FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 9/10 Chemistry available at -

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1 Y9 Double (Chemistry) Winter term Sept- v v - Apr Apr - Jul FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 9/10 Chemistry available at - Date Resource description and details of specification coverage Resource location tes about using the resource Chemical substances, reactions and essential resources Elements, compounds and mixtures.separation of substances. Measuring elements and compounds in terms of atomic and molecular masses, percentage composition. equations as a means of showing the rearrangement of atoms in reactions, including balancing equations. Introduction to moles, the Avogadro constant and related mass calculations. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 20th vember. %20Chemistry%201.pdf Balancing Chemical equations Atomic structure and the periodic table particles. Periodic Table; trends in properties of Structure of the atom in detail; atomic and mass numbers of sub-science-revision/atomic_structure.pps elements. Reactions of Group 1 and Group 7 elements and science-revision/adeiledd_atomig.pps simple qualitative tests; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 9th April. Water Composition and treatment of the water supply, including NLN materials: explains the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures, identifies some common compounds and mixtures and describe the ways in which the components of mixtures can be separated. phet interactive animation/game to practice and consolidate balancing chemical equations Series of interactive resources - including PowerPoint, pdf, games to develop understanding of the mole, relative atomic mass and relative A variety of interactive resources to introduce and consolidate elements, mixtures and compunds and separation techniques PowerPoint presentations summarising a,b,c,d,e,f Comprehensive resource from basic understanding through to higher levels. Over 40 activities. Includes a "jump menu" to help locate resources. Interactive PowerPoint slides to summarise and explore g and h - Periodic table and element properties and groupings c1a769c1a0ae/en compounds c1a769c1a0ae/cy compounds wide varity of classroom resources including games, video, notes, activities to introduce the periodic table RSC Interactive periodic table; videos; games; podcast; trends Phet interactive animation to develop Build an understanding of atomic number, mass number and Atom electron configuration PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l

2 Y9 Double (Chemistry) fluoridation. Different types of water hardness; relevant knowledge of the ions involved. Write word and balanced symbol equations relating to the removal of hardness. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 9th July. Video: Hard and soft water explained Enquiry activity using video, animation and whiteboard materials to debate the advantages and Teacher notes and student support sheets describing practical investigation to determine a solubility curve for potassium nitrate

3 Y9 Triple (Chemistry) FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 9/10 Chemistry available at - Date Resource description and details of specification coverage Resource location tes about using the resource Sept - Oct Chemical substances, reactions and essential resources Elements, compounds and mixtures.separation of substances. Measuring elements and compounds in terms of atomic and molecular masses, percentage composition. equations as a means of showing the rearrangement of atoms in reactions, including balancing equations. Introduction to moles, the NLN materials: explains the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures, identifies some common compounds and mixtures and describe the ways in which the components of mixtures can be separated. Avogadro constant and related mass calculations. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 16th October. Balancing Chemical equations phet interactive animation/game to practice and consolidate balancing chemical equations Series of interactive resources - including PowerPoint, pdf, games to develop understanding of the mole, relative atomic mass and relative A variety of interactive resources to introduce and consolidate elements, mixtures and compunds and separation techniques v - Dec Jan - March Atomic structure and the periodic table Structure of the atom in detail; atomic and mass numbers of sub-atomic particles. Periodic Table; trends in properties of elements. Reactions of Group 1 and Group 7 elements and simple qualitative tests; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 18th December. Water Composition and treatment of the water supply, including fluoridation. Different types of water hardness; relevant a95edca1a4ea/en c1a769c1a0ae/en c1a769c1a0ae/cy PowerPoint presentations summarising a,b,c,d,e,f Comprehensive resource from basic understanding through to higher levels. Over 40 activities. Includes a "jump menu" to help locate resources. PowerPoint slides to summarise and explore g and h - Periodic table and element properties and groupings compounds compounds wide varity of classroom resources including games, video, notes, activities to introduce the periodic table RSC Interactive periodic table; videos; games; podcast; trends Phet interactive animation to develop understanding of atomic number, mass number and electron configuration Build an Atom PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l Video: Hard and soft water explained

