arxiv: v1 [] 11 Dec 2013

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1 A Siml Sw Lin Algorithm for Counting Triangulations and Psudo-triangulations Victor Alvarz Karl Bringmann Saurabh Ray arxiv: v1 [] 11 Dc 2013 Dcmbr 12, 2013 Abstract Lt P R 2 b a st of n oints. In [1] and [2] an algorithm for counting triangulations and sudo-triangulations of P, rsctivly, is shown. Both algorithms ar basd on th divid-and-conqur aradigm, and both work by finding sub-structurs on triangulations and sudo-triangulations that allow th roblms to b slit. Ths sub-structurs ar calld triangulation aths for triangulations, or T-aths for short, and zig-zag aths for sudo-triangulations, or PT-aths for short. Thos two algorithms hav turnd out to b vry difficult to analyz, to th oint that no good analysis of thir running tim has bn rsntd so far. Th intrsting thing about thos algorithms, bsids thir simlicity, is that thy xrimntally indicat that counting can b don significantly fastr than numration. In this ar w show two nw algorithms, on to comut th numbr of triangulations of P, and on to comut th numbr of sudo-triangulations of P. Thy ar also basd on T-aths and PT-aths rsctivly, but us th sw lin aradigm and not divid-and-conqur. Th imortant thing about our algorithms is that thy admit a good analysis of thir running tims. W will show that our algorithms run in tim O (t(p)) and O (t(p)) rsctivly, whr t(p) and t(p) is th largst numbr of T-aths and PT-aths, rsctivly, that th algorithms ncountr during thir xcution. Morovr, w show that t(p) = O (9 n ), which is th first non-trivial bound on t(p) to b known. Whil th algorithm for counting triangulations of [3] is fastr in th worst cas, O ( n ), than our algorithm, O (9 n ), thr arsts ofoints whr th numbr of T-aths is O(2 n ). In such cass our algorithm may b fastr. Furthrmor, it is not clar whthr th algorithm rsntd in [3] can b modifid to count sudotriangulations so that its running tim rmains O (c n ) for som small constant c R. Thrfor, for counting sudo-triangulations (and ossibly othr similar structurs) our aroach sms bttr. Fachrichtung Informatik, Univrsität ds Saarlands, alvarz@cs.uni-saarland.d. Partially Suortd by CONACYT-DAAD of México. Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. 1

2 1 Introduction Lt P R 2 b a st of n oints. A triangulation of P is a crossing-fr structur (straight-dg lan grah) on P such that th boundary of its outr fac coincids with th convx hull, CH(P), of P, and whr all boundd facs ar mty triangls. A sudo-triangl is an mty siml olygon having xactly thr convx vrtics, that is, th intrnal angl at thos vrtics is strictly lss than π. An xaml can b sn to th lft in Figur 1. A sudo-triangulation of P is a crossing-fr structur on P such that th boundary of its outr fac coincids with CH(P), and whr all boundd facs ar sudo-triangls. A sudo-triangulation can b sn to th right in Figur 1. Figur 1: A sudo-triangl to th lft. Th thr gray vrtics ar th thr convx vrtics. A sudo-triangulation of P can b sn to th right. Whil triangulations rquir ssntially no introduction du to thir many alications, sudo-triangulations ar way lss known. Psudo-triangulations wr originally usd in [4] for swing comlxs, and in [5, 6] for ray-shooting. Howvr, it was until a ar of Ilana Strinu aard, s [7], that sudo-triangulations rally took off as a main rsarch toic, du to thir structural richnss. In th sam ar, [7], a articular kind of sudo-triangulations was introducd, th so-calld ointd sudotriangulations. In a ointd sudo-triangulation vry vrtx is incidnt to an angl largr than π, and its charactrization is vry rich. Th following is just a subst of quivalncs found in [7]: Thorm 1 (I. Strinu). Lt G b a straight-dg lan grah on a st of oints P. Th following rortis ar quivalnt: G is a ointd sudo-triangulation. G is a sudo-triangulation having th minimum numbr of dgs, and thus also th minimum numbr of sudo-triangls. Th st of dgs of G forms a maximal, by inclusion, lanar and ointd st of dgs, i.., a st of dgs whos union is crossing-fr, and in which vry vrtx is incidnt with an angl largr than π. 2

3 Pointd sudo-triangulations hav found intrsting alications in robot arm motion lanning, s [7], and hav bn th subjct of xtnsiv rsarch, s th survy on sudo-triangulations in [8], which is an xcllnt rfrnc for most known rsults to dat on sudo-triangulations. In this work w will b concrnd only with ointd sudo-triangulations, so w will dro th ointd art and w will only call thm sudo-triangulations. So, unlss othrwis statd, our sudo-triangulations ar always ointd. No confusion shall aris. Knowing what triangulations and sudo-triangulations ar, w can talk about th classs F T (P) and F PT (P) of all triangulations and all sudo-triangulations of a givn st of n oints P rsctivly, and ask about thir sizs, how larg ar thy? W can actually think about two flavors of this qustion: (1) What is th largst or smallst thy can gt ovr all sts P R 2 of n oints? or (2) Givn P, what is th xact siz of a dsird class? Th first qustion mntiond abov rquirs usually havy mathmatical machinry sinc th numbr of combinatorially diffrnt configurations of n oints is too larg to b xlord by comutr, s [9]. Thus, th first qustion is of rathr thortical flavor and it has actually sawnd a larg amount of rsarch ovr almost 30 yars, which startd with th sminal work of Ajtai, Chvátal, Nwborn and Szmrédi, whr thy showd that th numbr of all crossing-fr structurs on any st of n oints on th lan can b at most 10 13n, s [10]. This bound imlis that th siz of ach class of crossing-fr structurs on P can b ur-boundd by c n, with c R dnding on th articular class. Sinc thn rsarch has focusd on fin-tuning c. For xaml, in th cas of triangulations, th most oular in rcnt yars, it is currntly known that 2.4 c 30, s [11] for th ur bound and [12] for th lowr bound. Thus vry st P of n oints on th lan fulfills F T (P) = Ω(2.4 n ) and F T (P) = O(30 n ). For th class of sudo-triangulations not much is known. For xaml, it is known that c attains its minimum valu for sts of oints in convx osition, i.., c 4, s [13]. It is also known that F PT (P) 3 i F T (P), whr i is th numbr of intrior oints of P, s [14]. As for th scond qustion mntiond bfor, w always assum that w ar givn a st P of n oints on th lan and w ar intrstd in comuting th xact valus of F T (P), F PT (P), for xaml, th st of 32 rd oints rsntd in Figur 2, rrsnting th Stat Caitals of Mxico, sans xactly triangulations. Th scond qustion is thus of mirical flavor, and thrfor algorithmic, sinc no closd-form formula is known, in gnral, for F T (P), F PT (P). It is thn imortant to com u with mthods (algorithms) that can comut thir sizs fficintly. A first aroach would b to roduc all lmnts of th dsird class, using mthods for numration, s for xaml [15, 16, 17, 18], and thn simly count th numbrof lmnts. This has th obvious disadvantag that th total tim snt will b, at bst, linar in th numbr of lmnts countd, which, by th first art, is always xonntial in th siz of th inut. Thus, th crucial qustion is whthr F T (P), F PT (P) can b comutd 3

