Pankiewicz, A. & Stefanski, B. (2003). On the Uniqueness of Plane-wave String Field Theory..,

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1 Pankiewicz, A. & Stefanski, B. 23. On the Uniqueness of Plane-wave String Field Theory.., City Research Online Original citation: Pankiewicz, A. & Stefanski, B. 23. On the Uniqueness of Plane-wave String Field Theory.., Permanent City Research Online URL: Copyright & reuse City University London has developed City Research Online so that its users may access the research outputs of City University London's staff. Copyright and Moral Rights for this paper are retained by the individual authors and/ or other copyright holders. All material in City Research Online is checked for eligibility for copyright before being made available in the live archive. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to from other web pages. Versions of research The version in City Research Online may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check the Permanent City Research Online URL above for the status of the paper. Enquiries If you have any enquiries about any aspect of City Research Online, or if you wish to make contact with the authors of this paper, please the team at

2 hep-th/3862 AEI KCL-MTH SPIN-23/23 ITP-23/36 arxiv:hep-th/3862v1 8 Aug 23 On the Uniqueness of Plane-wave String Field Theory A. Pankiewicz, and B. Stefański, jr. Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut Am Mühlenberg 1, D Golm, Germany Department of Mathematics, King s College London Strand, London WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom Spinoza Institute, University of Utrecht Postbus 8.195, 358 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands August 23 Abstract We prove that the two interaction Hamiltonians of light-cone closed superstring field theory in the plane-wave background present in the literature are identical. address: address:

3 1 Introduction Following the discovery of the plane-wave solution of Type IIB supergravity [1] 1, the spectrum and superalgebra of the free superstring theory in this background were found in the light-cone gauge [4, 5]. The theory possesses a unique groundstate and a tower of states with energies proportional to ω n = n 2 + µα p + 2, 1.1 where n ZZ and µ and p + are the R-R field-strength and light-cone momentum respectively. The plane-wave background has also become important because of its interpretation as a Penrose limit [6] of the AdS 5 S 5 space-time. In this setting, the AdS/CFT correspondence has been identified as a relation between string theory in the large µ limit and the N = 4 UN SYM gauge theory in a non- t Hooft limit where not only N, but also J, a chosen U1 R- charge, is taken to be large, with the ratio J 2 /N fixed [7]. A subset of so-called BMN operators has been identified in the gauge theory which corresponds to string states. These operators have an expansion in terms of an effective coupling constant λ = g 2 YM N/J2 = µα p + 2 and effective genus counting parameter g 2 2 = J 2 /N 2 = g 2 sµα p + 4 correspondence in this background is given by [1] [8, 9], and the gauge/gravity 1 µ H s = J, 1.2 viewed as an operator identity between the Hilbert spaces of string theory and the BMN sector of gauge theory. This correspondence has been placed on a firm footing at the level of planar graphs, or equivalently at the level of free string theory [7, 8, 9, 1, 11]. At the nonplanar/string interaction level there is also good evidence that, at least for so-called impurity preserving amplitudes, the operator identity above is valid [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], see also [2, 21] for recent reviews. An essential ingredient in the understanding of string theory in the plane-wave background is the knowledge of string interactions. Unfortunately, the background has only been quantized in light-cone gauge and so conformal field theory tools such as vertex operators cannot be used here. 2 The only known way of studying string interactions in the plane-wave comes from light-cone string field theory [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. In this formalism the generators of the supersymmetry algebra are divided into two sets of operators: the kinematical and the 1 For previous work on supergravity plane-wave solutions see [2, 3]. 2 In flat space it is possible to develop vertex operator techniques even in light-cone gauge [22]. This is aided by the presence of a classical conformal invariance of the equations of motion in light-cone gauge, as well as by the existence of angular momentum generators J I. 1

