arxiv: v1 [] 1 Oct 2018

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1 Z k -Stratifolds arxiv: v1 [] 1 Oct 2018 Andrés Ángel Carlos Segovia October 2, 2018 Abstract Arley Fernando Torres Generalizing the ideas of Z k -manifolds from Sullivan and the theory of stratifolds from Kreck, we define Z k -stratifolds. We introduce the bordism theory of Z k -stratifolds in order to represent every homology class with Z k -coefficients. We present a geometric interpretation of the Bockstein long exact sequence and the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for Z k - bordism. 1 Introduction Distinct geometric models of homology classes have been proposed, in particular the theory of stratifolds have been developed by M.Kreck [10], where the usual techniques of differential topology are available and is possible to represent homology with Z coefficients as a bordism theory, stratifold homology, SH (X). Sullivan [17] introduce the concept of Z k -manifold as a special case of manifolds with singularities. These objects appear naturally in the study of index theory (with Z k -coefficients) [18] and we can consider the generalized homology theory of bordism of Z k -manifolds with continuous maps to X, Ω(X; Z k ), which relates to the usual oriented bordism theory by the Bockstein long exact sequence Ω n (X) k Ω n (X) i Ω n (X; Z k ) β Ω n 1 (X; Z) k, Sullivan proves that every Z k -manifold has a fundamental class in homology with Z k -coefficients, which allows to define a natural transformation µ : Ω (X; Z k ) H (X; Z k ) Generalizing the ideas of Sullivan and Kreck, we define Z k -stratifolds and Z k -stratifolds with boundary. We prove that every Z k -stratifold has a fundamental class with Z k -coefficients, and 1

2 every Z k -stratifold with boundary has a relative fundamental class with Z k -coefficients. The Z k - stratifold bordism relation defines a homology theory, the Z k -stratifold homology theory. This is a homology theory and is related to the stratifold homology by the long exact sequence SH n (X) k SH n (X) i SH n (X; Z k ) β SH n 1 (X; Z) k, Theorem 1.1. There exists a isomorphism beetwen Z k -stratifold homology theory and singular homology with Z k -coefficients. This isomorphim is valid for all CW-complexes. We organize the paper in the following manner. In section 2 we give a brief introduction to Z k -manifolds and p-stratifolds. In Section 3 introduces the main subject for this work. We define Z k -stratifolds and develop the basic theory of these objects. We show that the usual properties of stratifolds still remain valid. In particular, we prove some basic results in regular values and separating functions for Z k -stratifolds. After that, we develop the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for our Z k -stratifolds. After that, we show that the classic Bockstein sequence can be built for this theory in a very natural way. At the end of the section, we show that Z k -stratifolds define a homology theory called Z k -stratifold bordism and obtain an isomorphism between this theory and singular homology with Z k -coefficients. Finally, we use the previous results in section four. We impose some conditions for the Z k -stratifolds in order to apply the results of [21] to we give a nice description of the filtration induced by the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectal sequence for Z k -bordism. 2 Background The present work mix two the theories of Z k -manifolds from Sullivan [17] and the theory stratifolds from [10]. We start with some basic fact from Z k -manifolds and we continue with the theory of stratifolds, where we follow the references [17, 10]. 3 Z k -Manifolds Definition 3.1. A (closed) Z k -manifold consists of (1) a compact oriented manifold M with boundary; (2) a closed oriented manifolds N; (3) a decomposition M = k i=1 ( M) i of the oriented boundary of M into k disjoint oriented manifolds, and preserving oriented diffeomorphisms θ i : N ( M) i. A closed oriented manifold is thus a Z 0 = Z-manifold and every closed manifold is a Z k - manifold with N =. 2

3 Figure 1: The Klien bottle as a Z 2 -manifold. Consider the identification space, which results after the gluing in M of the k disjoint boundaries with N via the diffeomorphisms θ i. The typical example is the Klein bottle with M the cylinder and N the circle. The second homology group vanishes for the Klein bottle with integer coefficients, but for Z 2 -coefficients has a fundamental class in H 2 (K; Z 2 ) = Z 2. Although the Klein bottle is a nonorientable surface, the Z 2 -manifold which represent it is an orientable Z 2 -manifold, see figure 1. In what follows we define the notion of a Z k -manifold with boundary. Definition 3.2. A Z k -manifold with boundary consist of (1) a compact manifold M with boundary; (2) a compact manifold N with boundary; (3) k disjoint oriented embeddings θ i : N M. The boundary of the Z k -manifold is formed from M int ( k i=1 θ i(n) ) by collapsing the k copies of N. We illustrate an example in Figure 2. 4 Stratifolds Stratifolds are a generalization smooth manifolds. They are topological spaces with a sheaf of functions similar as the sheaf of smooth functions on a manifold. These functions divide the topological space into strata and every strata will be a smooth manifold. In addition to stratifolds, we can talk about stratifolds with boundary. With these objects we can build a homology theory SH which is isomorphic to H (; Z) (see [10], pag 185). In this work we consider some special stratifolds called p-stratifolds, for which we give a definition below. The references we follow are [21] and [22]. 3

4 Figure 2: The quotient of a Z 2 -manifold with boundary. The construction of a p-stratifolds is inductively and in each stage we take a specific set of what we call smooth functions for the stratifolds. We start with a discrete set of points X 0 and we define smooth functions over X 0 as functions to the R numbers. Suppose we have defined X k 1 with a fixed smooth set of functions and now we define X k. Take W k an n-dimensional, compact smooth manifold with boundary and a collar c. We need that f k is a function f k : W X k 1 such that the composition of f k with any smooth function in X k 1 is smooth. Set X k = X k 1 fk W and we say g : X k R is a smooth function in X k if g X k 1 is smooth in X k 1 and g W is smooth in W. Moreover, there exists a number δ > 0 with g(c(x, t)) = g(f k (x)) for all x W k and t < δ. We call S an n-dimensional p-stratifold if S = X n. For a general stratifold the different strata are defined by the dimension of the corresponding dimension of tangent planes ([10], pag 15). The i-stratum for a p-stratifold is given as the set of points in W i and we write the i-stratum by S i. It is possible the i-stratum is empty (i.e hence we do not attach any manifold for the stage i). By definition, the (n 1)-skeleton n 1 of S is n 1 := i (n 1) S i = X n 1. This skeleton is the singular part of the p-startifold. Thus if S is a n-dimensional p-stratifold and n 1 =, then S is a smooth manifold. We have also the notion of an n-dimensional p-stratifold with boundary (T, S). Indeed, T is again built inductively and his boundary S is a p-stratifold (n 1)-dimensional without boundary ([22], pag 14). Similar as in manifolds with boundary, a p-stratifold (T, S) with boundary comes with a collar c and this collar is part of the structure for (T, S). For two p-stratifolds with boundary (T, S) and (T 1, S 1 ) and f : S S 1 an isomorphism of stratifolds there is a well defined stratifold structure for the gluing T f T 1 (see Kreck pag 36) We say that S is oriented if the top stratum S n is an oriented manifold and the stratum S n 1 is empty. A p-stratifold is regular if for each x S i there is an open neighborhood U of x in S, a 4