4 N W E S Figur 2: A st of 32 oints rrsnting th Stat Caitals of Mxico. fastr, say, for startrs, in tim sub-linar in th numbr of lmnts countd. Currntly this is only known for th sur class of all crossing-fr structurs on th givn st P of n oints, s [19]. For th articular class F T (P) a nw algorithm that counts th triangulations of P in tim n O(k) was rcntly shown in [3], whr k is th numbr of onion layrs of P. This algorithm runs in olynomial tim whnvr k is constant, and thus it is fastr than numration by an xonntial sd-u. Th authors of [3] showd that vn whnk = Θ(n), thir algorithm has worst-cas runningtim of O ( n ). Whil that algorithm is fastr in th worst cas than th algorithm rsntd in this ar, s Thorm 3 on ag 6, thr ar sts of oints whr th numbr of T-aths is O(2 n ). In such cass our algorithm may b fastr. Furthrmor, our algorithm can asily b modifid to count sudo-triangulations - and th running tim rmains O(oly(n) t(p)), whr t(p) dnots th largst numbr of PT-aths with rsct to a sgmnt, s Thorm 5 on ag 7. It is not clar whthr th algorithm rsntd in [3] can b modifid to count sudo-triangulations so that its running tim rmains O(c n ) for som small constant c. Thrfor, for counting sudo-triangulations (and ossibly othr similar structurs) our aroach sms bttr. Thr ar also othr algorithms that sm to count fastr than numration, for F T (P) and F PT (P), s [1, 20, 2], but whr no thortical runtim guarants ar known. 2 Our contribution In this ar w ar fully dvotd to th scond qustion, namly, th algorithmic vrsion of th roblm of counting triangulations and sudo-triangulations. W will only b concrnd about algorithms with rovabl running tims. 4

5 2.1 Th rsult on counting triangulations In ordr to stat our rsults w will rquir som dfinitions, which for clarity w stat first: Dfinition 1 (Sarating lin). Lt P b a non-mty st of oints on th lan, and lt l b a straight lin such that l P = but l CH(P), thn l will b calld a sarating lin w.r.t. P. Dfinition 2 (T-ath). Givn a non-mty st of oints P on th lan, a triangulation T of P, and a sarating lin l w.r.t. P, a T-ath of T w.r.t. l, dnotd by (l, T), is dfind as follows: (1) (l,t) is a chain of dgs of T whr vry dg of (l,t) intrscts l. (2) Starting and nding dgs of (l,t) ar two dgs of CH(P) intrsctd by l. (3) Th ara boundd by two conscutiv dgs of (l,t) and l must b mty of oints of P. S to th lft in Figur 3 for an xaml of a T-ath (l,t). l l Figur 3: To th lft a T-ath (l,t), shown in solid lins, of a triangulation T with vrtx st P. To th right a PT-ath t(l,s), shown also in solid lins, of a sudotriangulation S with vrtx st P. Th gray aras ar th aras boundd by two conscutiv dgs of th aths and lin l, which ar mty of oints of P. T-aths wr originally introducd by Oswin Aichholzr in 1999 in [1]. What maks thm rlvant is th following thorm, also rsntd in [1]: Thorm 2 (O. Aichholzr). Lt P b a st of oints and l a sarating lin w.r.t. P. Thn th following holds: (1) For vry triangulation T of P thr always xists a T- ath (l,t). (2) (l,t) is uniqu for T. (3) If T and T ar two triangulations of P, thn (l,t) and (l,t ) ar ithr qual, or rorly intrsct ach othr, i.., thr ar intrsction oints lying in th strict intrior of thir dgs. Morovr, in th sam ar, Aichholzr dsignd an algorithm to comut F T (P) basd on T-aths and th divid-and-conqur aradigm. His algorithm xrimntally xhibitd a running tim sub-linar in th numbr of triangulations countd, that is, that algorithm was aarntly fastr than numration. A formal roof of this fact is, 5

6 howvr, hard to obtain sinc it is not clar how to show that a singl T-ath aars in many triangulations, vn on avrag. Nonthlss, th running tim of Aichholzr s algorithm can b boundd by th numbr of sub-roblms that it gnrats. Sinc th algorithm is basd on th divid-and-conqur aradigm, w can dscrib its running-tim rcurrnc by R(n) = 2t(n) R(n/2), whr t(i) dnots th numbr of T-aths ncountrd by th algorithm whn i oints ar considrd. If w can show that t(i) a i, for som ositiv constant a, w hav that R(n) 2 a n R(n/2), which gts solvd to O ( a 2n). It is imortant to not hr that t = t(n) can bcom xonntially larg, for xaml, Aichholzr showd that th convx olygon on n vrtics has roughly O(2 n ) T-aths, and in [21] a configuration is shown that has Ω ( 2 2n Θ(log(n))) T-aths, which is ssntially 4 n, so th quadratic trm in th running tim of Aichholzr s algorithm bcoms rally xnsiv. Th first contribution of ours that will b shown is th following thorm: Thorm 3. Lt P b a givn st of n oints on th lan. Thn th xact valu of F T (P) can b comutd in O ( n 3 t ) tim, and O(t) sac, whr t is th largst numbr of T-aths th algorithm ncountrs whn run on P. Morovr t = O(9 n ). Thus th running tim of our algorithm for comuting F T (P), basd on T-aths, can rally b sn as an asymtotic imrovmnt ovr Aichholzr s algorithm. As for th ur bound on t, ours is th first non-trivial bound on it to b known, howvr, w susct that th ral valu should b closr to 4 n. Now, no configuration of oints is known having as many T-aths as triangulations. Hnc, our T-ath-basd algorithm could otntially count triangulations asymtotically fastr than numration algorithms. No similar rsult was known bfor, which maks ours worth mntioning. On th ngativ sid, th bound for th running tim of our algorithm is vry rcis, it dnds on th largst 1 numbr of T-aths th algorithm ncountrs whnrunon P, andthis numbrcan gt vry larg, somtims at last Ω(4 n ). 2.2 Th rsult on counting sudo-triangulations Psudo-triangulations hav bn th subjct of xtnsiv rsarch from th counting oint of viw, s [14, 17] and rfrncs thrin. As of today it is not known whthr, for any st of oints, th numbr of ointd sudo-triangulations is at last as larg as its numbr of triangulations. Obsrv that if w rmov th ointdnss condition, th answr is trivially ys. In [2] th conct of zig-zag ath of a sudo-triangulation was introducd. This conct is for sudo-triangulations what T-aths ar for triangulations. For simlicity and consistncy w will call such zig-zag aths simly PT-aths. Dfinition 3 (PT-ath). Givn a lanar st of oints P, a sudo-triangulation S of P, and a sarating lin l w.r.t. P, a PT-ath of S w.r.t. l, dnotd by t(l,s), is dfind 1 Sinc T-aths ar rfrncd by a lin, diffrnt lins might gnrat diffrnt numbrs of T-aths. 6

