Multi-View Clustering via Canonical Correlation Analysis

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1 Kamalika Chauhuri ITA, UC San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA Sham M. Kakae Karen Livescu Karthik Sriharan Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, 6045 S. Kenwoo Ave., Chicago, IL Abstract Clustering ata in high imensions is believe to be a har problem in general. A number of efficient clustering algorithms evelope in recent years aress this problem by projecting the ata into a lowerimensional subspace, e.g. via Principal Components Analysis PCA) or ranom projections, before clustering. Here, we consier constructing such projections using multiple views of the ata, via Canonical Correlation Analysis CCA). Uner the assumption that the views are uncorrelate given the cluster label, we show that the separation conitions require for the algorithm to be successful are significantly weaker than prior results in the literature. We provie results for mixtures of Gaussians an mixtures of log concave istributions. We also provie empirical support from auio-visual speaker clustering where we esire the clusters to correspon to speaker ID) an from hierarchical Wikipeia ocument clustering where one view is the wors in the ocument an the other is the link structure). 1. Introuction The multi-view approach to learning is one in which we have views of the ata sometimes in a rather abstract sense) an the goal is to use the relationship between these views to alleviate the ifficulty of a learning problem of interest Blum & Mitchell, 1998; Kakae & Foster, 07; Ano & Zhang, 07). In this Appearing in Proceeings of the 26 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Montreal, Canaa, 09. Copyright 09 by the authors)/owners). work, we explore how having two views makes the clustering problem significantly more tractable. Much recent work has been one on unerstaning uner what conitions we can learn a mixture moel. The basic problem is as follows: We are given inepenent samples from a mixture of k istributions, an our task is to either: 1) infer properties of the unerlying mixture moel e.g. the mixing weights, means, etc.) or 2) classify a ranom sample accoring to which istribution in the mixture it was generate from. Uner no restrictions on the unerlying mixture, this problem is consiere to be har. However, in many applications, we are only intereste in clustering the ata when the component istributions are well separate. In fact, the focus of recent clustering algorithms Dasgupta, 1999; Vempala & Wang, 02; Achlioptas & McSherry, 05; Brubaker & Vempala, 08) is on efficiently learning with as little separation as possible. Typically, the separation conitions are such that when given a ranom sample from the mixture moel, the Bayes optimal classifier is able to reliably recover which cluster generate that point. This work makes a natural multi-view assumption: that the views are conitionally) uncorrelate, conitione on which mixture component generate the views. There are many natural applications for which this assumption applies. For example, we can consier multi-moal views, with one view being a vieo stream an the other an auio stream, of a speaker here, conitione on the speaker ientity an maybe the phoneme both of which coul label the generating cluster), the views may be uncorrelate. A secon example is the wors an link structure in a ocument from a corpus such as Wikipeia here, conitione on the category of each ocument, the wors in it an its link structure may be uncorrelate. In this paper, we provie experiments for both settings.

