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1 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation axiv:g-qc/67 v Jul 26 Petapa Boonsem, Matt Visse, and Silke Weinfutne School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Compute Science, Victoia Univesity of Wellington, P.O.Box 6, Wellington, New Zealand Abstact. The Tolman Oppenheime Volkov [TOV] equation constains the intenal stuctue of geneal elativistic static pefect fluid sphees. We develop seveal solution geneating theoems fo the TOV, wheeby any given solution can be defomed to a new solution. Because the theoems we develop wok diectly in tems of the physical obsevables pessue pofile and density pofile it is elatively easy to check the density and pessue pofiles fo physical easonableness. This wok complements ou pevious aticle [Phys. Rev. D7 (25) 2437; g-qc/537] wheein a simila algoithmic analysis of the geneal elativistic static pefect fluid sphee was pesented in tems of the spacetime geomety in the pesent analysis the pessue and density ae pimay and the spacetime geomety is seconday. In paticula, ou defomed solutions to the TOV equation ae conveniently paameteized in tems of δρ c and δp c, the shift in the cental density and cental pessue. Keywods: pefect fluid sphee, TOV equation. axiv: g-qc/67; 3 June 26; L A TEX-ed 4 July 26. PACS numbes: 4.2.-q; 4.2.Cv

2 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 2. Intoduction The geneal elativistic static pefect fluid sphee has a long and veneable histoy that nevetheless continues to povide supises [, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,,, 2]. As emphasised in the eview aticle by Delgaty and Lake [], while it is often elatively easy to wite down explicit spacetime metics that solve the diffeential equation coesponding to a elativistic static pefect fluid sphee, it is often much moe difficult to check whethe the coesponding pessue pofile and density pofile is physically easonable indeed thee is often some confusion as to what the phase physically easonable might entail. This poblem has if anything become even moe acute with the ecent intoduction of algoithmic techniques that ae capable of geneating, and in pinciple classifying, all pefect fluid sphees [4, 6, 7, 8]. In view of this difficulty we have efomulated those algoithmic techniques in tems of seveal new solution geneating theoems that apply diectly to the TOV itself and so diectly give infomation about the pessue pofile and density pofile. Specifically, conside the well-known TOV system of equations, whose deivation is now a common textbook execise [3, 4]: dp() = [ρ() + p()] [m() + 4πp() 3 ] ; () d 2 [ 2m()/] dm() = 4π ρ() 2. (2) d We adopt units whee G = c = so that m/ and p 2 ae both dimensionless. Ou basic stategy will be to assume that somehow we have obtained, o been given, some specific physically easonable solution of the TOV equation in tems of the pofiles p () and ρ (), and then to ask how these initial pofiles can be defomed while still continuing to satisfy the TOV. The output fom the analysis will be seveal single-paamete, o multi-paamete, distoted pofiles p Σ () and ρ Σ () that continue to solve the TOV equation fo abitay values of the paametes Σ, along with some esults egading the physical easonableness theeof. We shall use notation such as p,c and p c, and ρ,c and ρ c, to denote the cental pessue, and cental density, befoe and afte applying the distotion. Viewing the geneal elativistic static pefect fluid sphee as a fist-appoximation to a elativistic sta, we will concentate on the egion deep inside the stella coe, and specifically on the egulaity conditions at the cente of the sta, asking that the pessue and density emain positive and non-singula thee. Obseve that in seeking solutions of the TOV we ae effectively only demanding pessue isotopy we make no claims as to constaints on, o even the existence of, an equation of state. As usual, we shall take the location of the fist pessue zeo as defining the suface of the sta.

