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1 REPRESENTATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE: EXERCISES ZHIWEI YUN Fix a prime number p and a power q of p. k = F q ; k d = F q d. ν n means ν is a partition of n. Notation Conjugacy classes 1. GL n 1.1. Let A GL n (k) be a maximal abelian subgroup whose order is prime to p. We call such A a maximal torus. (1) Show that A is isomorphic to r i=1 k ν i for a partition ν = (ν 1,, ν r ) of n. We say A is a maximal torus of type ν. (2) If two such A, A correspond to the same partition of n, then they are conjugate to each other inside GL n (k) For a partition ν n, let T ν GL n (k) be a maximal torus of type ν. Describe the normalizer N(T ν ) of T ν inside GL n (k), and the Weyl group W ν = N(T ν )/T ν. Show that two elements in T ν are conjugate in GL n (k) if and only if they are in the same W ν -orbit (acting by conjugation on T ν ) Show that there is a bijection T ν /W ν {conjugacy classes in GL n (k)} ν n such that if the W ν -orbit of t T ν corresponds to the conjugacy class of g GL n (k), then t and g have the same characteristic polynomial Suppose g GL n (k) has characteristic polynomial f f m f (where f runs over monic irreducible polynomials in k[t]), and the sizes of the Jordan blocks for each f is given by a partition ν(f) of m f. Let Z(g) be the centralizer of g in GL n (k). Show that Here #Z(g) = f q m f +2n(ν(f)) f q f = q deg(f). For a partition ν = (ν 1 ν s ), we define n(ν) = φ λi(f) λ i+1(f)(q 1 f ) i 1 s (i 1)ν i. λ(f) = (λ 1 (f) λ 2 (f) ) is the partition conjugate to ν(f). i=1 1.

2 2 ZHIWEI YUN For r 1 we define φ r (t) to be the polynomial (1.1) φ r (t) = (1 t)(1 t 2 ) (1 t r ). and, for r = 0, we define φ 0 (t) = 1. Hall algebras In the following exercises, let X be a smooth algebraic curve over k. Let H X,tor be the Hall algebra of torsion coherent sheaves on X, with Q-coefficients (in fact it suffices to consider Z[p 1 ]-coefficients) Show that H X,tor is commutative and cocommutative. (Hint: use Serre duality.) 1.6. Show that the Hall algebra H X,tor is a bialgebra, i.e., the comultiplication : H X,tor H X,tor H X,tor is an algebra map Define a map S : H X,tor H X,tor by sending 1 M (the characteristic function of a torsion O X -module M) to (1.2) S(1 M ) := F M where the sum runs over all finite strict filtrations #Aut(Gr ( 1) l(f M) F i M) ( 1 #Aut(M) Gr F i M ) F M : 0 = F 0 M F 1 M F l M = M with l(f M) = l, and the last in (1.2) means Hall multiplication. Show that S is an antipode for H X,tor, so that H X,tor is a Hopf algebra. Recall that this means S is an involutive automorphism of H X,tor as a bi-algebra; m (1 S) = i ɛ = m (S 1), where i and ɛ are the unit and counit maps The above construction of the antipode holds in greater generality. Let H = n 0 H n be a graded bi-algebra over a commutative ring A and that H 0 = A (with multiplication m, comultiplication, unit i : A H given by the inclusion of A = H 0 and the counit ɛ : H A given by projection to H 0 = A). Then (1) There is a unique graded map S : H H such that m (1 S) = i ɛ. (Hint: inductively define S on each H n.) (2) Suppose H is commutative and cocommutative, show that S is a bialgebra automorphism and that S 2 = id. Therefore in this case H has a unique structure of a Hopf algebra. (3) We have the following explicit formula for S. For a strict composition c = (n 1,, n l ) of n (strict means each n i > 0), let c : H n H n1 H nl be the projection of the iterated comultiplication to the corresponding graded pieces; similarly, let m c : H n1 H nl H n be the multiplication map. Then we have for each a n H n, S(a n ) = ( 1) l(c) m c ( c (a n )) c where the sum is over all strict compositions of n. (One can try to use this explicit formula to prove (2).) 1.9. Let x X, and let 1 Cohx be the constant function on Coh x (X) (torsion sheaves supported at x), viewed as an element in the completion ĤX,tor of H X,tor (by degree). What is S(1 Cohx )? Symmetric functions Let Λ = Z[x 1, x 2, ] S be the graded ring of symmetric functions in the variables x 1, x 2,. We denote the elementary symmetric functions, complete symmetric functions and power sums by e n, h n and p n. For example, h 3 = x 3 i + (x 2 i x j + x i x 2 j) + x i x j x k. i i<j i<j<k