2 Uner this multi-view assumption, we provie a simple an efficient subspace learning metho, base on Canonical Correlation Analysis CCA). This algorithm is affine invariant an is able to learn with some of the weakest separation conitions to ate. The intuitive reason for this is that uner our multi-view assumption, we are able to approximately) fin the low-imensional subspace spanne by the means of the component istributions. This subspace is important, because, when projecte onto this subspace, the means of the istributions are well-separate, yet the typical istance between points from the same istribution is smaller than in the original space. The number of samples we require to cluster correctly scales as O), where is the ambient imension. Finally, we show through experiments that CCA-base algorithms consistently provie better performance than stanar PCA-base clustering methos when applie to atasets in the two quite ifferent omains of auiovisual speaker clustering an hierarchical Wikipeia ocument clustering by category. Our work as to the growing boy of results which show how the multi-view framework can alleviate the ifficulty of learning problems. Relate Work. Most provably efficient clustering algorithms first project the ata own to some lowimensional space an then cluster the ata in this lower imensional space an algorithm such as single linkage usually suffices here). Typically, these algorithms also work uner a separation requirement, which is measure by the minimum istance between the means of any two mixture components. One of the first provably efficient algorithms for learning mixture moels is ue to Dasgupta, 1999), who learns a mixture of spherical Gaussians by ranomly projecting the mixture onto a low-imensional subspace. Vempala & Wang, 02) provie an algorithm with an improve separation requirement that learns a mixture of k spherical Gaussians, by projecting the mixture own to the k-imensional subspace of highest variance. Kannan et al., 05; Achlioptas & McSherry, 05) exten this result to mixtures of general Gaussians; however, they require a separation proportional to the maximum irectional stanar eviation of any mixture component. Chauhuri & Rao, 08) use a canonical correlations-base algorithm to learn mixtures of axis-aligne Gaussians with a separation proportional to σ, the maximum irectional stanar eviation in the subspace containing the means of the istributions. Their algorithm requires a coorinateinepenence property, an an aitional spreaing conition. None of these algorithms are affine invariant. Finally, Brubaker & Vempala, 08) provie an affineinvariant algorithm for learning mixtures of general Gaussians, so long as the mixture has a suitably low Fisher coefficient when in isotropic position. However, their separation involves a large polynomial epenence on 1 w min. The two results most closely relate to ours are the work of Vempala & Wang, 02) an Chauhuri & Rao, 08). Vempala & Wang, 02) show that it is sufficient to fin the subspace spanne by the means of the istributions in the mixture for effective clustering. Like our algorithm, Chauhuri & Rao, 08) use a projection onto the top k 1 singular value ecomposition subspace of the canonical correlations matrix. They also require a spreaing conition, which is relate to our requirement on the rank. We borrow techniques from both of these papers. Blaschko & Lampert, 08) propose a similar algorithm for multi-view clustering, in which ata is projecte onto the top irections obtaine by kernel CCA across the views. They show empirically that for clustering images using the associate text as a secon view where the target clustering is a human-efine category), CCA-base clustering methos out-perform PCA-base algorithms. This Work. Our input is ata on a fixe set of objects from two views, where View j is assume to be generate by a mixture of k Gaussians D j 1,..., Dj k ), for j = 1, 2. To generate a sample, a source i is picke with probability w i, an x 1) an x 2) in Views 1 an 2 are rawn from istributions D 1 i an D2 i. Following prior theoretical work, our goal is to show that our algorithm recovers the correct clustering, provie the input mixture obeys certain conitons. We impose two requirements on these mixtures. First, we require that conitione on the source, the two views are uncorrelate. Notice that this is a weaker restriction than the conition that given source i, the samples from D 1 i an D 2 i are rawn inepenently. Moreover, this conition allows the istributions in the mixture within each view to be completely general, so long as they are uncorrelate across views. Although we o not prove this, our algorithm seems robust to small eviations from this assumption. Secon, we require the rank of the CCA matrix across the views to be at least k 1, when each view is in isotropic position, an the k 1-th singular value of this matrix to be at least λ min. This conition ensures that there is sufficient correlation between the views. If the first two conitions hol, then we can recover the subspace containing the means in both views.

