arxiv: v2 [math.ra] 24 Sep 2015

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1 MONOMIAL, GORENSTEIN AND BASS ORDERS arxiv: v2 [mathra] 24 Sep 2015 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU Abstract In this article we study a class of orders called monomial orders in a central simple algebra over a non-archimedean local field Monomial orders are easily represented and they may be also viewed as a direct generalization of Eichler orders in quaternion algebras A criterion for monomial orders to be Gorenstein or to be Bass is given It is shown that a monomial order is Bass if and only if it is either a hereditary or an Eichler order of period two 1 Introduction In the integral theory for central simple algebras over non-archimedean local fields, we have the following important classes of orders: maximal orders, hereditary orders, Bass orders and Gorenstein orders For definitions and basic properties of Bass and Gorenstein orders, see [4, Section 37], [15, Chapter IX] or the original paper by Drozd, Kirichenko and Roiter [5] (also see Section 32) Many theories and relations are investigated by many authors for understanding these classes of orders, as well as their module structures It is well-known that they form the following proper inclusions: (maximal orders) (hereditary orders) (Bass orders) (Gorenstein orders) Let k be a non-archimedean local field with ring of integers O In this article we introduce a class of O-orders in a central simple algebra A over k, which we call monomial orders To define them, let us write A = Mat n (D), where D is a central division algebra over k Let O D be the unique maximal order in D and P be the unique maximal ideal of O D For any matrix m in Mat n (Z), put (11) Mat n (O D,m) := {(a ij ) Mat n (D); a ij P mij 1 i,j n} We call m the level of the O D -module Mat n (O D,m) In order that Mat n (O D,m) forms an order the matrix m must satisfy the order condition: m ii = 0 for all 1 i n and m ik m ij + m jk for all 1 i,j,k n An O-order R in A that is isomorphic to Mat n (O D,m) for some m is called a monomial order We call Mat n (O D,m) the standard monomial order of level m in Mat n (D) Note that the level is not an intrinsic invariant of a monomial order; a standard monomial order Mat n (O,m) may be conjugate to another Mat n (O D,m ) with different level m The class of monomial orders may be viewed as a direct generalization of Eichler orders in quaternion algebras to central simple algebras We shall discuss properties of monomial orders and therefore we shall consider only the standard ones Clearly one has the following proper inclusions: (maximal orders) (hereditary orders) (monomial orders) Date: June 26,

2 2 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU The main content of this paper is the determination of which monomial orders that are Gorenstein or Bass One basic problem studied by Janusz[10] and extended by Hijikata and Nishida [9] is to determine which tensor product order R 1 O R 2 of two orders R 1 and R 2 is hereditary Naturally one may consider the same question where the adjective hereditary is replaced by Bass or Gorenstein Our investigation starts by a key observation due to J-K Yu [20] which asserts that any hereditary order or the tensor product of any two hereditary orders, even of two monomial orders, locally in the etale topology looks like a monomial order That is, for such ordersr, there exists a finite etale extension O of O such that the base change R O O becomes a monomial order Therefore, monomial orders are, up to a suitable base change, stable under the tensor product Studying monomial orders and their properties may provide a tool or interesting examples that emerge previous extensive studies in the integral theory of central simple algebras over local fields Recall an O-order R in a semi-simple and separable k-algebra is said to be Gorenstein if every short exact sequence of right (or equivalently, left) R-lattices 0 R M N 0 splits; see [4, p 776 and Prop 378, p 778] We prove the following result Theorem 11 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a monomial order of level m = (m ij ) in Mat n (D) Then the order R is Gorenstein if and only if for each 1 i n there exists an integer c(i) such that the column vector [ m i1 +c(i),, m in +c(i)] t Z n is equal to a column of m We say a (standard) monomial order Mat n (O D,m) of level m upper triangular if m ij = 0 for all 1 i < j n We call this order an Eichler order if it is upper triangular and for any i > j the integer m ij is either zero or equals a fixed positive integer The following result gives a criterion for an upper triangular monomial order to be Gorenstein Theorem 12 If R = Mat n (O D,m) is an upper triangular monomial order, then R is Gorenstein if and only if R is an Eichler order The following result characterizes Bass orders in the class of monomial orders Theorem 13 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be as in Theorem 11 Then R is a Bass order if and only if either R is a hereditary order, or R is an Eichler order of period two, ie there exist positive integers,,a with + = n so that R Mat n (O D,m ) with m = [ 0 k2 a1 k2 where 1 r s (resp 0 r s) denotes the r s matrix with every entry equal to 1 (resp 0) Remar4 Although the setting for the present article is over the ring O of integers in a non-archimedean local field, all results are also valid if one replaces the base ring O by any complete discrete valuation ring The paper is organized as follows Section 2 introduces monomial orders and their basic properties which will be used in the proceeding sections We prove Theorems 11, 12 and 13 in Sections 3, 4 and 5, respectively ],

