The Information Basis of Matching with Propensity Score

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1 The Information Basis of Matching with Esfandiar Maasoumi Ozkan Eren Southern Methodist University Abstract This paper examines the foundations for comparing individuals and treatment subjects in experimental and other program evaluation contexts. We raise the question of multiattribute "characterization" of individuals both theoretically and statistically. The paper examines the information basis of characterizing individuals and offers alternatives motivated by welfare and decision theories. The proposed method helps place propensity scores and other "matching" proposals in context and reveals their advantages and disadvantages. We do not find the implied theoretical assumptions underlying propensity scores to be attractive or robust. Our proposal does not "solve" the matching problem, but provides bounds on inferences and makes clear the arbitrariness of specific solutions. Key Words: treatment effect; information theory; multivariate scaling; propensity scores; utility functions; fundamentalism; Kullback-Leibler; entropy; aggregation. 1 Introduction The literature on "treatment" effects and program/policy evaluation deals with a classic problem of unobserved outcomes by "matching" through observed covariates. In order to isolate/identify the effect of treatment alone, the "counterfactual" outcomes must be obtained. This requires control for all other factors that may significantly contribute to the apparent differences in outcomes. A mechanism is needed for the way these covariates influence outcomes or choices, such as the decision to Corresponding author: Esfandiar Maasoumi, Department of Economics, SMU, Dallas, TX ; participate or probability of treatment. We do not deal with the choice of covariates and its division into observed and unobservables, or exogenous and endogenous variables. A recent insightful survey on this is Heckman and Navaro-Lozano (2004). But we deal with how these covariates are employed in order to "characterize" subjects, through estimation and/or matching, and by any transformations thereof, to determine "similarity" between members of samples or population groups. Our "representation" perspective and techniques further expose the meaning and limitations of Propensity Scores (PS). We briefly consider aspects of the outcome/treatment distributions to be examined, the means, quantiles, or entire distributions. The existing literature is predominantly focused on "averages" or mean treatment effects, conditional on various information sets. Notable exceptions attempt to model for conditional quantiles in an attempt to avoid the "veil of ignorance" and reveal more of the reality that outcomes are distributed and "averages" can often mislead. See Imbens (2004) for a survey. Our alternative approach suggests natural ways of dealing with the whole distribution of both the characterizing covariates and the outcomes. We only sketch and exemplify full distribution methods such as entropy divergences, equality and/or dominance between whole distributions of attributes and outcome, respectively. The intuition behind our main proposals in this paperisasfollows: Let x i be a set of m attributes or characteristics for "individual" i =1, 2,...n. Subsets of x i determine choices, selection, and/or outcomes of policy or treatment programs. We propose to choose a function S(x i ) to represent or summarize each individual. We believe the choice of functionals S(x i ), perhaps as utility or welfare evaluation functions, must be dealt with explicitly. Powerful implications

2 of welfare axioms of fundamentality, "impartiality", and anonymity may be invoked which partially justify the same "common representations" for everyone s preferences, in functional forms and for representative agent formalisms; see Kolm (1977) and Maasoumi (1986a). Simply put, if we enter into a preference function all the attributes that would matter (i.e., as m increases indefinitely), the need for ex post and often arbitrary heterogeneity in functional representations and other approximations would be diminished. There are philosophical and empirical/data availability issues bearing upon this "ideal", however, leading to practical admission of heterogeneity as well as functional approximations. In what follows, we focus on the casesinwhichtheassumptionof"selectiononobservables" is plausible. 2 Optimal Multiattribute Functions Let X ij denote a measure of attribute j = 1, 2,..., m, associated with individual (unit, household, country) i =1, 2,..., n. Define the covariate matrix X = (X ij ), X i its ith row, X j its jth column, and consider any scalar function of the matrix X. Examples of such scalar functions are inequality measures or Social Welfare Functions (SWFs), or propensity scores. It has proven difficult to develop consensus axioms which may characterize an ideal scalar measure of X, such as aggregators or inequality measures Our approach is based on measures of closeness and affinity which may identify either attributes that are similar in some sense, and/or determine a mean-value, or aggregate, which most closely represents the constituent attributes. The difficulty of selecting a measure of "similarity" has had some resolution in information theory which seems to suggest members of the Generalized Entropy (GE) family as ideal criteria of closeness or divergence. Axiomatic characterization of GE is, however, beyond the scope of the present paper. The interested reader may refer to Maasoumi (1993). Following Maasoumi (1986a), let S i denote the aggregate or mean function for the ith unit. It makes little difference to our approach whether S i is interpreted as an individual s utility evaluations or the observer s or policy maker s assessments for individual i. Let us define the following Generalized Multivariate GE measure of closeness or diversity between the m densities of the chosen m attributes: mx nx D β (S, X; α) = α j { S i [(S i /X ij ) β 1]/β(β+1)} j=1 i=1 (1) where α j s are the weights attached to each attribute. Minimizing D β with respect to S i such that P S i =1, produces the following optimal aggregation functions: mx S i ( α j X β ij ) 1/β,β 6= 0, 1 (2) j S i Π j X αj ij, β =0 (3) S i X α j X ij,β = 1 (4) j These are, respectively, the hyperbolic, the generalized geometric, and the weighted means of the attributes, see Maasoumi (1986a). Noting the constant elasticity of substitution, σ = 1/(1+β), these functional solutions include many of the well known utility functions in economics, as well as some arbitrarily proposed aggregates in empirical applications. For instance, the weighted arithmetic mean subsumes a popular composite welfare indicator based on the principal components of X, when α j s are the elements of the first eigen vector of the X 0 X matrix; see Ram (1982) and Maasoumi (1989a). The divergence measure D β (.) forces a choice of an aggregate vector S= (S 1, S 2,...,S n )witha distribution that is closest to the distributions of its constituent variables. This is especially desirable when the goal of our analysis is the assessment of distributed outcomes, suchastreatmenteffects. But it is desirable generally since, empirically, we have no other "information" than the distribution of variables. Information theory establishes that any other S would be extra distortive of the objective information in the data matrix X in the sense of D β (.). Elsewhere it has been argued that such a distributional criterion is desirable for justifying