3 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 3 2. The TOV as a Riccati equation Viewed as a diffeential equation fo p(), with m() [and hence ρ()] specified, the TOV equation is a specific example of a Riccati equation, fo which the numbe of useful solution techniques is athe limited. (See fo instance, Bende & Oszag [5], o Polyanin and Zaitsev [6], o the appendix to this aticle.) Using these standad esults it is elatively easy to show the following. Theoem (P). Let p () and ρ () solve the TOV equation, and hold m () = 4π ρ () 2 d fixed. Define g () = m () + 4πp () 3 2 [ 2m ()/]. (3) Then the geneal solution to the TOV equation is p() = p () + δp() whee { δp c 2m / exp 2 g d δp() =, (4) + 4πδp c 2m / exp g d d and whee δp c is the shift in the cental pessue. Poof. By using equation (A.2) we have [ ] m + 4π ρ 3 + 8π p 3 k exp d δp() = 2 ( 2m /) [ m + 4π ρ 3 + 8π p 3 + 4πk 2m / exp 2 ( 2m /) ] d. (5) d But by using an integation by pats one can establish [ ] m + 4π ρ 3 + 8π p 3 exp d = [ ] m + 4π p 3 2m 2 / exp 2 ( 2m /) 2 ( 2m /) d = [ ] 2m / exp 2 g d. (6) Finally, one fixes the constant k by applying the bounday condition at =. Physically easonable cente: If the oiginal p () and m () ae physically easonable, in paticula if the cental pessue p,c and density ρ,c ae finite and positive, then m () = O( 3 ), so m / = O( 2 ), and g () = O(). Thus all the integals used above ae finite and well-behaved (convegent) at the cente of the sta. Consequently, the new cental pessue will likewise be finite and well behaved; and will even be positive so long as δp c > p,c. So the cental egion of the new stella configuation will automatically be physically easonable. Since within the context of this theoem the density pofile is unaffected, we also know that no hoizon will be geneated if we stat fom a hoizonfee initial state. (Hoizon fomation, if it wee to happen, would be signaled by the existence of an H such that 2m( H )/ H =.)

4 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 4 Comment: With hindsight one can also view this theoem P as a consequence of theoem T2 of efeence [4]. Some tedious algebaic manipulations will actually show that it is identical, up to a specific egulaity choice, σ in the notation of [4]. This egulaity condition is now foced upon us because we want the pessue and density at the cente of the sta to emain finite. Equivalently, if the oiginal p () and m () ae physically easonable, then (povided the elevant integals ae chosen to un fom to ), the σ = sub-case of theoem T2 of efeence [4] yields a spacetime geomety fo which g tt at the oigin, which we deem to not be physically easonable. The key diffeence in the physics of the cuent aticle is that we now have a physical eason fo esticting the solutions geneated by theoem T2 of efeence [4], and now can theeby deive an explicit theoem diectly in tems of the shift in the pessue pofile. Spacetime geomety: If one wites the spacetime geomety in the fom ds 2 = ζ () 2 dt 2 + d 2 2m ()/ + 2 d 2 Ω, (7) and nomalizes using ζ ( ) =, then the Einstein equations imply (see, fo instance, [4, 3, 4]) { { ζ () = exp g ()d = ζ,c exp + g ()d, (8) whee ζ,c denotes the value of ζ () at the cente of the fluid sphee and consequently { ζ,c = exp g ()d. (9) It is impotant to ealise that with cuent conventions g () is defined by equation (3), and that equation (8) is a esult of the Einstein equations. This now allows one to ewite ou key esult as δp() = ζ () 2 [ + 4πδp c ζ 2,c δp c ζ 2,c 2m ()/ ], () 2m / ζ () d 2 which has allowed us to eliminate the inne integal (involving g ) in tems of the g tt metic component. One might also easonably ask what happens to the spacetime metic itself? As egads the adial g pat of the spacetime metic, m () is by constuction fixed, and so g is unaffected. To calculate the the g tt = ζ() 2 component we note that fom equation (3) we have whence δg() = δg() = 4π δp() 2m ()/, () + 4πδp c 4π δp c 2m / exp g d 2m / exp. (2) g d d

5 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 5 Noting that the Einstein equations imply, vide (8), ln(ζ/ζ ) = δg d = + δg d + ln(ζ c /ζ,c ), (3) integating, and imposing the appopiate bounday condition [ζ( ) = ] at spatial infinity, we see { + 4πδp c 2m / exp g d d ζ () ζ() = ζ () {. (4) + 4πδp c 2m / exp g d d The only ticky pat of the computation lies in getting the oveall nomalization coect. Since g () is defined by (3) diectly in tems of mass and pessue pofiles, the above fomula povides a completely explicit fomula fo the (multiplicative) shift in ζ, and so fo the (multiplicative) shift in g tt. Note that the cental value of ζ is now given by ζ,c ζ c = + 4πδp c 2m / exp g d Equivalently, one could use (8) to eliminate the g integal and obtain { + 4πδp c ζ,c 2 2m / ζ () d 2 whence ζ() = ζ () { ζ c = + 4πδp c ζ,c 2 + 4πδp c ζ 2,c ζ,c. (5) d, (6) 2m / ζ () d 2. (7) 2m / ζ () d 2 In view of these fomulae fo ζ() we can ewite the shift in pessue in the moe compact manne δp() = δp c 2m / ζ,c ζ c. (8) ζ () ζ() Though significantly moe compact, the tade-off in this fomula is that ζ() and ζ () ae themselves quite complicated functions of the mass and pessue pofiles. Nomalization of P vesus T2: With the above nomalization esults now in hand, we see that theoem P coesponds to theoem T2 with the integals unning fom to, with σ ζ c /ζ,c, while the othe paamete ǫ occuing in T2 can be physically identified by taking ǫ/σ 4π δp c ζ 2,c. Othe theoems: Additional somewhat elated esults, in the specific case that m() is held fixed, can be obtained using equations (A.3) and (A.4) of the appendix. Specifically:

