arxiv: v1 [] 2 Feb 2018

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1 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES TEREZA KLIMOŠOVÁ, DIANA PIGUET, AND VÁCLAV ROZHOŇ axiv: v1 [] 2 Feb 2018 Abstact. Loebl, Komlós, and Sós conjectued that any gaph with at least half of its vetices of degee at least k contains evey tee with at most k edges. We popose a vesion of this conjectue fo skewed tees, i.e., we conside the class of tees with at most k edges such that the sizes of the colou classes of the tees have a given atio. We show that ou conjectue is asymptotically coect fo dense gaphs. The poof elies on the egulaity method. Ou esult implies bounds on Ramsey numbe of seveal tees of given skew. 1. Intoduction Many poblems in extemal gaph theoy ask whethe a cetain density condition imposed on a host gaph guaantees the containment of a given subgaph H. Typically, the density condition is expessed by aveage o minimum degee. Classical examples of esults of this type ae Tuán s Theoem which detemines the aveage degee that guaantees the containment of the complete gaph K and the Edős-Stone Theoem [ES46] which essentially detemines the aveage degee condition guaanteeing the containment of a fixed non-bipatite gaph H. On the othe hand, fo a geneal bipatite gaph H the poblem is wide open. Fo H being a tee, the long-standing conjectue of Edős and Sós fom 1962 assets that an aveage degee geate than k 1 foces a copy of any tee of ode k + 1. (Note that a tivial bound fo the aveage degee guaanteeing containment of such a tee is 2k, since in such a gaph we can find a subgaph of minimum degee at least k and then embed the tee geedily.) A solution of this conjectue fo lage k, based on an extension of the Regulaity Lemma, has been announced in the ealy 1990 s by Ajtai, Komlós, Simonovits, and Szemeédi [AKSS]. The poblem of containing a tee of a given size has also been studied in settings with diffeent density equiements. Recently, Havet, Reed, Stein and Wood conjectued that a gaph of minimum degee at least 2k and maximum degee at least k contains a copy of any tee of ode k + 1 and povided some 3 evidence fo this conjectue. Anothe type of density equiement, on which we focus in this pape, is consideed in the Loebl- Komlós-Sós conjectue. The conjectue assets that at least half of the vetices of degee at least k guaantees containment of a tee of ode k + 1. In othe wods, the equiement of aveage degee in Edős-Sós conjectue is eplaced by a median degee condition. The conjectue has been solved exactly fo lage dense gaphs [Coo09, HP16] and poved to be asymptotically tue fo spase gaphs [HKP + 17a, HKP + 17b, HKP + 17c, HKP + 17d] (see [HPS + 15] fo an oveview). All these conjectues ae known to be best possible. In paticula, the Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjectue is tight fo paths. To obseve this, conside a gaph consisting of a disjoint union of copies of a gaph H of ode k + 1 consisting of a clique of size k+1 1, an independent set on the emaining vetices, 2 and the complete bipatite gaph between the two sets. Almost half of the vetices of this gaph have degee k, but it does not contain a path on k + 1 vetices as a subgaph. A natual question is whethe fewe vetices of degee k suffice when one consides only a esticted class of tees. Specifically, Simonovits asked [pesonal communication], whethe it is the case fo tees Klimošová was suppoted by Cente of Excellence ITI, poject P202/12/G061 of GA ČR, Piguet and Rozhoň wee suppoted by the Czech Science Foundation, gant numbe GJ Y. Extended abstact of this wok was published as [KPR17]. 1

2 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 2 Figue 1.1. The gaph showing the tightness of Conjectue 1 is a disjoint union of gaphs of ode k + 1. of given skew, that is, the atio of sizes of the smalle and the lage colou classes is bounded by a constant smalle than 1. We popose the following conjectue. Conjectue 1. Any gaph of ode n with at least n vetices of degee at least k contains evey tee of ode at most k + 1 with colou classes V 1, V 2 such that V 1 (k + 1). If tue, ou conjectue is best possible fo the simila eason as the Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjectue. Indeed, given (0, 1/2], conside a gaph consisting of a disjoint union of copies of a gaph H with k + 1 vetices consisting of a clique of size (k + 1) 1, an independent set on the emaining vetices and the complete bipatite gaph between the two sets (see Figue 1.1). Such a gaph does not contain a path on 2 (k + 1) vetices (o, to give an example of a tee of maximal ode, a path on 2 (k + 1) vetices with one end-vetex identified with the cente of a sta with k (k + 1) leaves). We veified that the conjectue is tue both fo paths and fo tees of diamete at most five [Roz18]. In this pape we pove that Conjectue 1 is asymptotically coect fo dense gaphs. Theoem 1. Let 0 < 1/2 and q > 0. Then fo any η > 0 thee exists n 0 N such that fo evey n n 0 and k qn, any gaph of ode n with at least n vetices of degee at least (1 + η)k contains evey tee of ode at most k with colou classes V 1, V 2 such that V 1 k. This extends the main esult of [PS12], which is a special case of Theoem 1 fo = 1/2. While we use and extend some of thei techniques, ou analysis is moe complex. As in [PS12], we patition the tee into small ooted subtees, which we then embed into egula pais of the host gaph. In ode to connect those small ooted tees, we need two adjacent clustes with adquate aveage degee to those egula pais, which typically will be epesented by a matching in the cluste gaph. Hence, we need a matching in the cluste gaph that is as lage as possible. Fo this aim, we use disbalanced egulaity decomposition (see [HLT02]), placing lage degee vetices into smalle clustes than the emaining vetices, hence coveing as many low degee vetices as possible by this matching. We then conside seveal possible embedding configuations in the egulaity decomposition, depending on the stuctue of the cluste gaph, in paticula depending on the popeties of the adjacent clustes with suitable aveage degee to the optimal matching. The stuctue of the est of the pape is the following; in Section 2, we intoduce notions and esults elated to egulaity. In Section 3 we intoduce tools necessay fo the poof of Theoem 1 which we pesent in Section 4. In Sections 5, 6 and 7 we pove ou main tools fom Section 3; Popositions 10 and 11. In Section 8 we discuss implications of ou conjectue fo Ramsey numbes of tees and futhe eseach diections. 2. Regulaity In this section we intoduce a notion of egula pai, state the egulaity lemma and intoduce a standad method of embedding a tee into a egula pai.