3 In aition, for mixtures of Gaussians, if in at least one view, say View 1, we have that for every pair of istributions i an j in the mixture, µ 1 i µ 1 j > Cσ k 1/4 logn/δ) for some constant C, then our algorithm can also etermine which component each sample came from. Here µ 1 i is the mean of the i-th component in View 1 an σ is the maximum irectional stanar eviation in the subspace containing the means in View 1. Moreover, the number of samples require to learn this mixture grows almost) linearly with. This separation conition is consierably weaker than previous results in that σ only epens on the irectional variance in the subspace spanne by the means, which can be consierably lower than the maximum irectional variance over all irections. The only other algorithm which provies affine-invariant guarantees is ue to Brubaker & Vempala, 08) the implie separation in their work is rather large an grows with ecreasing w min, the minimum mixing weight. To get our improve sample complexity bouns, we use a result ue to Ruelson & Vershynin, 07) which may be of inepenent interest. We stress that our improve results are really ue to the multi-view conition. Ha we simply combine the ata from both views, an applie previous algorithms on the combine ata, we coul not have obtaine our guarantees. We also emphasize that for our algorithm to cluster successfully, it is sufficient for the istributions in the mixture to obey the separation conition in one view, so long as the multi-view an rank conitions are obeye. Finally, we stuy through experiments the performance of CCA-base algorithms on ata sets from two ifferent omains. First, we experiment with auiovisual speaker clustering, in which the two views are auio an face images of a speaker, an the target cluster variable is the speaker. Our experiments show that CCA-base algorithms perform better than PCAbase algorithms on auio ata an just as well on image ata, an are more robust to occlusions of the images. For our secon experiment, we cluster ocuments in Wikipeia. The two views are the wors an the link structure in a ocument, an the target cluster is the category. Our experiments show that a CCAbase hierarchical clustering algorithm out-performs PCA-base hierarchical clustering for this ata. 2. The Setting We assume that our ata is generate by a mixture of k istributions. In particular, we assume that we obtain samples x = x 1), x 2) ), where x 1) an x 2) are the two views, which live in the vector spaces V 1 of imension 1 an V 2 of imension 2, respectively. We let = Let µ j i, for i = 1,..., k an j = 1, 2, be the mean of istribution i in view j, an let w i be the mixing weight for istribution i. For simplicity, we assume that the ata have mean 0. We enote the covariance matrix of the ata as: Σ = E[xx ], Σ 11 = E[x 1) x 1) ) ] Σ 22 = E[x 2) x 2) ) ], Σ 12 = E[x 1) x 2) ) [ ] Σ11 Σ Hence, we have: Σ = 21 1) Σ 12 Σ 22 The multi-view assumption we work with is as follows: Assumption 1 Multi-View Conition) We assume that conitione on the source istribution l in the mixture where l = i is picke with probability w i ), the two views are uncorrelate. More precisely, we assume that for all i [k], E[x 1) x 2) ) l = i] = E[x 1) l = i]e[x 2) ) l = i] This assumption implies that: Σ 12 = i w iµ 1 i µ2 i )T. To see this, observe that E[x 1) x 2) ) ] = i = i = i E Di [x 1) x 2) ) ] Pr[D i ] w i E Di [x 1) ] E Di [x 2) ) ] w i µ 1 i µ 2 i ) T 2) As the istributions are in isotropic position, we observe that i w iµ 1 i = i w iµ 2 i = 0. Therefore, the above equation shows that the rank of Σ 12 is at most k 1. We now assume that it has rank precisely k 1. Assumption 2 Non-Degeneracy Conition) We assume that Σ 12 has rank k 1 an that the minimal non-zero singular value of Σ 12 is λ min > 0 where we are working in a coorinate system where Σ 11 an Σ 22 are ientity matrices). For clarity of exposition, we also work in an isotropic coorinate system in each view. Specifically, the expecte covariance matrix of the ata, in each view, is the ientity matrix, i.e. Σ 11 = I 1, Σ 22 = I 2. As our analysis shows, our algorithm is robust to errors, so we assume that ata is whitene as a preprocessing step. One way to view the Non-Degeneracy Assumption is in terms of correlation coefficients. Recall that for two