5 stratifold F with F 0 a single point pt, an open subset V of S i, and an isomorphism φ : V F U, whose restriction to V pt is the projection (see [22], pag 11). For a topological space X and n 0, we define SH n (X) to be the classes of applications from n-dimensional compact, oriented regular p-stratifolds to X under the bordism relation. The previous notions of oriented and regular stratifolds is quite strange at the first glance. However, they are important in order to construct a non-trivial theory. In specific, when we allow singular points of any dimension for our bordism, then SH n ({ }) = 0, for n 0. In addition, the regularity condition is imposes in order to use use the basic tools of smooth manifolds and smooth maps. For example we obtain the Sard s theorem for regular stratifolds ([10], proposition 2.6). And for f : S R a smooth map from a compact, n-dimensionl oriented p-stratifold, and c R a regular value then f 1 (c) is a compact oriented (n 1)-dimensional p-stratifold ([10], proposition 2.7, [22] pag 12). In order to orient a p-stratifold, we made as usual (see page 11 [22]). In ([10], CH, 9) the author defines a homology theory as a functor between the category of topological spaces and abelian groups which is invariant up to homotopy and satisfies the Mayer-Vietoris sequence. Finally, a result from ([22], lemma 3.12) states the following. Theorem 4.1. The functor SH defines a homology theory. Moreover, there exists a natural transformation Φ, from SH to singular homology H, where Φ is an isomorphism for all CW complexes. Note that for this to be true we need that SH n ({ }) = 0, for n 1. Thus if we have S a compact oriented n-dimensional p-stratifold, then there should exists T a compact oriented (n + 1)-dimensional p-startifold with boundary S. More precisely, we can take T = C(S), the cone over S, which is compact and oriented. But for n = 0 it is not an allowed bordism, because C(S) is not oriented. (codimension 1 strata is not empty). Finally, in order to orient the boundary of a manifold with boundary W, we follows the convention in ([10] pag 79). 5 Z k -stratifold homology In what follows we develop the main part of the work. We bring together two marvelous theories given by the theory of Z k -manifolds from Sullivan [17] and the theory of stratifolds from Kreck [10]. 6 Definition of Z k -stratifold homology Definition 6.1. A (closed) n-dimensional Z k -stratifold is a pair (T, S) such that (1) T is a compact, n-dimensional, oriented and regular p-stratifold with boundary; 5

6 (2) S is a compact, oriented p-stratifold without boundary of dimension n 1; (3) a decomposition T = k i=1 ( T) i of the oriented boundary of T into k disjoint oriented stratifolds, and orientation preserving isomorphisms θ i : S ( T) i between these stratifolds ( T) i and S; (4) the quotient space which results identifying the points on the boundary using the θ i s, is called the Z k -stratifold T. In the figure 3, we give the picture for a Z 3 -stratifold. Here T = S 1 S 1 S 1 and S = S 1. Figure 3: A closed Z 3 -stratifold. Here T = S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 and S = S 1. We remark that for some parts of this work when we talk about a Z k -stratifolds, we assume this structure comes together with the applications θ i. Example 6.2. A compact, oriented and regular p-stratifold without boundary is a Z k -stratifold with S =. Example 6.3. A Z k -manifold is and example of a Z k -stratifold. Example 6.4. A 0-dimensional Z k -stratifold is a finite set of points with orientations. Example 6.5. A 1-dimensional Z k -stratifold (T, S) is a stratifold T with a special identification on the boundary. Thus they are exactly a disjoint union of intervals and circles, each one with an orientation, and the boundary T is n k-copies of the set {+, } (A couple point with opposite orientation). The main purpose of this part is to create a homology theory with Z k coefficients, for which we need to give the following definition. Definition 6.6. Suppose a topological space X, a singular n-dimensional Z k -stratifold for X consists of a pair (T, f), with T a Z k -stratifold T of dimension n and f : T X a continuous map. Definition 6.7. A (n + 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold (M, N) with Z k -boundary T consist of 6

7 (1) a compact, oriented and regular (n + 1)-dimensional p-stratifold M with boundary; (2) a closed Z k -stratifold (T, S) and N a p-stratifold with boundary of dimension n; (3) M = ( k i=1 N i) T, where N i = N; (4) N i T = θ i (S); and (5) the quotient space which results identifying the points on the boundary using the θ i s, is called the Z k -stratifold with boundary ( M, N). The boundary of the stratifold M has an orientation, hence, in the intersection T N i the stratifolds T and N i have opposite orientations. In the figure 4, we give a picture of the Z k -Boundary. Here, M = D 3, N = D 2 and T are the pants. If we glue 3-copies of N to T, then we obtained S 2, the boundary of D 3. = Figure 4: The Z k boundary N is the disk D 2, M = D 3 and M = S 2. Definition 6.8. We say the Z k -boundary of M is T. Example 6.9. The boundary of a Z k -stratifold with boundary has a structure of Z k -stratifold without boundary. Example A Z k -manifold with boundary is an example of a Z k -stratifold with boundary. Example If (T, S) is a (closed) Z k -stratifold, then (after straightening the angle [10]) (T I, S I) is a Z k -stratifold with boundary T {0, 1}. Let f : W T i be the attaching map for the stratifold T. Taking the product with the identity we get the attaching map for T I with the form f id : W I T i I. The manifold W I has a differentiable structure and (W I) = ( W) I W {0, 1}. 7

8 Therefore, the product T I is a stratifold with boundary, T I = ( T) I T {0, 1}, ( T) I = n i=1 ( T) i I, N i := ( T) i I. In the next definition, we introduce the notion of Z k -bordism for Z k -stratifolds. In a few words, when you consider the gluing of k-copies of the same stratifold, then this is a boundary of a stratifold of one more dimension. Definition Let f : T X a singular n-dimensional Z k -stratifold in X, we say that f is Z k -Bordant if we have the following: There is a continuous function F : M X, where (M, N) is a (n + 1)-dimensional Z k - stratifold with Z k -boundary T. The restriction satifies the identity F T = f We call (M, F) a Z k -stratifold bordism for (T, f). Definition For two singular Z k -stratifolds in X, denoted by (T 1, f 1 ) and (T 2, f 2 ), their sum is defined as (T 1, f 1 ) + (T 2, f 2 ) = (T 1 T 2, f 1 f 2 ), where is disjoint union. As usual, we understand by T the Z k -stratifold T with the opposite orientation. In other words, where we just change the orientation of the pair (T, S) in the definition 6.1. Definition (Z k -stratifold bordism relation) We say (T 1, f 1 ) is a stratifold Z k -bordant to (T 2, f 2 ) if and only if (T 1, f 1 ) + (-T 2, f 2 ) is Z k -Bordant. We denote this equivalence relation by (T 1, f 1 ) (T 2, f 2 ). Proposition The Z k -stratifold bordism relation is an equivalence relation. Proof. (Reflexivity) Let (T, f) be a Z k -stratifold in X, there is only one possible choice, which is (T I, S I) and F = f(π 1 ) (see 6.11) with This shows that (T, f) (T, f). (T I) = ( T I) (T {0} T {1}), ( T I) = k i=1 (S I), N i = S I. 8

