XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi MvRxcyi fwz welqk Z_ vejx (cöm c±vm)

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1 XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi MvRxcyi-1707 fwz welqk Z_ vejx (cöm c±vm) 1g el we Gmwm BwÄwbqvwis I e v Pji Ae AvwK UKPvi (weavk ) cövmöv g fwz cix v wk vel

2 1 f wgkv ivravbx XvKv nb Z cövq 40 wk jvwguvi DË i MvRxcyi Rjvi fviqv ji Mo GjvKvq XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi Aew Z 1980 mv j XvKvi ZRMuvI wkí GjvKvq ÒK jr Ae BwÄwbqvwisÓ bv g Gi AMÖhvÎv ïiæ nbqvwqj ciez x Z bvg cwiewz Z nbqv Bnv ÒXvKv BwÄwbqvwis K jró bv g AvZ cökvk K i cö KŠkj wk vi gv bvbœqb I M elyvi my hvm e w i j wemz 1 RyjvB 1986 nb Z XvKv BwÄwbqvwis K jr K wwmöx cö`vbkvix ^vqz kvwmz cöwzôvb Òevsjv `k Bbw wudu Ae UK bvjwró (weavbwu), XvKv Z iƒcvšíwiz Kiv nq cö KŠkj I cöhyw³i wewfbœ Î AMÖmigvb we k i mv _ m½wz i v I mgzv AR b Ges RvZxq ch v q D P wk v I M elyv, AvaywbK ÁvbPP v I cvbcvv bi my hvm m wó I m cömvi Yi wbwg Ë 1 m Þ ^i, 2003 m bi 34 bs AvBb e j Òevsjv `k Bbw wudu Ae UK bvjwr, XvKvÓ DbœxZ I iƒcvší ii gva g ÒXvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyiÓ bv g wek we` vjq wnmv e hvîv ïiæ K i ez gv b XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi-G mœvzk ch v q we Gmwm BwÄwbqvwis I e v Pji Ae AvwK UKPvi Ges mœvz KvËi ch v q Gg BwÄwbqvwis/Gg Gmwm BwÄwbqvwis/Ggwdj I wcgbpww wwwmö cö`vb Kiv nb Z Q XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi-G KejgvÎ ww cøvgv Bb-BwÄwbqvwis/AvwK UKPvi/GwMÖKvjPvi-G cvmk Z wkÿv_ x `i K fwz cix vi gva g 1g el wegmwm BwÄwbqvwis I we AvK cövmöv g fwz Kiv nq 2 fwz weáwß XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi-G wewfbœ Abyl `i wefvm mg~ n wk v e l i 1g e l we Gmwm BwÄwbqvwis I e v Pji Ae AvwK UKPvi (we AvK ) cövmöv g fwz i Rb fwz cix vi gva g wkÿv_ x evqvb Kiv nb e GB wbwg Ë Dchy³ cöv_x `i wbku nb Z AbjvBb Gi gva g `ilv Í Avnevb Kiv hvb Z Q fwz welqk Z_ vejx G cviqv hvb e fwz cixÿvi wd eve` 980/- (bqkz Avwk) UvKv DBBL gvevbj e vswks Gi gva g cö`vb Kwi Z nb e cöv_ xi mvavib hvm Zvt K) cöv_x K evsjv ` ki bvmwik nb Z nb e L) cöv_x K evsjv ` ki h Kvb gva wgk I D P gva wgk wk v evw /KvwiMwi wk v evw /gv`ªvmv wk v evw nb Z gva wgk zj mvwu wd KU/`vwLj ev mggv bi cix vq Kgc 50% b ^i A_ev 5 Gi j Kgc GPA 3.00 (&Hw QK welq mn) cvbqv DËxY nb Z nb e M) cöv_x K evsjv `k KvwiMwi wk v ev W i ww cøvgv Bb BwÄwbqvwis/AvwK UKPvi/GwMÖKvjPvi G M o Kgc 60% b ^i A_ev 4 Gi j Kgc CGPA 3.00 cvbqv DËxY nb Z nb e N) ww cøvgv Bb BwÄwbqvwis/AvwK UKPvi/GwMÖKvjPvi cixÿvq 2015 I ZrcieZ x m b DËxY wkÿv_ xivb fwz cixÿvq Ask MÖnY Kwi Z cvwi e Z e mikvwi, Avav mikvwi, ^vqz kvwmz, m±i K c v ikb-g wkÿkzv mn Ab vb c ` Kg iz cªv_x `i ÿ Î GB wbqg cö hvr nb e bv O) fwz cix v cöm c±vm Gi 4 (K) QK Abyhvqx D jøwlz wefvm mg~ n fwz i Rb Av e`b Kiv hvb e P) GKvwaK wefv M fwz cix vq AskMÖn Yi ÿ Î cöv_x K c _K c _K fv e Av e`b Kwi Z nb e Q) PvKzixiZ cöv_ x `i Aek B h_vh_ KZ c i gva g Av e`b Kwi Z nb e R) we `kx wkÿv_x `i ÿ Î cöv_ x K MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikv ii ciivóª gš Yvjq I wkÿv gš Yvj qi gva g Av e`b Kwi Z nb e D jøl,abjvb b fwz i cöwµqv we `kx wkÿv_x `i Rb cö hvr b n Z e we `kx wkÿv_x `i fwz msµvší Z_ nb Z msmön Kiv hvb e AbjvBb Ges DBBL G fwz wd cö`v bi gva g cöv_ xmy 12/08/2018wLª: iweevi mkvj 10:00 NwUKv nb Z 30/09/2018 wlª: iweevi wekvj 4:00 NwUKv ch ší Av e`b Kwi Z cvwi e 1