4 Y9 Triple (Chemistry) knowledge of the ions involved. Write word and balanced symbol equations relating to the removal of hardness. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 26th February Enquiry activity using video, animation and whiteboard materials to debate the advantages Teacher notes and student support sheets describing practical investigation to determine a solubility curve for potassium nitrate Mar - Apr Apr - Jun June Jun-Jul ( And continuing into Year 10) The ever-changing Earth Structure of the Earth and the composition of the atmosphere, looking at changes in both over time. Understand how a balance of processes maintains the composition of the atmosphere and the effects upon this of human activity. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 23rd April. Rate of chemical change Practical methods used to determine the rate of reaction ;the effect of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area on rate of reaction; the particle theory in explaining changes of rates of reaction;catalysts;enzymes as biological catalysts; uses of enzymes. There will be one Limestone Reactions and uses of limestone. Social and environmental aspects relating to the quarrying of limestone; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 25th June Bonding, structure and properties Changes to atoms and electron structure during both ionic and covalent bonding; links to the resulting structures of substances. Nanoscience and smart materials. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 2nd October The greenhouse effect etotheenvironmentrev1.shtml Reactions and rates Limestone interactive simuation and modelling of plate tectonics to allow learners to explore processes occuring at tectonic plate boundaries interactive simulation and modelling for learners to explore how the composition of atmosphere affects temperature (d, e, g,h) animation of plate tectonics and continental drift (b,c) Evolution of the earth's atmosphere; data; activities; tests. Damage to the environment from waste; recyclying video to explore the effect of temperature on rate of reaction using uv sensitive beads Interactive modelling and simulation on reaction rates youtube video considering how rates of reaction can be altered Interactive PowerPoint summaries with debate/enquiry activities looking at use of limestone and socal, economic and environmental of limestone You Tube video explaining the reactions of limstone Teacher and student notes for demonstrations and Chemistry experiments to explore the reactions of limestone of limestone (b,c) Chemistry 1 : Bonding, str PowerPoint slides to summarise nano particle propertes and uses - slides 1-22 for h,i,j PowerPoint slide summary for smart materials (k) PowerPoint slides 4-16 tosummarise metallic structre, ionic and covalent bonding, covering a-h

5 Y10 Double (Chemistry) Sept - Oct v - Dec Jan - March FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 9/10 Chemistry available at - Date Resource description and details of specification coverage Resource location tes about using the resource Chemical substances, reactions and essential resources Elements, compounds and mixtures.separation of substances. NLN materials: explains the difference between Measuring elements and compounds in terms of atomic and molecular masses, percentage composition. equations as a means of showing the rearrangement of atoms in reactions, including balancing equations. Introduction to moles, the elements, compounds and mixtures, identifies some common compounds and mixtures and describe the ways in which the components of mixtures can be separated. Avogadro constant and related mass calculations. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 16th October. Balancing Chemical equations phet interactive animation/game to practice and consolidate balancing chemical equations Series of interactive resources - including PowerPoint, pdf, games to develop understanding of the mole, relative atomic mass and relative A variety of interactive resources to introduce and consolidate elements, mixtures and compunds and separation techniques Atomic structure and the periodic table Structure of the atom in detail; atomic and mass numbers of sub-atomic particles. Periodic Table; trends in properties of elements. Reactions of Group 1 and Group 7 elements and simple qualitative tests; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 11th December. Water Composition and treatment of the water supply, including a95edca1a4ea/en c1a769c1a0ae/en c1a769c1a0ae/cy Build an Atom e32fddb366dd/en PowerPoint presentations summarising a,b,c,d,e,f Comprehensive resource from basic understanding through to higher levels. Over 40 activities. Includes a "jump menu" to help locate resources. Interactive series of teacher resources for PowerPoint slides to summarise and explore g and h - Periodic table and element properties and groupings compounds compounds wide varity of classroom resources including games, video, notes, activities to introduce the periodic table RSC Interactive periodic table; videos; games; podcast; trends Phet interactive animation to develop understanding of atomic number, mass number and electron configuration PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l