4 dynamical. The former, such as the transverse momenta P I, do not receive corrections in the string coupling g s, while the latter, which include the Hamiltonian, are modified order by order in the string coupling. For example H s = H 2 + g s H , 1.3 where H 2 is the free-string Hamiltonian and H 3 represents the process of one string splitting into two as well as the time-reversal of this interaction. When computing string interactions it is most convenient to write H 3 as an operator in the three-string Hilbert space [28, 29]. The interaction Hamiltonian H 3 is constructed by requiring two conditions. Firstly, the process is to be smooth on the world-sheet; this is equivalent to demanding the supercommutation relations between the interaction Hamiltonian and the kinematical generators be satisfied. In the operator formalism this is enforced by a coherent state of the three-string Hilbert space often denoted by V. Secondly, H 3 is required to satisfy the supersymmetry algebra relations involving the Hamiltonian and the dynamical supercharges at next-to-leading order in the string coupling. These conditions require that H 3 = P V, 1.4 where P is the so-called prefactor which, in the oscillator basis, is polynomial in the creation operators. Originally [3, 31, 32, 33], when H 3 was constructed in the plane-wave background, the oscillator basis expression was built on the state which has energy 4µ and hence is not the groundstate of the theory. 3 Rather, it is smoothly connected to the SO8 invariant flat space state µ= on which the flat spacetime interaction vertex was built [27]. We will refer to H 3 constructed on this state as the SO8 solution throughout this paper H 3 SO8 = P SO8 V SO The presence of the R-R flux in the plane-wave background breaks the transverse SO8 symmetry of the metric to SO4 SO4 ZZ 2, where the discrete ZZ 2 is an SO8 transformation that exchanges the two transverse IR 4 subspaces of the plane-wave. Based on this ZZ 2 symmetry it was argued [34] that one should in fact construct H 3 on the true groundstate of the theory: v. A solution of the kinematical constraints based on this state was given in [35], while the dynamical constraints were solved in [36]; this solution will be called the SO4 2 solution here 3 For the precise definitions of and v see section 2. H 3 SO4 2 = P SO4 2 V SO

5 The two interaction Hamiltonians appeared to be quite different, and it was not, a priori clear, if they should give the same physics. 4 In this paper we prove that the two interaction Hamiltonians are identical when viewed as operators acting on the three-string Hilbert space. The proof is presented in section 2 for the supergravity modes only, and generalized in section 3 to the full three-string Hamiltonian. Two appendices are provided in which our conventions are summarized and some of the computational details are presented. 2 The equivalence of the SO8 and SO4 2 formalisms in supergravity In this section we prove that the supergravity three-string interaction vertices constructed in the SO8 formalism in [3] and in the SO4 2 formalism in [36] are identical to each other. Recall the fermionic part of the light-cone action on the plane wave [4] S ferm.r = 1 8π dτ 2π αr dσ r [i ϑ r ϑr + ϑ r ϑr ϑ r ϑ r + ϑ r ϑ r 2µ ϑ r Πϑ r ], 2.1 where r = 1, 2, 3 denotes the rth string, α r α p + r and eα r α r / α r. ϑ a r is a complex, positive chirality SO8 spinor, ϑr τ ϑ r, ϑ r σr ϑ r and Π ab γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 γ 4 ab is symmetric, traceless and squares to one. The mode expansions of ϑ a r and its conjugate momentum λ a r θ r/4π a at τ = are ϑ a r σ r = ϑ a r + 2 λ a r σ r = 1 2π α r n=1 [ λ a r + 2 ϑ a nr cos nσ r α r + ϑa nr sin nσ r, α r λ a nr cos nσ r α r + λa nr sin nσ 2.2 r ]. α r n=1 The Fourier modes satisfy 2λ a nr = α r ϑ a nr and the canonical anti-commutation relations for the fermionic coordinates yield the anti-commutation rules {ϑ a r σ r, λ b s σ s} = δ ab δ rs δσ r σ s {ϑ a nr, λb ms } = δab δ nm δ rs. 2.3 The fermionic normal modes are defined via e 1 ϑ nr = c nr αr [ 1 + ρ nr Πb nr + eα r en1 ρ nr Πb nr 4 Some evidence that they were in fact identical was already presented in [36]. ], n ZZ, 2.4 3

