arxiv: v1 [] 29 May 2009

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1 arxiv: v1 [] 29 May 2009 simple Havel-Hakimi type algorithm to realize graphical egree sequences of irecte graphs Péter L. Erős an István Miklós. Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian caemy of Sciences, uapest, PO ox 127, H-1364, Hungary {elp} Zoltán Toroczkai Interisciplinary Center for Network Science an pplications an Department of Physics University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN, 46556, US May 29, 2009 bstract One of the simplest ways to ecie whether a given finite sequence of positive integers can arise as the egree sequence of a simple graph is the greey algorithm of Havel an Hakimi. This note extens their approach to irecte graphs. It also stuies cases of some simple forbien ege-sets. Finally, it proves a result which is useful to esign an MCMC algorithm to fin ranom realizations of prescribe irecte egree sequences. MS subject classification[2000]. 05C07 05C C35 Keywors. network moeling; irecte graphs; egree sequences; greey algorithm 1 Introuction The systematic stuy of graph theory (or more precisely the theory of linear graphs, as it was calle in that time began sometimes in the late forties, through seminal works by P. Erős, P. Turán, W.T. Tutte, an others. One problem which receive consierable attention was the existence of certain subgraphs of a ELP was partly supporte by OTK (Hungarian NSF, uner contract Nos. T an K IM was supporte by a olyai postoctoral stipen an OTK (Hungarian NSF grant F ZT was supporte in part by the NSF CS , HDTR an by Hungarian ioinformatics MTKD-CT Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowlege. 1

2 given graph. For example such subgraph coul be a perfect matching in a (not necessarily bipartite graph, or a Hamiltonian cycle through all vertices, etc. Generally these substructures are calle factors. The first couple of important results of this kin are ue to W.T. Tutte who gave necessary an sufficient conitions for the existence of 1-factors an f-factors. In the case of complete graphs, the existence problem of such factors is consierably easier. In particular, the existence problem of (sometimes simple unirecte graphs with given egree sequences amits even simple greey algorithms for its solution. Subsequently, the theory was extene for factor problems of irecte graphs as well, but the greey type algorithm mentione above is missing even toay. In this paper we fill this gap: after giving a short an comprehensive (but efinitely not exhausting history of the f-factor problem (Section 2, we escribe a greey algorithm to ecie the existence of a irecte simple graph possessing the prescribe egree sequence (Section 3. In Section 4 we prove a consequence of the previous existence theorem, which is a necessary ingreient for the construction of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC methos to sample irecte graphs with prescribe egree sequence. Finally in Section 5 we iscuss a slightly harer existence problem of irecte graphs with prescribe egree sequences where some vertex-pairs are exclue from the constructions. This result can help to efficiently generate all possible irecte graphs with a given egree sequence. 2 brief history (of f-factors For a given function f : V (G N {0}, an f-factor of a given simple graph G(V, E is a subgraph H such that H (v = f(v for all v V. One of the very first key results of moern graph theory is ue to W.T. Tutte: in 1947 he gave a complete characterization of simple graphs with f-factor in case of f 1 (Tutte s 1-factor theorem, [14]. Tutte later solve the problem of the existence of f-factors for general f s (Tutte s f-factor theorem, [15]. In 1954 he also foun a beautiful graph transformation to hanle f-factor problems via perfect matchings in bipartite graphs [16]. This also gave a clearly polynomial time algorithm for fining f-factors. In cases where G is a complete graph, the f-factor problem becomes easier: then we are simply intereste in the existence of a graph with a given egree sequence (the exact efinitions will come in Section 3. In 1955 P. Havel evelope a simple greey algorithm to solve the egree sequence problem for simple unirecte graphs ([8]. In 1960 P. Erős an T. Gallai stuie the f-factor problem for the case of a complete graph G, an prove a simpler Tutte-type result for the egree sequence problem (see [3]. s they alreay pointe out, the result can be erive irectly form the original f-factor theorem, taking into consieration the special properties of the complete graph G, but their proof was inepenent of Tutte s proof an they referre to Havel s theorem. In 1962 S.L. Hakimi stuie the egree sequence problem in unirecte 2