7 as follows: (1) t(l,s) is a chain of dgs of S whos starting and nding dgs ar two dgs of CH(P) intrsctd by l, and whos intrsctions with l ar linarly ordrd along l. (2) Th ara boundd by t(l, S), btwn two conscutiv intrsctions with l, and lin l is an mty sudo-triangl. (3) Th rflx vrtics of th mty sudo-triangls of (2) ar ointd in S. S to th right in Figur 3 for an xaml of a PT-ath t(l,s). As for T-aths, an quivalnt of Thorm 2 for PT-aths was rovn in [2]: Thorm 4 (O. Aichholzr, G. Rot, B. Sckmann, I. Strinu). Th PT-ath t(l, S) of a sudo-triangulation S w.r.t. sarating lin l always xists and is uniqu. Th rvious thorm dos not ncssarily hold if w rmov th ointdnss condition, that is, a non-ointd sudo-triangulation might contain mor than on PT-ath for th sam rfrnc lin l. Nonthlss, for such cass on can still dfin a canonical PT-ath. Again, as for T-aths, divid-and-conqur algorithms that us PT-aths can b dvisd to count th lmnts of F PT (P), on such algorithm was alrady rsnt in [2]. Thos algorithms, as for T-aths, nd u having running tims of th sort O ( t 2), whr t = t(n) is th largst numbr of PT-aths of P, w.r.t. to som sarating lin l, that th algorithm ncountrs. Th rsult on sudo-triangulation that w will rov is th following: Thorm 5. Lt P b a givn st of n oints on th lan. Thn th xact valu of F PT (P) can b comutd in O ( n 7 t ) tim, and O(t) sac, whr t is th largst numbr of PT-aths th algorithm ncountrs whn run on P. Thus again, our rsult givs a significant imrovmnt ovr known algorithms for counting sudo-triangulations. This tim, howvr, w ar not abl to show an ur bound on th largst numbr of PT-aths that can b constructd w.r.t. a givn lin. Th rst of th ar is organizd as follows: In 3 w rov Thorm 3 and in 4 w rov Thorm 5. W clos th ar in 5 with discussions and conclusions. 3 Counting triangulations Lt T b a triangulation of P and lt l b a sarating lin w.r.t. P. Without loss of gnrality w will assum that l is vrtical. Lt b an dg of T rorly intrscting l. If is not an dg of CH(P), w will say that is fliabl iff th union Q of th two triangls of T sharing forms a convx quadrilatral. If Q is non-convx, or is an dg of CH(P), w will simly say that is non-fliabl. Also, for Q, w will call th two vrtics that ar not vrtics of, th oosit vrtics of. Finally, w will say that is good with rsct to l iff is fliabl and its oosit vrtics li on diffrnt sids of l. 7

8 d b W a l Figur 4: Vrtics a,b,d ar thr conscutiv vrtics of th shown T-ath. Now, lt (l,t) b a T-ath of T. Th rgion btwn two conscutiv dgs = ab, = bd of (l,t), and dlimitd by l, dfins a wdg W = abd with ax at vrtx b, s Figur 4. Obsrv that by art (3) of Dfinition 2, wdg W is mty of oints of P, so w can dfin th st W = W((l,T)) = {W 1,W 2...,W k }, as th st of all thos mty wdgs. Sinc w ar going to us wdgs throughout th whol sction, whnvr w hav thr conscutiv vrtics a,b,d of (l,t), w will us th shorthand abd to dnot th corrsonding lmnt of W formd by th tril, in which th middl lmnt is th ax. W now hav th following obsrvations: Lmma 1. Lt T b a triangulation of P, lt l b a vrtical lin, and lt b a good dg of T w.r.t. l. Thn is an dg of th uniqu T-ath (l,t). Proof. Assum for th sak of contradiction that dg = q of T is good but not an dg of (l,t), that is, dg cannot b an dg of CH(P). Lt W b th st of mty wdgs of (l,t). Obsrv that vry lmnt W of W dfins an intrval on l, which is rcisly whr W intrscts l, s Figur 5. l q Figur 5: Evry mty wdg of (l,t) dfins an intrval on l whr thy intrsct. Notthatvryintriorointofanintrvalonl dfindbysomlmntofw blongs only to that lmnt of W, that is, two intrvals dfind by two diffrnt lmnts of 8

9 W hav disjoint intriors. Dnot by x th oint of intrsction btwn and l. This oint x cannot b th boundary oint of any intrval on l dfind by som lmnt of W, othrwis thr would b an dg of (l,t) that crosss l at x, but that would man that and intrsct, which is clarly imossibl sinc both dgs blong to T, s Figur 6. l l s x q x q r Figur 6: Th intrsction btwn and l cannot bth boundaryof an intrval on l dfind by an mty wdg of (l,t). Figur 7: Point x lis in th intrior of th intrval of l dfind by th mty wdg with ax. Sinc is good w.r.t. l, th third vrtx of on of th triangls of T that shar must li insid W. Thus x must blong to th intrior of som intrval on l dfind by som lmnt W of W. It is also clar that th ax of W must b ithr or q, othrwis, ithr or q lis insid W, which is not ossibl sinc W is an mty wdg of (l,t). Lt us assum without loss of gnrality that th ax of W is, and that W is dfind by th two conscutiv dgs = r and = s of (l,t). Assum without loss of gnrality that lis to th lft of l, and thus r,q,s li to th right. Not that x lis btwn th intrsction oints of and with l, s Figur 7. Sinc is good w.r.t. l, thn th two triangls of T sharing hav thir third vrtics on diffrnt sids of l, which mans that on of thm ncssarily lis insid W, which is again a contradiction sinc W is mty of vrtics of T. Thus must blong (l,t). Obsrv that in gnral a T-ath can also contain non-fliabl dgs. Lmma 2. Lt T b a triangulation with vrtx st P, and lt b a fliabl dg of T. Thn thr xists a lin l such that is an dg of th T-ath (l,t). Proof. Lt = q b a givn fliabl dg. Thn cannot b an dg of CH(P), thus, is shard by two triangls of T, th third oint of ach triangl is r and s rsctivly. Lt = rs b th othr diagonal of th convx olygon rqs, s Figur 8. Lt l b th vrtical lin containing th oint of intrsction btwn and. Thn l maks and good. 9

