Rewriting for Satisfiability Modulo Theories

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1 1 Dipartimento di Informatica Università degli Studi di Verona Verona, Italy July 10, Joint work with Chris Lynch (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Clarkson University, NY, USA) and Leonardo de Moura (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA)

2 The inference system DPLL(Γ+T)

3 Problem statement Decide satisfiability of first-order formulæ generated by, e.g., verifying compiler: invariant checking static analyzer: invariant generation Satisfiability w.r.t. background theories With quantifiers to write, e.g., invariants about loops, heaps, data structures... axioms of type systems or application-specific theories without decision procedure Emphasis on automation: prover called by verifying compiler or static analyzer

4 Shape of problem Background theory T T = n i=1 T i, e.g., linear arithmetic Set of formulæ: R P R: set of non-ground clauses without T -symbols P: large ground formula (set of ground clauses) typically with T -symbols Determine whether R P is satisfiable modulo T (Equivalently: determine whether T R P is satisfiable)

5 Tools Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) procedure for SAT T i -solvers: Satisfiability procedures for the T i s DPLL(T )-based SMT-solver: Decision procedure for T with Nelson-Oppen combination of the T i -sat procedures First-order engine Γ to handle R (additional theory): Resolution+Rewriting+Superposition: Superposition-based

6 Equality sharing method (Nelson-Oppen) T i s disjoint: no shared function/predicate symbols beside Mixed terms separated by introducing new constants T i -solvers generate and propagate all entailed (disjunctions of) equalities between shared constants T i s stably infinite: every T i -sat ground formula has T i -model with infinite cardinality (ensures existence of quantifier-free interpolants hence that propagation suffices in completeness proof)

7 Combining strengths of different tools DPLL: SAT-problems; large non-horn clauses Theory solvers: e.g., ground equality, linear arithmetic DPLL(T )-based SMT-solver: efficient, scalable, integrated theory reasoning Superposition-based inference system Γ: Horn clauses, equalities with universal quantifiers (automated instantiation) Sat-procedure for several theories of data structures

8 Superposition-based inference system Γ Generic, FOL+=, axiomatized theories Deduce clauses from clauses (expansion) Remove redundant clauses (contraction) Semi-decision procedure: empty clause (contradiction) generated, return unsat No backtracking

9 Ordering-based inferences Ordering on terms and literals to restrict expansion inferences define contraction inferences Complete Simplification Ordering: stable: if s t then sσ tσ monotone: if s t then l[s] l[t] subterm property: l[t] t total on ground terms and literals

10 Inference system Γ State of derivation: set of clauses F Superposition: superpose maximal side of maximal equation into maximal side of maximal (in)equation Simplification: by well-founded rewriting Resolution: resolve maximal complementary literals Paramodulation: superpose maximal side of maximal equation into maximal literal Subsumption: Cσ D (as multisets) Other rules: e.g., Factoring rules, Deletion of trivial clauses

11 DPLL and DPLL(T ) Propositional logic, ground problems in built-in theories Build candidate model M Decision procedure: model found: return sat; failure: return unsat Backtracking

12 DPLL(Γ+T ): integrate Γ in DPLL(T ) Idea: literals in M can be premises of Γ-inferences Stored as hypotheses in inferred clause Hypothetical clause: (L 1... L n ) (L 1...L m) interpreted as L 1... L n L 1... L m Inferred clauses inherit hypotheses from premises Predecessor: DPLL(Γ) [L. de Moura and N. Bjørner at IJCAR 2008]

13 DPLL(Γ+T ) as a transition system Search mode: State of derivation M F M sequence of assigned ground literals: partial model F set of hypothetical clauses Conflict resolution mode: State of derivation M F C C ground conflict clause Initial state: M empty, F is { C C R P}

14 DPLL(Γ+T ): DPLL rules Decide: guess ground L true, add it to M (decided literal) M F = M L F UnitPropagate consequence of assignment (implied literal) if M = P C (all lits in C false) M F,H (C L) = M L H (C L) F,H (C L) Note: literals in H are immaterial here because they come from M

