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All are welcomed to use the materials in this book for educational purposes. Proper acknowledgement given to the Geospatial Education Forum Project, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Part of HKSAR UGC Teaching and Learning Project is expected whenever materials from this book are used. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for their financial assistance in this project. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this book is for general information purposes only. All the information in this book are believed to be accurate at the time of initial publication. While we try to keep the information in this book up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warrantees of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the information, or related graphics contained in this book for any purpose. Any use of this information and reliance placed on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.


GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities All-roundedness 全面 Having generic and transferable aspects of learning. Attributes: Effective Communication; Interpersonal Skills; Critical Thinking; Creative Thinking; Entrepreneurship of concepts and ideas. Broad, Broad Spectrum, Comprehensive, Inclusive, Wide-ranging Analyze 分析 To consider in detail and subjected to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning. Evaluate, Examine, Inspect, Investigate, Reason Apply 運用 Require students highly appreciate the theories and use them in practical problems. Execute, Exercise, Implement, Practice Appreciate 欣賞 To be inspired and give thought to ideas given the knowledge presented. Acknowledge Articulate 表達 Clearly express and state ideas Coherency, Express, Show Understanding Be Familiar With 熟悉 Develop both an understanding and appreciation towards concepts, elements, theories and procedures within studies with the aide of technologies of the study area. Discern, Recognize Bridge 鏈接 To connect or reduce the gap between subjects and/or disciplines, make connections between ideas and knowledge from various subjects and/or disciplines. Associate, Connect, Linking Between, Relate 1

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities Broad Understanding Carry Out and Manage Technical Details Clear understanding 廣義理解 實踐和技術技能 明確理解 Having a wide range of knowledge in the general sense, not limiting to the narrow profession or area of study. Deep Understanding, Expansive Understanding, Extensive Understanding, Vast Understanding Able to deal with technical problems and operate the equipment or software in practical situation Practical Skills in..., Technical Skills in... Clearly understand issues and able to identify the difference with others. Clarity in, Comprehension of... Coherence 連貫 Able to logically and rationally express comments and ideas. Clarity in, Intelligible, Logical, Orderly, Rational, Sound Understanding Compare 比較 Finding and examining similarities and differences between concepts, ideas and knowledge. Analyze, Contemplate, Consider, Contrast, Inspect Closely..., Measure, Scrutinize, Study Cooperative Attitudes and Behavior 合作態度 To finish projects or field work with others and develop team work spirit. Interpersonal Skills in..., Team work Critical Thinking 批判性思维 To develop a mature, logical and independent thinking style and will not blindly follow others' ideas. Objective Thinking Demonstrate 示範 Present results or abilities with supporting proof, show understanding of knowledge in field of study through action and/or words. 2

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities Determine, Discuss, Illustrate, Indicate, Model, Prove, Show Derive 產生 To be able to create new understanding from basic concepts and ideas. Develop, Draw Upon, Evolve, Generate Ideas from... Describe 形容 Able to define and roughly explain the basic and procedures used within field of study. Define, Discuss, Identify, Recognize Design and Develop Ideas Entrepreneurship of Concepts and Ideas 開拓 Ability to be innovative and expand on ideas, creating new ideas and knowledge within field of study. Compose, Construct, Create, Innovate, Synthesis To build up a kind of spirit of or participate in the activities associated with being an entrepreneur with spirit of innovation and social responsibility Discuss 討論 Ability to clearly express opinions, ideas, knowledge and understanding regarding concepts within the field of study. Consider, Examine, Explain, Reason Explain 說明 Able to explain the principle and analyze possible errors in work. Analyze, Clarify, Define, Justify, Reason Exploit 利用 To make full use of understanding and derive benefit from full understanding of concepts and ideas. Make Use of... Explore 探索 Willingness to inquire further into ideas, to further develop knowledge and concept of study in detail. 3

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities Analyze, Probe Into..., Research, Seek Out Global Outlook 全球視野 Global perspective, including global and regional development trend and achievement in study area. All-roundness, Comprehensive View Grasp of 把握. Developing firm and sound understanding of overview of theology, knowledge and disciplines, including their functions and their scope of applications. Sound Understanding of... High-level Cognitive Understanding 高層次認知理解 Deep understanding of the knowledge and be able to identify and recognize issues with the sense of discretion. Holistic view 整體觀 Recognizing the interconnectedness and relationship between parts and the whole within the various elements of study subjects and/or disciplines. Comprehensive View, Integrated View, Overall View Identify 辨認 Recognizing ideas, concepts and situations within domain of study. Classify, Find, List, Observe, Pinpoint, Record, Select Integrate 集成 To bring together the existing knowledge, concepts and elements either from area of study or from other disciplines to formulate solutions to problems or fill in gaps of knowledge. Combine Together Knowledge..., Consolidate Knowledge, Blend Interpret 理解 Ability to explain data, images, and translate the given data (like remote sensing images) into useful information and present clearly and coherently. 4

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities Adopt, Demonstrate, Describe, Illustrate, Translate, Understand Know 認知 Being equipped with the basic ideas and concepts related to the field of study, having the ability to learn and express basic ideas. Cognition, Comprehend, Have Knowledge of, Learn, Recognize Master 掌握 Complete understanding of concepts, theories, principles, and functions of the knowledge and able to analysis and apply it into specific cases. Outline 概述 Showing general understanding of concepts and basic ideas. Express Ideas of..., Summarize, Synopsis of Persuade 說服 Ability to eloquently, coherently and logically present ideas to convince others. Argue, Assess, Impress, Justify, Reason Recall 記起 To remember and present facts, ideas and concepts of study. Memorize, Remember, Recognize Recognize 認清 To find and realize the issues and situations consciously. Find, Notice, Observe, Recall, Understand Relate 關聯 To make connections between ideas and concepts. Connect, Describe, Express, Present, Recount Respond to and follow closely the advancement 應對和緊跟進步 Actively respond to and keep track of industrial progress and development, latest technologies, and innovative ideas. Summarize 概述 To briefly refine essential elements from the detailed content. 5

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Abilities Generalize, Illustrate, Outline Synthesize 綜合 To combine with given facts and form a synthesis. Construct, Develop, Hypothesize, Improve, Produce, Theorize, Test 試驗 Assess knowledge, try out ideas and processes. Assess, Confirm, Evaluate, Justify, Prove, Validate Theorize 理論 To form theory from knowledge and ideas. Formulate, Hypothesize, Speculate 6

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Knowledge Academic Knowledge Background Knowledge 學術知識 背景知識 Academic domain knowledge, relating to the selected discipline and subjects rather than practical or technical skills. Prerequisite knowledge, should be acquired before the formal lectures or practices Basic Knowledge 基礎知識 The simplest and lowest level of understanding, such as the concepts, components and functions. Conceptual Understanding Fundamental Knowledge In-depth Knowledge Professional Knowledge Solid Knowledge Substantial Knowledge Working Knowledge 概念理解 基礎知識 深入知識 專業知識 堅實的基礎知識 相當知識 實踐知識 Coherency of ideas in field of study. The middle level of understanding, where base knowledge (e.g. basic concepts, components and functions) should be mastered. The highest level of understanding of required knowledge areas in which there is not only mastery of fundamental knowledge, but also a development of appreciation. Professional, technical and systematic knowledge in a specified area, differing from general knowledge which has no specific characteristics and skillsets. Full and correct understanding of knowledge and ideas in field of study. The lowest level of understanding in which there relationships between basic concepts and interrelated disciplines are established. Knowledge found in practice of ideas and concept throughout studies, which can be used practically. 7

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Academic Performance Barely Adequate 勉強足夠 It meets the intended subject learning outcomes only in some regards. Barely Satisfactory Exceptionally Outstanding 差強人意 異常優秀 It marginally meets the intended subject learning outcomes. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in all regards. Good 良好 It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in some regards. Inadequate 不足 It fails to meet many of the intended subject learning outcomes. Outstanding 優秀 It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in nearly all regards. Proficient 精通 Extremely familiar with the knowledge and able to operate equipment and software without instructions Satisfactory 滿意 It largely meets the intended subject learning outcomes. Very Good 挺好 It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in most regards. Wholly Satisfactory 完全滿意 It fully meets the intended subject learning outcomes. 8

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym AC 交流電 Alternating Current AJAX ALC API 異步的 JavaScript 與 XML 技術 主動滲漏控制 應用程式接口 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Active Leakage Control Application Programming Interface AR 擴增實境 Augmented Reality ARMA AS ASCII AUV BDRF BIH BIM BLOB BM 自回歸滑動平均模型 反電子欺騙 美國資訊交換標準碼 自動潛航器 雙向反射分佈函數 國際時間局 建築資訊模型 二進位大型物件 基準化分析 AutoRegressive Moving Average Anti-Spoofing American Standard Code for Information Interchange Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Bureau International de L'Heure Building Information Modelling Binary Large Object Bench Mark BMP 圖文件 Bitmap File BOC Modulation 二進制偏移載波調製 Binary Offset Carrier Modulation 9

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym BPSK 二進制相移鍵控 Binary Phase Shift Keying BS 後視 Backsight BWCS CAD CASE CAVE CBN 地下輸水設施 電腦輔助設計 電腦輔助軟件工程 洞穴自動虛擬環境 基於合作網路 Buried Water Carrying Services Computer Assisted Design Computer Assisted Software Engineering Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Cooperative Base Network CCTV 閉路電視 Closed Circuit TeleVision CDMA 码分多址 Code Division Multiple Access CEP 圓形概差 Circular Error Probable CGM CIO CIPP 計算機圖形元文件 國際通用原點 原位固化法 Computer Graphics Metafile Conventional International Origin Cured In-Place pipe CL Code 民用長碼 Civil-Long Code CM Code 民用中碼 Civil-Moderate Code CMAS 圓形圖精度標準 Circular Map Accuracy Standard CMG 實際航向 Course-Made-Good CMYKOG 青色, 洋紅色, 黃色, 黑色, 橙色, 綠色 Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Orange, Green 10

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym CNSS COM COM technology CORS CRT CSOC CSRS-PPP CYMK CZCS DBMS 北斗衛星導航系統 組件對像模型 組件對象模型技術 連續運行基準站 陰極射線管 聯合太空作戰中心 CSRS 精確單點定位 青色, 黃色, 洋紅色, 黑色 沿岸帶水色掃描儀 數據庫管理系統 Compass Navigation Satellite System Component Object Model Component Object Model Technologies Continuously Operating Reference Station Cathode Ray Tube Consolidated Space Operations Centre CSRS-Precise Point Positioning Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black Coastal Zone Colour Scanner Database Management System DC 直流電 Direct Current DEM DGPS DIME DIME Model DLG 數字高程模型 差分全球定位系統 雙獨立地圖編碼 外交, 信息, 軍事, 經濟模型 數字線劃圖 Digital Elevation Model Differential Global Positioning Satellite Dual Independent Map Encoding Diplomacy, Information, Military, Economics model Digital Line Graph 11

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym DLL DMSP 延遲鎖定環 國防氣象衛星計劃 Delay Lock Loops Defence Meteorological Satellite Program (administered by the U.S. Air Force) DN 數位 Digital Number DOP 精度衰減 Dilution of Precision DOQ - Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle DORIS DRMS DSM DTM DXF ECCM ECEF Coordinates 多普勒軌道學與無線電定位集成衛星 距離均方根 數字表面模型數字地形模型 數字交換格式 電子防禦措施 地固地心直角坐標系 Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite Distance Root Mean Square Digital Surface Model Digital Terrain Model Digital Exchange Format Electronic Counter Counter Measure Earth-Cantered-Earth-Fixed Coordinates ECM 電子干擾 Electronic Counter Measures EDM 電子測距 Electronic Distance Measurement EIA 環境影響評估 Environmental Impact Assessment EMF 電磁力 ElectroMagnetic Force EMR 電磁輻射 Electromagnetic Radiation ENVISAT 歐洲環境衛星 ENVIronmental sinoperative Earth-observing SATellite. 12

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym EOP E-R ETA ETE EVI FDFD 地球定向參數 實體關係模型 預計到達的時間 估計在途時間 增強植被指數 頻域有限差分 Earth Orientation Parameters Entity-Relation Estimated Time of Arrival Estimated Time Enroute Enhanced Vegetation Index Finite Difference Frequency Domain FDMA 頻分多址 Frequency Division Multiple Access FDTD 時域有限差分 Finite-Difference Time Domain FEC 前向糾錯 Forward Error Correction FLIR FMCW FOC 前視紅外線 調頻連續波 全面運營能力 Forward-Looking Infrared System. Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Full Operational Capability FOV 視場 Field of View FS 前視 Foresight GBAS GCMD GCP GDOP 地基增強系統 全球變化主目錄 地面控制點 幾何精度衰減 Ground-Based Augmentation System Global Change Master Directory Ground Control Point Geometric/General Dilution of Precision 13

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym GEOINT GEOREF 地理空間情報 地理空間參考 Geospatial Intelligence Geospatial Reference GI 地質調查 Geological Investigation GIS GLONASS GML GNDVI GNSS 地理空間信息系統 全球衛星導航系統 ( 俄羅斯 ) 地理標記語言 綠色歸一化植被指數 全球衛星導航系統 Geospatial Information System GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (Russia) Geography Markup Language Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Global Navigation Satellite System GPR 穿地雷達 Ground Penetrating Radar Surface Penetrating Radar GPS GSD GSM GUI HDOP 全球定位衛星 地面採樣間距 全球移動通信系統 圖形用戶界面 水平精度衰減 Global Positioning Satellite Ground Sampled Distance Global System for Mobile communication Graphical User Interface Horizontal Dilution of Precision 14

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym HIRAN 高精度測距導航系統 High Precision SHORAN HOW 轉換字 HandOver Word HPGN HSL HSV HTDP HYDICE 高精度大地網絡 色相 飽和度 亮度 色相 飽和度 亮度 水平時間相關定位 高光譜圖像採集實驗 High Precision Geodetic Networks Hue Saturation Lightness HSV Hue Saturation Value HSL Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning Hyperspectral Digital Image Collection Experiment I/O 輸入 / 輸出 Input/Output IDMS 綜合數據庫管理系統 Integrated Data Management System IF 中頻 Intermediate Frequency IFOV 瞬時視場角 Instantaneous Field of View IL 中間級 Intermediate Level IOC IODC IODE IRIS 初始運作戰能力 數據鐘問題 數據星曆問題 智能勘察圖像系統 Initial Operational Capability Issue of Date Clock Issue Of Data Ephemeris Intelligence Reconnaissance Imagery System 15

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym IS ITRS KML LADGPS 國際地球參考系統 國際地球參考系統 Keyhole 標記語言 區域差分型全球導航衛星系統 Intermediate Sight International Terrestrial Reference System Keyhole Markup Language Local Area Differential Global Positioning System LAN 區域網絡 Local Area Network LBS 基於位置服務 Location-based Services LCD 液晶顯示 Liquid Crystal Display LF Range 低頻範圍 Low Frequency Range LHCP 左旋圓偏振 Left Hand Circular Polarized LHGS 區域大地 Local Geodetic Horizon System 水平系統 LIDAR 激光雷達 LIght Detection and Ranging LIS 土地咨詢系統 Land Information System LLR LNC Loran-C 月球激光測距 漏水噪聲相關儀 長距離導航 Lunar Laser Ranging Leak Noise Correlator (Leak Noise Correlation) Long-Range Navigation-C LULC 土地利用 / 土地覆盖图 Land Use/Land Cover mapping M Codes 軍事編碼 Military Code MAUP 可變區域單元問題 Modifiable Areal Unit Problem 16

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym MCE 多標準評估 Multi-Criteria Evaluation MCS 主控制站 Master Control Station MHD 土方圖 Mass-haul Diagram MHICS MMD MMU 沙井狀況評價 平均任務工期 最小製圖單位 Manhole Internal Condition Survey Mean Mission Duration Minimum Mapping Unit MSL 平均海拔 Mean Sea Level NASA NAVSTAR NDGPS NDU NDVI OBM 美國國家航空與太空總署 導航衛星測時測距 全國範圍內差分全球定位系統 導航數據單位 歸一化植被指數 法定水準點 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAVigation Satellite Timing and Ranging Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System Navigation Data Units Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Ordnance Bench Mark ODL Protocol - Open Digital Libraries protocol OEM OPeNDAP 原始設備制造商 網絡數據訪問協議的公開資源計劃 Original Equipment Manufacturer Open-source Project for a Network data Access Protocol 17

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym OTF Survey 飛行測量 On-The-Fly Survey OWL 網絡本體語言 Web Ontology Language P Code 精碼 Precise Code PDOP PERT PID 位置精度衰減 計劃評審技術 永久標識符 Positional Dilution of Precision Program Evaluation and Review Technique Permanent Identifier PLL 鎖相環 Phase-Lock Loop POLYVRT PPE PPK Mode PPM PPS 多邊形轉換模型 個人防護設備 後處理動態模式 百萬分之一 精確定位服務 Polygon converter model Personal Protective Equipment Post-Processed Kinematic Mode Parts Per Million Precise Positioning Service PRC 僞距校正 Pseudorange Correction PRN Codes PRS Code 虛擬隨機雜訊電碼 公共調控服務代碼 PN Code PseudoRandom Noise Code Public Regulated Service Code PSD 功率譜圖 Power Spectrum Diagrams PSI 每平方吋磅 Pound Per Square Inch PTW 許可工作 Permit-To-Work QA 質量保證 Quality Assurance 18

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym QC 質量控制 Quality Control QPSK QZSS RADAR RAM RF 四相相移鍵控準天頂衛星系統 無線電探測測距 ( 雷達 ) 隨機存取存儲器 無線電頻率 Quad Phase Shift Key Quasi-Zenith Satellite System RAdio Detection And Ranging Random Access Memory Radio Frequency RGB 紅 - 綠 - 藍 Red-Green-Blue RHCP RINEX 右旋圓偏振光 與接收機無關的交換格式 Right Hand Circular Polarized Receiver Independent Exchange Format RL 歸化高差 Reduced Level RMS 均方根 Root Mean Square RRC RTDGPS RTK Mode 距離變化率校正 實時差分全球定位衛星 實時動態模式 Range Rate Correction Real-Time Differential Global Positioning Satellite Real-Time Kinematic Mode RTN 實時網絡 Real-Time Network SA SBAS 選擇可用性 基於空間增強系統 Selective Availability Space-Based Augmentation System 19

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym SDI SDK SDLC SDSS SDTS SEP SHORAN SI SIA SINEX SLAR SLC SLR 空間數據基礎設施 軟件開發套件 軟件開發生命週期 空間決策支持系統 空間資料轉換標準 球面概率誤差短程無線電導航 國際通用單位制 社會影響評估 解決方案獨立交換格式 側視機載雷達 系統生命週期 衛星激光測距 Spatial Data Infrastructure Software Development Kit Software Development Life Cycle Spatial Decision Support System Spatial Data Transfer Standard Spherical Error Probability Short Range Navigation Système International d'unités (International System of Units) Social Impact Assessment Solution Independent Exchange Format Side-Looking Airborne Radar System Life Cycle Satellite Laser Ranging SNR 信噪比 Signal-to-Noise Ratio S/N SOAP 簡單對象訪問協議 Simple Object Access Protocol 20

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym SONAR SPCS SPOT SPS SQL SSADM SSM SVG TAI TBM TBM TCM TDOP 聲吶, 聲波導航測距 國家平面坐標系 地面觀察衛星系 標準定位服務 結構化查詢語言 結構化系統分析與設計方法 軟系統方法論 可縮放矢量圖 國際原子時 臨時水準點 全斷面隧道掘進機 非開挖工程法 時間精度衰減 SOund Navigation And Ranging State Plane Coordinate System System Pour d'observation de la Terre Standard Positioning Service Structured Query Language Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology Soft Systems Methodology Scalable Vector Graphics Temps Atomique International (International Atomic Time) Temporary Bench Mark Transferred Bench Mark Tunnel Boring Machine Trenchless Construction Method Time Dilution of Precision TEC 總電子量 Total Electron Count TIN 不規則三角網 Triangular Irregular Network TLM 遙測碼 Telemetry Word 21

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym TRK 軌跡 Track TTA 臨時交通措施 Temporary Traffic Arrangements UAV 無人飛機 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UDDI UERE UML UTC UTM UUV 統一描述 發現和集成 用戶等效測距誤差 統一建模語言 協調世界時 麥卡托投影坐標系 無人駕駛潛水器 Universal Description, Discovery and Integration User Equivalent Range Error Unified Modelling Language Universal Co-ordinated Time Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system Unmanned Underwater Vehicle UV 紫外線 Ultraviolet UWB VDOP VLBI VMG 超宽带 / 超寬帶 垂直精度衰減 超長基線干涉技術 對地船速航跡速度 UltraWide Band Vertical Dilution of Precision Very Long Baseline Interferometry Velocity-Made-Good VR 虛擬實境 Virtual Reality VRML WAAS 虛擬現實模塊語言 廣域增強系統 Virtual Reality Modelling Language Wide Area Augmentation System 22

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Acronym WADGPS 廣域差分全球定位系統 Wide Area Differential Global Positioning System WAN 廣域網絡 Wide Area Network WCS Protocol WFS Protocol WGS84 WLD WMS Protocol WSDL WYSIWYG XML 網絡目錄服務協議網絡特征服務協議 84 世界大地坐標系 水漏檢測儀 網絡製圖服務協議 網絡服務描述語言 所見即所得 可擴展標記語言 Web Catalogue Services Protocol Web Feature Services Protocol World Geodetic System of 1984 Water Leak Detection Web Mapping Services Protocol Web Services Definition Language What You See Is What You Get EXtensible Markup Language XTE 航跡偏差 Crosstrack Error 23

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis 9-Intersection (model/matrix) 九交集模型 Use to model spatial relationship between topological elements. A Posteri Model 后驗模型 Model designed for exploring an established theory. A Priori Model 先驗模型 Models for modelling theories yet to be established. Accessibility modelling 可達性模型 Image Analysis Technique. Modelling of spatial accessibility of services/facilities according to network constraints. Adjacency 鄰接 A spatial relationship where multiple objects/ polygons share a single side. Adjustment Models 調整模型 Spatial Analysis Technique. Mathematical modelling of data to adjust for: 1) Errors/Inaccuracies 2) Datum 3) Corrections Area-pattern analysis 區域樣式分析 Spatial Analysis Technique. Analysis of choropleth map to determine pattern of specified area (e.g. randomness, uniformity, clusters, etc ) Association Rules (Analysis) 關聯式規則 The analysis of the spatial relationship between two associated objects comparing against one-another. Bicubic Interpolation 雙三次內插值 Extension of cubic interpolation, which uses data from all eight surrounding pixels (a total of 16 coefficients). Bilinear Interpolation 雙線性內插 Extension of linear interpolation for 2 variables (x, y) on a regular 2D grid. Buffer 緩衝 Zones depicted on a GIS and/or imagery to show areas that satisfies certain conditions (e.g. vegetative buffer, stormwater buffer). 24

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Bundle Adjustment 光束法平差 The problem of refining a visual reconstruction to produce jointly optimal 3D structure and viewing parameter estimates of the relative motion and the optical characteristics of the camera(s) employed to acquire the images. Category 分類 The process in which ideas and objects are recognized, differentiated, and understood. Categorization Closest Facility 最近設施 Analysis technique that computes facilities located closest to a selected location based on shortest path. Cluster analysis 群聚分析 The task of organizing a set of objects in the same group, called a cluster, whose members are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters). Composite Image 合成影像 Produced from the manipulation or modification of a digital image in order to enhance its quality. Concordance- Discordance Analysis 一致性與不一致性分析 Method for Multi-Criteria Evaluation, analysis of direction of the relationship between a pair of observations. Conflation 圖層糾正 The process of matching features between sets of data created at different times, with different levels of accuracies and precisions. Connectivity 連結性 Analysis of spatial relationship in linear features, connection between nodes (points of interests). Contrast Enhancement 反差增強 The procedure aims to enhance the contrast of image in order to improve the interpretation. Cross correlation 交互相關 A measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them. 25

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Data Reduction 數據縮減 The transformation of numerical or alphabetical digital information derived empirically or experimentally into a corrected, ordered, and simplified form. Data Smoothing 數據平滑 The creation of an approximating function which aims to record important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures. Data Transformation 數據轉換 The conversion of a set of data values from a type of data format of an original data system into another data format or another destination data system. Disjoint 不相交 The situation that two sets have no common elements. Distortion (Patterns) 畸變 The alteration of the original shape. Edge detection 邊緣檢測 A set of mathematical methods which aims at identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities. Evaluation Matrix 評估矩陣 Matrix containing scores for choice sets in Multi-Criteria Evaluation. Fuzzy 模糊 A logic form of many-valued logic which deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than fixed and exact Fuzzy sets 模糊集 Elements in the sets have degrees of membership. Geographically Weighted Regression 地理加權回歸 Geographically weighted regression is a local modelling technique used to generate parameters disaggregated by the spatial units of analysis. 26

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Gridding 網格定位 The process to create a network of horizontal and perpendicular lines, uniformly spaced, for locating points on a map, chart, building plan, or aerial photograph by means of a system of coordinates. Gross Error (detection) 總誤差 Includes all the human mistakes while reading, recording and the readings, which can be avoided by using two suitable measures. High Pass Filter 高通濾波器 Spatial Filter applied to image that emphasizes high frequency features (features with high reflectance differences). Edge Enhancement Image arithmetic 圖像運算 The implementation of standard arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, on images. Image classification 圖像分類 See the description of Classification Classification Image Matching 影像比對 The measure of finding a similar image through the similarity analysis, consistency coherence and corresponding analysis of the content, characteristic, structure, relationship, texture, grey scale of the image. Image restitution 影像恢復 See Description on Image Restoration. Image Restoration 27

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Image Restoration 影像恢復 The operation aims to correct distorted or degraded image data to generate a more faithful representation of the original situation. Interoperability 互通性 The ability of making systems and organizations work together (interoperate). Kalman Filtering 卡爾曼濾波 A statistical method for smoothing and condensing large amounts data that can contain noise and other inaccuracies. Linear Quadratic Estimation (LQE) Kernel 核心 In image processing, kernel is a square matrix used for image convolution Kriging 克利金統計法 A method of interpolation for which the interpolated values are modelled by a Gaussian process governed by prior covariances. Least-Cost Path 最低成本路徑 Network analysis of cost (e.g., time, distance, etc ) of path between locations, returns path that has accumulated the least cost. Location-Allocation 位置分配 Spatial analysis method for solving resource allocation problems by matching demand and supply using objective sets and constraints. Logical Inconsistency (Error) 邏輯不一致 Multiple statements are given which contradict one another Logistics Regression 邏輯回歸 A type of probabilistic statistical classification model. Low Pass Filter 低通濾波器 Spatial Filter applied to images to reduce contrast, focus on low frequency features and block the high frequency elements of an image. Smoothing 28

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Maximum Likelihood 最大似然法 Quantitatively estimate the variance as well as the covariance of the category spectral response patterns during classifying an unknown pixel. Mean Filter 中值濾波器 A simple, intuitive and easy to implement method of smoothing images such as to reduce noise. Modifiable Areal Unit Problem 可變區域單元問題 A source of statistical bias which is able to radically affect the results of statistical hypothesis tests. Mosaicking 鑲嵌 The procedure to match and dissolve the two or more images' boundaries of adjacent areas with the same spatial reference and scale. Moving Average 移動平均數 Smoothing operator for images, where each pixel on the image is compared and averaged against its neighbour. Multi-Criteria Evaluation Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) 多準則評價 多維尺度 Derivation of a suitability map based on user-specified criterions and preference weighting. Multi-Criteria Modelling A method of visualizing the level of similarity of individual cases of a dataset Multiple Regression 多元回歸 A statistic technique used to predict the unknown value of a variable from the given value of multiple variables (predictors). Nearest Neighbour Interpolation 最鄰近原則差值 A method of multivariate interpolation where values are approximated using values of nearest points but does not consider the values of neighbouring points. Proximal Interpolation, Point Sampling Neighbourhoods 鄰域 A set containing similar feature, the point inside is allowed to be moved some amount without leaving the set. 29

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Network analysis 網絡分析 Examining properties of flow within and/or around networks of connecting natural and/or man-made phenomena Node Joining 節點結合 To join the node into the cluster. Node splitting 節點分裂 To move the single node to multiple nodes Nodes 節點 Point feature on an image, point where lines could begin, end and/or intersect. Vertex Noise Filtering 噪音過濾 The process of removing noise from the source. Noise Logging 噪声日誌 A sensitive detector to measure sound produced by fluid flow. Normalisation 常態化 The procedure to make things become normal and common. Object-oriented Analysis 基於對象分析 An analysis approach of grouping items which interact with another by class, data or behaviour to create a model representing the intended purpose of the system as a whole. Oblique Image 傾斜圖像 The aerial photography that is captured at approximately a 45 degree angle with the ground. Orthorectification 正射糾正 The procedure to rectify the aerial image from systematic sensor and platforminduced geometry errors, which introduce terrain distortions when the sensor is not pointing directly at the Nadir location of the sensor. Overlap 重疊 The portion of a map or chart that overlaps the area covered by another of the same series. Overlay 疊置 The replacement of a block of stored instructions or data with another. 30

