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2 Outline Model selection. Deep boosting. theory. algorithm. experiments. page 2

3 Model Selection Problem: how to select hypothesis set? H too complex, no gen. bound, overfitting. H too simple, gen. bound, but underfitting. balance between estimation and approx. errors. H H h h h Bayes page 3

4 Estimation and Approximation General equality: for any, h H best in class R(h) R =[R(h) R(h )] estimation Bayes error +[R(h ) R ]. approximation Approximation: not a random variable, only depends on. Estimation: only term we can hope to bound; for ERM, bounded by two times gen. bound: R(h ERM ) R(h )=R(h ERM ) R(h ERM )+R(h ERM ) R(h ) R(h ERM ) R(h ERM )+R(h ) R(h ) 2 sup h H R(h) R(h). H page 4

5 Structural Risk Minimization SRM: solution: error H = k=1 f (Vapnik and Chervonenkis, 1974; Vapnik, 1995) H k with H 1 H 2 H k = argmin h H k,k 1 R S (h)+pen(k, m). training error + penalty penalty training error complexity page 5

6 SRM Guarantee Definitions: f H k(h) f simplest hypothesis set containing. the hypothesis returned by SRM: = argmin h H k,k 1 R S (h)+r m (H k )+ Theorem: for any, with probability at least, h log k m >0 1 = F k(h). R(f ) R(h )+2R m (H k(h ) )+ log k(h ) m + 2 log 3 m. page 6

7 Proof General bound for all : h Pr sup R(h) h2h h =Pr apple = apple apple sup k 1 h 1X Pr k=1 k=1 i F k(h) (h) > sup R(h) h2h k sup R(h) h2h k h H i F k (h) > i F k (h) > 1X h Pr sup R(h) RS b (h) R m (H k ) > + h2h k 1X exp k=1 h 2m + 1X e 2m 2 e 2logk k=1 = e 2m 2 1 X k=1 q i 2 log k m 1 k 2 = 2 6 e 2m 2 apple 2e 2m 2. r log k i m page 7

8 Proof Using the union bound and the bound just derived gives: q log k(h ) m h i Pr R(f ) R(h ) 2R m (H k(h )) > h apple Pr R(f ) F k(f )(f ) > i h +Pr F k(f 2 )(f ) R(h ) 2R m (H k(h )) h q apple 2e m 2 2 +Pr F k(h )(h ) R(h log k(h ) 2R m (H k(h )) ) m > i h 2 =2e m 2 2 +Pr brs (h ) R(h ) R m (H k(h )) > 2i q log k(h ) m > i 2 =2e m e m 2 2 =3e m 2 2. page 8

9 Remarks SRM bound: similar to learning bound when k(h ) is known! can be extended if approximation error assumed to be small or zero. if Hcontains the Bayes classifier, only finitely many hypothesis sets need to be considered in practice. restriction: H decomposed as countable union of families with converging Rademacher complexity. Issues: (1) SRM typically computationally intractable; (2) how should we choose s? H k page 9

10 Voted Risk Minimization Ideas: no selection of specific. H k instead, use all s:,,. hypothesis-dependent penalty: p k=1 Deep ensembles. H k h = p k=1 kh k h k H k kr m (H k ). page 10

11 Outline Model selection. Deep boosting. theory. algorithm. experiments. page 11

12 Ensemble Methods in ML Combining several base classifiers to create a more accurate one. Bagging (Breiman 1996). AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire 1997). Stacking (Smyth and Wolpert 1999). Bayesian averaging (MacKay 1996). Other averaging schemes e.g., (Freund et al. 2004). Often very effective in practice. Benefit of favorable learning guarantees. page 12

13 Convex Combinations Base classifier set. boosting stumps. decision trees with limited depth or number of leaves. Ensemble combinations: convex hull of base classifier set. conv(h) = T t=1 H th t : t 0; T t=1 t 1; t, h t H. page 13

14 Ensembles - Margin Bound (Bartlett and Mendelson, 2002; Koltchinskii and Panchencko, 2002) H >0 Theorem: let be a family of real-valued functions. Fix. Then, for any >0, with probability at least 1, the following holds for all : f = T t=1 th t conv(h) s log 1 2m, R(f) apple b R S, (f)+ 2 R m(h)+ where R S, (f) = 1 m m i=1 1 yi f(x i ). page 14

15 Questions Can we use a much richer or deeper base classifier set? richer families needed for difficult tasks in speech and image processing. but generalization bound indicates risk of overfitting. page 15

16 AdaBoost Description: coordinate descent applied to (Freund and Schapire, 1997) F ( )= m i=1 e y if(x i ) = m i=1 exp y i T t=1 th t (x i ). Guarantees: ensemble margin bound. but AdaBoost does not maximize the margin! some margin maximizing algorithms such as arc-gv are outperformed by AdaBoost! (Reyzin and Schapire, 2006) page 16

