arxiv: v1 [] 31 Oct 2018

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1 ON PERIODIC GROUPS ISOSPECTRAL TO A 7 arxiv: v1 [] 31 Oct 018 A. MAMONTOV Abstract. The spectrum of a periodic group G is the set ω(g) of its element orders. Consider a group G such that ω(g) = ω(a 7). Assume that G has a subgrouph isomorphic toa 4, whose involutions are squares of elements of order 4. We prove that either O (H) O (G) or G has a finite nonabelian simple subgroup. Keywords: periodic group, locally finite group, spectrum. 1. Introduction Let M be a set of periodic groups and G M. The spectrum of G is the set ω(g) of its elements orders. Two groups with the same spectrum are called isospectral. We say that G is recognizable by spectrum in M, if any group from M is isomorphic to G, whenever it is isospectral to G. Many finite simple groups are known to be recognizable by spectrum in the class of finite groups [8], in particular, A 7 [6]. It is clear that a group G is recognizable by spectrum in the class of periodic groups, if it is recognizable among finite groups, and any group isospectral to G is locally finite. Verification of the last condition is related to the Burnside problem []. In the paper we prove Theorem. Assume ω(g) = ω(a 7 ) and G has a subgroup H isomorphic to A 4, whose involutions are squares of elements of order 4. Then either O (H) O (G) or G has a finite nonabelian simple subgroup. Eistence of such simple subgroup K G allows to investigate the structure of G using the inclusion C K (i) C G (i) (where i is an involution from K) and Shunkov s theorem that a periodic group with a finite centralizer of involution is locally finite [7]. We conjecture that G A 7.. Notations and preliminary results Speaking of computations we refer to computations in GAP [1] using coset enumeration algorithm. The following notations are used: Γ n = Γ n (G) is the set of elements of order n from G; = (G) = { Γ 4 }, O (G) is the largest normal -subgroup of G. Write A : B for an etension of A by B, and C n for a cyclic group of order n. The center of G is denoted as Z(G). Writing a b for a,b G we mean that orders of a and b are equal. Mamontov, A., On periodic groups isospectral to A 7. c 018 Mamontov A. This research is supported by RSF (project ). 1

2 A. MAMONTOV t Groups in the work are mostly presented by generators and relations. Any word identity in a group also holds in its homomorphic images. So it is convenient to keep same notations for generators of both groups. For visualization some relations are drawn in the form of labeled graph. Verte label represents some group element, and the corresponding number is its order. Edge label shows relations between the corresponding vertices (number stands for the order of the verte element product), or subgroup, which they generate. An edge between commuting vertices is drawn as dashed line. In this section let G be a group whose element orders are not greater than 7. The goal of this section is to describe small subgroups, which may be in G. For further discussion, we distinguish some elements, which are written as words of generators, and establish some relations between them. In the following lemma we describe (,3)-generated subgroups of G. Lemma.1 Consider an involution t and an element of order 3 in G. Let K = t,. Then one of the following holds: 3 (a) (t) = 1 and K S 3 ; (b) (t) 3 = 1 and K A 4 ; (c) (t) 4 = 1 and K S 4 ; (d) (t) 5 = 1 and K A 5 ; (e) (t) 6 = 1, and K is a homomorphic image of (C k C k ) C 6, where k is the order of [,y]; (f) (t) 7 = [,t] 4 = 1 and K L (7). Proof. Items (a)-(d) are well-known. (e) Let (t) 6 = 1 and k be the order of [,t]. Set a = [,t] = 1 tt. Then a t = t 1 tt t = t 1 t = a 1. Further, aa a = (a 1 ) 3 = 1 (t) 6 = 1 and a t = a ta = (a 1 ) a, therefore a,a,t. Direct computations show that [a,a ] = (t) 6 = 1. (f) Let (t) 7 = 1. Then K is a homomorphic image of K(j) =,t 1 = 3 = t = (t) 7 = [,t] j, where j {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that K(5) 1; K(6) K(7) L (13) and therefore has an element of order 13, which is not possible. Hence, K K(4) L (7). y Further F n will denote the Frobenius group,t 1 = (t) 6 = [,t] k from item (e), where k {4,5,6,7}; and n = 6k is the order of the group. In the following Lemma.3 we list some properties of F n that will be used later. Lemma. Let,y,t Γ, [,y] = 1 and,t S 3. Then the group,y,t is finite and yt Γ 7. Moreover, if yt Γ 5, then,y,t A 5. 3 t Proof. Note that,y,t is a homomorphic image of,y,t 1 = = y = t = (y) = (t) 3 = (yt) i = (yt) j, where i,j {4,5,6,7} are selected in correspondence with Lemma.1. Now the statement is easily verified by computations. Lemma.3 Let z = t t,b = z z,u = z z = t [ 1,t][,t] be the corresponding elements of F 94. Then b = b 4, F 4 =,z 1 = 3 = z = (z) 6 = b 7,b = b 4 is the Frobenius group of order 4, and [u,] = 1.