3 REPRESENTATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE: EXERCISES Show that as a commutative ring, Λ is freely generated by the set {e n } n 1 over Z; Λ is freely generated by the set {h n } n 1 over Z; Λ Q is freely generated by the set {p n } over Q Define the following elements in Λ[[t]]: E(t) = n 0 e n t n, H(t) = n 0 h n t n, P S(t) = n 1 p n n tn. Show that E( t) 1 = H(t) = exp(p S(t)) Recall Λ has a graded Hopf algebra structure determined by the condition that p n be primitive. Denote the corresponding comultiplication by. Show that n (e n ) = e i e n i, (h n ) = i=0 n h i h n i Show that the antipode S of Λ maps e n to ( 1) n h n, for all n. Symmetric groups i= Let R = n 0 R(S n ), the direct sum of Grothendieck groups of C-representations of all symmetric groups S n (where S 0 is by definition the trivial group). (1) Equip R with the structure of a Hopf algebra using induction along S n S m S n+m. (2) Let S be the antipode on R. Show that, for an irreducible representation ρ of S n, we have (1.3) S(ρ) = ±ρ sgn n and figure out the sign above. Here sgn n is the sign character of S n. Let Φ 1 : Λ R be the graded ring homomorphism sending h n to the trivial representation of S n Show that Φ 1 is an isomorphism of Hopf algebras Show that (1.4) Φ 1 (e n ) = sgn n R(S n ), n Show that Φ 1 (p n ) R(S n ) has nonzero character value only on the class of cyclic permutations (12 n), and compute this value. Hall algebra and symmetric functions Let H q be the Hall algebra (with Q-coefficients) of torsion coherent sheaves on the algebraic curve G m supported at the point 1. For a partition λ, let 1 λ H q be the characteristic function on the torsion modules with Jordan type λ. For example, λ = (1 n ) means k n and λ = (n) means k[t, t 1 ]/(t 1) n. Define a ring homomorphism (1.5) Φ q : Λ Q H q by Φ q (e n ) = q n(n 1)/2 1 (1 n ) Show that Φ q is an isomorphism of Hopf algebras over Q.

4 4 ZHIWEI YUN Show that Φ q (h n ) = λ n 1 λ ; Φ q (p n ) = λ n φ r(λ) 1 (q)1 λ. Here r(λ) denotes the number of parts in the partition λ; see (1.1) for the definition of φ r (t). Groupoids and inertia Let X be a groupoid and let F Sh(X), the category of sheaves on X in abelian groups (i.e., such a sheaf is the same as a functor from X to the category of abelian groups). Define the global sections and global sections with compact support of F to be Γ(X, F) := (F x ) Aut(x) ; x Ob(X)/ = Γ c (X, F) := (F x ) Aut(x). x Ob(X)/ = Let f : X Y be a map between groupoids, define f : Sh(X) Sh(Y ) by the formula (f F) y = Γ(X y, F Xy ) where X y = f 1 (y) is the fiber of f over y (a groupoid), and F Xy is the restriction of F to X y. Similarly define f! : Sh(X) Sh(Y ) by the formula We also have the obvious pullback functor (f! F) y = Γ c (X y, F Xy ). f : Sh(Y ) Sh(X) Let ϕ : G H be a group homomorphism, and let f : pt/g pt/h be the induced map of groupoids. Identify Sh(pt/G) with Rep(G), and Sh(pt/H) with Rep(H). (1) Show that f is the restriction functor Rep(H) Rep(G). (2) Show that f is the composition where K = ker(ϕ). (3) Show that f! is the composition Here ind H ϕ(g) = Z[H] Z[ϕ(G)] ( ). Rep(G) ( )K Rep(ϕ(G)) IndH ϕ(g) Rep(H) Rep(G) ( ) K Rep(ϕ(G)) indh ϕ(g) Rep(H) If f : X Y and g : Y Z are maps between groupoids, then there are canonical isomorphisms of functors (g f) = g f : Sh(X) Sh(Z), (g f)! = g! f! : Sh(X) Sh(Z) Let f : X Y be a map between groupoids. Show that f! is left adjoint to f, and f is right adjoint to f Let X be a groupoid and let I X be its inertia groupoid. Let Sh f (X, Q) be the category of Q-sheaves on X with finite-dimensional stalks. Define a natural additive map χ X : Sh fd (X, Q) Fun(I X, Q) where Fun(I X, Q) denotes vector space of Q-valued functions on the set of isomorphism classes of I X.

