a ^^a^avnhj Gob Title) (Job Summary) phu.viu3i.aim b <w#ivitijw^^<9<uvmn tl^ij^^tuqifn^ ^Tuen^uiiju ^Tumivifr^aija ua - ^aaa^iia^tuq'ami ^Tuem"5biiai

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1 phu.u3i.aim b a ^^a^avnhj Gob Title) ki (Job Summary) b en tl^ij^^tuqifn^ ^Tuen^uiiju ^Tumifr^aija ua ^TUiilvniyhliJ i<waei<u<u?f<u'un't3<ij^ij^-^tuh(,tl'ul'll aan^flij^^bb/n'w ua^anwa^wiu^^i.^^a'ueniiu^ii^ vtrnvrn^^h ^u^u^iau^ avimii'^ajjaabw tanecr^ ^n^tuvfu^fia wnu^sma^jqb^j^ij^i.'haei^^nnwafn^^'uvn uasi^^^ anfn<uvn-3in<bfn'5 <w#itijw^^<9<uvmn tl^^ijw-^tu^itum^'w'^a^tuaiy'wnvrusu.asaotu i,^la?('u<uei<u'ufn^'ijfi'li^3n^<^a^3w'u?vni^nam^ma^3 ^ d^ <U u^sfni\j^<uw<n<uwnjjutau'ia^^a^!sij<ufib a/ - ^aaa^iia^tuq'ami ^Tuem"5biiai '^TUiJru^n'^iaii^ ^mnvmvnhj a'iu'i'5nnm<um^l^nwa-^ vrunan - ^aa^s^ia^a^ja vsaijnifl^ni.chjfm m^^tunul^on^a-a mucfi^ ^n^ii^idaijen'a'u'j'aa! - ^aaasiia-afn's^ni.^iifn^^tufn^'d^a atuatut^twusiufisaatu anuma ^nmufnil^'m'ui.'jan uasanwa-awnw s: ^iuua'uijrn^a^iipi^aufn^iij^is^ u.^sa^vf^na-aturn^ ijf^^bjj'^l^fujjausjna i^iaifn^il^^'tjsji.tl'ulijw^a ^msji.iau^aau.assanstuium^'ij^s'wjj da 1 - ^sj^jfmjjani^a^ia-^m^i^ni^'umiavi il^isj'qjjvtl^fujja'uuia

2 -to Id ^n ^^waij^^atu'^tumj^flpi^/n^l^'ii'jei^tui.lla^n'uia <iba-n'uvknen6ua-3 ^ahmiij^ijw-nuiliilil^'jej FlTttJ^TUTU wmfuw^'fla'uvmn HulnTa^auaufiwajn^^^'a^Twrn^ iaivfl^fu^iaua 11 V V asihiluilista'w'uui^a'hj w^^n.anefta^i^'^ ^aenluei'u'ufn'j'ij^iji^tu^nu/n^n^ aa^vni^a^nu u.asij^ijpi'una^i.na^^^a^^sjl^tu - faaas^ia^rn^tj^sfitu-^tu aiut^a - fa^^^pmnw^aia^ia^wtuuifni - faa^^^^njj^'wala^ub^wfuiiini^ uauuia (Job Specifications) n.. vffwg. b.. en. 9vm. en. si..

3 -tia^iaynhj (Job Title) to v<un^fmajfu^^<aa'u'[^i^a^tl Gob Summary) en n. vt'unf'uw^iifa'u^n Q/ fi V la an ij^ii^^i'u^ma^mj-^i'u'uivn'aynlij ^ahm^ifi'u'uei'u'u ni'3ria'!ua^i^3j'u^1 i.il'ul'ija^n^^n^i.it u.a^ ^il^i^^bfni^ ^n^^ipi^si'ma^^^'u^sj'liajj^ m^^mj/mna^fma^ uw'una^^^a-^eitu^itbm'^ ^aecuiiei'u'ufnm-auw'u niwulaui^ uwwiu uwuwihsjj'iaj vtiat^^fn^ H ui^^ /n^ina'mn'i'u^hua^m^iwamjqbg^^^ ^^ins^^ w^^nu il^s^uw^rn^^ni^ufn^^jjuwu^tu/ Ipii-^mi/fian's'sjj ^awrnii^nm'um^s'ijii^^bfn ua^t^awa^itia^nmih^ny^fri'u^^k ^fn^n ^ifiins^ ^in^aad nm4ma-3lia-3^i,n^^mj-^tu tilvmvnuj maa^\ji,1a^i,ecua^nijji,'m<u^iaf SJ'U^iTl'u - iiaaa'?ja^tuvti,n^inij-3tu'uiivn'5 vnltl ^^ni.^^fn<5'l^fjn^a-3 vmnai - ^^^ufl^^u^u^fl^ja^fm^^vh u,astp^-3fn?/n^ni^ii ma^^a^ - ^^^j^muanifa^ia-^fn^a^t u,astf^fm/n^fmjj ma^^a-j - ^aaas^a-ai.ia'^a^'ij^'^nui'w'u ^^i^um^l^fin^a-3 vfuuan

