Panel works over Gem criminal code

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1 Opporiuifi- U) prepare Uie niessnbe ties Act. rhe funds would bo rediieclcd from qtlicr pnrts of the cdnslitutionur am endment,.; but told the people the process w<mld tuku tuu luiiy to tjunt approval and tluit whal we Tieed notv is.not just spenklng out against m oro-busln^^ut budget, Nixon slreaainy that t prulse and hnrsh crltlclsm.fgr action to slop it " hls proposals, wwch concenlrdur jcottrtmicdonp.3) -. JHoving time FLNG CASES ofc trniuferrcd to thc_oj[[l^cs ol the nfw Qooding Hlgli Sehoil niursday by two.youths asslbting with theinove, which s conuoulne today. Teocherfl and pdtraiu of the school district helpd with the move from-(lie old Bchool built n 1912^(ncldfcd_8to_ry_afld piclurci P. 13) Panel works over Gem criminal code drafting an a cceptable interim.criminal code..the request to the bur came after House-Repufahcans and T>mf)crQt.s a look at tlie Senate-approved laws as they existent!dec*-.31, and decided to-ask for Hielp. Tlon-KullrTiX0euilv enireclo r for the bar, said there iire some serious questions" over whether re-enacting the old crifninal laws will work, and said some -haf-members-fccmhinntj laws need amendments to moke them acceptable. Rei-onactment of the old laws might cast some le^-al shadows over many items of legislation opproveddurini?thcl0728qji8lon. By plcktnfi up such sections S«nat«ohd ro-onuctlng them, many of * a -pqtly---uiaoutd*t«d«tatutmwouw-tflkfr lo u d misdemcflnor":penalty which la preee<encc over recenl acta of conmined m ule liviscclcrlmi-,the legislature designed to supmil code, bur"tirft in the 04 plant them, luws which effect SpoVesmen for- the bar told when tlie revision is-repealod House* R epublicans^ *special April, -eommittcccould ppsgjbly ^ m e lias let become law without his. or three days, certfirin changes-ln the U niform Control- Jed.S ulatnn rp.s A rt on tnqundathe changes refer to the revised criminal code which will not be in -existence in. less than a month. The old criminal laws contain a niimttfr of nrtan Hou^e Speaker William J7 jinting, R-Hollister. has made -a^ngemcntiabjiavjlibe-.iiui..rushed.._tnrflubh_u\<i_-4raftijig. center if it la written. Sen. Edith Miller Klein, R- Boise, on outspoken proponent of the revised crlminalcode. and laws which have been code was an excellont idea. declared unconstitutional by the The revision, she said, contained an excellent outline of courts but,> because they were never repealed-formauy-by-the crimes"and gradotlon_of penal-, legislature; still were on the ties" which could be carried into hooks as of Dec. 31. the interim code. TT act -su&pcct^ By no Y MCGHEE.WASHmGTON_lUP) - ^ n. John V. TurinejC >-Caiif., believes t was "very suspi* cious that nternational Telephone^pnd Telegraph. Corp. ordcr«j. tlie destruction of jocurnerits -in-it5-waahing to n :^ }» office in response to chorges columnist Jack Anderson. GALAXESOLDH-, A3 F O R D m at ft A/id T h ru ih t llnu&jieua R M O ie r W *nt Ad». P lu i - we fv e n ou(k<ntee r n u l l t o r your m o n ty d ^ k ll To find ouf H you tiu a il d ial o r vlitt» al 13} 3rd Street W e» l, T r officials told the Senate.Judiciary Conunittee Thursday- that "several bags" of do* cuments were ruri tlirough a paper shredder for fear they mighr come into Andersons, possession and be misused jmd Tunney said it appeared to bd an* ottempt to destroy documents this inquffj. 4HookjrveryTfnsplctmi5Tmr very bad," he said. Now we thing." Anderson published ah office memrf, attributed to TT lobbyist Dita D. Board/which linked settlement of an antitrust case against TT with an TT-pledge ^o;help-undcrwrlte.costs of the Republican National Convention in San Diego. TT officers. Attorney Gfner- al-designate Richard G. KJeindlenal and former Attorney denied the charges. Klelndlenst told a. group of federal judges. n Denver Tlmrsdav nlpht that the memo. was without credibility and had no relation to the fact.s. which-s confilderlng President Nixons nomination of Klein* dienst as attorney general, has recessed ta - hearing until Wednesday...;, in ordering busing, for desegregution purposes. Tlie President coupled his pr6posed buank niorhtori\ini. willi a proposal which he named tlic Equal Educational Opportunities Act. Tlie Equal Opportunity bill would -proliibit ariy,, tate, BOSE cupd Sen. U n D. communuy, or school district ^ request -Jortnn,., sirid todnrldnhottilirb(r- ^..... nt nhim "> at education nm/\n tn to any iin student c h i knockinr on the wrong door because of race or color. by asking Congress to allocate Die proposed * rnvasure defined equu\ opportunlly under M million to prevent commercial exploitation of Hells criteria tliat are less sweeping Canyon. Jordnp, who once was a rancher in the area told a press Uian applied by many federal courts, conference in Boise the state The measure would specifiought to look into ts own cnlly state thjit racial balance kilty" before goine to the * ^hools wos not reflulral. _ y. -. B O. L n, n t ir /\1nl(nn - federal governmenl for buy the Umd. He Jiald he agreed with the concept of purchasing to protect against subdivision, but "wore broke at tlie federal daho and Oregohlawrnakers on? seeking support-from Congress and the ad* mimstratlon-for $4 million, to puircha"^. private landholdings n Hells Ciihyoh: The funds - from the land and Water Conservation Fund. n other com m ents, the n the event- of violation of the net, the bill would establish a priority of remedies which Uie courts requiretl to follow.), in the past, the courts have. largely been left to their own l6wc^fl~rn~detii^mlhl apprd^ Chopper m i s h a p s Rg^ubllcan Senatdr predicted kills 11 ih ats e n. B d m u n d M uskie would ntt get the" D e m o c r a tic nom ination. Quoting form er President H arry S T rum an, Jo rd a n said, out of the kitchcn. Senator MusCie c a n t stand the h e a l, he said; * Jordan said he agreed with President Nixori.s. stand on -busing-whilo ho alw>-sai^waho- should continue a.modest ; reelnmbtroir programt He w p u la tio rt p r in the future with need frir ecology.federal reclamation proifrnms will be needed. He said presently the federal»»overnmcnt is not making any headway on the backlog. o f. requests fpr reclamation programs. SAGON (UPl)-A-U:B,-«rmy helicopter flying American soldiers into action exploded n flight today and plunged n ivec. oapparently killing all 11 men aboard. t was onej.of four American aircraft reported downed in Vietnam and Laos. U:3. and Soutli Vietnamese divers searched through the -day-ln lho-rlv6r-21-milos-from Saigon - and rccovcrbd etghtbodies. T)>e remaining tjiree were listed as missing and U.S. offlcers sald the chopper was lifting a Blue Team^ a quick reaction ground force- Nixon, Speaker Carl Albert confer Gein school Price chief By R C H A R D C H ARN OC K now borne by 18 m ilu worth o( B O S E (U P ) dahos local property taxes, Ravcns- D # House of Representatives put croft said, bill f would raise S C O rc S D l l t Z before the Senate today a b ill on additional >3.2 Tnllllon in Trilo a iroubiea area to help to pay 100 per csno.(.l^u&^lc" state revenues, embattled troops at Uie time of r. i coau from the state Just what effect this may the crash. Tlie-men were from W ASHNuTON(UP) Priee leygj qj,j j^^e up the wve on theproposed 13l3 U>e 3rd Brigade of the 1st Air CornmisslonChairman C. Jack.* script on the Criminal Code. million General Fund budget Cavalry Division. son Grayson Jr. mid today m a surprise turnaround late and the projected 3.8 million Pilots flying ou^cr choppcra, Agriculture Secretary Earl Thursdny, Uie House approved ncrease it includes for schools an DtiU ^B 8 :tjflm B ln ^e^< ^ ern ^ C T M l ^ ^ ^ M : a!lar-ruinaln»ld.bevcn>eqcllej^.tlmir^ explosion aboard the UHl Huey niep^.8 price stabilization ef* um ny u, 33-36, earlier n the House approved and sent to the and then the helicopter burst strongly defending (j^y jj defeated two other Senate a bill to raise a not nto flames-and fell into the rising prices form eatand other approaches to the plan of full million in income taxes, l j J : rivpr., Tlie-J^^cntnm and-said food pro(uicta, etiit^undingr^^ : f4 )» throo-(»mdlr»b-blluwi says only the.crash came from Butz told a livestock group Rep. Vernon Ravenscroft, sideredbythtihouse;npropoaa!" _^knqtfn.cau5pfl ---- this. week_ that lncr(?fiso3 in D-TtitUe.«ulded the bill tlirough by Rep, William Onwgller, R- Tie U,S. Command, said meat prlces were good for tho the House beating down a Boise, look tho worst drubbing /s al/- ^/>e, Qroon p ro st another UHl helicopter was hit nations formers. He said they move to stiill it until t^a y after falling, 13*56, it would shift $46 a p p o a iin g fh ii Sf, Pai- by small arms fire from the wwil(lencmiragfrppoduolloivand-the-hou9«-votodr-46-^18t-to-i«mlllon-ln-local<-proporty-4iikoft^--- ^ nc>» D ay riih? ground 100mleseast>fSnlgon -ltvtho best way..toln«iro-a-consider t, state level excise, ncome and - --j today, wounding two Ameri- good supply of-tlio.better cuts Not only would his bill shift sales taxes. cons. of beef tjiat prefer. to the state level the burden (Continued on P. fl). r e ^ n e w ^ p r o j^ & c t ^.Npws lips_ ;...,^TWN PA.»S A kecond Twin Lillis iirtian jin c w a l projccl may 1» n the works. n ils one woiudnveom tho clly n ccnt; Ttio opportunity-mtlstii, according to a ty Mannser Jeon Mllar, becauiia of tho ac- - cumulation of about 2M,00(Uji4ocal crodlts - enough to match up to n (odoral y- fund*.,, Mllar wild ho would Hko to SCO tiio ccodlta put. to work to develop sonjo form ol housing. redevelopment Tor the city a M liobetul-lho city can corao ijp.^ lh A projram where We could use-lhe money for houjlnj redovelopmenlv. -MUiit... such» venluxo7 -.L _ Ho aaia tho possibility o ils ti that "We may "notbo able touse any ot the prngrnms ByBllahlo to our best advantage. n. that ease, wo could not usetho credit*." - >. Too CTodlls with Uio U,S,.Department o(, Houslnu and Urbiln Dovolopmcnt rotultod (rom ; w iat may have boerta ^re w d nvostmont bn \thk part of Twin Fells business men. firl*nlc funds used to support the downtown -loclil lmprovcipont district ln.coiuioctlon-wllli.t the m all urban renewal projoot-cait be used t o.. ihotclion a 7 y-!t pirce nt basis the.ud funds.. /rhe fe^rnu itnic } required federal grants be -Prlor-Work-buUdi-up. credits" whlohxan be used as matching funds. ShoudT heclty seek ondtocelvo the m h tch lns U D 7 W M 0, the c ity n effect would lu given J7M.000 " rec" without further obligation. - M lla r saltl the additional credits resulted fro m the crenllon o f the L D arid subsequent funding fro m p riv ate Bources. O rigin ally, a ll tho u rb a n renewal project doilntiiwn d ld jio t ncludo.p la n s for underground utility lin e s.., L o c a l m e r c h a n ts c h a n n e le d th e lt m * P C o v e m e n M th M d ^ the c ity budget, m akin g the work oountfor motchlniifund credit. - T w in F a lls U rb sn Renew al A g e n c ii.d l^c to r Svan ltob«r)«en sajd the 1280,000 in surplus. on where, we. are on financing" the currcnt.- urban renewal project...* H e«itd HUD had-jletto cerllfy-uie credltsja step required prior to making fedoraljnatchlng funds available., Robertson said housing renovotlqn projects "have been receiving favorable action from HUD n communities such j u tills," "Potentially," he safd, "such projects ooulj. be developed for Twin Falls making use of federal liioney based o^ our current matching - fund surplun.f Dobertson u i d W s dealias received some consideration from city officials and other n- tei^ebted clvldloailers, b u n 5 3 e f l i i l l e l ) r j i a i ~ l f f C h iii- e h. 12 E ditorial, M ik rlk n tr ) f S SporU, lo-lt

