Transnational Case Study. Studiu de Caz Transnational. Imaging and Branding Imagine si Branding

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3 Transnational Case Study Studiu de Caz Transnational Imaging and Branding Imagine si Branding


5 Executive Sumary Rezumat

6 A study realised in 2009 for the Environment Agency shows a number of 3.5 million contaminated land sites in EU-25, with 500,000 sites having significant contamination and requiring remediation (European Commission, 2006). The major causes of local contamination in most of the analysed countries are deriving from industrial activities and former waste sites. Brownfields are a result of changing patterns of industry and development in a given area. Particularly in urban locations, the loss of the industry, the resulting unemployment and the reluctance of new investors to take on the technical problems and liabilities associated with brownfield sites, affect the economic prosperity of the region. Despite of the usually negative image, brownfields have several advantages in comparison with the development of open space or Greenfields. Among them we mention the availability of necessary infrastructure such as a waterway, a railway, roads, electricity, and drainpipes. Another advantage of the brownfields consists in the presence of available workforce, people that can be employed in the new revitalized areas. Some of these advantages are not always perceived by the owners, municipalities and investors and this makes brownfield revitalization a necessary but difficult to approach objective. Municipalities are often unable to revitalize brownfield from within their own resources, and their city centres and environs remain degraded and under-utilized. Brownfield redevelopment is therefore becoming a major environmental and social concern in the European Union. The European Union doesn t have a specific brownfields policy, not to say about policies or directives that refer directly to the image/brand of brownfilelds. But there are a few projects developed or under development at European level oriented towards urban revitalization which include approaches of the brownfield revitalisation problem among which: BERI (Brownfield European Regeneration Initiative), CABERNET (Concerted Action of Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network), COBRAMAN (Manager Coordinating Brownfield Redevelopment Activities), LUDA (Improving the quality of life in the Large Urban Distressed Areas), NORISC (Network Oriented Risk assessment by Instu Screening of Contaminated sites), PROSIDE (Promoting Sustainable Inner Urban Development), RECORE (Regenerating Europe s Coalfield Regions), RECULA (Restructuring Cultural Landscapes), RES- CUE (Regeneration of European Sites in Cities and Urban Environments), REVIT (Revitalizing Industrial Sites) and of course RETINA. ReTInA project is directed towards revitalization of brownfields in the South- Eastern Europe. Its main aim is to ensure growth, competitiveness and quality employment in the analyzed areas by preparing a series of concrete revitalization and investments plans to catalyze revitalization while contributing to a quality urban environment. Un studiu realizat in 2009, pentru Agentia de Mediu Un studiu realizat in 2009, pentru Agentia de Mediu prezinta un numar de 3,5 milioane de locatii ale terenurilor contaminate in UE-25 si de locatii avand o contaminare semnificativa si care necesita reabilitare (Comisia Europeana, 2006). Cauzele majore de contaminare locala in cele mai multe dintre tarile analizate decurg din activitatile industriale si din depozitarea deseurilor. Zonele industriale dezafectate au rezultat din modificarea specificului industriei si a dezvoltarii intr-o anumita zona. In special in zonele urbane, pierderea industriei, somajul si reticenta unor noi investitori cu privire la problemele asociate zonelor defavorizate, afecteaza prosperitatea economica a regiunii. In ciuda imaginii de obicei negative a zonelor industriale dezafectate, exista mai multe avantaje in comparatie cu dezvoltarea de spatii deschise sau terenuri acoperite. Printre acestea se numara infrastructura necesara care este deja disponibila, cum ar fi o cale navigabila, o cale ferata, drumuri, reteaua de electricitate. Unele dintre aceste avantaje nu sunt intotdeauna percepute de catre proprietari, municipii si/sau investitori care transforma revitalizarea intr-un process dificil de abordat obiectiv. Municipalitatile sunt adesea in imposibilitatea de a revitaliza o fosta zona industriala din resurse proprii, motiv pentru care si centrele oraselor sau imprejurimile raman intr-o stare de degradare si sub-utilizare. Neutilizarea acestor zone este, prin urmare, o preocupare majora de mediu si sociala in Uniunea Europeana. Uniunea Europeana nu are o politica fixa privind zonele industriale dezafectate, cu atat mai mult nu exista politici sau directive care sa se refere direct la imaginea / brandul de fosta zona industriala. Exista cateva proiecte dezvoltate sau in curs de dezvoltare la nivel european orientate spre revitalizarea urbana, care includ abordari ale problemei de revitalizare industriala, printre care: BERI (Initiativa Brownfield Regeneration European), CABERNET(grup de actiune comuna pentru zonele industriale si relansare economica), COBRAMAN (proiect de coordonare a activitatilor de redezvoltare a zonelor dezafectate), LUDA (proiect pentru cresterea nivelului de trai in marile zone urbane), NORISC (Reteaua de evaluare a riscurilor de medsiu prin diagnoza de situri contaminate), PROSIDE (promovarea dezvoltarii durabile interurbane), RECORE, RECULA (proiect de restructurare a peisajelor culturale), SALVARE (regenerarea sit-urilor europene in orase si in imprejurimi), REVIT (revitalizarea sit-urilor industriale) si desigur RETINA. Proiectul Retina este indreptat spre revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate in Europa de Sud-Est. Scopul principal este de a asigura cresterea economica, a competitivitatii si a ocuparii fortei de munca de calitate in domeniile analizate prin pregatirea unor planuri de investitii pentru a cataliza revitalizarea, si Page 6 Retina Subject July

7 As an output of the project it will be developed a method that engages all stakeholders involved in the revitalization process: owners of the area, local authorities, developers, experts, architects, civil organizations and knowledge institutions. The result of the ReTInA project will consist in incorporating all the information regarding the revitalization of former industrial areas in a consortium s Master Plan and involving all the key actors in promoting the innovative solutions for revitalization. The main aim of the Transnational Case Study regarding imaging and branding is to identify the actual image of the brownfields and to propose the directions in which this image can be developed in order to align it with the revitalisation objectives that have been set and create brand from it. In this sense, 9 case studies have been assessed representing former industrial areas (brownfields) from Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. The research method used was case study analysis with focus on aspects as: 1) General image of the brownfields and resources: general image of the surrounding areas, quality of the environment and housing, positive and negative elements of the present image, 2) Resources and values: architectural/cultural heritage, demographic structure, present land-uses/activities, institutional framework and capacity, ongoing revitalization activities, ongoing marketing/communication activities, infrastructural connections and accessibility, 3) Objectives and planning: revitalisation objectives, existing urban/district/city plans, urban development strategies, target images, the function and benefits of the new images in the city (region), target groups to be addressed and their expectations. The analysis of the nine cases reveals that an important aspect both in the revitalisation process in general and also from the image and branding point of view is defining clear revitalisation objectives based on thorough analysis of the needs of target segments. We take into consideration that the result of the revitalisation process is after all a product that must be sold to a segmented, defined and targeted market in order to bring the desired result: sustainable development. From the image and branding point of view, the first step in defining a clear and efficient strategy is to have an accurate evaluation about the present image of the brownfield as it is in the moment of deciding to start a revitalization process. Th ese two elements, revitalization objectives and present image, offer an important starting point in shaping the strategy to follow in order to bring the brownfield from its present state to the desired form and results. The analysis indicates that, for areas with civic or mix revitalization objective (civic while still keeping some industrial activity) as Tahanovce (civic) and Csepel Works (mix), the industrial image might represent an impediment implying contribuind in acelasi timp la un mediu urban de calitate. Ca rezultat al proiectului, va fi dezvoltata o metoda care presupune conlucrarea dintre toate partile implicate in procesul de revitalizare: proprietarii din zona, autoritatile locale, dezvoltatori, experti, arhitecti, organizatii civile si institute de cercetare. Rezultatul proiectului Retina va consta intr-un Master Plan care va incorpora toate informatiile cu privire la revitalizarea fostelor zone industriale - un consortiu - care sa implice toti actorii-cheie in promovarea solutiilor inovatoare pentru revitalizare. Scopul principal al studiului de caz transnational in ceea ce priveste imaginea si brandingul este de a identifica imaginea reala a zonelor industriale dezafectate si de a propune directii in care aceasta imagine poate fi dezvoltata pentru a o alinia cu obiectivele de revitalizare stabilite. In acest sens, au fost evaluate 9 studii de caz ale fostelor zone industriale (zonele industriale dezafectate) din Ungaria, Italia, Slovenia, Grecia, Slovacia, Romania si Bulgaria. Metoda de cercetare folosita a fost analiza de caz, cu accent pe aspecte precum: 1) imaginea de ansamblu a zonelor industriale dezafectate si a resurselor: imagine de ansamblu a zonelor inconjuratoare, calitatea mediului si a locuintelor, aspecte pozitive si negative ale imaginii actuale, 2) resurse si valori: patrimoniul arhitectural / cultural, structura demografica, cadrul institutional, activitati de revitalizare in curs de desfasurare, activitati de marketing / comunicare in curs de desfasurare, infrastructura si accesibilitate, 3) obiectivele si planificarea: existenta obiectivelor de revitalizare si dezvoltare urbane / zonale / de infrastructura, a obiectivelor de imagine, functia si beneficiile noii imagini in oras (regiune), grupurile tinta care urmeaza sa fie abordate si asteptarile lor. Analiza celor noua cazuri releva un aspect important atat in procesul de revitalizare, cat si din punct de vedere al imaginii si brandingului: obiectivele de revitalizare trebuie definite clar, pe baza analizei aprofundate a nevoilor segmentelor tinta. Luam in considerare faptul ca rezultatul procesului de revitalizare este la urma urmei un produs care trebuie sa fie vandut pe o piata segmentata, definita si specifica pentru a obtine rezultatul dorit: dezvoltarea durabila. Din punct de vedere al imaginii si brandingului, primul pas in definirea unei strategii clare si eficiente este evaluarea exacta a imaginii zonelor asa cum este in momentul deciziei de incepere a procesului de revitalizare. Aceste doua elemente, obiectivele si imaginea actuala, ofera un punct de plecare important in conturarea strategiei de urmat pentru a aduce zonele industriale dezafectate de la starea prezenta la formatul de dorit si la rezultate. Analiza arata ca, pentru zonele unde obiectivele de revitalizare mixte sau civice se amesteca (cele civice, pastrand in acelasi timp inca unele activitati industriale), precum Tahanovce (civice) si Csepel (mixte), Retina Subject July Page 7

8 therefore the necessity of a radical change in the image of the area. In the case of an ecological orientation of the revitalization objective as in the case of Marconi Park and Tirighina, the industrial and polluted image of the area might in fact represent an advantage because it underlines a need for which the revitalization objectives come as expected, welcomed and sustained solutions. In defining a coherent image and branding strategy, two other elements need to be taken into consideration: the structure of the brownfield and its position towards the city. These elements respond to two important questions: Can we create a unique and unitary image for the entire brownfield? And, should and can we integrate it with the image of the city? The case study analysis brings into attention a variety of situations from this point of view. From this point of view the Transnational Case Study includes a variety of situations. Komotini Industrial Area, which is outside the city and has a territorial and functional compact structure, offers the possibility of defining a distinctive image from that of the city, if chosen to. Csepel and Iasi brownfields, both inside the cities, both with a compact structure are appropriate for creating unitary, integrated image strategies in harmony with the image of the cities they are in. Ferrara brownfield represents a special situation due to its inner contact position and both territorial and functional fragmented structure which indicates the opportunity of defining a distinctive strategy for each of its component parts, while integrating them into the image of the city. Taking into consideration the analysed cases, the main conclusion of this study is that for a successful image and branding strategy associated to the brownfield revitalisation, the following elements must be met: 1) Achieving cooperation and partnership among owners, investors and other parties involved in the project, necessary in order to achieve a strong and coherent image. 2) Define a clear revitalization objective based on a previous analysis of resources, opportunities, difficulties, needs and expectations of the interested groups. 3) Involve the target segments of the revitalization project into the project - the sense of partnership and involvement will transform them from target segment into supporters. 4) Define the image and branding objective to support the revitalisation objective. 5) Define a clear image strategy taking into consideration the present image and what the brownfield offers in order to create and develop the new one. It is clear that brownfield revitalisation is a process that can benefit from a European perspective, a clear and commonly defined legislation and support. In the same time, it remains a process with profound local specificity. A very important aspect, along with the EU policy imaginea industriala ar putea reprezenta un impediment care implica, prin urmare, necesitatea unei schimbari radicale in imaginea zonei. In cazul in care se opteaza pentru o abordare ecologica, precum in cazul Marconi Park si Tirighina, imaginea industriala in comparatie cu imaginea zonei poluate, ar putea reprezenta un avantaj, deoarece subliniaza nevoia pentru care obiectivele de revitalizare apar ca solutii sustinute si evidente. In definirea unei imagini si strategii de branding coerente, alte doua elemente trebuie sa fie luate in considerare: structura zonei industriale dezafectate si pozitia sa fata de oras. Aceste elemente raspund la doua intrebari importante: Putem crea o imagine unica si unitara pentru intreaga zona industriala dezafectata? Si, ar trebui si o putem integra cu imaginea orasului? Studiul de caz aduce in atentie o varietate de situatii din acest punct de vedere. Studiul de caz transnational include o varietate de situatii. Zona Komotini Industrial, care este in afara orasului si are o structura teritoriala si functionala compacta, ofera posibilitatea de a defini o imagine distincta de cea a orasului. La Csepel si Iasi zonele dezafectate sunt in interiorul oraselor, ambele cu o structura compacta, sunt adecvate pentru crearea de strategii unitare, integrate de imagine in armonie cu cea a oraselor din care fac parte. Ferrara ofera o situatie speciala datorita pozitiei sale si datorita structurii teritoriale si functionale fragmentate, indicand posibilitatea de a defini o strategie distincta pentru fiecare din partile sale componente, care ulterior sa fie integrate in imaginea orasului. Luand in considerare cazurile analizate, principala concluzie a acestui studiu este faptul ca pentru o imagine de succes si o buna strategie de branding, asociate revitalizarii zonei industriale dezafectate, trebuie sa fie indeplinite urmatoarele elemente: 1) Realizarea de aliante si parteneriate intre proprietari, investitori si alte parti implicate in proiect, necesare pentru a realiza o imagine puternica si coerenta. 2) Definirea unui obiectiv clar de revitalizare pe baza unei analize anterioare de resurse, oportunitati, dificultati, nevoile si asteptarile grupurilor interesate. 3) Implicarea in proiect a segmentelor tinta, in sensul de parteneriat, cu scopul de a-i transforma din segmentul-tinta in sustinatori. 4) Definirea obiectivului de imagine si branding pentru a sprijini obiectivul de revitalizare. 5) Definirea unei strategii clare de imagine luand in considerare imaginea prezenta si ceea ce ofera zona industriala dezafectata, in scopul de a crea si de a dezvolta una noua. Este clar ca revitalizarea zonei industriale dezafectate este un proces care poate beneficia de o perspectiva europeana, de o legislatie clara si de sprijin. In acelasi timp, ramane un proces cu un adanc specific local. Un aspect foarte important si de baza pentru revitalizare este definirea, ori de cate ori este posibil, Retina Subject July Page 8

9 and framework, the core of revitalisation process is to define, whenever possible, the uniqueness of the place and people and develop upon that. As it is, for example the case of Ferrara, which discovered that the Boicelli canal can be the core of their revitalisation and a fundamental resource in defining a distinctive and valuable identity. The next step of the project concludes in defining the Master Plan, the last stage in the ReTInA project representing a series of guidelines for the revitalization of former industrial areas based of the cases analysed. a specificului locului si a oamenilor. Dupa cum este cazul, de exemplu, in Ferrara, unde s-a descoperit ca vechiul canal Boicelli poate fi centrul lor de revitalizare si o resursa fundamentala in definirea unei identitati distinctive si valoroase. Urmatorul pas al proiectului consta in definirea Master Planului, ultima etapa in cadrul proiectului Retina, reprezentand o serie de orientari pentru revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate pe baza studiilor de caz analizate. Retina Subject July Page 9


11 Background Context general ReTInA project and Partnership Proiectul si parteneriatul ReTInA

12 In South East Europe brownfields pose a challenge. Being areas where investments could transform them in vehicles for creating new job opportunities, they represent an underexplored economic value for SEE. Through RETINA project, 9 partners from 7 different SEE countries joined forces to develop the necessary tools and methodology to tackle the problem in an integrated way, focusing on successful sustainable brownfield revitalization and stakeholder engagement in all steps of the process. The main objective is to ensure growth, competitiveness and quality employment in the areas by preparing a series of concrete revitalization and investments plans to catalyze revitalization while contributing to a quality urban environment. As an output of the project it will be developed a model masterplan that engages all stakeholders involved in the revitalization process: owners of the area, local authorities, developers, experts, architects, civil organizations and knowledge institutions; the discussions and negotiations of these people will contribute to bringing together architectural and planning visions about the future of brownfields, with the specific needs of the civil society and the various actors at the stage. Each partner carried out a regional case study (RCS) and a needs analysis representing the base for a regional brownfield revitalization plan and a relevant investment program. Exploiting the transnational dimension of the partnership three thematic Taskforces are jointly developing 3 transnational case studies (TCS), 3 transnational benchmarks and peer reviews, 4 master classes and 3 training sessions for the brownfield stakeholder groups. The transnational case studies will result in joint experiences in Private-Public Partnership and ownership constructions, early commitment of private sector in dealing with contaminated sites and branding of a brownfield using a design contest. Through a transnational approach, including diverse experiences, situations, information and point of views, RETINA represents a chance for re-boosting economy and social growth in areas where heavy industry used to play key role in the life of the cities. Aims of the Transnational Case study The main aim of the Transnational Case Study regarding imaging and branding is to identify the actual image of the brownfields and to propose the directions in which this image can be developed in order to align this image with the revitalisation objectives that have been set. Also, the study aims to identify the potential images that can sustain the development of new brands for the presented cases. In order to do that, each partener prepared a Regional Case Study in which were included in a common In Europa de Sud-Est zonele industriale dezafectate reprezinta o provocare. Fiind zone pe care investitiile le-ar putea transforma in generatoare de noi oportunitati de locuri de munca, acestea reprezinta o valoare economica neexploatata in Europa de Sud-Est. Prin intermediul proiectului Retina, 10 parteneri din 7 tari diferite ale Europei de Sud-Est si-au unit fortele pentru a dezvolta instrumentele necesare si metodologia de rezolvare a problemei intr-un mod integrat, concentrandu-se pe succesul durabil al revitalizarii zonei industriale dezafectate si pe implicarea partilor interesate in toate etapele procesului. Obiectivul principal este de a asigura cresterea economica, a competitivitatii si a ocuparii fortei de munca de calitate pe domenii, prin pregatirea unei serii de obiective si planuri de investitii pentru a cataliza revitalizarea contribuind in acelasi timp la un mediu urban de calitate. Ca un rezultat al proiectului va fi dezvoltata o metoda care sa implice toate partile integrante ale procesul de revitalizare: proprietarii din zona, autoritatile locale, dezvoltatori, experti, arhitecti, organizatii civile si centre de cercetare; discutiile si negocierile dintre acesti oameni vor contribui la unificarea viziunilor si planurilor arhitecturale, coroborate cu nevoile specifice ale societatii civile si a diferitilor actori din proiect. Acest model va include tehnici integrate din master plan si tehnici de implicare a partilor interesate, precum si un instrument de management pentru implicarea stakeholder-ilor. Fiecare partener a efectuat un studiu de caz regional (RCS), precum si o analiza a nevoilor reprezentand baza pentru un plan de revitalizare regionala a zonei industriale dezafectate si un program de investitii relevant. Evidentiind dimensiunea transnationala a parteneriatului, 3 grupuri de lucru tematice dezvolta in comun 3 studii de caz transnationale (TCS), 3 valori de referinta transnationale si evaluari bidirectionale, 4 cursuri de master si 3 sesiuni de instruire pentru investitorii in zonele industriale dezafectate. Studiile de caz transnationale se vor concretiza prin experiente comune in parteneriate public-privat, constructii private, angajamente ale sectorului privat cu privire la rezolvarea problemelor din locatiile contaminate si prin stabilirea brand-ului unei zone industriale dezafectate in urma unui concurs de design. Printr-o abordare transnationala, incluzand diverse experiente, situatii, informatii si puncte de vedere, Retina reprezinta o sansa pentru re-stimularea economiei si cresterii sociale in zonele in care industria grea a avut un rol major in dezvoltarea oraselor studiate. Obiectivele studiului de caz transnational Scopul principal al studiului de caz transnational in ceea ce priveste imaginea si branding-ul este de a identifica imaginea reala a zonelor industriale Page 12 Retina Subject July

