Hardness of Non-Interactive Differential Privacy from One-Way Functions

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1 Hardness of Non-Interactive Differential Privacy from One-Way Functions Lucas Kowalczyk Tal Malkin Jonathan Ullman Daniel Wichs May 30, 208 Abstract A central challenge in differential privacy is to design computationally efficient non-interactive algorithms that can answer large numbers of statistical queries on a sensitive dataset. That is, we would like to design a differentially private algorithm that takes a dataset D X n consisting of some small number of elements n from some large data universe X, and efficiently outputs a summary that allows a user to efficiently obtain an answer to any query in some large family Q. Ignoring computational constraints, this problem can be solved even when X and Q are exponentially large and n is just a small polynomial; however, all algorithms with remotely similar guarantees run in exponential time. There have been several results showing that, under the strong assumption of indistinguishability obfuscation (io), no efficient differentially private algorithm exists when X and Q can be exponentially large. However, there are no strong separations between information-theoretic and computationally efficient differentially private algorithms under any standard complexity assumption. In this work we show that, if one-way functions exist, there is no general purpose differentially private algorithm that works when X and Q are exponentially large, and n is an arbitrary polynomial. In fact, we show that this result holds even if X is just subexponentially large (assuming only polynomially-hard one-way functions). This result solves an open problem posed by Vadhan in his recent survey [Vad6]. Columbia University Department of Computer Science. luke@cs.columbia.edu. Columbia University Department of Computer Science. tal@cs.columbia.edu. Northeastern University College of Computer and Information Science. jullman@ccs.neu.edu. Northeastern University College of Computer and Information Science. wichs@ccs.neu.edu

2 Introduction A central challenge in privacy research is to generate rich private summaries of a sensitive dataset. Doing so creates a tension between two competing goals. On one hand we would like to ensure differential privacy [DMNS06] a strong notion of individual privacy that guarantees no individual s data has a significant influence on the summary. On the other hand, the summary should enable a user to obtain approximate answers to some large set of queries. Since the summary must be generated without knowing which queries the user will need to answer, we would like Q to be very large. This problem is sometimes called non-interactive query release, in contrast with interactive query release where the user is required specify the (much smaller) set of queries that he needs to answer in advance, and the private answers may be tailored to just these queries. More specifically, there is a sensitive dataset D = (D,...,D n ) X n where each element of D is the data of some individual, and comes from some data universe X. We are interested in generating a summary that allows the user to answer statistical queries on D, which are queries of the form What fraction of the individuals in the dataset satisfy some property q? [Kea93]. Given a set of statistical queries Q and a data universe X, we would like to design a differentially private algorithm M that takes a dataset D X n and outputs a summary that can be used to obtain an approximate answer to every query in Q. Since differential privacy requires hiding the information of single individuals, for a fixed (X,Q) generating a private summary becomes easier as n becomes larger. The overarching goal is to find algorithms that are both private and accurate for X and Q as large as possible and n as small as possible. Since differential privacy is a strong guarantee, a priori we might expect differentially private algorithms to be very limited. However, a seminal result of Blum, Ligett, and Roth [BLR3] showed how to generate a differentially private summary encoding answers to exponentially many queries. After a series of improvements and extensions [DNR + 09, DRV0, RR0, HR4, GRU2, HLM2, NTZ6, Ull5], we know that any set of queries Q over any universe X can be answered given a dataset of size n log X log Q [HR4]. Thus, it is information-theoretically possible to answer huge sets of queries using a small dataset. Unfortunately, all of these algorithms have running time poly(n, X, Q ), which can be exponential in the dimension of the dataset, and in the description of a query. For example if X = {0,} d, so each individual s data consists of d binary attributes, then the dataset has size nd but the running time will be at least 2 d. Thus, these algorithms are only efficient when both X and Q have polynomial size. There are computationally efficient algorithms when one of Q and X is very large, provided that the other is extremely small at most n 2 Ω(). Specifically, () the classical technique of perturbing the answer to each query with independent noise requires a dataset of size n Q [DN03, DN04, BDMN05, DMNS06], and (2) the folklore noisy histogram algorithm (see e.g. [Vad6]) requires a dataset of size n X log Q. Thus there are huge gaps between the power of information-theoretic and computationally efficient differentially private algorithms. Beginning with the work of Dwork et al. [DNR + 09], there has been a series of results giving evidence that this gap is inherent using a connection to traitor-tracing schemes [CFN94]. The first such result by Dwork et al. [DNR + 09] showed the first separation between efficient and inefficient differentially private algorithms, proving a polynomial-factor separation in sample complexity between the two cases assuming bilinear cryptography. Subsequently, Boneh and Zhandry [BZ4] proved that, under the much stronger assumption that indistinguishability obfuscation (io) exists, then for a worst-case family of statistical queries, there is no computationally efficient algorithm with poly(log Q + log X ) sample complexity. More recently, Kowalczyk et al. [KMUZ6] strengthened these results to show that the two efficient algorithms mentioned above independent perturbation and the noisy histogram are optimal up to polynomial factors, also assuming io.

