arxiv:math/ v2 [] 17 May 2005

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1 arxiv:math/ v2 [] 17 May 2005 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN Abstract. If X is a smooth projective toric variety of dimension n we give explicit conditions on characters of the torus giving an embedding X P r that guarantee dimsec X = 2n + 1. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for a general point of Sec X to lie on a unique secant line when X is embedded into P r using a complete linear system. For X of dimension 2 and 3 we give formulas for deg Sec X in terms of lattice points and the Chern classes of X. 1. Introduction Let X P r be a variety of dimension n. The k-secant variety of X, denoted Sec k X, is the closure of the union of all of the (k 1)-planes in P r which meet X in at least k points. We refer to the case when k = 2 as the secant variety of X and set Sec X = Sec 2 X. Even the most fundamental invariant of a secant variety, its dimension, is somewhat mysterious, and there is ongoing research exploring the dimensions of higher secant varieties. See the papers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16] and the book [7] for results on higher secant varieties of smooth varieties. Recent work of Ranestad [17] focuses on another invariant, the degree, of a secant variety of a (possibly singular) monomial curve. In this paper we investigate the dimension and degree of the secant varieties of smooth toric varieties of dimension 2 embedded in projective space by characters. In recent years renewed interest in secant varieties, especially the secant varieties of toric varieties, has been stimulated by work in algebraic statistics. Those who are interested in secant varieties from the point of view of applications may wish to make computations with their defining ideals. However, computations quickly become cumbersome, and one may be satisfied in practice with a set of equations which defines the secant variety set-theoretically. In such a situation it is important to know numerical invariants such as dimension and degree in order to determine when to stop computations. Another interesting application of secant varieties is the work of Landsberg [14] on the border rank of matrix multiplication. 1

2 2 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN What do we expect dim Sec X to be? To specify a general point z Sec X, we choose two points on X and a point in P 1, so we expect dim Sec X = 2n + 1, since each point of X varies in an n-dimensional space. However, there are classical examples in which the dimension of Sec X is strictly smaller than expected. One case studied in the literature (see [4, 5], for example) is the secant variety of a rational normal scroll S d1,...,d n. This is defined to be the image of the variety P(E), E = O P 1(d 1 ) O P 1(d n ) under the projective embedding given by the linear system O P(E) (1). A key observation is that S d1,...,d n is a smooth toric variety coming from a particularly simple polytope. It is natural ask about the secant variety of an arbitrary smooth toric variety. Rational normal scrolls play an important role in our analysis of the more general case. Let P R n be an n-dimensional smooth lattice polytope and Y be the abstract toric variety associated to the inner normal fan of P. The lattice points u P give characters χ u of the torus (C ) n, and a subset A = {u 0,...,u r } P Z n gives a rational map Y P r defined by y [χ u 0 (y) : : χ ur (y)]. The closure of the image in P r is denoted X A. This map is an embedding when A = P Z n, in which case we write X P instead of X A. Our goal is to study the secant variety Sec X A. In order to state our results, let n = {(p 1,...,p n ) R n 0 p p n 1} be the standard unit simplex in R n. Throughout, when we refer to the volume of an i-dimensional face of a polytope P, we will assume that the volume has been normalized so that the volume of i is 1. Theorem 1.1. Let A P Z n, and assume that A contains the vertices of P and their nearest neighbors along edges of P. (1) If P is AGL n (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 n, then the secant variety Sec X A has dimension 2n. (2) If P is not AGL n (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 n, then the secant variety Sec X A has dimension 2n+1, and when A = P Z n, there is a unique secant line of X P through a general point of Sec X P. Furthermore, if dim Sec X P = 2n + 1, then deg Sec X P = 1 ( n ( ) 2n + 1 ) (deg X P ) 2 c(t XP ) 1 c 1 (L) i, 2 i X P where L = O XP (1), and deg Sec X A divides deg Sec X P. i=0

3 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 3 This theorem shows that if A contains the vertices and their nearest neighbors along the edges, then the secant variety of X A usually has the expected dimension and its degree is bounded in terms of numerical invariants determined by the polytope. We can also compute the degree of Sec X P explicitly in dimensions 2 and 3 as follows. Theorem 1.2. Let P be a smooth lattice polygon in R 2. If P is not AGL 2 (Z)-equivalent to a subpolygon of 2 2, then deg Sec X P = 1 2 (d2 10d + 5B + 2V 12) where d is the area of P, B is the number of lattice points on the boundary of P, and V is the number of vertices of P. Theorem 1.3. Let P be a smooth 3-dimensional lattice polytope in R 3. If P is not AGL 3 (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 3, then deg Sec X P = 1 2 (d2 21d + c V + 14E 84I 132) where d is the volume of P, E is the number of lattice points on the edges of P, V is the number of vertices of P, and I is the number of interior lattice points. Also, c 1 = c 1 (T XP ). Remark 1.4. Of course, we could continue on in this fashion, and attempt to give formulas for the degrees of the secant varieties of higher dimensional toric varieties in general. However, it seems likely that the formulas will become unwieldy as dimension increases. We would like to stress though that given any smooth lattice polytope P, the formula in part (2) of Theorem 1.1 is computable solely from the data of P. Indeed, c(t X ) 1 depends only on the inner normal fan of P and H represents a divisor determined by a section of the line bundle given by P. The intersection products may be determined from the combinatorial geometry of P using standard results in [9] or any convenient presentation of the Chow ring of X P. We prove Theorem 1.1 using two ingredients. The first is a wellknown formula for the degree of SecX times the degree of the linear projection from the abstract join of X with itself to P r. We discuss this formula in 2 and show that we can reduce the proof of Theorem 1.1 to the case of X = X P. In 3 we prove Theorem 1.1 for X = X P by showing that P contains subpolytopes that give rational normal scrolls. The result for the secant varieties of rational normal scrolls follows from [4]. We present an alternate proof as a consequence of a degree formula in 5. Proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 are given in 4. The paper concludes with higher-dimensional examples of secant varieties and their degrees in 5.

