P. J. Cameron a,1 H. R. Maimani b,d G. R. Omidi b,c B. Tayfeh-Rezaie b

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1 3-designs from PSL(, q P. J. Cameron a,1 H. R. Maimani b,d G. R. Omidi b,c B. Tayfeh-Rezaie b a School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, U.K. b Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM, Iran c Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran, Iran d Department of Mathematics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran Abstract The group PSL(, q is 3-homogeneous on the projective line when q is a prime power congruent to 3 modulo 4 and therefore it can be used to construct 3-designs. In this paper, we determine all 3-designs admitting PSL(, q with block size not congruent to 0 and 1 modulo p where q = p n. Key words: t-designs, automorphism groups, projective special linear groups, subgroup lattices, Möbius function 1 Introduction The group PSL(, q is 3-homogeneous on the projective line when q is a prime power congruent to 3 modulo 4. Therefore, a set of k-subsets of the projective line is the block set of a 3-(q + 1, k, λ design admitting PSL(, q for some λ if and only if it is a union of orbits of PSL(, q. This simple observation has led different authors to use this group for constructing 3-designs, see for example [1 3,6,8 10]. All 3-designs with block sizes 4, 5, and 6 admitting PSL(, q as an automorphism group were completely determined [,10]. Other authors have also obtained partial results for a variety of values of block size. In this paper, we investigate the existence of 3-designs with block size not congruent to 0 and 1 modulo p (q = p n with automorphism group PSL(, q. In particular, when q is prime, we give a complete solution. We hope to settle the general problem in a forthcoming paper. 1 Corresponding author, p.j.cameron@qmul.ac.uk. Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 8 May 004

2 Notation and Preliminaries Let t, k, v, and λ be integers such that 0 t k v and λ > 0. Let X be a v-set and P k (X denote the set of all k-subsets of X. A t-(v, k, λ design is a pair D = (X, D in which D is a collection of elements of P k (X (called blocks such that every t-subset of X appears in exactly λ blocks. If D has no repeated blocks, then it is called simple. Here we are concerned only with simple designs. It is well known that a set of necessary conditions for the existence of a t-(v, k, λ design is ( v i λ 0 t i ( mod ( k i, (1 t i for 0 i t. An automorphism of D is a permutation σ on X such that σ(b D for each B D. An automorphism group of D is a group whose elements are automorphisms of D. Let G be a finite group acting on X. For x X, the orbit of x is G(x = {gx g G} and the stabilizer of x is G x = {g G gx = x}. It is well known that G = G(x G x. Orbits of size G are called regular and the others are called non-regular. If there is an x X such that G(x = X, then G is called transitive. The action of G on X induces a natural action on P k (X. If this latter action is transitive, then G is called k-homogeneous. Let q be a prime power and let X = GF (q { }. Then the set of all mappings g : x ax + b cx + d, on X such that a, b, c, d GF (q, ad bc is a nonzero square and g( = a/c, g( d/c = if c 0, and g( = if c = 0, is a group under composition of mappings called projective special linear group and is denoted by PSL(, q. It is well known that PSL(, q is 3-homogeneous if and only if q 3 (mod 4. Note that PSL(, q = (q 3 q/. Throughout this paper, we let q be a power of a prime p and congruent to 3 (mod 4. Since PSL(, q is 3- homogeneous, a set of k-subsets is a 3-(q + 1, k, λ design admitting PSL(, q as an automorphism group if and only if it is a union of orbits of PSL(, q on P k (X. Thus, for constructing designs with block size k admitting PSL(, q, we need to determine the sizes of orbits in the action of PSL(, q on P k (X. Let H PSL(, q and let define f k (H := the number of k-subsets fixed by H, g k (H := the number of k-subsets with the stabilizer group H.

