Kindergarten. Weather & Climate.

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2 Kindergarten Weather & Climate

3 Weather Describing Weather Temperature Wind Clouds Rain Snow Table of Contents Recording Weather Season I Sky observations Wind Speed and Direction Temperature Precipitation Analyzing Data Seasons Recording Weather Season II Click on the topic to go to that section 3

4 Teacher's Notes about Unit Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time. The students will first use terms and instruments to describe weather conditions. Then the students will record weather conditions for two different seasons. After the second season, students will compare recorded data. 4

5 Weather Return to Table of Contents 5

6 Weather Weather affects us all. On a sunny day we can go outside. If it is rainy we stay indoors. If we know what the weather is likely to be we can make better plans. 6

7 Meteorology Meteorology is the study of weather. During this unit you will be meteorologists. 7

8 Weather Weather changes from day to day. It changes from season to season. Weather is different in different parts of the world. 8

9 Weather Where do you live? Is it cold or warm there? Is it cloudy or bright and sunny? Is it windy or very calm? Is it snowing or drizzling? 9

10 Weather occurs in the air. Weather Weather changes when the temperature changes. When the temperature changes this causes wind. Weather is the combination of heat, wind, and moisture. 10

11 Weather Weather is constantly changing. The sun is a great weather changer. The heat from the sun can help create wind or warm the air so we have rain instead of snow. Teacher Notes Weather is important in our daily lives. 11

12 Weather Forecasters Meteorologists or Weather Forecasters keep track of information that helps them report and predict the weather. Some of the information they track is: temperatureof the weather direction and speed of the wind types of clouds how much moisture is in the air how much rain or snowfalls 12

13 Weather Stations Weather stations around the world report to one large weather bureau. The weather station tells sailors on ships, airplane pilots, farmers, and us about the weather. 13

14 Weather There are instruments that help forecast the weather. These include satellite photography, doppler radar, and weather balloons. Other instruments that help forecast the weather are thermometers, weather vanes, wind socks, anemometers, and rain gauges. We will learn how to use and construct some of these instruments. Teacher Notes anemometer rain gauge weathervane windsock thermomete r 14

15 Weather One instrument we cannot build is a weather satellite. A weather satellite goes around the earth. It has cameras that take pictures of clouds, land, ice in the sea, and hurricanes. This instrument can measure temperaturesall over the world. Click here to see how to make a Weather Satellite 15

16 1 Meteorology is the study of A plants B weather C animals Answer 16

17 2 Weather is the combination of heat, wind, and moisture. Which of these would be a great weather changer? A stars B moon C sun Answer 17

18 3 Meteorologists keep track of information to predict weather. Which information would not be necessary in predicting the weather? A temperature Answer B C phase of moon wind speed 18

19 4 Meteorologists need to use instruments to help them predict the weather. Yes No Answer 19

20 5 A weather satellite measures temperature A B just where we live all over the world Answer 20

21 Describing Weather Return to Table of Contents 21

22 Describing Weather Climate is the typical weather that occurs over a particular region of the Earth. We are going to study the weather that occurs where you live. 22

23 Temperature Return to Table of Contents 23

24 Describing Weather Temperature It takes heat to make the weather. Heat from the sun warms the land and the water. The land and water warms the air. Temperature how hot or cold is the air? The most common weather instrument is the thermometer. The thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature. 24

25 Describing Weather Temperature Look at the thermometer. When the temperature goes up (it gets warmer) the indicator rises. The indicator is the red line. When the temperature goes down (gets colder) the indicator moves down. 25

26 Describing Weather Temperature How do we react to warm and cold air? When it gets cold, we bring our arms and legs close to our bodies to stay warm. We shrink (get smaller). The thermometer does the same thing. When it gets colder outside the red line (indicator)shrinks. Teacher Notes When it is warm, we stand tall and stretch our arms to feel the warmth. The indicator on the thermometer also rises when the air is warmer. 26