3 ON PERIODIC GROUPS ISOSPECTRAL TO A 7 3 Proof. Let a = t t as in the proof of Lemma.1. Then z = ta and b = 1 tata = aa t a = a(a 1 ) a a = (a 1 ) a, b 4 = (a 3 ) a = 1 ( 1 tt) 3 1 tt = = tt 1 tt 1 t 1 t, b = (a (a 1 ) ) = 1 1 tt 1 tt 1 t 1 t = tt 1 tt 1 t 1 t. Note that a map (1,,3)(4,5,6)(7,8,9)(10,11,1)(13,14,15)(16,17,18)(19,0,1) t (, 4)(3, 5)(6, 7)(8, 10)(9, 11)(1, 13)(14, 16)(15, 17)(18, 19) can be etended to an isomorphism between, t and the corresponding permutation group. Now the rest of the proof is straightforward. This notation F 4 for the corresponding Frobenius group will be used further. An important property of subgroups of G, which are isomorphic to F 4, is described in the following section. F 4 z u 3 v 3. Subgroups isomorphic to D 10 and F 4 The goal of the section is to prove two statements. Writing F 4 = z, we assume that elements z and satisfy the relations, which were used to define F 4 in Lemma.3. Statement 1 Assume that G has no elements of order greater than 7. Let F 4 = z, be a subgroup of G, u = z z, and v be an involution in G such that [,v] = 1. Then either v = u or G has a subgroup isomorphic to L (7). The proof is preceded by two lemmas with the same assumptions. Denote by B the following set of relations, which are assumed, and also shown on the graph: B = {v,z, 3,(z) 6,b 7,b b 4,[,v]}, where b = z z. Lemma 3.1 If [u,v] = 1, then v = u. F 4 z u 3 3 v Proof. Note that the subgroup v,z, is a homomorphic image of G(i 1,i,i 3,i 4 ) = v,z, B {[u,v],(zv) i1,(v z v) i,(v z ) i3,(zv) i4 }, where i 1,...,i 4 {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that either the order ofg(i 1,i,i 3,i 4 ) divides4, orv centralizes F 4, which is not possible. Lemma 3. If (uv) 3 = 1, then either v = u or G has a subgroup isomorphic to L (7). Proof. Assume the contrary. Then by Lemma.1.e the order of v z and v z is not 7. Therefore,z,v is a homomorphic image of G(j 1,j,i 1,i,i 3 ) =,z,v B {(uv) 3,(v z ) j1,( z v) j,(vz) i1,(vz) i,( z v) i3 }, where j 1,j {4,5,6} and i 1,i,i 3 {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that indees G(j 1,j,i 1,i,i 3 ) : are not greater than 14, which means that v,z. A contradiction. The lemma is proved.

