The prevailing water of Noah s flood (a chronology of the flood)

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1 The prevailing water of Noah s flood (a chronology of the flood) Yves Peloquin Montreal, Oct, Gen : In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. NIV Gen :1-1 By the twenty-seventh day of the second month [of Noah's six hundred and first year] the earth was completely dry. Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark NIV Setting the specific chronology of the flood would seem to be an easy task. After all, the Bible supplies five specific markers, mentions a few periods of time, and the whole event lasted about a year. Apparently many have been seduced by this unchallenging undertaking and have proposed their own but nevertheless nearly identical understanding of this short period. There is however one difficulty that they have all solved with the same apparent lack of concern for the oddity of their explanation. In the Bible s description of the flood there is the mention of a 1-day period of prevailing water and there is also an allusion to a five-month stretch. In most of the timelines that have been proposed those two periods overlap and their authors even decreed that at the time of the flood every month was exactly days in length (=1). This extraordinary fact would mean that the orbit of the moon around the earth was slightly different at the time of Noah than it is nowadays. I don t buy that. Let us keep in mind that the flood was God s method of destroying and renewing the earth. Gen :1 "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. NIV There was no need to change anything outside the boundary of that world. If you are familiar with my other works you already know that I firmly believe God left a signature in the Bible s chronology, which can be seen in the form of patterns, symmetry, and beauty. As for me, I will always interpret the absence of these three elements in any Bible s proposed timeline as a sign of inaccuracy and a clue that there are some elements that have not been properly understood. God s chronology cannot lead to a bleak design. The timeline proposed in this article will show that it is possible to harmonize all the chronological information found in Gen & and obtain a logical picture of what really occurred while Noah was in the Ark. 1

2 In the following three pages we are going to build a basic (and somewhat uncontroversial) timeline of the flood. Later we will see how it is possible to elaborate this basic timeframe to expose never seen patterns. The following five markers are the Basic Material to create the flood timeline Ark is closed Rain started M D1 Y BM1 Gen : In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. NKJV Ark rests M D1 Y BM Gen : Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. NKJV Top of mountain is visible again M D1 Y BM Gen : In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. NKJV Water gone M1 D1 Y1 BM Gen :1 and it came to pass in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, that the waters were dried up from the earth; NKJV Ark open M D Y1 BM Gen :1-1 And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dried. Then God spoke to Noah, saying, "Go out of the ark, NKJV

3 Besides the five basic markers found on the previous page we will also use six important Periods of time BM1 Ark is closed Rain started M D1 Y Rain stops? P1 Gen : For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, NKJV Gen :1 And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights. NKJV BM Top of mountain is visible again M D1 Y (Window is opened) W-O Raven is sent? P P Gen :1 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. NIV Gen : So it came to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. NKJV??? 1 P Gen : And the waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days. NKJV??? P? Gen : At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased. NKJV BM Dove s first flight Dove s second flight Dove s third flight Water gone M1 D1 Y1 P P Gen : And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark. NKJV Gen : And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark. NKJV

4 The basic timeframe of the flood Ark is closed / Rain started M D1 Y BM1 To the previous set of markers we are now introducing a third set of markers. P1 R R 1 days Rain stops? M D R 1 R1 These are called Resolving marker. R1, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R R Ark rests on Ararat M D1 Y Top of mountain becomes visible again M D1 Y P R BM BM either a date which represent obtained by going forwards or backwards from an already known date, or a number of days representing the period of time between two known dates. R W-O (Window is opened) Raven is sent M D Y Ark open M D Y1 R Water is gone M1 D1 Y1 R BM BM Note 1: R to R will be added gradually as we move on in this chronology. Note : Each Resolving marker s value can be figured out by using the calendar proposed at the end of this article.

