3.7 InveRSe FUnCTIOnS

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1 CHAPTER functions learning ObjeCTIveS In this section, ou will: Verif inverse functions. Determine the domain and range of an inverse function, and restrict the domain of a function to make it one-to-one. Find or evaluate the inverse of a function. Use the graph of a one-to-one function to graph its inverse function on the same aes..7 InveRSe FUnCTIOnS A reversible heat pump is a climate-control sstem that is an air conditioner and a heater in a single device. Operated in one direction, it pumps heat out of a house to provide cooling. Operating in reverse, it pumps heat into the building from the outside, even in cool weather, to provide heating. As a heater, a heat pump is several times more efficient than conventional electrical resistance heating. If some phsical machines can run in two directions, we might ask whether some of the function machines we have been studing can also run backwards. Figure provides a visual representation of this question. In this section, we will consider the reverse nature of functions. f? Figure Can a function machine operate in reverse? verifing That Two Functions Are Inverse Functions Suppose a fashion designer traveling to Milan for a fashion show wants to know what the temperature will be. He is not familiar with the Celsius scale. To get an idea of how temperature measurements are related, he asks his assistant, Bett, to convert 7 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. She finds the formula and substitutes 7 for F to calculate C = (F ) 9 (7 ) C. 9 Knowing that a comfortable 7 degrees Fahrenheit is about degrees Celsius, he sends his assistant the week s weather forecast from Figure for Milan, and asks her to convert all of the temperatures to degrees Fahrenheit. Mon Tue Web Thu 6 C 9 C 9 C 9 C 0 C 0 C 6 C 8 C Figure

2 SECTION.7 inverse functions At first, Bett considers using the formula she has alread found to complete the conversions. After all, she knows her algebra, and can easil solve the equation for F after substituting a value for C. For eample, to convert 6 degrees Celsius, she could write 6 = (F ) = F F = After considering this option for a moment, however, she realizes that solving the equation for each of the temperatures will be awfull tedious. She realizes that since evaluation is easier than solving, it would be much more convenient to have a different formula, one that takes the Celsius temperature and outputs the Fahrenheit temperature. The formula for which Bett is searching corresponds to the idea of an inverse function, which is a function for which the input of the original function becomes the output of the inverse function and the output of the original function becomes the input of the inverse function. Given a function f (), we represent its inverse as f (), read as f inverse of. The raised is part of the notation. It is not an eponent; it does not impl a power of. In other words, f () does not mean f () because is the f () reciprocal of f and not the inverse. The eponent-like notation comes from an analog between function composition and multiplication: just as a a = ( is the identit element for multiplication) for an nonzero number a, so f f equals the identit function, that is, (f f )() = f ( f ()) = f () = This holds for all in the domain of f. Informall, this means that inverse functions undo each other. However, just as zero does not have a reciprocal, some functions do not have inverses. Given a function f (), we can verif whether some other function g () is the inverse of f () b checking whether either g ( f ()) = or f (g ()) = is true. We can test whichever equation is more convenient to work with because the are logicall equivalent (that is, if one is true, then so is the other.) For eample, = and = are inverse functions. and (f f )() = f () = () = (f f )() = f = = A few coordinate pairs from the graph of the function = are (, 8), (0, 0), and (, 8). A few coordinate pairs from the graph of the function = are ( 8, ), (0, 0), and (8, ). If we interchange the input and output of each coordinate pair of a function, the interchanged coordinate pairs would appear on the graph of the inverse function. inverse function For an one-to-one function f () =, a function f () is an inverse function of f if f () =. This can also be written as f ( f ()) = for all in the domain of f. It also follows that f ( f ()) = for all in the domain of f if f is the inverse of f. The notation f is read f inverse. Like an other function, we can use an variable name as the input for f, so we will often write f (), which we read as f inverse of. Keep in mind that and not all functions have inverses. f () f ()

3 6 CHAPTER functions Eample Identifing an Inverse Function for a Given Input-Output Pair If for a particular one-to-one function f () = and f () =, what are the corresponding input and output values for the inverse function? Solution The inverse function reverses the input and output quantities, so if f () =, then f () = ; f () =, then f () =. Alternativel, if we want to name the inverse function g, then g () = and g () =. Analsis Notice that if we show the coordinate pairs in a table form, the input and output are clearl reversed. See Table. Tr It # (, f ()) (, g ()) (, ) (, ) (, ) (, ) Table Given that h (6) =, what are the corresponding input and output values of the original function h? How To Given two functions f () and g (), test whether the functions are inverses of each other.. Determine whether f (g()) = or g(f ()) =.. If either statement is true, then both are true, and g = f and f = g. If either statement is false, then both are false, and g f and f g. Eample If f () = Testing Inverse Relationships Algebraicall + and g () =, is g = f? Solution g (f ()) = so _ _ + = + = g = f and f = g This is enough to answer es to the question, but we can also verif the other formula. f (g ()) = = = + Analsis Notice the inverse operations are in reverse order of the operations from the original function. Tr It # If f () = and g () =, is g = f?