6 Y10 Double (Chemistry) Mar - Apr Apr - Jun fluoridation. Different types of water hardness; relevant knowledge of the ions involved. Write word and balanced symbol equations relating to the removal of hardness. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 26th February. The ever-changing Earth Structure of the Earth and the composition of the atmosphere, looking at changes in both over time. Understand how a balance of processes maintains the composition of the atmosphere and the effects upon this of human activity. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 12th March. Rate of chemical change Practical methods used to determine the rate of reaction ;the effect of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area on rate of reaction; the particle theory in explaining changes of rates of reaction;catalysts;enzymes as biological catalysts; uses of enzymes. There will be one e32fddb366dd/cy The greenhouse effect etotheenvironmentrev1.shtml Reactions and rates PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l Video: Hard and soft water explained Enquiry activity using video, animation and whiteboard materials to debate the advantages and disadvantages of adding fluoride to drinking Teacher notes and student support sheets describing practical investigation to determine a solubility curve for potassium nitrate interactive simuation and modelling of plate tectonics to allow learners to explore processes occuring at tectonic plate boundaries interactive simulation and modelling for learners to explore how the composition of atmosphere affects temperature (d, e, g,h) animation of plate tectonics and continental drift (b,c) Evolution of the earth's atmosphere; data; activities; tests. Damage to the environment from waste; recyclying video to explore the effect of temperature on rate of reaction using uv sensitive beads Interactive modelling and simulation on reaction rates youtube video considering how rates of reaction can be altered

7 Y10 Triple (Chemistry) Sept - Oct v - Dec Dec-Jan FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 9/10 Chemistry available at - Date Resource description and details of specification coverage Resource location tes about using the resource Chemical substances, reactions and essential resources Elements, compounds and mixtures.separation of substances. NLN materials: explains the difference between Measuring elements and compounds in terms of atomic and molecular masses, percentage composition. equations as a means elements, compounds and mixtures, identifies of showing the rearrangement of atoms in reactions, including balancing equations. Introduction to moles, the Avogadro constant and related mass calculations. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 2nd 727A337A3587} some common compounds and mixtures and describe the ways in which the components of mixtures can be separated. October. Atomic structure and the periodic table Structure of the atom in detail; atomic and mass numbers of sub-atomic particles. Periodic Table; trends in properties of elements. Reactions of Group 1 and Group 7 elements and simple qualitative tests; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 11th December. Water Composition and treatment of the water supply, including Balancing Chemical equations a95edca1a4ea/en c1a769c1a0ae/en c1a769c1a0ae/cy Build an Atom e32fddb366dd/en phet interactive animation/game to practice and consolidate balancing chemical equations Series of interactive resources - including PowerPoint, pdf, games to develop understanding of the mole, relative atomic mass and relative A variety of interactive resources to introduce and consolidate elements, mixtures and compunds and separation techniques PowerPoint presentations summarising a,b,c,d,e,f Comprehensive resource from basic understanding through to higher levels. Over 40 activities. Includes a "jump menu" to help locate resources. Interactive series of teacher resources for PowerPoint slides to summarise and explore g and h - Periodic table and element properties and groupings compounds compounds wide varity of classroom resources including games, video, notes, activities to introduce the periodic table RSC Interactive periodic table; videos; games; podcast; trends Phet interactive animation to develop understanding of atomic number, mass number and electron configuration PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l

