arxiv: v1 [] 14 Mar 2019

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1 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES ariv: v1 [] 14 Mar 2019 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW Abstract. Let be a complete variety of dimension n over an algebraically closed field K. Let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on, that is, a collection {V m } m N of vector subspaces V m H 0 (,L m ) such that V 0 = K and V k V l V k+l for all k,l N. For each m in the semigroup N(V ) = {m N V m 0}, the linear series V m defines a rational map φ m : Y m P(V m ), where Y m denotes the closure of the image φ m (). We show that for all sufficiently large m N(V ), these rational maps φ m : Y m are birationally equivalent, so in particular Y m are of the same dimension κ, and if κ = n then φ m : Y m are generically finite of the same degree. If N(V ) {0}, we show that the limit dim K V m vol κ (V ) = lim m N(V ) m κ /κ! exists, and 0 < vol κ (V ) <. Moreover, if Z is a general closed subvariety of dimension κ, then the limit (V κ # ( (D m 1 D m κ Z)\Bs(V m ) ) Z) mov = lim m N(V ) m κ exists, where D m 1,...,D m κ V m are general divisors, and (V κ Z) mov = deg ( φ m Z : Z φ m (Z) ) vol κ (V ) for all sufficiently large m N(V ). Notation and Conventions. Let N denote the set of nonnegative integers. We work over an algebraically closed field K of arbitrary characteristic. A variety is reduced and irreducible. Points of a variety refer to closed points. If is a variety, K() denotes the function field of. If V is a vector space, P(V) denotes the projective space of one-dimensional quotients of V. 1. Introduction Let be a complete variety. Recall from [6, Definition 2.4.1] that a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on is a collection V = {V m } m N of vector 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14C20. Key words and phrases. graded linear series, Iitaka fibration, Iitaka dimension, asymptotic moving intersection. 1

2 2 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW subspaces V m H 0 (,L m ) such that V 0 = K and V k V l V k+l for all k,l N. The graded linear series {H 0 (,L m )} m N is called the complete graded linear series associated to L. The purpose of this article is to generalize some fundamental results about asymptotic constructions for complete graded linear series to arbitrary ones. This is useful because incomplete graded linear series do naturally arise, most notably in connection with the restricted volume [7, 2.4]. Our results generalize and unify several previous results in the literature: see Remark 1.6. For each m in the semigroup N(V ) = {m N V m 0}, the linear series V m defines a rational map φ m : Y m P(V m ), where Y m denotes the closure of the image φ m (). Our first result is about the asymptotic behavior of φ m. When V is the complete graded linear series and is normal, the well-known theorem of Iitaka fibrations [6, Theorem ] says that for all sufficiently large m N(V ), the rational maps φ m : Y m are birationally equivalent to a fixed algebraic fiber space φ : Y. We show that, for an arbitrary graded linear series, the same conclusion holds except that φ : Y may not be a fiber space. Theorem 1.1 (Asymptotic Iitaka map of graded linear series). Let be a complete variety, and let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on. Then there exist projective varieties, Y, and for each m N(V ) a commutative diagram u φ m φ Y m ν m of surjective morphisms and dominant rational maps, such that u is birational, and ν m is birational for all sufficiently large m N(V ). If V is semiample, meaning that V m is basepoint-free for some m > 0, then the maps φ m : Y m are surjective morphisms for all m in the sub-semigroup Y M(V ) = {m N V m is basepoint-free} N(V ). In this case we can conclude, as in the theorem of semiample fibrations [6, Theorem ], that for all sufficiently large m M(V ), the morphisms φ m : Y m are isomorphic to a fixed morphism. Theorem 1.2 (Asymptotic Iitaka morphism of semiample graded linear series). Let be a complete variety, and let V be a semiample graded linear series associated