3 Reference Data Universe # of Queries Dataset Size Assumption X κ Q κ n(κ) [DNR + 09, BSW06] exp(κ) exp(κ) κ 2 Ω() Bilinear Maps [DNR + 09, BZ4] exp(κ) exp(κ) poly(κ) io + OWF [KMUZ6] exp(κ) Õ(n7 ) poly(κ) io + OWF [KMUZ6] Õ(n7 ) exp(κ) poly(κ) io + OWF This work exp(κ o() ) exp(κ) poly(κ) OWF Table : Comparison of Hardness Results for Offline Differentially Private Query Release. Each row corresponds to an informal statement of the form If the assumption holds, then there is no general purpose differentially private algorithm that works when the data universe has size at least X, the number of queries is at least Q, and the size of the dataset is at most n. All assumptions are polynomial-time hardness. These results give a relatively clean picture of the complexity of non-interactive differential privacy, but only if we assume the existence of io. Recently, in his survey on the foundations of differential privacy [Vad6], Vadhan posed it as an open question to prove hardness of noninteractive differential privacy using standard cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we resolve this open question by proving a strong hardness result for non-interactive differential privacy making only the standard assumption that one-way functions (OWF) exist. Theorem.. There is a sequence of pairs {(X κ,q κ )} κ N where X κ = 2 2poly(loglogκ) = 2 κo() and Q κ = 2 κ such that, assuming the existence of one-way functions, for every polynomial n = n(κ), there is no polynomial time differentially private algorithm that takes a dataset D X n κ and outputs an accurate answer to every query in Q κ up to an additive error of ±/3. We remark that, in addition to removing the assumption of io, Theorem. is actually stronger than that of Boneh and Zhandry [BZ4], since the data universe size can be subexponential in κ, even if we only make standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions. We leave it as an interesting open question to obtain quantitatively optimal hardness results matching (or even improving) those of [KMUZ6] using standard assumptions. Table summarizes existing hardness results as compared to our work. Like all of the aforementioned hardness results, the queries constructed in Theorem. are somewhat complex, and involve computing some cryptographic functionality. A major research direction in differential privacy has been to construct efficient non-interactive algorithms for specific large families of simple queries, or prove that this problem is hard. The main technique for constructing such algorithms has been to leverage efficient PAC learning algorithms. Specifically, a series of works [BLR3, GHRU3, GRU2, HRS2] have shown that an efficient PAC learning algorithm for a class of concepts related to Q can be used to obtain efficient differentially private algorithms for answering the queries Q. Thus, hardness results for differential privacy imply hardness results for PAC learning. However, it is relatively easy to show the hardness of PAC learning using just OWFs [PV88], and one can even show the hardness of learning simple concept classes (e.g. DNF formulae [DLS4, DSS6]) by using more structured complexity assumptions. One roadblock to proving hardness results for privately answering simple families of queries is that, prior to our work, even proving hardness results for worst-case families of queries required 2

4 using extremely powerful cryptographic primitives like io, leaving little room to utilize more structured complexity assumptions to obtain hardness for simple queries. By proving hardness results for differential privacy using only the assumption of one-way functions, we believe our results are an important step towards proving hardness results for simpler families of queries. Relationship to [GKW7]. A concurrent and independent work by Goyal, Koppula, and Waters also shows how to prove hardness results for non-interactive differential privacy from weaker assumptions than io. Specifically, they propose a new primitive called risky traitor tracing that has weaker security than standard traitor tracing, but is still strong enough to rule out the existence of computationally efficient differentially private algorithms, and construct such schemes under certain assumptions on composite-order bilinear maps. Unlike our work, their new primitive has applications outside of differential privacy. However, within the context of differential privacy, Theorem. is stronger than what they prove in two respects: () their bilinear-map assumptions are significantly stronger than our assumption of one-way functions, and (2) their hardness result requires a data universe of size X κ = exp(κ), rather than our result, which allows X κ = exp(κ o() ).. Techniques Differential Privacy and Traitor-Tracing Schemes. Our results build on the connection between differentially private algorithms for answering statistical queries and traitor-tracing schemes, which was discovered by Dwork et al. [DNR + 09]. Traitor-tracing schemes were introduced by Chor, Fiat, and Naor [CFN94] for the purpose of identifying pirates who violate copyright restrictions. Roughly speaking, a (fully collusion-resilient) traitor-tracing scheme allows a sender to generate keys for n users so that ) the sender can broadcast encrypted messages that can be decrypted by any user, and 2) any efficient pirate decoder capable of decrypting messages can be traced to at least one of the users who contributed a key to it, even if an arbitrary coalition of the users combined their keys in an arbitrary efficient manner to construct the decoder. Dwork et al. show that the existence of traitor-tracing schemes implies hardness results for differential privacy. Very informally, they argue as follows. Suppose a coalition of users takes their keys and builds a dataset D X n where each element of the dataset contains one of their user keys. The family Q will contain a query q c for each possible ciphertext c. The query q c asks What fraction of the elements (user keys) in D would decrypt the ciphertext c to the message? Every user can decrypt, so if the sender encrypts a message b {0,} as a ciphertext c, then every user will decrypt c to b. Thus, the answer to the statistical query q c will be b. Now, suppose there were an efficient algorithm that outputs an accurate answer to each query q c in Q. Then the coalition could use it to efficiently produce a summary of the dataset D that enables one to efficiently compute an approximate answer to every query q c, which would also allow one to efficiently decrypt the ciphertext. Such a summary can be viewed as an efficient pirate decoder, and thus the tracing algorithm can use the summary to trace one of the users in the coalition. However, if there is a way to identify one of the users in the dataset from the summary, then the summary is not private. Hardness of Privacy from OWF. In order to instantiate this outline, we need a sufficiently good traitor-tracing scheme. Traitor-tracing schemes can be constructed from any functional encryption scheme for comparison functions [BSW06] This is a cryptographic scheme in which secret keys are associated with functions f and ciphertexts are associated with a message x, and decrypting the These were called private linear broadcast encryption schemes by [BSW06], but we use the more modern terminology of functional encryption. 3