3 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 3 Let G be a gaph and let X, Y be disjoint subsets of its vetices and ε > 0. We define E(X, Y ) as the set of edges of G with one end in X and one end in Y and the density of the pai (X, Y ) as E(X,Y ) d(x, Y ) =. The degee deg(x) of a vetex x is the numbe of its neighbous. By deg(x, X) we X Y denote the numbe of neighbous of x in the set X. We say that (X, Y ) is an ε-egula pai, if fo evey X X and Y Y, X ε X and Y ε Y, d(x, Y ) d(x, Y ) ε. The following lemma states a well-known fact that subsets of a egula pai to some extent inheit egulaity of the whole pai. Lemma 2. Let G be a gaph and (X, Y ) be an ε-egula pai of density d in G. Let X X and Y Y such that X α X and Y α Y. Then, (X, Y ) is an ε -egula pai of density at least d ε, whee ε = max(ε/α, 2ε). We say that a patition {V 0, V 1,..., V N } of V (G) is an ε-egula patition, if V 0 ε V (G) all but at most εn 2 pais (V i, V j ), i < j, i, j [N], ae ε-egula. We call V 0 a gabage set. We call a egula patition equitable if V i = V j fo evey i, j [N]. Lemma 3 (Szeméedi egulaity lemma). Fo evey ε > 0 and N min N thee exists N max N and n R N such that evey gaph G on at least n R vetices admits an ε-egula patition {V 0,..., V N }, whee N min N N max. Given an ε-egula pai (X, Y ), we call a vetex x X typical with espect to a set Y Y if deg(x, Y ) (d(x, Y ) ε) Y. Note that fom the definition of egulaity it follows that all but at most ε X vetices of X ae typical with espect to any subset of Y of size at least ε Y. This obsevation can be stengthened as follows. Lemma 4 (Vaiant of Poposition 4.5 in [Zha11]). Let {V 0, V 1,..., V N } be an ε-egula patition of V (G) and let X = V j fo some j [N]. Then all but at most ε X vetices of a cluste X ae typical w.. t. all but at most εn sets V i, i [N] \ j. We call such vetices of X ultatypical. Poof. Suppose, fo a contadiction, that thee ae moe than ɛ X vetices of a cluste X that ae not typical to moe than ɛn clustes. Then we have at least ɛ X ɛn = ɛ X N pais fomed by a cluste and a vetex fom X not typical to that cluste. This in tun means that thee is a cluste Y such that the numbe of vetices not typical to Y is at least ɛ X. But then the set of these vetices contadicts the egulaity of the pai XY. Next lemma states that a tee can be embedded in a sufficiently lage subset of a egula pai, each of the colou classes being embedded in one side. Moeove we can pescibe embedding of a few vetices. Lemma 5. Let T be a tee with colou classes F 1 and F 2. Let R F 1, R 2 such that vetices of R do not have a common neighbou in T (if R = 2). Let ε > 0 and α > 2ε. Let (X, Y ) be an ε-egula pai in a gaph G with density d(x, Y ) > 3α such that F 1 ε X and F 2 ε Y. Let X X, Y Y be sets satisfying X > 2 ε X, Y > 2 ε Y. α α Let ϕ be any injective mapping of vetices of R to vetices of X with degee geate than 3ε Y in Y. Then thee exists extension of ϕ that is an injective homomophism fom T to (X, Y ) satisfying ϕ(f 1 ) X and ϕ(f 2 ) Y. Poof. We embed vetices of V (T ) \ R into vetices of X and Y which ae typical to Y and X, espectively. Assume that we have aleady embedded some pat of the tee in this way. We claim that evey vetex of this patial embedding in X is incident with moe than ε Y vetices typical with espect to X which have not been used fo the patial embedding. Similaly, evey vetex of the patial embedding in Y is incident with moe than ε X vetices typical with espect to Y, which have not been used fo the patial embedding. We give aguments only fo vetices embedded into X, aguments fo vetices embedded into Y ae symmetic. Fo ϕ() X, R, the claim follows fom the fact that ϕ() has moe than 3ε Y neighbos in Y and out of them, at most ε Y ae not typical with espect to X and at most ε Y

4 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 4 have aleady been used fo the patial embedding. Let ϕ(v), v V (T ) \ R be a vetex of the patially constucted embedding and without loss of geneality assume ϕ(v) X. Since ϕ(v) was chosen to be typical with espect to Y, it is adjacent to at least (d ε) Y vetices of Y. Again, out of these vetices, at most ε Y ae not typical with espect to X and at most ε Y have aleady been used fo the patial embedding. Thus, ϕ(v) is typical to at least (d ε) Y 2ε Y > ((d ε)2 ε 2ε) Y. This is stictly α geate than ε Y, since d > 3α and α > 2ε. It follows that if R < 2, we can constuct embedding geedily. If R = 2, R = {u, v}, we fist embed vetices of a path connecting u and v, stating fom u and embedding all but the last two intenal vetices of a path into typical vetices, last embedded vetex being u. Then we find an edge between the sets the set X of vetices of N(u ) which ae typical to Y and set Y of vetices of N(v) which ae typical to X. Since, X and Y have size geate than ε X and ε Y, espectively by ou pevious agument, fom ε-egulaity of (X, Y ), it follows that thee is an edge xy between X and Y. We embed the last two intenal vetices to x and y. 3. Peliminaies We shall switch feely between a gaph H and its coesponding cluste gaph H. Fo example A V (H) may as well denote a cluste in an oiginal gaph, as A V (H) a vetex in the coesponding cluste gaph. We shall feely use the tem clustes in a cluste gaph H to denote vetices of H. If S V (H) denotes a set of clustes, then S denotes the coesponding union of vetices in the oiginal gaph H. If A V (H) is a cluste and S V (H) a set of clustes, then deg(a, S) denotes the aveage degee of vetices in A to S and deg(a) stands shot fo deg(a, V (H)). We shall use the following notation. The class of all tees of ode k is denoted as T k. Fo a gaph G and two sets A V (G) and B V (G) let G[A, B] denote the subgaph of G induced by all edges with one endpoint in A and the othe in B. Definition 6. Let 1/2. We say that a gaph H is an -skew LKS-gaph with paametes (k, η, ε, d) if thee exists a patition {L 1,..., L ml, S 1,..., S ms } of V (H) satisfying the following (1) m L (1 + η)m S, (2) all sets L i have the same size and all sets S i have the same size, (3) S j = (1 ) L i fo all i, j, (4) each (L i, L j ), i, j [m L ] and each (L i, S j ), i [m L ], j [m S ] is an ε-egula pai of density eithe 0 o at least d, (5) thee ae no edges inside the sets and no edges between S i and S j fo i j, (6) aveage degee of vetices in each L i is at least (1 + η)k. We call the sets L i, i [m L ], the L-clustes. Similaly, we call the sets S i, i [m S ], the S-clustes. Let H be the gaph with vetex set {L 1,..., L ml, S 1,..., S ms } and with an edge (L i, L j ), (L i, S j ) wheneve (L i, L j ) o (L i, S j ), espectively foms an ε-egula pai of positive density in H. Obseve that fo any edge (L i, L j ) we have deg(l i, L j ) = deg(l j, L i ), but fo any edge (L i, S j ) we have deg(l i, S j ) = (1 ) deg(s j, L i ). We call H the -skew LKS-cluste gaph. We use a dot instead of an explicit paamete when the value of the paamete is not elevant in the given context. Poposition 7. Let H be an -skewed LKS gaph of ode n with paametes (,, ε, ) and let H be its coesponding cluste gaph. (1) Let C and D be an L-cluste and an S-cluste of H, espectively. Then C n/ V (H) and D n. V (H) (2) If v V (H) is an ultatypical vetex and S V (H), then deg(v, S) deg(c, S) 2 εn/, whee C is the cluste of H containing v. Poof.