4 4 A. MAMONTOV F 4 z u 3 3 y Proof of Statement 1. Assume the contrary. The dihedral subgroup u, v centralizes and so does not contain elements of orders 4, 5 and 7. If the order of uv is even, then let i be the involution from the center of u,v. By Lemma 3.1 i = u and hence v = u, a contradiction. If the order of uv is 3, then obtain a contradiction by Lemma 3.. The statement is proved. We will also need to following corollary. Lemma 3.3 Let F 4 = z, be a subgroup of G, and let y be an element of order 3 from C G (). Then [y,u] = 1, where u = z z. Proof. There are no elements of order 1 in G, and so there are no elements of order 4 in u,y. By Statement 1 there are no involutions in u,y other than u. By Lemma.1 we obtain [u,y] = 1. Statement Assume that 4,5 ω(g) and G has no elements of order greater than 7. Let a. If a is inverting an element of order 5 and C G (a) contains an involution t a, then G has a nonabelian finite simple subgroup. Proof. Let a. Take b Γ 4 such that b = a. By assumption there is an involution c such that ac Γ 5. First we use relations, which define b,c, to prove that G has a Frobenius subgroup K F 0, which contains a. Then we prove that K,t is finite and satisfies the statement conclusion. A group b,c is a homomorphic image of order 0 of a groupg(i 1,i,i 3,i 4,i 5 ) = b,c 1 = b 4 = c = 5 = (b) i1 = [,b] i = (a b) i3 = (bb 3 ) i4 = ((cb cb) cb 1 ) i5, where a = b, = ac; and i 1,...,i 5 {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that G(5,4,5,6,6) A 6,G(7,5,7,4,5) L 3 (4), which is not possible;h = G(4,5,4,5,4) (C 5 C 5 ) : C 4. For other values of the parameters the order of the corresponding group is not greater than 0. In both suitable cases: when b,c is isomorphic to H and when b,c is its homomorphic image F 0 = C 5 : C 4 we may choose d such that d 4 = 1,b = dad and a,d is a subgroup of G isomorphic to F 0. Indeed, in H consider d = b cbcaca. In further proof we use the assumption that C G (a) has an involution t a. By [3, Lemma 9] such involution t may be selected in the normalizer of b. Therefore, d,a,t is a homomorphic image of G(w,i 1,i,i 3,i 4 ) = d,a,t 1 = d 4 = a = t = [a,t] = w = (td) i1 = (dat) i = (d t) i3 = (d at) i4,a = b, where b = dad, w {b 1 b t,bb t }, i 1,i,i 3,i 4 {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that either the orders of these groups are not greater than 0, or they are isomorphic to S 5 or S 6, which is not possible. For eample, G(b 1 b t,5,5,6,6) S 6. The statement is proved. 4. Subgroups isomorphic to A 4 The main goal of this section is to prove the theorem. So we assume that G satisfies the assumptions of Theorem, and H is the corresponding subgroup, which is isomorphic to A 4. Throughout the section, a and denote generators of H, which satisfy the following relations: 3 = a = (a) 3. Then O (H) = a,a. Also in this section we assume that G is a countereample to the theorem, and in particular it does not contain finite nonabelian simple subgroups. As a consequence, by Lemma.1, for every involution i G and element y G of order 3 the order of iy divides 4 or 6.

5 ON PERIODIC GROUPS ISOSPECTRAL TO A 7 5 t A 4 a 3 Proof of Theorem is based on the following Baer-Suzuki argument for p =, that was obtained in [5]. Lemma 4.1 Let G be a group of period n = 4k, where k is odd, containing an involution i G. If any two elements in i G generate a group, then i G is a normal subgroup in G. Therefore to prove Theorem, it is sufficient to show that if t is an involution, then either (at) 4 = 1 or t,a, contains a finite nonabelian simple subgroup. This strategy is implemented in the following lemmas, where we consequently show that in corresponding situations our involution t cannot be a countereample. Possibilities for the subgroup t, are restricted by Lemma.1. First of all we