arxiv: v1 [math.nt] 4 Nov 2015

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1 Wall s Conjecture and the ABC Conjecture George Grell, Wayne Peng August 0, 018 arxiv: v1 [math.nt] 4 Nov 015 Abstract We show that the abc conjecture of Masser-Oesterlé-Sziro for number fields imlies that there are infinitely many non-fibonacci-wieferich rimes. We also rovide a new heuristic for the number of such rimes beneath a certain value. 1 Wall s conjecture The Fibonacci sequence {F n }, our main character in this story, is a sequence generated by the relation F n = F n 1 +F n n with initial values F 0 = 0 and F 1 = 1. What haens if we consider the Fibonacci sequence modulo an integer? Let us comute F n mod 3. It is 0, 1, 1,, 0,,, 1, 0, 1,... What about modulo 4 or modulo 5? What about modulo any integer? It is not hard to observe that the sequences always form a cycle. We are curious about the length of these cycles. We use π(m) to reresent the eriod of the Fibonacci sequence modulo m. In 1960, D.D. Wall[9] investigated this function and gave the following beautiful theorems. Theorem 1 (Wall). The function π is a multilicative function, i.e. if m is a ositive integer, and m = e1 1 e er r where i are distinct rimes, e i and r are ositive integers, then π(m) = π( e1 1 )π(e ) π(er r ). In order to understand a multilicative function, it is sufficient to study the value of the function at rime owers. This motivation gives us the following theorem. Theorem (Wall). For all rime, we have the following two cases: 1. If ±1 mod 10, then π() divides 1.. If ±3 mod 10, then π() divides (+1). Moreover, if we have π( e ) π( e+1 ), then π( e+i ) = i π( e ) i 1. This seems to be the end of the whole story, but like all good stories, it never ends so easily. At the end of his aer, Wall offered the conjecture that π() π( ) for all rimes. This is called Wall s conjecture, and has remained unsolved for over 50 years. A small ste to answer this question is to show that infinitely many rimes satisfy Wall s conjecture, and that is the goal of this aer. 1

2 Preliminary We are curious about the osition where zero first occurs in the sequence {F n mod m}. Let l := l(m) be the smallest integer such that F l 0 mod m. The identity F n+k = F n F k+1 +F n 1 F k shows that F l F l F l+1 +F l 1 F l 0 mod m. Using induction, one can easily show the following statement: Lemma.1 (Wall). If F n 0 mod m, then l(m) divides n. This imlies that l() l( ). Now, let us look closely at F l(e ). It is well-known that the closed form of F n is F n = αn ᾱ n 5 where α = (1 + 5)/ and ᾱ = (1 5)/. Thus, the ring Z is slightly small for our discussion. Instead we will work in the larger ring Z[α]. The reason for this choice is that Z[α] is the ring of integers of Q( 5). Thus, the modulus e is considered in the ring Z[α]/ e Z[α]. The disadvantageof this ring is that Z[α]/ e Z[α] has zero divisors, so some elements have no inverse. However, we should note that αᾱ = 1, so α and ᾱ are invertible in this ring. Also, if we choose or 5, then and 5 are both invertible. The assumtion or 5 is not a big deal since it can be checked that both and 5 satisfy Wall s conjecture Denote l( e ) by l. We will show that l is the order of (αᾱ 1 ) in the multilicative grou (Z[α]/ e Z[α]). Let n 0 be the order of (αᾱ 1 ), so by definition Hence, this imlies (αᾱ 1 ) n0 1 mod e. α n0 ᾱ n0 0 mod e, and it follows that F n0 0 mod e. By Lemma.1, l divides n 0. Conversely, the definition of l shows that α l ᾱ l 5 0 mod e. Since 5 1 is not a zero divisor, it follows that (αᾱ 1 ) l 1 mod e. By Lagrange s Theorem, l must be divisible by the order n 0, which imlies our desired result, l = n 0, or formally Lemma.. For or5,theintegerl( e )istheorderof(αᾱ 1 )inthemultilicativegrou(z[α]/ e Z[α]). These observations lead us to the following key lemma. Lemma.3 (Main Lemma). We assume or 5. If is a rime dividing F n, and does not divide F n, then π() π( ). Proof. Denote l() by l. By Lemma.1 and Lemma., our assumtion imlies (αᾱ 1 ) l 1+k mod for some k 0 mod. The order of (1 + k) in the multilicative grou Z[α]/ Z[α] is, so l( ) = l. Since l() divides π() and π() divides 1, which is relatively rime to, l( ) doesn t divide π(), which imlies π() π( ) by Theorem. The imlication of the main lemma is that if we can show that the squarefree art of F n, F n, goes to infinity where N if and only if F n but F n, we will have shown that there are infinitely many rimes such that Wall s conjecture holds. Unfortunately, in this aer we are unable to show this without another imortant conjecture, the abc conjecture.

