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1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROTOCOLS 2015, LECTURE 12 Sigma protocols for DL helger lipmaa, university of tartu

2 UP TO NOW Introduction to the field Secure computation protocols Introduction to malicious model Σ-protocols: basics

3 Σ-PROTOCOLS: UP TO NOW We started from a very simple protocol for GI "intuitively" secure: complete, sound, ZK Formalized security requirements based on this concrete example Big promise: this is useful in general

4 THIS TIME Σ-protocols: short reminder Σ-protocols for DL based languages Composition of Σ-protocols Σ-protocols for everything interesting

5 REMINDER: Σ-PROTOCOLS x, ω 1st message: commitment a x 2nd message: challenge c 3rd message: response z Accepts iff prover knows ω such that (x, ω) R Requirement: c is chosen from publicly known challenge set C randomly. (Does not depend on a!) Terminology: public coin protocol

6 REMINDER: Σ-PROTOCOLS x, ω 1st message: commitment a x 2nd message: challenge c 3rd message: response z Accepts iff prover knows ω such that (x, ω) R 1. Completeness 2. Special Soundness 3. Special Honest-Verifier ZK (SHVZK)

7 REMINDER: AUTHENTICATION pk, sk 1st message: commitment a pk 2nd message: challenge c 3rd message: response z Accepts iff prover knows sk such that (pk, sk) Gen GI protocol: sk = ω = secret isomorphism. Verifier convinced prover knows the secret key without any side information being leaked

8 PROBLEM WITH GI Inefficient (for say authentication): having graphs as PK/SK is not efficient adjacency matrix: O (n²) bits Also we have many other elements of the protocols based on Elgamal. Better stick to the same cryptosystem Knowledge error κ = 1 / 2 Need to parallel-repeat protocol 40+ times to amplify

9 NOTATION P has input (x, ω), V has input x Σ-protocol (P, V) is a proof of knowledge that P knows ω such that (x, ω) R for a public language L/relation R x L ω (x, ω) R // ω is short Common notation: PK (ω: R (x, ω)) Secret values denoted by Greek letters We will now see (for Elgamal): PK (ρ: h = g^ρ)

10 POK: KNOWLEDGE OF DL h = g^ρ, ρ 1st message: commitment a h 2nd message: challenge c 3rd message: response z Accepts iff prover knows ρ such that h = g^ρ Authentication: Proof of Knowledge of secret key corresponding to Elgamal PK h. General intepretation: PK of a discrete logarithm

11 IDEA GI: knowing isomorphism G₁ G₂ (knowing isomorphism G₁ H knowing isomorphism G₂ H for random H) Prover knows 0, 1 or 3 of isomorphisms never exactly 2 DL: knowing DL of y = g^ρ (knowing DL of gʳ knowing DL of g^(ρ + r) for random r) φ:(g₁,g2) ψ:(g₁,h) ψφ ¹:(G2,H) ρ:h=g^ρ r:a=gʳ Prover knows 0, 1 or 3 of DL-s It is a bit like secret sharing r+ρ:ah=g^(ρ+r)

12 QUIZ: KNOWLEDGE OF DL h = g^ρ, ρ r Zp a gʳ a h c {0, 1} z r + cρ Accept if g^z = ah^c note: z = r or z = r + ρ plays the role of Gc z Completeness: g^z = g^(r + cρ) = ah^c

13 QUIZ: KNOWLEDGE OF DL h = g^ρ, ρ r Zp a gʳ a h c {0, 1} z r + cρ Special soundness. Extractor K(a, c, z, c* c, z*): // Accepting views, thus g^z = ah^c and g^(z*) = ah^(c*) 1. Return ρ (z - z*) / (c - c*) z Accept if g^z = ah^c Analysis. Divide the first verification equation with the second one: g^(z - z*) = h^(c - c*) Since c c*, h = g^((z - z*) / (c - c*)), thus extractor retrieves ρ correctly.