10 l q r r b q W s a s Figur 8: and ar th two diagonals of th convx quadrilatral rqs. Th lin l containing thir intrsction maks both, and good. Figur 9: Vrtics a,b must b in th gray zon othrwis angl rs would not b maximum. Lmma 3. Lt T b a triangulation with vrtx st P. Thn th st of all fliabl dgs of T is nough to charactriz T. Proof. LtF(T)bthstof all fliabldgs oft. Whav torovthat thrcannot b anothr triangulation T with vrtx st P such that T T but F(T) = F(T ). Lt us assum for th sak of contradiction that such triangulation T xists. Dfin th st NF(T) = E(T)\F(T), which is th st of all non-fliabl dgs of T. Clarly, NF(T) NF(T ), othrwis T = T. That is, thr must b at last on dg NF(T) that isrorlyintrsctd bydgs ofnf(t ); it cannot bintrsctd bydgs off(t) = F(T ), andbothnf(t),nf(t )cannotformastofnon-crossingdgssinc T and T ar sts of non-crossing dgs of maximum cardinality, but NF(T) E(T ) and NF(T ) E(T). Now lt = q, and lt = rs b an dg of NF(T ) crossing. Clarly, th dgs of th quadrilatral Q = rqs cannot b art of ithr T or T bcaus that would mak and fliabl, s Figur 9. Assum that is th dg of NF(T ) crossing that maximizs th angl rs, such must xist. Givn that all th dgs of CH(P) ar also shard by T and T w hav that must b shard by two triangls of T, so lt a,b th third oint of ach triangl rsctivly, s Figur 9. Obsrv that it could han that = a, but thn b q, sinc quadrilatral Q maks fliabl. Or vic-vrsa, b = q, but thn a. Thn a,b must b containd in th infinit wdg W = rs with ax at. Othrwis, say w.l.o.g. that a lis outsid W. This mans that anothr dg of triangl rsa, othr than, intrscts rorly. Say dg ra. But thn angl ra > rs, which is a contradiction sinc rs was chosn to b maximum among all th dgs of NF(T ) crossing. Not howvr that if a,b ar containd in W, thn th quadrilatral rasb is convx, which mans that is fliabl in T, which is a contradiction sinc w assum that NF(T ). Hnc such an dg NF(T ) crossing cannot xist, which mans that NF(T ) = NF(T), sinc was an dg of NF(T), and thus w arriv at T = T. 10

11 Lmma 4. Lt T b a triangulation with vrtx st P, and lt l,l b two vrtical lins such that l l, and th vrtical slab btwn l and l is mty of oints of P. Thn (l,t) = (l,t). Proof. Lt us assum without loss of gnrality that l lis to th lft of l. Sinc th vrtical slab btwn l and l is mty of oints of P, obsrv that thr is a bijction btwn th st W((l,T)), th mty wdgs of (l,t), and th st W((l,T)), s Figur 10. l l Figur 10: T-ath (l,t) shown, along its mty wdgs. Evry wdg is also mty w.r.t. l. Thus (l,t) and (l,t) ar both T-aths, by dfinition, of T w.r.t. l and l rsctivly, but vry T-ath of T w.r.t. som lin is uniqu, so thr is no othr otion but (l,t) = (l,t). Now lt us assum that P is sortd from lft to right, i.., from smallst x-coordinat to th largst. W can assum that by a suitabl rotation w do not hav any tis in th x-coordinat, so P = { 1, 2,..., n }. Lt L = {l 1,...l n 1 } b a st of vrtical lins such that oint i P lis in th vrtical slab btwn l i 1 and l i, with 2 i n 1. Point 1, th lftmost, lis in th unboundd vrtical slab to th lft of l 1, and n, th rightmost, lis in th unboundd vrtical slab to thright of l n 1. For atriangulation T of P lt P(T) = {(l i,t) l i L}. W now hav th following rsult: Thorm 6. Lt T b a triangulation with vrtx st P. Thn P(T) is nough to charactriz T. Proof. W hav to rov that thr cannot b anothr triangulation T with vrtx st P such that T T, but P(T) = P(T ). Howvr, by Lmma 3 w know that th st of fliabl dgs of a triangulation charactrizs it, hnc it is nough to rov that vry fliabl dg of T is an dg of som T-ath in P(T). Lt us assum for th sak of contradiction that thr is an dg of T that is fliabl but that is not an dg of any T-ath in P(T). By Lmma 2 w know that 11

12 thr xists on vrtical lin l such that is an dg of th T-ath (l,t). Not that such a lin l is aralll to vry lin in L, and that on ndoint of lis to th lft of l and th othr to th right, so l must li insid th vrtical slab btwn to conscutiv lins of L, or to th lft of l 1 L, or to th right of l n 1 L, lt us assum without loss of gnrality that l lis in th vrtical slab btwn l i and l i+1, with 1 i n 2. Obsrv howvr that such a slab contains xactly on oint of P, thus it must han that ithr, th vrtical slab btwn l i and l is mty of oints of P, or th vrtical slab btwn l and l i+1 is mty of oints of P, say th formr without loss of gnrality. Nvrthlss, by Lmma 4, w know that (l,t) = (l i,t), so (l,t) P(T), which is a contradiction sinc was a fliabl dg of T that was not an lmnt of P(T). Thus, such an dg cannot xist, and thr is no othr otion but T = T sinc thy shar th sam st of fliabl dgs. Thrfor vry triangulation T having P as vrtx st has a uniqu st P(T) of T- aths, and thus th numbr of triangulations F T (P) is just th numbr of diffrnt sts oft-athsp(t)thatwcanfindonp. LtΠ(l,P) = {(l,t) T is a triangulation of P} b th st of all T-aths of P w.r.t. lin l. Not that whil th st of lins L stays fixd, thr will b in gnral mor than on T-ath that can b formd r lin, thus a tul {π 1,...,π n 1 } of T-aths of P, with π i Π(l i,p), dfins a triangulation if and only if all thos T-aths ar airwis non-crossing. W will say that such a airwis non-crossing st is comatibl. It is asy to show that, in ordr to vrify if such a st is comatibl, it suffics to chck that two conscutiv T-aths π Π(l i,p) and π Π(l i+1,p) ar non-crossing, for 1 i n 2. Not that thr might b triangulations sharing som T-aths, for xaml, if P is in convx osition, its numbr of triangulations is O(4 n ), whil its numbr of T-aths is O(2 n ), so w obtain on avrag O(2 n ) triangulations r T-ath. This motivats th following dfinition: T(π j ) = {{π 1,...,π j 1 } {π 1,...,π j 1,π j } is comatibl and π i Π(l i,p)}. W nd two mor dfinitions in ordr to dscrib our algorithm. For ach π Π(l i+1,p) w dfin λ(π ) = {π Π(l i,p) π is comatibl with π }. Similarly w dfin µ(π) = {π Π(l i+1,p) π is comatibl with π} for ach π Π(l i,p). Now w ar rady to dscrib our algorithm. 3.1 Th sw lin algorithm W considr swing a vrtical lin from lft to right, th vnt oints bing th vrtical lins in th st L as dfind bfor. At any vnt oint l i w maintain Π(l i,p), and for ach π Π(l i,p) w stor T (π). At i = 1 w clarly hav Π(l 1,P) = 1, and for this articular π Π(l 1,P) w hav T(π) = 1. W will show that ach π Π(l i+1,p) can b obtaind from ach π Π(l i,p) comatibl with π 2 by doing local changs, 2 Again, by comatibility w man non-crossing. 12