5 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 5 (1) The fist inequality follows fom the fact that the size of L-clustes is always at most the size of S-clustes. Then we compute D = 1 C n. V (H) (2) If v is ultatypical, thee ae at most ε V (H) clustes D in H such that v is not typical to D. Denote by D the set of those clustes. Then by (1) we have D D n/( V (H) ) εn/. Then deg(v, S) deg(v, (S \ D)) deg(c, (S \ D)) εn deg(c, S) D εn deg(c, S) 2 εn/. Definition 8. [HKP + 17d, Definition 3.3] Let T T k+1 be a tee ooted at. An l-fine patition of T is a quaduple (W A, W B, D A, D B ), whee W A, W B V (T ) and D A and D B ae families of subtees of T such that (1) the thee sets W A, W B and {V (T )} T D A D B patition V (T ) (in paticula, the tees in T D A D B ae paiwise vetex disjoint), (2) W A W B, (3) max{ W A, W B } 336k/l, (4) fo w 1, w 2 W A W B the distance dist(w 1, w 2 ) is odd if and only if one of them lies in W A and the othe one in W B, (5) v(t ) l fo evey tee T D A D B, (6) V (T ) N(W B ) = fo evey T D A and V (T ) N(W A ) = fo evey T D B, (7) fo each tee T D A D B N T (V (T )) \ V (T ) W A W B, (8) N(V (T )) (W A W B ) 2 fo each T D A D B, (9) if N(V (T )) (W A W B ) contains two distinct vetices z 1 and z 2 fo some T D A D B, then dist T (z 1, z 2 ) 6, Hee we did not list all popeties fom [HKP + 17d], only the ones we need. Poposition 9. [HP16, Lemma 5.3] Let T T k+1 be a tee ooted at a vetex R and let l N, l < k. Then the ooted tee (T, R) has an l-fine patition. Finally, we state two popositions that will be poved in Sections 5 and 7, espectively. The fist poposition says that evey LKS-gaph contains one the fou configuations, while the second poposition assets that occuence of these configuations implies containment of a given tee. Note that the fist poposition is concened only with the stuctue of the cluste gaph, not the undelying gaph, and could be stated in tems of weighted gaphs instead. Poposition 10. Let H be a -skew LKS-gaph H with paametes (k, η,, ) and let H be the coesponding cluste gaph. We denote by L and S, espectively, its set of L-clustes and S-clustes, espectively. Fo any numbes a 1, a 2, b 1, b 2 N 0 with a 2 + b 1 = k,, thee is a matching M in H[L, S] and two adjacent clustes X, Y V (H) such that, setting S M = S V (M) and S 1 = {Z S : deg(z) ( + η)k} \ S M, one of the fou following configuations occus. A) deg(x, S 1 S M ) a 2 (1 )/ + ηk/4, and deg(y, L) k + ηk/4, B) a 1 > (1 )a 2, deg(x, S 1 S M L) k + ηk/4 and deg(y, L) k + η k/4, C) a 1 (1 )a 2, deg(x, S 1 S M L) k + ηk/4 and deg(y, L) b 1 + η k/4, D) a 1 (1 )a 2, b 1 2 k/(1 ), deg(x, S M L) k + ηk/4 and deg(y, L) b 1 + ηk/4, and moeove, the neighbouhood of X does not contain both endpoints of any edge fom M. Poposition 11. Fo each δ, q, d > 0 and, Q + with 1/2 thee is ε = ε(δ, q, d, ) > 0 such that fo any Ñmax N thee is a β = β(δ, q,, ε, Ñmax) > 0 and an n 0 = n 0 (δ, q,, β) N such

6 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 6 that fo any n n 0 and k qn the following holds.let D = (W A, W B, D A, D B ) be an βk-fine patition of a tee T T k with colou classes T 1 and T 2 such that T 1 = k. Let H be an -skewed LKS-gaph of ode n,with paametes (k, δ, ε, d), let H be its coesponding cluste gaph with V (H) Ñmax and L, S V (H) ae sets of L-clustes and S-clustes, espectively.let M be a matching in H, let S M = S V (M), S 1 := {C S \ V (M) : deg(c) (1 + δ) k}. Let A and B be two clustes of H such that AB E(H) and one of the following holds. 1 A) deg(a, S 1 S M ) a 2 + δk and deg(b, L) ( + δ)k B) V (D A ) V (T 2 ) (1 ) V (D A ) V (T 1 ), deg(a, S 1 S M L) (1 + δ)k, and deg(b, L) ( + δ)k, C) V (D A ) V (T 2 ) (1 ) V (D A ) V (T 1 ), deg(a, S 1 S M L) (1 + δ)k, and deg(b, L) V (D B ) V (T 1 ) + δk, D) V (D A ) V (T 2 ) (1 ) V (D A ) V (T 1 ), V (D B ) V (T 1 ) 2 k (1 ) deg(a, S M L) (1 + δ)k, deg(b, L) V (D B ) V (T 1 ) + δk, and moeove, the neighbouhood of A does not contain both endpoints of any edge fom M. Then T H. 4. Poof of the theoem Suppose, q and η ae fixed. If = 1/2, then set := Q, s := 1, and t := 2. Othewise, let ρ := 1/2 > 0 and Q be such that (1 + ηρq ) with 12 = s/t, s, t N and t 12/(ηρq). Obseve that 1/2. Let d := η2 q 2. Let ε = min{ ηd2 q 2, 1ε t P 11( η q, q, d/2, 400 )}. Lemma 3 (Szemeédi egulaity lemma) with input paamete ε L3 := ε and N min := 1/ε outputs n R, N max N. Set β := β P 11 ( η q, q, 400, t ε, tn max ). Let n 0 = max{2n R, 2t N max /ε, n 0,P 11 ( η q, q, 400, β)} and let n n 0. Suppose k qn is fixed. Let G be any gaph on n vetices that has at least n vetices of degee at least (1 + η)k. We fist find a subgaph H of G of size n (1 ηq/2)(1 2ε)n which is an -skew LKS-gaph with paametes (k, ηq, t ε, d ) and constuct the coesponding LKS-cluste gaph H Ease η qn/2 vetices fom the set of vetices that have degee smalle than (1 + η)k and let G be the esulting gaph of ode n = n(1 ηq/2). Obseve that fo all v V (G ), we have deg G (v) deg G (v) ηk/2 and hence at least n n (1 + ηq/4) vetices of G have degee at least (1 + η/2)k. We apply Szemeédi egulaity lemma (Lemma 3) on G and obtain an ε-egula equitable patition V (G ) = V 0 V 1 V N. Ease all edges within sets V i, between iegula pais, and between pais of density lowe than d. Hence, we ease at most N (n ) /N 2 ε(n ) 2 /2 edges within the sets V i, at most ) εn ( 2 n 2 N = ε(n ) 2 edges in iegula pais, and at most ( ) d ( N n ) 2 2 N d 2 (n ) 2 edges in pais of density less than d. In total we have thus eased less than d (n ) 2 = η2 q 2 (n ) 2 edges. 100 Call a set V i an L-set if the aveage degee of its vetices is at least (1 + ηq/4)k and othewise an S-set. We have at least (1+ ηq 20 ) N L-sets. Indeed, duing the easing pocess, less than η qn /6 vetices dopped thei degee by moe than ηk/8. Theefoe, now thee ae at least (1+ ηq 12 ) n vetices of degee at least (1 + 3η/8)k. By egulaity, in each S-set V i thee ae at most ε V i of those vetices, as othewise they fom a subset of V i of substantial size and thus the S-set V i would have aveage degee at least (1 + 3η/8)k εn > (1 + η/4)k. So we can have at most εn vetices of degee at least (1 + 3η/8)k distibuted among all S-sets and at most εn of them contained in V 0. Hence, at least (1+ ηq 20 ) n vetices of degee at least (1 + 3η/8)k must be contained in L-sets, poducing thus at least (1 + ηq 20 ) N L-sets. We subdivide any L-set into t s sets of the same size, which we call L-clustes, adding at most t s 1 leftove vetices to the gabage set V 0. Similaly, we subdivide any S-set into s sets, which we call S- clustes. In this way we have (1 ) C = D fo any L-cluste C, and any S-cluste D. By Lemma 2, if (V i, V j ) is ε-egula and C V i and D V j ae L o S clustes, then (C, D), is a ε -egula pai fo ε = tε with density at least d := d ε. Obseve that by the choice of n 0, we added in total less than t N εn vetices to the gabage set V 0. We delete at most 2εn vetices of the enlaged set V 0. Any L-cluste is a elatively lage subset of the L-set it comes fom, and thus basically inheits the