3 Then we have f k (H = g k (U. ( H U PSL(,q We are mostly interested in finding g k which help us directly to obtain the sizes of orbits. It is a fairly simple task to find f k and then to use it to compute g k. By Möbius inversion applied to (, we have g k (H = H U PSL(,q f k (Uµ(H, U, (3 where µ is the Möbius function of the subgroup lattice of PSL(, q. For any subgroup H of PSL(, q we need to carry out the following: (i Find the sizes of orbits from the action of H on the projective line and then compute f k (H. (ii Calculate µ(h, U for any overgroup U of H and then compute g k (H using (3. Note that if H and H are conjugate, then f k (H = f k (H and g k (H = g k (H. In Section 4, we determine the action of subgroups of PSL(, q on the projective line. Section 5 is devoted to the Möbius function on the subgroup lattices of subgroups of PSL(, q. We will compute f k and g k in Sections 6 and 7, respectively and then will use the results to find new 3-designs with automorphism group PSL(, q in Section 8. The following useful lemma is trivial by (1. Lemma 1 Let B be a k-subset of the projective line, and let G be its stabilizer group under the action of PSL(, q. Then G divides 3 ( k 3. 3 The subgroups of PSL(, q The subgroups of PSL(, q are well known and given in [4,7]. In the following theorems and lemmas we present a brief account on the structure of elements and subgroups of PSL(, q. These information will be used in the subsequent sections. Theorem [4,7] Let g be a nontrivial element in PSL(, q of order d and with f fixed points. Then d = p and f = 1, d q+1 and f = 0, or d q 1 and f =. 3

4 Theorem 3 [4,7] The subgroups of PSL(, q are as follows. (i q(q 1/ cyclic subgroups of order d where d q±1. (ii q(q 1/(4d dihedral subgroups of order d where d q±1 and d > and q(q 1/4 subgroups D 4. (iii q(q 1/4 subgroups A 4. (iv q(q 1/4 subgroups S 4 when q 7 (mod 8. (v q(q 1/60 subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod 10. (vi p n (p n 1/(p m (p m 1 subgroups PSL(, p m where m n. (vii The elementary Abelian group of order p m for m n. (viii A semidirect product of the elementary Abelian group of order p m and the cyclic group of order d where d q 1 and d p m 1. In this paper we are specially interested in the subgroups (i-(v in Theorem 3. Note that isomorphic subgroups of PSL(, q of types (i (v in Theorem 3 are conjugate in PGL(, q. Now since PSL(, q is normal in PGL(, q, for any subgroup of PSL(, q of types (i-(v one can easily find the number of overgroups which are of these types using Theorem 3. We have the following lemmas. Lemma 4 C d has a unique subgroup C l for any l > 1 and l d. The nontrivial subgroups of the dihedral group D d are as follows: d/l subgroups D l for any l d and l > 1, a unique subgroup C l for any l d and l >, d subgroups C if d is odd and d + 1 subgroups C otherwise. Moreover D d has a normal subgroup C if and only if d is even. Lemma 5 The conjugacy classes of nontrivial subgroups of A 4, S 4, and A 5 are as follows. Lemma 6 Let l q±1 d group C C C 3 C 4 C 5 D 4 D 4 D 6 D 8 D 10 A 4 A S A and f q±1. (i Any C d is contained in a unique C ld. (ii If d >, then any C d is contained in (q ± 1/(ld subgroups D ld. (iii Any C is contained in (q + 1/4 subgroups D 4, (q + 1/ subgroups D f if f > 1 is odd, and (q + 1(f + 1/(f subgroups D f if f is even. (iv If d >, then any D d is contained in a unique D ld. (v Any D 4 is contained in 3 subgroups D f for f > even. 4