4 4 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Bernd Sturmfels for suggesting the problem and for helpful conversations. We are also grateful to Sturmfels and Seth Sullivant for pointing out the importance of using vertices and their nearest neighbors along the edges. We thank M. Ohno for a useful reference. We made numerous experiments using Macaulay 2 [12], Maple, and Mathematica, along with Singular [13] code provided by Jason Morton. The second author was supported by an NSF postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in on Grant No and also thanks the Clare Boothe Luce Program. 2. The degree formula for the secant variety One of the key ingredients in the proofs of Theorems 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 is a formula relating the degree of Sec X to the Chern classes of the tangent bundle T X and the line bundle O X (1). We quickly review notions related to this point of view, culling together results from [7] and [8] in 2.1. We specialize to toric varieties in 2.2 and explain the relation to double point formulas in The abstract join and the secant variety. In this paper, we work over the field C of complex numbers, and all varieties are irreducible and reduced. Let X be a variety in P r of dimension n. Let S = C[x 0,...,x r ] and I be the ideal of X in S. Then consider P 2r+1 with coordinate ring C[x 0,...,x r, y 0,...,y r ]. The abstract join J(X, X) of X with itself is the set of all points in P 2r+1 of the form [λx : µy] with x, y X and [λ : µ] P 1. It may be realized schemetheoretically as Proj(S/I C S/I). One can show that J(X, X) has dimension 2n + 1 and degree (deg X) 2 (see [7]). The linear projection φ : P 2r+1 P r given by φ([x : y]) = [x y] is defined away from the subspace of P 2r+1 defined by the vanishing of x i y i for i = 0,...,r. This induces a rational map J(X, X) Sec X with base locus the diagonal embedding of X in the abstract join. We have the following well-known result: Theorem 2.1. If X is smooth, then n ( ) 2n + 1 deg Sec X deg φ = (deg X) 2 i i=0 X c(t X ) 1 c 1 (L) i, where L = O X (1) and deg φ = 0 when dim Sec X < 2n + 1.

5 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 5 Proof. This is proved in the paper [1] and also in the book [7]. Our favorite proof uses Proposition 4.4 in [8], which states that if L is a line bundle on an m-dimensional variety Y, V H 0 (Y, L) is a subspace of dimension r+1, and B is the base locus of the rational map f : Y P r given by V, then the blow-up of B gives a morphism f : Ỹ Pr such that (1) deg f Ỹ = c 1 (L) m c(l) m S(B, Y ), Y where S(B, Y ) is the Segre class of B in Y and deg f Ỹ is the degree of f [Ỹ ] as an m-cycle on Pr. Now apply this to the rational map φ : J(X, X) Sec X. As shown in [7], the Segre class of the diagonal in J(X, X) is the same as the Segre class of the diagonal in X X. Since X is smooth, this Segre class is the inverse of the total Chern class of the tangent bundle of X. The desired formula follows. Remark 2.2. When X P r is smooth, Theorem 2.1 implies that dim Sec X = 2n + 1 if and only if the quantity on the right-hand side of the equation in Theorem 2.1 is positive. This will be useful below. The following proposition explains the geometric meaning of deg φ. Proposition 2.3. Let X P r be a variety of dimension n > 1. Then: (1) dim Sec X = 2n + 1 if and only if a general point of Sec X lies on at most finitely many secant lines of X. (2) If dim Sec X = 2n + 1, then deg φ is 2 times the number of secant lines of X through a general point of Sec X. Proof. This result is probably well-known to experts, though we could not find a proof in the literature. We include a proof for completeness. If dim Sec X = 2n + 1, then the rational map φ : J(X, X) Sec X is generically finite. This implies that a general point of Sec X lies on at most finitely many secant lines of X. Conversely, suppose that this condition is satisfied and dim SecX < 2n + 1. Then φ 1 (z) is infinite for z Sec X, so that we can find infinitely many distinct pairs p i q i in X such that z lies on p i q i. Since there are only finitely many such lines through z, one of them must contain infinitely many points of X and hence lies in X. This line also contains z, so that z X, and then X = Sec X follows. One easily concludes that X is a linear subspace. Since X has dimension > 1, a general point of SecX = X lies on infinitely many secant lines, a contradiction. For the second assertion, first observe that the trisecant variety of X (the closure of the union of secant lines meeting X in 3 points) has B

6 6 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN dimension 2n by Corollary of [7]. Since dim SecX = 2n+1, it follows that at a general point z Sec X, any secant line of X through z meets X in exactly two points, say p q. Writing z = λp + µq gives distinct points [λp : µq] [µq : λp] in φ 1 (z). Thus the cardinality of φ 1 (z) is twice the number of secant lines through z, as claimed. Remark 2.4. Proposition 2.3 has the following consequences: There is a unique secant line of X through a general point of Sec X if and only if deg φ = 2 and dim SecX = 2n + 1. If deg φ = 2, then Theorem 2.1 gives a formula for deg Sec X. This explains the 1 appearing in Theorems 1.1, 1.2, and Toric varieties. In this section we explain how Theorem 2.1 applies to Theorem 1.1 and show how to reduce the proof of Theorem 1.1 to the case when X = X P. Let P be a smooth polytope of dimension n in R n and let A = {u 0,...,u r } P Z n be as in the introduction. The projective variety X A can be viewed from two different perspectives, namely as the closure of the image of a rational map from an abstract toric variety to P r or as the projection of the variety X P onto a linear subspace defined by a subset of the coordinates. We take the second point of view since it allows us to compare X P with X A and Sec X P with Sec X A. The variety X P is embedded in projective space P N using the characters coming from all lattice points of P Z n. We label the coordinates of P N using lattice points. Then A = {u 0,...,u r } P Z n gives a projection π : P N P r onto the coordinates coming from A. This projection induces a dominating rational map π : X P X A. Before we analyze this map, we need to introduce some terminology. Since P is a smooth lattice polytope, any vertex v can be moved into standard position via an element of AGL n (Z) so that v is the origin and its nearest lattice neighbors along the edges are the standard basis e 1,...,e n of Z n. By Proposition 1.2 of 5 of Chapter 5 of [11], this doesn t change the toric variety X A. Proposition 2.5. Suppose that A P Z n contains the vertices of P and their nearest neighbors along edges. Then π : X P X A is an isomorphism and deg X A = deg X P. Proof. Since P is smooth and A contains the vertices of P and their nearest neighbors along edges, it is straightforward to show that X A is smooth by the smoothness criterion given in Corollary 3.2 in 5 of Chapter 5 of [11]. The center of the projection π : X P X A is the linear space Λ defined by the vanishing of the coordinates corresponding to points of