3 3 abc conjecture In the following context, we only consider the number field Q( 5). The ring of integers of Q( 5) is Z[α] = {x+yα x,y Z} which is a generalization of integers Z. One of the imortant roerties Z[α] shares with Z, is that any element can be factored into a roduct of rimes uniquely. In order words, for any a Z[α] we can uniquely write a = uq e1 1 qe qer r where q i are rime elements of Z[α] and u is a unit of Z[α]. This fact is easy to show for Z[α] via a Euclidean algorithm. Recall that we can define rime elements and units in Z[α] as follows. Definition. Let a,b, and q be elements of Z[α]. We call q a rime element of Z[α] if q ab (i.e. ab = qc for some c Z[α]) imlies q a or q b. Definition. An element u of Z[α] is called a unit if we can find another element v of Z[α] satisfying uv = 1. A trile (a,b,c) Z[α] 3 is said to be written in the lowest term if the greatest common divisor gcd(a,b,c) of a, b and c is 1. An element a Z[α] can be written as x+yα, and we define the conjugate of a to be ā := x+yᾱ. The norm N : Z[α] Z is given by, for any a = x+yα Z[α], N(a) := aā = (x+yα)(x+yᾱ). Definition. Let (a,b,c) Z[α] 3 be written in the lowest term. The height function is where is the usual absolute value. H(a,b,c) = max{ a, b, c }max{ ā, b, c } Readers can refer to Bombieri and Gubler[1] for more detail about height functions. The height function is roortional to the algebraic comlexity or number of bits needed to store a oint. From this idea, we can exect that there are only finitely many oints of which the comlexity is bounded. The theorem for this finiteness roerty is called Northcott s theorem[8]. The idea of the abc conjecture is that if the oint (a,b,c) is on the hyerlane X + Y + Z = 0, i.e. a+b+c = 0, and (a,b,c) is written in the lowest term, then the comlexity of this oint can somehow be bounded by all rime factors of a, b and c. We call the roduct of all rime factors of a, b and c the radical. Definition. Let (a,b,c) Z[α] 3 be written in the lowest term. Let q be a rime element of Z[α]. The radical of (a,b,c), denoted by rad(a,b,c), is rad(a,b,c) := N(q). With these definitions, we can state the abc conjecture of Masser-Oesterlé-Sziro. q abc Conjecture 3.1. Let ε > 0, then there exists a constant C ε such that H(a,b,c) C ε rad K (a,b,c) 1+ε for all (a,b,c) {(X,Y,Z) Z[α] 3 X +Y +Z = 0} with (a,b,c) written in the lowest term. 3

4 4 Main theorem Theorem 3. There are infinitely many rimes satisfying Wall s conjecture assuming the abc conjecture. Proof. Let U n := F n be the squarefreeart of F n and rewrite F n = U n V n. For the sakeofcontradiction, we suose U n is bounded, i.e. there exists a constant B such that U n < B for all n. We start our argument by considering the closed form of the Fibonacci numbers, and it follows that 5Fn α n +ᾱ n = 0. Since α is a unit, the oint ( 5F n, α n,ᾱ n ) is written in the lowest term. Thus, the abc conjecture imlies that, for any ε, there exists a constant C ε such that By definition, we have H( 5F n, α n,ᾱ n ) C ε rad( 5F n, α n,ᾱ n ) 1+ε. H( 5F n, α n,ᾱ n ) = max{ 5F n, α n, ᾱ n }max{ 5F n, ᾱ n, α n } ( 5F n ) = 5F n = 5U nv n. Now, we would like to estimate the radical. Since α and ᾱ are units, all rime factors are coming from 5F n. Therefore, we have rad( 5F n, α n,ᾱ n ) = 5F n N() 5U nv n. It follows that and so 5U n V n C ε(5u n V n) 1+ε, V n C ε 5 ε U ε nv 1+ε n. Since U n is bounded and F n tends to infinity, V n must also tend to infinity as n tends to infinity. Thus, it is clearly a contradiction once we choose ε < 1. By Lemma.3, we conclude that there are infinitely many rimes satisfying Wall s conjecture. Our argument can be easily generalized to a Fibonacci-like sequence. We merely need to change the height functions and radical into generalized forms. 5 A heuristic aroach to Wall s conjecture Instead of roviding a definitive statement as to the truth of Wall s Conjecture, we can give a heuristic that the conjecture is in fact false. There are two other heuristics that are in mild conflict, and our heuristic aims to reconcile the two. The first, from Crandall, Dilcher, and Pomerance, uses the fact that is a Fibonacci-Wieferich rime if and only if F ( 5) 0 mod where ( 5) is the Legendre symbol. Since it s always true that F ( 5) 0 mod, we can write F ( 5) k mod. Assuming k is randomly distributed between 0 and 1, there should be a 1/ chance that is a Fibonacci-Wieferich rime. Since the sum of 1/ over all rimes diverges to infinity, this heuristic redicts infinitely many such rimes[]. The second heuristic is due to Klaška and breaks the roblem into two cases where either ±1 mod 5 or ± mod 5. He argues in the first case there is a 1/ chance of being a Fibonacci-Wieferich rime, and a 1/ chance in the second. While this still results in infinitely many Fibonacci-Wieferich rimes, it redicts significantly less than the first heuristic[4]. Our heuristic takes an aroach similar to Klaška s by slitting into two cases, but by considering some extra information from the norm we argue that both should result in a 1/ chance. In our case, let K = Q(α) and O K = Z[α] be the ring of integers of K where α = (1+ 5)/. 4