5 In the time frame presented on the previous page, I left out the periods P and P (1 days) described in Gen : and Gen.. It is traditionally accepted that these 1 days represent the exact five-month period between MD1 (when the Ark was closed) and MD1 (when the Ark came to rest). As shown in the following timeframe this is absolutely unacceptable as it would contradict what can be observed on any Hebrew calendar. Ark is closed / Rain started M D1 Y BM1 On the Hebrew calendar there could be no more than 1 days between the 1 th day of the nd month (MD1) and the 1 th day of the th month (MD1). P 1 days According Gen : 1 days Ark rests on Ararat M D1 Y Rain stops? M D According the calendar 1 BM Here the reader has to understand that the Hebrew calendar uses lunar months which start at the time of a new moon and end at the time of next new moon. The exact astronomical length of a lunar month is. days but in practical usage it is understood that a month has a length that alternates from to days. As an exception two successive months could have days but it would never happen for three months in a row. Therefore, on any sequence of five Hebrew months (as is the case in the biblical period which goes from MD1 to MD1) there will always be at least two months with a length of days. A direct outcome of this arrangement limits any period of five months to be 1 or 1 days. Was the moon slower at the time of the flood (thus making a five-month period equal to 1 days instead of the 1 obtained when one observes the contemporary motion of the moon)? If you answer yes to this question there is no point trying to figure out any part of the Bible s chronology. How could you know what would be the right duration of the months in the specific period you are studying? However, if you answer no and you believe that the motion of the moon has always been the same either before or after the flood, then you have to accept that there is a better answer to the question: What exactly took place during the 1 days of Gen :? Gen : And the waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days. NKJV Gen :- At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased. NKJV The biggest misunderstanding about the 1 days that the water prevailed has been to tag the beginning of the period to the day the rain started falling. Gen : In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. NIV

6 By doing that some important information is neglected, namely the 1 days should be associated with a time during which water prevailed. A quick look in any dictionary will tell us that prevail means triumph. In the context of a flood, during which the whole earth was going to be drowned, prevailing could only mean that the water was winning over the land, the whole land. When did this happen? At the exact time the water overflowed the highest mountain. When did the water stop prevailing? When the water receded and the highest peak became visible again. The Bible is saying that for 1 days only water was visible on the surface of the earth no dry land could be found anywhere. R P BM Ark is closed / Rain started M D1 Y Top of mountain is hidden MD Y Water prevailed during 1 days HWM 1 Ark rests on Mount Ararat M D1 Y Top of mountain is visible again M D1 Y We know that the top of the mountain became visible again on MD1. From that point, going backwards 1 days takes us to the Hebrew date MD (R) for the time when the water covered the top of the mountain. At its highest the water s level reached 1 cubits over the top of the mountain (here called the High Water Mark or HWM). From that we deduce that the rain continued to fall for several days after the top of the mountain was submerged on MD. Gen : And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days. RSV Note: My understanding about this remarkable meaning of the 1 days came from reading the article Noah s Days in The Ark by Henk W. Jens.

7 Rain started M D1 Y R1? Rain stops? M D P1 R Top of mountain is hidden MD Y???? 1 If the rain stopped on MD the water could never had reached the top of the mountain on MD. Water prevailed during 1 days HWM 1 cubits of water over the mountain Ark rest M D1 Y Top of mountain is visible again M D1 Y In order to cover the mountain with 1 cubits of water the rain must have continued to fall for some days after the mountain had been overflowed. It is now obvious that a major problem has arisen with my sequence of events. How could the level of water have reached the top of the mountain on MD if the rain had stopped falling the previous month? Does the Bible contradict itself? It is more likely that we have mistakenly assumed something that we should not have. For instance, did the rain really stop falling after the initial days? (ref Gen :1 And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights) The Bible says that it rained for days but never concluded with something like then the rain stopped. Let us suppose that the initial period of days was followed by a second period of days of rain. Gen :1 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. NIV Note : To my knowledge I am the only one to have ever suggested that there was a second -day period of rain during the flood. Actually this is not so surprising, one has first to accept that the 1-days of prevailing water is restricted to the time when no land could have been seen before we can reach this surprising conclusion.

8 Author s hypothesis: There are two -day periods of rain P1 Rain started M D1 Y First period of days Gen :1 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights. Gen : I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." NIV Every breathing creature outside the Ark is now dead Start of second -day period of rain (R1) M D Second period of days Gen :1(a) The flood continued forty days upon the earth; RSV Ark is lifted and starts floating M? D? Top of mountain is covered by water (R) MD P Gen :1(b) - and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth. The waters prevailed and increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark floated on the face of the waters. RSV Gen : (a) the waters prevailed above the mountains, RSV Rain stops HWM has been reached Gen : (b) covering them fifteen cubits deep. RSV In the first (P1) -day period of rain: water is used to kill the living Gen : (a) I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; NIV In the second (P) -day period of rain: water is used to cleanse the earth Gen :(b) never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." NIV

9 R1 Rain started M D1 Y R1 Second -day period of rain started M D Gen :1 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. R R Top of mountain is hidden MD Y P R1 Water prevailed during 1 days HWM has been reached over the mountain Rain stop M D R1 R1 BM R1 1 Ark rests M D1 Y Top of mountain is visible again M D1 Y BM MD + = MD R1 MD MD = R MD MD = d. R1 1 days = d. R1 MD1 MD = d. R1 days + d. = d. R1 At an unknown time, during the second (P) period of days of rain, the Ark was lifted from the ground. I am going to suggest that the Ark began floating exactly days after its door was closed. Be aware that this speculation is justified by the emergence of several patterns.