15 DPLL(Γ+T ): DPLL rules Conflict: if M = P C M F,H C = M F,H C H C Unsat: conflict clause is (nothing else to try) M F = unsat

16 DPLL(Γ+T ): DPLL rules Explain: unfold by resolution implied lit: if L H (D L) M M F C L = M F H D C Learn conflict clause C clauses(f) M F C = M F,C C Backjump: if L is the least recently decided literal such that M = P C and L undefined in M M L M F C L = M L C L F F is F minus clauses whose hypothesis intersects L M

17 DPLL(Γ+T ): DPLL(T ) rules T -Propagate: add ground L that is T -consequence of M: if L 1,...,L n M and L 1,...,L n = T L M F = M L ( L1... L n L) F T -Conflict: detect that L 1,...,L n in M are T-inconsistent: if L 1,...,L n M and L 1,...,L n = T M F = M F L 1... L n

18 DPLL(Γ+T ): model-based theory combination A variant of equality sharing: Each T i -solver builds a candidate T i -model M i It is enough to generate and propagate the equalities between shared constants that are true in M i Predecessor: [L. de Moura and N. Bjørner at SMT 2007]

19 DPLL(Γ+T ): model-based theory combination PropagateEq: add to M ground s t true in T i -model: if M i (t) = M i (s) M F = M t s F Less expensive than generating (disjunctions of) equalities true in all T i -models consistent with M Optimistic: if t s inconsistent, retract + fix M i by backtracking Ground terms, not only shared constants, to serve next rule

20 DPLL(Γ+T ): expansion inferences Deduce: Γ-rule γ, e.g., superposition, using non-ground clauses {H 1 C 1,...,H m C m } in F and R-literals {L m+1,...,l n } in M M F = M F,H C where H = H 1... H m {L m+1,...,l n } and γ infers C from {C 1,...,C m,l m+1,...,l n } Only R-literals: Γ-inferences ignore T -literals Take unit clauses from M as PropagateEq puts them there

21 DPLL(Γ+T ): contraction inferences Single premise H C: apply to C (e.g., tautology deletion) Multiple premises (e.g., subsumption, simplification): prevent situation where clause is deleted, but clauses that make it redundant are gone because of backjumping Scope level: level(l) in M L M : number of decided literals in M L level(h) = max{level(l) L H} and 0 for

22 DPLL(Γ+T ): contraction inferences Say we have H C, H 2 C 2,...,H m C m, and L m+1,...,l n C 2,...,C m,l m+1,...,l n simplify C to C or subsume it Let H = H 2... H m {L m+1,...,l n } Simplification: replace H C by (H H ) C Both simplification and subsumption: if level(h) level(h ): delete if level(h) < level(h ): disable (re-enable when backjumping level(h ))

23 DPLL(Γ+T ): Summary Use each engine for what is best at: DPLL(T ) works on ground clauses Γ not involved with ground inferences and built-in theory Γ works on non-ground clauses and ground unit clauses taken from M: inferences guided by current partial model Γ works on R-sat problem

24 Issues about completeness Γ is refutationally complete Since Γ does not see all the clauses, DPLL(Γ+T ) does not inherit refutational completeness trivially Equality sharing is complete for Nelson-Oppen built-in theories: how to extend to a combination with an axiomatized theory R? DPLL(T ) uses depth-first search: complete for ground SMT problems, not when injecting non-ground inferences

25 From rewriting-based theorem proving N: set of ground clauses, N I N : candidate model Counterexample: I N = C Reduction property for counterexamples: for all N and counterexample C N, Γ infers a counterexample D C Thm: if N saturated, then satisfiable

26 From rewriting-based T -sat procedures: Variable-inactivity Clause C: variable-inactive if no maximal literal in C is a t x where x Var(t) Set of clauses: variable-inactive if all its clauses are Theory R: variable-inactive if limit S of fair Γ-derivation from S 0 = R S is variable-inactive [A. Armando, M.P. Bonacina, S. Ranise, S. Schulz, ACM TOCL, 2009]

