These Choice Boards cover the fourteen units for eighth grade Common Core math.

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2 A Note to the Teacher: Thank you so much for purchasing this Choice Board BUNDLE from The Math Station on Teachers Pay Teachers. I hope you like it! I started using choice boards last year and LOVE them! I never gave my students the opportunity to be creative in my classroom. For years, it was notes, homework, and repeat until the test. These choice boards give students the ability to express themselves within their particular learning style. I have been so impressed with the results I get from my students. These Choice Boards cover the fourteen units for eighth grade Common Core math. 1. Introducing Transformations 2. Understanding Congruence 3. Understanding Similarity 4. Rational and Irrational Numbers 5. Pythagorean Theorem 6. Functions 7. Introduction to Linearity 8. Bivariate Data 9. Nonlinear Functions 10. Solving Linear Equations 11. Systems of Linear Equations 12. Exponents and Scientific Notaiton 13. Geometric Relationships 14. Volume of Cones, Spheres, and Cylinders Also included in this file are mini posters that describe each option on the choice board. I put these on a bulletin board that hangs all year, as we do a number of choice boards. You can also show them on a projector when introducing the choice board to your class. I like to distribute the choice boards at the beginning of the unit and give them a due date around the test. When my students did their first choice board, I gave them a period in class to start work on it. Following choice boards were completed entirely on their own time. I have also created and included a general rubric that you can use for any choice board item. To be honest, I don t fill these out for every submission from every student. I explain the rubric, but then just assign points earned on their work. To differentiate, I occasionally allow lower level students to complete two choices (I will cross out a row). The other option for differentiation is to reduce the number required for a particular choice. For example, have a student create two story problems rather than four. I also give students extra credit for any choices that they complete beyond the minimum.


4 Introducing Transformations CHOICE BOARD Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Design a PAGE from a math book showing the properties of translations (using line segments, parallel lines and angles) Make a POSTER that shows how reflections work (using line segments, parallel lines and angles) Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing the properties of rotations (using line segments, parallel lines, and angles) Write a PARAGRAPH explaining the properties of translations (using line segments, parallel lines and angles) Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn how reflections work (using line segments, parallel lines and angles) Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining the properties of rotations (using line segments, parallel lines, and angles) Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems using translations (of line segments, parallel lines and angles) Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS using reflections (of line segments, parallel lines and angles) Create a GAME with at least 12 rotation problems - and answers - (using line segments, parallel lines, and angles)


6 Understanding Congruence Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER showing the effects of translations and reflections using coordinates Design a PAGE from a math book showing the effect of rotations using coordinates (use at least three different angles) Make a POWERPOINT presentation that shows how to find a sequence of transformations between two congruent figures Write three PARAGRAPHS explaining the effects of translations and reflections using coordinates Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn the effect of rotations using coordinates (use at least three different angles) Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to find a sequence of transformations between two congruent figures Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS with translations and reflections using coordinates Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems using the effect of rotations using coordinates (use at least three different angles) Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) finding a sequence of transformations between two congruent figures


8 Understanding Similarity Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER showing the effect dilations using coordinates (use at least three different scale factors) Make a POWERPOINT presentation that shows how to find a sequence of transformations between two similar figures Design a PAGE from a math book showing the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn the effect dilations using coordinates (use at least three different scale factors) Write three PARAGRAPHS explaining how to find a sequence of transformations between two similar figures Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining the angleangle criterion for similarity of triangles Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) using the effect dilations using coordinates (use at least six different scale factors) Create and solve four STORY PROBLEMS finding a sequence of transformations between two similar figures (with at least three transformations in each sequence) Create a QUIZ and answer key with 20 problems using the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles


10 Rational & Irrational Numbers Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER showing how to 1) convert a fraction to a repeating decimal and 2) convert a repeating decimal to a fraction Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to find rational approximations of irrational numbers (at least three examples) Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to find solutions to equations in the form x 2 =p and x 3 =p Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to convert a fraction to a repeating decimal and convert a repeating decimal to a fraction Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to find rational approximations of irrational numbers Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn how to find solutions to equations in the form x 2 =p and x 3 =p Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) converting fractions to repeating decimals and converting repeating decimals to fractions Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems finding rational approximations of irrational numbers Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS which require solutions to equations in the form x 2 =p and x 3 =p


12 Pythagorean Theorem Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the missing side of a triangle (with at least three examples) Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between two points on a coordinate graph Make a POSTER showing a a proof of the Pythagorean theorem and its converse Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the missing side of a triangle Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn how to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between two points on a coordinate graph Write a PARAGRAPH explaining a proof of the Pythagorean theorem and its converse Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems using the Pythagorean theorem to find the missing side of a triangle Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) using the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between two points on a coordinate graph Create and solve four real-world STORY PROBLEMS using a proof of the Pythagorean theorem and/or its converse


