The Complete Energy Translations in the Detailed. Decay Process of Baryonic Sub-Atomic Particles. P.G.Bass.

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1 The Complete Energy Translations in the Detailed Deay Proess of Baryoni Su-Atomi Partiles. [4] P.G.Bass. PGBass P12 Version August 218

2 Astrat. This is the final paper on the harateristis and deay proesses of those Baryoni su-atomi partiles for whih a deay produt is known. The whole deay proess is desried in terms of the total energy translations that take plae during the omplete proess together with a full desription of the trigger mehanisms that ause eah event to our. PGBass i P12 Version 1..3

3 Contents. 1. Introdution. 2. Nomenlature. 3. Initial Disussions. 3.1 The Criteria Speifi to the Deay Proess. 3.2 Modifiation and Consolidation of Deay Types. 4. Detailed Examples of Speifi Deay Type Groups for J = 1/2 Partiles. 4.1 Deay Type Group 1 - Σ p. 4.2 Deay Type Group 2 - Σ Λ. 4.3 Deay Type Group 3 - Ξ p. 4.4 Deay Type Group Deay Type Group 5 - Ξ Ξ. Σ. Λ 4.6 Deay Type Group 6 - Σ Λ. 5. Detailed Examples of Speifi Deay Type Groups for J = 3/2 Partiles. 5.1 Deay Type Group 7 - Ξ * Ξ. 6. Disussion of the Possile Energy Ejetion Regimes. 7. Conlusions. Appendies. A B C D E Correlation of Deay Types Old to New. Confinement and Resonane Energy Ratios Analysis. Summarised Details of Deay Charateristis of All J = 1/2 Partiles. Summarised Details of Deay Charateristis of All J = 3/2 Partiles. Partile Deay Statistis. PGBass ii P12 Version 1..3

4 1. Introdution. In the final Addendum to P11 (#6) [9] it was stated that all previous papers in this series [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] and [9] desried the deay of Baryons via firstly the energy distriution of a partile effetively at the point of its reation and seondly the interim energy distriution at the point at whih it transforms to the deayed partile. Consequently to fully desrie the overall proess what is now required are omplete details of the events that take plae etween these two energy distriutions together with a desription of the trigger mehanisms that ause these events. It is the purpose of this paper to provide these details. The manner in whih this will e done is firstly to identify the riteria speifi to the deay proess whih also effetively identifies the event triggers mentioned aove. Seondly the detailed deay proess itself will e desried y means of a numer of speifi examples for eah unique deay group. There are also a numer of anillary tasks pertinent to the presentation whih are itemised as follows. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The final analysis resulting in this paper has enaled a modifiation and onsolidation of all Deay Types. A omplete orrelation of the Deay Types used in this paper with those in all previous papers is the sujet of Appendix A. One of the most important deay riteria that will e listed elow is the energy ratios oth resonane and onfinement etween quarks in all Baryons. The empirial data that identified this riteria is the sujet of Appendix B. The ompletion of the analysis resulting in this paper has also enaled the identifiation of full details of the deay harateristis of all Baryons for whih a deay produt is known. Appendix C summarises this data for all J = 1/2 Partiles and Appendix D for all J = 3/2 Partiles. Finally to omplete the overall piture Appendix E presents a ompendium of Baryon partile deay statistis as determined in this series of papers. Note that as in all previous papers only those partiles with intrinsi angular momenta of J = 1/2 and J = 3/2 are onsidered here. Also note that energy will e represented as equivalent mass via the units MeV/ 2 whih for onisement will e assumed and therefore omitted in the text. Finally for a full appreiation of this paper it is reommended that [3] and at least one of [4] or [5] e read first. 2. Nomenlature. In this paper the following nomenlature will e used. q # Indiates the #th quark in any Baryon. Indiates a partile deay. Indiates a quark flavour hange. 3. Initial Disussions. 3.1 The Criteria Speifi to the Deay Proess. In [3] a small list of deay rules were disussed. These rules were generi only and while perfetly valid were insuffiient in themselves to ontrol or explain how the detailed deay proess is PGBass 1 P12 Version 1..3