7 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 7 A. Since A contains all of the vertices of P, it is easy to see that Λ is disjoint from X P. It follows that the projection P N P r induces a morphism π : X P X A, which is affine (since P N \ Λ P r is) and proper (since X P and X A are projective). As is well-known, this implies that π is finite (see, for example [10, Exercise II.4.6]). It is also easy to see that π is birational. Given a vertex v P, we can move P into standard position at v. It follows that A contains 0, e 1,...,e n. Choosing coordinates t i for the torus gives an embedding of the torus in X P as (1, t 1,...,t n,...) P N, which projects to (1, t 1,..., t n,...) P r. It follows immediately that π is generically 1-to-1. Zariski s main theorem implies that the finite birational morphism π : X P X A between smooth varieties is an isomorphism. The final assertion of the proposition follows from (1) since Λ X P is empty. When we combine this proposition with Theorem 2.1, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.6. Let P be a smooth n-dimensional lattice polytope in R n and A P Z n. Let φ P denote the rational map given by the linear projection from J(X P, X P ) to Sec X P and define φ A similarly. If A contains the vertices of P and their nearest neighbors, then (1) deg Sec X P deg φ P = deg Sec X A deg φ A. (2) dim Sec X P = 2n + 1 if and only if dim Sec X A = 2n + 1. (3) In order to prove Theorem 1.1, it suffices to prove parts (1) and (2) of the theorem for X = X P. Proof. By Proposition 2.5, X A and X P are isomorphic. Since A and P have the same convex hull, the characters corresponding to elements of A and P are sections of the same line bundle on the abstract variety. Since the tangent bundle is intrinsic to the abstract toric variety associated to P, the first statement follows immediately since the right-hand side of the formula in Theorem 2.1 depends only on the abstract toric variety and choice of line bundle. The second part then follows from Remark 2.2. For the third part, suppose that parts (1) and (2) of Theorem 1.1 holds for X P. Then for A as above, we see that parts (1) and (2) of the theorem also hold for X A by part (2) of the corollary. For the final assertion of Theorem 1.1, suppose that dimx P = 2n + 1. By our assumption on X P, a general point of SecX P lies on a unique secant line of X P. Hence deg φ P = 2 by Remark 2.4, and then the desired

8 8 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN formula for deg SecX P follows from Theorem 2.1. Finally, since deg Sec X P = deg Sec X A deg φ A = deg Sec X A deg φ A deg φ P 2 and deg φ A is even by Proposition 2.3, we see that deg SecX A divides deg Sec X P. Theorem 1.1 states that deg Sec X A divides deg Sec X P when both have dimension 2n + 1. We can refine this result as follows. The projection π : P N P r gives not only the isomorphism π : X P X A considered in Proposition 2.5 but also a rational map π : Sec X P Sec X A since projections take lines not meeting the center to lines. Here are the main properties of this map. Proposition 2.7. If A contains all of the vertices of P and their nearest neighbors along edges, then the above projection is a finite surjective morphism π : Sec X P Sec X A. Furthermore, dim Sec X A = dim Sec X P and deg Sec X A divides deg Sec X P. Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 2.5, let Λ P N be the center of the projection π : P N P r. If Λ doesn t meet Sec X P, then π : Sec X P Sec X A is finite and surjective, and the final assertions of the proposition follow easily. It remains to show that Λ Sec X P =. Suppose by contradiction that there is z Λ Sec X P. We have z / X P since we already know that Λ does not intersect X P. There are two cases to consider: either z lies on a secant line and z = λp + µq, where p q X P and [λ : µ] P 1, or z lies on a line tangent to p X P. The toric variety X P is covered by open affine sets corresponding to the vertices of P. The point p lies in one of these. Assume that we have moved this vertex into standard position at the origin and that p = [1 : t 1 : t 2 :... : t n :...] P N. If z Λ, then all of the coordinates corresponding to the elements of A must be zero. Therefore, p + µq must be zero in the first n + 1 coordinates since A contains each vertex and its nearest neighbors. Since p is nonzero in the first coordinate and p + µq is zero in that coordinate, q must be in the same open affine chart as p. Therefore, q = [1 : s 1 : s 2 :... : s n :...], and then µ = 1 and t i = s i for all i. This implies p = q, a contradiction. Suppose now that z lies on a tangent line through p. Consider the 1- parameter subgroup of the torus given by (1,..., 1, λ i, 1..., 1) (C ) n, where λ i is in the ith position. The image of this 1-parameter subgroup

9 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 9 in X P traces out the curve [1 :... : 1 : λ i : 1 :... : 1 : :... : ] P N, where λ i is in the (i+1)st position in our chosen coordinate system. The line tangent to this curve at the point p is the span of p and the point v i = [0 :... : 0 : 1 : 0 :... : 0 : :... : ]. Any point on a line tangent through p is in the span of p, v 1,...,v n. Thus, either z = p+ µ i v i, in which case the first coordinate of z is nonzero, or z = µ i v i, in which case one of the next n coordinates is nonzero. Regardless, one of the first n + 1 coordinates must not vanish, so z / Λ. We conclude with two examples, one in which the degrees of Sec X P and Sec X A are equal and one in which they aren t. Example 2.8. Let P = 3 2 and let A be the set of all lattice points in P minus the point (1, 1). The variety X P P 10 is the 3-uple Veronese embedding of P 2 and X A P 9 is a projection of X P from a point. By Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, dim SecX P = dim Sec X A = 5, deg Sec X P = 15, and deg Sec X A divides 15. A Macaulay 2 computation shows that deg Sec X A = 15 in this case. Note also that a general point of X P or X A lies on a unique secant line of X P or X A respectively. Example 2.9. Let A = {(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2,2)} and P be the convex hull of A. The set of lattice points in P is A {(1, 1)}. The variety X P is a smooth toric surface of degree 6 in P 6. Its secant variety has degree 3 and dimension 5. The variety X A in P 5 is the projection of X P from a point. Its secant variety has dimension 5, so it fills all of P 5 and hence has degree 1. Thus π : Sec X P Sec X A has degree 3 and a general point of Sec X A lies on 3 secant lines of X A 2.3. The double point formula. The final task of 2 is to explain why the formula for deg SecX deg φ given in Theorem 2.1 is sometimes called the double point formula. We return to the situation of a smooth variety X P r of dimension n, and we assume r > 2n. Given a general linear subspace L P r of codimension 2n+1, we get a linear projection Π : P r P 2n. When restricted to X, it is well-known that Π induces a finite birational morphism Π : X X, where X has at worst double points (see Corollary of [7], for example). Furthermore, (2) # double points of X = 1 deg Sec X deg φ, 2 where deg Sec X deg φ is as in 2.1. It follows that Theorem 2.1 can be interpreted as giving a formula for the number of double points of the generic projection of X into P 2n. In the surface case, the double point formula was first discovered by Severi. More general double point formulas and references to the original papers can be found in [7, 8].