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Point-pattern analysis 點形態分析 Point pattern analysis is the study of the spatial arrangements of points in (usually 2-dimensional) space. The simplest formulation is a set X = {x D} where D, which can be called the 'study region,' is a subset of Rn, a n-dimensional Euclidean space. Post-processing (Image) Pre-processing (Image) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 圖像後處理 圖像預處理 主成分分析 Image editing in photography after they emerge from the scan converter and before they are displayed. Image pre-process before analysis, involves the correction of distortion, degradation, and noise introduced during the imaging process. A statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. Progressive sampling 漸進取樣 An analytical approach that starting with a small sample of data and increasing the size progressively until the accuracy cannot be improved. Proximity (analysis) 近似性 An analytical technique used to determine the relationship between a selected point and its neighbours Quadtree 四分樹 Method of data processing that results in a hierarchical data structure by partitioning data set into finer units. Rasterization 栅格化 Conversion of vector data to raster data. Vector-Raster Conversion Rectification 糾正 The procedure to rectify the image from various error and distortion. Rough sets 粗集合 A formal approximation of a crisp set in terms of a pair of sets which give the lower and the upper approximation of the original set. 31

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Rubbersheeting 彈性伸縮 Process of adjusting coordinates of points to allow for a more accurate match between known points and dataset. Semivariance 半方差 Measure of degree of spatial independence of points used in kriging. Semivariogram 半方差圖 A diagram that indicates the spatial autocorrelation of the measured sample points, relating the semivariance and the distance of points used in kriging. Semivariance Model Shortest Path 最短路徑 A path between two vertices (or nodes) in a graph that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized. Spaghetti Model Spaghetti 模型 A method of present data by visualize possible flows through systems Spatial Analysis 空間分析 The process of examining the locations, attributes, and relationships of features in spatial data through analytical techniques in order to solve problems or obtain useful information. Spatial Attributes 空間屬性 Refers to related data between spatial objects and spatial location. Spatial Clustering 空間積群法 A process to group spatial objects into classes. Spatial Correlation 空間相關 The correlation of pixel and its neighbour pixels in a specific portion of spectrum. Spatial Feature 空間特征 Generally refers to spatial objects' instantaneous geometric feature and relationship. 32

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Spatial Filtering 空間濾波 An image operation using a function of the intensities of pixels in a neighbour to change each pixel value I(u, v). Spatial Heterogeneity 空間異質性 Refers to the uneven distribution of different concentrations of each species in a specific area. Spatial Join 空間連接 An operation where fields from a particular layer's attribute table are appended (added) onto another layer's attribute table Spatial Query 空間查詢 A special type of database query operation provided by geospatial databases. Spatial Relationship 空間關係 Refers to the situation that an object is located in space related to other reference objects. Spatial Resolution 空間分辨率 The size of smallest object can be detected. Spatio-temporal Correlation Spatio-temporal Phenomena 時空相关性 時空现象 Indicates the trend or correlation of phenomena and objects by the consideration of spatio as well as temporal factors. The phenomena happened simultaneously because of spatial and temporal reasons. Surface Analysis 表面分析 Analysing properties of physical surfaces displayed on Image/Map. Topological Analysis 拓撲分析 A type of analysis focusing on the topological relation, representing objects by their geometric figures or spaces, undergoing continuous deformation. Topology (Topological Data & Structure) 拓撲學 ( 拓撲數據及結構 ) The study of topological space of mathematics concerned with the properties inside that are preserved undergoing continuous deformations including stretching and bending. Topology Building 拓扑构建 The basic topology related process, along with topology validating and topology error correcting. 33

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Analysis Trend Surface Analysis Unconstrained Adjustment 趨勢面分析 無約束平差 Inexact surface interpolation method for approximating points with known values and a polynomial equation computed by using Least Squares Method, a technique to for estimating a regular grid of points on a surface from scattered observations. Trend Surface Mapping A type of adjustment technique using the least squares process to fixe one arbitrary point in order to quality control the GPS network Vectorization 矢量化 Raster-Vector Conversion Conversion of raster data to vector data. Within 包含于 In or into the interior or inner part. 34

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data 4V 速度, 多樣性, 準確度, 容量 Concept of Big Data, Velocity (speed of transfer) of data, Variety (diversity) of data, Veracity (accuracy) of data, Volume (amount) of data. Accuracy 準確度 Degree of nearness of (observed) quantities to the true value, often dependent on the scale of survey and procedures used. Degree of Certainty Accuracy Assessment Ambiguous (Ambiguity) 精度評估 模糊性 Refers to Professional Standards of accuracy for data, to what order is the accuracy of measured/observed data. Degree of Accuracy Data ambiguity suggests interpretation or intention of data cannot be definitive. Inexactness Attribute Data 屬性數據 Descriptions and/or classifications of geographical features on a map. Types: 1) Nominal 2) Ordinal 3) Interval 4) Ratio Autocorrelation 自相關性 Correlation of values of nearby datasets. Spatial Dependency, Tobler's First Law of Geography Bart heuristic 啟發式算法 Set of Heuristic procedures to improve value of solution. Teitz-Bart Heuristic, Teitz Heuristic Big Data 大數據 Extremely large collection of data that is difficult (inefficient) to process (e.g. analyse, capture, search, share, store, visualize, transfer, etc ) using traditional means. 35

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Binary trees 二叉樹 Data structure type that takes the form a tree where each node has not more than two children. Census Data Centralized Database 人口調查數據 集中式數據庫 Data about population of area. Survey Data, Population Statistics Database located, stored and maintained in a single location. Cross Validation 交叉核實 Comparison of interpolation methods for quality checking of predicted data. Cumulative Error 累積誤差 Sometimes associated with Systematic Errors, it is the sum of errors within the system. Data Analysis Process 數據分析處理 Examining the data using various viewing and interpretation devices to analyse pictorial data and/or a computer to analyse digital sensor data. Data Merging 合并數據 The process of combining relevant data from different sources into a single whole. Data Mining 數據挖掘 Process of examining existing database (sources of data) to generate new knowledge/information. Demographic Data 人口資料 Data from census or other surveys regarding the population of the region. Discrepancy 差異 The difference in two observed values of same quantity. Discrete Entities 獨立實體 Singular, stand-alone entities of data. 36

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Encapsulation 封閉 Packing data and/or functions into a single component for processing/analysis. Error Ellipse 誤差橢圓 Ellipse drawn to show Normally Distributed data lying within a certain degree of confidence (e.g. 95% confidence interval). Confidence Ellipse Error matrix 誤差矩陣 A method of accuracy assessment to express the relationship between known reference data and the corresponding results. Error Propagation 誤差傳播 How uncertainties (errors) of an element transfers and affect functions that are based on these elements and other uncertainties (errors). Propagation of Error, Propagation of Uncertainty Error Source 誤差源 Elements where errors could occur. Type: 1) Random 2) Systematic 3) Human External Reliability Geometric Accuracy 外在信度 幾何精度衰減 The influence of errors on parameters. Within surveys (regardless of survey techniques) it refers to the geometry of the network as it can greatly affect accuracy of the data. Imprecise 非精確 Lack of accuracy and/or detail. Incompleteness (Error) 缺失 Lack of data points/values causing errors in the system output. Indefinite 模糊 Unexplainable data, data that cannot clearly be understood and often hard to be integrated for analysis. Indiscrete 無差別的 Data that is not distinct. Inexactness 不確切性 Data that lacks accuracy and precision. Information 資訊 Collection of meaningful data/values that could be interpreted into a situation. 37

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Inheritance 繼承 In programming it is often referring to the process which data can take on the characteristics of a particular class or taking on the behaviour from a set of codes. Instrumental Errors 儀器誤差 Type of Systematic Error that affects accuracy and precision of measuring equipment, can be minimized through calibration. Internal Reliability 內在信度 The ability that redundant observations have in detecting and identifying errors. Interpolation 插值 Method for constructing new data points within existing set of discrete data points to make better sense of the situation. Interval Data 定距數據 Type of Attribute that ranks data according to an arbitrarily assigned starting point, which indicates distances (comparative values) between different classes. Knowledge Discovery 知識發現 Branch of Data Mining, creation of knowledge from structured (e.g., database) and unstructured (e.g., documents) sources. Level of Detail 細節級別 Complexity of data and data structure/database. Lossless Data 無損數據 Data formats that allows for compression without losing details from the original (raw) data, it preserves data quality. Lossy data 受損數據 Data formats that have undergone conversion and/or compression and have lost some level of detail but are still close enough to raw data to be useful. Metadata 元數據 Data describing other data, providing information about the piece of data (e.g., how it was capture, what it is about). Type: 1) Identification information 2) Data quality information 3) Spatial data organization information 4) Spatial reference information 5) Entity and attribute information 6) Distribution Information 7) Metadata reference information 38

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Natural Errors 自然誤差 Type of Systematic Error caused by natural phenomena (i.e. wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric refraction, gravity, magnetic declination, etc ), which can be mathematically modelled and eliminated. Nested Data 嵌套數據 Data that is distinct but also identifiable as part of a bigger set of data. Nominal Data 定類數據 Type of Attribute, it is a quantitative measurement for distinguishing type or class without sequencing or specifying importance. Non-Spatial Attributes 非空間屬性 Data without spatial characteristics/ qualities/ attributes. Ordinal Data 定序數據 Type of Attribute, it is a measurement where data is ranked into hierarchies (comparative values to each other). Parent/child 父 / 子 A relationship in a hierarchical database, where each child can only have one parent but each parent can have multiple child. Point 點 Spatial elements containing a defined pair of (x,y) coordinate. Polygon 多邊形 A closed shape, made up of a series of (x,y) coordinate with the starting and ending point having the same coordinate. Positional Error 位置誤差 Error in data affecting the measuring/ calculation of position, could be an effect from accuracy and/or precision of measured results. Precision 精密度 Degree of refinement (sensitivity) of observed quantities. Primary Data 初級數據 Data/information collected specifically for the purpose of the project, 'straight from the source'. Primary Identifier 主標識符 A distinct set of information/data that enables the differentiation between different sets of data. Primary Key Qualitative Descriptors 定性描述 Use of words as descriptors, interpretation on an object by its quality. 39

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Quantile Classification Quantitative descriptors 分量分類 定量描述 Data classification method that divides dataset into groups containing equal number of values. Use of numbers as descriptors, interpretation on an object by its quantity. Random Error 偶然誤差 Errors caused by factors beyond the system and control of observers. Alternatives: Accidental Errors, Compensating Errors. Randomness 隨機 Without coherency or order, lack of pattern. Ratio Data 定比數據 Type of Attribute, includes an absolute starting point (0), where data is ranked in order of magnitude with relativity to one-another to give meaningful and predictable results. Raw Data 原始數據 Uncompressed, unconverted data directly obtained from instruments. Reference Data 參考數據 Data defining set of values permitted to be used. Refractive Error 屈光不正 Errors resulting from the lack of focus of light. Rejection of Observations 觀察量排斥 When results/measurements deviate from the mean by a large amount, it does not belong to the same normal distribution and therefore is reasonable to reject such observations (usual practice if deviation is three time standard deviation). Relative Precision 相對精度 Expressed as a ratio, it is the precision of a measurement given its value. Reliability 可信度 Consistency of measurement. Secondary Data 次級數據 Data collected by externally, by another source that is not the user. Sexagesimal System Socioeconomic Data 六十分制 Numerical system based on sixty (60). 社會經濟數據 Data regarding the social and economics of a particular place. 40

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Spatial Sampling 空間採樣 Collection of a limited set of data that measure a particular phenomenon that can be used to predict the same phenomena at another geographical location with similar characteristics. Systematic Error 系統誤差 Errors arising from factors within the system that compromises accuracy and precision of measurements, can be minimized through repeated observations, mathematical corrections and correct observation procedures. Type: 1) Instrumental Error 2) Natural Error Alternatives: Bias, Cumulative Error. Tabulation 製錶 To put in table form. Temporal Change 時間變化 Changes in data resulting from a change in time. Temporal Data 時間數據 Data with time factors. Temporal Error 時間誤差 Error resulting in the change of time (e.g. seasonal effects). Temporal Resolution Terrain Descriptors Three-Sigma Error Tobler's First Law of Geography 時間分辨率 地形描述 三標準差誤差 地理學第一定律 Precision of a time related measurement. Descriptions on terrain, could be in the form of a Qualitative Descriptor or Quantitative Descriptor. Where 99.7% of the time, the measurement, when sampled multiple times, will lie within 3 standard deviation from the mean. "Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things." Uncertainty 不確定性 Related to error, accuracy and precision, it is the degree of which the quantity of measurement/observation varies. Unclear 不清楚 Where data details have been obscured (i.e., details of locations on map are of low resolution). 41

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Data Vague (Vagueness) 模糊度 Data lacking in a defined meaning/interpretation, indeterminate quality of data/measurement. Ambiguous, uncertainty Validation 驗證 Confirming the data/measurement can truly represent a particular phenomenon. Vector 矢量 Data model that represents objects as points, lines and polygons, as a pair/set of coordinates. Verification 驗證 Process of confirming the data and evaluating the data to match with the requirements. 42

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Geography Arid climate 乾燥氣候 The climate in areas that receive less than 50 cm per year rainfall. Aquifer 含水層 Water permeable rock body/layer where groundwater could be stored. Archipelago 群島 Group of islands. Aspect 坡向 Compass direction of slope face Bank 河岸 Land mass alongside boundary between water bodies and land. Bedrock 岩床 Solid rock lying beneath surface (underneath soil). Continental Shelf 大陸架 Underwater land mass extending from the continent, area in the shallow waters (shelf sea). Contour 等高 Joins points of equal height elevation together to form a contour line depicting landscape. Coordinates 坐標 A set of values to define position on a map or in the real-world. Coordinate System 坐標系統 A system uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely present the position of a point or other geometric element. Current (Water) 水流 Flow of water, dependent on flow volume, physical landscape (e.g. stream gradient), and channel geometrics. Direction 方向 Cardinal points/direction (North, South, East, West) and/or reference directions (up, down, left, right). Equator 赤道 Imaginary line on Earth's surface at equal distance from North Pole and South Pole, defined as 0ᵒ, it sits perpendicular to the Earth's axis. 43

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Geography Erosion 侵蝕 The gradual destruction of materials. Estuary 河口 Where one or more rivers meet the sea. Firth, River Mouth Flora and Fauna 動植物 Plants and animals. Geological Structures Geopotential Surface 地質結構 等位勢面 A result from tectonic forces that causes rocks to fold and break, forming mountains, valleys and faults. Surface where gravity potential is constant. Geotechnic 土工 Application of scientific and engineering principles to the interpretation, understanding, use of knowledge of Earth's crust and subsurface material. Gravel 砂礫 Loose rock material. Grit, Pebbles, Shingle, Stone Groundwater Percolation 地下水浸透 Part of the water cycle, process of water moving from the surface and into the groundwater. Deep Drainage, Deep Percolation, Groundwater Recharge Hydrological Cycle 水循環 See Definition on Water Cycle. Water Cycle Igneous Rock 火成岩 Rock formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. Isostatic Rebound 地殼均衡反彈 Rise of land mass that were previously depressed by the weight of ice sheets during the last glacial period. Continental Rebound, Glacial Isostasy, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Jetties 碼頭 Landing/dock for boats. Dock, Moor, Pier, Wharf 44

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Geography Latitude 緯度 Denoted as (φ), it is an imaginary line on Earth's surface, parallel to Equator, measured at 0ᵒ - 90ᵒ North or 0ᵒ - 90ᵒ South. Lithosphere 岩石圈 Upper mantle and cruse of the Earth, the rigid out part of the Earth. Location 地點 A particular place or position Longitude 經度 Denoted as (λ), it is an imaginary line at angular distances from Greenwich Meridian, measured as either 0ᵒ - 180ᵒ East or 0ᵒ - 180ᵒ West. Meridian 子午線 Imaginary line, terminated by the North Pole and South Pole, used to indicate longitude. Metamorphic Rock 變質岩 Rocks formed from pre-existing rocks through high heat and pressure, resulting in a physical and/or chemical change of the rock's composition. Open Water 開放水域 Large area of water. Orientation 定向 Relationship between directions and objects. Physical Landscape 物理景觀 The observable natural environment as present in reality. Physical Geography 45

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Geography Place 地方 A particular location and/or position in space. Population Density 人口密度 Number of people as per a specific area (e.g. number of people per square meter). Prime Meridian 本初子午線 A Meridian of longitude defined to be 0ᵒ. Greenwich Meridian Rock 岩石 Natural occurring solid substance formed from one or more minerals. Run-off 徑流 Water draining away from surface of area of land, building and/or structures. Sand 沙 Loose granular material typically a result from erosion or rocks. Seabed 海床 Ground under the sea. Ocean Floor, Seafloor Sedimentary Rock 沉積岩 Rock formed from deposits of materials within water bodies. Sediments 沉積物 Materials settled at the bottom of the liquid (e.g. Solid Sediments). Deposits Shoal 淺灘 Shallow body of water. Shoreline 海岸線 Boundary where water meets the land. Coastline Silt 淤泥 Deposits carried by running water. Sediments Soil 土壤 Layer of Earth (i.e. natural organic matter, mineral) on surface that can sustain life. Tectonic 大地構造 Structure of Earth's crust. 46

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Geography Tide 潮汐 Rising and falling of the sea, cause by gravitational pull. Type: 1) Spring Tide 2) Neap Tide Unconsolidated Sediment 鬆散沉積物 Loose material that allows ground water to flow. Urban Density 城市密度 Population density in urban areas. Water Cycle 水循環 Process of how water circulates on Earth between the oceans, atmosphere and land. Water Table 地下水位 Subjected to rainfall, it is the level of water beneath that is saturated with water. Water Level Weathering 風化 Wear and/or change of appearance/texture of objects under prolonged exposure in the atmosphere. Weir 堰 Low dam that can regulate flow of liquid and/or raise water levels. 47

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT 3D Drape 三維褶皺 Projecting 2D features onto 3D surfaces. Agile Development 敏捷開發 Project Management and Software Development strategy where there is an emphasis on the creation of teams and collaboration between the people to enable continuous planning, testing and integration of solution software. Allocation 分配 Distribution and assignment of features/resources in network. Analogue Models 模擬模型 Models based on real world events/occurrences. Natural Analogue Model Analysis Mask 分析掩膜 Mask that limits analysis of raster data, where cells with no values are considered to be outside of the mask. Anisotropy 非均質性 Spatial property describing an existence being directionally dependent, where changes in spatial dependency can lead to a change in distance and/or direction between two points. Append 附加 GIS Operation that creates new objects/layers/data by adding and/or piecing together objects/layers/data. Application Programming Interface 應用程式設計介面 Set functions, procedures, protocols and routines for building software application. Arc 線 Line feature formed from a series of interconnected points. Line Areal Interpolation 分區插值 Transfer of data from source polygons to target polygons. Array 矩陣 Collection of data/cell values that can be selected by indices. Aspatial Query 非空間查詢 Questioning GIS data based on non-spatial attributes. Attribute 屬性 Non-spatial information about a geographical features linked to the stored values of a GIS. 48

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Attribute Domains 屬性定義域 Defines that allowable values for fields in a feature class or attribute table. Attribute Error 屬性錯誤 Attributes of features on GIS that are incorrectly recorded. Attribute Type 屬性類型 Determines how data is stored in GIS, can be defined by its type (e.g., number, text, binary object, date) or scale (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio). Base Contour 基等高線 Where contouring starts. Bezier Curve 貝氏曲線 Mathematically derived (generated) curve. Bi-level Scanned File Bilinear Interpolation Binary Large Object 二次掃描文件 雙線性內插法 二進大物件 Binary scanned file. Resampling method using a weighted average of the four nearest pixel from the focal pixel. Collection of Binary data stored as a single entity on database, can be an image, audio or multimedia objects. Binary Models 二元模式 GIS model that uses logical expression to select spatial features, with binary outputs (TRUE for a match, FALSE for no match). Block Coding 分組編碼 Encoding of data in blocks, extension of Run- Length encoding. Block Kriging 分塊克里格方法 Method for establishing variance estimates and smoothing interpolated results. Block Operation 分塊運算 Neighbourhood operation performed on a block, which assigns calculated values to all cells within the block. Boolean Connector 布林連接符 Logical connectors to construct expressions. Type: 1) AND 2) OR 3) XOR 4) NOT Boolean Operation Boolean Data 布林數據 Data type that only has True or False as values. 49

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Boolean Expression Boolean Operation Boolean Statement 布林表達式 布林運算 布林表達式 A set of logical expression in a programming language to produce True/False values when processed. See Definition on Boolean Connector. Boolean Connector See Definition on Boolean Expression. Boolean Expression Breakline 區隔點 Line feature that interrupts the slope of a surface (e.g., stream, shorelines, ridges, roads, etc ). Brushing 刷 Method for manipulating and/or exploring dynamic data/map. Buffer Feature 緩衝特征 Features created from Buffer Zones. Buffer Zone 緩衝區 Area at a specific distance from a spatial feature, to highlight areas around a feature. Buffering 緩衝 GIS operation to create Buffer Zones at a specific distance from spatial features. Categorical Cell Value 分類像素值 Using integer values to represent categorical data on raster data. Causative Buffers 致使緩衝 Buffer zones based on distances from a physical phenomenon at a location. Cell 像素 Smallest unit in raster data. Pixel Cell-by-cell Encoding 像素 - 像素編碼 Raster data structure for storing data, storing cell values in a matrix. Chain Coding 鏈碼 Lossless compression of raster images by defining the boundary of the regions, recording the position of the boundary and the direction of movement. Chart Map 表圖 Map using charts (e.g., pie chart, bar charts) as map symbols. 50

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Classes 類別 Objects/features/data with similar attributes. Client 用戶端 Computers/Machines in the network that requests data/process. Client-Server Architecture Client-Server computing model Client-Server Distributed Database System 主從架構 主從計算模型 主從分佈式數據庫系統 Network architecture where there are Clients request data/processes from Servers, the majority of the processing work will be done on the Client side. Computing distribution where tasks and/or workloads are distributed between service providers (servers) and service requesters (clients) Distributed Database System using Client-Server architecture. Clip 剪切 GIS operation that can create a new layer of data from an extracted portion, process of selecting features within a defined boundary. Cloud Computing 雲計算 Practice of using a network of computer servers to store, manage, and process data. Cluster Tolerance 群容許誤差 Distance tolerance between vertices; vertices within cluster tolerance are snapped together during validation. Cokriging 同克里格法 Interpolation technique that uses secondary variables correlated with primary variable of interest for interpolation, giving a better prediction. Combine Operation 聯合運算 Local operation in GIS to work for two or more rasters, combines multiple sets of raster data. Combined Route 聯合路線 Route joined with another route. 51

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Composable GISystem Composite Features 可組合型地理信息系統 合成特征 System design principle for dealing with relationships between components of the system. Spatial features that can be better represented as a composite of points, lines, and polygons (e.g., TIN, Regions, Routes). Composition 組成 UML term for the relationship between objects from one class (termed as whole) and objects from another class (termed as part), where the part is dependent and controlled by the whole, the lifetime dependency between objects. Compression Tolerance Conceptual Data Model Conceptual Design 壓縮容限 概念數據模型 概念設計 Vectorization setting on GIS software, determines the degree of generalization. Model that maps the concepts and relationships used in a database, attempts to describe the interactions in form of words or pictures. Conceptual Schema Design of data dependency inside database. Containment 包圍 Spatial relationship where a features are enclosed within a polygon. Contiguity 連續性 Topological relationship between arcs and polygons, where polygons and arcs are identified to have directions. Continuous Features 連續性特征 Feature not spatially discrete, values/features transition is continuous without breaks or defined breaklines (e.g., precipitation, elevation). Corner Matching 角點匹配 Geocoding method for matching locations based on (street) intersections. Intersection Matching Cost Raster 成本柵格 Raster that defines cost of travelling through each cell, used to calculate the accumulated cost of path. 52

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Cubic Convolution 三次卷積 Resampling method for raster data based on averaging nearest 16 cells to determine new cell value. Cumulative Viewshed 累積可視域 Viewshed based on multiple view points. D Infinity Method D 無窮遠法 Method for computing flow direction by selecting the triangle with the steepest slope in a raster and using this as the flow direction. Dangle Arc 懸弧 Arc with the same polygon on left and right side and a Dangling Node at the end. Dangle Dangling Node 懸點 Node at the end of an arc, not connected to other arcs. Data (Database) Integrity 數據 ( 數據庫 ) 完整性 Condition of database, data should reflect reality (accurate and timely data) and consistent. Data Architecture 數據結構 Models, policies, rules and standard to govern data (including data collection, data storage, data integration, data organization/structuring). 53

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Data Cleaning 數據清理 Process of correcting and/or removing corrupted/inaccurate data. Data Cleansing, Data Scrubbing Data Compression 數據壓縮 Reducing size of data for transmission. Data Containers 數據容器 Use for storing objects to allow for easy access, generally data/objects in the same container has similar characteristics. Class Data Exchange 數據交換 Data import-export between systems. Type: 1) Direct Translation 2) Switchyard Conversion 3) Neural Exchange Format Data Integration 數據集成 Process of combining data from various sources into a meaning set of information. Data model (Data Modelling) Data Normalization 數據模型 ( 數據建模 ) 數據常規化 Process of formalizing data by defining rules for which data are to be organized, queried and updated. Process of organizing fields and tables in a relational database to minimize redundancy and/or dependency. Data Quality 數據質量 Fitness of data to serve the purpose. Data Quality Information 數據質量資料 Metadata category, information about dataset quality (e.g., accuracy, completeness, etc ). Data Structure 數據結構 Way of organizing data in the computer system for efficiency of retrieval and manipulation. Data Warehouse 數據倉庫 Store that has accumulated vast amount (range) of data. Database Design 數據庫設計 Design model for database (data tables). Type: 1) Flat File 2) Hierarchical 3) Network 4) Relational 54

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Database Management System Database Optimisation 數據庫管理系統 數據庫最優化 Computer software for managing database, handling the storage, retrieval, and update (insert, alteration and deletion) of data. A procedure aimed at improving the overall performance of a database, and lessens the load on the hosting server. Deadlock 死鎖 Situation a database trying to access locked data from another database, preventing access to the resource and can cause malfunction in both databases. Debugging 故障排除 Removal of errors in programs. Deductive Model 演繹模型 Model that represents the conclusion derived based on derivation from physical law and/or scientific theories. Descriptive Model 描述性模型 Model describing existing conditions. Deterministic Interpolation Deterministic Model 確定性插值 確定性模型 Interpolation method that does not give assessment to errors of predicted values. Mathematical models without the presence of randomness. Difference 差分 Overlay method to identify area that falls within an identified criteria (A XOR B). Differential Scaling 差分比例 Changes scale by reducing/expanding in the x and/or y direction. Digital city 數字城市 Applies the information technology methods to present the past history, current situation and future trend through digital network. Digital Line Graph 數字線劃圖 Digital representations of point, line and polygon features. Digital Orthophoto 數字化正射攝影 Digitized image from remote sensing where displacements caused by tilt and terrain have been removed. 55

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Direct Translation 直接翻譯 Data Exchange, where there is direct conversion of data between two different systems. Discrete Features 離散特徵 Opposite to Continuous Features, they are spatial features that are individually distinguishable. Disjunctive Kriging 非連結克利金法 Kriging that uses a function of the value for interpolation. Dissolve 解散 GIS operation to remove boundaries between features of the same attribute. Distance decay 距離衰減. The effect of change of distance on cultural or spatial interactions between two areas. Distributed (decentralized) database Distributed Database System Distribution Information 分佈式數據庫 分布數據庫系統 發佈信息 A type of database storages data in multiple computer located in the one physical location or dispersed through a network. Where database (data storage) is not attached to processing unit (i.e., where location of database is different from data processing), the whole database can be physically located at a different area or portions of the database can be stored at multiple locations. Metadata category, information about how to obtain data. Domain 域 Permitted values (boundary) for data. Drop Heuristic Method 動態啟示法 Method for identifying surface points, gradually discarding points of least importance from a full list of points. Dynamic Graphics 動態圖形 Where users can interact with data points on charts and diagram displayed. Dynamic Labelling 動態標記 Automatic labelling of map features by GIS software. 56

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Dynamic Model 動態模型 Model for dealing with changes over time and/or interaction between variables in the model. Dynamic Segmentation 動態分割 Process of computing and displaying referenced events on a route (linear feature). Edgematching 地圖接邊 Alignment of objects along the edge in order for features to be continuous between layers/mosaic. Eliminate 消除 Process of removing features as defined by user. Embedded System 嵌入式系統 A system, with specific functions, located within a larger system with general functionalities. Entity 實體 A chunk of information. Entity and Attribute Information Entity-Relation Model 實體與特征信息 實體關係模型 Metadata category, information about content of dataset. Graphical representation of the relationship between the classes of function and data/information, and the attributes of classes. Epsilon Modelling Epsilon 建模 Error modelling in GIS by using a buffer zone (Epsilon Buffer Width) to determine the likelihood of the position of a point, line, or polygon. Erase 擦除 Process of removing features within a specified area. 57

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Exact Interpolation 精確插值 Interpolation method that predicts a value that matches exactly with the known value. Expert Systems 專家系統 System that provides expert advices/knowledge for decision making. Exploratory Data Analysis Extract-by- Attribute Operation Extract-by-Point Operation 探索性數據分析 屬性提取運算 點提取運算 Often the initial step in data (statistical) analysis, where there is the use of graphs, charts and diagrams to examine the data. Operation to extract cell/features by attribute selection. Operation to extract cell values based on point locations. Features 特征 Objects/Elements on a map, representation of real-world objects. Field 空欄 Part of database structure, location within table (column) for storage of attribute to a feature. File structure 文件結構 Organization of files, can be referred as file format. Filled DEM Flat File Database 填充后數字高程模型 平坦檔資料庫 DEM without depression/sinks. Database without structure or structural relationships, where all data are stored within a single file. 58