8 Y10 Triple (Chemistry) fluoridation. Different types of water hardness; relevant knowledge of the ions involved. Write word and balanced symbol equations relating to the removal of hardness. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 29th January. e32fddb366dd/cy PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l Video: Hard and soft water explained Enquiry activity using video, animation and whiteboard materials to debate the advantages and disadvantages of adding fluoride to drinking Teacher notes and student support sheets describing practical investigation to determine a solubility curve for potassium nitrate Feb Feb-Mar April The ever-changing Earth Structure of the Earth and the composition of the atmosphere, looking at changes in both over time. Understand how a balance of processes maintains the composition of the atmosphere and the effects upon this of human activity. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 12th March (within mocks). Rate of chemical change Practical methods used to determine the rate of reaction ;the effect of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area on rate of reaction; the particle theory in explaining changes of rates of reaction;catalysts;enzymes as biological catalysts; uses of enzymes. There will be one Limestone Reactions and uses of limestone. Social and environmental aspects relating to the quarrying of limestone; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 23rd April The greenhouse effect etotheenvironmentrev1.shtml Reactions and rates Limestone shtml Chemistry of limestone interactive simuation and modelling of plate tectonics to allow learners to explore processes occuring at tectonic plate boundaries interactive simulation and modelling for learners to explore how the composition of atmosphere affects temperature (d, e, g,h) animation of plate tectonics and continental drift (b,c) Evolution of the earth's atmosphere; data; activities; tests. Damage to the environment from waste; recyclying video to explore the effect of temperature on rate of reaction using uv sensitive beads Interactive modelling and simulation on reaction rates youtube video considering how rates of reaction can be altered Interactive PowerPoint summaries with debate/enquiry activities looking at use of limestone and socal, economic and environmental Reactions of limestone You Tube video explaining the reactions of limstone Teacher and student notes for demonstrations and experiments to explore the reactions of limestone (b,c)

9 Y11 Double (Chemistry) Jul - Sept Oct - Dec Dec - Feb Feb Mar - Apr Date There will be a FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 11 Chemistry - we will notify students when this is available Resource description and details of specification Resource location tes about using the resource coverage Bonding, structure and properties PowerPoint slides to summarise nano particle Changes to atoms and electron structure during both ionic and propertes and uses - slides 1-22 for h,i,j covalent bonding; links to the resulting structures of substances. Nanoscience and smart materials. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit PowerPoint slide summary for smart materials (k) test - w/b 18th September. Chemistry 1 : Bonding, structure and chemical Properties Acids, bases and salts Titration and mole Reactions of acids in depth. Neutralisation theory and titration calculations concepts; able to write word and balanced symbol equations (including ionic equations where relevant) for all reactions ph scale described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 4th December. Metals and their extraction Processes involved in extracting metals, based upon initial work with reactivity series and related reactions; introduction to electrolysis and its uses in the extraction of aluminium and other applications. Learners should be able to write word and balanced symbol equations (including ionic equations where relevant) for all reactions described in this topic. There will Chemical reactions and energy Energy changes that happen during chemical reactions. Exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of the energy associated with chemical bonds. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks Crude oil, fuels and organic chemistry Representation and naming of organic structures, needed in organic chemistry. The formation and fractional distillation of crude oil, cracking and polymerisation; the products of each process explained. Isomerism. Ability to write word and balanced symbol equations for combustion, cracking, addition and fermentation reactions and symbol equations representing polymerisation. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 16th April /add-organic-chemistry/eng/Fire%20Triangle%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/Fire%20Triangle%20M.pptm PowerPoint slides 4-16 tosummarise metallic structre, ionic and covalent bonding, covering a-h Interactive PowerPoint presentations on concentration and titration and associated calculations interactive simulation and modelling of ph scale interactive simulation and modelling of acids and bases PowerPoint slides to summarise reactivity series and extraction of metals. Coverage of a, b,e,h,i,m,p Youtube video to explain electrolysis of a solution Video of Thermit reaction Video explaining energy profiles for reactions Alkanes, Alkenes and polymers: PowerPoint slides 2-7 to summarise cracking and polymerisation - a,k, r,s PowerPoint presentation to consider the firetriangle in fire-fighting and fire prevention 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/ Interactive Prezi presentation to support teaching and learning of alkanes, alkenes and alcohols