5 manifested. To do this requires extensive additional riteria and these are listed and riefly disussed elow. Criteria #1. Criteria #2. Criteria #3. Criteria #4. Criteria #5. Criteria #6. Criteria #7. Criteria #8. Criteria #9. Quark energy is interhangeale i.e. matter resonane and onfinement energy an when triggered onvert freely from one to another on the same quark. Confinement energy is the only energy that an interhange etween quarks or e ejeted eause it is the inding energy that holds the quarks together in the Baryon. The ratio of the energy ontent of all quarks within a Baryon is (i) for onfinement energy proportional to the ratio of quark mass. In addition in any deay the transferene of onfinement energy etween quarks will also adhere to this ratio. (ii) For resonane energy it is proportional to the inverse ratio of quark mass. It is the seond part of this riteria i.e. (ii) that takes preedene eause resonane energy onversion to/from matter/onfinement energy is onfined to eah quark as stated in Criteria #1. During the deay proess a quark will redistriute its internal resonane energy to that of a quark in a lower energy partile if its total energy ontent eomes equal to that of the quark in the lower energy partile. To initiate a partile deay it is always the quark(s) with the highest total energy that makes the initial flavour hange to a lower energy quark(s). A quark annot hange flavour to one with the opposite diretion of intrinsi angular momentum. A quark an hange up flavours if its total energy ontent eomes equal to that of the higher level quark or if fored to do so as a result of other quarks readjusting resonane energy in aordane with Criteria #3 and #2(ii). A simultaneous doule quark flavour hange an take plae from two idential quarks that possess the highest total energy in the deaying partile to two quarks that are also idential in the deayed partile. This only ours to initiate a partile deay as in Criteria #4. A quark that has hanged any numer of flavours to initiate a partile deay an e fored to reverse that hange as a result of it or a seond quark re-alaning its total energy as in Criteria #3. This reversal is fored via the deaying partile maintaining onformane to Criteria #2. For the partiles onsidered here a onfinement energy only deay i.e. with no quark flavour hange is only exhiited y partiles possessing three different quarks. However it is known that most if not all Baryons an possess higher levels of resonane energy greater than that appliale to an intrinsi angular momentum of J = 3/2 and it is elieved that these partiles may also possess higher levels of onfinement energy. The aove deay riteria are the only ones neessary to ditate the deay proess of all Baryons onsidered in this series of papers. It is also to e noted that the following su-set of them also at PGBass 2 P12 Version 1..3

6 as triggers mehanisms to initiate the various events that take plae during the deay proess - Criteria # All of the aove will e fully illustrated in the examples presented in Setion Modifiation and Consolidation of Deay Types. In [3] to [6] a total of 24 deay types were identified. These arose eause the results presented in those referenes were urtailed in that the energy distriution patterns shown were firstly that at the point of reation of the deaying partile and seondly that at the point of energy ejetion i.e. the final interim energy distriution. This resulted in the ejeted energy eing emitted from just one quark. In the muh more detailed proess presented here it is shown that ejeted energy an e emitted y one two or all three quarks depending on the level of intrinsi angular momentum of the deaying partile. However the matter of whih mode of final energy ejetion is the more likely is disussed in Setion 6. The final analysis here results in a slightly different deay type regime in whih some of the earlier deay types no longer appear and whih therey enales a onsolidation. The new deay type listing is shown elow in Tale 3.1. The deay type numers have een re-alloated to permit easier grouping. A omposite list of the previous and new types is shown in Appendix A. Deay Type Quark Flavour Change Interim Energy Distriution Sign of Confinement Energy Numer Down Up q 1 q 2 q 3 1 q 3 2 q 3 (J = 3/2) 3 q 3-4 q q 1/2 6 q 1/2-7 q 3 q 1/2 8 q 3 q 1/2-9 q 3 q 1/2 1 q 3 q 1/2-11 q 3 q 1/2 - (J = 3/2) 12 q 1/2 13 q 1/2-14 Confinement Energy Only Deay. Extra Deay Types for J = 3/2. Deay Type Numer Quark Flavour Change Interim Energy Distriution Sign of Confinement Energy Down Up q 1 q 2 q 3 15 Resonane Energy Only Deay 16 Resonane Energy Only Deay - 17 q 3 Note in Tale 3.1 q 1/2 means q 1 or q 2. Tale 3.1 Modified and Consolidated Deay Types. The following rief tale now shows the onsolidation of the aove deay types into Groups. PGBass 3 P12 Version 1..3

7 Group Deay Types 1 1 to and to and and 16 Tale 3.2 Deay Type Groups. It is for these seven deay type groups that the detailed examples are presented elow. 4. Detailed Examples of Speifi Deay Type Groups for J =1/2 Partiles. To enale a full appreiation of the deay proess the events that take plae are shown elow in onseutive order. It is however elieved the proess is one in whih all events apart from onfinement energy quark to quark translations our virtually simultaneously. Also to preisely illustrate the manner in whih events are triggered the desription in the examples is presented y partiular referene to eah appliale deay riteria. Finally to relate the following example proesses to the energy distriutions of the deayed partile [4] to [6] may e referred to for details of these distriutions. 4.1 Deay Type Group 1 (Single Quark Flavour Change q 3 Down) Example Σ to p. Starting with the energy distriution of Σ. Energy u 1 u 2 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.1 Energy Distriution of Σ. This is the energy distriution essentially at the point of its reation. Deay Criteria #4 The quark with the highest total energy is s 1 whih in aordane with Deay Criteria #4 hanges down one level to a d. The initial deay path is therefore to p. Deay Criteria #2(ii) This immediately unalanes the resonane energy ratios whih therefore re-adjust y u 1 and u 2 onverting onfinement energy to resonane and y s 1 d 1 onverting some matter energy to resonane the alane onverting to onfinement. The interim energy distriution at this point has then eome as per Tale 4.2 elow. PGBass 4 P12 Version 1..3