13 format all the information about the exact location, actual situation, former use, surrounding areas, plans and objectives for the brownfield, city, region or country, former and actual image, objectives for the image and the revitalisation. The RCSs provided have been analysed with the purpose of evaluating the present image of each brownfield, the image that needs to be created in order to sustain the revitalization objectives and, of course, the resources available and needed in order to define and develop the targeted image and the potential of developing a brand from the image. Taking into consideration the common brownfield situation of every case, another aim of the Transnational Case Study is to compare all cases in order to present the similarities and differences, identify the common methods, tools and instruments that can be used in the future brownfield revitalisation projects, and promote them at EU level with the purpouse to be used as expertise, models and valuable knowledge. Common and unique cases have been identified starting from some different perspectives like the position of the brownfield within the city, the type of brownfield, the main objectives for the revitalisation and the actual image. The results of the study propose solutions for image revitalisation, key elements that can sustain this image and ways to promote it main channels of communication that will get the message to the main target groups of every area. dezafectate si de a propune directii in care aceasta imagine poate fi dezvoltata cu scopul de a o alinia cu obiectivele de revitalizare stabilite. In acest scop, RCS-ul prevazut de fiecare partener din cadrul proiectului a fost analizat, evaluandu-se imaginea actuala a fiecarei zone industriale dezafectate, pentru a sustine obiectivele de revitalizare, si, desigur, resursele disponibile si necesare, pentru a defini si a dezvolta imaginea tinta. Plecand de la perspective diferite, cum ar fi pozitia zonei deafectate in topologia orasului, tipul zonei, obiective principale pentru revitalizare si imagine actuala, au fost identificate mai multe cazuri unice. Rezultatele studiului propun solutii pentru revitalizarea imaginii, elemente-cheie care pot sustine aceasta imagine si modalitati de promovare - canale principale de comunicare, care vor transmite mesajul la grupurile-tinta din fiecare zona. Page 13 Retina Subject July

14 State of the Art Stadiul actual

15 General status of brownfields within the EU and the SEE region The Europe Union is dealing with a large number of contaminated/polluted sites generally named brownfields. The oldest contaminated areas were formed in the early nineteenth century when the large industrialization begun. These sites can be classified as follows: former industrial areas and current industrial sites, car graveyards and river basins that are often landfills as they are not competitive compared to greenfields without public intervention. Consequently, these sites present challenges to national and regional policymakers, including the remediation of hazards to human beings, groundwater and ecosystems, and the need to facilitate the reintegration of rehabilitated sites into the property market and to ensure that they can be regenerated for new economic uses. The study realised in 2009 for the Environment Agency shows a number of 3.5 million contaminated land sites in EU-25, with 500,000 sites having significant contamination and requiring remediation (European Commission, 2006). Also, based on available data, the major causes of local contamination in most of the analysed countries are deriving from industrial activities and former waste sites. This is a continuous process that in time determined the loss of the industry, the resulting unemployment and the reluctance of new investors to take on the technical problems and liabilities associated with brownfield sites, affect the economic prosperity of the region, particularly in urban locations. Municipalities are often unable to revitalize brownfield from within their own resources, and their city centers and environs remain degraded and under-utilized. The public are not sufficiently informed and there is no clear revitalisation vision connecting to the needs and wishes of the local population and stakeholders. For this reason ReTInA project is aiming to create a solid support for the partners, provide useful information and create sustainable partnerships between stakeholders and present good practices around Europe regarding brownfileds revitalization. Given the scarcity of land and the need to boost productivity in the EU, redevelopment of brownfield areas should be a priority especially in the quest to meet the problem of urban sprawl and the need for sustainable urban development. Beside the land contamination, pollution and a negative image (aesthetically), economic impacts are sever in terms of loss of jobs, declining the quality of life of neighbourhoods, social standards and many others negative impacts that influence directly the city, region and even the country. Brownfield redevelopment is becoming a major environmental and social concern Starea generala a zonelor industriale dezafectate in cadrul UE si regiunea Europei de Sud-Est Uniunea Europeana se confrunta cu un numar mare de locatii contaminate / poluate numite in general zone industriale dezafectate. Cele mai vechi zone contaminate s-au format la inceputul secolului XIX, odata cu inceputul industrializarii. Aceste locatii pot fi clasificate dupa cum urmeaza: foste zone industriale si zone actuale industriale, cimitire de masini si bazine hidrografice folosite ca depozite de deseuri, locatii necompetitive in comparatie cu spatiile verzi, fara interventia factorului uman. In consecinta, aceste locatii reprezinta o provocare pentru factorii de decizie politica de la nivel national si regional. Deciziile vor privi si reducerea impactului poluarii asupra factorului uman si a ecosistemelor, facilitarea reintegrarii locatiilor reabilitate pe piata imobiliara si reutilizarea lor in noi scopuri economice. In urma unui studiu realizat in 2009, pentru Agentia de Mediu a rezultat un numar de 3,5 milioane de locatii ale terenurilor contaminate in UE-25, din care 500,000 locatii cu o contaminare semnificativa si care necesita reabilitare (Comisia Europeana, 2006). De asemenea, pe baza datelor disponibile, s-a constatat ca principalele cauze de contaminare locala in majoritatea tarilor analizate deriva din activitatile industriale si proasta gestionare a fostelor depozite de deseuri. Acesta este un proces continuu, care in timp a dus la pierderea industriei, la somaj si implicit la reticenta noilor investitori cu privire la problemele tehnice si la pasivele asociate cu zonele industriale dezafectate, afectand prosperitatea economica a regiunii, in special in zonele urbane. Municipalitatile sunt adesea in imposibilitatea de a revitaliza cu propriile resurse zona industriala dezafectata, iar centrele oraselor si imprejurimile raman degradate si sub-utilizate. Publicul nu este suficient de informat si nu exista nici o viziune clara cu privire la dorintele si nevoile populatiei locale si a partilor interesate. Din acest motiv proiectul Retina are scopul de a crea un suport solid pentru partenerii sai, de a furnizeza informatii utile si de a crea parteneriate durabile intre partile interesate si bune practici prezente in jurul valorii Europei in ceea ce priveste revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate. Avand in vedere deficitul de teren, precum si necesitatea de a spori productivitatea in UE, reamenajarea zonelor industriale dezafectate ar trebui sa fie o prioritate - in special in incercarea de a satisface problema extinderii asezarilor urbane si nevoia de dezvoltare urbana durabila. Alaturi de contaminarea solului, poluare si o imaginea negativa (estetic), efectele economice contribuie sever la pierderea locurilor de munca, la scaderea Retina Subject July Page 15

16 in the European Union. But there can be seen several advantages compared to the development of open space or Greenfields: necessary infrastructure is often already available (such as a waterway, a railway, roads, electricity, and drainpipes), people can be employed in the new revitalized areas so the social status and the quality of life can be improved. These can contribute to the improvement of the overall image of the area or the creation of a new clean/ecological image that can attract investors. EU level policy on brownfields/ common EU aims The EU does not yet have a general brownfield policy in terms of a specific concise, holistic legal/policy framework on brownfields as such comprising definitions, criteria and concrete measures also covering imaging and branding. However, there are ample policy/legislation which aim at prevention of environmental pollution of a specific site as well as clean up of polluted land, water, air. EU has a strong preventive policy in the field of industrial and other potentially polluting activities, meaning that there are binding rules on behaviour/measure to be taken to minimise risk for environmental pollution. The most relevant EU policy is the EU Soil Strategy which reflects the stance of EU to take soil-related problems increasingly seriously. The Soil Strategy was adopted in the context of the Sixth Environmental Action Programme (covered period until 2010) which called for thematic strategy to further protect soils against erosion and pollution. The Soil Strategy will soon be complemented by the draft Directive on Soil, which will further the objectives of the Soil Strategy. Apart from the overall Soil Strategy and the draft Soil Directive, there is ample legislation on industrial activities, responsibility and action in case of polluting activities and especially in case of contamination. However, this framework mainly focuses on the environmental perspective. It does not dictate rules on the identification of sites and their priority in terms of remediation and revitalisation. Nor does EU policy or legislation tackle how to in a logical, stepped approach capitalise on the value of brownfields through economic revitalisation and urban development and giving importance to measures on imaging and branding. Also most EU rules on liability and compulsory positive action relate to sites being significantly polluted or are in the risk of being so. However, the broad definition of brownfield in this project does not only cover industrial sites but can be other brownfields, meaning areas of human development which no longer can regarded greenfield. Hence, brownfield revitalisation should be seen from a broader urban development perspective as well. Most of the measures at EU and national level nivelului de trai, a standardelor sociale si multe alte impacturi negative care influenteaza in mod direct orasul, regiunea si chiar tara. Reamenajarea zonei industriale dezafectate devine o preocupare majora de mediu si sociala in Uniunea Europeana. Pot fi evidentiate mai multe avantaje in comparatie cu dezvoltarea de spatii verzi, sau spatii deschise: infrastructura necesara este deja disponibila (cum ar fi o cai navigabile, cai ferate, drumuri, retele de electricitate si retele de canalizare), oamenii pot fi angajati in noile zone revitalizate, ridicand astfel statutul social si calitatea vietii si contribuind la imbunatatirea imaginii de ansamblu a zonei sau crearea unei noi imagini curate / ecologice, care poate atrage investitori. Politica UE privind zonele industriale dezafectate / obiective comune ale UE UE nu are inca o politica generala pentru zonele industriale dezafectate in termeni specifici, un cadru legal privind aceste zone dupa cum sunt ele definite si clasificate. De asemenea nu exista masuri concrete cu privire la imaginea si brandingul lor. Cu toate acestea, exista o legislatie ampla care vizeaza prevenirea poluarii mediului dintr-o anumita locatie, precum si de curatare a terenurilor poluate, a apelor, a aerului. UE are o politica puternica de prevenire in domeniul activitatilor industriale si a altor potentiale surse poluante, ceea ce inseamna ca exista norme obligatorii privind comportamentul consumatorului si masuri care urmeaza sa fie luate pentru a minimiza riscul de poluare a mediului. Cea mai relevanta politica a UE este strategia solului, care reflecta pozitia Uniunii fata de problemele din ce in ce mai serioase derivate din poluarea solului. Aceasta strategie a fost adoptata in contextul celui de al saselea program de actiune pentru mediu (perioada acoperita pana in 2010), care a solicitat o strategie tematica pentru a proteja in continuare solurile impotriva eroziunii si a poluarii. Strategia solului va fi in curand completata de o directiva europeana. In afara de strategia globala a solului si de proiectul de directiva, exista reglementari ample cu privire la activitatile industriale, obligatiiile producatorilor si de raspundere in caz de emisii poluante, in special in caz de contaminare. Cu toate acestea, cadrul se concentreaza in principal asupra perspectivei de mediu. Nu se impun norme privind identificarea locatiilor si prioritatea acestora in termeni de remediere si de revitalizare. Politicile UE in domeniul legislatiei abordeaza valoarea zonelor industriale dezafectate prin revitalizare economica si dezvoltare urbana, dand importanta masurilor privind imaginea si branding-ul. De asemenea, cele mai multe norme europene priviesc raspunderea si actiunea pozitiva obligatorie cu privire la zone semnificativ poluate sau cu risc crescut de poluare. Cu toate acestea, definitia larga larga a zonei Page 16 Retina Subject July

17 on brownfields have an environmental, legal or strategic character rather than financial or policy oriented. The first objective has largely been to remediate these sites to remove or limit damage to environment and/ or human health. The second objective, which needs increasing attention, is their regeneration potential for efficient urban planning and sustainability reasons. Diligent use of land resources is an aim of growing importance although it still has to be elaborated more in detail in the EU legislative and policy framework. So far few measures, initiatives and projects have focused on branding and imaging although this is a crucial aspect in brownfield regeneration and in urbanrural planning in general. Branding and imaging is essential for receiving the support of the local population and stakeholders and the financial investment of national and foreign investors. Few campaigns and promotional efforts have been carried out to address the bottlenecks and challenges the redevelopment of brownfields are having in terms of citizens and stakeholders negative perception of brownfield sites. Not sufficient attention has been given to how to overcome this negative perception. Possibly stepped up legal and policy measures as well as guidance at EU level is needed to ensure a coordinated, harmonious action on brownfield regeneration and the role of brownfields in spatial and landscape planning in general. Awaiting further EU action on brownfields, one part of the solution could be to improve the implementation of the EU environmental legislation, especially legislation and policy focusing on soil and remediation. The jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice on infringements or non-implementation of EU environmental legislation is still too high and Member States need to step up measures to ensure full and adequate implementation and application of the EU environmental acquis. Furthermore, imaging and branding action linked to regeneration and redevelopment of brownfield sites should only come after thorough contamination assessment and remediation efforts. Most people relate to environmental protection concerns and decontamination efforts will increase the trust in both local authorities and in the new generation of investors at the site. Diligent and sustainable land use The primary objective of brownfield redevelopment is the reuse of the land and it s reintegration into the economic cycle. The fact that brownfield regeneration avoids the consumption of greenfield sites means it is often regarded as sustainable and thus worthy of public funding. It is clear that more and more Member States are searching for different measures to deal with soil remediation in general and brownfields industriale dezafectate in acest proiect nu acopera numai locatiile industriale. Pot exista si alte zone dezafectate, in sensul dezvoltarii umane, care nu mai pot considerate de tip verde. Prin urmare, revitalizarea zonei industriale dezafectate ar trebui sa fie vazuta dintr-o perspectiva mai larga de dezvoltare urbana. Cele mai multe dintre masurile la nivel european si national ce se concentreaza asupra zonelor industriale dezafectate au mai mult caracter de mediu, legal sau strategic, decat financiar sau politic. Primul obiectiv a fost, in mare masura, de a remedia problemele acestor locatii, de a elimina sau de a limita deteriorarea mediului si / sau sanatatii umane. Al doilea obiectiv, caruia i se acorda o atentie sporita, este valorificarea potentialului lor de regenerare pentru planificare urbana eficienta si durabila. Utilizarea optima a resurselor funciare este un obiectiv de importanta tot mai mare, desi in cadrul politico-legislativ european el inca mai trebuie detaliat pe directii specifice. Pana in prezent, doar cateva masuri, intiative si proiecte s-au concentrat asupra branding-ului si imaginii, desi acestea sunt aspecte cruciale in regenerarea zonei industriale dezafectate si in planul urban/rural de dezvoltare. Branding-ul si imaginea sunt esentiale pentru primirea sprijinului populatiei locale si a partilor interesate, a investitorilor financiari nationali si internationali. Au fost realizate putine campanii si eforturi de promovare pentru a preveni dezafectarea zonelor si a motiva redezvoltarea acestora intr-o mainera nonpoluanta, deoarece perceptia cetatenilor si a investitorilor este una negativa in ce priveste zonele industriale dezafectate. Nu a fost acordata suficienta atentie necesitatii de a schimba aceasta perceptie negativa. Intensificarea masurilor legale si politice, precum si a orientarilor la nivelul UE sunt necesare pentru a asigura o actiune coordonata, armonioasa privind regenerarea zonelor industriale dezafectate si rolul lor in peisajul si amenajarea teritoriului, in general. In ceea ce priveste viitoarele actiuni ale UE referitoare la zonele industriale dezafectate, o parte din solutii ar putea fi orientate catre punerea concreta in aplicare a legislatiilor de mediu a UE, in special a celor cu privire la sol si regnerarea lui. Jurisprudenta Curtii Europene privind incalcarea sau neaplicarea legislatiei de mediu este in continuare prea ridicata si statele membre trebuie sa intensifice masurile pentru a asigura punerea corecta si completa in aplicare a standardelor UE de mediu. In plus, actiunile de imagine si branding legate de regenerarea si reamenajarea terenurilor industriale dezafectate ar trebui sa vina numai dupa o evaluare amanuntita a contaminarii si a eforturilor de remediere. Cu cat vor creste preocuparile si eforturile oamenilor pentru protectia mediului si decontaminarea lui, cu atat va creste si increderea in autoritatile locale si in investitorii dispusi sa se implice in relansarea zonei dezafectate. Page 17 Retina Subject July

18 in particular. However, the shortage of knowledge and information regarding brownfield development creates myraid difficulties with the startup and realization of potential brownfield projects. Additionally, and with regard to funding schemes, no consideration is made of the sustainability of the methods used to redevelop these sites. There is not yet a specific policy or legislative framework on diligent and sustainable land-use at EU level, especially not addressing branding and imaging issues. The legislative framework is instead made up of a patchwork of various preventive and corrective measures in terms of industrial activities, agricultural activities and use of certain areas of high nature value such as Natura 2000 sites, nature reserves etc. Also the polluter pays principle enshrined in the EC Treaty and in several environmental directives call for diligent behaviour although this is more related to occupational activities carried out on a site rather than the diligent use a of a parcel of land. Hence, the EU has yet to establish a common framework on sustainability criteria, methods in redeveloping brownfields. Such sustainability criteria and methods should also be used for assessing Member State public incentives for brownfield redevelopment, such as taxes on vacant or derelict buildings, environmental subsidies and other legal incentives. Such incentives should all comply with basic norms of sustainable development, responding to the needs of the present and the future, simultaneously considering social, economic and environmental issues, ensure a sustainable urban future and aim at achieving equity. Although land use planning and management decisions are mainly made at local or regional level, the European Commission has taken certain action to ensure a harmonised approach to taking into account environmental concerns when putting together their land use development plans. Action/objectives partly relevant to brownfields are divided into 3 strands: 1.To devise methods and environmental tools to analyse the impact of proposed development 2.To improve the information flow between policymakers and citizens about land use issues. 3.To develop and implement a European urban environment strategy. The challenge for policy-makers is to come up with a sustainable and integrated approach to urban development and management that works in harmony with natural systems. Under Community s Sixth Environmental Action Programme the Commission strives to develop a new Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment to help promote a more integrated approach and support action at local level. Various EU funding programmes such as Interreg and South East Europe tackle the need for sustainable urban development making it a corner stone in territorial cooperation projects. The funding programme can support projects taking a more holistic, multi sectoral Utilizarea durabila si eficienta a terenurilor Obiectivul principal de redezvoltare a zonei industriale dezafectate este reutilizarea terenurilor si reintegrarea lor in ciclul economic. Faptul ca regenerarea zonei industriale dezafectate nu implica integrarea locatiilor de tip verde, inseamna ca poate fi considerata o actiune durabila, si prin urmare demna de fonduri publice. Este clar faptul ca din ce in ce mai multe state membre sunt in cautare de masuri diferite pentru a rezolva problema regenerarii solului, mai ales in zonele industriale dezafectate. Cu toate acestea, lipsa de cunostinte si informatii cu privire la zona industriala dezafectata creeaza o multitudine de dificultati in demararea si realizarea proiectelor potentiale. In plus, in ceea ce priveste schemele de finantare, nu se respecta liniile de durabilitate in actiunea de redezvoltare a acestor zone. Nu exista inca o politica specifica sau cadru legislative la nivelul UE privind utilizarea durabila si eficienta a terenurilor, cu atat mai mult privind problemele de branding si imagine. Cadrul legislativ este, in schimb alcatuit dintr-un mozaic de masuri preventive si corective in ceea ce priveste activitatile industriale, activitatile agricole si de utilizare a anumitor zone de mare valoare ecologica, cum ar fi locatiile Natura 2000, rezervatiile naturale etc. De asemenea, agentul poluator trebuie sa aiba in vedere cu strictete reglementarile Comunitatii Europene si alte cateva directive de mediu ce au ca subiect utilizarea corecta a terenurilor, pentru a evita poluarea lor. Totusi, Uniunea Europeana trebuie sa stabileasca un cadru comun in ceea ce priveste criteriile si metodele de revitalizare durabila a zonelor dezafectate. Aceste criterii si metode ar trebui sa fie utilizate pentru a incuraja statele membere in initiativele publice de stimulare a revitalizarii fostelor zone industriale, prin reducerea impozitelor pe cladiri neutilizate sau abandonate, subventii pentru mediu si alte stimulente juridice. Astfel de stimulente ar trebui sa respecte toate normele de baza ale dezvoltarii durabile, sa raspunda nevoilor din prezent si viitor, luand in considerare, in acelasi timp problemele sociale, economice si de mediu, sa asigure un viitor urban durabil, avand ca scop impartialitatea. 1.Sa elaboreze metode si instrumente de mediu care sa analizeze impactul de dezvoltare propus; 2.Sa imbunatateasca fluxul de informatii dintre factorii de decizie politica si cetateni cu privire la problemele de utilizare a terenurilor; 3.Sa elaboreze si sa puna in aplicare o strategie europeana cu privire la mediul urban. Provocarea consta introducerea unei abordari durabile si integrate a dezvoltarii urbane si de gestionare care functioneaza in armonie cu sistemele naturale. In cadrul programului al saselea de mediu al comunitatii se urmareste elaborarea unei noi strategii tematice pentru mediul urban care va ajuta la promovarea unei abordari mai integrate si va introduce actiuni de sprijin la nivel local. Diverse programe de finantare ale Uniunii Europene, cum ar fi Interreg si Europa de Sud-Est cum ar fi Page 18 Retina Subject July