9 (Transitivity) For (T 1, f 1 ) (T 2, f 2 ) and (T 2, f 2 ) (T 3, f 3 ) there exist Z k stratifold bordisms M 1, M 2 such that: M 1 = ( k i=1 N1 i ) (T 1 T 2 ), M 2 = ( k i=1 N2 i ) (T 2 T 3 ). We can glue M 1 with M 2 along the boundary T 2 ([10], pag 192) and hence we obtain a Z k -stratifold bordism for (T 1, f 1 ) ( T 3, f 3 ). (Symmetry) It is clear. As a conclusion, we have constructed an abelian group given by the classes of Z k -stratifolds up to the Z k -stratifold bordism relation. We refer by this group in degree n by SH n (X; Z k ), and a class of a singular Z k -stratifold is denoted by [(T, f)]. Proposition The sum of singular n-dimensional Z k -stratifolds (T, f) induces a group structure in SH n (X; Z k ). Example When we have a trivial class [(T, f)] is bordant (i.e [(T, f)] = 0 SH n (X; Z)), then this class is also trivial in SH n (X; Z k ). Consequently, we can take M = T 1, where T 1 is a bordism for (T, f). Here, we have N i =. The objective of our Z k -stratifold bordism relation is obtained a representation of singular homology with Z k coefficients. The next result show a necessary condition for this: Proposition For (T, f) an n-dimensional, singular Z k -stratifold in X, we obtain the equation k[(t, f)] = 0 SH n (X; Z k ). Proof. Take (T, f) a singular Z k -stratifold in X and consider the disjoint union n (^T, ^f) = (T i, f i ), i=1 where every T i is the original T. Therefore, we can consider the Z k -stratifold bordism (M, N), given by M = ^T I N = ( T {1}) ( T I) and the map is to X is the composition F = f π 1 with π 1 the projection in the forst variable. This shows the desired result. Any compact oriented stratifold bounds its cone, and hence the groups SH n ({ }) are trivial for n 1. For n = 0 we can not construct the cone for an oriented stratifold since the assumptions does not allow strata of dimension 1. Thus the group SH 0 ({ }) is isomorphic to the usual oriented bordism group in dimension zero and as a consequence this group is the integers. This motivate to prove the following result for our work. 9

10 Proposition For the Z k -stratifold bordism group we obtain SH n ({ }; Z k ) is trivial for n 1 and SH 0 ({ }; Z k ) = Z k. Proof. Let (T, f) be an n-dimensional singular Z k -stratifold in X. Firstly, we suppose that n 2 and hence the dimension of the stratifold ( T) 1 is at least 1. Thus there exists a compact, oriented, regular p-stratifold N whose boundary is ( T) 1 (i.e., N = ( T) 1 ). In general we can take just the cone of ( T) 1 for constructing the p-stratifold N. As a consequence, we can use k-copies of N in order to get the stratifold ( n i=1n) T with empty boundary. Again we can use the cone s construction an we obtain a p-stratifold M whose boundary is ( n i=1n) T. Thus (M, N) is a Z k -stratifold with boundary and the Z k -Boundary is T. Now for n = 1 we take the double copy of T gluing along the boundary before the identification and this stratifold is again the boundary of another compact, oriented, regular p-stratifold. Finally, the Proposition 6.19 implies that ({ }, id) is a generator for SH 0 (X; Z k ) and giving an isomorphism with the torsion group Z k. Definition A continuous application g : X Y defines a morphism between the Z k - stratifold bordism groups by g : SH n (X; Z k ) SH n (Y; Z k ) [(T, f)] [(T, gf)]. Similar as when we proved reflexivity in 6.15, T I is a Z k -stratifold with boundary, and we have the following result. Proposition If g 0 and g 1 are homotopic maps from X to Y, then (g 0 ) = (g 1 ) : SH n (X; Z k ) SH n (Y; Z k ). Proof. There is a homotopy g : X I Y between g 0 and g 1. Take [(T, f)] SH n (X; Z k ), and hence (T [0, 1], g(f id)) is a Z k -stratifold bordism between (g 0 ) ([T, f]) and (g 1 ) ([T, f]). The next result is an easy consequence of the definition Proposition If g : X Y and h : Y Z then In addition, g is a group homomorphism. (hg) = h g (id) = id 7 Regular Values Kreck [10] shows that the theory of regular values also holds for the theory of stratifolds. A significant result in this setting is the Sard theorem which tell us that the set of critical values for a smooth function has Lebesgue measure zero. These results are used to to prove the Mayer- Vietoris axiom for stratifold homology. The aim of this section is to show how under certain modifications the theory of regular values also holds for Z k -stratifolds. 10

11 7.1 Regular values in Z k -stratifolds The smooth maps and their regular values for Z k stratifolds are defined as follows. Definition 7.1. Let T be a Z k -stratifold, we say that g : g 1 = g(pr) T R is a smooth map if where pr is the quotient map from the stratifold T to the Z k -stratifold T (see definition 6.1). The last definition allows us to extend the definitions of regular points and regular values for Z k -stratifolds and smooth maps. We will prove that the usual results for regular points and regular values hold Z k -stratifolds. Definition 7.2. A point c R is called a regular value for g if c is a regular value for g 1 (recall g 1 = g(pr)). A point x T is called a regular point for g if for every x 0 with x = pr(x 0 ), we have x 0 is a regular point for g 1. To prove Sard theorem for stratifolds we need to impose a condition of regularity as in Proposition 4.3 from [10]. This proposition shows that the set of regular values for a smooth map is open and dense in R and also, the set of regular points is open in S. Lemma 7.3. Let g : T R a smooth function from a compact, regular stratifold with boundary to the real numbers R. The set of regular values for g is open and dense. Proof. Let A 0, A 1 be sets of regular points for g T and g T. These sets are open in T and T. Since g commutes with a collar, the set of regular points for g is A 0 (A 1 [0, ɛ)) and in addition, it is an open set in the domain of g. For this reason, the set of non-regular points for T is close and compact. Their image by g is compact and with complement open. Moreover, it is the set of regular values for g. Finally, the set of regular values for g T and g T are dense and open in R. Since R is a Baire space, hence the set of regular values for g is dense. The previous result has as consequence the same properties for regular values and regular points for smooth maps of Z k -stratifolds. Corollary 7.4. Let g : T R be a smooth map from a Z k -stratifold to R. The set of regular points for T is an open subset and the set of regular values is open and dense in R. An amazing property of a regular value c R for a smooth map g : M n R, is that g 1 (c) is a (n 1) smooth manifold. The proof of this fact can be found in page 21 from [8], for example. We have the same result for Z k -stratifolds. Proposition 7.5. For g : T R a smooth map from an n-dimensional Z k -stratifold T to R and c R a regular value for g, the pre-image g 1 (c) is an (n 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold. 11