4 irections u V 1 an v V 2, the correlation coefficient is efine as: ρu, v) = E[u x 1) )v x 2) )] E[u x 1) ) 2 ]E[v x 2) ) 2 ]. An alternative efinition of λ min is the minimal non-zero correlation coefficient, λ min = min u,v:ρu,v) 0 ρu, v). Note 1 λ min > 0. We use Σ 11 an Σ 22 to enote the sample covariance matrices in views 1 an 2 respectively. We use Σ 12 to enote the sample covariance matrix combine across views 1 an 2. We assume these are obtaine through empirical averages from i.i.. samples from the unerlying istribution. 3. The Clustering Algorithm The following lemma provies the intuition for our algorithm. Lemma 1 Uner Assumption 2, if U, D, V is the thin SVD of Σ 12 where the thin SVD removes all zero entries from the iagonal), then the subspace spanne by the means in view 1 is precisely the column span of U an we have the analogous statement for view 2). The lemma is a consequence of Equation 2 an the rank assumption. Since samples from a mixture are well-separate in the space containing the means of the istributions, the lemma suggests the following strategy: use CCA to approximately) project the ata own to the subspace spanne by the means to get an easier clustering problem, an then apply stanar clustering algorithms in this space. Our clustering algorithm, base on the above iea, is state below. We can show that this algorithm clusters correctly with high probability, when the ata in at least one of the views obeys a separation conition, in aition to our assumptions. The input to the algorithm is a set of samples S, an a number k, an the output is a clustering of these samples into k clusters. For this algorithm, we assume that the ata obeys the separation conition in View 1; an analogous algorithm can be applie when the ata obeys the separation conition in View 2 as well. Algorithm Ranomly partition S into two subsets A an B of equal size. 2. Let Σ 12 A) Σ 12 B) resp.) enote the empirical covariance matrix between views 1 an 2, compute from the sample set A B resp.). Compute the top k 1 left singular vectors of Σ 12 A) Σ 12 B) resp.), an project the samples in B A resp.) on the subspace spanne by these vectors. 3. Apply single linkage clustering Dunn & Everitt, 04) for mixtures of log-concave istributions), or the algorithm in Section 3.5 of Arora & Kannan, 05) for mixtures of Gaussians) on the projecte examples in View 1. We note that in Step 3, we apply either single linkage or the algorithm of Arora & Kannan, 05); this allows us to show theoretically that if the istributions in the mixture are of a certain type, an given the right separation conitions, the clusters can be recovere correctly. In practice, however, these algorithms o not perform as well ue to lack of robustness, an one woul use an algorithm such as k-means or EM to cluster in this low-imensional subspace. In particular, a variant of the EM algorithm has been shown Dasgupta & Schulman, 00) to cluster correctly mixtures of Gaussians, uner certain conitions. Moreover, in Step 1, we ivie the ata set into two halves to ensure inepenence between Steps 2 an 3 for our analysis; in practice, however, these steps can be execute on the same sample set. Main Results. Our main theorem is as follows. Theorem 1 Gaussians) Suppose the source istribution is a mixture of Gaussians, an suppose Assumptions 1 an 2 hol. Let σ be the maximum irectional stanar eviation of any istribution in the subspace spanne by {µ 1 i }k i=1. If, for each pair i an j an for a fixe constant C, µ 1 i µ 1 j Cσ k 1/4 log kn δ ) then, with probability 1 δ, Algorithm 1 correctly classifies the examples if the number of examples use is c σ ) 2 λ 2 log 2 min w2 min σ ) log 2 1/δ) λ min w min for some constant c. Here we assume that a separation conition hols in View 1, but a similar theorem also applies to View 2. An analogous theorem can also be shown for mixtures of log-concave istributions. Theorem 2 Log-concave Distributions) Suppose the source istribution is a mixture of