19 approach to urban projects which require more careful planning but generally generate higher degree of sustainability. A city or brownfield location in other words is not only a geographic location but an entity of different policies and a community with plenty of resources and assets. Hence, the programme not only looks at the aspects of the physical rehabilitation of deprived and former industrial zones, but also have to take into account the urban dimension as well as the multi level governance aspect and the inclusion of cultural values. EU2020 Strategy This strategy calls for economic growth, creation of new jobs taking an overall perspective of European assets and challenges. One priority relates to the need to devote more attention to deprived, disadvantaged areas in line also with its Cohesion Policy on addressing regional disparities. The implementation of EU2020 Strategy is supported through various financial instruments such as the Structural and Cohesion Funds. For instance, by cofinancing training for the unemployed and providing support for SMEs, as well as funding infrastructural investments necessary for attracting investment, these funds help boost the economy by creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in disadvantaged areas of Europe. Out of the seven flagship initiatives under EU2020 Strategy the following can be said to be the most relevant for urban and brownfield development: flagship initiative for a resource-efficient Europe. This flagship initiative supports the shift towards a resourceefficient, low-carbon economy to achieve sustainable growth. Increasing resource efficiency is the key to securing growth and jobs for Europe. It will bring major economic opportunities, improve productivity, drive down costs and boost competitiveness. The flagship initiative for a resource-efficient Europe provides a long-term framework for actions in many policy areas, supporting policy agendas for climate change, energy, transport, industry, raw materials, agriculture, fisheries, biodiversity and regional development. This is to increase certainty for investment and innovation and to ensure that all relevant policies factor in resource efficiency in a balanced manner. Brownfield development also partly relate to EU2020 Flagship Inclusive growth a high-employment economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion. However, none of the flagships specifically promote brownefields development or mention the socio-economic possibilities from this, e.g. the advantages for local communities and the local work force. Land value and prize There is no particular EU policy guiding land value and prices this is mainly Member State competence in developing spatial planning and land value is highly guided by market prices fluctuating from one country Interreg si Europa de Sud-Est abordeaza nevoia de dezvoltare urbana durabila a acestei zone, ca baza pentru proiectele de cooperare teritoriala. Programul de finantare poate sustine proiecte multisectoriale urbane care necesita o planificare mai atenta, dar genereaza un grad mai mare de durabilitate. Un oras sau zona industrial dezafectata in particular, nu reprezinta numai o locatie geografica, ci o entitate de politici diferite si o comunitate cu o multime de resurse si active. Prin urmare, programul nu prezinta doar aspectele legate de reabilitarea fizica a zonelor defavorizate si industriale dezafectate, ci tine seama si de dimensiunea urbana, precum si de nivelul de includere a valorilor culturale. Strategia UE 2020 Aceasta strategie solicita cresterea economica, crearea de noi locuri de munca tinand seama de o serie de provocari si de o perspectiva de ansamblu a activelor europene. O prioritate se refera la necesitatea de a dedica mai multa atentie zonelor defavorizate, in conformitate cu politica de coeziune cu privire la abordarea disparitatilor regionale. Punerea in aplicare a Strategiei UE 2020 este sustinuta prin diverse instrumente financiare cum ar fi fondurile structurale si de coeziune. De exemplu, prin co-finantarea pentru sustinerea somerilor si sprijinirea IMM-urilor, precum si prin refinantarea investitiilor de infrastructura necesare atragerii de noi investitii, aceste fonduri stimuleaza economia prin crearea de noi locuri de munca si duc la crestere economica in zonele defavorizate din Europa. Din cele sapte initiative-pilot din cadrul Strategiei UE 2020 se poate spune ca aceasta ar fi cea mai relevanta pentru dezvoltarea urbana si a zonei industriale dezafectate: initiativa-pilot pentru eficientizarea resurselor in Europa. Aceasta initiativa emblematica sustine trecerea catre utilizarea eficienta a resurselor, reducerea emisiilor de carbon si dezvoltare durabila. Cresterea eficientei resurselor este esentiala pentru cresterea economica si crearea locurilor de munca. Aceasta va aduce oportunitati economice majore, va creste productivitatea, va reduce costurile si va creste competitivitatea. Initiativapilot pentru eficientizarea resurselor din Europa ofera un cadru pe termen lung pentru actiuni in multe domenii, sprijinind politica schimbarilor climatice si politicile de dezvoltare din domeniul energiei, transporturilor, materiilor prime, agriculturii, pescuitului, biodiversitatii si dezvoltarii regionale. Acest lucru sporeste gradul de securitate pentru investitie si inovare si asigura ca toti factorii sunt implicati in mod echilibrat in eficientizarea resurselor. Un punct cheie al strategiei UE 2020 se refera partial la zonele industriale dezafectate: cresterea ampla - o economie cu grad inalt de ocupare a fortei de munca, asigurand coeziunea economica, sociala si teritoriala. Cu toate acestea, nici unul dintre punctele specifice ale strategiei nu poate promova in mod direct revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate, Page 19 Retina Subject July

20 to the other. However, given the urban sprawl and the fact that many EU regions are densely populated and running out of undeveloped areas, EU guidance would be crucial. EEA Technical Report No 4/2010, Land in Europe: prices, taxes and use patterns, analyses the land value issue and generally propose a future environmental policy mix that can take into account land pricing mechanisms and try to influence them. In this report, the authors are proposing policy instruments, including market based instruments, to influence the price of land itself and thus influence future land-use developments with the aim of striving towards sustainable land-use fully in line with EU environmental aims. Land pricing is relevant to environmental policy for two reasons. First, the price of land could be an indicator of market expectations regarding future land developments. Thus, it may be possible to use this indicator as a sort of early warning system for future land-use changes. Such changes might be environmentally favourable or unfavourable: the indicator would offer an opportunity for a timely policy response, if needed. Second, it might be possible for policy instruments to influence the price of land itself and thus influence future land-use developments. Such market-based instruments should and could be combined with imaging and branding action to promote the use of brownfields rather than greenfields. Negative image and perceptions regarding brownfields is a major factor for lower land value for brownfield sites. Cultural and industrial heritage There are several EU policies and funding programmes directly or indirectly promoting cultural and historic heritage. The ERDF Regulation (funding programmes such as South East and Interreg) when it describes the possible priorities of territorial cooperation programmes under sustainable urban development, highlights among others the importance of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage. On action involving sustainable urban development the ERDF may support the development of participative, integrated and sustainable strategies to tackle the high concentration of economic, environmental and social problems affecting urban areas. These strategies can promote sustainable urban development through activities such as: strengthening economic growth, the rehabilitation of the physical environment, brownfield redevelopment, the preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage. In the case of the South East Europe programme, this aspect should be well emphasized, since this area of Europe has an important cultural heritage. In SEE countries, urban areas reflect the common European heritage as well as the rich cultural diversity of the area; however this potential of sustainable development is not exploited properly or at all. Furthermore, URBACT focusing on urban communities has nici nu mentioneaza posibilitatile socio-economice ale acestora (de exemplu, avantajele asupra comunitatilor locale si a fortei de munca). Valoarea terenului Nu exista in mod special o politica directoare a UE cu privire la valoarea terenului si a preturilor - acest lucru tine in principal de competenta statului membru ce are in curs de dezvoltare amenajarea teritoriului, valoarea lui fiind ghidata de preturile de pe piata, fluctuante de la o tara la alta. Cu toate acestea, avand in vedere extinderea asezarilor urbane si faptul ca numeroase regiuni ale UE sunt dens populate si functionale in afara zonelor slab dezvoltate, orientarile UE vor fi cruciale. Raportul tehnic al AEM nr 4 / 2010, Teren in Europa: preturi, taxe si tipuri de utilizare, analizeaza problema valorii terenului si propune, in general, o combinatie de politici viitoare de mediu, care pot lua in considerare mecanismele de stabilire a preturilor terenurilor si pot incerca sa le influenteze. In acest raport, autorii propun instrumente politice, inclusiv instrumente bazate pe piata, pentru a influenta pretul terenurilor si a influenta, astfel, in viitor modul lor de utilizare cu scopul durabilitatii in deplina concordanta cu obiectivele de mediu ale Uniunii Europene. Stabilirea preturilor terenurilor este relevanta pentru politica de mediu din doua motive. In primul rand, pretul terenului ar putea fi un indicator al pietei in ceea ce priveste evolutia imobiliara. Astfel, acest indicator se poate utiliza ca element de avertizare si prevenire in cazul modificarii modului de utilizare al terenului. Aceste modificari pot fi favorabile sau nu: indicatorul ar oferi o oportunitate pentru adoptarea unei politici in timp util, daca este necesar. In al doilea rand, este posibil ca instrumentele politice sa influenteze pretul efectiv al terenului si implicit sa influenteze evolutia pietei imobiliare din zona. Aceste instrumente bazate pe piata ar trebui si ar putea fi combinate cu imagini si actiuni de branding pentru a promova utilizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate, mai degraba decat a terenurilor acoperite. Imaginea negativa si perceptiile negative privind zonele industriale dezafectate sunt factori majori pentru devalorizarea terenurilor din aceste locatii. Patrimoniul cultural si industrial Exista mai multe politici ale Uniunii Europene si programe de finantare ce influenteaza in mod direct sau indirect promovarea patrimoniului cultural si istoric. Regulamentul ERDF (programe de finantare cum ar fi Dezvoltarea Regionala Sud Est si Interreg) care descrie posibilele prioritati de cooperare teritoriala prin programele de dezvoltare urbana durabila, evidentiaza printre altele importanta conservarii si promovarii patrimoniului cultural. ERDF poate sprijini actiuni care implica dezvoltarea urbana durabila, dezvoltarea strategiilor participative, integrate si durabile de abordare a concentratiei mari de probleme economice, ecologice si sociale care afecteaza zonele urbane. Aceste strategii Page 20 Retina Subject July

21 co-financed several projects on cultural heritage. For instance, the project HerO (Heritage as Opportunity Sustainable Management Strategies for Vital Historic Urban Landscapes) emphasised that rapidly changing basic conditions of modern times (e.g. the fast-growing economic competition, climate change, demographic change) pose a challenge on the management of many historic urban areas. Such areas would require multi-level exchange with responsible managing authorities and integrated sustainable urban development policies which link the preservation of cultural heritage with the socio-economic development of historic urban landscape. Such an approach will enhance the competitiveness of these urban areas, increasing the amenity value for inhabitants and visitors alike. General EU state of play and policy/legislation framework particularly affecting brownfields from an image and branding perspective For some time, urban policy in Europe tends to follow urban trends, rather than steering them. The most general urban trend, at least in western Europe, is urban dispersal from each city into surrounding region - suburbanisation with high concentration in residential development near smaller urban centres, often with heritage value. This brings with it continued road construction, with upgrade of the entire road network rather than concentrating on main routes. In the older urban cores gentrification of central city areas is the norm: either in the historic core, or in the ancillary residential neighbourhoods. In larger and older cities, especially those with an industrial past, brownfield sites are developed as office zones for the financial services sector, and as prestige cultural/retail developments. However, in Eastern Europe, the pattern is quite different. There is a general population decline, and almost all cities are losing population by demographic losses alone. New construction is often limited to suburban single-family houses for the newly rich, some farmhouses on re-established farms, and a few urban office centres. There are ample reasons to redevelop brownfields, e.g.: - redevelopment fits within the priorities and policy framework of sustainable development since it re-uses/revitalises formerly developed land and properties rather than developing green and open space; - redevelopment entails substantial decontamination and remediation meausures which provide tangible health and social benefits for citizens; - brownfield, compared to greenfields and open space, often have the: necessary infrastructure available pot promova dezvoltarea urbana durabila prin activitati cum ar fi: consolidarea cresterii economice, reabilitarea mediului fizic, reamenajarea zonei industriale dezafectate, conservarea si dezvoltarea patrimoniului natural si cultural. In cazul programului Europa de Sud-Est, acest aspect ar trebui sa fie bine subliniat, deoarece acesta zona din Europa are un patrimoniu cultural important. In tarile din Europa de Sud-Est, zonele urbane reflecta patrimoniul european comun, precum si diversitatea culturala bogata din zona; cu toate acestea potentialul de dezvoltare durabila este exploatat gresit sau deloc. In plus, URBACT se concentreaza pe comunitatile urbane si a co-finantat mai multe proiecte ale patrimoniului cultural. De exemplu, proiectul HerO (Patrimoniul ca strategie de gestionare durabila si oportunitate pentru peisaje urbane istorice) a subliniat conditiile de baza ale timpurilor moderne (de exemplu, cresterea economica rapida a concurenței, schimbarile climatice, schimbarile demografice) ce reprezinta o provocare de gestionare a mai multor zone urbane istorice. Aceste zone ar necesita mai multe etape de schimb cu autoritatile responsabile cu gestionarea si ar necesita politici integrate de dezvoltare urbana durabila care leaga conservarea patrimoniului cultural de dezvoltarea socio-economica a peisajului urban istoric. O astfel de abordare va spori competitivitatea acestor zone urbane, crescand valoarea de agrement pentru locuitori si vizitatori deopotriva. Cadrul general de referinta al Uniunii Europene si cadrul politico-legislativ cu privire la zonele industriale dezafectate din perspectiva imaginii si a brandingului De ceva timp, politica din Europa tinde sa urmeze tendintele urbane, mai degraba decat sa le de directioneze. Tendinta urbana generala, cel putin in Europa de Vest, este reprezentata de dispersarea locuitorilor din fiecare oras catre regiunea inconjuratoare - suburbanizare cu concentratie mare in zona de dezvoltare rezidentiala, langa centre urbane mai mici, adesea cu valoare de patrimoniu. Acest lucru obliga la construirea de drumuri, modernizarea intregii retele rutiere, in jurul vechilor rute principale. In centrele mai vechi gentrificarea zonelor urbane centrale este un tipar, fie in centrul istoric, fie in cartiere rezidentiale auxiliare. In orasele mai mari si mai vechi, in special in cele cu un trecut industrial, fostele zone industriale sunt dezvoltate ca zone de birouri pentru sectorul serviciilor financiare, insa pastreaza o parte din specific ca prestigiu al evolutiilor culturale. Cu toate acestea, in Europa de Est, modelul este destul de diferit. Exista o scadere demografica in aproape toate orasele. Constructiile noi sunt adesea limitate la case uni-familiale suburbane, ferme restaurate si la cateva centre ale Oficiului Page 21 Retina Subject July

22 (such as a waterway, a railway, roads, electricity, and drainpipes); - it fits with the urban development policies where people return to the city; - it fis with general economic regeneration priorities with targeted action for disadvantaged areas and locations. Cost-effective and result-oriented brownfields redevelopment projects require several elements, architects, city planners and decision-makers sharing a vision and able to connect local communities and stakeholders. To be able to promote and sell a project branding and imaging are essential components. In this regard, the chief architect should be involved at an early stage since he/she is elementary for the whole planning, design and operational phase. A visionary, experienced architect is the designer, coalition builder, problem shooter, mediator and planner and should thus be involved from the onset. One of the first tasks of the architect is branding the new redeveloped area fitting with the urban setting and the needs and resources of communities. Also brownfields mean untapped resources in terms of fixed infrastructure (electricity, water, roads), of tremendous value for next generation of investment development. Although branding and imaging are receiving increasing attention at EU level, it is mainly lead at national and regional level, meaning that it receives varying attention from one Member State to another. The old Member States have plentiful experience with devising realistic and effective urban spatial and investment strategies which are goal oriented geared towards realising a certain redevelopment vision. Especially in densely populated countries it is important to take steps to change the image of certain brownfields to obtain the community blessing and support. There are certain basic preconditions for an effective development goal: its potential to reduce unemployment and maintain the local population; its efficient use of the resources in the area; the expected increase in GDP in the area; its potential to attract new investment; its potential to improve the living situations for the local population including improvement to environment quality and health issue; developed in consultation with main stakeholders and representatives of civil society and NGOs. A vision exclusively set by a government or a single investor will probably not address the concerns of the local population. A development goal with defined vision and branding/ imaging objectives also depend on access to competent public authorities and development agencies that can convey messages and communicate with the various stakeholders. Furthermore, the vision has to fit to the needs and competences of the local and regional context, e.g. its people, resources, socio-economic conditions, cultural background. An area with predominantly high-educated people will respond positively to a development goal which is more ICT oriented urban. Exista motive ample pentru redefinirea zonelor industriale dezafectate, ca de exemplu: reamenajarea se incadreaza in prioritatile si in cadrul politicii de dezvoltare durabila, deoarece se prefera mai degraba revitalizarea terenurilor anterior dezvoltate decat amenajarea de la zero a spatiului verde; reamenajarea implica masuri substantiale de decontaminare si de reabilitare care asigura sanatatea populatiei si beneficii sociale pentru cetateni; zona industriala dezafectata, comparativ cu spatiul verde, are de cele mai multe ori infrastructura necesara disponibila (cum ar fi o cale navigabila, o cale ferata, drumuri, retea de energie electrica si canalizare); este in acord cu politicile de dezvoltare urbana in cazul relocarii populatiei urbane; este in acord cu prioritatile generale de regenerare economica ce au actiuni orientate spre zonele defavorizate si alte locatii. Reamenajarea zonelor industriale dezafectate rentabile si orientate spre rezultate necesita conlucrarea dintre mai multi specialisti: arhitecti, planificatori urbanisti si factori de decizie de partajare, o viziune comuna si o capacitate de a conecta comunitatile locale si partile interesate. O componenta esentiala este capacitatea de promovare si de distribuire a unui proiect de branding si imagine. In acest sens, arhitectul sef ar trebui sa se implice de la inceput deoarece are un rol elementar in intreaga planificare, in design si in faza operationala. Un vizionar, cu experienta de arhitect este proiectantul, care traseaza sarcini, identifica probleme si riscuri, este mediator, motiv pentru care trebuie implicat din faza incipienta a proiectului. Una dintre primele sarcini ale arhitectului este branding-ul noii locatii, precum si identificarea nevoilor si resurselor comunitatilor. De asemenea, zonele industriale dezafectate prezinta resurse neexploatate in termeni de infrastructura fixa (electricitate, apa, drumuri), de o valoare extraordinara pentru urmatoarea generatie dezvoltatoare de investitii. Desi branding-ul si imaginea primesc tot mai mare atentie la nivelul Uniunii Europene, acestea sunt dictate in principal de la nivel national si regional, in sensul ca importanta acordata difera de la un stat membru la altul. Statele membre mai vechi au experienta vasta cu elaborarea realista a planului urbanistic si au strategii eficiente de investitii care au ca scop orientarea catre o anumita viziune de reamenajare. In special in tarile dens populate este important sa se ia masuri pentru a schimba imaginea de zona industriala dezafectata pentru a obtine acordul si sprijinul comunitatii. Exista anumite conditii de baza prealabile obiectivului de dezvoltare eficienta: potentialul de reducere a somajului si mentinerea populatiei locale; utilizarea eficienta a resurselor din zona; cresterea preconizata a PIB-ului in zona; potentialul de a atrage noi investitii; potențialul sau de a imbunatati situatiile de viata pentru populatia locala, inclusiv imbunatatirea calitatii Page 22 Retina Subject July