5 ciphertext with a secret key corresponding to f reveals f (x) and nothing else. In our application, the functions are of the form f z where f z (x) = if and only if x z (as integers). Using techniques from [KMUZ6] (also closely related to arguments in [BZ6]), we show that, in order to prove hardness results for differentially private algorithms it suffices to have a functional encryption scheme for comparison functions that is non-adaptively secure for just two ciphertexts and n secret keys. That is, if an adversary chooses to receive keys for n functions f,...,f n, and ciphertexts for two messages x,x 2, then he learns nothing more than {f i (x ),f i (x 2 )} i [n]. Moreover, the comparison functions only need to support inputs in {0,,...,n} (i.e. logn bits). Lastly, it suffices for us to have a symmetric-key functional encryption scheme where both the encryption and key generation can require a private master secret key. We then construct this type of functional encryption (FE) using the techniques of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee [GVW2] who constructed bounded-collusion FE from any public-key encryption. There are two important differences between the type of FE that we need and boundedcollusion FE in [GVW2]: () we want a symmetric-key FE based on one-way functions (OWFs), whereas they constructed public-key FE using public-key encryption, (2) we want security for only 2 ciphertexts but many secret keys, whereas they achieved security for many ciphertexts but only a small number of secret keys. It turns out that their construction can be rather easily scaled down from the public-key to the symmetric-key setting by replacing public-key encryption with symmetric-key encryption (as previously observed by, e.g., [BS8]). Going from many ciphertexts and few secret keys to many secret keys and few ciphertexts essentially boils down to exchanging the role of secret keys and ciphertexts in their scheme, but this requires care. We give the full description and analysis of this construction. Lastly, we rely on one additional property: for the simple functions we consider with logarithmic input length, we can get a scheme where the ciphertext size is extremely small κ o(), where κ is the security parameter, while being able to rely on standard polynomial hardness of OWFs. To do so, we replace the garbled circuits used in the construction of [GVW2] with information-theoretic randomized encodings for simple functions and leverage the fact that we are in the more restricted nonadaptive secret-key setting. The resulting small ciphertext size allows us to get DP lower bounds even when the data universe is of size X = exp(κ o() ). We remark that Tang and Zhang [TZ7] proved that any black-box construction of a traitortracing scheme from a random oracle must have either keys or ciphertexts of length n Ω(), provided that the scheme does not make calls to the random oracle when generating the user keys. Our construction uses one-way functions during key generation, and thus circumvents this barrier. Why Two-Ciphertext Security? In the hardness reduction sketched above, the adversary for the functional encryption scheme will use the efficient differentially private algorithm to output some stateless program (the summary) that correctly decrypts ciphertexts for the functional encryption scheme (by approximately answering statistical queries). The crux of the proof is to use differential privacy to argue that the scheme must violate security of the functional encryption scheme by distinguishing encryptions of the messages x and x even if it does not possess a secret key for the function f x, which is the only function in the family of comparison functions that would give different output on these two messages, and therefore an adversary without this key should not be able to distinguish between these two messages. Thus, in order to obtain a hardness result for differential privacy we need a functional encryption scheme with the following non-standard security definition: for every polynomial time adversary that obtains a set of secret keys corresponding to functions other than f x and outputs some stateless program, with high probability that program has small advantage in distinguishing encryptions of x from x. Implicit in the work of Kowalczyk et al. [KMUZ6] is a lemma that says 4

6 that this property is satisfied by any functional encryption scheme that satisfies the standard notion of security for two messages. At a high level, security for one-message allow for the possibility that the adversary sometimes outputs a program with large positive advantage and sometimes outputs a program with large negative advantage, whereas two-message security bounds the average squared advantage, meaning that the advantage must be small with high probability. This argument is similar to one used by Dodis and Yu [DY3] in a completely different setting..2 Additional Related Work (Hardness of) Interactive Differential Privacy. Another area of focus is interactive differential privacy, where the mechanism gets the dataset D and a (relatively small) set of queries Q chosen by the analyst and must output answers to each query in Q. Most differentially private algorithms for answering a large number of arbitrary queries actually work in this setting [DNR + 09, DRV0, HLM2], or even in a more challenging setting where the queries in Q arrive online and may be adaptively chosen. [RR0, RR0, GRU2, Ull5]. Ullman [Ull6] showed that, assuming oneway functions exist, there is no polynomial-time differentially private algorithm that takes a dataset D X n and a set of Õ(n2 ) arbitrary statistical queries and outputs an accurate answer to each of these queries. The hardness of interactive differential privacy has also been extended to a seemingly easier model of interactive data analysis [HU4, SU5], which is closely related to differential privacy [DFH + 5, BNS + 6], even though privacy is not an explicit requirement in that model. These results however do not give any specific set of queries Q that can be privately summarized information-theoretically but not by a computationally efficient algorithm, and thus do not solve the problem addressed in thus work. The Complexity of Simple Statistical Queries. As mentioned above, a major open research direction is to design non-interactive differentially private algorithms for simple families of statistical queries. For example, there are polynomial time differentially private algorithms with polynomial sample complexity for summarizing point queries and threshold queries [BNS3, BNSV5], using an information-theoretically optimal number of samples. Another class of focus has been marginal queries [GHRU3, HRS2, TUV2, CTUW4, DNT4]. A marginal query is defined on the data universe {0,} κ. It is specified by a set of positions S {,...,κ}, and a pattern t {0,} S and asks What fraction of elements of the dataset have each coordinate j S set to t j? Specifically, Thaler et al. [TUV2], building on the work of Hardt et al. [HRS2] gave an efficient differentially private algorithm for answering all marginal queries up to an additive error of ±.0 when the dataset is of size n 2 κ. If we assume sufficiently hard one-way functions exist, then Theorem. would show that these parameters are not achievable for an arbitrary set of queries. It remains a central open problem in differential privacy to either design an optimal computationally efficient algorithm for marginal queries or to give evidence that this problem is hard. Hardness of Synthetic Data. There have been several other attempts to explain the accuracy vs. computation tradeoff in differential privacy by considering restricted classes of algorithms. For example, Ullman and Vadhan [UV] (building on Dwork et al. [DNR + 09]) show that, assuming one-way functions, no differentially private and computationally efficient algorithm that outputs a synthetic dataset can accurately answer even the very simple family of 2-way marginals. A synthetic dataset is a specific type of summary that is interchangeable with the real dataset it is a set ˆD = ( ˆD,..., ˆD n ) X n such that the answer to each query on ˆD is approximately the same as the answer to the same query on D. 2-way marginals are just the subset of marginal queries above where we only allow S 2, and these queries capture the mean covariances of the attributes. This result is incomparable to ours, since it applies to a very small and simple family of statistical 5