3 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 3 to a line bundle L on. Then there exist a projective variety Y, and for each m M(V ) a commutative diagram (1) φ m φ Y m ν m of surjective morphisms, such that ν m is finite for all positive m M(V ), and is an isomorphism for all sufficiently large m M(V ). Y An immediate corollary of Theorem 1.1 and 1.2 is Corollary 1.3 (Iitaka dimension and asymptotic degree). Let be a complete variety, and let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on with N(V ) {0}. (1) There is a nonnegative integer κ(v ) dim, called the Iitaka dimension of V, such that dimφ m () κ(v ) for all m N(V ), and equality holds if m is sufficiently large or if m > 0 and V m is basepoint-free. Indeed κ(v ) = dimy. (2) If κ(v ) = dim, or equivalently φ m : Y m is generically finite for some m N(V ), then there is a positive integer δ(v ), which we call the asymptotic degree of V, such that deg(φ m : Y m ) δ(v ) for all m N(V ) with φ m : Y m generically finite, and equality holds if m is sufficiently large. Indeed δ(v ) = deg(φ : Y ). The Iitaka dimension κ(l) of a line bundle L on a complete variety is defined to be the Iitaka dimension of its associated complete linear series, and L is said to be big if κ(l) = dim. If L is big and dim = n, it is well-known that the limit h 0 (,L m ) vol(l) = lim m m n /n! exists [6, Example ] and is positive [6, Corollary ]. Moreover, this limit, called the volume of L, can be approached by the moving intersection number of n general divisors E m,1,...,e m,n L m : # ( (E m,1 E m,n )\Bs L m ) vol(l) = lim, m m n where Bs L m denotes the base locus of L m [6, Theorem ]. We will generalize these results to arbitrary graded linear series V. Since the usual volume of V is 0 if κ(v ) < n, to get more interesting results we will consider the κ(v )-dimensional

4 4 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW volume of V and moving intersections of V m with a general κ(v )-dimensional closed subvariety. Definition 1.4 (Moving intersection number). Let be a complete variety, Z be a closed subvariety, and L be a line bundle on. Let V H 0 (,L) be a nonzero subspace, and denote by Bs(V) the base locus of V. If dimz = k, the moving intersection number of V with Z, denoted by (V k Z) mov, is defined by choosing k general divisors D 1,...,D k V and putting (V k Z) mov = # ( (D 1 D k Z)\Bs(V) ). Theorem 1.5 (κ-volume and asymptotic moving intersection number). Let be a complete variety, and let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on with N(V ) {0}. Write κ = κ(v ) and n = dim. (1) The limit dim K V m vol κ (V ) = lim m N(V ) m κ /κ! exists, and 0 < vol κ (V ) <. We call vol κ (V ) the κ-volume of V. (2) If Z is a closed subvariety such that dimz = κ and Z Bs(V m ) for some m > 0, then the limit (V κ Z) (Vm κ Z) mov mov = lim m N(V Z ) m κ exists, and 0 (V κ Z) mov <. We call (V κ Z) mov the asymptotic moving intersection number of V with Z. Moreover, (V κ Z) mov > 0 if and only if there exists l N(V ) such that Z Bs(V l ) and dimφ l (Z) = κ, in which case (V κ Z) mov = δ(v Z )vol κ (V ) = deg ( φ m Z : Z φ m (Z) ) vol κ (V ) for all sufficiently large m N(V ) with Z Bs(V m ). In particular, if κ = n, then (V n ) mov = δ(v )vol n (V ) = deg(φ : Y )vol n (V ). Note that a general κ-dimensional closed subvariety Z satisfies Z Bs(V m ) and dimφ m (Z) = κ for all sufficiently large m N(V ). Remark 1.6 (Special cases of Theorem 1.5 in the literature). Let V be a graded linear series on a complete variety. We summarize some special cases of Theorem 1.5 that have appeared in the literature. Note that none of them deals with graded linear series V such that κ(v ) < dim. [6, Theorem ]: as already mentioned, this is the case where V is the complete graded linear series associated to a big line bundle;