5 log-concave istributions, an suppose Assumptions 1 an 2 hol. Let σ be the maximum irectional stanar eviation of any istribution in the subspace spanne by {µ 1 i }k i=1. If, for each pair i an j an for a fixe constant C, µ 1 i µ 1 j Cσ k log kn δ ) then, with probability 1 δ, Algorithm 1 correctly classifies the examples if the number of examples use is c σ ) 2 λ 2 log 3 min w2 min σ ) log 2 1/δ) λ min w min for some constant c. The proof follows from the proof of Theorem 1, along with stanar results on log-concave probability istributions see Kannan et al., 05; Achlioptas & McSherry, 05). We o not provie a proof here ue to space constraints. 4. Analyzing Our Algorithm In this section, we prove our main theorems. Notation. In the sequel, we assume that we are given samples from a mixture which obeys Assumptions 2 an 1. We use the notation S 1 resp. S 2 ) to enote the subspace containing the centers of the istributions in the mixture in View 1 resp. View 2), an notation S 1 resp. S 2 ) to enote the orthogonal complement to the subspace containing the centers of the istributions in the mixture in View 1 resp. View 2). For any matrix A, we use A to enote the L 2 norm or maximum singular value of A. Proofs. Now, we are reay to prove our main theorem. First, we show the following two lemmas, which emonstrate properties of the expecte crosscorrelational matrix across the views. Their proofs are immeiate from Assumptions 2 an 1. Lemma 2 Let v 1 an v 2 be any vectors in S 1 an S 2 respectively. Then, v 1 ) T Σ 12 v 2 > λ min. Lemma 3 Let v 1 resp. v 2 ) be any vector in S 1 resp. S 2 ). Then, for any u 1 V 1 an u 2 V 2, v 1 ) T Σ 12 u 2 = u 1 ) T Σ 12 v 2 = 0. Next, we show that given sufficiently many samples, the subspace spanne by the top k 1 singular vectors of Σ 12 still approximates the subspace containing the means of the istributions comprising the mixture. Finally, we use this fact, along with some results in Arora & Kannan, 05) to prove Theorem 1. Our main lemma of this section is the following. Lemma 4 Projection Subspace Lemma) Let v 1 resp. v 2 ) be any vector in S 1 resp. S 2 ). If the number of samples n > c τ 2 λ 2 log2 min wmin τλ minw min ) log 2 1 δ ) for some constant c, then, with probability 1 δ, the length of the projection of v 1 resp. v 2 ) in the subspace spanne by the top k 1 left resp. right) singular vectors of Σ12 is at least 1 τ 2 v 1 resp. 1 τ 2 v 2 ). The main tool in the proof of Lemma 4 is the following lemma, which uses a result ue to Ruelson & Vershynin, 07). Lemma 5 Sample Complexity Lemma) If number of samples n > c ɛ 2 log 2 ) log 2 1 w min ɛw min δ ) the for some constant c, then, with probability at least 1 δ, Σ 12 Σ 12 ɛ. A consequence of Lemmas 5, 2 an 3 is the following. Lemma 6 Let n > C ɛ 2 w min log 2 ɛw min ) log 2 1 δ ), for some constant C. Then, with probability 1 δ, the top k 1 singular values of Σ 12 have value at least λ min ɛ. The remaining min 1, 2 ) k + 1 singular values of Σ 12 have value at most ɛ. The proof follows by a combination of Lemmas 2,3, 5. Proof:Of Lemma 5) To prove this lemma, we apply Lemma 7. Observe the block representation of Σ in Equation 1. Moreover, with Σ 11 an Σ 22 in isotropic position, we have that the L 2 norm of Σ 12 is at most 1. Using the triangle inequality, we can write: Σ 12 Σ Σ Σ + Σ 11 Σ 11 + Σ 22 Σ 22 ) where we applie the triangle inequality to the 2 2 block matrix with off-iagonal entries Σ 12 Σ 12 an with 0 iagonal entries). We now apply Lemma 7 three times, on Σ 11 Σ 11, Σ 22 Σ 22, an a scale version of Σ Σ. The first two applications follow irectly. For the thir application, we observe that Lemma 7 is rotation invariant, an that scaling each covariance value by some factor s scales the norm of the matrix by at most s. We claim that we can apply Lemma 7 on Σ Σ with s = 4. Since the covariance of any two ranom variables is at most the prouct of their stanar eviations, an since Σ 11 an Σ 22 are I 1 an I 2 respectively, the maximum singular value of Σ 12 is at most 1; so the maximum singular value of Σ is at most 4. Our claim follows. The lemma follows by plugging in n as a function of ɛ, an w min