27 Describing Weather Temperature Lab We are going to observe how the indicator moves. Materials two bowls ice warm water thermometer bowls ice warm water thermometer Teacher Notes 27

28 Describing Weather Temperature Lab Put ice in one of the bowls and warm water in the other. Place the thermometer in the "ice" bowl. Look at the red indicator. Now place the thermometer in the "warm water" bowl. Look at the red indicator. How did the indicator change? ice warm water 28

29 Describing Weather Temperature Lab ice Draw indicator line on thermometer to show how it moved. warm water Teacher Notes 29

30 Describing Weather Temperature Discovery Center Activity Set up the materials from previous page at discovery center. Let the children explore on their own. bowls ice warm water thermometer 30

31 Describing Weather Lab Build a Simple Thermometer scale A thermometer usually has a tube with red colored liquid inside it. As we have learned, the liquid moves up and down inside the tube. There is a scale on the tube that shows degrees. This scale helps us determine if it is warm or cool outside. We will build a thermometer to help us understand this concept. 31

32 Describing Weather Lab Build a Simple Thermometer Materials: Paper Square Cold Water Food Coloring black red blue Markers Glass Bottle 32

33 Lab Simple Thermometer 1. Pour cold water into the bottle until it is about 3/4 full. Add a few drops of food coloring. 2. Put a straw in the bottle so that it is in the water. Seal the top with clay. 3. Blow gently into the straw. The water will rise up. Stop when the water is halfway up the straw. 33

34 Lab Simple Thermometer 4. Cut two slits in the paper square. Slide it over the straw. Use black marker to mark the level of the water. Black shows a normal temperature. 5. Put the thermometer in a warm place. Leave for a while. Mark the new level with red marker. Red mark shows a warmer temperature. Teacher Notes 6. Put the thermometer in a refrigerator. Leave for a while. Mark the new level with the blue marker. Blue mark shows a cooler temperature. 34

35 Describing Weather Temperature We can use a color range on our thermometer to help us understand if the air is hot or cold. As the indicator moves up and down we can see if the air is hot, warm, cool, cold or bitter cold. Hot Red Warm Orange Cool Green Cold Blue Frigid Violet 35

36 Describing Weather Temperature Use this slide and activity sheet 3 to fill in color scale for temperature. hot warm cool Teacher Notes Color Range Code cold frigid 36

37 6 A thermometer measures temperature. Yes No Answer 37

38 7 When it gets warmer outside the indicator on the thermometer. A shrinks B rises Answer 38

39 8 Which thermometer shows the temperature on a cold day? A B C Answer 39

40 Wind Return to Table of Contents 40

41 Describing Weather Wind Wind is a smooth flowing movement of air. Air is always moving. Wind is air that is moving faster. As the earth spins winds pass over the surface of the world. 41

42 Describing Weather Wind Activity Stand up. Twirl around on your tiptoes. Air rushes past your face, arms, and fingers. Do you feel it? 42

43 Where does wind begin? Describing Weather Wind Wind begins where warm and cool air meet. When air is heated by the sun, it rises. Then cold air flows down to take the place of the air that rose. The sun heats the cold air and then it rises. Warm air expands, and cool air shrinks. As air warms and cools; rises and moves downward; sinks and stirs; this causes winds. Winds are an important part of our weather. 43

44 Describing Weather Wind Winds can blow leaves, turn windmills, make chimes ring, and dry clothes hanging outside. On a summer day you can feel a cool breeze coming in across the water. Teacher Notes We need the wind for some sports; like sailing a boat, wind surfing, and kite flying. 44

45 Describing Weather Wind Kite Activity Activity 1. Grab a kite. 2. Find large open area. 3. Run with kite behind you! 4. Let the kite catch the wind. 5. Up it goes! Keep running! Teacher Notes 45

46 Describing Weather Wind In the past kites where made in the shape of socks to help determine the strength and direction of the wind. Today we use windsocks at airports just like those old kites. We use kites as toys but we do have other instruments we can use to test the wind. 46