3 graphs with multiple eges ([6]. He evelope an Erős-Gallai type result for this much simpler case, an for the case of simple graphs he reiscovere the greey algorithm of Havel. Since then this algorithm is referre to as the Havel Hakimi algorithm. For irecte graphs the analogous question of recognizability of a bi-graphicalsequence comes naturally. In this case we are given two n-element vectors +, of non-negative integers. The problem is the existence of a irecte graph on n vertices, such that the first vector represents the out-egrees an the secon one the in-egrees of the vertices in this graph. In 1957 D. Gale an H. J. Ryser inepenently solve this problem for simple irecte graphs (there are no parallel eges, but loops are allowe, see [5, 13]. In 1958 C. erge generalize these results for p-graphs where at most p parallel eges are allowe ([1]. (erge calls the out-egree an in-egree together the emi-egrees. Finally in 1973, the revise version of his book Graphs ([2] gives a solution for the p-graph problem, loops exclue. To show some of the afterlife of these results: D. West in his renowne recent textbook ([17], iscusses the case of simple irecte graphs with loops allowe. The analog of f-factor problems for irecte graphs has a sparser history. Øystein Ore starte the systematic stuy of that question in 1956 (see [11, 12]. His metho is rather algebraic, an the finite an infinite cases - more or less - are iscusse together. The first part evelope the tools an prove the irectly analog result of Tutte s f-factor problem for finite irecte graphs (with loops, while the secon part ealt with the infinite case. In 1962 L.R. For an D.R. Fulkerson stuie, generalize an solve the original f-factor problem for a irecte graph G. Here lower an upper bouns were given for both emi-egrees of the esire subgraph (no parallel eges, no loops with the original question naturally corresponing to equal lower an upper bouns. The solutions (as well as in erge s cases are base on network flow theory. Finally, in a later paper Hakimi also prove results for bi-graphical sequences, but, he i not present a irecte version of his original greey algorithm (see [7]. 3 greey algorithm to realize bi-graphical sequences sequence = { 1, 2,..., n } of nonnegative integers is calle a graphical sequence if a simple graph G(V, E exists on n noes, V = {v 1, v 2,..., v n }, whose egree sequence is. In this case we say that G realizes the sequence. For simplicity of the notation we will consier only sequences of strictly positive integers ( n > 0 to avoi isolate points. The following, well-known result, was prove inepenently by P. Havel an S.L. Hakimi. Theorem 1 (Havel [8], Hakimi [6] There exists a simple graph with egree sequence 1 > 0, 2... n > 0 (n 3 if an only if there exists one 3