3 3 2 Monomial Orders Let D be a finite dimensional central division algebra over a non-archimedean local field k, and O D be the valuation ring Let P be the unique maximal ideal of O D and π = π D be a uniformizer of D In this section, we introduce a class of O-orders in Mat n (D) which we call monomial orders For any integral matrix m = (m ij ) Mat n (Z), we set Mat n (O D,m) := (P mij ) Mat n (D) TheO D -submodulemat n (O D,m)is asubringifandonlyif thefollowingconditions hold: (i) m ii = 0 for all 1 i n, and (ii) for all 1 i,j,k n,one has the equality (21) m ik m ij +m jk We call Mat n (O D,m) the standard monomial order of level m Let be the diagonal O-subalgebra Lemma 21 T := diag(o D,,O D ) Mat n (O D ) (1) Any O D -submodule M of Mat n (D) which is stable under the left and right multiplication of T has the form Mat n (O D,m) for some m Mat n (Z) (2) Any O-order R which contains a standard monomial order Mat n (O D,m) is again a standard monomial order Proof (1) This is elementary (2) Since Mat n (O D,m) contains T, the order R is stable under the left and right multiplication of T Then the statement follows from (1) Let W := N GLn(D)(T)/T be the extended Weyl group of GL n (D) We have an isomorphism Z n S n = W by sending (a1,,a n ) σ to diag(π a1,,π an )σ The group W actsonthesetofallstandardmonomialordersinmat n (D)byconjugation A basic question is to find good representatives for isomorphism classes among standard monomial orders Lemma 22 Any standard monomial order Mat n (O D,m) is conjugate by an element of W to an O-order Mat n (O D,m ) such that m 1j = 0 and m ij 0 for 1 i,j n Proof Choose a j such that a j + m 1j = 0 for 2 j n Conjugating by the element diag(π a1,,π an ), we get the order Mat n (O D,m ) with m 1j = 0 for 2 j n Using the inequality m 1j m 1i +m ij we have m ij 0 for all 1 i,j n This proves the lemma

4 4 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU A standard monomial order Mat n (O D,m) is said to be of positive type if m ij 0 forall i,j; it is said to be upper triangular if m ij = 0 forall i j, that is, the matrix m is strict lower triangular in the usual sense By Lemma 22, we can reduce the situation to the case of positive type In the remaining of this paper, R is assumed to be a standard monomial order of positive type in case we do not mention 3 Gorenstein monomial orders 31 Projective modules Let V = D n, viewed as a right column vector space over D of dimension n So V is a left Mat n (D) = End D (V)-module by usual multiplication Using the property that T R, one shows that any non-zero left R-module M V has the form [P l1,,p ln ] t for some integers l i In this case M is said to be of type [l 1,,l n ] t By the R-module structure of M, we have the following inequalities (31) m ij +l j l i for all 1 i,j n Now we shall determine when M is a projective R-module In fact we shall show that M is a projective R-module if and only if M is, up to scalar in D, a column of the monomial order R By Lemma 22, we may assume that m 1j = 0 for all j = 1,,n The condition (31) gives l 1 l i for all i Replacing M by P l1 M, we may assume that l 1 = 0 Theorem 31 Let R Mat n (D) be a standard monomial order of level m with m 1i = 0 for all i = 1,,n and M = [P l1,,p ln ] t be an R-module Then M is R-projective if and only if it is, up to scalar in D, a column of R Proof The if part is obvious Suppose M is a projective R-module Again we may assume that l 1 = 0 and l i 0 for all i It follows from (31) that l i m i1 for i = 1,,n Consider the map ϕ : R M defined by ϕ(x) = X v, where X R and v = [π l1,π l2,,π ln ] t Note that ϕ(i n ) = v and ϕ is a surjective R-homomorphism, where I n is the identity element of R Since M is R-projective, there exists an R-linear homomorphism ψ : M R such that ϕ ψ = id M Clearly ψ(v) I n +ker(ϕ) Let a 11 a 12 a 1n a 21 π m21 a 22 a 2n π m2n X = a n1 π mn1 a n2 π mn2 a nn be an element in R, where a ij are elements in O D Then X ker(ϕ) if and only if the following system of equations is satisfied a 11 +a 12 π l2 ++a 1n π ln = 0, a 21 π m21 +a 22 π l2 ++a 2n π m2n+ln = 0, (32) a n1 π mn1 +a n2 π mn2+l2 ++a nn π ln = 0

