Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators

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1 Solving monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators Radu Ioan Boţ Christopher Hendrich 2 April 28, 206 Abstract. The aim of this article is to present two different primal-dual methods for solving structured monotone inclusions involving parallel sums of compositions of maximally monotone operators with linear bounded operators. By employing some elaborated splitting techniques, all of the operators occurring in the problem formulation are processed individually via forward or backward steps. The treatment of parallel sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators is motivated by applications in imaging which involve first- second-order total variation functionals, to which a special attention is given. Keywords. convex optimization, Fenchel duality, infimal convolution, monotone inclusion, parallel sum, primal-dual algorithm AMS subject classification. 90C25, 90C46, 47A52 Introduction In applied mathematics, a wide variety of convex optimization problems such as singleor multifacility location problems, support vector machine problems for classification regression, problems in clustering portfolio optimization as well as signal image processing problems, all of them potentially possessing nonsmooth terms in their objectives, can be reduced to the solving of inclusion problems involving mixtures of monotone set-valued operators. Therefore, the solving of monotone inclusion problems involving maximally monotone operators continues to be one of the most attractive branches of research see [, 3, 5, 6, 9, 2, 3, 5 24, 26 29].. Motivation The problem formulation we consider in this article is inspired by a real-world application in image denoising, where first- second-order total variation functionals are linked via infimal convolutions in order to reduce staircasing effects in the reconstructed images. Let b R n be the observed vectorized noisy image of size M N with n = MN for greyscale n = 3MN for colored images. For k N ω = ω,..., ω k R k ++ University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz, A-090 Vienna, Austria, Research partially supported by DFG German Research Foundation, project BO 256/4-. 2 Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Mathematics, D-0907 Chemnitz, Germany, Research supported by a Graduate Fellowship of the Free State Saxony, Germany.

2 we consider on R k n the following norm defined for y = y,..., y k T R k n as y,ω = ω y ω k y 2 k where addition, multiplication square root of vectors are understood to be componentwise. Further, we consider the forward difference matrix D k := , R k k, which models the discrete first-order derivative. Note that Dk T D k is then an approximation of the second-order derivative. We denote by A B the Kronecker product of the matrices A B define ] D x = I N D M, D y = D N I M D = [ Dx D y,. where D x D y represent the vertical horizontal difference operators, respectively, I N I M are the identity matrices of sizes N M, respectively. Further, we define the discrete second-order derivatives matrices ] D xx = I N D T MD M, D yy = D T ND N I M, D 2 = [ Dxx D yy.2 L = [ D T x 0 0 D T y ] notice that D 2 = L D. This approach was initially proposed in [4] further investigated in [27]. We refer the reader to [27] for other discrete second-order derivatives involving also mixed partial derivatives in horizontal-vertical direction vice versa. The reconstructed image is obtained by solving one of the following convex optimization problems see [27, Example 2.2 Example 3.] } l 2 2-IC/P inf x R n 2 x b 2 + α,ω D α 2,ω2 D 2 x.3 } l 2 2-MIC/P inf x R n 2 x b 2 + α,ω α 2,ω2 L D x,.4 respectively, where α, α 2 R ++ are the regularization parameters the regularizers correspond to anistropic total variation functionals. This is the reason why we are going to treat the following more general primal-dual pair of complexly structured convex optimization problems. Problem.. Let H be a real Hilbert space, z H f, h ΓH such that h is differentiable with µ-lipschitzian gradient for µ R ++. Furthermore, for every i =,..., m, let G i, X i, Y i be real Hilbert spaces, r i G i, let g i ΓX i l i ΓY i 2

3 consider the nonzero linear bounded operators L i : H G i, K i : G i X i M i : G i Y i. We want to solve the primal optimization problem inf fx + x H gi } K i li M i L i x r i + hx x, z.5 together with its conjugate dual problem [ ] } sup f h z L i Ki p i gi p i + li q i + p i, K i r i. p,q X Y, Ki p i=mi q i,,...,m.6 By R ++ we denote the set of strictly positive real numbers by R + := R ++ 0}. For a function f : H R := R ± }, where H is a real Hilbert space, we denote by dom f := x H : fx < + } its effective domain call f proper, if dom f fx > for all x H. We let ΓH := f : H R f is proper, convex lower semicontinuous}. The conjugate function of f is f : H R, f p = sup p, x fx : x H} for all p H,, if f ΓH, then f ΓH, as well. For a linear bounded operator L : H G, where G is another real Hilbert space, the operator L : G H defined via Lx, y = x, L y for all x H all y G denotes its adjoint. Having two proper functions f, g : H R, their infimal convolution is defined by f g : H R, f gx = inf y H fy + gx y} for all x H. If f g are convex, then f g is convex, too. In order to solve the primal-dual pair of optimization problems.5-.6, we will actually solve the corresponding system of optimality conditions see 3.2, which is nothing else than a system of monotone inclusions with a complex intricate structure. This motivates the investigation of the following primal-dual pair of monotone inclusion problems. Problem.2. Let H be a real Hilbert space, z H, A : H 2 H a maximally monotone operator C : H H a monotone µ -cocoercive operator for µ R ++. Furthermore, for every i =,..., m, let G i, X i, Y i be real Hilbert spaces, r i G i, B i : X i 2 X i D i : Y i 2 Y i be maximally monotone operators consider the nonzero linear bounded operators L i : H G i, K i : G i X i M i : G i Y i. We want to solve the primal inclusion K find x H such that z Ax + L i i B i K i M i D i M i L i x r i + Cx.7 together with its dual inclusion p i X i, i =,..., m, find q i Y i, i =,..., m, such that x H : y i G i, i =,..., m, z m L i K i p i Ax + Cx, K i L i x y i r i Bi p i, i =,..., m, M i y i Di q i, i =,..., m, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m..8 3