4 with egree sequence 2 1,..., 1+1 1, 1+2,..., n. (Note that there is no prescribe orering relation between 1 an the other egrees. This can be prove using a recursive proceure, which transforms any realization of the egree sequence into the form escribe in the Theorem, by a sequence of two-ege swaps. bi-egree-sequence (or DS for short ( +, = ({ + 1, + 2,...,+ n }, { 1, 2,..., n } of nonnegative integers is calle a bi-graphical sequence if there exists a simple irecte graph (igraph G(V, E on n noes, V = {v 1, v 2,..., v n }, such that the out-egree an in-egree sequences together form ( +,. (That is the in-egree of vertex v j is + j an its out-egree is j. In this case we say that G realizes our DS. For simplicity, we will consier only sequences of strictly positive integer DS s, that is each egree is 0 an + j + j > 0, to avoi isolate points. Our goal is to prove a Havel-Hakimi type algorithm to realize bi-graphical sequences. To that en we nee to introuce the notion of normal orer: we say that the DS is in normal orer if the entries satisfy the following properties: for each i = 1,..., n 2 we either have i > i+1 or i = i+1 an + i + i+1. Clearly, all DS-s can be arrange into normal orer. Note that we mae no orering assumption about noe v n (the pair + n, n. Theorem 2 ssume that the DS ( +, with + j + j > 0, j [1, n] is in normal orer an n > 0. Then (+, is bi-graphical if an only if the DS + k = { + k if k n 0 if k = n, k = { k 1 if k + n k if k > + n, (1 (2 with zero elements remove (those j for which + j = j = 0 is bi-graphical. efore we start the proof, we want to emphasize the similarity between this result an the original HH-algorithm. s in the unirecte case, using Theorem 2, we can fin a proper realization of graphical bi-egree sequences, greeily. Inee: choose any vertex v n with non-zero out-egree from the sequence, arrange the rest in normal orer, then make n connections from v n to noes with largest in-egrees, thus constructing the out-neighborhoo of v n in the final realization. Next, remove the vertices (if any from the remaining sequence that have lost both their in- an out- egrees in the process, pick a noe with non-zero out-egree, then arrange the rest in normal orer. pplying Theorem 2 again, we fin the final out-neighborhoo of our secon pick vertex. Step by step we fin this way the out-neighborhoo of all vertices, while their in-neighborhoos get efine eventually (being exhauste by incoming eges. Note, that every vertex in this process is picke at most once, namely, when its out-neighborhoo is etermine by the Theorem, an never again after that. 4

5 Our forthcoming proof is not the simplest, however, we use a more general setup to shorten the proofs of later results. First, we efine the partial orer among k-element vectors of increasing positive integers: we say a b iff for each j = 1,..., k we have a j b j. possible out-neighborhoo (or PON for short of vertex v n is a + n -element subset of V \ {v n } which is a caniate for an out-neighborhoo of v n in some graphical representation. (In essence, a PON can be any + n -element subset of V \ {v n } but later on we may consier some restrictions on it. Let be a PON of v n. Then enote by i( the vector of the increasingly orere subscripts of the elements of. (For example, if = {v 2, v 4, v 9 }, then i( = (2, 4, 9. Let an two PONs of v n. We write: i i. (3 In this case we also say that is to the left of. (For example, = {v 1, v 2, v 6, v 7 } is to the left of = {v 2, v 4, v 6, v 9 }. Definition 3 Consier a bi-graphical DS sequence ( +, an let be a PON of v n. The -reuce DS ( + is efine as: + k k = = { + k if k n 0 if k = n, { k 1 if k i( k if k i(. (4 (5 In ( other wors, if is a PON in a DS, then the reuce egree sequence +, is obtaine by removing the out-eges of noe vn (accoring to the possible out-neighborhoo. s usual, if for one subscript k in the - reuce DS we have + k = k = 0 then the vertex with this inex is to be remove from the bi-egree sequence. Lemma 4 Let ( +, be a DS, an let be a possible out-neighborhoo of v n. Furthermore let be another PON with = \ {v k } {v i } where i k an in case of i = k we have + i + k. Then if (D+,D := ( + is bi-graphical, so is ( +. Proof. Since our -reuce DS (D +,D is bi-graphical, there exists a irecte graph G which realizes the bi-egree sequence (D +,D. We are going to show that in this case there exists a irecte graph G which realizes the DS ( +. In the following, va v b will always mean a irecte ege from noe v a to noe v b. Let us now construct the irecte graph G 1 by aing v n v irecte eges for each v. (Since accoring to (4, in (D +,D the out-egree of v n is equal to zero, no parallel eges are create. The bi-egreesequence of G 1 is ( +,. Our goal is to construct another realization G 1 of ( +, such that the eletion of the out-eges of v n in the latter prouces the DS ( +. 5