10 10 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN For the convenience of the reader, we recall the intuition behind (2). First observe that if z = λp + µq Sec X L, where p q X, then p and q map to the same point of X, which is obviously a double point, and all double points of X arise in this way. But for each z, Proposition 2.3 shows that there are 1 deg φ secant lines of X going 2 through z, so each point z contributes 1 deg φ double points. Since 2 Sec X L has deg Sec X points, we get a total of 1 deg φ deg Sec X 2 double points, and (2) follows. 3. Using all lattice points In this section we continue to assume that P R n is a smooth n- dimensional polytope and that X P P r is the projective embedding of the abstract toric variety of P using all points of P Z n. In this situation, the secant variety Sec X P has the following properties: Theorem 3.1. (1) If P is AGL n (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 n, then the secant variety Sec X P has dimension 2n. (2) If P is not AGL n (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 n, then the secant variety Sec X P has dimension 2n + 1 and there is a unique secant line of X P through a general point of Sec X P. As shown in Corollary 2.6, Theorem 1.1 will follow once we prove Theorem 3.1. However, before giving the proof, we need some lemmas. Lemma 3.2. Let X P r be a variety of dimension n > 1 and fix a linear projection P r P m such that X is not contained in the center of the projection. Let Y P m be the closure of the image of X, so that we have a projection π : X Y. If π is birational and a general point of Sec Y lies on a unique secant line of Y, then dim Sec X = 2n + 1 and a general point of Sec X lies on a unique secant line of X. Proof. By Proposition 2.3, our hypothesis on Y implies that Sec Y has dimension 2n + 1, and then dim Sec X = 2n + 1 since π : X Y induces a dominating map SecX Sec Y. Now suppose that a general point z Sec X lies on the secant lines pq and p q of X. These map to secant lines of Y through π(z), which coincide by hypothesis. Arguing as in the proof of Proposition 2.3, we can assume that this secant line meets Y at exactly two points. Switching p and q if necessary, we get π(p) = π(p ) and π(q) = π(q ). Since π is generically 1-to-1 on X, we conclude that pq = p q. Thus a general point of Sec X lies on a unique secant line of X.

11 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 11 Our strategy for proving Theorem 3.1 will be to apply Lemma 3.2 to X = X P and Y = X A for carefully chosen subsets A P Z n. Some of these subsets come from the toric interpretation of the rational normal scrolls from the introduction. Let d 1,...,d n be positive integers and label the vertices of the unit simplex n 1 R n 1 as v 1 = e 1,...,v n 1 = e n 1, v n = 0. Then define the set A d1,...,d n Z n 1 Z by n { } A d1,...,d n = vi + a i e n a i Z, 0 a i d i, i=1 and let P d1,...,d n be the convex hull of A d1,...,d n in R n 1 R. It is straighforward to verify that P d1,...,d n is smooth polytope with lattice points A d1,...,d n = P d1,...,d n (Z n 1 Z). Furthermore, one can easily show that the toric variety X Pd1 is the,...,dn rational normal scroll S d1,...,d n defined in the introduction. Lemma 3.3 follows from results in [4], but we present an alternative proof here using a degree formula from the proof of Theorem 5.4. Lemma 3.3. Let A be one of the two sets: A 1,...,1,1,3 Z n (there are n 1 1 s, n 1) A 1,...,1,2,2 Z n (there are n 2 1 s, n 2) and let X A P r be the corresponding toric variety. Then a general point of Sec X A lies on a unique secant line of X A. Proof. For a rational normal scroll S d1,...,d n with d i > 0 for all i, equation (12) from the proof of Theorem 5.4 shows that deg Sec S d1,...,d n deg φ = 2 if (d 1,...,d n ) = (1,...,1, 2, 2) or (1,...,1, 3). This implies that for A = A 1,...,1,1,3 or A 1,...,1,2,2 the secant variety SecX A has dimension 2n + 1. Moreover, deg φ = 2 and a general point of Sec X A lies on a unique secant line of X A as in Remark 2.4. Our proof of Theorem 3.1 will use the edge length of an edge of a lattice polygon. This is defined to be one less than the number of lattice points on the edge, or alternatively, the normalized length of the edge. We will need the following easy result about smooth lattice polygons. Lemma 3.4. Let P be a smooth lattice polygon with a vertex at the origin in standard position. If one of edges at the origin has edge length 2, then the polygon contains the point (1, 1).

12 12 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN Proof. We can assume that P has a vertex at ae 1, where a 2. The vectors connecting this vertex to its nearest neighbors along the edges form a basis of Z 2. This implies that be 1 +e 2 must be a nearest neighbor, where b 0 since P lies in the first quadrant. Note also that if b = 0, then e 2 is vertex of P which is easily seen not to be smooth. Hence b 1 and the lemma follows. The hardest case to understand will involve polytopes of edge length 1. The following lemma will be useful when P has dimension 3. Lemma 3.5. Let P be a smooth 3-dimensional polytope of edge length 1. Then up to AGL 3 (Z)-equivalence, one of the following holds: P = 3 ; P = 1 2 ; P contains 3 1; or P contains P 1,2,2. Proof. Put a vertex of P in standard position and note that any facet of P containing the origin is one of the following three types: (A) the facet is a triangle 2 ; (B) it is a square 2 1; or (C) it contains the lattice points e j e i Now consider the three facets that meet at the origin. One of four things can happen: Two facets are of type (A). Then P = 3. One facet is of type (A) and at least one is of type (B). Then P = 1 2. Two facets are of type (C). Then P contains P 1,2,2. Two facets are of type (B) and the other is not of type (A). Then P contains 3 1. The proofs of the first three bullets are elementary and are omitted. For the fourth, we can assume that the two type (B) facets meet along the edge connecting 0 to e 1. Then consider the third facet meeting at e 1. If it were of type (A), then P would be 1 2 by the second bullet, which would force the third facet at the origin to be of type (A), a contradiction. Hence the third facet meeting at e 1 is of type (B) or (C). This easily implies that P contains 3 1. For polytopes of edge length 1 and dimension > 3, we will use the following configurations of lattice points. Lemma 3.6. Let B Z 3 {0} Z 3 Z n 3 be a set of 8 lattice points such that B affinely generates Z 3 {0} and a general point of