3 3 Av e`b Kwievi wbqgvewj 3.1 AbjvB b Av e`bcî c~iy Ges cixÿvi wd Rgv`vb ïiæ I kl niqvi ZvwiL I mgq: K) 12/08/2018 Bs mkvj 10:00 NwUKv nb Z AbjvB b Av e`bcî `vwlj Ges cixÿvi wd Rgv`vb ïiæ nb e L) 30/09/2018Bs ZvwiL Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq (wekvj 4:00 NwUKvi g a ) Online Application m úbœ I cixÿvi wd Rgv w` Z nb e 3.2 AbjvB b Av e`b dig c~i Yi wbqgvewj K) cöv_ x K Web Address: ( Gi gva g DUET KZ K wba vwiz Online Application Form c~iy Ges cixÿvi wd cö`vb Kwi Z nb e DUET Web Address: ( I ( I qemvbu G Av e`bcî c~i Yi we ÍvwiZ wb ` kbv `Iqv Av Q dig c~i Yi c~ e cöv_ x K Prospectus Gi mkj wb ` kbv fvjfv e AvqË Kwiqv Application Form Gi cöwzwu Field G cö`ë Z_ /wb ` kbv AbymiY KiZ: Form c~iy Kwi Z nb e Ges Star(*) wpwýz Field mg~n Aek B c~iy Kwi Z nb e L) Web Browser Gi Address Bar G URL wu UvBc Kwi j wb œiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e: D³ Webpage Gi Online Application evu b wk K Kwi j GKwU bzzb Webpage cö`wk Z nb e D³ Webpage G Av e`bkvix K Valid Address I wb Ri bvg wjwl Z nb e 2

4 Valid Address I wb Ri bvg wjwlqv Get Verification Code evu b wk K Kwi j wb œi Webpage wu cö`wk Z nb e Z e c~ e B Verification Code cvbqv _vwk j Av e`bkvix K Click here Link G wk K Kwi Z nb e D jøl Address I Verification Code Av e`bkvix ïay gvî GKeviB e envi Kwi Z cvwi e M) Av e`bkvixi Address Gi Inbox-G wb œi di gu Abyhvqx GKwU Verification Code cvvv bv nb e wu Spam dvìv ii hvb Z cv i Dear Applicant Mr. X Your Verification code is: 1234 Now you can start your application using this code. Best Regards Coordinator Admission Committee N) cö`wk Z Webpage Gi Click here to start application, Link G wk K Kwi j ciezx c ôvi Abyiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb et 3

5 cö`wk Z Webpage-G Av e`bkvix G cövß Verification Code cö`vb c~e K Enter evu b wk K Kwi j wb œiƒc Avi GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e G cö`ë Link G wk K Kwi ji GKB Webpage cö`wk Z nb e O) cö`wk Z Webpage G Av e`bkvix K Diploma in Engineering/Architecture/Agriculture I SSC cvk msµvší Z_ vw` cö`vb Kwi Z nb e Diploma in Engineering/Architecture/Agriculture I SSC (VOC) cv ki mwvk Z_ BTEB KZ K cwiÿxz nb e Ges fzj Z_ cö`vb Kwi j ciezx av c hvb Z cvwi e bv General Education Board I Madrasha Education Board nb Z SSC cvkk Z Z_ Av e`bkvix K Manually cö`vb Kwi Z nb e Z_ cö`v bi ci Check Information evu b wk K Kwi j ciezx c ôvi Abyiƒc Avi GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e t 4

6 cö`wk Z Webpage-Gi Next evu b wk K Kwi j Personal I Academic msµvší Ab vb Z_ vw` cö`v bi Rb ciezx c ôvi Abyiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e t 5

7 6

8 P) cö`wk Z Webpage-Gi Z_ h_vh_ fv e c~iy Kwi Z nb e Star (*) wpwýz Field mg~n Avek Kxq Quota c~i bi Î cöv_ x gyw³ hv vi (Freedom Fighter) mšívb/bvwz-bvzwb nb j Freedom Fighter Ackb wbe vpb Kwi Z nb e Ges DcRvZxq (Tribal) nb j Tribal wbe vpb Kwi Z nb e Kvb Quota bv _vwk j None wbe vpb Kwi Z nb e mkj Z_ cö`v bi ci Ges Declaration Check Box-G wk K Kwiqv Submit evu b wk K Kwi j Av e`bkvix K Application ID I Password cö`vb Kiv nb e Av e`bkvix K cö`ë Application ID I Password m ^wjz GKwU Webpage wb œi wpî Abyiƒc cö`wk Z nb e D³ Application ID I Password Address G cvvv bv nb e cövß Application ID I Password Av e`bkvix K msiÿy Kwi Z nb e D jøl, Application Fee cö`v bi ÿ Î GB Application ID-wU Bill Number wnmv e e eüz nb e Q) Kvb Av e`bkvix gyw³ hv v (Freedom Fighter) ev DcRvwZ (Tribal) KvUvq Av e`b Kwi j mswkøó mvwu wd KU Gi mz vwqz Kwc AbjvBb Av e`b dig c~i Yi w`b A_v r 12/08/2018 Bs ZvwiL nb Z 30/09/2018 Bs Zvwi Li g a Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq wb œ ^vÿikvixi wbku Rgv cö`vb Kwi Z nb e: gvnvt wmivryj Bmjvg wm g Gbvwjó, wmgmb wefvm Kÿ bs 332(A), 3q Zjv, cyivzb GKv WwgK feb Wy qu, MvRxcyi R) cö`wk Z Webpage-G Click Here, Link G wk K Kwi j ciezx c ôvi Abyiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e D³ Webpage-G K i cvvv bv Application ID I Password cö`vb c~e K Login evu b wk K Kwi Z nb e 7

9 S) Login evu b wk K Kwi j Av e`bkvixi Photo I Signature Upload Kwievi Rb wb œiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e cö`wk Z Webpage G Av e`bkvix K Photo I Signature Upload Kwi Z nb e Photo (.png,.jpg,.gif,.tif A_ev.bmp ) pixel, mvbr m e v P 100 wk jvevbu Ges Signature (.png,.jpg,.gif,.tif A_ev.bmp ) Pixel, mvbr m e v P 60 wk jvevb Ui nb Z nb e T) Photo I Signature Upload Kwiqv cövß Application ID (Bill Number) Øviv DBBL- G Biller ID 221 e envi Kwiqv ciezx c ôvq cö`ë Format Abyhvqx cixÿvi wd cö`vb Kwi Z nb e 8

