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1 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS B. AESTHETICS SHADE/SHADOW 1. INTRODUCTION Potential effects of the Proposed Project related to visual character, views and light/glare are addressed in Section IV.A, Impacts Found to be Less Than Significant, of this EIR. This section addresses the potential effects of the shadows that would be cast by the Proposed Project. The issue of shade and shadow pertains to the blockage of direct sunlight for a given amount of time that affects certain land uses. Shading is an important environmental issue because the users or occupants of certain land uses, such as residential, recreational, schools, and outdoor restaurants have expectations for direct sunlight and warmth from the sun. These land uses are termed shadow sensitive, because sunlight is important to function, physical comfort, and commerce. This section also includes an assessment of whether project specific shadows would cast onto shade sensitive receptors in excess of the City of Los Angeles threshold for shadow impacts. Shadow lengths are dependent on the height and size of the building from which the shadow is cast and the angle of the sun. The angle of the sun varies based on the rotation of the earth (i.e., time of day) and elliptical orbit (i.e., change in seasons). The longest shadows are cast during the winter months, and the shortest shadows are cast during the summer months. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING A. Shading Winter and Summer Solstice Solstice is defined as either of the two points on the sun s elliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular distance of 90 ). At the solstices, the sun s apparent position on the celestial sphere reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial equator, about 23 ½ of the arc. At the time of summer solstice, around June 21, the sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Cancer. In the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day and shortest night of the year occur on this date, marking the beginning of summer. At winter solstice, around December 21, the sun is overhead at noon at the Tropic of Capricorn; this marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Measuring shadow lengths for the winter and summer solstices represents the extreme shadow patterns that occur throughout the year. Shadows cast on the summer solstice are the shortest shadows during the year, becoming progressively longer until winter solstice when the shadows are the longest they are all year. Shadows are shown for summer solstice, cast from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and for winter solstice, cast from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Spring and Fall Equinoxes Equinox is defined as either of two points of intersection of the sun s apparent annual path and the plane of the earth s equator, that is, a point of intersection of the elliptic and the celestial equator. At the equinoxes, day and night are the same duration as the sun s transit falls on the equator. Shadows cast on the equinoxes are intermediary between the solstices. Page IV.B 1

2 City of Los Angeles February 2014 B. Regulatory Setting There are no existing regulations and City ordinances related to shade and shadow that would apply to the Proposed Project. C. Shadow Sensitive Land Uses According to the L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide 2006, facilities and operations that are sensitive to the effects of shading generally include, but are not limited to: routinely useable outdoor spaces associated with residential or institutional land uses; commercial uses, such as pedestrian oriented outdoor areas or restaurants with outdoor eating areas; nurseries; existing solar collectors; and recreational areas, such as parks. These uses are considered sensitive because sunlight is important to function, physical comfort, or commerce. Sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the Project Site include the following: parkland (Hancock Park) to the west of the Project Site; and residential land uses to the north and east. Sensitive (outdoor café) uses to the south are not included in the following analysis as the pattern of shadows rotates in a sweeping arc around the Project area, starting in the west and ending in the east. D. Existing Shadow Patterns The mid rise buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Project Site creates a varying pattern of shadows that rotates in a sweeping arc within and beyond the boundaries of the Project Site toward the west, north, and east, according to the movement of the sun. The Project Site s shadows primarily do not extend beyond the immediate vicinity of the Project Site, except for during the early morning and late afternoon hours throughout the year. In general, shadows produced by structures in the immediate vicinity of the Project Site do not extend far from the Project Site and do not reach nearby properties, except for during early morning or late evening hours. The existing parking structure on the Project Site currently casts a shadow which shades the residential uses to the north of the Project Site (refer to Figures IV.B 1 and IV.B 2). 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS A. Thresholds of Significance The L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide 2006 (page A.3 2) states that a project would have a significant impact if it would: Cast shadow on shade sensitive land uses for more than three hours between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM (between late October and early April), or for more than four hours between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (between early April and late October). B. Methodology The consequences of shadows on land uses can be positive, including cooling effects during warm weather, or negative, such as loss of warmth during cooler weather and loss of natural light. Shadow effects are dependent on several factors, including local topography, the height and bulk of a project s Page IV.B 2

