arxiv: v2 [math.rt] 19 Sep 2013

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1 Strong fusion control and stable equivalences arxiv: v2 [math.rt] 19 Sep 2013 Erwan Biland October 3, 2018 Abstract This article is dedicated to the proof of the following theorem. Let G be a finite group, p be a prime number, and e be a p-block of G. Assume that the centraliser C G(P ) of an e-subpair (P, e P ) strongly controls the fusion of the block e, and that a defect group of e is either abelian or (for odd p) has a non-cyclic center. Then there exists a stable equivalence of Morita type between the block algebras OGe and OC G(P )e P, where O is a complete discrete valuation ring of residual characteristic p. This stable equivalence is constructed by gluing together a family of local Morita equivalences, which are induced by bimodules with fusion-stable endopermutation sources. Broué had previously obtained a similar result for principal blocks, in relation with the search for a modular proof of the odd Z p-theorem. Thus our theorem points towards a block-theoretic analogue of the Z p-theorem, which we state in terms of fusion control and Morita equivalences. Contents 1 General definitions and notations 3 2 Brauer-friendly modules and the slash construction 5 3 Slashed modules and centrally controlled blocks 7 4 Understanding the local situation 9 5 Gluing sources 16 6 Obtaining a stable equivalence 19 Permanent adress: 1

2 Introduction Let G be a finite group, p be a prime number, and P be a p-subgroup of G. Assume that the centraliser C G (P ) controls the p-fusion in G, i.e., the subgroup C G (P ) contains a Sylow p-subgroup D of G and N G (Q) C G (Q)C G (P ) for any subgroup Q of D. Then the famous Zp-theorem asserts that the group G admits the factorisation G = O p (G)C G (P ), where O p (G) is the largest normal subgroup of G with order coprime to p. This theorem has been proven originally for p = 2 by Glauberman [11], and later deduced, for p odd, from the classification of finite simple groups ([2, Theorem 1], [12, Remark 7.8.3]). Let O be a complete discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field k of characteristic p. It is well-known, and elementary, that the factorisation G = O p (G) C G (P ) is satisfied if, and only if, the restriction functor ResC G G (P ) induces a Morita equivalence between the principal blocks of the groups G and C G (P ) over the ring O. Therefore, the Zp theorem can be stated in terms of Morita equivalences, and one should expect it to admit a modular proof, relying on local representation theory. Such a proof is known for p = 2 but, as of today, not for odd p. The investigation of a putative minimal counter-example to the Zp-theorem leads to a finite group G and a p-subgroup P such that the centraliser C G (P ) strongly controls the p-fusion in G, i.e., C G (P ) contains a Sylow p-subgroup D of G, and N G (Q) O p (C G (Q))C G (P ) for any non-trivial p-subgroup Q of D. In this context, Broué has proven that the restriction functor ResC G G (P ) induces a stable equivalence between the principal blocks of the groups G and C G (P ). His proof relies on the following statement, which appears in [22, Theorem 5.6]: for any two finite groups G and H with the same local structure, a p-permutation bimodule that induces Morita equivalences between the principal block algebras of the local subgroups of G and H must induce a stable equivalence between the principal block algebras of G and H themselves. On the one hand, proving the Zp-theorem amounts to proving that Broué s stable equivalence is actually a Morita equivalence. On the other hand, quoting [14], it seems to be a general intuition that there should be some block-theoretic analogue of Glauberman s Z -theorem. Such an analogue could be stated as follows. Z e-conjecture. Let G be a group, e be a block of the group algebra OG, and (P, e P ) be an e-subpair of the group G. Assume that the centraliser C G (P ) controls the e-fusion in G with respect to a maximal e-subpair (D, e D ) that contains (P, e P ). Then there exists a Morita equivalence between the block algebras OGe and OC G (P )e P. The main theorem of this article is the following generalisation of Broué s stable equivalence to the context of the above Z e -conjecture, for a non-principal block e. Theorem 1. Let G be a group, e be a block of the group algebra OG, and (P, e P ) be an e-subpair of the group G. Assume that the centraliser C G (P ) 2

3 strongly controls the e-fusion in G with respect to a maximal e-subpair (D, e D ) that contains (P, e P ). Assume moreover that the defect group D is abelian, or that p is odd and the poset A 2 (D) of elementary abelian subgroups of D of rank at least 2 is connected ( e.g., the center Z(D) is non-cyclic). Then there exists a stable equivalence of Morita type between the block algebras OGe and OC G (P )e P. Let us sketch our proof of this theorem. Although we have two blocks e and e P with the same local structure, and a family of Morita equivalences between the local block algebras attached to these blocks, we cannot use the theorem of Rouquier quoted above. Indeed, the bimodules that define those local Morita equivalences are not p-permutation bimodules; they admit non-trivial endopermutation sources. Moreover, we have no given bimodule at the global level that would induce those local bimodules. Thus we need to construct the global bimodule by a gluing procedure, which roughly follows the method initiated by Puig in [18]. To complete this task, we use the language of Brauer-friendly modules, as defined in [4]. For the reader s convenience, we gather in the first two sections the definitions and results that are needed in the present article. In Section 3, we specialise these tools to the situation where the centraliser of a p-subgroup controls the fusion. With the assumptions of Theorem 1, we have, for any non-trivial subgroup Q of the defect group D, the following local situation: e Q is a block of a group G Q that factorises as G Q = O p (G Q )C GQ (P ) so, by [15], there is a Morita equivalence kg Q ē Q kc GQ (P ) br P (ē Q ). In Section 4, we prove an equivariant version of this Morita equivalence and give a new construction of the Brauerfriendly module M Q that induces it. Moreover, we identify a vertex subpair of M Q and provide an explicit description of its source V Q. The heart of our proof is the definition of a global source V from the family of local sources (V Q ) 1 Q D, which is achieved in Section 5. In the non-abelian defect case, this is an application of the main theorem of [7]; the obstruction group that appears in this theorem explains the technical condition on the defect group D that we require in Theorem 1. We hope that this technical condition can be lifted in the future. Finally, in Section 6, we consider the unique indecomposable (OGe, OC G (P )e P )-bimodule M with vertex subpair ( D, e D e o D ) and source V such that the slashed module M P, e P e o P is isomorphic to the block algebra kc G (P )ē P, and we use the main result of [16] to prove that M defines a stable equivalence between the blocks e and e P. 1 General definitions and notations We let O be a complete discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p and algebraically closed residue field k of characteristic p. This includes the case O = k, so that every result that is proven over the ring O remains true over the field k. For any finite group G, we denote by G = {(g, g); g G} the diagonal subgroup of the direct product G G. We denote by O p (G) the largest normal 3