5 5 Using (31) we solve the above system of equations and get a 11 = a 12 π l2 a 13 π l3 a 1n π ln, a 22 = a 21 π m21 l2 +a 23 π m23+l3 l2 a 2n π m2n+ln l2, (33) a nn = a n1 π mn1 ln a n2 π mn2+l2 ln a n,n 1 π mn,n 1+ln 1 ln Plugging (33) into X, we have 1i π i 1a li a 12 a 1n a 21 π m21 2i π X = i 2a m2i+li l2 a 2n π m2n (34) a n1 π mn1 a n2 π mn2 a ni π mni+li ln i n Now, fix an element B := ψ(v) I n +ker(ϕ) Write 1 1i π i 1a li a 12 a 1n a 21 π m21 1 2i π B = i 2a m2i+li l2 a 2n π m2n (35) a n1 π mn1 a n2 π mn2 1 a ni π mni+li ln i n for some elements a ij in O D Let E ij denote the matrix in Mat n (D) with entry one at (i,j) and zero elsewhere It is easy to see π lj E 11 v = E 1j v Since ψ is R-linear, we have (36) π lj E 11 ψ(v) = ψ(e 1j v) = E 1j ψ(v), j = 2,,n Namely, we have (37) 1 1i π i 1a li a 12 a 1n a j1 π mj1 a j2 π mj2 a jn π mjn π lj = for j = 2,,n We shall conclude the theorem by comparing the valuations of entries in both sides of (37) Recall that l j m j1 for j = 1,2,,n from (31) (a) If 1 i 1a 1i π li is a unit, then l j = v(π lj (1 i 1a 1i π li )) = v(a j1 π mj1 ) = v(a j1 )+m j1 m j1 for j = 2,,n As l 1 = m 11 = 0, we get l j = m j1 for j = 1,,n Therefore, the module M is equal to the first column of R

6 6 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU (b) If 1 i 1a 1i π li is not a unit, then there exists k {2,,n} such that v(a 1k ) = l k = 0 We have l 1 = m 1k = 0 and l k = m kk = 0 For j 1 and j k, we have l j = v(π lj a 1k ) = v(a jk π m jk ) m jk On the other hand, m jk = m jk + l k l j Therefore, l j = m jk for j = 1,,n In this case, the module M is equal to the k-th column of R This completes the proof of the theorem 32 Gorenstein monomial orders Recall that an O-order R in a semi-simple and separable k-algebra is Gorenstein if every R-exact sequence of right R-lattices (38) 0 R M N 0 splits Taking the O-linear dual of (38), we have the following exact sequence of left R-lattices (39) 0 Hom O (N,O) Hom O (M,O) Hom O (R,O) 0 as N is O-projective The exact sequence (38) splits if and only if the exact sequence (39) splits as R-modules Therefore R is Gorenstein if and only if the O-linear dual R := Hom O (R,O) is a left projective R-module; cf [5, Prop 61, p 1363] Recall that an O-order R in a semi-simple and separable k-algebra is Bass if any O-order containing it is Gorenstein Lemma 32 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a monomial order of level m = (m ij ) in Mat n (D) As left R-modules, R is isomorphic to Mat n (O D,m ) Mat n (D) with m ij = m ji for all 1 i,j n Proof View A := Mat n (D) as a right A-module by usual multiplication Consider the k-bilinear pairing A A k by (x,y) tr A/k (xy), where tr A/k denotes the reduced trace from A to k For any element x A, we denote by f x A := Hom k (A A,k) the map f x (y) := tr A/k (yx) The map is left A-linear as a f x (y) = f x (ya) = tr A/k (yax) = f ax (y) a,x,y A Fix this isomorphism A A, we have R R := {x A; tr A/k (ax) O, a R} Let D 1 := {x D;tr D/k (O D x) O} be the inverse of different of D/k As R = Mat n (O D,m) with level m = (m ij ) Then one computes (using the dual basis of π mij E ij ) that R = (P m ij D 1 ) i,j, wherem ij = m ji foralli,j AsaleftR-module,R isisomorphictomat n (O D,m ) This proves the lemma By Theorem 31 and Lemma 32, we have proven the following result This will be used in the next section to characterize Gorenstein orders among upper triangular monomial orders (Theorem 41)