6 and break the SO8 symmetry to SO4 SO4. Here ρ nr = ρ nr = ω nr n µα r, c nr = c nr = ρ 2 nr. 2.5 These modes satisfy {b a nr, bb ms } = δab δ nm δ rs. The two states v and, on which the interaction Hamiltonians are constructed, are then annihilated by all b n r for n with θ a =, ba v =. 2.6 We use a γ-matrix representation in which δ β 1 α Π = 1 δ β 2 α 2 δ α 1δ α, β 1 β 2 where α k, α k β k, βk are two-component Weyl indices of SO4 k. 5 Hence, 1 ± Π/2 projects onto the 2,2 and 2,2 of SO4 SO4, respectively, and {b nr α1 α 2, b β 1β 2 ms } = δβ 1 α 1 δ β 2 α 2 δ nm δ rs, {b nr α1 α 2, b β 1 β2 ms } = δ β 1 α1 δ β 2 α2 δ nm δ rs. 2.8 The fermionic contribution to the free string light-cone Hamiltonian is H 2r = 1 α r n ZZ ω nr b α 1 α 2 nr b nr α1 α 2 + b α 1 α 2 nr b nr α1 α 2, 2.9 and we have neglected the zero-point energy that is canceled by the bosonic contribution. 2.1 The kinematical part of the vertex The fermionic contributions to V - the kinematical part of the supergravity vertices - in the SO8 and SO4 2 formalisms are respectively β r αr α 3 and α 1 + α 2 + α 3 = [ 8 3 ] Eb SO8 = 123, 2.1 a=1 r=1 E b SO4 2 = exp 2 r=1 λ a r βr b α 1 α 2 3 b r α 1 α 2 + b α 1 α 2 3 b r α 1 α 2 v See appendix A for our conventions. 4

7 To relate these two expressions recall that cf. equation 2.4 λ α 1α 2 3 = α 3 2 bα 1α 2 3, λ α 1 α 2 3 = α 3 2 b α 1 α 2 3, 2.12 λ α 1α 2 αr r = 2 bα 1α 2 r, λ α 1 α 2 αr r = 2 b α 1 α 2 r, 2.13 and 3 = α 1, α 2 b 3 α 1 α 2 v 3, r = α 1, α 2 b r α 1 α 2 v r The relative sign in 2.14 is not fixed and has been chosen for convenience. Then it is easy to show that E b SO8 = 4 β1 b 2 2 β2 b 1 α 1 α 2 Eb SO α 1, α 2 α3 By construction, both Eb SO8 and Eb SO4 2 satisfy the world-sheet continuity conditions. Hence, the combination β1 b 2 β 2 b 1 α 1 α 2 has to commute with the kinematical α 1, α 2 constraints, and so can be re-written in terms of the zero-mode of the fermionic prefactor constituent Z α1 α 2 in the notation of [32]. In fact µαK 2 Eb α SO8 = Z α1 α 2 Eb SO Z4 E b SO α 1, α The factor of α 3 1 4µαK 2 was introduced in the SO8 formalism as the overall normalization of the cubic vertex. 2.2 Prefactor In order to proceed further, we have to re-write the prefactor of the SO8 formulation in a manifestly SO4 SO4 invariant form using the γ-matrix representation given in appendix A. The prefactor is [33, 3] 6 P SO8 = K I KJ µα α δij v IJ Y Here K I and K I are the bosonic constituents commuting with the world-sheet continuity conditions for their explicit expressions see e.g. [33] and v IJ = w IJ + y IJ with 7 w IJ = δ IJ + 1 4! tij abcd Y a Y b Y c Y d + 1 8! δij ε abcdefgh Y a Y h, 2.18 y IJ = i 2! γij ab Y a Y b i 2 6! γij ab εab cdefghy c Y h, When no confusion arises we will suppress the subscript in what follows. 7 Compared to [33] we have redefined α α Y there = Y here. 5

8 and t IJ abcd = γik [ab γjk cd]. The positive and negative chirality parts of Y a are 8 Y α 1α 2 = 3 r=1 n Y α 1 α 2 = 1 4µαK 1/2 Ḡ nr b α 1α 2 nr, r,s=1 ε rs β s b α 1 α 2 r + 3 r=1 n> U nr Ḡ nr b α 1 α 2 nr, 2.21 where Ḡ is defined in [36]. Note in particular that the zero-mode of Y α 1 α 2 is an annihilation operator. If we want to suppress the spinor indices of Y α 1 α 2, we will denote these components by Ȳ. We have the useful relations {Y α1 α 2, Z β 1 β2 } = δ β 1 α1 δ β 2 α2, Y α1 α 2 E b SO4 2 = Using identities A.8 A.16 of appendix A, the SO8 prefactor decomposes into the following SO4 SO4 expressions 9 K I KJ w IJ = K I KJ δ IJ Y 4 Ȳ K i K j δ ij Y 4 + Ȳ 4 3 Y 2 Ȳ 2 ij 1 12 K i Kj δ i j Y 4 + Ȳ Y 2 Ȳ 2 i j K α 1 α 1 K α 2 α 2 + K α 1α 1 K α 2α 2 Y 3 α1 α 2 Y α1 α 2 + Y α1 α 2 Y 3 α 1 α 2, 2.23 and 2iK I KJ y IJ = K i Kj Y 2 ij Ȳ Ȳ 2 ij Y 4 + K i Kj Y 2 i j Ȳ Ȳ 2 j 1 i 1 12 Y K α 1α 1 K α 2 α 2 K α 1 α 1 K α 2α 2 Yα1 α 2 Y α1 α Y 3 α 1 α 2 Y 3 α 1 α 2, 2.24 where we use the notation of [36], for example K α 1α 1 = K i σ i α 1α 1, Y 2 ij = Y 2α 1β 1 σ ij α 1 β 1, Y 2 Ȳ 2 ij = Y 2 ki Ȳ 2 jk, 2.25 and Yα 2 1 β 1 etc. are defined in appendix B. Commuting the terms involving Ȳ through the Z4 term in equation 2.16 using equations 2.22 and B.9 B.16, one can show the equivalence of the two interaction Hamiltonians at the supergravity level P V SO8,Sugra = P V SO4 2,Sugra Here the chirality refers to either of the two SO4 s. 9 For the derivation of the decomposition of the OY 6 term see equations B.17 B.21. 6