4 vnjrmfuw^^'fla'uvmn ^jjqn^uwun^n^ijjvtiai^^^niiuawu^^-atu ^as unt^^yvnt^fn^il^'ij^^'vu iaifn'^^nm'u-anultlpnu ttliuiej ^a^waa^iqbfh'u^^ a/ ^f a/ - is^jfltiu^fni^^fl^a^fn'^^nnnuwu nant5jj1atf^m<3'iua^3vribej-n<u VI k) 'un^uw^i'aa'u^n <Ll'5^?n'Ufn"ji-3i<u<L^^Ciu'uil'um^iHfniu^'uu,fi 9/ in^a^a-^ iahm^fmu'j^jjsa u,awa^u^5 ht^u^i H'tfapi^i.'M'uu.aK^^nu'usj'uniila-^W'u tn^^nu^iam^^l^ uas^sm^il^ijw-atu^nu-^n^uivn^vhlij u,as-nu Qt^iis^'M^iIainaua^iiw'u nnij^iann^l<u^n^u,a^ vni^a^tumat^a^ ^ahtn^^n'iu^it.a ila^an^ia-3 sn^ahi.n^um'u^ WTH^fl - ^aaa^^inu6?ni!a<?ia-3mtihs:^tun'ii i^on-^i<umj<u^iann^'l'u?^nvi u,as vni^a-3tui.f!a^^^a-3 - ^aaaspmu^fni.i^^ia-^nti'lvraafi^i.'mj uasflnu'usuni^^a^iw'u ftlnjpiann^lu ^n^iu.^^vni^a^tui.na'^^^a^ ^ihtuw^^'ba'uvmn a/ ^a/ Is an W^Ti^nw^ uii^iln ^aijtlfyvniaas^^^u.a'^i.naimj ^Tunii^liJ u^sj-atu^ifl^ns'w'uta'unau.asuwu iahflpmui fni^mla u^^^iin'aa'unt.'ijil^'u^^tu Han^a^pnuvt^nmtu'wl^ ^^nw ^i^^ns^ uasw^n^^sanitiwu'^'iu iam^ u i,wau <w^m^i>1au ^3ntiina'3mj'anu^Tu-anuu1vn^vh1liJ u^^-^i'u^ifiin^'m'uia^nau.asjuwu i^jjmvru^u'ut^n^fn^^^n^su'ui.flt'uiaseniieiiii.vn'i u,fisis'uiitu^aij^ ia'w^atufniiij^istnajiwus'baija crifuwff'uta - lay^^pm^^'^ata^ua-awfuuimi - ^^^j^nn^ani.^a^oa-^fn'aa^'mihsa fit^il^^ijl-^tu uasjiana^waui - iaoa^pniu^<wa1^<iia<iwtuu1fn^ - lu^u^majaii^a'ua-^m^iavi'^'i'a^uu ifil'uiasat^a'ui.pi - atutuwmhiistj'u^iu'wajja

5 - en - ghti < flfliaaj'uw'^^ni^^'uiun'u (Job Specifications) Sii n/w. mvmw gfou si. pmuifniu^njj'iiinl^fiiiw^'i'ui^^u^a-3fni is 1ib is is en. v^aw^fn^fituq^ui^u^a-3mi is si. ihv^i is. mnjimi^^i^s^u^a^nii is en. nma'aajjpniji^a^^nfyi'u'n'uan^i^mj^^a-am's is si. m^is^jt'ui'u^n'iu^nwa-^^^a'ub^ju.^^^i^qi'ajj^^irua-3ni^ is si. mir^^i.fi^s'm?s^j^a-3m^i is is. fitajja-a/n'wa'af^^iij^^^jvl^a^mi is en. m^auienstbaiiai