7 queries, but only applies to algorithms that output synthetic data. Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds. A related line of work [BUV4, DTTZ4, BST4, BU7, SU7] uses ideas from fingerprinting codes [BS98] to prove information-theoretic lower bounds on the number of queries that can be answered by differentially private algorithms, and also devise realistic attacks against the privacy of algorithms that attempt to answer too many queries [DSS + 5, DSSU7]. Most relevant to this work is the result of [BUV4] which says that if the size of the data universe is 2 n2, then there is a fixed set of n 2 queries that no differentially private algorithm, even a computationally unbounded one, can answer accurately. Although these results are orthogonal to ours, the techniques are quite related, as fingerprinting codes are essentially the informationtheoretic analogue of traitor-tracing schemes. 2 Differential Privacy Preliminaries 2. Differentially Private Algorithms A dataset D X n is an ordered set of n rows, where each row corresponds to an individual, and each row is an element of some data universe X. We write D = (D,...,D n ) where D i is the i-th row of D. We will refer to n as the size of the dataset. We say that two datasets D,D X are adjacent if D can be obtained from D by the addition, removal, or substitution of a single row, and we denote this relation by D D. In particular, if we remove the i-th row of D then we obtain a new dataset D i D. Informally, an algorithm A is differentially private if it is randomized and for any two adjacent datasets D D, the distributions of A(D) and A(D ) are similar. Definition 2. (Differential Privacy [DMNS06]). Let A : X n S be a randomized algorithm. We say that A is (ε,δ)-differentially private if for every two adjacent datasets D D and every E S, In this definition, ε,δ may be functions of n. P[A(D) E] e ε P [ A(D ) E ] + δ. 2.2 Algorithms for Answering Statistical Queries In this work we study algorithms that answer statistical queries (which are also sometimes called counting queries, predicate queries, or linear queries in the literature). For a data universe X, a statistical query on X is defined by a predicate q : X {0,}. Abusing notation, we define the evaluation of a query q on a dataset D = (D,...,D n ) X n to be n n q(d i ). i= A single statistical query does not provide much useful information about the dataset. However, a sufficiently large and rich set of statistical queries is sufficient to implement many natural machine learning and data mining algorithms [Kea93], thus we are interested in differentially private algorithms to answer such sets. To this end, let Q = {q : X {0,}} be a set of statistical queries on a data universe X. Informally, we say that a mechanism is accurate for a set Q of statistical queries if it answers every query in the family to within error ±α for some suitable choice of α > 0. Note that 0 q(d), so this definition of accuracy is meaningful when α < /2. 6

8 Before we define accuracy, we note that the mechanism may represent its answer in any form. That is, the mechanism outputs may output a summary S S that somehow represents the answers to every query in Q. We then require that there is an evaluator Eval : S Q [0,] that takes the summary and a query and outputs an approximate answer to that query. That is, we think of Eval(S,q) as the mechanism s answer to the query q. We will abuse notation and simply write q(s) to mean Eval(S,q). 2 Definition 2.2 (Accuracy). For a family Q of statistical queries on X, a dataset D X n and a summary S S, we say that S is α-accurate for Q on D if q Q q(d) q(s) α. For a family of statistical queries Q on X, we say that an algorithm A : X n S is (α,β)-accurate for Q given a dataset of size n if for every D X n, P[A(D) is α-accurate for Q on X] β. In this work we are typically interested in mechanisms that satisfy the very weak notion of (/3, o(/n))-accuracy, where the constant /3 could be replaced with any constant < /2. Most differentially private mechanisms satisfy quantitatively much stronger accuracy guarantees. Since we are proving hardness results, this choice of parameters makes our results stronger. 2.3 Computational Efficiency Since we are interested in asymptotic efficiency, we introduce a computation parameter κ N. We then consider a sequence of pairs {(X κ,q κ )} κ N where Q κ is a set of statistical queries on X κ. We consider databases of size n where n = n(κ) is a polynomial. We then consider algorithms A that take as input a dataset X n κ and output a summary in S κ where {S κ } κ N is a sequence of output ranges. There is an associated evaluator Eval that takes a query q Q κ and a summary s S κ and outputs a real-valued answer. The definitions of differential privacy and accuracy extend straightforwardly to such sequences. We say that such an algorithm is computationally efficient if the running time of the algorithm and the associated evaluator run in time polynomial in the computation parameter κ. In principle, it could require as many as X bits even to specify a statistical query, in which case we cannot hope to answer the query efficiently, even ignoring privacy constraints. Thus, we restrict attention to statistical queries that are specified by a circuit of size polylog X, and thus can be evaluated in time polylog X, and so are not the bottleneck in computation. To remind the reader of this fact, we will often say that Q is a family of efficiently computable statistical queries. 2.4 Notational Conventions Given a boolean predicate P, we will write I{P } to denote the value if P is true and 0 if P is false. We also say that a function ε = ε(n) is negligible if ε(n) = O(/n c ) for every constant c > 0, and denote this by ε(n) = negl(n). 2 If we do not restrict the running time of the algorithm, then it is without loss of generality for the algorithm to simply output a list of real-valued answers to each queries by computing Eval(S,q) for every q Q. However, this transformation makes the running time of the algorithm at least Q. The additional generality of this framework allows the algorithm to run in time sublinear in Q. This generality is crucial for our results, which apply to settings where the family of queries is superpolynomially large in the size of the dataset. 7