10 U) cixÿvi wd cö`vb k l Av e`bkvix c~ e cö`ë Application ID I Password Øviv Login Kwi j ciezx c ôvi Abyiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e D jøl,cixÿvi wd cö`vb Kwi ji DUET, Gazipur KZ cÿ KZ K Verification bv Kiv ch ší No Payment Received cö`wk Z nb e Ges Verification m úbœ nb j meyr is mn Payment Received jlv cö`wk Z nb e 9

11 (DUET KZ K Verification Gi c~ e ) (DUET KZ K Verification Gi c i) V) Verification m úbœ nb j cö`wk Z Webpage Gi wb P Wvbw` K Aew Z Available G wk K Kwi j Av e`bkvixi Admit Card m ^wjz wb œiƒc GKwU Webpage cö`wk Z nb e 10

12 cö`wk Z Webpage Gi wb P Print Admit Card evu b wk K Kwiqv cövß Admit Card wu msiÿy Kwi Z nb e Ges cixÿvi w`b Bnv Aek B m ½ Avwb Z nb e 3.3 HELPLINE: Av e`b Kwi Z Kvb mgm vi m ylxb nb j b ^ i Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq dvb Kwiqv cö qvrbxq mn hvwmzv cviqv hvb e 3.4 fwz cixÿvq wbe vwpz cöv_ x K fwz i mgq wb œwjwlz cö qvrbxq KvMRcÎvw`i g~j Kwc I d UvKwci mz vwqz GK Kwc m ½ Avwb Z nb et 1 Avc jvwk Z Qwei cvm cvu mvb Ri `yb Kwc mz vwqz Qwe 2 gva wgk cix vi mvwu wd KU 3 gva wgk cix vi b ^icî/ MÖW mxu 4 ww cøvgv Bb BwÄwbqvwis/AvwK UKPvi/GwMÖKvjPvi cvu -2/6ô/8g ce cix vi b ^icî/ MÖW mxu 5 ww cøvgv Bb BwÄwbqvwis/AvwK UKPvi/GwMÖKvjPvi cix vi mvwu wd KU 6 mswkøó me kl wkÿv cöwzôv bi cöavb nb Z cövß cöksmvcî 7 PvKzixiZ cöv_x i wb qvmkvix KZ c i AbygwZcÎ (cö hvr ÿ Î) 11

13 8 (K) Rjv cökvmk/mswkøó DcRvZxq Mv Îi cöavb/ivrv/bdwbqb cwil `i Pqvig vb/wmwu K c v ikb/ cšimfvi KvDwÝji KZ K Bm yk Z DcRvwZ mvwu wd KU (cö hvr ÿ Î) (L) gyw³hy welqk gš Yvjq KZ K Bmÿ K Z gyw³ hv v mvwu wd KU (cö hvr ÿ Î) gyw³ hv vi bvwz/bvzwb cögv Yi mvwu wd KU wn m e cöv_ xi Rb wbeüb mb`cî/rvzxq cwipq cî, wczv/gvzvi RvZxq cwipq cî, _vbv/dc Rjv/ Rjv gyw³ hv v KgvÛ KvDwÝj KZ K Bm yk Z cöz qb cî, BDwbqb cwil `i Pqvig vb/wmwu K c v ikb/ cšimfvi KvDwÝji KZ K Bm yk Z cöz qb cî(cö hvr ÿ Î) 9 wmwfj BwÄwbwqvwis wefv M fwz i Rb AvwK UKPvi UK bvjwr I Gbfvqib g Uvj UK bvjwri wb œewy Z Hw QK welqmg~ ni b ^i cî/ MÖW mxu cö`k b Kwi Z nb e t K) AvwK UKPvi Gi Rb Hw QK welqmg~n t Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering-I, Theory & Design of Structure-II Ges Transportation Engineering-I. L) Gbfvqib g Uvj Gi Rb Hw QK welqmg~n t Civil Engineering Drawing-I, Construction Process-I, Transportation Engineering I 10 Dc iv³ mkj Document Gi g~j Kwci mwnz GK mu mz vwqz d UvKwc m ½ Avwb Z nb e Av e`bc Î cö`ë Z_ vw` fzj cögvwyz nb j Zvnv mivmwi evwzj nbqv hvb e GB ai bi cöv_ x fzjekzt fwz nb j Ges fwel Z Dnv cökvk cvb j Zvnvi fwz evwzj nbqv hvb e 4 fwz cix v K) XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw&³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi-G wb œ QKfy³ wefvm mg~ n wkÿv_ x `i K cö_g el wegmwm BwÄwbqvwis/ we AvK cövmöv g fwz Kiv nb e t wefvm mg~n wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis B jkwuªk vj GÛ B jkuªwbk BwÄwbqvwis gkvwbk vj BwÄwbqvwis Kw úduvi mv qý GÛ BwÄwbqvwis U UvBj BwÄwbqvwis AvwK UKPvi BÛvwóªqvj GÛ cövwvkkb BwÄwbqvwis dzw BwÄwbqvwis Av e`bkvixi wk vmz hvm Zv wmwfj, mv f wqs, AvwK UKPvi (wba vwiz HwPQK welqmg~ n cvkmn), Gbfvqib g Uvj (wba vwiz HwPQK welqmg~ n cvkmn), wmwfj (DW ckvjvb Rkb) I Kb ªvKkb UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv B jkwuªk vj, B jkuªwb, Bb ªy gb Ukb GÛ cö mm K Uªvj, UwjKwgDwb Kkb I B jk Uªv- gww Kj UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv gkvwbk vj, cviqvi, KwgK vj, iwd«rv ikb GÛ GqviKwÛkwbs, A Uv gvevbj, dzw, gkvuªwb, wkc wewìs, gwibigvbwbs G vûgvbb mv f UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv Kw úduvi mv qý GÛ UK bvjwr, Kw úduvi, B jkuªwb, WvUv UwjKwgDwb Kkb GÛ buiqvwk s, MÖvwd wwrvbb I wcöw Us UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv U UvBj, RyU I Mv g Um GÛ c vuvb gwks UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv AvwK UKPvi I AvwK UKPvi GÛ Bb Uwiqi wwrvbb UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv gkvwbk vj, cviqvi, A Uv gvevbj, gwib, gkvuªwb, wkc wewìs, dzw, iwd«rv ikb GÛ GqviKwÛkwbs, BÝUªy gb Ukb GÛ cö mm K Uªvj, KwgK vj GÛ gvbwbs G vû gvbb mv f UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv dzw, KwgK vj, gkvwbk vj, cviqvi, iwd«rv ikb GÛ GqviKwÛkwbs, BÝUªy gb Ukb GÛ cö mm K Uªvj UK bvjwr Z ww cøvgv I ww cøvgv Bb GwMÖKvjPvi L) fwz cix vq AskMÖn Yi hvm cöv_ x `i ZvwjKv wbw` ó Zvwi L Av e` bi µwgk b ^i Abyhvqx wek we` vj qi bvwuk evw Ges I qemvb U `Iqv nb e M) cökœcî m ^wjz DËicÎ wek we` vjq nb Z mieivn Kiv nb e N) cix vi Rb cö qvrbxq mvgmöx cöv_x K m ½ Avwb Z nb e cix vq K vjkz jui e envi Kiv hvb e Z e cövmöv gej K vjkz jui mn Kvb vu wwfvbm m ½ Avbv hvb e bv O) cix vi n j gvevbj dvb Avbv hvb e bv 12