3 City of Los Angeles February 2014 structural elements, sensitivity of surrounding uses, season, and duration of shadow projection. In determining the effects of shading, the locations of sensitive uses (such as residential, recreational, schools, and outdoor restaurants) in the surrounding area are identified and the shading effects are calculated according to standard criteria. Impacts are calculated according to the proposed building heights and the distance from the sun obstructing structures to the sensitive use. Shadows have been calculated and plotted for representative hours during the spring and fall equinoxes and winter and summer solstices. Residential, recreational, school, and outdoor restaurant uses with routinely used outdoor areas and where sunlight may be important to physical comfort or function, are considered sensitive uses. The L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide 2006 significance criteria apply to the hours occurring between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM during the winter and spring and between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM during the summer and fall. The varying and seasonally adjusted daytime hours represent the period of the day in which the expectation of available sunlight exists. For the purpose of establishing the hours in which significant impacts occur, winter and spring are described as occurring between late October to early April, and summer and fall are described as occurring between early April and late October. Graphical representations of the shadows that would be cast by the Proposed Project s structures have been prepared and provide the basis for the shadow impact analysis in this EIR. These graphics conservatively reflect no building separations or transitional heights, which could be incorporated into the final design of the Proposed Project, and assume a maximum office building height of 207 feet and a maximum parking structure height of 72 feet. C. Project Impacts The Proposed Project involves the demolition of an existing surface parking lot, construction of a new 13 story, approximately 249,500 square foot commercial office building and the addition of two new levels of parking (approximately 162,768 square feet) to an existing five level parking structure. The Proposed Project would provide a total of 2,040 parking spaces; an addition of 550 net new spaces. The 13 story building will be 207 feet high and following the addition, the parking structure will be approximately 72 feet high. Shadow figures are provided for existing conditions and for the Proposed Project as follows: Figure IV.B 1 (Existing Summer Solstice Shadows) depicts the maximum extent of the Proposed Project s summer shadows between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM; Figure IV.B 2 (Existing Winter Solstice Shadows) depicts the maximum extent of the Proposed Project s winter shadows between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM; Figure IV.B 3 (Project Summer Solstice Shadows) depicts the maximum extent of the Proposed Project s summer shadows between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM; Figure IV.B 4 (Project Winter Solstice Shadows) depicts the maximum extent of the Proposed Project s winter shadows between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM; Summer Shadows As shown in Figure IV.B 3, the Proposed Project would cast shadows primarily to the northwest through the northeast during the Summer Solstice. These shadows would fall on the residential uses to the north of the Project Site. Page IV.B 3

4 City of Los Angeles February 2014 At 9:00 AM summer shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northwesterly direction. The shadows would shade a western portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and portions of its central courtyard. Summer shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northwesterly direction. The shadows would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building. At 12:00 PM summer shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northern direction. These shadows would shade a portion of the northern entry drive of the Project Site. No sensitive uses are located in this area. Summer shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northern direction. The shadows would shade a small southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a small southern portion the Masselin Park West Apartment building. At 5:00 PM summer shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northeasterly direction. The shadows would shade a western portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and portions of its central courtyard. Summer shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northeastern direction. The shadows would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a southern portion the Masselin Park West Apartment building. Winter Shadows As shown in Figure IV.B 4, the Proposed Project would cast far reaching shadows to the northwest and northeast during the Winter Solstice. These shadows would fall on park and residential uses north and east of the Project Site. At 9:00 A.M. winter shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northwesterly direction. The shadows would shade a portion of Hancock Park, a small western portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building, and a portion of the Park La Brea Apartments. Winter shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northwesterly direction. The shadows would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building. At 12:00 P.M. winter shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northern direction. The shadows would shade a western portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and portions of its central courtyard. Winter shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northern direction. The shadows would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building. At 3:00 P.M. winter shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would be cast in a northeasterly direction. The shadows would shade a large eastern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and portions of its central courtyard; the shadow would also extend into and shade a western portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building and a portion of its central courtyard. Winter shadows from the Proposed Project parking structure would be cast in a northeastern direction. The shadows would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building. Page IV.B 4