5 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 5 [2, Theorem B]: this deals with the case where V is the restricted complete linear series satisfying an additional assumption. The restricted complete linear series is the restriction of a complete graded linear series from an ambient variety containing. The additional assumption implies in particular that φ m : Y m is birational for all m 0; [4, Theorem C]: this generalizes [2, Theorem B] to any graded linear series such that φ m : Y m is birational for all m 0; [1, Theorem 1.2 (iv)]: this generalizes [2, Theorem B] to those restricted complete linear series such that φ m : Y m is generically finite for all m 0. Let us finish the introduction with a comparison between our results and some related results in [5]. Let V be a graded linear series with N(V ) {0} on a complete variety of dimension n. In [5], it was shown that dim K V m grows like m q for some nonnegative integer q, and this growth degree q was defined to be the Iitaka dimension of V (which is different from our definition in Corollary 1.3 in terms of dimφ m ()). It was further shown in [5, Corollary 3.11 (1)] that lim m N(V )dim K V m /m q exists, similar to our Theorem 1.5 (1). However, [5] did not show that the growth degree q is equaltodimφ m ()forsufficientlylargem N(V ). Infact, [5]containsnodiscussion about asymptotic Iitaka maps, let alone results similar to our Theorem 1.1, 1.2, or Corollary 1.3. As for our Theorem 1.5 (2), the result [5, Theorem 4.9 (1)] might look similar, but the latter is in fact non-asymptotic in nature: in our notation, [5, Theorem 4.9 (1)] is saying that if κ(v ) = n and V m = V1 m for all m > 0, then (V1 n ) mov = (degφ 1 )vol n (V ). 1 The assumption V m = V1 m for all m > 0 implies that φ m = φ 1 for all m > 0 and (V n ) mov = (V1 n ) mov, so there is essentially no asymptotic behavior in this case. Asymptotic moving intersection numbers of arbitrary graded linear series do not appear in [5]. Acknowledgment. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of MoST (Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan). 2. Asymptotic Iitaka maps of graded linear series In this section, we will prove Theorem 1.1 and 1.2. We start by introducing some notation. Definition 2.1 (Section ring). Let be a complete variety, and let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on. The section ring associated to V is the graded K-algebra R(V ) = R(,V ) = V m. m=0 1 The notations L and Φ L in [5] correspond to our V 1 and φ 1, respectively.

6 6 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW For each m N, we denote K[V m ] = the graded K-subalgebra of R(V ) generated by V m. If R is a graded integral domain, we write R ( 0 ) for the field R ( 0 ) = {a/b a,b R are homogeneous of the same degree, b 0}, namely the degree 0 part of the localization of R that inverts all homogeneous elements not in the prime ideal 0. Lemma 2.2. Let be a complete variety, and let V be a graded linear series associated to a line bundle L on. If φ m : P(V m ) is the rational map defined by V m, and Y m P(V m ) is the closure of φ m (), then K[V m ] is the homogeneous coordinate ring of Y m in P(V m ). Consequently, K[V m ] ( 0 ) is the function field of Y m, that is, K[V m ] ( 0 ) = K(Y m ). Proof. Let {s 0,...,s N } be a basis of V m. Then there is a surjective K-algebra homomorphism from the polynomial ring K[x 0,...,x N ] to K[V m ] sending x i to s i. The kernel is generated by all homogeneous polynomials f(x 0,...,x N ) such that f(s 0,...,s N ) = 0 in K[V m ]. Hence K[V m ] = K[x 0,...,x N ]/ f homogeneous f(s 0,...,s N ) = 0 in K[V m ]. On the other hand, the rational map φ m can be expressed as φ m : P(V m ) = P N, φ m (p) = [s 0 (p) : : s N (p)] for all points p of in the Zariski open set U = {p s 0 (p),...,s N (p) are not all 0}. Since Y m is the closure of φ m (U) in P N, the homogeneous ideal of Y m is generated by all homogeneous polynomials f(x 0,...,x N ) such that f ( φ m (p) ) = f ( s 0 (p),...,s N (p) ) = 0 for all p U. Since U is Zariski open, f ( s 0 (p),...,s N (p) ) = 0 for all p U f ( s 0 (p),...,s N (p) ) = 0 for all p f(s 0,...,s N ) = 0 in K[V m ]. Hence the homogeneous coordinate ring of Y m is precisely K[V m ]. Consequently, the function field K(Y m ) = K[V m ] ( 0 ) by [3, Ch. I, Theorem 3.4(c)].