6 8 n a ifaiavnltl (Job Title) i9909i5-3ii9l,ij 115x1, x0iihnij0i5 3iii5vn5vnliJ la (Job Summary) i <Ha^mi?i<u<ufnina'^a'af3J<uw^ en n. ^n.ynn51l^ib.nn5 'untuw^'wa^^n OS M^S Is en si U^^i^-^^tii.n^nmj^Tu^Jn^a^in^fnii ua^ ^n'uiaun'unn^ t^lahm5e('uue!'u'ufn'3n^<ioa-95 jj'u^5 uns^nijn'^nui.ilylijaan-^nn^a'^ vmnan ^^i nifi5ns5^ ^55^^91 naiun5a^3i.5a-3i,njnmj-3it! "^n^a^in^mi ^aatuiia-u^iaflnnm'm^afii'u^ii 1ynn5ni9aa ^n^n m^3awi ^ni,u'ufn5^h<u<niu^bejan<unejfn5 a^^ ^111,9^)11955 i,awm53iiaiifn5n9na-35 ii05 u,9t^3oiin-3iii,ililijaii-39n0a-3 0ii5sii,ijiani,na!ei HI ^^ ,I,3X-311'^5915 ^aw ll5x6aivi5a~311^^ el 1559 i09il5x3-ami9xiih^ii&jv)9ii0h - 5ai9xiia-3-3iiib&jaini9i5 u,3s 3111,91)11915 Y)011,119151, vfin9i - 5aEJ9X05113O1l59D93l,5a-3Vi95ll 05111,11-59J9XD9-3'311ii5jail5J915 U9X-311 I.9U11915 ^0H,11915l0O ,591-5X0105H91159D X^ '3IJ,9X-311<^5015

7 -te vrunfuw^i'wa'uvran ii^m-mw^nant^ajiatm^m^a^i'iby-^'u ua^ Via s) i ci <^c ^ o 1/ o ^=* Hi umj^yvnt'umtujj'u^^i'u ^ialm^mun'ulilw'iij iihina u^swaaii^bfn'u^ a/ ^o/ - ^^^j^niu^ni,^a<?ia-^m<3a^i'wiuw^! nan^jj1aifs)'5-^rn'5tua'3vi'ii'3a-3tu 'un^tuw^i^ia'uffn V va^/ te Uiisen'Ufnin-^TuI^aS^JVi'U'i'l'umiHpn'ijJi'M'uuas a/" ^^iu.^sii'il^ia-^^'u ^^umj^^^ann^^-^n^i ua^ vfu^a-atuifia^^a-^ ^^alvtma^msj^usa u.a wa^iqsfhvrufl W'fiafl^iM'uij.asflnu'u^'iIniiia^w'u ma^mj'lial'^aa^ i.i.^i^snt^ij^^'u^^tu^i'tu^aa^i'u^ani's ntiij^i^nn^lu a^nviu.ajivni^a^tuina'j^a^ iahm^pm^imla u,a^n^a-^wnuani,n^unnvru^ - ^aa^sj^ijj^ni^a^ia^m'a'ij'j^en'unta vfn-31'umj'u^^ann^i'u^n^ uas; vniqej-an^vttnen'ua-a - ^aaa^^nsj^ni.^atia^m^lvraa^^^i'm'u uasmu'usj'uima^^'u nu'u^icnni'l'u a-^n^a^^u^^-nuwien'iia^ ^. to ^untuw^^'aa'uiin H^ilin'fcn u^siln ^ia<uilujvnila^^ua-^i,na'3n'u^tu ^iw3ejatu^eifm ia'lspmjj? ^inumta uas eiijjtsa'unlil'ij^'u^^i'uwcin^^^^njjvi^nma!^ ^^ntn ^t^^nti'm u.asj^^^nhsamiwbj'u'i'^tu tam^ Lwa^^m'jtia'uf^TU'MLna^mj^nu^iTu^aa^TU^ani^ v ^ as ^IQUQ^ - faa^^^nijj^a'la'^a^wtu'uim'a - ^s^<uflqiuf?ni^^<oa-ann?^i'm'ifljja fn^j^'u^^tu uaslan?n^iwou^ - laaasj^nijj^ala'ua^wfu'uim^

8 10 gbu a: ^suaaji^vmiil'utu-n'u (Job Specifications) ^il n.^. fmajffmajaianin vftms lo. b. ^^n'wsfmhfn'fcna-anq^ en. vfftttkfn^^iinni<5^mjwa'3fn^i b si. vfnw^n'i^^vifn^asja^s^uwa-afm b. b. mifuimi^i en. fnia-^aupmu^at^n^jlii'^tuan^^"^s^uwa^fn? b si. ni'38^aj'<ul^ifsmjj^]n^ia-^eaa'u5'5^3ji.i^^^flij5'3<5u^^ja^nt5 b si. n'itm<nmtl'uij s^v en. m'^^^^^eia'upnnjj^n^a^^njjn^utu^tu^^jwa-^rnii b