6 Lemma 7 Let X be a set of n points generate by a mixture of k Gaussians over R, scale such that E[x x T ] = I. If M is the sample covariance matrix of X, then, for n large enough, with probability at least 1 δ, log n log 2n δ M E[M] C ) log1/δ) wmin n where C is a fixe constant, an w min is the minimum mixing weight of any Gaussian in the mixture. Proof: To prove this lemma, we use a concentration result on the L 2 -norms of matrices ue to Ruelson & Vershynin, 07). We observe that each vector x i in the scale space is generate by a Gaussian with some mean µ an maximum irectional variance σ 2. As the total variance of the mixture along any irection is at most 1, w min µ 2 + σ 2 ) 1. Therefore, for all samples x i, with probability at least 1 δ/2, x i µ + σ log 2n δ ). We conition on the fact that the event x i µ + σ log 2n δ ) happens for all i = 1,..., n. The probability of this event is at least 1 δ/2. Conitione on this event, the istributions of the vectors x i are inepenent. Therefore, we can apply Theorem 3.1 in Ruelson & Vershynin, 07) on these conitional istributions, to conclue that: Pr[ M E[M] > t] 2e cnt2 /Λ 2 log n where c is a constant, an Λ is an upper boun on the norm of any vector x i. The lemma follows by plugging in t =, an Λ 2 log2n/δ) wmin. Λ 2 log4/δ) log n cn Proof: Of Lemma 4) For the sake of contraiction, suppose there exists a vector v 1 S 1 such that the projection of v 1 on the top k 1 left singular vectors of Σ 12 is equal to 1 τ 2 v 1, where τ > τ. Then, there exists some unit vector u 1 in V 1 in the orthogonal complement of the space spanne by the top k 1 left singular vectors of Σ 12 such that the projection of v 1 on u 1 is equal to τ v 1. This vector u 1 can be written as: u 1 = τv 1 +1 τ 2 ) 1/2 y 1, where y 1 is in the orthogonal complement of S 1. From Lemma 2, there exists some vector u 2 in S 2, such that v 1 ) Σ 12 u 2 λ min ; from Lemma 3, for this vector u 2, u 1 ) Σ 12 u 2 τλ min. If n > c τ 2 λ 2 log2 min wmin τλ minw min ) log 2 1 δ ), then, from Lemma 6, u 1 ) T Σ12 u 2 τ 2 λ min. Now, since u 1 is in the orthogonal complement of the subspace spanne by the top k 1 left singular vectors of Σ 12, for any vector y 2 in the subspace spanne by the top k 1 right singular vectors of Σ 12, u 1 ) Σ12 y 2 = 0. This means that there exists a vector z 2 V 2, the orthogonal complement of the subspace spanne by the top k 1 right singular vectors of Σ 12 such that u 1 ) T Σ12 z 2 τ 2 λ min. This implies that the k-th singular value of Σ 12 is at least τ 2 λ min. However, from Lemma 6, all but the top k 1 singular values of Σ 12 are at most τ 3 λ min, which is a contraiction. Proof:Of Theorem 1) From Lemma 4, if n > C τ 2 λ 2 log2 min wmin τλ minw min ) log 2 1 δ ), then, with probability at least 1 δ, the projection of any vector v in S 1 or S 2 onto the subspace returne by Step 2 of Algorithm 1 has length at least 1 τ 2 v. Therefore, the maximum irectional variance of any D i in this subspace is at most 1 τ 2 )σ ) 2 + τ 2 σ 2, where σ 2 is the maximum irectional variance of any D i. When τ σ σ, this is at most 2σ ) 2. From the 1 isotropic conition, σ wmin. Therefore, when C σ ) 2 λ 2 min w2 min n > log 2 σ λ minw min ) log 2 1 δ ), the maximum irectional variance of any D i in the mixture in the space output by Step 2 is at most 2σ ) 2. Since A an B are ranom partitions of the sample set S, the subspace prouce by the action of Step 2 of Algorithm 1 on the set A is inepenent of B, an vice versa. Therefore, when projecte onto the top k 1 SVD subspace of Σ 12 A), the samples from B are istribute as a mixture of k 1)-imensional Gaussians. The theorem follows from the previous paragraph, an Theorem 1 of Arora & Kannan, 05). 5. Experiments 5.1. Auio-visual speaker clustering In the first set of experiments, we consier clustering either auio or face images of speakers. We use 41 speakers from the ViTIMIT atabase Sanerson, 08), speaking 10 sentences about secons) each, recore at 25 frames per secon in a stuio environment with no significant lighting or pose variation. The auio features are stanar 12-imensional mel cepstra Davis & Mermelstein, 1980) an their erivatives an ouble erivatives compute every 10ms over a ms winow, an finally concatenate over a winow of 4ms centere on the current frame, for a total of 1584 imensions. The vieo features are pixels of the face region extracte from each image 2394 imensions). We consier the target cluster variable to be the speaker. We use either CCA or PCA to project the ata to a lower imensionality N. In the case of CCA, we initially project to an intermeiate imensionality M using PCA to reuce the effects of spurious correlations. For the results reporte here, typical values selecte using a hel-out set) are N = an