27 From rewriting-based T -sat procedures: Variable-inactivity Theorem (Modularity of termination): if Γ terminates on R i -sat problems, it terminates also on R-sat problems for R = n i=1 R i, if the R i s are disjoint and variable-inactive Idea: the only inferences across theories are superpositions from shared constants (correspond to equalities between shared constants in equality sharing) [A. Armando, M.P. Bonacina, S. Ranise, S. Schulz, ACM TOCL, 2009]

28 From rewriting-based T -sat procedures: Variable-inactivity Theorem: if R is variable-inactive, then it is stably infinite Idea: if S 0 is sat, it admits no infinite model iff S contains a cardinality constraint (e.g., y x y z) In practice: Γ reveals lack of stable infiniteness by generating a cardinality constraint (not variable-inactive) [M.P. Bonacina, S. Ghilardi, E. Nicolini, S. Ranise, D. Zucchelli at IJCAR 2006]

29 Putting it all together: T -smooth set R P is T -smooth, for T = n i=1 T i, if T 1,...,T n and R are disjoint T 1,...,T n are stably infinite R is variable-inactive P is P 1 P 2 P1 : ground R-clauses P2 : ground T -clauses

30 From rewriting-based theorem proving Fairness: all applicable inferences applied eventually except redundant Deduce steps Saturated state: Either M F Or M F s. t. only applicable inferences are redundant Deduce steps Fair derivation yields saturated state eventually

31 Refutational completeness of DPLL(Γ+T ) Theorem: if input S = R P is T -smooth, whenever DPLL(Γ+T ) reaches saturated state M F, S is T -sat. Ingredients: ground non-unit R-clauses: redundant by saturation w.r.t. Decide R-part: sat by saturation and reduction property for counterexamples T -part: sat by saturation w.r.t. T -conflict completeness of Nelson-Oppen combination by T -smoothness

32 How to ensure fairness? Let s see an example 1. p(x,y) p(f(x),f(y)) p(g(x),g(y)): seen by Γ 2. p(a,b) 3. g(x) x: seen by Γ 4. g(c) c g(d) d

33 How to ensure fairness? Let s see an example 1. p(x,y) p(f(x),f(y)) p(g(x),g(y)): seen by Γ 2. p(a,b) 3. g(x) x: seen by Γ 4. g(c) c g(d) d 1. Decide adds p(a,b) to M: seen by Γ 2. Resolution generates p(f(a),f(b)) p(g(a),g(b)) 3. Decide adds p(f(a),f(b)) to M: seen by Γ 4. Resolution generates p(f(f(a)),f(f(b))) p(g(f(a)),g(f(b))) infinite unfair derivation that does not detect unsat!

34 Answer: iterative deepening Inference depth: Clause: infdepth(c) = depth of inference tree producing C Implied lit: infdepth(l) = depth of clause that implied L Decided lit: infdepth(l) = min inference depth of clause including L k-bounded DPLL(Γ+T ): Deduce restricted to premises C with infdepth(c) < k

35 Let s see the example again 1. p(x,y) p(f(x),f(y)) p(g(x),g(y)): seen by Γ 2. p(a,b) 3. g(x) x: seen by Γ 4. g(c) c g(d) d 1. The bound prevents the infinite alternation of Decide and Resolution steps 2. Decide adds g(c) c to M: seen by Γ 3. Resolution generates 4. Decide adds g(d) d to M: seen by Γ 5. Resolution generates 6. Unsat

36 Termination Theorem: k-bounded DPLL(Γ+T) terminates: DPLL(T ) does + finitely many Deduce steps within k DPLL(Γ+T ) stuck at k if only Deduce applies and only to premises excluded by k Three outcomes: sat, unsat, stuck (don t know) Decision procedure: sat, unsat

37 Summary of contributions This talk: DPLL(Γ+T ) + variable-inactivity: completeness and combination of both built-in and axiomatized theories At CADE 2009: DPLL(Γ+T ) + speculative inferences: Decision procedures for Type systems with multiple/single inheritance used in ESC/Java and Spec# All in: On deciding satisfiability with speculative inferences (submitted to journal)

38 Current and future work Interpolation in first-order theorem proving Interpolation in DPLL(Γ+T ) Application to invariant generation Joint work with Moa Johansson

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