10 Y11 Double (Chemistry) 3/add-organic-chemistry/eng/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organicchemistry/cym/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29%20cymraeg.pptm Interactive PowerPoint presentation considering the production of ethanol, its uses and social, economic and environmental factors of its use

11 Y11 Triple (Chemistry) Jul - Sept Oct - v v - Jan Jan Feb Date There will be a FREE Revision guide from Bangor University for Year 11 Chemistry - we will notify students when this is available Resource description and details of specification coverage Resource location tes about using the resource PowerPoint slides to summarise nano particle propertes and uses - slides 1-22 for h,i,j Bonding, structure and properties Changes to atoms and electron structure during both ionic and covalent bonding; links to the resulting structures of substances. Nanoscience and smart materials. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 18th September Chemistry 1 : Bonding, structure and chemical Properties Acids, bases and salts Titration and mole Reactions of acids in depth. Neutralisation theory and titration calculations concepts; able to write word and balanced symbol equations (including ionic equations where relevant) for all reactions ph scale described in this topic. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 6th vember. Metals and their extraction Processes involved in extracting metals, based upon initial work with reactivity series and related reactions; introduction to electrolysis and its uses in the extraction of aluminium and other applications. Learners should be able to write word and balanced symbol equations (including ionic equations where Crude oil, fuels and organic chemistry Representation and naming of organic structures, needed in organic chemistry. The formation and fractional distillation of crude oil, cracking and polymerisation; the products of each process explained. Isomerism. Ability to write word and balanced symbol equations for combustion, cracking, addition and fermentation reactions and symbol equations representing polymerisation. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 26th February (within mocks) relevant) for all reactions described in this topic. There will Chemical reactions and energy Energy changes that happen during chemical reactions. Exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of the energy associated with chemical bonds. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 26th February (within mocks) 3/add-organic-chemistry/eng/Fire%20Triangle%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/Fire%20Triangle%20M.pptm 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/ PowerPoint slide summary for smart materials (k) PowerPoint slides 4-16 tosummarise metallic structre, ionic and covalent bonding, covering a-h Interactive PowerPoint presentations on concentration and titration and associated calculations interactive simulation and modelling of ph scale interactive simulation and modelling of acides and bases PowerPoint slides to summarise reactivity series and extraction of metals. Coverage of a, b,e,h,i,m,p Youtube video to explain electrolysis of a solution Video of Thermit reaction Video explaining energy profiles for reactions Alkanes, Alkenes and polymers: PowerPoint slides 2-7 to summarise cracking and polymerisation - a,k, r,s PowerPont presentation to consider the firetriangle in fire-fighting and fire prevention Interactive Prezi presentation to support teaching and learning of alkanes, alkenes and alcohols

12 Y11 Triple (Chemistry) March Reversible reactions, industrial processes and important chemicals Principles of reversible reactions with a basic introduction to equilibria. Analyse data relating to factors affecting yields of reversible reactions and understand resulting commercial decisions. Uses of fertilisers and the associated advantages and disadvantages are explored. Ability to write word and balanced symbol equations for the Haber process, the contact process and for the production of nitrogenous fertilisers. There will be one assessed homework every two weeks and an end of unit test - w/b 12th March 3/add-organic-chemistry/eng/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organicchemistry/cym/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29%20cymraeg.pptm 3/Reversible-reactions/eng/sulfur%20trioxide%20%28complete%29.pptx 3/Reversible-reactions/cym/sulfur%20trioxide%20M%20done.pptx ychangesrev3.shtml Interactive PowerPoint presentation considering the production of ethanol, its uses and social, economic and environmental factors of its use Interactive PowerPoint slides to summarise Haber Process (a-c) Interactive PowerPoint slides to summarise production and use of Sulfuric acid (e-g) BBC bitesize summary and quick test on ammonia and the Haber Process