consider the case, when t, is a homomorphic image of F 94, in particular, when [t,] = 1. Lemma 4. If t is an involution and [t,] = 1, then (at) 4 = 1. Proof. Note that t,a, is a homomorphic image of G(i 1,i,...,i 9 ) = a,t, 1 = a = t = 3 = (a) 3 = [t,] = (ta) i1 = (ta ) i = (ata ) i3 = (a (at) ) i4 = [a,(at) ] i5 = (a (at) 3 ) i6 = (a(ta ) 3 ) i7 = (at) i8 = ((at) ) i9, where i 1,...,i 9 {4, 5, 6, 7}. Computations show that this group is finite and is either isomorphic to S 5, or is a {,3}-group, and in the last case O ( a, ) O ( a,t, ). Note that relations that we use are taken from [3, Lemma 7.A]. Lemma 4.3 For any involution t G the order of tt is not 7. Proof. Assume the contrary. By Lemmas.1 and.3 there is an involution z such that z, =F 4. By Statement 1 C G () has only one involution u = z z. By Lemma 4. we have (ua) 4 = (ua ) 4 = 1. Therefore u,a, is a homomorphic image of L 0 = u,a, 1 = u = a = 3 = (a) 3 = [u,] = (ua) 4 = (ua ) 4. Computations show that this group is finite: L 0 = 19 and z 0 = ( uaua) is the central involution of L 0. In particular, z 0 C G (). If z 0 = u, then looking at L 0 = L 0 / uz 0 A 4 we see that u = 1, which is not possible. Therefore by Lemma 3.1 we may further assume that z 0 = 1. Hence u,a, is a homomorphic image of L 1 = L 0 / z 0 = 1. In L 1 let i = (ua). Then i = (i) 3 = [u,i] = 1. First assume that i 1. Then i, A 4, and we substitute a by i and consider the group i, z, to simplify the relations. Observe that the following relations hold: R = {i,z, 3,(z) 6,b 7,b b 4,(i) 3,(ui) }, where b = z z, u = z z. Let y = z i. By Lemma.1 for y, one of the following possibilities holds: (y) 6 = (y y) 7 = 1. Let v = y [ 1,y][,y]. By Lemma.3 [v,] = 1 and by Statement 1 u = v. Computations show that the order ofg(k 1 ) = i,z, R {(iz) k1,(y) 6,(y y) 7,uv 1 } for k 1 {5,7} divides 3. Note that G(4) = G(6) = G() C 7 : (C A 4 ) has an element of order 14, and the corresponding homomorphic image without it is just,z. A contradiction. (y) 6 = (y y) 5 = 1.

6 6 A. MAMONTOV 3 3 y 3 z Let v = y y( 1 y). Then [v,] = 1 and by Statement 1 u = v. Computation show that the order of G(k 1 ) = i,z, R {(iz) k1,(y) 6,(y y) 5,uv 1 } for k 1 {4, 5, 6, 7} divides 4. A contradiction. (y) 6 = (y y) 6 = 1. Elements h = (y y) and k = [h,] of the group y, y = 3 = (y) 6 = (y y) 6 = 1 satisfy the following conditions: h, 3 1+ is the etraspecial group of eponent 3 and order 7, and k is the element, generating its center. Moreover, the involution y inverts both h and k. Note that uy = uizi iuiz = uz Γ 7. By Lemma 3.3 [u,k] = 1. Therefore the element (uy) of order 7 centralizes k. It follows that k = 1. Changing k to h, in an analogous way we obtain that h = 1. Therefore this case is a particular case of the following one. (y) 6 = (y y) 4 = 1. Let v = y 1 yyy 1 y. Then [v,] = 1 and by Statement 1 either u = v, or v = 1. Computations show that the order of G(k 1,ǫ) = i,z, R {(iz) k1,(y) 6,(y y) 4,u ǫ v} for k 1 {4,5,6,7},ǫ {0,1} divides 4. A contradiction. (y) 4 = 1. Letv = y y. Then v = 1. Thereforevuv C G () and by Statement 1 u = vuv. Computations show that the order of G(k 1,k ) = i,z, R {(iz) k1,(iz) k,(y) 4,(uv) } divides for k 1,k {4,5,6,7}. A contradiction. In this way we obtain that i = 1. Then (a) 3 = (ua) = 1, changing i to a and repeating arguments above we obtain that a = 1. A contradiction. The lemma is proved. Lemma 4.4 Let,y,z be elements of order 3 such that (y) = (yz) = 1 and H =,y,z. Then H is an etension of a -group by a group isomorphic to A 4 and the following relations hold: R = {(z) 6,( 1 z) 4,(yz) 6,(yzz) 4,(zy) 6,( 1 z y ) 4 } and (y 1 z) 4 = 1. Proof. Note that zy andzy = y z y are products of an involution and an element of order 3, hence their orders divide 4 or 6. Let s use the following notations for sets of relations in the