2 - 4 Tin- D o n t sign with him... ve got an even heller p olicy f o r thefiiiv 6 liurt in B elfast Catholics oppose comm isslan^sicall W A S H N G T ^ ^ J ^ U P t) ^ a TJireafdihllnl commissions call for. unlversqlly avollablp^i^bo^ tlon, contl:accpton and storiil- -Mtien encountered quick opposition today fronv tho.y,s. fiathollc Conference and a few Of the... commissions own members. treated with "benign neglect," inrcolhoiritcoriferencc called it "naive in ts assumptions and punitive n Us recommendntions. Rep. John N. Erlenborn, R- T F T ract p io n e e r BELFAST, Nortlwm reland On n doscrtpd. ntrcot n Uto Earlier n tho ovcnlr^ British orfoatcd Potrick Kennedy, n" (U P )-T w b djcd and Roman CaUwi[c Ardoyno sec- ^opp%i-ckpi icd.flyo.gunnrien.ln :Roriuin^,Calhollajncmbcr of alxwere wbundoain volerir Uon, h. irhan wns found shot-o 30-mlniile gun-: b n lt lo n Porllnmcrtt-tho first such or* incldenlb late Thursday night, dead. His body with a bullet Belfast. ^ rest n Northern reland n 16 lncliid!«t?tlireorrtu8ininaiinir holo~in iliff~ncinl waff~lylitc rsca]r!ty forccs TTirurMiiy^^., ; t njured n n.nupb oxploslon.. outaldo tlio church _hall, : Tfiodootlis ciri* young w o m a n BjwkesrnnnMldrSecu^lty. rorcds,, n. a b om b explosion and a n lind no t been n U»c arpo.a ll linidontificd m a n in a shooting night an d ho shcwtlng incidents ldont 1 m»tlg h trtff~ ^ff th e were-rcporletl.-the-apokeflmannumber- of viclinxs since said., violence erupted N orthern. A n a rm y spokesn^an said tho Jrolan d. AuBuat,. 1909, a B ritish UireA soldfors injured were on a rjn y spokesm an said. m obile patrol near the border Tho w om an was kulcd w hen wlti\ tl^o rish R ep u b lic on t l» she e n tere d an. urido rg rbund outskirts of Londonderry when public lavatory n Lurgonand fl UjelrveJiiclo ran over a m ine n bomb nside explpded. H er ihe road. One o ftlic soltilora...-husband Walling for hor ouulde-.v^aa. admlubd to o hospital and w aa_in Jurcd,- P k e8m an Uie o th e rtw o were rele asetl. : siild.,after tfentment, lie said. i ^ n - ^ i d e o t i t i e d ^ - m n f t S m r found.5hot, and,woun( ed. in hjs back garden n.,south Belfast, w as odm lttpd to a hospluil. A n arrtiy spokesm an said a man w fl& W oun d ahov.- ad-latojf hurt night. He was bdm lttcd to local hospltiil w lt h ^ w o u n d in the sfde. T h o.a re a.wllere lie fom um ^pfodom lnat itl; ^-U-pr^tOBtant. Obituairies W. B e l f i e d C. W r i c k s BU R LE Y - William U u ls SPRNGDALE - aorence Bolfleld, 92, Burley, died W eeks,.-00, former Cassia. _Thur3.(U y^.bt L th e -.B u d e y Cpunty-rosldont vnwi- fnrmer; ljifitlremcnlcentcilqfler_fl Jong.died.earlicc.thls.JAepk-iiLOgdeD-.- Ulness. afler a long illness. ni., one of the commission s 21 - ^n<jm!jp!;5r-yi(r]ie-hopm m - ^r.wirn^iallj^ Funeral- H. e- W fl9- bq m - N o vt r^7 9r«lrT T H e- w Q 9 - a- p io neer- in= p as ift i^eport would not be.lnu;rpretl*d.u*rvices will be conducted ol ^^ksville, Mo. county, coming from Ogden in as «,proposal,:.thnl contrhcep-; io;ao a.m.-saturday-for Mrs. Mr. ^ Bej^eld spent his early ^ farmed in the ^ V ie^ Uve devices be sold through RhoOii E Smith. 05, one of the a stagecoach on area for a,brouier, Pr. Frank H. vending machines n schoi)l first women to arrive n Twin * Flathead ndian Reser- Weeks, for many years. jiter «corridors. l- allb us a permiinent resident, Montana. n 1903 he he purchased land. n the. g,e J ie d T.iiesdnv n n ^^ved to Nampa and later he Springdale aroii where he and However, 19 conmiisslon jjwton, Okla, rest home iimvi«d to G lffi rd,mo.;wngrene - his wlle,.uie lomier Helen. members joined in Uie repok s Mrs. Smith came here married Nino E. Brown in Drlggs, lived for a number o^ Valley Briefs recommendation that women be -June, lom, p join her fatter and They moved to American years.. allowed abortion_or\ demand, brother who arrived in March to Falls n 1915, and then to the They sold the farm and F LER - lundall Coryell TWN FALLS - A square witti costs covered by public claun hind for farmlni^ on the Burley pfojett in 1916-where he moved to Clcurfield, Utah, will present a program of dance will be held Saturday at and private health nsurance hew tract.. farmed for many years. ^ _about 20 years ago where they Evangelism n Concert" at 8:30 p.m. n the Blckel School. and witli government subsidies She lived n a tent on an flo- He later worked several years had since lived, Funerul ser- 7:30 pjn. Sunday in the Filer. All interested square dancers to pay abortion costs for the ucre homestead Just west of vices were conducted n Ogden,.. Church of the Nazarene. Tie are invited to attend. Qiller poor. nsurance coverage Curry where her father, Henry public is nvited to the concert, willbechuckfrltchm an, Burley. was recommended for contraception and sterilization. buildm}{ of the m ain Ci-yder. was etij^aged in according to Rev.G. W. wer- canal TWN FALLS - Services for TWN F A L l^ - Tlie Twin Mra.-^Rhodo E. Smith wul be Falls DECCA Club will sponsor hold at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at a carwash from 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. White Mortuary Diapei. Final Saturday at the Standard rites.w jlu» in the Twin. Falls Station at Lynwood Shopping Cemetery. ; Cente ^ Magic Valley Hospitals.,,. systuia in exciuinge for water T w o m e.n b e r s dls^ionted fro m th e r a o m m c n d a,o n h j a U,. - m r j s m l t t, h e lp e d R r u b a g e ra be o ffe re d s p e e la l pro,-,s i;o b r u s h a n d o.k.ked fo r s 6 m e B r a m s of b.r lb conu-ol, m clm i- t t e r w o rk e r s. ing_ contraceptives. - Admitted Admitted -T-Mrr^3tjwcll-Ghriatcnflen-and-----MraJWUliam Ly.da>-HorcietL J.jiwrence Frietirick and Mrs. from. Shoshone by \iay-of the Mary Fievcrs.Tjoth Rupert, and Cornier a n d - - ; W illiam Blaine lilvdr boui Burley, and nnreljlkl.i GlilUi* Sonyo Taylor Malta. McFarland, all Kimberly i Mrs. licslle Rogers. Rupert. * ~ She was born July 20, Bflfa,-n DllrtlMcd -Wllford Stocrs, Hazelton; E. - -Lynn -Stoller -^Poul*- Harold - Shanc-Kllm o#,- Clifford -E. lld t o n Amv W hitino uind Wiseman, Jerls. Neaderhiser. Jerry Hines and. daughter, diedm Mrs. Smith lived in H oricc Hlott all Rupert and David Carter and Mrs. Clifford Michael Simcoe. Trank Rendon the Twin, F a lls area and Deniac Funke Heyburn. Slump, all Twin FalU;, Chris Jmd. Ryan Weech. dll Burlyy; purchased a home in Burley Blnhs Hopkins and Lorenzo Gnndiaea, Mae l.ivcly, Decio, and where. ihe resided luuil about Soodlnit: DeNorbi.i O. Howland Croft. Paul. twe years ago when she xbnn Mrs. Lowell Christensen, Harvlll, Shoshone; Boyd- Rupert,, and a daughter was VanU;uve, Heyburn; V.O. bom to Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Reem. Jerome, and Mrs. Calvin Malta. Harper. Debra Jones and Kathryn Jones, all Buhl.. -DlsmlMcd : G o o d in g C o im T y Scott Tingey. Robert 2^Corfatable^Mf9, Jnmes.Segrest and son, Carol Sr Peterson; E rnest Tastenson. Mrs. Leo - A d m itte d * Frank Dearing, Merle Lehr, and Ricky Slmis. Uoodlng? M atilda Hupfer, Fairfield, and Alvin D. McMahon, Jerome;- DlsmUsed Molvin MeG)>ee-~ftnd~Mr»r- for the city of Burley. Mr. Belfield was active in civic affairs- and fraternal prganlzations and joined the Odd FellowsUdgp on^hls 21st, ( 1. l l o V k i n s " birthday anniversary. He was J e r o m e Strbther Banks also u m embur of tho Blue Hopkins. 7Q, died about.«noon li)dke Scottish Rite. York Rite Thursday at St. Benedict s and Shrine. Hospitiil. The {imitly awl «U\er WitUers - He served two terms as..v X».1 r»,! He was /ran sii stricken iwncii uabout u uui 11 u a.m>.iin - - -^f-un».ara-iumkhi w»tt»p frtu n - j n a^ter. o L thlj-dluu.j^ d «g s o u thw e st-o f- Dead Mails Gulch for drinking, cookint! and w ashing. Mrs. Smitii came to Shoshone by tr^in from the fqmll>^ home in,.. Y akim a, Wash.. after - - ^ -.nm m iv lcinonm l-? - ^r,diu.tinr from hij-h school. Admltte<l^ She traveled, by. stagcc^wich WAS a past noble grand of the Odd Fellows Udge. Uurley. He was a charter member of the.u a re m q n t Grange and a m em ber o f the United Methodist Chtu-ch Je r o m e! Funeral arrangements will te announced by.hove Funeral Chnpel! S u r v iv o r s in c lu d e liis w id o w. f ^ u n e r t l l S g T V C G S B U rlo y ; o n e d a u g h t e r, ^ r s., w n e ) c m.a e : _ j i i i n i.r : v :,,ii;rvit<i<l-for- Tacoma. Wash.; one grand- Richard,H. Jacobsen, will be - - DsmlKfieil G o l d - H i l l. - O r c - ^ n d - w a i ^ daughtcr ^ Mrs. Cjirol Keene. -hcld-at-a-4>jtu-saturday n -thob M ts^u audc. Denny.._Mrs. Jiiarricd to Alhur_C. Siiiilh who.....view_ward_lds...c3iapel byerfield ro th e rs, G ro v e r H. B Bishop Deloss Stoker. Final a n d H a r v e y B e lf ie ld u b o th riles w iirbe held n the Paul M is s o u ri. Cemetery, Friends may caltat..^ Funerjil services will be Payne Mortuary Friday afch>nducted at U, Siiturduy lernoon and evening «nd Officials afraid of Matkoul --- iiihkifif he^hoiii6-wttiuu)mons:l-ilill5j.9sepllbijt<lm morial,_satui:da>.allbechurch one--houl^ and daughters, with the Rev, George A, prior to services, T roboughofficiating. Final Y V, «* f ^ Pleasant View W i n i U * l! r l S l O U Cemetery. mortuary this afternoon and T W l N.P A.l i - T h r - M n R ir s- m a y,- c a ll t h e - c v e n in (r n n d S a tu r d a y p rio r t o - f T Z T S E C O N D W E r N. V a lle y D u p lic a le H rid K e O u b ^ ^ --- s e rv ic e s., m c t J J ( e d n e s d a y _ u f t e a iq u n - a ^ - t E G > ^ N O T 4 - E ^ U il - E p is c o p u l H a ll, --r N orlirnjui suuljr UlnficrsttTfe Mr.s.M.