23 whereas an area with a lower educated populated, especially if middle-aged or older, are likely to prefer a vision built on industrial heritage. Several Member States, especially those advanced in sustainable urban-rural development plans, have embraced larger redevelopment visions for their cities/regions based on comprehensive image. In the USA brownfields redevelopment is in vogue and there are ample successful case studies. There are a few factors that might have contributed to this: 1) skilful and resourceful architects, 2) public funds for decontamination of polluted sites, 3) intelligent planning and capacities of local/regional decision-makers, 4) urgent need to respond to suburban sprawl where brownfields holding existing communities and local resources represent a great possibility 5) acceptance and engagement of communities, especially where local jobs are created 6) developed entrepreneurial spirit. In the EU there are even greater reasons for prioritising redevelopment and regeneration of brownfields. First, many Member States are largely built up with scarce patches of greenfields for industrial, commercial or community development. Secondly, EU main policies and EU funding programmes are underpinning the need to strive towards sustainable development with as limited environmental intrusion as possible. Thirdly, many of the Member States have long industrial heritage, resulting in ample brownfields sites. Specific considerations to brownfield development and imaging and branding in other EU legislation and policies In terms of concrete reference to public awareness and issues such as branding and imaging in EU legislation and policies the legislation and policy can be grouped into two main categories: 1) legislation and policy having as its main aim prevention or restoration of environment 2) policies on land use planning Environmental protection, remediation and involvement of public in environmental decisions Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection This Strategy established in 2006 constitutes a first step toward the development of an integrated E.U. policy to protect soils. This EU strategy aims at complementing action by Member States, since soil degradation can have overall negative consequence for the EU, e.g. degradation of nature assets (e.g. groundwater); potential distortion of the functioning of the internal market, cross-border degradation/contamination; implications for the food chain and food safety. The thematic strategy is built around four key pillars: (1) framework legislation with protection and sustainable use of soil as its principal aim; (2) integration of soil protection in the formulation and implementation of national and EU policies; mediului inconjurator si reducerea problemelor de sanatate derivate; dezvoltare in colaborare cu principalele parti interesate si cu reprezentanti ai societatilor civile si ONG-urilor. O viziune exclusiv stabilita de catre un guvern sau de un singur investitor, probabil, nu va aborda preocuparile populatiei locale. Un obiectiv de dezvoltare cu viziune definita de branding / imagine depinde, de asemenea, de accesul la autoritatile publice competente si agentii de dezvoltare, care pot transmite mesaje pot comunica cu diferitele parti interesate. In plus, viziunea trebuie sa se potriveasca nevoilor si competentelor contextului local si regional (de exemplu oamenii, resursele, conditiile socio-economice, contextul cultural). O zona cu oameni cu studii superioare va raspunde pozitiv la un obiectiv de dezvoltare, care este mai mult orientat spre ICT decat o zona cu o populaie slab educata, mai ales de varsta mijlocie sau mai mare, deoarece este susceptibila in a prefera o viziune construita pe patrimoniul industrial. Mai multe state membre, in special cele avansate in planurile de dezvoltare durabila urban-rurale, au imbratisat viziuni mai mari de reamenajare pentru orase/regiuni, bazate pe imagini cuprinzatoare. In zonele industriale dezafectate din SUA reamenajarea este in voga si exista ample studii de caz de succes. Exista cativa factori care au contribuit la acest lucru: 1) arhitecti abili ce au beneficiat de resurse, fonduri, 2) fonduri publice pentru decontaminarea zonelor poluate, 3) o planificare inteligenta si capacitati de decizie locale/regionale, 4) nevoia urgenta de a raspunde la extinderea zonelor industriale dezafectate, 5) acceptarea si angajamentul Comunitatilor, mai ales in cazul in care sunt create noi locuri de munca, 6) spiritul antreprenorial dezvoltat. In Uniunea Europeana exista motive chiar mai mari pentru prioritizarea dezvoltarii si regenerarii zonelor industriale dezafectate. In primul rand, multe state membre sunt in mare parte constituite din portiuni limitate de spatii verzi pentru dezvoltarea industriala, comerciala sau comunitara. In al doilea rand, principalele politici ale Uniunii Europene si programele de finantare sustin necesitatea de a depune eforturi spre dezvoltarea durabila cu cat patrunderea este mai limitata. In al treilea rand, multe dintre statele membre au patrimoniu industrial, care releva din zonele ample industriale dezafectate. Consideratii specifice pentru dezvoltarea imaginii şi branding-ului zonei industriale dezafectate in alte acte legislative si politici ale UE Termenii concreti de referinta trebuie sa sensibilizeze opinia publica si sa rezolve probleme ca cele de branding şi imagine din legislaţia si politica Uniunii Europene. Acestia pot fi grupati in doua categorii principale: 1) legislatia si politica avand ca principal obiectiv prevenirea sau restabilirea mediului; 2) politicile de mediu referitoare la utilzarea terenurilor. Page 23 Retina Subject July

24 (3) closing the current recognised knowledge gap in certain areas of soil protection through research supported by the EU and national research programmes; (4) increasing public awareness of the need to protect soil This last pillar is the most relevant to imaging and branding. This pillar will be implemented by the draft Directive on Soil Contamination, although the draft Directive does not contain exhaustive requirements on what this public awareness involvement means in practice. The Commission subjected the soil strategy to wide Internet consultation and took on board most of the views expressed. There were abundant calls for mandatory restrictions on urban and touristic developments but these were not endorsed as the Community has limited competences on restricting land use. Draft Directive on Soil Contamination Under the draft Directive, Member States are obliged to prevent soil contamination by limiting the intentional or unintentional introduction of dangerous substances on or in the soil. Secondly, Member States must identify the contaminated sites in their national territory and establish an inventory of those contaminated sites, defined as a site that poses significant risk to human health or the environment. Thirdly, in case of transaction of land, the parties in a transaction receive a soil status report. Fourthly, the Member States must ensure that the contaminated sites listed in their inventories are remediated, in line with a national remediation strategy to be established. The draft Directive will oblige Member States to raise public awareness on the importance of soil protection and to ensure that the public can participate in preparing, amending and reassessing programmes of measures on risk areas and National Remediation Strategies. The preamble states that since soil is mainly privately owned in the EU but being a natural resource of common interest that has to be protected for future generations, the draft Directive calls for a more sustainable use of land. The preamble states that land users should be required to take precautionary measures when their use of the soil can be expected to significantly hamper soil functions, even where the land is privately owned, due to soil being a natural resource of common interest to be protected for future generations. Furthermore, the preamble addresses the increasing problem of sealing due to urban sprawl and increasing demand for land from many sectors of the economy. Soil sealing should be limited, for instance by rehabilitating brownfield sites, thus reducing the depletion of greenfield sites. The draft Directive will build further on the fourth pillar of the Soil Strategy, i.e. increasing public awareness of the need to protect soil. It states that there is little public awareness of the importance of soil protection, and it is necessary introduce measures to improve knowledge, exchange of information and best Protectia mediului, remedierea si implicarea publicului in luarea deciziilor de mediu o strategie tematica pentru protectia solurilor Această strategie infiintată in 2006 constituie un prim pas spre dezvoltarea unei politici integrate a Uniunii Europene pentru a proteja solurile. Această strategie urmareste completarea actiunilor intreprinse de statele membre, deoarece degradarea solului poate avea in general consecinte negative pentru Uniunea Europeana, ca de exemplu degradarea activelor din natura (ape subterane); potentiala denaturare a functionarii pietei interne, degradare/contaminare transfrontaliera; afectarea sigurantei alimentare si modificarea lantului alimentar. Strategia tematica este construita in jurul a patru piloni cheie: (1) legislatia - cadrul privind protectia si utilizarea durabila a solului ca scop principal; (2) integrarea protectiei solului in formularea si punerea in aplicare a politicilor nationale si ale Uniunii Europene; (3) reducerea discrepantei curente de cunostinte recunoscute in anumite zone de protectie a solului prin intermediul cercetarii sprijinite de Uniunea Europeana si programele nationale de cercetare; (4) cresterea gradului de constientizare publica cu privire la necesitatea de protejare a solului. Acest ultim pilon este cel mai relevant pentru imagine si branding. Acest pilon va fi implementat de proiectul de directiva referitoare la contaminarea solului, desi el nu va contine cerinte exhaustive asupra a ceea ce inseamnă in practica aceasta implicare si sensibilizarea opiniei publice. Comisia a supus strategia de conservare a solului la o larga consultare online si a luat in considerare cele mai multe dintre punctele de vedere exprimate. Au existat apeluri abundente obligatorii, restrictii privind evolutia urbana si turistica, dar acestea nu au fost aprobate, Comunitatea limitand competentele privind restrictionarea utilizarii terenului. Directiva in lucru privind contaminarea solului In conformitate cu Directiva, statele membre sunt obligate sa previna contaminarea solului prin limitarea deliberata sau neintentionata a substantelor periculoase pe sau in sol. In al doilea rand, statele membre trebuie sa identifice locatiile contaminate pe teritoriul lor national si sa stabileasca un inventar al acestor zone contaminate, definite ca zone care prezinta un risc semnificativ pentru sanatatea umana sau pentru mediu. In al treilea rand, in caz de tranzactie a terenului, partile implicate in tranzactie vor primi un raport de stare a solului. In al patrulea rand, statele membre trebuie sa se asigure ca zonele contaminate enumerate in inventare sunt remediate, in conformitate cu strategia de remediere nationala stabilita. Proiectul de directiva va obliga statele membre sa sensibilizeze publicul cu privire la importanta protectiei solului si sa Page 24 Retina Subject July

25 practices. The importance of involving the public is highlighted in pursuance with Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment. This Directive will apply to public involvement in the preparation, modification and review of the programmes of measures on risk areas and the National Remediation Strategies. Environmental Liability Directive (Directive 2004/35/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage). The Environmental Liability Directive, which Member States had to implement by 30 April 2007, establishes a framework for environmental liability based on the polluter pays principle, with a view to preventing and remedying environmental damage. The principle of liability applies to environmental damage and imminent threat of damage resulting from occupational activities, where it is possible to establish a causal link between the damage and the activity in question. The Directive works with two different liability schemes: 1) strict liability for certain more dangerous occupational activities) fault based liability for less dangerous activities and 2) fault based liability for less dangerous activities. This Directive is both based on preventive measures (avoiding pollution) set out in Art. 5 and remediation measures set out in Art. 6-7 which includes an information duty as well as concrete remediation measures to be decided together with the competent authority. The operator must pay for the remediation costs and any financial assistance from public authorities will be viewed as illegal state aid. This Directive does not contain any provisions on sustainable land use, the EU priorities regarding brownfield regeneration and the role of imaging and branding strategies in promoting the regeneration of brownfields to avoid sealing and depletion of greenfields. Directive 2003/4/EC of 28 January 2003 on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive 90/313/EEC and Directive on Public Participation The purpose of this Directive aims is to ensure that environmental information is systematically available and distributed to the public. That information includes at least: international treaties, conventions and agreements and Community, national, regional and local legislation concerning the environment; environment policies, programmes and plans; reports on the state of the environment; data on activities affecting the environment; se asigure ca publicul poate participa la pregatirea, modificarea si redefinirea programelor de masuri privind zonele de risc si a strategiilor nationale de remediere. Preambulul afirma ca desi solul este in principal proprietate privata a Uniunii Europene, ea este o resursa naturala de interes comun care trebuie sa fie protejata pentru generatiile viitoare, proiectul de directiva solicitand o utilizare mai durabila a terenurilor. Preambulul afirma ca utilizatorii de terenuri trebuie sa ia măsuri de precautie atunci cand utilizarea lor poate fi oprita datorita functiilor solului, chiar in cazul in care terenul este proprietate privata, deoarece solul este o resursa naturala de interes comun si trebuie sa fie protejata pentru generatiile viitoare. In plus, preambulul abordeaza problema tot mai acuta de etansare, datorita intinderii urbane si cresterii cererii de teren de la mai multe sectoare ale economiei. Acoperirea solului trebuie sa fie limitată, de exemplu prin reabilitarea zonelor industriale dezafectate, reducandu-se astfel epuizarea spatiilor verzi. Proiectul de directiva se va baza in continuare pe al patrulea pilon al strategiei solului, adica pe cresterea gradului de constientizare publica a necesitatii protejarii solului. Acesta precizeaza ca exista putina sensibilizare a publicului cu privire la importanta protectiei solurilor, si este necesar sa se introduca masuri pentru a imbunatati cunostintele, schimbul de informatii si bunele practici. Importanta implicarii publice este evidentiata in conformitate cu Directiva 2003/35/CE a Parlamentului European si a Consiliului din 26 mai de instituire a participarii publicului la elaborarea unor planuri si programe legate de mediu. Prezenta directiva urmareste implicarea publicului in pregatirea, modificarea si revizuirea programelor de masuri din zonele de risc si a strategiei nationale de remediere a zonelor afectate. Directiva 2004/35/CE a Parlamentului European si a Consiliului din 21 aprilie 2004 privind raspunderea pentru mediul inconjurator, prevenirea si remedierea pagubelor produse mediului Directiva privind raspunderea pentru mediu, pe care statele membre trebuiau sa o puna in aplicare pana la 30 aprilie 2007, stabileste un cadru pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator, bazat pe principiul poluatorul plateste, cu scopul de a preveni si repara pagubele produse mediului. Principiul raspunderii se aplica daunelor si amenintarii iminente de producere a daunelor rezultate din activitati industriale sau casnice, in cazul in care este posibil sa se stabileasca o legatura de cauzalitate intre daune si activitatea in cauza. Directiva functioneaza cu doua sisteme diferite de raspundere: 1) instrumente stricte de raspundere pentru anumite activitati profesionale periculoase si 2) instrumente de raspundere pentru activitatile mai putin periculoase. Prezenta directiva se bazeaza atat pe masurile preventive (evitarea poluarii) stabilite in art. 5 si redefinirea masurilor stabilite in art. 6-7, Page 25 Retina Subject July

26 environmental authorisations and agreements; environmental impact studies and risk assessments. This scope will presumably also apply to urban spatial plans which concern environment and in particular contaminated brownfields. Directive (85/337/EEC) on Environmental Impact Assessment The EIA Directive is in force since 1985 and applies to a wide range of defined public and private projects. All projects are considered as having significant effects on the environment and require an EIA as they normally involve significant land use (e.g. long-distance railway lines, motorways and express roads, airports with a basic runway length 2100 m, installations for the disposal of hazardous waste, installations for the disposal of non-hazardous waste > 100 tonnes/day, waste water treatment plants > p.e.). The EIA procedure can be summarized as follows: the developer may request the competent authority to say what should be covered by the EIA information to be provided by the developer (scoping stage); the developer must provide information on the environmental impact; the environmental authorities and the public (and affected Member States) must be informed and consulted; the competent authority decides, taken into consideration the results of consultations.the public is informed of the decision afterwards and can challenge the decision before the courts. From a sustainable land use approach all of hte projects listed, particularly those in Annex I requring mandatory EIA should preferably be carried out on brownfields. However, the EIA from 1985 does not require EIA authorities to make a specific preference for brownfields. However, the decision on the location of a project with potential impact on the environment also depends on the existing pollution load at the site, i.e. the former land use. Directive 2003/35/EC of 26 May 2003 providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice (SEA Directive) The SEA Directive enables EU citizens to have more influence on the preparation of a wide range of public plans and programmes which might have environmentally adverse effects. Such plans and programmes must be assessed under better and more open planning procedures involving the public. These plans are normally those concerning land use, e.g. local waste management plans, road building plans, and land use plans relating to agriculture, water management, tourism, industry and energy. When drawing up relevant plans or programmes public authorities will have to make an environmental report to identify, describe and assess their likely effects on the environment such as incluzand o taxa de informatii, precum si pe masurile de remediere concrete ce urmeaza sa fie stabilite impreuna cu autoritatea competenta. Operatorul trebuie sa plateasca pentru costurile de reparare si orice asistenta financiara din partea autoritatilor publice va fi privita ca ajutor de stat ilegal. Prezenta directiva nu contine dispozitii privind utilizarea durabila a terenurilor, nici prioritati cu privire la regenerarea zonei industriale dezafectate si rolul imaginii si brandului in revitalizarea lor, pentru a evita inchiderea sau epuizarea spatiilor vechi. Directiva 2003/4/CE din 28 ianuarie 2003 privind accesul publicului la informatiile despre mediu, abrogarea Directivei Consiliului 90/313/CEE si Directiva privind participarea populatiei Scopul obiectivelor prezentei Directive este de a asigura disponibilitatea si distribuirea informatiilor despre mediu catre public. Aceste informatii cuprind: tratate internationale, conventii si acorduri comunitare, legislatii naționale, regionale si locale privind mediul; politici de mediu, programe si planuri; rapoarte privind starea mediului; date privind activitatile care afecteaza mediul; autorizatii de mediu si acorduri; studii de impact asupra mediului si evaluari ale riscului. Acest elemente se vor aplica probabil si planurilor urbanistice spatiale care privesc mediul inconjurator si, in special, zonelor industriale dezafectate contaminate. Directiva (85/337/CEE) privind evaluarea impactului asupra mediului Directiva EIA este in vigoare din 1985 si se aplica unei largi game de proiecte publice si private. Toate proiectele au efecte semnificative asupra mediului, iar cele care in mod normal implica o utilizare intensa a terenurilor (liniile de cale ferata interurbane de exemplu, autostrazi si sosele, aeroporturi cu o pista de lungime 2100 m, instalatii pentru evacuarea deseurilor periculoase, instalatii pentru evacuarea deseurilor nepericuloase > 100 tone/zi, a apelor reziduale din centrale) necesita o asemenea directiva. Procedura EIA poate fi rezumata dupa cum urmeaza: dezvoltatorul poate cere autoritatii competente sa spuna ceea ce ar trebui sa fie reglementat de EIA, informatiile trebuie furnizate de catre dezvoltator (etapa de identificare); dezvoltatorul trebuie sa furnizeze informatii privind impactul asupra mediului (raport EIA); autoritatile de mediu si publicul (si statele membre implicate) trebuie sa fie informate si consultate; autoritatea competenta decide, luand in considerare rezultatele consultarilor. Publicul este informat de decizie, care ulterior se poate contesta in instanta. Page 26 Retina Subject July

27 effects on biodiversity, fauna and flora, soil and water, climatic factors, landscape and on human health. The SEA Directive enables everybody to express their opinion on the environmental report and on the draft plan or programme. Both the environmental report and the outcome of the public consultation must be taken into account when the plans are decided upon. This Directive does not specifically mention priority of redevelopment of brownfields and sustainable land use. PRTR Regulation (Regulation No. 166/2006 Concerning the Establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) The PRTR Regulation establishes an integrated pollutant release and transfer register at Community level, in the form of a publicly accessible electronic database and lays down rules for its functioning, in order to implement the PRTR Protocol and facilitate public participation in environmental decision-making, as well as contributing to the prevention and reduction of pollution of the environment. The register includes data on releases to land. The ambition is to compile a complete picture of the extent of soil contamination throughout the European Union. The PRTR site ( lists for each facility, information concerning the amounts of pollutant releases to air, water and land as well as off-site transfers of waste and of pollutants in waste water from a list of 91 key pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides, greenhouse gases and dioxins for year This register also contain some information on releases from diffuse sources is also available and will be gradually enhanced. In terms of public participation, the PRTR states that the public will be able to access this register free of charge on the internet and will be able to find information using various search criteria (type of pollutant, geographical location, affected environment, source facility, etc.) and be involved in developing the register. From the above, it can be concluded that relevant EU legislation and policies on land use and soil strategy do not extensively deal with public awareness and measures to promote and improve the image of brownfields. However, the few measures that refer the polluted soil, the preservation and development of the natural heritage and cultural heritage, the development of sustainable cities, all these influence directly or indirectly the overall image of the brownfields. Awaiting a more comprehensive EU legislative framework on brownfield regeneration tackling all of the relevant aspects, e.g. contamination, redevelopment potential, financial incentives, it is crucial to work on branding and imaging to pave the way for efficient implementation and sustainable urban development. Branding and imaging ought to be mandatory components of all urban spatial planning and regeneration Dintr-o abordare a utilizarii durabile a terenurilor, toate proiectele enumerate ar trebui sa fie de preferinta efectuate pe zonele industriale dezafectate. Cu toate acestea, EIA din 1985 nu necesita ca autoritatile sa faca o referinta specifica pentru zonele industriale dezafectate. Decizia privind amplasarea unui proiect cu potential impact asupra mediului depinde de asemenea de gradul poluarii din zona, adica de gradul si modul de utilizare a terenurilor. Directiva 2003/35/CE din 26 mai 2003 de participare a publicului la elaborarea anumitor planuri și programe privind mediul și modificarea cu privire la participarea publicului și accesul la justiție (Directiva SEA) Directiva SEA permite cetatenilor Uniunii Europene sa aiba influenta mai mare la intocmirea unei game diverse de planuri publice si programe care ar putea avea efecte adverse din punct de vedere ecologic. Aceste planuri si programe trebuie sa fie evaluate in conformitate cu procedurile de planificare care implica si publicul. Aceste planuri sunt în mod normal, cele referitoare la utilizarea terenurilor (de exemplu, planurile locale de gestionare a deseurilor, planurile de constructie de drumuri, si utilizarea terenurilor, planuri legate de agricultura, gestionarea apelor, turism, industrie si energie). La elaborarea planurilor relevante sau a programelor, autoritatile publice vor trebui sa faca un raport de mediu pentru a identifica, descrie si evalua efectele probabile ale acestora asupra mediului, cum ar fi efectele asupra biodiversitatii, asupra faunei si florei, asupra solului si a apei, asupra factorii climatici, peisajului si asupra sanatatii umane. Directiva SEA permite tuturor sa-si exprime opinia privind raportul de mediu si planul proiectului sau a programului. Atat raportul de mediu cat si rezultatul consultarii publice trebuie sa fie luate in considerare atunci cand planurile sunt elaborate. Prezenta directiva nu mentioneaza in mod special prioritatea reamenajarii zonelor industriale dezafectate si utilizarea durabila a terenurilor. Regulamentul PRTR ( reglementarea nr. 166/2006 cu privire la stabilirea emisiilor poluante in Europa si a registrului de transfer) Regulamentul PRTR inregistreaza o versiune de poluanti emisi si transferul înregistrat la nivel comunitar, sub forma unei baze de date electronice accesibile publicului si stabileste modalitatile de functionare, pentru a pune in aplicare protocolul PRTR si a facilita participarea publicului la luarea deciziilor despre mediu, contribuind in acelasi timp la prevenirea si reducerea poluarii mediului. Registrul cuprinde date privind emisiile solului. Scopul este de a alcatui o imagine completa a gradului de contaminare a solului in întreg teritoriul Uniunii Europene. Locatia PRTR ( contine Page 27 Retina Subject July