14 QUIZ: KNOWLEDGE OF DL h = g^ρ, ρ r Zp a gʳ a h c {0, 1} z r + cρ Accept if g^z = ah^c SHVZK. Simulator S (c): 1. Generate z Zp 2. Set a g^z / h^c 3. Return (a, z) z Analysis. First. (a, c, z) is accepting since a was generated so that the verification equation would accept. (tautology.) Second. In real execution (a, c, z) G {0, 1} Zp is completely random except that the verification equation holds. Thus in real execution one can start by generating c {0, 1}, z Zp, and then setting a g^z / h^c. Thus simulator's output is exactly from the same distribution as the real protocol's output

15 ON KNOWLEDGE ERROR We "hid" most of the technicalities "expected" poly-time extractor, etc Important: κ = 1 / 2 P* can guess V's challenge c with probability 1 / 2 We can decrease κ by using security amplification from Lecture 11 However, there is a much better way

16 QUIZ: IMPROVING Κ Question: how would you improve κ? without security amplification! Hint 1: κ = 1 / C C = challenge set, here C = {0, 1} Hint 2: the previous protocol did never require to have C = 2

17 QUIZ: KNOWLEDGE OF DL h = g^ρ, ρ r Zp a gʳ a h c {0, 1}ˢ z r + cρ Accept if g^z = ah^c z Completeness: g^z = g^(r + cρ) = ah^ρ

18 SECURITY PROOF All parts of security proof are same as before Only exception: In analysis of SHVZK, we get c {0, 1}ˢ both in the "protocol" and "simulator" case Simulator construction does not change Knowledge error: κ = 2 ˢ // probability P* guesses c

19 REMARKS In practice s = 40 may suffice Information-theoretic limit, not computational However, choosing s = 80 does not make the protocol significantly less efficient This knowledge-of-dl (with variable s) Σ- protocol was proposed by Schnorr in 1991

20 COMPOSITION Another reason Σ-protocols are useful: they are extremely easy to compose... in a black-box way Automatic rules: 1. PK (R₁ (x, ω₁)), PK (R₂ (x, ω₂)) PK ((ω₁, ω₂): R₁ (x, ω₁) R₂ (x, ω₂)) 2. PK (R₁ (x, ω₁)), PK (R₂ (x, ω₂)) PK (ω: R₁ (x, ω) R₂ (x, ω)) Given those two rules (and suitable starting protocols), can "automatically" construct Σ-protocols for all languages in NP

21 "AND" COMPOSITION Assume you know both ω₁ and ω₂ s.t. Rᵢ (x, ωᵢ) Run PK (ω₁: R₁ (x, ω₁)) and PK (ω₂: R₂ (x, ω₂)) in parallel Possible, since we know both witnesses Optimization: let V to use the same c in both cases assuming they come from the same set this optimization is actually needed for some functionality

22 "AND" COMPOSITION (x, ωᵢ): s.t. Rᵢ(x, ωᵢ) a₁ P₁ (x; r₁) a₂ P₂ (x; r₂) (a₁, a₂) x c C z₁ P₁ (x, ω₁, c; r₁) z₂ P₂ (x, ω₂, c; r₂) (z₁, z₂) Accept if both V₁ (x, a₁, c₁, z₁) and V₂ (x, a₂, c₂, z₂) accept

23 "AND": COMPLETENESS (x, ωᵢ): s.t. Rᵢ(x, ωᵢ) a₁ P₁ (x; r₁) a₂ P₂ (x; r₂) (a₁, a₂) x c C z₁ P₁ (x, ω₁, c; r₁) z₂ P₂ (x, ω₂, c; r₂) (z₁, z₂) Completeness: Since both V₁ and V₂ accept, also V accepts Accept if both V₁ (x, a₁, c₁, z₁) and V₂ (x, a₂, c₂, z₂) accept

24 "AND": SPECIAL SOUNDNESS (x, ωᵢ): s.t. Rᵢ(x, ωᵢ) a₁ P₁ (x; r₁) a₂ P₂ (x; r₂) (a₁, a₂) x c C z₁ P₁ (x, ω₁, c; r₁) z₂ P₂ (x, ω₂, c; r₂) (z₁, z₂) Special soundness. Extractor K (a₁, a₂, c, z₁, z₂, c*, z₁*, z₂*): 1. ω₁ K₁ (a₁, c, z₁, c*, z₁*) 1. ω₂ K₂ (a₂, c, z₂, c*, z₂*) 2. Return (ω₁, ω₂) Accept if both V₁ (x, a₁, c₁, z₁) and V₂ (x, a₂, c₂, z₂) accept