14 5 fwz cix vi welqmg~n I b ^i wefvrb wba vwiz wm jev mi Dci wfwë Kwiqv wjwlz fwz cix v MÖnY Kiv nb e mkj wel q gvu b ^ ii 20%-25% MCQ _vwk e welq mg~ ni b ^i wefvrb wbgœiƒc t cî welq b ^i gvu b ^i imvqb 40 1g cî c`v_ weávb 40 MwYZ Bs iwr 30 2q cî UKwbK vj welq me gvu = Av e`bcî MÖnY, cö ekcî WvDb jvw I fwz cix v msµvší mgqm~px t Av e`b Kvh µg ZvwiL mgq Av e`b ïiæ 12/08/2018 Bs iweevi mkvj NwUKv Av e`b Kiv I cixÿvi wd Rgv `qvi kl ZvwiL 30/09/2018 Bs iweevi wekvj 4.00 NwUKv fwz cix vq AskMÖn Yi hvm cöv_ x `i ZvwjKv NvlYv (KZ cÿ cö qvrb ev a fwz cixÿvq AskMÖnbKvix cöv_ xi msl v ww cøvgv Z cövß CGPA Gi Dci wfwë Kwiqv mxwgz Kwi Z cvwi e) 10/10/2018 Bs eyaevi wekvj 4.00 NwUKv fwz cix vi ZvwiL I mgqm~pxt wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis Kw úduvi mv qý GÛ BwÄwbqvwis BÛvwóªqvj GÛ cövwvkkb BwÄwbqvwis AvwK UKPvi dzw BwÄwbqvwis B jkwuªk vj GÛ B jkuªwbk BwÄwbqvwis gkvwbk vj BwÄwbqvwis U UvBj BwÄwbqvwis wefvm ZvwiL mgq 05/11/2018 Bs mvgevi 05/11/2018 Bs mvgevi cö_g wkdu mkvj cö_g cî t 10t00-11t00 NwUKv wøzxq cî t 11t00-12t00 NwUKv wøzxq wkdu wekvj cö_g cî t 02:00-03:00 NwUKv wøzxq cî t 03:00-04:00 NwUKv wet `ªt cö_g cî I wøzxq c Îi cix v GK Î GKUvbv AbywôZ nb e mgqm~wpi Kvb cwiez b nb j Zvnv wek we` vj qi bvwuk evw I I qemvb Ui gva g Rvbv bv nb e cöwz wkdu G cövw_ MY GKwUi AwaK wefv M Av e`b Kwi Z cvwi e bv fwz i Rb wbe vwpz cöv_ x `i ZvwjKv NvlYvi m ve ZvwiL 7 fwz i Avmb msl v I cöv_ x evqvb qi wbqgt 15/11/2018 Bs ivr e n úwzevi K) fwz cix vq cvk b ^i me wbgœ kzkiv Pwjøk (40%) Z e 1g I 2q c Î c _K c _K fv e kzkiv cuqwîk (35%) b ^ ii Kg cvb j fwz i A hvm ewjqv we ewpz nb e Kej gvî fwz cix vq K ZKvh cöv_ x `i ga nb Z cövß gvu b ^ ii gav wfwë Z Avmb c~iy Kiv nb e L) Dc iv³ kz mv c wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis, B jkwuªk vj GÛ B jkuªwbk BwÄwbqvwis, gkvwbk vj BwÄwbqvwis I Kw cduvi mv qý GÛ BwÄwbqvwis wefv Mi cöwzwu Z 120 (GKkZ wek), U UvBj BwÄwbqvwis wefv M 60 (lvu) Ges AvwK UKPvi, BÛvwóªqvj GÛ cövwvkkb BwÄwbqvwis I dzw BwÄwbqvwis wefv Mi cöwzwu Z 30 (wîk) wu wba vwiz Avm b fwz i Rb cöv_ x evqvb Kiv nb e M) GKvwaK cöv_ x fwz cix vq GKB b ^i cvb j mb Î fwz cix vq 1g c Î cövß b ^ ii wfwë Z cöv_ x `i gav vb wba viy Kiv nb e cö_g c Îi cövß b ^i I mgvb nb j h_vµ g MwYZ, c`v_ weávb I imvq b cövß b ^ ii wfwë Z gav vb wba viy Kiv nb e 13