28 actions on industrial sites. However, the branding and imaging should be based on realistic assumptions and be transparent and linked to relevant local and regional spatial planning documents as well as investment strategies. Nature/biodiversity protection In addition to this general stream of legislation, EU environmental acquis also comprises a block of rules on natural habitats, e.g. Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds - Wild Birds Directive, which aim at conserving and improving habitat status and recognise the consequence of habitat loss and degradation on biodiversity and conservation of wild birds including. Environmental policy impacts in many ways on the location of economic activity. Regulatory requirements can have a spatial dimension and influence land use planning. To effectively meet policy objectives and standards, regions and stakeholders work together, for example in the context of the Community. Biodiversity action plan and the joint management of Natura 2000 protected sites. NATURA 2000 sites are normally so called Greenfield areas of high natural and biodiversity value deserving higher protection. Spatial Planning Spatial planning policy in Europe, as declared in the guiding principles of the European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional/Spatial Planning, aims at a polycentric development. This spatial planning policy involves many different policies in its territorial dimension and benefits from an integrated approach. Since spatial planning is a responsibility of the single Member States, this policy is not directly implemented at European level, though in principle it should be followed at Member State level. European Spatial Development Perspectives - ESDP (1999) The ESDP provides the possibility of widening the horizon beyond purely sectoral policy measures, to focus on the overall situation of the European territory and also take into account the development opportunities which arise for individual regions. The underlying idea in the ESDP is that economic growth and the convergence of certain economic indicators are not enough to achieve the goal of economic and social cohesion, so concerted action on spatial development is needed to correct the disparities detected. ESDP includes measures that refer to Preservation and Development of the Natural Heritage, Water Resource Management. Some of the policy options that can refer directly liste pentru fiecare unitate posibil poluanta, informatii privind emisiile din aer, apa si sol, precum si transferurile in afara amplasamentului de deseuri si de poluanți in apele reziduale, cuprinzand 91 poluanți cheie, inclusiv metale grele, pesticide, gaze de seră și dioxine. Acest registru contine de asemenea informatii despre formele in care sunt difuzate in atmosfera emisiile, este disponibil si va fi imbunatatit treptat. In ceea ce priveste participarea publicului, PRTR afirma ca populatia va putea accesa acest registru gratuit de pe internet si va fi capabila sa gaseasca informatii utilizand diverse criterii de cautare (tipul poluantului, locatia geografica, mediul afectat, sursa poluarii, etc.), putand participa la completarea sau imbunatatirea bazei de date a registrului. Din cele mentionate anterior, se poate concluziona ca legislatia relevanta a Uniunii Europene si politicile de utilizare a terenurilor si solului urmaresc sensibilizarea opiniei publice si prevad masuri pentru a promova si a imbunatati imaginea zonei industriale dezafectate. Cu toate acestea, cateva masuri care se refera la poluarea solului, conservarea si dezvoltarea patrimoniului natural si cultural, la dezvoltarea durabila a oraselor, influenteaza direct sau indirect imaginea de ansamblu a zonelor industriale dezafectate. In aşteaptarea unui cadru legislativ al Uniunii Europene mai cuprinzator privind abordarea tuturor aspectelor relevante - contaminarea, reamenajarea potentiala, stimulente financiare - este esential sa se lucreze la branding si imagine pentru a deschide calea catre punerea in aplicare a dezvoltarii urbane durabile. Branding-ul şi imaginea ar trebui sa fie componente obligatorii de amenajare a spatiului urban in zonele industriale. Cu toate acestea, branding-ul si imaginea ar trebui sa se bazeze pe ipoteze realiste, sa fie transparente, sa fie legate de obiectivele planificarii urbanistice locale si regionale, si sa fie in conformitate cu strategiile de investitii. Natura/protectia biodiversitatii In plus fata fluxul general al legislatiei, politica Uniunii Europene in domeniul mediului include, de asemenea, un bloc de norme privind habitatele naturale - de exemplu, Directiva 92/43/CEE a Consiliului privind conservarea habitatelor naturale si a speciilor de fauna si flora salbatica si Directiva 2009/147/CE privind ocrotirea păsărilor sălbatice. Aceasta din urma vizează statutul habitatului, conservarea si imbunatatirea lui si recunoaste consecintele pierderii habitatului de catre pasari, consecintele degradării cu efecte asupra biodiversitatii. Politicile de mediu influenteaza in multe feluri desfasurarea activitatilor economince in locatii specifice. Cerintele de reglementare pot avea o dimensiune spatiala si pot influenta modul de utilizare al terenurilor. Pentru a îndeplini efectiv obiectivele politicilor si standardelor partile implicate conlucreaza in cadrul Comunitatii. Planul de acţiune al biodiversitatii, precum Natura Page 28 Retina Subject July

29 to brownfield development are: - Application of environmental and territorial impact assessments for all large-scale water management projects. - Preservation and creative development of cultural landscapes with special historical, aesthetical and ecological importance. - Increasing awareness of the contribution of urban and spatial development policy to the cultural heritage of future generations. Territorial Agenda (2007) The Territorial Agenda adopted by EU Ministers on spatial planning and development in Leipzig in May 2007 underlined the need to pursue sustainable economic growth, job creation, and social and ecological development in all EU regions while securing better living conditions and quality of life with equal opportunities irrespective of where people live. The Territorial Agenda, and the first Action Programme for its implementation adopted in November 2007, identified six territorial priorities, ranging from regional innovation clusters to ecological charter sustaining the objective of sustainable cities with focus on integral approach to urban issues. In addition, the European (structural) funds will increasingly be made available for local projects that embrace this integral approach. The main issue within the document refers to the necessity of integrated strategies and coordinated action at all levels of government local, regional, national and European. Territorial Cohesion The Cohesion Policy and its funding mechanism has been supplemented by the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion turning territorial diversity into strength (SEC(2008) 2550). This paper was one result of the informal meeting of the EU ministers responsible for spatial planning and regional development in Leipzig on May 24-25, 2007, meeting of the EU ministers responsible for spatial planning and regional development in Leipzig on May 24-25, 2007, launching a debate on territorial cohesion with a view to deepening the understanding of this concept and of its implications for policy and cooperation. The Green Paper promotes: balanced development across Europe s regions; citizens able to use the inherent features of their territories; concentration: overcoming differences in density; connecting territories: overcoming distance or strengthening connections; cooperation: overcoming division. Territorial cohesion has been debated in the EU in an intergovernmental setting since the mid-1990s, mainly by the Ministers responsible for spatial planning. This debate led in 1999 to the adoption of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), which, in turn, led to a number of important initiatives, such as 2000 actioneaza in comun pentru protejarea zonelor naturale. Locatiile NATURA 2000 sunt in mod normal numite zone de spatii deschise naturale de mare valoare si de o biodiversitate care necesita protectie sportita. Amenajarea teritoriului Politica de amenajare a teritoriului in Europa, astfel cum e declarata in principiile directoare ale Conferintei Europene a Ministrilor responsabili cu Amenajarea Teritoriului, vizeaza o dezvoltare policentrica. Această politica de amenajare a teritoriului implica politici diferite, in dimensiunea sa teritoriala si beneficiaza de o abordare integrata. Deoarece amenajarea teritoriului este o responsabilitate a statelor membre, aceasta politica nu este pusa in aplicare in mod direct la nivel european, desi, in principiu, trebuie sa fie urmata la nivelul statelor membre. Perspective europene de dezvoltare spatiala - ESDP (1999) ESDP ofera posibilitatea de largire a orizontului dincolo de masurile politice stricte sectoriale, ce se concentreaza asupra situatiei de ansamblu a teritoriului european si, de asemenea, ia in considerare oportunitatile de dezvoltare care apar individual pentru regiuni. Ideea de baza in ESDP este faptul ca cresterea economica si convergenta unor indicatori economici nu sunt suficiente pentru a atinge obiectivul de coeziune economica si sociala, astfel incat actiunea concentrata privind dezvoltarea spatiala este necesara pentru a corecta disparitatile detectate. ESDP include masuri care se refera la pastrarea si dezvoltarea patrimoniului natural si la managementul resurselor de apa. Optiunile politice care se pot referi direct la zona industriala dezafectata sunt: Aplicarea rezultatelor evaluarii impactului asupra mediului si teritoriului pentru toate proiectele la scara larga de gospodarire a apelor; Conservarea si dezvoltarea creativa a peisajelor culturale istorice cu importanta deosebita, estetice si ecologice; Cresterea gradului de constientizare a contributiei politicii de dezvoltare urbana si spatiala la patrimoniul cultural al generatiilor viitoare. Agenda teritoriala (2007) Agenda teritoriala adoptata de ministrii Uniunii Europene privind amenajarea teritoriului si dezvoltare Leipzig, mai a subliniat necesitatea de a urmari realizarea unei cresteri economice durabile, crearea de locuri de munca, precum si dezvoltarea sociala si ecologica in toate regiunile Uniunii Europene, concomitent cu asigurarea unor conditii mai bune de trai si a calitatii vietii cu oportunitati egale, indiferent de Page 29 Retina Subject July

30 Regarding the location and structure, Boicelli area has an inner contact position and it is functional and territorial fragmented. Because of the fragmentation a uniform image development will be difficult to manage and support, but the position within the city can be used as an advantage in order to integrate it in the city image that is perceived as former industrial city with a big potential of development. locul unde traiesc oamenii. Agenda teritoriala, precum si primul program de actiune pentru punerea sa in aplicare, adoptat in noiembrie 2007, a identificat sase prioritati teritoriale, variind de la grupuri regionale de inovare la statutul ecologic de sustinere a obiectivului durabil urban, cu accent pe abordarea integrata a problemelor urbane. In plus, Comisia Europeana va pune la dispozitie din ce în ce mai multe fonduri pentru proiecte locale care imbratisează aceasta abordare. Principala problema in cadrul documentului se refera la necesitatea unor strategii integrate si actiuni coordonate la toate nivelurile de guvernare locale, regionale, nationale si europene. Coeziunea teritoriala Politica de coeziune si a mecanismului sau de finantare a fost completata de catre Cartea verde privind coeziunea teritoriala de transformare a diversitatii teritoriale intr-un avantaj (SEC (2008) 2550). Aceasta lucrare a fost un rezultat al reuniunii informale a ministrilor UE responsabili cu planificarea spatiului si dezvoltarea regionala in Leipzig pe mai 2007, ce lanseaza o dezbatere privind coeziunea teritoriala, in vederea adancirii intelegerii acestui concept si a implicatiilor sale pentru politica si cooperare. Cartea verde promoveaza: dezvoltarea echilibrata in toate regiunile Europei; posibilitatea cetatenilor de a utiliza caracteristicile inerente ale teritoriilor lor; concentrare: depasirea diferentelor de densitate; teritorii de conectare: distanta de depasire sau consolidarea legaturilor; cooperare: depasirea factorului divizare. Coeziunea teritoriala a fost dezbatuta in Uniunea Europena intr-un cadru interguvernamental incepand cu mijlocul anilor 1990, in principal, de catre ministrii responsabili cu amenajarea teritoriului. Această dezbatere a condus in 1999 la adoptarea Perspectivei dezvoltarii spatiului european (PESA), care, la randul sau, a condus la o serie de initiative importante, cum ar fi prima generatie de programe de cooperare transnationale sub egida INTERREG si crearea Retelei Europene de Amenajare Teritoriala. Cu toate acestea dezbaterea a progresat lent. Un motiv plauzibil pentru aceasta intarziere in actiune este reticenta statelor membre de a transfera competente asupra utilizarii terenurilor in Uniunea Europeana. Cu toate acestea, Cartea verde si alte masuri de amenajare a spatiului vor servi la completarea competentelor nationale si regionale. Actiunea Uniunii Europene privind coeziunea teritoriala poate construi in continuare legaturi intre eficacitatea economica, coeziunea sociala si echilibrul ecologic, plasand dezvoltarea durabila in centrul de concepere a politicilor. Page 30 Retina Subject July

31 Description of the existing situation of the 10 brownfields General image of the brownfields Infrastructural connections and accessibility The former Csepel Works is situated in the southern part of Budapest on Csepel Island, right on the Danube bank neighbouring developing parts of the city of great significance. In southern, developing part of Budapest near new investment areas and connected to planned main infrastructure lines (Albertfalvi Bridge, main road of Csepel). The whole 2 million square metres area of the Csepel Works is brownfield territory from which only a part of the buildings have already been renovated. Regarding the location and structure, Csepel Works is considered to have an inside position and to be territorial and functionally compact which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas haveing into consideration the revitalisation objectives that aim to develop an complex area with industrial and civic functionalities. Descrierea situatiei existente a celor 10 zone industriale dezafectate Imaginea generală a zonelor industriale dezafectate Infrastructura si accesibilitate Csepel Works este situat in partea de sud a Budapestei pe insula Csepel, chiar pe malul Dunarii, intr-o zona de mare importanta in curs de dezvoltare: in sud, o parte a Budapestei este in curs de dezvoltare in apropierea zonelor de investitii noi si este conectata la liniile principale ale infrastructurii (Albertfalvi Bridge, drumul principal din Csepel). Intreaga zona industriala dezafectata Csepel Works are 2 milioane de metri patrati. Unele dintre cladiri au fost deja renovate, dar prea puţine. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, Csepel Works este considerat a avea o pozitie interioara si care urmeaza sa fie compact teritoriala si functionala pentru a sustine punerea in aplicare a unei strategii coerente de imagine si indica necesitatea integrarii imaginii zonei industriale in imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare, tinand cont de obiectivele de revitalizare a zonelor complex pic.1: Csepel Works Position Towards The City Budapest In the case of Ferrara the name of the brownfield area is Boicelli from the artificial canal which makes the connection between the historical city centre of Ferrara and the Po river. The area is about 5.85 square kilometres and is composed of several industrial sites. The brownfield was divided into 3 smaller areas and the ReTInA project will analyze only southern and northern areas. In the northern area the structure of Pontelagoscuro is divided in two parts the productive sites on the west and residential areas on the east. The landmark of Pontelagoscuro is represented by a huge concrete silos built in the 90 s. As regarding the southern area it also presents a strong distinction between productive zone at west and residential district at east. poza.1: Pozitia zonei Csepel Works fata de Budapesta In cazul Ferrara numele zonei industriale dezafectate este Boicelli - de la canalul artificial care face legatura intre centrul istoric al orasului Ferrara si raul Po. Zona este de aproximativ 5.85 kilometri patrati si este compusa din mai multe zone industriale. Zona industriala dezafectata a fost impartita in 3 zone mai mici, iar proiectul RETINA va analiza doar zonele de sud si de nord. In nord, structura Pontelagoscuro este divizata in doua parti - locatii de productie pe zonele de vest si rezidentiale la est. Pontelagoscuro este reprezentata de un imens siloz de beton construit in anii 90. In ceea ce priveste zona de sud, ea prezinta, de asemenea, o delimitare intre zona de productie din cartierul de vest si zona rezidentiala din est. Retina Subject July Page 31

32 Regarding the location and structure, Boicelli area has an inner contact position and it is functional and territorial fragmented. Because of the fragmentation a uniform image development will be difficult to manage and support, but the position within the city can be used as an advantage in order to integrate it in the city image that is perceived as former industrial city with a big potential of development. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, zona Boicelli are o pozitie de contact interior si este functionala si teritorial fragmentata. Din cauza fragmentarii o dezvoltare uniforma va fi dificil de gestionat si de sprijinit dar pozitia in topologia orasului poate fi folosita ca un avantaj, in scopul de a se integra in imaginea acestuia. pic.2: Ferrara Position Towards The City In Maribor the name of the brownfied is Business & Industry Zone Tezno (BIZ Tezno) and accounts for 1,080,000 sqm. BIZ Tezno is divided into two areas: Zone A (about 560,000 sqm), which is mainly occupied, and Zone B (about 480,000 sqm, including water protection zone), which is mainly available for investments.the BIZ Tezno is a traditional industrial zone and has an important development potential due to its scale and structure. Regarding the location and structure, BIZ Tenzo area has an outer contact position and it is functional and territorial compact. This can create the possibility to develop or to sustain a coherent image strategy either integrated with the image of the city, as an extension (e.g. the industrial part of the city), or defining an individual, distinctive image (permitted by the outside position). poza.2: Pozitia zonei din Ferrara In Maribor numele zonei industriale dezafectate este Business & Industry Zone Tezno (BIZ Tezno) si are o suprafata de 1,080,000 mp. BIZ Tezno este impartita in doua zone: zona A (aproximativ 560,000 mp), care este in mare parte ocupata, si din Zona B (aproximativ 480,000 mp, inclusiv zona de baraj de apă), care este in principal disponibila pentru investitii. The BIZ Tezno este o zona industriala traditionala si are un potential de dezvoltare important datorita amploarei si structurii. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, zona BIZ Tenzo are o pozitie de contact exterior si este compact functionala si teritoriala. Acest lucru poate crea posibilitatea dezvoltarii sau sustinerii (a imaginii reale) unei strategii de imagine coerenta, fiind integrata in imaginea orasului, ca o extensie (de exemplu, partea industriala a orasului), sau de a defini o imagine individuala, distinctiva (favorizata de pozitia geografica). pic.3: Biz Tezno Position Towards The City Maribor poza.3: Pozitia zonei Biz Tezno fata de Marobor Page 32 Retina Subject July

33 Industrial zone of Komotini functions as an organized industrial area since Today belongs to ETBA Industrial Areas SA that was setup under Law 2545/97 and operates 32 industrial areas in Greece. It is located near to the national street Komotini-Alexandroupolis (roughly 10 kilometers from the city of Komotini) and occupies an extent of ha from which ha concern in industrial and craft-based grounds. In this case the revitalization process has a distinctive character, since in actual framework the proposed study focuses on an industrial area and not exactly in a former-industrial city. Regarding the location and the structure of the brownfield, the Industrial zone of Komotini has an outside position and it is considered to be territorial and functionally compact which creates the possibility of developing a coherent image strategy either integrated with the image of the city, as an extension, or defining an individual, distinctive image permitted by the outside position. Zona industriala Komotini este o zona industriala organizata in Astazi aparţine ETBA Industrial Areas SA, care a fost structurata in temeiul Legii 2545/97 si opereaza in 32 de domenii industriale din Grecia. Aceasta este situata in apropiere de strada nationala Komotini-Alexandroupolis (aproximativ 10 km de orasul Komotini) si ocupă ha, din care ha sunt zone de interes industrial si zone in care se desfasoara activitati traditionale. In acest caz, procesul de revitalizare are un caracter distinctiv, intrucat cadrul actual se concentreaza asupra studiului propus - o zona industriala si nu tocmai intr-un oras ex-industrial. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura zonei industriale Komotini, aceasta are o pozitie externa si este considerata a fi compact teritoriala si functionala, care creeaza posibilitatea de a dezvolta o strategie de imagine coerenta, integrata cu imaginea oraşului, ca o extensie, sau de a defini o imagine individuala, distinctiva permisa de pozitia sa georgrafica. pic.4: Industrial zone of Komotini Position Towards The City The is a homogenous brownfield located in the northeast part of Košice, in the municipal district Košice - Ťahanovce. The size of the brownfileld is about 100 ha and is mostly occupied by small production and storage companies, but the area where operated the magnesite processing factory is abandoned and devastated. Levels of individual activities carried out are very different. Regarding the location and structure the brownfield is considered to have an inner contact position and to be territorially and functionally compact which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas. poza.4: Pozitia zonei industriale Komotini fata de oras Tahanovce - Magnezitarska este o zona industriala dezafectata omogena situata in partea de nord-est a Košice, in districtul municipal - Ťahanovce. Marimea zonei industriale este de aproximativ 100 ha si este in cea mai mare parte ocupata de producatori mici si de depozite, iar zona in care functionează fabrica de prelucrare a magnezitului este abandonata si devastata. Nivelurile de activitati individuale efectuate sunt foarte diferite. In ceea ce priveste locatia si structura zonei industriale, se observa o poziţie de contact interioara, functionala si teritoriala compacta care sprijina punerea in aplicare a unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea de integrare a imaginii de zona industriala dezafectata cu imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare. Retina Subject July Page 33