9 3 Weakly Secure Traitor-Tracing Schemes In this section we describe a very relaxed notion of traitor-tracing schemes whose existence will imply the hardness of differentially private data release. 3. Syntax and Correctness For a function n : N N and a sequence {K κ,c κ } κ N, an (n,{k κ,c κ })-traitor-tracing scheme is a tuple of efficient algorithms Π = (Setup,Enc,Dec) with the following syntax. Setup takes as input a security parameter κ, runs in time poly(κ), and outputs n = n(κ) secret user keys sk,...,sk n K κ and a secret master key msk. We will write sk = (sk,...,sk n,msk) to denote the set of keys. Enc takes as input a master key msk and an index i {0,,...,n}, and outputs a ciphertext c C κ. If c R Enc(j,msk) then we say that c is encrypted to index j. Dec takes as input a ciphertext c and a user key sk i and outputs a single bit b {0,}. We assume for simplicity that Dec is deterministic. Correctness of the scheme asserts that if sk are generated by Setup, then for any pair i,j, Dec(sk i,enc(msk,j)) = I{i j}. For simplicity, we require that this property holds with probability over the coins of Setup and Enc, although it would not affect our results substantively if we required only correctness with high probability. Definition 3. (Perfect Correctness). An (n,{k κ,c κ })-traitor-tracing scheme is perfectly correct if for every κ N, and every i,j {0,,...,n} P [Dec(sk i,c) = I{i j}] =. sk=setup(κ), c=enc(msk,j) 3.2 Index-Hiding Security Intuitively, the security property we want is that any computationally efficient adversary who is missing one of the user keys sk i cannot distinguish ciphertexts encrypted with index i from index i, even if that adversary holds all n other keys sk i. In other words, an efficient adversary cannot infer anything about the encrypted index beyond what is implied by the correctness of decryption and the set of keys he holds. More precisely, consider the following two-phase experiment. First the adversary is given every key except for sk i, and outputs a decryption program S. Then, a challenge ciphertext is encrypted to either i or to i. We say that the traitor-tracing scheme is secure if for every polynomial time adversary, with high probability over the setup and the decryption program chosen by the adversary, the decryption program has small advantage in distinguishing the two possible indices. Definition 3.2 (Index Hiding). A traitor-tracing scheme Π satisfies (weak) index-hiding security if for every sufficiently large κ N, every i [n(κ)], and every poly(κ)-time adversary A, [ P P[S(Enc(msk,i )) = ] P[S(Enc(msk,i )) = ] > ] sk=setup(κ),s=a(sk i ) 4en 4en In the above, the inner probabilities are taken over the coins of Enc and S. () 8

10 Note that in the above definition we have fixed the success probability of the adversary for simplicity. Moreover, we have fixed these probabilities to relatively large ones. Requiring only a polynomially small advantage is crucial to achieving the key and ciphertext lengths we need to obtain our results, while still being sufficient to establish the hardness of differential privacy. 3.3 Index-Hiding Security Implies Hardness for Differential Privacy It was shown by Kowalczyk et al. [KMUZ6] (refining similar results from [DNR + 09, Ull6]) that a traitor-tracing scheme satisfying index-hiding security implies a hardness result for non-interactive differential privacy. Theorem 3.3. Suppose there is an (n,{k κ,c κ })-traitor-tracing scheme that satisfies perfect correctness (Definition 3.) and index-hiding security (Definition 3.2). Then there is a sequence of of pairs {X κ,q κ } κ N where Q κ is a set of statistical queries on X κ, Q κ = C κ, and X κ = K κ such that there is no algorithm A that is simultaneously. computationally efficient, 2. (,/4n)-differentially private, and 3. (/3,/2n)-accurate for Q κ on datasets D X n(κ) κ. 3.4 Two-Index-Hiding-Security While Definition 3.2 is the most natural to prove hardness of privacy, it is not consistent with the usual security definition for functional encryption because of the nested probability-ofprobabilities. In order to apply more standard notions of functional encryption, we show that index-hiding security follows from a more natural form of security for two ciphertexts. First, consider the following IndexHiding game. The challenger generates keys sk = (sk,...,sk n,msk) R Setup(κ). The adversary A is given keys sk i and outputs a decryption program S. The challenger chooses a bit b R {0,} The challenger generates an encryption to index i b, c R Enc(msk,i b) The adversary makes a guess b = S(c) Figure : IndexHiding i Let IndexHiding i, sk,s be the game IndexHiding i where we fix the choices of sk and S. Also, define [ Adv i, sk,s = P b = b ] 2. so that IndexHiding i, sk,s [ P b = b ] IndexHiding i 2 = E [ ] Advi sk=setup(κ), sk,s S=A(sk i ) Then the following statement implies () in Definition 3.2: P sk=setup(κ),s=a(sk i ) [ Adv i, sk,s > 4en 9 ] 2en (2)

11 The challenger generates keys sk = (sk,...,sk n,msk) R Setup. The adversary A is given keys sk i and outputs a decryption program S. Choose b 0 R {0,} and b R {0,} independently. Let c 0 R Enc(i b 0 ;msk) and c R Enc(i b ;msk). Let b = S(c 0,c ). Figure 2: TwoIndexHiding i We can define a related two-index-hiding game. Analogous to what we did with IndexHiding, we can define TwoIndexHiding i, sk,s to be the game TwoIndexHiding i where we fix the choices of sk and S, and define TwoAdv i = P TwoIndexHiding i [ b = b 0 b ] 2 Kowalczyk et al. [KMUZ6] proved the following lemma that will be useful to connect our new construction to the type of security definition that implies hardness of differential privacy. Lemma 3.4. Let Π be a traitor-tracing scheme such that for every efficient adversary A, every κ N, and index i [n(κ)], TwoAdv i 300n 3 Then Π satisfies weak index-hiding security. In the rest of the paper, we will construct a scheme satisfying the assumption of the above lemma with suitable key and ciphertexts lengths, which we can immediately plug into Theorem 3.3 to obtain Theorem. in the introduction. 4 Cryptographic Tools 4. Decomposable Randomized Encodings Let F = { f : {0,} l {0,} k} be a family of Boolean functions. An (information-theoretic) decomposable randomized encoding for F is a pair of efficient algorithms (DRE.Encode,DRE.Decode) such that the following hold: DRE.Encode takes as input a function f F and randomness R and outputs a randomized encoding consisting of a set of l pairs of labels { } F F(f,R) = (f,0,r) F l (f,0,r) F (f,,r) F l (f,,r) where the i-th pair of labels corresponds to the i-th bit of the input x. (Correctness) DRE.Decode takes as input a set of l labels corresponding to some function f and input x and outputs f (x). Specifically, f F, x {0,} l DRE.Decode ( F (f,x,r),..., F l (f,x l,r) ) = f (x) with probability over the randomness R. 0