3 choices of utility, production, and cost functionals since such choices should not distort the actual market allocation signals that are in the observed data. The distribution of the data reflects the outcome of all decisions of all agents in the economy; see Maasoumi (1986b). The divergence criterion here is α j -weighted sum/average of pairwise GE divergences between the distributions S and X j, the jth attribute/column in X A Closer Look The reason we should explicitly deal with this problem of representation is to avoid implicit aggregation rules and representations which may not be tenable when exposed. For instance, in the propensity scores method a linear function of x would imply infinite substitutability between individual characteristics and other covariates! Any scalar functional of x is a summary measure of it, and possesses an induced "distribution". This summary distribution must not be incompatible with the information available on its constituent variables. While there are no consensus criteria for "closeness" or similarity in sciences, there are some very good ones that are supported by well thought out axioms and properties. The axiom system that identifies GE is constructive and is to be appreciated as an important breakthrough in organizing learning and knowledge; see Maasoumi (1993). The fundamental welfare axioms of symmetry, continuity, Principle of Transfers, and decomposability identify GE as the desirable scale invariant family of relative "inequality" measures. In the context of our discussion above, PS first takes a convenient function (typically linear, but oftenaugmentedwithpolynomialterms),g(x) say, and then transforms this into the unit interval by inversion through some cumulative distribution function (CDF), F say; Normal or logistic CDFs predominate in determining "treatment probability". While we may view this last transformation as a convenient standardization, we are less comfortable with its meaning. Firstly, neither g(x) nor F (g(x)) has any clear justification as a representation of individuals/households/policy mak- 1 In unpublished work, the authors have considered hyperbolic means of these same pairwise divergences. This generalization is capable of producing more flexible functional forms for S i. ers in the sense made clear earlier. Second, the parameter values, or indeed even semi-parametric estimates of these functionals, are determined with reference to optimal estimation rules which, again, have no clear connection to optimal representation or aggregation. In addition, the criticism in Heckman and Navaro-Lozano (2004), about the choice of covariates in x being based on estimation and model fit measures, applies. In addition, estimating conditional means or quantiles, further impinges on the plausibility of variable choices and coefficient values/factor loadings. Another discomforting aspect of the PS type solution is that the conditioning set is almost always made of the same fundamental and frequently observed/cited x variables, whatever the experiment or treatment. In the extreme, it is therefore possible that g(x) will be called upon to determine selection into a drug treatment program, as well as a welfare program! Finally, matching based on propensity scores is a decision on similarity of individuals based on estimated means of whole distributions, not the true means. Furthermore, many different distributions of individuals, and of heterogeneous groups, may have similar or even the same means. The "control function" method favored by Heckman and Navaro- Lozano (2004) is a second moment-based approach to partially deal with this shortcoming of the PS method. 3 An Application We use the data from Dehejia and Wahba (1999), which is based on Lalonde s (1986) seminal study on the comparison between experimental and nonexperimental methods for the evaluation of causal effects. The data combine the units from a randomized evaluation of the National ed Work (NSW) demonstration with nonexperimental comparison units drawn from PSID data. We restrict our analysis to the so-called NSW-PSID-1 subsample consisting of the male NSW treatment units, and the largest of the three PSID subsample. 2 The outcome of interest is real earnings in 1978; the treatment is participation in the NSW treatment group. Control covariates are age, educa- 2 The same data set was also utilized in Becker and Ichino (2000) and Smith and Todd (2005).