4 subgroup of G with order coprime to p. For an element g G and an object X, the notation g X stands for the object gxg 1 whenever this makes sense. Let e be a block of the group G, i.e., a primitive central idempotent of the group algebra OG. We denote by ē kg its reduction modulo p, and by e o its image by the isomorphism (OG) op OG, g g 1. For any two groups G and H, we may consider an (OG, OH)-bimodule M as an O(G H)-module. If f is a block of the group H such that emf = M, then the O(G H)-module M belongs to the block e f o, where we have implicitely identified the algebras O(G H) and OG O OH via the natural isomorphism. Let G be a finite group and S be a normal subgroup of G. An S-interior G-algebra over the ring O is a triple (A, γ, ι), where A is an O-algebra and γ : G Aut Alg (A), ι : S A are group morphisms such that, for any s S, g G and a A, γ(s)(a) = ι(s).a.ι(s) 1 and ι(gsg 1 ) = γ(g)(ι(s)). With these notations, A has a natural structure of O(S S) G-module. Let H a subgroup of G, and T be a normal subgroup of H contained in S. Let B be a T -interior H-algebra, hence an O(T T ) H-module. Then the induced module Ind (S S) G (T T ) H B has a natural structure of S-interior G-algebra (cf. [19] for details about partly interior algebras). For instance, let T be a normal subgroup of a finite group G, and S be any normal subgroup of G that contains T. Let b be a block of the group T, let H = G b be the stabiliser of b in G, and b = Tr G G b (b) be the sum of all G-conjugates of b. Then the block algebra OT b is naturally a T -interior G b - algebras, via the map ι : t tb and the conjugation action of G b. Moreover the interior structure map ι : S ( Ind (S S) G (T T ) G b OT b ) induces an isomorphism of S-interior G-algebras OSb Ind (S S) G (T T ) G b OT b. Let P be a p-subgroup of a finite group G. For any OG-module M, we denote by Br P (M) the Brauer quotient of M, i.e., the kn G (P )-module /( ) Br P (M) = M P Tr P Q(M Q ) + pm P, Q<P where M P is the submodule of P -fixed points in M, Tr P Q : M Q M P is the relative trace map (as defined, e.g., in [1]). We denote by br M P : M P Br P (M) the projection map. Any morphism of OG-modules u : L M induces a morphism of kn G (P )-modules Br P (u) : Br P (L) Br P (M). This defines a functor Br P : OG Mod kng (P )Mod. Notice that we write the Brauer functor Br P with a capital B, and the Brauer map br P with a lowercase b. If A is a G-interior algebra (e.g., A = End O (M) for some OG-module M), then the Brauer quotient Br P (A) has a natural structure of C G (P )-interior N G (P )-algebra over the field k. 4

5 2 Brauer-friendly modules and the slash construction This section gathers definitions and results from [1], [23] and [4]. Notice that the latter reference uses a functorial approach that we do not need here. Let G be a finite group. The Frobenius category Fr(G) is defined as follows: an object is a p-subgroup; an arrow φ : P Q is a group morphism that is induced by an inner automorphism of the group G. Let P be a p-subgroup of G, and let V be an indecomposable OP -module that is capped, i.e., with vertex P. We say that (P, V ) is a fusion-stable endo-permutation source pair if, for any p-subgroup Q of G and any two arrows φ 1, φ 2 : Q P in the category Fr(G), the direct sum Res φ1 V Res φ2 V is an endo-permutation OQ-module (i.e., the restrictions Res φ1 V and Res φ2 V are compatible endo-permutation OQmodules). Let M be an indecomposable OG-module with vertex P and source V. We know from [25, Theorem 1.5] that M is an endo-p-permutation OGmodule if, and only if, the source pair (P, V ) is a fusion-stable endo-permutation source pair. These ideas admit the following generalisation to blocks. Let e be a block of G. A subpair of the group G is a pair (P, e P ), where P is a p-subgroup of G and e P is a block of the group C G (P ). The idempotent e P is actually a block of the group H whenever H is a subgroup of G such that C G (P ) H N G (P, e P ). The subpair (P, e P ) is an e-subpair if ē P br P (e) 0, where br P : (OG) P kc G (P ) denotes the Brauer morphism. Let (P, e P ) and (Q, e Q ) be two e-subpairs of G. One writes (P, e P ) (Q, e Q ) if (Q, e Q ) is an e P - subpair of the group N G (P, e P ) such that P Q. The antisymmetric relation generates an order on the set of e-subpairs, and the group G acts by conjugation on the resulting poset. The Brauer category Br(G, e) is defined as follows: an object is an e-subpair (P, e P ); an arrow φ : (P, e P ) (Q, e Q ) is a group morphism φ : P Q of the form x g x for some element g G such that g (P, e P ) (Q, e Q ). This category is equivalent to a fusion system F of the block e, as defined in [3]. Let M be an indecomposable OGe-module, and P be a vertex of M. Let M be an indecomposable ON G (P )-module that is a Green correspondent of M, and f be the block of N G (P ) such that fm 0. Let e P be a block of C G (P ) such that fe P 0. The subpair (P, e P ) is called a vertex subpair of the indecomposable module M. It follows from Nagao s theorem that (P, e P ) is an e-subpair of the group G. Any source V of the indecomposable ON G (P, e P )- module L = e P M with respect to the vertex P is called a source of M with respect to the vertex subpair (P, e P ). A source triple (P, e P, V ) of M is welldefined up to conjugation in the group G. Let (P, e P ) be an e-subpair of the group G, and let V be a capped indecomposable OP -module. We say that (P, e P, V ) is a fusion-stable endo-permutation source triple if, for any e-subpair (Q, e Q ) and any two arrows φ 1, φ 2 : (Q, e Q ) (P, e P ) in the Brauer category Br(G, e), the direct sum Res φ1 V Res φ2 V is an endo-permutation OQ-module. We say that two fusion-stable endo-permutation 5