5 Proosition 5.1. Arime,5isaFibonacci-Wieferich(orWall-Sun-Sun)rimeifandonlyifα 1 1 mod where the modulus is considered over O K, i.e. the image of α 1 under the canonical maing ϕ : O K O K / O K is the identity. Proof. Recall a rime is defined to be a Fibonacci-Wieferich rime if π() = π( ). It is known that π( e ) = lcm{ord e(α),ord e(α)} where ord e(α) denotes the order of α modulo e [5]. Now suose π() = π( ). Consider what haens to the ideal () in O K. As,5, we have two cases. In the first case, () factors as (q 1 )(q ), so by the Chinese remainder theorem (O K /O K ) = (O K /q 1 O K ) (O K /q O K ). Incidentally, this case is equivalent to the case that ±1 mod 5. In articular, the order of (O K /O K ) is ( 1), and we can see that any element must have order dividing 1. Thus, ord (α) divides 1. In the second case, () remains a rime ideal in O K in which case the order of (O K /O K ) is 1. An immediate result is that ord (α) divides 1. In either case, ord (α) divides 1. The same argument alsoshowsthat ord (α) divides 1. Using the abovecharacterizationofπ( e ) we concludethat π() 1. Thus π( ) 1 and so α 1 1 mod. Conversely, if α 1 1 mod, then ord (α) divides 1. Since 1, it must be that ord (α). By our initial theorems from Wall, if π( ) π(), then π( ) = π(). If this is the case, then we see that α π() 1 mod and α π() 1 mod. Since either α π() 1 mod or α π() 1 mod by assumtion and is rime, it must be that divides ord (α). This is a contradiction, so π( ) = π(). With our new definition, let be any rime not equal to or 5. From an argument resented above, we know that α 1 1 mod. So when considered modulo, we see that α 1 1+k mod where k = a+b 1+ 5 and 0 a,b 1. Although it may seem this imlies a 1/ chance of being a Fibonacci- Wieferich rime, we in fact have some extra information. When considering the norm, N : Z[α] Z, we know that N(α 1 ) = 1 since α is a unit and 1 is even. Thus N(1+k ) 1 mod. Comuting the norm directly, we obtain N(1+k ) = [ 1+ ( a+b 1+ 5 ) ][ 1+ = 1+a+b+a +ab b. ( a+b 1 5 So we see that N(1+k ) 1 mod if and only if a+b 0 mod. As there are choices for a, this results in a 1/ chance that is a Fibonacci-Wieferich rime. In addition to this heuristic, there is statistical evidence that there are aroximately this many Fibonacci- Wieferich rimes. Using the heuristic from Crandall, Dilcher, and Pomerance, both Elsenhans and Jahnel[3], and McIntosh and Roettger[6] comuted the exected number of near misses in a large interval and comared it to the actual number of near misses. A near miss was defined by first writing F ( 5) k mod, and if k was less than a secified small number, say 100, it was called a near miss. In both aers the exected number and actual number of near misses are nearly the same, and it was not deendent on which interval was used. However, although all the heuristics suggest infinitely many, no Fibonacci-Wieferich rimes have been found in quite a large interval. In his initial aer, Wall gave data for < 000 to suort his conjecture, and this has been extended by [7] which shows that there is no Fibonacci-Wieferich rime u to References [1] E. Bombieri and W. Gubler, Heights in diohantine geometry, New Mathematical Monograhs, Cambridge University Press, 007. [] Richard E. Crandall, Karl Dilcher, and Carl Pomerance, A search for wieferich and wilson rimes, Math. Comut. 66 (1997), no. 17, ) ] 5

6 [3] Andreas-Stehan Elsenhans and J orgjahnel, The fibonacci sequence modulo an investigation by comuter for < 10 14, 010. arxiv: [4] Jiřì Klaška, Short remark on fibonacci-wieferich rimes, Acta Mathematica Universities Ostraviensis 15 (007), no. 1, 1 5. [5] Jiř Klaška, Criteria for testing walls question, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 58 (008), no. 4, (English). [6] Richard J. McIntosh and Eric L. Roettger, A search for fibonacci-wieferich and wolstenholme rimes, Math. Comut. 76 (007), [7] PrimeGrid. [8] Joseh H. Silverman, An Introduction to Height Functions, MSRI Worksho on Rational and Integral Points on Higher- Dimensional Varieties, 006. [9] D. D. Wall, Fibonacci series modulo m, Amer. Math. Monthly 67 (Jul. 1960Jun. ), no. 6,


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