47 Describing Weather Wind Speed Device Anemometer Anemometer instrument used to determine how fast the wind is blowing. It is important to measure the speed of the wind. If we have winds that are high speed, this may cause damage. The moving air makes the cups on the anemometer whirl around. There is a scale on the anemometer to describe wind strength. 47

48 Describing Weather Wind Speed Device Anemometer Lab We can make our own anemometer. It will help us measure the wind's speed. As meteorologists we can report what we learn about the wind's speed. Materials Needed: Four (4) paper cups Paper plate Felt tip pen Pencil with eraser Pin Clay Stopwatch 48

49 Describing Weather Wind Speed Device Anemometer Lab 1.Take you paper plate and draw crossing lines on it. Where the lines cross is the center. 2. Put your cups on the plate so they all face the same direction. 3. Push the pin through the center into the eraser on the pencil. 4. Make sure the cups can turn easily. 5. Stick the pencil into the lump of modeling clay. Staple the cups in place at four points. Mark one cup with a thick stripe using felt pen. 49

50 Describing Weather Wind Speed Device Anemometer Lab Take your Anemometer outside. As the wind whips by it makes the cups turn in a circle. Their speed shows how fast the wind is blowing. Using a stopwatch, count the number of times the marked cup passes around in a minute. The more times it passes in a minute, the faster the wind is blowing. Teacher Notes 50

51 Wind Speed Lab Use your anemometer for one week to record wind speed. Do you see a pattern? Which day was the wind fastest? Was there a day when there was no wind recorded? How many turns in one minute? Recording Wind Speed Teacher Notes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 51

52 Describing Weather Wind Direction Device Wind Vane Lab We use a wind vane to determine which way the wind is blowing. Winds move all around the planet, bringing warmer air to cooler areas and cooler air to warmer areas. Some winds blow in the same direction all year long. Others blow certain times of the day or when storms come. These winds do not always blow in the same direction. We can use a wind vane to help us figure out which way the wind is blowing. Let's make one! 52

53 Wind Vane Lab Wind vane or Weather vane Materialsspool straw paper arrow 1. W 1. Put a long nail/pin through a spool. 2. Slip a straw over the pin. The straw should be able to turn easily. 3. Glue a paper arrow to one end of the straw. 4. Add North, South, East, West symbols to the spool. 5. Put your wind vane outside. 6. Which way is the wind blowing? N E Teacher Notes 53

54 9 Wind is a flowing movement of air. Yes No Answer 54

55 10 Wind begins when. A B C warm and cool air meet warm and warm air meet cool and cold air meet Answer 55

56 11 Which instrument is used to determine how fast the wind is moving? A thermometer B wind vane Answer C anemometer 56

57 12 A wind vane can tells us which way the wind is blowing. True False Answer 57

58 Clouds Return to Table of Contents 58

59 Clouds Clouds form from water vapor. Water vapor is a gas. We can't see it but water vapor is rising into the sky around us. When the vapor gets high in the sky, it cools down. Little drops of water form around bits of dust. When enough droplets come together, we have a cloud. Teacher Notes 59

60 Clouds Water Vapor Lab Experiment We will create droplets from water vapor. Materials: tin can water (cold and warm) ice bowl 60

61 Clouds Water Vapor Lab Fill a tin can with water and ice. Set the can over a bowl of warm water. What do you see and feel? Water vapor in the air will form drops on the cold can. The drops will run down the side of the can. Teacher Notes 61

62 Clouds Some clouds are thin and some are thick. Because sunlight easily passes through thin clouds, they appear bright or white. The parts where light passes through will appear white, but the thick parts where light doesn't pass through will look gray or black. 62

63 Clouds Lab We will try to create our own cloud. jar cubes Materials: ice warm water paper black resealable plastic bag match 63