13 which will b dfind latr on, for th tim bing th imortant thing to know is that th numbr of ossibl local changs for a T-ath is O ( n 2). Hnc, if w go through ach π Π(l i,p) and try all ossibl local changs for π, w will obtain Π(l i+1,p). Morovr, for ach π Π(l i+1,p) w also gt th st λ(π ). Obsrv that T (π ) is givn by π λ(π ) T (π). Thus w ar abl to comut Π(l i+1,p) as wll as T(π ) for ach π Π(l i+1,p). All this taks tim O ( n 2 t i ), whr tj = Π(l j,p), sinc thr ar O(n 2 ) local changs to try for ach π Π(l i,p), and as w will s latr, th tim takn r local chang is constant. Th ovrall running tim of th algorithm is thrfor l j L O( n 2 t j ) O ( n3 t ), whr t = max{t j }. At th nd, th numbr w ar looking for is rcisly F T (P) = T (π), whr π is th uniqut-ath of Π(l n 1,P). Our main task now is to xlain th local changs and to rov that thr ar indd O ( n 2). W first nd th following intrmdiat rsult: Lmma 5. At tims l = l i and l = l i+1, oint = i+1 has dgr zro, on, or two in vry T-ath π Π(l i,p), as wll as in vry T-ath π Π(l i+1,p). Howvr, if π and π do not cross, thn cannot simultanously hav dgr zro in both T-aths, that is, must b a vrtx of at last on T-ath. Proof. Lt us look at th cas whn l = l i, th othr cas, l = l i+1 is just symmtric. If is not a vrtx of π, thn th dgr of is zro. If is a vrtx of π, thn thr ar two cass dnding on whthr is a vrtx of CH(P) or not. Sinc both cass ar vry similar w will rov only th lattr. Sinc lis insid CH(P) w know that is an intrnal vrtx of π, i.., th dgr of in π is at last two. To vrify that it is at most two lt us assum that its dgr is at last four, it must b vn. Lt b b th first nighbor of in π, whn visiting whil travrsing π from th first vrtx to th last. Similarly, lt c b th last nighbor of in π in th sam travrsing ordr, s Figur 11. Sinc th dgr of is at last four, thr must b othr two vrtics b,c btwn b and c. Obsrv that lis to th right of l, and b,b,c,c to th lft, so thr must b at last on vrtx x of π conncting b and c, howvr, x should li insid th vrtical slab btwn l and l i+1, which is mty of oints of P xct for, s Figur 12. Thus x cannot xist, which imlis that b,c cannot xist ithr. Hnc, th dgr of in π is at most two, which is what w wantd to rov. It rmains to rov that cannot hav dgr zro in both T-aths, π and π, if thy do not cross. To s this, not that if nithr π nor π has as a vrtx, thn clarly cannot b on CH(P), so must li in th intrior of CH(P), and thus it also lis insid th triangls abd, and a b d, whr a,b,d and a,b,d ar conscutiv vrtics of π and π rsctivly, s Figurs 13 and 14. Not howvr that this cas can only han if ithr abd and a b d intrsct, or if on lis ntirly insid th othr, sinc both triangls contain in thir intrior. In th first cas w hav obviously an intrsction btwn π and π, which is a contradiction. In th scond cas, assum without loss of gnrality that abd lis insid a b d. But thn obsrv that sinc a,d and b li on th sam sid of l i+1, thn th wdg a b d of π is not mty, which is clarly not 13

14 d d c c c c b b x b a b a Figur 11: T-ath π Π(l i,p) whr has dgr at last four shown. Figur 12: Vrtx x of π cannot xist bcaus is th only oint in that vrtical slab. ossibl sinc π is a T-ath and dgs a b and b d ar conscutiv in π, s Figur 14. Thus, Lmma 5 follows. d d d d b a b a a b a b Figur 13: π is shown in solid lins, and π in dashd lins. Figur14: Ifabdlisinsida b d, thn thwdga b d withaxb anddlimitd by l i+1 is not mty. W ar now rady to xlain th local changs carfully: From Lmma 4 w know that (l,t) = (l,t) for a triangulation T of P as long as th vrtical slab btwn l and l is mty of oints of P. This in turn imlis that Π(l,P) = Π(l,P). Now assum that l = l i and l = l i+1, that is, th vrtical slab btwn l and l is no longr mty, but contains oint = i+1. It is clar that during th continuous movmnt from l i to l i+1 th only ways a T-ath can chang, ar th ons involving in th following two snss: If is not a vrtx of th currnt T-ath π Π(l i,p), thn th only mty wdg of π that cannot b mad an mty wdg of a T-ath π Π(l i+1,p) is th on that during th swing rocss starts containing, s Figur 15. If on th othr hand, is a vrtx of π, thn its nighbors in π li to th lft of l i, sinc lis to th right, s Figur 16. But thn along with its nighbors li to th lft of l i+1, so thos adjacncis cannot b art of a T-ath w.r.t. l i+1. Thus w will obtain µ(π), for vry 14

15 T-ath π Π(l i,p), by locally changing π around. W will hav two cass to considr dnding on whthr aars as a vrtx of th currnt T-ath π Π(l i,p) w ar considring, or not. W will study ach cas in turn, howvr, thr is a cas analysis that on has to do, so in ordr to avoid going through all cass, w will dscrib th gnral stting from which all th cass can b obtaind. Lt again π Π(l i,p): Figur 15: Swing from l i to l i+1 rsults in a wdg containing. Figur 16: Swing from l i to l i+1 rsults in th adjacncis of bing on th sam sid of l i+1. (1) Assum that aars as a vrtx of π, and lt us first considr th cas whn lis in th intrior of CH(P). By Lmma 5 oint must hav dgr xactly two in π. Now tak vrtics a,b,c,d of π as dislayd in Figur 17. Look for all airs of oints b,c P such that th substitution of th attrn (a,b,,c,d) in π to (a,b,b,,c,c,d) rsults in a T-ath w.r.t. l i+1, s Figur 17. c c d b b c b a a b Figur 17: Substitution (a,b,,c,d) (a,b,b,,c,c,d) is only on of th ossibilitis. Figur 18: (a,b,b,,c). Substitution (a, b, ) Obsrv that as articular cass w could hav b = c = a = d, which would rsult in th substitution (a,b,,c,d) (a), or w could hav b = c = a, a d, which would rsult in (a,b,,c,d) (a,c,d). Sinc thr ar many cass, w would hav to xhaust all choics for b,c, howvr, thy all occur insid th sam rgion. 15

16 If CH(P), thn could b th vry first vrtx of π, or th vry last, or th scond, or scond-to-th-last. Lt us considr whn is th last, it is symmtric to th cas whn is th first. Lt th last thr vrtics of π b a,b, in that ordr, so b CH(P) as wll, and b is intrsctd by l i. W ar looking in gnral for th substitution (a,b,) (a,b,b,,c), whr c CH(P) is th othr nighbor of on CH(P). Obsrv that c is intrsctd by l i+1, s Figur 18. W could for xaml hav b = c or b = a as articular cass, among othrs. (2) Now assum dos not aar as a vrtx of π. Thn cannot b a vrtx of CH(P) ithr, as othrwis on of th dgs of CH(P) having as a vrtx would intrsct l i, and thus would ncssarily aar in π by dfinition. Thus π must look locally as in Figur 19, that is, th oint must b containd insid th triangl abd, whr a,b,d ar conscutiv on π, oint b lis on on sid of l i, and a,d on th othr sid. Thus obsrv that th adjacncy b is forcd in any triangulation containing π, sinc is th only oint of P containd in th vrtical slab btwn l i and l i+1. Th radr will b abl to vrify that this cas is a articular cas of (1) in which b = c, and w could hav, for xaml, th substitutions (a,b = c,d) (a,,d), or (a,b = c,d) (a,b,b,,c,b,d), among othrs, s Figur 18. d c b a b Figur 19: Substitution (a,b,d) (a,b,b,,c,b,d). Not that th substitutions can b don in rvrs ordr, that is, imagin that w go back in tim, from tim l = l i+1 to tim l = l i, so w would b swing th lan from right to lft, and thrfor th attrn (b,b,,c,c) of som π Π(l i+1,p) could bcom attrn (b,,c) of som π Π(l i,p), uon ror rlabling of oints, s Figurs 17, 18 and 19. So π is obtaind from π in on dirction, and π is obtaind from π in th oosit dirction, this rlation will b dnotd by π π. W hav finally th following rsult: Lmma 6. Givn Π(l i,p), vry T-ath of Π(l i+1,p) is roducd by th local changs just xlaind. Morovr, for ach π Π(l i,p), th cardinality of µ(π) is O ( n 2), and w can corrctly comut λ(π ) for ach π Π(l i+1,p) in tim O(n 2 t i ). 16

