Enjoy Life on Earth. Forever!

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1 Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!

2 Who Created You? CONTENTS Pictures 1-7 Why Does Man Die? 8-14 What Is Death? God Destroys a Bad World Will God Destroy Bad People Again? Jehovah Gives Us a Savior How We Are Saved from Sin and Death A Heavenly King Brings Blessings to Earth What Should You Do? WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA All rights reserved P ublishers WATCHTOW ER B IB L E AND TRACT SO CIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. IN TER N A TIO N A L B IB LE STU D EN TS ASSOCIATION B rooklyn, New Y ork, U.S.A. First Edition: 10,000,000 Copies Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! English (le-e) Made in the United States of America If you would like additional information, you may write to the office of the Watch Tower Society nearest to you, as shown below: AMERICA, U.S., 25 C olum bia H ts., B rooklyn, N.Y AUSTRALIA, Box 280, Ingleburn, N.S.W CANADA, B ox 4100, G eorgetow n, O n tario L7G 4Y4 NEW ZEALAND, P.O. Box 142, M anurew a NIGERIA, P.M.B. 1090, B enin City, Bendel S tate P H IL IP P IN E S, P.O. Box 2044, 1099 M anila ENGLAND, The Ridgeway, London NW7 1RN SOUTH AFRICA, Private Bag 2067, K rugersdorp, 1740

3 Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! This brochure is printed to help you to know who made the earth and all the things th a t are on it. You are going to learn th a t God, who made th e earth, has a nam e. H erein we will also explain why God m ade m an and how you can enjoy life on e a rth forever. We hope th a t the m any pictures will help you to visualize these things better. To get the greatest benefit, you should read the Bible texts th a t are cited beside most of the pictures. In th a t way, you will get to read for yourself some of the good promises of God th a t are in the Bible and w hat God says you should do to receive th e fulfillm ent of these promises. You may also wish to use this brochure to help other people. If you have children, you can use it to help them to learn about God. If you live in a country where m any adults are unable to read, you can use the pictures to help them to understand God s purposes so th a t they, in turn, can help their neighbors. We sincerely hope th a t studying this inform ation will open the way for you to receive many blessings, even to showing others how to live forever here on earth.

4 Who created you? 1 God m ade th e h eav en s a n d th e e a r th. Genesis 1:1 JEHOVAH 2 God h a s a nam e. H is n a m e is Je h o v ah. Psalm 83:18 Je h o v ah lives in heaven. He is a sp irit. Y ou c a n n o t see him. Isaiah 66:1; John 1:18; 4:24 3 Je h o v ah G od m ade m an y angels in heaven. T hey a re also spirits. T hey w ere all good. In th e p a st th ey som etim es took on h u m a n form so th a t m en could see them. Hebrews 1:7

5 4 Je h o v ah m ade th e a n im a ls a long tim e ago, before he m ade m a n. Genesis 1:25 5 Jeh o v ah also m ade a m a n n am ed A dam a n d his wife n am ed Eve. Genesis 1:27 God placed th em in a b e a u tifu l g arden, or p aradise. H e m ade only one wife for A dam. T h e m a n w as to sta y w ith his one wife. Genesis 2:8, 21, 22, A nim als a re souls. Genesis 1:24 M an is a soul. Genesis 2:7

6 Why does man die? 8 Jeh o v ah God w an ted m a n to m ak e th e w hole e a rth b e a u tifu l a paradise for all to enjoy. Genesis 1:28 H u m an s could have lived forever, if A dam a n d Eve h a d obeyed Jeh o v ah. T hey were told n o t to e a t from th e tre e of know ledge of good a n d b a d. Genesis 2: A n angel becam e bad a n d used a se rp e n t to cause Eve an d A dam to disobey G o d. Genesis 3:1-6 T h e angel th a t deceived Eve cam e to be called th e original serp en t, Devil a n d S a ta n.' Revelation 12:9

7 11 Jehovah drove th a t disobedient pair out of paradise. Genesis 3:23, Adam and Eve had children, but the whole family was not happy. Genesis 3:17, So they died like the animals. They had to grow old and die, as Jehovah had said. Genesis 3:19; Romans 5:12 All souls on earth die. Ecclesiastes 3:18-20; Ezekiel 18:4

8 What is death? W hen m an dies, he re tu rn s to th e dust. He does n o t know a n y th in g anym ore. Psalm 146:4 D ead people c a n n o t ta lk to you or do an y th in g. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 / B u t m an y angels becam e bad. Now th ey p re te n d to be people w ho have died. T hey w a n t to m ake us believe we do n o t really die. Genesis 6:1, 2; Jude 6 17 So Jeh o v ah G od does n o t w a n t us to believe th o se bad angels, called dem ons. Exodus 22:18; Deuteronomy 18:10, 11; 32:17 He does n o t w a n t u s to c a rry on voodoo, w itch c raft or ju ju. Galatians 5:19-21