8 Energy u 1 u 2 d 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.2 Interim Energy Distriution After the Quark Flavour Change s 1 d 1. Deay Criteria 2(i) The quark flavour hange s 1 d 1 and susequent re-alaning of the resonane energy ratios has unalaned the onfinement energy ratios. These now start to realane y d 1 transferring onfinement energy to u 1 and u 2. Deay Criteria #3 However as this proess ontinues the following interim energy distriution is reahed. Energy u 1 u 2 d 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.3 Interim Energy Distriution at the Point of Energy Ejetion. In this onfiguration oth u 1 and u 2 have aquired the total energy of the u quarks in the Proton and the deay is ompleted y d 1 ejeting of onfinement energy and therey falling to the Proton level of Deay Type Group 2 (Single Flavour Change of q 1 or q 2 Down) Example Σ to Λ. One again starting with the energy distriution of Σ. Energy d 1 d 2 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.4 Energy Distriution of Σ. Deay Criteria #4. The highest energy quark is s 1 whih hanges flavour down two levels to a u. The initial deay path is therefore towards n. Deay Criteria 2(ii). This unalanes the resonane energy ratios whih re-alane y d 1 and d 2 onverting resonane energy to onfinement and s 1 u 1 onverting some matter energy to resonane the alane onverting to onfinement. The first interim energy distriution has therey eome PGBass 5 P12 Version 1..3

9 Energy d 1 d 2 u 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.5 First Interim Energy Distriution After the Quark Flavour Change s 1 u 1. Deay Criteria 2(i) The quark flavour hange s 1 u 1 and the susequent re-alaning of the resonane energy ratios has unalaned the onfinement energy ratios. These now start to realane y u 1 transferring onfinement energy to d 1 and d 2. Deay Criteria #3 During this proess the following point would e reahed. Energy d 1 d 2 u 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.6 Interim Energy Distriution During Realaning of Confinement Energy. At this point the total energy of u 1 has dropped to the same value as s 1 in Λ. Deay Criteria #8 Consequently in aordane with deay riteria #8 u 1 hanges flavour ak up two levels to an s again. Deay Criteria #3 This again unalanes the resonane energy ratios whih re-alane y firstly u 1 s 1 onverting oth resonane and onfinement energy to matter to otain the energy distriution of s 1 in Λ. Deay Criteria #6 The re-alaning of resonane energy an now only e ompleted y either d 1 or d 2 hanging flavour down one level to a u and onverting matter and onfinement energy to resonane energy. The interim energy distriution has thus eome. Energy u 1 d 1 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.7 Interim Energy Distriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change d 1 u 1. All quarks now have the resonane energy levels of Λ and s 1 has the onfinement energy level of Λ. However the onfinement energy ratio etween u 1 and d 1 is still unalaned so that a small amount of onfinement energy flows from u 1 to d 1 to orret this and realise the final interim energy distriution as PGBass 6 P12 Version 1..3

10 Energy u 1 d 1 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.8 Final Interim Energy Distriution. The deay is ompleted y u 1 ejeting onfinement energy and d 1 ejeting onfinement energy for a total of therey oth falling to the onfinement energy levels of Λ. It is to e noted that the ranhing fration for this deay is only.15% the alane eing to n. Also note that the ratio of energy ejeted y u 1 and d 1 onform to deay riteria #2(i). 4.3 Deay Type Group 3 (Two Consequtive Quark Flavour Changes q 1 or q 2 and q 3 Down) Example Ξ p. The energy distriution of Ξ is Energy u1 s1 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.9 Energy Distriution of Deay Criteria #4 In this deay 1 hanges flavour down three levels to a u. The initial deay path is therefore towards Σ. Deay Criteria #2(ii) so that after re-alaning the resonane energy ratios the first interim energy distriution eomes Ξ. Energy u1 s1 d2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.1 First Interim Energy Distriution After the Quark Flavour Change 1 u 2. Deay Criteria #2(i) During re-alaning of the onfinement energy ratios the following point would e reahed. PGBass 7 P12 Version 1..3