25 REMARKS We will see two different types of AND compositions 1. ω₁ and ω₂ are independent random variables Example: PK ((µ, ρ): e = Enc (µ; ρ)) Extraction works: Kᵢ obtains ωᵢ {µ, ρ}

26 TYPE 2 Type 2: Both protocols use the same secret Composition works given the secret is unique Need to use the same challenge c₁ = c₂ in both times Means that the third message is also same Both extractors successful => they return same value Not a completely automatic composition: have to prove special soundness every single time

27 POK: DDH WITNESS L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (h^ρ, g^ρ) for some ρ} (g, h, e₁, e₂), ρ r Zp (a₁, a₂) (hʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) z r + cρ c C z Accept if (h^z, g^z) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c) Second type AND composition of two DL POKs

28 DDH WITNESS: COMPLETENESS L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (h^ρ, g^ρ) for some ρ} (g, h, e₁, e₂), ρ r Zp (a₁, a₂) (hʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) z r + cρ c C z Completeness. Clear, since (a₁, c, z) is accepting view for PK (ρ: e₁ = h^ρ) and (a₂, c, z) is accepting view for PK (ρ: e₂ = g^ρ) Accept if (h^z, g^z) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

29 DDH WITNESS: SPECIAL SOUNDNESS L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (h^ρ, g^ρ) for some ρ} (g, h, e₁, e₂), ρ r Zp (a₁, a₂) (hʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) c C Special soundness. Extractor K (a₁, a₂, c, z, c*, z*): 1. // K₁ (a₁, c, z, c*, z*) = K₂ (a₂, c, z, c*, z*) 2. ρ (z - z*) / (c - c*) 3. Return ρ z r + cρ z Analysis. Simple corollary of knowledge of DL protocols. One gets "the same" ρ from the use of the same c in both verification equations Accept if (h^z, g^z) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

30 DDH WITNESS: SPECIAL SOUNDNESS L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (h^ρ, g^ρ) for some ρ} (g, h, e₁, e₂), ρ r Zp (a₁, a₂) (hʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) z r + cρ c C SHVZK Simulator S (c): 1. z Zp, 2. (a₁, a₂) (h^z / e₁^c, g^z / e₂^c) 3. Return (a₁, a₂; c; z) z Analysis. Again, simple corollary. Acceptance is tautology. Distribution is the same since in both cases c and z are random and (a₁, a₂) just makes verification accept Accept if (h^z, g^z) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

31 POK: ELGAMAL PLAINTEXT/RANDOMIZER L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (g^µ h^ρ, g^ρ) for some (µ, ρ)} (g, h, e₁, e₂), (µ, ρ) m, r Zp (a₁, a₂) (gᵐhʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) c C z₁ m + cµ z₂ r + cρ (z₁, z₂) Accept if (g^(z₁) h^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c) First type AND composition over two previous protocols

32 REMARKS AND-proof gives an easy way to get an AND of two Σ-protocols but its better to make it sure the result is correct by giving direct security proof Example direct security proofs were simple but sometimes it gets very tedious

33 OR-PROOF Assume that P knows a witness to either x L₁ or x L₂ and wants to convince V in this Important: V should not get to know which witness P knows Example: L₀ = { e = Enc (0; ρ) for some ρ}, L₁ = { e = Enc (1; ρ) for some ρ} We know already how to construct protocols for both L = L₀ L₁ = {e = Enc (0; ρ) e = Enc (1; ρ) for some ρ} Verifier is convinced plaintext is Boolean

34 AND VS OR PROOF AND proof is simpler: R₁ R₂ is true iff both R₁ and R₂ are true Revealing in the proof that Rᵢ is true does not break ZK OR proof must not reveal which of R₁ and R₂ is true Additional layer of complexity