14 Functions Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER defining linear functions and showing four ways to represent one Design a PAGE from a math book comparing the properties of two functions initially presented in different ways Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to describe a functional relationship quantitatively Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems representing linear functions in a variety of ways Write a LETTER to a friend helping them compare the properties of two functions initially presented in different ways Create a GAME with at least 20 problems (and answers) describing functional relationships quantitatively Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining the definition of a linear function and four ways to represent one Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to compare the properties of two functions initially presented in different ways Create and solve five STORY PROBLEMS describing a realworld functional relationship quantitatively


16 Introduction to Linearity Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to graph a proportional relationship and find the unit rate Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to use similar triangles to explain why the slope is the same between any two points on a line Make a POSTER showing how to construct a function to model a linear relationship given two points or a verbal description Write a LETTER to a friend helping them graph a proportional relationship and find the unit rate Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to use similar triangles to explain why the slope is the same between any two points on a line Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to construct a function to model a linear relationship given two points or a verbal description Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) graphing proportional relationships and/or finding unit rates Create and solve four STORY PROBLEMS using similar triangles to explain why the slope is the same between any two points on a line Create a QUIZ and answer key with 12 problems constructing functions to model linear relationships given two points or a verbal description


18 Bivariate Data Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER that shows how to construct and interpret a scatterplot and its linear model Design a PAGE from a math book which explains clustering and outliers, positive, negative, linear, and nonlinear association Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to use relative frequencies calculated from rows or columns in a twoway table Create a QUIZ and answer key with 10 problems constructing and interpreting a scatterplot and/or a linear model Write a LETTER to a friend helping them learn about clustering and outliers, positive, negative, linear, and nonlinear association Create a GAME with at least 10 problems using relative frequencies calculated from rows or columns in a twoway table Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining construct and interpret a scatterplot with a linear model Write a two PARAGRAPHS which explain clustering and outliers, positive, negative, linear, and nonlinear association Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS using relative frequencies calculated from rows or columns in a twoway table


20 Nonlinear Functions Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing at least three examples of nonlinear functions in equations, tables, and graphs Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to sketch a graph for a nonlinear relationship that has been described verbally Make a POSTER showing how to describe quantitatively the properties of a nonlinear relationship Write a LETTER to a friend explaining at least three examples of nonlinear functions in equations, tables, and graphs Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to sketch a graph for a nonlinear relationship that has been described verbally Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to describe quantitatively the properties of a nonlinear relationship Create a QUIZ and answer key including 12 problems with nonlinear functions in equations, tables, and graphs Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS sketching graphs for nonlinear relationships that have been described verbally Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) describing quantitatively the properties of nonlinear relationships


22 Solving Linear Equations Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing at least three examples solving linear equations with one solution Design a PAGE from a math book that shows examples of linear equations with no solution or infinite solutions Make a POSTER showing a how to solve linear equations that require the distributive property and combining like terms Write a LETTER to a friend showing at least three examples solving linear equations with one solution Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining examples of linear equations with no solution or infinite solutions Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to solve linear equations that require the distributive property and combining like terms Create a QUIZ and answer key with 15 problems solving linear equations with one solution Create and solve five STORY PROBLEMS with real-world linear equations having no solution or infinite solutions Create a GAME with at least 15 problems (and answers) solving linear equations that require the distributive property and combining like terms


24 Systems of Linear Equations Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER showing that a system of linear equations can have one solution, no solution, or infinite solutions Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to estimate a solution to a system of linear equations by graphing them Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to solve a system of two linear equations algebraically Write a PARAGRAPH explaining why a system of linear equations can have one solution, no solution, or infinite solutions Write a LETTER to a friend helping them stimate a solution to a system of linear equations by graphing them Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to how to solve a system of two linear equations algebraically Create a QUIZ and answer key with 15 simple systems having no solution or infinite solutions solvable by inspection Create a GAME with at least 12 problems (and answers) estimating solutions to systems of linear equations by graphing them Create and solve five STORY PROBLEMS solving real-world systems of two linear equations (algebraically)


26 Exponents & Scientific Notation Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to apply the properties of integer exponents to simplify expressions Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to use scientific notation to express very large and very small quantities Make a POSTER showing a how to perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to apply the properties of integer exponents to simplify expressions Write a LETTER to a friend helping them use scientific notation to express very large and very small quantities Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation Create a QUIZ and answer key with 20 problems applying the properties of integer exponents to simplify expressions Create a GAME with at least 20 problems (and answers) using scientific notation to express very large and very small quantities Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS requiring operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation


28 Geometric Relationships Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POSTER showing transversals of parallel lines and five types of angles created Design a PAGE from a math book that explains angle sum and exterior angles of triangles Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing a how to arrange three copies of a triangle to find the angle sum, using transversals as proof Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining transversals of parallel lines and five types of angles created Write a PARAGRAPH explaining angle sum and exterior angles of triangles Write a LETTER to a friend helping them arrange three copies of a triangle to find the angle sum, using transversals as proof Create and solve five real-world STORY PROBLEMS using transversals of parallel lines and five types of angles created Create a GAME with at least 20 problems (and answers) angle sum and exterior angles of triangles Create a QUIZ and answer key with 10 problems using the angle sum of a triangle, with transversals as proof


30 Volume of Cylinders, Cones, & Spheres Choice Board Directions: Complete three activities from this board. You must choose one from each row. Due Date: Make a POWERPOINT presentation showing how to find the volume of a cylinder in real-world and mathematical problems Design a PAGE from a math book that shows how to find the volume of a cone in real-world and mathematical problems Make a POSTER showing how to find the volume of a sphere in real-world and mathematical problems Write a LETTER to a friend helping them find the volume of a cylinder in real-world and mathematical problems Write a math RAP/RHYME explaining how to find the volume of a cone in real-world and mathematical problems Write a PARAGRAPH explaining how to find the volume of a sphere in real-world and mathematical problems Create a GAME with at least 20 problems (and answers) finding the volume of cylinders in realworld and mathematical problems Create and solve seven real-world STORY PROBLEMS requiring volume of a cone Create a QUIZ and answer key with 20 problems finding the volume of spheres in real-world and mathematical problems

31 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Your PowerPoint presentation should have at least five slides, including a title slide. Be sure to include examples when appropriate. Your descriptions must be easy to understand and include all necessary steps. When your presentation is complete, it to me at:

32 PAGE From a Math Book As you complete this activity, think about what a page in a math book looks like. You should see an example that shows every step. All details need to be clearly explained. Finally, it should be colorful so that it is interesting for the reader.

33 POSTER When you create you poster, remember that it may hang on your classroom wall for all the students to see. With this in mind, make sure that your writing is large enough to be read from a distance. Your poster should include an example that shows every step. All details need to be clearly explained. Finally, it should be colorful so that students want to read it.

34 STORY PROBLEMS Story problems are based on real-world scenarios. When you write your story problems, think about life outside of your math classroom. Make sure that your scenarios are realistic and challenging! You must include all the information needed to solve the problem. Finally, show how to solve each one of your problems.

35 RAP/RHYME Your Rap or Rhyme must have a rhythmic sound when read aloud. It should be enjoyable for your listeners. You need to be sure to describe all the necessary steps. Make sure that a listener would be able to understand how to solve a problem after they listen to you. You can describe an example as well.

36 LETTER You are writing a letter to a friend to help them understand a concept or problem solving strategy in math. Write your letter in a friendly format (include Dear and Sincerely, ). Write in paragraph form, not a bulleted or numbered list. If you wish to include an example, you can break from the paragraph form to show your example.

37 PARAGRAPH When you write your paragraph, try to imagine that the person reading it has never learned about your topic before. You need to describe every detail clearly, so that they can understand it. Explain each step so that your reader could accurately solve a problem using your strategy. If you would like to include an example, you may put it underneath your paragraph.

38 QUIZ Create a quiz that covers all the necessary parts of your topic. Your problems should range from easy to very challenging. Show as much variety as you can in the problems you create. When you create your answer key, be sure to show all the work needed to solve every problem.

39 GAME You can create a board game or a card game for this choice board option. Your game should be fun and interesting for people to play. Be creative and colorful in your design. Write your directions clearly. Most importantly, incorporate your math problems into the game. Show your answers so the players can check their work.

40 Clarity Neatness All descriptions and work shown are easy for the reader to understand Choice Board Rubric Score Most Some Descriptions Descriptions descriptions descriptions or work and work and work and work shown are are not shown are shown are not easy for present easy for the easy for the the reader reader to reader to to understand understand understand All work and writing is easy to read and visually appealing Accuracy All problems are solved accurately and all necessary work is shown Rigor All problems were created with an appropriate level of difficulty Most work and writing is easy to read and visually appealing Most problems are solved accurately and all necessary work is shown Most problems were created with an appropriate level of difficulty Some work and writing is easy to read and visually appealing Some problems are solved accurately and all necessary work is shown Some problems were created with an appropriate level of difficulty Work or writing is not easy to read and visually appealing Problems are not solved accurately and all necessary work is not shown Problems have not been created with an appropriate level of difficulty Work and writing are not present Problems are not solved Problems have not been created Total :

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