4 We propose in this paper two iterative methods of forward-backward forwardbackward-forward type, respectively, for solving this primal-dual pair of monotone inclusion problems investigate their asymptotic behavior. The two methods share the common feature to reduce the solving of the primal-dual pair of monotone inclusions to the determination of the set of the zeros of the sum of two maximally monotone operators defined on an suitable product space endowed with a topology that is synchronized with the problem. Depending on the nature of the two operators we employ the forwardbackward algorithm see [2] or Tseng s forward-backward-forward algorithm see [28] obtain easily implementable iterative schemes. These have the property that each of the operators arising in the formulation of the monotone inclusion problem.7 is evaluated separately. More precisely, the set-valued operators are evaluated via their resolvents, called backward steps, while the single-valued ones are accessed via explicit forward steps. A forward-backward-forward algorithm for solving the primal-dual pair of monotone inclusions.7 -.8, in the particular situation when L i is the identity operator r i = 0 for any i =,..., m, has been recently investigated in [3]. However, since it makes a forward step less, the forward-backward method is naturally more attractive from the perspective numerical implementations. This phenomenon is supported by our experimental results reported in Section 4. After the appearance of the proximal point algorithm for approximating the set of zeros of a maximal monotone operator defined on a Hilbert space see [26], the attention of the community was drawn to iterative schemes for determining the zeros of the sum of two maximally monotone operators, due to the role played by these schemes in the minimization of the sum of two convex functions. To the most classical methods of this type belongs the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm see [22], which has the property that at each iteration the operators are processed separately via their resolvents. Of equal importance are methods designed to determine the zeros of the sum of a single-valued monotone operator a maximally monotone operator, like the forward-backward [2] Tseng s forward-backward-forward [28] algorithms, which evaluate the single-valued operator via a forward step the set-valued one via its resolvent. In the last years, motivated by different applications, the complexity of the monotone inclusion problems increased, by including sums of maximally monotone operators composed with linear bounded operators see [3, 5], single-valued Lipschitzian or cocoercive monotone operators parallel sums of maximally monotone operators see [3, 5, 2, 9 2, 29]. For some of these iterative schemes, under strong monotonicity assumptions accelerated versions have been provided see [6, 9, 5]. The article is organized as follows. In the remaining of this section we introduce notations preliminary results in convex analysis monotone operator theory. In Section 2 we formulate the two algorithms study their convergence behavior. In Section 3 we employ the outcomes of the previous one to the simultaneously solving of convex minimization problems their conjugate dual problems. Numerical experiments in the context of image denoising problems with first- second-order total variation functionals are made in Section 4..2 Notation preliminaries We are considering the real Hilbert space H endowed with inner product, associated norm =,. The symbols denote weak strong convergence, respectively. Having the sequences x n n 0 y n n 0 in H, we mind errors in the 4

5 implementation of the algorithm by using the following notation taken from [3] x n y n n 0 n 0 x n y n < +..9 Let M : H 2 H be a set-valued operator. We denote by zer M = x H : 0 Mx} its set of zeros, by gra M = x, u H H : u Mx} its graph by ran M = u H : x H, u Mx} its range. The inverse of M is M : H 2 H, u x H : u Mx}. The operator M is said to be monotone if x y, u v 0 for all x, u, y, v gra M. The operator M is said to be maximally monotone if it is monotone there exists no monotone operator M : H 2 H such that gra M properly contains gra M. The operator M is said to be uniformly monotone with modulus φ M : R + [0, + ] if φ M is increasing, vanishes only at 0, x y, u v φ M x y for all x, u, y, v gra M. Let µ > 0 be arbitrary. A single-valued operator M : H H is said to be µ-cocoercive if x y, Mx My µ Mx My 2 for all x, y H H. Moreover, M is µ-lipschitzian if Mx My µ x y for all x, y H H. A linear bounded operator M : H H is said to be self-adjoint, if M = M skew, if M = M. The sum the parallel sum of two set-valued operators M, M 2 : H 2 H are defined as M + M 2 : H 2 H, M + M 2 x = M x + M 2 x x H M M 2 : H 2 H, M M 2 = M + M2, respectively. If M M 2 are monotone, then M + M 2 M M 2 are monotone, too. However, if M M 2 are maximally monotone, this property is in general not true neither for M + M 2 nor for M M 2, unless some qualification conditions are fulfilled see [2, 4, 30]. The resolvent of an operator M : H 2 H is J M = Id + M, where the operator Id denotes the identity on H. When M is maximally monotone, its resolvent is a single-valued firmly nonexpansive operator, by [2, Proposition 23.8], we have for γ R ++ Id = JγM + γjγ M γ Id..0 Moreover, for f ΓH γ R ++, the subdifferential γf is maximally monotone cf. [25] it holds J γ f = Id + γ f = Prox γf. Recall that the convex subdifferential of f : H R at x H is the set fx = p H : fy fx p, y x y H}, if fx R, is taken to be the empty set, otherwise. Furthermore, Prox γf x denotes the proximal point of γf at x H, representing the unique optimal solution of the optimization problem inf γfy + } y H 2 y x 2.. In this particular situation, relation.0 becomes Moreau s decomposition formula Id = Prox γf +γ Prox γ f γ Id..2 When Ω H is a nonempty, convex closed set, the function δ Ω : H R, defined by δ Ω x = 0 for x Ω δ Ω x = +, otherwise, denotes the indicator function of the set Ω. For each γ > 0 the proximal point of γδ Ω at x H is nothing else than Prox γδω x = Prox δω x = P Ω x = arg min y Ω 5 2 y x 2,

6 which is the projection of x on Ω. Finally, when for i =,..., m the real Hilbert spaces H i are endowed with inner product, Hi associated norm Hi =, Hi, we denote by H = H... H m their direct sum. For v = v,..., v m, q = q,..., q m H, this real Hilbert space is endowed with inner product associated norm defined via v, q H = v i, q i Hi, respectively, v H = m v i 2 H i. 2 The primal-dual iterative schemes Within this section we provide two different algorithms for solving the primal-dual inclusions introduced in Problem.2 discuss their asymptotic convergence. In Subsection 2.2, however, the assumptions imposed on the monotone operator C : H H are weakened by assuming that C is only µ-lipschitz continuous for some µ R ++. In the following, we let X = X... X m, Y = Y... Y m, G = G... G m p = p,..., p m X, q = q,..., q m Y, y = y,..., y m G. We say that x, p, q, y H X Y G is a primal-dual solution to Problem.2, if z L i Ki p i Ax + Cx K i L i x y i r i Bi p i, M i y i Di q i, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m. 2. If x, p, q, y H X Y G is a primal-dual solution to Problem.2, then x is a solution to.7 p, q, y is a solution to.8. Notice also that K x solves.7 z Ax + L i i B i K i M i D i M i L i x r i + Cx z m L i v i Ax + Cx, v G such that L i x r i Ki B vi i K i + Mi D vi i M i, i =,..., m v, y G G such that p, q, y X Y G such that z m L i v i Ax + Cx, v i Ki B i K i Li x y i r i, i =,..., m, v i Mi D i M i yi, i =,..., m z m L i K i p i Ax + Cx, p i B i K i Li x y i r i, i =,..., m, q i D i M i yi, i =,..., m, K i p i = M i q i, i =,..., m 6