17 Proof. Lt again = i+1 P. For th first art lt π Π(l i+1,p). W will rov that π roducs at last on T-ath π Π(l i,p). Th rsult will thn follow by th rlation π π xlaind bfor. For th scond art w hav to show that µ(π) = O ( n 2) for achπ Π(l i,p), andthatwarabltocorrctlycomutλ(π )forachπ Π(l i+1,p) in tim O ( n 2 t i ). That is, w will rov that if π π thn both T-aths cross, and thus π λ(π ). For both arts w hav two cass dnding on whthr is a vrtx of π or not, but for simlicity w will only considr th cas whn is not a vrtx of π, th othr cas in both arts follows using similar argumnts. Lt W b th mty wdg of π that cannot b xtndd to an mty wdg W of π du to. Thus lis insid th triangl abd, whr a,b,d ar conscutiv vrtics, s Figur 20. Lt a, d b two nw adjacncis. Obsrv that a,d li to th lft of l i, and,b lis to th right. If th substitution (a,b,d) (a,,d) rsults in a T-ath of Π(l i,p), w ar don, if not, thn th triangl ba, or th triangl db is not mty, robably vn both. Lt us assum without loss of gnrality that th formr is th on that is not mty, and that this is th only on. If both triangls contain oints of P w can rocd in th sam way on both of thm. Call this non-mty triangl, and obsrv that thr is at last on oint c P containd in. Choos it and crat th adjacncis bc,c. Now do th substitution (a,b,d) (a,b,c,,d), and again tst if th nw ath is an lmnt of Π(l i,p). If ys, w ar don, if not, st = bc, and thus, thr must b again som oint of P insid. Choos on of thos oints, labl it with c, and rat. Obsrv that vry nw oint w tak lis to th lft of l i. Sinc P is finit, w will vntually arriv at bing mty, and at that oint, w would hav cratd an lmnt of Π(l i,p), s Figur 21. l i l i+1 l i l i+1 d d b b c c a a Figur 20: T-ath π is shown in solid. Figur 21: T-ath π bing xtndd to a T-ath π Π(l i,p). For th scond art, by th way th local changs ar mad, it is clar that from a T-ath π Π(l i,p) w cannot obtain mor than O(n 2 ) T-aths of Π(l i+1,p), sinc whn trying local changs of π around, at most vry air of oints of P will b tstd, and thus vry such a air can roduc at most on T-ath of Π(l i+1,p). W now hav to rov that if π π thn π and π cross. Rmmbr that w ar still assuming that is not a vrtx of π, thus is still insid triangl abd, whr a,b,d 17

18 ar thr conscutiv vrtics of π. Lt us assum for th sak of contradiction that π π, but π λ(π ), i.., thos two aths ar non-crossing. Sinc π λ(π ) thr must b at last on triangulation of P containing both T-aths. Lt T b on of thos triangulations, and obsrv that in T, vrtx must hav at last two adjacncis to th lft of l i, sinc th dgr of in π is zro. Among all ths adjacncis k just th first and th last in th radial ordr around in clockwis ordr. Lt b,c b thos two nighbors of rsctivly, s Figur 22. Clarly b and c must b adjacnt to b, but thn th substitution (a,b,d) (a,b,b,,c,b,d) crats a T-ath π Π(l i,p), that is, π π, and thus w hav that π π sinc π π. But π is also a T-ath of T w.r.t. l i, which is a contradiction sinc th T-ath of a triangulation w.r.t. a givn lin is uniqu, hnc such π cannot xist. d l i l i+1 c d c a b b b a Figur 22: In any triangulation of P containing π, vrtx must hav at last two adjacncis to th lft of l i. Figur 23: All ossibilitis for b,c ar shown as black oints. Th whit oints ar visibl from nithr b nor c. It rmains to rov that λ(π ) can b comutd in tim O(n 2 t i ) for ach π Π(l i+1,p), whr t i = Π(l i,p). From th discussion abov w obtain that π λ(π ) if and only if π π. Th rlation π π is obtaind by gussing airs of oints b,c, and chcking if th nw adjacncis, attachd to π, roduc π. For xaml, lt us assum w want to obtain th ossibl substitutions for th attrn (a,b,,c,d), with = i+1, lik in Figur 23. W just hav to look for b,c among all th oints of P that ar visibl from b or c, having th dgs of π as obstacls, s Figur 23. All ths oints can b obtaind in O ( n 2) tim, sinc th numbr of dgs of π is O(n). Onc w obtain this list of candidats, on list B for b and anothr list C for c, w try vry ossibl air b,c such that b B, and c C, for adjacncis that would crat π, for xaml, w could try adjacncis bb,b,c,c cto obtain thsubstitution(a,b,,c,d) (a,b,b,,c,c,d), but if c = d occurs, thn w would hav to try substitution (a,b,,c,d) (a,b,b,,d), and so on dnding on th articular configuration. If w r-rocss P in such a way that w can answr in constant tim if a givn triangl with vrtics in P is mty or not, w can also tst th corrctnss of th adjacncis in constant tim r air b,c. Thus w snd ovrall O ( n 2) tim r ath π of Π(l i,p). If w hav that π π, thn w also hav that π λ(π ), and thus aftr O ( n 2 ) t i w hav constructd λ(π ), for vry π Π(l i+1,p), whr t i = Π(l i,p). This comlts th roof. 18