5 Lemma 7(i Any C is contained in (q + 1/ subgroups S 4 as a subgroup C of S 4 with 6 conjugates (see Lemma 5 when q 7 (mod 8. (ii Any C is contained in (q + 1/ subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod 10. (iii Let 3 q±1. Then any C 3 is contained in (q ± 1/3 subgroups A 4, (q ± 1/3 subgroups S 4 when q 7 (mod 8, and (q ±1/3 subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod 10. (iv Any A 4 is contained in a unique S 4 when q 7 (mod 8 and subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod 10. Lemma 8(i Any D 4 is contained in a unique A 4 and if q 7 (mod 8, then it is in a unique S 4 in which it is normal. (ii Any D 6 is contained in subgroups S 4 when q 7 (mod 8 and subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod 10. (iii Any D 8 is contained in subgroups S 4 when q 7 (mod 8. (iv Any D 10 is contained in subgroups A 5 when q ±1 (mod The action of subgroups on the projective line In this section we determine the sizes of orbits from the action of subgroups of PSL(, q on the projective line. Here, the main tool is the following observation: If H K PSL(, q, then any orbit of K is a union of orbits of H. In the following lemmas we suppose that H is a subgroup of PSL(, q and N l denotes the number of orbits of size l. Lemma 9 Let H be the cyclic group of order d. Then (i if d q+1, then N d = (q + 1/d, (ii if d q 1, then N 1 = and N d = (q 1/d. PROOF. This is trivial by Theorem. Lemma 10 Let H be the dihedral group of order d. Then (i if d q+1, then N d = (q + 1/(d, (ii if d q 1, then N = 1 and N d = (q 1/(d. PROOF. (i H has a cycle subgroup of order d and therefore by Lemma 9, its orbit sizes are multiples of d. Since H has at least d elements of order which are fixed point free, it does not have orbits of size d. Therefore all orbits are of size d. 5

6 (ii Since H has a cycle subgroup of order, all orbits are of even size. On the other hand, H has a cycle subgroup of order d and therefore by Lemma 9, we have one orbit of size and all other orbits are regular. Lemma 11 Let H be the group A 4. Then (i if 3 q+1, then N 1 = (q + 1/1, (ii if 3 q 1, then N 4 = and N 1 = (q 7/1, (iii if 3 q, then N 4 = 1 and N 1 = (q 3/1. PROOF. If B is a 6-subset of the projective line, then G B 6 (see [10, Lemma.1]. Hence N 6 = 0. There is an element of order in H. So by Lemma 9, all orbits are of even order. (i H has a fixed point free element of order 3 and therefore by Lemma 9, its orbit sizes are multiples of 6. Since N 6 = 0, all orbits are regular. (ii H has an element of order 3 with two fixed points. Hence by Lemma 9, orbit sizes are,4,1. If N = 1, then N 4 = 0 and N 1 = (q 1/1 which is not integer. So N = 0, N 4 =, and N 1 = (q 7/1. (ii H has an element of order 3 with one fixed point. Hence by Lemma 9, orbit sizes are 4 and 1. We have N 4 = 1 and N 1 = (q 3/1. Lemma 1 Let H be the group S 4. Then (i if 3 q+1, then N 4 = (q + 1/4, (ii if 3 q 1, then N 8 = 1 and N 4 = (q 7/4. PROOF. We have q 7 (mod 8. Hence 3 q. Note that H has a subgroup A 4. Therefore, by Lemma 11, orbits are of sizes 4,8,1,4. If B is a 4-subset of the projective line, then by Lemma 1, G B 1 and so N 4 = 0. By a similar argument, N 1 = 0. (i It is obvious by Lemma 11(i. (ii By Lemma 11(ii, we necessarily have N 8 = 1 and all other orbits of size 4. Lemma 13 the Let H be group A 5. Then (i if 15 q+1, then N 60 = (q + 1/60, (ii if 3 q+1 and 5 q 1, then N 1 = 1 and N 60 = (q 11/60, (iii if 3 q 1 and 5 q+1, then N 0 = 1 and N 60 = (q 11/60, 6