11 Energy u1 s1 d2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.11 Interim Energy Distriution During the Re-Balaning of Confinement Energy Ratios. Deay Criteria #6 Here s 1 has aquired the total energy level of d 1 in p and hanges flavour down one level to a d. Deay Criteria #3 and re-arranges its energy levels to that in p. Deay Criteria #2(ii) This then fores u 1 and u 2 to re-arrange their resonane energies to those of u 1 and u 2 in p. The interim energy distriution has therefore eome Energy u1 d1 u2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.12 Interim Energy Distriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change. Deay Criteria #2(i) The re-alaning of onfinement energy ontinues to realise the final interim energy distriution Energy u1 d1 u2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.13 Final Interim Energy Distriution After the Re-Balaning of Confinement Energy Ratios. The deay is ompleted y u 2 ejeting of onfinement energy to fall to the p level of Deay Type Group 4 (Two Consequetive Quark Flavour Changes q 3 Down and q 1 or q 2 Up) Example Ξ Ξ. The energy distriution of Ξ is PGBass 8 P12 Version 1..3

12 Energy u 1 s 1 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.14 Energy Distriution of Deay Criteria #4 In this deay 1 initially hanges flavour down two levels to an s. The initial deay path is therefore to Ξ. Deay Criteria #2(ii) After re-alaning of the resonane energy ratios the interim energy distriution has eome Ξ. Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.15 Interim Energy Distriution After the First Quark Flavour Change 1 s 1. Deay Criteria #2(i) During re-alaning of the onfinement energy ratios the following point would e reahed Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.16 Interim Energy Distriution During Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. Deay Criteria #3 At this point the total energy aquired y s 1 has reahed the level of s 1 in Ξ. s 1 aordingly re-distriutes its total energy to that of s 1 in Ξ. Deay Criteria #2(ii) whih fores s 2 to adjust its resonane energy to that of s 2 in Ξ. Deay Criteria #6 and #2(ii) u 1 is therefore fored to hange flavour up one level to a d and adjust its resonane energy to that of d 1 in Ξ. The interim energy distriution has eome PGBass 9 P12 Version 1..3

13 Energy d 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.17 Interim Energy Disriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change u 1 d 1. Deay Criteria #2(i) The re-alaning of onfinement energy ratios ontinues until it reahes the point Energy d 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.18 Final Interim Energy Distriution After Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. The deay is ompleted y s 2 ejeting to fall to the onfinement energy level of s 2 in Ξ. 4.5 Deay Type Group 5 (A Single Quark Flavour Change q 1 or q 2 Up) Example Σ Λ. The energy distriution of Σ is Energy u 1 u 2 1 Total Matter Resonane <. 1.4 Confinement Total Tale 4.19 Energy Distriution of Deay Criteria #4 For this deay 1 initially hanges flavour down two levels to an s. The initial deay path is therefore towards Σ. Deay Criteria #2(ii) After re-alaning of the resonane energy ratios the interim energy distriution eomes Σ. Energy u1 u2 s1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.2 Interim Energy Distriution After the First Quark Flavour Change 1 s 1. PGBass 1 P12 Version 1..3

14 Deay Criteria #2(i) As onfinement energy re-alaning proeeds the following point will e reahed. Energy u1 u2 s1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.21 Interim Energy Distriution During Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. Deay Criteria #3 and #2(ii) At this point oth u 1 and u 2 have aquired the total energy levels of d 1 in Λ. Therefore u 1 (or u 2 ) hanges flavour up one level to a d and re-adjusts its resonane energy level to that of d 1 in Λ. Deay Criteria #8 and #2(ii) Therefore s 1 reverses its earlier flavour hange and reverts to a and adjusts its resonane energy level aordingly. The interim energy distriution has therey eome Energy u 1 d 1 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.22 Interim Energy Distriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change u 2 d 1. Deay Criteria #2(i) The re-alaning of the onfinement energy ratios then ontinues to produe the final interim energy distriution thus Energy u 1 d 1 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.23 Final Interim Energy Distriution After Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. The deay is ompleted y 1 ejeting of onfinement energy to fall to the level of 1 in Λ. 4.6 Deay Type Group 6 (Confinement Energy Only Deay No Quark Flavour Change) Example Σ Λ. The energy distriution of Σ is PGBass 11 P12 Version 1..3

15 Energy u 1 d 1 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.24 Energy Distriution of Σ. In Addendum #2 to [3] this deay was desried as a onfinement energy only deay. While the final outome onforms to that desription the proess y whih it gets there must omply with the deay riteria of Setion 3.1. Deay Criteria # 4 Aordingly to initiate the deay quark s 1 hanges down one level to a d. The initial deay path is therefore towards n. Deay Criteria #2(ii) After re-alaning of the resonane energy ratios the first interim energy distriution eomes Energy u 1 d 1 d 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.25 Interim Energy Distriution After the First Quark Flavour Change s 1 d 2. Deay Criteria #2(i) As the onfinement energy ratios re-alane the following point will e reahed Energy u 1 d 1 d 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.26 Interim Energy Distriution During Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. At this point the total energy of d 2 has fallen to the level of s 1 in Λ Deay Criteria #8 therefore d 2 hanges flavour ak to an s and Deay Criteria #2(ii) re-distriutes its energy to that of s 1 in Λ. Consequently oth u 1 and d 1 redistriute resonane energy to ahieve the same levels as u 1 and d 1 in Λ. The interim energy distriution has eome PGBass 12 P12 Version 1..3