15 N) gyw³ hv v KvUvq cö_ g fwz cix vq cvkk Z cöv_ x `i ga nb Z gyw³ hv vi mšívb `i K AMÖvwaKvi wfwë Z evqvb Kiv nb e, gyw³ hv vi mšívb cviqv bv M j gyw³ hv vi bvwz-bvzwb `i K evqvb Kiv nb e 8 Avmb msi Y K) DcRvwZ `i Rb wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis, B jkwuªk vj GÛ B jkuªwbk BwÄwbqvwis, gkvwbk vj BwÄwbqvwis I Kw cduvi mv qý GÛ BwÄwbqvwis wefv Mi cöwzwu Z wba vwiz 120wU Avm bi AwZwi³ 02 (`yb) wu Kwiqv, U UvBj BwÄwbqvwis wefv M wba vwiz 60wU Avm bi AwZwi³ 01 (GK) wu Kwiqv, AvwK UKPvi, BÛvwóªqvj GÛ cövwvkkb BwÄwbqvwis I dzw BwÄwbqvwis wefv M wba vwiz 30 wu Avm bi AwZwi³ 01 (GK) wu Kwiqv Avmb msiw Z _vwk e L) gyw³ hv v `i mšívb/bvwz-bvzwb `i Rb wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis, B jkwuªk vj GÛ B jkuªwbk BwÄwbqvwis, gkvwbk vj BwÄwbqvwis, Kw cduvi mv qý GÛ BwÄwbqvwis wefv M wba vwiz Avm bi AwZwi³ cöwz wefv M 02 (`yb) wu Kwiqv Ges U UvBj BwÄwbqvwis, AvwK UKPvi, BÛvwóªqvj GÛ cövwvkkb BwÄwbqvwis I dzw BwÄwbqvwis wefv M wba vwiz Avm bi AwZwi³ cöwz wefv M 01 (GK) wu Kwiqv Avmb msiw Z _vwk e 9 fwz i wbqgvewj K) fwz i Rb evqvbk Z cöv_ x `i mswkøó ev W i g~j gvk kxu/ MÖW kxu I Ab vb g~j mb` c Îi mz Zv hvpvb qi Rb wba vwiz Zvwi L mswkøó KwgwUi wbku D³ KvMR cîvw` `vwlj Kwi Z nb e L) KvMRc Îi mz Zv hvpvb qi ci cöv_ x `i ^v cix v Kiv nb e M) ^v cix vq Dchy³ cögvwyz nb j, wba vwiz mg qi g a cö qvrbxq wdm Rgv w`qv fwz KwgwUi Aby gv`b mv c fwz niqv hvb e N) PvKzixiZ cöv_ x `i K AÎ wek we` vj q fwz i c~ e B Zvnv `i wb qvmkvix KZ c i wbku nb Z Wcy Ukb/QywUi Av `k Aek B `vwlj Kwi Z nb e 10 ^v cix v AÎ wek we` vj qi gww Kj m Uv i fwz KwgwU KZ K wbe vwpz mkj cöv_ xi ^v cix v Kiv nb e ^v cix vi mgq cö Z K cöv_ x K wba vwiz wd cwi kva Kwi Z nb e m& v cix vq hw` Kvnv iv ü` ivm, g~k/ewai, ` wó wksev kªeykw³i ÎæwU, Ab vb msµvgk ivm A_ev Kvb cökv ii kvixwik ev gvbwmk A gzv aiv c o hvnvi d j AÎ wek we` vj q A_ev cö KŠkj ckvq mvaviy Kvh wbe v n cöv_ xi c Amyweav nb Z cv i e j fwz KwgwU g b K i, Zvn j Zvnv K fwz i Abychy³ ewjqv MY Kiv nb e Z e ` wó kw³i ÎæwU 7 (mvz) w` bi g a cybt cix v Kiv hvb Z cv i Ab vb A vqx Abychy³Zv h_v nvb Wªvwmj, nviwbqv BZ vw` GK gv mi g a cybt cix vi Rb we ewpz nb Z cv i 11 AvevwmK n j mxu eèb AÎ wek we` vj q QvÎ `i Rb cvupwu I QvÎx `i Rb GKwU AvevwmK nj iwnqv Q njmg~ n mxu msl v AcÖZzj weavq bzzb fwz K Z Kvb wkÿv_ x K n j mxu eivï Kiv m e bvi nb Z cv i hvnviv AvevwmK wkÿv_ x wnmv e n j _vwk e bv ev n j mxu cvb e bv Zvnv `i K wek we` vj qi AvevwmK n ji mv _ Aek B mshy³ _vwk Z nb e 12 we kl `ªóe K) fwz msµvší wel q wek we` vj qi Kvb wk K, Kg KZ v ev Ab Kvb e w³ K cöfvwez Kivi cö Póv Kwi j cöv_ x A hvm ewjqv we ewpz nb e L) PvKzixiZ Ae vq mswkøó wb qvmkz vi AbygwZ e wz i K Kvb cöv_ x AÎ wek we` vj q Aa qb Kwi j kvw Í hvm Aciva ewjqv we ewpz nb e Ges Zvnvi fwz evwzj nbqv hvb e M) GB wek we` vj q Aa qbiz Ae vq Kvb wkÿv_ x Kvb ai bi PvKzix Z hvm`vb Kwi Z cvwi e bv PvKzix Kwievi welqwu KZ c i MvPixf~Z nb j Zvnvi QvÎZ evwzj ewjqv we ewpz nb e N) fwz msµvší h Kvb e vcv i fwz KwgwUi wm vší P~ovšÍ ewjqv we ewpz nb e mfvcwz fwz KwgwU XvKv cö KŠkj I cöhyw³ wek we` vjq, MvRxcyi 14

16 Syllabus for Admission Test [For all disciplines] Paper-I [Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities & Social Sciences (English)] Physics Vector: Scalar and vector quantities, addition and subtraction of vectors, law of parallelogram, resolution of vectors. Motion and Force: Displacement, speed and velocity, acceleration. Newton's laws of motion, static &and kinetic friction, frictional forces. Circular motion, angular velocity and acceleration, centripetal and centrifugal forces, torque and moment ofinertia. Mass and weight, gravity and gravitation, Kepler's law, laws of falling bodies, Work and Energy: Work and power, potential and kinetic energy, transformation of work and energy, work energy theorem. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, different kinds of elasticity, Hook's law, Poisson's ratio, potential energy for a deforming body. Hydrostatics, Pascal's law, Archimedes principle, specific gravity. Surface tension, capillarity, angle of contact. Viscosity and co-efficient of viscosity. Waves and Oscillation, Sounds: Simple harmonic motion (SHM), time period, frequency, potential and kinetic energy of SHM. Simple and compound pendulum. Waves, different types of wave motion. Sound, infrasonic and ultrasonic sound, velocity of sound, interference of sound, beats and Doppler effect in sound. Absorption and Reflection of sound from surfaces. Heat and thermodynamics: Heat and temperature, different types of thermometer, heat capacity, water equivalent, latent heat, calorimetric principle. Co-efficient of real and apparent expansion. Thermal conductivity, emission and absorption power of radiant heat, Newton's law of cooling. Specific heat of gas, molar heat capacity. First and Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, heat engine and its efficiency. Light: Rectilinear propagation of light. Photometry. Laws of reflection and-refraction, reflection of light from mirrors (plane, concave and convex), refraction of light through prism and lens. Atomic Physics: Electron and photon, X-ray, photoelectric effect. Atom models. Radioactivity and decay law, half-life and mean-life. Fusion and fission. Chemistry Exothermic and Endothermic reaction: Different types of chemical reactions. Solution: Different units of concentration of solution and preparation of solution of different concentration. Catalysis and catalyst: Types, Criterion and Important industrial uses. Introduction to modem periodic table and classification of elements. Gas laws: Boyle's law, Charle's law and Dalton's law of partial pressure of gases, ideal gas equation (PV = nrt), STP, NTP. Atomic structure: Fundamental particles of atom, atomic number, mass number, isotopes, isobar, isotone. 15