7 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 7 Proof of Theorem 1.1. We may assume that is projective by Chow s lemma. There is a natural homomorphism R(V ) ( 0 ) K() since the quotient of two sections of a line bundle is a rational function. It follows that R(V ) ( 0 ) is a finitely generated extension field of K since K() is. Also, for each m N(V ) there is an inclusion K[V m ] ( 0 ) R(V ) ( 0 ) sincek[v m ] R(V ). By[3, Ch.I,Theorem4.4]andLemma2.2, thehomomorphisms induce dominant rational maps K[V m ] ( 0 ) R(V ) ( 0 ) K() Y m ν m Y ϕ where Y is a projective variety such that K(Y ) = R(V ) ( 0 ). Moreover, there is a commutative diagram φ m ϕ Y m Y. Let Y be the graph of ϕ, that is, the closure of ν m { ( p,ϕ(p) ) p, ϕ is regular at p} Y. Then there is a commutative diagram u ϕ Y φ where u and φ are the projections. The projection u is birational since is the graph of ϕ. Combining the previous two commutative diagrams, we have a commutative diagram u φ m φ Y m ν m Y of surjective morphisms and dominant rational maps for each m N(V ).

8 8 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW It only remains to show that if m N(V ) issufficiently large, then ν m is birational, or equivalently K[V m ] ( 0 ) = R(V ) ( 0 ). First observe that for i,j N(V ) with i j, it follows from V j/i i V j that K[V i ] ( 0 ) K[V j ] ( 0 ). Since R(V ) ( 0 ) = m N(V ) K[V m] ( 0 ) is a finitely generated extension field of K, R(V ) ( 0 ) = K[V l ] ( 0 ) for some l N(V ). Let N be a positive integer such that all multiples of gcdn(v ) greater than or equal to N appear in N(V ). If m N(V ) and m N + l, then m l N(V ), namely V m l 0. Hence K[V l ] ( 0 ) K[V m ] ( 0 ) by V l V m l V m, so for all m N(V ) such that m N +l. Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let K[V m ] ( 0 ) = R(V ) ( 0 ) M(V ) + = {m M(V ) m > 0}. For any i,j M(V ) + with i j, the image of the (j/i) th symmetric power S j/i (V i ) of V i under the multiplication map S j/i (V i ) V j is a free subseries of V j, which corresponds to a projection from Y j onto the (j/i) th Veronese embedding of Y i in P(V j ). We denote this projection by π i,j, which is a finite surjective morphism that fits into the commutative diagram (2) φ i Y i Y j. π i,j Let φ: Y be the semiample fibration associated to the line bundle L [6, Theorem ]. Since φ is the morphism defined by the complete linear series H 0 (,L m ) for sufficiently large m M(V ), and φ m is defined by the subseries V m H 0 (,L m ), the corresponding projection π m : Y Y m is a finite surjective morphism that fits into the commutative diagram (3) φ m φ j Y m Y. π m In fact, there is a finite surjective morphism π m that fits into the commutative diagram (3) for all m M(V ) +, since for small m, one can again project onto a φ

9 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 9 suitable Veronese embedding of Y m. From the commutativity of (2) and (3) and the surjectivity of φ, it follows that the diagram π i Y π j Y i π i,j also commutes. We claim that for each m M(V ) +, there exists an l M(V ) + such that m l, and π l,k are isomorphisms for all k > 0 with l k. For if this were false, there would exist an infinite sequence m,k 1,k 2,... M(V ) + such that m k 1 k 2, and no π ki,k i+1 is an isomorphism. Then we would have a commutative diagram π k1 π k2 Y k1 Y k2 Y k3 π k1,k 2 π k2,k 3 Y j Y π k3 of finite surjective morphisms, with the bottom row an infinite strictly ascending chain of finite extensions, which is impossible since O Y is a Noetherian O Yk1 -module. We now define the variety Y and the morphisms ν m : Y Y m that fulfill the statement of Theorem 1.2. Fix m 0,l 0 M(V ) + such that m 0 l 0 and π l0,k are isomorphisms for all k > 0 with l 0 k. We define Y = Y l0 and φ = φ l0 : Y. For each m M(V ) +, pick an l M(V ) + such that m l and π l,k are isomorphisms for all k > 0 with l k, and define ν m : Y Y m to be the morphism that makes the diagram ν m Y = Y l0 π 1 l 0,ll 0 Y m Y l Y ll0 π m,l commute. The definition of ν m does not depend on the choice of l, thanks to the commutativity of the diagram π l,ll0 π i,k Y k π j,k Y i π i,j for any i,j,k M(V ) + with i j k, which in turn follows from the commutativity of (2). By definition, ν m are finite and surjective for all m M(V ) + since π i,j are so for all i,j M(V ) + with i j. The commutativity of (1) follows from that of (2). Y j