64 Clouds Lab 1. Tape the black paper to back of the jar. Fill the jar 1/4 full with warm water. 2. Fill the plastic bag with ice cubes and seal it shut. The bag should be able to cover top of jar. Make sure it does not fall into jar. 3. Teacher should light one match and then blow it out. Wait one or two seconds before you throw it into jar. 4. Quickly put the bag of ice on top of the jar. Watch as a cloud forms. 64

65 Clouds Lab Teacher Notes What happened? Some of the warm water rises and evaporates. The water vapor condenses when it hits the air cooled by the ice. 65

66 13 Some clouds appear white because sunlight can pass through them. Yes No Answer 66

67 14 In the sky little drops of water form around bits of dust. When enough droplets come together we have. Answer A lightening B a cloud C snow 67

68 Rain Return to Table of Contents 68

69 Rain What do you like to do on a rainy day? Do you stay inside or do you like to go outside and splash in the puddles? What is rain? Teacher Notes 69

70 Rain What is rain? Rain is made of drops of water. These drops are called raindrops. Raindrops can be big or small. Clouds are filled with water. Rain clouds have more water than they can hold. When a cloud has too much water it rains. 70

71 Rain When raindrops are small the rain is light. We call this a drizzle. When raindrops are larger the rain is heavy. We call this a shower. Meteorologists measure the amount of rain that falls during a storm. You can measure the rain by placing a container outside. This is called a rain gauge. 71

72 Rain Gauge Lab Rain often falls in small amounts. It is easiest to collect rain in a small container. Meteorologists measure and report rainfall in inches(or centimeters). They read the level of water markings on a rain gauge. Materials: empty bottle masking tape coffee can 1.Mark a piece of masking tape with 1/2" or 1 cm intervals. 2.Place the masking tape on the empty bottle. 3.When it rains, place the coffee can outside to collect the rain water. 4.After the rain stops, pour the rain water from the coffee can into the small jar and read the measurement. 72

73 Rain Gauge Lab Teacher Notes When it rains, place the coffee can outside. After the rain stops, pour the rain water into the jar and read the measurement. 73

74 Snow Return to Table of Contents 74

75 Snow When the air is cold enough, water vapor in the air freezes before it can form drops of water. The particles get heavy and start falling. If the air on the way down is warm, the snow melts and falls as rain. If the air is cold the snow doesn't melt as it falls. 75

76 We can use our rain gauge to measure snow. Snow Lab Snow 1. Let the can fill with snow. Then bring it inside and let the snow melt. 2. Check the can a little later. See how little water it takes to make all that snow. 3. Pour the water into rain gauge to measure. Teacher Notes 76

77 15 Rain is made of drops of water. When a cloud has water it rains. A too little B no Answer C too much 77

78 16 Which instrument measures the amount of rain that falls during a storm? Answer A B C 78

79 17 Light rain is a. A shower B drizzle Answer 79

80 Recording Daily Weather Return to Table of Contents 80

81 Recording Weather Season One This unit is set up with identical sections so the students can observe and record weather; and then compare/contrast two different seasons. Before you begin this section you may want to create a weather journal using document activity sheets and cover sheet #17. The children will record the data collected in their journals as you record on the slides. At the end of unit the students can use their journals to look for patterns and compare/contrast data between the two seasons. 81

82 Recording Weather You are going to establish a regular pattern of observing weather. You will see how the weather is the same or different each day. You will begin a daily routine of reporting outdoor conditions. You will then gather as a group to assemble the weather information gathered by individual members. As a group you will perceive changes occurring in a familiar location. You will look for patterns in the weather. 82

83 Recording Weather Meteorologists study the weather. Meteorologists study the following... Weather Condition Instrument Sky Conditions Cloud Cover Temperature Wind Direction Wind Speed Precipitation Method or Look up! Look up! Thermometer Weather vane Anemometer Rain Gauge 83