4 SECTION.7 inverse functions 7 Eample Determining Inverse Relationships for Power Functions If f () = (the cube function) and g () =, is g = f? Solution f (g ()) = 7 No, the functions are not inverses. Analsis The correct inverse to the cube is, of course, the cube root = / that is, the one-third is an eponent, not a multiplier. Tr It # If f () = ( ) and g () = +, is g = f? Finding domain and Range of Inverse Functions The outputs of the function f are the inputs to f, so the range of f is also the domain of f. Likewise, because the inputs to f are the outputs of f, the domain of f is the range of f. We can visualize the situation as in Figure. Domain of f f () Range of f a b f () Range of f Domain of f Figure domain and range of a function and its inverse When a function has no inverse function, it is possible to create a new function where that new function on a limited domain does have an inverse function. For eample, the inverse of f () = is f () =, because a square undoes a square root; but the square is onl the inverse of the square root on the domain [0, ), since that is the range of f () =. We can look at this problem from the other side, starting with the square (toolkit quadratic) function f () =. If we want to construct an inverse to this function, we run into a problem, because for ever given output of the quadratic function, there are two corresponding inputs (ecept when the input is 0). For eample, the output 9 from the quadratic function corresponds to the inputs and. But an output from a function is an input to its inverse; if this inverse input corresponds to more than one inverse output (input of the original function), then the inverse is not a function at all! To put it differentl, the quadratic function is not a one-to-one function; it fails the horizontal line test, so it does not have an inverse function. In order for a function to have an inverse, it must be a one-to-one function. In man cases, if a function is not one-to-one, we can still restrict the function to a part of its domain on which it is one-to-one. For eample, we can make a restricted version of the square function f () = with its domain limited to [0, ), which is a one-to-one function (it passes the horizontal line test) and which has an inverse (the square-root function). If f () = ( ) on [, ), then the inverse function is f () = +. The domain of f = range of f = [, ). The domain of f = range of f = [0, ). Q & A Is it possible for a function to have more than one inverse? No. If two supposedl different functions, sa, g and h, both meet the definition of being inverses of another function f, then ou can prove that g = h. We have just seen that some functions onl have inverses if we restrict the domain of the original function. In these cases, there ma be more than one wa to restrict the domain, leading to different inverses. However, on an one domain, the original function still has onl one unique inverse.

5 8 CHAPTER functions domain and range of inverse functions The range of a function f () is the domain of the inverse function f (). The domain of f () is the range of f (). How To Given a function, find the domain and range of its inverse.. If the function is one-to-one, write the range of the original function as the domain of the inverse, and write the domain of the original function as the range of the inverse.. If the domain of the original function needs to be restricted to make it one-to-one, then this restricted domain becomes the range of the inverse function. Eample Finding the Inverses of Toolkit Functions Identif which of the toolkit functions besides the quadratic function are not one-to-one, and find a restricted domain on which each function is one-to-one, if an. The toolkit functions are reviewed in Table. We restrict the domain in such a fashion that the function assumes all -values eactl once. Constant Identit Quadratic Cubic Reciprocal f () = c f () = f () = f () = f () = _ Reciprocal squared Cube root Square root Absolute value f () = _ f () = f () = f () = Table Solution The constant function is not one-to-one, and there is no domain (ecept a single point) on which it could be one-to-one, so the constant function has no meaningful inverse. The absolute value function can be restricted to the domain [0, ), where it is equal to the identit function. The reciprocal-squared function can be restricted to the domain (0, ). Analsis We can see that these functions (if unrestricted) are not one-to-one b looking at their graphs, shown in Figure. The both would fail the horizontal line test. However, if a function is restricted to a certain domain so that it passes the horizontal line test, then in that restricted domain, it can have an inverse. f () f () Tr It # (a) (b) Figure (a ) Absolute value (b ) Reciprocal squared The domain of function f is (, ) and the range of function f is (, ). Find the domain and range of the inverse function.