^-Hartruftand Mrs, t. c ai«no. }» K Robortfir-Poggy-StimfioUl-and- Dan D. Munger. all Twin Falls; W A S H N G T O N ( t i r i l - K e - W illia m s, fir s t; M r s. A. V. N THfe.. baby boy Whltely, Castleford; d e r a l o ffic ia ls w ere u n s u re W i l l i a t n s a n d M r.s, A. P. F F T H JU D C A L D S T R C T OF TH E S T A T E OF DAHO, N AND Victor T. Crlsm or. Frank to d a y v th e th e r P r e s id e n t N ix o n Hu.s.sell, s e c o n d ; M rs, A, C, FOR TH E COUNTY OF TWN -MoBenger T-imothy Briftfr- -e iin - a tm > - n - w «)l«m l- if W M t *" 1» l i. - W af.k- f A LLS M A G ST R A T E O lv ls to N rvin Wartluft and son, all M lttrucker, Loretta Cutts. Coast dock wojkers reject the third; Mrs. John iiahri and Mr.s. Gooding and Mrs. ^.orry Davis, Bliss. William C. Lemmons and May Fenn. all Buhl; Mrs. Cornells Pay Board s decision to cut their proposed pay by $1,160 Tucker, fourth, and wesl winners were COMPANY OF Smith and Adam Woodford, over the next 18 montljs. Ujilpli O llarruw and Mr.s, JA M E S -5. W L L A M S and V L O R E O W L L AMS. 0«<endnr^lt.. n i u in c <!()n n ly. both William C. U m m ons and The Pay Bwird voted ii to «FUiyd nroadhead. first; Mrs, V. T im m r -M«y-42onr>rflll-Bul»lf^«*r4?e<^- -Tliur«lay44HwhKMHM>w >oi«ett lofh dflv of M arch. 1973, a Writ of Joluuion, Edonj Ruport Morrill_20.CL*pcr..cent lncrcj[ise.jn.. ivagj?.s Mr MoRRir M alcolmrhnllcyr AiiAChmmi WAS lisuik) out ol iha Dismissed and W illiam ^Savage, both»md benefits to 14,6 per cent. Mrs, W,. Newcomer, third; flbo;/o?nfoacporrin-rhe awvk: ontmled och on,. amaching the Amy Eldridge, Carey.. Kimberly; Vern Tolman and A fjibor Department spoke.s. Mrs, J. T, SJielby and Mrs. it. H. properly of he above named Connie J; Lamklns. both man said Nixon was without Wat.son, fourth, defendants for tie»um ol U N W TN ESS W H ER E O F, ha r o iir iit d Uiv w ill x -B n rle y ^ P a t r ic h r Twylor7-any-4e)<tfl-toQl8-tindep-tit4»-4*^<ft^ itiiin r LlmpuntQ ^ot icai-di. Jackpot,, Nev.; U e Greenwall Hartley Act.^or thokmergency WeifiteMlay UB$CBPTO NHATBl ^ H^A.^ANCAi7CR iir* nu and Mrs. Kenneth Jafek. twin both Dock ijock ijtrjke Strjke Act pas^jeu pas^j ed earner efirlier... ^ cicrl - crfc.. rhij Courl thia- l<5iin~.m orfn"lh ulsc.» T O it O! l i 7 7 «! l C n S i a c : 3 n = O T < l w t ie ^ i< M > m i!i!p rftid ^if4 liu ::jiu ii:) r, ;., w -. Jn -P alu cltfb fta _.-L n n. v..l« n...m* if......k. f and tiarykfnghorn, Shoshorie. longshoremen back to work f owl may reach five feet. By Carrier. Per Month. Dlrtlis tliey decide to strike over tiie - Paid n Advancp (Dally 1 Sunday) Oy M a l l so A.son w{}3 born to Mr._nad duciaion Mrs, Wllford Storrs,.Hazelton. (Dally 1 Sunday) SM ontht» V t ir 127,00 M ill lubtcrlptloni accipled only u4itre carrier dellvwy l» not -maintained. TMES^NEWS SUBSCRBERS fo rie rv lc e o n...^ a p a r O * llv # r v... ^1. Call yogr,carrier nr733.m3) t77s B «fo r t4 p.m.d a i(y o r t>aipr«)0a.m.o0sundivt- O r uuour toll-frae nu m b ari jh t h h c ^ ja t a r d»43-4*4i.burl#v-ruo#rt..i-_ M u l^ k la y - N o r ia n d i 7 l 9 U PlK RA O M M nh O llllv )3i-S37S W M d a lu W o m a. :...- S uu ViUlry lm iluu ll iticnt list hospital officials. _Th«LUrmdC{myor\-.(n.AU?on.a_. iy o n - ln - tl)o - WAREHOUSiClEARANCE S A t E MATTRESS AND BOX SM TRG r fa c to r y: c l o s e-o u t p r ic e s! * m ABOUT B A N N M B U D G T KHAM m m -KtlOWlSTPBCESKTOWr FUJRNTUHK U 7 3 n d A v e. E a V ~ F --- n lo ll Jusf Received SKipmen.t R a ilro a d Ties, _ each.... Plenty of FREE PARKNG A n d e r s o n f t L U M B E R C O. nwdliaw Ave C H Jab lfl Color TV l9 dlab.niba*. picture Rteqwlui: U G A s u ltfa - re c ta n B u tn rp ic lu re tg p o prbvides fes v iev abli [nimoti-af-t;-color-lock-, VH P M e m u ryf in p :W r;irvh 7 3 T it^ nt <ind color co n tfb ls. Sevon^sliJgoG of st^;niil nm piilicdtion -ptctw U» w «bu/,facfory-dlrecti no middleman prplil*! J AilcFKingSae. C M -254 Coniotp- C olor TV,.25" dtag. meat, p ic tu re «488 f^br r c ji V buffs, our rjiggosf sc re e n color TV! On till* the excilm ^ look ofto day, Otvtho in?.ide, in e novtest. l.irk ost R lack SuffOiuH) oicfure, tube for su re rti picture dclrtil, n rilldiiice nr.d umfer :jll- hom e lishtliir conditio*^, a gikle^out chrts-. sisi with inojufrk CQtn port& "h (or edsy service, ani) i)iu jltr;i re l(,jb li, solid st:ile VoKdte Triplcr thdt reduces.heflt htnid-up. M G A -,o> lhc~worlilm<l«h ilm b U lii tjrriilv ot com riiinl. i whofio foinitiiion for,quj(lity. intogrily and (fependability inane live io n lln n n li.n d 100vn in r ^ m SAVE DURNG THS VALUE EVENT!! a D E H f f i s S H S ^V C E! CO. ^ 3 3 = 4 n 0 ^t-ftqyal=&pttca1 you gerbolh^ quality eyewear ^ reasonable prices! A t R o y a l O p t ic a l y o u r p r e s c r ip tio n is p r e p a f c ^ w i t h t ^ e u tm o s t a t t e n tio n to a c c u r a c y fr o m th e.fin e s t m a te r ia ls b y s k ille d.c r a fts m e n. n.a d d itio n, ---- rroy»i*0plic 8iT O ll»& T lti»t iq W Q 5lT p0»b ibfe-pflc«,5h At Royal O p tic a l, single v iiio n g laitos orb as $ l/.9 0.This o n e lo w price includes sir\gle visibn-clear o r tin\ed lenses, your choice 6 ( m any fram es in o u r la rg e disp lay, plus o n otlra ctive carrying easel R o y a l O p t i c a l b ff e r s c o m f o r t a b l e ; e a s y t o w e a r contact lerisos at-ono low price, $ : at Royal Optical, your satisfaction is guaranteed! PO W N TO W N TW N F A LLS 1B1 MAN AVENUE WtST T E L E P H O N ^ l 733-B 808»t.SO N B O SE. LfW ST O N f P O C A T fll O R O Y A L 6 i» t i c a l _ ig«i»>aegdef2l22g*222l52!l!] 2^^Sl55^ji!5^

3 TLourl ^SKi^ to not malse new busing orders Friday, March 1P7aT(mc>-Newt. (CwUnuedfromP.U OvoraU, Nixons program holrnuuiorily to nlorproulw --^il«-gcorgafi..mecovcrnr> -wduw limit U)o fluthortty!>. was among tho first and federal courts. havo boon. n his mcssagbros fn-hts Nwon r^jirppbsals.^tiflr the tioh under tho provisions-of tho critical of the role of s onio Wxori:Spc^-the-poniocratlc MthAmendment. > federal couttjrii/m ^rtlirwld in im lu x l tramowork of rctov-, fresidenual candidate accused,.thc Prcisldent nalslod tliat,luive produced cohtrtdictlpn chci! and" romodlob," Nixon. NiMn of almnitoning moral CongrcMhos the authority to and uncertainty and..; unequal said. " ponucal icadprshlp** of the. soeu out, j tho - Tnn>hiyi._nf trnnhtvhnt nmonfl-rguinnb.- *?!!. :.enforcement-of Mth Amend-.. faomo"ofllie-federalcourts _ A siiqkcsman for the NAACP:; mont rights..but as Mitchell have -lately tended- toward uorcncc MWcheU today ca)led warned, U Congress enacts the exlrbni.o remedies in school in- statuti, it likely will touch off a. desegregation cases and some lu. served, notice new confrontation with tl>e Jiave this lihs been n that wo 4r be rig h t,in court courts, Jealous of maintaining considerablo part because the \«hon they (Congress) pass. such, a iaw." Mitchell added,...,. And predict.we ll w b." ^ Sen. William Brock, R-Tenn., ^wlio --avor«-a-consngilonal amendment against busing, "TBVSftneless. praised. Nixons recommendations, saying today tlmt wljflt we need is -- clarification. of. what _the sujmeme Court really means on The subject of busing:.. ^ Brock~8»td~*h6^BreedTwitlr Nixon that confllcing lower court decisions on busing had created confusion not only at t4)e local level but at -the natidnirt-7levcl ^-imd:ttl moraturium~dn~t5aslng Orders was essential. - - Nixon drafted his busing" plahs after the Florida primary in which voters there voted by a mnrgm m tavor ofbanning by conatutional amend- ment any biuing to achieve racial,balan(y in schools. ths-n lxon;:.jrevised his opposition to _ down hatder. on.the tasuc. _work.lias,lari(i!ly_s(ino-on*or(l in tlio courts, caso, Mht] bocouso the courla liavb carrlcd» hmvy «h«r«.- of Ui» ^^burtchwhllo having Jo:oporolo wluiln convlncod that a -ntajorlty of tho people -black nnd whito - oppojo buslnj.. n. describing Ms proposed buslnn niuratiirlum Ninon anici: propose Uiat Uie Congress a c t. to -mposo-fl -lom p orary- Ond-tolevlslon T uosdny a f lo p r f r m o on now busing o rd e r» b y m, ES T, JJxon said tliat t s the federal courts ^ t o establish doiiberous nonsense" os well lf -w alang^^>brldd - ^h!lll^tte ^Vl^lo^^i1lii61 ^rat y :tlim ^^^ Congress considers altevnatlvo Uiose who opposed busing a r e, m oans ol- o n lw c ln g W tli.rn c la ls. Airfondmcnt rights. " propose But he npkncnvlcdged some tliat tills tropio be ctfectlvo who arc m ost strongly ngiilnst immihllutt] y 6ri ibrifleimjshi, lhd~tt*^ppdsirtsinilr]},for ihe wrong tlint t remain n cffect until reasons - -. bccuuse of racial- July 1, 1073, or until passage of prejudice." the appropriate leglslntion, wliichevorlssooncr. Potroleum and wffce arc the n his speech, carried live two leading exporls of Venezuefrom his ovarofficc on rlidio la. BLUE LAKES SHOPPNG CENTER SAVE HOW ABOY A C piu G E c o ijiiisi-iiix T ^ Th«DivUion of Cohtirtuing education ond.s.u. j provide an opportunity to Newldeas Eduoated nterest*)) Com u lo on> of four Planhing OufO The House for in lt n ilt t l eltu entandfluduntt.- M A R C H.20, 21, 22 or.23 8:30-9:30 P.M.. C O lle G E O F S O U TH ER N D A H O A C A D E M C b u i l d i n g?/. M A. : denied lhal. Spud tax increase approved B01S&.(UP), - Satisfied wiuj provision for referendums,, the senate approved 32*0 Wednesday a bill toincrease tho asscmment on dahfl potatoes to support research and advertising of the daho spud. The bill was;kluod 1^^3 March 6 aftersome^owmak^rs objected to allowing the.fln t ncrease with no referendum. The bill was amended toprovide for referendums con- -ducted by thc Commiaioner of Agriculture before^ach step:. an nunediatc increase from 2V«-.Cents, per liundrfedweifiht t o _ thrcrrentfltli *.cohd toost to four cents and a tklrd step ^ five c c n ts.. ^ Sen. Leon Swenson, R- Nampa ^ floor sponsofi said onlygrowers -would be allowed to vote n the referondum despite the fact shippers or -first handlers pay 30 per cent of the first increase and <0 per cent of the riexttwd increases. B ill jyould create new BOSE (UPl) 3Tiesenate voted 2fi-0 Diursday to.d-eate -#nd-fund-en-dah<rbicertennliit~ Gonfimiuion to plan the state s participation in the bicentennial observance of the -American Bevdlutlon n 1075 through One measure created the ommlsslon to ^ ; be appqlnted by the governor and the second measure funded the commission with 2,S00 from the genwal fund! Svo.-mnln nnd-masses, the Nortli and South slands, form New Zealand.