7 (iv if 15 q 1, then N 1 = 1, N 0 = 1, and N 60 = (q 31/60. PROOF. We have q ±1 (mod 10. Hence 3 q and 5 q±1. Note that H has a subgroup A 4. (i By Lemma 11(i, all orbit sizes are multiples of 1. On the other hand, H has a fixed point free element of order 5 which means that all orbit sizes are multiples of 5. Therefore, all orbits are regular. (ii By Lemma 11(i, all orbit sizes are multiples of 1. On the other hand, H has an element of order 5 with two fixed points which implies the existence of one orbit of sizes 1. Hence, N 1 = 1 and all other orbits of size 60. (iii If B is a 4-subset of the projective line, then by Lemma 1, G B 1 and so N 4 = 0. Now by Lemma 11(ii, we have one orbit of size 0 and all other orbits are of orders 1 or 60. On the other hand, H has a fixed point free element of order 5 which means that all orbit sizes are multiples of 5. Therefore, N 1 = 0 and all remaining orbits are regular. (iv Similar to (iii, we have one orbit of size 0 and all other orbits are of orders 1 or 60. On the other hand, H has an element of order 5 with two fixed points which forces N 1 = 1 and all other orbits to be regular. Lemma 14 Let H be the elementary Abelian group of order p m. Then N 1 = 1 and N p m = p n m. PROOF. By the Cauchy-Frobenius lemma, the number of orbits is p n m +1. Note that all orbit sizes are powers of p. Therefore, we just have one orbit of size one and all other orbits are regular. Lemma 15 Let H be a semidirect product of the elementary Abelian group of order p m and the cyclic group of order d where d q 1 and d p m 1. Then N 1 = 1, N p m = 1, and N dp m = (p n p m /(dp m. PROOF. H has an elementary Abelian subgroup of order p m. So by Lemma 14, we have one orbit of size 1 and all other orbit sizes are multiples of p m. On the other hand, H has a cyclic subgroup of order d and therefore by Lemma 9, orbit sizes are congruent 0 or 1 module d. If congruent 0 module d, then orbit size is necessarily dp m. Otherwise, orbit size must be 1 or p m. Now the assertion follows from the fact that an element of order d has two fixed points. Lemma 16 Let H be PSL(, p m where m n. Then N p m +1 = 1 and all other orbits are regular. 7

8 PROOF. All subgroups of the form PSL(, p m of PSL(, q are conjugate [4]. So we can suppose that H is the group with elements x ax+b, a, b, c, d cx+d GF (p m, where GF (p m is the unique subfield of order p m of GF (p n. Since H is transitive on GF (p m we have an orbit of size p m + 1. H has a subgroup of order p m (p m 1/ which is a semidirect product of the elementary Abelian group of order p m and the cyclic group of order (p m 1/. So by Lemma 15, all other orbits of H are multiples of p m (p m 1/. On the other hand H has an fixed point free element of order (p m + 1/ which forces orbits to be of sizes of multiples of (p m + 1/. Hence all orbits except one are regular. We summarize the results of the previous lemmas in the following theorem. Theorem 17 The sizes of non-regular orbits for any subgroup H of PSL(, q are as given in Table 1. (Subgroups with no non-regular orbits do not appear in the table. H Condition T he sizes of non-regular orbits C d D d A 4 d q 1 1, 1 d q 1 3 q 1 4, 4 A 4 3 q 4 S 4 3 q 1 8 A 5 3 q+1 q 1, 5 1 A 5 A 5 3 q 1 q+1, q 1 1, 0 Z m p m n 1 Z m p C d m n, d (p n 1, p m 1 1, p m PSL(, p m m n p m + 1 Table 1 Sizes of non-regular orbits of subgroups 8