19 Th abov discussion imlis th algorithmic art of Thorm 3. Th nxt subsction addrsss th scond art of th sam thorm, i.., a rough ur bound, dnding only on n, for th running tim of th algorithm just rsntd will b givn. 3.2 On th numbr of triangulation aths It is known that if P is in convx osition, thn th largst numbr of T-aths that w can find w.r.t. som lin is O(2 n ), s [1]. Howvr, thr could b configurations for which this numbr is much largr. In [21] a st P is shown for which w can find Ω(4 n Θ(log(n)) ) T-aths w.r.t. to som lin. This numbr is ssntially 4 n, thus w can s that th numbr of T-aths that on nds to considr is also larg. U to now thr hav bn no rsults about th largst numbr of T-aths, ovr all sts of n oints on th lan, and ovr all ossibl lins w can dfin T-aths on. Th main rsult rsntd hr is th following: Thorm 7. Th largst numbr of T-aths, w.r.t. a lin, of a st of n oints P on th lan is at most O(9 n ). Bfor th actual roof, lt us first xlain how w ar going to count T-aths. Lt P b a st of n oints whos lmnts ar labld with th intgrs from 1 to n, and lt π b a T-ath of P w.r.t. som givn lin l. Without loss of gnrality assum that π starts at th dg of CH(P) with th lowst intrsction with l, and thus it nds at th dg of CH(P) withthhighstintrsction withl. Obsrvthat givn l, thstartingandnding dgs of any T-ath w.r.t. l ar always th sam two dgs of CH(P). Without loss of gnrality w will assum that π starts to th lft of l, unlss it is othrwis xlicitly statd. If π starts to th right of l thn w would hav a symmtric convrsation. Now orint th dgs of π as travrsing it from th starting dg to th nding dg. Th starting dg, by assumtion, crosss l from lft to right, th scond from right to lft, th third from lft to right again, and so on until w arriv at th nding dg. Obsrv that th dgs of π aar sortd bottom-u on l as thy intrsct l, so th starting dg has th lowst intrsction with l, th scond dg has th scond lowst intrsction with l, and so on. Thus th starting vrtx of π and th dgs of π that cross l from lft to right ar nough to charactriz π. Thr is no othr way on can comlt adjacncis, sinc in-btwn two dgs, crossing l from lft to right, thr must b an dg crossing from right to lft and intrconncting and, and vic-vrsa, s Figur 24. Th starting vrtx of π tlls us if th starting dg crosss l from lft to right or from right to lft. Now lt = i j b an dg of π that crosss l from lft to right. Lt us mark th intrsction of and l with th air (i,j). Doing this for vry dg of π that crosss from lft to right w obtain a squnc N of airs of intgrs on l, which along with th first vrtx of π can b considrd as th signatur of π, sinc w know at ach of thos intrsction oints which dg of π crosss l, and in which dirction. Thr is th articular cas whn π also nds to th lft of π, and thus its last dg crosss l from right to lft, and undr our labling schm, th last vrtx of 19

20 π might not aar in any air of intgrs on l, howvr, givn l, th last dg of π is fixd, thus thr is no confusion as how to comlt π s Figur 24. Now, obsrv that th squnc N of airs of intgrs along l can b artitiond into th squnc N of vrtics of π lying to th lft of l, and th squnc N + of vrtics of π lying to th right. Both squncs N and N + can b sn as squncs of intgrs that ar sortd w.r.t. th ordr thy aar on l bottom-u. Th way w ar going to ur-bound th numbr of T-aths of P w.r.t. l is by ur-bounding th numbr of diffrnt squncs that rrsnt N. Th sam bound will obviously hold for th numbr of diffrnt squncs that rrsnt N +. Th final bound will com out ssntially from combining th two bounds obtaind. 10 l (1, 2) Figur 24: A T-ath π. Th first and last vrtics ar shown in gray. Th dgs of π crossing l from lft to right ar shown with arrows, and th intrsction oint is shown as a whit dot. Th intgr squnc N for π is 1,3,5,7,5,3. Proof of Thorm 7. To crat a squnc of intgrs that rrsnt N w just nd th lmnts of P that li to th lft of l. Lt us dnot this subst of oints by P P. Lt P k P b a subst of P of k lmnts. Imagin that th squnc N will b obtaind using only lmnts of P k, but vry lmnt of P k must aar in N at last onc. Lt us assum without loss of gnrality that 1 is th lftmost oint of P k. Sinc 1 must aar in N, it mans that thr must b at last on straight-lin sgmnt s that conncts 1 with l, this sgmnt can b thought of as th lft art of an dg of a T-ath whr 1 aars. Morovr, assum that s is th sgmnt that crats th last ntry of 1 in N, that is, oint 1 is not connctd to l at a highr oint than th on that s dfins. Thus s divids th roblm into two sub-roblms, sinc w want to k vrything non-crossing. Lt P k b th st of oints of P k abov sgmnt s, and lt P + k b th st of oints of P k blow s but also including 1. Thr ar k ossibilitis for P k, sinc w can rotat s around 1 clockwis to mak th cardinality of P k vary from 0 to k 1, and thus th cardinality of P + k varis from k to 1. Sinc w ar assuming that s is th sgmnt that conncts oint 1 for th last tim to l, thn oint 1 dos not form art of th sub-roblm dfind by P k, thus this sub-roblm is totally indndnt and w can rcurs dirctly on it. Howvr, oint 1 dos lay a rol in th sub-roblm dfind by P + k. If f(k) = f k rrsnts th total numbr of diffrnt ossibilitis for N whn 20

21 k oints ar involvd, thn w gt th following rcurrnc for f k : k 1 f k = g k + f i g k i i=1 whr g j rrsnts th sub-roblm dfind by P + k, for vry 1 j k. Not that for j = k w obtain that P k is mty, and thus P+ k = k, which is rrsntd by th trm g k of f k. Obsrv that in th cas j = k, th sub-roblm dfind by P + k is of th sam siz as th original roblm, howvr, it has a slightly diffrnt structur, sinc in P + k w know that oint 1 is alrady connctd to l, so th immdiat lowr connction of 1 to l, if any, cannot b conscutiv: This would man that thr ar two conscutiv dgs,, of som T-ath, crossing l from lft to right, and sharing vrtx 1 as ndoint, but btwn, thr must b xactly on dg of th sam T-ath that crosss l from right to lft, s Figur 25. If w assum that intrscts l blow, thn intrscts l in-btwn, and conncts th right ndoint of with th lft ndoint of, thus =, but in a T-ath vry dg is usd xactly onc, hnc thr cannot b two conscutiv aarancs of an intgr in N. Th summation trm of f k accounts for th othr k 1 ossibilitis for P k and P+ k. l 1 Figur 25: Edgs, ar conscutiv dgs, of a T-ath, that cross l from lft to right and shar vrtx 1. Th rcurrnc for g k is vry similar; onc w ntr sub-roblm P + k tak car of not conncting oint 1 to l conscutivly, so w hav that: k 1 g k = h k +f k 1 + f i g k i i=1 w just hav to whr th trm f k 1 mans that oint 1 is not usd in P + k. If on th othr hand, oint 1 is usd, thn th summation will again account for all th ossibilitis. Th trm h k is tchnical, and its dfinition is: h k = 1 k = 1, and 0 othrwis. With it w can safly dfin our boundary condition f 0 = g 0 = h 0 = 0, and w obtain f 1 = g 1 = h 1 = 1, which maks th rcursion saf. W ar now intrstd in th asymtotic bhavior of f. W will obtain it by using ordinary gnrating functions. W will not xlain vry singl st in dtail sinc w 21