5 6th Street 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM EXISTING PARKING STRUCTURE (52 feet) Hauser Boulevard South Curson Avenue Masselin Avenue Source: Google Earth and EcoTierra Consulting, April Wilshire Boulevard Scale (Feet) Figure IV.B-1 Existing Summer Solstice Shadows June 21st

6 6th Street 3:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM EXISTING PARKING STRUCTURE (52 feet) South Curson Avenue Masselin Avenue Hauser Boulevard Source: Google Earth and EcoTierra Consulting, April Wilshire Boulevard Scale (Feet) Figure IV.B-2 Existing Winter Solstice Shadows December 21st

7 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM EXISTING PARKING WITH PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PARKING (72 feet) Street Sou th Curs o n A ven u e PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING (207 feet) Masselin Avenue 6th Hauser Boulevard 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Wilshire Boulevard Source: Google Earth and EcoTierra Consulting, April Scale (Feet) Figure IV.B-3 Proposed Summer Solstice Shadows June 21st

8 9:00 AM 6th Street 3:00 PM 12:00 PM Masselin Avenue 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING (207 feet) EXISTING PARKING WITH PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PARKING (72 feet) Hauser Boulevard South Curson Avenue Wilshire Boulevard Source: Google Earth and EcoTierra Consulting, April Scale (Feet) Figure IV.B-4 Proposed Winter Solstice Shadows December 21st

9 City of Los Angeles February 2014 Summer shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would shade the west and south facing balconies and a portion of the central courtyard of Museum Terrace Apartment building between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon, and would shade the south facing balconies and a larger portion of the central courtyard between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Summer shadows from the parking structure would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building, including south facing balconies, and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building, between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon and between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Winter shadows from the Proposed Project office tower would shade a portion of Hancock Park, some west and all south facing balconies of the Museum Terrace Apartment building between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon; between noon and 3:00 PM shadows from the office tower would shade the central courtyard areas and all south facing balconies. Winter shadows from the parking structure would shade a southern portion of the Museum Terrace Apartment building, including south facing balconies, and a southern portion of the Masselin Park West Apartment building, including a portion of the central courtyard, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. As shown, portions of parkland and routinely useable outdoor spaces associated with multi family residential buildings would be shaded by the Proposed Project for more than three hours between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM during the summer/fall and between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM during the winter/spring. Consequently, shadow impacts from the Proposed Project would be significant. Cumulative Impacts The Project Site and surrounding area are situated in a high density, mixed use area of Los Angeles. Development of the Proposed Project, in conjunction with the Related Projects listed in Section III (Environmental Setting), would result in an increase of shading impacts in the Project vicinity. A cumulative shading impact may occur if a related project were constructed adjacent to or near the Proposed Project and resulted in a shadow overlap such that the new combined shadow would be cast upon shadow sensitive uses in excess of the threshold. There are no related projects located in close enough proximity to the Project Site to potentially result in a cumulative shade shadow impact. Similar to the Proposed Project, each of the Related Projects would be evaluated to determine the degree to which these developments would create shading impacts. Therefore, the Proposed Project would not result in a cumulatively significant shading impact. 4. MITIGATION MEASURES While significant impacts related to shade and shadows have been identified, there are no feasible mitigation measures. Reducing height and reconfiguration of Project buildings to potentially reduce shadow impacts is addressed in Section VI, Alternatives, of this EIR. 5. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION The Proposed Project would shade off site residential sensitive uses in excess of the established significance thresholds and, therefore, would cause a significant and unavoidable shade/shadow impact. Page IV.B 9


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