16 Energy u 1 d 1 s 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 4.27 Interim Energy Distriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change d 2 s 1. Note that the quark omplement and resonane energy distriution has now returned to that of Σ ut with a different onfinement and total quark energy level distriution. The deay is ompleted with u 1 ejeting of onfinement energy and d 1 ejeting of onfinement energy for a total of Note that in the final interim energy distriution eause oth matter and resonane energy levels are the same as that in Σ it is only original onfinement energy that has een ejeted. Again note that the ratio of onfinement energy that has een ejeted y u 1 and d 1 onforms to deay riteria #2(i). 5. Detailed Examples of Deay Type Groups for J = 3/2 Partiles. 5.1 Deay Type Group 7 (Resonane Energy Only Deay No Quark Flavour Change) Example Ξ * Ξ. The energy distriution of Ξ * is (with u 1 possessing the enhaned resonane energy). Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.1 Energy Distriution of Ξ *. From Tale 5.1 it is lear that at the point of its reation the resonane energy ratios of Ξ * ontradit the Deay Criteria #2(ii). Deay Criteria #2(ii) Consequently the first event in this deay is for the resonane energy ratios to e re-alaned y u 1 onverting resonane energy to onfinement to produe the first interim energy distriution thus (this step does not apply to partiles with three idential quarks) Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.2 Interim Energy Distriution After Re-Balane of the Resonane Energy Ratios. Deay Criteria 2(i) This has unalaned the onfinement energy ratios whih therefore realane in aordane with Deay Criteria 2(i) to produe PGBass 13 P12 Version 1..3

17 Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.3 Interim Energy Distriution After Re-Balane of the Confinement Energy Ratios. Deay Criteria #4 Both s quarks have the same maximum total energy and therefore either one or oth ould hange flavour to initiate the deay. In this example let s 2 hange flavour down one level to a d. Deay Criteria 2(ii) After resonane energy ratios are again re-alaned the interim energy distriution has eome Energy u 1 s 1 d 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.4 Interim Energy Distriution After the First Quark Flavour Change s 2 d 1. Deay Criteria #2(i) As the onfinement energy ratios are again re-alaned the following point will e reahed Energy u 1 s 1 d 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.5 Interim Energy Distriution During Re-Balaning of the Confinement Energy Ratios. At this point the total energy of d 1 has reahed that of s 2 in Ξ Deay Criteria #8 therefore d 1 hanges up one level to an s again and Deay Criteria #2(ii) re-distriutes its total energy to that of s 2 in Ξ. This fores oth u 1 and s 1 to do the same via onversion from onfinement energy to result in the following interim energy distriution PGBass 14 P12 Version 1..3

18 Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.6 Interim Energy Distriution After the Seond Quark Flavour Change d 1 s 2. One again the onfinement energy ratios have eome un-alaned and are re-alaned y onfinement energy transferring from s 1 to u 1 to produe the final interim energy distriution thus Energy u 1 s 1 s 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 5.6 Final Interim Energy Distriution After Confinement Energy ratios Are Re-Balaned. The deay is ompleted y s 1 ejeting of onfinement energy to fall to the Ξ level of Note that although this has een desried as a resonane energy only deay the energy that has een ejeted is onfinement energy in aordane with Deay Criteria #1. However also note that the quark omplement of Ξ * and Ξ are idential and the resonane energy differene etween Ξ * and Ξ is equal to the value of ejeted energy showing that the ejeted energy is in fat resonane energy after onversion to onfinement thus effetively onfirming the desription. 6. Disussion of the Possile Energy Ejetion Regimes. In Setion 3.2 it was stated that the energy ejeted at the final point of the deay was shown in Addendums 1 to 6 of [3] to e from just one quark ut the final analysis here also allowed the ejetion to e emitted from one two (and possily) all three quarks. As an example onsider the deay of Ξ p. This showed the final interim energy distriution as Energy u 1 d 1 u 2 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 6.1 Final Interim Energy Distriution of Ξ p. This assumed that the final onfinement energy ratio re-alane to e effeted y u 2 transferring onfinement energy to u 1 only eause d 1 already possessed the orret level for p. However this assumption ould e invalid and u 2 ould during the onfinement energy re-alane transfer energy to oth u 1 and d 1. In that ase the final interim energy distriution would have een PGBass 15 P12 Version 1..3