6 Finding and evaluating Inverse Functions SECTION.7 inverse functions 9 Once we have a one-to-one function, we can evaluate its inverse at specific inverse function inputs or construct a complete representation of the inverse function in man cases. Inverting Tabular Functions Suppose we want to find the inverse of a function represented in table form. Remember that the domain of a function is the range of the inverse and the range of the function is the domain of the inverse. So we need to interchange the domain and range. Each row (or column) of inputs becomes the row (or column) of outputs for the inverse function. Similarl, each row (or column) of outputs becomes the row (or column) of inputs for the inverse function. Eample Interpreting the Inverse of a Tabular Function A function f (t) is given in Table, showing distance in miles that a car has traveled in t minutes. Find and interpret f (70). t (minutes) f (t) (miles) Table Solution The inverse function takes an output of f and returns an input for f. So in the epression f (70), 70 is an output value of the original function, representing 70 miles. The inverse will return the corresponding input of the original function f, 90 minutes, so f (70) = 90. The interpretation of this is that, to drive 70 miles, it took 90 minutes. Alternativel, recall that the definition of the inverse was that if f (a) = b, then f (b) = a. B this definition, if we are given f (70) = a, then we are looking for a value a so that f (a) = 70. In this case, we are looking for a t so that f (t) = 70, which is when t = 90. Tr It # Using Table, find and interpret a. f (60), and b. f (60). t (minutes) f (t) (miles) Table Evaluating the Inverse of a Function, Given a Graph of the Original Function We saw in Functions and Function Notation that the domain of a function can be read b observing the horizontal etent of its graph. We find the domain of the inverse function b observing the vertical etent of the graph of the original function, because this corresponds to the horizontal etent of the inverse function. Similarl, we find the range of the inverse function b observing the horizontal etent of the graph of the original function, as this is the vertical etent of the inverse function. If we want to evaluate an inverse function, we find its input within its domain, which is all or part of the vertical ais of the original function s graph. How To Given the graph of a function, evaluate its inverse at specific points.. Find the desired input on the -ais of the given graph.. Read the inverse function s output from the -ais of the given graph.

7 60 CHAPTER functions Eample 6 Evaluating a Function and Its Inverse from a Graph at Specific Points A function g() is given in Figure. Find g() and g (). g() Figure Solution To evaluate g(), we find on the -ais and find the corresponding output value on the -ais. The point (, ) tells us that g() =. To evaluate g (), recall that b definition g () means the value of for which g() =. B looking for the output value on the vertical ais, we find the point (, ) on the graph, which means g() =, so b definition, g () =. See Figure 6. 6 g() (, ) (, ) 6 7 Figure 6 Tr It #6 Using the graph in Figure 6, a. find g (), and b. estimate g (). Finding Inverses of Functions Represented b Formulas Sometimes we will need to know an inverse function for all elements of its domain, not just a few. If the original function is given as a formula for eample, as a function of we can often find the inverse function b solving to obtain as a function of. How To Given a function represented b a formula, find the inverse.. Make sure f is a one-to-one function.. Solve for.. Interchange and. Eample 7 Inverting the Fahrenheit-to-Celsius Function Find a formula for the inverse function that gives Fahrenheit temperature as a function of Celsius temperature. C = (F ) 9

8 SECTION.7 inverse functions 6 Solution C = (F ) 9 C 9 = F F = 9 C + B solving in general, we have uncovered the inverse function. If then C = h(f) = (F ), 9 F = h (C) = 9 C +. In this case, we introduced a function h to represent the conversion because the input and output variables are descriptive, and writing C could get confusing. Tr It #7 Solve for in terms of given = ( ) Eample 8 Solving to Find an Inverse Function Find the inverse of the function f () = +. Solution = So f () = + or f () = +. = = = + + Set up an equation. Subtract from both sides. Multipl both sides b and divide b. Add to both sides. Analsis The domain and range of f eclude the values and, respectivel. f and f are equal at two points but are not the same function, as we can see b creating Table. Eample 9 Solving to Find an Inverse with Radicals Find the inverse of the function f () = +. f () f () Table Solution = + So f () = ( ) +. ( ) = = ( ) + The domain of f is [, ). Notice that the range of f is [, ), so this means that the domain of the inverse function f is also [, ). Analsis The formula we found for f () looks like it would be valid for all real. However, f itself must have an inverse (namel, f) so we have to restrict the domain of f to [, ) in order to make f a one-to-one function. This domain of f is eactl the range of f.