84 Weather Exploratory Lab Take the children outside for a "weather hunt". Tell the children about specific places to look to discover the state of the weather. (Look at the trees to find signs of the wind; look for clouds in the sky; where is the sun?; are the clouds moving?) Stand in a sunny spot. How does it feel? Stand in a sheltered spot. How does it feel? Other clues; Can you find ice or a puddle? Is anyone's hair moving? Does it feel different if the sun goes behind a cloud? Toss leaves into the air. What happens? Blow bubbles. Do they go up or down or otherwise. Look for shadows. What are people wearing? Teacher Notes 84

85 Weather Exploratory Lab Regroup inside lead discussion of what they saw and felt. Weather Observations Teacher Notes Students will draw "Weather Report" of something observed outside. 85

86 Recording Sky Observations Return to Table of Contents 86

87 Recording Weather Sky Observations Lab The first thing we will do is use our observation skills to record what we see in the sky. The first week we will compare morning sky observations with afternoon sky observations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM Teacher Notes PM Weather Symbols sunny partly sunny cloudy rainy snowy 87

88 Recording Weather Sky Observations Lab We will now record our observations for a month. Record morning or afternoon observations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Teacher Notes Week 5 Weather Symbols sunny partly sunny cloudy rainy snowy 88

89 Recording Wind Speed and Wind Direction Return to Table of Contents 89

90 Recording Weather Wind Speed Lab Use anemometer to measure daily wind speed. You can also use weather vane to determine wind direction. Wind Conditions 1. Wind or No Wind 2. Speed # of turns Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher Notes 3. Direction N S E W Wind Symbols Windy No Wind 90

91 Recording Daily Temperature Return to Table of Contents 91

92 Recording Weather Daily Temperature Now that we have an established routine with sky and wind observations we will add daily temperature to our routine. Remember temperature is recorded by meteorologists so we know how hot or cold it is outside. hot or cold 92

93 Recording Weather Daily Temperature Lab Place a thermometer outside in the morning and then the afternoon. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM PM Temperature Indicator Hot Warm Cool Cold Frigid Teacher Notes 93

94 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Recording Weather Daily Temperature Lab Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher Notes Hot Warm Cool Cold Frigid Temperature Indicator 94

95 Recording Precipitation Return to Table of Contents 95

96 Recording Weather Precipitation We will now add recording the amount of daily precipitation to our daily routine. It may not rain or snow everyday but a meteorologist would record his or her observation everyday. 96

97 Recording Weather Precipitation Lab Each morning, place rain can outside. Each afternoon, bring can inside and pour any contents into rain gauge. Record daily observations on chart. Morning Rain/Snow inches or cm Afternoon Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher Notes 97

98 Analyzing Data Return to Table of Contents 98

99 Weather Journal Analyzing Data Weather Journal At the end of each week look over your data. Do you see any patterns in sky observations? Do you see any patterns in wind speed or wind direction? Teacher Notes Do you see any patterns for precipitation? 99

100 18 Were there more sunny days in the morning(am) or afternoon(pm)? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM PM Answer A same B morning C afternoon 100

101 19 On what day was there no wind? Wind Conditions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Wind or No Wind 2. Speed # of turns Answer 3. Direction N S E W E E S S A Monday B Tuesday C Friday 101

102 20 On what day was the wind blowing fastest? Wind Conditions 1. Wind or No Wind Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2. Speed # of turns Answer 3. Direction N S E W E E S S A Tuesday B Wednesday C Thursday 102

103 21 For this week was it cooler in the morning(am) or afternoon(pm)? AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday PM Answer A morning (AM) B afternoon (PM) 103

104 22 Which day had the least amount of rain? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Rain/Snow inches or cm 4 cm 2 cm 4 cm 3 cm 5 cm Answer A Monday B Tuesday C Friday 104

105 Seasons Return to Table of Contents 105

106 Seasons Some places don't get the same amount of heat from the sun all the time. In the hot season they get a lot of heat. They get much less heat in the cold season. Summer During summer months there is a lot of heat from the sun. There can be very hot weather. Autumn During autumn months there is less heat than in summer but more than in the winter. So the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. Winter During winter there is only a little heat from the sun, so the weather is cold. Spring During spring months there is more heat from the sun than in winter, but it is not as hot as summer. The weather is pleasant and warm. 106