17 Quantum numbers: Name and significance, Pauli Exclusion Principle, orbit and orbital. Modern concepts of acid and base, classification of salt according to their chemical properties, basicity of an acid and acidity of a base. ph: ph scale and its uses, Buffer solutions and their mechanism, acid-base titration, indicators and their uses. Modem concept of oxidation and reduction: oxidizing agent, reducing agent and oxidation number/state. Chemical bond: Ionic bond, covalent bond and co-ordinate covalent bond. Electrolysis: Electrical conductor, electrolyte and Faraday's law of electrolysis. Oxides and its types. Hardness: Hardness of water and its removal techniques (Permutit process, ion exchange resin process). Important ores of Iron, Copper, Aluminum and Zinc: Manufacturing process of iron and copper from its ore and Comparison of properties of cast Iron, iron, steel and wrought iron. Fundamentals of organic compounds: Homologous series, Functional groups of organic compounds. Aliphatic hydrocarbon: Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons; General method of preparation and properties of alkane, alkene and alkyne as well as their IUPAC system of nomenclature. Alcohol: Classification, Enzyme, Fermentation, Power alcohol and Absolute alcohol. Mathematics Algebra: Logarithms, AP & GP, Polynomial, Complex number, Permutation and Combination, Binomial theorem, Determinants, Matrix, Partial fractions, Exponential Series. Trigonometry: Ratio of associated and compound angles, Transformation formulae, Multiple angle and Sub-multiple angles, Inverse circular functions, properties and solution of triangles. Co-ordinate Geometry: Co-ordinates of a point, Locus and its equations, Straight lines, Circles and Conics. Differential Calculus: Functions, Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Successive Differentiation with Leibnitz theorern, Partial Differentiation. Integral Calculus: Fundamental integrals, Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, partial fractions, Definite integrals. Humanities & Social Sciences (English) Uses of Tense: Right form of verbs, correction of errors, subject-verb agreement in sentences, functional use of all kinds of tense. Sentence Structure: Types of clauses and sentences, changing sentence according to the direction mentioned in bracket. Classification of verbs: Transitive/intransitive, finite/non-finite. Parts of Speech: Identifying the usage of different types of parts of speech according to their place and function in a sentence. Usage of Suffix and Prefix: Forms of different words and derivation of words using different affixes according to the context. 16

18 Use of Preposition: Appropriate use of preposition, use of phrasal prepositions Idioms and Phrases: Usage of Idioms and Phrases in written and verbal communication providing accurate meaning/ framing meaningful sentences using the idioms and phrases. Voice: Change of voice from active to passive and vice versa. Framing question: Using communicative expression to ask for a thing or to gain any information or to seek and offer anything from any body as per various social context. Determiners: Appropriate use of determiners before noun. English Vocabulary: Use of contextual vocabulary, synonyms- supplying the appropriate equivalent/synonyms of the given words, antonyms-supplying the appropriate antonyms/opposite meaning of the given words, homophones-use/supply words with same sound but different meaning in context. Paragraph: Writing short composition on a given topic. Letter writing: Different parts and language of a letter, official letter, business letter, formal and informal format of letter writing. Writing reports: Technical report, news paper report for publication. Reading: Reading comprehension and answer MCQ/ short questions/fill ins/ cloze test/ true-false based on the text. Verbal: Functional use of main verb, gerund, infinitive, modals and participles. Translation from Bengali to English and vice versa. Paper-II PAPER-II : CIVIL ENGINEERING_ Structural Mechanics: Scalar and vector quantities; Force systems; Equilibrium and freebody diagrams; Friction; Centroid and centre of gravity; Moment of inertia; Work, power and energy. Strength of Materials: Stresses and strains; Mechanical properties of materials; Bending moment and shear force diagrams; Flexural and shear stresses; Deflection. Engineering Materials: Bricks; Aggregates; Cement; Mortars (Lime and Cement); Concrete; Timber. Estimating and Construction Process: Estimating of earthwork; Brick work; Mortar and concrete in foundations and superstructures, Rate analysis. Foundations, Masonry works, Damp proof, Stairs, Plastering and pointing, Formworks, Paintings, Construction equipments. Hydraulics: Fluid characteristics; Flow of fluid; Notches and weirs; Pipe friction and flow through pipes. Reinforced Cement Concrete: Materials of R.C.C. and their properties; Design of beams; One-way and Two-way slabs; Axially loaded columns; Wall and individual column footing; Design of stair, Masonry retaining wall. Surveying: Chain survey; Plane table surveying; Leveling and contouring; Traversing; Theodolite and curve ranging, Topographic survey. 17