10 Ark is closed /Rain started MD1 Y All breathing beings are dead MD R1 R1 R1 R1 Ark lifted from the ground MD R R R Top of mountain is hidden MD Y P 1 Time of the flood prevailing water 1 HWM Top of mountain becomes visible MD1 Y Rain stops MD Ark rests M D1 Y MD1 + d. = MD R1 days d. = d. R1 MD MD = d. R

11 When properly illustrated it becomes apparent that Exodus : to : (see sequence 1 to below) describes three overlapping layers bounded by the same (and unique) 1-day period (also called time of the flood s prevailing water on the previous page). Top of mountain is hidden MD Y 1 Gen : And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days. RSV 1 Gen :1- But God remembered Noah and And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided; the fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, RSV Gen :A and the waters receded from the earth continually. RSV Gen :B At the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters had abated; RSV HWM reached Rain stopped 1 Top of mountain becomes visible M D1 Y Ark rested M D1 Y Gen : and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat. RSV Gen : And the waters continued to abate until the tenth month; RSV Gen : B in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. RSV Note: the 1 days of Gen : (1) and :B () designate the same period. (P)

12 The chronology of the dove s three flights On M1D1 (BM) the dove was sent for the third time but never returned; to Noah this was an indication that the water had dried up ( Chabad in Hebrew). Gen :1 Then he waited another seven days, and sent forth the dove [third dove ]; and she did not return to him anymore. RSV Gen :1 and it came to pass in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, that the waters were dried up from the earth; NKJV By going back seven days (P) from M1D1 we reach the date M1D, which is the time of the dove s second flight, and seven days (P) prior to that we obtain M1D1 for the dove s first flight. Window is open / Raven sent M D Y R R R R1 R P P Dove 1 st flight M1D1 Dove nd flight M1D Gen : And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark. Gen :1 So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return again to him anymore. Dove rd flight Water had dried up No return Noah removed covering of the Ark M1 D1 Y1 R BM This doesn t prevent the Earth from being saturated with water Ark open / earth completely dry M D Y1 R BM M1D1 - = M1D R M1D = M1D1 R1 M1D1 MD1 = d. R MD M1D1 = d. R 1

13 The chronology of the raven Seven days (P) before the first flight of the dove on M1D ( R1 ) something happened (this is implied by Gen :). We are not told directly what this event could have been, however we know that the raven had been sent out of the Ark prior to that and it kept flying back and forth. Based on the fact that Noah waited yet another seven days before sending the dove on its first expedition, we are quite justified in assuming that the raven must have stopped roaming the earth and gone back (to or in) the Ark on M1D (R). (I will have more to say about the raven in an article I intend to publish later this year under the title: The Flight of Noah s Raven) R R R R Window is open / Raven sent M D Y Raven is flying back and forth 1 Water dried up (roaming is over) M1D P Dove nd flight M1D Dove rd flight No return Dove 1 st f. M1D1 R1 The presence of this -day period is hinted at by the language used in Gen : to introduce the next -day period. Gen : And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark. Water had dried up / Covering of the Ark is removed M1 D1 Y1 Ark open / earth completely dry M D Y1 M1D1 - = M1D R M1D MD = days R M1D M1D = 1 days R 1

14 We have all the information we need to extricate God s signature from the flood s timeline. nd rain MD R1 Ark lifted from the ground MD R Mountain is hidden MD R R 1 Window is open Raven sent MD Y 1 Ark rests MD1 R on Ararat MD1 Y Mountain is visible MD1 R R Raven returns (roaming is over) M1D R 1 1 Dove 1 st flight M1D1 Dove rd flight No return M1D1 Y1 R Ark open earth is dry MD Y1 R + P + P = days R P + P + P = 1 days R R + R1 + R1 = days R R + P = = days R 1