19 Energy u 1 d 1 u 1 Total Matter Resonane Confinement Total Tale 6.2 Alternative Final Interim Energy Distriution of Ξ p. In this ase the onfinement energy ejeted would e made up of from u from d 1 and from u 2 for the total of suggesting three possile seondary deay produts. The deay produts involving p are p 2K s pk π and p K (892). Thus the first two seondary deay produts ontain two partiles while the third just one. The signifiant point here is that the third seondary produt K (892) has a higher mass than that ejeted y any single quark in Tale 6.2. It is therefore onsidered that in this ase it is more likely that the ejeted energy is emitted y just one quark as shown in the main text whih then splits into the seondary deay produts. The feature that ditates whih overall seondary produt(s) emerges is not known ut ould e related to the initial kineti energy possessed y the deaying partile. 7. Conlusions The method that has een desried here has provided a ompletely satisfatory explanation for the proess y whih the Baryons in the examples shown deay. In fat it an e shown that all Baryons for whih the deay produts are known deay exatly aording to this regime. This in itself provides adequate justifiation for the identifiation of the Deay Criteria ited in Setion 3. However in providing the examples here and determining the exat deay proess of all other Baryons y this method there are still two tasks whih remain to e investigated. The first is that in the initial quark flavour hange where there is more than one possiility (Λ et al) all possile flavour hanges of the highest energy quark(s) need to e examined. This will enale the omplete deay hierarhy for all Baryons to e determined in terms of energy levels and translations. Seondly aording to [1] and [2] there are some 32 Baryons some of eah with intrinsi angular momenta of J = 1/2 and J = 3/2 for whih the deay produts are unknown. In [3] [1] and [11] the mass the overall energy distriution and the individual energy distriution for eah quark in these unknowns was derived. This data using the deay regime of this paper an now permit their exat deay produts to e determined. These two final tasks will e added to this paper as Addendums. Finally it is of ourse ovious that the deay proess that has een desried here has not invoked the use of the Boson mediating partiles as predited y the Standard Model. Suh partiles are not neessary in the regime desried here and in any ase it is elieved that their purported presene in the Baryon deay proess represents a serious energy anomaly. PGBass 16 P12 Version 1..3

20 APPENDIX A. Correlation of Deay Types Old to New. Deay Types Quark Flavour Change Interim Energy Distriution Old New Down Up Sign of Confinement Energy q 1 q 2 q q 3 1φ 5 q 1/2 2 4 q φ q q 3 q 1/ q 3 q q 3 q Resonane Energy Only 7 q 3/ Confinement Energy Only 9 13 q 1/2-1 q 1/ q 3 q 1/ q 3 q 1/ q 3 q 1/2 - (J = 3/2) 14 Resonane Energy Only q 3 (J = 3/2) Resonane Energy Only q 3-18 Not Alloated 19 6 q 1/ q 1/ q 1/2 22 q 1/2-8 q 3 q 1/2-17 q 3 Tale A1 Correlation of Deay Types. PGBass 17 P12 Version 1..3

21 Appendix B Confinement and Resonane Energy Ratios Analysis. This Appendix shows how the Deay Criteria #2 was determined from the quark energy variations that take plae during partile deay. A1 Confinement Energy Variations. Deay Confinement Energy Variations Path u d s Σ Λ Σ Λ Ξ Ξ Ξ / Ξ Σ Λ Tale A1 Confinement Energy Variations During Partile Deay. Now from Tale A1 alulate the ratio of onfinement energy variations etween quarks. Deay Ratio of Confinement Energy Variations Between Quarks. Path d/u s/d s/u /s /d /u / /s /d /u Σ Λ Σ Λ Ξ Ξ Ξ / Ξ Σ Λ Average Mass Ratio Tale A2 - Ratio of Confinement Energy Variations Between Quarks. This was the initial data that identified these ratios and while the data is sparse and the ratios eome less exat for the higher mass ratios they were onsidered suffiiently aurate to e used as a riteria. Not only have they now een onfirmed y all other deays as an e seen in the examples in the main text ut it is also seen that the onfinement energy ratios etween quarks also onform to these values. The deays of the dashed Xi partiles was assumed eause of idential quark omplement to their non-dashed ounterparts. PGBass 18 P12 Version 1..3

22 A2 Resonane Energy Variations. Deay Resonane Energy Variations Path u d s n p Λ p Λ n Ξ Λ Ξ Λ Λ p Σ Σ Λ Λ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Λ Λ Λ Ξ Ξ Σ Λ Σ Λ Tale A3 Resonane Energy Variations During Partile Deay. Now from Tale A3 alulate the ratio of resonane energy variations etween quarks. PGBass 19 P12 Version 1..3