10 10 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW It only remains to show that ν m is an isomorphism if m M(V ) is sufficiently large. Let N be a positive integer such that all multiples of gcdm(v ) greater than or equal to N appear in M(V ). If m M(V ) and m N+l 0, then m l 0 M(V ). The image of the multiplication map V l0 V m l0 V m is a free subseries of V m, which corresponds to a projection µ m from Y m to the Segre embedding of Y l0 Y m l0 in P(V m ) that fits into the commutative diagram φ l0 φ l0 φ m l0 φ m Y l0 Y l0 Y m l0 Y m. pr Yl0 This, combined with (1), shows that ν m and pr Yl0 µ m are inverses of each other, so ν m is an isomorphism. 3. κ-volumes and asymptotic moving intersection numbers In this section, we will prove Theorem 1.5. To streamline the proof, we first establish two lemmas. Lemma 3.1. Let be a complete variety. Let L be a line bundle on, and let V H 0 (,L) be a nonzero subspace. Let φ: P(V) be the rational map defined by V, and let Y P(V) be the closure of φ(). If Z is a subvariety not contained in the base locus Bs(V) of V, and φ(z) is dense in Y, then the restriction V H 0 (Z,L Z ) is injective. Proof. We may assume that φ is regular on Z after replacing Z by Z \Bs(V). There is a commutative diagram Z Y φ Z ι Y ι Z φ P(V) where ι Y and ι Z are the inclusions, which induces a commutative diagram µ m H 0 (Z,L Z ) φ Z ι Z φ V H 0( Y,O Y (1) ) H 0( P(V),O(1) ). ι Y Note that φ is an isomorphism, ι Y is injective since Y does not lie in a hyperplane in P(V), and φ Z is injective since φ Z is dominant. Therefore ι Z is injective.

11 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 11 Lemma 3.2. Let be a complete variety. Let M be a globally generated line bundle on, and let W H 0 (,M) be a basepoint-free linear series. Let Y P(W) be the image of the morphism P(W) defined by W. If W is the graded linear series associated to M on given by W k = Im ( S k (W) H 0 (,M k ) ), that is, the image of the k th symmetric power of W under the multiplication map, then dim K W k = h 0( Y,O Y (k) ) for all sufficiently large k. Proof. Write the morphism P(W) defined by W as a composition where ι denotes the inclusion. Then and Hence ϕ ι Y P(W), M = (ι ϕ) O P(W) (1) = ϕ O Y (1), W = (ι ϕ) H 0( P(W),O P(W) (1) ). W k = (ι ϕ) Im (S k H 0( P(W),O P(W) (1) ) H 0( P(W),O P(W) (k) )) = (ι ϕ) H 0( P(W),O P(W) (k) ) = ϕ (ι H 0( P(W),O P(W) (k) )). Let I Y denote the ideal sheaf of Y on P(W). The short exact sequence 0 I Y (k) O P(W) (k) O Y (k) 0 of sheaves on P(W) induces a long exact sequence H 0( P(W),O P(W) (k) ) ι H 0( Y,O Y (k) ) H 1( P(W),I Y (k) ) of cohomology groups. If k is sufficiently large, then H 1( P(W),I Y (k) ) = 0 by Serre s vanishing theorem, so ι H 0( P(W),O P(W) (k) ) = H 0( Y,O Y (k) ). Hence W k = ϕ H 0( Y,O Y (k) ). Since ϕ: Y is onto, ϕ is one-to-one. Thus dim K W k = dim K H 0( Y,O Y (k) ) = h 0( Y,O Y (k) ).