7 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 7 S 1 S A S B S 0 L A \ V (M) L A V (M) L B B Figue 5.1. Vaious subsets of H used in the poof of Poposition 10. aveage degee of the set it comes fom. Togethe with the deletion of the enlaged gabage set, we obtain that each L-cluste has now aveage degee at least (1 + ηq/4)k 3εn (1 + ηq/5)k. Denote by m L the numbe of L-clustes and by m S the numbe of S-clustes. We have m L (1 + ηq 20 ) N (t s), as each L-set divided in t s L-clustes. Similaly, we obtain m S < (1 )sn. Theefoe, m L (1 + ηq/100)m L /2 + (1 ηq/100)(1 + ηq/20) N (t s)/2 > (1 + ηq/100)m L /2 + (1 + ηq/100) s t m S (t s)/2 s(1 s/t) m S = (1 + ηq/100)m L /2 + (1 + ηq/100) (t s)/2 t s = (1 + ηq/100)(m L + m S )/2. Finally, we delete all edges between S-clustes. We denote by L the set of vetices contained in L-clustes and by S the set of vetices contained in S-clustes. Let H be the esulting gaph. By constuction, it is an -skew LKS-gaph of ode n, whee (1 2ε)n n n, with paametes (k, ηq, 100 ε, d/2). The vetex set of the coesponding cluste gaph H consists of the L- and S-clustes defined above, with edges coesponding to ε -egula pais of density at least d/2 in H. Obseve that V (H) t N max. Afte having pocessed the host gaph, we tun ou attention to the tee. Let T be any tee of ode k with colou classes T 1 and T 2 and T 1 k k. Pick any vetex R V (T ) to be the oot of T. Applying Poposition 9 on T with paamete l P 9 := βk, we obtain its βk-fine patition D = (W A, W B, D A, D B ). Without loss of geneality, assume that W A V (T 2 ). Let := V (T 1 ) \ W B /k. We then apply Poposition 10 with η P 10 := ηq/100, P 10 :=, k P 10 := k, n P 10 := n, H P 10 := H, fo vu H, a 1 := V (D A ) V (T 2 ), a 2 := V (D A ) V (T 1 ), b 1 := V (D B ) V (T 1 ), b 2 := V (D B ) V (T 2 ), P 10 :=. We obtain a matching M E(H) and two adjacent clustes A, B V (H) satisfying one of fou configuations. Fo any of these fou possible configuations, Poposition 11 with input δ P 11 := η q, q 400 P 11 := q, d P 11 := d/2, ε P 11 := ε, Ñ max,p 11 := tn max, H P 11 := H, H P 11 := H, and futhe input as in Poposition 10, gives an embedding of T in H G, poving Theoem Poof of Poposition 10 We will pove Poposition 10 in seveal steps. We stat by defining the desied matching M as well as seveal othe subsets of H. Let M H[L, S] be a matching minimising the numbe of vetices in the set S 0 := {X S : deg(x) < ( + η/2)k}. It follows that S 1 = S \ (S M S 0 ). We define B V (M) as the set of those clustes X, fo which thee is an altenating path P = X 1 X 2... X k, such that X 1 S 0, X k = X, X 2i L, X 2i+1 S M, {X 2i, X 2i+1 } M. Also let L B = L B and S B = S M B. Then we define A = V (M) \ B, L A = L \ L B, S A = S M \ S B.

8 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 8 Claim 12. Fo all X S B we have deg(x) < ( + η/2)k. Also, thee ae no edges between clustes fom L A and S 0 S B. Poof. If the fist statement was not tue, the symmetic diffeence of M and an altenating path between X and a vetex in S 0 would yield a matching contadicting the choice of M as a matching minimising the size of S 0. If the second statement was not tue, we would have an altenating path ending at X which is a contadiction with the definition of L A. Now we ae going to define yet anothe subsets of L based on the aveage degees of the clustes. L := {X L : deg(x, L) ( + η/2)k}, L + := {X L \ L : deg(x, S M S 1 ) (1 + η/2)k}. Next, we define L A := L L A and L + A := L+ L A. We have L A = L A \ L + A by Claim 12.We define L+ B and L B in a simila way. Finally, let N = N(L A) L. Now suppose that none of the fou configuations fom statement of the theoem occus in the cluste gaph H. We ae going to gadually constain the stuctue of H until we find a contadiction. Claim 13. Let X and Y be two clustes such that X L and deg(x, S 0 ) = 0 and deg(y, L) ( + η/2)k. Then X and Y ae not connected by an edge. Poof. If thee is X L such that deg(x, S 0 ) = 0, then we have deg(x, L S 1 S M ) (1 + η)k. Now suppose that thee is an edge between such a cluste X and a cluste Y with deg(y, L) ( + η/2)k. If a 1 > (1 )a 2, we have found Configuation B. If, on the othe hand, a 1 (1 )a 2, ecall that b 1 a 2 + b 1 = k, meaning that we have found Configuation C. Coollay 14. We have: (1) e(l A, L S 1 ) = 0, thus N is a subset of L B, (2) X N : deg(x, L) < ( + η/2)k, (3) X S A : deg(x) = deg(x, L) < ( + η/2)k. Poof. (1) Suppose that thee is an edge between X L A and Y L S 1. Fom Claim 12 we get that deg(x, S 0 ) = 0. Fom the definition of L and S 1 we have deg(y, L) ( + η/2)k. Thus we can apply Claim 13 fo X and Y. (2) Each vetex Y N has a neighbou X L A. If deg(y, L) ( + η/2)k we ae in the situation of the fist pat of this claim. (3) Each vetex Y S A is matched to a vetex X L A. If deg(y, L) ( + η/2)k, we ae, yet again, in the situation of the fist pat of the claim. Claim 15. Evey cluste in N has aveage degee at least ( + η/2)k in S 0. Poof. Suppose that it is not so. Then we have a cluste Y N such that Now we conside sepaately thee cases: (1) Suppose that a 1 (1 )a 2. Then eithe deg(y, S 1 S M L) (1 + η)k ( + η/2)k (1 + η/2)k. deg(y, L) b 1 + ηk/4,