6 y efinition we have v n v k E 1, (the ege set of G 1 but v n v i E 1. t first assume that there exists a vertex v l (l i, k, n, such that v l v i E 1 but v l v k E 1. (When i > k then this happens automatically, however if i = k an v kv i E 1 then it is possible that the in-neighborhoo of v i an v k are the same - except of course v k, v i themselves an v n. This means that now we can swap the eges v n v k an v l v i into v n v i an v l v k. (Formally we create the new graph G 1 = (V, E 1 such that E 1 = E 1 \ {v n v k, v l v i } {v n v i, v l v k }. This achieves our wante realization. Our secon case is when i = k, v kv i E 1, an furthermore for each l i, k, n we have v l v i E 1 v l v k E 1. (6 It is important to observe that in this case v i v k E 1 : otherwise some v l woul not satisfy (6 (in orer to keep i = k. Now, if there exists a subscript m (ifferent from k, i, n such that v i v m E 1 but v k v m E 1, then we create the require new graph G 1 by applying the following triple swap (or three-ege swap: we exchange the irecte eges v n v k, v k v i an v i v m into v n v i, v i v k an v k v m. y our our assumption we have + i + k. On one han sie if + i > + k hols then ue to the properties v k v i E an v i v k E, there exist at least two subscripts m 1, m 2 i, k such that v i v mj E but v k v mj E an at least one of them iffers from n. Thus, when + i > + k, we o fin such an m for which the triple swap above can be performe. The final case is when i = k an + i = + k. If vertex v m oes not exist, then we must have v i v n E 1 (to keep + i = + k, an in this case clearly, v k v n / E 1. Therefore, in this (final case the graphical realization G 1 has the properties v n v k, v k v i, v i v n E 1 an v n v i, v i v k, v k v n E 1. Then the triple swap E 1 := E 1 \ {v n v k, v k v i, v i v n } {v n v i, v i v k, v k v n } (7 will prouce the require new graphical realization G 1. Observation 5 For later reference it is important to recognize that in all cases above, the transformations from one realization to the next one happene with the use of two-ege or three-ege swaps. Lemma 6 Let ( +, be an DS an let an C be two possible outneighborhoos of v n. Furthermore assume that C, that is C is to the left of. Finally assume that vertices in C are in normal orer. Then if ( + is bi-graphical, so is ( + C C. Proof. Since C is to the left of therefore, there is a (unique bijection φ : C \ \ C such that c C \ : i({c} < i({φ(c} (the subscript of vertex c is smaller than the subscript of vertex φ(c. (For example, if = {v 4, v 5, v 6, v 7, v 8, v 9 } an C = {v 1, v 2, v 3, v 5, v 7, v 8 }, then C \ = {v 1, v 2, v 3 }, \ C = {v 4, v 6, v 9 }, an φ is the map {v 1 v 4, v 2 v 6, v 3 v 9 }. 6

7 To prove Lemma 6 we apply Lemma 4 recursively for each c C \ (in arbitrary orer to exchange φ(c with c C, preserving the graphical character at every step. fter the last step we fin that the sequence reuce by C is graphical. Proof of Theorem 2: We can easily achieve now the require graphical realization of ( +, if we use Lemma 6 with the current, an C = {v 1,..., v + n }. We can o that since ( +, is in normal orer, therefore the assumptions of Lemma 6 always hol. 4 simple prerequisite for MCMC algorithms to sample irecte graphs with given DS In practice it is often useful to choose uniformly a ranom element from a set of objects. frequently use tool for that task is a well-chosen Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo metho (MCMC for short. To that en, a graph is establishe on the objects an ranom walks are generate on it. The eges represent operations which can transfer one object to the other. If the Markov chain can steps from an object x to object y with non-zero probability, then it must be able to jump to x from y with non-zero probability (reversibility. If the graph is connecte, then applying the well-known Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, it will yiel a ranom walk converging to the uniform istribution starting from an arbitrary (even fixe object. To be able to apply this technique we have to efine our graph (the Markov chain G( +, = (V, E. The vertices are the ifferent possible realizations of the bi-graphical sequence ( +,. n ege represents an operation consisting of a two or three-ege swap which transforms the first realization into the secon one. (For simplicity, sometimes we just say swap for any of them. We will show: Theorem 7 Let G, G be two realizations of the same bi-graphical sequence ( +,. Then there is a sequence of graphs G = G 0, G 1,..., G m = G where all graphs are graphical realizations of ( +, an for each i = 0,..., m 1 there is a two- or three-ege swap, which transform G i into G i+1. Remark: In the case of unirecte graphs the (original analogous observation (neeing only two-eges swaps was prove by H.J. Ryser ([13]. Proof. t first it easy to see that if a swap transforms a graph H into H then the inverse swap transforms H into H. Therefore, our plan is this: at first we fix a certain reference realization G, then we take the realization H an step by step we transform into G in such a way that an increasing number of vertices of the current realization will have the same out-neighbors as in the reference realization G. In orer to o that, we consier the original DS ( +, an take its stanar normal orer ( +, efine as the normal orer which has the 7