4 lh > n n t 4{ T o 77u* C. i i i z r n s j ) f M n p iic A jiih L y. Friday, March 17, 1972 ^1 W e tltrg r e n, Publiiher PHONE «lcu lcllv»n<jcounly^ M tfnbercf Audit Ourvauol ClrculAlio(V«nd UP Pur»u»nt 10 S»cllon io ld»ho Code:Thi^rutiiy li hefeby dodonalbct a t tlie dav o rilia weak ^nwhich laoal notlcai whl,b» publluisd. PublliHtd dally and fiunday. ckcepi^a^iurday, at )]?Third S lr v ^ W n t, Twin F alli. daho, lu AA«alc Valley New tpap»ri, nc. Cnlerad a t iccqnd c la it rrtall nianer Vbrll t, ( ll.a l lhapqil ohce n Twin F alli, daho. luo. under tna aclol M atcm. B?9. Yellowstone Tlie Kfaft-ridden. adminlbtratlon of- U. S, Grant is not numbered nrtiong lliet more illustrious in America. s history. Yet, with one -stroke-of-the presidential pen 100 years ago, i^resident tirant (HT soiyielhing that placed him ainong the greatest-of presidents in terms of what- they bcqiiealhed io. posterity. a-lime-wheii-tbik-t;e«ti«b-ot daho was not yet born nnd daho Territory was just starting to come to lifei President Grant signed a biil-erealing- Yellowstone National Park..That was on March, 111,72 ark area ^istan t and much unexplored Wesil. -TJie tnnve achiall^ had a crcal "cffecton thetfay oursectio[ra^tl^e West developed. t was the firs tjim e in history that a nation had.set-aside part of lstcltltdjy tu pj;esttv.^urffn^re;: generations. The exam ple.of Vellnw.iitftnf nspirwl similar park systems in other countiues.. Before the turn of the century, Yellowstone had been joined by Yosemite, Sequoia, General Grant (later renamed Kings Canyon) anti Mount Rainier National Parks, ld_lb!19,_whea mernories-of-tlib ntflah* wars wttc still fresh; Congress acted to preijerve the remains of anciem pre-columbian civilizations; first at Casa Grande and later Mesa.Verde. Some of this may be hews to those who believe that ecology and conservation and environment are words that were coincd yesterday. True, pur forefathers were often. cari!less and prodigal with this land. Yet an appreeialifin_of_its natural-beautijind the ilwareness -to. passed on unspoiled is not the _?ry- j>f.j9itp d9y_ "Consciotiflness. l l " types, Yellowstone came into being idea of making the area a national trust foe generations yel unborn. -.Whai-is-remarttafalo-is-lliilt^this concept could havp.been acceptec at a time when sp much of America was still wilderness, when- there -aeemed-to-be-an unlimited-quadtity. of land and wealth for the ttikirig and when-only a verv small f.kiction of make the difficult journey to the remote, Yellowstone area. Today, of course, ft is just the opposite; H ighw ays and autom obiles have brought. America ^-natural boautios-withinreach of everyone s6 mui:h so that some areas of some parks in peak tourist seasons resem ble qity slums. But the parks are there. What would America be like today if a few men had not had vision 100 years ag<r? Na Ghos s Wa lk R i^ tis t radicalism continues to decline in the Federal Republic of Gerinany. Not only has the largest rightist party; -the Nati()nal Demociata. failed to gain seals n the national parliament in^^bonn; but it- has consistently won a percentage of _v.qtes welllhelow.the -5-pcr cont--- araong-gu:splinter-partios "m lji[m um for sehdiiigti^inegat^t^r;. MR. SPECTATOR mvyyiate ioglslature: ^ According to the latest report of the Fedural O ffipe for the. Protection of the Conslilution, West Germany and West Berlin hqve oiily abour31,500 far-righusls alltold in- a population of-around-g0_ million, and they ape scattered Pictures Of Mars M n a few months we will have available pictures of Mars which "w ill enable tfs to, know the surface -Uiere-mueh better than-we-knew, the surface of the Earth.say about 50 years ago. O fficials -of the Nalioital Aeronautics and Space A d ministration have informed us tllat despite the giant dust storms which obscurbed its pictures of Mars for about six weeks, NASAs Mariner!t has completed its primary objective of photograpliing the planet from the South Pole to the northern hood. Nearly 7,mil) pictures of,._mars,- jkive b m i rtvorded bv. Mariner -Tind jflayedhaek.l o^ca rth sfitt itms -as well aii liauc ra dozuiisit, these thou.sands of miles away, and we able to "read" the. surface of Mars just as good (or perhaps-4«iltcr)-lliaa-wejid_earth when we usi^ the highway map we ^ get ijt the tforner service station. THOUGHT OltJiASTEK Kditors note: This poem was written a few years back by Jo Ann Fable, a daugl\ler of Mrs, Paul (Kveljn) Fingerson of Buhl, Hie (laughter now is a resident of Wiscoti- -sm). s it notliing to you who hurry by A lonely cross in the windswept sky? The em blem of sacrifice high in the blue- Callitig you homej is it riolhing to -7uu^ "jltfilngraplls ill itunmairiin nioons Phobos and Deimos, About a week s it nothing to you wno ckssb yonr" ago Mariner completed. its. 2a2nd- eyes orbit of the planet. To the Saviors suffering as he With Mariner picfiires of Mars (lies; ^1 now n hand, scientists at the.let And the little church with it s -- Jropulsion jaboiatoryrhiinadenctr -empty-pew^ ^ ; CaUL. are-preparing to assemble u And rooin for one more, is it- - map of a large part of-the planet. notbing to you?.. More, than 1,00(1 overlapping pictures will make up the Martian s it nothing to you, the debt you rnap. owe, Then, Mr. Spectatorwas told,. For ills </rown of thorns, His scientists will4)e able to loijk at antl~ -blobd-red flow-?. *. stiidy thi! surface o( the "w ar" hal he.laste of gall you give Him planet and will know much more anuw- - about it than residents of Karth did By passing H im it nothing of- this planet some balf-century to you?, ago, rjot only will they know, the, - sur/ace but they, will also bt; able to s it nothing to you that only He study theritial, otomiciil arid Can carry you over ot^rriitys sea ANLEyANS^LRQBElT-MOVAC U nseatm g D a le y s D elegates CHCAGO The ao lf owit ijelei(nle»-lo tho nntlonnl Uiowholclieortcd support of.uiq ilsvotl;!# tliolf s u bstn n tln l ontl-pnloy ^ roformtrt ~ T o ~. pgrlfyldb ronu ;ta rotornn convention. Holdover,, n Q ilc iio ornnnlintlorl (osmnllal,enov(jlos nqd tnlcnlrm t to tliat generate ontl-org»nlzalli)n _ trnvolloil by Domocrnla since peculiarity n the McGovern to national victoryl-n Uio-.cndbuttoundercutllnBDaloyln octlvlty that would aid Walker. 0«fl-l«neorlngHho-polnt-whm CoinmlMlon-rc(prm»-prohlbttar-nutumm:nitiiili BirbyTmMatlngTill>:--- wnybt" liieludlnit o rc iliilinich w nitdtorlnju g itnr tlie party muat eluior;dlsol»y. elcctloncerlns Uio regulars Dalny s doloi^atca and jiending emnsculiiung Msnfluenco at> contests for convention - Us new guidelines or court but not tliclr opponents. Thus, tlicm homo n, disgrace., Miami Bcmcli. dolcgatos n Clilcago. disaster, by unsoatlnb delegates die Daloylorganlzatlon must Nevertlielosa, uroj tuatlon Until 1072 Hnols delegate Accordingly, i)e. G ra ila sent to tlie Miami Bcacli con- violate the guidelines to elect -hereroprcsonts the excess ot selection was routine. Daley concocted a plot with the n- -ventlorr^mnyor-^mthard-jr-hheirtfelegiite.i rufarm-~toinilflnb^iirtimt}c~lli;iriliraiiwll8tlltrilllll!rw llltl~tlcp<mdcnr-voti!r!l. m OlllBlT " -Daleys ya Ciilcngo machine. machine, Bvcn n Us tii present non* AlUiouah AlUiough the minola retomigrs. retormcrs. Dickthe pickthe doleaatlon. delegation. Tlid new (Vl), state branch of the Tlie now rofonns require prasm atlc mood. t aems unhappily admu the prospect of procedure facilitates contests n llbei-al AftiorlcannA lor --- Daley.s-reKuar3-to.llglit^T.-T.for_scarcQly conceivable Uiat;-Uic,-dofootlng-Prosldont-N<on n -noiit-tuosday-s.-prlmary-bcl.-^d6mocratlc-;actlon-iada);p Uie first tim e - -to olect their Dcmocrntlc party, would risk UiisVltnlslotolsbWok.thoynre ween delegnto candidates Working cldndoatkloly. the.., ; - : pledged to various Presidential Walker cam pal^ and the V candidates.... enlisted delegates pledged to. RELA^, i t s j u s t a p e b b l e N.A POMP. ANDREW TULLY True Believer D u t D a le y s p la n w iis s till to P r e a ld o p t la l c a n d i d a t e s c o n trol do lo gn tcb fro m h is o w n ;,, w ltlio u t p e rm is s io n f r o m the- O ilc a g o d is tr ic ts (02 o u t o f 170) c a n d id a te s -r to ru n a g a in s t b y r u n n in g u n c o m m it t e d u n c o m m it t e e D a le y d e le g a te s o r g a n i z a t io n d e l e e a t e s. a n d ln - C h lc iig o - L;:- ^ _ - p o r p F d l n l P W e a n le n t r a l can- TTie r e s u lt s rji)in c (l n Uio J lila t e i- iin l..,ln ru n ll ie lr. n w n. h c a v l lv -.. ^.. P o l i i h. M u delegfitca. n thtfclty. Front- C on giession al D s trjc t on ^ running Sen. fidm und S.. Qilcagos North ade. An un.." M g s te c,w p o liig D a le y a n d com m itted Daley slatclh cad iid expecting his eventual support, by Hep.Danlel nostenkowslitls agpeed-and-so-<!ld-«ther-?;an T:ei*peeted to bnekr-mualdedidates, -M iam i Beach; But a rival slate. W h at spo iled th is of V reform ers, nom inally arrangement were pledged to Muskie but quite mnchlnhubns by one Victor de likely., with contrary alleglan- G rnzia, an.anti-daley p olitician ces, wu» entered, Would the prowhoso liberalism s laced ^ th - Wugkic PoUsh-Amorican voter D«e-Gr0Kj0-la:-rV0 te for the u n o o m m lu o o--- m anaging the uphill.cfim piugn re g u la r dr the." M u s k ie ". forgovem or by.dan W alker, an refoiiner? GEORGE C.THOSTESON,M.D. BandrAid-Siirgery- D e a r D r. Tli^Jsleson: P le a s e to Ask ypur fcguiar physician - a d v l f f c w o m e n. n h f l f t h e your gynecologist who s using la p B r o a c o p y s l c r l U z a l lb n is.the method n your vicinity. _-bprc>.t U c.opcrou o n.