7 PCA CCA Images Auio Images + occlusion Auio + occlusion Images + translation Auio + translation Table 1. Conitional perplexities of the speaker given the cluster, using PCA or CCA bases. + occlusion an + translation inicate that the images are corrupte with occlusion/translation; the auio is unchange, however. M = 100 for images an 1000 for auio. For CCA, we ranomize the vectors of one view in each sentence, to reuce correlations between the views ue to other latent variables such as the current phoneme. We then cluster either view using k-means into 82 clusters 2 per speaker). To alleviate the problem of local minima foun by k-means, each clustering consists of 5 runs of k-means, an the one with the lowest score is taken as the final clustering. Similarly to Blaschko & Lampert, 08), we measure clustering performance using the conitional entropy of the speaker s given the cluster c, Hs c). We report the results in terms of conitional perplexity, 2 Hs c), which is the mean number of speakers corresponing to each cluster. Table 1 shows results on the raw ata, as well as with synthetic occlusions an translations of the image ata. Consiering the clean visual environment, we expect PCA to o very well on the image ata. Inee, PCA provies an almost perfect clustering of the raw images an CCA oes not improve it. However, CCA far outperforms PCA when clustering the more challenging auio view. When synthetic occlusions or translations are applie to the images, the performance of PCA-base clustering is greatly egrae. CCA is unaffecte in the case of occlusion; in the case of translation, CCA-base image clustering is egrae similarly to PCA, but auio clustering is almost unaffecte. In other wors, even when the image ata are egrae, CCA is able to recover a goo clustering in at least one of the views. 1 For a more etaile look at the clustering behavior, Figures 1a-) show the istributions of clusters for each speaker. 1 The auio task is unusually challenging, as each feature vector correspons to only a few phonemes. A typical speaker classification setting uses entire sentences. If we force the cluster ientity to be constant over each sentence the most frequent cluster label in the sentence), performance improves greatly; e.g., in the auio+occlusion case, the perplexity improves to 8.5 PCA) an 2.1 CCA) Clustering Wikipeia articles Next we consier the task of clustering Wikipeia articles, base on either their text or their incoming an outgoing links. The link structure L is represente as a concatenation of to an from link incience vectors, where each element Li) is the number of times the current article links to/from article i. The article text is represente as a bag-of-wors feature vector, i.e. the raw count of each wor in the article. A lexicon of about 8 million wors an a list of about 12 million articles were use to construct the two feature vectors. Since the imensionality of the feature vectors is very high over million for the link view), we use ranom projection to reuce the imensionality to a computationally manageable level. We present clustering experiments on a subset of Wikipeia consisting of 128,327 articles. We use either PCA or CCA to reuce the feature vectors to the final imensionality, followe by clustering. In these experiments, we use a hierarchical clustering proceure, as a flat clustering is poor with either PCA or CCA CCA still usually outperforms PCA, however). In the hierarchical proceure, all points are initially consiere to be in a single cluster. Next, we iteratively pick the largest cluster, reuce the imensionality using PCA or CCA on the points in this cluster, an use k-means to break