13 Master Sheet (Chemistry) Science resources for learning and teaching (New 2016) GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Double Award Science Chemistry Units Specification reference and topic DA: C2.1; Ch:C1.1 The nature of substances and chemical reactions Resource description and details of specification coverage Elements, compounds and mixtures.separation of substances. Measuring elements and compounds in terms of atomic and molecular masses, percentage composition. equations as a means of showing the rearrangement of atoms in reactions, including balancing equations. Introduction to moles, the Avogadro constant and related mass calculations. Resource location tes about using the resource Bilingual Source NLN materials: explains the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures, identifies some common compounds and mixtures and describe the ways in which the components of mixtures can be separated. Key DA: C2.2; Ch:C1.2 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table DA: C2.3; Ch:C1.3 Water Structure of the atom in detail; atomic and mass numbers of sub-atomic particles. Periodic Table; trends in properties of elements. Reactions of Group 1 and Group 7 elements and simple qualitative tests; write word and balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this topic. Composition and treatment of the water supply, including fluoridation. Different types of water hardness; relevant knowledge of the ions involved. W rite word and balanced symbol equations relating to the removal of hardness. Balancing Chemical equations phet interactive animation/game to practice and consolidate balancing chemical equations HWB Series of interactive resources - including WJEC PowerPoint, pdf, games to develop understanding of the mole, relative atomic mass and relative A variety of interactive resources to introduce and consolidate elements, mixtures and compunds and separation techniques NgFl National Stem Centre Learned Society PowerPoint presentations summarising a,b,c,d,e,f Comprehensive resource from basic understanding through to higher levels. Over 40 activities. Includes a "jump menu" to help locate resources. Interactive series of teacher resources PowerPoint slides to summarise and explore g a95edca1a4ea/en and h - Periodic table and element properties and groupings Cwricwlwm Cymreig c1a769c1a0ae/en c1a769c1a0ae/cy Build an Atom compounds youtube compounds wide varity of classroom resources including games, video, notes, activities to introduce the periodic table RSC Interactive periodic table; videos; games; podcast; trends Phet interactive animation to develop understanding of atomic number, mass number and electron configuration phet univ colarado e32fddb366dd/en BBC PowerPoint presentations to summarise c,g,h,i,j,l e32fddb366dd/cy Video: Hard and soft water explained Enquiry activity using video, animation and university of Berkeley whiteboard materials to debate the advantages and disadvantages of adding fluoride to drinking Teacher notes and student support sheets describing practical investigation to determine a solubility curve for potassium nitrate creative chemistry DA: C2.4; Ch:C1.4 The ever-changing Earth Structure of the Earth and the composition of the atmosphere, looking at changes in both over time. Understand how a balance of processes maintains the composition of the atmosphere and the effects upon this of interactive simuation and modelling of plate tectonics to allow learners to explore processes occuring at tectonic plate boundaries