6 source triples (P 1, e 1, V 1 ) and (P 2, e 2, V 2 ) are compatible if, for any e-subpair (Q, e Q ) and any two arrows φ 1 : (Q, e Q ) (P 1, e 1 ), φ 2 : (Q, e Q ) (P 2, e 2 ) in the Brauer category Br(G, e), the direct sum Res φ1 V 1 Res φ2 V 2 is an endopermutation OQ-module. We say that an OGe-module M is Brauer-friendly if it is a direct sum of indecomposable OGe-modules with compatible fusion-stable endo-permutation source triples. The following two lemmas are straightforward from [4, Lemma 9, Theorem 15, and proof of Lemma 18]. Lemma 2. Let M be a Brauer-friendly OGe-module, and (P, e P ) be an e- subpair of the group G. Any capped indecomposable direct summand of the OP -module e P M is an endo-permutation OP -module, and there is at most one isomorphism class of such OP -modules. Lemma 3. Let M be a Brauer-friendly OGe-module. Let (P, e P ) be an e- subpair of the group G, and H be a subgroup of G such that P C G (P ) H N G (P, e P ). (i) There exists a Brauer-friendly khē P -module M 0 and an isomorphism of C G (P )-interior H-algebras θ 0 : Br P (e P End O (M)e P ) End k (M 0 ). (ii) If (M 0, θ 0) is another such pair, then there exists a linear character χ : H/P C G (P ) k and an isomorphism of khē P -modules φ : χ M 0 M 0 (where χ M 0 means the kh-module M 0 twisted by χ), which induces a commutative diagram Br P (e P End O (M)e P ) End k (M 0 ) θ 0 θ 0 u φuφ 1 End k (M 0). (iii) If (Q, e Q, V ) is a source triple of an indecomposable direct summand of M 0, then there is a source triple (Q, e Q, V ) of an indecomposable direct summand of M such that (P, e P ) (Q, e Q ) (Q, e Q ), and that V is a direct summand of the P -slashed module [Res Q Q V ] P. The pair (M 0, θ 0 ), or just the khē P -module M 0, is called a (P, e P )-slashed module attached to M over the group H. We will usually denote it by M P, e P. If M is a p-permutation module, then there is a canonical choice of (P, e P )- slashed module attached to M: the Brauer quotient Br (P,eP )(M) = Br P (e P M), together with the natural isomorphism Br P (e P End O (M)e P ) End k (Br P (e P M)). In general, there is no such canonical choice. Let M be a Brauer-friendly OGe-module, (P, e P ) (Q, e Q ) be two e- subpairs of G, and H, K be two subgroups of G such that P C G (P ) H 6

7 N G (P, e P ) and QC G (Q) K N H (Q, e Q ). Let the pair (M 0, θ 0 ) be a (P, e P )- slashed module attached to M over the group H, and the pair (M 1, θ 1 ) be a (Q, e Q )-slashed module attached to M 0 over the group K. As appears in the proof of [4, Theorem 19], there is a natural isomorphism ψ 1 : Br P Q (e P Q End O (M)e P Q ) Br P Q (ē P Q Br Q (e Q Me Q )ē P Q ). Set θ 1 = θ 1 Br P Q (ē P Q θ 0 ē P Q ) ψ 1 : Br P Q (e P Q End O (M)e P Q ) End k (M 1 ). The following lemma expresses the transitivity of the slash construction. Lemma 4. With the above notations, the pair (M 1, θ 1) is a (P Q, e P Q )-slashed module attached to M over the group K. The next lemma will allow us to lift certain indecomposable direct summands through the slash construction. Lemma 5. Let M be a Brauer-friendly OGe-module, and (P, e P ) be an e- subpair. Let (M 0, θ 0 ) be a (P, e P )-slashed module attached to M over the group N G (P, e P ). If the kn G (P, e P )-module M 0 admits an direct summand with vertex P, then the OG-module M admits an indecomposable direct summand with vertex subpair (P, e P ). Proof. Let X 0 be an indecomposable direct summand of M 0 with vertex P. Then there exists a primitive idempotent i 0 of the algebra End kng (P,e P )(M 0 ) such that X 0 = i 0 M 0, and moreover i 0 lies in the ideal Tr N G(P,e P ) P (End k (M 0 )). We consider the projection map β : End OP (L) End O (M 0 ), defined by β(u) = θ 0 br P (e P ue P ). For any element u End OP (M), we have β Tr G P (e P u e P ) = θ 0 br P Tr N G(P,e P ) Ng P (P,e P ) (e P g e g P u g e P e P ) g N G (P,e P )\G/P = Tr N G(P,e P ) P β(u) This computation proves that the map β sends the ideal Tr G P (End OP (M)) of the algebra End OG (M) onto the ideal Tr N G(P,e P ) P (End k (M 0 )) of the algebra End kng (Q,e Q )(M). Thus we know from [8] that the primitive idempotent i 0 can be lifted through the map β, i.e., there exists a primitive idempotent i of the algebra End OG (M) such that i Tr G P (End OP (M)) and i 0 = β(i). Then the indecomposable OG-module X = im is a relatively P -projective direct summand of M. Moreover, X admits X 0 as a (P, e P )-slashed module over the group N G (P, e P ), so (P, e P ) is a vertex subpair of X. 3 Slashed modules and centrally controlled blocks Let e be a block of a finite group G. We say that a subgroup H of G controls (resp. strongly controls) the e-fusion in G with respect to a given maximal subpair (D, e D ) if the defect group D is contained in H and, for any non-trivial e-subpair (Q, e Q ) contained in (D, e D ), N G (Q, e Q ) C G (Q) H (resp. N G (Q, e Q ) O p (C G (Q)) H ). 7

8 If H = C G (P ) is the centraliser of an e-subpair (P, e P ) contained in (D, e D ), then both conditions imply that the Brauer categories Br(G, e) and Br(C G (P ), e P ) are equivalent and, in particular, that N G (P, e P ) = C G (P ). In the next two lemmas, we assume that e is a block of a finite group G, and that (P, e P ) be an e-subpair of G such that the centraliser C G (P ) controls the e-fusion in G with respect to a maximal subpair (D, e D ) that contains (P, e P ). In this context of centrally controlled blocks, the ambiguity of the definition of slashed modules in the previous section can be lifted for well-behaved Brauerfriendly modules. Lemma 6. Let (Q, e Q ) be a subpair of (D, e D ), and H be a subgroup of G such that QC G (Q) H N G (Q, e Q ). Denote by e P Q the unique block of the group C G (P Q) such that (P Q, e P Q ) (D, e D ). Let M be a Brauer-friendly OGe-module. Assume that the slashed module M P, e P is a p-permutation kc G (P )ē P -module, and that a slashed module M P Q, e P Q is non-zero. Then there exists a unique isomorphism class of (Q, e Q )-slashed module M Q, e Q over the group H such that M Q, e Q P Q, ē P Q Br (P Q,ēP Q )(M P, e P ). Proof. Let the pair (M 0, θ 0 ) be any (Q, e Q )-slashed module over the group H attached to M. Let the pair (M 1, θ 1 ) be a (P, e P Q )-slashed module attached to M 0. This slashed module is defined over the centraliser C H (P ) = N H (P, e P Q ), hence it is uniquely defined up to isomorphism. Let the pair (M 2, θ 2 ) be a (P, e P )- slashed module attached to M. Similarly, this slashed module is uniquely defined over the centraliser C G (P ). Set M 3 = Br (P Q,ēP Q )(M 2 ), restricted to a kc H (P )-module, and let θ 3 : Br P Q (End O (ē P Q M 2 )) End k (M 3 ) be the natural isomorphism. As in the discussion before Lemma 4, define from θ 0 an θ 1 a map θ 1 such that the pair (M 1, θ 1) is a (P Q, e P Q )-slashed module attached to M over the group C H (P ). Define similarly from θ 2 and θ 3 an isomorphism θ 3 such that the the pair (M 3, θ 3) is a (P Q, e P Q )-slashed module attached to M over the group C H (P ). By Lemma 3 (ii), there exists a linear character χ : C H (P )/C G (P Q) k and an isomorphism of slashed modules (χ M 1, θ 1) (M 3, θ 3). By control of fusion, the inclusion map C H (P ) H induces an isomorphism C H (P )/C G (P Q) H/C G (Q). Thus twisting the non-zero kc H (P )ē P Q -module M 1 by a linear character of the group C H (P )/C G (P Q) amounts to twisting the khē Q -module M 0 by a linear character of the group H/C G (Q). This proves the existence and uniqueness, up to isomorphism, of a pair (M 0, θ 0 ) such that the corresponding (P Q, e P Q )-slashed module (M 1, θ 1) is isomorphic to (M 3, θ 3). In the next lemma, the normal subgroup H could be the centraliser of a normal e-subpair of G, or just G itself. Lemma 7. Let V be a capped indecomposable endo-permutation OD-module such that the class Defres D D/P [V ] in the Dade group D(D/P ) is trivial. Assume 8