107 Seasons Use the next two slides to identify characteristics of the four seasons. Lead discussion as to why the pictures should be placed in winter, summer, spring, or fall. 107

108 108

109 109

110 Seasons What season is it? click During this season there is a lot of heat from the sun. There can be very hot weather. autumn click summer During this season there is less heat than in summer but more than in the winter. So the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The leaves on trees change color. Teacher Notes 110

111 Seasons What season is it? During this season there is more heat from the sun than in winter, but it is not as hot as summer. The weather is pleasant and warm. The flowers start to grow. click spring Teacher Notes click winter During this season there is only a little heat from the sun, so the weather is cold. We might see snow. 111

112 23 During the season of summer the temperature is. A cold B cool Answer C hot 112

113 24 During winter there is little heat from the sun so the weather is. A warm B cold Answer C hot 113

114 25 Think about the weather in spring. Which would be an activity you could enjoy in the spring? A B jump rope swim in the ocean Answer C build a snowman 114

115 Recording Weather Season Two Return to Table of Contents 115

116 Recording Weather Season Two This unit is set up with identical recording weather sections as season one. The students can observe and record weather; and then compare/contrast two different seasons. It would be best to choose a month were the weather observations would be different from season one. Let each student record results in a weather journal, the same as season one. When you have completed observations for another month, analyze data for the month. Then compare and contrast the data collected for the two different seasons. 116

117 Recording Weather Sky Observations Lab The first thing we will do is use our observation skills to record what we see in the sky. The first week we will compare morning sky observations with afternoon sky observations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM PM Weather Symbols sunny partly sunny cloudy rainy snowy 117

118 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Recording Weather Sky Observations Lab We will now record our observations for a month. Record morning or afternoon observations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weather Symbols sunny partly sunny cloudy rainy snowy 118

119 Recording Weather Wind Speed Lab Use anemometer to measure daily wind speed. You can also use weather vane to determine wind direction. Wind Conditions 1. Wind or No Wind Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2. Speed # of turns 3. Direction N S E W Wind Symbols Windy No Wind 119

120 Recording Weather Daily Temperature Lab Place thermometer outside in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM PM Hot Warm Cool Cold Frigid Temperature Indicator Teacher Notes 120

121 Week 1 Week 2 Recording Weather Daily Temperature Lab Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Hot Warm Cool Cold Frigid Temperature Indicator 121

122 Recording Weather Precipitation Lab Each morning, place rain can outside. Each afternoon, bring can inside and pour any contents into rain gauge. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Rain/Snow inches cm 122

123 Comparing Seasons Weather Journal Use the data you have collected as meteorologists and compare and contrast data for the two seasons. In which season did you observe more sunny days? In which season did you observe less cloudy days? In which season was the wind speed faster? Did the wind blow in different directions? Teacher Notes In which season was there more precipitation? Was it rain or snow? 123

124 26 Were there more snowy days in the morning(am) or afternoon(pm)? AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday PM Answer A same B morning C afternoon 124

125 27 On what day was there no wind? Wind Conditions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Wind or No Wind 2. Speed # of turns Answer 3. Direction N S E W E S E S A Monday B Tuesday C Friday 125

126 28 On what day was the wind speed 20? Wind Conditions 1. Wind or No Wind Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2. Speed # of turns 3. Direction N S E W E E S S Answer A Tuesday B Wednesday C Thursday 126

127 29 For this week was it warmer in the morning(am) or afternoon(pm)? AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday PM Answer A morning (AM) B afternoon (PM) 127

128 30 Which day had the most rain? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Rain/Snow inches or cm 4 cm 2 cm 4 cm 3 cm 5 cm Answer A Monday B Tuesday C Friday 128

129 Congratulations! You are now a meteorologist. Use your skills to observe the weather and recognize weather patterns. 129

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