9 Here [36] P SO4 2 = 1 2 K α 1α 1 β1 β K 1 µα α εα 1β 1 ε α 1 β 1 tα1 β 1 Y t α 1 Z β1 1 2 K α 2α 2 β2 β K 2 µα α εα 2β 2 ε α 2 β 2 tα2 β 2 Y t α 2 Z β2 K α 1α 1 α K 2 α 2 s α1 α 2 Y s α 1 α 2 Z K α 1α 1 K α 2α 2 s α 1 α 2 Y s α1 α 2 Z, 2.27 and the spinorial quantities are sy Y + i 3 Y 3, ty ε + iy Y Extension to non-zero-modes In this section, we prove that the string theory three-string interaction vertex constructed in the SO8 formalism in [3, 31, 32, 33] and in the SO4 2 formalism in [34, 35, 36] are identical. In the SO8 formulation, the complete fermionic contribution to the kinematical part of the vertex is [32, 3] [ 3 E b SO8 = exp r,s=1 m,n=1 b mr Qrs mnb ns 2Λ 3 r=1 m=1 ] Q r mb mr Eb SO In the SO4 2 formalism the fermionic contribution to the kinematical part of the vertex is [35] [ 3 E b SO4 2 = exp b α 1 α 2 mr b ns α 1 α Qrs 2 mn b α 1 α 2 mr b ns α 1 α Qsr 2 nm 2Λ α 1α 2 r,s=1 m,n=1 3 r=1 m=1 Q r m b mr α 1 α 2 + α 2 Θ α 1 α 2 m=1 Q r m b mr α 1 α 2 ] E b SO4 2, 3.2 and we have the following relations between the fermionic Neumann matrices of the two vertices 1 + Π Q rs mn = + 1 Π U mr U ns Q rs mn 2 2, Π Q r m = + 1 Π 1 4µαK 1 U 1 mr Q r m The positive chirality parts of the vertices agree in both formulations. In what follows we concentrate on the contribution with negative chirality. Recall that Θ E b SO8 =, α 3 Θ ϑ 1 ϑ 2 and Q sr nm = α rn rs Q mn α s m, 3.5 Q sr nm U Qrs r U s mn = Ḡmr Us Ḡ s. 3.6 n 7

10 Equation 3.6 can be derived using the factorization theorem for the bosonic Neumann matrices [37, 32]. Using these identities, one can show that the generalization of 2.16 to include the stringy modes is Finally, note that 2 α µαK 2 E b SO8 = 1 12 Z4 E b SO {Y α1 α 2, Z β1 β2 } = δ β 1 α1 δ β 2 α2, Y α1 α 2 E b SO4 2 =. 3.8 Since equations 3.7 and 3.8 are algebraically the same as 2.16 and 2.22, the results of section 2 imply that as conjectured in [36]. P V SO8 = P V SO4 2, Conclusions In this paper, we have proved that the plane-wave light-cone superstring field theory Hamiltonians constructed on the states 123 and v 123 are identical. This analysis could be easily extended to show the equivalence of the dynamical supercharges as well. We have thereby resolved one of the puzzling features of the SO4 2 formalism, namely that it appeared not to have a smooth µ flat space limit to the vertex of [27]. In fact Z 4 E b SO4 2 E b SO8 and P SO4 2Ȳ 4 P SO8 have well-defined limits as µ rather than E b SO4 2 and P SO4 2. Moreover, since it is known that E b SO8 and E b SO4 2 Ȳ 4 E b SO8 have opposite ZZ 2 parity [36, 34], it follows that P SO4 2 and P SO8 also have opposite parity and, therefore, P SO4 2 is odd under the ZZ 2. The existence of a smooth flat space limit, together with ZZ 2 SO8 invariance, suggests that the assignment of negative ZZ 2 parity to v equivalently positive ZZ 2 parity to is correct: only then the plane-wave interaction Hamiltonian is invariant under SO4 SO4 ZZ 2 and the latter is continuously connected to the SO8 symmetry of the flat space vertex. This suggests the uniqueness 1 of the interaction Hamiltonian at this order in the string coupling as a solution of the world-sheet continuity and supersymmetry algebra constraints Up to the overall normalization, which due to the absence of the J I generator can be any suitable function of the light-cone momenta. 11 Recently, a different solution of these conditions has been presented [38]. However, it does not have a smooth flat space limit and is not ZZ 2 invariant with the above parity assignment. 8