alphabet {,y,z}. B = { 3,y 3,z 3,(y),(yz) }, R(k 1,...,k 6 ) = {(z) k1,( 1 z) k,(yz) k3,(yzz) k4,(zy) k5,( 1 z y ) k6 }. Therefore,H is a homomorphic image ofg(k 1,...,k 6 ) =,y,z B R(k 1,...,k 6 ), where k 1,k,k 4,k 6 {4,5,6,7}, k 3,k 5 {4,6}. Note that G(6,7,6,7,6,7) is a homomorphic image of K(k 7 ) =,y,z B R(6,7,6,7,6,7) (y (z) 3 ) k7, where k 7 {4,6}. Computations show that the inde ink(6) of subgroup,yz, generated by an involution and an element of order 3, is trivial. Which is not possible by Lemma.1. Similarly, K(4) : y, z = 1. The group G(6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5) is isomorphic tom 1 C 3, which is not possible. Computation show that the inde ing(6,7,6,6,6,7) of,yz is trivial. The group H = G(6,4,6,4,6,4) has a normal -subgroup V of order 11 and nilpotency class with Z(V) of order 3, and H/V A 4. The coset action of H

7 ON PERIODIC GROUPS ISOSPECTRAL TO A 7 7 on,yz provides an eact permutation representation of H on 8 points. Now it is straightforward to check that H and its appropriate homomorphic images satisfy the conclusion of the lemma. The group G(7,7,6,6,6,7) is isomorphic to L (13), which is not possible. Computations show that the orders of other groups G(k 1,...,k 6 ) divide 96 and they are homomorphic images of H. t 3 3 a A 4 y w Lemma 4.5 Let t G be an involution such that t, A 4. Then (at) 4 = 1. Proof. Let 1 = t 1, y 1 =, z 1 = 1 a. Then ( 1 y 1 ) = (y 1 z 1 ) = 1 and the statement follows from Lemma 4.4. Indeed, at = y 1 z 1 1 y 1 y1 1 z 1 1. The lemma is proved. Lemma 4.6 Let,y,w G be elements of order 3 satisfying the following relations: (y) = [y,w] = 1. Then,y,w is finite and ((y)(y) w ) 4 = 1. Proof. Let z = w. Then y w y w w y yz, and hence (yz) = 1. Тherefore conditions of Lemma 4.5 are true for,y,z. Denote by R the relations from the conclusion of Lemma 4.5, and by B the relations from the proof of Lemma 4.5. Then note that,y,w is a homomorphic image of G(k 1,k,k 3 ) =,y,w R B {w 3,[y,w],(w) k1,( 1 w) k,(yw) k3 }, where k 1,k,k 3 {4,5,6,7}. Note that the group H = G(6,6,6) has a normal -subgroup V of order 10 and nilpotency class with Z(V) of order 4, and H/V C 3 C 3. Computations show that orders ofh/ ((y)(y) w ) 4 and H coincide, meaning that the required identity holds in H and its homomorphic images. Computations show that G(7, 7, 7) L 3 (4), which is not possible, and orders of G(k 1,k,k 3 ) divide 1 in other cases. Lemma 4.7 Let t G be an involution such that (at) 3 = (t) 6 = 1. Then (tt ) 6 1. Proof. Assume the contrary. Note that elements h = (t t) and k = [h,] of t, 1 = t = 3 = (t) 6 = (t t) 6 F 16 satisfy the following conditions: h, is an etraspecial group of period 3 and order 7, k is its central element. Moreover, h t = h 1 and k t = k 1. Elements a 1,,k satisfy the conditions of Lemma 4.6, hence (a k a) 4 = 1. Let c = tk. Note that a,t,c is a homomorphic image of G(k 1,k,k 3,k 4 ) = 1 = a = t = c = (at) 3 = (ct) 3 = (a tc a) 4 = (ac) k1 = (at c) k = (ta c ) k3 = (at a c ) k4, where k 1,k 3 {4,5,6,7}, k,k 4 {4,6}. Computations show that orders of these groups divide 6. This way we obtain that k = 1. It follows that [h,] = 1. Again using Lemma 4.6 (a h a) 4 = 1. In an analogous way, considering a,t,h, we obtain that h = 1. So we may assume that (tt ) = 1. Note that u = tt tt 1 t is the central involution from t, 1 = t = 3 = (t) 6 = [t,] C A 4. By Lemma 4. in G the following relations hold (au) 4 = (a u) 4 = 1. Applying Lemma. to t,a,a we obtain that the order of ta divides 4 or 6. Therefore the subgroup a,t, is a homomorphic image of G(k 1,k,k 3 ) = a,t, 1 = a = t = 3 = (at) 3 = (a) 3 = (t) 6 = (t t) = (au) 4 = (a u) 4 = (ta ) k1 = (t a) k = (a t) k3, where k 1,k,k 3 {4,6}. Computations show that the order of G(k 1,k,k 3 ) divides 1. Which implies t = 1. A contradiction.