9 5 The Möbius function of the subgroup lattice of subgroups of PSL(, q In this section we do some calculations on the Möbius function of the lattice of subgroups of PSL(, q which will be useful in Section 7. We start with the cyclic subgroups C d. Lemma 18 µ(1, C d = µ(d and µ(c l, C d = µ(d/l if l d. PROOF. Since C l is normal in C d, we have µ(c l, C d = µ(1, C d/l. So it suffices to find µ(1, C d. By Lemma 4, C d has a unique subgroup of order m for any divisor m of d. Therefore, m d µ(1, C m = 0. On the other hand m d µ(m = 0 and µ(1 = 1. So by the initial condition µ(1, 1 = 1, we obtain that µ(1, C d = µ(d. Lemma 19 Let d > 1. (i µ(1, D d = dµ(d, (ii µ(d l, D d = µ(d/l, (iii µ(c l, D d = (d/lµ(d/l if l d and l >, (iv µ(c, D d = (d/µ(d/ if C is normal in D d and µ(c, D d = µ(d otherwise. PROOF. (i We have µ(1, D d = 1 H<D d µ(1, H = µ(1, C m m d = d m µ(1, D m. m d,m d m d,m d d m µ(1, D m On the other hand, dµ(d = m d,m d d mµ(m and µ( =. So by the m initial condition µ(1, D 4 =, we obtain that µ(1, D d = dµ(d. (ii Let D l H D d and H = ml. Then H is unique and it is a dihedral group. Now we have µ(d l, D d = m d l,m µ(d d l, D ml. On the other l hand, µ( d = l m d l,m µ(m and µ(1 = 1. So by the initial condition d l µ(d l, D l = 1, we obtain that µ(d l, D d = µ(d/l. (iii since C l is normal in D d it is obvious by (i. 9

10 (iv If C is normal in D d, then the assertion follows by (i. Otherwise, a similar argument to (ii is applied. Lemma 0 µ(1, A 4 = 4, µ(c, A 4 = 0, µ(c 3, A 4 = 1, and µ(d 4, A 4 = 1. PROOF. The subgroup lattice of A 4 is shown in Figure 1. So the assertion can easily be verified. Lemma 1 µ(a 4, S 4 = 1, µ(d 8, S 4 = 1, µ(d 6, S 4 = 1, µ(c 4, S 4 = 0, µ(d 4, S 4 = 3 for normal subgroup D 4 of S 4 and µ(d 4, S 4 = 0 otherwise, µ(c 3, S 4 = 1, µ(c, S 4 = 0 if C is a subgroup with 3 conjugates (see Lemma 5 and µ(c, S 4 = otherwise, and µ(1, S 4 = 1. PROOF. The subgroup lattice of S 4 is obtained by GAP [5]. The maximal subgroups of S 4 are A 4, D 8, and D 6. Therefore, µ(a 4, S 4 = µ(d 8, S 4 = µ(d 6, S 4 = 1. Any subgroup C 4 is contained in a unique maximal subgroup D 8 of S 4. Hence, µ(c 4, S 4 = 0. This is true also for subgroup D 4 which is not normal. Using the sublattices of subgroups of S 4 containing D 4, C 3, or C shown in Figure, the calculation of the remaining cases is straightforward. Note that µ(1, S 4 is already known [11] and it is also obtained by the relation 1 H S 4 µ(h, S 4 = 0 and the previous results. A 4 D 4 C 3 C 3 C C C3 C C 3 1 Fig. 1. The subgroup lattice of A 4 Lemma µ(a 4, A 5 = 1, µ(d 10, A 5 = 1, µ(d 6, A 5 = 1, µ(c 5, A 5 = 0, µ(d 4, A 5 = 0, µ(c 3, A 5 =, µ(c, A 5 = 4, and µ(1, A 5 = 60, PROOF. The subgroup lattice of A 5 is obtained by GAP [5]. The maximal subgroups of A 5 are A 4, D 10, and D 6. Therefore, µ(a 4, A 5 = µ(d 10, A 5 = µ(d 6, A 5 = 1. Any subgroup C 5 is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of A 5. Hence, µ(c 5, A 5 = 0. This is true also for any subgroup D 4. Using the 10