12 (Information-Theoretic Security) For every function f and input y, the set of labels corresponding to f and y reveal nothing other than f (y). Specifically, there exists a randomized simulator DRE.Sim that depends only on the output f (x) such that { f F, x {0,} l F (f,x,r),..., F l (f,x l,r) } DRE.Sim(f (x)) where denotes that the two random variables are identically distributed. The length of the randomized encoding is the maximum length of F(f,R) over all choices of f F and the randomness R. We will utilize the fact that functions computable in low depth have small decomposable randomized encodings. Theorem 4. ([Bar86, Kil88]). If F is a family of functions such that a universal function for F, U(f,x) = f (x) can be computed by Boolean formulae of depth d (with fan-in 2, over the basis {,, }), then F has an information-theoretic decomposable randomized encoding of length O(4 d ). 4.2 Private Key Functional Encryption Let F = { f : {0,} l {0,} k} be a family of functions. A private key functional encryption scheme for F is a tuple of polynomial-time algorithms Π FE = (FE.Setup,FE.KeyGen,FE.Enc,FE.Dec) with the following syntax and properties: FE.Setup takes a security parameter κ and outputs a master secret key FE.msk. FE.KeyGen takes a master secret key FE.msk and a function f F and outputs a secret key FE.sk f corresponding to the function f. FE.Enc takes the master secret key FE.msk and an input x {0,} l and outputs a ciphertext c corresponding to the input x. (Correctness) FE.Dec takes a secret key FE.sk corresponding to a function f and a ciphertext c corresponding to an input x and outputs f (x). Specifically, for every FE.msk is in the support of FE.Setup FE.Dec(FE.KeyGen(FE.msk, f ), FE.Enc(FE.msk, x)) = f (x) The key length is the maximum length of FE.sk over all choices of f F and the randomness of FE.Setup, FE.Enc. The ciphertext length is the maximum length of c over all choices of x {0,} l and the randomness of FE.Setup,FE.Enc. (Security) We will use a non-adaptive simulation-based definition of security. In particular, we are interested in security for a large number of keys n and a small number of ciphertexts m. We define security through the pair of games in Figure 3. We say that Π FE is (n,m,ε)- secure if there exists a polynomial-time simulator FE.Sim such that for every polynomial-time adversary A and every κ, P [ Eκ,n,m(Π real FE,A) = ] P [ Eκ,n,m(Π ideal FE,A,FE.Sim) = ] ε(κ) Our goal is to construct a functional encryption scheme that is (n,2, 300n 3 )-secure and has short ciphertexts and keys, where n = n(κ) is a polynomial in the security parameter. Although it is not difficult to see, in Section 7 we prove that the definition of security above implies the definition of two-index-hiding security that we use in Lemma 3.4.

13 E real κ,n,m(π FE,A) : A outputs at most n functions f,...,f n and m inputs x,...,x m Let FE.msk R FE.Setup( κ ) and i [n] FE.sk fi R FE.KeyGen(FE.msk,f i ) j [m] c j R FE.Enc(FE.msk,x j ) A receives {FE.sk fi } n i= and {c j} m j= and outputs b Eκ,n,m(Π ideal FE,A,FE.Sim) : A outputs at most n functions f,...,f n and m inputs x,...,x m ( {FE.skfi } n i=, { c j } m j=) R FE.Sim A receives {FE.sk fi } n i= and {c j} m j= and outputs b ({ f i, { f i (x j ) } m j= } n i= ) Figure 3: Security of Functional Encryption 4.2. Function-Hiding Functional Encryption As an ingredient in our construction we also need a notion of function-hiding security for a (onemessage) functional encryption scheme. Since we will only need this definition for a single message, we will specialize to that case in order to simplify notation. We say that Π FE is function-hiding (n,,ε)-secure if there exists a polynomial-time simulator FE.Sim such that for every polynomialtime adversary A and every κ, P [ Ēκ,n, real (Π FE,A) = ] P [ Ēκ,n, ideal (Π FE,A,FE.Sim) = ] ε(κ) where Ēκ,n, real,ēideal κ,n, are the same experiments as as Ereal κ,n,,eideal κ,n, except that the simulator in Ēideal κ,n, is not given the functions f i as input. Namely, in Ēκ,n, ideal: ({ } n FE.skfi, c) i= R FE.Sim ( {f i (x)} n i=) A main ingredient in the construction will be a function-hiding functional encryption scheme that is (n,,negl(κ))-secure. The construction is a small variant of the constructions of Sahai and Seyalioglu [SS0] and Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan, and Wee [GVW2] Theorem 4.2 (Variant of [SS0, GVW2]). Let F be a family of functions such that a universal function for F has a decomposable randomized encoding of length L. That is, the function U(f,x) = f (x) has a DRE of length L. If one-way functions exist, then for any polynomial n = n(κ) there is an (n,,negl(κ))- function-hiding-secure functional encryption scheme Π with key length L and ciphertext length O(κL). Although this theorem follows in a relatively straightforward way from the techniques of [SS0, GVW2], we will give a proof of this theorem in Section 5. The main novelty in the theorem is to verify that in settings where we have a very short DRE shorter than the security parameter κ we can make the secret keys have length proportional to the length of the DRE rather than proportional to the security parameter. 2