12 Proof. For the Z k stratifold T we can consider the associated stratifold with boundary T. For the stratifold with boundary the preimage g 1 1 (c) is a regular stratifold with boundary equal to (T) g 1 (c) ([10], pag 38, 44). The structure of Z k -stratifold of T induces a Z k structure in g 1 (c) with k g 1 (c) = ( T) i g 1 (c). i=1 Finally, the restriction of θ i implies that the boundary is given by k-copies of the same p- stratifold and moreover, g 1 1 (c) has a structure of p-stratifold. In the Figure 5 we illustrate this procedure. Figure 5: The purple line represents f 1 (c). The following property is fundamental for defining the boundary operator of the Mayer- Vietoris sequence for stratifolds: whenever we have disjoint A and B closed and non-empty subsets in an n-dimensional stratifold S, there is an (n 1)-dimensional stratifold S 1 with S 1 S (A B). In other words, we obtain an (n 1)-dimensional stratifold which separates A and B ([10], pag 29). The next lemma allows us to get the same result for Z k -stratifolds. Lemma 7.6. For T a compact, n-dimensional stratifold with boundary and A, B disjoint closed non-empty subsets of T, there exist a smooth function g : T R with A g 1 ( 1), B g 1 (1), and an (n 1)-dimensional stratifold with boundary which separates A and B. Proof. Set the following A 0 = A ( T) [0, ɛ) and B 0 = B ( T) [0, ɛ). The spaces T, T are paracompact spaces and hence, they are normal. Thus we can find closed subsets C 0, D 0 T such that A 0 int(c 0 ) and B 0 int(d 0 ). Using that T is compact, we can find ɛ 0 > 0 such that A ( T [0, ɛ 0 )) C 0 [0, ɛ 0 ), and B ( T [0, ɛ 0 )) B 0 [0, ɛ 0 ). Assume we can find a number ɛ 0 with this property, then we can construct a sequence (x n, 1/n) ( T (1/n)) A such that x n (C 0 ) c (int(c 0 )) c. Similarly, T is compact and we can suppose 12

13 that lim(x n, 1/n) = (x, 0). However, we have (x, 0) A and (x, 0) (int(c 0 )) c since they are closed, which is a contradiction. Finally, we can find g 1 : T R a function that separates A 0, B 0 in T, and g 2 : T R that separates A T, B T. Moreover, we can extend g 1 to the set T [0, ɛ 0 ) in a obvious way. Now, we take a partition of unity {ρ i : T R} subordinate to the open cover T [0, ɛ 0 ), ( T [0, ɛ 0 /2)) c and the function g(x) = I 1 ρ i1 (x)g 1 (x) + I 2 ρ i2 (x)g 2 (x) where i 1 I 1 if supp ρ i T 1 [0, ɛ 0 ), and i 2 I 2 if supp ρ i T 1 [0, ɛ 0 /2)) c. Finally, if you take a regular value c ( 1, 1) and the stratifold with boundary g 1 (c), then we get the desired result. Remark 7.7. The proof from the last lemma implies the following: For A, B disjoint, closed subsets in a stratifold with boundary and a smooth map g : T R which separates T A and T B, there exists g 1 : T R extending g, that separates A, B and commutes with the collar in an open subset of the boundary. Lemma 7.9 applied to stratifolds with boundary. In our case, we are working with smooth functions in Z k -stratifolds, or equivalent smooth maps which are Z k -equivariant in the border. Thus we can use these results in order to state the following for Z k -stratifolds. Corollary 7.8. For T an n-dimensional Z k -stratifold (with Z k -Boundary) and A, B disjoint closed non-empty subsets of T. We can find f : T R a smooth map, such that A f 1 ( 1), B f 1 (1), and an (n 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold (with Z k -Boundary) which separates A and B. We present the following result for manifold with boundary and use this to obtained the same result in p-stratifolds. Lemma 7.9. For a smooth map g : M n R from a manifold with boundary, we get the preimage g 1 (, c] is a manifold with boundary, and the boundary has the form (g 1 (, c] M) (g 1 (c) M) g 1 (c). where the union is taken over g 1 (c) M (i,e the intersection of (g 1 (, c] M) and g 1 (c)). In addition, if M is oriented, then g 1 (, c] is oriented. In our definitions, we use p-stratifolds instead of the most general concept of stratifold. The following pair of lemmas consist of a generalization of the previous lemma but in the context of p-stratifold and Z k -stratifolds (see Proposition 7.11). Proposition For g : S Z a smooth map from an oriented n-dimensional p-stratifold with c R a regular value for g. The set g 1 (, c] is an oriented n-dimensional p-stratifold with boundary and the boundary is g 1 (c). 13

14 Proof. Consider f i+1 : W i+1 S i the attaching map which defines the (i + 1)-stratum for S. By the hypothesis, we see that the skeleta i := j i Sj and S i are exactly the same set. Thus S i is closed in S and it has the structure of a p-stratifold. The Proposition 2.5 from [10] implies that g S i is a smooth map from S i to R. Since f i+1 is a morphism from the stratifold W i+1 to S i, then the composition (g S i)(f i+1 ) : W i+1 R is smooth and c is a regular value. The algebra which gives the smooth structure is denoted by C(S i+1 ), hence we can consider g Wi+1 : W i+1 R a smooth function from a manifold with boundary to R. Moreover, c is a regular value for the last function. The Lemma 7.9 implies that (g Wi+1 ) 1 (, c] is a smooth manifold with boundary and the boundary is (g 1 (, c] W i+1 ) (g 1 (c) W i+1 ). (1) Now, we use the lemma 3.7 in [22] and set the following := g 1 (c) W i+1, + := g 1 (, c] W i+1, and + = g 1 (c) W i+1 As a result, g 1 (, c] is a stratifold with boundary and the boundary is g 1 (c) Finally, when the top Stratum is oriented we obtain the manifold from 1 is oriented. With this the proof is done. Proposition For a smooth map g : T R from a closed n-dimensional Z k -stratifold and c R a regular value for g, the set g 1 (, c] is a Z k -stratifold with boundary and the Z k -Boundary is g 1 (c). Proof. Consider the smooth map g 1 : T R from the stratifold with boundary T to the real numbers. For the previous result, we know ((g) 1 (, c] T) and ((g) 1 (, c] T) are p- stratifolds of dimension (n + 1) and n respectively. Moreover, the boundaries of these stratifolds are g 1 1 (c) T and (g 1) 1 (c) T. Also, we have f 1 (c) is a n-dimensional, regular p-stratifold whose boundary is f 1 (c) M. Since the stratifolds g 1 (, c] T and g 1 (c) have the same boundary, then we can glue them together around the boundary ([10], pag 192) in order to obtain the oriented p-stratifold without boundary (g 1 (, c] T) (g 1 (c)). So, we can write g 1 (, c] = (g 1 (, c] T) (g 1 (, c] T) (g 1 (c)), (g 1 (, c]) = (g 1 (, c] T), (g 1 (, c]) = (g 1 (, c] T) (g 1 (c)). 14