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Floating-Point Numbers Floating-Point Rasters 浮點 浮點柵格 Where there are no fixed numbers of digits before or after decimal point. Float, Floating-Point Raster containing cells of continuous values. Flow Accumulation Raster 流量累計柵格 Raster composed of cells with values specifying the number of cell that flows into it. Flow Control 流量控制 Process of managing rate of data transmission. Flow Direction 流向柵格 Raster showing direction of water flow between Raster cells. Foreign Key 外鍵 Used to ensure integrity of data and for table joining, they are attributes that can uniquely identify an entry/record in the table; it may be referred to Primary Key in the join table. Frame Buffer 幀緩衝區 Portion of RAM containing bitmap for the display of image so that the image can be displayed on screen from memory. Framestore Free Network Adjustment Function- Oriented Design 自由網平差 功能導向設計 Adjustment on overall geometry of network, to test for quality of network and identify blunders. Program design based on functions of the program and its interaction with the centralized shared memory. 59

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Fuzzy Tolerance Gap Closure Tolerance 模糊集合理論 差距閉合容忍值 Distance tolerance between vertices; vertices within fuzzy tolerance are merged to a single common location. Vectorization setting on GIS software, determines the number of pixels that can be jumped over in a raster. Geocode 地理編碼 Assigning additional positional information (e.g., address) to a location/feature, enriching the description of a location. Geocoding Geocomputation 地理計算 Application of IT to spatial problems (e.g., collection, storage, visualization, modelling of spatial data). Geo-demography 地理人口學 Description of population according to location (spatial information), analysis of demographic data by spatial attributes. Geoprocessing 地理配准 GIS operations to manipulation data (e.g., overlay, selection,data conversion, etc ). Georelational Data Model Geostatistics Geovisualization GIS Modelling Global Interpolation 地理關係數據模型 地理信息統計 地理信息可視化 地理信息系統模型 全域插值 Interrelated spatial data model that stores spatial data and attribute data in separately. Class of statistics focusing on spatial and/or spatiotemporal data. Tools and techniques for visualizing spatial data. Data model (e.g., map, chart, diagram) for representing spatial objects to better understand phenomenon/system. Interpolation method using all points in the system to estimate unknown value. 60

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Hard Systems Analysis Hierarchical Database 硬系統分析 分層數據庫 Systems approach using rigid procedures and techniques to define a data/processing problem, generally used in computer implementations, has four (4) phases: 1) Lexical Phase: Identifying problem, boundaries/constraints 2) Parsing Phase: Identifying relationship between entities/elements of the system. 3) Modelling Phase: Using GIS to address the identified problem. 4) Analysis Phase: validation and testing of Model. Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology Database organized by levels, in a tree-like structure and can contain one-to-many relationships. Holes 孔 Vectorization setting in GIS, determines size of holes that can be ignored during raster line tracing. Identification Information 識別信息 Metadata category, information about dataset (e.g., title, geographic coverage, etc ). Identity 一致性 Topological overlay to calculate the intersection of two or more layers. Impedance Matrix 阻抗矩陣 Model for finding path of least resistance, most likely the shortest path in the network. Impedance Model Index Models 指數模型 Similar to a binary model but produces an index value, it is used to calculate index value for each area and produces a ranked map. Indexed Files 有索引檔案 Computer file structure that allows faster search, each file is allocated with an indexed location. Indicator Kriging 克里格法 Kriging that uses binary data (1 and 0). Inductive Model 歸納教學法 Model that represents the conclusion derived based on derivation from observations and empirical data 61

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Inexact Interpolation Information Integration 近似內插 信息整合 Method of interpolation where the predicted value differs from the known value. Approximate Interpolation Merging of information from a variety of sources that could have differing conceptual, contextual and typographical representations. Deduplication Integrity, Referential Integrity Infrastructure 基礎設施 Physical structures/facilities in the network (e.g., computer infrastructure). Instantiation 實例化 Where an object from one class can create a new object from another class. Integer Raster 整數柵格 Raster containing cells with integer values. Integrated Data Management System 綜合數據庫管理系統 A network database management system for mainframes. Interface 界面 Platform for interaction. Internet Protocol 互聯網協議 Standard language for the communication of systems across the internet (e.g., transfer of data TCP/IP, display of data HTTP). Intersect 相交 Overlay method to identify area that falls within the identified criteria (A AND B). Intranet 內聯網 Closed network using Internet Protocol. Irregular Array 不規則數組 Matrix with different number of elements in each row. Ragged Matrix Isohyet Map 等降水量線圖 Rainfall distribution map/chart. 62

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Join 聯合 Database operation that links multiple tables together by using a common key. Kernel Density Estimation 核密度估計 Estimation of density through local interpolation method of associating known point with a kernel function, it is a nonparametric estimator. Leaf Node 葉點 Component on Quad Tree, quadrant that has same cell values. Least Accumulative Cost Path Line-of-Sight Operation Line-on-Line Overlay Line-on-Point Overlay Line-on-Polygon Overlay 最小累積成本路徑 線 - 面疊加 線 - 線疊加 線 - 點疊加 線 - 多邊形疊加 Iterative method of path analysis with a Cost Raster, where the cost (i.e., time, distance, etc ) for moving across the cells and along the path is calculated. Basis for viewshed analysis for determining profile of sightline, whether points are viewable from a certain slope edge. Linear reference operation of two line feature tables to produce a single table. Linear referencing overlay operation of a line features table with a point features table to produce a single point table. GIS operation (vector overlay) where line features of one dataset are overlaid onto polygon datasets to determine location of lines on the polygon. Link 鏈接 Geometric features on network, a segment defined by two points. Edge 63

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Link Impedance 鏈接阻抗 Cost of travelling through a Link (e.g., distance, time). Linked list 鏈表 Data structure of an ordered set of data each linking back to its successor and/or predecessor. Type: 1) Single Linked List 2) Doubly Linked List 3) Multiply Linked List 4) Circular Linked List Local Interpolation 局部插值 Interpolation using a selected sample of known points out of the whole dataset to estimate unknown values. Local Operations 局部運算 Cell-by-cell operation. Local Polynomial Interpolation 局部多項式插值 Local Interpolation method using a selected sample of known points from the whole dataset and a polynomial equation to estimate unknown values. Locational Error 定位誤差 Features on GIS dataset no represented in its true value. Logical Design 邏輯設計 Data design method for arranging data into entities and attributes. Logistic Regression Models 邏輯回歸模型 A type of probabilistic statistical classification model used to predict binary response (e.g., presence, absence). Logit Regression, Logit Model Looping Route 環行線路 Route that intersects itself. Loose Coupling 鬆散耦合 Process of connecting components (elements) of different systems and/or networks, where there are very little dependencies between systems. 64

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Lossless Compression Lossy Compression 無損壓縮 有損壓縮 Where there is no loss of data during compression, can be used to derive other data products. Data compression where there is a loss of data (information is lost), not suitable for deriving other data products or analysis. m Value M 值 A measure value added to a line feature, often a Route or polyline feature, to measure distance between the vertexes of the line (can be a geometric length). Many-to-Many Relationship 多對多關係 Type of data relationship, where many records from a data table can be related to many records from another data table. Many-to-One Relationship 多對一關係 Type of data relationship, where many records from a data table can be related to one record on another data table. Map Algebra 地圖幾何 See Definition on Query Operations. Query Operations 65

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Map Topology 地圖拓撲學 Temporary set of topological relationship between simple features, that are in coincident, that can be used to set boundaries and definition (e.g., streams as land boundaries, land-use map layer and soil map layer). Map-to-Map Transformation Maximum Covering Model Maximum z- Tolerance 地圖到地圖變換 最大覆蓋模型 最大 Z 容差 Geometric transformation converting digitized map into projected coordinates (transformation between maps). Algorithm for solving Location-Allocation problems by maximizing demand coverage over a specific constraint (e.g., time, distance). The maximum allowed difference between the z-value of an input raster cell and the z-value of the output TIN at the location corresponding to the raster cell centre. Metadata Reference Information 元數據參考信息 Metadata category, information on metadata and responsible parties. Middleware 中間軟件 Software layer in computer system for connecting operating systems with applications in a distributed computer network. Minimum Distance Model Minimum Mapping Unit 最短距離模型 最小製圖單位 Algorithm for solving Location-Allocation problems by minimizing total distance travelled between point and target. p-median Location Model The smallest size or dimensions of objects to be mapped for a given map scale. Mixel 混合像元 Mixed pixel, a pixel with spatial attributes in more than one category of object, a result of confusion in classification process. Mutual Exclusion 互斥鎖 To prevent race conditions that no two concurrent processes are in their critical section simultaneously. Natural Breaks Data classification method that optimizes the groups of data values, to minimize the difference between the values of the same class. Jenks Optimization Method 66

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Natural Breaks Classification Nearest Neighbour Nearest Neighbour Analysis Neighbourhood Operations Network Database 自然斷點分類法 最鄰近 最近鄰分析法 鄰域運算 網絡數據庫 To classify the data according to natural groupings inherent inside. Method of resampling values, approximated using values of nearest points but does not consider the values of neighbouring points. Spatial analysis method using the distance between the point and its closest neighbour to determine whether the point pattern is regular, random or clustered. Operations performed on a focal cell and its surrounding cells. Database built upon connection across tables. Network topology 網絡拓撲 Physical (placement)/logical (flow) arrangement of Links and Nodes in computer network. Neural Exchange Format 神經交換格式 Data Exchange, where all parties agree on a standardized exchange format and translates the internal format to the agreed standard, which can be read and converted back into the output system. Neutral Format 中性格式 A type of easy and accessible file format for any vendor to read and being reliable way to share. Node 節點 Point feature on an image, point where lines could begin, end and/or intersect. Vertex 67

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Normalization 常態化 Breaking down of large tables into smaller tables whilst retaining relationship between attributes and entries. Non-Leaf Node 葉節點 Component on Quad Tree, quadrant that has different cell values and is a branch point which is subjected to subdivision. Nontopological 非拓撲編輯 Edit of feature without topological relationship. Editing Nugget 有用信息 Value in semivariance or covariance model that represents instrument error, measurement error or miniscule scalar variations, value at the distance of 0 on semivariogram. Object 對象 An entity with structures, attributes and behaviours defined by a Class. Object Extraction 對象提取 To extract topographic objects from images. Object-based Data Model Object-based Vector Data Model 基於對象數據模型 基於對象矢量數據模型 Data model that treats spatial data as Objects. Model that treats geometry (spatial data) as an attribute and storing it together with other attributes, maintaining the relationship and links between the spatial data and attribute data without having to split its location. Object-Oriented 基於對象 Software engineering concept where elements and concepts of the system are represented as Objects. Object-Orientation Object-oriented Design Object-oriented Programming 基於對象設計 基於對象程序編寫 Process of planning of a system containing Objects, an approach to software design. Programming methodology based on the concept of Objects, treating elements of the program as Objects to be controlled and manipulated in a modular manner. 68

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT One-to-Many Relationship 一對多關係 Type of data relationship, where one record from a data table can be related to many record on another table. One-to-One Relationship 一對一關係 Type of data relationship, where one record from a data table can only be related to a single record on another table. On-the-Fly Projection 動態投影 Feature of GIS design to display datasets of different coordinate system, automatically converting dataset to a common coordinate system. Open source 公開資源 Software where source code is freely available and can be redistributed and modified. Ordinary Kriging 普通克里津法 Kriging method focusing on spatially correlated components, assumes the Mean is constant over the region. Origin Table 原始表 Base table for joining. Base Table 69

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Overlay Methods 疊加方法 Based on Boolean connectors, they are operations performed on input layers to produce a specific output. Type: 1) Union (A OR B) 2) Intersect (A AND B) 3) Difference (A XOR B) 4) Identity (A AND [B OR A]) Overshoot 超限 Digitizing error of an overextended arc. Partial Sill 偏基台值 Semivariance/Covariance model parameter representing the difference between Sill and Nugget. Path Analysis 路徑分析 Raster based analysis for finding the least cost of travelling between cells. Pattern Analysis 型樣分析 Quantitatively describing the distribution pattern of spatial features. Pilot Project 試驗性專案 Trial program/application to be released to a selected few to evaluate the program/application's function and capabilities. Plug-ins 插件 Software extensions that could work automatically in another software/program. Point-based Watersheds 基於點分水嶺 Deriving watershed based on Pour Points. Pointers 指示器 Programming object whose value refers (points) to another value at a different location in the system. 70

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Point-in-Polygon Overlay 點 - 多邊形疊加 GIS operation (vector overlay) where points on one dataset are overlaid onto polygons of another to determine the location of points on the polygon. Polygon-on- Polygon Overlay 多邊形 - 多邊形疊加 GIS operation (vector overlay) where polygons on one dataset are overlaid onto polygons of another to determine location of different polygons. Polymorphism 多型性 Object-Oriented Programming principle where the same method can have different effect on different types of objects. Pour Points 流動點 Points of interests for Point-based Watersheds (i.e., individual streams, dams, etc ). Outlets Prescriptive Model 透視模型 GIS model that predicts the future possible condition of the spatial data. Primary Key 主鍵 Attribute that can uniquely identify a record/entity on a data table. Principal Scale 主比例尺 Scale of reference globe. Process Model 處理模型 Predictive and Dynamic model for integrating knowledge of existing environmental processes with equations for quantifying these processes. Property 屬性 Attribute/characteristic of an Object. Prototyping 原型設計 Building of a product for test of concept/process, an early release to try out design. Proximity 臨近性 Spatial query of features based on distance from of selected feature. 71

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Pseudo Node 偽節點 Where two line features share the same end point, can be a node with no reason for existence as line features share the same value. Pyramiding 金字塔式 Technique for building layers of rasters for display, resampling is required for building a pyramid. QQ Plots 分位數散佈圖 Graphical method for displaying probability distribution of two datasets, allows comparison of data collection and/or theoretical distribution. Quantile-Quantile Plot Quad Tree 四分樹 Structure of dividing raster into quadrants, continuous division of raster into quadrant until it is reduced to a single-cell level (node). 72

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Query Operations 查詢運算 Using logical operators to define constraints for searching/selecting data within table. Type: 1) Equal to ( = ) 2) Greater than (> ) 3) Less than ( < ) 4) Greater than or equal to ( > = ) 5) Less than or equal to ( < = ) 6) Not equal to ( < > ) Raster-based Binary Model 基於柵格二元模型 Binary model derived from directly querying rasters. Reclassification 重分類 Local GIS operation to reclassify datasets/cell values into meaningful classes. Relate 相關 Database operation to connect two tables using a common key. Relational Database 關係型數據庫 Collection of interconnected tables. Relational DBMS 關係型數據庫管理系統 DBMS based on relational model. Relationship 關係 Link/Connection between fields of different tables. Type: 1) One-to-One 2) One-to-Many 3) Many-to-One 4) Many-to-Many Riparian Buffer 水域緩衝區 Buffer zone consisting of areas next to water bodies (e.g., streams) with vegetation and can be affected by the presence of water. Vegetated Buffer Zone 73

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Routes 路線 Path for travel, generally for use in network and path analysis, made up of existing line features on a map. Type: 1) Simple Route 2) Combined Route 3) Split Route 4) Looping Route Run-Length Encoding 運行長度編碼 Data compression where sequences of data with the same value are stored as a single data value and count/number of occurrences. Run-Length Compression Scale Factor 比例因子 Ratio of local scale to reference scale. Section 截面 Line features, or portions of line features, used to define a route. Server 服務器 Computers/Machines in the network that provides services/processes/data, a single Server can have many Clients. Shaded Relief 暈渲地形圖 Raster image of change in elevation using light and shadows. Shapefiles Shortest Path Analysis shapefile 格式文件 最短路徑分析 Data format used in ESRI products. Network analysis to find the path with the minimum cumulative cost. Sill 門檻 Value in semivariance or covariance model where semivariance starts to level. Single Route 簡單路線 Route following in one direction without looping on itself or branching. Siting Analysis 選址分析 Application of Binary Model, determines whether a selected area meets predefined 74

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT criterions. Skeleton Method 輪廓法 Method for identifying surface points by selecting 'peaks' (cell with highest value in the cell window) and 'pits' (cell with lowest value in the cell window) using a 'cell window' (small grid of cells) and joining the points together according to their identity. Slice 切片 Raster operation to divide continuous raster into classes. Slivers 裂片 Small polygons between shared boundaries of layers in overlay. Soft Systems Analysis 軟系統分析 Systems approach to problem using a 'toolbox' of techniques, generally used for organizational problems. Soft Systems Methodology Software Agents 軟件代理商 Computer program that acts on behalf of a user, can be executed without direct supervision from the end user. Software Development Kit Software Development Life Cycle Software Process Models 軟件開發套件 軟件開發生命週期 軟件處理模型 Software development tools that allows development of applications for particular packages, framework and systems. Devkit Term for describing the process in software engineer, Planning-Creating-Testing-Deploying of an information system. Standardized model for the development of software and application (e.g., planningimplementation-evaluation). Software Development Lifecycle, Software Development Methodology, Software Development Process 75

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Source Raster 資源柵格 Raster defining source cell, where cost path can be calculated from. Spatial Data Infrastructure Spatial Data Organization Information Spatial Data Transfer Standard Spatial Dependence 空間數據基礎設施 空間數據組織信息 空間數據傳輸標準 空間相依 Data infrastructure implementation framework for geographical (spatial) data, metadata, user and tools. Metadata category, information about representation and structure of dataset (e.g., raster, vector). Neutral Format for transfer of spatial data, uses 'profiles' to transfer data. Type: 1) Topological Vector Profile (TVP) 2) Raster Profile and Extensions (RPE) 3) Transportation Network Profile (TNP) 4) Point Profile 5) Computer Aided Design and Drafting Profile (CADD) Spatial relationship between variables, where values are dependent on the location/position. Spatial Reference 空間參考 See Definition on Georeferencing. Georeferencing Spatial Reference Information 空間參考信息 Metadata category, information about frame of reference for dataset (e.g., coordinate system, projection, map parameters, etc ). Spline Text 樣條線文本 Text string aligned with line feature. Split 分裂 GIS operation to divide the input layer into multiple layers. Split Route 分裂路線 A single route subdividing into multiple routes. 76

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Static model 動態模型 Model dealing with data at a specific state (e.g., data at a specific time). Steady-State Model Stochastic Interpolation 隨機插值 Interpolation based on assessment of prediction errors and estimated variances. String 字串 A sequence of textual values (alphabets, numbers, symbols) that can have fixed length. Structured Query Language Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology Switchyard Conversion System Life Cycle 結構查詢語言 結構系統分析與設計方法 交換庭轉換 系統生命週期 Data manipulation and query language designed for relational databases. See Definition on Hard Systems Analysis. Hard Systems Analysis Data Exchange, where data is first translated into one internal standard then depending on output system, it translates the internal standard to the suitable output format. Process of development of a system/it solution. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Table Joining 表結合 Operations to combine attribute data from different tables to a single table in a GIS. Table Relating 表關聯 Establishing relationship between different tables in GIS. Thiessen Polygons 徐昇多邊形 See Definition on Voronoi Diagram. Voronoi Diagram, Voronoi Polygon Tight Coupling 緊密耦合 Process of linking different systems together, where systems are highly dependent on each other and can share the workload. 77

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT To-Node 節點 Final endpoint of the line feature. Transport Protocols 傳輸協議 Data transmission protocol (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, etc...). Travelling Salesman Problem - Network analysis method for finding the best route for travelling with the condition that each stop can only be visited once and must start and end at the same stop. Tree (data structure) 樹狀 See Definition on Hierarchical Database. Hierarchical Database Tuples 元組 Individual set of records on the relational database. Turn Impedance 轉向阻抗 Network analysis element referring to the cost of making a turn at the network node (e.g., intersection), generally measured in time. Turn Table 旋轉盤 Table to assign turn impedance in network analysis. Undershoot 低差 Digitizing error resulting in a gap between arcs. 78

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Union 並集 Overlay method to identify area that falls within an identified criteria (A OR B). Universal Kriging 泛克里津插值法 Kriging method that assumes spatial variation of an attribute has a drift (polynomial trends). User Interface 用戶界面 Interface for interaction between user and system/program. Vector-based Binary Model 基於矢量二元模型 Binary model created from data query on a combined (composite) layer of geometry and attribute. Viewing Radius 視場半徑 Parameter for setting the distance for derivation of the viewshed. Virtual Memory 視覺記憶 Memory management technique to compensate for the lack of RAM needed to run a program, it maps virtual addresses of the memory used by the program to physical computer memory. Visual Hierarchy 視覺階層 Based on Gestalt Psychological theory, it is the presentation of visual elements to give importance to specific features, influencing the human perception of visual elements. Voronoi Polygon Web Services Definition Language Weighted Linear Combination Voronoi 多邊形 網絡服務定義語言 加權線性組合 Method for analysis of neighbourhood, ensures unsampled points of a polygon are closer to the polygon's known point than other points. Thiessen Polygons, Voronoi Polygon XML based language for describing network services. Method for computing index value for raster- /vector-based models, through evaluation of the importance of criterion/factors with the standardization of data. 79

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GIS/GIT Z Score Z 值 Measure of spread of values from their respective mean expressed in units of standard deviation. Zonal Geometry 區域幾何 Parameters, area, thickness and centroid (geometric parameters) for a particular zone. Zonal Operations 區域運作 Operations performed on a group of cells of same/similar values. Zonal Statistics 區域統計 Calculation of statistics (area, minimum, maximum, sum, range, mean, standard deviation, median, majority, minority, and variety) of a defined zone. z-tolerance Z 方向容忍值 Tolerance of height estimation. 80

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Absolute Positioning 絕對定位 A single receiver measuring its range from the minimum of 4 satellites to define its coordinate position. Navigation Solution, Single-Point Positioning, Single Receiver Positioning Active Stations 活動站 See Definition on Continuously Operating Reference Station. Continuously Operating Reference Station Adaptive Gain 適應增益 Fine tuning the model as new information about measurements are received. Almanac 年鑒 Data file containing satellite orbit information, transmitted within Navigation Message. Angle of Inclination 天線偏角 Angle between equatorial plane of Earth and orbital plane of satellite. Antenna Gain 增益天線 Performance value of antenna's directivity and electrical efficiency. Antenna Power Gain, Gain Antenna Reference Point 天線參考點 Point tied to base of antenna from Antenna Phase Centre. Antenna Splitter 天線分離器 Hardware attachment for dividing GPS antenna signal to two receivers. Anti-Spoofing 反電子欺騙 Code encryption technique used on control access on codes in GPS control units. Anywhere Fix 固定 Receiver's ability to lock without being given a correct beginning position and time. 81

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Apogee 最高點 A point in orbit where the satellite is the furthest from Earth. Autonomous Positioning 自主定位 Uncorrected position calculated by the receiver using Code measurements. Point Positioning Bandpass Filter 带通滤波器 Device that allows two specific signal frequencies to pass but discriminates against others. Base Station 基站 GPS receiver location where positional coordinates are precisely known (by previous survey data). Reference Station Baseline 基線 Line between two stations where observations are made simultaneously. Between-Epoch Difference Between- Receivers Difference Between- Satellites Difference Binary Offset Carrier Modulation Binary Phase Shift Keying 紀元間差分 接收者間差分 衛星間差分 二進制偏移載波調製 二進制移相鍵 Difference of carrier phase measurement of a signal on one frequency from one satellite observed by receiver to be between two epochs. Difference of carrier phase measurements from one satellite as measured by two different receivers. Difference of carrier phase measurement between signals from two satellites on one frequency observed simultaneously by one receiver. Its purpose is to reduce interference with BPSK modulation, it is a sub-carrier modulation where a signal is multiplied by a rectangular sub-carrier frequency. Split-Spectrum Modulation Modulation scheme, technique used to create Navigation Message, P Code, and C/A Code consisting of 1 and 0 imprinted onto carrier wave without altering amplitude. Phase Reversal Keying 82

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Block I, II, IIA, IIF, IIR-M, IIR Satellites Broadcast Clock Correction Block I, II, IIA, IIR, IIR- M, IIF( 型 ) 卫星 傳播鐘改正數 Classification of GPS satellite generation. Located within the Navigation message, provided by the Control Segment, it is the correction provided to the receiver to bring the satellite clock time with GPS time. C/A Code C/A 編碼 A pseudo-random code for satellites available to civilian GPS use. Civilian/Access Code, Clear/Access Code, Clear/Acquisition Code, Coarse/Acquisition Code, S-Code Carrier Beat Phase 載波合拍相位 Constant wave observable in GPS, generally used in calculation for refining position. Carrier Phase Carrier Frequency 載波頻率 Carrier frequency for Code signal. Type: 1) L1 2) L2 3) L3 Carrier Phase 載波相位 The observable phase difference between the incoming signals from the satellite with the reference (replica) signal generated by the receiver, once lock is achieved. Phase Observable, Reconstructed Carrier Phase Caesium Clock 銫鐘 Atomic clock regulated by caesium onboard GPS for use of determining satellite time. Caesium Frequency Standard Chipping Rate 跳碼率 The rate of which Binary code (1, 0), known as chips, are produced in GPS. Choke Ring Antenna Circular Error Probable 扼徑圈天線 圓概率誤差 Omnidirectional antenna for use at high frequencies. Measure of horizontal precision. 83

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Circular Polarization 圓極化 Polarization of EM wave in which direction of electric field is changed into a rotary manner without changing the strength. Type: 1) Left Hand Circular Polarized 2) Right Hand Circular Polarized Clock Drift 時鐘漂移 When time between the clocks (oscillators) does not run at the same speed. Code Chip 代碼單元 Binary sequence generated from code generator, with amplitude values of +1 or -1. Code Division Multiple Access 碼分多址 Channel access technique for use in radio communication. Code Phase 編碼相位 Measurements based on C/A Code. Code Tracking Loop Coherent Modulated Carrier Waves 編碼追蹤環 連續調整載波 Feedback loop used by receivers to generate and match incoming codes from GPS satellites. When two modulated carrier waves reach the same phase angle at exactly the same time. Constellation 星座 1) A set of satellites visible at any one time at a set position. 2) The Space Segment (all orbiting satellites). 3) The group of satellites used to derive a position. Continuously Operating Reference Station 連續運行基準站 Permanent GNSS receiver and antenna (with surveyed reference position) to provide support for carrier phase observations. Control Segment 控制部分 Ground control, with known location (coordinates), used to monitor/track satellites; collects information regarding path of satellite, calculates atmospheric error and perform clock correction for satellite. Ground Segment Control Station 控制站 Point with known coordinates on Earth. Control Point 84

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Coordinated Universal Time 世界協調時間 International time system based on atomic clocks around the world. UTC, Zulu Time Costas Loop Costas 環 A Phase-locked loop for carrier phase recovery. Course Made Good 有效航向 Bearing from starting point to present position, used in marine/air navigation. Crosstrack Error 航跡偏差 Distance away from desired course in any direction, used in marine/air navigation. Cutoff Angle 遮光角 See Definition on Mask Angle. Mask Angle Cyclic Slip 圈跳 Sudden loss of locked signal one or more carriers, causes a jump in the integer number of cycles (Cycle Ambiguity). Cycle Ambiguity 整周模糊度 The unknown number of whole wavelengths (integer number of wavelength) between the receiver and satellite within a set of measurements. Integer Ambiguity Cycle Slip 圈跳 Discontinuity of integer number of cycles due to temporary loss of signal. Data Message 數據信息 See Definition on Navigation Message. Navigation Message Delay-Lock Loop 延遲鎖定環 Similar to PLL, it uses a variable phase (delay) block to lock onto the signal. Demodulator 解調器 Module (circuit) used to convert signal back to a format understandable by rover receiver. Dependent Lines 依存線 Usually the longest lines in a GPS network, they are often discarded as they usually contain many biases. Trivial Lines 85

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Despreading 解頻 Compression of Spread Spectrum Signals into smaller bandwidth by demodulating it with an identical wideband waveform. Differencing 差分化 Simultaneous baseline solutions of combined measurements. Type: 1) Single Difference 2) Double Difference 3) Triple Difference Phase Correction Differential Correction Differential GPS 差分校正 差分全球定位系統 Technique for improving positioning accuracy using two or more receivers, one stationary and another mobile/roving. Enhancement to GPS method that uses at least two receivers (one stationary, one roving) by using GPS pseudoranges to compute positions, they can be highly subjected to atmospheric effects. 86

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Dilution of Precision 精度衰減 An indication of the strength of GPS network configuration, where a high DOP value generally means a closer cluster of GPS satellites and a lower level of precision. Types: 1) PDOP: Position 2) GDOP: Geometric 3) RDOP: Relative 4) HDOP: Horizontal 5) VDOP: Vertical 6) TDOP: Time Dish Antennas 抛物面天線 Dish-shaped parabolic antenna, mostly used in broadcasts and data transmission. Distance- Dependant Biases 距離依存誤差 Biases resulting from Ionospheric, Tropospheric, and orbital errors. Ditering 抖動顯示 Introducing digital noise into the system. Diurnal Tide 全日潮 When a single high tide and single low tide occurring each day when the moon is farthest from the equator. Doppler Count 多普勒計數 The number of cycles in a given time interval. Doppler-Aiding 多普勒輔助 Signal processing strategy for tracking GPS signal by using the measured Doppler Shift. 87

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Double Difference 二次差分 Generally used in Relative GPS, it is the difference of phase measurement on two points from two satellites; it is used to minimize clock, orbital, localized atmospheric, and receiver clock errors. Double Occupation 二次佔用 In Pseudokinematic observations, unknown stations are to be occupied twice for resolution of Phase Ambiguity. Dual Frequency 雙頻測深 Receivers or GPS measurements utilizing both L1 and L2. Dynamic Lines 動態線 Technique in use for RTK and DGPS where GPS receiver positions are logged, at predetermined intervals of time or distance, and are joined together into one continuous line. Early Correlator 早相關器 Correlator used for tracking phase and correlation peak of signal, it is when the replica signal generated from the receiver is shifted earlier in time than the incoming signal. E-Correlator 88