17 Suspicions Complexity of hypotheses used: arc-gv tends to use deeper decision trees to achieve a larger margin. Notion of margin: minimal margin perhaps not the appropriate notion. margin distribution is key. can we shed more light on these questions? page 17

18 Question Main question: how can we design ensemble algorithms that can succeed even with very deep decision trees or other complex sets? theory. algorithms. experimental results. page 18

19 Base Classifier Set H Decomposition in terms of sub-families or their union. H 1 H 2 H 3 H 4 H 5 H 1 H 1 H 2 H 1 H p page 19

20 Ensemble Family Non-negative linear ensembles F =conv( p k=1 H k) : with t 0, f = T t=1 th t T t=1 t 1,h t H kt. H 2 H 4 H 1 H 3 H 5 page 20

21 Ideas Use hypotheses drawn from s with larger ks but allocate more weight to hypotheses drawn from smaller ks. how can we determine quantitatively the amounts of mixture weights apportioned to different families? H k can we provide learning guarantees guiding these choices? page 21

22 Learning Guarantee (Cortes, MM, and Syed, 2014) Theorem: Fix >0. Then, for any >0, with probability at least 1, the following holds for all f = T t=1 th t F : R(f) R S, (f)+ 4 T t=1 tr m (H kt )+O log p 2 m. page 22

23 Consequences Complexity term with explicit dependency on mixture weights. quantitative guide for controlling weights assigned to more complex sub-families. bound can be used to inspire, or directly define an ensemble algorithm. page 23

24 Set-Up H 1,...,H p [ 1, +1] : disjoint sub-families of functions taking values in. Further assumption (not necessary): symmetric subfamilies, i.e.. Notation: h H k h H k r j = R m (H kj ) h j H kj with. page 24

25 Derivation Learning bound suggests seeking to minimize 1 m m i=1 1 yi P Tt=1 th t (x i ) + 4 T 0 with t=1 tr t. T t=1 t 1 page 25

26 Convex Surrogates u ( u) u 1 u 0 Let be a decreasing convex function upper bounding, with differentiable. Two principal choices: Exponential loss: Logistic loss: ( u) =exp( u). ( u) =log 2 (1 + exp( u)). page 26

27 Optimization Problem (Cortes, MM, and Syed, 2014) Moving the constraint to the objective and using the fact that the sub-families are symmetric leads to: min R N 1 m m i=1 1 y i N j=1 jh j (x i ) + N t=1 ( r j + ) j, where, 0, and for each hypothesis, keep either h or -h. page 27

28 DeepBoost Algorithm Coordinate descent applied to convex objective. non-differentiable function. definition of maximum coordinate descent. page 28

29 Direction & Step Maximum direction: definition based on the error t,j = E [y i h j (x i )], i D t where D t is the distribution over sample at iteration t. Step: closed-form expressions for exponential and logistic losses. general case: line search. page 29

30 Pseudocode j = r j +. page 30

31 Connections with Previous Work For = =0, DeepBoost coincides with AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire 1997), run with union of subfamilies, for the exponential loss. additive Logistic Regression (Friedman et al., 1998), run with union of sub-families, for the logistic loss. =0 =0 For and, DeepBoost coincides with L1-regularized AdaBoost (Raetsch, Mika, and Warmuth 2001), for the exponential loss. coincides with L1-regularized Logistic Regression (Duchi and Singer 2009), for the logistic loss. page 31

32 Rad. Complexity Estimates Benefit of data-dependent analysis: empirical estimates of each. example: for kernel function K k, R S (H k ) R m (H k ) Tr[K k ] m. alternatively, upper bounds in terms of growth functions, R m (H k ) 2log Hk (m) m. page 32

33 Experiments (1) Family of base classifiers defined by boosting stumps: boosting stumps (threshold functions). in dimension,, thus decision trees of depth 2, d H stumps 1 R m (H stumps 1 ) H stumps 1 question at the internal nodes of depth 1. d (m) 2md 2log(2md) m H stumps 2, with the same in dimension,, thus R m (H stumps 2 ) H stumps 2 (m) (2m) 2 d(d 1) 2log(2m 2 d(d 1)) m. 2. page 33

34 Experiments (1) Base classifier set:. Data sets: same UCI Irvine data sets as (Breiman 1999) and (Reyzin and Schapire 2006). H stumps 1 H stumps 2 OCR data sets used by (Reyzin and Schapire 2006): ocr17, ocr49. MNIST data sets: ocr17-mnist, ocr49-mnist. Experiments with exponential loss. Comparison with AdaBoost and AdaBoost-L1. page 34

35 Data Statistics breastcancer ionosphere german (numeric) Examples Attributes diabetes ocr17 ocr49 Examples Attributes ocr17-mnist ocr49-mnist Examples Attributes page 35