23 Deay Ratio of Resonane Energy Losses Between Quarks. Path d/u s/d s/u /s /d /u / /s /d /u n p.56 Λ p.55 Λ n.56 Ξ Λ.24 Ξ Λ.48 Λ p.55 Σ Λ.4 Σ Λ.2 Ξ Ξ.24 Ξ Ξ.48.4 Ξ Λ.4 Λ Λ.55 Ξ Ξ.48 Λ Σ.1 Σ.6 Λ Average Inverse Mass Ratio Tale B2 - Ratio of Resonane Energy Losses Between Quarks. Note that in the first tale oth quarks experiene the same diretion of energy variations. The aove ratios also apply to the levels of resonane energy possessed y all quarks in all Baryons. PGBass 2 P12 Version 1..3

24 Appendix C. Summarised Details of the Deay Charateristis of All J = 1/2 Partiles. Interim Energy Distriution Partile Deay Quark Flavour Change Confinement Energy Sign Deay Type q 1 q 2 q 3 Down Up n p 1 ve ve ve q 3 Λ p 1 ve ve ve q 3 n 1 ve ve ve q 3 Λ p 4 -ve -ve ve q 3 n 4 -ve -ve ve q 3 Λ 4 -ve -ve ve q 3 Σ 4 -ve -ve ve q 3 Σ 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Σ 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ 1 -ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Λ p 1 ve ve ve q 3 Λ 4 -ve -ve ve q 3 Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Σ 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Σ p 1 ve ve ve q 3 n 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Λ 12 ve ve ve q 1/2 Σ Λ 14 ve ve ve Σ Λ 14 ve ve ve Σ n 1 ve ve ve q 3 Λ 5 ve ve ve q 1/2 Σ Λ 5 ve ve ve q 1/2 Σ Λ 12 ve ve ve q 1/2 Σ 13 -ve ve ve q 1/2 Λ Σ 6 -ve ve ve q 1/2 Λ Σ 14* ve ve ve Λ Ξ Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ 5 ve ve ve q 1/2 Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ p 8 -ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 PGBass 21 P12 Version 1..3

25 Partile Deay Deay Type Interim Energy Distriution Quark Flavour Change Confinement Energy Sign q 1 q 2 q 3 Down Up Ξ Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Σ 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ 3 -ve ve ve q 3 Ξ 1 -ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ω 11 -ve (J = 3/2) ve ve q 3 q 1/2 p 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ 3 -ve ve ve q 3 Ω 11 -ve (J = 3/2) ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ p 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ Ξ Λ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ 8 -ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 p 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Λ 7 ve ve ve q 3 & q 1/2 Ξ Ξ 9 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ξ Ξ 3 -ve ve ve q 3 Ω Σ 7 ve ve ve q 3 q 1/2 Ω 2 ve ve ve (J = 3/2) q 3 Ξ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ξ 1 ve ve ve q 3 Ω Ω 2 ve ve ve (J = 3/2) q 3 Tale C1 - Summarised Details of the Deay Charateristis of All J = 1/2 Partiles. - Assumed eause of idential quark omplement. The onfinement energy sign is that in the interim energy distriution for the first or seond quark flavour hange as appliale. PGBass 22 P12 Version 1..3

26 Appendix D. Summarised Details of the Deay Charateristis of All J = 3/2 Partiles. Partile Deay Type Deay q 1 q 2 q 3 p p n p n n * Λ Σ Σ * Λ Σ Σ * Λ Σ Σ * Σ Λ Σ * Λ Σ * Λ * Σ Λ * Σ Λ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ * Ξ * Ξ Ξ Ξ * Ξ Ξ Λ Ξ Ξ * Ω Ω Tale D1 - Summarised Details of the Deay Charateristis of All J = 3/2 Partiles. The q 1 q 2 q 3 olumns are for whih quark has the high resonane energy. See the Tale 3.1 for the onfinement energy signs. PGBass 23 P12 Version 1..3

27 Appendix E. Partile Deay Statistis. E1 Frequeny of Deay Types y Deaying Partile. Deay Type 1 n Λ Σ 2 Ω 3 Ξ 4 Λ Λ Σ Ξ Ξ Ξ Deaying Partile Ξ Ω Total Ξ Ω 14 Ω 2 Ξ 5 Σ Ξ Σ * Σ * 6 7 Ξ 3 Λ 2 Σ * Σ Ξ * * Ξ 8 Σ Ξ * 2 Λ 8 Ξ Λ Ξ Ξ Ξ 12 Σ Σ * Σ Ξ Ξ Ω Ω Λ 7 Ξ 2 Λ Σ Σ Ξ * Ξ Ξ 5 Λ 2 Ξ 2 * Ξ * Σ * Σ * Ξ Σ 8 * Ξ 3 Σ 2 15 Σ * Σ * Σ * Ξ * 16 Ξ * Ξ * * Ω * Σ Ξ * 9 * Σ Total 75 Ξ Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Ω Unknown Assumed at 14 * Σ Ξ * * Ω Σ * * * * * * * * * * * Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 26 Ω / Ξ / Ξ / Ξ / Ω / Ξ 6 Tale E1 - Frequeny of Deay Types y Deaying Partile. The final six partiles are assumed at Deay Type 14 eause their quark omplement is idential to their non-dashed and non-starred ounterparts ( Σ is assumed to deay to Λ ) PGBass 24 P12 Version 1..3