11 S 4 D 8 D 8 D 8 A 4 D 4 S 4 D 6 D 4 C D 8 D 6 S 4 D 6 A 4 C 3 S 4 D 8 D 8 D 8 A 4 C 4 D 4 D 4 C Fig.. The sublattices of subgroups of S 4 containing D 4, C 3, or C A 5 A 4 A 4 D 6 C 3 A 5 A 4 D 10 D 6 D 4 D 6 D 10 C Fig. 3. The sublattices of subgroups of A 5 containing C 3, or C sublattices of subgroups of A 5 containing C 3 or C shown in Figure 3, the calculation of the remaining cases is straightforward. Note that µ(1, A 5 is found using the relation 1 H A 5 µ(h, A 5 = 0 and the preceding results. 6 Determination of f k In Section 4, we determined the sizes of orbits from the action of subgroups of PSL(, q on the projective line. The results can be used to calculate f k (H for any subgroup H and 1 k q + 1. Suppose that H has r i orbits of size 11

12 l i (1 i s. Then by the definition we have ( s ( ri f k (H =. s i=1 m il i =k i=1 m i Any subgroup of PSL(, q has at most two non-regular orbits and so it is an easy task to compute f k. Theorem 3 Let z(h denote the sum of sizes of the non-regular orbits of subgroup H of PSL(, q and let k l (mod H where l < H. Then f k (H = c ( (q+1 z(h/ H (k l/ H in which (i c = 1 if l is a sum of some non-regular orbit sizes (possibly none and H has no two non-regular orbits of size l, (ii c = if H has two non-regular orbits of size l, (iii c = 0 otherwise. In Table, we present the values of f k (H for subgroups H of PSL(, q and k for which f k (H is nonzero. 7 Determination of g k In this section, we suppose that 1 k q + 1 and k 0, 1 (mod p and try to calculate g k (H for subgroups H of PSL(, q. Note that the condition k 0, 1 (mod p imposes f k (H and g k (H to be zero for any subgroup H belonging to one of the classes (vi-(viii in Theorem 3. By g k (H = H U PSL(,q f k (Uµ(H, U, we only need to focus on those overgroups U of H for which f k (U and µ(h, U are nonzero. All what we need on overgroups are provided by Theorem 3 and Lemmas 6 8. The values of the Möbius function and f k have been determined in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. Now we are ready to compute g k. Theorem 4 g k (1 =f k (1 + q(q 1 (f k (A 4 6f k (S 4 1f k (A 5 + f k (D q(q 1 µ(lf k (C l q(q 1 µ(lf k (D l. 4 l>1,l q±1 l>,l q±1 1

13 H Condition on q l k (mod H f k (H 1 0 C d d q+1 0 C d C d d q 1 0, ( q+1 k ( (q+1/d (k l/d ( (q 1/d (k l/d d q 1 1 ( (q 1/d (k l/d D d d q+1 0 D d d q 1 0, A 4 3 q+1 0 A 4 A 4 3 q 1 0, 8 ( (q+1/d (k l/d ( (q 1/d (k l/d ( (q+1/1 (k l/1 ( (q 7/1 (k l/1 3 q 1 4 ( (q 7/1 (k l/1 A 4 3 q 0, 4 ( (q 3/1 (k l/1 S 4 3 q+1, 8 (q ( (q+1/4 (k l/4 S 4 3 q 1, 8 (q + 1 0, 8 ( (q 7/4 (k l/4 A 5 15 q+1 0 A 5 3 q+1 q 1, 5 0, 1 A 5 A 5 3 q 1 q+1, 5 0, 0 15 q 1 0, 1, 0, 3 Z m p m n 0, 1 Z m p C d d q 1, d pm 1 0, 1, p m, p m + 1 PSL(, p m m n 0, p m + 1 ( (q+1/60 (k l/60 ( (q 11/60 (k l/60 ( (q 19/60 (k l/60 ( (q 31/60 (k l/60 ( q/p m (k l/p m ( (q p m /dp m (k l/dp m ( (q p m /p m (p m 1 (k l/p m (p m 1 Table The nonzero values of f k (H for subgroups H of PSL(, q 13

