Box-Cox Transformations

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1 Box-Cox Transformations Revised: 10/10/2017 Summary... 1 Data Input... 3 Analysis Summary... 3 Analysis Options... 5 Plot of Fitted Model... 6 MSE Comparison Plot... 8 MSE Comparison Table... 9 Skewness and Kurtosis Plot... 9 Lack-of-Fit Test Observed versus Predicted Residual Plots Unusual Residuals Influential Points Forecasts Save Results Calculations Summary The Box-Cox Transformations procedure is designed to determine an optimal transformation for Y while fitting a linear regression model. It is useful when the variability of Y changes as a function of X. Often, an appropriate transformation of Y both stabilizes the variance and makes the deviations around the model more normally distributed. The class of transformations considered are the power transformations defined by Y 1 Y (1) by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 1

2 in which the data is raised to a power 1 after shifting it a certain amount 2. Often, the shift parameter 2 is set equal to 0. This class includes square roots, logarithms, reciprocals, and other common transformations, depending on the power. Examples include: Power Transformation Description = 2 2 Y Y square = 1 Y Y untransformed data = 0.5 Y Y square root = Y 3 Y cube root = 0 Y ln(y ) logarithm = inverse square root Y Y = -1 1 reciprocal Y Y Note that as 0, the power transformation approaches a logarithm. Sample StatFolio: boxcox.sgp Sample Data: The file plasma.sgd contains data presented by Neter et al. (1998) showing the plasma level of a polyamine for n = 25 healthy children. A portion of the data is shown below: Age Plasma Level It is desired to determine a model relating the plasma level to the age of the child by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 2

3 Data Input The data input dialog box requests the names of the columns containing the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X: Y: numeric column containing the n observations for the dependent variable Y. X: numeric column containing the n values for the independent variable X. Select: subset selection. Analysis Summary In relating the two variables, the procedure fits a model of the form W 1 0 X (2) where the dependent variable W is related to Y according to 1 1 K1 Y 2 1 W if 1 K2 lny (3) and K n 2 Y i 2 ) i1 1 1/ n ( (4) K 1 1 K (5) by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 3

4 Note that K 2 is the geometric mean of Y+ 2. Following Box and Cox (1964), the optimal transformation is the one that minimizes the mean squared error for W. The reason for using the standardized variable W instead of Y is to adjust the magnitude of the error sum of squares for the effect of the power transformation. The Analysis Summary shows the optimal power and the resulting model: Box-Cox Transformations - Plasma Level vs. Age Power = Shift = 0.0 Dependent variable: Plasma Level Independent variable: Age Number of observations: 25 Standard T Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value Intercept Slope Analysis of Variance Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value Model Residual Total (Corr.) Correlation Coefficient = R-squared = percent Standard Error of Est. = Approximate 95% confidence interval for power: to Included in the output are: Power and shift parameters: the values of and. By default, the power parameter is optimized, while the shift parameter is set to 0. This may be changed using Analysis Options. Also included at the bottom of the screen is an approximate confidence interval for at the default system confidence level. Coefficients: the estimated coefficients, standard errors, t-statistics, and P values. The estimates of the model coefficients can be used to write the fitted equation, which in the example is W = age (6) The t-statistic tests the null hypothesis that the corresponding model parameter equals 0, versus the alternative hypothesis that it does not equal 0. Small P-Values (less than 0.05 if operating at the 5% significance level) indicate that a model coefficient is significantly different from 0. In the sample data, both the intercept and slope are statistically significant. Analysis of Variance: decomposition of the variability of the dependent variable W into a model sums of squares and a residual or error sum of squares. Of particular interest is the F by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 4

5 test and its associated P-value, which tests the statistical significance of the fitted model. A small P-Value (less than 0.05 if operating at the 5% significance level) indicates that a significant linear relationship exists between Y and X. In the sample data, the model is highly significant. Statistics: summary statistics for the fitted model, including: Correlation coefficient - measures the strength of the linear relationship between W and X on a scale ranging from -1 (perfect negative linear correlation) to +1 (perfect positive linear correlation). R-squared - represents the percentage of the variability in W that has been explained by the fitted regression model, ranging from 0% to 100%. Standard Error of Est. the estimated standard deviation of the residuals (the deviations around the model). This value is used to create prediction limits for new observations. Mean Absolute Error the average absolute value of the residuals. In the sample data, the transformation selected is very close to an inverse square root, implying that 1/ PlasmaLevel is a linear function of Age. According to the confidence interval, however, the actual optimal transformation could be anywhere between a reciprocal and a logarithm. Analysis Options Power: the value of the power parameter If Optimize is selected, this serves as the starting value of the optimization search when OK is pressed. If Optimize is not selected, this is the value used for the transformation. Shift: the value of the power parameter This value is subtracted from the dependent variable Y before the power transformation is performed. Optimize: whether to optimize the power parameter or use the specified value by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 5