9 18 God destroys a bad world A dam s offspring becam e m any. T hey also becam e very bad. God decided to destroy th em. Genesis 6:1, 5, 7 19 B u t th e re w as a good m a n n a m e d N oah, Genesis 6:8, 9 Je h o v a h G od told h im to build a very big b o a t in w hich h e an d his fam ily w ould be saved w hen th e bad people w ere being destroyed. T h is b o at w as sh ap ed like a big box. I t was called a n ark. Genesis 6:13, 14

10 20 T hey took m an y a n im a ls in to th e a rk. Genesis 6: Jeh o v ah caused a very big ra in to fall. All th e bad people died. T hose in th e a rk w ere saved. Do you know why? Genesis 6:17; 7:11, 12, 21; 1 Peter 3:10-12

11 22 Will God destroy bad people again? People today are very bad, too. W hat bad things are being done here? 23 Some kill other people. God says you m ust not do this. Exodus 20:13; 1 John 3:11, 12

12 24 Som e steal. God says you m u st n o t steal. Exodus 20:15; Ephesians 4:28 25 Do you rem em b er th a t G od gave A dam only one wife? Genesis 2:22, 24 Som e people m a rry m an y wives. O th e rs live w ith tw o o r m ore w om en in se p a ra te hom es. S till o th e r couples live to g e th e r w ith o u t being m arrie d a t all. T his is all a g a in st w h a t th e B ible says. M atthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:1-4; 1 Timothy 3:1, 2

13 27 Som e w orship idols. God says you m u st n o t use idols or im ages in w orship. Exodus 20:4, 5; Isaiah 44:9-17; 1 John 5:21 28 Jeh o v ah will destroy th e bad ones who do n o t change. Psalm 37:9, 10; Luke 13:5; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10

14 Jehovah gives us a Savior T h e first sp irit p erso n G od m ade was like a firstb o rn son to him. Jeh o v ah se n t his S on to be born on e a rth. H e w as n am ed Jesus. H is m o th e r s n a m e was M ary. Luke 1:30-35 loves h im very m u c h a n d will use him to destroy bad people a n d save obedient ones. John 3:16, W h en Je su s grew u p h e ta u g h t m an y good th in g s. H e ta u g h t th a t Je h o v a h alo n e is th e tr u e God. Mark 12:29, 30 Jesu s said th a t we sh o u ld w orship only J e h o v a h. Matthew 4:10; John 4:23, 24 H e also ta u g h t people a b o u t J e h o v a h s k in g d o m. Luke 17:20, 21

15 32 Je su s healed th e sick a n d did m an y good th in g s. H e did n o t do bad th in g s. Acts 10:38; 1 Peter 2:21, 22 B u t how w ould h e save u s from sin a n d d eath? He h a d to offer a sacrifice to G od to save good people. In th e past, God told people to sacrifice a n im a ls for th e ir sins. Hebrews 7:25, 27 Je su s did n o t sacrifice anim als. H e gave him self as a sacrifice for us. Matthew 20:28; Hebrews 10:12 Do you know why?

16 35 How we are saved from sin and death Do you rem em b er th a t A dam, th e first m an, sinned? He lost life a n d p aradise, a n d all of u s die, too, because we a re his children. Romans 5:12; 3:23 36 W e could get b ack th is p erfe c t life, if a n o th e r p erfect m an gave u p his life for us, or ran so m e d u s fro m d eath. 1 Corinthians 15:45; Rom ans 5:19, Je su s w as G od s Son. H e was a p erfect m an, He did n o t sin. Hebrews 5:9; 7:26 H e allow ed him self to be killed by people w ho did n o t love God. Acts 2:23 T h is w as a sacrifice of him self for us. 1 Timothy 2:6

17 39 Je su s w as b u ried in a carv ed -o u t cave o r tom b. He was dead for th re e days. T h e n God raised h im u p. Acts 2:24 40 H e w en t back to heaven. H e c a n now ask G od to help th o se w ho obey God. Hebrews 9:24; 1 John 2:1, 2

18 A heavenly king brings blessings to earth 41 Jeh o v a h m ade Je su s K ing in heaven. Isaiah 9:6; Daniel 7:13, 14; Acts 2: H e will ru le over th e w hole e a rth. Daniel 7:14; M atthew 28:18

19 Do you remember 43 w hat will happen to the bad people? Psalm 37:9, 10; Luke 13:5 44 Do you remember the nam e of the first angel th a t sinned? Jesus will remove him and the other bad angels. Their idols and images will be destroyed. Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 20:2, Jesus will do many good things for th e obedient people. Hebrews 5:9 46 No one will be sick anymore. Isaiah 33:24; Revelation 22:1, 2 Do you remember how Jesus healed sick people?