-lfl s im p le a n d i h c h o s p lu il s U y is o n ly o ne d a y. h a d t d o n e in.m in m i.t o r Not being a SQOthsoyef, dccilne to prcdlc( whether, over the years, this will rcplaeo-tho jac;:4iiothow)f4wbfl^m-r«al older m«lhod-of-tub«-(yin8- glad to have Had the Benerally. or. whether the older sterilization (lone. Mrs. X,. *wuy may prove to retain certain Dear Doctor; s there any. advantages. But so far the new "BandAid sur«ery done on meyiqd seerns to te considered. women in my area? tjconslsts satisfactory by those who use it. oftwoincisions nenr the naval to permit sterilization. understand Dear Dr. TTiosteson; am a it is offered in New diabetic and have heard that York. - R..M.S. insulin comes in capsule form. This a variation of technique asked m y doctor about it and he to substitute for the older said t doesnt. Would you know method of tying the Tallopian anything about insulin in tubes as a means o{ permanent capsule form? Mrs. H. C. birth control. Thefc ore several liand-aid surgery is sort of medications used in relatively a silly name for it. but its <^asier mild cases of diabetes, but they htitl ThC nr(5liritca! form arent irisiuln: Tlicre is no such thing as insulin that con be Uken in capsule form, because First a small ncision is "made the d ig ^ tiv e tract would change the nsulin into an nert WASHNGTON - For tlio eat with a knife and forii iiml Washlniiton was part rish, and bilateral partial salpingectomy. ----True tiie inokt_hh- up for nwis.s. Commntlore John Rarrv. futhcr. Heres the way it s done..noying aspect.of St.* Patricks and Patrick had some lime on of the American Navy, spoke in,-day is the flood ohearnodprosio U atuls after banisiiini; the an ttuthcmic brogue. Brig. Gen. near ho naval to admit, q thin turned out by editorial writers serpents from reland and Richiud Montgomery, an rish*. called a form, To be. effective, insulin who vvduld belter spend their pas.sinii laws that ollrishi^irls_m nn,w as the first American laparoscope. This has been in has taken by injection, time bemoanintj the hi(jh cost of hadto.bejoaiitlful and all riiih officer to die n the ^ p _ ( p r a long tlmvbccause ~ _ -trash collections. boys must. write the best R e v o lutio n a ry "W ur: piniry^roubh-thctnstrotcht O -. This js no day for Uie cunning Knglish n the world. nalive.born rishmen and four" \ub?llkc a(falr with A light - it Dear Dr. "niosteson: m too deviltry of schohirshlp. No. Some - alleged scholars - have direct descendants of rishmen was possible to see, by direct._.,. ask my. ^ doctor J nmttflr liip tt*sliin n n v n f»[ipd w ritt.m i th iit _R itt r it2k-tt fa th a r d id -in o 9 t-o f -th e w orlrt )ff~ thc v isio n, V lirto ls llo rts ns idet he fltjo u n t. m 19 a n d a B irr, a n d yollowinj manuseriptb, the wa.s a nieuium-rankinn-^:ivil Constitution. abdomen (and even see tlie think 1have plnwerms. read in -- Triie^Beliver-lmows-thnt-St scrvmirtnonscnstrevwy Wslf;---nms-^Jn Uils day^ins^hdt Uver;) r. : yourcolintocthntthcy^nrcmmll nntrijil^ -mjiu-lyirn ng Otll ninn\ king fof.surprising to find Americana of The surgeon sees what like.bits of thread and that little Sod and even probatjly wore a the simple reason that there all roces,.colors and creeds doing through a TflpSroscope, "* * " (ireen hiit and marched in were no ri.siimen wlio would do displaying their (ndtitude to tlie l^e other incision them admits at my all ago? How can get parades pausing from time to what tiiey Avere told. Wliere do lr[,sh. One especially warming nstrument with rid of which them without he going-to my time to lubricate ills throat with - you think nil those castles in tribute from another learned cauterizes pr tkictor? seals B. thep. a_dtanuiolsqiiet>augh against reland Ciune from? and courageous breed can be Fallopian tubes, People to make can get plnworms at the rigors of singing the pr^iises Finallyiwe/Vjfiiericnns would* tound~in thr~ntighborht«)d ^>* 0^i*^Qy-injpo lbl of Dear Olii Donegal. sllw l>o under British rule and kosher dellcntebsen. ts bagels The advantijges ore thot a J3e ause the rishman s a ealitjg bojled muui)n vvere it not have been Up soft-spoken lad whose voice can for the rish. Goor^je srael, too. _ barely be-heard. n the next. " - county,- Kngllshnnjn and Frenchmen with stronger lungs ha\a> spread the heresy a i i i U D X / C V Uiel?ris"Uie thal-gav_e-sl.-^^^^*- P A K V - t- l- Patrick to a theretofore -uncivilized world. Even the talians have elbowed nto the act, claiming that while Patrick m ay h a v e. been born in New York City is flooding England, he was the son of an talian sqldter engaged n the mpossible tjiskof subduing the Siissenach. inuuowii Maiiliattan with 98 extra patrohnen to try to m?ike the (reat White Way and fiines Stjuare and.thereabouts safe is a fliilterfrig one - broadciisters of heterodoxy - want in on the Great Day. By claiming dear Tat. they wouiii slyly imply tliat tliey, lou, have -a drop-or ntoofrtrtyh liliiiiii ijiiw Uierefore may wear the^lnuige -uunabutty^ ndeed, there are spilspeenh ~a&road impudi.^r~^hsugn to oliallengg the rishness of a- newbpaper columnist on the grounds his mother was a Scot. Their case would be thrown out -QLcYcrLO-Rusalan Courts As is well known in educated circles, the Scots are merely, >poor rish cou,sins who happen *to llvo-in Scotland. Tlioy are th.ere because in the misty dawn history some brave rishmen agrec<j to marry Scottish girls ao tho :Scots would bo strortg enough to fi^nhe~i:ngllsh! Tlio rish oven sent biigpipo over to ScoUand as a gag, and..uie 5cota took f seriously. An rish* manmude amends for this hoax by inventing o marvelous-ninlti based booze fthlcl) he permitted.tho& ots tocall Scotch whiskey. U lg truo*that St. Patrick spentsdmo tllhd irboui Britain iind Gaiil, or Frnnto. Spmebody -had to teabh those people how lo The Letter Hut how can thejvwlien out of in,000 felony arrests in New York last year only 522 ever even went to trial And New Yorks Police amateur thief into a pro fessional b u r g la r by Ciuiinilssioner Murphy say.s snowing me how easy t s to con " that thu ago Hruup-nioKt- ^jiympaiil^ic_ililecdlngjjcartniiimignlty nrrcstoti for aduu. crimes in his city is 15! Fi*oTirT»hmii tmrwni!jp)r Chlllicothe Cnrrectipnal n* stitutu, Convict No. 129-f.oH has written a letter to his son, And he has o^cred me a chance to" _sharc4t-wlth you.----! Convict No. 129-<;ofi. Mr. Lou Torok,write. <. Dear Son:,Wlien l)roke the law nnd ended up in prison^ really didnt know it would hurt you and your mother so much. " thought could pay for what d dojie.. -Just didn t tlilnk how th<^^ kids at schoftl would call you the ja ilb ird s son. And there snothing can do to help except maybe to tell you some things day n-the hospltql is sufficient; the incisions are small and require no sutures and only,a small dreulng;there is jttle discomfort, ond the scars are very small. With the older method, a* -any^go 10or-00,8afar-4uUhot goes. The small fry gel them more, often because kids dont wash their hands and clean " their fingernails except untlcr " pressure, and they are out n the ploy yiirde,.scuffling around, and p T & g up pinworm eggs withoutknowing it pievve too larger ncision- -was necessary small to see) and sticking their and required somewhat more "dirty fingers n* their mouths. time n the hospital: This newer method ls^t)elng_ One day when the grocer by^gyiiecologisliln many* caught me,... told him - was partsof the country. Youll have Sorry, d forgot ts pay for the stuff. He let me go.. was mighty relieved tl^n, M no culled my parents or the police. " really wlleve t was that grocer who turned me from an..everything *.-that_-i promlsod - pleasure. f there d been drugs in those days d have tried those. - d Now Here you are thnt_ same age all U^e ^cmptntions Uuitlured qtc astray and more. And read crime s easier -than ever to «et away with, niafs got to be tough to say. no to. * r > Bi/t that wrong road ends in vuic some place, ond this is miserable place (o end. - - lowever you must hate mei» love you. And.dont want you. to pay for a cheap thrill with, tho r^st of, your life. And tliors" why my.^ last But Uieres no reason at ah " why anyone else may not accidentally swallow an egg iind develop a crop of plnworms. rvfflerimetnosnare you hlivtnir to leom them^hju Jmrd wny.. prayer ns snck out cve^y njght, T was Just yo ur ago vhcri s tlinl yoir (---- stole my Ural candy bar. got lnw-^nd that t ty o u doliriin ltv v,.. t waa dont gbf", away yrithit.kt was easy. any law, proy W,,,,.. v. v j, fun. -stolo-more. -. away with it. "Thpn bigger things.., "Your Dfld..... j^ N fw Hampfhln:jind-FltrJdal \-. -a

5 Spring skiing earitinues i F rid a y, M a rc h J7,l9 7 3 T lm e i- N «w i/t v v ln FaM if-ldaho B e d n 11 ^ill t h e p e g b m a S,. i warm (nytlmo loin»roturo, " "!!!? " l», tho 1kl oroa. record snow-(joplhs n»kl T o d ll los oporn o FrlUoy roaorls nro contlnuinii to "- "Bli Suniloy wllh bm sorprovide okcollciit spring siding. Solurdny only. SUN-VALLEV (UP) ^ ThO-- Aipental, Wash., placed second, the first place overall winner n western division of the National and Eddy Ferguson, Boise, was the three events stunt nnd Exhibition Skiing Chnm* third. bullet skiing; qerial acrobatic pionshlps, sponsored by The Eastern. Division; skiing and freestyle skiing, i niburainl-sviing_mrtgn7{nc nnd cham pionships were run last nie overall second place ^ Thursday will] sttmt and t>nllct the finalists from cast apd west - skiing competition. will Tompete next week at Wayne Wong. W atervllle Aspen, Colo.,-for the national Valley, N;H., placed first tn the ^ overall champfonships. event, Patricia Kamek and Prizes in the national event.mike Lund, skiing as a couple,-- will be a_1972 Qie^olet car for S V woman injured SHOSHONE - A Sun Valley woman. Mrs. Mary Lu Fitzpatrick, received m inor injuries when a right roar lire blew out on her car. The accident happened Tiursday afternoon three miles nn. nn *, ;hway OJos Mrs. Titzpatrick was returning to her home. The veliicle left the roadway andran into a pile of rocks. She was.treated by a Shoshone physician. receive 350, and tlie third plac6 ovcraliwinner will get $200. n cach of the three events, n addition, first place nets 1500, second 1300, third $200. fourth 1200 and fifth >50. Housew^ves^be^ Vixon a-^9p-oul, Dy RCHARD HUGHES. walched Nixon with open, T A Y/)R, Mich. lu P D Six disappointment Tliursday night weary housewives paused jjn he faired to endorse a - U te - se e o n ri- n la h t- o M h o ir- C n O ^ t^t nstltntinnnl m ile, walk to Washington to liibiting forced busing., press, for a constitutional bjm "AU we haves.this great on busing long-enough to watch flood of rhetoric.