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Earth Orientation Parameters Earth-Centred- Earth-Fixed Coordinates 地球定向參數 地固地心直角坐標系 Parameters which describes the rotation of Earth, it has three components: 1) Universal Time 2) Coordinates of the Pole 3) Celestial Pole Offsets 3D Cartesian coordinates represented as (X, Y, Z) with its origin (0, 0, 0) at Earth's centre of mass and axes aligned with International Reference Pole and International Reference Meridian that are fixed with respect to Earth's surface. Earth Centred Rotational (ECR) Coordinates Elevation Factor 高程系數 Factor for reducing height measurements to particular reference datum, expressed in terms of ratio. Ellipsoid Factor 橢圓系數 Factor for reducing measured distance to the ellipsoid. Ephemerides 星曆 Data file on the satellite, consisting of health of satellite and location data. Ephemeris Epoch 紀元 Moments in time. Error Budget 誤差範圍 Summary of errors associated with measurements for finding true geometric range from either a pseudorange or carrier phase observation. Fast-Static Positioning/Surve y 快速靜態定位 / 測量 Static positioning (Static Surveying) with short observation times, generally suitable for low order control surveys. Rapid Static Positioning/Survey 89

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Fixed Solution 固定解 Where ambiguity parameters are fixed at integer values, with positioning accuracies at centimetre level (integer value levels). Flagging 標示 Technique to mark location/station. Float Solution 浮動解 Where ambiguity parameters could not be fixed at integer values, with positioning accuracies are at decimetre or sub-meter level. Fractional Initial Phase Frequency Division Multiple Access 部分初始相位 頻分多址 Occurs at the receiver at the first instant of the lock-on, when it starts tracking the incoming phase from the satellite. Channel access technique using multiple access protocols, common for satellite communication. Geocentric Orbit 地心軌道 Orbits of Satellites (natural and man-made) around the Earth, classifications of orbits can be by: Altitude, Inclination, Eccentricity, Direction, and Geosynchronous. Geometric Dilution of Precision Geostationary Orbit 幾何精度衰減 地球静止同步轨道 See Definition on Dilution of Precision. Dilution of Precision (DOP) A special type of Geosynchronous Orbit with a circular orbit above equator at approximately 35,786 km with orbital period approximate to Earth's rotational period thus appears to be in a fixed position in the sky. Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO) 90

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Geosynchronous Orbit GLObal NAvigation Satellite System GPS Biases GPS Constellation GPS Errors GPS Time 地球同步軌道 全球導航衛星系統 全球定位系統誤差 全球定位衛星星座 全球定位系統誤差 全球定位系統時間 Orbit of satellite around Earth with a period matching Earth's sidereal rotation period (approx. 23hrs 56mins 2secs), satellite will return to same position in the sky every twentyfour hours. Russian satellite-based system, available for civilian use to, to provide positional information to compatible device. Systematic Error that affects all GPS measurements, derived coordinates and baseline. Type: 1) Satellite Dependent: Ephemeris Uncertainties, Satellite Clock Uncertainties, Selective Availability Effects. 2) Receiver Dependent: Receiver Clock Uncertainties, Reference Station Coordinate Uncertainties. 3) Receiver-Satellite (observation) Dependent: Ionospheric Delay, Tropospheric Delay, Carrier Phase Ambiguity. Errors Makes up Space Segment of GNSS, consists of a system of satellites in orbit (e.g. GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, BeiDou). Type: 1) Unmodelled, Residual Biases 2) Carrier Phase Cycle Slips 3) Multipath 4) Antenna Phase Centre Offset 5) Random Observation Error (Noise) Biases Time given by all Control Stations and satellite clocks, it is regulated by UTC when GPS time was set at zero on 6-JAN-1980 00:00. Grid Factor 格網因子 The ration by which ground measurements and grid measurements varies, calculated by the scale factor and elevation factor. Combined Factor 91

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Ground Distance 對地航程 Horizontal distance between two points correlated on the same horizontal plane, usually from sea level. Horizontal Distance at Mean Elevation Group Delay 群時延 Effects on the GPS signal when it travels through the ionosphere, where the magnitude is determined by the density and stratification of the ionosphere at the moment the signal passes through. Phase Delay Handover Word 轉換字 Contained within the Navigation Code (Navigation Message), it provides the receiver the information of the location of satellites during the broadcast of the Code. HARN Helix Antennas High Gain Antenna Horizontal Dilution of Precision 高精度基準網 螺旋定向天線 高增益天線 水平精度衰減 Contained within the Navigation Code (Navigation Message), it provides the receiver the information of the location of satellites during the broadcast of the Code. Antenna, mounted over ground plane, consisting of a coil of wire in the form of a helix with a feed line connected between the helix and the ground plane. Antenna with a focused, narrow radiowave beam width. Directional Antenna Horizontal component of DOP (Latitude, Longitude). Hydrogen Masers 氫邁射 An oscillator that uses the properties of hydrogen atom to serve as a frequency reference. Hydrogen Frequency Standard Independent Baseline 獨立基線 Baselines observed using GPS positioning, usually the shortest baselines (or baselines with the least amount of biases) in a GPS network. Nontrivial Baseline 92

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Integer Ambiguity 整周模糊度 See Definition on Cycle Ambiguity. Cycle Ambiguity Interferometry Intermittentstatic Positioning Ionospheric Biases 激光干涉測量 間歇靜態定位 電離層誤差 The measurement of the difference between phases of signal from a common source travelling at different paths. Relative Positioning See Definition on Pseudokinematic Positioning/Survey. Pseudokinematic Positioning/Survey, Pseudostatic Positioning/Survey Errors in data caused when signals enter Ionosphere, Ionospheric Delay is main cause of error. Ionospheric Error Ionospheric Delay 電離層時延 Change in speed of signal when it enters the Ionosphere, it is dependent on the frequency of the signal and the composition of the atmosphere (e.g. TEC). Ionospheric Effect 電離層效應 Results in error in GPS positioning, where the atmosphere diffracts and refracts GPS signals. Isotropic Antenna Issue of Date Ephemeris Kinematic Positioning/ Survey 各向等輻射天線 星曆發行 動態定位 / 測量 A hypothetical lossless antenna that uniformly radiates power in all directions, it is often used as a reference antenna for Antenna Gain. Time stamp of navigation message. A version of Relative Positioning, generally where only a single receiver is used, it is a method of determining position of the antenna whilst it is in motion. Dynamic Positioning, Stop-and-Go Positioning L1 L1 波段 Frequency Band of 1575.42 MHz for carrying C/A Code signals, L1 Civilian (L1C) Code signals, P Code signals and M Code signals. 93

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS L1C L1C 波段 Civilian GPS signal designed for interoperability between GPS and international satellite navigation systems, it uses the same frequency as L1 signal but designed for civilian use. L2 L2 波段 Frequency Band of 1227.60MHz for carrying L2 Civilian (L2C) Code signals, P Code signals and M Code signals. L2C L2C 波段 Civilian GPS signal designed for commercial use, has the same frequency as the L2 signal and can enable ionospheric correction when combined with L1 C/A in a dual frequency receiver. L5 L5 波段 Frequency Band of 1176.45MHz for carrying In- Phase Code (I5 Code) signals and Quadraphase Code (Q5 Code) signal. Safety of Life Signal Late Correlators 晚相關器 Correlator used for tracking phase and correlation peak of signal, it is when the replica signal generated from the receiver is shifted later in time than the incoming signal. L-Correlator Leapfrog Kinematic Positioning Local Area Differential Global Positioning System Local Geodetic Horizon System 跳點動態定位 本地差分全球定位系統 本地大地地平系統 Kinematic mode of GPS surveying where it involves two receivers, each taking the roving in turns so that only one receiver is a roving station at any one time. When baselines from a single base station is within close distances (e.g. less than a couple of hundred kilometres) of the roving receivers. Expressed in North (meridian plane oriented towards North), East (perpendicular to meridian plane) and Up (normal to ellipsoid at origin), with its origin at a specified point. 94

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Long-Range Navigation-C 羅蘭 - C Hyperbolic radio navigation system to allow receiver to determine position by listening into low frequency radio signals transmitted from land based radio beacons. Loran-C Lost Lock 失鎖 Can be caused by various factors (e.g., power loss, obstruction,low signal-to-noise ratio) but mostly when the signal towards the receiver is broken and causes a cycle slip. Lunar Laser Ranging 月球激光測距 Technique used to measure distances to the moon using reflectors left on the moon surface during lunar missions. Mask Angle 掩角 Angle of elevation (usually at 15ᵒ) where satellites below the point are not tracked, technique used to mitigate multipath, atmospheric and attenuation errors. Cutoff Angle Mercury program 水星計劃 The first human spaceflight program of the United States, running from 1959 through 1963 Microstrip Antenna 微帶天線 A narrowband, wide-beam fabricated antenna by etching antenna elements in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate (e.g., printed circuit board). Printed Antenna Military Code 軍事編碼 Secure access GPS signals for Military use. Monitor Station 監測站 Stations in GPS Control segment, used to track satellite clock, satellite health and orbital parameters. Monumentation 埋石 Markers built for subsequent use, materials and method for monumentation is largely dependent on the order of accuracy and precision required. Multichannel Receiver 多頻道接收機 Receiver with many independent channel, which can be dedicated to continuously tracking one satellite. Parallel Receiver 95

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Multipath Error 多路徑誤差 Errors caused when a single satellite signal is received from two or more paths, one directly from the satellite and the other from reflected sources, which causes incorrect pseudoranges or carrier phase measurements (positioning errors) but could be minimized through antenna design and filtering algorithms. Multipath Multireciever Positioning 多接收機定位 An extension of relative positioning by using multiple receivers (three or more) simultaneously and combining it with a closed network of points. Narrow Laning 窄發射帶 Technique for reducing the impact of Phase Ambiguity, where Carrier Phase measurements from both GPS frequencies (L1, L2) are combined, it has a short wavelength. Navigation Message 導航信息 Message modulated on L1, L2 and L5 signals, it holds detail information about each satellite's position and the network made up of three components: GPS Date and Time, Orbital Information (Ephemeris), and Almanac. Data Message Nontrivial Lines 有意義基線 See Definition on Independent Line. Independent Lines Observables 可觀測值 Signals whose measurements gives range or distance between satellite and receiver. Type: 1) Pseudorange 2) Carrier Phase/Carrier Beat Phase 96

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS One-way Ranging GPS 單向全球定位系統測距 Distance is determined by the elapsed time from the transmission of the signal from GPS to the receiver. On-The-Fly Survey 飛行測量 It allows initialization whilst receiver is in motion, it is a method where resolution of carrier phase ambiguity is done quickly on-thego. Orbital Biases 軌道誤差 Errors caused by orbits of satellites (i.e. variations gravity, drag, tidal forces from other planetary satellites, etc ). Orbital Error Oscillators 振蕩器 Time measurement devices, time is kept according to the oscillation within atoms. Atomic Clock, Frequency Standard Outages 中斷 The period where DOP exceeds a maximum limit, and indication of unacceptable level of uncertainty existing at a particular location. Patch Antennas 貼片天線 Radio antenna with low profile, can be mounted on a flat surface. Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Perigee 近地點 Point in satellite orbit closest to Earth. Phase Ambiguity 相位未定值 The unknown (integer) number of completed cycles of transmitted signal between the satellite and receiver. Cycle Ambiguity, Phase Cycle Ambiguity 97

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Phase Angle 相位角 Phase differences expressed in degrees (0ᵒ, 90ᵒ, 180ᵒ, 270ᵒ, 360ᵒ) during a cycle. Phase Delay 相位延遲 Delay caused by atmospheric bias when signal enters through the ionosphere and troposphere. Phase Differencing 相位差 Determination of distance by tracking carrier phase by taking measurements of the difference: 1) Between Satellites 2) Between Receivers 3) Between Epochs Refer to Description on Differencing. Phase-Lock Loop 相鎖迴路 A control system where the phase of the input signal is locked with a generated (replica) signal and the oscillators are adjusted according to this lock, generally used in radio, telecommunication, computers and electronic applications. Polar Motion 極移 Oscillation of the point where Earth's rotational axis intersects the surface with respect to a reference datum. Polar Plot 極坐標圖 Diagram of satellite tracks with the observer's zenith at the centre and horizon represented as the perimeter. Posigrade Orbit 加速軌道 When satellite rotates in the same direction as the rotation of the Earth. Positional Dilution of Precision 幾何精度系數 Positional (3D) component of DOP. Spherical DOP 98

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Positioning 定位 In GPS, it refers to the modes of determining coordinates, which can be a combination of static/kinematic positioning and point/relative positioning. Precise Code 精碼 Restricted code reserved for military application, modern encrypted signals are referred to as P(Y)-Code. Protected Code Precise Point Positioning 精確單點定位 Positioning technique that relies on both Code and Phase observations, different from DGPS, PPP combines precise clock and orbit calculations from global network to precisely calculate position of a single receiver. Prompt Correlator 提示器 Correlator used for tracking phase and correlation peak of signal, it is when the replica signal generated from the receiver aligns perfectly with the incoming signal. P-Correlator Propagation Delay 傳送延遲 Elapse time between when the signal was transmitted and when the signal was received, a measurement for length in GPS surveying. 99

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Pseudo Kinematic Survey Pseudokinematic Positioning/ Survey 偽靜態測量 偽靜態定位 / 測量 Combination of Static and Kinematic methods, where one receiver is kept at a known station whilst another moves to survey other stations. Pseudo-Static Survey Similar to Stop-and-Go positioning/survey but the loss of satellite lock is permissible during the transportation of roving stations between points/stations. Intermittent-static Positioning/Survey, Pseudostatic Positioning/Survey Pseudolite 虛擬衛星 Ground-based differential GPS receiver that transmits signals similar to GPS satellites, can be used for ranging and feasible in circumstances where no satellite signals are observable. Pseudo Satellite PseudoRandom Noise Code 偽隨機噪聲碼 Binary signals with noise-like qualities modulated on GPS carrier waves, they are elements of the CDMA based satellite navigation system. Pseudorandom Binary Sequence Pseudorange 偽距 Pseudo distance between satellite and receiver based on time measurements. Pseudorange Code Pseudostatic Positioning/Surve y PZ-90 偽碼 偽靜態定位 PZ-90 坐標系 Observables within GPS, code modulated on the carrier. See Definition on Pseudokinemtaic Positioning/Survey. Intermittent-static Positioning/Survey, Pseudokinematic Positioning/Survey Coordinate system used by GLONASS satellite network. 100

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Quad Phase Shift Key Quadrifilar Antenna 四相相移鍵控 四臂天線 Modulation scheme, where phases of the carrier wave is modulated to encode bits of data (two bits per symbol) in each phase change. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Quadriphase Phase Shift Keying A single frequency antenna with two orthogonal bifilar helical loops on a common axis, generally used in recreational handheld GPS receivers. Quasar 類星體 Astronomical radio source. R95 R95 二維點位精度 A measure of positional accuracy, its value is defined as a circle's radius with its centre at the true position, where it encloses 95% of the data points. Radio Positioning 無線電定位 Positioning technology using EM (Radio) waves, prior to the development of GPS. Types: 1) Terrestrial: RADAR, SHORAN, HIRAN, Sputnik 2) Optical: Triangulation,,Laser Ranging 3) Extra-terrestrial: Satellite Tracking, Prime Minitrack, VLBI 4) TRANSIT Radionavigation 無線電導航 Determination of position, direction and distance using transmitted Radio waves. Range Biases 測距誤差 When biases due to error is expressed as a range (distance). Range Error, UERE Range Delay 距延 Often caused by the change in speed as the signal enters the atmosphere (e.g. Ionospheric Delay, Tropospheric Delay), and/or multipath. Range Rate 距離變率 Rate of which range between receiver and satellite changes, measured by tracking variation in Doppler Shift. Doppler Velocity, Radial Velocity Rapid Static Positioning/ Survey 快速靜態定位 See Definition on Fast-Static Positioning/Survey. Fast-Static Positioning/Survey 101

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Real-Time Differential Global Positioning Satellite Real-Time Kinematic Mode 實時差分全球定位衛星 實時動態模式 Method of determining relative positions between known control points and unknown positions by tracking pseudorange measurements in real time. Similar to DGPS but it also uses carrier phase and Doppler measurements, which is collected at the base station and transmitted to the roving receiver. Receiver Clock Biases Receiver Noise Biases Reconstructed Carrier Phase 接收器鐘差 接收器噪聲誤差 重建載波相位 Difference in Receiver clock time and GPS time that causes error. Receiver Clock Error Static/noise on the signal that causes error. Receiver Noise Error See Definition on Carrier Phase. Carrier Beat Phase Observable, Carrier Phase, Carrier Phase Observable Replica Code 複製碼 Code generated by the receiver, identical to the code generated by the satellite, for use of identifying propagation delay. Retrograde Orbit 逆行軌道 When satellite rotates in the opposite direction to the rotation of the Earth. Rover 移動接收站 GPS receiver(s) in GPS survey with unknown positions, could be constantly moving between locations. Roving Receiver, Roving Station 102

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Rubidium Clocks 銣鐘 Oscillator using Rubidium element to measure precise time. Rubidium Standard, Rubidium Atomic Clock Satellite Altimetry 衛星測高法 Determining distance between the satellite and target by measuring time taken for the (radar) signal from satellite-to-target then back to satellite. Satellite Clock Biases Satellite Ephemeric Error 衛星鐘差 衛星星歷誤差 Difference between Satellite clock time and GPS time, it can be derived from Navigation Message. Satellite Clock Error Difference between the collected data and real orbital position of a GPS satellite. Satellite Health 衛星狀況 Information sent within the Navigation Message regarding the status of the Satellite (e.g. possible clock errors). Satellite Laser Ranging 衛星激光測距 Measuring of distance to satellite through the use of a sophisticated EDM (laser) aimed from earth to retro-reflector equipped satellites. Satellite Orbit 衛星軌道 Height and shape of satellite orbits are determined by the velocity of which they travel at. Satellite Windows 衛星窗口 Period of time the largest number of satellite is available simultaneously from a specific location. 103

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS S-Band S 波段 Part of the Microwave band ranged between 2GHz - 4GHz in EM spectrum, it is mainly used in weather radar, surface ship radar and some communication satellites. Selective Availability 選擇性可靠度 The intentional degradation of public (civilian) GPS signals for national security purposes. Session 期間 Period of time when receivers simultaneously collect and store data from same constellation of satellites at one specific point. Signal Deterioration 信號惡化 Loss of quality on an electronic signal. Signal Degradation Signal Squaring 無碼追蹤 It relies on carrier phase observables and is dependent on the creation of an intermediate/beat frequencing through multiplying the incoming carrier by itself. Codeless Tracking Signal-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比 Quantifying the comparison between desired signal and background noise. Single Difference 單次差分 Difference of phase measurement on two points from a single satellite; it is used to minimize clock, orbital, and localized atmospheric errors. Sky Plot 極坐標圖 Diagram of sky coverage, visibility of sky from station. Polar Plot, Station Visibility Diagram 104

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Space Segment 空間部分 Segment of GPS in space. Satellite Spherical Error Probable 球面誤差圓 Measure of 3D precision. Spread Spectrum 展頻 A signal that has been deliberately spread over a bad wider than the minimum required for carrying information, it gives higher resistance to signal jamming and multipath. Sputnik 人造衛星 Radio navigation system based on Earthorbiting satellite. Static Positioning 靜止定位 Determination of position where receivers are stationary on Earth's surface. Static Survey 靜止測量 Where at least two stationary GPS receivers simultaneously and continuously select data from the same constellation of satellites during a long observation session. Stop-and-Go Positioning/ Survey Telemetry Word Terrestrial Frame of Reference Terrestrial Radio Positioning 準動態測量 遙感勘測記錄 地球參考框架 地面無線電定位 See Definition on Kinematic Survey/Method. Kinematic Positioning/Survey Contained within Navigation Code (Navigation Message), it indicates to the receiver whether there are uploads from Control Segment to the Satellite or whether upload is in progress. Reference frame from point of view on Earth (i.e. measuring of position and orientation as based on Earth). Positioning method prior to the development of GPS, it uses Radio waves to detect range. Method Type: 1) RADAR 2) Distance by Timing 3) SHORAN 4) HIRAN 5) Sputnik Time Dilation 時間膨脹 An effect due to Einstein's theories on relativity, where the time on the clock in orbit runs faster than a clock on the surface. 105

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS Time Dilution of Precision 精度時間衰減 Time component of DOP. Time Shift 時間遷移 Symbolized by dτ, it is the time elapsed between when the signal left the satellite and the instant when it arrives at the receiver. To-Reach Description Total Electron Count 到達說明 總電子含量 Written document of the description of route used to arrive at station/point. The number of electron in a cross section through the ionosphere, but it is difficult to approximate. Tracking Loop 追蹤迴路 A method to accurately estimate the distance travelled by the incoming signal by continuously following the code and carrier parameters of the incoming signal. Triple Difference 三次差分 Difference of phase measurement on two points from two satellites at two different times (difference between two double differences at different epochs); it assumes no cycle clips, no loss of lock, and minimizes integer ambiguity. Trivial Lines 相關線 See Definition on Dependent Lines. Dependent Lines Tropospheric Effects User Equivalent Range Error 對流層效應 使用者等距誤差 Independent of frequency, it adds distance to the range the receiver measures due to refraction caused by water particles in atmosphere, it is non-dispersive for frequencies under 30GHz. Tropospheric Delay Errors in the calculation of the Pseudorange, can be expressed in terms of distances. 106

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK GPS/GNSS User Segment 用戶部分 Segment of GPS utilized by users on Earth. Receivers Velocity-Made- Good Vertical Dilution of Precision Very Long Baseline Interferometry 對地船速航跡速度 精度垂直衰減 超長基線干涉測量 Navigation term for the speed of travelling towards the destination along a desired course. Vertical component of DOP (Height). Originated from radio astronomy, a technique of tracking Quasars using radio telescopes on different continents. W Code W 碼 Encryption sequence modulated with P Code. Waypoint 航點 Coordinate of an intermediate point which must be passed on the way towards the desired destination. Wide Area Differential Global Positioning System 廣域差分全球定位系統 When a network of base stations, distributed over larger area, is used. Wide Laning 寬發射帶 Technique for reducing the impact of Phase Ambiguity, where Carrier Phase measurements from both GPS frequencies (L1, L2) are combined, it has the frequency of 347.82MHz and is slower but longer (wavelengths) than the original carriers. X-Band X 波段 Part of the Microwave Radio region, the frequency ranges is indefinitely set at approximately 7GHz - 11GHz, mainly used for communication engineering. Y Code Y 碼 With anti-spoofing module, it is generated from W Code. Z-Count Word Z- 計數字 One of the primary units for GPS time, a counter that is incremented at the beginning of each subframe in the Navigation Code (Navigation Message) Zero Baseline Test 零基線測試 Calibration Test, test for receiver performance involving two GPS receivers connected to an antenna, so that nearly all biases are identical for both receivers. 107

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Acoustic Depth Sounding Acoustic Energy Attenuation Acoustic Impedance 回音測深 聲音衰減 聲阻抗 See Definition on Echo Sounding. Echo Sounding, Electronic Echo Sounding Energy absorption by medium as sound propagates, it is dependent on the frequency of sound and properties of the medium. Acoustic Attenuation Measure of opposition presented by a medium/system when acoustic pressure (e.g., sound wave) is applied. Acoustic Intensity 聲波強度 Measurement of power of sound within a medium per unit area, different to sound pressure. Sound Intensity Acoustic Pressure 聲壓 Change in pressure caused by sound energy. Sound Pressure Alignment Stationing 發射陣地連測站 Establishing zero reference point for the survey network for a given project area. Backwater 循環水 Body of stagnant (still) water in a river not reached by current. Bank Monitoring Surveys Bar Check Calibration 河岸監測 桿測校準 Surveys performed on waterways, estuaries, and coastlines of areas suspected to be subjected to erosion and material movement. Beach Survey On-site calibration for echo sounders using a reference bar. Bar Sweeps 桿掃描 Technique of determining or clearing of underwater obstructions using sweep rafts (or sweep barges) to ensure safety in navigation. Beach Profile Survey 海灘縱斷面測量 Topographic and Bathymetric survey of beach and surrounding regions. 108

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Beacon 標桿 An active underwater marker that periodically sends a pulse of a particular frequency. Pinger Bed Profile 河床縱剖面 Profile of seabed/riverbed produced through Direct/Indirect Hydrographic Methods. Boom 浮木欄柵 Floating barrier placed on water surface to control navigation and/or protect water bodies. Bottom Imaging 底部影像 Documentation of seabed and sub-bottom materials relying on acoustic impedance principles to detect density and type of material. Brackish Water 半鹼水 Water with more salinity than fresh water but less than seawater, generally found in estuaries. Briny Water Breakwater 防波堤 Barrier built into the sea to protect the coast/harbour from force of waves. Cavitation 空蝕 Property of sound wave when travelling through fluid medium, it is when cavities/voids are formed from resultant negative pressure between acoustic pressure and static pressure. Chart Datum 水深基準面 Generally referred to as the Tidal Datum, it is the level of water that charted depths displayed on nautical charts. Circular Mode 循環模式 Marine Positioning based on simultaneous distance observations from two or more known stations using ranging methods. 109

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Co-Phase Line 等相線 Lines on tidal charts showing degrees/time units. Co-Range Line 等潮線 Lines on tidal charts showing amplitudes/heights of tides. Cross-Line Check 十字絲檢查 Checking method after completion of main system of sounding lines, where sounding lines are run at approximately right angles to the sounding lines. Cross Lines Diversion 分水 Removal of water from a waterbody, alteration of water course. Dual-frequency Depth Sounding 雙頻測深 Echosounders transmitting at both a low frequency pulse (around 24kHz) and high frequency pulse (200kHz) simultaneously to detect depth, it has the ability to identify underwater situations in higher levels of detail (e.g., detecting the layer of mud on top of rock). Echo Sounding 回音測深 Use of SONAR to determine water depth through transmission of sound pulses into water and measuring the time difference between the transmission and the received (reflected) sound. Acoustic Depth Sounding, Electronic Echo Sounding Fetch 風域 Length of water surface affected by the wind. Fix 定位 Vessel position at a particular instance. 110

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Float Line Method 浮線法 A means for horizontal fixing, where parallel lines run perpendicular from baseline, with known coordinates and heights on end points, on the coast. Parallel Line Method Halocline 斜鹽層 Where there is strong salinity gradient in the water, affect its density. Heave 橫差 Vertical movement (up-down) on Z-axis. Hydrography 水文學 Measurements and description of features that can affect maritime navigation. Maritime Cartography Hydrophone 水中受波器 Microphone designed to be used underwater to pick up underwater sound. Inbound Run 歸航作業 Where survey boat is moving towards the shoreline. Lateral Alignment 水平對齊 Process of alignment control of survey boat, could be difficult in cases of strong current. Horizontal Alignment Lead Lines 測錘繩 Lines, either a graduated hemp line or metal chain, with leaden weight attached. Levee 堤 Structure (embankment) built to control flooding and/or river overflow. Longitudinal Surveys 縱向測量 Surveys along Centre Line of channel/river. 111

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Multibeam Bathymetric Mapping Multibeam Echosounder 多波束測深製圖 多波束測深儀 Using multibeam echosounders mounted on the boat, a survey of the sea floor could be mapped by pinging beams of sound towards the sea floor. A class of Swath System with multiple beams for each ping, using a combination of two beams patterns to obtain a wide coverage across-track with high spatial resolution. Neap Tide 小潮 Tide that occurs in first and third quarter of the moon, resulting in lower than average tide. Outbound Run 離埠作業 Where survey boat is moving away from the shoreline. Ping ping 命令 A transmission beam. Pitch 傾斜 Rotation on Y-axis. Priming the Tide 潮期延遲 Tidal effects when Moon is between quadrature and New/Full moon. Lagging the Tide Probing 探測 Manual (and/or mechanically/hydraulically assisted) investigation of subsurface materials. Range-Range Mode 距離 - 距離模式 Form of Circular Mode positioning, it is an active position system where the transmitter on the vessel sends a signal to two or more transponders on-shore which retransmits the signal back to the ship. Reciprocal Sweep/Swath Runs 雙向視野測量 Test/Check for biases in alignment and offsets, involves running reciprocal lines at various speeds and results are compared against prior sweep/swath runs. 112

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Residual Range Errors Rho-Rho Mode 剩餘距離誤差 Rho-Rho 模式 A result from the comparison between the observed distances with the inverse of the distances between the adjusted position and remote shore transmitter, used to evaluate accuracy of the range of measurements. Form of Circular Mode positioning, it is a passive position system where the vessel contains a clock, synchronized to the clocks in the on-shore transmitters, where range is calculated from the difference between the time of signals. Rho-Theta Mode 極坐標 / 距離角度模式 Marine Positioning where ranges and azimuths are measured from an on-shore station, similar to Range-Range Mode. Rip Currents 激流 Occurs when two opposing current meets. Roll 滾動 Rotation on X-axis. Sewer Outfalls 污水排放口 Sewage discharge point. Sextant 六分儀 Instrument with graduated arc with sighting mechanism used for measuring angular distances between objects. Type: 1) Nautical Sextant 2) Box Sextant 113