20 47 Everybody will have good things. Isaiah 65:17, God remembers even people who have died. He will use Jesus to bring them back to life again. This is called th e resurrection. John 5:28, 29; 11:25

21 49 A fter bad people a re all killed off, nobody will die anym ore. E ven th e wild a n im a ls will n o t be dangerous. E veryone will be h ap p y forever. Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 65:25; Psalm 37:11, 29

22 50 What should you do? 51 Do you w a n t to live forever in th a t b e a u tifu l paradise? T h e n le a rn m ore a b o u t w h a t God says. T ry to le a rn to read th e Bible. John 17:3; Revelation 1:3 L e a rn m ore a b o u t Jesus. Deuteronomy 18:18, 19; John 3:16; Acts 3: T ry to do only good th in g s a n d obey Jeh o v ah. Romans 6:17, 18, 22

23 53 54 R em em ber, Je h o v a h says we m u st n o t kill people. Exodus 20:13; 1 John 3:11, 12 W e m u st n o t ta k e th in g s th a t belong to o th e r people. Exodus 20:15; Ephesians 4: Do you rem em b er how m an y wives G od allow s a h u sb a n d to have? How long sh o u ld a h u sb a n d sta y w ith his wife? Genesis 2:22, 24; Matthew 19:5, 6; 1 Corinthians 7:2, 10, 11 A m an should n o t live a n d sleep w ith a w om an unless she is his ow n wife. Exodus 20:14, 17; 1 Thessalonians 4:3

24 57 R em em ber, too, th a t we m u st w orship only Jeh o v ah. M atthew 4:10; 1 Corinthians 8: W hy is it bad to have c h a rm s a n d use juju? Deuteronomy 18:10-13; Revelation 21:8 Idols a n d im ages c a n n o t help us. W hy? 1 Corinthians 8:4 Is it good to have idols? Deuteronomy 27:15; 1 John 60 T he bad angels or dem ons rebelled ag a in st God. T hey use fo rtu n e -tellers to m islead h u m an s. Acts 16:16 5:21

25 61 We m ust pray to God. Prayer means to talk to God, to tell him we w ant to serve him and to ask for his help. Philippians 4:6, 7 62 We m ust obey Jesus and put faith in him. Hebrews 5:9; John 3:16 63 Remember th a t he died to save us. Romans 5:8

26 64 R em em ber th a t Jesu s is o u r invisible K ing. W e should obey him. Philippians 2:9-11; Revelation 19:16

27 65 Jesu s said th a t you should tell o th ers a b o u t th e good th in g s you a re learn in g an d th a t those w ho w a n t to serve God should be baptized. Matthew 28:19, 20; John 4: So you can ta lk to y o u r friends ab o u t th ese good things. M atthew 10:32 If you le a rn to read well, you c a n le a rn m an y m ore th in g s a n d will be able to help o th ers better. 2 Timothy 2:15

28 68 Jesu s also ta u g h t little c h ild re n to obey God, He was n ev er too busy to ta lk to them. M atthew 19: P a re n ts should alw ays teach th e ir children to obey God an d love him. Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; Proverbs 6:20-22; Ephesians 6:4 70 T h e re a re m an y different c h u rch es. M any of th e ir teachin g s a re n o t from th e Bible. Je h o v a h tells u s to leave religions th a t do n o t te a c h th e tr u th. Revelation 18:4; > John 4:23, 24

29 71 Jeh o v ah h a s people on e a rth w ho c a n te a c h you m ore a b o u t him. Do you know w ho th e y are? Acts 15:14; Romans 10:14, T hey a re J e h o v a h s W itnesses. T hey have peace am ong them selves. Do you know why? Because th ey love one a n o th e r. Isaiah 43:10-12; John 13:34, B ecause th e y also love Jeh o v ah, th e y have been baptized. T h is is how th e y show publicly t h a t th ey hav e left th e ir bad way of life an d w a n t to spend th e ir lives serving God. Acts 2:41

30 74 Je h o v a h s W itnesses hope to live in th e b e a u tifu l new paradise. Psalm 37:9-11, W h a t can you do so as to live th e re w ith them? James 1:22, 25; 2:20-26 Jo in w ith th em in learn in g to serve Jehovah. T hey love and obey Je h o v ah a n d C h rist Jesus. Do you love them? W ould you like to help o th ers to know ab o u t God? John 6:45-47

31 76 Je h o v a h a n d C h rist Je su s love you a n d w a n t you to live forever in p arad ise John 3:16 W h a t you have learn ed from considering th e p ic tu re s a n d in fo rm a tio n c o n tain ed in th is booklet h a s su rely given you th e d esire to enjoy life on e a rth forever. If you w ould like to learn m ore a b o u t th is, we suggest th a t you ta lk to one of J e h o v a h s W itnesses locally. O r, you m ay w rite, or hav e som eone w rite for you, to th e office n e a re st to w here you live, as show n in th e list of addresses o n page tw o of th is booklet.

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