- Mrs. McCabe President Nixons teievijwd.said. We re, going to choke on bgslng message and promptly rhetoric and m very disaplabeled it a copout.., nointed nvp this T r r z ^ z ^ Q f tih c r o d ^ w ilh - s u p p ^ ^ r.s in - E r n s iil^ h t^ baromcnl irilhis DetfSil suburb. M r s. M c C a b e, a n. Ty^ JW leader of the antibusing Nationrra y er cycle used at K H KNG Hl.U - n^e U tin.american countries of Cuba, Costa Rica and Barbados were Stockton, Call!., next summer.- Tlie Spring Ptesbyterlal has been set for April 19. used in the Prayer Cycle. liursday at the meeting of the United Presbyterian Women. Mrs.Nathan Miller used "Our Work and Gods Work for the program. Mrs, Furnk Jones. Services. Mrs. E. B. -awson, Mrs. Miller ceremony of the - a m i K *... presented a skit. TTie group disoussed "Tlie Dignity of Work" and work attitudes. Mrs. Carnahan, secrelary, read a le^tter from During the meeting, Mrs. Jones reported on the book "Tlie Hallelujah Chariot. For the ecuminical missions, Mrs. [jiwson discussed -"Voluntary AcuonGroupinaoi, ami fiv e o lh e r P o n lia c m o th e rs V a l l e. y B r i e f s BUHL -- Thf Vumin And for the R-Publicans Com m ittee will Least Coin,*^- P " - Monday at the hom»-of-stov6-kobntoppr^iloi% countries world-wide that O*!"? pariiclpale n tlie program os or joining the group ore nsk«l to well 03 how the money s <^ >1 B«y Bck. Oistleford, collected and l)ow_th(! least coin of each country is used.,.o., Mlldre/i Brown, avmlssljinary,,, Mrs. Miller gave t h e clo ^g N FALLS - The Sheriff triffioials a< Shoshona. who recently visited King. Hill, meditation and Mrs. Jones gave PoVes 4-H Chib s a id ^ th c w w oiw d Miss Brownls ptuw iitlr1n-ni»w Uie *pf^<yer. Mr9:"U w sbn extensive damage..,yofk but will return to Japan in the hostess for the meeting at Motfern, at its April herliottie. ~ ~ weeklymeetlng. H ic club will Jewelry stbleh^ from T F stbre T W N F A L l. ^ - A n nvestigation was in progress today in the theft of several hundred dollars in jewelry from Barton s Jewelry in the ^ w o «i S h o p p l n g - e c n t ^ City police said someone. liroke a plate glass W d o w, apparently-reached through the ^ break and -removed- jewelry from the window display. Officials.of the store were unable to determine the full x x t e n l- r f lh o -lo B i-pendin g _a. more complete check of store records; The burglary,was reported -nbqut-2:j5 a.m..todayr - ~ A nutfrgr~1cher also a o, wa.s hold a workshop S a ^rd o the. received from Mrs. Gene Mann, John M assey residence, or at concerning the orea.mfifiumlqt_t^qublcd^calula^lnc_723il22-. t^ yt pasture^.. rene." a m an shouted from Uie buck of U)c room, / j Uiought that was a copout on tlie Presidents part.. tlic south sldo of Uic Snake chos nl UiD top of 8kl so))ea and River, continuq to mnintoinalu 28 nt Ujo lodge. Tlic rond is goodj time re o rd snow depths and dry nnd dusty,,wtth wcftuicr Pltni U«8Qn(ai-4rom Hollind now!. -Maw* b*»ullfut nrd n «lt dltionslmve created corn snow spring skiing. Reports frdm the various resorts show.:. PomercUe, 64 inches of snow litthe lodge nnd H4. nches alt tlic top-ofski runs with no now sno>v during the week. Tempcrotujts range from io to 45 degrees in t^e daytime and TJtFwMlKtnreleiirilJ dry nnd grodfcd most of the way. *nie-arcn uperntcaf WednBsdflyr niursday, ^ tu rd a y nnd Sundoy., Magic Mountain iina 75 inches at the lodge ond.loo. inchcs. at.. clear and sunny with doytlmo temperature of 40 degrees.. TRY T,.. YOULL LKELT A NEWTOiOTA AT W LLS ^ S E n r n i E E SMORGASBORD DNNER AT,.. S O R A > l S WL(.iS MOTOR CO. )3 6 S h o ih o n t Si. W, 733>} 9 2S4 4llt Av*. W *tl 733-n «S the Soldier.Mountaln Ski-Patrol win liold nn annual ham dinner frohi5to8p.m.otlholodge. Bton»bly p/ic*«^ G LO B E. T r u c k L a n # Phon»733.ia73- - f V E A U ^ 1 0 0, TRE S A S.E TME TO BUY! DON 240 ADDSON AVE. W. TWN FALLS amuse( o f ^ i d k ilona Your daho Department Storos ^Fabric Deprarlmerit Carousel of Foshions on slid es... in our Fabric deportment oil doy-soturday, March 18: This will be a continuous showing... come by and view the newest fashions n-fobncs and patterns, then right-on-the-spot soloct yourpottern and,fabrjc forj^our oxcitlng Spring wardrobe... all happetiing Saturday in the Fabric Deportment at the.d. Store. Cienr Cool 65% Treviro Polyester,. 35% cotton, machine washable in bfioutifulpormanont^prosi-cotou^s W ide. Perfect for your childrens EosterDresses.. $ V il. SiratUK 100% polyester in easy-caro tumble-dry fdbric, for Dresses, Blouses, Scorvos, Etc. 45" wldo... Y.l. i r o r W ELDMO- FJB WORK LOATHE WORK Y ooislafn# t,. w«p ro beibly c a h m o k e 1 t. jo % g a in... w e r «g o o d q t w h a t w t ar*h a/»f^r. STEEL BELTED BLOWOUT AND PUNCTURE T T O T E C T O N " YOUCAN-COOn The ite e U c p r d la f o ly b e lt th a t w r a p t.a r o u n d each. M lcheli.n<x r a d ia l H g d y - b o nq g }h Jh B trtid^d._qcti o i n p o w e r fu l b o frle r.o Q Q in it: g l a i i, n o ils a n d Other t h o r p o b je c tt. V ir tu a lly e llm in o te i d c d d t n t a l fiu n c W rm. = ~ Sqvs your tire. Save,yoUr life, ^dke.flatt and blow>outi o worry of the p oil..fpr q.(]uarar)teq you can count, on lo.q[v«you p«ace of mind plut-gonulnii tiro -toylngi-look-forv ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Dont w a if. See ut tttday., ^ wwtivi.a W1V.1.W«* «W. W lth4 U«««tK«tA MMtiMtnikl*.... tn«mumil rat4 hiiicili. im M tni NN»*U«r<M*Urt)l. WM... fth. f. M - tthti H nrum MU4 19 cdilml *» «nvlllplm^ kf M Wl*4(* Ml n a <tl iwkn <«Mit UWMUni ^ M l, l,«mmm tm*4w»m...- Ainiip" ~ iim-wwmftm «M M MUMMf n r *r iulb««*iw P t t r r - S i i e H ^ ----7^ r----7 Porade print knits, 100% polyester screen prints in washable, eosy-care fabric. deal (or Blouses, Dresses and Scarves... 45" wide. - V d r Polyeut^Ttouble lin\t» Alw qyj 0 favorite for Spring % Polyester in all the latest fashion fabrics. 4 5 "wide. Ycl. OPEN MONDAYS &FRDAYS UNTL 9 P M. TliEWO DEPARTMEWORE ^ ONTHEM v a 0., v: ^.. - v -.-V

6 i Tlm»i-N ew i, Twin Fail>i daho Frid ay, AAarch 17, 1973 Telev ision Schedu les i»rhjiv.mircniy.i*t: *iw... - A t ai30 p.m. on.chitnnti 7i (3 on 3b. 3. i - Josle c«b1f) F ilm Odv»»*V. tmimnj# 10:00 Llohlifto." (ClkTi.-lWi) D lr «for 7b, 11 Mr. Wrard ^ l,u a n g a M e r.i- C t lfl fn if lflv.a flu n,.. 3 tl.-3 b,» Jr AAonUot*-, cflsr«cl*r *ludv of «n urban coup(«4. fl Jonnv Qup»t p «iiln o «w«#k0nd with {>rovlnclal.-... io;]o Jrltrtdl. Paw#f u it i a ol? ji, 7b Uuufliooi lu b ll* v io n e liti 0 lllumlnal# lh«. 3 ^,3 M You aro Tfiero locul dim trenc**, 4, i, D - Lnnculor Link BvMlnB V M-OO _ w!* li tporti - in o u lrln u E d t t o r... Tru lh or Conloquoncoi 7ll Gdctrc Cimpany. 7B, i DradVPunch n OHara h i, 7b, 8 DoubiB Pl*v. D ram a JO, 3,-4, 5 Parfrldoe F am ily 7il M litaro fltri TiM Ttj National Coographic 3, 11 liv in g End, Dram a 7»! M y F a m ily. r i i s H tmwld, umo ohn,-crirlc TO -, n dittnuriei Comedy 3 MannlK 7il Wall Slreel Woek a:00 7b All n the Fam ily 3, 11 SnolM, ComBdy *7ll -> WaihlnQlon.-WBek n Rovlow -Jjl, J World of-kfmkn -- - a> -~.U lulno -En a,-d ^ m adt( Don RciM 7il Mpyja; "nllm atp. Ulotiltn 6 Room?J7 [irrjm s-mrrr Fosllvfll.- i. 4. S,.;i3 A n ie rla in ll.h icji.u id 0 JACk&on SlvL ll;}0 T/ovel-^---- ;--- 2al. lb, NCAA»i»ikefbnll Tourmifiiufil 3b. 3 lluus bunny - bob Malton-i Music 5 - My-Frlcnd Fllcko ~ 1 1^- C o nsultatio n... JrlO--, ?b. 3, - USA USSH ntjpor Du<il Track M fct A C<imcTii i Hu )ori9 5 - Younij AtTu.Tlcnny f- Film S M uvc Speciflt Film 1:10 lor-dvfby niim 3sl MoVo TH6 n lo rm ur 4 AUC Nows 7b M oviot: Ovorland Staoo R4ldr<^pU-^Novw-Cror>lif-i^^ Movio "NfQht Cro.ilurus ll.o Movo vsol M ad rid ". lils. 3b -r-. Mpvio " Hnpponi Evory Sprini^ N u w i.w ir n itiv r,s p o r ts :Su^ H ay.-m areh»9,-l»7j--... At n p.m. on channel 3sl - Moviu Klnij Htit. T»ili W6$ m ovio bii t.ilu o» survival am id-porsondl conllicti jn a Sinoaporo ROW cam p durino W orld W ar l. Guorot. Sooal, Tom Couriunay. Jaincs Fox, Dentiolm E lliot. Patrick ONuaJ. John M iliv Ja m c ; Don..ld and Wubb.iru... ua sl W orldc hdm plonsbip Tohnlt Tournnmont Special Ji3<l -. J b ^ l j-.^m oricjin-soo f-u m *n--- > , 11 A U C i C hainpionthip Auto Nacinu.. 7b - Junior V a n ity Q u it. J :». Tsi, 7b Golf Toornamont 21), 3 - Anim al World Tiilont,Sho»vcaso EelM cmahon and H it Friunds Fish cind G a ^ u Roporl * _ P_Pfl>k{i!t)i) MiOblfQlitS 4:00 3lJ AO M inulos. 4; JO 4 - Motfit "Two Livino. One OCitd" U - NaC Ncwj 2sl. S:00 WUd kinudom, 1# i» ^ 2»l -- Nowi, W «jilhor, Spqrli lo iis : " T E 7b ~ M o^la h «v il of F ranko n iteln ", s b r-m ovie: "E asy Come, E aty C o H Sclonco and M an J p tc la l B ~ F ilm 11 M ovio: rlho p c r c n file ; 10i40 S. DYU QAtketball Hiohllohts 3 cade* C ounly. O1SO1M 4 ADC No w i 8 - Oealh Valley Pays lilo 5 Movio: "T he Sandpiper" 11:1S. woatner, s p o r ir -»1;J0 Movio: "L illlo. Caosflf* 11:30 Movio; "A dorable Ju llii" B U R l^ey The tioxt mootlnji of tho Cassia County Education Association will,bo hold in Qurloy April 26.. Clyde W a rillc, CCEA j ) l osldqiu, said at- Uib last meeting S u p O la ro ltl 4ilauer dlscusscd Uio dofcnt of tho rpcent wnd oloctlon in.uio cdiinty, 08king whnt future action of the school building program will be. t!o further discussed in dividual schools. need for vocational schools and C u r r ic u lu m m e d tin g s guidelines for teachors, followed tho general session. wearlpk apparel. >jbgot)ationb comm ittco mombcrh, Dahl Roed, -David Peck, Clifford ParrtnBtori and noydb ell reported on salary schodulosaiid ouior pertinent, school qucstiong-.