12 12 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW Proof of Theorem 1.5. For each m N(V ), let π m : m be the blowing-up of with respect to the base ideal b m of V m. Then b m O m = O m ( F m ) for some effective Cartier divisor F m on m. Let M m denote the globally generated line bundle M m = π m L m O m ( F m ) on m. Then π m V m = W m +F m, where W m H 0 ( m,m m ) is a basepoint-free linear series that defines a morphism ϕ m : m Y m fitting into the commutative diagram m π m ϕ m Y m P m, where P m = P(V m ) = P(W m ). If Z Bs(V m ) and Z m m is the strict transform of Z, then φ m (4) (V κ m Z) mov = M κ m Z m = ( ϕ m O Y m (1) )κ Z m = O Ym (1) κ (ϕ m Z m ). Since ϕ m Z m = 0 if dimϕ m (Z m ) = dimφ m (Z) < κ, (V κ m Z) mov = 0 for all m N(V Z ) if κ(v Z ) < κ. Thus we may assume that κ(v Z ) = κ. Since κ(v Z ) = κ, by Lemma 3.1, dim K V m = dim K V m Z for all sufficiently large m N(V Z ). By definition, we also have (V κ m Z) mov = ( (V m Z ) κ Z ) mov for all m N(V Z ). Hence it is enough to prove Theorem 1.5 for the graded linear series V Z on Z. Since κ(v Z ) = dimz, this means that we may reduce Theorem 1.5 to the case κ = n. For each m N(V ), consider the graded linear series W m, associated to the line bundle M m on m given by By Lemma 3.2, W m,k = Im ( S k (W m ) H 0 ( m,m k m ) ). dim K W m,k = h 0( Y m,o Ym (k) )

13 ASYMPTOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS AND INVARIANTS OF GRADED LINEAR SERIES 13 for all sufficiently large k. Hence if m is large enough so that dimy m = κ = n, then ( dim K W m,k h 0 Ym,O Ym (k) ) vol n (W m, ) = lim = lim = vol ( O k k n /n! k k n Ym (1) ) = O Ym (1) n. /n! Using (4) in the case κ = n, Z =, and Z m = m, we get (5) vol n (W m, ) = O Ym (1) n = for all sufficiently large m N(V ). It is proved in [5] that the usual volume (Vm n ) mov deg(φ m : Y m ) = (V m n ) mov δ(v ) dim K V m vol(v ) = vol n (V ) = lim m N(V ) m n /n! ofany gradedlinear series V exists (andis finite), andthefollowing version of Fujita s approximation theorem holds: for any ǫ > 0, there exists an integer m 0 = m 0 (ǫ), such that if m N(V ) and m m 0, then vol(v ) ǫ vol(w m, ) m n vol(v ). This implies that vol(v ) > 0 since vol(w m, ) = O Ym (1) n > 0 for all sufficiently large m N(V ) by (5). It also implies that So by (5) again, (V n ) (Vm n mov = lim ) mov m N(V ) m n vol(w m, ) lim = vol(v m N(V ) m n ). δ(v )vol(w m, ) = lim = δ(v m N(V ) m n )vol(v ). References [1] L. D. Biagio and G. Pacienza, Restricted volumes of effective divisors, Bull. Soc. Math. France 144 (2016), [2] L. Ein, R. Lazarsfeld, M. Mustaţă, M. Nakamaye, and M. Popa, Restricted volumes and base loci of linear series, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), [3] R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Math., vol. 52, Springer, New York, [4] S.-Y. Jow, Okounkov bodies and restricted volumes along very general curves, Adv. Math. 223 (2010), [5] K. Kaveh and A. Khovanskii, Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory, Ann. Math. 176 (2012), [6] R. Lazarsfeld, Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I II, Ergeb. Math. Grenzgeb., vols , Springer, Berlin, [7] R. Lazarsfeld and M. Mustaţă, Convex bodies associated to linear series, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 42 (2009),

14 14 CHIH-WEI CHANG AND SHIN-YAO JOW Department of Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan address: Department of Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan address:


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