7 p, q, y X Y G such that z m L i K i p i Ax + Cx, K i L i x y i r i Bi p i, i =,..., m, M i y i Di q i, i =,..., m, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m 2.2 Thus, if x is a solution to.7, then there exists p, q, y X Y G such that x, p, q, y is a primal-dual solution to Problem.2 if p, q, y is a solution to.8, then there exists x H such that x, p, q, y is a primal-dual solution to Problem.2. Remark 2.. The notations.9 have been introduced in order to allow errors in the implementation of the algorithm, without affecting the readability of the paper in the sequel. This is reasonable since errors preserve their summability under addition, scalar multiplication linear bounded mappings. 2. An algorithm of forward-backward type In this subsection we propose a forward-backward type algorithm for solving Problem.2 prove its convergence by showing that it can be reduced to an error-tolerant forwardbackward iterative scheme. Algorithm 2.. Let x 0 H, for any i =,..., m, let p i,0 X i, q i,0 Y i z i,0, y i,0, v i,0 G i. For any i =,..., m, let τ, θ,i, θ 2,i, γ,i, γ 2,i σ i be strictly positive real numbers such that for α = max τ 2µ α min,...,m τ,, θ,i σ i L i 2, max j=,...,m θ 2,i, γ,i, θ,j γ,j K j 2,, } >, 2.3 γ 2,i σ i } θ 2,j γ 2,j M j 2. Furthermore, let ε 0,, λ n n 0 be a sequence in [ε, ] set x n J τa x n τ Cx n + m L i v i,n z For i =,..., m p i,n J θ,i B p i,n + θ,i K i z i,n i q i,n J θ2,i D q i,n + θ 2,i M i y i,n i u,i,n z i,n + γ,i Ki p i,n 2 p i,n + v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i u 2,i,n y i,n + γ 2,i M i q i,n 2 q i,n + v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i +σ z i,n i γ 2,i +σ i γ,i +γ 2,i u,i,n σ iγ,i +σ i γ 2,i u 2,i,n n 0 ỹ i,n +σ i γ 2,i u 2,i,n σ i γ 2,i z i,n ṽ i,n v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i z i,n ỹ i,n x n+ = x n + λ n x n x n For i =,..., m p i,n+ = p i,n + λ n p i,n p i,n q i,n+ = q i,n + λ n q i,n q i,n z i,n+ = z i,n + λ n z i,n z i,n y i,n+ = y i,n + λ n ỹ i,n y i,n v i,n+ = v i,n + λ n ṽ i,n v i,n

8 Theorem 2.. For Problem.2, suppose that z ran A + K L i i B i K i M i D i M i L i r i + C, 2.5 consider the sequences generated by Algorithm 2.. Then there exists a primal-dual solution x, p, q, y to Problem.2 such that i x n x, p i,n p i, q i,n q i y i,n y i for any i =,..., m as n +. ii if C is uniformly monotone at x, then x n x as n +. Proof. We introduce the real Hilbert space K = H X Y G G G let p = p,..., p m q = q,..., q m y = y,..., y m We introduce the maximally monotone operators z = z,..., z m v = v,..., v m r = r,..., r m. 2.6 B : X 2 X, p B p... B m p m D : Y 2 Y, q D q... D m q m. Further, consider the set-valued operator M : K 2 K, x, p, q, z, y, v z + Ax B p D q v, v, r + z + y, which is maximally monotone, since A, B D are maximally monotone cf. [2, Proposition Proposition 20.23] the linear bounded operator x, p, q, y, z, v 0, 0, 0, v, v, z + y is skew hence maximally monotone cf. [2, Example 20.30]. Therefore, M can be written as the sum of two maximally monotone operators, one of them having full domain, fact which leads to the maximality of M see, for instance, [2, Corollary 24.4i]. Furthermore, consider the linear bounded operators K : G X, z K z,..., K m z m, M : G Y, y M y,..., M m y m, S : K K, m x, p, q, z, y, v L i v i, Kz, My, K p, M q, L x,..., L m x. The operator S is skew as well therefore maximally monotone. As dom S = K, the sum M + S is maximally monotone see [2, Corollary 24.4i]. Finally, we introduce the monotone operator Q : K K, x, p, q, z, y, v Cx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 which is, obviously, µ -cocoercive. By making use of 2.2, we observe that z m L i K i p i Ax + Cx, K 2.5 x, p, q, y H X Y G : i L i x y i r i Bi p i, i =,..., m, M i y i Di q i, i =,..., m, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m. 8

9 x, p, q H X Y z, y, v G G G : x, p, q, z, y, v zerm + S + Q. From here it follows that 0 z + Ax + m L i v i + Cx, 0 K i z i + Bi p i, i =,..., m, 0 M i y i + Di q i, i =,..., m, 0 = Ki p i v i, i =,..., m, 0 = M i q i v i, i =,..., m, 0 = r i + z i + y i L i x, i =,..., m x, p, q, z, y, v zerm + S + Q z m L i K i p i Ax + Cx, K i L i x y i r i Bi p i, i =,..., m, M i y i Di q i, i =,..., m, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m. x, p, q, y is a primal-dual solution to Problem Further, for positive real values τ, θ,i, θ 2,i, γ,i, γ 2,i, σ i R ++, i =,..., m, we introduce the notations p θ = p θ,,..., pm z θ,m γ q θ 2 = q, = z z γ,,..., m γ,m θ 2,,..., qm y θ 2,m γ 2 = y, v γ 2,,..., ym σ = v σ,..., vm σ m, γ 2,m define the linear bounded operator x V : K K, x, p, q, z, y, v τ, p, q, z, y, v + θ θ 2 γ γ 2 σ L i v i, Kz, My, K p, M q, L x,..., L m x. It is a simple calculation to prove that V is self-adjoint. Furthermore, the operator V is ρ-strongly positive with ρ = α min,...,m τ,,,,, } > 0, θ,i θ 2,i γ,i γ 2,i σ i for α = max τ σ i L i 2, max j=,...,m θ,j γ,j K j 2, } θ 2,j γ 2,j M j 2. The fact that ρ is a positive real number follows by the assumptions made in Algorithm 2.. Indeed, using that 2ab αa 2 + b2 α for every a, b R every α R ++, it yields for any i =,..., m 2 L i x H v i Gi σ i L i 2 τ m σ i L i τ m σ i L i 2 x 2 H K i p i Xi z i Gi γ,i K i θ p i 2,i γ,i K i 2 X θ,i γ i + z i 2 G,i γ i,,i 2 M i q i Yi y i Gi γ 2,i M i θ q i 2 2,i γ 2,i M i 2 Y θ2,i γ i + y i 2 G 2,i γ i. 2,i σ i v i 2 G i, 2.8 9