4 tion, real earnings in 1974 and 1975, and binary variables for black, hispanic, marital status and a degree. The treatment group contains 185 observations, the control group 2490 observations, for a total of PS specification includes the quadratic terms for age, education, real earnings in 1974 and 1975, an interaction term between black and unemployment as well as the linear covariates described above; S i, on the other hand, includes only the linear covariates. 3 In Table 1, matching is based on the aggregator functions, S i,aswellasonthe(normal)cdf transform of the S i ; Φ(S i ). The latter is done for direct comparability with the PS results, and to draw out the impact of different substitution and other parametric values. 4 Matching based on S i utilize the equal weights of α j (1/8), which is the number of linear covariates. We use the resulting coefficients of the linear probit model for α j when we match based on Φ(S i ). The standard errors were obtained by simple bootstrap and are given in parentheses. It is clear that inferences vary dramatically depending on which functional forms, weight parameters or βs are used. The case with β = 1 is the case of "infinite substitutability" between covariates in the linear in parameters models. When less substitution is allowed, we have dramatically different results, including the reversal of the sign for the ATT! This further reinforces the criticisms offered recently in Heckman and Navaro- Lozano (2004), and Smith and Todd (2005). 5 3 Unemployment is a binary variable defined for those who report non-zero earnings in We utilize nearest (single) neighbor matching in estimation of ATT. Kernel matching with different kernels/bandwidths produce similar results for ATT as of nearest neighbor matching. 5 We cannot use the interesting case of β =0when there are binary variables since this will produce a zero value for the generalized geometric function! Table 1: ATT Estimations with Different Matching Techniques ATT (Standard Error) /Non Non/ Matching with ( ) Matching with S(i), β= e e-008 ( ) Matching with S(i), β=-1/ e e-005 ( ) Matching with S(i), β=-2/ e e-007 ( ) Matching with Φ(S(i)), β= ( ) Kullback-Leibler Divergence Matching with Φ(S(i)), β=-1/ e e-005 ( ) Matching with Φ(S(i)), β=-2/ e e-004 ( ) NOTES: (i) estimation include: age, age squared, education, education squared, real earnings in 1974 and its square, real earnings in 1975 and its square, dummies for black, hispanic marital status, nodegree, and an interaction term between black and nonemployment in (ii) S(i) index include : age, education, real earnings in 1974, real earnings in 1975 and dummies for black, hispanic, marital status and nodegree with weight given by 1/8; the number of linear covariates. (iii) Φ(S(i)) includes the same specification as in S(i). The weights for Φ(S(i)) are the corresponding probability weights from the probit equation. (iv) Standard errors are obtained via 500 bootstrap replications. (v) Sample Size=2675, Units=185 and Non Units=2490. (v) Kullback-Leibler Divergence Measure is obtained via a Gaussian kernel with fixed bandwidth, see text for further details. In Table 1 we also provide an idea of proximity of the distributions of the propensity scores between the experimental and the matched nonexperimental groups. This can be used to evaluate the efficacy of the matching technique employed (here, the nearest neighbor), not as in the traditional way of assessing how close two or more matched pairs are, but how well "similar" the two samplesare. Thisisofsomeimportancegiventhe recent debate regarding the sensitivity and lack of robustness to the choice of subsamples being used by various investigators; see Smith and Todd (2005) and response by Dahejia (2005). KL and other entropic measures give an idea of how far apart the two distributions are. Z The KL measure is defined as I(f,g) = f log f g d x where f and g are the distributions of the and control groups for a variable x, respectively. A symmetrized version of this is the well-known KL measure, but we report both of the asymmetric measures which need to be averaged to get KL in the third column of Table 1. 6 The KL measures are smaller for S i functions and the comparable Φ(S i ) than matching with the traditional PS. Figures 1-4 demonstrate the distribution of the matched pairs by each technique. Specifically, these are frequency distributions of PS for each individual, and the comparable transformation Φ(S i ). 6 The KL measures are obtained using a Gaussian kernel and a fixed bandwidth.