13 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 13 Sec X B lies on a unique secant line of X B. For each i = 4,...,n, pick u i {e 1, e 2 } and define A = B {e i, e i + u i i = 4,..., n} Z 3 Z n 3. Note that A has 2n + 2 points. If X A P 2n+1 is the corresponding toric variety, then a general point of Sec X A = P 2n+1 lies on a unique secant line of X A. Proof. Let t 1,...,t n be torus variables corresponding to e 1,...,e n, and let m 1,...,m 8 be the lattice points of B. A point t = (t 1,...,t n ) on the torus (C ) n maps to ψ(t) = (t m 1,...,t m 8, t 4, t 4 t u 4,...,t n, t n t un ) P 2n+1. We claim that the map (C ) n (C ) n C Sec X A defined by (t,s, γ) γψ(t) + (1 γ)ψ(s) is generically 2-to-1. To prove this, suppose that (3) γψ(t) + (1 γ)ψ(s) = γ ψ(t ) + (1 γ )ψ(s ). We need to show that for t,s, γ generic, (3) implies that (t,s, γ ) = (t,s, γ) or (s,t, 1 γ). By projecting onto the first 8 coordinates and using our hypothesis on B and usual arguments about avoiding trisecants and tangents, we obtain (4) (t 1, t 2, t 3, s 1, s 2, s 3, γ ) = (t 1, t 2, t 3, s 1, s 2, s 3, γ) by switching t and s if necessary. Now fix i between 4 and n. Since u i {e 1, e 2 }, (4) implies that t u i = t u i and s u i = s u i. Since we also know that γ = γ, comparing the coordinates of (3) corresponding to e i, e i + u i B gives the equations which can be rewritten as γt i + (1 γ)s i = γt i + (1 γ)s i γt i t u i + (1 γ)s i s u i = γt i tu i + (1 γ)s i su i, γ(t i t i) + (1 γ)(s i s i) = 0 γt u i (t i t i ) + (1 γ)su i (s i s i ) = 0. The coefficent matrix of this 2 2 system of homogeneous equations has determinant γ(1 γ)(s u i t u i ), which is nonzero for generic (t,s, γ). Thus t i = t i and s i = s i for i = 4,...,n. It follows that that the map (C ) n (C ) n C Sec X A defined above is generically 2-to-1.

14 14 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN We are now ready to prove the main theorem of this section. Proof of Theorem 3.1. The polytope 2 n gives the 2-uple Veronese embedding of P n, and it is well-known that the secant variety has dimension 2n in this case (see Example 1.3.6(c) of [7], for example). This projects onto the secant variety of X P for any P 2 n, so that dim Sec X P 2n. By this observation and Remark 2.4, we need only prove that a unique secant line passes through a general point of Sec X P when P is not AGL n (Z)-equivalent to a subpolytope of 2 n. The case of dimension 1 is trivial since P = d 1 gives a rational normal curve of degree d embedded in P d. It is well-known that a unique secant line passes through a general point of Sec X P when d 3. This result is proved, for example, in Proposition of [7]. It also follows from [4]. For the rest of the proof, we will assume that dimp 2. We will consider five cases, depending on the maximum edge length and dimension of P. Case 1. P has an edge E of length 3. Put a vertex of E in standard position so that E lies on the ray R 0 e n. Now fix i between 1 and n 1 and consider the 2-dimensional face F i of P lying in Cone(e i, e n ). Then F i is a smooth lattice polygon in standard position containing the points 0, e i, e n, 2e n, 3e n. By Lemma 3.4, we conclude that e i + e n F. Hence P contains the 2n + 2 points A = {0, e i, e i + e n, e n, 2e n, 3e n i = 1,..., n 1}. This is the set A = A 1,...,1,1,3 defined earlier. By Lemma 3.3, we know that a general point of SecX A lies in a unique secant line of X A. Now consider the linear projection X P X A given by projecting onto the coordinates corresponding to points of A. The proof of Proposition 2.5 shows that map is birational since A contains a vertex and its nearest neighbors. By Lemma 3.2, we conclude that a general point of Sec X P lies in a unique secant line of X P. Case 2. P has an edge E of length 2 but no edges of length 3. As in Case 1, put a vertex of E in standard position so that E lies on the ray R 0 e n. Now fix i between 1 and n 1 and consider the 2-dimensional face F i of P lying in Cone(e i, e n ). Using Lemma 3.4 as in Case 1 shows that F i contains the points 0, e i, e i + e n, e n, 2e n.