19 PAPER-II: ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Electrical Circuits: Circuit Laws, DC Circuits; Magnetic Properties of Materials; AC Circuits: Sinusoidal Waves, Frequency, Phase Angle, Average Value, RMS Value, Single Phase Circuits; Balanced Polyphase Circuits: Phase and Line Voltages and Currents in Star and Delta Systems. Power System: Single Line Diagram of Power System, Types of Transmission and Distribution System, Corona, Skin Effect, Mechanical Design of Overhead Line. Electrical Machine: Principle of Electromagnetic Induction, Armature Winding of Dynamo, Voltage Equation and Characteristics of DC Generators; Principle, Starting and Speed Control of DC Motors; Principle, Construction, Equivalent Circuits, Voltage Regulation, and Efficiency of Transformers; Single Phase and Polyphase Induction Motors; Voltage Equation and Voltage Regulation of Alternators; Principle and Starting of Synchronous Motors. Electronic Devices & Circuits: Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers, Transistors, Jfets, Mosfets, CMOS, Amplifiers, Voltage and Power Amplifiers, Class A, Class B and Class C Amplifiers, Oscillator Circuits, Photoelectric Devices, Multivibrators, Radio and TV Transmitter/Receiver, Clipping and Clamping Circuits. Telecommunication: Various Types of Modulation and Demodulation- AM, FM, PM, AM-VSB. Comparisons of Analog and Digital Communication, Bandwidth and Channel Capacity, Noise in Communication, PAM, PWM, PPM, TDM and FDM. Components and Basic Principle of Telephony, Satellite Communication, Optical Fiber Communication and Cellular Communication. Digital Electronics and Computer Technology: Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits, Adder/Subtractor, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters; Introduction to Microcomputers, Micro-Computer and Microprocessor Architecture, Introduction to Computer Programming Language: Assembly Language and High Level Language Programming, LAN, WAN and Internet. PAPER-II: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Foundry: Pattern materials; tools and processes used in foundry. Welding: Different types of welding processes; Joints and related tools. Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Processes: Turning; Shaping; Drilling; Planing; Grinding & Milling Machines; Cutting Processes; Tools & Cutting Fluids; Jigs & Fixtures. Metallurgy: Furnaces and refractories; ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys; Iron-Iron carbide diagram; Heat treatment of steel. Production Management, Planning & Control: Organization; Scientific Management; Direct & Indirect Cost; Depreciation Methods; Different types of production systems; Location; Layout; Work measurement; Inventory Control; Precision & non-precision measuring instruments; Limitsfits & Tolerances; Quality control. Measurement and Inspection: Measurement and inspection instruments. Engineering Mechanics: Equilibrium of Co-planer forces; Friction; Moment of inertia; Work, power and energy. 18

20 Strength of Materials: Stress and Strain; Mechanical properties of material; Deformation of materials; Shear forces and bending moment diagrams; Torsion. Thermodynamics and Heat Engine: Thermodynamic properties; Laws of perfect gas; Laws of thermodynamics; Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles; Two-stroke and four-stroke engines and their performances; Principle of refrigeration; Properties of steam; Boilers and their accessories and mountings; Fuels and lubricants. Hydraulics: Viscosity; Fluid statics; Manometery; fluid flow measurements and measuring devices; head loss; hydraulic machineries and devices. General Electricity: Basic Circuits and their laws; Electrical machineries : types and principles of operation; Voltmeters; Ammeters and other measuring instruments; Semiconductor diodes and Transistors and their characteristics. PAPER-II: COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Introduction to Computer Programming in C & C++: Control flow statement, function, file operation, class & object, Properties of object oriented programming. Discrete Mathematics: Probability theory, tree & graph. Data Structure: Array, pointer, linked list, stack, queue. Database Management: Database system concept, data models, query languages. Software Development: System analysis, system design, system implementation. Operating system: Scheduling, memory management, I/O system, File system. Microprocessor & Microcomputer: 8086 Architecture, bus systems, instruction sets, interrupt control, interfacing chips, memories, secondary storage devices. Data Communication & Computer Network: Transmission media, modulation/demodulation, Multiplexing, OSI and TCP-IP model, network topologies, network protocols, intemets. Digital Electronics: Number systems, Boolean algebra, Logic gates, Combinational and sequential logic circuits, Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, VLSI, AID and D/A Converters. Electronic Devices and Circuits: Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, CMOS, Amplifiers, Oscillator circuits, Photo Electric devices, Multivibrator, Time Base Circuits. Basic Electricity: Circuit laws, DC circuits, AC circuits. PAPER-II: TEXTILE ENGINEERING Introduction to Textile Engineering: History of textiles, Present status of textiles in home and abroad. Definition of important textile terms. Textile Fibres: Classification, Cultivation, Grading, Chemical composition, Physical and chemical structures, Properties (physical and chemical), End uses of Natural (Cotton, Jute, Linen/Flax, Hemp, Sisal, Coir, Wool, Silk) fibres. Classification, Preparation, Properties (physical and chemical), End uses of Re-generated (Viscose and Cellulose acetate rayon) and Synthetic (Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic, Polypropylene, Spandex, Glass, Carbon) fibres. Yarn Manufacturing Technology: Study of flow chart of yarn manufacturing (100% Cotton, 100% Polyester, 100% Acrylic, 100% Wool, Blended yarn). Ginning of cotton fibre. Mixing and blending of fibres. 19