34 pic.5: Tahanovce-Magnezitarska Position Towards Kosice Iasi s brownfield is an urban site located in the southwest side of Iasi in the Galata area. It is a continuous area with a total surface of approximately m2 surrounded by a residential area and neighbouring the Saint Basil cemetery. There are 5 abandoned buildings with 2 and 3 floors in the area in an advanced state of degradation. Among the characteristics of the area that can influence the image and branding strategy, the RCS mentions the interesting view on Cetatuia Monastery (XVII century), empty green parcels - around m2, parking places and alleys around m2, support wall build on site. Regarding the location and the structure, the brownfield is considered to have an inside position and to be territorially and functionally compact (in this case there is no activity in the brownfield) which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas. poza.5: Pozitia zonei Tahanovce-Magnezitarska fata de Kosice Zona industriala din Iaşi este o zona urbana situata in partea de sud-vest a Iasului in zona Galata. Este o suprafata continua, de aproximativ mp, inconjurata de o zona rezidentiala si se invecineaza cu cimitirul Sfantului Vasile. Exista 5 cladiri abandonate, cu 2 si 3 etaje in zona, intr-o stare avansata de degradare. Printre caracteristicile zonei care pot influenta imaginea si strategia de branding, RCS mentioneaza vederea interesanta a Manastirii Cetatuia (secolul XVII), parcelele goale verzi - in jurul a mp, locuri de parcare si alei aproximativ mp. In ceea ce priveste locatia si structura, zona industriala este considerata a avea o pozitie interiora si urmeaza sa fie functionala si teritorial compacta (in acest caz nu exista nici o activitate in zona), care sprijina punerea in aplicare a unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea integrarii imaginea acesteia in imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare. pic.8: Iasi brownfield Position Towards The City poza.8: Pozitia zonei din Iasi fata de oras Page 34 Retina Subject July

35 In the case of Galati, Tirighina brownfield has an area of 36,901.5 m2 and is contracted by the public service ECOSAL PREST Galati who used to neutralize waste transported here, and by two sanitation companies and other operators with their own transport utilities. The landfill operates under environmentally inappropriate conditions and it approaches maximum capacity fill. The brownfield is an open space and there are no structural elements to be mentioned. Regarding the location and structure, the Tirighina brownfield is considered to have an outer contact position and to be territorially and functionally compact (in this case there is no activity in the brownfield in the present) which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas. In Galati, zona industriala Tirighina are o suprafata de 36,901.5 mp si este contractata de serviciul public Ecosal Galati PREST care neutralizeaza deseuri transportate de doua firme de salubritate si de alti operatori cu propriile utilitati de transport. Depozitul de deseuri functioneaza in conditii de mediu necorespunzatoare si se apropie de capacitatea maxima de umplere. Acest depozit de deseuri va ramane in folosinta pana in 2014, atunci cand va fi deschis un depozit ecologic de deseuri. Zona industriala este un spatiu deschis si nu exista elemente structurale care urmeaza sa fie mentionate. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, Tirighina este considerata a avea o pozitie de contact exterior, functional teritoriala si compacta (nu exista nicio activitate in zona industriala in prezent), care sprijina punerea in aplicare a unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea de integrare a imaginii zonei dezafectate in imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare. pic.7: Galati brownfield Position Towards The City In Pernik the brownfield is known as the industrial area Pernik-East and it s formed from the old industrial area of the city and the municipal parcel and now is partially abandoned. The main functions are: metallurgy; energy; production of fabricated metal products; mechanical - engineering; building - materials; building; transportation and trade. Regarding the location and structure, the industrial area Pernik-East is considered to have an outside position and to be territorial and functionally compact which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas. poza.7: Pozitia zonei industrial din Galati fata de oras Zona industriala Pernik este cunoscuta ca zona industriala Pernik-Est si este formata din zona industriala veche a orasului si o parcela municipala si acum este partial abandonata. Principalele ramuri industriale functionale sunt cele metalurgice, energetice, de productie a pieselor metalice; mecanice si cele de constructii - materiale de constructii; constructii, transporturi si comert. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, zona industriala Pernik-Est este considerata a avea o pozitie de exterior si urmeaza sa fie compact teritoriala si functionala sustinand punerea in aplicare a unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea de integrare a imaginii zonei dezafectate in imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare. Retina Subject July Page 35

36 pic.8: Pernik East Position Towards The City In the case of Fidenza the name of the brownfield is Marconi Park and it s going to be transformed into Marconi Eco-Industrial Park.The area lies in the heart of Fidenza city and is partially classified as brownfield; the part occupied by private companies is not included in brownfield s category. The two different parts are as follow: polluted area to renewal and transform in new eco-friendly Industrial Park and new industrial area to implement and manage on the basis of sustainable and innovative strategies. Regarding the location and structure, the Marconi Park is considered to have an outer contact position and to be territorial and functionally compact which supports the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas. poza.8: Pozitia zonei industriale Pernik East fata de oras In cazul Fidenza zona industriala este Marconi Park si va fi transformata in parcul eco-industrial Marconi. Aceasta se afla in inima orasului Fidenza si este partial clasificata drept zona industriala dezafectata; partea ocupata de catre companiile private nu este inclusa in categoria zonei industriale. Cele doua parti diferite sunt dupa cum urmeaza: zona poluata, care va fi revitalizata si transformata in Parcul Industrial si noua zona industriala care va fi gestionata pe baza unor strategii inovatoare si durabile. In ceea ce priveste amplasarea si structura, Parcul Marconi este considerat a avea o pozitie de contact exterior si urmează să fie compact teritorial si funcţional, fapt care sustine punerea in aplicare a unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea de integrare a imaginii zonei dezafectate in imaginea zonelor inconjuratoare. pic.9: Marconi Park Position Towards The City poza.9: Pozitia Parcului industrial Marconi fata de oras Page 36 Retina Subject July

37 The areas can be grouped into four categories by the position towards the city: inside position, inner contact position, outer contact position, outside position (Table. 1). This classification is very important because along with the revitalization objectives determine the decision to integrate or only to link the new image of the area with the city image (surrounding areas) depending also on the established city image s objectives. It can be more efficient and easy to develop a new image for Iasi or Csepel cases, if the objectives will be to follow an integrated image with the surrounding areas and to involve the residents into the development and promotion process by creating events and transmit the importance of their opinions and support for the project. For the areas with an inner contact position (Kosice, Ferrara) the decision is similar to the previous cases. A different approach can be made for the areas with outer contact position (Fidenza, Maribor and Galati) or outside position (Pernik, Komotini) because depending on the revitalisation objectives the new image can or can not be linked with the city s image. One example for this approach is BIZ Tezno (Business & Industry Zone Tezno) area from Maribor. Zonele pot fi grupate in patru categorii in functie de pozitia oraşului: in interior, de contact interior, de contact exterior, si in exterior (Tabelul 1). Aceasta clasificare este foarte importanta deoarece, de-a lungul obiectivelor de revitalizare, determina decizia de a o integra sau nu intr-o noua imagine a orasului si a zonelor inconjuratoare. Ar putea si mai eficient si mai usor sa se dezvolte o noua imagine, pentru Iasi si Csepel, daca obiectivele vor urma o imagine integrata cu zonele inconjuratoare si vor implica rezidentii în procesul de dezvoltare si promovare prin crearea de evenimente specifice, prin transmiterea opiniilor lor si prin acordarea oricarui sprijin pentru proiect. Pentru zonele cu o pozitie de contact interior (Kosice, Ferrara) decizia este similara cu cazurile anterioare. O abordare diferita poate fi facuta pentru zonele cu pozitia de contact din exterior (Fidenza, Maribor si Galati), sau pozitia exterioara (Pernik, Komotini), deoarece in functie de obiectivele de revitalizare, noua imagine nu poate fi inclusa sau legata de imaginea orasului. Un exemplu pentru aceasta abordare este BIZ Tezno si zona din Maribor. pic.10: Position Towards The City poza.10: Pozitia fata de oras Retina Subject July Page 37

38 Tab.2. Territorial and Functional Structure Another essential characteristic of the areas that need to be evaluated before developing the strategy and action for the new image is the territorial and functional structure (Table 2). A territorially and functionally compact structure can support the implementation of a coherent image strategy and indicates the necessity of integrating the image of the brownfield with the image of the surrounding areas or with the city image. Connection requirements to the infrastructure in terms of revitalization goals Basic technical and ICT structures in categories. Description of traffic access of the location The Csepel Works area is well accessible, either by road from the M0 motorway junction or by train, which has direct connection to the state railroad network. The outside of the area is well accessible by the means of public transportation. The Budapest Freeport on the Danube provides connection by waterway. There is an internal railroad network, which has been recently partly used but there are no public transport lines in the middle of the area. The originally advanced public utility network has been disintegrated after the privatization. The supply with water is satisfactory, though the former specialized pipelines are out of service. The sewage system is in a bad condition, there is no separate pipes network for industrial and communal waste water or for the rainwater and no waste water Tab.2: Structura teritoriala si functionala O alta caracteristica esentiala a zonelor ce trebuie sa fie evaluata premergator dezvoltarii noii imagini este structura functionala si teritoriala a zonei analizate (Tabel 2). O structura compacta din punct de vedere functional si teritorial poate sustine implementarea unei strategii de imagine coerente si indica necesitatea integrarii imaginii zonei defavorizate in imaginea orasului sau a zonelor inconjuratoare. Cerintele de conectare la infrastructura din punct de vedere al obiectivelor de revitalizare Tehnologii de baza si structuri In domeniul ICT pe categorii. Descriere accesului la zona prin trafic Zona Csepel Works este accesibila, fie de la autostrada M0, fie cu trenul si are legatura directa cu reteaua nationala de cale ferata. Partea exterioara a zonei este usor accesibila prin mijloacele de transport In comun, iar prin portul Budapesta se face legatura pe Dunare cu zona. Exista o retea interna de cale ferata, care a fost recent partial utilizata, dar nu exista linii de transport public in interiorul zonei. Reteaua de utilitati publice a fost dezintegrata dupa privatizare. Reteaua de aprovizionare cu apa este satisfacatoare, desi conductele sunt scoase din functiune. Sistemul de canalizare este Intr-o stare proasta, nu exista retea separata pentru conductele industriale, comunale sau pentru apa de ploaie si nici un sistem de tratare a apelor reziduale. Page 38 Retina Subject July

39 treating plant exists. The system of gas and electricity supply is relatively advanced but the future needs for the capacity of public utilities is unknown until a new development plan is made. In Ferrara the area has a good infrastructure and is well accessible from the highway 16. In southern area there is an infrastructural project that aims to connect the brownfield behind the station with the Arginone Street district and to decongest the junction with Modena Street and Highway 16. The objective for the northern area is to reduce the traffic and to divert it into the highway 16. Taking into consideration that the area is in the middle of the city of Ferrara and the fact that the objective for the revitalisation is to transform the brownfield into a civic area the utilities infrastructure for this purpose are available. Maribor is a regional transportation node at the crossing of the route from North to South (Austria to Balkan), leading from the East to the West. The brownfield is very well linked to the main routes: motorway Ljubljana-Maribor-Graz with the arm to Lendava-Hungary, and the main road Maribor-Zagreb (less than 1 km), the main railway line Koper-Ljubljana-Vienna bordering the BIZ Tezno. The connections can be made very easy also by plane with the Airport of Maribor (10 km) and the Airport of Graz, Austria (at approx. 60 km). Utilities infrastructure is managed by the ZPPCT and the zone is furnished with all necessary infrastructures and reliably supplied with adequate quantities of water and energy at competitive prices. Komotini has a good access to public roads. This will be improved by the Egnatia motorway which has recently been under construction. Komotini is served by two airports Alexandroupoli (65 km) and Kavala (80 km) and the transport by trains or bus lines is satisfactory. A complete internal road network, water system, drainage system, sewage system, central waste treatment unit, pollution control lab, gate lighting, power grid, phone lines and natural gas is allocated to the area. The Magnezitarska (Košice) brownfield has very good external and internal traffic connections. The locality is traffic-accessible for inhabitants of Košice via local roads. In order to achieve the main objective of the revitalisation, the following requirements need to be accomplished: reconstruction of the existing intersection of the approach road and the external city circle road, reconstruction and rerouting of the existing internal road leading to the Ťahanovce housing estate, connection (drive-in, drive-out road) of the Ťahanovce housing estate at the METRO shopping centre, including connection to the road to Družstevna pri Hornáde. The utilities infrastructure is complete in the area. In the case of Iasi, the area is connected to the main city roads by Miroslava Street, Tudor Neculai Road and Iasi-Voinesti Road (part of the regional infrastructure) - link with the Miroslava commune. Sistemul de alimentare cu gaze si energie electrica este relativ avansat, dar nevoile viitoare nu sunt cunoscute pana cand un nou plan de dezvoltare nu va fi realizat. Zona din Ferrara are o infrastructura buna si este usor accesibila de pe autostrada 16. In zona de sud exista un proiect de infrastructura care are ca scop conectarea zonei industriale din spatele garii, cu districtul Arginone si decongestionarea intersectiei strazii Modena cu autostrada 16. Obiectivul pentru zona de nord este de a reduce traficul si de a-l devia catre autostrada 16. Avand in vedere ca zona este in mijlocul orasului Ferrara, precum si faptul ca obiectivul de revitalizare este de a transforma zona industriala dezafectata Intr-o zona civica, infrastructura de utilitati este disponibila pentru realizarea sa. Maribor este un nod regional de transport pe ruta nord-sud (Austria - Balcani). Zona industriala este foarte bine legata de principalele rute: de autostrada Ljubljana-Maribor-Graz cu bratul Lendava-Ungaria, si drumul principal Maribor-Zagreb (mai putin de 1 km), linia de cale ferata principala Koper-Ljubljana-Viena se Invecineaza cu BIZ Tezno. Conexiunile se pot face foarte usor, de asemenea, cu avionul, de la Aeroportul din Maribor (10 km) si de la aeroportul din Graz, Austria (la cca. 60 km). Infrastructura de uitilitati este manageriata de ZPPCT, in zona fiind disponibile toate utilitatile necesare, apa si energie la preturi competitive. Zona din Komoniti are acces bun la drumurile publice. Acest lucru va fi imbunatatit prin constructia autostrazii Egnatia. Zona este deservita de doua aeroporturi Alexandroupoli (65 km) si Kavala (80 km), iar transportul feroviar si transportul public este satisfacator. Structura de utilitati din zona este completa: retea de drumuri interne, sistemul de apa, sistem de drenaj, sistem de canalizare, unitate centrala de tratare a deseurilor, laborator de control al poluarii poluarea, sistem de iluminat public, retea electrica, linii telefonice si gaze naturale. Zona industriala Magnezitarska (Košice) are conexiuni foarte bune pentru trafic extern si intern. Localitatea este acecesibila locuitorilor din Košice prin intermediul drumurilor locale. Pentru atingerea obiectivul principal de revitalizare trebuie sa fie realizate urmatoarele cerinte: reconstructia intersectiei dintre drumul de acces si drumul de centura, reconstructia si redirectionarea drumului intern existent care face legatura cu districtul Ťahanovce, realizarea conexiunii (dus-intors) dintre districtul Ťahanovce si centrul comercial Metro, inclusiv legatura cu drumul spre Družstevna pri Hornáde. Infrastructura de utilitati din zona este completa. In cazul din Iasi, zona este conectata la drumurile principale prin strada Miroslava, drumul Tudor Neculai si drumul Iasi-Voinesti (parte a infrastructurii regionale). Utilitati sunt disponibile la m. Zona industriala Tirighina (Galati) este legata de drumul principal DN25 si este situata la 2 km de Dunare (transportul pe apa este disponibil). Retina Subject July Page 39

40 The utilities are available within m. Tirighina (Galati) brownfield is connected to the main road DN25 and is situated at 2 km from Danube (waterway transport). The closest public transportation connection is Barbosi station for railway. There are low cost possibility to gas connection in the area and also water supply (source Hidrotehnica SA), sewage and electricity (nearby 220kV line). Pernik region has well-developed transport network. There are 5 lines of urban transportation. The area is supplied with energy provided underground through pipelines, gas, electrical network and distribution grids, water, cable network and Internet. The sewers are normally developed. Industrial and domestic waste is collected and treated by the producers in the region. Fidenza has a central position in national communication lines (railway, highways, and airports) and the brownfiled is very close to them. The public transports arrive close to area but not inside.the area is provided with water, electricity, sewage, gas, water and fast internet. Taken into consideration that the majority of the areas are former industrial sites the roads infrastructure is present in almost all the locations. Also they are provided with basic utilities such us water supply, sewage, electricity and some of them that are still in function along with gas, telecommunication and Internet. In table 3 it can be seen a summary of all brownfield infrastructure. As a good practice example can be presented the case of BIZ Tezno (Maribor) were the management company ZPPCT is taking care of all necessary utilities for the companies that are operating in the area in order to offer them the best prices. Cea mai apropiata statie pentru transportul public este statia Barbosi. Aprovizionarea cu gaz, apa (sursa Hidrotehnica SA) si energie elctrica (in apropiere liniei de 220kV) poate fi realizata la costuri minime. Regiunea Pernik are o retea de transport bine dezvoltata. Exista 5 linii de transport urban. Zona este alimentata cu: energie prin conducte subterane, gaze si retele electrice, apa, retea de cablu si internet, iar sitemul de canalizare este functional. Deseurile industriale si menajere sunt colectate si tratate de firmele din regiune. Fidenza are o pozitie centrala in legaturile de comuincare nationala (cale ferata, autostrazi si aeroporturi), iar zona industriala este foarte aproape acestea. Mijloacele de transport public ajung aproape de zona, dar nu in centru. Toata zona este alimentata cu apa, electricitate, canalizare, gaze, apa si internet. Luam in considerare faptul ca majoritatea terenurilor sunt foste zone industriale, infrastructura de drumuri exista in aproape toate locatiile. De asemenea, ele sunt legate la utilitati: apa, canalizare, energie electrica, iar o parte au la dispozitie reteua de gaze, telecomunicatii si Internet. In tabelul 3 se poate observa un rezumat al tuturor utilitailor din zonele industriale dezafectate. Ca exemplu de buna practica poate fi prezentat cazul BIZ Tezno (Maribor), unde autoritatea de management ZPPCT se ocupa de toate utilitatile necesare pentru companiile care opereaza in zona, cu scopul de a le oferi cele mai bune preturi. Tab.3: Infrastructure and Utilities of the areas Tab.3: Infrastructura si utilitatile disponibile Page 40 Retina Subject July

41 Description of existing urban/district/city plans, urban development strategies and other similar regulations applying to the site affecting branding and imaging In the case of Csepel, as stated among the objectives of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Csepel (21st district), its general objective is to make the district a regional centre with its own identity by improving the socio-economic structure of the district. As part of the strategy, the objective for the Csepel Works aims the reintegration of the area into the district. The image and branding aim of the revitalization process is to reformate the brownfield into an innovativeindustrial park and to reintegrate the area into the city by reducing the closed quality of the area and changing the function of areas on the outskirts of the Works into urban areas while preserving the values of industrial/cultural history. Taking into consideration the size and fragmentation of Ferrara brownfiled and also the presented urban projects (PSC), Boicelli image can benefit from the following projects that sustain also the main image and revitalisation objectives: 1. Indrovia infrastructural project that aims to enhance the touristic supply of the city and create new public spaces along the river 2. Train station revitalization 3. Via Arginone district The BIZ Tezno (Maribor) represents the planning unit Te-5 from the Detailed Municipal Spatial Plan that has been confirmed in The area is managed by ZP- PCT (privately-owned, non-profit institution) that prepared managing, development and image plans for the area. Some of these refer to the construction of public roads, implementing competitive conditions to attract investors and promote the image of the Zone. In the case of Komotini no information are provided about urban plans, urban development strategies and other similar regulations applying to the site affecting branding and imaging. As for Kosice, the Territorial Plan approved in 2009 clarifies the change of functional use of the area from the production facilities area into municipal and supermunicipal civic facilities zone. This is a detailed plan for brownfield revitalization and some of the presented objectives are: to obtain a unitary image with urban design, to create large green spaces, sport activity and cultural centres and cycle paths. Unfortunately these plans are cancelled for the moment. There is an integrated development plan for Iasi without specific regulation for the area. Prefeasibility study for the site proposes Production Base of Municipal Service Department. The Orizont 2020 Strategy of Sustainable economic and social development of Iasi includes an image objective for Iasi: the creation of a pennant image by following two directions: Planurile urbane/zonale/locale existente, strategii de dezvoltare urbana si alte reglementari similare aplicate zonelor afectate din punct de vedere al branding-ului si imaginii In cazul Csepel dupa cum este mentionat in Strategia de Dezvoltare Integrata Urbana a zonei Csepel (districtul 21), obiectivul sau general este de a crea un centru regional, cu o identitate proprie, pentru imbunatatirea structurii socio-economice a districtului. Ca parte a strategiei, obiectivul pentru Csepel Works este de a reintegrarea zonei in district. Obiectivul de imagine si branding al procesului de revitalizare este de a transforma zonele industriale dezafectate intr-un parc industrial pentru industrii creative si reintegrarea acesteia in zona urbana, prin cresterea calitatii zonei si modificarea functiilor zonelor de granita, in zone civice, pastrand in acelasi timp valorile istorice industriale/culturale. Luand in considerare marimea si fragmentarea zonei industriale Ferrara si, de asemenea, proiectele urbanistice prezentate (PSC), Boicelli poate avea beneficii de imagine din urmatoarele proiecte ce sustin, imaginea generala si obiectivele de revitalizare: 1. Indrovia - proiect de infrastructura, care vizeaza consolidarea ofertei turistice a orasului si creare de noi spatii publice, de-a lungul raului; 2. Restructurarea garii; 3. Revitalizarea cartierului Via Arginone. Zona Tezno BIZ (Maribor) reprezinta unitatea Te-5 din Planul Urbanistic Municipal reconfirmat Zona este gestionata de ZPPCT (institutie privata, nonprofit) care a realizat planuri de management, dezvoltare si imagine a zonei. Acestea implica constructia de drumuri publice, oferirea de conditii competitive cu scopul de a atrage noi investitori si de a promova imaginea zonei. In cazul Komoniti nu a fost furnizata nicio informatie cu privire la planurile urbane, strategiile de dezvoltare urbana si alte reglementari similare care pot afecteaza branding-ul si imaginea zonei. In ceea ce priveste Kosice, Planul Teritorial aprobat in 2009, stabileste schimbarea functionalitatii zonei, din zona de productie in zona cu functionalitate civica. Acesta este un plan detaliat pentru revitalizarea zonei industriale iar unele din obiectivele prezentate sunt: obtinerea unei imagini unitare in concordanta cu design-ul urban, creare de spatii verzi mari, centre culturale si sportive si piste pentru biciclete. Din pacate, aceste planuri sunt anulate pentru moment. Pentru Iasi exista un plan de dezvoltare integrata, fara reglementari specifice pentru zona aleasa. Studiul de prefezabilitate pentru aceasta zona propune baza de productie a Departamentului de Servicii Municipal. Strategia de dezvoltare durabila economica si sociala- Orizont 2020 pentru Iasi include urmatorul obiectiv de imagine Iasi: Retina Subject July Page 41