14 Master Sheet (Chemistry) human activity. The greenhouse effect getotheenvironmentrev1.shtml b34e01456e27/cy interactive simulation and modelling for learners to explore how the composition of atmosphere affects temperature (d, e, g,h) animation of plate tectonics and continental drift (b,c) Evolution of the earth's atmosphere; data; activities; tests. Damage to the environment from waste; recyclying Teacher notes for a series of activities including debate and role play to discuss global warming DA: C2.5; Ch:C1.5 Rate of Chemical change Practical methods used to determine the rate of reaction ;the effect of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area on rate of reaction; the particle theory in explaining changes of rates of reaction;catalysts;enzymes as biological catalysts; uses of enzymes. Reactions and rates video to explore the effect of temperature on rate of reaction using uv sensitive beads Interactive modelling and simulation on reaction rates youtube video considering how rates of reaction can be altered Ch: C1.6 Limestone Reactions and uses of limestone. Social and environmental Limestone Interactive PowerPoint summaries with aspects relating to the quarrying of limestone; write word and debate/enquiry activities looking at use of balanced symbol equations for all reactions described in this limestone and socal, economic and environmental topic. v1.shtml Reactions of limestone You Tube video explaining the reactions of limstone Chemistry of limestone Teacher and student notes for demonstrations and experiments to explore the reactions of limestone (b,c) DA:C5.1; Ch:C2.1 Bonding structure and properties Changes to atoms and electron structure during both ionic and covalent bonding; links to the resulting structures of substances. Nanoscience and smart materials. PowerPoint slides to summarise nano particle propertes and uses - slides 1-22 for h,i,j Chemistry 1 : Bonding, structure and chemical Properties PowerPoint slide summary for smart materials (k) PowerPoint slides 4-16 tosummarise metallic structre, ionic and covalent bonding, covering a-h DA: C5.2; Ch:C2.2 Acids, bases and salts Reactions of acids in depth. Neutralisation theory and titration concepts; able to write word and balanced symbol equations (including ionic equations where relevant) for all reactions described in this topic Titration and mole calculations Interactive PowerPoint presentations on concentration and titration and associated calculations ph scale interactive simulation and modelling of ph scale interactive simulation and modelling of acides and bases Yes DA:C5.3; Ch:C2.3 Metals and their extraction Processes involved in extracting metals, based upon initial work with reactivity series and related reactions; introduction to electrolysis and its uses in the extraction of aluminium and other applications. Learners should be able to write word and balanced symbol equations ( including ionic equations where relevant) for all reactions described in this topic. PowerPoint slides to summarise reactivity series and extraction of metals. Coverage of a, b,e,h,i,m,p Youtube video to explain electrolysis of a solution Video of Thermit reaction DA: 5.4; Ch:C2.4 Energy changes that happen during chemical reactions. Chemical reactions and energy Exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of the energy associated with chemical bonds. teacher and student notes to outline a series of experiments from RSC to consider reactions as being exo or endothermic. Practical measurement of temperature changes also. Video explaining energy profiles for reactions Guidance notes for teacher demonstration followed by investigation for learners to design a pocket handwarmer

15 Master Sheet (Chemistry) DA:C5.5; Ch:C2.5 Crude oil, fuels and organic Chemistry Representation and naming of organic structures, needed in organic chemistry. The formation and fractional distillation of crude oil, cracking and polymerisation; the products of each process explained. Isomerism. Ability to write word and balanced symbol equations for combustion, cracking, addition and fermentation reactions and symbol equations representing polymerisation /add-organic-chemistry/eng/Fire%20Triangle%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/Fire%20Triangle%20M.pptm Alkanes, Alkenes and polymers: PowerPoint slides 2-7 to summarise cracking and polymerisation - a,k, r,s PowerPont presentation to consider the firetriangle in fire-fighting and fire prevention 3/add-organic-chemistry/cym/ Interactive Prezi presentation to support teaching and learning of alkanes, alkenes and alcohols Booket outining practical experiments exploring plastics and polymerisation 3/add-organic-chemistry/eng/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29.pptm 3/add-organicchemistry/cym/Ethanol%20Making%20%28complete%29%20cymraeg.pptm Interactive PowerPoint presentation considering the production of ethanol, its uses and social, economic and environmental factors of its use Ch:C2.6 Reversible reactions, industrial processes and important chemicals Principles of reversible reactions with a basic introduction to equilibria. Analyse data relating to factors affecting yields of reversible reactions and understand resulting commercial decisions. Uses of fertilisers and the associated advantages and disadvantages are explored. Ability to write word and balanced symbol equations for the Haber process, the contact process and for the production of nitrogenous fertilisers /Reversible-reactions/eng/sulfur%20trioxide%20%28complete%29.pptx 3/Reversible-reactions/cym/sulfur%20trioxide%20M%20done.pptx gychangesrev3.shtml Interactive PowerPoint slides to summarise Haber Process (a-c) Interactive PowerPoint slides to summarise production and use of Sulfuric acid (e-g) BBC bitesize summary and quick test on ammonia and the Haber Process

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