5 REPRESENTATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE: EXERCISES Let f : X Y is a finite map of groupoids. (1) Show that the induced map I f : I X I Y is also finite, so that the integration along the fibers is defined f! : Fun(I X, Q) Fun(I Y, Q). (2) Show that the following diagram is commutative Sh fd (X, Q) χ X Fun(I X, Q) f! Sh fd (Y, Q) f! χ Y Fun(I Y, Q) Hecke algebras Let Ind n be the induction of the trivial rep from B n (k) (upper triangular matrices) to GL n (k). Define the Hecke algebra to be H q (S n ) := End GLn(k)(Ind n ). The notation suggests that H q (S n ) is a q-deformation of the group algebra of S n. (1) Show that H q (S n ) is a semisimple algebra (over C). (2) Show that the irreducible H q (S n )-modules are in natural bijection with irreducible GL n (k)- representations that appear in Ind n. (3) There is a natural embedding of algebras H q (S n ) H q (S m ) H q (S n+m ) deforming the standard embedding S n S m S n+m Let R uni,n R(GL n (k)) be the Z-span of irreducible summands of Ind n for various n. Then by the previous exercise, we may identify R uni,n with R(H q (S n )), the Grothendieck group of finite-dimensional H q (S n )-modules. The Hopf algebra structure on R uni = n 0 R uni,n induces a Hopf algebra structure on n 0 R(H q (S n )). Can you describe this latter Hopf algebra structure directly in terms of H q (S n )-modules? Semisimple functions We are in the setting of Hall algebra H X,tor for torsion coherent sheaves on a curve X. Let Div + (X) be the set of effective divisors on X. Then we have the support map (with finite fibers) Hence a pullback map on functions π : Coh tor (X) Div + (X). π : C c (Div + (X)) H X,tor. The elements in the image of π are called semisimple functions. We sometimes also consider pullback of functions without support conditions and we also call its image semisimple functions. π : C(Div + (X)) ĤX,tor = C(Coh tor (X)) Let add : Div + (X) Div + (X) Div + (X) be the addition map on effective divisors. Show that for f C c (Div + (X)), we have (π f) = (π π) add (f) C c (Coh tor (X) Coh tor (X)) = H X,tor H X,tor. In particular, semisimple functions form a sub-coalgebra of H X,tor Show, on the other hand, that semisimple functions do not form a subalgebra of H X,tor.

6 6 ZHIWEI YUN Suppose f ĤX,tor is an additive function, namely, for any short exact sequence 0 M M M 0 in Coh tor (X), we have f(m) = f(m ) + f(m ). (1) Show that f is a semisimple function. (2) Show that (f) = f 1 Coh + 1 Coh f. Here 1 Coh is the constant function 1 on Coh tor (X) (Warning: 1 Coh is not the unit of H X,tor ). (3) Show that fs(1 Coh ) is a primitive element in ĤX,tor. Here S is the antipode of H X,tor. (4) Let x X (with residue field k(x)) and let l x H x = C(Coh x (X)) be the additive function given by l x (M) = dim k(x) M. Let 1 Cohx be the constant function on Coh x (X). Recall the isomorphism (see (1.5)) Φ x : Λ Q = Hx sending e n to q n(n 1)/2 x 1 k(x) n. Show that Φ x (p n ) is the degree nd(x) piece of l x S(1 Cohx ) Ĥx. 2. Deligne-Lusztig theory 2.1. Let G = SL 2 (k) for k = F q with odd q. Let T be a non-split maximal torus in G (so that T (k) = (F q ) Nm=1 ). Let ɛ : T (k) {±1} be the quadratic character of T (k). Consider Deligne-Lusztig curve 2 C A 2 defined by C : xy q x q y = 1. (1) Describe the action of T (k) on C. The Delgine-Lusztig representation RT ɛ attached to T and ɛ is V = H 1 c(c, Q l )[ɛ] (the ɛ-isotypic part of the T (k)-action.) We will decompose V into the direct sum of two irreducible representations of G(k) by studying how the Frobenius F acts on it. (2) Let C be the closure of C in P 2. Show that T (k) acts trivially on the boundary C C, and conclude that V = H 1 (C, Q l )[ɛ] as G(k)-modules. (3) Let C be the base change of C to F q 2 and let C be the corresponding projective curve. Show that C is isomorphic to the Fermat curve of degree q + 1 in P 2 (over F q 2): C : u q+1 + v q+1 + w q+1 = 0. (4) Prove, by counting the number of points in C, that the eigenvalues of F 2 on V are all equal to q. (5) Let α and β be two square roots of q in Q l, and let V α and V β be the corresponding generalized eigenspaces. Show that under the cup product pairing on H 1 (C, Q l )[ɛ], V α and V β are isotropic and are paired perfectly with each other. (6) Show that dim V α = dim V β = 1 2 dim V = 1 2 (q 1). (7) By computing the inner product V, V G(k), show that V α and V β are irreducible and nonisomorphic to each other. address: References

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