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Ship Dynamics 船舶動力 Way in which ship/boat moves and interacts on water. Type: 1) Pitch 2) Roll 3) Yaw 4) Heave 5) Sway 6) Surge Shore Control 岸上遙控 Control of survey location through the use of shore beacons, locations with established positions via land survey. Side Scan Sonar 側掃聲納 Tilts broad-beam echosounder to one side to produce a series of acoustic return signal to have more coverage of the seabed. Sounding Lines 測錘線 Direct Method for determining Bed Profile through the use of lead line, can be incorporated into a sounding machine. Sounding Rods 測深桿 Direct Method for determining Bed Profile through the use of wooden poles to measure bed depth, but only suitable if current is not strong and within the depth of 5m. Spring Tide 大潮 Tide that occurs in New and Full Moon, resulting in a higher tide. Squat 蹲踞 The settlement of the boat into a lower profile in the water as it increases its velocity, can cause error in depth measurement. Settlement Squat Test 蹲踞試驗 Test to determine the relationship between boat speed and transducer height. Stilling Well 靜水井 An installation, usually in form of a circular pipe, which is connected to a canal/ditch/stream by an inlet pipe, used to measure water stages without the effect of surges or choppy waters. 114

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Sub-bottom Profiling 淺層海底剖面探測 Use of low frequency SONAR to enable acoustic beams to penetrate seafloor, to enable characterization and identification of layers of sediments under seafloor. Surge 湧浪 Horizontal, linear longitudinal movement (front-back) on X-axis. Suspended Sediment 懸浮沉積物 Particles suspended in water. Fluff Swath 條帶 A strip/land on seafloor scanned by Swath System. Swathe Swath System 條帶探測系統 Swath Sounding System A class of SONAR using a multi-beam system to obtain sounding information from a single ship's track. Sway 傾斜 Horizontal, linear lateral movement (left-right, side-to-side) on Y-axis. Sweep System 掃描系統 Multiple single-beam echosounder placed along the boom of a vessel, enabling a larger coverage of the seabed. Swell 湧浪 Similar to waves, it is a character of water, but it can grow over time and will not break in open waters. Tag Line 標籤繩 Calibrated line connected between boat and transit point for positioning and stabilizing boat, providing a fixed baseline. Tag Line Positioning Thermohaline Circulation 標線定位 溫鹽環流 Method for monitoring conditions below water surface by running cross-sections from a fixed line through: 1) Static Observations 2) Dynamic/Continuous Tag Line Surveys 3) Baseline Boat Tag Line Extension Method 4) Constant Range Method Flow of water caused by change in density (from salinity and/or temperature). 115

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Hydrography Tidal Datum 潮汐基準面 Generally used for navigational purposes, it is the standard elevation defined by a certain phase of the Tide. Tidal Zoning Tidal Zoning Process of dividing survey area into discrete zones, each area is to have similar tidal characteristics. Tide Gauge 驗潮儀 Instrument for measuring change in sea level relative to datum. Mareographi, Marigraph Tide Reducers 潮汐改正數 Adjustments/corrections to sounding in a the tidal zone, derived from water level records at tide stations. Upwelling 湧升流 Vertical movement of water, replacing the surface layer of warm water with the deeper cold waters. Yaw 偏航 Rotation on Z-axis. 116

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Abuttals 地界 Boundaries (or parts of boundaries) of land that are adjacent to the property/land/plot/parcel in survey. Adverse Possession 违法占有 / 違法佔有 Right/Claim of ownership of property gained through continuous occupation of land for a length of time as specified in legal documents, with evidence of occupation by claimant. Aerial Survey 航空測量 Surveys on ground features using Remote Sensing/Photogrammetric techniques. Satellite Survey Alignment Survey 定线测量 / 定線測量 Surveys to aid in planning, design, and construction of roads, railways, and utilities (e.g. pipes) to establish linearity within constructs. Amalgamation 汞膏法 Act of combining one or more allotments/properties of land into a single allotment/property. Angle of Depression 俯角 Angles below horizontal plane. Minus Angle, Negative Angle (-) Angle of Elevation 仰角 Angles above the horizontal plane. Plus Angle, Positive Angle (+) Angular Misclosure 角閉合差 Errors accumulated within the angle during a traverse, should solely consist of random errors in measurements. Arbitrary Datum 假定基面 Datum used for small works and is generally not related to a set reference system. Arbitrary North 地理北方 North directionality as defined by user without reference to any coordinate system. As-built survey 竣工調查 Surveys to document location and layout of engineering works, record of design changes during construction. Astronomic Latitude 天文緯度 Calculated from angles measured between zenith and to known stars, it is the angel between the Earth's equatorial plane and the true vertical at an point on the surface. 117

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Astronomical Coordinate (System) Atmospheric Correction 天文坐標 大氣校正 Positioning system for celestial objects (i.e. satellites, planets, stars) in a 3-D space (celestial sphere). Type: 1) Horizontal System 2) Equatorial System 3) Ecliptic System 4) Galactic System 5) Super Galactic System Celestial Coordinate System Taking into account the properties of light and its characteristics in the air, it is the process of removing the atmospheric effects on observations/measurements/images. Automatic Level 自動水準儀 Self-levelling telescopic device for Level Runs with in-built compensating device (automatic compensators) to correct residual mislevelment. Azimuth 方位角 Horizontal angles observed clockwise from reference meridian. Backsight 後視 First reading of height measurement on level run towards the back staff on a single setup. Bearings 方位 Direction for navigation. Type: 1) Grid Bearing 2) Magnetic Bearing 3) Whole-Circle Bearing 4) Quadrantal Bearing Benchmark 水準點 Points of known elevation and position, which has been established in the Ordnance Survey by Surveyors. Boundary 邊界 Delineation between plots of land to show ownership, often marked by physical landmarks (e.g. fence, trees, boundary markers, etc ). Boundary evidence 邊界證明 Proof of boundary for marked parcels of land/plots/property (e.g., Land Title, Deed, survey information, fence, physical marking of boundary lines on terrain, etc ). 118

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Boundary Reestablishment 地界重整 Process which re-establishes the original survey with a field survey with the use of artificial features (e.g. survey mark, survey pegs, fence, building corners). Title Re-Establishment Boundary Survey 地界測量 Survey conducted to locate and/or establish legal boundaries of parcels of land/plots/property (e.g. physically establishing fence lines). Boundary Line Survey, Property Survey Bowditch Traverse Adjustment Bowditch 導線平差 Method to adjust errors in bearings due to angular or linear inaccuracies where it assumes observations are all done to the same degree of precision and that misclosures could be logically distributed within the Survey Run. Bowditch Rule, Compass Rule Building Envelope 建築外殼 Area of land on the property that could be built (have buildings constructed). Cadastral Survey 地籍測量 Surveys to establish property/lot boundary in public domain. Type: 1) Condominium Survey 2) Original Survey 3) Subdivision Survey Land Survey, Boundary Survey. Calculated Distance 計算距離 Distances that are calculated from formulas using measured distances (observations on field). 119

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Cartesian Coordinate System 笛卡兒坐標系 Expressed in (x, y) [2D] and/or (x, y, z) [3D], it is a set of numerical coordinates that is uniquely specific to a point on a plane where axis are defined as (0, 0) at the origin. Catenary 垂曲線 Curve formed by free hanging wire, rope or chain between two points. Sag Caveat 警告 Legal limitations placed onto a plot of land, property or lot to control actions. Centesimal System Chain Chromatic Aberration Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid 百進制 以測鏈量得的距離 色差 Clarke 1866 橢圓體 Where values are expressed in decimal system by hundreds (centum). Method to measure distance, often corresponding to the centre of a straight road. Chainage Defects in lens where it results in the failure to focus. Reference ellipsoid used as a basis for North American Datum 1927 (NAD27), it is based on measurements taken in Europe, India, Peru, Russia, and South Africa. Class 級別 Class in survey refers to the planned and/or achieved precision in the survey network, affect by: 1) Survey Design 2) Survey Practice 3) Equipment 4) Adjustment/Reduction Method 120

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Closed Traverse 閉合導線 Traverses that are mathematically closed but can be geometrically opened or closed and must start and end on a point with high order of positional accuracy. Collimation Error 視準誤差 Type of systematic error, it is the angular difference between the line of sight and the horizontal. Common Law 普通法 Law developed by judges through previous similar cases at courts and tribunals. Case Law Compass Rule 羅盤儀法則 See Definition on Bowditch Traverse Adjustment. Bowditch Rule, Bowditch Traverse Adjustment Condominium Survey 產權測量 Type of Cadastral Survey. Conflict of Interest 利益衝突 Situation where aims and concerns are incompatible. Constrained Adjustment Constrained Triangulation Construction Surveys 約束平差 限制性三角剖分 施工測量 Adjustment for field measurements where Least Squares is performed onto measurement network. Generalization of Delaunay Triangulation, it can contain edges that do not satisfy Delaunay conditions. Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Surveys for control of dimensions of construction (e.g. horizontal position, elevation, grade, etc ). 121

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Contract Law 合約法 Agreement enforceable by law, takes into account mutual assent, considerations, capacity and legality. Contract Liability 合同規定的義務 Obligations under contract. Control Network 控制網 A set of reference points with known coordinates/positions of high order (high degree of accuracy and precision). Control, Survey Control Network Control Point 控制點 Points that have pre-established positioning with high degree of accuracy and precision. Type: 1) Ground Control Point 2) Map Control Point 3) Photo Control Point Benchmark Control Survey 控制測量 Surveys to establish control point (reference framework). Coplanarity 共面性 Where a set of points exists on the same geometric plane. Coplaning 共面性 Alignment procedure to set out underground works. Crosshair 十字絲 Lines in telescope for targeting sights. Stadia Hairs, Stadia Lines, Stadia Marks Cultural Landscape 文化地景 Landscape as defined by human influences (e.g. cultivated land). Curvature (Error) 曲率 The difference between the line of collimation and level line during levelling, it affects height measurements and can be more apparent over long distances. 122

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Cyclic Error 周期誤差 Error in EDM directly related to wavelengths, its magnitude is dependent on the phase difference. Cylindrical Coordinate 圓柱坐標 3D coordinate system that specifies point positions from a chose reference axis, specified by: radial distance (radius), angular coordinate measured from azimuth, height (r, θ, z). Datum 基準 Standard position for reference. Datum Shift 大地基準變換 Difference in coordinates between datums. Declination 偏角 Angle between Magnetic North and True North. 123

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Deflection Angle 偏轉角 Horizontal angular deviation from straight line. + value = Clockwise direction - value = Counter clockwise direction Deflection of Vertical 垂直偏轉 Vertical departure of ellipsoid with respect to geoid. Demarcation 分界 Dividing line, boundary limit. Detail Survey 細部測量 Survey used to determine and locate features (both man-made and natural depending on purpose of survey) on parcels of land/plots/property. Differential Levelling 逐差水準測量 Establishing difference in elevation between two or more points using a specified datum. Digital Level 數字水準儀 Levelling instrument capable of electronically scanning a coded staff, allowing data to be automatically collected, has automatic compensators. Direct Observation 直接觀察 Observations/measurements taken on site through instruments. Disto 雷射測距儀 Refectorless EDM to measure distance in short range. Dumpy Level 定鏡水準儀 Levelling instrument with rigid connection between the vertical spindle and telescope (cannot adjust tilt). Builder's Auto Level Easement 地役權 Non-possessory right/grant/agreement by law given to person(s) to use another's land for a specific purpose (e.g. right-of-way) 124

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Easting 經距 Coordinates in the Eastward direction on gridded coordinate systems. Electronic Distance Measurement Electronic Laser Level Electronic Theodolite 電子測距 電子激光水準儀 電子經緯儀 Electronic/optical instrument that uses EM waves to measure angles and can calculate slope distances. Total Station, Total Station Theodolite Generally a control tool that uses either visible laser or invisible IR light to help establish elevation in construction and engineering projects; not commonly used for differential levelling. Precision instrument for angular measurements in horizontal and vertical plane. EDM, Digital Theodolite, Total Station Elevation 海拔高度 Height of a point above Geoid. Orthometric Height Ellipsoidal Height 橢球面高 Height of a point above ellipsoid. Geodetic Height Ellipsoidal/Geodet ic Coordinate 大地坐標 Orthogonal coordinate system using a reference ellipsoid to approximate figure of the Earth, most often used for performing computations. Geodetic Coordinate Encumbrance 產權負擔 Legal right, liability and interest in the property. Estoppel 禁止反言 Legal claim to right of use of property. 125

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Existing Information 已有資料 Information regarding the survey area from drawings, plans and maps made by credible sources, often by local government, but may not be up-to-date. Face 面 Face of the instrument is where the sights (within the telescope) are aligned, either Face Left or Face Right during the reading on a theodolite. Foresight 前視 Final observed height measurement on the level run in a single setup. Geocentric Coordinate Geocentric Latitude 地心坐標 地心緯度 Earth-centred coordinate system defined as Cartesian (X, Y, Z). Latitude with centre of Earth as reference. Geodesy 測地學 Science of measuring and understanding of Earth's geometry and geometric shapes, orientation in space and positioning of points on its surface. Geodetic Control Network Geodetic Coordinate 測地控制網 大地坐標 A network of pre-established points that are physically marked and are precisely located and documented, they form a base to which coordinates can reference into. A set of reference points used for positioning as defined by WGS84. Ellipsoidal Coordinate, Geodetic Datum Geodetic Height 大地高 See Definition on Ellipsoidal Height. Ellipsoidal Height Geodetic Latitude 大地緯度 See Definition on Latitude. Geocentric Latitude, Geographic Latitude, Latitude Geodetic Survey 大地測量 Branch of surveying of the highest order to establish position using various means (e.g. GPS). 126

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Geographic Coordinate System Geographic Phenomena Geoidal Height Geometric Transformation 地理坐標系統 地理現象 大地水準面高 幾何變換 Often using Latitude, Longitude and Elevation as units, it is a system to enable positioning and locating points on Earth's surface by a set of values. An occurrence observed in nature (e.g., trees, hills, rivers, etc ). Difference between Geodetic Height and Orthometric Height. Geoidal Separation Conversion/Rectification of coordinates between coordinate systems based on control points and transformation equations. Georeferencing 地理配準 Process of assigning spatial coordinates to a point with reference to a pre-existing coordinate system. Georegistration 地理配準 See Definition on Georeferencing. Georeferencing Global Datum 世界水平基準面 Positional data on reference system best fitted globally, often using WS84 reference system. Gradient 梯度 Physical feature of landscape defined by the Tangential angle of the horizontal, can be expressed in degrees, percentage or meters depending on circumstances and use. Angle of Incline, Grade, Incline, Pitch, Rise, Slope, Tilt 127

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Graticule 經緯線網 Visible horizontal and vertical reference lines on a telescope. Cross-hairs, Diaphragm, Reticule Grid Bearing 方格方向角 Type of Bearing, defined by the grid meridian and dependent on the projection coordinate system in use. Projection Bearing Grid Coordinate System 網格坐標系統 Coordinates based on an Origin (O), located at the extreme south and west of the area, with the denotation of Easting (E) and Northing (N). Grid North 方格北 Navigational directionality of North as defined along grid lines of map projection, it may not equal to True North or Magnetic North. Gross Error 總誤差 See Definition on Human Error. Blunder, Human Error, Mistake, Personal Error Ground Control Point 地面控制點 High order known points on Earth's surface generally used for georeferencing, a reference point precisely located on the ground as well as the image/map. Ground Survey 地面測量 Surveys made with ground-based equipment (i.e. Total Stations, Automatic Level) on ground features. Terrestrial Survey 128

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Gunter's Chain 甘特鏈 Measuring device used for land survey, it is a measuring chain of 100 links. 1 Chain = 20.12m = 2012cm = 20120mm (1 Chain = 66ft = 792inch) 1 Link = 0.2012m = 20.12cm = 201.2mm (1 Link = 0.66ft = 7.92inch) Gunter's measurement, Surveyor's measurement Gyroscope 迴轉儀 Device used to provide stability or maintain a reference direction in navigation systems. Gyrotheodolite 方位儀 Combination of Theodolite and Gyroscope, it is a measuring instrumentation to determine precise true azimuth. Height 高度 Vertical distance. Types: 1) Ellipsoidal Height 2) Geodetic Height 3) Geoidal Height 4) Orthometric Height 5) Spot Height Height Collimation Method 高度準直方法 Booking method for levelling using height of instrument. Method of Height Collimation Helmert Transformation Hong Kong 1980 Grid Helmert 變換 香港 1980 網格 Used in geodesy, it is a mathematical process to apply rotation, scaling and translation onto coordinates. Based on HK80 datum, it is a territorial grid constructed on the Transverse Mercator Projection. 129

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Hong Kong Chart Datum Hong Kong Principal Datum 香港海圖基準面 香港主水平基準 Referred sea depths of Hong Kong, situated at 1.38m below Mean Sea Level. Referred land levels for Hong Kong, situated at 1.23m below Mean Sea Level. Horizontal Control 水平控制 It is established through survey of measuring horizontal distances and angles to maintain horizontality of traverse survey. Horizontal control points 平面控制點 Points' real positions are known exactly in some XY coordinate systems. Horizontal Datum 水平基準面 Collection of points on Earth with identified position defined in North-South direction and East-West direction. Human Errors 人為錯誤 Errors incurred by observer causing inaccuracy in measurements, which can be minimized through multiple observations or strict procedures. Blunders, Mistakes, Personal Errors Hydrographic Survey Hyperbolic Navigation Indirect Observation 水文測量 雙曲線導航 間接觀測 Surveys to define shoreline and water depths in water bodies (e.g. lake, streams, reservoirs, oceans, etc ). Positioning method using radio signals transmitted by two different stations, where the difference in received signals is calculated and recorded, the locations with same amount of time differences are plotted as a line. Where measurements cannot be directed observed (taken) through instruments and has to be determined through relationships of other observed values. Industrial Survey 工業測量 Surveys of low tolerance measurements made in manufacturing processes. Alternatives: Optical Alignment, Optical Tooling Intermediate Sight 間視 Readings of height measurement after the Backsight towards other points of interest (with the exception of the final point/bm) during the level run in a single setup. 130

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Intersection 交會 Opposite of Resection, it is the method of determining position of an unknown point by fixing its relative position from two or more known points. Land Administration 土地行政 System and processes for governing land, the way in which land tenure rules are applied and operated. Land Deed 地契 Written document to record transfer of ownership of land. Land Grants 土地出讓金 Grant of public land or its privileges by the governing authority. Land Surveying 土地測量 The technique and science to accurately determine position of points. Land Tenure 土地租用 Within common law system, it defines the individuals (owners) who hold ownership of the land. Land Title 土地業權 Proof of ownership and rights over land. Lead Lines (Hydro- Survey) 測錘繩 Lines with graduated depth-markings to aid in the collection of hydrographic data. Level Reduction 歸化高程 Method for calculating and booking height data. Type: 1) Height of Collimation Method 2) Rise-Fall Method Level Adjustment Levelling Instruments Line of Collimation 水準儀 視準線 Telescopic instruments that can take height readings with the aid of a graduated rod. Type: 1) Dumpy Level 2) Tilting Level 3) Automatic Level 4) Digital Level Imaginary line through optical centre of telescope. Line of Sight 視線 Tangent to the level line, it is the line of observation through the crosshair. 131

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Linear Misclosure 線性閉合差 Often present in Traverse, they are errors accumulated in the horizontal angle, which can be mathematically adjusted and/or eliminated. Link Traverse 相連導線 Type of Traverse, where lines (runs) may start and end at different points (geometrically open but mathematically closed) but both points are required to have a high degree of positional accuracy. Local Datum 地方基準點 Datum for known points using local reference, generally modelled as a spheroid to closely fit Earth's surface at a particular (local) area. Localization 本地化 Process of transforming positional data from a global reference frame to local reference frame. Loop Misclosure 閉合差 Often referred to as the error incurred in a closed level run or closed traverse. Misclosure Error Lot Boundary 地界 Physical position of limit of land as exemplified on Land Title. Legal Boundary Magnetic Bearing 磁方位 Type of Bearing, defined by compass reading based on magnetic field of the Earth (magnetic meridian) which may vary with locality and time. Magnetic Declination Magnetic Meridian 磁偏角 磁子午線 The variation of the angle between the magnetic north and true north. Magnetic Variation Meridian/Great Circle passing through North and South magnetic poles. Magnetic North 磁北 Direction of North as depicted on a compass needle or a freely suspending magnet. Map Control Point 地圖控制點 A reference point precisely located on the ground and on both a map and the photo. Mean Sea Level 平均海平面 Average height for sea surfaces. 132

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Measured Distance 實測距離 Distance measurements observed through instruments. Direct Observations, Observed Distance Metes & Bound 邊界節點 A system for describing the boundary of land/property/lots through landmarks, where Metes are straight measurements between points with an orientation/direction, and Bounds are general boundary descriptions. Method of Repeated Alignment 間接測距 Method of alignment where there is no visibility between two points along a survey line. Indirect Ranging Mine Survey 礦區測量 Underground surveys for tunnelling and underground operations. National Grid 國家網格 A system of geographical coordinates, for the use in maps, managed by the Country to standardize positioning. Northing 向北縱坐標 Coordinates in the Northward direction on gridded coordinate systems. Object Space Coordinate System Observation Errors 物空間坐標系 觀察誤差 A Cartesian system used to locate features and points presented in the image in the object space, a three-dimensional region covered by photograph. Errors occurred during observations. Type: 1) Natural Errors 2) Instrumental Errors 3) Human Errors Observations 觀察值 Measurements taken through instrumentations. Types: 1) Direct Observations 2) Indirect Observations Offset 偏移 Lines set often at right angles to the main survey line, towards other features, they are short measurements done using a tape. Alternatives: Tie 133

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Open Traverse 展開導線 Traverses that are both geometrically and mathematically open, which may not have to start and end on a point with high order of positional accuracy. Order 等級 Order in survey refers to the degree of precision and accuracy achieved during survey, they are often the Standards to a survey. Ordnance Datum 法定基準面 Positional data given to a relational datum (i.e. Mean Sea Level) that has a high degree of precision and accuracy often used for control. Original Survey 原始調查 Type of Cadastral Survey, used to establish boundary and demarcation on unsurveyed areas of land. Orthometric Height 正高 See Definition on Elevation. Elevation Ownership 所有權 Right of possession. Perpendicular Distances 垂直距離 Length of line at right angles to the survey line. Distance Phase Comparison 相位比較 Signal used by EDM to determine distance through the time phase difference between transmitting and receiving signal. Photo Control Point 照片控制點 A reference point precisely located on the ground and on two adjacent photos. Plane Coordinate 平面坐標 Coordinate system designated on a particular plane of reference. Plane Survey 平面測量 Surveying of small area of Earth's surface, taken that Earth's surface is flat (i.e., on the horizontal plane). Planimeter 面積儀 Instrument for measuring area of a plane figure. Plumb Line 鉛垂線 Line extended at vertical in the direction of gravity. 134

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Polar Coordinates 極坐標 A point (P) in the system is recorded with the distance (d) and angle (θ) from the point of origin (O), taking into consideration the chosen reference direction (R). Polygon Traverse Precise Levelling Projected Coordinates Quadrantal Bearing 多邊導線測量 精密水平測量 投影坐標 象限角 Type of Traverse, where lines (runs) return to starting point forming a closed figure (geometrically and mathematically closed). Refined technique of levelling that uses precise instruments to ensure precision of work, where greater accuracy is possible. Measurement of location expressed in 2D system, which is based on a geographic coordinate system. Type of Bearing, defined as an angle between 0ᵒ to 90ᵒ from North/South direction (line of reference/reference meridian). Reduced Bearing 135

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Quality of Observation 觀察質量 Generally affected by procedures, environment and adjustment methods used both on and off site, it affects the precision and accuracy of overall outcome. Radiation 輻射 The measuring of angles at distances from a fixed control station. Radial Traversing Rangefinder 測距儀 Hand held laser instruments for single measurements, mainly used indoors or for measurements that does not require a high order of accuracy. Ranging 測距 Process of determining distance between locations. Chainage, Lateration Reciprocal Levelling 對向水準測量 Surveying method between two points at great distances, where height measurements are taken at both directions to eliminate possible atmospheric and curvature errors. Record Drawings 竣工圖 Record of survey and/or field drawings. Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐標 Cartesian Coordinate See Definition on Cartesian Coordinate. Reduced Bearing 象限角 See Definition on Quadrantal Bearing. Quadrantal Bearing 136

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Reduced Level 折算水平高 Levels of points calculated through Levelling adjustment, where levels of points are reduced (referred) to a datum. Redundant Observation 多餘觀測 Observations/measurements taken in addition to specified number of measurements in a survey to strengthen the network. Degrees of Freedom Reference Point 參考點 Point with positional data (coordinates) of high order (high degree of accuracy and precision) for use of reference and adjustment of subsequent points in the survey. Reflector Constant 反射常量 Constant given to the difference in the centring of the instrument (geometric centre) over a location and the electronic centre of the instrument. Regional Area 區域 Area of land having a definable characteristic but may not be bound by physical or fixed boundaries. Regions Resection (2- /3- Point) Retracement Survey 後方交會 回調測量 Opposite of Intersection, it is a method of determining position of a point through observations and measurements to three other points of known coordinates/position. Surveys to recover (re-discover) previously establish property/lot boundary. 137

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Rise-And-Fall 升降 Booking method for levelling using rise-fall of position. Sag 垂曲線 Caused by the gravitational force exerted onto measuring tape over long distances, it can cause errors in reading horizontal distances. Catenary Satellite Survey 衛星測量 Surveys on ground features using Remote Sensing/Photogrammetric techniques. Aerial Survey Setting-out survey 放樣測量 Survey used to set out exact position of structures within the legal boundary of land/plot/parcel/property, mainly used in construction of new buildings. Set-Out Survey Sketch 草圖 Drawings of survey done on site. 138

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Solar Survey 日照測量 Surveys to map solar effects on property (i.e. solar easements, sub obstruction). Spherical Aberration Spherical Coordinate System 球面像差 球坐標系統 Defects caused by the lens in telescope preventing the focusing of light rays. Coordinate system for 3D space specified by three numbers: radial distance from point of origin, polar angle measured from zenith, azimuth angle at orthogonal projection (r, θ, ϕ). Spot Heights 標高點 Height/altitude of a point as shown on a map. Spot Elevation Stadia Mark 視距線 Marks set at a specific distant apart (Stadia Constant) on the telescope. Crosshair Subdivision 分割 Act of dividing land into parcels for urban planning. Subdivision Surveys 分割測量 Type of Cadastral Survey, used to establish ownership boundary for new lots/boundary. 139

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Survey Adjustment 測量平差 Mathematical processes of adjusting measurements from survey. Adjustment of Observations Survey Standards 測量標準 Control over accuracy and precision of survey data. Tacheometry 測距技術 A technique for rapid surveying to measure horizontal distances using height and angles observed through the Stadia lines on the telescope of a Level with the aid of a Staff. Stadia Temporary Bench Mark 臨時水準點 A control point set by a surveyor to base other points off of, it has an assigned elevation and only used to complete the survey. Terrain Surface 地形表面 Referring to the surface of physical features of the land (lay of land). Land Relief Surface Tilting Level 微傾水準儀 Instrument for Levelling, where telescope is not rigidly fixed onto the vertical spindle and can tilt slightly on the vertical plane about an axis. Titles (Lands) 產權 Official record of land ownership, can include information such as mortgages, covenants, caveats, and easements. Topographic Survey 地形測量 Surveys to determine locations of natural and/or man-made features to aid in map making. Topography 地形 Arrangement of physical features on Earth's surface. Total Station 全站儀 Common type of EDM, which incorporates a theodolite, for measurement in horizontal and vertical axis. Transit Rule 經緯儀法則 Rule for adjusting errors in Traverse, where errors of misclosure are distributed proportionally to ΔE and ΔN. 140

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Transition Curve 緩和曲線 Curve that has a constantly changing radius, generally used for connection between straight lines and curves. Traverse 導線測量 A ground surveying technique that requires a series of distance and angular measurements (runs/lines) are made to determine relative locations of points. Type: 1) Link Traverse 2) Polygon Traverse Dead Reckoning Triangulateration 三角三邊測量 Combination of Triangulation and Trilateration. Triangulation 三角測量 A method of control surveying for establishing horizontal control using geometric figures composed of triangles and a limited number of baselines. Trigonometric Levelling 三角水平測量 Technique for determining height difference by measuring vertical angles and horizontal distance. Trilateration 三邊測量 Method for horizontal control survey based on horizontal distance observations. 141

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying True Meridian 真子午線 The imaginary line of intersection through North and South Pole, and the origin of Earth's axes on the actual surface. True North 真北 North according to Earth's axis, Direction of North along the Earth's surface towards the North Pole. Geodetic North True Vertical 真垂线 Direction of gravity, direction of plumb line. Two-Peg Test 二次定樁檢測 Testing method for checking accuracy and precision of levelling equipment. 142

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Land Surveying Two-way Ranging 雙向測距 Calculation of distance by measuring the time taken for the signal to travel from the transmitter to the object, which is reflected, and back again by comparing the phase difference between the transmitted signal with return signal. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System 麥卡托投影坐標系 A type of conformal projection uses a 2- dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to determine locations on the surface of the Earth with the divided 60 zones, each a 6-degree band of longitude, of the Earth. Vertical Control 高程控制 Points with known elevation, which has been established with a certain order of precision and accuracy. Basic Control, Level Control Vertical Datum 高程基準 Reference datum for vertical elevation reference. Whole-Circle Bearing 全圓方向角 Type of Bearing, defined by the clockwise angle from 0ᵒ to 360ᵒ between the directions of North to Point of Interest. Zenith 天頂 Vertical Angle. 143