9 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 9 which leads to the Configuation C (conside Y and its neighbou in L A ), o we have deg(y, S 1 S M ) = deg(y, S 1 S M L) deg(y, L) (1 )k + ηk/2 (b 1 + ηk/4) = 1 k b 1 + ηk/4 = 1 (b 1 + a 2 ) b 1 + ηk/4 = 1 2 b a 2 + ηk/4 1 a 2 + ηk/4, whee we used the bound on the aveage degee of Y and then the facts that b 1 + a 2 = k and 1/2. This, on the othe hand, leads to the Configuation A (again, conside Y and its neighbou in L A ). (2) Suppose that a 1 > (1 )a 2 and b 1 2 k. Following the same consideations as in the pevious 1 case we get that eithe deg(y, L) b 1 + ηk/4 o deg(y, S 1 S M ) 1 a 2 + ηk/4. The second case leads, again, to the Configuation A. We now poceed with the fist case. Let X be a neighbou of Y in L A. Fom Claim 12 we have deg(x, S 0) = 0 and fom Coollay 14.1 we have deg(x, S 1 ) = 0, thus deg(x, L S M ) = deg(x) (1 + η)k > k + ηk/4. Moeove, all the matching edges containing clustes fom S N(X) must have both ends in the set A because thee ae no edges between vetices fom L A and S B (Claim 12). On the othe hand, all neighbous of X in L have to be in B (Coollay 14 (1)), so all matching edges containing vetices fom L N(X) ae in B. Thus, all of the assumptions of Configuation D fo X and Y ae satisfied. (3) Finally we ae left with the case a 1 > (1 )a 2 and b 1 > 2 k. Note that then we have 1 o Now eithe a 2 = k b 1 < k k = (1 1 1 ) k = (1 2 ) 1 k. deg(y, L) k + ηk/4, deg(y, S 1 S M ) = deg(y, S 1 S M L) deg(y, L) (1 )k + ηk/2 ( k + ηk/4) (1 2 )k + ηk/4 = 1 (1 2 ) 1 a 2 + ηk/4. 1 k + ηk/4 The fist option leads to Configuation B while the second one leads to Configuation A. Afte esticting the stuctue of H we ae eady to deive a contadiction by combining seveal popeties of H togethe. At fist we estimate the size of the set L A. Recall that we have L (1+η) S,

10 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 10 thus L > S. We also know that L B = S B, because the two sets ae matched in M. This means that (5.1) L A = L L B > S S B = S A + S 0 + S 1. Now we poceed by bounding the size of the set N. Lemma 16. Suppose that the set L A holds: (and thus also N ) is nonempty. Then the following inequality (5.2) N ( + η/2) > S 0 (1 + η/2). Poof. We estimate the numbe of edges between L + A and S A. Fo Y, Z V (H), we set w(z, Y) := deg(z, Y). On one hand we have Z Z w(l + A, S A) = Z L + A deg(z, S) L + A (1 + η/2)k, because w(l + A, S B S 0 ) = 0 (Claim 12) and w(l + A, S 1) = 0 (Coollay 14). On the othe hand we have w(l + A, S A) = deg(z, W ) = Z L + A,W S A Z L + A,W S A 1 = 1 w(s A, L + A ) deg(w, Z) 1 ( S A ( + η/2)k w(s A, L A)) (1 ) S A (1 + η/2)k w(s A, L A) S A (1 + η/2)(1 )k w(l A, S A ), because all the clustes fom S A (if thee ae any) have thei aveage degee bounded by ( + η/2)k (Coollay 14), and 1/2. Afte combining the inequalities we get (5.3) L + A (1 + η/2)k S A (1 + η/2)k w(l A, S A ). We continue by estimating the numbe of edges between L A and N. On one hand we have w(l A, N ) = w(n, L A) N ( + η/2)k due to Coollay 14 (2). On the othe hand we have w(l A, N ) = w(l A, V (H)) w(l A, S A ) w(l A, S 1 S B S 0 ) = w(l A, V (H)) w(l A, S A ) L A (1 + η)k w(l A, S A ), because thee ae neithe edges between L A and S 1 (Coollay 14 (1)), no edges between L A and S B S 0 (Claim 12) and clustes in L have lage degee. By combining the two inequalities we get (5.4) L A (1 + η)k w(l A, S A ) N ( + η/2)k.

11 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 11 Combining Inequalities (5.3), (5.4) and (5.1) in this ode we get: N ( + η/2)k L A (1 + η)k w(l A, S A ) which concludes the poof. Coollay 17. The set L A is empty. L A (1 + η/2)k + L + A (1 + η/2)k S A (1 + η/2)k = L A (1 + η/2)k + L A k S A (1 + η/2)k = L A k + ( L A S A )(1 + η/2)k > L A k + ( S 0 + S 1 )(1 + η/2)k S 0 (1 + η/2)k Poof. Suppose that N (and thus also L A ) is nonempty. Then on one hand we have (5.5) w(n, S 0 ) = 1 w(s 0, N ) 1 S 0 ( + η/2)k S 0 (1 + η/2)(1 )k, due to the definition of S 0 and the fact. On the othe hand we have (5.6) w(n, S 0 ) N ( + η/2)k due to Claim 15. Afte combining the inequalities we get that (5.7) N ( + η/2) S 0 (1 )(1 + η/2) S 0 (1 )(1 + η/2). Combining with Lemma 16 we get S 0 (1 + η/2) < N ( + η/2) < N ( + η/2) S 0 (1 )(1 + η/2). which gives a contadiction, because 1 + η/2 > 1 + η/2 η/2 = (1 )(1 + η/2). Thus L A and N ae empty. Now suppose that L + A = L A is nonempty. Then on one hand we have w(l + A, S A) = 1 w(s A, L + A ) < 1 S A ( + η/2)k S A (1 + η/2)(1 )k, because of Coollay 14 (3) and on the othe hand we have w(l + A, S A) = w(l + A, S M S 1 ) L + A (1 + η/2)k = L A (1 + η/2)k S A (1 + η/2)k > S A (1 + η/2)(1 )k, whee we used the definition of L + A, Coollay 14 (1), Claim 12, Inequality (5.1), and the fact that. Combining the inequalities gives a contadiction. Thus, the set L A has to be empty. Fom Coollay 17 it follows that all L-clustes ae in L B and thus ae matched to S M, i.e., L = S M S, which contadicts ou assumption that L > S.