10 Consequently, for each x = x, p, q, z, y, v K, using the Cauchy Schwarz inequality 2.8, it follows that [ x, V x K = x 2 pi 2 H X + i + q i 2 Y i + z i 2 G i + y i 2 G i + v i 2 ] G i τ θ,i θ 2,i γ,i γ 2,i σ i 2 L i x, v i Gi + 2 p i, K i z i Xi + 2 q i, M i y i Yi α min,...,m τ,,,,, } x 2 K θ,i θ 2,i γ,i γ 2,i σ i = ρ x 2 K. 2.9 Since V is maximally monotone cf. [2, Example 20.29] ρ-strongly positive, it is strongly monotone therefore, by [2, Proposition 22.8], it holds that V is surjective. Consequently, V exists V ρ. In consideration of.9, the algorithmic scheme 2.4 can equivalently be written in the form n 0 x n x n τ m L i v i,n ṽ i,n Cx n z + A x n a n + m L i ṽi,n an τ For i =,..., m p i,n p i,n θ,i + K i z i,n z i,n Bi p i,n b i,n K i z i,n b i,n θ,i q i,n q i,n θ 2,i + M i y i,n ỹ i,n Di q i,n d i,n M i ỹ i,n d i,n θ 2,i z i,n z i,n γ,i + Ki p i,n p i,n = ṽ i,n + Ki p i,n e,i,n y i,n ỹ i,n γ 2,i + Mi q i,n q i,n = ṽ i,n + Mi q i,n e 2,i,n v i,n ṽ i,n σ i L i x n x n = r i + z i,n + ỹ i,n L i x n e 3,i,n x n+ = x n + λ n x n x n, 2.0 where p n = p,n,... p m,n X q n = q,n,..., q m,n Y z n = z,n,..., z m,n G y n = y,n,..., y m,n G v n = v,n,..., v m,n G p n = p,n,... p m,n X q n = q,n,..., q m,n Y z n = z,n,..., z m,n G ỹ n = ỹ,n,..., ỹ m,n G ṽ n = ṽ,n,..., ṽ m,n G xn = x n, p n, q n, z n, y n, v n K x n = x n, p n, q n, z n, ỹ n, ṽ n K. Also, for any n 0, we consider sequences defined by a n H b n = b,n,... b m,n X d n = d,n,..., d m,n Y e,n = e,,n,..., e,m,n G e 2,n = e 2,,n,..., e 2,m,n G, e 3,n = e 3,,n,..., e 3,m,n G 2. that are summable in the corresponding norm. Further, by denoting for any n 0 en = a n, b n, d n, 0, 0, 0 K e τ n = an τ, bn θ, dn θ 2, e,n, e 2,n, e 3,n K, 0

11 which are also terms of summable sequences in the corresponding norm, it yields that the scheme in 2.0 is equivalent to n 0 V xn x n Qx n M + S x n e n + Se n e τ n x n+ = x n + λ n x n x n. 2.2 We now introduce the notations A K := V M + S B K := V Q 2.3 the summable sequence with terms e V n = V V + Se n e τ n for any n 0. Then, for any n 0, we have V x n x n Qx n M + S x n e n + Se n e τ n V x n Qx n V + M + S x n e n + V + Se n e τ n x n V Qx n Id + V M + S x n e n + V V + Se n e τ n x n = Id + V M + S x n V Qx n e V n + e n x n = Id + A K x n B K x n e V n + e n. 2.4 Taking into account that the resolvent is Lipschitz continuous, the sequence having as terms e A K n = J AK x n B K x n e V n J AK x n B K x n + e n n 0 is summable we have Thus, the iterative scheme in 2.2 becomes x n = J AK x n B K x n + e A K n n 0. n 0 xn J AK x n B K x n x n+ = x n + λ n x n x n, 2.5 which shows that the algorithm we propose in this subsection has the structure of a forward-backward method. In addition, let us observe that zer A K + B K = zer V M + S + Q = zer M + S + Q. We then introduce the Hilbert space K V with inner product norm respectively defined, for x, y K, via x, y KV = x, V y K x KV = x, V x K. 2.6 Since M + S Q are maximally monotone on K, the operators A K B K are maximally monotone on K V. Moreover, since V is self-adjoint ρ-strongly positive, one can easily see that weak strong convergence in K V are equivalent with weak strong convergence in K, respectively. By making use of V ρ, one can show that

12 B K is µ ρ-cocoercive on K V. Indeed, we get for x, y K V 3.35] that see, also, [29, Eq. x y, B K x B K y KV = x y, Qx Qy K µ Qx Qy 2 K µ V V Qx V Qy K Qx Qy K µ V B K x B K y, Qx Qy K = µ V B K x B K y 2 K V µ ρ B K x B K y 2 K V. 2.7 As our assumption imposes that 2µ ρ >, we can use the statements given in [7, Corollary 6.5] in the context of an error tolerant forward-backward algorithm in order to establish the desired convergence results. i By Corollary 6.5 in [7], the sequence x n n 0 converges weakly in K V therefore in K to some x = x, p, q, z, y, v zer A K + B K = zer M + S + Q. By 2.7, it thus follows that x, p, q, y is a primal-dual solution with respect to Problem.2. ii From [7, Remark 3.4], it follows B K x n B K x 2 K V < +, n 0 therefore we have B K x n B K x n or, equivalently, Qx n Qx as n +. Considering the definition of Q, one can see that this implies Cx n Cx as n +. As C is uniformly monotone, there exists an increasing function φ C : [0, + [0, + ] vanishing only at 0 such that φ C x n x x n x, Cx n Cx x n x Cx n Cx n 0. The boundedness of x n x n 0 the convergence Cx n x n x as n +. Cx further imply that Remark 2.2. Suppose that C : H H, x 0}, in Problem.2. Then condition 2.3 simplifies to max τ σ i L i 2, max j=,...,m θ,j γ,j K j 2, θ 2,j γ 2,j M j 2} } <. In this case, the scheme 2.5 reads n 0 x n+ x n + λ n J AK x n x n, 2.8 it can be shown to convergence under the relaxed assumption that λ n n 0 [ε, 2 ε], for ε 0, see, for instance, [6, 7, 23]. Remark 2.3. i When implementing Algorithm 2., the term L i 2 x n x n should be stored in a separate variable for any i =,..., m. Taking this into account, each linear bounded operator occurring in Problem.2 needs to be processed once via some forward evaluation once via its adjoint. ii The maximally monotone operators A, B i D i, i =,..., m, in Problem.2 are accessed via their resolvents so-called backward steps, also by taking into account the relation between the resolvent of a maximally monotone operator its inverse given in.0. 2

