th neighbor of m in H. Typically d D. A t-step random walk uses O(t log d) rather than O(t log D) random bits. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 67 / 89

69 Zig-Zag Product We need a picture here. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 68 / 89

70 Zig-Zag Product Lemma. (I n J D )Â(I n J D ) = A J D. Consider the left matrix. Starting from (u, l), a random neighbor l of l is chosen with probability 1 D, then a walk from (u, l ) to some (v, m ) with probability 1; and finally a random neighbor m of m is picked up with probability 1 D. According to the right matrix the random walk from (u, l) to (v, m) occurs with the probability 1 D 1 D. Â is the rotation matrix of G, and I n is the n n diagonal matrix. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 69 / 89

71 Claim. λ C 1 whenever C 2 1. Proof. λ C = max v 1 Cv 2 v 2 max v 1 C 2 v 2 v 2 = 1. Claim. λ A+B λ A + λ B for symmetric stochastic matrices A, B. Proof. λ A+B = max v 1 (A+B)v 2 v 2 max v 1 Av 2 + Bv 2 v 2 λ A + λ B. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 70 / 89

72 Zig-Zag Product Lemma. λ G z H λ G + 2λ H and γ M γ G γh 2. Let A, B and M be the random walk matrices of G, H and G z H. Â is the (nd) (nd) rotation matrix of G. B = (1 λ H )J D + λ H E for some E with E 2 1 by Lemma. Now M = (I n B)Â(I n B) = ((1 λ H )I n J D + λ H I n E) Â ((1 λ H)I n J D + λ H I n E) = (1 λ H ) 2 (I n J D )Â(I n J D ) +... = (1 λ H ) 2 (A J D ) +..., where = is due to Lemma. Using Lemma and the Claims, one gets λ M (1 λ H ) 2 λ A JD +1 (1 λ H ) 2 max{λ G, λ JD }+2λ H = λ G +2λ H. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 71 / 89

73 Zig-Zag Product The lemma is useful when both λ G and λ H are small. If not, a different upper bound can be derived. Both upper bounds are discussed in the paper by Reingold, Vadhan and Wigderson. O. Reingold, S. Vadhan, and A. Wigderson. Entropy Waves, the Zig-Zag Graph Product, and New Constant-Degree Expanders and Extractors. FOCS, Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 72 / 89

74 Expander Construction I The crucial point of the zig-zag construction is that we can use a constant graph to build a constant degree graph family. Let H be a (D 4, D, 1/8)-graph constructed by brute force. Define G 1 = H 2, G k+1 = Gk 2 z H. Fact. G k is a (D 4k, D 2, 1/2)-graph. Proof. The base case is clear from Lemma, and the induction step is taken care of by the previous lemma. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 73 / 89

75 Expander Construction I The time to access to a neighbor of a vertex is given by the following recursive equation time(g k+1 ) = 2 time(g k ) + poly( vertex ) = poly( G k+1 ). The expander family is mildly explicit but not strongly explicit. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 74 / 89

76 Expander Construction I Both the size of the graph and the time to compute a neighbor grow exponentially. This suggests to use tensor product to expand the size of graph doubly exponential. We will explain the idea using a variant of zig-zag product. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 75 / 89

77 Replacement Product G is an n-vertex D-degree graph. H is a D-vertex d-degree graph. The replacement product G RH is the nd-vertex 2d-degree graph constructed as follows: 1. Every vertex w of G is replaced by a copy H w of H. 2. If Ĝ(u, l) = (v, m), place d parallel edges from the l-th vertex of H u to the m-th vertex of H v. The replacement product is well known in graph theory. It is often used to reduce vertex degree without loosing connectivity. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 76 / 89

78 Replacement Product We need a picture here. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 77 / 89

79 Replacement Product The rotation map on [n] [D] [d] {0, 1} is defined by { (u, Ĥ(m, i), b), if b = 0, ĜRH(u, m, i, b) = (Ĝ(u, m), i, b), if b = 1. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 78 / 89

80 Replacement Product Lemma. λ GRH 1 (1 λ G )(1 λ H ) 2 24 and γ GRH 1 24 γ G γ 2 H. Let A, B be the random walk matrices of G, H respectively. Â = the (nd) (nd) permutation matrix corresponding to Ĝ. By Lemma, B = λ H E + γ H J D for some E with E 2 1. The (nd) (nd) random walk matrix of GRH is ARB = 1 2Â (I n B). It suffices to prove λ 3 ARB 1 γ G γ 2 H 8, which is λ (ARB) 3 1 γ G γ 2 H 8. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 79 / 89