42 a) developing the brand of Iasi City of Inspiration and b) selecting Iasi Ambassadors to represent it. Also, one of the main objectives of this strategy is for Iasi to be known as: Cultural and tourist capital of Romania; Service centre for the North-East Region; Supporter of innovative industry. The revitalization of Tirighina (Galati) brownfield is managed through the ISPA Programme: Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Galati City and Surroundings. The objectives of the programme aim of improving the city view / landscape in the city are to create a higher population comfort and a more attractive area for the tourists by closing and sealing the Tirighina landfill and building a new ecological landfill. The RCS mentions also the Sustainable urban development plan which includes among the activities and operations the regeneration of damaged / abandoned urban sites and polluted industrial areas. The enhancement and protection of the environment is an important objective present in the urban development plans for Galati, which can represent the frame for changing the image of the city towards a cleaner and greener one with the new project from Tirighina as one of the multiple milestones in this direction. The Detalied Master Plan for Pernik (2010) set the function of the area as industrial zone. Also the main plan is to build a Business Center in the area in order to attract and support new investors and the enterprises that already activate there. The project for Fidenza brownfield has been approved by national government and it is the object of specific urban planning agreement among Emilia Romagna Region, Province of Parma and Municipality of Fidenza. About Euro will be provided from 2 different sources in order to sustain the development of the project: 1. National Strategic Programme of environmental preservation, industrial re-organization and socio-economic development ( Programme Institutional Agreement between National Ministry for Economic Development and Emilia-Romagna Government). 2. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Emilia-Romagna Government Programme Axes 3 for co-financing project presented by Local Governments ( Provinces ) regarding energy saving and renewable energies. Institutional framework and capacity In Csepel there are a great number of concerned authorities on various levels from government to local level mentioned in the RCS. Apart from them there are the stakeholders and the inhabitants, who have no bodies to be represented by. Therefore it is essential to establish a body to represent their interests and an operative body to provide instant consultations during the design process.the local development agency crearea unei imagini fanion prin urmarea a doua directii: a) dezvoltarea brandului orasului Iasi - oras al inspiratiei si b) selectarea ambasadorilor orasului pentru a-l reprezinta. De asemenea, unul dintre obiectivele principale ale acestei strategii este ca Iasiul sa fie cunoscut ca fiind: capitala culturala si turistica a Romaniei; Centru de Servicii al Regiunii Nord-Est; Suporter al Industriei Creative. Revitalizarea zonei Tirighina (Galati) este gestionata prin intermediul Programului ISPA: Sistemul de management integrat al deseurilor din Galati si din imprejurimi. Din obiectivele programului fac parte imbunatatirea imaginii (din punct de vedere estetic) a orasului, cresterea confortului populatiei, si cresterea atractivitatii zonei pentru turisti prin inchiderea si sigilarea groapei de gunoi Tirighina si construirea unui nou depozit ecologic. Datele din RCS mentioneaza, de asemenea, Planul de dezvoltare urbana durabila, care include printre activitati si operatiuni de revitalizare a terenurilor urbane deteriorate / abandonate si a zonelor industriale poluate. Consolidarea si protectia mediului este un obiectiv important prezentat in planurile de dezvoltare urbana pentru Galati, care pot reprezenta cadrul pentru schimbarea imaginii orasului intr-un oras mai curat si mai verde cu noul proiect Tirighina ce reprezinta o treapta in aceasta directie. In masterplanul detaliat pentru Pernik (2010) se stabileste functia industriala ca principala functionalitate a zonei defavorizate. De asemenea, obiectivul principal este de a construi un centru de afaceri in zona, cu scopul de a atrage noi investitori si de a sprijini afacerile ce activeaza deja acolo. Proiectul pentru zona industriala din Fidenza a fost aprobat de guvern si face obiectul acordului de planificare urbana dintre Regiunea Emilia Romagna, provincia Parma si a municipiului Fidenza. Aproape euro vor fi furnizati din doua surse diferite cu scopul de a sustine dezvoltarea proiectului: 1. Programul Strategic National de conservare a mediului, reorganizare industriala si dezvoltare socioeconomica ( Acordul programului institutional intre Ministerul National pentru Dezvoltare Economica si Guvernul regiunii Emilia-Romagna) 2. Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala (FEDR), Programul de Guvernare Emilia-Romagna Axa 3 pentru co-finantarea proiectelor prezentate de guvernele locale ( provincii ) in ceea ce priveste economisirea de energie si energii regenerabile. Cadrul institutional In Csepel, exista un numar mare de autoritati pe diferite niveluri, de la guvernare la nivel local mentionate in RCS. In afara acestora, exista o serie de parti interesate in revitalizarea zonei, din care fac parte si locuitorii, dar care nu au organisme de reprezentare. Prin urmare, este esential sa se stabileasca un organism care sa le reprezinte interesele si un organism Page 42 Retina Subject July

43 (SPIRO) in Ferrara is an important decision maker that influences the measures taken in order to develop and sustain the manufacturing sector. The Interregional Agency for the Po River is responsible for every project that involves areas along the river and embankments and the Regional Agency for Internal Navigation has the objectives to manage, preserve and promote the internal waterways. In the case of Maribor the key actor in the area is the ZPPCT management institution that elaborated the Cona Tezno Development Strategy by 2023 that includes the marketing strategy for the area. At the municipal level the objectives refer only to the construction of main roads and public utility infrastructure in zone B. Municipality of Komotini and the Prefecture has experience with organizing public consultations with voluntary participation of citizens, entrepreneurs, authorities, etc. for some strategic projects in the region but not within the area of the Industrial Zone. As for Košice, Iasi and Galati the Municipalities are the decision makers regarding the objectives of revitalisation and image. In Košice the Chief Architect Office, part of the town Council is responsible for area planning in the city, and in Iasi the management of the brownfield is under Iasi Municipality jurisdiction which is the main public authority with role in the Iasi socio-economic strategy and image development. In Galati the owner of Tirighina brownfield is Galati Local Council which is the main authority with role in Galati socio-economic strategy and image development. The authorities involved in the project are Local Council Galati as beneficiary, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Management Authority EX-ISPA (under the Ministry of Economy and Finance). In the case of Pernik the local administration is interested in managing the area in a public-private partnership. At this stage, the municipal administration manages to finance their participation in many executed projects. Funds are provided through own resources from the municipal budget, loans from various national funds (Fund FLAG, Energy Efficiency Fund) and credit institutions. In Fidenza the Marconi project has a very good support at the national level with a financial budget of 14 million. Also, at the regional level the Municipality involved in this project the population, trade unions and Association following the regional legislation for territory and urban planning. These actions were supported by distributing informative materials with the purpose of increasing awareness for the project. operativ care sa poata oferi consultanta in timpul procesului de revitalizare. Agentia de dezvoltare locala (SPIRO) din Ferrara este un factor de decizie important care influenteaza masurile luate pentru sustinerea si dezvoltarea sectorului de productie. Agentia interregionala ce se ocupa de raul Po este responsabila pentru fiecare proiect care implica zonele din apropierea raului, iar Agentia regionala de navigare interna are ca obiectiv managementul, conservarea si promovarea cailor navigabile interne. In Maribor, actorul-cheie in zona este institutia de management ZPPCT care a elaborat Strategia de dezvoltare a zonei Tezno pana in 2023, si care include si strategia de marketing a zonei. La nivel municipal obiectivele se refera doar la constructia drumurilor principale si realizarea infrastructurii de utilitati publice in zona B. Municipalitatea din Komotini si institutia Prefecturii au organizat o serie de consultari publice cu participarea voluntara a locuitorilor, antreprenorilor, autoritatilor, etc. pentru identificarea unor idei de proiecte strategice in regiune, dar acestea nu au avut ca subiect si zona industriala in cauza. In ceea ce priveste zonele din Košice, Iasi si Galati municipalitatile sunt factorii de decizie in ceea ce priveste obiectivele de revitalizare si de imagine. In Košice, Biroul arhitectului-sef, care face parte din Consiliul Local este responsabil de planul de urbanism al zonei, iar in Iasi managementul zonei industriale dezafectate se afla sub jurisdictia Primariei Municipiului Iasi, principala autoritate publica responsabila de strategia socio-economica si de dezvoltare a imaginii. In Galati, proprietarul zonei industriale Tirighina este Consiliul Local Galati, care, la fel ca si in Iasi este principala autoritate publica responsabila de strategia socio-economica si de dezvoltare a imaginii. Autoritatile implicate in proiect sunt Consiliul Local Galati - in calitate de beneficiar, Ministerul Mediului si Dezvoltarii Durabile si Autoritatea de Management EX-ISPA (din cadrul Ministerului Economiei si Finantelor). In cazul din Pernik administratia locala doreste gestionarea zonei intr-un parteneriat public-privat. In acest moment, administratia municipala a reusit sa isi finanteze participarea intr-o serie de realizate. Fondurile sunt asigurate din resurse proprii ale bugetului local, credite angajate prin diverse fonduri nationale (Fondul FLAG, Fondul de Eficienta Energetica) si institutii de credit. In Fidenza, proiectul Marconi se bucura de o sustinere foarte buna la nivel national si un buget de 14 milioane euro. De asemenea, la nivel regional, municipalitatea a implicat in acest proiect populatia, sindicatele si asociatia pentru legislatia teritoriala si urbanism. Aceste actiuni au fost sustinute prin distribuirea de materiale informative create cu scopul de a creste notorietatea proiectului in randul publicului. Retina Subject July Page 43

44 General image of the surrounding areas The outside view of Csepel s area is presented as being rather negative in general and also referring to the aesthetic aspect due to the poor shape, lack of maintenance and renewal of buildings. From the realestate developers point of view the location of the site is advantageous and will further improve in the near future. For the inhabitants, the area represents a potential source of job opportunities but also a risk to get back to some highly pollutant activities. In the northern area of Ferrara there are neither initiatives being carried on, nor interested investors and in south the central point for this area is the planned waterway for the Boicelli river that raised investors interested and also the good access to the central park and railway. In the case of Maribor the area is very well received by the public/investors due to its location, accessibility and the concentration of businesses in the area. The week point for the image is the low percent of awareness on international level. The Industrial zone of Komotini does not have a very strong industrial heritage but in any case since the 90 s was a powerful destination for domestic and foreign investors. A somehow negative image associated to the area and specific for other industrial areas from Greece is determined by the lack of interest in its revitalization. In Košice the area has an actual poor image, a rather negative from the complex point of view. The information about IKEA Group intentions created a positive response from the public, but the project was cancelled for the moment. As for Iasi the results from the public consultations show a somewhat positive perceived image of the area. The most frequently mentioned elements are related to the silence and the green of the area together with the absence of heavy polluters. Considering its residential profile this ads to the development potential of the area, the closeness of the sight with the main access ways and connection with the neighbouring cities. The main disadvantage perceived by the respondents is the one related to the proximity of the Saint Basil cemetery which affects the area from the aesthetic point of view. In Galati case the area has a negative image due to the highly polluted environment and the negative impact upon the surroundings. From the public consultations held in Pernik resulted the next conclusions: the industrial heritage of the area is very important for the revitalization and it should be used and diversified with other fields of the industry. The plans are supported by all categories of public. From the secondary information the area is perceived as very important for the local community and its image is rather positive. In the case of Fidenza the old image of the area Imaginea de ansamblu a zonelor inconjuratoare Imprejurimile zonei Csepel au o imagine de ansamblu mai mult negativa din punct de vedere estetic datorita aspectului saracacios, neingrijit si a deteriorarii cladirilor. Din punctul de vedere al dezvoltatorilor imobiliari pozitionarea zonei este buna, iar valoarea sa va creste in viitorul apropiat. In ceea ce ii priveste pe locuitori, zona reprezita o potentiala sursa de locuri de munca, dar exista si riscul ca nivelul poluarii se creasca din nou. In zona de nord a zonei alocate din Ferarra nu exista nici initiativa inceperii de noi proiecte, nici interes din partea investitorilor. In ceea ce priveste zona de sud, punctul central al dezvoltarii sale viitoare este proiectul pentru refacerea canalului Boicelli care a trezit interesul investitorilor, sustinut de acesul facil catre parcul central si calea ferata. In cazul Maribor zona are o imagine buna din perspectiva publicului/investitorilor datorita locatiei, accesibilitatii si a mutitudinii de firme concentrate in zona. Punctul slab al imaginii este gradul scazut de recunoastere la nivel international. Zona industriala din Komotini nu are un patrimoniu industrial foarte puternic, dar incepand cu anii 90 a devenit un punct de atractie pentru investitorii locali si straini. Imaginea oarecum negativa asupra zonei, la fel ca si in cazul altor zone din Grecia este data de interesul scazut pentru revitalizare. In Kosice, imaginea generala a zonei este negativa, iar informatiile referitoare la intentiile grupului IKEA au creat o reactie pozitiva in randul publicului, desi proiectul a fost anulat pentru moment. In ceea ce priveste zona din Iasi, rezultatele consultarilor publice arata o perceptie pozitiva a imaginii asupra zonei. Cele mai mentionate elemente ce caracterizeaza zona sunt linistea si spatiul verde alaturi de lipsa factorilor poluanti. Avand in vedere profilul rezidential al zonei, gradul de accesibilitate la caile de acces si legaturile cu orasele invecinate, aceste proiecte de exploatare a potentialului zonei au fost primite cu optimism. Principalul dezavantaj perceput de catre respondenti este vecinatatea cimitirului Sf. Vasile, ce afecteaza zona din punct de vedere estetic. Zonei dezafectata din Galati are o imagine negativa datorita mediului extrem de poluat si a impactul negativ asupra Imprejurimilor. Din consultarile publice organizate In Pernik au rezultat urmatoarele concluzii: patrimoniul industrial din zona este foarte important pentru revitalizare si ar trebui sa fie utilizat si diversificat cu alte domenii de activitate din industriii diferite. Planurile sunt sustinute de toate categoriile de public. Din surse secundare zona este perceputa ca fiind foarte importanta pentru comunitatea locala si imaginea sa este pozitiva. In cazul zonei din Fidenza imaginea veche va fi schimbata incepand cu programul de decontaminare Page 44 Retina Subject July

45 is to be changed starting from the decontamination program and ending with the transformation of the area into Marconi Eco-Industrial Park. This project is supported by all categories of public. The fact that the project is regarding the revitalisation of former industrial sites (actually brownfields) suggests from the starting point a rather poor and old image from various considerations: the abandoned buildings/factories, contaminated/polluted soil and the limited number of jobs that the companies are offering in the present in comparison with the number of jobs offered in the time when the industrial sites were functioning. From this point of view all cases are similar, but every area has its own image particularities that need to be taken into consideration. In the case of Iasi the area is perceived as green and quiet and with a good potential of development. Also in the case of Maribor the general image is good, but this is the case were a part of the former brownfiled has been revitalised and a lot of companies are functioning in the area at the moment providing the local community with almost 3800 jobs. Present land-uses/activities inside and outside the location In Csepel Works sunt active 442 de companii, majoritatea activeaza in domenii precum logistica, tipografie, comert sau servicii, iar o alta parte activeaza in domeniul industriei grele precum metalurgia sau constructia de masini. La granita zonei definite Csepel Works se afla un supermarket TESCO. Prin revitalizare se urmareste transformarea imaginii de zona cu industrie grea intr-o imagine ce promoveaza inovatia si industriile moderne. In cazul Ferrara, una dintre cele mai mari provocari o reprezinta zona industriala de prelucrari chimice unde activitatea a fost oprita aproape in totalitate si in consecinta numarul angajatilor este in continua scadere. Situatia este similara cu cea a rafinariei de zahar din zona de nord unde mai functioneaza doar operatiunile de depozitate, ambalare si distributie. Alte activitati economice in desfasurare, in partea de nord a zonei selectate (la vest de autostrada) sunt: 1. Depozit de materiale de constructii (langa canalul Boicelli), condus de compania de transport CAFA. Zona include si un mic port comercial ce urmeaza sa se dezvolte o data cu finalizarea proiectului Idrovia. 2. Un mic dig turistic, utilizat rar, situat langa portul comercial, cu o capacitate de 200 de pasageri. In mod obisnuit, pasagerii ajunsi aici isi continua calatoria cu autobuzul catre centrul orasului Ferrara sau catre alte destinatii turistice. In apropierea digului nu exista alte zone civice destinate servicilor. 3. Fosta rafinarie de zahar Gulinelli de langa autostrada 16 este abandonata aproape in totalitate, exceptie facand cladirea principala folosita acum ca si se va termina cu transformarea zonei in Parcul Eco- Industrial Marconi. Acest proiect este sustinut de toate categoriile de public. Faptul ca proiectul are ca obiectiv revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate sugereaza o imagine negativa si veche a acestora din mai multe considerente: cladiri/fabrici abandonate, sol contaminat/poluat si un numar scazut de locuri de munca in comparatie cu numarul locurilor de munca oferite in momentul in care zonele industriale dezafectate functionau. Din acest punct de vedere toate cazurile sunt similare, dar fiecare zona are propriile particularitati de imagine ce trebuie luate in considerare. In cazul de la Iasi zona este perceputa ca verde si linistita si cu un potential bun de dezvoltare. De asemenea, in Maribor imaginea de ansamblu este buna. In acest caz o parte a zonei a fost revitalizata; multe companii ce functinoneaza acest moment in zona ofera comunitatii locale aproximativ 3800 de locuri de munca. Activitati prezente in interiorul si in afara zonei In Csepel, there are currently 442 enterprises operating in the area, a small part of them are still operating in the heavy-industrial fields (metallurgy, machine building) but the majority of the companies are involved in business as logistics, printing, commerce and services. On the edge of the Works there is a TESCO supermarket. The new structure makes it necessary to reorient the old image of traditionally heavy-industry area towards a more innovative and modern image. In Ferrara, outside the area of the project in the chemical district the activity is almost stopped and the number of employers is decreasing. In the sugar refinery from the northern area there are few activities still going - storage, packaging and distribution. Other activities in the north part of the brownfield (west of the highway) are as it follows: 1 - Construction materials warehouse along Boicelli canal, managed by CAFA, a transport company. The area includes a small commercial harbour that is supposed to grow larger after the realization of the Idrovia. 2 - Small touristic pier located besides the commercial harbour. It s seldom used but the boats docking there can bring 200 passengers at a time. Usually the people continue their trip by bus, directed to the centre of Ferrara or to other touristic destinations. There are not equipped areas or services close to the pier. 3 - Ex sugar-refinery Gulinelli along highway 16 is completely abandoned except the main building used as a showroom for furniture. 4 - Other buildings, in the surrounding of old sugarrefinery, are in partly used for small commercial and handicraft enterprises. 5 - Along highway 16, at the south edge of Retina Subject July Page 45