9 that the triple (D, e D, V ) is fusion-stable in G, and identify V to an O Dmodule through the diagonal isomorphism. Let H be a normal subgroup of G such that, for any subpair (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ), the idempotent e Q lies in the subalgebra kc H (Q) of kc G (Q). Then, up to isomorphism, there is a unique Brauer-friendly O(H C H (P )) C G (P )-module M with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ) such that a slashed module M P, e P e o P admits a direct summand isomorphic to the k(c H (P ) C H (P )) C G (P )-module kc H (P )e P. Proof. By Lemma 3 (iii), whenever M is an indecomposable Brauer-friendly k(h C H (P )) G-module with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ), the slashed module M P, e P e o P is a p-permutation module. Thus we can set M D, e D e o D = Br ( D,eD e o D ) (M P ), in accordance with Lemma 6. Once this specific slash construction has been chosen, we know from [4, Theorem 20] that the mapping M M D, e D e o D induces a one-to-one correspondence between the isomorphism classes of indecomposable Brauer-friendly k(h C H (P )) G-modules with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ) and the the isomorphism classes of indecomposable Brauerfriendly k(c H (D) C H (D)) N G (D, e D )-modules with source triple ( D, e D e o D, k). The same correspondence, applied to k(c H(P ) C H (P )) C G (P )- modules with source triple ( D, e D e o D, k), implies that the slashed module M P, e P e o P admits kc H(P )e P as a direct summand if, and only if, M D, e D e o D kc H(D)e D. This proves the lemma. 4 Understanding the local situation In this section, we work directly over the residue field k, i.e., we set O = k. We explore an equivariant version of Morita equivalences, the existence of which is proven in [15]. Those are the building blocks that we will glue together to obtain a stable equivalence in the Section 6. Let us fix a few notations that will hold throughout the present section. Let P be a p-subgroup of a finite group G, and e be a block of G such that br P (e) 0. We choose, once and for all, a maximal e-subpair (D, e D ) such that P D. For any subgroup Q of D, we denote by e Q the unique block of C G (Q) such that (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ). Let H be a normal subgroup of G such that, for any subgroup Q of D, the block e Q of the group algebra kc G (Q) lies in the subalgebra kc H (Q) (for instance, H may be the centraliser of a normal e-subpair of G). Assume that G = O p (H) C G (P ). By elementary group theory, this factorisation implies that P is an abelian p- group, and that the centraliser C G (P ) controls the p-fusion in the group G. In particular, we have N G (D) C G (P ). By Brauer s first main theorem, it follows that the idempotent e P = br P (e) is a block of the group C G (P ). Thus (P, e P ) (D, e D ) is an e-subpair of the group G, and the centraliser C G (P ) 9

10 controls the e-fusion with respect to the maximal subpair (D, e D ). The main result of this section is the following. Theorem 8. With the above notations, (i) Let S be any p -subgroup of H such that S G and G = SC G (P ); let b be any D-stable block of the group S such that e D br D (b) 0. The Dalgebra ksb kc S (P ) br P (b) o defines a class v in the Dade group D( D) that is independent of the choice of S and b. (ii) Let V be a capped indecomposable endo-permutation k D-module that belongs to the class v. The source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ) is fusion-stable in the group (H C H (P )) C G (P ). (iii) There exists a unique indecomposable k(h C H (P )) C G (P )-module M with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ) such that the slashed module M P is isomorphic to the k(c H (P ) C H (P )) C G (P )-module kc H (P )e P. (iv) The module M induces a G/H-equivariant Morita equivalence khe kc H (P )e P. We reach the proof of this theorem through a series of lemmas. We choose, once and for all, a normal p -subgroup S of H such that S G and G = SC G (P ). For instance, we could choose S = O p (H). Let b D be a block of the algebra kc S (D) such that e D b D 0, i.e., the block e D of C G (D) covers the block b D of the normal subgroup C S (D) (as defined in [9]). We may consider (D, b D ) as a maximal subpair of the nilpotent group SD. Let b be the block of SD such that (D, e D ) is a maximal b-subpair. In other words, b is a D-stable block of the p -group S, and b D = br D (b). Similarly, for any subgroup Q of D, the Brauer map br Q defines a one-to-one correspondence between the set of Q-stable blocks of S and the set of all blocks of C S (Q), by Brauer s first main theorem. In particular, the idempotent b Q = br Q (b) is a block of the group C S (Q). Lemma 9. For any subpair (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ), the block e Q of the group C G (Q) covers the block b Q = br Q (b) of the normal subgroup C S (Q). In particular, the block e covers the block b. Proof. By construction, the block e D covers the block b D. We use descending induction to generalise this to any subpair of (D, e D ). Let (Q, e Q ) be a proper subpair of (D, e D ). We assume that, for any subpair (R, e R ) with (Q, e Q ) < (R, e R ) (D, e D ), the block e R of the group C G (R) covers the block b R of the normal subgroup C S (R). Then we let (R, e R ) be the normaliser subpair of Q in (D, e D ), which strictly contains (Q, e Q ). Thus we have e R br R (e Q ) = e R and, by induction, e R b R 0. These imply br R (e Q )b R 0, hence br R (e Q b Q ) = br R (e Q )b R 0. Thus we obtain e Q b Q 0 and the block e Q covers the block b Q. This completes the induction step. 10