13 iii The possibility of performing a forward step for the cocoercive monotone operator C is an important aspect, since forward steps are usually much easier to implement than resolvent steps resp. evaluations of proximal operators. Due to the Baillon Haddad theorem cf. [2, Corollary 8.6], each µ-lipschitzian gradient with µ R ++ of a convex Fréchet differentiable function f : H R is µ -cocoercive. 2.2 An algorithm of forward-backward-forward type In this subsection we propose a forward-backward-forward type algorithm for solving Problem.2, with the modification that the operator C : H H is assumed to be µ-lipschitz continuous for some µ R ++, but not necessarily µ -cocoercive. Algorithm 2.2. Let x 0 H, for any i =,..., m, let p i,0 X i, q i,0 Y i, z i,0, y i,0, v i,0 G i. Set let ε β = µ + m max L i 2, [ 0, β+, γ n n 0 be a sequence in n 0 max j=,...,m ε, ε β Kj 2, M j 2}}, 2.9 ] set x n J γna x n γ n Cx n + m L i v i,n z For i =,..., m p i,n J γnb p i,n + γ n K i z i,n i q i,n J γnd q i,n + γ n M i y i,n i u,i,n z i,n γ n Ki p i,n v i,n γ n L i x n r i u 2,i,n y i,n γ n Mi q i,n v i,n γ n L i x n r i z i,n +γ2 n u +2γ 2,i,n γ2 n u n +γ 2 2,i,n n ỹ i,n +γ 2 u2,i,n γ n z 2 i,n n ṽ i,n v i,n + γ n L i x n r i z i,n ỹ i,n x n+ x n + γ n Cx n C x n + m L i v i,n ṽ i,n For i =,..., m p i,n+ p i,n γ n K i z i,n z i,n q i,n+ q i,n γ n M i y i,n ỹ i,n z i,n+ z i,n + γ n Ki p i,n p i,n y i,n+ ỹ i,n + γ n Mi q i,n q i,n v i,n+ ṽ i,n γ n L i x n x n Theorem 2.2. In Problem.2, let C : H H be µ-lipschitz continuous for µ R ++, suppose that z ran A + K L i i B i K i M i D i M i L i r i + C, 2.2 consider the sequences generated by Algorithm 2.2. Then there exists a primal-dual solution x, p, q, y to Problem.2 such that i n 0 x n x n 2 < + for any i =,..., m p i,n p i,n 2 < +, q i,n q i,n 2 < + y i,n ỹ i,n 2 < +. n 0 n 0 n 0 3

14 ii x n x, x n x, for any i =,..., m pi,n p i,n p i,n p i,n, qi,n q i,n q i,n q i,n yi,n y i,n ỹ i,n y i,n. Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 2., consider K = H X Y G G G along with the notations introduced in 2.6. Further, let the operators M : K 2 K, S : K K Q : K K be defined as in the proof of the same result. The operator S + Q is monotone, Lipschitz continuous, hence maximally monotone cf. [2, Corollary 20.25], it fulfills doms + Q = K. Therefore the sum M + S + Q is maximally monotone as well see [2, Corollary 24.4i]. In the following we derive the Lipschitz constant of S + Q. For arbitrary x = x, p, q, z, y, v x = x, p, q, z, ỹ, ṽ K, by using the Cauchy Schwarz inequality, it yields S + Qx S + Q x Qx Q x + Sx S x m µ x x + L i v i ṽ i, Kz z, My ỹ, K p p, M q q, L x x,..., L m x x m = µ x x + L i v i ṽ i 2 + [ K i z i z i 2 + M i y i ỹ i 2 + K i p i p i 2 + M i q i q i 2 + L i x x 2] 2 m µ x x + L i 2 x x 2 + µ + m max L i 2, v i ṽ i 2 + [ K i 2 z i z i 2 + M i 2 y i ỹ i 2 + K i 2 p i p i 2 + M i 2 q i q i 2] 2 max j=,...,m Kj 2, M j 2}} x x In the following we use the sequences in 2. for modeling summable errors in the implementation. In addition we consider the summable sequences in K with terms defined for any n 0 as e n = a n, b n, d n, 0, 0, 0 ẽ n = 0, 0, 0, e,n, e 2,n, e 3,n. 4

15 Note that 2.20 can equivalently be written as x n γ n Cxn + m L i v i,n Id + γn z + A x n a n For i =,..., m p i,n + γ n K i z i,n Id + γ n B i pi,n b i,n q i,n + γ n M i y i,n Id + γ n D i qi,n d i,n z i,n γ n Ki p i,n = z i,n γ n ṽ i,n e,i,n y i,n γ n Mi q i,n = ỹ i,n γ n ṽ i,n e 2,i,n n 0 v i,n + γ n L i x n = ṽ i,n + γ n r i + z i,n + ỹ i,n e 3,i,n x n+ x n + γ n Cx n C x n + m L i v i,n ṽ i,n For i =,..., m p i,n+ p i,n γ n K i z i,n z i,n q i,n+ q i,n γ n M i y i,n ỹ i,n z i,n+ z i,n + γ n Ki p i,n p i,n y i,n+ ỹ i,n + γ n Mi q i,n q i,n v i,n+ ṽ i,n γ n L i x n x n Therefore, 2.23 is nothing else than n 0 xn γ n S + Qx n Id + γ n M x n e n ẽ n x n+ x n + γ n S + Qx n S + Qp n We now introduce the notations Then 2.24 is A K := M B K := S + Q n 0 xn = J γna K x n γ n B K x n + ẽ n + e n x n+ x n + γ n B K x n B K x n We observe that for e K n := J γna K x n γ n B K x n + ẽ n J γna K x n γ n B K x n + e n, one has x n = J γna K x n γ n B K x n + e K n for any n 0 it holds e K n = J γnak x n γ n B K x n + ẽ n J γnak x n γ n B K x n + e n n 0 n 0 [ J γnak x n γ n B K x n + ẽ n J γnak x n γ n B K x n + e n ] n 0 [ ẽ n + e n ] < +. n 0 Thus, 2.26 becomes n 0 xn J γna K x n γ n B K x n x n+ x n + γ n B K x n B K x n, 2.27 which is an error-tolerant forward-backward-forward method in K whose convergence has been investigated in [3]. Note that the exact version of this algorithm was proposed by Tseng in [28]. 5