7 7 Theorem 33 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a standard monomial order of level m = (m ij ) in the central simple algebra Mat n (D) Then R is Gorenstein if and only if for each 1 i n there exists an integer c(i) such that the integral column vector [ m i1 +c(i),, m in +c(i)] t is equal to a column of m 33 Using Theorem 33, we give a list of all Gorenstein monomial orders R in Mat n (D) with n = 4 (when n = 3 any Gorenstein monomial order is isomorphic to an upper triangular monomial order) Any such order R is isomorphic to Mat 4 (O D,m), where m is one of the following: a a a 0 0 a a a 0 a a a 0 for some positive integers a, b a 0 a 0 b b 0 0 a+b b a 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 0 a a a 0 a 0 a 0 a+b b 0 0 a+b a+b a 0 4 Upper triangular Gorenstein orders We call an O-order R in a central simple algebra A Mat n (D) over k an Eichler order if it is isomorphic to an upper triangular monomial order Mat n (O D,m) of level m = (m ij ) such that for any n i > j 1, either m ij = 0 or m ij = m n1 In this case, there are a tuple (,, ) Z t >0 with + + = n and a positive integer a if t > 1 so that m can be written as a t by t blocks (M kl ) 1 k,l t of matrices with { 0 n k n M kl = l if k l; a1 n k n l if k > l Recall that 1 r s (resp 0r s ) denotes the r s matrix with every entry equal to 1 (resp 0) We shall call t the period of the Eichler order R and (,, ) is the invariant of R, which is uniquely determined by R up to cyclic permutation For example if t = 3, (,,k 3 ) = (1,2,1) and a = 2, then m = ItisnothardtoshowthatanyEichlerorderisaGorensteinorderusingLemma32 and Theorem 33 The main result (Theorem 41) says that the converse is also true That is, any Gorenstein upper triangular monomial order is an Eichler order Theorem 41 If R = Mat n (O D,m) is an upper triangular monomial order, then R is Gorenstein if and only if R is an Eichler order Proof The if part is easier; this follows from a direct computation of R and Theorem 33 for R-projectivity of R We leave the detailed proof to the reader

8 8 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU and prove the other direction Suppose R is a Gorenstein order and write 0 m m 31 m m = m 41 m 42 m m n1 m n2 m n3 m n4 0 We must prove that R is an Eichler order, or equivalently m jk {m n1,0} for all 1 k < j n By Lemma 32, the dual R is is isomorphic to the module R = Mat n (O D,m ) with level 0 0 m 21 m 31 m 32 m 41 m 42 m n1 m n2 (41) m 0 m 21 m 31 m 41 m 43 m n1 m n3 = 0 m 21 m 31 m 41 m n1 m n4 0 m 21 m 31 m 41 m n1 Here we normalize m so that its first row is zero Since R is Gorenstein, by Theorem 33, any column of m is a column of m We prove the statement that R is Eichler by induction on n The cases n = 1,2 are obvious Suppose n 3 and that the statement is true for n < n (a) Suppose m 21 = 0 It follows from m i1 m i2 = m i2 + m 21 m i1 that m i2 = m i1 for all i = 1,,n Namely, [ ] m = n 1 Y m 1 and m = [ n 1 01 n 1 m 1 ], where and m 1 = m m 41 m m n1 m n3 m n4 0, Y = 0 m 31 m 41 m n m 31 m 41 m 43 m n1 m n3 m 1 = 0 m 31 m 41 m n1 m n4 0 m 31 m 41 m n1, Put R 1 := Mat n 1 (O D,m 1 ) Then the dual lattice R 1 is isomorphic to the module R 1 := Mat n 1(O D,m 1 ) Clearly R is an Eichler order if and only if so is R 1 By the induction hypothesis, R 1 is Eichler It follows that R is an Eichler order