11 We denote by G b and H b the stabilisers of the block b in the groups G and H respectively, and by b = Tr G G b (b) the sum of all G-conjugates of b. Then eb = e and e khb ; moreover e b = eb is a block of the algebra kg b, it lies in the subalgebra kh b, and the (khe, kh b e b )-bimodule khe b induces a (G b /H b - equivariant) Morita equivalence khe kh b e b, as is proven for example in [13]. Lemma 10. The subgroup C Gb (P ) controls the e-fusion in G with respect to the maximal subpair (D, e D ). Proof. Let (Q, e Q ) be a subpair of (D, e D ) and let g G be such that g (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ). The centraliser C G (P ) controls the p-fusion in G, so we may suppose g C G (P ). Then we obtain g (P Q, e P Q ) (D, e D ), so we may suppose P Q. The inclusion g (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ) implies g e Q = eg Q. So the block g e Q of C G ( g Q) covers the block bg Q of C S ( g Q), and the block e Q of C G (Q) covers the block g 1 bg Q of C S (Q). As the blocks b Q and g 1 bg Q of C S (Q) are covered by the same block e Q of C G (Q), they must be conjugate in C G (Q): there exists k C G (Q) such that b Q = kg 1 bg Q. Then we get br Q (b) = b Q = kg 1 bg Q = kg 1 brg Q(b) = br Q ( kg 1 b). As we have already mentionned, the correspondence b br Q (b) is one-to-one, so we obtain b = kg 1 b. Hence the element h = gk 1 lies in G b. Notice that g and k both centralise the p-group P by assumption, so we have h C Gb (P ), and g C G (Q) C Gb (P ). Thus N G (Q, e Q ) C G (Q) C Gb (P ). For any element x P, we denote by K x kg the class sum of x, i.e., K x = Tr G C G (x)(x) (see [1] for a definition of the relative trace map). We have supposed G = SC G (P ) hence G = SC G (x). So, for any subgroup T of G that contains S, the natural map T/C T (x) G/C G (x) is a bijection and K x = Tr T C T (x)(x). We have in particular K x = Tr S C S (x)(x). Since the subgroup S is normal in G, it follows that the class sum K x lies in the subset ksx = xks of the algebra kg, and that the element xk x 1 lies in ks. In [20] and [21], Robinson makes great use of the central unit K x e kge to deal, respectively, with the situation G = O p (G) C G (P ) and with a minimal counter-example to the odd Zp-theorem. The following lemmas highlight once again the importance of the class sum K x. In order to deal efficiently with it, we need more notations. We will consider the group G as a subgroup of the direct product G P, via the embedding g (g, 1). Since the p-group P is abelian, we can consider the p-subgroup P 1 = {(x, x 1 ) ; x P } of G P. For an element x P, we will usually write x 1 = (x, x 1 ) P 1 ; conversely, for an element x 1 P 1, we will write x for the unique element of P such that x 1 = (x, x 1 ). We will see the group G P as the semi-direct product GP 1. Notice that any subgroup of G that is normalised by P is also normalised by P 1. Thus we can consider the subgroups HP 1, SP 1, G b P 1, etc. The group P 1 centralises the defect group D and the blocks e, e D, b, etc. 11

12 Lemma 11. (i) The maps ι b : SP 1 (ksb) and γ b : G b P 1 Aut Alg (ksb) defined by ι b (sx 1 ) = sxk x 1b ; γ b (gx 1 )(a) = (gx) 1 a(gx) for s S, g G b, x 1 P 1, a ksb, make ksb an SP 1 -interior G b P 1 - algebra. (ii) The maps ι b : HP 1 (khb ) and γ b : GP 1 Aut Alg (khb ) defined by ι b (hx 1 ) = hxk x 1b ; γ b (gx 1 )(a) = (gx) 1 a(gx) for h H, g G, x 1 P 1, a khb, make khb an HP 1 -interior GP 1 -algebra. (iii) The maps ι e : HP 1 (khe) and γ e : GP 1 Aut Alg (khe) defined by ι e (hx 1 ) = hxk x 1e ; γ e (gx 1 )(a) = (gx) 1 a(gx) for h H, g G, x 1 P 1, a khe, make khe an HP 1 -interior GP 1 - algebra. Proof. We consider the idempotents b and b P = br P (b) as respective blocks of the p-nilpotent groups SP and C S (P )P, both with defect group P. It is well known that the block algebras ksp b and kc S (P )P b P are both Morita equivalent to kp, so the centers Z(kSP b) and Z(kC S (P )P b P ) are both isomorphic to Z(kP ) = kp ; in particular, they have the same dimension. The Brauer map br P induces an algebra morphism β : Z(kSP b) Z(kC S (P )P b P ). We have kp b P Z(kC S (P )P b P ). Moreover the natural map kc S (P ) kp kc S (P )P is an isomorphism, so dim k (kp b P ) = P = dim k Z(kC S (P )P b P ). Hence Z(kC S (P )P b P ) = kp b P. Let x in P be fixed. Since C G (P ) controls the p-fusion, no proper conjugate of x lies in C G (P ). So β(k x b) = br P (K x ) br P (b) = xb P, which proves that the morphism β is onto. Since its domain and codomain have the same dimension over k, β is an isomorphism. Thus the element K x b = β 1 (xb P ) is invertible in Z(kSP b) and the map x K x b is a group morphism P Z(kSP b). Moreover the group P is abelian, so the map ι b : SP 1 (ksb) of (i) is indeed well-defined and a group morphism. The rest of the statement in (i) is straightforward. Furthermore, the algebra ksb is the direct product of the ksc where c runs over the set of G-conjugates of b, and xk x 1b = c xk x 1c for any x P. So xk x 1b is invertible in ksb and the map x 1 xk x 1b is a group morphism P 1 (ksb ), which extends to the group morphism ι b : HP 1 (khb ) of (ii). Notice that cutting off the central idempotent e cannot harm, so (iii) follows immediately. Lemma 12. There is a natural isomorphism of HP 1 -interior GP 1 -algebras φ : khb Ind (HP1 HP1) G (SP 1 SP 1) G b ksb. 12