81 Replacement Product We have (ARB) 3 = = ) 3 ( 1 2Â (I n B) ( 1 2Â (I n (λ H E + γ H J D )) ) 3 ) 3 = 1 (Â + γh (I n E) + γ H (I n J D ) 8 = 1 (Â3 ) γ 2 8 H(I n J D )Â(I n J D ) = 1 (Â3 ) γ 2 8 H(A J D ), where the last equality is due to Lemma. Applying the two Claims, we get λ (ARB) 3 1 γ2 H 8 + γ2 H 8 λ A J D 1 γ2 H 8 + γ2 H 8 λ G = 1 γ2 H 8 γ G. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 80 / 89

82 Expander Construction II Theorem. There exists a strongly explicit (d, λ)-expander family for d = 4 and λ < As a first step we prove that we can efficiently construct a family {G k } k of graphs where each G k has (2d) 100k vertices. 1. Let H be a ((2d) 100, d, 0.01)-expander graph, G 1 and G 2 be ((2d) 100, 2d, 0.5)- resp. ((2d) 100 2, 2d, 0.5)-expander graphs. 2. For k > 2 define G k = ( G k 1 2 G k 1 2 ) 50 RH. Tensor product increases graph size. Path product improves spectral expansion. Replacement product reduces degree. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 81 / 89

83 Expander Construction II We show that G k is a ((2d) 100k, 2d, 0.98)-expander graph. 1. Let n k be the number of vertices of G k. n k = n k 1 2 n k 1 2 (2d)100 k = (2d) 2 (2d) = (2d) 100k. 100 k 1 2 (2d) G k 1, G k 1 degree 2d G k 1 G k 1 degree (2d) 2 (G k 1 G k 1 ) 50 degree (2d) 100 G k degree 2d. 3. λ G k 1, λ G k λ G k 1 G k 1 (0.98) 2 λ (G k 1 G k 1 ) 50 e 2 λ Gk 1 0.5(0.98) 2 /24 < Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 82 / 89

84 Expander Construction II There is a poly(k)-time algorithm that upon receiving a label i of a vertex in G k and an index j in [2d] finds the j-th neighbor of i. 1. A search for a neighborhood of the input vertex of G k recursively calls on G k 1 50 times and G k 1 50 times. 2. The depth of the recursive calls is bounded by t = O(log k). 3. The overall time is bounded by O(100 O(log k) ) = poly(k). Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 83 / 89

85 Expander Construction II Suppose (2d) 100k < i < (2d) 100(k+1). Let (2d) 100(k+1) = xi + r. Divide the (2d) 100(k+1) vertices into i classes among which r classes being of size i + 1 and x r classes being of size i. Contract every class into a mega-vertex. Add 2d self-loops to each of the x r mega-vertices. This is a (i, 2d(x + 1), (2d)0.01/(x + 1)) edge expander. We get a ((2d) 101, 0.01/(2d) 100 ) edge expander family. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 84 / 89

86 Reingold s Theorem Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 85 / 89

87 Theorem. UPATH L. O. Reingold. Undirected ST-Connectivity in Log-Space. STOC Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 86 / 89

88 The Idea Connectivity Algorithm for d-degree expander graph is easy. The diameter of an expander graph is of length O(log(n)). An exhaustive search can be carried out in logspace. Reingold s idea is to transform a graph G in logspace to a graph G so that a connected component in G becomes an expander in G and unconnected vertices in G remain unconnected in G. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 87 / 89

89 The Algorithm 1. Fix a (d 50, d/2, 0.01)-expander graph H for d = Convert the input graph G to a d 50 -degree graph on the fly. 2.1 Add self-loops to increase degree. 2.2 Replace a large degree vertex by a cycle to decrease degree. 3. G 0 = G; G k = (G k 1 RH) Apply Connectivity Algorithm to the expander G 10 log n. If G k 1 is an N-vertex d 50 -degree, G k 1 RH is an d 50 N-vertex d-degree, and (G k 1 RH) 50 is an d 50 N-vertex d 50 -degree. So G 10 log n contains (d 50 ) 10 log n n = n 1001 vertices. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 88 / 89

90 The Complexity A counter of length 2 log 1 n 1001 indicates the current path We cannot record all the vertices in a path. [log(n) 2 ] Each vertex, except s, t, is coded up by 50 log(d) bits, say x, declaring that it is the 2 x -th neighbor of the previous vertex. The neighbors of a vertex can be ordered in a canonical way. The algorithm keeps the current vertex. When backtracking it starts from s all over again to get the previous vertex. The mechanism allows us to do Step 2 of the algorithm on the fly. Even though the Expander Construction I is only mildly explicit, computing a neighbor from a given vertex can be done in logspace. Computational Complexity, by Fu Yuxi Random Walk and Expander 89 / 89

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