14 Theorem 5 g k (C = q (4f k(s 4 + 8f k (A 5 f k (D l>1, l, l q±1 Theorem 6 Let 3 q±1. Then q + 1 µ(lf k(d l + l q±1 6 l>1, l q+1 4 l q+1 4 q + 1 µ(lf k (C l ( µ(l µ(l g k (C 3 = q ± 1 3 (f k(a 5 f k (A 4 f k (S 4 + ( µ(l f k (C 3l q ± 1 6 f k(d 6l. Theorem 7 Let d > 3 and d q±1. Then g k (C d = l q±1 d ( µ(l f k (C ld q ± 1 d f k(d ld. Theorem 8 Let h k (D d = l q±1 µ(lf k (D ld. Then d g k (D 4 = 3f k (S 4 f k (A 4 f k (D 4 + 3h k (D 4, g k (D 6 = f k (S 4 f k (A 5 + h k (D 6, g k (D 8 = f k (S 4 + h k (D 8, g k (D 10 = f k (A 5 + h k (D 10, and g k (D d = h k (D d if d > 5 and d q±1. f k (D 4l. Theorem 9 g k (A 4 = f k (A 4 f k (S 4 f k (A 5, g k (S 4 = f k (S 4, and g k (A 5 = f k (A Designs from PSL(, q We use the results of previous sections to show the existence of large families of new 3-designs. First we state the following simple result. Lemma 30 Let H be a subgroup of PSL(, q and let u(h denote the number of subgroups of PSL(, q isomorphic to H. Then the number of orbits of PSL(, q on k-subsets whose elements have stabilizers isomorphic to H is equal to u(hg k (H H / PSL(, q. PROOF. The number of k-subsets whose stabilizers are isomorphic to H is u(hg k (H and such k-subsets lie in orbits of size PSL(, q / H. 14

15 The lemma above and Theorem 3 help us to compute the sizes of orbits of the action of PSL(, q on k-subsets of the projective line. When the sizes of orbits are known, we can utilize them to determine all 3-designs from PSL(, q as shown in Theorem 3. Theorem 31 Let 1 k q + 1 and k 0, 1 (mod p. Then the sizes of orbits of G = PSL(, q on k-subsets are as in Table 3, where d q±1 and d > 1. orbit size G G 4 G 1 G 4 G 60 G d G d (d > number of orbits Table 3 Sizes of orbits on k-sets g k (1 q 3 q g k (D 4 3 g k (A 4 g k (S 4 g k (A 5 dg k(c d q±1 g k (D d Theorem 3 Let 3 k q and k 0, 1 (mod p. Then there exist 3-(q + 1, k, 3 ( k 3 λ designs with automorphism group PSL(, q if and only if λ = a 1 + a 4 + a a a d>1,d q±1 i d d + d>,d q±1 j d d, where a 1,..., a 5, i d, j d are non-negative integers satisfying a 1 g k (1/(q(q 1, a g k (D 4 /3, a 3 g k (A 4, a 4 g k (S 4, a 5 g k (A 5, i d dg k (C d /(q ± 1, j d g k (D d. References [1] T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, and H. Lenz, Design theory, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, [] C. A. Cusack, S. W. Graham, and D. L. Kreher, Large sets of 3-designs from PSL(, q, with block sizes 4 and 5, J. Combinatorial Designs 3 (1995, [3] C. A. Cusack and S. S. Magliveras, Semiregular large sets, Designs Codes Cryptogr. 18 (1999, [4] L. E. Dickson, Linear groups with an exposition of the Galois field theory, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, [5] The GAP Group, GAP Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, Version 4.3; 00, ( [6] D. R. Hughes, On t-designs and groups, Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965,

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3-Designs from PSL(2, q)

3-Designs from PSL(2, q) 3-Designs from PSL(, q P. J. Cameron a,1 H. R. Maimani b,d G. R. Omidi b,c B. Tayfeh-Rezaie b a School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, U.K. b Institute for Studies in Theoretical

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Permutation groups/1. 1 Automorphism groups, permutation groups, abstract Permutation groups Whatever you have to do with a structure-endowed entity Σ try to determine its group of automorphisms... You can expect to gain a deep insight into the constitution of Σ in this way.

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