28 E2 Deay Type in Order of Interim Energy Distriution Confinement Energy Sign. Interim Energy Distriution Deay Type Confinement Energy Sign. q 1 q 2 q ve ve ve ve ve ve 4 -ve -ve ve Tale E2 Confinement Energy Sign Distriution. PGBass 25 P12 Version 1..3

29 E3 Matrix of Energy Levels for all Baryons. Quark p n Λ Σ Σ Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 1/2 Σ Ξ Partile Ξ Λ Σ Σ Σ Ξ Ξ Ξ / / Ξ / u d s Total Quark Partile Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Λ Σ Ξ Ξ Σ Σ Ξ / / Ξ / / Ω Ξ Ξ Ξ / u d s Total / Quark Ω Ξ / / Ω / Partile / Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Ω u Bold = 2 Off. d s Deay Produts Reported as Unknown Total Tale E3 - Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 1/2 PGBass 26 P12 Version 1..3

30 Quark p n Λ Σ Matrix of Quark Confinement Energy Levels for J = 1/2 Σ Σ Ξ Partile Ξ Λ Σ Σ Σ Ξ Ξ Ξ / / Ξ / u d s Total Quark Partile Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Λ Σ Ξ Ξ Σ Σ Ξ / / Ξ / / Ω Ξ Ξ Ξ / u d s Total / Quark Ω Ξ / / Ω / Partile / Ω Ξ Ξ Ω Ω u 1.23 Bold = 2 Off. d s Deay Produts Reported as Unknown Total Tale E4 - Matrix of Quark Confinement Energy Levels for J = 1/2 PGBass 27 P12 Version 1..3

31 Quark u d Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 3/ Partile Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Ξ Ξ s Ξ Total Quark Ξ Ω Σ Σ Σ u d s Σ Σ Partile Σ Σ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ω * Total Ω * Quark Ω * Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ω Ω Partile Ω u d Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ Ξ s Total PGBass 28 P12 Version 1..3

32 Quark Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 3/2 Ω Ω Partile Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ Ω * Ω * Ω * u d s Total Quark Ω Ω Ξ Ξ Ξ Partile Ξ Ω Ω Ω Ω u d s Ω Total Bold = 2 Off. The Numers in Blue Indiate the Quark with the High Resonane Energy. Similar Tales Exist When the Other Two Quarks Possess the Higher Resonane Energy Deay Produts Reported as Unknown PGBass 29 P12 Version 1..3

33 Quark Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 3/2 Partile Ω Ω Ω u d s Total Red = 3 Off. Deay Produts Reported as Unknown Tale E5 - Matrix of Quark Energy Levels for J = 3/2 The Quark Confinement Energy Levels for the J = 3/2 partiles is as per the J = 1/2partiles. Tales E3 and E5 were used to determine whih level a quark's total energy level was reahed when onformane to Deay Criteria #3 & 6 was estalished during the deay proess. PGBass 3 P12 Version 1..3

34 E4 J =1/2 J =3/2 Charge Variations Charge Variation Total % Total Charge Variation Total % Total Tale E6 Summary of Charge Variations. It appears that oth of these distriutions exhiit "very" approximate Gaussian harateristis. Referenes. [1] Wikipedia List of Baryons [2] Partile Data Group Partile Listings [3] P.G.Bass Derivation of Quark Energy Distriutions and Deay Produts of Baryoni Su-Atomi Partiles (P11) [4] P.G.Bass Addendum #1 to P11 The Lamda Partiles [5] P.G.Bass Addendum #2 to P11 The Sigma Partiles [6] P.G.Bass Addendum #3 to P11 The Xi Partiles [7] P.G.Bass Addendum #4 to P11 The Omega Partiles [8] P.G.Bass Addendum #5 to P11 The Delta Partiles [9] P.G.Bass Addendum #6(7 & 8) to P11 The Sigma* Xi* Omega and Omega* Partiles PGBass 31 P12 Version 1..3

35 [1] P.G.Bass The Distriution of Energy Within Baryoni Su-Atomi Partiles [11] P.G.Bass Derivation of Empirial Laws for the Mass of Baryoni Su-Atomi Partiles PGBass 32 P12 Version 1..3

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