5 Better "distribution" matches are obtained when Φ(S i ) is used with finite substitutability. and often distracted by statistical cost functions that need to be justified. 4 Treatment Effects: Stochastic Dominance Figure 1: Frequency Distributions of PS and Φ(S i ) for β = Figure 2: Frequency Distributions of Φ(S i ) for β = 1/2 and β = 2/3 Traditional PS matching seems to correspond to very different distributions of scores for the and un. The non-experimental subjects in the PSID were not considered for treatment, but should have similar scores if the PS matching theory is valid. It is evident that at lower levels of substitution between characteristics, treatment probability is increased for the un sample. Again these figures are computed using probit regression estimates for the α weights in the Φ(S i ) functions. Naturally, there would be some variation in these results as we change the α values. Basing these values, and the β, on estimation techniques is a decision to vary these graphs (PS values) to obtain statistically optimal values for treatment/selection probability. It is difficult a priori to see very many contexts in which this would be reflective of policy optimality, or in keeping with random assignment. These results make clear the difficulties of assessing treatment effect, and expose the nature of the implicit choices being made which appear disconnected from common program objectives. Data "snooping", such as balancing, and estimation of flexible or semi-parametric functional forms for PS regressions, are attempts at changing the above distribution matches, but without the benefit of guidance by whole distribution measures of "match", Following the IT reasoning above, it is possible and desirable to assess the similarity, or any relation between the distributions of outcomes for the and un/counterfactual groups. EntropymeasuressuchasKLcanbeusedbothto quantify differences and to test if the differences are significant. Any summary measure of this divergence/distance corresponds to a cardinal evaluation function that puts different weights on different subjects. This is true of the "average" treatment effects. Averages are particularly non-robust to outliers and special outcomes which may have nothingtodowiththetreatment. Butaverages, or specific quantiles, have the advantage of easy monetization for standard cost benefit analysisof policy outcomes. It would be useful to examine whether the distribution of outcomes is rankable between two scenarios, no matter what weights are attached to different subgroups. If it is desired to assess the impact of treatment on the entire "sample", and to avoid full cardinalizationrios, such as in "average effect" or choice of any quantile, weak uniform ranking presents itself as a useful method. Such rankings are achieved by tests for stochastic dominance. Various orders of SD can provide guidance and eliminate certain summary measures. For instance, if no First Order SD is found, one cannot employ averages, medians, and other single quantiles to summarize "the" treatment effect. Let X and Y be two variables. Let U 1 denote the class of all utility functions u such that u 0 0, (increasing). Also, let U 2 denote the class of all utility functions in U 1 for which u 00 0 (strict concavity). Assume F (x) and G(x) are continuous and monotonic cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of X and Y, respectively. X First Order Dominates Y if F is everywhere to the right of G. X Second Order dominates Y if integrated F is everywhere to the right of integrated G. Lower order dominance implies higher order ones. See Linton et al (2005) for statistical tests of the relevant hypotheses. Below we examine the sample values graphically. No

6 significance levels are reported as necessary descriptions cannot be included in this limited space. 4.1 SD rankings for DW data Integrated non non Integrated Figure 6: CDFs and Integrated CDFs for Φ(S i ) for β = 2/3 The case of β = 1/2 is qualitatively identical to this case. non non Figure 3: CDFs and Integrated CDFs of Propensity Score (FSD not ruled out, SSD indicated) Similar results for the CDFs and Integrated CDFs for S i when β = 1; FSD not ruled out, SSD likely. non Integrated non Figure 4: CDFs and Integrated CDFs for S i for β = 1/2 This case is instructive. The CDFs cross, indicating different groups are impacted differently and not uniformly. A discussion of averages and quantiles leaves the policy maker in a quandary. But since even SSD is not certain, a simple risk aversion, or inequality aversion, would not allow the policy maker to make uniform statements about program effects. Given the indication of 3rd order SD, it appears that only a policy maker, that is a welfare summary measure, which cares increasingly more about transfers at the lower end of earnings distribution, might declare the program a benefit (irrespective of costs). The case for β = 2/3 is qualitatively similar to the case of β = 1/2. non Integrated non Figure 5: CDFs and Integrated CDFs for Φ(S i ) for β = 1 References [1] Becker, S. O. and A. Ichino (2000), "Estimation of Average Treatment Effect Based on ", Stata Journal, 2, Dahejia, R.H. (2005),"Program evaluation as a Decision Problem", Journal of Econometrics, 125, [2] Dahejia, R., and S. Wahba (1999), "Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Reevaluating the evaluation of training programs", Journal of American Statistical Association, 94, [3] Deheija, R. and S. Wahba (2002), Propensity Score-Matching Methods for Nonexperimental Causal Studies, Review of Economics & Statistics, 84, [4] Granger, C., E. Maasoumi and J. S. Racine (2004), "A Dependence Metric for Possibly Nonlinear Time Series", Journal of Time Series Analysis, vol. 25, 5, pages [5] Heckman, J. and S. Navarro-Lozano (2004), Using Matching, Instrumental Variables, and Control Functions to Estimate Economic Choice Models, Review of Economics & Statistics, 86, [6] Imbens, G.W. (2004), Nonparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Under Exogeneity: A Review, Review of Economics & Statistics, 86, [7] Kolm, S.C. (1977), Multidimensional egalitarianism, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91, 1-13.

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