Sof tware Eng ineer ing for Autonom ic Com puting

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27 6 2006 6 M IN I- M ICRO SYST EM S V o l127 N o 6 June 2006 1, 2 1, 1 (, 100080) 2 (, 100039) E2m ail: zhanghj@ icṡ icṫ ac cn :,, D PM A S,,, : : T P18 : A : 100021220 (2006) 0621077206 Sof tware Eng ineer ing for Autonom ic Com puting ZHAN G H ai2jun 1, 2, SH I Zhong2zh i 1 1 (Institu te of Comp u ting T echnology, T he Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences, B eij ing 100080, Ch ina) 2 (G rad uate S chool of the Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences, B eij ing 100039, Ch ina) Abstract: F rom the po int of view of softw are engineering, th is paper defines an arch itectural model fo r autonom ic computing Based on th is model, the paper p ropo ses a design p rocess fo r m ulti2agent system s to model the autonom ic computing system A lso the paper p ropo ses a layered developm ent app roach fo r the autonom ic computing system based on softw are reuse A de2 velopm ent environm ent fo r autonom ic computing system is imp lem ented, w h ich suppo rts the w ho le softw are engineering p ro2 cess of autonom ic computing Key words: au tonom ic com pu ting au tonom ic un it au tonom ic behaviou r softw are engineering 1, 2 1 1 [1 ] IT :, :,, :, :, :,, (P roblem D eterm ination) (A utonom ic M onito ring) (Comp lex A nalysis) (Po li2 cy M anagem ent),, [1 ],,,, 2 2 1 1 AU (A utonom ic U nit) 1 AU : 2005203202 : (2001AA 113121, 2003AA 115220) (2003CB317000) :,, 1980,,,, 1941,,, CCF, 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved http://wwwcnkinet

1078 2006, ( ),,,, ( ),,,,, 2 1 2 2, 2 1) : 2),,,, 2 1 2 1 3,,,,, 3 (R e2configuration),, A gent W eb Service Grid Service, 3,,,,, 2 2 (Self2Aw areness),,,, :, 4,, (, 4, ), ( ),, D SC (, D ep loym ent So lution Center) 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved http://wwwcnkinet

6 : 1079, (O nto logy M odel),, D SC, (D ep loym ent AM F (, A ddress M app ing Facilitato r) AM F, AM F AM F, AD F (,A utonom ic D irecto ry Facilitato r), AD F, AD F AD F M T S (,M essage T ranspo rt Service) M T S,, SF (, Security Facilitato r), 5 D PM A S 3 D PM A S 5, D PM A S (D e2 4 sign P rocess fo r M ulti2a gent System ) [9 ], AUM L,,,,, D PM A S D PM A S 4, (U se Case M odel),,,, (A ctivity M odel) (State2 Chart M odel) ( Interaction P ro toco l M odel) (P lan M odel) ( Inference M odel) (R eactive R ule M odel) M odel),, 6,,,, 6,,, 4 1,,, (AU C lass M odel),, D PM A S, (O rganization R elationsh ip M odel), ( 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved http://wwwcnkinet

1080 2006 ), < A utonom icbehaviourd esc> : : = < BehaviourN am e> < Sem anticsd escrip tion> < Inputs> < O utputs> < InputConstraints> < O utputconstraints> < IOConst rain ts>,, < Sem antics2d escrip tion> : : = < A ctionn am e> < Co ncep tn am e> (FSM ), FSM, FSM < Inputs> : : = < Param 2Spec> + S i, < O utputs> : : = < Param 2Spec> +, Sj, < Inpu tcon strain ts> : : = (exp ression in state2langua ge) Sj FSM Behaviour FSM Behaviour < O utputconstraints> : : = (exp ression in state2langua ge),, < IO Con strain ts> : : = (exp ression in state2language) < Param 2Spec> : : = < Param > < T ype>, < Param > : : = < T ype> : : =, < A ctionn am e> : : = ( Java < Concep tn am e> : : = Bean) ( ) Sem anticsd escrip tion, A ctionn am e: Concep tn am e,,,, Sem anticsd e2, scrip tion Search: Info rm ation Inputs O utputs 4 2 InputConstraints (Autonom ic Un it) O utputconstraints IOConstraints,, (Simp le Behaviour), (Compo site Behaviour) (O nesho t, Behaviour) (Cyclic Behaviour), ( SequentialBehaviour ) ( ParallelBeha viour) (F inite State M ach ine Behaviour),,,, < Behaviour> : : = < Simp lebehaviour> g < Compo s, itebehaviou r> < Simp lebehaviour> : : = < O nesho tbehaviour> g < CyclicBehaviou r> ip a1 a2, < Com po sitebehaviou r> : : = < Sequen tialbehaviou r> a3 a4, a1 a2 ip g < ParallelBehaviour> g < FSM Behaviour>, a3 a4 ip < SequentialBehaviour> : : = < sub2behaviour> + (, ) < ParallelBehaviour> : : = < sub2behaviour > + (, ), < FSM Behaviour> : : = < sub2behaviour > + (, ) < sub2behaviou r> : : = < Behaviou r> 4 3 (Autonom ic Soc iety) A S, A S = < A U, P rotocol, R u le, O ntology >, :,, A U,, 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved http://wwwcnkinet

6 : 1081 P rotocol, Participan t : action A lternativea ction ( send ( no t2, P rotocol understand), send (p ropo se) : precondition received (cfp21) ), R u le, Initiato r : action end ( ) : precondition received (no t2under2, stand) ) AM F p 4: (: nam e rapo licy performative "O bligate" : subject O ntology A S, A S Initiato r : action SequentialA ction ( A lternativea ction ( send, ( reject2p ropo sal ), send ( accep t2p ropo sal ) ), A lternative2,,, A ction ( send (cfp 22), ParallelA ction ( send ( info rm 22), send : (request) ) ) ) : precondition received (som esignal) ) 1,,,,, info rm 2start2of2auction 2, send (info rm 2start2of2auction) p 4 3, (SequentialA ction), 4, (A lternativea ction), send ( reject2p ropo sal) send ( accep t2, p ropo sal) send (cfp 22),, (ParallelA ction),, 7 send (info rm 22) send (request) F IPA :, GP2 SL, ject Initiato r : action SequentialA ction (send (info rm 2start2of2 auction), send (cfp 21) ) : precondition received (som esignal) ) p 2: p 3: (: nam e bidpo licy performative "O bligate" : subject (: nam e endpo licy performative "O bligate" : subject AM F GPSL : p 5: (: nam e socialpo licy performative "O bligate" : sub2 ject ALL : action register (AM F, service2descrip tion) : pre2 condition no t (registered (service2descrip tion) ) ) (, P ro tege),,,, 5 IBM Kephart [ 1 ], IBM 2003, IBM ( IBM System s Journal,VOL 42) 7 F IPA,,, [7 ],,, Jann IBM pseries Servers, [2 ] M ark l DB 2 GPSL [8 ], GPSL L EO,, GPSL [3 ] D iao A pache W eb,,, A pachew eb [6 F IPA, GPSL : ] p 1: (: nam e startpo licy performative "O bligate" : sub2,, 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved http://wwwcnkinet

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