7 r l d a y J t a t d u U J 9 2 i l m o s J l i m j l w J i u E i l U J d * k o * - ) - C jh o ic e s l o ^ ny DONALD R>J1ACKEV oviddnco pnd Uiat a sawod-^ff SAN JOSE. Calif.* (UP)-U, slwtgun mny bo Hred in o.field only took. eight days for for tijcf Juford. Superior Judge membbis.allwhlto Juryin the Angela Davis murder trial, but Uie process of- finding four ^ t e r n a to - J u r o r 5 T ilr e u ( J y p T s " ln " its fourth day wiui 16 persons - questioned and dismissed. Judge luchi^rd E. Arnuson called todays extraordinary - scsslfln n an effort to s j x ^ up thc selection of olteimatefi so,.unat testimony can^begih in Uie murder, kcdntip undconjiplrftcy U-lal. >. Miss Davis, who is a cocounsel in her case, sj>t silently Hiiirsday and let her --- dofontti- taam quoctlon thap o te n tia l p a n c lis t s r T h e defe nse used th re e p e r e m p to r y c h a lle n ^ t-gs lu ent lu d e g M u»»u m i w o m a n, a m a n b o m a n d ra ise d blown off by a shotgun during the Snn Rnfaol shootings. H nrris also Used orie.of his perem ptory. chifllerigestb cfismiss Eunice R. H ew itt, an. n{tian mother of nine who said dem onstrating *was not m y bag,- but slie hadno objection tp rnllinrntst ^ ^,T(Tonch his ow n / she wild. B o y le f a c e s c o u r t te st W A S H N G t o m U P l T ^ U r i i t " ed M ine Workers President W. A. Turry n p oyif l " iflg M " itig- sternest courtroom test to date in Bangladesk DACCA. lu P ) - ndion Prime Minister ndira Ganillii arrived in* Bangliidos)) amid heavy security precautions, today for the, first-time since h e r. troops liberated the infant nation from Pakistan in tecemil>er. ]. She w as taken to. the presidential, mansion by hquc<pter-and-under heavy sccurfty precnutions. / ; Prim e M inister Sheikh Troops SAGON lu P)-T lie U:Sr Army today drdeted Uie pullout of 11 units, ncluding a pair of.hcllcopter combat teams. The U.S. commahd p ^d the :uiuui-wiui u-toiai o f~ l b nicn were placed o n _ standdown" nnlt»rsi^nnd_tnl(utn_ftlftiin_np_ their equipment forvtlie. trip - h o c lu to - th ttu Jn ite d - S te te s r - :^ sand Vietnam veteran. two other UMWA officials The prosecution used one challenge ^b dlsmlss an ndian mother of nine. converted SD,500 in union-funds to political campaigns in *.nic inltial sess ion before U.,At the end of Thursday s S. District Judge CharJes sessmn, the defense hild five Richey was expected to be Mujibur Rahman and his wlfo, Hreotcd Mrs.,Gnn(Uil but crqwda^j whicli had boon gathering slnco. dawn t6 greet her were kept 200 yards from the airport perimeter.- Mrs. Gandlil was to m ake n spdcch al Daccas r a d. later today where failings wero installed across the grassy expansc-to-hold-]iack-a-crowdexpected to reach a willloti jmirsons. ncltided iln the latesrw jlh* drawaj were the 02nd Aviation Company, and Delta Troop of tlie 3rd ^uudron, 17th Cavalry. - last years drive into liios by U if., south shot down at least once. HARRSDURG. Pa. (U PD-, the scenes of the crime. F Q l agimls icsuked Thursday!-. A Narng\o>spacod - page ql about the vandallilng of sovoral- antiwar urging was (ound On draft boards on June B. 1B70. Juno ; on a counter of a but dld-not-placc-kny_of,uio-vandaliicd-.draft board n, Harrisburg Siiven defendants at Dover. Del. L U K E S U P H O LS T ER Y S P U N G ^S A E! ; ciisto»rophdiste«ir^ REFNSHNG & RECANNG PHONE FOR N HOME APPONTMENT ALL WORK 100% ^ Giigrtinf eed «R-3(hYlAR5-KPt«FNANCNG AVALABLE < > r 9 r 8 «l i m i H h l v» ^ t r BLL WARNER TERM TE & PES T CONTROL T S)(OWTME FOR OORMUHT OL SPRAYNG SOL STERLZATON &CATTLE SPRAYNG TREE CONTROL ANDYARD SPRAYNG COMPLETE PEST CONTROL SERVCE ; QUALTY aslervlce FOR LESS!! ^ pver"5o yeots in wm F a lls T r t o Vai-ln^r own Work... fo rm e rly daho repres^ritative pf^g nationoi pest ^UPMENT, - STATE lcensgp^ l>home the slate s seven., *niree au ev- nates have passed questioning for "cause and are tentatively.. lieated. those alternates are accepted, the first person to join he regular jury in case of

8 aw feia j i j n t-t S. TmM-Nnwi, Jvyln Falli, daho Rrld«/. M«rdh 17,^1W2 schoojlbiu (Continued from P. 1) / perty levy of up to 4 A mills. A committee proposal cnrrjed by [lep! John EdvvnrfJa, R- - U also would lippcbo o number of-now or ncreased state- wldo-taxofl,-inbludtna-adovy-on local property tiixps wltli n one tent incfease in the slut sajos tax went down, 27*a9. - HeprK;y.McHaniR-Ketchum,- uri^cd thuhoiiiic to kill Ravens- crofts bill-a Hecond time after it was rocon.sidered, polntlntj out t viola tee the campaign promlsd of miiny not toraise, taxes. -.TillsJ)ill and_the. other two proposals wduld grab nearly J ll million in inventory Uix pliase- ouiiifimick~mtd purtftem- into* aid formula, ft would, however, allow local-un ts.,to. make up their los.s by a pro- real ostato tronsoctlbna to raise $l /million;.extension o f the salos tax* to auch services, as -tfilophonea, retail clcctrlclty onu water, heating matter, barber and beauty service?, repair on non-exempt equlpmer^t, laundry and dry cleaning to rolao neady W.tiyillllorin one ccnt clgarettc taxincroaso toproducc BM,000; ~a hike n the corporntc ncome tiix to (icven per cent from six -ti) raiko$14-mlluon^anda boosts n personal income taxes to raise $i;919, fmou^e~exte nd^ " H i i s U n p «r g i s t «f r General fund budget $ 137 tnillion BOSE (ijp i) Tiic sennlo pnbbcil 28:0 nntl- -. ^^fwsnt to tho governor TlmrHtlny crlalalion.requirjn^ roghitratlon ns n prc-roqulsltc for, r volfnif in iclalio.. Son. John Mix, D-Mpscow, snld tlio leglslotlqn JKOulil clcqr-uelthc.ltiirnl cuication rfll«cd when First District Judge Watt Protiier ruled, tlio.. legislature allowed for registration but did not specifically require, registration before voting. Sen ate p asses fa rm lab o r act BOSE (UP) Hie Senate About a dozen Mexlcan-Amer- -lpqsscd_2m_iin(lsc.nt to thep leanspicketed the Statehou5e_ House Tlmrsday a new daho Wednesd nyrproiesting the bill! ~ Agricultural Udjor Act.with _ Scn^ Waiiliam Crookliam. R* debatoi rf ndrcatinti the bill, Caldwell, floor sponsor and one Gov. Cecil D. Andrus,* was de- can all llvewith it. mlddle-ofithe-road ^approach to ^fnrnr labor problems. Andrus vetoed or)c farm lalwr.substantive changes from the bill vetoed by the governor in-, eluded deletion of the six-^ay -, --- /ynct-hcnt-to-him thia-flehhion-oa omployment proviaion-for-pic--.jl. A v grounds it had certain constllu- keting, authority to the Agricul- BOSr: ( UP 1- Feeling more Floor Sponsor E. Don Copple, tional defects. Ho threatened to. tural Roftrd to determine time is needed to perfect da- u-boise. Advised the HouL if hdity for elections, m- ho5 n, Unitorn, Protote l^m om bors did not know vh5t j whilenotperfect. was better tlmn of the bill s, draftof-s. spid the, leglfllntionf-nt-nllr- --- ^ * *b C?t^Hdlaiior of the wontil-, Tie-men,syrc, drafted by a nosh of the leguatlon s. that. B O S E (U P ) l l j o final Tlic decision m eant m ore com puter.prlnt-out from tlie m oney would hovp to bo ap- Jo int Finnnco-Approprlntrons p ro p r ln to d /or both y o p th Commlttootliursdoy placed U»o.rehnbllltatlon ai^d (ho training proposed fivnerorfund budget ccntoi*. v fo r fla c n l y e a r 1073 a t.. $137,328,000, Under tho proposed m ove to FlBiTrcs t o r tho H onltb-thc-dpa-ln^nn-tfforho-pick-ui)- Dcpof-tmontond the D epartm ent nnore federal money boui youui of P ublic AaaiatAnce were rehnbllltatlon a n d th p training adjusted w hen t appeared tjie. tjenter would have needed no honsp-ii/qii]fl-nnt_np[ir}>un-tlie_mqcc_tllqn_currfent funding. iranflfer to tho D P A of.,youth, But, f. the transfer s jio t rehabhltatlon from health and made and the federal moneys Uio YouUi Training Center are not available, cifch program. -AnthonyJrom the St«!CBoard required u lift-gcr gcneral-fundof iilducation.. lovel.^ Driver training fee hike proposed BOSE (U P ). - Despite contentions the fee for driver s, for low-income students; the ncreases n liccnsq, pehhit and course costa to pay.for the. program Just Received Shipment -----USED ^ Raifroad-Ties n lol> of Bonkardt Welcoiiie ack - fcctlvb dntu until July lx> doing by voting (ibalhiit t. from July ^,. llulinfi -F4»n H m M i- BOSE (UP) - The_ senate pasflcd 30-0 Tlmrsday a bill to remove, the requirement that ; educational property^miiat be tlsed exclusively by the owner to be exempt from^ property -taxation Hen, Jam es Stoichpff, D- " Sflfldpoint,.said the change would ease the situation for schools which have rented buildings to use for students., Name eluuip:ed BOSE (UP) - Tlio Senate passed 20-fl and sent to the governor Thursday «bill clianglng the name of tjie DepartinenL-. of -Public A&slstance to the Department of Social and R ehabilitation Services,. Senate bill to re-enact code held er William J. Lantlng, R-Hollis- -t«iv-flcnt-to-o-load9pflhip-com^_ mittec for safekeeping today a Senate blu< to re-«nact tho old Criminal Code. ^nting ndicated his purpose, was to keep tho measure on co while thf> Hniiqp looked at a_poa; sible compromise between, tho new and the old penal codes. Gov. Cecil D. Andrus earlier signed into low a bill repealing the new Crimtnnl Code as of AprU \. The_old code purportedly daho s criminal laws its they were nst Dec. 31 was approved by tho Senate as a replacement for the one being repealed. Proposal defeated BpSB- -UPt-> ^i?»^hll-^^--scnr-john Barke^.. H-Buhl, d iijt u r b m g tnt) s ta ic i; r utip- a^iid iirr u t i a f n c y. K crm r a i ^ portlonment plan under appeal.opinion ndicated any change in, to the U. S. Supreme Couit, the the. roapportlohment -plans senate killed Tlmrsday a already iippr.ovod in U.S. bill creating subdistricts m Pistrict Court tfiight upset its B Q S E iu P ll.- ^ (?. U 3 e J p c a k -. legislative districts 9; chance.s in hi; U. S. Supreme a n d "2a r " : (53urt, -... WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE!! MATTRESS AND BOX SPRNGS FACTORY CLOSE-OUT PRCES! ASK ABOUT BANNERS BUDGET PLAN p-~ j "T ill lo W ls l PRCS H TOWHliAWu ri{mti sii: -, -.,.. SlBilCu lmhiclfboiabotimiisjit-wpsoof C U C il.!»ui two-l.. 0 M o r e weeks until