8 following extra property: whenever for two subscripts i < j we have + i = + j an i = j then π 1 (i < π 1 (j where the permutation π : [n] [n] gives the corresponence among the subscripts in the DS s ( +, an ( +,. Now the reference realization G will be constructe as follows: take the stanar normal orer ( +, an apply our greey algorithm for the last subscript j for which j > 0. Next, reuce the DS with the out-neighbors π 1 (j (the k = π 1 (j element of the set of v j an repeat the whole process again. (Here we will keep the (0, 0 egree-pairs to make the construction of the current permutation π easier. The graph emerging in the en is G. Now it is enough to prove the following statement: Lemma 8 For any realization H of ( +, there is a series of swaps that transform H into G. Proof. We will generate our realization (swap sequence starting from H towars G in the same orer as the reference realization was originally create. Take the stanar normal orer of the original DS an pick the last vertex v j with non-zero out-egree. We know its out-neighborhoo in (the current H. We also know the out-neighborhoo of the same vertex in G: that will serve as the set C in Lemma 6. Due to the construction of G it must be to the left of, therefore, the lemma applies. It creates a realization H 1, where v j (an, by the way, all vertices with larger subscripts in the stanar normal orer has the same out-neighborhoo as in G. Next, reuce the egree sequence with this new out-neighborhoo C an continue recursively: repeat the process with this new DS. Since we procee in the same orer of the vertices as in the creation of the original reference graph G, consequently, the current C out-neighborhoo will be always to the left of, an therefore Lemma 6 will always apply an this finishes the proof. Proof of Theorem 7: Now we can easily finish the proof by fining the swap chains C an C from G to G an from G to G an then the concatenate chain C C (where the over-line enotes the chain of inverse swaps will transform G into G. 5 Is a DS bi-graphical when one of its vertex s out-neighborhoo is constraine? In network moeling of complex systems (for a rather general reference see [10] one usually efines a (igraph with components of the system being represente by the noes, an the interactions (usually irecte amongst the components being represente as the eges of this igraph. Typical cases inclue biological networks, such as the metabolic network, signal transuction networks, gene transcription networks, etc. The graph is usually inferre from empirical observations of the system an it is uniquely etermine if one can specify all the connections in the graph. Frequently, however, the ata available from the 8