9 11 OI k>o a (Job Title) la (Job Summary) u^siln 61 O 0/0/ uwu-nu n. Tfl'uiTUN^^'wa'uvran a/ 40/ Is ^ipcai^ nfujn^a^ ei'jijifi^apnnjjpi^it'u^tia-iiia^ yjn^^ ^a-^i^m ^a-a^apmjj'w^ai.^a t^a-^en^apniii pi^ii.'m<u<?ia-3i)'5'b'iww'uiei<uapiafs3j<u1 ^^i Bipins^ nmjnia-i p^upi^t^aija ei^ilienja pnn^ji.'m'ut'ufn^^'ii.^'umii^i^ m^^mjmi^a^vjn^^ ^a-itiau ^a^apmw^^'jai^a ^<uli<^it3i<^nt5 pitijj fuw^^'ni-i^udpi'^a-^an'vru'iyi ^n^n^^m^^a-avn pi^ai^ji m^^it^'upi^^awii^a^i'u u^^fuinapn^ lupi^'wsws'u^a^n^s^n-i^nwbmii u.^^i^u'u^i -?e^as^a-^m^fm1a-3ia<mmj ^a-aibaii la^^apniaj^j'^ai^a iia-i ifi'uapnijjpipii.'mul^ianl^a-i wunan - ^aa^^^ia-im'a^n^'ufn^il^i^! v\ ma^mjnii^a-^yjn'^ fa^lia^ fa-i^a pni^^ai^a Tua^mwii mijj fuw^vn-^^^is^ha-^^'i'un ^nm^nts^ia-ivnpipiai^jn m? ^^n^umiwnumjwa'u^a-apn^l^i an^fa^i vrunan

10 n. (^^a) 12 an vnh Tuw^^^ja'uvmn ^i^^^^sjfl^najfliiiima^iia^a-avjm) fa^uiau uas ua-^hw^a^iinu ua^^ifl^ijm^^^n^un'ui.nen'ira-a mjfifi a^^vms^jirciasjaemamf'i ^as^i^^mia^yma^ a/ ^^^a/ - fa^as^a-am^^^i^nsjpnijjplii'un Tia-uia-a - a^mj^msj^ilfa'^ia^mia^n 5na-^TUTO^i^?n^?i<ui,Piu^^m'9 ^^Mi^ia^Tui^a-^^^a-^yjn^ hua^ivh ilfu-u^^ i^ai.ei'uau'u'avn^'ufni il^u^i^tui'ui.'^a^m'aa^n^u ^a ivmtstl^i)^tujj "Uiisjfisfn'wa-a^i'u - ^s^j^mjj^'^ai^^ia^w'uivniclwa <u m'atj^'u^^i'utui.ia^fa^n^ a/ ^ oi o (9) w'u'itijw^^'wa'uvmn il/9atum<3vin-3n<ul'unau'3'i^ifui1a-3ii't3fa-3n^ T^a i5'33j^aua^mjq3^n3jm'u^h W3tfJfl - <9^^umiuanLia^n3JT'^^il'9t:a-3^a-3 ^TUvfl^Tuuauajna Is W^a^^i.'M'uia^Li'UJi'un^a^^'ui.ifi'UPiainila vni^a-^utna'a^a-^ ^a^^n^^^iumt^ ua^pmjj ^'asjsaiufn^^n^'u-^'iin^nsjvfl^fuwa'usjna - ^aaa^^a^m^^nm^tu^iaj ^^\J'3^a-3^<iU0-3^aTum^fujja"u3jn^

11 - en - 13 a. vn!htuw^^'a'uvmn iwhijf f^^n wu^ih ^^aii^lqjvnu^^mi.a-at'ui.ia-a maimj^'i'u'l'u^i^n^jfuw^^aiiun'ii^a^i'uii'i^fn'a lamm tl^^i^vnhj mahw^m^i^a-^l^^'nij'tiaajci u,^un(^^^^^munmigis;vnha^n<u - '3^mjmiaj^ala<iya^wfuu1m^i^a ^a^^l^fu a/ ^a/ to iwaui^^a^^^n^ai^ifa^rma^vjn^vktknb^l^ eh^^qjiimiijl^a^^^^i^^ 3j^1 ^ai^^m^mi,^ ^^n^^nisjmlaunij^ji^m^b'uvnlil - -s^^j^^^nu^nt^a'^^a^ni'siwaim'j ^au^^i'n^n'alia-^ii^i'a-^n^u^ (Job Specifications) n.. nnu^ nw. V ^4tu V^^ V. to. en. to. en. si.. en.

S U E K E AY S S H A R O N T IM B E R W IN D M A R T Z -PA U L L IN. Carlisle Franklin Springboro. Clearcreek TWP. Middletown. Turtlecreek TWP.

S U E K E AY S S H A R O N T IM B E R W IN D M A R T Z -PA U L L IN. Carlisle Franklin Springboro. Clearcreek TWP. Middletown. Turtlecreek TWP. F R A N K L IN M A D IS O N S U E R O B E R T LE IC H T Y A LY C E C H A M B E R L A IN T W IN C R E E K M A R T Z -PA U L L IN C O R A O W E N M E A D O W L A R K W R E N N LA N T IS R E D R O B IN F

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