the cluster into smaller sub-clusters for some fixe k), until we reach the total esire number of clusters. The intuition for this is that ifferent clusters may have ifferent natural subspaces. As before, we evaluate the clustering using the conitional perplexity of the article category a as given by Wikipeia) given the cluster c, 2 Ha c). For each article we use the first category liste in the article. The 128,327 articles inclue roughly 15,000 categories, of which we use the 500 most frequent ones, which cover 73,145 articles. While the clustering is performe on all 128,327 articles, the reporte entropies are for the 73,145 articles. Each sub-clustering consists of 10 runs of k-means, an the one with the lowest k-means score is taken as the final cluster assignment. Figure 1e) shows the conitional perplexity versus the number of clusters for PCA an CCA base hierarchical clustering. For any number of clusters, CCA prouces better clusterings, i.e. ones with lower perplexity. In aition, the tree structures of the PCA/CCAbase clusterings are qualitatively ifferent. With PCA base clustering, most points are assigne to a few large clusters, with the remaining clusters being very small. CCA-base hierarchical clustering prouces more balance clusters. To see this, in Figure 1f) we show the perplexity of the cluster istribu-

8 5 a) AV: Auio, PCA basis 5 c) AV: Images + occlusion, PCA basis e) Wikipeia: Category perplexity hierarchical CCA hierarchical PCA speaker speaker perplexity cluster cluster number of clusters 5 10 b) AV: Auio, CCA basis 5 10 ) AV: Images + occlusion, CCA basis f) Wikipeia: Cluster perplexity balance clustering hierarchical CCA hierarchical PCA speaker speaker Entropy cluster cluster number of clusters Figure 1. a-) Distributions of cluster assignments per speaker in auio-visual experiments. The color of each cell s, c) correspons to the empirical probability pc s) arker = higher). e-f) Wikipeia experiments: e) Conitional perplexity of article category given cluster 2 Ha c) ). f) Perplexity of the cluster istribution 2 Hc) ) tion versus number of clusters. For about 25 or more clusters, the CCA-base clustering has higher perplexity, inicating a more uniform istribution of clusters. References Achlioptas, D., & McSherry, F. 05). On spectral learning of mixtures of istributions. Conf. on Learning Thy pp ). Ano, R. K., & Zhang, T. 07). Two-view feature generation moel for semi-supervise learning. Int. Conf. on Machine Learning pp ). Arora, S., & Kannan, R. 05). Learning mixtures of separate nonspherical Gaussians. Ann. Applie Prob., 15, Blaschko, M. B., & Lampert, C. H. 08). Correlational spectral clustering. Conf. on Comp. Vision an Pattern Recognition. Blum, A., & Mitchell, T. 1998). Combining labele an unlabele ata with co-training. Conf. on Learning Thy. pp ). Brubaker, S. C., & Vempala, S. 08). Isotropic PCA an affine-invariant clustering. Foun. of Comp. Sci. pp ). Chauhuri, K., & Rao, S. 08). Learning mixtures of istributions using correlations an inepenence. Conf. On Learning Thy. pp. 9 ). Dasgupta, S. 1999). Learning mixtures of Gaussians. Foun. of Comp. Sci. pp ). Dasgupta, S., & Schulman, L. 00). A two-roun variant of EM for Gaussian mixtures. Uncertainty in Art. Int. pp ). Davis, S. B., & Mermelstein, P. 1980). Comparison of parametric representations for monosyllabic wor recognition in continuously spoken sentences. IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, an Signal Proc., 28, Dunn, G., & Everitt, B. 04). An introuction to math. taxonomy. Dover Books. Kakae, S. M., & Foster, D. P. 07). Multi-view regression via canonical correlation analysis. Conf. Learning Thy pp ). Kannan, R., Salmasian, H., & Vempala, S. 05). The spectral metho for general mixture moels. Conf. on Learning Thy pp ). Ruelson, M., & Vershynin, R. 07). Sampling from large matrices: An approach through geometric functional analysis. Jour. of ACM. Sanerson, C. 08). Biometric person recognition: Face, speech an fusion. VDM-Verlag. Vempala, V., & Wang, G. 02). A spectral algorithm for learning mixtures of istributions. Foun. of Comp. Sci. pp ).

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