35 QUIZ: "OR" COMPOSITION (x, ω): s.t. Rᵢ(x, ω) For one i {1, 2}: given protocol (Pᵢ, Vᵢ) for PK (ωᵢ: Rᵢ (x, ωᵢ)) Problems: 1. Prover knows only witness ω for Rᵢ and thus cannot Goal: construct protocol execute (P, V) both for PK branches (ω: R₁ (x, of ω) OR R₂ (x, ω)) 2. Verifier should not know which branch P can execute aᵢ Pᵢ (x; rᵢ) aᵢ x cᵢ C zᵢ Pᵢ (x, ω, c; rᵢ) Quiz: how can P run the branch, without knowing corresponding secret, such that V cannot distinguish it from the real run? zᵢ Accept if either V₁ (x, a₁, c₁, z₁) or V₂ (x, a₂, c₂, z₂) accepts

36 ANSWER: USE SIMULATOR Need to run protocol without knowing witness? Answer: use the simulator Need it to be indistinguishable from real run? Answer: use the simulator

37 ... WITH A TRICK Problem: P should run one branch unsimulated Simulated branch can be created out-of-order, "unsimulated" cannot be Recall "special" meant the simulator can start from c, then create the rest, while P has to start with a So one of two must use c provided by V Question: how?

38 ... WITH A TRICK Idea: generate cᵢ first, after seeing verifier's challenge c, choose c3-i c - cᵢ One of c₁ and c₂ thus must be created "after" seeing c We really need the "special" ZK property

39 OR-PROOF (x, ω): R₁(x, ω) a₁ P₁ (x; r) c₂ C; (a₂, z₂) S₂ (c₂) (a₁, a₂) Assume wlog that P knows ω s.t. R₁ (x, ω) x c C = {0,..., C - 1} c₁ c - c₂ mod C z₁ P₁ (x, ω, c₁; r) (z₁, z₂, c₁) c₂ c - c₁ mod C Accept if both V₁ (x, a₁, c₁, z₁) and V₂ (x, a₂, c₂, z₂) accept Goal: construct protocol (P, V) for PK (ω: R₁ (x, ω) R₂ (x, ω))

40 SECURITY PROOF I will not give a full security proof, but it is easy Completeness: from completeness of first PK, and successful simulation of the second one Special soundness: OR-extractor runs extractors for both branches. One of them is successful, return this value SHVZK: since the first PK is SHVZK, and the second one is already simulated

41 POK: ELGAMAL PLAINTEXT IS BOOLEAN L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (g^µ h^ρ, g^ρ) for some ρ Zp, µ {0, 1}} We depict prover when µ = 0; µ = 1 is dual (g, h, e₁, e₂), (µ, ρ) 1. r Zp 2. (a₁₁, a₁₂) (hʳ, gʳ) 3. c₂ C; z₂ Zp 4. a₂₁ g¹ h^(z₂) / e₁^(c₂) 5. a₂₂ g^(z₂) / e₂^(c₂) (a₁₁, a₁₂, a₂₁, a₂₂) c C (g, h, e₁, e₂) c₁ c - c₂ mod C z₁ r + c₁ ρ (c₁, z₁, z₂) c₂ c - c₁ mod C Accept if c₁ C, (h^(z₁), g^(z₁)) = (a₁₁e₁^(c₁), a₁₂e₂^(c₁)) (gh^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₂₁e₁^(c₂), a₂₂e₂^(c₂))

42 SECURITY PROOF Left for homework Note: there exists a slightly more efficient Boolean proof that does not use simulation

43 Σ-PROTOCOLS FOR BOOLEAN CIRCUITS Each circuit can be built from NAND gates x NAND y = 1 iff x = 0 or y = 0 x,y z 0,0 1 Easy to verify that NAND is observed: 0,1 1 1,0 1 x NAND y = z iff x + y + 2z - 2 {0, 1} 1,1 0 Corollary. Boolean proofs are sufficient to construct Σ-protocol for CIRCUIT-SAT Proof. Encrypt each wire value except the last one (which is 1). Prove that each wire value is Boolean. For each gate, prove that NAND is observed x y z