15 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 15 If for some i the face F i also contains e i + 2e n, then we can relabel so that i = n 1. Hence P contains the points A = {0, e i, e i +e n, e n 1, e n 1 +e n, e n 1 +2e n, e n, 2e n, i = 1,..., n 2}. This is the set A = A 1,...,1,2,2 defined earlier in the section. Then using Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3 as in Case 1 implies that a general point of Sec X P lies in a unique secant line of X P. It remains to consider what happens when e i + 2e n / F i for all i = 1,...,n 1. In this situation, it is easy to see that F i is either 2e i e i ւ E i e n 2e n or e i ւ E i e n 2e n Since P is smooth, n facets of P meet at the vertex 2e n, n 1 of which lie in coordinate hyperplanes. The remaining facet has a normal vector ν perpendicular to the edge E i of F i indicated in the above picture. Thus ν ( e i + e n ) = 0 for i = 1,..., n 1, which easily implies that the supporting hyperplane of this facet is defined by x x n = 2. This hyperplane and the coordinate hyperplanes bound 2 n, and it follows that P is contained in 2 n. Case 3. P has only edges of length 1 and dimension 2. Put a vertex of P in standard position and note that e 1 and e 2 are also vertices of P. Since P is smooth, the vertex e 1 of P must lie on an edge containing ae 1 + e 2, a 0. If a = 0 or 1, then one easily sees that P is contained in 2 2. On the other hand, if a 3, then P contains A = {0, e 1, e 2, e 1 + e 2, 2e 1 + e 2, 3e 1 + e 2 }, which equals A 1,3 up to AGL 2 (Z)-equivalence. Using Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3 as usual, we conclude that SecX P lies in a unique secant line of X P. Finally, if a = 2, then P is not contained in 2 2. Applying a similar analysis to the edges emanating from the vertex e 2, one sees that P either contains A 1,3 up to AGL 2 (Z)-equivalence or has the four solid edges pictured as follows: e 2 e 1

16 16 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN One can show without difficulty that the only way to complete this to a smooth polygon is to add the vertex (2, 2), as indicated by the dotted lines and open circle. This is the polygon described in Example 2.9. To compute deg φ, we note that the proof of Theorem 1.2 given in Section 4 implies that all smooth lattice polygons satisfy the identity deg Sec X P deg φ = d 2 10d + 5B + 2V 12, where d is the normalized area, B is the number of lattice points on the boundary, and V is the number of vertices. Applied to the polygon pictured above, we get deg Sec X P deg φ = = 6. This is nonzero, so that dim SecX P = 5 by Remark 2.2. It follows that X P is a hypersurface in P 6 since P has 7 lattice points. We also know that deg φ is even and 2. Hence deg φ = 2 or 6. The latter would imply deg Sec X P = 1, i.e., Sec X P lies in a hyperplane of P 6, which would imply that X P also lies in a hyperplane. This is impossible since the embedding X P P 6 is defined using linearly independent sections of the line bundle given by P. This contradiction shows that deg φ = 2, as desired. Case 4. P has only edges of length 1 and dimension 3. By Lemma 3.5, P either lies in 2 3 or contains P 1,2,2 or 3 1. When P contains P 1,2,2, we are done by the usual combination of Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3. When P contains 3 1, we note that the proof of Theorem 1.3 given in 4 implies that for any smooth 3-dimensional polytope Q, we have deg Sec X Q deg φ = d 2 21d + c V + 14E 84I 132, where d, c 3 1, V, E, and I are as in Theorem 1.3. When applied to Q = 3 1, we obtain deg Sec X Q deg φ = = 2. This easily implies that a general point of SecX Q lies on a unique secant line of X Q. Then Lemma 3.2 shows that X P has the same property. Case 5. P has only edges of length 1 and dimension > 3. As usual we put a vertex of P into standard position. We will study the 3- dimensional faces of P. First suppose that P has a 3-dimensional face F that contains 3 1 or P 1,2,2. We can arrange for this face to lie in Cone(e 1, e 2, e 3 ) in such a way that e 1 + e 2 P. Now fix i between 4 and n and consider the 3-dimensional face F i of P lying in Cone(e 1, e 2, e i ). What are the 2- dimensional faces of F i containing e i? If both were triangles 2, then the argument of the first bullet in the proof of Lemma 3.5 would imply

17 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 17 that F i = 3, which contradicts e 1 + e 2 F i. It follows that one of these faces must contain another lattice point. This shows that there is u i {e 1, e 2 } such that e i + u i F i P. If we let B denote the lattice points of 3 1 or P 1,2,2 contained in our original face F, then P contains the set A = B {e i, e i + u i i = 4,..., n}. Furthermore, the proof of Case 4 shows that a general point of Sec X B lies on a unique secant line of X B. By Lemmas 3.2 and 3.6, we conclude that a general point of Sec X P lies on a unique secant line of X P. By Lemma 3.5, the final case to consider is when every 3-dimensional face of P is either 3 or 1 2. We will show that there is some s between 0 and n such that P = s n s 2 n. The vertex e 1 is contained in n facets of P, n 1 of which lie in coordinate hyperplanes. For the remaining facet Γ, its supporting hyperplane can be defined by x 1 + a 2 x a n x n = 1, a i Q. At e 1, the nearest neighbors along the edges consist of 0 and n 1 vertices lying in Γ. Our hypothesis on P implies that every 2-dimensional face of P is either 2 or 2 1. By considering the 2-dimensional face contained in Cone(e 1, e i ) for i = 2,..., n, we see that the n 1 nearest neighbors in Γ are either e i or e i + e 1. We can renumber so that the nearest neighbors in Γ are e 2,...,e s, e s+1 + e 1,...,e n + e 1 for some 1 s n. It follows that the supporting hyperplane of Γ is (5) x x s = 1. If s = n, then P = n follows easy. So now assume that s < n and pick i between 2 and n 1. Consider the 3-dimensional face F i of P lying in Cone(e 1, e i, e n ). Depending on i, we get the following partial picture of F i : e i e n e 1 or e i e n e 1 2 i s s + 1 i n 1 This picture shows that F i can t be 3. Hence by assumption it is AGL 3 (Z)-equivalent to 1 2. In terms of the picture, this means

18 18 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN that the nearest neighbors of the vertex e n of F i, are 0, e 1 + e n, and e i + e n if 2 i s e i if s + 1 i n 1. Thus the nearest neighbors along the edges of P at e n are 0, e 1 + e n,...,e s + e n, e s+1,...,e n 1. Taking the last n 1 of these gives the supporting hyperplane (6) x s + + x n = 1. The combination of (5) and (6) implies easily that P = s n s, as claimed. This completes the proof of the theorem. 4. Dimensions 2 and 3 In this section we prove Theorems 1.2 and 1.3. Both results follow from (2) in Theorem 1.1 interpreted for smooth toric varieties X P P r of dimensions 2 and 3 respectively, via applications of Riemann-Roch and the theory of Ehrhart polynomials. We begin by recalling some well-known results and setting up the notation we will use in the section. Let P be a smooth lattice polytope in R n and let X = X P be as in 2. The polytope P corresponds to a very ample line bundle L on X and the lattice points in P correspond to characters of the torus that span H 0 (X, L). In this setting, the Riemann-Roch theorem gives a formula for the number of lattice points in P in terms of the intersection of powers of c 1 (L) and the Todd class of X. Furthermore, the Riemann-Roch theorem and Demazure s vanishing theorem imply that the number of lattice points in mp is a polynomial in m for integers m 0. This polynomial is called the Ehrhart polynomial of P. In the following lemma we collect together some useful facts about c(t X ) and td(x). As usual, we write c i = c i (T X ). Lemma 4.1. Let X be a smooth complete variety. (1) The Todd class td(x) of X is given by c (c2 1 + c 2) c 1c 2 + (2) The inverse of the total Chern class c(t X ) is given by 1 c 1 + (c 2 1 c 2 ) + (2c 1 c 2 c 3 1 c 3 ) + (3) If X = X P is the smooth toric variety of the polytope P and V (F) is the orbit closure corresponding to the face F of P, then