9 6 CHAPTER functions Tr It #8 What is the inverse of the function f () =? State the domains of both the function and the inverse function. Finding Inverse Functions and Their graphs Now that we can find the inverse of a function, we will eplore the graphs of functions and their inverses. Let us return to the quadratic function f () = restricted to the domain [0, ), on which this function is one-to-one, and graph it as in Figure 7. f () Figure 7 Quadratic function with domain restricted to [0, ). Restricting the domain to [0, ) makes the function one-to-one (it will obviousl pass the horizontal line test), so it has an inverse on this restricted domain. We alread know that the inverse of the toolkit quadratic function is the square root function, that is, f () =. What happens if we graph both f and f on the same set of aes, using the -ais for the input to both f and f? We notice a distinct relationship: The graph of f () is the graph of f () reflected about the diagonal line =, which we will call the identit line, shown in Figure 8. f () = f () Figure 8 Square and square-root functions on the non-negative domain This relationship will be observed for all one-to-one functions, because it is a result of the function and its inverse swapping inputs and outputs. This is equivalent to interchanging the roles of the vertical and horizontal aes. Eample 0 Finding the Inverse of a Function Using Reflection about the Identit Line Given the graph of f () in Figure 9, sketch a graph of f ().

10 SECTION.7 inverse functions 6 Figure 9 Solution This is a one-to-one function, so we will be able to sketch an inverse. Note that the graph shown has an apparent domain of (0, ) and range of (, ), so the inverse will have a domain of (, ) and range of (0, ). If we reflect this graph over the line =, the point (, 0) reflects to (0, ) and the point (, ) reflects to (, ). Sketching the inverse on the same aes as the original graph gives Figure 0. f () = f () Figure 0 The function and its inverse, showing reflection about the identit line Tr It #9 Draw graphs of the functions f and f from Eample 8. Q & A Is there an function that is equal to its own inverse? Yes. If f = f, then f (f ()) =, and we can think of several functions that have this propert. The identit function does, and so does the reciprocal function, because An function f () = c, where c is a constant, is also equal to its own inverse. = Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with inverse functions. Inverse Functions ( One-to-one Functions ( Inverse Function values Using graph ( Restricting the domain and Finding the Inverse (

11 6 CHAPTER functions.7 SeCTIOn eercises verbal. Describe wh the horizontal line test is an effective wa to determine whether a function is one-to-one?. Wh do we restrict the domain of the function f () = to find the function s inverse?. Can a function be its own inverse? Eplain.. Are one-to-one functions either alwas increasing or alwas decreasing? Wh or wh not?. How do ou find the inverse of a function algebraicall? AlgebRAIC 6. Show that the function f () = a is its own inverse for all real numbers a. For the following eercises, find f () for each function. 7. f () = + 8. f () = + 9. f () = 0. f () =. f () = +. f () = + + For the following eercises, find a domain on which each function f is one-to-one and non-decreasing. Write the domain in interval notation. Then find the inverse of f restricted to that domain.. f () = ( + 7). f () = ( 6). f () = 6. Given f () = + and g() = : a. Find f (g()) and g (f ()). b. What does the answer tell us about the relationship between f () and g()? For the following eercises, use function composition to verif that f () and g() are inverse functions. 7. f () = and g () = + 8. f () = + and g () = graphical For the following eercises, use a graphing utilit to determine whether each function is one-to-one. 9. f () = 0. f () = +. f () = +. f () = 7 For the following eercises, determine whether the graph represents a one-to-one function f f

12 SECTION.7 section eercises 6 For the following eercises, use the graph of f shown in Figure. f. Find f (0). 6. Solve f () = Find f (0). 8. Solve f () = 0. Figure For the following eercises, use the graph of the one-to-one function shown in Figure. 9. Sketch the graph of f Figure f Find f (6) and f ().. If the complete graph of f is shown, find the domain of f.. If the complete graph of f is shown, find the range of f. numeric For the following eercises, evaluate or solve, assuming that the function f is one-to-one.. If f (6) = 7, find f (7).. If f () =, find f ().. If f ( ) = 8, find f ( 8). 6. If f ( ) =, find f ( ). For the following eercises, use the values listed in Table 6 to evaluate or solve f () Table 6 7. Find f (). 8. Solve f () =. 9. Find f (0). 0. Solve f () = 7.. Use the tabular representation of f in Table 7 to create a table for f (). 6 9 f () 7 6 Table 7

13 6 6 CHAPTER functions TeChnOlOg For the following eercises, find the inverse function. Then, graph the function and its inverse.. f () =. f () =. Find the inverse function of f () = and range in interval notation. _. Use a graphing utilit to find its domain and range. Write the domain ReAl-WORld APPlICATIOnS. To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, we use the formula f () = 9 +. Find the inverse function, if it eists, and eplain its meaning. 6. The circumference C of a circle is a function of its radius given b C(r) = πr. Epress the radius of a circle as a function of its circumference. Call this function r(c). Find r(6π) and interpret its meaning. 7. A car travels at a constant speed of 0 miles per hour. The distance the car travels in miles is a function of time, t, in hours given b d(t) = 0t. Find the inverse function b epressing the time of travel in terms of the distance traveled. Call this function t(d). Find t(80) and interpret its meaning.

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