6 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 6 Theoem (Pb). Fo a fixed specification of ρ (), let p () and p 2 () be two distinct solutions of the TOV equation. Then the geneal solution (fo λ abitay) is { λ exp { 4π p d 2m p / () + ( λ) exp 4π p 2 d 2m p / 2 () p() = { λ exp { 4π p d 2m + ( λ) exp. (9) 4π p 2 d / 2m / The cental pessue is p c = λ p c, + ( λ) p c,2. (2) Note that this theoem no longe equies any nested integations, at the cost of needing two specific solutions as input. Theoem (Pc). Fo a fixed specification of ρ (), let p (), p 2 (), and p 3 () be thee distinct solutions of the TOV equation. Then the geneal solution (fo λ abitay) is The cental pessue is then p() = λ p () [p 3 () p 2 ()] + ( λ) p 2 () [p 3 () p ()]. (2) λ [p 3 () p 2 ()] + ( λ) [p 3 () p ()] p c = λ p c, [p c,3 p c,2 ] + ( λ) p c,2 [p c,3 p c, ]. (22) λ [p c,3 p c,2 ] + ( λ) [p c,3 p c, ] Note that this last theoem equies no longe equies any integations, at the cost of needing thee specific solutions as input. 3. Coelated changes in density and pessue A second main theoem can be obtained by looking fo coelated changes in the mass and pessue pofiles. Theoem (P2). Let p () and ρ () solve the TOV equation, and hold g fixed, in the sense that g () = m () + 4πp () 3 m() + 4πp()3 = 2 [ 2m ()/] 2 [ 2m()/]. (23) Then the geneal solution to the TOV equation is given by p() = p () + δp() and m() = m () + δm() whee { δm() = 4π3 δρ c 3 [ + g ] exp g 2 g 2 d, (24) + g and δp() = δm + 8πp 2 4π 3 2m /. (25) Hee δρ c is the shift in the cental density.

7 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 7 Poof. Since m() = g () 2 4πp() 3, (26) + 2g () we have in paticula { 4π δp() 3 δm() = + 2g () = 2m / 4πδp()3, (27) + 8πp 2 so that δρ() = 2 ( ) d δp() 3. (28) d + 2g () Now conside the TOV equation, o moe pecisely, the change in the TOV equation: dδp() = [δρ() + δp()] g (). (29) d Combining these last two diffeential equations yields a linea homogeneous diffeential equation fo δp(), which is easily integated. The quoted fom of the theoem esults afte an integation by pats. Physically easonable cente: If the oiginal density and pessue pofiles ae physically easonable, then likewise the new density and pessue pofiles will be well behaved at least fo a finite egion including the oigin. In paticula, since egulaity of the oiginal solution implies g () = O() at the oigin, the only integal we have to do fo this theoem is guaanteed to convege at the lowe limit =. So the cental egion of the new stella configuation will automatically be physically easonable. Note that δp c = δρ c 3. (3) If the cental pessue inceases δp c >, then fo the situation envisaged in this theoem the mass pofile always deceases, implying that an event hoizon neve foms. Comment: With hindsight one can also view this theoem P2 as a consequence of theoem T of efeence [4]. The key diffeence now is that we have an explicit statement diectly in tems of the shift in the pessue pofile. To see this, wite g = ζ /ζ, substitute into T and apply bounday conditions to deduce λ 8π δρ c /3. 4. Combining the pevious theoems One can obtain moe complicated theoems by iteatively applying theoems P and P2, in a manne simila to the discussion of efeence [4]. This iteation will yield 2-paamete genealizations of theoems P and P2.