6 Plasma Level Plot of Fitted Model This pane shows the fitted model, together with confidence limits and prediction limits if desired. 24 Plot of Fitted Model Power=-0.504, Shift= Age The plot includes: The line of best fit or prediction equation. This is the equation that would be used to predict values of the dependent variable Y given values of the independent variable X. Note that it does a relatively good job of picking up the increased variability of Plasma Level at low Ages, as well as the curvature in the relationship. Confidence intervals for the mean response at X. These are the inner bounds in the above plot and describe how well the location of the line has been estimated given the available data sample. As the size of the sample n increases, these bounds will become tighter. You should also note that the width of the bounds varies as a function of X, with the line estimated most precisely near the average value x. Prediction limits for new observations. These are the outer bounds in the above plot and describe how precisely one could predict where a single new observation would lie. Regardless of the size of the sample, new observations will vary around the true line. The inclusion of confidence limits and prediction limits and their default confidence level is determined by settings on the ANOVA/Regression tab of the Preferences dialog box, accessible from the Edit menu by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 6

7 Pane Options Include: the limits to include on the plot. Confidence Level: the confidence percentage for the limits. X-Axis Resolution: the number of values of X at which the line is determined when plotting. Higher resolutions result in smoother plots. Type of Limits: whether to plot two-sided confidence intervals or one-sided confidence bounds. Shade 2-sided limits If checked, the area between the limits will be shaded using a fill color by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 7

8 MSE MSE Comparison Plot When optimizing the transformation, the power is sought that minimizes the mean squared error of the fit of W as a function of X. To illustrate the result of the search, the MSE Comparison Plot shows the mean squared error in the vicinity of the optimal value: 12 MSE Comparison lambda2 = lambda1 Vertical lines are drawn at the derived 1 and its confidence limits. Notice that the MSE reaches a minimum near 0.5, although it is relatively flat in a wide region around the optimal value, indicating that the power could be changed quite a bit without hurting the model substantially. Pane Options Minimum Lambda1: smallest value of to include in the plot. Maximum Lambda1: largest value of to include in the plot. Resolution: number of different values of at which to calculate the MSE by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 8

9 MSE Comparison Table This table tabulates the values plotted by the MSE Comparison Plot. MSE Comparison Table Shift (lambda2): 0.0 lambda1 MSE The Pane Options are the same as for the plot. Skewness and Kurtosis Plot This plot shows the values of the standardized skewness and standardized kurtosis as a function of the power parameter Skewness and Kurtosis Plot lambda2 =0.0 skewness kurtosis lambda1 The standardized skewness and standardized kurtosis should both be between 2 and +2 for a transformation that adequately normalizes the data. The plot shows horizontal lines at 2 and +2, with the vertical lines indicating the optimal value of 1 and its confidence limits by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 9

10 observed Clearly, there is a wide range of values for 1 that would create a reasonable transformation of the data. Lack-of-Fit Test When more than one observation has been recorded at the same value of X, a lack-of-fit test can be performed to determine whether the selected model adequately describes the relationship between Y and X. The Lack-of-Fit pane displays the following table: Analysis of Variance with Lack-of-Fit Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value Model Residual Lack-of-Fit Pure Error Total (Corr.) The lack-of-fit test decomposes the residual sum of squares of the transformed values W into 2 components: 1. Pure error: variability of the W values at the same value of X. 2. Lack-of-fit: variability of the average W values around the fitted model. Of primary interest is the P-Value for lack-of-fit. A small P-value (below 0.05 if operating at the 5% significance level) indicates that the selected model does not adequately describe the observed relationship. For the example data, the large P-value indicates that the linear model adequately explains the relationship between Plasma Level and Age. Observed versus Predicted The Observed versus Predicted plot shows the observed values of Y on the vertical axis and the predicted values Ŷ on the horizontal axis, in the untransformed metric Plot of Plasma Level predicted 2017 by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 10

11 Studentized residual If the model fits well, the points should be randomly scattered around the diagonal line. It is sometimes possible to see curvature in this plot, which would indicate the need for a curvilinear model rather than a linear model. In this case, the change in variability in the above plot as the predicted values increase is not a concern, since that was stabilized by the Box-Cox transformation. Residual Plots As with all statistical models, it is good practice to examine the residuals. In a regression, the residuals are defined by e i W Wˆ (7) i i i.e., the residuals are the differences between the transformed data values and the fitted linear regression model. The Box-Cox Transformations procedure creates 3 residual plots: 1. versus X. 2. versus predicted value Wˆ. 3. versus row number. Residuals versus X This plot is helpful in visualizing how well the transformation accounted for any curvature in the data. 3.3 Residual Plot Age The residuals should be randomly scattered around by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 11