9 9 (b) Suppose m 21 0 Then the second column of the matrix m must be the first column of m and hence m 21 = m 31 = = m n1 So the matrix m becomes 0 0 m n1 m n1 m 32 m n1 m 42 m n1 m n2 m 0 m n1 m n1 m n1 m 43 m n1 m n3 = 0 m n1 m n1 m n1 m n1 m n4 0 m n1 m n1 m n1 m n1 As each entry of the k-th row of m, for 2 k n 1, occurs in the k-th row of m, we have (42) (43) m n1 m jk {m k1,m k2,, m k,k 1,0} for all 2 k < j n We now prove {m k1,m k2,, m k,k 1,0} = {m n1,0} for 2 k n 1, or equivalently m jk {0,m n1 } for all 2 k < j n (as m n1 m jk {m n1,0} by (42)) We prove this by induction on k When k = 2, (43) is true as m 21 = m n1, and by (42) one has m j2 {0,m n1,0} for 2 < j n Suppose the statement (43) is true for k l, ie m jk {0,m n1 } for all k < j n and k = 2,,l Then for k = l+1, we have m n1 m j,l+1 {m l+1,1,m l+1,2,,m l+1,l,0} = {m n1,0}, for all l+1 < j because of m l+1,1 = m n1 and the induction hypothesis This proves (43) and that R is Eichler in case (b) This completes the proof of the theorem 5 Monomial orders and Bass orders 51 In this section we prove Theorem 13 Proposition 51 Assume that R = Mat n (O D,m) is upper triangular Then R is Bass if and only if either R is a hereditary order, or R is an Eichler order of period two Proof We prove the if part This is obvious if R is hereditary Suppose R is an Eichler order of period two We may assume R = Mat n (O D,m ) with [ ] m = a1 k2 where,,a are positive integers with + = n Clearly R is Gorenstein and any overring S R is Mat n (O D,w) with [ ] w = b1 k2 for some non-negative integer b a, which is also Gorenstein This shows that R is Bass 0 k2 0 k2,

10 10 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU Conversely, suppose R is Bass As R is Gorenstein, by Theorem 41, R is isomorphic to an Eichler order of period t If t = 1, then R is a maximal order Assume t > 1 Without lose of generality, we may assume R = Mat n (O D,m ) where m = a1 k2 a1 kt 0 k2 a1 kt 0 k2 0 kt for some a Z >0 If a = 1, then R is hereditary, which is a Bass order The case t = 2 is also possible We need to show that R is not Bass if a > 1 and t 3 In this case, take S = Mat n (O D,w) with w = 1 k2 1 kt 1 21 kt 0 k2 0 k2 1 kt 1 0 kt 1 1 kt 0 kt Then S R and S is an O-order But S is not Gorenstein, by Theorem 41 This proves the proposition Lemma 52 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a Bass order with level m Take R = Mat n (O D,m ), where m = (m ij ) is defined by m ij = 1 if m ij 0 and m ij = 0 if m ij = 0 Then R is a Bass order Proof ItsufficestocheckthatR isanorder,thatis, theinequalitiesm ij +m jk m ik hold for all 1 i,j,k n If m ik = 0, then this is obvious Suppose m ik = 1 Since 0 < m ik m ij +m jk, we have m ij > 0 or m jk > 0, which implies m ij = 1 or m jk = 1 Therefore, we have 1 = m ik m ij +m jk Proposition 53 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a monomial order of level m = (m ij ) with each entry m ij {0,1} If R is Gorenstein, then R is, up to conjugation, of upper triangular type Proof By Lemma 22, we can assume m 1i = 0 for all i = 1,,n Since the first row of m is zero and R is Gorenstein, the j-th column of m is zero for some 1 j n Up to conjugation, we may assume j = n So we can assume m = m 21 0 m 23 m 2,n 1 0 m 31 m 32 0 m 3,n m n1 m n2 m n3 m n,n 1 0 We now prove the statement by induction on n When n 3, the order R is upper triangular Hence we may assume that n > 3 For1 i,j n, onehasm ij m in +m nj = m nj Ifm nj = 0forsome1 j n, then the j-th column of m is zero After a suitable conjugation, we can further