19 (a) c(t X ) = SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 19 dim F=n 1 (1 + [V (F)]) and c i = dim F=n i [V (F)]. (b) c 1 (L) i [V (F)] = Vol i (F), where Vol i (F) is the normalized volume of the i-dimensional face F of P. When P is a smooth polytope, Theorem 1.1 gives the formula n ( ) 2n + 1 (7) deg Sec X P deg φ = (deg X P ) 2 c(t XP ) 1 H i, i X P where H = c 1 (L). To prove Theorems 1.2 and 1.3, we need only to interpret the right-hand side of (7) in terms of the polytope P when P has dimension 2 or 3. Proof of Theorem 1.2. Since dim X = 2 and deg X = H 2 = d, the right-hand side of (7) becomes i=0 d 2 (c 2 1 c 2) + 5Hc 1 10d. Since c c 2 = 12 by Noether s formula, this simplifies to d c 2 + 5Hc 1 10d. Part (3) of Lemma 4.1 implies that c 2 is the sum of the torus-fixed points corresponding to the vertices of P. Thus c 2 = V, the number of vertices of P. Furthermore, parts (3) and (4) of Lemma 4.1 imply that Hc 1 is the perimeter of P, which is the number B of lattice points on the boundary of P. The desired formula follows. Proof of Theorem 1.3. Since dim X = 3, the right-hand side of (7) is more complicated than in the proof of Theorem 1.2. In this case, it reduces to d 2 (2c 1 c 2 c 3 1 c 3 ) 7H(c 2 1 c 2 ) + 21H 2 c 1 35d, where d again denotes deg X. Let S denote the surface area of P, E denote the perimeter (i.e., the sum of the lengths of the edges of P), and V denote the number of vertices of P. Then using Lemma 4.1 as before, one sees that c 3 = V, Hc 2 = E, and H 2 c 1 = S. Also, using part (1) of Lemma 4.1 together with the fact that td 3 (X) = [x] for any x X, we obtain c 1 c 2 = 24. Thus the right-hand side becomes d c V 7Hc E + 21S 35d.

20 20 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN However, the Todd class formula from Lemma 4.1 and the Riemann- Roch theorem tell us that the number of lattice points in P is l(p) = H(c2 1 + c 2 ) H2 c H3 = (Hc2 1 + E) S d, as explained in [9, Sec. 5.3]. Solving for Hc 2 1 and substituting into the above expression for the right-hand side, we obtain d 2 21d + c V } + {{ 14E } + 42S 84l(P) }{{} α β It remains to understand the quantities α and β. Letting E denote the number of lattice points on the edges of P, it is easy to show that E = E V since every vertex of P lies on exactly three edges of P by smoothness. Hence α = V + 14E can be rewritten as α = 8V + 14E. Next let B (resp. I) denote the number of boundary (resp. interior) lattice points of P, so that l(p) = B + I. By Ehrhart duality, we have I = ( 1) 3( (Hc2 1 + E) S 1 6 d). Subtracting this from the above formula for l(p) = B + I gives B = S. Thus l(p) = S + I, and then β = 42S 84l(P) can be rewritten as β = 84I 132. The desired expression for the right-hand side follows immediately. In the next section we include some examples of secant varieties of classical varieties of dimension 4 where the intersection theory required for the computation of (7) is particularly simple. 5. Higher-dimensional examples In this section we give formulas for the degrees of the secant varieties of Segre-Veronese varieties and rational normal scrolls Segre-Veronese varieties. Let X = P n 1 P n k and set n = n i. Also let (m 1,...,m k )! denote the multinomial coefficient (m m k )!. m 1! m k! Here is the first main result of this section.

21 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 21 Theorem 5.1. Let Y be the image of X under the Segre-Veronese map given by O X (d 1,...,d k ), d i 1. If d i 3, then dim Sec Y = 2n + 1 and deg Sec Y = 1 ((n1,...,n k )! d 2( n 1 1 dn k n ( ) 2n+1 k ( ) ( 1) n l ni +j i (n 1 j 1,...,n k j k )! l l=0 ji =n l k )2 i=1 j i d n i j i i Proof. The polytope of Y is d 1 n1 d k nk. One easily sees that this cannot lie in 2 n when d i 3. It follows that dim SecY = 2n+1. Furthermore, deg Sec Y is given by the formula of Theorem 1.1, and it is well-known that deg Y = (n 1,...,n k )! d n 1 1 d n k To evaluate the remaining terms of the formula, the first step is the computation of c(t Y ) 1. Let H i = c 1 (O X (0,..., 1,...0)), where the 1 appears in the ith position. Since c(t Y ) = c(t X ), we can use Lemma 4.1 to see that c(t Y ) = k i=1 (1 + H i) n i+1. We compute c(t Y ) 1 by inverting each factor and multiplying out the result. For each i, we have the well-known expansion n i (8) (1 + H i ) (ni+1) = j=0 since H n i+1 i and take the degree l piece to obtain ( 1) j ( ni + j j ) H j i = 0. Then we can expand the product (1 + H i ) (n i+1) c l = ( 1) l ji =l ( n i + j i j i ) H j i i. The embedding of X is given by H = d 1 H 1 + +d k H k. This makes it easy to complete the computation. For each l = 0,...,n, we need to compute c n l (d 1 H d k H k ) l ( ) = ( 1) n l n i + j i H j i i (d 1 H d k H k ) l. j i ji =n l Since the coefficient of H n 1 j 1 1 H n k j k k in (d 1 H d k H k ) l is (n 1 j 1,...,n k j k )! d n i j i i, the result follows. Here are two easy corollaries of Theorem 5.1. k. ).