15 As a consequence, the set g 1 (, c] has the structure of a p-stratifold with boundary. Finally, we give a Z k -Structure to the boundary of the last stratifold. This structure comes from the Z k -stratifold structure g 1 (, c] T = k g 1 (, c] ( T) i. i=1 Therefore, the stratifold (g 1 (, c]) is a stratifold plus k-copies of the same Startifold g 1 (, c] ( T) i. By the definition of Z k -stratifold with boundary (6.7), we conclude g 1 (c) is the Z k -Boundary of g 1 (, c]. We can observe in Figure 6 a representation of g 1 (, c]. Figure 6: The purple area represents the set g 1 (, c]. 8 Mayer-Vietoris Sequence We will construct the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for Z k -stratifolds using the results of the previous section about regular values. 8.1 The boundary operator The first step for showing the Mayer-Vietoris property for Z k -stratifolds, is to define the boundary operator : SH n (X; Z k ) SH n (A B; Z k ). The idea is simple, but not obvious. Briefly, an element in SH n (X; Z k ) is represented by a class [(T, f)] where f is an application from an n-dimensional Z k -stratifold to X. We separate the sets (intf 1 (A)) c and (intf 1 (B)) c using a smooth map g an a regular value c to get a (n 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold T. By definition T f 1 (A B), which is used to defined [(T, f)] := [(T, f T )]. In the following paragraphs we show this is the correct way to get the Mayer-Vietoris property for Z k -stratifolds. 15

16 Figure 7: Representation of the boundary operator. Let [(T, f)] be an element from SH n (A B; Z k ). The Mayer Vietoris sequence assigns an element in SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). We can separate f 1 (A c ), f 1 (B c ) using a function as constructed before in 7.8. Thus we consider a regular value c ( 1, 1) and ρ 1 (c) is a Z k -stratifold. As a consequence, f(ρ 1(c)) A B, and we define ([T, f]) = [ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1 (c)]. At this point all looks good. But, how can be shown that is well define?. If [(T, f)] = 0, then T is the Z k -boundary of a stratifold M (6.7). Intuitively, we want to extend f to F : M R and we take F 1 (c) as a Z k -stratifold bordism for f 1 (c). But, is c a regular value for F? We are not sure c is a regular value for F, but the set of regular is dense, and we can take a close regular value for c in order to show that ([T, f]) = 0. Definition 8.1. (Boundary operator) For [(T, f)] an element in SH n (A B; Z k ), and ρ : T R a smooth separating function for f 1 (A c ), f 1 (B c ). Let c ( 1, 1) be a regular value for f, and consider the Z k -stratifold ρ 1 (c). We define [T, f] = [ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1 (c)] Proposition 8.2. The boundary operator is well defined. Proof. For the class [(T, f)] SH n (A B; Z k ) representing the zero element, we show that ([T, f]) = 0 SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). Thus we list what we have: A singular n-dimensional Z k -stratifold (T, f). A Z k -stratifold bordism (M, F) for (T, f), where M = ( k i=1 N i) T. A singular application (T, ρ) which separate f 1 (A c ) and f 1 (B c ), where c ( 1, 1) is a regular value. 16

17 We will use the lemma 7.9 and Remark 7.7 several times in order to extend ρ for M: Using 7.9 and 7.7 for ρ N1, we can extend ρ N1 to N 1. With this extension and the fact that F is Z k -equivariant in k i=1 N i, we can extent ρ to M and this separates F 1 (A c ) M and F 1 (B c ) M. The last map is Z k -equivariant in k i=1 N i, and we write this separating function by ρ M. Using again the lemmas 7.9 and 7.7 for ρ M, we can extend ρ M to M. This application commutes with the collar of M, and separates F 1 (A c ) and F 1 (B c ), moreover it is Z k - equivariant in k i=1 N i. We write this last map by ρ M. In order to assure that c is a regular value for ρ M, we use that the set of regular values for ρ M is open and dense. Thus we choose c 1 a regular value for ρ M and ρ such that c 1 is close to c. Therefore, ρ 1 (c 1 ) is a Z k -stratifold and ρ 1 M (c 1) is a Z k -stratifold with boundary with boundary ρ 1 (c 1 ). 0 = [(ρ 1 (c 1 ), f ρ 1 (c 1 ))] SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). Finally, since ρ 1 ([c 1, c]) is a Z k -stratifold bordism for ([ρ 1 (c 1 ), f ρ 1 (c 1 )]) and ([ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1 (c)]), then we have 0 = [(ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1 (c))] SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). Remark 8.3. Consider for example [(T 0, f 0 )] = [(T 1, f 1 )] SH n (A B; Z k ). We can take ρ 0 a separating application for f 1 0 (Ac ) and f 1 0 (Bc ) with regular value c 0. Also, we can take a different application ρ 1 which separate f 1 1 (Ac ) and f 1 1 (Bc ) with regular value c 1. As a result, for the previous theorem we have For proving this we can take ρ as follows ([T 0, f 0 ]) = ([T 1, f 1 ]) SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). ρ 0 (ρ 1 (c 1 c 0 )) : T 0 T 1 R, and we show that [(ρ 1 c 0, f ρ 1 c 0 )] = [(ρ 1 c 1, f ρ 1 c 1 )]. 8.2 The Mayer-Vietoris sequence The statement for the Mayer-Vietoris property involves open subsets A and B in X, where we denote the inclusion incl : A B like i (A,B). 17