11 11 assume m 21 0 m 2k 0 0 m = m k1 m k , m k+1,1 m k+1,2 m k+1,k for some 1 k n 1 Note that the n-th row of m is [1 (k),0 (n k) ] (1 repeated imes and 0 repeated (n k) times) The dual R is isomorphic to R = Mat n (O D,m ) with m as (41) The n-th column of m is [0 (k),1 (n k) ] t Therefore, for some 1 j k, the j-th column of m is [0 (k),1 (n k) ] t Up to conjugation, we can assume j = k ie m 21 0 m 2,k m = m k1 m k2 m k,k m k+1,1 m k+1,2 m k+1,k Foreach1 i n k and 1 j k, wehave1 = m k+i,k m k+i,j +m jk = m k+i,j, which implies m k+i,j = 1 This shows [ m1 0 k ] n k m =, where m 1 = 1 n k k 0 n k n k m 21 0 m 2,k 1 0 m k1 m k2 m k,k 1 0 Put R 1 := Mat k (O D,m 1 ) Then R is Gorenstein if and only if R 1 is Gorenstein By the induction hypothesis, m 1 is, up to conjugate, strict lower triangular, and so is m This proves the proposition Theorem 54 Let R = Mat n (O D,m) be a monomial order with level m = (m ij ) in the central simple algebra Mat n (D) Then R is Bass if and only if either R is a hereditary order, or R is an Eichler order of period two Proof If R is a hereditary order or an Eichler order of period 2, then R is Bass, by Proposition 51 Suppose R is a Bass order Take R as in Lemma 52; it is a Bass order Proposition 53 shows that the matrix m can be conjugated to a strict lower triangular one, and hence so is m Therefore, after a suitable conjugation, we can assume that R is upper triangular By Proposition 51 again, R is either a hereditary order or an Eichler order of period 2 This completes the proof of the theorem

12 12 TSE-CHUNG YANG AND CHIA-FU YU 52 An application We give an example which shows that Bass orders are not stable under etale base change (but it is so for quaternion algebras; see [3, p 507]) Let D be the division quaternion algebra over a non-archimedean local field k Put [ ] O R = D O D πd 2 O, D O D which is a Bass order Let be the unique unramified field extension of k and let O 2 be the ring of integers Then with R O O 2 Mat 4 (O 2,m) m = The order Mat 4 (O 2,m) is not a Bass order because it is contained in the order Mat 4 (O 2, m) with m = which is not Gorenstein, by Theorem 41 Acknowledgments The second named author is grateful to J-K Yu for insightful discussions which lead the present work The authors were partially supported by the grants NSC M MY4 and AS-98-CDA-M01 We thank John S Kauta for pointing out the typos in the proof of Theorem 31 References [1] H Bass, Torsion free and projective modules Trans Amer Math Sci 102 (1962) [2] A Brumer, Structures of hereditary orders, Bull Amer Math Soc 69 (1963), addendum, ibid 70 (1964), 185 [3] J Brzezinski, On orders in quaternion algebras Comm Algebra 11 (1983), no 5, [4] C W Curtis and I Reiner, Methods of representation theory Vol I With applications to finite groups and orders Pure and Applied Mathematics A Wiley-Interscience Publication John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1981, 819 pp [5] Ju A Drozd, V V Kiricenko, A V Roiter, Hereditary and Bass orders Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Ser Mat 31 (1967) [6] C Greither, On the two generator problem for the ideals of a one-dimensional ring J Pure Appl Algebra 24 (1982), no 3, [7] H Hijikata, A Pizer and T Shemanske, Orders in quaternion algebras J Reine Angew Math 394 (1989), [8] H Hijikata and K Nishida, Classification of Bass orders J Reine Angew Math 431 (1992), [9] H Hijikata and K Nishida, When is Λ 1 Λ 2 hereditary? Osaka J Math 35 (1998), no 3, [10] G J Janusz, Tensor products of orders J London Math Soc (2) 20 (1979), no 2, [11] E Kleinert, Which integral group rings are Bass orders? J Algebra 129 (1990), no 2,

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