9 system is incomplete, an one cannot uniquely etermine this graph. In this case there will be a set D of (igraphs satisfying the existing ata, an one can be face with: (i fining a typical element of the class D, (ii or generating all elements of the class D. ( more complete analysis of this phenomenon can be foun in [9]. In Section 4 we alreay touche upon problem (i when D is the class of all irecte graphs of a given DS. The analogous Problem (ii for unirecte graphs was recently aresse in [9] which provies an economical way of constructing all elements from D. In this Section we give a prescription base on the metho from [9], to solve (ii for the case of all irecte graphs with prescribe DS. This is particularly useful from the point of view of stuying the abunance of motifs in real-worl networks: one nees to know first all the (small subgraphs, or motifs, before we stuy their statistics from the ata. efore we give the etails, it is perhaps worth making the following remark: Clearly, one way to solve problem (i woul be to first solve problem (ii, then choose uniformly from D. However, in (those very small cases when reasonable answers can be expecte for problem (ii, problem (i is rather uninteresting. In general, however, (i cannot be solve efficiently by the use of (ii. We start the iscussion of problem (ii with pointing out that our new, irecte Havel- Hakimi type algorithm is unable to generate all realization of a prescribe DS (see Figure 1. (2,1 (2,1 (2,1 (2,1 (2,1 (0,3 (0,3 (2,1 Figure 1: This graph cannot be obtaine by the irecte Havel-Hakimi proceure. The integers inicate noe egrees. The situation is very similar to the non-irecte case, see [9]. The irecte HHalgorithm must start with a vertex with egree-pair (2, 1, therefore the two vertices of egree-pair (0, 3 must be out-neighbors of the same vertex - not for the graph in the Figure. One possible way to overstep this shortage is to iscover systematically all possible out-connections from a given vertex v in all realizations of the prescribe graphical DS. We o not know a greey algorithm to achieve this. The next best thing we can o is to evelop a greey algorithm to ecie whether a given (subset of prescribe out-neighbors of v woul prevent to fin a realization of the DS containing those prescribe out-neighbors. In the following, we escribe such a greey algorithm. (It is perhaps interesting to note that this latter problem can be consiere as a very special irecte f-factor problem. 9

10 For start, we consier a ( +, bi-egree sequence together with a forbien vertex set F whose elements are not allowe to be out-neighbors of vertex v n. (Or, just oppositely, we can imagine that we alreay have ecie that those vertices will become out-neighbors of v n an the DS is alreay upate accoringly. The forbien vertex set governs only the out-neighbors, since in the process the in-neighbors are born automatically. It is clear that F n n must hol for the existence of a graphical realization of this F-restricte DS. ssume that the vertices are enumerate such a way that subset F consists of vertices v n F,..., v n 1 an vertices V = {v 1,..., v n F 1 } are in normal orer. (We can also say that we apply a permutation on the subscripts accoringly. Then we say that the DS is in F-normal orer. Definition 9 Consier a bi-graphical DS sequence ( +, in F-normal orer, an let be a PON. The -reuce DS ( + is efine as in (4 an (5, while keeping in min the existence of an F set to the right of. In other wors, if is a PON in an F-restricte DS, then the reuce egree sequence ( + is still obtaine by removing the out-eges of noe vn (accoring to the possible out-neighborhoo. Finally, one more notation: let ( +, be a DS, F a forbien vertex subset of V an enote by F[k] the set of the first k vertices in the F-normal orer. Theorem 10 Let be any PON in the F-restricte ( +, DS, which is in F-normal orer. Then if the -reuce DS ( +, is graphical, then the F[ + n ( ]-reuce DS + F[ + n ], F[ + is graphical as well. n ] Proof. It is trivial: Lemma 6 applies. This statement gives us inee a greey way to check whether there exists a graphical realization of the F-restricte bi-egree sequence ( +, : all we have to o is to check only whether the F[ + n ( ]-reuce DS + F[ + n ], F[ + is n ] graphical. Finally, we want to remark that, similarly to the inirecte case, Theorem 10 is suitable to spee up the generation of all possible graphical realizations of a DS. The etails can be foun in [9] which is a joint work of these authors with Hyunju Kim an László. Székely. cknowlegements The authors acknowlege useful iscussions with Gábor Tusnáy, Éva Czabarka an László. Székely an Hyunju Kim. ZT woul also like to thank for the kin hospitality extene to him at the lfré Rényi Institute of Mathematics, where this work was complete. 10

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