18 Theorem 8.4. For open subsets A, B in X. The Mayer-Vietoris sequence SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n (A; Z k ) SH n (B; Z k ) SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n 1 (A B; Z k ) is exact. The homomorphisms SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n (A; Z k ) SH n (B; Z k ) are defined by (i (A B,A), i (A B,B) ) and SH n (A; Z k ) SH n (B; Z k ) SH n (A B; Z k ) by i (A,A B) i (A,A B). Proof. Now we show the exactness of SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n (A; Z k ) SH n (B; Z k ) SH n (A B; Z k ). It is clear from the definition that the composition of the homomorphisms is zero. [(T A, f A )] SH n (A; Z k ) and [(T B, f B )] SH n (B; Z k ) such that Take i (A B,A) [(T A, f A )] = i (A B,B) [(T B, f B )]. As a consequence, there exists F : T A B a Z k -stratifold bordism for [(T A, f A )] and [(T B, f B )]. Lemma 7.6 and Corollary 7.8 are used to get a smooth separating function ρ : T R for A 1 = F 1 (B c ) T A and B 1 = F 1 (A c ) T B with c a regular value. The natural Z k -bordism for [(T A, f A )] and [ρ 1 (c), F ρ 1 (c)] is ρ 1 (, c]. We have where D = T A ρ 1 (c). This shows ρ 1 (, c] = ρ 1 (, c] T A ) D ρ 1 (c) = (T A ρ 1 (c)) ( n i=1 N i ρ 1 (, c]), [(T A, f A )] = [ρ 1 (c), F ρ 1 (c)] SH n (A B; Z k ). Finally, we obtain the equality [ρ 1 (c), F ρ 1 (c)] = [(T V, f V )] since ρ 1 [0, ) is a Z k -stratifold bordism for [(T V, f V )] and [ρ 1 (0), F ρ 1 (0)]. Now we show the exactness of SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n 1 (A B; Z k ) SH n 1 (A; Z k ) SH n 1 (B; Z k ). We prove that the composition of the two applications is zero. We take [(T, f)] SH n (U V; Z k ) and ρ : T R a function for the boundary operator. Similar as in the previous demonstration, we take the stratifold with boundary ρ 1 [c, ) and we obtaine (ρ 1 (, c]) = k i=1 (ρ 1 [c, )) ( T) i ) ρ 1 (c). Therefore, (ρ 1 [c, ), f ρ 1 [c, )) is a Z k -bordism for (ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1 (c). This shows the composition of the applications is zero. 18

19 For the other inclusion, we take [(T A B, f A B )] SH n 1 (A B; Z k ), where i (A B,A) [(T A B, f A B )] = 0, i (A B,B) [(T A B, f A B )] = 0. Let (T A, f A ), (T B, B) be Z k -stratifolds bordism of the previous applications. By definition (6.7), we get k T A = ( N A i ) T A B, i=1 k T B = ( N B i ) T A B. We can glue this couple of stratifolds along T A B ([10], pag 194) and get i=1 f A B : (T A TA B T A ) A B Like this stratifold has a neighborhood of the form T A B ( ɛ, ɛ)), we can get ρ : (T A TA B T B ) R such that in the this set ρ is the projection on the second factor. Finally, we check the exactness in SH n (A; Z k ) SH n (B; Z k ) SH n (A B; Z k ) SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). We take [(T A, f A )] SH n (A; Z k ) and i (A B,A) [(T A, f A )] SH n (A B; Z k ). If we consider a separating function ρ, then ρ 1 [c, ) A B and it is a Z k -bordism for ρ 1 (c). Thus the composition of the applications is zero. Now we take [(T A B, f A B )] SH n (A B; Z k ) and we suppose that [(T A B, f A B )] = [ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1] = 0 SH n 1 (A B; Z k ). Let (T A B, f A B ) be a Z k -bordism in A B for [ρ 1 (c), f ρ 1]. We need to construct an element in [T A, f A ] SH n (A; Z k ) and other element [T B, f B ]SH n (B; Z k ) such that [T B, f B ] [T A, f A ] = [(T A B, f A B )]. For this, we can glue ρ 1 ((, c]), T A B and ρ 1 ([c, ]), T A B, respectively, along ρ 1 (c) to obtain [(ρ 1 (, c] ρ 1 (c) T A B, f 1 A )] SH n(a; Z k ), [(T A B ρ 1 (c) (ρ 1 [c, ), f 1 B )] SH n(b; Z k ). Finally, we sum the previous pair of functions and the Z k -bordism for [(T A B, f A B )] to get the boundary of (ρ 1 (, c] ρ 1 (c) T A B ) [0, 1]) TA B {1} (ρ 1 [c, ) ρ 1 (c) T A B ) [1, 2]). 19

20 With this result, Proposition 6.21 and Proposition 6.22, we have a homology theory ([10], pag 93) Theorem 8.5. The Z k -stratifold bordism relation defines a homology theory.we call this homology theory The Z k -stratifold homology theory. 9 The Bockstein Sequence In this section we develop the Bockstein sequence for our Z k -stratifold homology theory which relates the p-stratifold homology theory and Z k -stratifold homology. The Bockstein homomorphism in bordism theory for Z k -stratifolds has a very natural definition. For this, we consider a couple homomorphism: The natural map i : SH n (X) SH n (X; Z k ) The Bockstein homomorphism The application θ i was defined in 6.1 (3). β : SH n (X; Z k ) SH n 1 (X) [T, f] [S, f θ i ] It is easy to prove these homomorphisms are well defined. For example, if [(T, f)] = 0 SH n (X, Z k ) then (N 1, T N1 ) is a stratifold bordism for [S, f θ i ] (see 6.7). Theorem 9.1. (Bockstein sequence) The next sequence is exact SH n (X) k SH n (X) i SH n (X; Z k ) Proof. by, the Proposition 6.18, we have (i ( k)) = 0. β SH n 1 (X; Z) k, (ker(i) im( k)). Consider [T, f] ker(i) and a Z k stratifold bordism (M, F) for (T, f). By definition, we have: 1) F : M X, 2) M = ( k i=1 N) T = k i=1 θ i(n) T (the boundary of T is empty). Thus (M, F) is a stratifold bordism for (T, f) and ( k i=1 N), F ). We obtain β i = 0 since the border S of an element [(S, f)] SH n (X) is empty. (ker(β) im(i)). Consider [(T, f)] ker(β), where [(T, f)] SH n (X; Z k ). We have [S, f θ i ] = 0 SH n 1 (X, Z). This means there exists an oriented, compact n-stratifold T 1 such that T 1 = S and a function f 1 : T 1 X extending f θ i. We can glue k copies of this stratifold and we get a stratifold without border M 1 and a function F 1 : M 1 X. For (M 1 I, F 2 pr) and N = T 1, we conclude (T, f) (M 1, F 1 ). This shows ker( ) im(i). 20