22 22 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN Corollary 5.2. Let n 2. If d 3 and Y is the d-uple Veronese variety of P n, then deg Sec Y = 1 ( n ( )( ) 2n + 1 2n j ) d 2n ( 1) n j d j. 2 j n j j=0 Corollary 5.3. If n 3 and Y is the n-fold Segre variety P 1 P 1, then deg Sec Y = 1 ( n ( )( 2n + 1 n ) (n!) 2 )j! ( 2) n j. 2 j n j j= Rational normal scrolls. We now consider the secant variety of the rational normal scroll S d1,...,d n defined in the introduction. Theorem 5.4. Let X = S d1,...,d n, where d i 1, and let d = d i. If d n + 2, then dim Sec X = 2n + 1 and deg Sec X deg φ = 1 2( d 2 (2n + 1)d + n(n + 1) ). Proof. The discussion in 3 shows that X is the toric variety of the polytope P d1,...,d n, which has n 1 as its base and vertical edges of lengths d 1,...,d n. We picture this as follows: d n 1 d n d 1 0 e n 1 e 1 This polytope has n + 2 facets with inner normal vectors ν 1 = e 1 (side). ν n 1 = e n 1 ν n = e 1 e n 1 ν n+1 = e n. (side) (side) (bottom) ν n+2 = e n + n 1 i=1 (d i d n )e i (top)

23 SECANT VARIETIES OF TORIC VARIETIES 23 The corresponding divisors will be denoted D 1,..., D n+2. The above facet normals show that P d1,...,d n corresponds to the divisor (9) H = D n + d n D n+2. Using the linear equivalences ν i, e j D i 0, one easily sees that D i D n + (d n d i )D n+2, D n+1 D n+2. 1 i n Since d i 1 for all i, the top and bottom facets don t intersect, so that D n+1 D n+2 = 0 in the Chow group of X. It follows that D 2 n+2 = 0. We also have the intersection products (10) D n 1 n D n+2 = 1 D n n = d nd n. To see this, note that D 1 D n 1 D n+2 = 1 since the corresponding facets intersect at the vertex d n e n of P d1,...,d n. Using Dn+2 2 = 0 and the top line of (9), we obtain Dn n 1 D n+2 = 1. Also, D 1 D n = 0 since the corresponding facets have empty intersection, which similarly leads to Dn n = d nd n. (More generally, one has Di n = d nd i for 1 i n, though we do not need this in what follows.) The next step is to compute c(t X ) 1 = n+2 i=1 (1 + D i) 1. Using (9) and Dn+2 2 = 0, we obtain c(t X ) 1 = (1 + D n+2 ) 2 n i=1 ( 1 + Dn + (d n d i )D n+2 ) 1 = (1 2D n+2 ) ( (1 + D n ) n + (d nd n )D n+2 (1 + D n ) n 1) 1 = (1 2D n+2 ) ( (1 + D n ) n (d nd n )D n+2 (1 + D n ) n 1). Using D 2 n+2 = 0 and (8), we see that the degree l piece of c(t X ) 1 is given by c l = α l,n Dn l + ( ) β l,n (d nd n ) + γ l,n D l 1 n D n+2, where α l,n, β l,n, γ l,n are universal constants independent of d 1,...,d n. It is now easy to compute the degree of SecX = Sec S d1,...,d n. Assuming only d i 1, we have deg Sec X deg φ = (deg X) 2 ( ) 2n + 1 H k c l k k+l=n by the formula of Theorem 2.1. Also recall that deg φ = 0 when dim Sec X 2n. It is well known that deg X = d = d i. Furthermore, H k = (D n + d n D n+2 ) k = D k n + kd n D k 1 n D n+2.

24 24 DAVID COX AND JESSICA SIDMAN Multiplying this by the above formula for c l and using (10) shows that deg Sec X deg φ = d 2 + α n d + β n d n + γ n, where α n, β n, γ n are universal constants. Since the left-hand side is unchanged when we permute d 1,...,d n, the same must be true for the right-hand side, so that β n = 0. Thus (11) deg SecX deg φ = d 2 + α n d + γ n. The cases d = n or n + 1 correspond to the scrolls S 1,...,1 and S 1,...,1,2. These scrolls are embedded inside of P 2n 1 and P 2n respectively, so their secant varieties have dimension 2n. Hence deg φ = 0 when d = n or n + 1, so that these values of d are roots of the quadratic polynomial on the right-hand side of (11). Thus the degree formula reduces to (12) deg SecX deg φ = d 2 (2n + 1)d + n(n + 1). When d n+2, one easily sees that P d1,...,d n cannot lie in 2 n, so that dim Sec X = 2n + 1 and deg φ = 2 by Theorem 1.1 (this also follows from [4, 5]). We note that the formula (12) can be generalized to the case of projective bundles over curves and surfaces. See Lemma 4.2 of [16]. References [1] B. Ådlandsvik, Joins and higher secant varieties, Math. Scand. 61 (1987), [2] B. Ådlandsvik, Varieties with an extremal number of degenerate higher secant varieties, J. Reine Angew. Math. 392 (1988), [3] E. Ballico, Secant varieties of scrolls, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 3 (2002), [4] M. L. Catalano-Johnson, Numerical degeneracy of two families of rational surfaces, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 176 (2002), [5] M. L. Catalano-Johnson, The possible dimensions of the higher secant varieties, Am. J. Math. 118 (1996), [6] M. V. Catalisano, A. V. Geramita, A. Gimigliano, Ranks of tensors, secant varieties of Segre varieties and fat points, Lin. Alg. and its Appl. 355 (2002), [7] H. Flenner, L. O Carroll, and W. Vogel, Joins and intersections, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, [8] W. Fulton, Intersection Theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3rd series, volume 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second edition, [9] W. Fulton, Introduction to Toric Varieties, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, [10] R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, volume 52, Springer-Verlag, New York Berlin Heidelberg, 1977.

Secant varieties of toric varieties

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