12 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES Embedding We call a pai (F, R) an anchoed τ foest if F is a foest (possibly consisting of a single tee), R V (F 1 ), whee F 1 is one of the colou classes of F, F R decomposes into components of size at least two and at most τ, each component K in F R is adjacent in F to at least one and at most two vetices fom R and each two vetices in R ae of distance at least 4. We shall use the notation K F R to denote that the tee K is one of the components of F R. Fist we state a poposition that will allow us to use matching edges in ou -skewed LKS-cluste gaph to embed pat of ou tee T. Specifically, in Poposition 18 we ae given an anchoed foest (F, R), an -skewed LKS-gaph which contains a cluste A with some nice aveage degee to some L S-matching, and an injective mapping of R on ultatypical vetices of A. We want to extend it to an embedding of F. Poposition 18. Fo all η, d > 0 and Q +, 0 < 1/2, thee is an ε = ε(η, d, ) > 0 such that fo any Ñmax N thee is a β = β(η,, ε, Ñmax) > 0 such that fo all n N the following holds.let (F, R) be an anchoed βn-foestwith colou classes F 1 and F 2 such that R F 2 and fo each component K F R, we have F 1 K F 2 K. Let H be an -skewed LKS-gaph of ode n with paametes (,, ε, d) with a coesponding cluste gaph H of ode at most Ñmax. Let U V (H) and let M E(H) be a matching in H between L-clustes and S-clustes. If fo A V (H) we have deg(a, S V (M)) 1 F 2 + C S : CD M max{ U C, 1 U D } + ηn, then fo any injective mapping of R on ultatypical vetices of A, thee is an embedding ϕ of F avoiding U and extending this mapping such that ϕ(v (F 1 )) S V (M), ϕ(v (F 2 ) \ R) L V (M), and V (F 2 ) ae mapped on ultatypical vetices. Moeove, fo any cluste C V (H) whee we embedded vetices fom F R it holds that C \ (U ϕ(f )) η/8 C. Next, we state a poposition allowing us to use high aveage degee of some clustes to embed futhe pat of ou tee T. Specifically, in Poposition 19 we ae given an anchoed foest (F, R), an -skewed LKS-gaph which contains a cluste A with big enough aveage degee to a set of clustes with high aveage degee, and an injective mapping of R on ultatypical vetices of A. We want to extend it to an embedding of F. When using the poposition, we always set B to be the set of L-clustes in (1) and the set of S 1 -clustes in (2). Poposition 19. Fo all η, d > 0 and 0 < 1/2, thee is an ε = ε(η, d, ) > 0 such that fo any Ñ max N thee is a β = β(η,, ε, Ñmax) > 0 such that fo all n N the following holds. Let (F, R) be an anchoed βn-foest with colou classes F 1 and F 2 such that R F 2. Let H be an -skewed LKS-cluste gaph with paametes (,, ε, d) of ode n with an associated cluste gaph H of ode at most Ñ max. Let U V (H) and let B V (H) be a set of clustes. Let ϕ : R A with A V (H) be an injective mapping on ultatypical vetices. (1) If deg(a, B) F 1 + B U + ηn, then we can extend ϕ to N(R) so that ϕ(n(r)) ae ultatypical vetices in B \ U and find a set W = W 1 W 2... B \ (U ϕ(r N(R))) of eseved vetices such that W i = (F 1 K i ) \ N(R), with K i F R and such that W i lies in the same cluste as ϕ(k i N(R)) and fo each cluste C B with C ϕ(n(r)) we have C \ (U W ϕ(n(r))) η/8 C. Moeove, fo any set Ũ V (G) \ (U W ϕ(r N(R))), fo which deg(b) F 1 + F 2 + U Ũ + ηn fo each B B and such that fo any C V (H) with C Ũ we have C \ (U W Ũ ϕ(n(r))) η/8 C, we can futhe extend ϕ to the whole F avoiding U Ũ such that ϕ(f 1 ) B. Moeove, the extension ϕ is such that fo any cluste C V (H) with C ϕ(f (R N(R)), we have C \ (Ũ U) η/8 C.

13 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 13 (2) If deg(a, B) F 1 + B U +ηn and deg(b, V (H)\B) F 2 + U +ηn fo each B B, then we can extend ϕ to F in V (G) avoiding U and such that ϕ(v (F 1 )) B, ϕ(v (F 2 )) N H (B)\B, and V (F 2 ) ae mapped on ultatypical vetices. Moeove, the embedding ϕ is such that fo any cluste C V (H) with C ϕ(f R), we have C \ (ϕ(f ) U) η/8 C. We at fist pove Poposition 18. Poof of Poposition 18. Given η, d > 0 and Q set ε = min{( η β = εη 4Ñmax. 12 )2, dη 100 }.Fo any Ñmax N set We shall define a set Ũ of vetices used fo the embedding pocess. At the beginning Ũ = ϕ(r). At any time of the embedding pocess, let ϕ be the patial embedding of F. We shall embed one by one each component K F R. The embedding ϕ will be defined in such a way that ϕ(k F 1 ) S and ϕ(k F 2 \ R) L. Duing the whole embedding pocess, we shall ensue that the following holds (6.1) deg(a, S V (M)) 1 ( F 2 ϕ(f 2 ) )+ C S : CD M max{ (U Ũ) C, 1 (U Ũ) D }+ηn. This holds at the beginning when Ũ = R. Fo each next K F R to be embedded, let R K be the vetices in R adjacent to K (at least one, at most two). Let S S V (M) be such that both ϕ(r K ) ae typical to each cluste C S. By Lemma 4 we have that S M S 2 ε V (H) and thus similaly as in the poof of Poposition 7 we can calculate fo x i R K, i = 1, 2 that deg(ϕ(x i ), S ) deg(a, S V (M)) 3 εn/ and thus deg(ϕ(x i ), S ) 1 ( F 2 ϕ(f 2 ) ) + + C S : CD M 1 ( F 2 ϕ(f 2 ) ) + C S : CD M C S : CD M 1 Ũ D max{ U C, 1 U D } + ηn 3 εn/ ( max{ (U Then thee is a C S with CD M such that Thus, C max{ (Ũ (6.2) deg(ϕ(x i ), C) max{ (U C S : CD M max{ (U 1 Ũ) C, (U Ũ) D } + 3ηn/4 ) 1 Ũ) C, (U Ũ) D } + 3ηn/(4 S ) 1 Ũ) C, (U Ũ) D } + 3ηn/(4 S ). 1 U) C, (Ũ U) D } deg(ϕ(x 1 i, C)) max{ (Ũ U) C, (Ũ U) D } 3ηn/(4 S ) 1 βn + ηn/(2 V (H) ) F 1 K + η C /2, whee the thid inequality follows fom the definition of β and the last inequality follows fom Poposition 7 (1). Similaly we have (6.3) D \ (Ũ U) 1 ( C max{ (Ũ U) C, (Ũ U) D }) 1 βn + ηn/(2 V (H) ) 1 F 2 K + η D /2,.

14 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 14 whee we again use the definition of β and Poposition 7 (1). In paticula, in the neighbouhood of each vetex u i ϕ(r K ), i = 1, 2, thee ae at least F 1 K unused vetices of C \ U that ae typical w..t. D \ (Ũ U). Let ϕ(n(x i) K) = v i, i = 1, 2, be such vetices. Hence, deg(v i, D \ (Ũ U)) (d ε) D \ (Ũ U) (d ɛ)η D /8 > 3ε D fo i = 1, 2. Obseve that K βn < εn ε min{ C, D }. We can thus use Lemma 5 with T V (H) L5 := K, X L5 := C \ (Ũ U), Y L5 := D \ (Ũ U), R L5 := {N(x i ), i = 1, 2} ε L5 := ε, α L5 := 16ε, and d η L5 := d to embed K in C D with ϕ(f 1 K) C \(Ũ U) S and ϕ(f 2 K \R) D\(Ũ U) L. Add ϕ(k) to Ũ. Fom (6.2) and (6.3), we now have that C \ (Ũ U) η/8 C, and D \ (Ũ U) η/8 D. Obseve also that fo the patial embedding ϕ we have deg(a, S V (M)) 1 F 2 + C S : CD M 1 (( F 2 ϕ(f 2 ) ) + Ũ L ) + 1 ( F 2 ϕ(f 2 ) ) + max{ U C, 1 U D } + ηn C S : CD M C S : CD M max{ (U max{ U C, 1 U D } + ηn 1 Ũ) C, (U Ũ) D } + ηn, whee the last inequality comes fom the fact that F 1 K F 2 K fo all K F R, and that the embedding ϕ was defined in such a way that ϕ(f 1 ) S and ϕ(f 2 \ R) L. Poceeding in the same way fo evey K F R, we extend ϕ(r) to the whole anchoed foest F in such a way that ϕ(f 1 ) S V (M), ϕ(f 2 \ R) L V (M), and fo each cluste C V (H) with C ϕ(f R) we have C \ (Ũ U) η/8 C. We conclude this section by poving Poposition 19. ) 2, dη 100 }. Then fo any Ñmax N, Poof of Poposition 19. Given η, d > 0 and Q +, let ε := min{ ( η 12 set β = ηε. We shall 4Ñmax pove only the moe difficult Case (1). Case (2) can be poven eithe analogously, o can be much simplified as F 2 will be mapped outside of B and thus does not need any esevation o cause any difficulties in embedding F 1. We define a set W = W 1 W 2... of eseved vetices by setting W = at the beginning and pogessively adding vetices to it. Also we shall define the set W as the set of vetices used by the patial embedding of F R. Hence at the beginning we have W =. Suppose that fo some s, we have aleady embedded K j F R, fo j s. Suppose that W = W 1 W s is the coesponding set of eseved vetices, i.e., W W = s j=1 K j. Fo the next component K s+1 F R to be embedded, let R s+1 be the set of vetices in R adjacent to K s+1 (at least one, at most two). Let B B be such that ϕ(r s+1 ) ae typical to each cluste C B. By Lemma 4 we have that B \ B 2 ε V (H) and thus similaly as in Poposition 7 we get fo x R s+1 that deg(ϕ(x), B ) deg(a, B) 3 εn/ s+1 K j F 1 + B U + ηn 3 εn/ j=1 s W j + W + K s+1 F 1 + B U + 3ηn/4 j=1 K s+1 F 1 + W + W + B U + 3ηn/4,