16 i By [3, Theorem 2.5i] we have x n x n 2 < +, n 0 which yields n 0 x n x n 2 < + for any i =,..., m, p i,n p i,n 2 < +, q i,n q i,n 2 < + y i,n ỹ i,n 2 < +. n 0 n 0 n 0 ii Let x = x, p, q, z, y, v zerm + S + Q. Using [3, Theorem 2.5ii], we obtain x n x x n x. In consideration of 2.7, it follows that x, p, q, v is a primal-dual solution to Problem.2, x n x, x n x, for i =,..., m pi,n p i,n p i,n p i,n, qi,n q i,n q i,n q i,n, yi,n y i,n ỹ i,n y i,n. Remark 2.4. i In contrast to Algorithm 2., the iterative scheme in Algorithm 2.2 requires twice the amount of forward steps is therefore more time-intensive. On the other h, many steps in Algorithm 2.2 can be processed in parallel. ii A forward-backward-forward type algorithm for solving the primal-dual pair of monotone inclusions.7 -.8, in the particular situation when L i is the identity operator r i = 0 for any i =,..., m, has been recently investigated in [3]. 3 Application to convex minimization In this section we employ the algorithms introduced in the previous one in the context of solving the primal-dual pairs of convex optimization problems introduced in Problem.. For every x H p, q X Y with Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m, by the Young- Fenchel inequality, it holds fx + hx + f h z L i Ki p i z L i Ki p i, x, for any i =,..., m y i G, This yields g i K i L i x r i y i + g i p i p i, K i L i x r i y i = K i p i, L i x r i y i inf fx + x H = inf x,y H G l i M i y i + l i q i q i, M i y i = M i q i, y i. gi } K i li M i L i x r i + hx x, z fx + sup p,q X Y, K i p i=m i q i,,...,m } g i K i L i x r i y i + l i M i y i + hx x, z f h z L i Ki p i 3. [ g i p i + l i q i + p i, K i r i ] }, 6

17 which means that for the primal-dual pair of optimization problems.5-.6 weak duality is always given. Considering x, p, q, y H X Y G a solution of the primal-dual system of monotone inclusions z L i Ki p i fx + hx K i L i x y i r i gi p i, M i y i li q i, Ki p i = Mi q i, i =,..., m, 3.2 it follows that x is an optimal solution to.5 that p, q is an optimal solution to.6. Indeed, as h is convex everywhere differentiable, it holds thus z L i Ki p i fx + hx f + hx, fx + hx + f h z L i Ki p i = z L i Ki p i, x. On the other h, since g i ΓX i l i ΓY i, we have for any i =,..., m g i K i L i x y i r i + g i p i = K i p i, L i x r i y i l i M i y i + l i q i = M i q i, y i. By summing up these equations using 3.2, it yields gi fx + K i li M i L i x r i + hx x, z fx + g i K i L i x r i y i + l i M i y i + hx x, z [ ] = f h z L i Ki p i gi p i + li q i + p i, K i r i, which, together with 3., leads to the desired conclusion. In the following, by extending the result in [3, Proposition 4.2] to our setting, we provide sufficient conditions which guarantee the validity of 2.5 when applied to convex minimization problems. To this end we mention that the strong quasi-relative interior of a nonempty convex set Ω H is defined as sqri Ω = x Ω : λω x is a closed linear subspace. λ 0 Proposition 3.. Suppose that the primal problem.5 has an optimal solution, that 0 sqri domg i K i doml i M i, i =,..., m sqri E, 3.4 7

18 where m } E := K i L i dom f r i y i dom g i Then z ran f + m M i y i dom l i } } : y i G i, i =,..., m. L i Ki g i K i Mi l i M i L i r i + h. Proof. Let x H be an optimal solution to.5. Since 3.4 holds, we have that g i K i, l i M i ΓG i, i =,..., m. Further, because of 3.3, [2, Proposition 5.7] guarantees for any i =,..., m the existence of y i G i such that gi K i l i M i x = g i K i x y i + l i M i y i. Hence, x, y = x, y,..., y m is an optimal solution to the convex optimization problem inf fx + hx x, z + x,y H G By denoting [ g i K i L i x r i y i + l i M i y i ] } 3.5 f : H G R, fx, y = fx + hx x, z [ ] g : X Y R, gx, y = g i x i K i r i + l i y i L : H G X Y, x, y m problem 3.5 can be equivalently written as } K i L i x y i m } M i y i, 3.6 Thus, inf fx, y + glx, y}. 3.7 x,y H G 0 f + g Lx, y. Since E = Ldom f dom g 3.4 is fulfilled, it holds see, for instance, [2, 4, 7] where 0 f + g L x, y = fx, y + L g L x, y, L m : X Y H G, p, q L i Ki p i, Kp + M q,..., Kmp m + Mmq m. We obtain 0 fx, y + L g L x, y 0 fx + hx z + m L i K i g i K i Li x r i y i 0 Ki g i K i Li x r i y i + Mi l i M i yi, i =,..., m 0 fx + hx z + m L i v i v G : v i Ki g i K i Li x r i y i, i =,..., m v i Mi l i M i yi, i =,..., m 8