36 Experiments - Stumps Exp Loss (Cortes, MM, and Syed, 2014) page 36

37 Experiments (2) Family of base classifiers defined by decision trees of depth. For trees with at most n nodes: k R m (T n ) (4n +2)log 2 (d +2)log(m +1) m. K k=1 Htrees k Base classifier set:. Same data sets as with Experiments (1). Both exponential and logistic loss. Comparison with AdaBoost and AdaBoost-L1. page 37

38 Experiments - Trees Exp Loss (Cortes, MM, and Syed, 2014) breastcancer AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost ocr17 AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) ( ) (0.0098) ( ) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees ionosphere AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost ocr49 AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0315) (0.0257) (0.0316) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees german AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost ocr17-mnist AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0165) (0.0201) (0.0148) (std dev) (0.0022) (0.0021) (0.0021) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees diabetes AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost ocr49-mnist AdaBoost AdaBoost-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0272) (0.0313) (0.0399) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees page 38

39 Experiments - Trees Log Loss (Cortes, MM, and Syed, 2014) breastcancer LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost ocr17 LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0101) (0.0120) ( ) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees ionosphere LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost ocr49 LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0236) (0.0219) (0.0188) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees german LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost ocr17-mnist LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0114) (0.0123) (0.0103) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees diabetes LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost ocr49-mnist LogReg LogReg-L1 DeepBoost Error Error (std dev) (0.0374) (0.0356) (0.0356) (std dev) ( ) ( ) ( ) Avg tree size Avg tree size Avg no. of trees Avg no. of trees page 39

40 Margin Distribution page 40

41 Multi-Class Learning Guarantee (Kuznetsov, MM, and Syed, 2014) Theorem: Fix >0. Then, for any >0, with probability at least 1, the following holds for all f = T t=1 th t F : R(f) R S, (f)+ 8c T t=1 tr m ( 1 (H kt )) + O log p 2 m log 2 c 2 m 4 log p. with and c number of classes. 1(H k )={x h(x, y): y Y,h H k }. page 41

42 Extension to Multi-Class Similar data-dependent learning guarantee proven for the multi-class setting. bound depending on mixture weights and complexity of sub-families. Deep Boosting algorithm for multi-class: similar extension taking into account the complexities of sub-families. several variants depending on number of classes. different possible loss functions for each variant. page 42

43 Other Related Algorithms Structural Maxent models (Cortes, Kuznetsov, MM, and Syed, ICML 2015): feature functions chosen from a union of very complex families. page 43

44 Other Related Algorithms Deep Cascades (DeSalvo, MM, and Syed, ALT 2015): cascade of predictors with leaf predictors and node questions selected from very rich families. Node 1: q 1 (x) 1 µ 1 µ 1 Leaf 1: h 1 (x) 1 µ 2 µ 2 1 µ 3 µ 3 page 44

45 Conclusion Deep Boosting: ensemble learning with increasingly complex families. data-dependent theoretical analysis. algorithm based on learning bound. extension to multi-class. ranking and other losses. enhancement of many existing algorithms. compares favorably to AdaBoost and additive Logistic Regression or their L1-regularized variants in experiments. page 45

46 References Bartlett, Peter L. and Mendelson, Shahar. Rademacher and Gaussian complexities: Risk bounds and structural results. JMLR, 3, Breiman, Leo. Bagging predictors. Machine Learning, 24 (2): , Breiman, Leo. Prediction games and arcing algorithms. Neural Computation, 11(7): , Corinna Cortes, Mehryar Mohri, and Umar Syed. Deep boosting. In ICML, Duchi, John C. and Singer, Yoram. Boosting with structural sparsity. In ICML, pp. 38, Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire. A decision-theoretic generalization of online learning and an application to boosting. Journal of Computer System Sciences, 55(1): , page 46

47 References Koltchinskii, Vladmir and Panchenko, Dmitry. Empirical margin distributions and bounding the generalization error of combined classifiers. Annals of Statistics, 30, Vitaly Kuznetsov, Mehryar Mohri, and Umar Syed. Multi-class deep boosting. In NIPS, Raetsch, Gunnar, Onoda, Takashi, and Mueller, Klaus- Robert. Soft margins for AdaBoost. Machine Learning, 42(3): , Raetsch, Gunnar, Mika, Sebastian, and Warmuth, Manfred K. On the convergence of leveraging. In NIPS, pp , page 47

48 References Reyzin, Lev and Schapire, Robert E. How boosting the margin can also boost classifier complexity. In ICML, pp , Schapire, Robert E., Freund, Yoav, Bartlett, Peter, and Lee, Wee Sun. Boosting the margin: A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods. In ICML, pp , Vladimir N. Vapnik. The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York, Vladimir N. Vapnik and Alexey Ya.Chervonenkis. Theory of Pattern Recognition. Nauka, Moscow, page 48

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