15 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 15 Hence thee is a cluste B B (not depending on the choice of vetex x in R s+1 ) such that deg(ϕ(x), B \ (U W W )) 3ηn/(4 B ) ηn + ηn > βn + η/2 B. 2 V (H) 4Ñmax In paticula, in the neighbouhood of each vetex of R s+1 thee ae at least K s+1 unused and uneseved ultatypical vetices in B \ U. Fo each x R s+1, map its neighbo in K s+1 to one of these vetices and add the image to W. Choose a set of vetices of size K s+1 F 1 \ N(R) in B \ (U W W ) and add it to W s+1 (i.e., also to W ). Obseve that B \ (U W W ) η/8 B. We poceed in the same way fo evey K F R. When we have embedded N(R) K of the last component K F R, we have obtained an embedding of N(R) and a esevation set W = W 1 W 2... fo F 1 \ N(R) such that W j lies in the same cluste as ϕ(n(r) K j ) does, and in such a way, that fo any cluste B whee we embedded vetices fom N(R) (and possibly eseved space), we still have at least some unused and uneseved vetices, i.e., B \ (U W W ) η/8 B. Now we shall poceed with the moeove pat, i.e., the embedding the left-ove of the tees K j F R. Let u, v in cluste B be the images of K j N(R) (altenatively thee is only one such image). Set W j = (and thus emove fom W a set of vetices of the size K j F 1 \ N(R) ). Similaly as above, we find D V (H) such that and similaly deg(u, D \ (U W W Ũ) K j F 2 + η/8 D, deg(v, D \ (U W W Ũ) K j F 2 + η/8 D. As we have B \(U W W Ũ) K j F 1 \N(R) +η/8 B and η/8 > 3ε, we may use Lemma 5 with T L5 := K j, R L5 := K j N(R), X L5 := B \ (U W W Ũ), Y L5 := D \ (U W Ũ W ), α L5 := 32ε, ε η L5 := ε, and d L5 := d to extend ϕ to the whole K j with F 1 K j B and F 2 K j D and add the used vetices to W. Obseve that afte the embedding of K j, we still have in each cluste B and D at least η/8 B and η/8 D vetices, espectively, outside U, W, Ũ, and W. We continue until evey K F R is embedded. Given δ, q, d > 0 and 1/2 set { ε := min 7. Poof of Poposition 11 ε P 18 ( qδ 20, d, ), ε ( qδ 20, d, ), ( ) 2 δq, d/17}, 3 { β := min β P 18 ( qδ 20,, ε, Ñmax), β ( qδ 20,, ε, Ñmax), δ /8 n 0 := 200 δq β. We gadually constuct an injective homomophism ϕ of T into H. To this end we conside the fou intoduced cases. In each case, we stat by embedding the vetices of W A and W B to ultatypical vetices of A and B, espectively. This can be done by applying Lemma 5 with X L5 and Y L5 being the sets of ultatypical vetices of A and B, espectively, T L5 being any tee with colou classes W A and W B such that T [W A W B ] is a subgaph of T L5, α L5 = 5ε and R L5 =. Note that the assumptions of Lemma 5 ae satisfied, since the pai (A, B) has density at least d ε > 15ε, by Lemma 4 at least 1 ε > 4/5 of vetices of A o B, espectively, ae ultatypical, and moeove W A < ε A, W B < ε B by definition of fine patition. We embed the est of the tee T using diffeent stategy fo each case. In what follows, we use indexes 1 and 2 to denote that the stuctue is a substuctue of T 1 o T 2, espectively. },

16 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 16 S 1 S M S 0 G 1 F 1 G 2 W F 2 A W B D B1 L Figue 7.1. The embedding configuation in the case A. Afte inseting the vetices of W A, W B in the ultatypical vetices of clustes A and B we use Poposition 18 to embed F in the matching connecting S M := S M and L M. Then we invoke Poposition 19 to embed G using the vetices in S 1. Finally, we again invoke Poposition 19 to embed D B. Note that in this case, as well as in all of the subsequent cases, it may be the case that B S 1. When using Popositions 18 and 19, we shall always use (hee we use the index P to indicate the paamete of the popositions) d P := d, P :=, Ñ max,p := Ñmax, n P := n, H P := H, H P := H, and R P will be eithe W A o W B depending whethe we embed pat of D A, o D B, espectively. In some cases, we shall use Poposition 19 seveal times. To avoid confusion, we shall use uppe indices in paenthesis, e.g., U (1), to indicate to which application of the poposition we efe. We will wite D B1 as a shotcut fo D B V (T 1 ) and D B2 := D B V (T 2 ) and D A1 as a shotcut fo D A V (T 2 ) (sic) and D A2 := D A V (T 1 ). Thus, neighbous of W A o W B ae in D A1 o D A2, espectively. Case A. In this case we assume that thee ae two adjacent clustes A and B in H such that deg(a, S 1 S M ) 1 D A2 + δk and deg(b, L) ( + δ)k. We stat by embedding the vetices of W A and W B to ultatypical vetices of clustes A and B, espectively. We then futhe patition the est of T and embed it in the following thee steps which we descibe in detail late. We patition the tees fom D A in two sets F and G and define F and G as sets of subtees of F and G, espectively, with leaves in D A1 emoved. We denote F D Ai and G D Ai by F i and G i espectively, fo i = 1, 2. Analogously, we define F i and G i fo i = 1, 2. In the fist step, we embed F into the edges of the matching M using Poposition 18 and we embed G though S 1 vetices using Poposition 19 (i.e., ϕ(g 1) S 1 and ϕ(g 2) L). In the second step, we embed the tees fom D B1 using again Poposition 19. To this end we again use the bound on the degee of the cluste B specifically, as deg(b, L) k + δk = D A2 D B1 + δk, the cluste B has enough neighbous fo embedding D B1, even though D A2 is aleady embedded. In the thid step, we embed F \F and G \G geedily. The stuctue of the embedded tee is sketched in Figue 7.1. (1) In this step we embed the tees fom the anchoed foest D A except of seveal leaves, ensuing that the neighbous of those left-out leaves ae mapped to ultatypical vetices in L-clustes. We split the anchoed βk-foest D A into two disjoint foests F and G in the following way. Let F be