21 Processing stages of yarn manufacturing-short Staple: Blowroom, Carding, Drawing, Lapformer and Comber, Simplex, Ring, Winding, Doubling and Twisting, Spinning wastage from Blowroom to winding and control of waste, Related calculations; Long Staple: Batch and Batching, Jute carding, drawing, spinning, winding. Jute mill wastage and its control, Related calculations. Fabric Manufacturing Technology: Flow Chart of Fabric manufacturing, Preparatory process (winding, warping, sizing), Drafting, Denting, Weaving, Knitting, Nonwoven, Fabric wastage and its control, Related calculations. Wet Processing Technology: Flow chart of wet processing, Singeing, Desizing, Scouring, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, Finishing of textile materials, Wastage in wet process and its control, Related calculations. Garments Manufacturing Technology: Flow chart of garments manufacturing, Design, Sketch, Pattern design, Sample making, Cutting, Sewing, Finishing, Related calculations. Textile Testing: Sampling, Humidity and its effect, Testing of different fibre properties : strength, length, trash, neps, fibre fineness, maturity; Yarn testing: count, strength, yarn evenness, twist; Fabric testing : strength, thickness, threads per unit length, crimp, air permeability, water permeability, crease resistance and crease recovery, fabric stiffness, handle and drape, abrasion resistance, shrinkage, fastness test, carpet testing, Uster statistics. Fabric Structure and Clothing Analysis: Basic textile designs, Drafting and lifting plan, Ornamentation of fabric design, Double cloth, Backed cloth, Lino weave, Velvet, Terry, Specification of commercial fabrics, Warp and weft yarn determination from fabric, colour and weave effect, Fashion style and accessories, Related calculations. PAPER-II: ARCHITECTURE Basic Drawing/Analytical Drawing: To understand the skill about plan, section, elevation, axonometric drawings etc. Composition of Forms: To understand the sense of composition with basic elements, Poster design, Cover design, Logo etc. Human Figure: To understand the skill about the gesture, posture, proportion, ratios of human body and organs. Perspective: To understand the skill to perceive the one point or two point perspectives. History of Architecture: Indo-Islamic architecture; Development of Islamic architecture during Mughal period; Islamic architecture in Bengal; Islamic architecture in Dhaka; Hindu architecture in East Bengal; Modern architecture in Dhaka; Ancient architecture in Bengal. Construction Process: Concrete; Foundations and foundation soil; Shallow foundations; Deep foundation; Brick masonry; Composite masonry; Cavity walls; Partition walls. Arches; Lintels; Ground floors; Upper floors; Damp proofing; Termite treatment; Stairs; Roof; Pitched roof; Plastering and pointing; Doors; Windows; Carpentry and Joinery; Shoring, Underpinning Scaffolding; Form works. Estimating & Costing: Introduction of estimating; Quantity estimation of excavating tank, road embankment, canal digging, boundary wall, bituminous & R.C.C. road; Complete estimate of a single storied two-roomed building with verandah; Rate analysis. Surveying: Chain survey; Plane table surveying; Leveling; Contouring; The idolize surveying; Traversing; Tachometric surveying; Topographic surveying. 20

22 PAPER-II: INDUSTRIAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Engineering Mechanics: Equilibrium of Co-planer forces, Friction, First and Second Moments of Area, Polar Moment of Area, Work, Energy and Power. Strength of Materials: Stress and Strain, Mechanical properties of material, Deformation of Materials, Shear Forces and Bending Moment diagrams, Torsion. Metallurgy: Furnaces and refractoriness; ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys; Iron-Iron carbide diagram; Heat treatment of steel. Production Process (Foundry, Welding, Sheet Metal works and Machining): Pattern making and its materials, Tools and processes used in foundry, Different types of welding processes, Turning, Shaping, Drilling, Planning, Grinding & Milling, Tools & Cutting Fluids, Jigs & Fixtures, Joints and related tools, NC & CNC Machining. Industrial and Production Management: Organization, Scientific Management, Direct & Indirect Cost, Depreciation Methods, Different types of production systems, Location, Layout, Work measurement, Inventory Control, Precision & non-precision measuring instruments, Gauges, Limits-fits & Tolerances. Basic Electricity & Electronics: Basic Circuits and their laws, Electrical machineries with its types and principles of operations, Voltmeters, Ammeters and other measuring instruments, Semiconductor diodes and Transistors and their characteristics. Computer Fundamental and Operations: Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and Elementary Software, Simple Knowledge in programming with C/C-H-, Microprocessors and Microcomputers. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines: Thermodynamic properties; Laws of perfect gas; Laws of thermodynamics; Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles; Two-stroke and four-stroke engines and their performances; Principle of Refrigeration; Properties of steam; Boilers and their accessories and mountings, Fuels and lubricants. Hydraulic & Hydraulic Machineries: Viscosity, Fluid statics, Manometery and Fluid flow measurements, Flow Measuring Devices, Head loss, Hydraulic machineries and devices. Instrumentation, Measurement and Control: Measurement and inspection instruments, Electronic measuring instruments, Electro-mechanical instruments and control, Basic control and controllers, Programmable logic controller. Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics: Fundamentals of automation, Automatic control, Fundamentals of Robotics and their comparisons, Different types of Robots and their applications, Fundamentals of Mechatronics, Mechatronic systems and their applications in various fields of Instrumentation and control, Signal processing and conditioning. PAPER-II: FOOD ENGINEERING Crops production and Food Technology: Post-harvest technologies used for agricultural produces; food analysis and nutrition technology; classification of agricultural produces, crops production, pre and post harvest technologies used in production of crops; produce processing and preservation. Economics analysis: Fundamentals of cost elements and estimations; economics of cost analysis, break-even analysis; cost effectiveness. 21

23 Food production management, planning and control: Food engineering findamentals, process and operations in food processing industries, human resource management. Production systems: production types and applications; production layouts, production scheduling and its various techniques. Operations in food industries; operation and maintenance management; food packaging; enterpreneurship. Food Security and Quality Assurance: Measurements; food adulteration and prevention; quality management and controlling the quality. Material Handling: Material handling instruments used in agricultural firms and also in food processing industries: belt, bucket, pneumatic conveyors; trucks, lories, etc Basic Workshop practices: Measuring instruments: common hand tools and measurung instruments; machines used in workshops: lathe, drill, milling, shaper etc.; welding: arc welding, welding with nonferrous and ferrous metals; resistance welding: spot welding, TIG welding, MIG welding; gas and plasma welding; sawing, chipping, filling, grinding and finishing; fittings; safety measures in workshop. Applied Mechanics: Force systems: force, moment, resultant of forces; equilibrium conditions and its applications; kinetics and kinematics of machineries; stress and strains; torque, couple; work, power and energy; mechanics of machineries used in firms and in food industries. Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics and applications, thermodynamic processes, basic engine types: two stroke and four stroke; basic power cycles: Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles; IC engines. Fluid Mechanics: Viscosity, fluid statics; Manometry; Fluid measurements and measuring devices; head losses; hydrolic machineries and devices. Food preservation: Cooling and drying of foods, basics cycles of Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning and its applications in food preservation; ice plants, cold storages. Mechanical Drawing: Orthographic drawing and sketching: pictorial drawing & sketching of 3D objects, pipings. Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Basic electricity and electronics; DC, AC and circuits, ammeter, voltmeter and other measuring instruments; semi-conductor diodes and transistors; p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, ICs; electrical machineries; instrumentation and control, automation; PLC, micro-processors. Basics of Computer Sciences and IT: Fundamentals of computer hardware & software and applications; computer programming fundamentals; ICT, GIS, GPS. 22

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