8 t 3 3 A 4 a t f 7 4 a 8 A. MAMONTOV Lemma 4.8 Let t G be an involution. Then a,t S 3. Proof. Assume the contrary. Suppose that bt and abt are elements of order 6, where b = a. Then w = t bta satisfies the following relations (aw) 3 = (bw) = (abw) 6 = 1 by [4, Лемма 5], and a,b,w D 1. By Lemma. changing if necessary t to w, and a to b or ab, we may assume that (tb) 6 = (tab) 4. Suppose that (t) 4 = 1. Then a,t, is a homomorphic image of G(k) = a,t, 1 = a = t = 3 = (t) 4 = (a) 3 = (at) 3 = (tb) 6 = (tab) 4 = (a t) k, where k {4,6}. Computations show that G(6) V L (7) and G(4) A 6, where V is elementary abelian of order 3. Therefore we may assume that the order of t is not equal to 4. Let t 1 = a t. Then t 1 and t are conjugated with a and so sit in and centralize more than one involution. By Statement, Lemmas 4.3, 4.7,.1 and arguments above (t) 6 = (t t) 4 = 1. Similarly, (t 1 ) 6 = (t 1 t 1) 4 = 1. The involution u = tt tt 1 t of the group t, (t) 6 = (t t) 4 = 1 centralizes. By Lemma 4. (au) 4 = 1. Note that a,t, is a homomorphic image of G(k 1,k ) = a,t, 1 = a = t = 3 = (a) 3 = (at) 3 = (au) 4 = (tb) 6 = (tab) 4 = (t) 6 = (t t) 4 = (t 1 ) 6 = (t 1 t 1 ) 4 = (a t) k1 = (a t) k, where k 1,k {4,6}. Computations show that the order of G(k 1,k ) divides 1. Hence t = 1 and this case is not possible. Note that we obtained a different proof of [4, Statement 1]. Lemma 4.9 Assume that involutions a,t,f satisfy the following relations: (at) 7 = (af) 4 = 1 and [t,f] = 1. Then (atf) 7 = (t(af) )) 4 = 1 and a,t,f is double frobenius V : C 7 : C, where V is elementary abelian of order 6. Proof. To prove that the group is finite note that a, t, f is a homomorphic image of G(i 1,i ) = a,t,f 1 = a = t = f = (at) 7 = (af) 4 = (tf) = (atf) i1 = (t(af) ) i, where i 1,i {4,5,6,7}. Computations show that G(7,4) is finite and satisfy conclusion of the lemma, while the order of G(i 1,i ) is not greater than 14 for other values of the parameters, which is not possible. Proof of Theorem. By Statement and Lemma 4.8 we may assume that (at) 7 = 1. First suppose that (t) 6 = (t t) = 1. Then we may assume that t t, A 4 and that u = tt tt 1 t is an involution, which centralizes. By Lemma 4.5 (a t t) 4 = (a t t) 4 = 1. By Lemma 4.(au) 4 = 1. Using Lemma 4.8 we may assume that 3 does not divide the order of a t. Consequently, a,t, is a homomorphic image of G(k) = a,t, 1 = a = t = 3 = (a) 3 = (t) 6 = (tt ) = (au) 4 = (att ) 4 = (a tt ) 4 = (at) 7 = (a t) k. Computations show that the order of G(k) divides 1. Now suppose that t Γ 6 and t t Γ 4. Denote y = (t) and v = (t) 3. Obviously,[y,v] = 1. In,t elementy of order3sits inside the subgroup (t t),y isomorphic to A 4. By Lemma 4.3 the order of aa y is not 7. Therefore, by Statement and Lemma 4.8 (aa y ) 4 = 1. In,t we also have (v v) = 1. By arguments above (av) 4 = 1. Let s prove that (aa t ) 4 = 1. First assume that ay Γ 6. Let u = aa y ayay 1 a. Then u = 1 and [u,y] = 1. Having u,v C G (y), the order of uv divides 6.