11 The presence of apparently different interaction Hamiltonians has already been encountered in flat space, where two such objects were constructed. These had an explicit SO8 or SU4 symmetry, respectively [39], and at first sight appear to be quite different. It is clear that our proof can be easily applied to show that the two expressions are, in fact, equivalent. Similarly for the open string interaction Hamiltonian in the plane-wave background, two apparently different expressions exist [4, 41]. Again our proof can be easily adapted to this case to show that the two are identical as operators in the three-string Hilbert space. Acknowledgement We are grateful for discussions with M. Gaberdiel and J. Gomis. B. S. is also grateful to the organizers of the Benasque workshop for providing a stimulating and vibrant atmosphere during the final stages of this project. This work was supported by GIF, the German-Israeli foundation for Scientific Research, FOM, the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter and the European Community s Human Potential Programme under contract HPRN-CT in which A. P. is associated to the University of Bonn and B. S. to the University of Utrecht. A. P. also acknowledges support by the Marie Curie Research Training Site under contract HPMT-CT A Conventions and Notation The R-R flux in the plane wave geometry breaks the SO8 symmetry of the metric into SO4 SO4 ZZ 2. Then 8 v 4,1 1,4, 8 s 2,2 2,2, 8 c 2,2 2,2, A.1 where 2 and 2 are the inequivalent Weyl representations of SO4. We decompose γaȧ I and γi aa into SO4 SO4 as follows γaȧ i = σ i δ β 2 α 1 β1 α 2 σ i α 1β 1 δ α, γ i 2 ȧa = σ i δ α 2 α 1 β1 β 2, A.2 γ i aȧ = β 2 δ β 1 α 1 σ i α 2 β2 δ α 1 β 1 σ i α 2β 2, γ i ȧa = σ i α 1β 1 δ β 2 α 2 δ β 1 α 1 σ i α 2β 2 δ α 1 β 1 σ i α 2 β2. A.3 Here, the σ-matrices consist of the usual Pauli-matrices, together with the 2d unit matrix σ i α α = iτ 1, iτ 2, iτ 3, 1 α α A.4 9