13 Proof. Let us write A = Ind (HP1 HP1) G (SP 1 SP 1) G b ksb. On the one hand, we have from Section 1 an isomorphism of H-interior G-algebras khb Ind (H H) G (S S) G b ksb. On the other hand, the natural map G/S GP 1 /SP 1 is bijective so the natural map Ind (H H) G (S S) G b ksb Ind (HP1 HP1) G (SP 1 SP 1) G b ksb is an isomorphism of H-interior G-algebras. By composition, we obtain the map φ : khb A, which appears to be an isomorphism of H-interior G-algebras. By definition, we have ι b (x 1 ) = xk x 1b, where the element xk x 1 lies in S. Since φ is an isomorphism of left ks-modules, we obtain φ(ι b (x 1 )) = xk x 1 1 A. Then it follows from the definition of induced interior algebras that ι A (x 1 ) = xk x 1 1 A. Thus φ is also an isomorphism of P 1 -interior algebras, and the lemma is proven. We now consider the HP 1 -interior GP 1 -algebra khe as a k(hp 1 HP 1 ) Gmodule. Lemma 13. The indecomposable k(hp 1 HP 1 ) G-module khe is Brauerfriendly with source triple ((P 1 P 1 ) D, e D e o D, W ), where the source W is any capped indecomposable direct summand of the restriction Res (SP1 SP1) G b (P 1 P 1) D ksb. Proof. Let us write K = (SP 1 SP 1 ) G b. The field k is algebraically closed and S is a p -group, so the block algebra ksb is a matrix algebra. It follows that the structure map of the (ksb, ksb)-bimodule ksb is an isomorphism of K-algebras ksb ksb o End k (ksb). In particular, this proves that ksb is an endo-p-permutation kk-module. For any element (g, h) of the group (H b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b, let R be a Sylow p- subgroup of the intersection K (g,h) K. The k(s S)R-module Res(S S)R K ksb is simple and belongs to the block b b o of the p-nilpotent group (S S)R. Since the pair (g, h) stabilises the block b b o, the k(s S)R-module Res (g,h) K (S S)R g(ksb)h 1 is still simple and belongs to the same block b b o. Since a block of a p-nilpotent group contains only one isomorphism class of simple modules, there must be an isomorphism of k(s S)R-modules Res K (S S)R ksb Res (g,h) K (S S)R g(ksb)h 1. It follows that the restrictions Res K K (g,h) K ksb and Res(g,h) K K (g,h) K g(ksb)h 1 are compatible endo-p-permutation k(k (g,h) K)-modules. By Urfer s criterion [25, Lemma 1.3] for the induction of endo-p-permutation modules, we deduce that the k(h b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b -module kh b b Ind (H bp 1 H b P 1) G b (SP 1 SP 1) G b is an endo-p-permutation module. Then its direct summand kh b e b is also an endo-p-permutation k(h b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b -module. We now determine a vertex subpair of this indecomposable module. The commutation of induction and the Brauer functor brings an isomorphism of (C Hb (P )P 1 C Hb (P )P 1 ) C Gb (P )- interior algebras ksb Br P1 P 1 (End k (kh b b)) Ind [(C H b (P )P 1 C Hb (P )P 1) C Gb (P )] 2 [(C S (P )P 1 C S (P )P 1) C Gb (P )] 2 Br P1 P 1 (End k (ksb)). 13

14 The natural isomorphism of (C S (P )P 1 C S (P )P 1 ) C Gb (P )-interior algebras Br P1 P 1 (End k (ksb)) End k (kc S (P )b P ) and the isomorphism of Lemma 12 then bring an isomorphism of (C Hb (P )P 1 C Hb (P )P 1 ) C Gb (P )-interior algebras Br P1 P 1 (End k (kh b b)) End k (kc Hb (P )b P ). It follows that the slashed module kh b e b P 1 P 1 is isomorphic to kc Hb (P ) br P (e b ). So a vertex of the indecomposable k(h b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b -module kh b e b contains the p-group P 1 P 1. Since kc Hb (P ) br P (e b ) is a p-permutation k(c Hb (P ) C Hb (P )) C Gb (P )-module, the slash construction may coincide with the Brauer functor from this point on. The images of the block algebra kc Hb (P ) br P (e b ) by Brauer functors are well-known, so we can use the transitivity of the slash construction for endo-p-permutation modules, and conclude that a vertex subpair of kh b e b is ((P 1 P 1 ) D, e D b D e o D bo D ). Since the indecomposable k(h b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b -module kh b e b is a direct summand of the endo-p-permutation module Ind (H bp 1 H b P 1) G b (SP 1 SP 1) G b ksb, a source W of kh b e b with respect to the above vertex subpair is isomorphic to any capped indecomposable direct summand of the restriction Res (SP1 SP1) G b (P 1 P 1) D ksb. As a consequence of the vertex-preserving Morita equivalence of [13, Theorem 1.6], the induced module khe Ind (HP1 HP1) G (H b P 1 H b P 1) G b kh b e b is indecomposable and admits the source triple ((P 1 P 1 ) D, e D e o D, W ). Moreover, kh b e b is an endo-p-permutation module, so the endo-permutation source pair ((P 1 P 1 ) D, W ) is fusion-stable in the group (H b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b. By Lemma 10, the subgroup (H b P 1 H b P 1 ) G b controls the e e o -fusion in the group (HP 1 HP 1 ) G. Thus the source triple ((P 1 P 1 ) D, e D e o D, W ) is fusion-stable in the group (HP 1 HP 1 ) G, and the idecomposable module khe is Brauer-friendly. Let M = khe 1 P 1, e e o P be a slashed module attached to the Brauerfriendly k(hp 1 HP 1 ) G-module khe. Remember that N G (P, e P ) = C G (P ), so the slash construction is unambiguous as long as only the p-groups P and P 1 are concerned. Since e P = br P (e), we may also omit the blocks in subpairs concerned only with P and P 1. For instance, we may write M = khe 1 P 1. From now on, we will consider M as a k(h C H (P )) C G (P )-module, thus forgetting the remaining left action of P 1. Lemma 14. The k(h C H (P )) C G (P )-module M induces a G/H-equivariant Morita equivalence khe kc H (P )e P. Proof. We apply the slash construction to the k(sp 1 SP 1 ) G b -module ksb and the k(hp 1 HP 1 ) G-module khb to define a k(s C S (P )) G b -module L = ksb 1 P 1 and a k(h C H (P )) C G (P )-module L = khb 1 P 1. We know from Lemma 12 that there is an isomorphism of k(hp 1 HP 1 ) Gmodules khb Ind (HP1 HP1) G (SP 1 SP 1) G b ksb. Moreover G = SC G (P ), so the commutation of induction and the Brauer functor brings an isomorphism of (HP 1 14