17 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 17 a maximal subset of tees of D A such that (7.1) (7.2) F 2 1 deg(a, S M) 1 δk/2, and we choose it as an empty set if the size of the expession is less than zeo. This means that if G is non-empty then F 2 1 deg(a, S M) δk/2 βk, 1 othewise we could move a suitable tee fom G to F while etaining the condition imposed on F. By deleting the leaves of tees in D A that ae contained in F 1 G 1 we get foests F and G. Fo each tee K F G we have K (F 1 G 1) K (F 2 G 2), because each vetex fom K (F 1 G 1) has at least one child in (F 2 G 2). Specifically, G 1 G 2. Now we apply Poposition 18 to ou anchoed foest F P 18 := F if it is non-empty. Set U P 18 := ϕ(w A W B ), η P 18 := qδ/4, M P 18 := M, and A P 18 := A. Fom Definition 8 we know that U P 18 = W A W B 12k/(βk) = 12/β. To apply the poposition it suffices to veify that the degee of A in S M is sufficiently lage, as by definition of F we know that fo each K D A we have K F 1 K F 2. We have deg(a, S M ) 1 F 2 + δk/2 1 F U P 18 + δk/4 1 F 2 + max{ U P 18 C, 1 U P 18 D } + η P 18 n, C S : CD M whee the fist inequality is due to the definition of F (bound 7.1) and the second one and thid one ae due to the facts that δk/4 1 U P 18 (fom the choice of n 0 ) and δk/4 η P 18 n (fom the choice of η P 18 ). If G is non-empty and, thus, the bound 7.2 holds, we poceed by embedding G. We apply Poposition 19 (Configuation 2) to the anchoed foest G and B (1) := S 1. As we know that N H (S 1 ) is disjoint fom S M, thee is no need to include ϕ(f 1 ) S M in the fobidden set U that ensues the injectiveness of ϕ. Thus, we set U (1) := ϕ(f 2 W A W B ). Also note that B (1) U (1) ϕ(w A W B ), because ϕ(f 2 ) L (we could actually eplace W A W B by W B ). Let η (1) := δq/4, and A(1) := A. Now we veify the fist condition fom Poposition 19. Fo the degee of the cluste A in S 1 we have assumption of this configuation deg(a, S 1 ) = deg(a, S 1 S M ) deg(a, S M ) 1 D A2 + δk deg(a, S M ), bound (7.2) 1 F 2 G 2 + δk 1 F 2 δk/2 1 βk bounding eo tems 1 G 2 + 3δk/8 G 2 G 2 G 1 G 2 + 3δk/8 G 1 + B (1) U (1) + η(1) n, whee we at fist used the lowe bound on the degee of A in S 1 S M, then the lowe bound on the size of F 2, afte bounding the eo tems we used the fact that G 2 G 1 and then we

18 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 18 again bounded the eos tems by using the facts that B (1) U (1) W A W B δk/8 and η (1) n δk/4. Futhe we veify that fo each cluste C S 1 we have deg(c, V (H) \ B (1) ) = deg(c, L) k + δk bound on the skew of T D A2 + ϕ(w A W B ) + η (1) n = F 2 + G 2 + ϕ(w A W B ) + η (1) n G 2 + U (1) + η(1) n, Thus we can extend ϕ to G. Note that ϕ(g 2 ) L. (2) In this step we embed the tees fom D B using Configuation 1 fom Poposition 19. The appopiate set U (2) guaanteeing the injectiveness of ϕ consists of ϕ(f 1 F 2 G 1 G 2 W A W B ). We set B (2) := L, η(2) := δq/2 and A(2) := B. Fist we veify the fist condition of the poposition. We have bound on the skew of T bounding eo tems deg(b, L) k + δk = F 2 G 2 D B1 + δk ϕ(f 2 G 2 W A W B ) + D B1 + δk/2 B (2) U (2) + D B1 + η (2) n, We immediately use the moeove pat of the poposition with Ũ (2) = and veify that fo each L-cluste C we have deg(c) k + δk D B1 + D B2 + D A + W A W B + δk D B1 + D B2 + U (2) + η(2) n, whee we use mainly the fact that D A D B W A W B = k. (3) We have defined an injective homomophism ϕ of the whole tee T except of its leaves fom F 1 \F 1 and G 1 \ G 1. We know that thei neighbous ae embedded in ultatypical vetices of L-clustes. By Poposition 7, such vetices have degee at least k + δk 2 εn/ k as δq > 2 ε/. Thus we can geedily extend ϕ to the whole tee T. Case B. In this case we assume that D A1 (1 ) D A2 and that thee ae two adjacent clustes A, B such that deg(a, S 1 S M L) (1 + δ)k and deg(b, L) ( + δ)k. The embedding pocedue is oughly simila to the one fom Case A. Howeve, fo embedding D A we now also use L. We stat by embedding cetain pat of the anchoed foest D A using the matching M and the set S 1 similaly to the Case A. Then, we poceed by eseving D B1 vetices that will late help us to embed the anchoed tees fom D B. In the thid pat we embed the est of the foest D A using the high degee vetices in L, and then poceed by embedding D B using the eseved vetices. Finally, we ague that we can embed seveal leftove leaves of the tee as in the pevious case. (1) Analogously to the peceding case we split the anchoed foest D A into thee disjoint sets F = F 1 F 2, G = G 1 G 2, and H = H 1 H 2 in the following way. Let K 1, K 2,... be the tees of D A soted accoding to thei skew, i.e., accoding to the atio K i V (T 2 ) / K i V (T 1 ) in descending ode. We define F as the union K 1 K j, whee j is taken to be maximal such that (7.3) F 2 = j i=1 K i V (T 1 ) 1 deg(a, S M) 1 δk/3.

19 A VERSION OF THE LOEBL-KOMLÓS-SÓS CONJECTURE FOR SKEWED TREES 19 S 1 S M S 0 G 1 F 1 G 2 H 1 D B1 W A F 2 W B L Figue 7.2. The embedding configuation in the case B. Afte inseting the vetices of W A, W B in the ultatypical vetices of clustes A and B we use Poposition 18 to embed F in the matching M. Then we invoke Poposition 19 to embed G using the vetices in S 1. Then we eseve suitable vetices in the neighbouhood of the cluste B in L that will late seve fo embedding of D B1 using Poposition 19. Then we embed H 1 using the same poposition and finally we embed D B though the eseved vetices. If the ight hand side is less than zeo, define F as the empty set. Then we similaly define G as the union of tees K j+1,..., K j whee j is maximal such that (7.4) G 2 = j i=j+1 K i V (T 1 ) 1 deg(a, S 1) 1 δk/3. Finally we set H = D A \ (F G). As befoe, we have (7.5) if F D A and F 2 1 deg(a, S M) δk/3 βk, 1 (7.6) (7.7) if F G D A. Additionally, we also have G 2 1 deg(a, S 1) δk/3 βk, 1 F 1 G 1 (1 ) F 2 G 2, because of the assumption D A1 (1 ) D A2 and the fact that in F G thee ae the anchoed tees with biggest skew. We define F and G as in the pevious case. We have K F 1 K F 2 fo each K F and G 1 G 2. If F is non-empty we apply Poposition 18 to embed the anchoed foest F P 18 := F in the same way as in the pevious case. Set U P 18 = ϕ(w A W B ), η P 18 = δq/4, P 18 :=, M P 18 := M,

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