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Aggregation 聚集 The collection/gathering of data to represent a concept. Algorithm 算法 Procedure/rule/formula to be followed in calculations for problem-solving. Average 平均 Quantity for expressing the central/most typical value of dataset, calculated by dividing sum of values of numbers in dataset. Mean Binomial Distribution 二項式分佈 Frequency of distribution where possible number of successful outcome is based on the same probability of success. Probability Distribution Centroid 質心 Exact geometric centre of an object. Chaos Theory 混沌理論 Study on the behaviour of dynamic systems, where and accumulation of minor events can have a large impact. Chi-square Distribution 卡方分布 A probability distribution, the goodness to fit between the observed and the expected. χ²-distribution, Chi-square Chi-square Test 卡方檢定 A statistical hypothesis test on sampling distribution. χ² Test Circumscribed Circle 外接圓 Circle that passes through the vertices of the polygon the Circumscribed Circle belonged to. Circumcircle Coefficient Matrix 係數矩陣 Matrix consisting of coefficients of variables in a set of linear equations. 144

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Collinearity 共線性 A property of a set of points that lies on a single line. Compound Curve 複曲線 Combination of two or more circular curves. Confidence Interval 可靠區間 Range of values that lies within a specific set of probability. Confidence Limits 可信限度 Extreme values of Confidence Interval. Degree of Confidence Constant Coefficient 常數係數 Functions that contains only constant functions and no other functions of independent variables. Difference Operators, Differential Operators Constants Matrix 常數矩陣 Matrix where all entries are constant. Convergence Angle 收斂角 Angle measured from the meridian (true north) to a vertical grid line (grid north). Correlation 相關性 Relationship between two (or more) pieces of data/values. Correlation Analysis 相關分析法 Related to Pearson's R, it is an analysis on the strength of association between values where: 0 = no relationship +1 = positive relationship -1 = negative relationship Correlation Coefficient Covariance 協方差 Mutual dependence of values Covariance structures 協方差結構 Structures for modelling the potential for correlation between measurements. Covariance Matrix, Variance/Covariance Structure Decile 十分位數 Data set divided into 10 categories. 145

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Decimal Degree 十進制度數 Angular measurements in DMS specified by decimal fractions of Latitude and Longitude. Decimal Places 小數位 Number of digits after decimal point. Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) Delaunay Triangulation Descriptive Statistics Differential Calculus 度, 分, 秒 Delaunay 三角剖分 描述性統計 微分學 1 Degree = 60 Minutes 1 Minutes = 60 Seconds 1 Full circle = 360ᵒ Triangulation method for any set of points, where it minimizes the number of small angles and circumscribed circles. Number used to summarize and describe data/information. Branch of mathematics concerned with application of derivatives and differentials. Eccentricity 離心率 Deviation from circularity. Ellipsoid 橢圓體 A closed quadric surface and three-dimensional analogue of an ellipse. The earth is simply regarded as an ellipsoid. Equiangularity 等角 Angles of each corner within an object are equal. Euclidean Space 歐氏空間 A special measurement space, which encompasses the two-dimensional Euclidean plane, the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, and certain other spaces. 146

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Exponential Function 指數函數 Natural exponential function e x, where e is Euler's number, a number (approximately 2.718281828) such that the function e x is its own derivative. Exterior Angles 外角 Angles outside of closed polygon. f-distribution F- 分佈 A continuous probability distribution which is used for testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance. Frequency Curve 頻率曲線 A smooth curve indicates the limiting case of a histogram computed for a frequency distribution of a continuous distribution when the number of data points becomes very large. Fuzzy Set Gaussian Distribution Gaussian Elimination 高斯分佈 高斯消去法 Collection of elements defined by degree of membership, grading members on a continuous scale that members can have partial and/or uncertainty in their membership. A continuous probability distribution presents the probability that any real observation will fall between any two real limits or real numbers, as the curve approaches zero on either side. An algorithm used to solve systems of linear equations. Geoid 大地水準面 A model of global mean sea level, used to measure precise surface elevations. Geoid Undulation 大地水準面波動 The distance between the mean sea level and the height provided by WGS84 coordinate system, which uses the ellipsoid as reference. Graph Theory 圖論 The study of graphs, used to present relations between objects by mathematical structures. G-Test G- 測試 Test of goodness, likelihood of statistical significance, measure of variation of data from an ideal prediction. 147

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Histogram 直方圖 A type of graphical representation of data distribution to estimate the probability of a continuous variable. Hyperbola (Hyperbolic curve) Hyperbolic Function (Inverse Hyperbolic Function) 雙曲線 雙曲線函數 Smooth curve on a plan defined by geometric equations for which there is a solution set. Analogy of the ordinary trigonometric or circular functions. Interior Angles 內角 Angles observed within a closed polygon. Inverse Matrix 逆矩陣 In linear algebra, if an n*n square matrix B can be expressed by an invertible n*n square matrix A with the following expression: AB=BA=I n, then the matrix B is the inverse of A. Inverse Transformation Inverse Trigonometric Functions 逆轉換 反三角函數 A transformation T: X Y is invertible if there is a transformation S: Y X satisfying ST = id X, and TS = id Y. Inverse functions of trigonometric functions. Type: 1) Arcsine (arcsin) 2) Arccosine (arccos) 3) Arctangent (arctan) 4) Arccotangent (arccot) 5) Arcsecant (arcsec) 6) Arccosecant (arccsc) Cyclometric Functions 148

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Lagrange Correlation (Lagrange Polynomial) Lagrange Interpolation Laplace Correction Lagrange 相關 Lagrange 插值 Laplace 校正 Method for polynomial interpolation in numerical analysis. Lagrange Polynomial, Method of Correlates N th degree polynomial approximation formula to function (f(x)) which has discrete points/values. Technique used to smooth categorical data. Additive smoothing, Lidstone Smoothing Least squares 最小二乘法 A standard approach to approximate solution of overdetermined system minimizing the sum of the squared of error made in each single equation. Least squares adjustment L'Hopital's Rule 最小二乘法平差 L'Hopital 法則 An adjustment performed in order to eliminate the inconsistency of overdetermined system. Uses derivatives to help evaluate limits involving indeterminate forms. Linear Functions 線性函數 A polynomial function of degree zero or one, or is the zero polynomial. Linear Interpolation Linear Regression Models Logarithmic Function 線性插值 線性回歸模型 對數函數 Method of curve fitting using 2 points of given coordinates (x 0, y 0 ) and (x 1, y 1 ). Modelling approach for the relationship between two variables, a scalar variable (y) and independent variable (x). The logarithm of a positive real number x with respect to base b, a positive real number not equal to 1[nb 1], is the exponent by which b must be raised to yield x. Mean 平均數 Mathematical average of the data set, may not be a value in the dataset. Arithmetic Mean, Average Mean Value Theorem 中值定理 Given that a planar arc between two endpoints, at least one point, which is tangent to the arc, is parallel to the secant through its end points. 149

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Median 中位數 The middle value in a set of data, may not be the dataset average. Metric 公制 International System of Units which was originally based on metre and kilogramme. Mode 众数 Most common value in the dataset. Moran's I Non-Linear Functions Normal distribution Moran's I 空間自相關 非線性函數 正態分佈 A type of measure of spatial autocorrelation which is characterized by a correlation in a signal with nearby location in space. In contrast to a linear function, the graph of function does not follow a straight line. Please see the description of Gaussian Distribution. Gaussian Distribution Normal Equations 標準方程 A measure used to minimizes the sum of the square differences between the left and right sides as followed: Null Hypothesis 虛無假設 Hypothesis where there are not significant differences in observations/sample and that any observed differences are due to errors and/or sampling. Outlier detection 異數探測 Used to detect and remove the outlier from other normal observations. Outliers 異數 An observation point which is distinct from other observations. Pappus' Theorem Pappus 定理 Given three points a, b, c on a line, and three points A,B,C on another line, then three intersection points of the follow pair (aa, Bb),(Ab, cc),(bb, Ca) are collinear. 150

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Parabolic Curve (& Computation) 雙曲線 A two-dimensional and mirror-symmetrical curve. Pearson's R Pearson 相關係數 A measure of linear correlation between two variables (X, Y) given between +1 and -1 where: 0 = no correlation +1 = positive correlation -1 = negative correlation PCC, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, PPMCC Percentile 百分位數 Data set divided into 100 parts/categories. Centile Polynomial Regression 多項式回歸 A form of linear regression presents the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y modelled as an nth degree polynomial. Polynomial Transformation 多項式變換 Consisting of computing the polynomial with a given function of the roots of polynomial, often used to simplify the solution of algebraic equations. Power Series 冪級數 An infinite series that is similar to a polynomial with infinite number of terms. 151

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Prismoidal Rule 棱柱體法則 Rule for calculating volume within a prismoid. Probability Distribution Pythagoras Theorem 概率分佈 勾股定理 See Description on Binomial Distribution. Binomial Distribution A relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle, a 2 + b 2 = c 2, where c represents the length of the hypotenuse and a, b represent the lengths of the triangle's other two sides. PZS Triangle 天文三角形 Pole-zenith-star triangle, a spherical triangle which lies on the celestial sphere and its vertices are the pole, the zenith, and the celestial body involved. 152

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Quadrangles 四邊形 A flat shape with four straight sides and each vertices of four are connected by the straight line. Quadratic Equation 一元二次方程 A second-order polynomial equation having the form ax 2 +bx+c=0, where x represents an unknown, and a, b, and c represent known numbers, a 0. Quadrats 樣區 Area spatial sampling units. Quantile 分位數 Data set divided into equal segments. Quartile 四分位數 Data set divided into 4 categories. Radian 弧度 The standard unit of angular measure, 1 radian 57.3 Random Sampling 隨機抽樣 Choosing subjects from a population through unpredictable means to achieve unbiased results. Ratio 比例 The relationship between two numbers of the same object. Regression 回歸 Find a function which is suitable for the provided data. Regression Diagnostic 回歸診斷分析 A procedure which is available for regression analysis used to seek to assess the validity of a model in any of a number of different methods. Regression Model 回歸模型 Interpolation method using a number of independent variables and dependent variables in a regression equation. Regular Sampling 規則抽樣 The continuous sampling at a given point. 153

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Right Angle 直角 An angle equal 90 Root Mean Square Error 均方根誤差 The square root of the mean of the square of sum of the error. Secant 割線 A line that intersects two points of the curve and cut the curve. Shape 形狀 The outline of an object. Significant Figure 有效數字 The significant figures are meaningful digits contributing to the precision of a number. Simpson's Rule Smoothing Algorithm Simpson 法則 平滑算法 Method for calculating (approximating) area under a curve. A kind of algorithm used to capture important pattern in the data by leaving the noise. Sphere 球面 A perfectly round geometrical and circular object in three-dimensional space which is like a completely round ball. Spiral Curve (& Computation) 螺旋曲線 Used to provide a gradual change in curvature and superelevation between tangent and curved section. Spline 條插值法 Polynomial function to approximate smooth curve. Standard Deviation 標準差 A measure used to quantify the amount of variation or distribution of a set of data values. Standard Error 標準誤差 See Definition on Standard Deviation. Standard Deviation Stochastic Error 隨機誤差 A term added to a regression equation to introduce all variations in Y that cannot be explains, including the Xs. Stochastic Model 隨機模型 Mathematical model that takes into account randomness in variables. Stratified Sampling 分層抽樣 Usually used in census and population surveys, it is a process for dividing the full survey area into stratas (sub-regions with population of similar characteristics) then sampling the subregions in proportion to its contribution to the overall picture. 154

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Tangent 切線 A line just touching the curve at a given point. Taylor Series Taylor 級數 A representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point. t-distribution T 分佈 A kind of probability distribution which is used to estimate the mean of a normal distribution when the sample size is small and/or standard deviation is unknown. Teitz Heuristic 啟發式算法 See Description on Bart Heuristic. Bart Heuristic, Teitz-Bart Heuristic Transects 穿越線 Line spatial sampling units. Trapezoidal rule 梯形法則 Method for area calculation, where area bounded by survey line and boundary is divided into a number of small equal parts of a specific length. 155

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Mathematics Trigonometric Functions 三角函數 Functions of an angle, relating angles of a triangle to length of sides. Types: 1) Sine (sin) 2) Cosine (cos) 3) Tangent (tan) 4) Cotangent (cotan/cot) 5) Secant (sec) 6) Cosecant (cosec/csc) Circular Functions Variance 方差 Square of standard deviation, a measure of spread of data. Variance- Covariance (Matrix) 變異數協方差 The matrix of variance, a measure of the variability in a set of data, and covariance, a measure of the extent to which corresponding elements from two sets of data. Variation Ratio 變動比 Measure of statistical dispersion in nominal variables, a representation of the distribution of Mode. Voronoi Polygons Weighted Matrix (Weighted Mean) Voronoi 多邊形 加權矩陣 A polygon inside consists of all points in the plane which are closer to a particular lattice point than to others, A weighing matrix of order n, for example, and weight w. 156

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany Accessibility 可達性 1) The concept of how accessible an object, location, facility is for a person. 2) In spatial analysis, it refers to the measurement of the spatial relationship between two objects. Bedding 底層 Bottom layer of material to help with construction/foundation/building. Bona Fide 善意 Done in good faith, with sincerity and honesty. Bottom-up Approach 由下而上的方式 Approach to design and implementation, where implementation starts from the base of the organization or where design is dictated from the bottom tiers of the organization. Built Environment 人造環境 Man-made (cultivated) space/environment where people live, work, play and interact on a daily basis. Man-made environment Built-up Areas 建成區 Areas where development is present and has reached a certain density. Bulking 脹大 Increase in volume of earthworks after excavation. Calibration 校正 A measurement to compare or correct the difference between a given instrument and real situation. Carbon Footprint 碳足跡 Amount of Carbon Dioxide released into the air as a result of activities. Critical-Path 臨界路徑 Longest sequence of (critical) activities/tasks which must be completed for project to be completed on time. Cut-and-Fill 積蝕作用 Earth moving process of construction, where materials from cut matches materials required to fill embankments. Data Logger 資料記錄器 Device to record data over time or location via external instruments and/or sensors. Datalogger, Data Recorder Dredging 清淤 To bring up materials from seabed/riverbed. 157

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany Earthworks 土方工程 Process of moving parts of Earth's surface (e.g. soil, rock). Ecology 生態學 Interaction of and between various elements/organism/objects in the environment. Efficiency 效率 Extent of time, effort, cost and/or resources used for a function/process/task. Environmental Impact Assessment 環境影響評估 Assessment on how construction/structures/ alterations affect natural habitats (i.e. the natural environment, urban environment, cultural environment). Falsework 模板 Temporary structures of support for building during construction phase. Flow Conveyance 流運輸 Movement/transportation of liquid. Formwork 模板 Temporary moldings/structures for materials to be set into (e.g. pouring of concrete). GANTT Charts 甘特圖 Graphical charts for project management. Gazetteer 地名目錄 Geographical dictionary, containing list of geographical names and terms, used with a map. General Systems Theory 通用系統理論 Study of Systems in general; attempt to describe/model the real world phenomena into a set of structured processes and networks. Systems Theory Groundwater 地下水 Sub-surface water in soil pore spaces or between rock formations. Heuristic 試探法 Process/method/technique for a particular task/function. 158

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany High Precision SHORAN 高精度測距導航系統 Intercontinental system to connect datums across nations, terrestrial positioning systems using EM signals. Hydraulic Radius 水力半徑 A measure for efficiency of flow in a channel. Instrument Calibration 儀器校正 Process to establish and maintain accuracy of instrument, minimizing potential systematic errors in observations/measurements. Calibration Land Cover 土地覆蓋 Physical material and/or features covering the surface of the Earth (e.g., grass, asphalt, trees, water, etc ). Land use 土地利用 Categorization of land according to use (e.g. agricultural, residential, and commercial), the usage of land related to the human activities or economic functions in a specific area, like urban use, residential use. Land use/land cover mapping Location-based Services 土地利用 / 土地覆盖图 基於位置服務 Mapping resulted from classifying raw satellite data into "land use and land cover" (LULC) categories based on the return value of the satellite image. Computer programs/applications with real-time location enabled to allow for provision of information/services to the client. Type: 1) Query-based 2) Push-based Mobile-based Services Network 網絡 Group/System of interconnected objects/elements of interest (i.e., people, points, line information, computers). Operation 操作 Function/process performed. Plant (Construction) Professional Liability 工場 專業責任 Machines aiding in the process of construction. Legal obligation rising from the professionals' action (or inaction). Professional Indemnity 159

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany Program Evaluation and Review Technique 計劃評核技術 Project management tool to evaluate and visualize project paths and critical paths. PERT Quality Assurance 質量保證 Maintaining desired level of quality as indicated by industry standards. Quality Control 質量控制 Process of measuring quality of work, maintaining standards as set by industry. Regional Planning 區域規劃 Placement of infrastructure, settlement growth and land-use allocation for a larger regional area. Root Definition 根定義 Statement of purpose for project, describing the need and reason for the project. Scope 範圍 The extent of investigation. Scope of Works Short Range Navigation 短程導航 Type of terrestrial positioning based on towers using EM signals. Shrinkage 收縮 Decrease in volume of earthworks after deposition and compaction. Smart cities 智能城市 Cities that integrate digital technologies to improve overall health of city (e.g. inhabitant's wellbeing, management of resource consumptions). Social Impact Assessment 社會影響評估 Methodology for reviewing social effects from development projects. Space 空間 An area/expanse. Stakeholders 利益相關者 Parties/People with vested interest in the project/location. 160

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany Standards 標準 Certain level of quality as described by industry. Statutory Liability 法定責任 Liability of the party held responsible for actions or omissions due to related law. Sub-struction 底部構造 Underlying structure or supporting part during fabrication. Sustainability 持續性 Ability to sustain, to have long-term support. System 系統 A set of interacting components that forms a whole, has a defined boundary and is surrounded by an environment. Temporary Works 臨時工程 Works that are part of construction process used to help with building permanent works, they are removed after use (e.g., falsework, formwork, support, etc ). Terra Nullius 无主土地 International Law describing territory/land belonging to no one, never subjected to sovereignty or occupation. Thermocline 熱溫層 Where there is an abrupt change in gradient of temperature in water. Top-Down Approach 自上而下方式 Approach to design and implementation, where implementation starts from the top of the organization or where design is dictated from the top tiers of the organization. Tort 侵權行為 Infringement of right causing suffering/loss/harm, can result in legal liabilities. Units of Measurement 量度單位 Method of quantifying. Urban Area 市區 Area with high human population and manmade structures in comparison to surrounding area. Urban Planning 城市規劃 Process concerned with urban design, placement of infrastructure and support to urban growth. City Planning, Regional Planning, Town Planning 161

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Miscellany Urban Settlement 都市聚落 Man-made settlement of human inhabitance. Urban Area Viewshed 視域 Area and objects visible from a specific point. Waterfall Model 瀑布模型 System Life Cycle management technique, a linear approach to managing the development and implementation of an IT solution. Watershed 分水嶺 Area of land where all surrounding water drains into. Zoning 分帶 Legal process where areas of land use/development are controlled, regulations are imposed on the level of development (e.g. building envelop, building functions, etc., ). 162

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Acceleration 加速度 Rate of change of velocity over time. Acoustic Wave (Signal) Alternating Current 聲波 交流電 Longitudinal waves travelling with the speed of sound (dependent on medium) with properties of diffraction, reflection and interference. Electric current that reverses direction of current at set regular intervals of time. Ambient Noise 環境噪音 Background sound (energy) at a given location. Background Noise Amplitude 波幅 Wave Property. Determines the 'Loudness' (energy) of the wave. Displacement Anallatic Lens 移準距點透鏡 Special type of Convex Lens fitted between eyepiece and object glass inside telescope, it is used to reduce stadia constant to zero. 163

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Atmosphere 大氣層 The layer of gas surrounding the Earth. Type: 1) Troposphere 2) Stratosphere 3) Mesosphere 4) Thermosphere 5) Exosphere Attenuation 衰減 Gradual loss of energy due to medium of transmission. Bandwidth 頻寬 Range of frequency in a given band. Analogue Bandwidth, Frequency Bandwidth, Radio Bandwidth Bit 位元 A Unit of Information, either 1 or 0 (binary system). Broadcast 廣播 EM wave transmitted across large geographical area. Bulk Modulus 體積彈性率 Reciprocal of Compressibility, the relative change in volume when pressure is applied uniformly over the surface. Volume Elasticity Byte 字節 A sequence of 8 binary digits to represent a single character. Capacitance 電容 Ability to store electric charge. 164

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Carrier Wave 載波通信 Electromagnetic wave modulated in frequency and/or amplitude to carry a signal. Concave Lens 凹透鏡 Light passing through the lens is spread, the distance between where light is originated to the lens is the Focal Length (commonly denoted by f). Diverging Lens, Negative Lens Conductivity 電導率 The degree of which a material can conduct electricity. Conductor 導電 Materials with the ability for electric flow. Convex Lens 凸透鏡 Lens that focus light beam to a single point, distance from the lens to focus point is the Focal Length (commonly denoted by f). Converging Lens, Positive Lens Coriolis Force 地球自轉偏向力 Force acting in the perpendicular direction to the direction of movement of a rotating mass. Current 電流 Rate of flow of charge at a certain point in the circuit. Electric Current 165

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Dark Current 暗電流 A continual current of electrons independent of incident light intensity and dependent on the temperature. Darcy's Law Darcy 定律 Law describing flow of fluid through porous medium. Decibel 分貝 Measure of intensity of sound or power level of electronic signals, the degree of loudness. db Dielectric Constant 介電常數 Quantifying the ability for a material to store electrical (electromagnetic) energy. Dielectric Material 介電材料 Material that does not conduct electricity (electric insulator) but can sustain an electric field (store electrical energy). Dielectric Diffraction 衍射 Wave Property. Occurs when wave encounters an obstacle or slit, where waves bend around the obstacle. Diffuse reflection 漫反射 The reflection of light from a surface such that an incident ray is reflected at many angles rather than at just one angle as in the case of specular reflection. Direct Current 直流電 Electric current flowing in one direction only. Directivity 指向性 Focus ability of the antenna. Doppler Effect 多普勒效應 Relative change in frequency of the wave in relation to the source. Doppler Shift Doppler Shift 多普勒頻移 See Definition on Doppler Effect. Doppler Effect Electrical Impedance Electromagnetic Detection 電阻抗 電磁檢測 Measure of opposition by the circuit on the current when voltage is applied. Measuring of EM field and EM radiation (for a specific wave or a broad spectrum) with the use of specialized detectors. 166

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Electromagnetic Spectrum 電磁頻譜 Range of possible wavelengths/frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Exosphere 外逸層 Outermost region of Earth's atmosphere. Faraday's Law Free-space Transmission Loss 法拉第電磁感應定律 自由空間傳輸損耗 Basic law on Electromagnetic Induction, law for predicting the interaction between electric circuit and a magnetic field (EMF). Loss of power in radio waves due to geometric spreading. Frequency 頻率 Wave Property. Measured in Hertz (Hz), it measures how many cycles are completed within one second. Frequency Harmonic 三次諧波 Component frequency of signal, the integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. Hertz 赫茲 Standard unit for the measure of frequency. Hydraulic Roughness 水力糙度 Measure of frictional resistance water (fluid) can experience when passing over features (e.g. land, channel). Incident angle 入射角 The angle between the incident Rader beam at the ground and the normal to the ground surface at the point of incidence. 167

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Insulator 絕緣體 Materials that hinders electric flow. Ionosphere 電離層 A layer of Earth's atmosphere with high concentration of ions and free electrons, it is able to reflect radio waves. K-Band 波段 A certain portion in the EM spectrum, either in the Microwave domain (mainly used for radar and satellite communications) or Infra-red domain (mainly used for astronomical observations). Laminar Flow 層流 Flow of liquid when it travels smoothly without turbulence. L-Band L 波段 1-2GHz range of the radio spectrum, used for satellite navigation, telecommunication, broadcasting and astronomy. Longitudinal Wave 縱向波 Wave where particles of medium move in parallel to the direction of the wave (i.e. sound waves). Compressional Wave, Compression Wave P- Wave Low Frequency Range 低頻範圍 Radio frequency in the range of 30kHz - 300kHz, has low signal attenuation suitable for longdistance communication. Mesosphere 中間層 Region between stratosphere and thermosphere, between the altitudes of 50km - 80km. Microwave 微波 A form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 1mm to 1m of the spectrum. Mid-IR 中红外 Middle infrared, a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 1.3 to 3 µm. 168

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Mie Scattering 米氏散射 Scatter of EM radiation by particles in the medium which are much larger/smaller than the wavelength. Clutter Multiplexing 多工處理 A method to pass multiple analogue message signals over a shared medium, generally used in telecommunications and computer networks to reduce costs. Fast-Multiplexing, Fast-Sequencing, Fast- Switching, Near infrared 近紅外 A form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 0.7 to 1.3 µm. Orbit Eccentricity 軌道偏心率 Parameter for determining deviation of orbit from a perfect circle, where: 0 = Circular Orbit 0-1 = Elliptical Orbit 1 = Parabolic/Escape Orbit 1+ = Hyperbola Orbit 169

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Parallax 視差 Displacement or difference in the apparent relative position of an object caused by a change of viewing position. Piezoelectric Effect 壓電效應 The ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress. Polarization 偏振 Wave Property. Only found in Transverse wave, where polarized waves only oscillates in a single direction. Polarisation Radio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) Rayleigh Scattering 雷達 瑞利散射 Method of using EM signals for measuring distances, it is split into various bands of various wavelengths. Type: 1) L-Band 2) S-Band 3) C-Band 4) X-Band 5) K-Band Scatter of EM radiation by particles in the medium which are smaller than wavelength. Refraction 折射 Wave Property. A change in speed of waves when travelling between different mediums (e.g. Air-to-water). 170

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Refractive Index 折射率 Value describing the change of light and/or other radiation when travelling from one medium to another. Index of Refraction Scintillation 閃爍 Fluctuation of amplitude and phase of wave when passing through a medium. Seismic Wave (Signal) 地震波 Generally produced using technologies that can generate a single pulse or a continuous sweep of energy, the signal has both reflective and refractive qualities and can travel through mediums such as water and/or layers of rocks. Snell's Law Snell 定律 Where angle of Incidence equals to angle of refraction. Law of Refraction, Snell-Descarte's Law Spectral Reflectance Spectral Sensitivity 光譜反射率 光譜靈敏度 The way which objects can reflect and/or absorb radiation. Spectral Response The relative efficiency of detection of radiation as a function of frequency or wavelength. Thermosphere 熱成層 Region of atmosphere between Exosphere and Mesosphere, where UV radiation causes ionization. 171

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Transducers 換能器 Device that converts signal from one form of energy to another. Transformer 變壓器 Device that can reduce/increase voltage of current. Transverse Wave 橫波 Wave where particles of medium move perpendicular to the direction of the wave (i.e. waves on water). Troposphere 對流層 Lowest region of Earth's atmosphere. Turbulent Flow 渦流 Liquid with chaotic changes in its characteristics as it flows. Underwater 水下聲學 Propagation of sound and sound qualities in Acoustics water. Velocity 速率 Speed at a given direction. Visible Spectrum 可見光譜 The portion of the EM spectrum with the range of wavelength from 390 to 700 nm that is visible to the human eye. Visible Light Wave Interference 波干擾 Wave Property. Where two or more wave combine to reinforce or cancel each other; the amplitude of the resulting wave is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the combining waves. Wave propagation 172

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Physics Wave Modulation 波調製 Where characteristics of a carrier wave is varied or selected according to another wave. Wave Reflection 波反射 Wave Property. Change in wave direction when waves strike a surface. Wavelength 波長 Wave Property. Distance between two points of a repeating wave. Wavelet 小波 Radiated short-pulse shapes. White Noise 白噪 Random (noise) signal containing many frequencies in equal intensities. Random Noise 173

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Absolute Orientation Absolute Temperature Absolute- Orientation Aerotriangulation Accuracy Assessment Acoustic Remote Sensing Across-Track Scanning Active Sensors 絕對定向 絕對溫度 絕對定向空中三角測量 精度評價 聲遙感 橫向掃描 有源傳感器, 主動式傳感器 Orientation of photo in the correct datum in the real world situation, scaled and set to the correct azimuth. The temperature of an object on a scale(k, Kelvin) where 0 is taken as absolute zero (- 273.15 C=0K). Photograph modelling method to solve 3D positioning problem by arranging photographs in a way that projection rays intersect and the coordinates of ground control points equal to the specified values. A measure used to assess the accuracy between known reference data and the corresponding result of classification. Remote Sensing Technique. Use of sound waves to detect distances/locations natural phenomena (objects) underneath water/land surfaces. (E.g. SONAR, Seismogram). A remote sensing scanning method using a rotating or oscillating mirror that scans the terrain along scan lines which are at right angles to the flight direction. A sensing device that both transmits and receives reflected signals for measurement. Active SONAR 主動聲納 Emits sound pulses and listens for echo for distance/location detection. 174

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Additive Colour Process 加色法 Mixing light of two or more different colours to create a new colour. Red, green and blue are called additive primaries. Aerial Triangulation Aerotriangulation Africover 航空三角測量 航空三角測量 非洲地被圖和地理數據庫 See Description on Aerotriangulation. Aerotriangulation Method of determining position of points (ground features) based on multiple aerial photographs. Ground Control Aerotriangulation, Aerial Triangulation The project established by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, a digital georeferenced databased on land cover of the whole Africa. Air Base 攝影基線 The ground distance between the photo centres at the times of exposure. Airborne Remote Sensing 航空遙感 Remote Sensing Technique. Sensors are mounted on airborne devices to record images/measurements for later processing. Airborne Scanning Airborne Scanning 航空掃描 See Description on Airborne Remote Sensing. Airborne Remote Sensing Aliasing 混疊 An effect results in different signals to become indistinguishable when sampled. 175