21 (( k) β = 0) We take [(T, f)] SH n (X; Z k ) and k B([T, f]). We obtain (T, f) is a stratifold bordism for k B([T, f]). (ker( k) im(β)) We take k[t, f] = 0 where [T, f] SH n 1 (X). The bordism for k[t, f] is a singular Z k -stratifold whose Bockstein is [T, f]. 10 Z k -Fundamental classes The aim of the present section is to find a natural transformation between the homology theory defined in the previous chapter and the singular homology with Z k -coeficients. Moreover, the naturality of this transformation together with the compatibility with the Mayer-Vietoris sequences, implies that we have an isomorphim between these two homology theories for the category of CW-complexes. Now we summarize some results from singular homology for p-stratifolds. These results are found in the Haggai s Tesis ([22]), where the homology used is with integer coefficients. However, all these results follow with Z k -coefficients: If S is a closed p-stratifold of dimension n, then H l (S; Z k ) = 0 for l > n. If S is an n-dimensional p-stratifold without boundary, then H n (M n, M; Z k ) = H n (S; Z k ), where (M n, M) is the manifold given by the top Stratum in (S, S). ([22], page 15). Thus there exists a fundamental class [S] H n (S; Z k ) in singular homology with Z k -coefficients. It is important to remark that this isomorphism is given in two steps H n (M k, M; Z k ) = H k (S, S n 2 ; Z k ) and H n (S; Z k ) = Hn (S, S n 2 ; Z k ), where S n 2 is the skeleta until dimension n 2. If T is an (n+1)-dimensional p-stratifold with boundary T, then H n+1 (M n+1, M; Z k ) H n+1 (T, T; Z k ). Therefore, there exists a relative fundamental class [T, T]. This class is a element in H n+1 (T, T; Z k ) in singular homology with Z k -coefficients. Moreover, for the long exact sequence of the pair (T, T) H n+1 ( T; Z k ) H n+1 (T; Z k ) H n+1 (T, T; Z k ) we have [T, T] = [ T]. H n (T; Z k ) In what follows we introduce some notation for the quotient space which defines a closed Z k -stratifold. Recall that a closed (n + 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold (T, S) is a p-stratifold T with boundary T, that decomposes into k copies of a stratifold S. When we identify this k copies we obtain a space denoted by T. 21 =

22 The exact sequence for the pair (T, T) is related with the exact sequence ( T, T) in singular homology with Z k -coefficients, as follows. H n+1 ( T) H n+1 (T) H n+1 (T, T) H n ( T) (2) q q H n+1 ( T) H n+1 ( T) H n+1 ( T, T) where q is the quotient application for the pair (T, T) to ( T, T). H n+1 ( T) = 0. In this diagram, we have by excision, q q H n ( T) By dimension reasons, H n+1 (T, T) = Hn+1(T/ T) = Hn+1( T/ T) = H n+1 ( T, T). (3) Moreover, T = k i=1 S and T = S. We chase the fundamental class [T, T] in the diagram (2), and note that since we are working with Z k -coefficients, q [T, T] = 0. By exactness of the lower row we have a unique element in H n+1 ( T; Z k ) that we call The fundamental class [ T]. [T, T] k[s] (4) 0 [ T] q [T, T] 0 This class is generated by the fundamental class [T, T] in the quotient space T. Theorem If T is a closed n-dimensional Z k -stratifold, then there exists a fundamental class [ T] in singular homology with Z k -coefficients. More precisely [ T] H n ( T, Z k ). Now, we consider the relative Mayer-Vietoris sequence. This sequence can be obtained as a consequence of the theory developed in section 8. The relative Mayer-Vietoris property is applied for pairs (X, Y) = (A B, C D) with C A and D B, and the exact sequence is H k (A B, C D) H k (A, C) H k (B, D) H k (X, Y) Consider S = S + S1 S a stratifold built when we glue together the stratifolds with boundary S +, S by his comun boundary S 1. Thus set A = S +, B = S and C = D = S 1 and we get 0 H n+1 (S +, S 1 ; Z k ) H n+1 (S, S 1 ; Z k ) H n+1 (S, S 1 ; Z k ) 0, (5) where H n+1 (S 1, S 1 ; Z k ) = 0 = H n (S 1, S 1 ; Z k ) and we obtain H n+1 (S, S 1 ; Z k ) = H n+1 (S +, S 1 ; Z k ) H n+1 (S, S 1 ; Z k ). (6) Consequently, the sum of the relative classes is in the image of the operator i. It is necessary that the sum of this class comes from [S]. 22

23 Remark In what follows we understand by the pair (M, N) a Z k -stratifold, and we forget the previous representation of these letters meaning Z k -manifolds. Now we show the existence of the fundamental classes in the relative homology for the pair (M, T). Here, (M, N) is a (n + 2)-dimensional Z k -stratifold with boundary, and T is the Z k - Boundary (see Definition 6.7). We denote by M the quotient space resulting after we make the identification and we take similar notation for other spaces. By definition, the boundary spaces M and M are expressed as follows M = ( k i=1 N i) (T), M = (N) ( T). The exact sequence for the triples (M, M, T) and ( M, M, T) give the following diagram, H n+2 ( M, T) H n+2 (M, T) H n+2 (M, M) H n+1 ( M, T) (7) q H n+2 ( M, T) H n+2 ( M, T) H n+2 ( M, M) q q q H n+1 ( M, T) By excision, we have H n+2 (M, M) = Hn+2(M/ M) = Hn+2( M/ M) = H n+2 ( M, M), moreover, there are isomorphisms H ( M, T) = H (kn, kn) H ( M, T) = H n+2 (N, N). We have H n+2 (N, N) = 0 by the dimension of N. With this information the previous diagram change to 0 H n+2 (M, T) H n+2 (M, M) H n+1 (kn, kn) (8) q 0 H n+2 ( M, T) H n+2 ( M, M) q q H n+1 (N, N) Now, we want to chase the previous diagram for the fundamental class [M, M]. For this, we will show that [M, M] = [kn, k N]. The idea is use the exact sequence for the pair (M, M) and after that apply (6) to obtained 23

24 H n+2 (M, M) H n+1 ( M) H n+1 (T, T) H n+1 (kn, k N) (9) = H n+2 ( M, M) H n+1 ( M) H n+1 ( T, T) H n+1 (N, N) The last term at the right for the first line in the previous diagram corresponds to [M, M], where is the boundary operator in (8). So in the last diagram, we chase the fundamental class [M, M] and get [M, M] [ M] [T, T] + [kd, k D] (10) q [M, M] q [ M] q [T, T] + 0 In this diagram the fundamental class [kd, k D] goes to zero because we are working in homology with Z k -coefficients. For the diagram, we have the following facts: Since q is an isomorphism, the class q [M, M] 0. By projecting on the second summand on the right of the previous diagram we get (q [M, M]) = 0 for the boundary operator in (7). For 8, the class q [M, M] comes from a unique class in H n+2 ( M, T). We write this class by [ M, T], and we call it the relative fundamental class. Finally, we show that [ M, T] = [ T], where [ T] comes from (4). For this, we use the same diagram that in (9) for ( M, M) and ( M, T) to obtained H n+2 ( M, T) H n+1 ( T) H n+1 ( T, T) H n+2 ( M, M) H n+1 ( M) H n+1 ( T, T) H n+1 (D, D) i In this diagram we consider [ M, T] and we obtained [ M, T] ([ M, T]) i ( [ M, T]) id q [M, M] q [ M] q [T, T] 24