14 5 One-Message Functional Encryption We will now construct Π OFE = (OFE.Setup,OFE.KeyGen,OFE.Enc,OFE.Dec): a function-hiding (n,,negl(κ))-secure functional encryption scheme for functions with an (information-theoretic) decomposable randomized encoding DRE. The construction is essentially the same as the (public key) variants given by [SS0, GVW2] except we consider information theoretic randomized encodings instead of computationally secure ones and instead of encrypting the labels under a public key encryption scheme, we take advantage of the private-key setting to use an encryption method that produces ciphertexts with size equal to the message if the message is smaller than the security parameter. Encrypting the labels of a short randomized encoding, this allows us to argue that keys for our scheme are small. To perform this encryption, we use a PRF evaluated on known indices to mask each short label of DRE. Let n = poly(κ) denote the number of users for the scheme. We assume for simplicity that lgn is an integer. Our construction will rely on the following primitives: A pseudorandom function family {PRF sk : {0,} lgn {0,} lgn s {0,} κ }. A decomposable randomized encoding of f y (x) = I{x y} where x,y {0,} logn. Setup( κ ) : Choose seeds sk k,b R {0,} κ for k [lgn],b {0,}. Choose randomness R j for the randomized encoding for each j [n]. Choose x R {0,} lgn. Define { K (j) k,b where k {,..,lgn},b {0,} Let each user s secret key be sk j = (j,{k (j) k,b }). Let the master key be msk = {sk k,b }. Enc(i,msk = {sk k,b }) : Output c i = (y := x i,sk,y,...,sk lgn,ylgn ) Dec(c i,sk j ): } := { PRF skk,b (j) F k (f j,x k b,r j ) } Output DRE.Decode(PRF sk,y (j) K (j),y,...,prf sklgn,ylgn (j) K (j) lgn,y lgn ) Figure 4: Our scheme Π OFE. 5. Proof of Correctness Dec(c i,sk j ) = DRE.Decode(PRF sk,y (j) K (j),y,...,prf sklgn,ylgn (j) K (j) lgn,y lgn ) = DRE.Decode( F (f j,y x,r j ),..., F lgn (f j,y lgn x lgn,r j )) = DRE.Decode( F (f j,i,r j ),..., F lgn (f j,i lgn,r j )) = f j (i) 3

15 Where the last step uses the (perfect) correctness of the randomized encoding scheme. So: [ P [Dec(c i,sk i ) = I{i j}] = P DRE.Decode( F (f j,i,r j ),..., F lgn (f j,i lgn,r j )) = f j (i) ] =. sk=setup(κ),c i =Enc(msk,i) R 5.2 Proof of Security Lemma 5.. P [ Eκ,n,m(Π real OFE,A) = ] P [ Eκ,n,m(Π ideal OFE,A,FE.Sim) = ] ε(κ) Proof. Consider the hybrid scheme Π OFE defined in Figure 5, which uses a truly random string instead of the output of a PRF for the encrypted labels corresponding to the off-bits of y = x i. Note that this scheme is only useful in the nonadaptive security game, where i is known at time of Setup (since it is needed to compute y). We can easily show that the scheme is indistinguishable from the original scheme in the nonadaptive security game. Setup( κ ) : Choose seeds sk k R {0,} κ for k [lgn]. Choose randomness R j for the randomized encoding for each j [n]. Choose x R {0,} lgn. Let y = x i. Define { } K (j) k,y := { PRF skk (j) F k k (f j,i k,r j ) } Construct { K (j) k,y k } R {0,} lgn where k {,..,lgn} Let each user s secret key be sk j = (j,{k (j) k,b }). Let the master key be msk = {sk k }. Enc(i,msk = {sk k }) : Output c i = (y = x i,sk,...,sk lgn ) Dec(c i,sk j ): Output DRE.Decode(PRF sk (j) K (j),y,...,prf sklgn (j) K (j) lgn,y lgn ) Figure 5: Hybrid scheme Π OFE. Lemma 5.2. P [ Eκ,n,m(Π real OFE,A) = ] P [ Eκ,n,m(Π real OFE,A) = ] lgn PRF.Adv(κ) = ε(κ) Proof. Follows easily by the security of the PRF (applied lgn times in a hybrid for each function in the off-bits of y). In Figure 6 we define a simulator for the ideal setting that is indistinguishable from our hybrid scheme Π OFE. The simulator uses the simulator for the decomposable randomized encoding scheme to generate the labels to be encrypted using only the knowledge of the output value of the functions on the input. 4

16 OFE.Sim: Input: κ, and the evaluation of n (unknown) functions on unknown input: {y i } n i= Let DRE.Sim be the simulator for information-theoretic randomized encoding DRE. // Generate ciphertext Choose y R {0,} lgn. For k [lgn]: Choose sk k R {0,} κ Let c = (y,sk,...,sk lgn ) // Generate keys for j [n] using DRE.Sim For j [n]: ( ) Generate: F (j),..., F (j) lgn DRE.Sim(y j ) Let: K (j) k,y = PRF skk (j) F (j) k k for k [lgn] Choose: K (j) k,y R {0,} lgn for k [lgn] k { Let: OFE.sk j = K (j) k,b } k [lgn], b {0,} // Output the n simulated secret keys and simulated ciphertext Output: {OFE.sk i } n i=, c Figure 6: The Simulator OFE.Sim for Π OFE. Lemma 5.3. P [ Eκ,n,m(Π real OFE,A) = ] P [ Eκ,n,m(Π ideal OFE,A,FE.Sim) = ] = 0 Proof. Follows easily by the information-theoretic security of the randomized encoding. Adding the statements of Lemma 5.2 and Lemma 5.3 gives us the original statement of security. So, Π OFE is a function-hiding-secure private-key functional encryption scheme (n,,negl(κ)) with security based on the hardness of a PRF (which can be instantiated using a one-way function) and the existence of an information-theoretic randomized encoding for the family of comparison functions {f j : {0,} lgn {0,}} of length L. Furthermore, note that the length of ciphertexts is: lgn κ + lgn = O(κL) and the length of each key is L, satisfying the conditions of Theorem A Two-Message Functional Encryption Scheme for Comparison We now use the one-message functional encryption scheme Π OFE described in Section 5 to construct a functional encryption scheme Π FE that is (n,2, 300n 3 )-secure for the family of comparison functions. For any y {0,} l, let f y (x) = I{x y} where the comparison operation treats x,y as numbers in binary. We define the family of functions F comp := { f y : {0,} l {0,} y {0,} l } 5