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Along-Track Scanning 沿跡掃描 A remote sensing method by means of a line of several fixed sensors which record reflected radiation from the terrain along the satellite's direction of movement, creating scan-line strips that are contiguous or that overlap slightly, thereby producing an image. Anaglyphic Viewing System Analytical Stereoplotter 立體觀看系統 解析型立體測圖儀 In a stereopair images, one photo is projected through a cyan filter and the other through a red filter. To determine the positions in a stereomodel through mathematical simulation of light ray projection. Aspect Ratio 縱橫比 The ration between pixel width and height. Atmospheric Windows 大氣窗口 The range of wavelength in which the atmosphere is particularly transmissive of energy. Band Ratio 光譜波段比 A digital image-processing technique to enhance contrast between features through dividing a measure of reflectance for the pixels in one image band by the other one. Banding 條帶噪聲 A type of systematic noise of image, caused by multispectral scanners that sweep multiple scan lines simultaneously. Bandpass Filter 帶通濾波器 Bandpass filter is used to block the wavelength exceeding a specific range. Bayesian Classifier 貝葉斯分類器 One of classification method which applies two weighting factors to the probability estimates and classifies the image. 176

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function 雙向反射分佈函數 A mathematical to describe how reflectance varies for all combinations of illumination and viewing angles at a known wavelength. Binary Mask 二元掩膜 Binary mask segments an image into two classes in order to apply additional processing into each class separately. Biophysical Modelling 生物物理模型 Established to relate quantitatively the data collected by remote sensing technology to biophysical features and phenomena measured on the surface of the earth. Blackbody 黑體 A hypothetical and ideal radiator which is able to totally absorb and reemits all energy incident upon it. Block 塊 Comprised by multiple strips captured by successive flights Block Adjustment 區域平差 See the description of Triangulation. Triangulation Canonical Analysis 典型分析 Developed to reduce redundancy in multispectral data while the analysis of multispectral image data encounter extensive interband correlation problem. Cartographic Camera 制圖攝影機 Single-lens frame camera, designed to provide extremely high geometric image quality for remote sensing in general and photogrammetric mapping purposes. Change Detection 變化監測 A process aims to detect the change in an interested area in a period by using data obtained on two or more different dates. Characteristic 特徵曲線 Plots of film density versus log exposure. Curve Classification 分類 The operation aims to automatically categorize all pixels in an image into land cover classes or theme, normally including supervised classification and unsupervised classification. 177

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Clustering 成簇 See the description of Unsupervised Classification. Unsupervised Classification Coastal Zone Colour Scanner Colour Space Transformation 沿岸帶水色掃描儀 色彩空間變換 Particularly designed to measure the colour and temperature of the coastal zones of oceans. To transfer the colour from one space system(e.g. RGB) to another colour space system(e.g. Intensity-Hue-Saturation) to display the colour. Colour Temperature 色溫 The temperature of a blackbody radiates lights of comparable hue to that of the light source. Colour Vision Theory 彩色視覺理論 There are two theories explain colour vision theory, trichromatic theory of colour vision and opponent process of colour vision. Comparator 比較器 A precision instrument used for photocoordinate measurement. Complex Dielectric Constant Conjugate Principal Point 複介電常數 共軛主點 A parameter indicate the reflectivity and conductivity of terrain features' electrical characteristics. The location of a principal point from a photograph, which is on an adjacent photo along with the flight line 178

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Control point 控制點 A reference point precisely located on the ground as well as the image (ground control point) or on both a map and the photo (map control point), or on two adjacent photos (photo control point) Convolution 卷積 A mathematical operation on two functions, producing a third function that is typically viewed as a modified version of one of the original functions, giving the area overlaps between the two functions. Coordinate Digitizer Decision Tree Classifier 坐標數子化器 決策樹分類器 Device continuously display the x y positions of a spatial reference mark as it is positioned anywhere on the photograph. Decision Tree Classifier is a simple and wideused classification approach. It poses a series of questions about the attributes of the test record step by step until a conclusion about the class label of the record is reached. Decorrelation Stretching 去相关拉伸 A form of multi-image manipulation which is especially useful when displaying highly correlated multispectral data. Densitometer 密度計 Instrument used to measure density by shining light through film transparencies. Density Slicing 灰度分割 See the description of Level Slicing. Level slicing 179

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Depth of Field 景深 The distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that a camera can image with acceptable focus. Derivative Analysis 誘導分析 A powerful diagnostic tool used to enhance the interpretation from pumping tests. Deskewing 扭曲校正 A procedure to rotate a scanned image to compensate for skewing. Destriping 條帶去除 Procedures developed to remove or relief the striping problem. Differential Atmospheric Scattering 差異大氣散射 Backscatter from atmospheric molecules and particles add light to that reflected from ground features. Differential Rectification Diffraction Grating Digital Enhancement Technique 微分糾正 繞射光柵 數字增強技術 A process that generates analogue orthophotos from overlapping conventional photos. An optical component with a periodic structure, consisting of a surface with fine parallel grooves ruled across it. To improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the apparent distinction between the features in the scene. Digital Number 數位 Integer represents the intensity value, the average radiance measured in each pixel. Digitizer 數字化儀 Device for converting hard copy into digital format by tracing around the boundary of the interested region. Directional First Differencing An enhancement technique aims to emphasize in image data. 180

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Discriminant Function Earth Observing System Earth-Sun Distance Correction 判別函數 地球觀測系統 地日距離修正 A statistical analysis functions used to predict a categorical dependent variable by one or more continuous or binary independent variables. A program launched by NASA comprising a series of artificial satellite missions and scientific instruments in Earth orbit, designed for longterm global observations of the land surface, biosphere, atmosphere, and oceans of the Earth. To normalize for the seasonal changes in the distance between the earth and the sun. Echo Sounder 回聲測深儀 A type of SONAR instrument used to detect the depth of water by transmitting sound pulses into water. Edge Enhancement 邊緣增強 A procedure aims to preserve both local contrast and low frequency brightness information. Effective Area 有效面積 The central area on each photograph bounded by lines bisecting the area of overlap with every adjacent photograph. Emissivity 放射率 A factor describes the efficiency of an object radiates energy compared to a blackbody. Endlap 后航向重疊 60%-70% overlap within a flight line, help to produce the stereoscopic view of the area. Enhanced Vegetation Index EOSAT Exterior Orientation Fall-off 增強植被指數 地球觀測衛星公司 外方位 Index developed as a modified NDVI, another index, to enhance the vegetation signal with improved sensitivity in high biomass regions and improved vegetation monitoring. Earth Observation Satellite Company, a commercial firm. To determine image's location in space and the view direction. Exposure fall-off is an extraneous effect and variation in focal plane exposure which is only associated with the distance from the image centre. 181

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing False Colour Film 偽色片 Have three sensitized layers, reproduce infrared as red, red as green, and green as blue. ColorIinfrared Film Feature Reduction 特徵減縮 To determine the best subset of feature to use for analysis rather than using too many features. Fiducial Marks 框標 Item, used as reference point for spatial measurement sources, is placed at the middle of image sides. Field of View 視場 The angular size of the cone in space which the sensor can detect. Field Verification Data 現場核實 See Definition on Reference Data. Reference Data Filter 濾鏡係數 Instrument to block a certain type of light(e.g. blue light) and let other light(e.g. infrared light) pass through to the camera. Filter Factor 濾鏡係數 To express the number of times by which an exposure should be increased to compensate for radiation absorption for a provided filter. Flight Line 航線 The aircraft's flight path, to produce a succession of overlapping photo of complete coverage of the area. Flight Planning 飛行計劃 For better interpretation and ideal aerial photography, flight planning need to take some parameters into consideration, like the focal length of the camera, the film format size, the photo scale, the coverage area, the average elevation, the desired overlapping and the ground speed of the aircraft. 182

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Floating Mark Principle 浮標原理 Floating mark is used to conduct quantitative measurements on stereo photographs. To shift the relative positions of the half marks, the left mark and the right mark, along the flight line until they visually fuse together and form a single mark which floats" in the stereomodel. Focal Length 焦距 The distance from a lens to its focus. Rear Focal Distance Focus 焦點 A point of convergence of light rays. Forward-Looking Infrared System 前視紅外線 Forward-looking infrared system, used to obtain oblique views of the landscape in front of an aircraft with the similar principles of an acrosstrack line scanning system. Fourier Analysis 傅里葉分析 A mathematical method, used to separate the image into various spatial frequency components for frequency domain image analysis. Fourier Spectrum 傅里葉光譜 Two-dimensional scatter plots resulting from Fourier transform. 183

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Fuzzy Classification A classification approach aims to deal with the mixed-pixel problem by applying the fuzzy logic concept. Galileo 伽利略 A European global satellite navigation system. Gap Analysis Program Geometric Correction Global Land Cover Characterization 差距分析 幾何校正 全球土地覆盖表征 A multi-level program across state, region and nation built to offer geographic data and other information about natural vegetation, distribution of native vertebrate species and land ownership. Procedures aim to compensate the systematic and essentially random or unpredictable distortions caused by sensors factors, terrain factors and atmospheric factors. Produced a 1-km resolution global land cover database for the usage in a wide range of environmental study and modelling. Graybody 灰體 The object has a less than 1 but constant emissivity at any wavelengths. Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 綠色歸一化植被指數 Green normalized difference vegetation index, is identical in form to the NDVI and expected that the green band is substituted for the red band. Ground control 地面控制 Physical points on the ground, whose positions are exactly known with respect to coordinated and vertical datum. Ground Control Aerotriangulation Ground Coverage (of aerial photographs) Ground Sampled Distance 空中三角測量 地面覆蓋 ( 航空攝影 ) 地面採樣間距 See Description on Aerotriangulation. Aerotriangulation A function of camera format size Ground pixel size, determined by the sampling interval time used during the signal conversion process. Half Mark 半標 Used for floating mark, are placed at similar area on the both left-hand and right-hand photo. 184

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Hexcone Model Histogram- Equalized Stretch Hologrammetry 六角椎體模型 直方圖均等化擴展 全像干涉量度 An approach of transforming RGB components into HIS components. An approach that image value is assigned to the display levels on the basis of their frequency of occurrence. An accurate dimensional measurement by holography. HyMap 高光譜繪圖 Hyperspectral mapping, a system with an across-track aerial hyperspectral scanner established by Integrated Spectronics with up to 200 available bands. Hyperspectral sensing Image Compression Image Enhancement Image Interpretation 高光譜感測影像壓縮圖像增強影像解釋 Obtain images in many narrow contiguous spectral bands throughout the visible, nearinfrared, mid-infrared and thermal infrared by hyperspectral sensors. Image Spectrometry Procedures aim to reduce the irrelevance and redundancy of image data. The procedure aims to improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the apparent distinction between the features in the scene. To obtain useful spatial information from images, including image detection, identification, delineation, enumeration and mensuration. Inertia 慣性 Thermal inertia, a measure of the response of a material of temperature changes. Infrared thermometer 紅外測溫儀 Operating in the range of 8-14 µm, to display radiant temperature on a LCD monitor. Inner Orientation 內方位 Internal orientation of air camera during photography. Intelligence Reconnaissance Imagery System 智能勘察圖像系統 An optical imagery system equips with a highresolution panoramic camera for various surveillance and reconnaissance purposes. 185

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Interference Filter 干涉濾波器 Allow acquiring of the short wavelength transmittance and extremely desired narrow bandpass characteristics. Intervalometer 時間間隔器 A device counts intervals of time. Jeffries-Matusita Distance Kappa (KHAT) Statistic Kelvin temperature Kinetic Temperature Lambertian Reflection Landsat program Large Scale Photograph Jeffries- Matusita 距離 Kappa 統計分析 絕對溫度 動力學溫度 伯朗反射 LANDSAT 計劃 大比例尺影像 A statistical distance measure of separabiity between two spectral classes. A measure of the difference between the actual/chance agreements between provided reference data and an automated classifier/ random classifier. Temperature unit, K= (degree Celsius) +273.15. A measurement of the average translational energy of the molecules comprising a body. Rough surface which reflects uniformly in all directions. Landsat is a program represents the world's longest continuously acquired collection of space-based moderate-resolution land remote sensing data by a series satellites to provide images for those who work in agriculture, geology, forestry, regional planning, education, mapping, and global change research. Landsat images are also invaluable for emergency response and disaster relief. Photos having a scale of 1:12000 or larger. LASER Scanning 激光掃描 Laser Scanning is a non-contact, non-destructive technology that digitally and rapidly captures the shape of physical objects, buildings and landscapes using laser beams. Lens Distortion 鏡頭畸變 Lens distortion, including pincushion distortion, barrel distortion and linear distortion, is a deviation caused by optic lens perspective and cannot be eliminated completely. Level Slicing 分層分割 An enhancement technique by means of the DNs distributed along the x axis of an image histogram is divided into a series of analystspecified intervals or "slices". 186

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Line Drop 線路壓降 A type of line-oriented noise problem, numerous adjacent pixels along a line may contain spurious DNs. Linear Stretch 線性拉伸 Expand the range of image levels to fill the total range of the output device. Lithologic Mapping 岩性圖 The mapping of rock units. Majority Filter 眾數濾波 An operation of classification smoothing. Maximum Likelihood Classifier Medium-Scale Photograph 最大似然分類器 中尺度圖像 Quantitatively estimate the variance as well as the covariance of the category spectral response patterns during classifying an unknown pixel. The scale of photograph between 1:12000 and 1:50000. Mie scatter 米氏散射 A type of scatter, occurring when atmospheric particle diameters equally to the wavelength of being sensed. Minimum Mapping Unit 最小映射單位 The smallest size of area to be mapped as an independent area. Mosaic 鑲嵌 To match and dissolve the two or more images' boundaries of adjacent areas with the same spatial reference and scale. Multi- Dimensional Imaging Multiresolution Data 多維圖像 多分辨率數據 Multi-dimensional imaging is a collection simultaneously detected from essentially the same geometric vantage point in different bands of the spectrum. Multiband imaging, multi-spectral imaging Display high resolution data from one source and low resolution data from another source and result in a composite image having panchromatic data and multispectral data. 187

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Multisensor Image Merging Multi-Sensor Systems Multispectral Camera/Scanner Multispectral Images Multistage Sensing Multitemporal Sensing 多傳感器圖像融合 多傳感器系統 多光譜攝像頭 / 掃描儀 多光譜圖像 多級傳感 多時傳感 Produce a composite image, which demonstrates greater interpretability than an image acquired from one sensor only, by multisensors. Sensing systems equip with different kinds of sensors or more than one sensors of the same type. A type of camera system can extend the sensing UV, visible, near-ir, mid-ir and thermal IR spectral regions. Multispectral image is a combination of imaging and a complete electromagnetic spectrum which is collected at every location of an image plane. To collect image from multiple altitudes. To collect data in different time and more than one occasion. Nadir Line 像底線 The line traced on the ground beneath the aircraft during data acquisition. Nearest Neighbour Resampling 最近鄰重採樣 A method of resampling, the value of each cell in an output raster of resampling is calculated using the value of the nearest cell in an input raster. Noise 噪聲 Unwanted disturbance in image resulting from the limitation of sensor, signal digitization or data recording process. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 歸一化植被指數 Normalized difference vegetation index, an indicator used to analyse vegetation by remote sensing measurement, where NIR and RED stand for the spectral reflectance measurements acquired in red(visible) and nearinfrared band. Open Skies Policy 開放天空政策 Nondiscriminatory access to data collect anywhere in the world. 188

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Orthoimage 正射影像 An aerial photograph excludes the scale, tilt and relief distortions like other normal aerial photographs. Orthophoto, Orthophotograph Orthometric Correction 正射修正 Orthometric correction aims to correct distortions issues and produce the orthoimage. Orthophoto 正射影像 See the description of Orthoimage. Orthoimage Panchromatic Camera/Scanner Panchromatic Film 全色攝像頭 / 掃描儀 全色膠片 The camera consists of usual optics which focusses light on a CCD array and used to capture panchromatic images which are sensitive to all colours. Single Lens Camera Standard type of film, the spectral sensitivity covers from UV to visible portions of the spectrum. Passive Sensors 被動傳感器 A sensing device designed to receive and measure signals transmitted by other sources. Passive SONAR 被動聲納 Listens to sound made by other objects to determine location/distances. Path Length 路徑長度 Distance passed by remote sensors. Photogrammetry 攝影測量學 Photogrammetry is the science and technology used to obtain spatial measurement and other geometrically reliable derived from photographs. Photon 光子 The discrete units compose electromagnetic radiation. Quanta Point Operation 點運算 To modify the brightness value of each pixel in an image data set independently. Principal Point 像主點 The point at which perpendicular projected across the centre of the lens intersects the photograph. 189

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Probability Density Function Projective Transformation Push-Broom Scanning 機率密度函數 投影變換 推掃式掃描 Computing the probability of the pixel value belonging to each category for unidentified pixel classification. Transformation of coordinates digitized directly from aerial photographs of terrain, assuming there is no distortion on the photographs. Scanners record multispectral image data along a swath beneath an aircraft. Along-track Multispectral Scanning Quanta 量子 See the description of Photon. Photon Radio Detection And Ranging Relative Orientation 雷達 相對方位 An electronic object-detection system used to determine the range, altitude, speed and direction of objects by radio waves. Orientation of pair of photographs in their relative positions in the stereo model. Remote Sensing 遙感 Remote sensing is the science used to obtaining information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a non-contact device. Resampling 重採樣 A process used to determine the pixel values to fill into the output matrix from the original images matrix. Restoration Image 影像復原 The operation aims to correct distorted or degraded image data to generate a more faithful representation of the original situation. Satellite Imagery 衛星圖像 Images collected by artificial satellites. 190

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Satellite Remote Sensing Scale(photographi c) 衛星遙感 比例尺 Apply satellite image into remote sensing research. An expression about that one unit of distance on a photograph represents a specific size of real ground distance. Seasonality 季節性 The objects or statistics data exhibit cyclic variation, which can be semi-regular. Side-Looking Airborne Radar 空載側視雷達 Side-Looking radar (SLR) is the airborne and space borne radar remote sensing system equipped with an antenna which is fixed below the aircraft and pointed to the side. Side-Looking radar (SLR) Skylab 太空實驗室 Space station Solar Elevation 太陽高度角 The angle measured between the horizon and the centre of the sun. Sound Navigation And Ranging 聲納 Acoustic Remote Sensing Technology. Passive Sonar: Listens to sound made by other objects to determine location/distances. Active Sonar: Emits sound pulses and listens for echo for distance/location detection. SONAR Space Intersection 空間交會 A procedure used to determine the coordinates of any points in the overlap of a stereopair of tilted photographs. 191

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Spatial Effect 空間效應 Factors which cause the same types of features at a known point in time to create various characteristics at different geographic locations. Spatial Filter 空間濾波器 A tool used to emphasize or deemphasize image data of different spatial frequencies. Spatial Frequency 空間頻率 The roughness of the tonal variations in the image. Spectral Rationing 光譜比 Enhanced image resulting from the division of DN values in two spectral band. Spectral Reflectance Curve 光譜反射曲線 A graph of the spectral reflectance of an object as a function of wavelength. Spectral Signature 波譜特性 A pattern which is absolute and unique of an object and measured by remote sensors. Stefan-Boltzmann Law Stereopair (photo/image) 史提芬 - 波茲曼法則 立體像對 M=σT 4,To express the amount of energy an object radiates, where M=total radiant existence from the surface of material, σ=stefan-boltzmann constant,5.6697*10-8 Wm -2 K -4. Steropair is a pair of stereo photographs taken from the same area but different position, consisting of adjacent pair of overlapping vertical photographs in the stereoscopic coverage. Stereoplotting 立體測圖 The plotting of a map from aerial photographs taken by a stereoscopic device. Steroscopy 立體視法 A technique used to create or enhance the illusion of depth in an image. 192

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Strips/Blocks (aerial photogrammetry) 條帶 Strips are parts of successive flight which is for large site study. Multiple strips comprise block. Supervised classification 監督分類 A tool used to extract quantitative information from remote sensing image with the operator's professional knowledge and experience, corresponding to unsupervised classification. Sweep 掃測 Scanning of designated area to verify presence of objects under land/water surface. Temporal Decorrelation Terrestrial Scanning 時间解相关 地面掃描 Resulting from change of the position and orientation of an object on the surface in repeat-pass interferometry. A ground based technique to measure the position and dimension of objects by acquiring geometric data from buildings and object with their positions (x, y, z) and the intensity (i) of the returning signal. Terrestrial Laser Scanning Thermal Mapping 熱測繪圖 To produce maps of surface temperature distributions. Thresholding 定限 Used to segment an input image into two classes based on the given value. Tilted Photographs 傾斜像片 Result from unintentional inclination of the camera optical axis produced by the angular attitude of aircrafts at the instant of exposure which cause unavoidable tilts. 193

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Remote Sensing Training Area 訓練場 Used for supervised classification, to complied a numerical "interpretation key " which describes the spectral attributes for each feature type of interest class. Ultraviolet 紫外線 The electromagnetic radiation adjoins the blue end of the visible portion of the spectrum. Unsupervised Classification Vertical Photograph 非監督分類 垂直像片 Corresponding to supervised classification, utilize algorithms to examine the unknown pixel in the remote sensing image and classify them without training area. Vertical photographs are taken straight down by a mapping camera whose optical axis is directed as vertical as possible at the instant of exposure. 194

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Active Detection 主動探測 Requires signals to be sent to the target from a transmitter for the detection from the receiver. Amplitude Modulation 調幅 Modulation technique on radio waves, which varies the strength of the carrier wave in proportion to another waveform (frequency is constant). Antenna Loss 天線損失 Effects due to the efficiency of antenna, available power for radiation, and power applied at antenna terminals. Antenna Mismatch Loss A-Scan AutoRegressive Moving Average 天線失配損耗 A 掃描調幅掃描 自迴歸移動平均 Loss of power due to mismatch between antenna and transmitter. A display of GPR trace in form of wavelets. Amplitude Modulation Scan Method of non-fourier spectral estimation, a statistical analysis of a time series. Bending Moment 彎矩 The material's to an external force that causes the material to bend. Bistatic Antenna 雙基地天線 Where receiver and transmitter of signals are separated by a distance comparable to the target's distance. Borehole 鑽孔 Narrow shaft bored vertically/horizontally for the purposes of examining under-surface conditions or extraction materials. Borehole Log 鑽孔記錄 Practice of making a detailed record of geological formations in a Borehole. Well Log 195

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Boundary Nodes 邊界節點 Nodes where hydraulic grade is known (e.g., tanks, reservoirs). Box-Culverts 箱形暗渠 Reinforced concrete box sections for culverts, storm drains and sewers, generally physically accessible. Break-through survey 貫通測量 Control Surveys used for monitoring underground construction and/or development (e.g. tunnelling). B-Scan B 掃描 Cross sectional image display produced by GPR, compilation of multiple traces by GPR. Brightness Scan Buried Water Carrying Services 埋地輸水設施 Sub-surface water utilities. Catchpit 集水池 Ducts/pits used as filters or collectors in drainage systems. Catch Basin Clutter 雜波 Unrelated signals that are different to the target scattering but occur on the same display. Conductivity Loss 電導損耗 Coefficient to tanδ. Conduit 管 Channel for conveying fluids (e.g. water). Pipe, Duct, Trench, Channel, Drain C-Scan C 掃描 3D Profile of underground features using results processed from B-Scan. Cured In-Place Pipe 現場固化法, 原位內搪喉管法翻转法 Trenchless rehabilitation method to seamlessly repair existing pipe. Dead Load 靜載 Intrinsic load of vehicle or structure without the burden of passengers or goods, can include permanent load (weights) on structure/vehicle. Soil Pressure 196

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Detection Range 檢測範圍 Maximum distance where radar signal is useful for detection. Detection Rate 檢測率 Percentage of total number of targets available. Dewow Simplified low-cut/high-pass filters to reduce/eliminate noise. Dielectric Loss 介電損耗 Loss due to dissipation of electromagnetic energy. Dipolar Loss 偶極損失 Coefficient to tanδ. Direct Connection 直接連接 Where transmitter is directly connected to the target to allow continuous flow of current between the transmitter and the target, transmitter is grounded. Dynamic Range 動態範圍 Range of signals recordable by GPR between its maximum and noise floor. Electronic Leak Detector Evanescent Waves External Earth Load Finite Difference Frequency Domain Finite-Difference Time Domain 電子檢漏儀 倏逝波 外部接地載荷 有限差分頻域 有限差分時域 Equipment for WLD Survey. Near-field wave that are formed at the boundary between two mediums with exponential decay qualities. Pressure placed on objects from soil (external sources). Method of modelling for electromagnetic-based problems similar to FDTD, based on the discretization of computational space into 2D squares or 3D cubes. Modelling technique for signal processing of electromagnetic wave propagation problems. Fourier Analysis 傅立葉分析 An expression of waveform as a series of sinusoidal functions. Fourier Transform Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave 調頻連續波 A Radar system where radio signals are modulated to adjust bandwidth and range resolution. 197

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Frequency Modulation 頻率調製 Modulation of radio wave by frequency, where amplitude remains constant. Frequency- Domain (Radar) 頻域 Where frequency of signal constantly varies with time. Fresnel Region 菲涅耳區 Region of electromagnetic field around antenna. Near-Field Region Gain 時變增益 Process of amplifying signal to match range of display. Time Varying Gain Ground Penetrating Radar Ground/Soil Settlement In-lining (pipe) replacement 探地雷達 地面 / 土地沉降 現場固化法 Geophysical method use of radar to image subsurface conditions (e.g. materials detection). Surface Penetrating Radar Ground settlement over time, downward movement of ground (soil) when load is applied on top; the effect of vertical stress on ground (soil). Subsidence See Definition on Cured In-Place Pipe. Cured In-Place Pipe 198

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Intermediate Frequency 差頻 Difference Frequency, Beat Frequency Where the carrier signal (transmitted signal) is mixed with another signal (generally the target return signal). Jitter 頻率跳動 Noise affecting wave form. Phase Jitter, Phase Noise Junction Nodes 連接點 Specific points (nodes) where there is generally an intersection of pipes from various directions. Leak Noise Correlation 滲漏噪聲相關分析 Method of Underground Utility Surveying to detect Leakage under surface. Water Leakage Detection Leak Noise 檢漏儀 Equipment for WLD Survey. Correlator Live Load 活載 Weight of goods and/or people on structures/vehicles. Lowpass Filter 低通濾波器 Filter that passes signals with lower frequency than the cut-off frequency. High-cut Filter, Trebel-cut Filter Major Node 主節點 Points (nodes) identified beforehand deemed to be important in the survey and possibly the reason for the survey. Manhole Internal Condition Survey 沙井內部狀況調查 Inspection survey of conditions in Manhole. Manholes 沙井 Surface Installation Type. Access point to underground facilities (e.g. sewerage). 199

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Marconi Resolution Chart 馬可尼分辨率圖表 Video calibration chart. Material Attenuation Loss Mechanical Leak Detector 材料衰減損耗 機械檢漏儀 The gradual loss of energy in the material. Equipment for WLD Survey. Minor Node 次節點 Points (nodes) identified beforehand to be part of the network to be useful in the survey, generally connecting between various elements of the survey (e.g., junction points). Monostatic Antenna M-Sequence 單站天線 最大長度序列 Where both signal transmitters and receivers are located together (without distance apart). Bit sequence generated from linear feedback shift registers. Maximum Length Binary Sequence, Maximum Length Sequence, N-Sequence Nature of Target 目標性質 Properties of the target when measured, affects the magnitude of received signal. Type: 1) Point Scatterer (e.g. void) 2) Line Reflector (e.g. pipeline) 3) Planar Reflector (e.g. smooth surface) Noise Logger 噪音記錄儀 Equipment for WLD Survey. Noise Modulation 噪音調製 Modulation of power so that it is spread throughout the spectrum and becomes less susceptible to noise/interference. Non-Intrusive Detection 無損檢測 Detection of objects/materials without damaging or disruption to surrounding environment. 200

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Nyquist-Shannon theorem Open-cut Operations Optimal Frequency (sampling) 採樣定理 明挖操作 採樣率 Digital signal sampling theorem bridging between continuous (analogue) signal and discrete (digital) signal. Sampling Theorem Method of surface mining for extracting materials (i.e. rocks, minerals) from the Earth by removal through an open pit (borrow pit/sandbox). Opencast, Open-Pit Relating to the Nyquist-Shannon Theorem, it is a form of signal processing to extract values from waves. Sampling Rate Orifices 孔 An opening for materials to pass. Hole Passive Detection 被動探測 Search of buried underground utilities without active involvement (generally via transmission signals) from the target (e.g. sweep and search). Permeability 渗透性 The degree of which electrical signals can travel through a material. Permittivity 介電常數 The ability for electrical energy to pass through or be stored in a material. Phase Constant 相位常數 The imaginary component of propagation constant in a plane wave. Phase Change Constant, Phase Coefficient, Phase Parameter Pipe Locators 管道定位器 Equipment for non-destructive testing/survey for buried utilities (e.g. pipes, cables). Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis 管道水力分析 Analysis of changes of flow in pipelines systems. Hydraulic Transient Analysis 201