15 C H (P )P 1 ) C G (P )-interior algebras Ind [(HP1 C H(P )P 1) C G (P )] 2 [(SP 1 C S (P )P 1) C Gb (P )] 2 Br 1 P1 End k (ksb) Br 1 P1 Ind [(HP1 HP1) G]2 [(SP 1 SP 1) G b ] 2 End k (ksb). Notice that the p-subgroup P 1 can be omitted from the induction functors without changing the result. Thus we have an isomorphism of k(h C H (P )) C G (P )- modules Ind (H C H(P )) C G (P ) (S C S (P )) C Gb (P ) L L. Then we look closer at the definition of L. Since ksb is a matrix algebra, the structure map of the (ksb, ksb)-bimodule ksb is an isomorphism of (S S)- interior algebras ksb (ksb) op End k (ksb). Applying the Brauer functor Br 1 P1 turns this into an isomorphism of (S C S (P ))-interior algebras ksb (kc S (P )b P ) op End k (L). So we have an isomorphism of k(s C S (P ))- modules L X Y, where X is a simple module for the matrix algebra ksb and Y is the k-dual of a simple module for the matrix algebra kc S (P )b P. We deduce that the k(s C S (P ))-module L induces a Morita equivalence ksb kc S (P )b P. By [17, Theorem 3.4] and [13, Theorem 1.6], it follows that the induced module L induces a Morita equivalence khb kc H (P )b P. Then the non-zero direct summand el e P induces a Morita equivalence khe kc H (P )e P. Lemma 15. The indecomposable k(h C H (P )) C G (P )-module M is Brauerfriendly with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ), where the endo-permutation k Dmodule V belongs to the class of the Dade group D( D) that is defined by the Dade D-algebra ksb kc S (P )b o P. Proof. The indecomposable k(hp 1 HP 1 ) G-module khe is Brauer-friendly with source triple ((P 1 P 1 ) D, e D e o D, W ). We know from Lemma 3 that the slashed module M is Brauer-friendly. For any subpair (R, f) of the maximal e e o P -subpair (D D, e D e o D ) in the group (H C H(P )) C G (P ), the transitivity of the slash construction shows that an (R, f)-slashed module M R, f attached to M is also a (1 P 1 )R, br 1 P1 (f))-slashed module attached to khe. It follows that M R, f is non-zero if, and only if, the subpair (R, f) is contained in ( D, e D e o D ) up to conjugation. Thus ( D, e D e o D ) is a vertex subpair of M. Let V be the source of M with respect to the above vertex subpair. By Lemma 3 (iii), the endo-permutation k D-module V is compatible with the slashed module Res (P1 P1) D D W 1 P 1. Moreover, we know from Lemma 13 that W is a capped indecomposable direct summand of the k D-module ksb. We have End k (ksb) ksb ksb o, so Br 1 P1 (End k (ksb)) ksb kc S (P )b o P. Thus the k D-module V is isomorphic to a direct summand of a simple module for the matrix algebra ksb kc S (P )b o P. Finally, the uniqueness statement of Theorem 8 (iii) follows from Lemma 7. 15

16 5 Gluing sources In this section, we work over the local ring O. Let e be a block of a finite group G, and (P, e P ) be an e-subpair of G. We choose, once and for all, a maximal e- subpair (D, e D ) that contains (P, e P ), and we assume that the centraliser C G (P ) strongly controls the e-fusion in G with respect to the maximal subpair (D, e D ). For any subgroup Q of D, we denote by e Q the unique block of the centraliser C G (Q) such that (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ). Let Q 1 be a non-trivial subgroup of D. Then the e-subpair (N D (Q), e ND (Q)) may be seen as an e Q -subpair of the group N G (Q, e Q ), although it needs not be maximal. By assumption, we have N G (Q, e Q ) O p (C G (Q))C G (P ). Let S Q be any normal p -subgroup of N G (Q, e Q ) such that S Q C G (Q) and N G (Q, e Q ) S Q C G (P ). Let b Q be an N D (Q)-stable block of the group S Q such that the block ē ND (Q) of C G (N D (Q)) covers the block br ND (Q)( b Q ) of C S (N D (Q)). The diagonal conjugation action of the group N D (Q) on the matrix algebra ks Q bq kc SQ (P ) br P ( b Q ) o makes it a Dade N D (Q)/Q-algebra, since the normal subgroup Q acts trivially. Let v Q be the corresponding class in the Dade group D(N D (Q)/Q). Lemma 16. With the notations of [7], (i) The class v Q D(N D (Q)) is independent of the choice of S Q and b Q. (ii) If Q R are non-trivial subgroups of D, then Defres N D(Q)/Q N D (Q,R)/R v Q = Res N D(R)/R N D (Q,R)/R v R. (iii) If g G is such that g (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ), then Res N D(Q) N D D g (Q) v Q = Res N D g (Q) N D D g (Q) g 1 vg Q. Proof. Let us fix a non-trivial p-subgroup Q of the defect group D. We write G Q = N G (Q, e Q ) and H Q = C G (Q). By assumption, we have the factorisation G Q = S Q C GQ (P ), so that all the assumptions of Section 4 are satisfied. We denote by M Q the indecomposable Brauer-friendly k(h Q C HQ (P )) C GQ (P )- module of Theorem 8. Let V Q be a capped indecomposable direct summand of the k N D (Q)-module e ND (Q)M Q e ND (Q), which we identify to a kn D (Q)- module through the diagonal isomorphism. We know from Theorem 8 that V Q exists and is an endo-permutation kn D (Q)-module that belongs to the class Inf N D(Q) N D (Q)/Q v Q, and we know from Lemma 2 that the isomorphism class of V Q depends only on the Brauer-friendly-module M Q and the subpair (Q, e Q ). This proves (i). We now take 1 Q R D. On the one hand, S Q is a normal p - subgroup of G Q such that S Q H Q and G Q = S Q H Q, and b Q is an N D (Q)- stable block of ks Q such that the block e ND (Q) covers br ND (Q)( b Q ). We set G Q,R = N G (Q, R, e R ), S Q,R = C SQ (R) and b Q,R = br R (b Q ). Then S Q,R is a 16

17 normal p -subgroup of G Q,R such that S Q,R H R and G Q,R = S Q,R C GQ,R (P ), and b Q,R is an N D (Q, R)-stable block of S Q,R such that the block e ND (Q,R) covers br ND (Q,R)(b Q,R ). Let v Q,R D(N D (Q, R)/R) be the class defined by the Dade N D (Q, R)-algebra ks Q,R bq,r kc SQ,R (P ) br P ( b Q,R ) o, i.e., v Q,R = Defres N D(Q)/Q N D (Q,R)/R v Q. On the other hand, let S R be a normal p -subgroup of G R such that S R H R and G R = S R C GR (P ), and b R be an N D (R)-stable block of S R such that the block ē ND (R) covers br ND (R)( b R ). Then S R is also a normal p -subgroup of G Q,R such that S R C G (R) and G Q,R = S R C GQ,R (P ), and b R is an N D (Q, R)-stable block of S R such that the block ē ND (Q,R) covers br ND (Q,R)( b R ). Since the class v Q,R is independent of the choice of the subgroup S Q,R and of the block b Q,R, it follows that v Q,R = Res N D(R)/R N D (Q,R)/R v R, and (ii) is proven. The proof of (iii) is essentially the same. The rest of this article depends on the following assumption. Assumption 17. There exists a capped indecomposable endo-permutation OD-module V such that the triple (D, e D, V ) is fusion-stable in G and that, for any non-trivial subgroup Q of D, Defres D N D (Q)/Q[k O V ] = v Q. Lemma 18. If e is the principal block of the group G, or if the defect group D is abelian, or if the prime p is odd and the poset A 2 (D) of elementary abelian subgroups of D of rank at least 2 is connected, then Assumption 17 is satisfied. Proof. Firstly, we suppose that e is the principal block of the group G. For any non-trivial subgroup Q of the defect group D, the principal block e Q of the group C G (Q) covers the principal block b Q of the p -group S Q, so v Q is the trivial class in the Dade group D(N D (Q)/Q). Thus we can choose V to be the trivial OD-module. Secondly, we suppose that the defect group D is abelian. Then we have N D (Q) = D for any subgroup Q of D. Following [18], we consider the function µ on the set of non-trivial subgroups of D such that 1 R Q µ(r) = 1 for any non-trivial subgroup Q of D. We consider the class v = µ(q) InfD/Q D v Q D(D). 1 Q D By Lemma 16, the family (v Q ) 1 Q D satisfies the assumptions of [18, Proposition 3.6]. Thus the class v is N G (D, e D )-stable, and DefresD/Q D v = v Q for any non-trivial subgroup Q of D. By [6, Corollary 8.5] and [24, Lemma 28.1], there exists a unique isomorphism class of capped indecomposable endo-permutation OD-module V with determinant 1 (i.e., with a structure map that sends the group D into SL(V )) such that v = [k O V ]. Since the defect group D is abelian, the normaliser N G (D, e D ) controls the e-fusion in the group G with 17