22 will b using standard tchniqus. Th intrstd radr is rfrrd to [22, 23] for th common tchniqus to obtain gnrating functions from rcurrncs. Introducing th ordinary gnrating functions F(x) = k=0 f k x k,g(x) = k=0 g k x k, H(x) = k=0 h k x k = x, w obtain for f k,g k th following: F(x) = G(x)+F(x) G(x) G(x) = H(x)+x F(x)+F(x) G(x) W can now solv this systm of quations in unknowns F(x),G(x) to obtain two ossibl solutions for F(x): F 1 = F(x) = 1 1 8x x and G 1 = G(x) = 1 1 8x 4 F 2 = F(x) = 1 1 8x 1 8x 3 and G 2 = G(x) = x 4 Howvr, w know that F(0) must b 0, and this condition is only mt by F 1, so 1 1 8x 3+ is th gnrating function of our squnc f, i.., th cofficints of th Taylor 1 8x xansion of F 1 around 0 ar rcisly th trms f 0 = 0,f 1 = 1,f 2 = 3,f 3 = 13,f 4 = 67,f 5 = 381,f 6 = , which turnd out to b known as squnc A of Th On-Lin Encyclodia of Intgr Squncs, but with trm f 0 = 1, which maks no diffrnc for th asymtotics of f, s [24]. Th gnrating function of A is F A = 1 xc(2x), whr C(y) = 1 1 4y 2y is th gnrating function of th Catalan numbrs, s [24] and rfrncs thrin. It is now asy to vrify that F A = F 1 +1, sinc F A and F 1 diffr only at f 0 = 1. It is known that th i-th trm f i of F A, for sufficintly larg i, grows roughly as 8 i 36i π i < 8i, s [24] and Thorm 3 of [25]. Thus th numbr of diffrnt ossibilitis for N that w can obtain from a st of cardinality k is ur-bounddby 8 k. It rmains to considr vry ossibl st P k P. If P = a, thn th absolut numbr t w ar looking for is ur-boundd by a ( a ) i=0 i 8 i = 9 a. Th sam bound holds for th numbr t + of diffrnt squncs that rrsnt N +. If w artition th original st P into P of cardinality a, and P + of cardinality b, such that a + b = n, thn th numbr of ways w can crat T-aths of P w.r.t. l that start to th lft of l is ur-boundd by t t + = 9 a 9 b = 9 n. Th sam bound holds for T-aths that start to th right of l, thus obtaining O(9 n ) ovrall ossibilitis. Th thorm follows. This concluds th roof of Thorm 3. 22

23 4 Counting sudo-triangulations Th main ida bhind our algorithm for counting sudo-triangulations is to mimic with PT-aths what w did with T-aths for counting triangulations. Thus, hr w will hav quivalnt rsults to th ons w rovd in 3. W will first xlain how a PT-ath t(l,s) of a sudo-triangulation S, with rsct to lin l, can b constructd, but in ordr to do so, w nd to dfin som trms first. Lt l b a sarating lin, and lt S b a sudo-triangulation of P. Lt us dnot by E l th st of dgs of S that ar intrsctd by l. Lt E l and dnot by and th dgs of E l right abov and blow rsctivly. W will say that E l of S is good 3 w.r.t. l iff th intrsctions of th suorting lin of with th suorting lins of and li on diffrnt sids of l, or if is an dg of CH(P). Lt us now xlain how a PT-ath t(l,s) of a sudo-triangulation S, and with rsct to lin l, can b constructd. Th following mthod was originally dscribd in [2]: Rmov from S all dgs of E l that ar not good. This lavs a lan grah S of P. Lt and b two conscutiv good dgs w.r.t. l, and connct thm using th common fac f of S that thy ar art of according to th following rul: If th suorting lins of and intrsct to th lft of l, thn w us th dgs of f that li to th lft. Othrwis w us th dgs of f that li to th right of l, s Figur 26. l l Figur 26: To th lft a sudo-triangulation S. To th right w hav th lan grah S obtaind from S by rmoving all non-good dgs of E l. Joining two conscutiv good dgs of E l by th ruls dscribd bfor rsults in th PT-ath shown in Figur 3 on ag 5. Obsrv that th olygonal chain of dgs cratd by th mthod dscribd abov always xists. In [2] it was rovn that it fulfills th rortis of a PT-ath, s Dfinition 3 on ag 6. Thus, by Thorm 4, also on ag 7, it follows that it is uniqu. Lt L = {l 1,...l n 1 } b again a st of vrtical lins such that oint i P lis in th vrtical slab btwn l i 1 and l i, with 2 i n 1. Point 1, th lftmost, lis in th unboundd vrtical slab to th lft of l 1, and n, th rightmost, lis in th 3 Such an dg is calld signost in [2]. 23

24 unboundd vrtical slab to th right of l n 1. For a sudo-triangulation S of P lt P(S) = {t(l i,s) l i L}. Th following rsult is th quivalnt of Thorm 6 on ag 11 for T-aths and triangulations: Thorm 8. Lt S b a sudo-triangulation with vrtx st P. Thn P(S) is nough to charactriz S. Proof. W will rov somthing strongr, namly, w will rov that vry dg of a sudo-triangulation S is an dg of som PT-ath in P(S), this clarly imlis th thorm. Obsrv that to rov th strongr statmnt w just hav to rov that for any givn dg of S thr xists a lin l in L such that is good w.r.t. l, or if thr is no lin of L that is good with rsct to, thn w hav to show that thr is a lin l of L such that is usd to connct two conscutiv good dgs of S w.r.t. l, that is, is an dg of th common fac of S that thos two conscutiv good dgs of S w.r.t. l ar art of. By a suitabl rotation of th lan w will assum w.l.o.g. that vry concivabl vrtical lin contains at most on oint of P. Lt b an dg of S. If is an dg of CH(P) thn thr is clarly at last on lin l L that intrscts, and thus it maks th vry first or th vry last dg of t(l,s). Now assum that lis strictly in th intrior of CH(P) and lt, b th two sudo-triangls that is art of. By convntion w will assum that a vrtical lin intrscting intrscts immdiatly abov, and intrscts immdiatly blow. In sudo-triangulations, as in triangulations, th notion of fliing an dg xists: This tim a fli xchangs th diagonal of a sudo-quadrilatral by its othr diagonal, howvr, for sudo-quadrilatrals it is not always tru that both its diagonals intrsct, s Figurs 27 and 29, whil for triangulations that is always th cas. Thus, both diagonals could aar in th sam non-ointd sudo-triangulation, nvrthlss, in a sudo-triangulation only on of thm aars at a tim, sinc th rsnc of both dstroys ithr lanarity or ointdnss. W will thus insct two cass, dnding on whthr th dual dg of in th sudo-quadrilatral = intrscts or not. If and intrsct, lt l b th vrtical lin containing thir intrsction oint, s Figurs 27 and 28. Th radr can asily vrify that th suorting lins of th dgs of and of, intrsctd by l right abov and blow, intrsct th suorting lin of on diffrnt sids of l, making good w.r.t. l. It rmains to argu what hans if l L, which can asily b th cas. If l L thn l lis in th vrtical slab btwn a air of lins l i 1,l i L, and i is th only oint of P that also lis in that slab. Thus w can continuously sw l in on dirction as to mak it coincid with ithr l i 1 or l i without dstroying any argumnt. If and do not intrsct, lt us assum that thr is no vrtical lin l containd in th vrtical slab dfind by such that th suortinglins of th dgs, intrsct th suorting lin of on diffrnt sids of l, othrwis is good w.r.t. to l, s Figur 29. W will assum that th intrsctions btwn thos suorting lins han to th lft of any vrtical lin that intrscts, s Figur


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