8 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 8 Theoem (P3). Let p () and ρ () solve the TOV equation. Apply theoem P followed by theoem P2. Let us define intemediate quantities p { 2m / exp 2 g d δp () =, (3) + 4π p 2m / exp g d d and g () = g () + 4π δp () 2m /. (32) Then p() = p () + δp() and m() = m () + δm() ae also solutions of the TOV, whee { δm() = 4π3 δρ c 3 [ + g ] exp g 2 g 2 d, (33) + g and δp() = δp () δm + 8π[p + δp ] 2. (34) 4π 3 2m / Hee δρ c is the shift in the cental density, and the total shift in the cental pessue is given by δp c = p δρ c 3. (35) The two paametes δρ c and p can be specified independently. Theoem (P4). Let p () and ρ () solve the TOV equation. Apply theoem P2 followed by theoem P. Then p() = p () + δp() and m() = m () + δm() ae also solutions of the TOV, whee and δm() = 4π3 δρ c 3 [ + g ] 2 exp δp() = δm + 8πp 2 4π 3 2m / { g 2 g d, (36) + g p ζ,c 2 2[m + δm]/ + ]. ζ () [ 2 + 4π p ζ,c 2 2[m + δm]/ ζ 2() d Hee δρ c is the shift in the cental density, and the total shift in the cental pessue is given by δp c = p δρ c 3. (38) The two paametes δρ c and p can be specified independently. (37)

9 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation 9 Comment: Note that these two theoems povide 2-paamete genealizations of the TOV solution (ρ, p ) that one stats fom. These theoems ae closely elated to theoems T4 and T3 of efeence [4]. Technically they ae equivalent to the σ case of theoems T4 and 3 of efeence [4], whee σ is now a physical estiction we place on the solution by demanding that the density and pessue be well behaved at the cente of the fluid sphee. 5. The TOV as an Abel equation If, on the othe hand, we think of the pessue pofile p() as fixed, than we can eaange the TOV system of equations as a diffeential equation fo m(), specifically: dm() d = 4πp() 2 4π4 [ 2m()/] m() + 4πp() 3 dp d. (39) This is now an Abel equation (2nd type, class A). If one wee able to develop a solution geneating theoem based on this equation it would in many ways be the most natual companion to theoem P. Unfotunately, despite numeous attempts at developing solution geneating theoems based on this obsevation, we have no pogess to epot. This is ultimately due to the fact that the Abel equations ae consideably moe difficult to deal with than Riccati equations. 6. Discussion The pupose of this aticle has been to develop seveal physically clean solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation whee by physically clean we mean that it is elatively easy to undestand what happens to the pessue and density pofiles, especially in the vicinity of the stella coe. In many ways this aticle seves as a companion pape to efeence [4], whee elated esults wee deived in tems of the spacetime geomety. These new esults efine ou pevious esults, in the sense that it is now cleae when a mathematical solution of the isotopy equations ae physically easonable, at least in the egion of the stella coe. Indeed one impotant message is that in theoems T2, T3, and T4 of efeence [4] one should take σ if one wishes the pessue and density to emain well behaved at the cente the of the fluid sphee. Refeence [4] also contains a numbe of othe inteesting esults egading the use of solution geneating theoems to classify pefect fluid sphees sometimes new solutions ae obtained, sometimes old solutions ae ecoveed in a new context, and theoems T T4 can be used to geneate a web of inteconnections between known and new pefect fluid sphees. These comments also apply mutatis mutandis to the pesent theoems, and we diect inteested eades to efeence [4] fo futhe details. In closing, we eiteate that the geneal elativistic static pefect fluid sphee, despite its veneable histoy, continues to povide inteesting supises.

10 Solution geneating theoems fo the TOV equation Acknowledgements This eseach was suppoted by the Masden Fund administeed by the Royal Society of New Zealand. In addition, PB was suppoted by a Royal Thai Scholaship, and a Victoia Univesity Small Reseach Gant. SW was suppoted by the Masden Fund, by a Victoia Univesity PhD Completion Scholaship, and a Victoia Univesity Small Reseach Gant. Appendix A. Key esults on Riccati equations The geneal Riccati equation is dp() = α() + β() p() + γ() p() 2. (A.) d Fo specified functions α(), β(), γ(). While no completely geneal solution fom fist pinciples exists, if we ae given one specific solution p () then the geneal solution may be witten: { k exp [2γ()p () + β()]d p() = p () + {. (A.2) k γ() exp [2γ()p () + β()]d d This can easily be deived, fo instance, fom the agument sketched in the standad efeence Bende & Ozag [5], altenatively an equivalent explicit statement be found in the efeence handbook by Polyanin and Zaitsev [6]. A second useful esult is that if we know two specific solutions p () and p 2 () then the geneal solution is [6] p() = λ exp { λ exp γ()p ()d { γ()p ()d { p () + ( λ) exp + ( λ) exp { γ()p 2 ()d p 2 (). (A.3) γ()p 2 ()d Finally, if we know thee specific solutions p (), p 2 (), and p 3 () then the geneal solution is [6] p() = λ p () [p 3 () p 2 ()] + ( λ) p 2 () [p 3 () p ()]. (A.4) λ [p 3 () p 2 ()] + ( λ) [p 3 () p ()]

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