18 respect to the maximal subpair (D, e D ), so the triple (D, e D, V ) is fusion-stable in G. Thirdly, we suppose that the prime p is odd and that the poset A 2 (D) is connected. For any subgroup Q of D, the class v Q D(N D (Q)/Q) contains the source of a simple module for the p-nilpotent group (S Q C SQ (P )) N D (Q)/Q. Thus we know from [5, Proposition 4.4] that the class v Q lies in the torsion part D t (N D (Q)/Q) of the Dade group D(N D (Q)/Q). By [7, Theorem 1.1], there is an exact sequence 0 D t (D) lim D t (N D (Q)/Q) H 0 (A 2 (D)) 0. 1 Q D By lemma 16, the family (v Q ) 1 Q D lies in the direct limit lim D t (N D (Q)/Q) 1 Q D of the above exact sequence. By assumption, the additive group H 0 (A 2 (D), F 2 ) of locally constant F 2 -valued functions on A 2 (D), modulo constant functions, is trivial. Thus there exists a unique class v in the torsion Dade group D t (D) such that DefresN D D (Q)/Q v = v Q for any non-trivial subgroup Q of D. As above, there is a unique capped indecomposable endo-permutation OD-module V with determinant 1 such that the reduction k O V belongs to the class v. Let (R, e R ) be a subpair of (D, e D ) and let g G be such that g (R, e R ) (D, e D ). Set w = Res D R v and w = Res Dg R g 1 v. For any non-trivial subgroup Q of R, we have Defres R N R (Q)/Q w = Res N D(Q)/Q N R (Q)/Q v Q = Res N D g (Q)/Q N R (Q)/Q g 1 vg Q = Defres R N R (Q)/Q w. Then the injectivity of the deflation-restriction map D t (R) lim D t (N R (Q)) 1 Q R implies that w = w. Let W (resp. W ) be a capped indecomposable direct summand of the restriction Res D R V (resp. w = Res Dg R g 1 V ). Since the prime p is odd, the endo-permutation OR-modules W and W must have determinant 1; moreover, the reductions k O W and k O W belong to the same class w = w D(R). Thus W and W are isomorphic, and the triple (D, e D, V ) is fusion-stable in the group G. For a general defect group D, the obstruction group H 0 (A 2 (D), F 2 ) needs not be trivial. However, we know from the classification of finite simple groups that the Z p-theorem is always true. This implies that Assumption 17 is satisfied, at least when the centraliser C G (P ) controls the p-fusion in the group G (and not only the e-fusion). We do hope that a careful study of the direct image of the family (v Q ) 1 Q D in the obstruction group H 0 (A 2 (D), F 2 ) will show that this direct image is always trivial. This would allow one to prove Theorem 1 without any restriction on the defect group D. 18

19 6 Obtaining a stable equivalence With all the conventions of the previous section, we now suppose that Assumption 17 is satisfied. We identify V with an O D-module. By Lemma 7, there is a unique indecomposable Brauer-friendly O(G C G (P ))-module M with source triple ( D, e D e o D, V ) such that the slashed module M P, e P e o P admits the k(c G (P ) C G (P ))-module kc G (P )e P as a direct summand. Lemma 19. Let Q be a non-trivial subgroup of the defect group D. Then the slashed module M Q, e Q e P Q induces a Morita equivalence kc G (Q)e Q kc G (P Q)e P Q Proof. The class Defres D D/P v D(D/P ) is trivial, so the slashed module M P, e P e o P is a p-permutation k(c G (P ) C G (P ))-module. Thus we may use, from now on, the slash construction that we have defined in Lemma 6. For the sake of shortness, whenever Q is a subgroup of the defect group D, we write C(Q) = (C G (Q) C G (P Q)) ; N(Q) = C(Q) N G (Q, e Q ) ; M Q = M Q, e Q e P Q, where the latter is a kn(q)-module. For any Q D and any g G such that g (Q, e Q ) (D, e D ), the uniqueness part of Lemma 6 implies that there is an isomorphism of kn(q)-modules M Q (g 1, g 1 ) M g Q. Thus, up to replacing the subgroup Q by a G-conjugate, we may suppose that the subpair (Q, e Q ) is fully normalised in (D, e D ), i.e., that the normaliser subpair (N D (Q), e ND (Q)) is a maximal e Q -subpair of the group N G (Q, e Q ). Similarly, for any two subgroups Q R of D, the kn(q, R)-modules M Q R and Res N(R) N(Q,R) M R are isomorphic. By construction of M, we know that the kc(p )-module M P admits kc G (P )e P as a direct summand. As a consequence, the Brauer quotient M P Q admits the kn(p, Q)-module kc G (P Q)e P Q as a direct summand. By the above remark on the transitivity of the slash construction, it follows that the slashed module M Q P also admits kc G (P Q)e P Q as a direct summand. Thus there exists an indecomposable direct summand MQ 0 of the kn(q)-module M Q such that the slashed module MQ 0 P admits the kn(p, Q)-module kc G(P Q)e P Q as a direct summand. Let (R, f) be a maximal e Q -subpair of the group N G (Q, e Q ). Then the Brauer quotient Br ( R,f f o )(kc G (P Q)e P Q ) kc G (R)f is non-zero. By transitivity of the slash construction, it follows that the slashed module MQ 0 R, f f o is non-zero. Moreover, a vertex subpair of MQ 0 must be contained in a conjugate of the vertex subpair ( D, e D e o D ) of M. Thus ( R, f f o ) is a vertex subpair of MQ 0. Assuming that the subpair (Q, e Q) is fully normalised in (D, e D ), we deduce from Lemma 3 (iii) that ( N D (Q), e ND (Q) e o N D (Q), V Q) is a source triple of the indecomposable kn(q)-module MQ 0. Now it follows from Lemma 19


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