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Pore pressure 孔隙水壓力 Pressure of underground water within soil or between particles. Pore Water Pressure Porosity 多孔性 A measure of space in rocks, between grains, or within cracks. Prism Load 棱鏡負載 Weight of soil (in the form of a prism) above target (e.g. pipe). Radargram 雷達圖像 A measure (recording) of reflection amplitudes and reflection time. Retransmission Coupling Loss Sampling Theorem 重發耦合損耗 採樣定理 Energy loss into the air from material during return journey of signal. See Definition on Nyquist-Shannon Theorem. Nyquist-Shannon Theorem Signal Clamping 信號箝位 Transmitter is connected to the target to provide the primary current, the flow of current would have to be sustained between the target and the ground, transmitter is not grounded. Slip-lining (pipe) Replacement 内喉紧贴法 Trenchless pipe rehabilitation method to restore structural stability to existing pipeline through installing a smaller pipe (carrier pipe) into a larger pipe (hose pipe). Close Fit Lining Method Sonde 探空儀 Device that emits electric signal to the ground to detect non-metallic lines. Spreading Loss 傳播損耗 Where loss can be an effect of the nature of the target, that energy loss is an effect of wave spread. Stepped Frequency (Radar) 步進頻率 Where frequency of signal changes in discreet, repeatable and stable steps. Stochastic Signal 隨機信號 Signal with some degree of uncertainty. Random Signal Stopcock 活塞 Valve to restrict flow of liquid or gas through a pipe. 202

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Subsurface Utilities Synthesized Pulse Modulation 地下公用設施 合成脈衝調製 Utility network underground surface (buried). Modulation of wave to a repetitive pulsed signal. tanδ 介損 Loss tangent of material, comprises of Conductivity Losses and Dipolar Losses. Target Line 目標線 Targeted utility line for scanning. Target Scattering Loss Time-Domain (Radar) 目標散射損耗 時域雷達 Energy loss as a result of scattering in the surrounding dielectric medium, where it is affected by permittivity and permeability of both the material and the medium. Radars that radiate very short pulse of electromagnetic energy. Trace 描圖 Sample of points collected (observed data) that indicates time variation of amplitude. Trace Stacking 道迭加 Averaging of Trace collected to reduce noise level and to increase dynamic range. Tracing Alignment 道排齊 Following the path of underground utility and aligning it with surface markings. Transmission Coupling Loss Trenchless Operation 傳輸損耗 非開挖操作 Energy loss in transmission from antenna to material. Works that does not require the use of trenches with minimal disruptions to surface activities (e.g. traffic). Ultra Wide Band 超寬帶 Signals use to enable high resolution measurements. Underground Survey Underground Utility Unplotted Node 地下測量 地下管線 Surveys to determine locations of underground utilities to be reproduced into drawings/maps/ images. Sub-surface facilities (e.g. telecommunication lines, gas lines, water pipes, storm drains, etc ). Similar to intermediate points, these are nodes that may not have been identified on the map beforehand but are useful in the network. Unplotted Assets 203

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Underground Utilities Valve Station 閥門站 Protection for pipelines, for isolating segments of pipes for maintenance works. Water Leak Detection 檢漏 Detection of water leakage in pipe. Pipeline Leak Detection Well Log 鑽孔記錄 See Description on Borehole Log. Borehole Log Zero Offset Removal 零點偏移消除 Operation that ensures mean value of A-Scan is near to Zero. 204

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization 2D 二維 2-Dimensions (x, y). 3D 三維 3-Dimensions (x, y, z). 4D 四維 4-Dimensions (x, y, z, time). Abbreviation 縮寫 Map Generalization technique, to compress textual information into a cleaner/crisp presentation. Achromatic Colour 無彩色 Unsaturated, near-neutral colour generally black, white or grey. Aesthetic 美學 Combination of colours, symbols, typography, and placement/orientation of objects that will be pleasing to the eye, which can help with interpretation of the information on medium. Affine Transformation (coordinate transformation) 仿射轉換 Projective transformation performed on coordinates/images that preserve ratios of distances but not angles or lengths of distances. Aggregation 聚合 Map Generalization technique, to group together elements of same characteristics into a larger representative group. Aliasing 走樣 Jagged edges in raster images. Alignment Sheet 走向表 Visualization Technique (Underground Utility). Where engineering drawings and map/imagery are placed side-by-side to show location and specifics of utilities/facilities/services. Anaglyph 立體彩色照片 A pair of superimposed images in complimentary colours (i.e., red and green) that will produce stereo effect when viewed with appropriate hardware. 205

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Angular Distortion 角畸變 Distortion to angles displayed on map due to projection and transformation, angles displayed may not reflect reality. Anti-Aliasing 抗走樣 Technique for smoothing edges of raster images. Area Aggregation 聚集區 A form of generalization, it is grouping areas of similar characteristics to simplify the map, may cause misinterpretation or bias. Areal Distortion 面積變形 Distortion on areal properties of maps due to projection and transformation, areas displayed may not reflect reality and can be sometimes exaggerated. Association 結合 Map Generalization technique, to connect different elements together (generally textual elements with pictorial elements). Atlas 地圖 Book of map/charts. Augmented Reality 擴增實境 Composite view of both the real-world and computer generated world, where real world experience of the environment is augmented by computer generated sensory input (i.e. sound, video, graphics, GPS data, etc ). Authalic Sphere 等積球體 A generalised model of the Earth where the spherical model has the same surface area as the reference ellipsoid. Azimuthal Projections 方位投影 Map projection where area is projected onto a tangential plane to the surface, generally at Poles or Equator. Types: 1) Azimuthal Equidistant 2) Lambert Azimuthal Area 3) Azimuthal Conformal Projection (Stereographic Projection) 4) Orthographic Projection 5) Gnomonic Projection 206

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Bathymetric charts 海底地形圖 Map representation of submerged terrain. Bitmap 點陣圖 Images (printed or digital display) made up of a series of dots. Bivariate Choropleth Map 二元面量圖 A variation of Choropleth Map, which shows two variables (phenomena) simultaneously to allow for graphical illustration of spatial relationship between the variables. Box Plot 盒狀圖 Graphical representation of statistical data shown as a rectangle to represent upper and lower quartiles, maximum and minimum value, and median value. Cartogram 統計地圖 A map with thematic variables, where geometry or space could be distorted in order to convey information. Cartographic Symbolization Cartography (Cartographic) Cave Automatic Virtual Environment 圖式符號 製圖學 洞穴自動虛擬環境 Use of map symbols and colours to represent features on a map. The science of map production. Immersive environment for visualization. Choropleth Map 面量圖 A thematic map of shaded/patterned areas in proportion to the statistical data displayed on the map (e.g. population density). Chroma 色調 Graphic quality related to the hue of a colour, it is the degree of intensity of a colour. Classification 分類 Map Generalization technique where symbols/features/data are ordered/scaled/sorted by attributes. Climatic Maps 氣候圖 Map showing geographical distribution of climatic factors (e.g., rainfall) occurring within a set time period. 207

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Collapsing 折疊 Reducing the dimension of a map element (e.g., Line Point, Area Point, Area Line). Colour Scheme 配色 Use of colour to represent values on map. Type: 1) Single Hue Scheme 2) Hue and Value Scheme 3) Diverging Colour Scheme/Double-Ended Scheme 4) Part Spectral Scheme 5) Full Spectral Scheme Composite Projection Compromise Projection Condensing the Map Conformal Projections 合成投影折衷投影凍結地圖等角投影 Combing several types of projection techniques. Map Projection that does not preserve metric properties but tries to find balance between distortions (i.e. making it look right), the amount of distortion is often greater at Pole regions. Type: 1) Robinson 2) Miller Cylindrical 3) Winkel Tripel Where unwanted parts of the map are deleted to obtain greater scale for areas of interest. Projections that preserves angular properties but scale varies throughout the map. Type: 1) Transverse Mercator 2) Stereographic 3) Lamber Conformal Conic Projection Orthomorphic Projection 208

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Conic Projection 圓椎投影 Map projection where area is projected onto a cone with a vertex, generally at North/South Pole Type: 1) Equidistant Conic 2) Albers Conic 3) Lambert Conformal Conic See Definition on Lambert Projection Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Constant Series 恆定序列 Class interval determination where there is an equal division of attribute values based on the range of values. Equal Steps Contextual Items 周邊項目 Map elements that explain the context the image/map applies to. Type: 1) Title 2) Legends 3) Insets Contrast 對比度 Difference in luminance and/or colour, determined by the brightness and colour of the object in comparison to the surrounding. Conversion 變換 Map Generalization technique, changing map elements from an irregular shape to representative points/lines. Cross-Section 横截面 Drawings of existing ground profile at right angles to a particular line. Cubic Splines 三次樣條 Could be generally defined as a curve derived from mathematical polynomial functions in the order of 3. Curvilinear Correlation 曲線相關 Where rate of change for variables are not constant, i.e. as one constant increase the other would also increase until a certain point where it will decrease, shape of graph is generally in the shape of a curve or parabola. 209

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Cylindrical Projections 圓柱投影 Projections where a cylinder is wrapped around the Earth and features are mapped onto the cylinder's surface. Dasymetric 密度 Thematic Mapping, display of volumetric (numeric) data through the use of areal symbols (e.g., population density map). Demographic Adjustment Designated Symbols Digital Elevation Model 人口結構調整 指定符號 數字高程模型 Adjustments made to population estimates. Graphics with qualitative and/or quantitative attributes attached. A digital model or three-dimension model representing a terrain's surface generated from terrain elevation data, model of elevation (heights) of Earth generally with reference to sea level. Digital Terrain Data Digital Surface Model 數字表面模型 Model of surfaces on Earth. 210

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Digital Topographic Model 數字地形模型 A topographic digital model of the terrain relief which can be processed by computer program, model of Earth's terrain similar to DEM. Digitizing 數字化 Method of transforming analogue data to digital format. Direct Transformation 直接轉換 Directly finding the relationship between two projection points in a rectangular coordinate system. Displacement 移位 Map generalization technique, moving (displacing) elements of the map so that it does not interfere with one-another. Dissolution 分解 Map Generalization technique, to dissolve element. Distortion by Ink Spread 墨水擴散失真 Distortion due to spread of ink during printing, may often lead to misinterpretation of points/areas and illegibility of fine print. Dithering 高頻振動 Process that arranges colour pixels on screen in such a way that gives a wider variety (shades) of colour. Diverging Scheme 分叉顏色方案 Scheme of colours for representing data values on map, use of gradation of colours. Diverging Colour Scheme, Double-ended Scheme 211

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Dot Map 點圖 Map type that relies on visual scatter of dots to show spatial patterns, features and phenomenon. Dot Distribution Map Dot-Distribution Map 點分佈圖 Map using Dots to represent real-life features/phenomenon. Dot Density Map Dynamic Maps 動態圖 Maps enabled to show changes, generally over a time period, and/or maps that dynamically display information. Eckert's Projection 艾克爾特投影 It is a Pseudocylindrical map projection where length of polar line is half of the equator line length and longitudinal lines are semiellipses. Ellipse of Distortion 變形橢圓 Geometric representation distortion and its effect on various parts of the map. Tissot ellipse, Tissot's Indicatrix Enhancement 增強 Map Generalization technique, adding detail to map. Equal-Area Projections Equal-Intervals Classification 等面積投影 等間隔分類 Property as a result of map projection, where areas on map are generally preserved. Type: 1) Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area 2) Lambert Cylindrical Equal-Area 3) Mollweide 4) Bonne 5) Goode's Homolosine Equivalent Projection, Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area Projection, Lambert Cylindrical Projection Data classification method that divides dataset into groups containing equal range of values. 212

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Equidistant Projection Equipotential Surface Equivalent Projection 等距投影 等勢面 等面積投影 Where all points on the map are at proportionally correct distances and correct direction from the centre point. Type: 1) Equirectangular 2) Azimuthal Equidistant 3) Equidistant Conic 4) Sinusoidal Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Surface where all points have the same potential (e.g., surface where gravity exerts the same amount on every point). See Definition on Equal-Area Projections. Equal-Area Projections, Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area Projection, Lambert Cylindrical Projection Exaggeration 誇大 Map Generalization technique where symbols/features/data are enhanced to emphasize their importance. Fidelity 保真度 Degree of exactness, faithfulness of copy to reality. Figure-Ground Relationship 圖底關係 Perception of importance between objects (figure) to background (ground). Fishnet Map 網狀圖 Wireframe diagram depicting surfaces. Wireframe Diagrams, Wiremesh Flattening Ratio 扁平率 Measure of compression of circle/sphere along a diameter to form an ellipse/ellipsoid. Full-Spectral 全光譜彩色 Colours in the full (light) spectrum. Colour Gamut 色域 Complete subset of certain colours (e.g. CYMK, RGB). Colour Gamut General Reference Map 一般基準圖 Map with the objective of showing locations (points of interests) and features (e.g., roads, coastlines, water bodies, etc ), map without a specific purpose. 213

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Generalization 一般化 Technique for presenting information/data on the map in order to represent a certain concept or to make it easier to understand. Type: 1) Selection 2) Simplification 3) Displacement 4) Smoothing 5) Enhancement 6) Dissolution 7) Segmentation 8) Aggregation 9) Conversion 10) Association 11) Abbreviation 12) Classification 13) Exaggeration 14) Induction GeoWall 地理墻 3D stereoscopic projection system to allow for an immersive environment. Gestalt Principles 格式塔理論 Rule of organization and perception of groups of images/shapes. Laws of Grouping: 1) Proximity 2) Similarity 3) Closure 4) Symmetry 5) Common Fate 6) Continuity 7) Good Gestalt 8) Past Experience Gnomonic Projection 極平投影 Non-conformal map projection technique that displays all Great Circles as straight lines. Graytone Symbols 灰度符號 Symbols expressed in different tones of grey. Great Circle 大圈 Circle on the surface of a sphere that passes through the centre of the sphere, it often represents the shortest distance between two points on the sphere and the preferred route for shipping or aircraft. Orthodrom, Riemannian Circle Grid Lines 格網線 Lines with set coordinate at each grid's corner. 214

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Hachure 影線 Category of line symbols used to show surface (i.e. slope steepness), could be drawn as short parallels in varied thickness or in even thickness but varied spacing. Hexachrome Colour 高保真六色系統 Six colour printing process. CMYKOG Hillshading 暈渲法 Use of contrast (darkness-lightness) to represent slope, ridges and land surfaces. Plastic Shading, Relief Shading, Shaded Relief, Shading Homolosine Equal-Area Projection Hourglass Equal- Area Projection 等積投影 等積投影 It is a composite projection of Sinusoidal and Mollweide projection, could be classified as a Pseudocylindrical projection with Equal-Area properties. Goode Homolosine Projection, Homolosine Projection, Interrupted Goode Orange-Peel Map This projection is used to prove the point that although a projection may preserve areal integrity, it may not preserve shape integrity and can render the map illegible. Hue 色調 Shade of colour. Shade, Tint, Tone Hyperspectral Image Hypsometric Colouring 高光譜圖像 分層設色法 Technique for collecting and processing information using electromagnetic spectrum, where each pixel on the image will have a spectrum to help with identifying objects. Usually seen together with contour lines, it is used to indicate elevation ranges as bands of colours. Hypsometric Tints Image 圖像 Representation of real-life situations on a medium. 215

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Immersive Environments 仿真環境 Environments where users can experience nonreal situations and/or interact with non-real elements. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Induction 歸納法 Map Generalization technique where there are inferences of the relationships between symbols/features/data. Ink Spread 油墨擴散 A malfunction in printing where ink pixels have spread causing inaccuracies and blurring of images. Interposition 介入 Perception of an object on a diagram/map to be in front of (occupying higher ground) when compared to background/objects at back. Interrupted Projections Interruption of Projection Irregular Stepped Class Limits 分瓣投影 投影中斷 不規則階梯型分類界限 Projection where shape (terrestrial surface) is cut to avoid possible distortion. Where parts of the projection are repeated (e.g., Homolosine Projection). Class interval determination that calls attention to the characteristics of distribution, minimize certain aspects of errors, and/or highlight certain elements of data range. Irregular Series, Variable Series Isarithmic Map 等值線圖 Map showing data with continuous distribution depicting a particular phenomenon (e.g., precipitation/rainfall). Isoerodent Map 等值線圖 Erosion map/chart. Contour Map, Isopleth Map, Thematic Map 216

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Isogonic Line 等磁偏線 Imaginary lines on a map with the same value of magnetic declination. Isolines 等值線 A line on a map that has a constant value. Isopleth Isometric View 等角視圖 Type of parallel projection often used in technical view, it is a pictorial view of 3D object, drawn by creating isoplanes, not a true 3D view. Lagrange Projection Lambert Projection 拉格朗日投影 藍伯特投影 Type of Conformal Projection, it is now often used as a fundamental step for mathematical development for projections, graticules on the projection form arcs and scale distortion is most prominent at the poles. A type of Conic Projection with conformal properties, mainly used for aeronautical charts, with meridians represented as straight lines converging at nearest poles. LCC, Lamber Conformal Conic Projection Legend 圖例 An element on the map that describes symbols, colours and lines used on the map to represent real-life phenomenon/objects. Legibility 可讀性 Ability to clearly identify elements on image/medium. Line 線 Defined from at least two points on an image/map, generally a series of unique (x, y) coordinate. Line Intersection 線相交 Where two or more lines meet. 217

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Linear Cartogram 線性統計圖 See Definition on Cartogram. Cartogram Lithograph 平印 A product of lithography (lithographic printing), where images are printed from stencil. Longitudinal Sections 纵截面 / 縱截面 Drawings of existing ground profile along a particular line. Map 地圖 Objects and features represented by symbols. Map compilation 地圖繪製 Assembling and fitting the geographical information together to present them in the map. Map Distortion 地圖失真 Distortion of relationships on map due to projections. Type: 1) Areas 2) Angles 3) Gross shapes 4) Distances 5) Directions Map Elements 地圖要素 Elements composing a map: 1) Title 2) Legend 3) Scale 4) Map Area 5) Map Symbols 6) Place name/ Labelling 7) Directionality (North Arrow) 8) Border/Neatlines 9) Graticule 10) Credits 218

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Map Projection 地圖投影 A mathematical transformation of the latitudes and longitudes of geographical coordinates on the surface of a sphere or an ellipsoid into a planar or Cartesian coordinate system, ways of representing 3D Earth surface into 2D map. Type: 1) Cylindrical 2) Pseudo Cylindrical 3) Pseudo Azimuthal 4) Conic 5) Pseudoconical 6) Azimuthal 7) Polyhedral 8) Retroazimuthal Map Properties 地圖屬性 Characteristics of map arising from Map Projection. Type: 1) Conformal 2) Equal Area 3) Compromise 4) Equidistant 5) Gnomonic Map Scale 地圖比例 Relationship between actual size and size as represented on medium (e.g. map), could be represented as a ratio (e.g. 1:2500) or as a bar/ruler. Mass-haul Diagram 土方圖 Diagrammatic method for comparing various earthwork distributions for various construction schemes (e.g. amount of materials required to be moved, cut-fill balance of roadwork, Earthwork Profile, etc., ). Master Plan 總規劃圖 Plan that indicates how the area would be developed (future developments). Mercator Projection Multivariate Display 墨卡托投影 多元展示 Cylindrical map projection that the lengths of parallels of latitudes have the same length as the equator, generally used for marine and climatological maps. Image/graph displaying more than one variable to aid of analysis. Nautical charts 航海圖 Chart of water depth, shoreline of land and prominent topographical features to help with navigation. 219

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Nomograph 列線圖 A Graphical calculating device designed to approximate graphical computation of a function. Abaque, Alignment Chart, Nomogram Oblate Ellipsoid 扁球體 A symmetric ellipsoid with flattened poles. Oblate Spheroid Oblique View 斜視圖 Type of parallel projection for visualizing 3D objects onto 2D medium, not a true 3D view. Opponent Process 拮抗歷程 Colour vision theory that builds upon Trichromatic Theory, where there may be differences in the efficiency of detection towards particular wavelengths (e.g. delayed/lack of responses to a particular colour/wavelength i.e. colour blindness) and how information is received on the Cones in the eye. Orthographic Projection Orthomorphic Projection Part-Spectral Sequence 正投影 正形投影 指定光譜順序 A form of parallel projection where it aims to represent 3D objects in 2D space, projection lines are orthogonal to projection plane. Orthogonal Projection See Definition on Conformal Projection. Conformal Projection Sequence of particular colour with varying hues (e.g., black-brown-yellow-white). Perceptibility 感知 Ability to perceive (view and understand). 220

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Perception 知覺 Recognition, understanding and interaction of information as presented to the user. Perspective Projection Pictorial Point Symbol 透視投影 圖像點符號 Representation of 3D view on 2D medium (e.g., via sketching) with reference to how 3D objects are perceived/viewed in real-life, presentation of objects as according to converging rays through a common point (e.g., camera lens, eye). Picture symbols used to represent real-life phenomena (e.g. Swiss-Cross for hospital). Pixels 像素 The smallest, addressable and controllable element on a digital raster image. Picture Element Plan 平面圖 Where drawings are detail and true to scale. Plan View 俯視圖 Object as viewed on a horizontal plane. Top-Down View Plane Chart 平面圖 Type of Cylindrical Projection where the equator is a standard line, latitudes and longitudes are represented as straight lines and parallel. Planimetric Map 平面測量圖 Maps that does not include terrain data, only showing horizontal features and phenomena on Earth's surface without topographic features. Point Cloud 點雲 Set of data points in a particular coordinate system defined by X, Y, Z intended to represent the surface of a particular object/location. Point Symbols 點符號 Geometric symbols used to represent real-life phenomena and/or specific locations (i.e., triangles, circles, etc ). Polar Stereographic Projection Polyconic Projection 極正射投影 多圓錐射影 Stereographic projection set at the Poles of the Earth. Map Projection where all parallels are nonconcentric circular arcs, with the exception of equator that is a straight line. Primary colour 三原色 Blue, green, red, colours used to mix and produce new colour. 221

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Projection Aspect 投影軸 The relationship of the placement of the developable surface (projection) and the Earth's surface. Tangent/Secant to Sphere/Ellipsoid Projections 投影 Presentation of an image and/or object onto another medium, generally of another order (e.g., 3D image onto 2D map) or system (e.g. onto a coordinate system). Proportional Symbol Mapping 比例符號製圖 Scaling the size of geometric symbols proportionally to the data value at a particular location. Pseudocolour 假彩色 Colour rendering technique used to display images in false colours to analyse/accentuate certain features/phenomena. False Colour Pseudoconical Projection Pseudocylindrical Projection Pseudoscopic Effect 偽圓錐投影 偽圓柱投影 幻視效果 Map Projection with equal-area properties with parallels at equal spaced arcs centred on a Pole. Type: 1) Bonne Projection 2) Werner Cordiform Map projection where central meridian is represented as a straight line and other meridians are longer, bowing outwards from central meridian. Type: 1) Sinusoidal Projection 2) Goode Homolosine Projection 3) Eckert Projection 4) Mollweide Projection Optical illusion where a hill can look like a valley due to projection of shadows. Qualitative Maps 定性地圖 Map that expresses features as objects rather than numerical values, most often seen as Thematic Maps. Quantitative Maps Radiometric Resolution 定量地圖 輻射分辨率 Map that expresses features in numeric values, opposite of Qualitative Maps. Describes the perception of the levels of brightness, measured through grey value levels defined by bits (e.g., 8-bit = 256 grey value). 222

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Raster 柵格 Graphics in dot matrix data structure, represented as rectangular grid pixels. Rectangular Projection 正交投影 Map Projection with equal spacing of meridians. Cylindrical Projection Relief Map 地形圖 Map with hill and valley features, often depicted by contour lines, used to express elevation of terrain. Topographic Map Rendering 繪製 Rendering is the process using computer programs to produce an image from a 2D or 3D model. Representative Fraction Reprojection 分數式比例尺 Simple fraction and/or ratio to depict scale of image (e.g., 1:1000, 1/2500) Projection of spatial data between different coordinate systems. Resolution 分辨率 Degree of detail that could be displayed on a map and/or image. RGB colour cube RGB 彩色立方體 A colour system is defined by the brightness levels of each primary colour red, green, blue. Rhumb Line 等方位線 Imaginary line for plotting navigation on charts, it cuts across all the meridians at the same angle. Loxodrome Robinson Projection Robinson 投影 A Compromise map projection that shows the entire world, representation of the whole globe as a flat image, though there are distortions on the polar regions. 223

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Scalable Vector Graphics 可縮放向量圖形 A vector based image in XML format. Scatter Plots 散佈圖 Graph of plots against two axes. Secant Projection 正割投影 Map Projection that intersects the surface of Earth, distortion is not present at the intersection. Segmentation 分割 Map Generalization technique, to split/divide (segment) large area into smaller representative groups/regions. Selection 選擇 Map Generalization technique, choosing particular elements of the map that are representative of concept/thought, to reduce clutter on map. Simplification 簡化 Map Generalization technique, reducing the amount of detail by eliminating excess points. 224

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Simultaneous Contrast 同時對比 Perception of contrast between two or more colours placed side by side. Skeletonization 骨架化 Extraction of the skeleton from a digital binary image without affected the general shape. Smoothing 平滑 Map Generalization technique, to even out (smooth) data/lines/symbols to present it in a more appealing format. Snap 捕捉 Where features are moved to match/coincide with another feature. Soil Map 土壤圖 Map representing soil types/properties (e.g. texture, organic matter, ph, etc ). Spectral Classes 光譜類別 Clusters of data of similar reflectance value. Standard Line 標準線 Line on sphere with no distortion (length expansion/compression) after projection, generally in the form of the equator/standard parallel or central meridian. 225

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Statistical Map 統計圖 Map showing variation in quantity (statistics) for specified area, generally expressed as a choropleth map. Stereographic Projection 立體投影 Map Projection, where angular and circular properties are preserved. Stippling 網點 Creation of patterns in varying shades (solidarity) using dots. Symbolization 符號化 Representation of objects and/or real-life phenomena with pictorial and/or geometric symbols. Systematically Unequal Stepped Class Limits 系統性不規則階梯型分類界限 Class interval determination where there is an emphasis at the higher/lower end of the range of values. Tagging 標記 Adding attributes to digitized data. Temporal Aggregation Temporal Inaccuracy 時頻歸併 時間精度 Aggregation technique to identify events happening at specific timeframes. Occurs when maps area created with out-ofdate data. Tessellation 鑲嵌 Arrangement of shapes/images to fit together without gaps or overlapping. Texture 紋理 The frequency of the tonal change on an image produced by an aggregation of unit features. Texture Mapping 紋理製圖 Adding detail to existing model/map using existing surface texture (i.e. in the form of images) or colour to generate a realistic model/map. Thematic Map 專題地圖 Map presenting summary statistics on the area covered by various land covers, designed through classification of data with reference to a single topic/theme. Choropleth Map Thematic Resolution 專題分辨率 Level of categorical detail on a thematic map as expressed by the number of classes (classification) included in production of the map. 226

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Time Series 時間序列 A series of data values obtained over a specific time, often at regular intervals. Topfer's Radical Law Topfer 基本規律 A function to express the number of elements/features that can be maintained in small scale. Principle of Selection, Radical Law of Cartographic Generalization Topographic Maps 地形圖 Maps showing the topography/terrain of the surface. Relief Map Toponyms 地名 Textual information regarding a location. Placenames Transverse Mercator Projection Triangular Irregular Network Trichromatic Theory 橫軸墨卡托投影 不規則三角網 三基色原理 Cylindrical Map Projection with conformal properties, where the axis of the cylinder lies at the equatorial plane and the line of tangency is at meridian. Universal Transverse Mercator Projection Vector data structure consisting of a series of non-overlapping triangles to represent a surface. Theory on colour vision, where colour is perceived through three different receptors (Cones) in the eye and that all colours are created from the combinations of the three wavelengths (colours) perceived by the receptors. 227

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Two-Point Projection 两点投影 Generalization of Azimuthal Equidistant Projection, where two points are chosen to configure the projection. Two-point Equidistant Projection Typeface 字體名稱 Visual design of a font. Typification 表示 Process of classifying and aggregating point features that allows for grouping of individual similar features to reduce scale of map. Typography 文字排版 Style of text (print). Unclassed Choropleth Maps 未歸類地區分佈圖 Where statistics are matched to a continuous scale, arranged from lowest to highest, which each data point has its own unique colour as specified by the scale. Classless Choropleth Map Value 數值 Graphic quality referring to the degree of lightness/darkness of a colour. Vegetation Map 植被圖 Map showing natural vegetation of the area. Vertical Profiling 垂直剖面 Chart showing changes in elevation along a line feature on a map. Viewing Angle 視角 Perspective view parameter, angle from horizon to the observer. Viewing Azimuth 視向 Perspective view parameter, direction of observer from surface. Viewing Distance 視距 Perspective view parameter, distance between observer and surface. Virtual Reality 虛擬現實 Computer generated simulation environment that allows for interaction. Immersive Environment Visual Acuity 明視度 Ability to detect and distinguish between shapes and objects. 228

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Visualization Visual Balance 視覺平衡 Positioning of visual elements that will be pleasing to the eye. Layout Visual Efficiency 視覺效率 Visual interpretation of images, affected by perceptibility and legibility. Visual Variables 視覺變量 Differences in elements visible to the human eye. Type: 1) Size 2) Shape 3) Brightness 4) Colour 5) Texture/Grain 6) Hue 7) Saturation 8) Orientation 9) Spacing 10) Position 11) Arrangement Graphic Variables Voxel 三維像素 3D pixel, its position is no defined by coordinates but in relation to other voxels. Zoning Map 土地分區圖 Map showing areas of current restrictions on land use/development. z-scale Z 方向比例 The ratio between horizontal and vertical scale in perspective view. Vertical Exaggeration Factor 229

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Equal Area Conic Projection Azimuthal Equidistant Projection 230

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Compromise (Winkel-Tripel) Projection Cylindrical Equal-Area Projection 231

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Equal-Area Bonne Projection Equal-Area Sinusoidal Projection 232

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Equirectangular Projection Lambert Conformal Conic Projection 233

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Mercator Projection Orthographic Projection 234

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Polyconic Projection Robinson Projection 235

GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE BOOK Map Projections Stereographic Projection Traverse Mercator Projection 236