15 Ark is floating M D Ark rests on Ararat M D1 Y Window is open Raven sent M D Y nd rain MD HWM MD Mountain s top becomes visible M D1 Y Roaming end M1D Dove 1 st flight M1D1 Water dried up yabesh 1 Gen : and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. NIV Dove nd flight (back with olive leaf) M1D Dove rd flight No return M1 D1 Y1 Ark open / earth completely dry M D Y1 Water dried up charab Gen :1 By the first day of the first month of Noah's six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. NIV 1

16 Ark is closed / Rain started M D1 Y Mountain s top hidden MD Y Water prevailed All life is dead M D Ark lif.. MD 1 HWM Rain stops M D Mountain s top visible again M D1 Y Gen :and the windows of the heavens were opened. RSV Ark rests on Ararat M D1 Y Gen : At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark RSV Window is open / Raven sent M D Y Dove 1 st flight MD Dove nd flight MD Dove rd flight No return Ark lifted MD Water dried up M1D1 Y1 Timeline of Noah s flood Nowhere it is said that the flood last only days. Ark rest before Ark the is Top open of / mountain earth completely became visible dry M D Y1 1

17 After years, Enoch was removed and did not have to experience death. Enoch and Noah share a similar experience. Gen : Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. NIV Enoch born AM Ark is closed / Rain started M D1 Y AM years Gen :- Altogether, Enoch lived years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. NIV Heb : By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; NIV Gen :1 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. NIV R days Enoch dies AM Ark is open / earth completely dry M D Y1 AM During days Noah was removed and did not have to experience death. o Gen : Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God. NIV 1

18 The calendar on the next page is a tool to help those readers who would like to validate any date or value mentioned previously. The range of this calendar is from the first day of the second month of year 1 AM (year of the flood) to the th day of the second month of year 1 AM. The label AM associated with the year means Anno Mundi; in this system s notation Adam was created in year AM while the flood came in 1 AM. In each case of the calendar the following information will be found: M D1 1 AM Month, day and year of the Hebraic date. Here is the Second month, Day one. May 1 ( BC) Ju, Month and day of the date in the Gregorian system. Gregorian year. This information is not repeated on the other entries of the calendar. Julian day. This is a unique number tagged to each day of the calendar. NOTE 1: In this calendar, the first day of each Hebraic month (D1) coincides with the timing of the new moon. The information was obtained from the Planetarium Software (Redshift). Note : It is not the intent of the author to suggest that the calendar should start on any specific day of the week. This information is not known and if it was, it would not have any impact on the length of time between any events featured in this study. 1

19 Here is how the calendar can be used: Example 1 Suppose you want to know how many days there are between MD1 (when the Ark was closed) and MD1 (when the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat) You need to spot the following two entries of the calendar MD1 Ju, MD1 Ju,1 The number of days between the two dates is given by subtracting the two Julian days values Ju,1 Ju, = 1 days Example Suppose you want to find out the date when Noah opened the window of the Ark. The Bible tells us it was days after the top of the mountain became visible on the first day of the th month. First step: Find the calendar entry for MD1 MD1 Ju,1 Second step: Add to the Julian day Ju,1 = Ju, Third step: Find the calendar entry for Ju, MD 1 Ju, Answer: Noah opened the window of the Ark on the th day of the th month in the year 1 AM.

20 The flood calendar From 1 AM to 1 AM (from BC to BC) M D1 1 AM May 1 ( BC) M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D 1 Ju,1 M D Ju, M D Ju, Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju,1 M D1 June 1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M F Ju, M D Ju,1 M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju,1 M D1 July 1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,

21 M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju,1 M D1 1 Ju, M D1 August 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju,1 M D 1 Ju,1 M D 1 Ju,1 M D1 1 Ju,1 M D 1 Ju,1 M D 1 Ju,1 M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju,1 M D1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D Sept. 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju,1 M D Ju, M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju,1 M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Oct. 1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju,1 M D Ju, M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, 1

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24 M1 D1 1 Ju, M1 D1 Ju, M1 D1 Ju, M1 D1 1 Ju, M1 D1 Ju, M1 D1 Ju, M1 D1 Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju,1 M1 D1 Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D May 1 Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju, M1 D Ju,1 M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D 1 Ju,1 M D 1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju,1 M D1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D 1 Ju, M D June 1 Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D Ju, M D1 Ju, This article will be followed by The Flight of Noah s Raven later this year. Yves Peloquin

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