46 General image of the surrounding areas The outside view of Csepel s area is presented as being rather negative in general and also referring to the aesthetic aspect due to the poor shape, lack of maintenance and renewal of buildings. From the realestate developers point of view the location of the site is advantageous and will further improve in the near future. For the inhabitants, the area represents a potential source of job opportunities but also a risk to get back to some highly pollutant activities. In the northern area of Ferrara there are neither initiatives being carried on, nor interested investors and in south the central point for this area is the planned waterway for the Boicelli river that raised investors interested and also the good access to the central park and railway. In the case of Maribor the area is very well received by the public/investors due to its location, accessibility and the concentration of businesses in the area. The week point for the image is the low percent of awareness on international level. The Industrial zone of Komotini does not have a very strong industrial heritage but in any case since the 90 s was a powerful destination for domestic and foreign investors. A somehow negative image associated to the area and specific for other industrial areas from Greece is determined by the lack of interest in its revitalization. In Košice the area has an actual poor image, a rather negative from the complex point of view. The information about IKEA Group intentions created a positive response from the public, but the project was cancelled for the moment. As for Iasi the results from the public consultations show a somewhat positive perceived image of the area. The most frequently mentioned elements are related to the silence and the green of the area together with the absence of heavy polluters. Considering its residential profile this ads to the development potential of the area, the closeness of the sight with the main access ways and connection with the neighbouring cities. The main disadvantage perceived by the respondents is the one related to the proximity of the Saint Basil cemetery which affects the area from the aesthetic point of view. In Galati case the area has a negative image due to the highly polluted environment and the negative impact upon the surroundings. From the public consultations held in Pernik resulted the next conclusions: the industrial heritage of the area is very important for the revitalization and it should be used and diversified with other fields of the industry. The plans are supported by all categories of public. From the secondary information the area is perceived as very important for the local community and its image is rather positive. In the case of Fidenza the old image of the area Imaginea de ansamblu a zonelor inconjuratoare Imprejurimile zonei Csepel au o imagine de ansamblu mai mult negativa din punct de vedere estetic datorita aspectului saracacios, neingrijit si a deteriorarii cladirilor. Din punctul de vedere al dezvoltatorilor imobiliari pozitionarea zonei este buna, iar valoarea sa va creste in viitorul apropiat. In ceea ce ii priveste pe locuitori, zona reprezita o potentiala sursa de locuri de munca, dar exista si riscul ca nivelul poluarii se creasca din nou. In zona de nord a zonei alocate din Ferarra nu exista nici initiativa inceperii de noi proiecte, nici interes din partea investitorilor. In ceea ce priveste zona de sud, punctul central al dezvoltarii sale viitoare este proiectul pentru refacerea canalului Boicelli care a trezit interesul investitorilor, sustinut de acesul facil catre parcul central si calea ferata. In cazul Maribor zona are o imagine buna din perspectiva publicului/investitorilor datorita locatiei, accesibilitatii si a mutitudinii de firme concentrate in zona. Punctul slab al imaginii este gradul scazut de recunoastere la nivel international. Zona industriala din Komotini nu are un patrimoniu industrial foarte puternic, dar incepand cu anii 90 a devenit un punct de atractie pentru investitorii locali si straini. Imaginea oarecum negativa asupra zonei, la fel ca si in cazul altor zone din Grecia este data de interesul scazut pentru revitalizare. In Kosice, imaginea generala a zonei este negativa, iar informatiile referitoare la intentiile grupului IKEA au creat o reactie pozitiva in randul publicului, desi proiectul a fost anulat pentru moment. In ceea ce priveste zona din Iasi, rezultatele consultarilor publice arata o perceptie pozitiva a imaginii asupra zonei. Cele mai mentionate elemente ce caracterizeaza zona sunt linistea si spatiul verde alaturi de lipsa factorilor poluanti. Avand in vedere profilul rezidential al zonei, gradul de accesibilitate la caile de acces si legaturile cu orasele invecinate, aceste proiecte de exploatare a potentialului zonei au fost primite cu optimism. Principalul dezavantaj perceput de catre respondenti este vecinatatea cimitirului Sf. Vasile, ce afecteaza zona din punct de vedere estetic. Zonei dezafectata din Galati are o imagine negativa datorita mediului extrem de poluat si a impactul negativ asupra Imprejurimilor. Din consultarile publice organizate In Pernik au rezultat urmatoarele concluzii: patrimoniul industrial din zona este foarte important pentru revitalizare si ar trebui sa fie utilizat si diversificat cu alte domenii de activitate din industriii diferite. Planurile sunt sustinute de toate categoriile de public. Din surse secundare zona este perceputa ca fiind foarte importanta pentru comunitatea locala si imaginea sa este pozitiva. In cazul zonei din Fidenza imaginea veche va fi schimbata incepand cu programul de decontaminare Page 46 Retina Subject July

47 is to be changed starting from the decontamination program and ending with the transformation of the area into Marconi Eco-Industrial Park. This project is supported by all categories of public. The fact that the project is regarding the revitalisation of former industrial sites (actually brownfields) suggests from the starting point a rather poor and old image from various considerations: the abandoned buildings/factories, contaminated/polluted soil and the limited number of jobs that the companies are offering in the present in comparison with the number of jobs offered in the time when the industrial sites were functioning. From this point of view all cases are similar, but every area has its own image particularities that need to be taken into consideration. In the case of Iasi the area is perceived as green and quiet and with a good potential of development. Also in the case of Maribor the general image is good, but this is the case were a part of the former brownfiled has been revitalised and a lot of companies are functioning in the area at the moment providing the local community with almost 3800 jobs. Present land-uses/activities inside and outside the location In Csepel, there are currently 442 enterprises operating in the area, a small part of them are still operating in the heavy-industrial fields (metallurgy, machine building) but the majority of the companies are involved in business as logistics, printing, commerce and services. On the edge of the Works there is a TESCO supermarket. The new structure makes it necessary to reorient the old image of traditionally heavy-industry area towards a more innovative and modern image. In Ferrara, outside the area of the project in the chemical district the activity is almost stopped and the number of employers is decreasing. In the sugar refinery from the northern area there are few activities still going - storage, packaging and distribution. Other activities in the north part of the brownfield (west of the highway) are as it follows: 1 - Construction materials warehouse along Boicelli canal, managed by CAFA, a transport company. The area includes a small commercial harbour that is supposed to grow larger after the realization of the Idrovia. 2 - Small touristic pier located besides the commercial harbour. It s seldom used but the boats docking there can bring 200 passengers at a time. Usually the people continue their trip by bus, directed to the centre of Ferrara or to other touristic destinations. There are not equipped areas or services close to the pier. 3 - Ex sugar-refinery Gulinelli along highway 16 is completely abandoned except the main building used as a showroom for furniture. 4 - Other buildings, in the surrounding of old sugarrefinery, are in partly used for small commercial and si se va termina cu transformarea zonei in Parcul Eco- Industrial Marconi. Acest proiect este sustinut de toate categoriile de public. Faptul ca proiectul are ca obiectiv revitalizarea zonelor industriale dezafectate sugereaza o imagine negativa si veche a acestora din mai multe considerente: cladiri/fabrici abandonate, sol contaminat/poluat si un numar scazut de locuri de munca in comparatie cu numarul locurilor de munca oferite in momentul in care zonele industriale dezafectate functionau. Din acest punct de vedere toate cazurile sunt similare, dar fiecare zona are propriile particularitati de imagine ce trebuie luate in considerare. In cazul de la Iasi zona este perceputa ca verde si linistita si cu un potential bun de dezvoltare. De asemenea, in Maribor imaginea de ansamblu este buna. In acest caz o parte a zonei a fost revitalizata; multe companii ce functinoneaza acest moment in zona ofera comunitatii locale aproximativ 3800 de locuri de munca. Activitati prezente in interiorul si in afara zonei In Csepel Works sunt active 442 de companii, majoritatea activeaza in domenii precum logistica, tipografie, comert sau servicii, iar o alta parte activeaza in domeniul industriei grele precum metalurgia sau constructia de masini. La granita zonei definite Csepel Works se afla un supermarket TESCO. Prin revitalizare se urmareste transformarea imaginii de zona cu industrie grea intr-o imagine ce promoveaza inovatia si industriile moderne. In cazul Ferrara, una dintre cele mai mari provocari o reprezinta zona industriala de prelucrari chimice unde activitatea a fost oprita aproape in totalitate si in consecinta numarul angajatilor este in continua scadere. Situatia este similara cu cea a rafinariei de zahar din zona de nord unde mai functioneaza doar operatiunile de depozitate, ambalare si distributie. Alte activitati economice in desfasurare, in partea de nord a zonei selectate (la vest de autostrada) sunt: 1. Depozit de materiale de constructii (langa canalul Boicelli), condus de compania de transport CAFA. Zona include si un mic port comercial ce urmeaza sa se dezvolte o data cu finalizarea proiectului Idrovia. 2. Un mic dig turistic, utilizat rar, situat langa portul comercial, cu o capacitate de 200 de pasageri. In mod obisnuit, pasagerii ajunsi aici isi continua calatoria cu autobuzul catre centrul orasului Ferrara sau catre alte destinatii turistice. In apropierea digului nu exista alte zone civice destinate servicilor. 3. Fosta rafinarie de zahar Gulinelli de langa autostrada 16 este abandonata aproape in totalitate, exceptie facand cladirea principala folosita acum ca magazin de prezentare pentru mobila. Retina Subject July Page 47

48 handicraft enterprises. 5 - Along highway 16, at the south edge of Pontelagoscuro, there are commercial activities (three markets, cars dealers, etc.), born in the last decades and well-working. The southern part of the brownfield is composed from two different areas: the residential district Barco and the productive area with companies from different sectors. In most cases, the planning tools foresee to transform the several brownfields into mixed-use areas with residential buildings and services. In the ex Dalex site, the Idrovia project provides a new touristic marina where passengers can get off and reach the historical centre walking or bicycling along a new path. A commercial and distribution centre is foreseen in ex-padana Motor site but the construction is still uncertain because of the economical context. In case of Maribor zone A is 90% occupied by over 180 companies employing approx employees. Most of them are micro and small enterprises, but there are a few large and medium-sized companies. In Zone B infrastructure in terms of traffic routes or utility are missing. In Komotini there is an environmental friendly natural gas power plant with a capacity of 500MW. Most of the factories in the Zone operate in the field of light industry, e.g. production of clothes, knitted fabric, water supply and heating pipes, food processing and transportation. Economic activities outside the zone are overwhelmingly related to agriculture. The area in Košice where was the magnesite factory is abandoned and in bad conditions. Other part is used by small companies. The brownfield is surrounded by residential districts. As for Iasi at the moment there are no use/activities inside for the moment. The surroundings are populated with new houses (built after 2005). In the case of Galati, inside the area there is the municipal waste plant not in use and outside there is free land and some new commercial implantations along the main road. Actually in Pernik s brownfield are operating around 30 small companies with up to 50 employees and one large enterprise with over 250 employees. In the case of Fidenza the area is used by 9 companies 8 small companies and a bigger one that is the owner of a percentage of the area. The only brownfield in which there is no present activity is in the case of Iasi. In all other cases the areas are populated with a small or large number of companies, with different activities depending on the structure of the area (fragmented/compact), size, former use and the stage in which is the revitalisation process. 4. Alte cladiri din apropierea rafinariei sunt utilizate partial de firme mici ce au ca domeniu de activitate comertul sau artizanatul. 5. Langa autostrada 16, la granita de sud cu lacul Pontelagoscuro, exista o zona comerciala (trei piete comerciale, dealeri de masini etc.) dezvoltata in ultimele decenii. In fosta zona Dalex, prin proiectul Idrovia se doreste realizarea un port de agrement turistic nou pentru ca pasagerii sa poata ajunge in centrul istoric pe jos sau cu cu bicicleta. Un nou centru comercial si de distributie este in planificat pentru fosta zona Padana Motor, dar realizarea sa este inca incerta datorita contextului economic. In Maribor zona A este ocupata in proportie de 90% de peste 180 de companii angajatoare cu cca de angajati. Cele mai multe dintre ele sunt companii micro si mici, dar exista cateva firme mari si mijlocii. In Zona B lipsesc infrastructura stradala si utilitatile. In fosta zona industriala din Komotini exista o centrala electrica ecologica cu o capacitate de 500MW. Cele mai multe dintre fabrici din zona opereaza in domeniul industriei usoare, de exemplu, productia de imbracaminte, alimentare cu apa si incalzire, productia de alimente si activitati de transport. Activitatile economice din afara zonei sunt legate de agricultura. Fosta zona industriala din Košice unde a fost fabrica de magnezit este abandonata si in conditii proaste, iar o alta parte este utilzata de companii mici. Aria implicata in proiect este inconjurata de cartiere rezidentiale. In ceea ce priveste fost zona industraiala din Iasi (implicata in proiect), la acest moment aceasta nu are nici o utilizare si nu sunt desfasurate alte activitati in interior. Imprejurimile sunt populate cu case noi (construite dupa 2005). In interiorul zonei din Galati exista o instalatie nefolosita pentru deseuri, iar in afara exista spatiu neutilizat si o serie de constructii comerciale noi, pe marginea drumului principal. In aria implicata in proiect din Pernik opereaza in jur de 30 de companii mici, cu pana la 50 de angajati si o companie mare cu peste 250 de angajati. In cazul din Fidenza, zona este populata de 9 companii din care 8 companii mici si una mai mare. Singura zona industraiala dezafectata in care nu se desfasoara, in prezent, nicio activitate este in cazul Iasi. In toate celelalte cazuri suprafetele sunt populate de un numar variat de companii, cu activitati diferite, in functie de structura zonei (fragmentat / compact), dimensiune, si de stadiul in care se afla procesul de revitalizare. Page 48 Retina Subject July

49 Quality of the brownfield sites Quality of the environment Currently there are few polluting activities in Csepel Works. The area is still contaminated from the old heavy industry activities. Among the contaminating elements the RCS mentions metals like Cr, Cu, Cd, etc., oils, dross, cyanides and more. The area is under continuous monitoring, but the monitoring system is not well organized, thus their results provide no coherent information on the territory as a whole. A study named Strategy for Decontamination of Former Csepel Works is recently going on. The northern and also southern areas of Ferrara are affected by pollution but in the last period there was a strict monitoring programme initiated by the citizens. In the north area the soil is polluted with vinyl chloride and a full decontamination is not possible. The water from Po River and Boicelli canal is polluted from the industrial wastewater in the case of the canal and the pollutants from the others provinces in the case of the river. As for the south area the pollution exists but the level is under evaluation. The pollution problem has been remediated only in the areas with ongoing projects. In Maribor case the area has been polluted in the past but after the decontamination program the area was declared environmentally less deprived and there is no need for future decontamination investments. For Komotini there is no specific information about the pollution level. Košice and Fidenza are in the process of decontamination. In Kosice there are ongoing decontamination programs of soil and underground water. The pollution was produced by the fuel distribution and by the former magnetite factory with oil materials. And in Fidenza the area is being cleaned through a program for decontamination of buildings and soil, for removal of contaminated structures (tanks, pipeline system etc.) using different techniques of decontamination (water barriers, bio-pile system, bio slurping system). In the case of Iasi there are no pollution sources on the site and this is a positive element for the image but there is no information regarding the level of soil and water contamination. As for Galati the situation is different because Tirighina is a municipal and industrial landfill. While in the past no strict implementation of protection against the pollution has been carried out the potential pollution of soil, air and water is assumed. In Pernik the area is not contaminated or polluted. As it can be assumed in the areas where former heavy industries were operating the risk of pollution is very high. The necessary steps for these areas were this level is unknown are to be determined and if there is the case, the decontamination process should start immediately. The table 4 presents the actual situation of contamination on the brownfields. Calitatea zonelor industriale dezafectate Calitatea mediului In prezent mai exista foarte putine activitati poluante in Csepel Works, dar zona este in continuare contaminata, iar poluarea provine de la fostele companii ce au activat in industria grea. Printre elementele poluante, mentionate in RCS, pot fi enumerate metale precum Cr, Cu, Cd, etc. uleiuri, zgura metalica, cianuri si mai multe. Sistemul de monitorizare al poluarii nu este bine organizat, astfel incat informatiile nu sunt corect furnizate pentru intreg teritoriul supravegheat. Studiul numit Strategia pentru decontaminarea zonei Csepel Works este in defasurare. Atat zona de nord cat si cea de sud din Ferarra sunt afectate de poluare, dar in ultima perioada se desfasoara un program strict de monitorizare initiat la cererea populatiei. In zona de nord solul este poluat cu clorura de vinil, o decontaminare completa ne fiind posibila. Apa din raul Po si canal Boicelli este poluata de apa utilizata in industrie si de poluantii din celelalte provincii in cazul raului Po. In zona de sud, in acest moment, se evalueaza nivelul poluarii, problema fiind remediata doar in zoenele in care sunt proiecte in desfasurare. In Maribor, zona a fost decontaminata in totalitate si a fost declarata zona mai putin defavorizatata, in viitor ne fiind necesare investitii pentru decontaminare. Pentru zona din Komotini nu exista informatii clare despre nivelul poluarii, iar Košice si Fidenza se afla in procesul de decontaminare. In Košice, poluarea s-a produs prin exploatarea carbunelui si prin diferite tipuri de uleiuri in timpul functionarii fabricii de magnezit, iar acum se desfasoara programul de decontaminare a solului si a panzei freatice. In Fidenza, masurile pentru decontaminare vizeaza curatarea cladirilor, decontaminarea solului prin inlaturarea structurilor contaminate (cisterne, sistemul de conducte etc.) prin diverse tehnici (bariere de apa, sistemul bio-celula sau sistemul de deshidratare). In cazul zonei din Iasi, desi nu sunt informatii cu privire la nivelul poluarii din sol si apa, nu exista surse de poluare, iar acest lucru poate fi un element pozitiv pentru imaginea zonei. Situatia este diferita in Galati, deoarece Tirighina este un depozit pentru deseuri municipal si industrial, iar nivelul de contaminare al solului, apei si aerului este asumat desi, in trecut, nu au existat reglementari in acest sens. In Pernik zona nu este contaminata sau poluata. Dupa cum se poate presupune, nivelul poluarii este ridicat in zonele in care au functionat fostele fabrici din industria grea. Din acest motiv sunt necesari urmatorii pasi: determinarea acestui nivel si inceperea sau continuarea procesului de decontaminare. In tabelul 4 este prezentata situatia actuala a poluarii pentru toate zonele din proiect. Retina Subject July Page 49

50 Tab.4: Pollution Tab.3: Poluarea Quality of the environment In Csepel most of the dwellings are flats built in postwar housing estates, and are hardly any residential areas. The public utility level of housing is not satisfying. Ferrara is a different case because of its position in the middle of the city. In the north area, in the last years, there were developed several real estate projects and the objectives for the future aim is to improve the quality of life for residents through other projects like cycle paths, green strips and traffic reduction. The Turgogas (CHP- Combinated Heat and Power) power station is under construction but the project it s a moot point because the resident consider it a pollution element. In the southern area, Drasena city is the latest residential project finalised along Volano river where were developed a shopping mall, a multiplex, a hall of residence and an office building. Also the via Arigione project aims to improve the quality of housing by offering to the community a new square with church, a bridge over Volano river and other new residential is to be expected that the real estate value will increase. Maribor and Komotini are situated outside the city and the only function after revitalization will be industrial activities. It should be mentioned that Maribor counts with more the 70% green spaces. In Galati the area is also situated in a non-urban area and for Fidenza the data is not available. In Košice at the moment the real estate values in the town are still relatively high compared with the area income. As for Iasi the surroundings are populated with new houses (built after 2005) and the local administration has a contact point (neighborhood center). In the case of Pernik there are about 30 thousand Calitatea locuintelor In Csepel majoritatea locuintelor sunt apartamente in blocuri de locuinte construite dupa razboi, iar in rest foarte putine zone rezidentiale. Nivelul utilitatilor publice aferent locuirii zonei nu este satisfacator. Ferrara reprezinta un caz diferit datorita pozitiei sale In centrul orasului. In zona de nord, In ultimii ani, s-au dezvoltat mai multe proiecte imobiliare, iar pentru viitor, obiectivul este de a Imbunatati calitatea vietii pentru rezidenti, prin proiecte cum ar fi realizarea de piste pentru biciclete, spatii verzi si reducerea traficului. Statia de alimentare cu caldura si energie Turgogas este In constructie in prezent insa proiectul este unul controversat, deoarece rezidentii considera reprezinta o sursa de poluare. In zona de sud, Drasena este cel mai recent proiect rezidential finalizat de-a lungul raului Volano In care au fost construite un mall, un multiplex, o cladire cu dormitoare si o cladire de birouri. De asemenea, prin intermediul proiectului Arigione se urmareste Imbunatatirea calitatii zonei locuite prin construirea pentru comunitate a unei piete noi, cu biserica, a unui pod peste raul Volano si a altor cladiri. Fiind o zona rezidentiala noua este de asteptat ca valoarea imobiliara sa creasca. Maribor si Komotini sunt situate In afara orasului si singura sa functie dupa revitalizare va fi activitatea industriala. Ar trebui mentionat faptul ca Maribor este ocupata de spatii verzi in procent de 70%. Zona industriala din Galati este, de asemenea, situata Intr-o zona non-urbana si pentru Fidenza locuirea nu este posibila. In Košice valorile imobiliare din oras sunt Inca relativ ridicate comparativ cu veniturile din zona. In Iasi Imprejurimile sunt populate cu case noi (construite dupa 2005) si administratia locala are un punct Page 50 Retina Subject July



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