17 In our application, we need x,y {0,,...,n}, so we will set l = log 2 (n + ) = O(logn). One important property of our construction is that the user key length will be fairly small as a function of l, so that when l = O(logn), the overall length of user keys will be n o() (in fact, nearly polylogarithmic in n). 6. Construction Our construction will be for a generic family of functions F, and we will only specialize the construction to F comp when setting the parameters and bounding the length of the scheme. Before giving the formal construction, let s gather some notation and ingredients. Note that we will introduce some additional parameters that are necessary to specify the scheme, but we will leave many of these parameters to be determined later. Let n be a parameter bounding the number of user keys in the scheme, and let F be a finite field whose size we will determine later. Let F = { f : {0,} l {0,} } be a family of functions. For each function f F we define an associated polynomial f : F l+ F as follows:. Let f ˆ : F l F be a polynomial computing f 2. Define f : F l+ F to be f (x,...,x l,z) = f ˆ (x,...,x l ) + z Let D and S be such that every for every f F, the associated polynomial f has degree at most D and can be computed by an arithmetic circuit of size at most S. These degree and size parameters will depend on F. Let P D,S,F be the set of all univariate polynomials p : F F of degree at most D and size at most S. Let Π OFE = (OFE.Setup,OFE.KeyGen,OFE.Enc,OFE.Dec) be an (n,,negl(κ))- function-hiding-secure functional encryption scheme (i.e. secure for n keys and one message) for the family of polynomials P D,S,F. We re now ready to describe the construction of the two-message functional encryption scheme Π FE. The scheme is specified in Figure 7. Correctness of Π FE. Before going on to prove security, we will verify that encryption and decryption are correct for our scheme. Fix any f i F and let f i : F l F be the associated polynomial, and fix any input x F l. Let r i : F F be the degree RD polynomial chosen by FE.KeyGen on input f i and let f i,ri (,t) be the function used to generate the key OFE.sk i,t. Let q : F F l be the degree R polynomial map chosen by FE.Enc on input x. Observe that, by correctness of Π OFE, when we run FE.Dec we will have p(t) = OFE.Dec(OFE.sk i,t,c t ) = f i,ri (q(t),t) = f i (q(t)) + r i (t). Now, consider the polynomial f i,q,ri : F F defined by f i,q,ri (t) = f i (q(t)) + r i (t). Since f i has degree at most D, q has degree at most R, and r i has degree at most RD, the degree of f i,q,ri is at most RD. Since U = RD +, the polynomial p agrees with f i,q,ri at RD + distinct points, and thus p f i,q,ri. In particular, p(0) = f i,q,ri (0). Since we chose r i and q such that r i (0) = 0 and q(0) = x, we have p(0) = f i (q(0)) + r i (0) = f i (x). This completes the proof of correctness. 6

18 Global Parameters: A family of functions F = {f : {0,} l {0,} l } is a family of functions, a finite field F, a bound D on the degree of polynomials f : F l+ F computing a function in F, a parameter R N, and parameters U = RD +, and T = U 2. FE.Setup( κ ) : Generate T independent master keys for OFE.msk t R OFE.Setup( κ ) Output FE.msk = {OFE.msk t } T t= FE.KeyGen(FE.msk,f i ) : // To aid in our proofs later, we index invocations of FE.KeyGen with i Let f i : F l F be a multivariate polynomial computing f i Choose a random polynomial r i : F F of degree RD such that r i (0) = 0 For every t [T ]: Define the function f i,ri (x,t) = f i (x) + r i (t) Let OFE.sk i,t R OFE.KeyGen(OFE.msk t, f i,ri (,t)) Output FE.sk i = {OFE.sk i,t } T t= FE.Enc(FE.msk, x) : Choose a random polynomial map q : F F l of degree R so that q(0) = x. Choose a random U [T ] of size U For every t U: let c t R OFE.Enc(OFE.msk t,q(t)) Output c = {c t } t U FE.Dec(FE.sk i,c) : Let FE.sk i = {OFE.sk i,t } T t=, c = {c t} t U For every t U, let p(t) = OFE.Dec(OFE.sk i,t,c t ) Extend the polynomial p(t) to all of F by interpolation Output p(0) Figure 7: A Functional Encryption Scheme for 2 Messages 6.2 Security for Two Messages Theorem 6.. For every polynomial n = n(κ), Π FE is (n,2,δ)-secure for δ = T negl(κ) + 2 Ω(R). First we describe at a high level how to simulate. To do so, it will be useful to first introduce some terminology. Recall that FE.Setup instantiates T independent copies of the one-message scheme T. We refer to each instantiation as a component. Thus, when we talk about generating a secret key for a function f i we will talk about generating each of the T components of that key and similarly when we talk about generating a ciphertext for an input x b we will talk about generating each of the U components of that ciphertext. Thus the simulator has to generate a total of nt components of keys and 2U components of ciphertexts. The simulator will consider several types of components: Components t U U 2 where U,U 2 are the random sets of components chosen by the encryption scheme for the two inputs, respectively. The adversary obtains two ciphertexts for these components, so we cannot use the simulator for the one-message scheme. Thus for these components we simply choose uniformly random values for all the keys and ciphertexts and use the real one-message scheme. 7

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