44 STUDY OUTCOMES Σ-protocols for DL-based languages Simple examples Composition rules Everything interesting has a Σ-protocol

45 NEXT LECTURE How to build "real ZK" on top of Σ-protocols? Random Oracle Model? Interactive, four-message ZK

46 TUTORIAL Needed for exam 1. Security proofs for "proof of Elgamal plaintext and randomizer" 2. Range proof

47 POK: ELGAMAL PLAINTEXT&RANDOMIZER L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (g^µ h^ρ, g^ρ) for some (µ, ρ)} (g, h, e₁, e₂), (µ, ρ) m, r Zp (a₁, a₂) (gᵐhʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) c C z₁ m + cµ z₂ r + cρ // corresponds to first witness // corresponds to second witness (z₁, z₂) Completeness. From composition, or directly: g^(z₁) h^(z₂) = gᵐ g^(cµ) hʳ h^(cρ) = a₁e₁^c g^(z₂) = gʳg^(cρ) = a₂e₂^c Accept if (g^(z₁) h^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

48 POK: ELGAMAL PLAINTEXT&RANDOMIZER (g, h, e₁, e₂), (µ, ρ) L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (g^µ h^ρ, g^ρ) for some (µ, ρ)} (z₁, z₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) m, r Zp (a₁, a₂) (gᵐhʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) Analysis (direct). Verification eq gives us: (g^(z₁)h^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c) (g^(z₁*)h^(z₂*), g^(z₂*)) = c (a₁e₁^(c*), C a₂e₂^(c*)) Divide first by second: (g^(z₁ - z₁*) h^(z₂ z₁ - z₂*), m g^(z₂ + cµ - z₂*)) = (e₁^(c - c*), e₂^(c - c*)) (g^((z₁ - z₁*) / (c - z₂ c*)) h^((z₂ r + cρ- z₂*) / (c - c*)), g^((z₂ - z₂*) / (c - c*))) = (e₁, e₂) Exponents matching mod p Special Soundness. From composition, or directly: Extractor K(a₁, a₂, c, z₁, z₂, c*, z₁*, z₂*): 1. ρ (z₂ - z₂*) / (c - c*) // As before 2. µ (z₁ - z₁*) / (c - c*) 3. Return (µ, ρ) Accept if (g^(z₁) h^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

49 POK: ELGAMAL PLAINTEXT&RANDOMIZER L = {(g, h, e₁, e₂), s.t. (e₁, e₂) = (g^µ h^ρ, g^ρ) for some (µ, ρ)} (g, h, e₁, e₂), (µ, ρ) m, r Zp (a₁, a₂) (gᵐhʳ, gʳ) (a₁, a₂) (g, h, e₁, e₂) c C z₁ m + cµ z₂ r + cρ HVSZK (direct): Simulator S (c): 1. z₁, z₂ Zp 2. a₁ g^(z₁) h^(z₂) / e₁^c 3. a₂ g^(z₂) / e₂^c 4. Return (a₁, a₂, z₁, z₂) (z₁, z₂) Analysis (direct). Trivial. Verification accepts. Distribution is the same as in the real case too. Accept if (g^(z₁) h^(z₂), g^(z₂)) = (a₁e₁^c, a₂e₂^c)

50 QUIZ: RANGE PROOF Assume protocol is secure for Bob if Alice's input belongs to range S := {0, 1,..., H - 1} E.g., e-voting: S = range of valid candidates Question: how would you construct PK ((µ, ρ): e = Enc (µ; ρ) µ S)? Hint: you are allowed to encrypt every bit of µ separately And assume initially H = 2ⁿ

51 ANSWER: RANGE PROOF Construct PK ({(µᵢ, ρᵢ)}: (e₁ = Enc (0; ρ₁) (e₁ = Enc (1; ρ₁))... (en = Enc (0; ρn) en = Enc (1; ρn))) e₁ = Enc (0; ρ₁) e₁ = Enc (1; ρ₁) en = Enc (0; ρn) en = Enc (1; ρn)


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