19 0 fx + hx z + m L i v i v G : L i x r i y i Ki g vi i K i, i =,..., m y i Mi l vi i M i, i =,..., m 0 fx + hx z + m L i v G : v i K v i i g i K i M i l i M i L i x r i, i =,..., m K z fx + L i i g i K i M i l i M i L i x r i + hx, which completes the proof. Remark 3.. If one of the following two conditions f is real-valued the operators L i, K i M i are surjective for any i =,..., m; the functions g i l i are real-valued for any i =,..., m; is fulfilled, then E = X Y 3.4 is obviously true. On the other h, if H, G i, X i Y i, i =,..., m are finite dimensional Ki y for any i =,..., m, there exists y i G i : i K i L i ri dom f r i ri dom g i,, M i y i ri dom l i then 3.4 is also true. This follows by using that in finite dimensional spaces the strong quasi-relative interior of a convex set is nothing else than its relative interior by taking into account the properties of the latter. 3. An algorithm of forward-backward type When applied to 3.2, the iterative scheme introduced in 2.4 the corresponding convergence statements read as follows. Algorithm 3.. Let x 0 H, for any i =,..., m, let p i,0 X i, q i,0 Y i y i,0, z i,0, v i,0 G i. For any i =,..., m, let τ, θ,i, θ 2,i, γ,i, γ 2,i σ i be strictly positive real numbers such that 2µ α min,...,m τ,, θ,i θ 2,i, γ,i,, } >, 3.8 γ 2,i σ i for α = max τ σ i L i 2, max j=,...,m θ,j γ,j K j 2, } θ 2,j γ 2,j M j 2. 9

20 Furthermore, let ε 0,, λ n n 0 be a sequence in [ε, ] set n 0 x n Prox τf x n τ Cx n + m L i v i,n z For i =,..., m p i,n Prox θ,i g p i i,n + θ,i K i z i,n q i,n Prox θ2,i l q i i,n + θ 2,i M i y i,n u,i,n z i,n + γ,i Ki p i,n 2 p i,n + v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i u 2,i,n y i,n + γ 2,i M i q i,n 2 q i,n + v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i +σ z i,n i γ 2,i +σ i γ,i +γ 2,i u,i,n σ iγ,i +σ i γ 2,i u 2,i,n ỹ i,n +σ i γ 2,i u 2,i,n σ i γ 2,i z i,n ṽ i,n v i,n + σ i L i 2 x n x n r i z i,n ỹ i,n x n+ = x n + λ n x n x n For i =,..., m p i,n+ = p i,n + λ n p i,n p i,n q i,n+ = q i,n + λ n q i,n q i,n z i,n+ = z i,n + λ n z i,n z i,n y i,n+ = y i,n + λ n ỹ i,n y i,n v i,n+ = v i,n + λ n ṽ i,n v i,n. 3.9 Theorem 3.2. For the optimization problem.5, suppose that z ran f + L i Ki g i K i Mi l i M i L i r i + h 3.0 consider the sequences generated by Algorithm 3.. Then there exists an optimal solution x to.5 optimal solution p, q to.6 such that i x n x, p i,n p i q i,n q i for any i =,..., m as n +. ii if h is uniformly convex at x, then x n x as n +. Proof. The results is a direct consequence of Theorem 2. when taking A = f, C = h, B i = g i, D i = l i, i =,..., m. 3. We also notice that, according to Theorem in [2], the operators in 3. are maximally monotone, while, by [2, Corollary 6.24], we have A = f, C = h, Bi = gi D i = li for i =,..., m. Furthermore, by [2, Corollary 8.6], C = h is µ -cocoercive, while, if h is uniformly convex at x H, then C = h is uniformly monotone at x cf. [30, Section 3.4]. Remark 3.2. If h ΓH such that hx = 0 for all x H, then condition 3.8 simplifies to max τ σ i L i 2, max θ,j γ,j K j 2, θ 2,j γ 2,j M j 2} } <. j I In this situation Algorithm 3. converges under the relaxed assumption that λ n n 0 [ε, 2 ε] for ε 0, see also Remark

21 3.2 An algorithm of forward-backward-forward type On the other h, when applied to 3.2, the iterative scheme introduced in 2.20 the corresponding convergence statements read as follows. Algorithm 3.2. Let x 0 H, for any i =,..., m, let p i,0 X i, q i,0 Y i, z i,0, y i,0, v i,0 G i. Set let ε β = µ + m max L i 2, [ 0, β+, γ n n 0 be a sequence in n 0 max j=,...,m ε, ε β Kj 2, M j 2}}, 3.2 ] set x n Prox γnf x n γ n Cx n + m L i v i,n z For i =,..., m p i,n Prox γng p i i,n + γ n K i z i,n q i,n Prox γnl q i i,n + γ n M i y i,n u,i,n z i,n γ n Ki p i,n v i,n γ n L i x n r i u 2,i,n y i,n γ n Mi q i,n v i,n γ n L i x n r i z i,n +γ2 n u +2γ 2,i,n γ2 n u n +γ 2 2,i,n n ỹ i,n +γ 2 u2,i,n γ n z 2 i,n n ṽ i,n v i,n + γ n L i x n r i z i,n ỹ i,n x n+ x n + γ n Cx n C x n + m L i v i,n ṽ i,n For i =,..., m p i,n+ p i,n γ n K i z i,n z i,n q i,n+ q i,n γ n M i y i,n ỹ i,n z i,n+ z i,n + γ n Ki p i,n p i,n y i,n+ ỹ i,n + γ n Mi q i,n q i,n v i,n+ ṽ i,n γ n L i x n x n. Theorem 3.3. For the optimization problem.5, suppose that z ran f K L i i g i K i M i l i M i L i r i + h, 3.4 consider the sequences generated by Algorithm 3.2. Then there exists an optimal solution x to.5 optimal solution p, q to.6 such that i n 0 x n x n 2 < + for any i =,..., m p i,n p i,n 2 < + q i,n q i,n 2 < +. n 0 n 0 ii x n x, x n x for any i =,..., m pi,n p i,n p i,n p i,n qi,n q i,n q i,n q i,n. Proof. The conclusions follow by using the statements in the proof of Theorem 3.2 by applying Theorem