9 ON PERIODIC GROUPS ISOSPECTRAL TO A 7 9 If u,v has an element of order3, then let w be an involution such that the order of uw is 3. Note that if a g is an arbitrary conjugate of a, then the order of a g v is even. In other case a is conjugated with v and hence inverts an element of order 3, which is in contradiction with Lemma 4.8. Therefore a,y,w is a homomorphic image of G(i) = a,y,w 1 = a = y 3 = w = (ay) 6 = (a y a) 4 = w y w = (aw) 4 = (uw) 3 = (au w ) 4 = (a ya w) 4 = (ayw) i. Computations show that G(5) S 6 and for other i {4,5,6,7} the order of G(i) is not greater than a,y = 96. So this case is not possible. Now suppose that(uv) = 1. Then a,y,v is a homomorphic image ofg(i 1,i ) = a,y,v 1 = a = y 3 = v = (ay) 6 = [a,y] 4 = [y,v] = (av) 4 = (uv) = (ayv) i1 = ((av) y) i, where i 1,i {4,5,6,7}; u = aa y ayay 1 a. Computation show that such group is always finite and contains an element of order 3 only if i 1 = i = 6. In the last case G(6,6) is {,3}-group of order 18 3, where by Lemma 4.8 we have the required equality (aa t ) 4 = 1. Let now ay Γ 4. Then a,y,v is a homomorphic image of G(i 1,i ) = a,y,v 1 = a = y 3 = v = (ay) 4 = [y,v] = (av) 4 = (ayv) i1 = ((av) y) i, where i 1,i {4,5,6,7}. In G(4,6) we have aa yv = 6, which is not possible by Lemma 4.8. Further note that G(6,4) C S 6, which is no possible by Statement. Computation show that G(i 1,i ) does not have elements of order 3 for other values of the parameters i 1 and i. Therefore, this case is not possible. So further we assume that (aa t ) 4 = 1. Then (a a t ) 4 = 1 and by Lemma 4.9 we obtain that a,a t,a = a,t,a is the double frobenius group. In particular, (ta ) 4 = 1 and (taa ) 7 = (a t aa ) 7 = 1. Note that in t, we have ( 1 t) 6 = 1, ( 1 t) 3, C A 4. Therefore repeating arguments above we obtain that(aa 1t ) 4 = 1. Consequently,(a t a 1 ) 4 = (a t aa ) 4 = 1. A contradiction. The theorem is proved. References [1] The GAP Group, Gap groups, algorithms, and programming, vers (013), [] D. Lytkina, V. Mazurov, Groups with given element orders, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 7():191 03, 014. [3] D. V. Lytkina, V. D. Mazurov, A. S. Mamontov, E. Jabara, Groups whose element orders do not eceed 6, Algebra and Logic, 53(5): , 014. [4] A. S. Mamontov, Groups of eponent 1 without elements of order 1, Siberian Math. J., 54(1): , 013. [5] A. S. Mamontov, The Baer Suzuki theorem for groups of -eponent 4, Algebra and Logic, 53(5):4 44, 014. [6] R.Brandl, W.Shi, Finite groups whose element orders are consecutive integers, J. Algebra, 143: , [7] V. P. Shunkov, Periodic groups with an almost regular involution, Algebra and Logic, 11(4):60 7, 197. [8] A.V. Vasil ev, On finite groups isospectral to simple classical groups, J. Algebra, 43, 015.


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