25 Thus, the class [ M, T] H n+1 ( T) and i ( [ M, T]) = q [T, T]. But, by the diagram (4) there exists a unique class with this property, hence [ M, T] = [ T]. Consequently, we can state the following. Theorem if M is an (n + 1)-dimensional Z k -stratifold with Z k -boundary T, then there exists a relative fundamental class [ M, T] H n+1 ( M, T; Z k ) and ([ M, T] = [ T]. For the end of this chapter, we want to prove that Z k -stratifold homology and singular homology with Z k -coefficients are isomorphic homology theories for CW-complexes. With the previous fundamental classes, we can defined the natural transformation η : SH n (X; Z k ) H n (X; Z k ) by η[(t, f]] = f ([ T]). The properties of the natural transformation η are the following: η is well defined, since for (T 0, f 0 ), (T 1, f 1 ) which are Z k -Bordant, and (T, F) a Z k -bordism for this couple of singular n-dimensional Z k -stratifolds in X. The Proposition 10.3 gives i ([ T 0 T 1 ]) = 0, where i : H n ( T 1 T 2 ; Z k ) H n ( T; Z k ). And as a consequence, (F i )([ T 0 T 1 ]) = F i ([ T 0 ]) F i ([ T 1 ]) = (F 0 ) ([ T 0 ]) (F 1 ) ([ T 1 ]) = 0 Therefore, (F 0 ) ([ T 0 ]) = (F 1 ) ([ T 1 ]) and η is well defined. η is a natural as a consequence of the usual properties for fundamental classes, see [9]. The last property we need is the compatibility of the natural transformation with the respective Mayer-Vietoris sequences, and as a consequence we obtain an isomorphism between these two homology theories for the category of CW-complexes. For this, we know from basic algebraic topology ([9], 2.3 or [6]), III, 8.11) that the boundary operator from Mayer-Vietoris factors as follows for an excisive pair, H n (X) H n (X, A) H n (A, A B) H n 1 (A B), in particular for X = int(a) int(b) this follows. The definition of the natural transformation η and its naturality properties, imply that it is enough to prove the commutation of η with the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, for a closed Z k - stratifold T and for the class ([ T, id]). We compute [ T, id] for the boundary operator in the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for Z k - stratifold bordism and we apply the natural transformation η. Then, we compute the boundary operator for the Mayer-Vietoris sequence in singular homology with Z k -coefficients, for the fundamental class [ T] and we compare this class. 25

26 Now we take T = A B a closed, n-dimensional Z k -stratifold and A, B open subsets in T. We can find a separating function for A c, B c given by ρ : T R and with 0 a regular value (i.e ρ(a c ) = 1, ρ(b c ) = 1). Thus the boundary operator in Z k -stratifold bordism of this class is: [(T, id)] = [ρ 1 (0), id]. Thus η( [(T, id)]) is the fundamental class of (ρ 1 (0)). Now we apply the operator η and the boundary operator to [(T, id)]. We take ɛ > 0, a positive number close to zero and consider A 1 = ρ 1 (, ɛ] A and B 1 = ρ 1 [0, ) B. With these subsets, we compute the boundary operator in singular homology. For this, we use the following commutative diagram, where the singular homology is taken with Z k -coeficientes: H n ( T) H n ( T, A 1 ) H n (A 1, A 1 B 1 ) H n 1 (A 1 B 1 ) H n ( T) H n ( T, ρ 1 (, 0]) H n (ρ 1 (, 0], ρ 1 (0)) H n 1 (ρ 1 (0)) Thus the class [ T] goes to the fundamental class [(ρ 1 (, 0], ρ 1 (0)] in the lower line. Proposition 7.11 and the previos result imply the equality [ T] = [ρ 1 (0)]. As a consequence, the natural transformation η commutes with the boundary operator in Mayer-Vietoris. Moreover, the Z k -stratifold homology theory is compactly supported (see definition in [10], paf 94). Thus the application of the Corollary 9.3, 9.4 in [10], and 6.19, imply the following result. Theorem The natural transformation η : SH n (X; Z k ) H n (X; Z k ), is an isomorphism for all n and all X in the category of finite CW-complex spaces X. We have H n (X; Z K ) = lim H k (X α ; Z k ) and SH n (X; Z K ) = lim SH k (X α ; Z k ) with the limits taken over a sequence of finite CW-subcomplex of X which converge to X. So the previous result is also true for any CW-complex. Theorem The natural transformation η : SH n (X; Z k ) H n (X; Z k ), is an isomorphism for all n and for any CW-complex space X. For the last part of this chapter we show the relation between the Bockstein sequences between Z k -stratifold bordism and singular homology with Z k -coefficients. In essence we are going to prove the following result. Proposition The natural transformation η commutes with the Bockstein homomorphism. 26

27 Proof. Previously the Bockstein homomorphism for stratifold homology fits into the exact sequence SH n (X) k i β SH n (X) SH n (X; Z k ) SH n 1 (X; Z) k, and the definition is as follows β : SH n (X; Z k ) SH n 1 (X) [T, f] [S, f θ i ]. Similar as we do for Mayer-Vietoris, it is enough to prove the result for a closed n-dimensional Z k -stratifold of the form [T, id]. Since we have the equality η(β[t, id]) = µ[s, id] = [S], which is the fundamental class of the p-stratifold S, and also we obtain β(η[t, id]) = β[ T]. In order to compute the Bockstein, we consider the diagram (4) with Z-coefficients as follows [T, T] k[s] 0 [ T] q [T, T] k[s] Consequently, we are done since we have the equality β[ T] = [S]. 11 A geometric interpretation of the filtration of the AHSS for the bordism In this chapter, we give a geometric interpretation of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence (AHSS) for Z k -bordism. We use the results from [21], where the author show how to compute the AHSS spectral sequence using the Postnikov Tower of a generalized homology theory. We start with some the results of [21] and then we use them in them for Z k -bordism and our Z k - stratifold bordism theory in order to get an interpretation for the filtration in the AHSS for this theory. 12 The Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence AHSS For a generalized homology theory h the Postnikov Tower is a sequence of homology theories h (r) and natural transformations h h (3) h (2) h (1) h (0). These natural transformations have the property that h n ({ }) h (r) n ({ }) is an isomorphims for n r, and h (r) n ({ }) = 0 for n > r. One important feature consists that these homology theories h (r) determine completely h (see [19], Chapter II, 4.13). 27

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