22 4 Numerical experiments Within this section we show how the two algorithms we propose in this paper have performed when solving the image denoising problems.3.4 formulated in the introductory section, namely } l 2 2-IC/P inf x R n 2 x b 2 + α,ω D α 2,ω2 D 2 x } l 2 2-MIC/P inf x R n 2 x b 2 + α,ω α 2,ω2 L D x, respectively, also in comparison with other numerical schemes from the literature. First, we notice that for both problems a condition of type 3.3 is fulfilled, thus the infimal convolutions are proper, convex lower semicontinuous functions. Due to the fact that the objective functions of the two optimization problems are proper, strongly convex lower semicontinuous, these have unique optimal solutions. Finally, in the light of Remark 3., a condition of type 3.4 holds. Thus, according to Proposition 3., the hypotheses of the theorems are for both optimization problems l 2 2 -IC/P l 2 2-MIC/P fulfilled. In order to compare our two primal-dual iterative schemes with algorithms relying on augmented Lagrangian smoothing techniques, we formulated using the definition of the infimal convolution.3.4 as optimization problems with constraints of the form } l 2 2-IC/P inf x,x 2,z,z 2 2 x + x 2 b 2 + α z + α,ω 2 z 2,ω2, 4. D 0 x z subject to = 0 D 2 x 2 z 2 } l 2 2-MIC/P inf x,y,y 2,z 2 x b 2 + α y + α,ω 2 z,ω2, 4.2 D Id x y subject to = 0 L y 2 z respectively. We performed our numerical tests on the colored test image lichtenstein see Figure 4. of size making each color ranging in the closed interval from 0 to. By adding white Gaussian noise with stard deviation 0.08, we obtained the noisy image b R n. We took ω =, ω 2 =,, the regularization parameters in l 2 2 -IC/P l 2 2 -MIC/P were set to α = 0.06 α 2 = 0.2, while the tests were made on an Intel Core i processor. When measuring the quality of the restored images, we used the improvement in signalto-noise ratio ISNR, which is given by x b 2 ISNR k = 0 log 0 x x k 2, 22

23 a Original image b Noisy image c Reconstructed image Figure 4.: Figure a shows the clean lichtenstein test image, b shows the image obtained after adding white Gaussian noise with stard deviation 0.08 c shows the reconstructed image. a ISNR values for l 2 2-IC/P b ISNR values for l 2 2-MIC/P FB FBF DS VS PDHG ADMM CPU time in seconds FB FBF DS VS PDHG CPU time in seconds Figure 4.2: Figure a shows the evolution of the ISNR for the l 2 2-IC/P problem w.r.t. the CPU times in seconds in log scale. Figure b shows the evolution of the ISNR for the l 2 2-MIC/P problem w.r.t. the CPU times in seconds in log scale. where x, b, x k are the original, the observed noisy the reconstructed image at iteration k N, respectively. In Figure 4.2 we compare the performances of Algorithm 3. FB Algorithm 3.2 FBF in the context of solving the optimization problems.3.4 to the ones of different optimization algorithms. The double smoothing DS algorithm, as proposed in [], is applied to the Fenchel dual problems of by considering the acceleration strategies in [0]. One should notice that, since the smoothing parameters are constant, DS solves continuously differentiable approximations of does therefore not necessarily converge to the unique minimizers of.3.4. As a second smoothing algorithm, we considered the variable smoothing technique VS in [8], which successively reduces the smoothing parameter in each iteration therefore solves the primal optimization problems as the iteration counter increases. We further considered the primal-dual hybrid gradient method PDHG as discussed in [27], which is nothing else than the primal-dual method in [5]. Finally, the alternating direction method of multipliers ADMM was 23

24 applied to 4., as it was also done in [27]. Here, one makes use of the Moore-Penrose inverse of a special linear bounded operator which can be implemented in this setting efficiently, since D T D D2 T D 2 can be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform. The problem which arises in 4.2, however, is far more difficult to be solved with this method was therefore not implemented, since the linear bounded operator assumed to be inverted has a more complicated structure. This reveals a typical drawback of ADMM given by the fact that this method does not provide a full splitting, like primal-dual or smoothing algorithms do. As it follows from the comparisons shown in Figure 4.2, the FBF method suffers because of its additional forward step. However, many time-intensive steps in this algorithm could have been executed in parallel, which would lead to a significant decrease of the execution time. On the other h, the FB method performs fast stable in both examples, while optical differences in the reconstructions for l 2 2 -IC/P l2 2-MIC/P are not observable. Acknowledgements. The authors are thankful to two anonymous reviewers for comments recommendations which improved the quality of the paper. References [] H. Attouch, L.M. Briceño-Arias P.L. Combettes. A parallel splitting method for coupled monotone inclusions. SIAM J. Control Optim. 485, , 200. [2] H.H. Bauschke P.L. Combettes. Convex Analysis Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces. CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer, New York, 20. [3] S. Becker P.L. Combettes. An algorithm for splitting parallel sums of linearly composed monotone operators, with applications to signal recovery. J. Nonlinear Convex A. 5, 37 59, 205. [4] R.I. Boţ. Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization. Lecture Notes in Economics Mathematical Systems, Vol. 637, Springer, Berlin, 200. [5] R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek A. Heinrich. A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximally monotone operators. SIAM J. Optim. 234, , 203. [6] R.I. Boţ, E.R. Csetnek, A. Heinrich C. Hendrich. On the convergence rate improvement of a primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving monotone inclusion problems. Math. Program. 502, , 205. [7] R.I. Boţ, S.M. Grad G. Wanka. Duality in Vector Optimization. Springer, Berlin, [8] R.I. Boţ C. Hendrich. A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems. TOP 23, 24 50, 205. [9] R.I. Boţ C. Hendrich. Convergence analysis for a primal-dual monotone + skew splitting algorithm with applications to total variation minimization. J. Math. Imaging Vis. 493, , 204. [0] R.I. Boţ C. Hendrich. On the acceleration of the double smoothing technique for unconstrained convex optimization problems. Optimization 642, , 205. [] R.I. Boţ C. Hendrich. A double smoothing technique for solving unconstrained nondifferentiable convex optimization problems. Comput. Optim. Appl. 542, , 203. [2] R.I. Boţ C. Hendrich. A Douglas Rachford type primal-dual method for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite parallel-sum type monotone operators. SIAM J. Optim. 234, , 203. [3] L.M. Briceño-Arias P.L. Combettes. A monotone + skew splitting model for composite monotone inclusions in duality. SIAM J. Optim. 24, , 20. [4] A. Chambolle P.-L. Lions. Image recovery via total variation minimization related problems. Numer. Math. 762, 67 88, 997. [5] A. Chambolle T. Pock. A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging. J. Math. Imaging Vis. 40, 20 45,

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