12 and we raise and lower spinor indices with the two-dimensional Levi-Civita symbols, e.g. σ i α α = ε αβ ε α βσ i ββ εαβ σ iβ α ε α βσ i β α. A.5 The σ-matrices obey the relations σ i α α σj αβ + σ j α α σi αβ = 2δ ij δ β α, σi αα σ j α β + σj αα σ i α β = 2δij δ α β. A.6 In particular, in this basis σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 σ 4 β 1 α Π ab = 1 δ β 2 α 2 σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 σ 4 α 1 β 1 δ α 2 β 2 = δ β 1 α 1 δ β 2 α 2 δ α 1 β δ α, A β 2 and 1 ± Π/2 projects onto 2,2 and 2,2, respectively. The following identities are used throught the paper ε αβ ε γδ = δ δ αδ γ β δγ αδ δ β, σ i β σj α β β = δij ε αβ + σ ij αβ, σ i α α σjα β = δ ij ε α β + σ ij α β, σ k α α σk β β = 2ε αβε α β, σ ik αβ σk γ δ = ε αγσ i β δ + ε βγσ i γ δ, σij αβ σ[i α α σj] α β = σij βα σij σ[i α β α α σj]α β = σ ij β α A.8 A.9 A.1 A.11 A.12 σ ik αβσ jk γδ = δij ε αγ ε βδ + ε αδ ε βγ 1 2 σ kl αβ σkl γδ = 4ε αγε βδ + ε αδ ε βγ, σ kl αβσ kl γ δ =, 2σ i α α σj β β = δij ε αβ ε α β + σ ki α 1 β 1 σ jk σ ij αγ ε βδ + σ ij βδ ε αγ + σ ij αδ ε βγ + σ ij βγ ε αδ, A.13 ε α 1 β1 αβ σ ij α β σij αβ ε α β. A.14 A.15 A.16 B Useful relations We define the following quantities, which are quadratic in Y and symmetric in spinor indices cubic in Y Y 2 α 1 β 1 Y α1 α 2 Y α 2 β 1, Y 2 α 2 β 2 Y α1 α 2 Y α 1 β 2, Y 3 α 1 β 2 Y 2 α 1 β 1 Y β 1 β 2 = Y 2 β 2 α 2 Y α 2 α 1, and, finally, quartic in Y and antisymmetric in spinor indices Y 4 α 1 β 1 Y 2 α 1 γ 1 Y 2 γ 1 β 1 = 1 2 ε α 1 β 1 Y 4, Y 4 α 2 β 2 Y 2 α 2 γ 2 Y 2 γ 2 β 2 = 1 2 ε α 2 β 2 Y 4, B.1 B.2 B.3 1

13 where These multi-linears in Y satisfy Y 4 Y 2 α 1 β 1 Y 2 α 1 β 1 = Y 2 α 2 β 2 Y 2 α 2 β 2. B.4 Y α1 α 2 Y β1 β 2 = 1 2 εα1 β 1 Y 2 α 2 β 2 + ε α2 β 2 Y 2 α 1 β 1, B.5 Y α1 α 2 Yβ 2 2 γ 2 = 3 1 εα2 γ 2 Yα 3 1 β 2 + ε α2 β 2 Yα 3 1 γ 2, B.6 Analogous relations hold for Z. Y α1 α 2 Yβ 2 1 γ 1 = 1 εα1 β 3 1 Yγ 3 1 α 2 + ε α1 γ 1 Yα 3 1 α 2, Y 3 β 1 γ 2 Y α1 δ 2 = 1 4 ε β 1 α 1 ε γ2 δ 2 Y 4. To derive equations 2.16 and 3.7 we need the following anticommutators B.7 B.8 [Y α1 α 2, Z 2 β1 γ 1 ] = ε α1 β1 Z γ1 α 2 + ε α1 γ 1 Z β1 α 2, B.9 [Y α1 α 2, Z 2 β2 γ 2 ] = ε α2 β2 Z α1 γ 2 + ε α2 γ 2 Z α1 β2, B.1 {Y α1 α 2, Z 3 β1 β2 } = 3Z α1 β2 Z β1 α 2, B.11 [Y α1 α 2, Z 4 ] = 4Z 3 α 1 α 2, B.12 [Y 2 α 1 β1, Z 4 ] E b SO4 2 = 12Z 2 α 1 β1 E b SO4 2, B.13 [Y 2 α 2 β2, Z 4 ] E b SO4 2 = 12Z 2 α 2 β2 E b SO4 2, B.14 [Y 3 α 1 α 2, Z 4 ] E b SO4 2 = 36Z α1 α 2 E b SO4 2, B.15 [Ȳ 4, Z 4 ] E b SO4 2 = 144 E b SO4 2, B.16 Finally, to rewrite the OY 6 term in the SO8 prefactor in a manifestly SO4 SO4 invariant form, it is useful to employ the identity [27] 1 6! γij ab ε ab cdefghy c Y d Y e Y f Y g Y h = d 8 Λ γ IJ ab Λ a Λ b e Y Λ, B.17 and α 1 α 2 dλ α1 α 2 e Yγ1γ2Λγ1γ2 α 1 α 2 dλ α1 α 2 Λ β1 β 2 e Yγ1γ2Λγ1γ2 = 1 3 Y 3 β 1 β 2, dλ α1 α 2 Λ 2 β 1 δ 1 e Yγ1γ2Λγ1γ2 = Yβ 2 1 δ 1, α 1 α 2 dλ α1 α 2 Λ 2 β 2 δ 2 e Yγ1γ2Λγ1γ2 = Yβ 2 2 δ 2. α 1 α 2 = 1 12 Y 4, B.18 B.19 B.2 B.21 11

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