12 Studentized residual Studentized residual Residuals versus Predicted This plot is helpful in visualizing how well the model dealt with any heteroscedasticity in the data. 3.3 Residual Plot predicted Plasma Level If the transformation was effective, the variability should be approximately equal everywhere. Residuals versus Observation This plot shows the residuals versus row number in the datasheet: 3.3 Residual Plot row number If the data are arranged in chronological order, any pattern in the data might indicate an outside influence. Pane Options The following residuals may be plotted on each residual plot: 2017 by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 12

13 Plasma Level 1. Residuals the residuals from the least squares fit. 2. Studentized residuals the difference between the observed values w i and the predicted values ŵi when the model is fit using all observations except the i-th, divided by the estimated standard error. These residuals are sometimes called externally deleted residuals, since they measure how far each value is from the fitted model when that model is fit using all of the data except the point being considered. This is important, since a large outlier might otherwise affect the model so much that it would not appear to be unusually far away from the line. Unusual Residuals Once the model has been fit, it is useful to study the residuals to determine whether any outliers exist that should be removed from the data. The Unusual Residuals pane lists all observations that have Studentized residuals of 2.0 or greater in absolute value. Unusual Residuals Predicted Studentized Row X Y Y Residual Residual Studentized residuals greater than 3 in absolute value correspond to points more than 3 standard deviations from the fitted model, which is an extremely rare event for a normal distribution. Note that row #18 is more than 2.5 standard deviations out and would be worth investigating further. Points can be removed from the fit while examining the Plot of the Fitted Model by clicking on a point and then pressing the Exclude/Include button on the analysis toolbar: Plot of Fitted Model Power= , Shift= Age Excluded points are marked with an X. For the sample data, removing row #18 has little effect on the fitted model or optimal transformation by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 13

14 Influential Points In fitting a regression model, all observations do not have an equal influence on the parameter estimates in the fitted model. In a simple linear regression, points located at very low or very high values of X have greater influence than those located nearer to the mean of X. The Influential Points pane displays any observations that have high influence on the fitted model: Influential Points Predicted Studentized Row X Y Y Residual Leverage Average leverage of single data point = The above table shows every point with leverage equal to 3 or more times that of an average data point, where the leverage of an observation is a measure of its influence on the estimated model coefficients. In general, values with leverage exceeding 5 times that of an average data value should be examined closely, since they have unusually large impact on the fitted model. In the sample data, there are no observations with unusually large leverage. Forecasts The Forecasts pane creates predictions using the fitted model. Predicted Values 95.00% 95.00% Predicted Prediction Limits Confidence Limits X Y Lower Upper Lower Upper Included in the table are: X - the value of the independent variable at which the prediction is to be made. Predicted Y - the predicted value of the dependent variable using the fitted model. Prediction limits - prediction limits for new observations at the selected level of confidence (corresponds to the outer bounds on the plot of the fitted model). Confidence limits - confidence limits for the mean value of Y at the selected level of confidence (corresponds to the inner bounds on the plot of the fitted model). For example, at X = 3, 95% of all children would be expected to have plasma levels between 5.47 and by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 14

15 Pane Options Confidence Level: confidence percentage for the intervals. Type of Limits: whether to display two-sided limits or one-sided bounds. Forecast at X: up to 10 values of X at which to make predictions. Save Results The following results may be saved to the datasheet: 1. Predicted Values the predicted value of Y corresponding to each of the n observations. 2. Lower Limits for Predictions the lower prediction limits for each predicted value. 3. Upper Limits for Predictions the upper prediction limits for each predicted value. 4. Lower Limits for Forecast Means the lower confidence limits for the mean value of Y at each of the n values of X. 5. Upper Limits for Forecast Means the upper confidence limits for the mean value of Y at each of the n values of X. 6. Residuals the n residuals. 7. Studentized Residuals the n Studentized residuals. 8. Leverages the leverage values corresponding to the n values of X. 9. Transformed Data the n transformed values W. Note: If limits are saved, they will correspond to the settings on the Forecasts pane. If two-sided limits are displayed in the Forecasts table, then the saved limits will also be two-sided. If onesided bounds are displayed in the table, then the saved limits will also be one-sided. Calculations 2017 by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 15

16 The linear regression is performed on the transformed values W. Prediction limits are calculated in the transformed metric and inverted before being displayed. For details on the calculations, see the Simple Regression documentation by Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. Box-Cox Transformations - 16

Any of 27 linear and nonlinear models may be fit. The output parallels that of the Simple Regression procedure.

Any of 27 linear and nonlinear models may be fit. The output parallels that of the Simple Regression procedure. STATGRAPHICS Rev. 9/13/213 Calibration Models Summary... 1 Data Input... 3 Analysis Summary... 5 Analysis Options... 7 Plot of Fitted Model... 9 Predicted Values... 1 Confidence Intervals... 11 Observed

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