9 Fridsv, Atarchl7, l»7j Tlmei.News, Twin Fslli,- daho.». metliods tighten ---- B j r B E B N X B D T f K E N N E l F ~ ^ Beyond thej nnlilngsi a recent report from U P l P a m E d it o r the General Accounting Office warned-ttint W A S H N G T O N ( U P ) - T lg h to n o il n- current. department inspection methods.may s p M tlo n m e th o d s h e lp e d p r o d ilc e n ju m p of. not be catchlhg all bad can n ri and pncltagod meal pro{}ucls. he- UAU report -said ^ -ported meat rejected by U. S. nspectomln iw i liocoum t was odulterotbd, rotten or othorwiso department s system of statistical sampling in each lot of hnported meat was adequaie for n violatioh.lihedcral standards, according to fr ««h n n /i fr n.a n hut urnu the Agricuirure Departmeht. A department report shows some 20.2 million sitimpy in some cases for other products. "The number of samples of conned products pounds of Unported meat were. "re fu M entry required for opencan visual enninatlon : s _ last year out of total mports of o v er 1,7 billion pounds a rejection rato of about l.tpcr c e n t^ ^ departmhit report.sliows some 29.3 million pounds ofimportcdmeatw ere refusedcntry" fio( statistically adequate, inlolir.opinion, to rallnbly determlhe product whblosomeness, adulteration, and. wntamlnatibn with foreign matter," tlie GAD renort complalniid^ ^ Hlast year out of totj^l.tmphrfw n f n u a r - lj-hllhftw^ ^ p o u n d s a rejection rote of about<!r.c<!nl.. n 1070; records showml S1.3 million pounds. were, rejected by inspectors atu. S, ports of. / cntryoutofoverl.sbiuionpoundsimporlcd a rejiction rnto gf unilcill.z pcr:9cni,....., n ow.ft!v is e d re p o rtin g ByHtnm i r c je c ic u in lo ic 11)70 d id n o t a p p e a r in th o fc d c r a l r e fu s e d " s ta tis tic s u n til^ o ffic ia l g aid. B u t th e s p o ltc s m a h a d d e d th e re w a s also a Asrtnnturo Department officials-said they moved last year to meet other OAO complaints about training, and supervision of port nspectors, and said they hoped to move soon to improve their sampling system for canncd p r o d u c t s _ TlirTSrtcullUfO Depaitraonncport-showed liilom ondom mtionianserforfroshiw ijfr mutton,4nmb and pork included aduiteratiiin with matprials including stomach contents, decomposition and bruises. Chief failing for O i i t o i. - ^ M A T Q l i l A l W t A T H t H S H V C e N O A A i o r G > tfn e * ^ - A p p f O K i m a t e l v ^ 6 ^ i n c h e t 4 o l l w ilk - rn ln rn tn :;N o n - s iz e A, , CHCAGO lu P ii - Whol»»la teiimg m u m l o d g in g. CHCAGO (u m i - Cfittxv Com prom ise fa r m la b or m osu y2.3t)-2.60;u.s.n Q.2.6oz Fv * lt>. procatvad lo a i 70<. brick pricat a» raportad oy USDA. 7J. m ufnitaf 73 i Chgdrta ftin Eggi. Pr*cat paid doiivbr»d lo Ctiicago D u e t o t h e q u o n H t y q v o l la b le, t h i t SS 3 6 S h o rt M ix m in., , occasional 2.10; Ole d a iil«o o nr*ri5ho)<>7nrw Tr757:- G r q ip t a v a io B la ~ ih ls y a o r o n a T ir t t < o m e f ir it t a r v e 50 lb. cartons, CWT basis, BO- 40 bl. blockt Sw iit block* BO carton* delivaradi E «tr* larga 47 4J, large 41. madium^ ) lb gr«u» A 6*< (O yracia U 74; b a i i * J.fi0 r5 *2 5 U D O B tly - i a5._- 7»:^.- w a< ib - J^^ ctncargo~tijpu -- bill scored by F B aide one marl# 5.76, of^astotral roitn t>orl> balllm CHCAGO (JP n - PfO/l.irF opan high low la liu la li* lower; 10 lb. mesh sacks, Polaloat Total jhtpmonfi 737. a rrlvaiv TV.- track i l ; loa itw t a in io etfidiitn Lva C»Mlf 37. 4$ 14.4S Apr ] JU baled, per hun^edwelght, U.S. prict trend. J>in 31 SO 31» 31-iO 3) AO 477- Oniont Total tm pm orit 71. arrival* «3717 1J.97 4t Aug No. 1 sue A, few 4.0W.50, 4. irack t, demand ooodi market tllghtly Ocl )J U 90 JE R O M E - Gordon thlg mostly ; non-size A, Croian Park to p ick et e s ta b lis h m e n ts o th e r b lig h t p o o lin g p r o g r a m Track la m lu t. daho Orsgon v«how 40.7S J0.7J ;H.lO 99 HoUiflcld told. Farm..Pureau , mosty ipanl«h, largt»ll«3 00 ) 10 lata Wednet 40« to «91 t h a n, w h e re th e y a r e cm.- y e a r, day, 100 taw to quota Tnuftday 19 SO 7> ,SO 39»7 443 ttronger mem bers Wednesday the p lo y e d." Onions: Western daho and organlyilion cannot support a H e e x p la in e d th a t th e F o r m P r ie s t r e v ie w e d P l a n ^ o r - r in i r - r - r / it : ; ; V v compromiso farm iabor bill Bursnu B presently trylnr to grosshstiper :.control tor Uie i..drafted*by the govcmorjs-ubor e x te n d lh c.e a r m L o ijo r.a c tj o r r a in s y e p i H e a a id h e u s n o f v e ilo w commltte. _ o n e m o re y e a r. n o t reel t w ill p o se a n y t h w n t to *> T th e Je ro m e o re o t tro o tc d n sw e e t S p a n is h, 3 n la n d n r g o r, Hollifleld, a member of the H o llif le ld t o ld th e g r o u p H m c 1, , m o s tly 2.00, o cca sio n al T arm Bureau s tax conunittee, H ouse-.b ill 421, w h ic h, a llo w s h ig h e r ; 2^4-3 i n ^ , ocalso told J h e gropp that s chool trustees to re v ie w th e ir ANDGRADNGEQUPMENT V lt lo o k s lik e w e ll h a v e ca slo n al h lg h e x c c o Q p ^ t lv e * e f f o r t s b e tw e e n t h e ^ b u d g e t s p e r i d d i c ^ y, h a s been b etw een 12 a n d 14 th o u sa n d F o o d p ro d u c e rs, n c, b o a r d of s ig n e d b y t h e g o v e r n o r. a c re s to t r e a t, " P r ie s t s a id i t g e n e r a l t l ^ l o n i n g u p o f port-of-entry flspcclioit a i i o t n i i 3 ^ i l h W d c d j r a s o u n d i a n B. ^. j _ ^ standards and supervtsioir:---- pesticiuc residues in bcqf, adultorntion and Yiq lm}^.rtc<] moot cnme from more Uian 40 stiort weight.. For -i^ked beef, violations incduntrlcs n which plant nspcctlon-systombhod eluded,... insufficient cookinp. nflitl>ffrnhhn_jintl -boon-o«rtin«h«r«qual to Ainui lean BUiilllJiriW. dccomposltlon7 n overseas plant inspection aurveillancc by ^ExpOrtlngT W at cgmc rrom more man -ho Jie^riculturo-bopartmentrnlso-critlelsscd-lncoumrrcs in whlcii pfaritiiispectron systems had iho GAQ_tcport,ihc department;3-)iq5v re p ^t. j been ccrtificd as equal to American standards. showpd 180 foroigh plants last year were Exporting plants arc periodically checkod by stripped of permits ta^^gtdqcli i-4hc-unitod visiting U. ^ ^axflerts - ait^oll^ns - fulh im i^ - yoflru>d totla of 948 auuiorizcd resident local lnspcctora. Nearly three-quarters ^jp n ts. Tlic report showed;e chocked by P o t a t o e s L ^ ^ l i o r f o r c e e q u a l of the mportslaflt-yoar^carne fro m six.counlrlcs,lb,full-tlm e Am erican experts l a addition to A n d O n i o n s»nipnr»,l- lrf- ll..v C anada, D enm ark, ^ y - a lia rn c th c rln n d s,* _ homg-goiintrv inspection fnrpm D A H O. f ^ L S (U P ) Workers n daho during the yoar ago UAO reviewers icvic com plained that slow,,afiiicultuijljdcpactoftrit-action4n- d e - lis tin g ^ P o ta lo e s : Uppflr valley, Twin week -Of Feb totaled -Eamlly-form workers in the Despite presum ably rigid inspection of the m eat in foreign p la n ts^an annual Agriculture 30,000, according to the d ah o state totaled , up. 1,000 iorelg n plants h ad perm itted e n trr*of some a n d B u rle y d is tr ic ts ; O-op and Uvestock^^Reportlng frem.last year. The mjinber of. D epartm ent report to Congres today showed the fneat produced between-the tim e U.S. n- D em and fa ir; m ark e t steady; Ggcncys forcc of 100 port-of-cntry m port meat Service. ^ hired workers dropped from spectors visited a deficient.plant and the tlm o nissela, w ashed, 2 n. or 4 ox. inspectors found adulterants n, the de-llsting action took-.effect. Agriculture n U n.; 100 lb; sacks U.S. No. 1 This is thov^am<; number 5,000. to - wool, bone and stomqch and intestbial contents Department officials said they had given their Size A, 3.00^.40> mostly Jn-aorae-iamplftfl,:and5iccal.pe9tlcidc rfsitiues ovcrscas~ngcntrpowdr toihdldback~meat~frdm~ 3-35H>ccafiional^.50!-C-14-og -in"some-eanned-beef; ^bad-plantsin-such-cnses: : Qrmostly.4.004^;40 oz. P r o d i i c e P r i c e s L i v e s t b f e k JOLET. Ml tupl - LlVfllOCk C«lli». rktipl«irj pot nouo*" arty Clmlt n lahllili lc»-utnij. D B N V t H ( U P! ) ~ U v c a t o c k : c i.u 10 u ib u ih «pftc»- uinut*" H oui) flooi b a r ro w s a n d itllts lo w e r! M.7 M 4.S ) l sts^^^ weaktom low on 1:318.50?20.00, -TSHA-TO-GUESTgenoraily 2!M0 lower; welghls HOk-VWOOD (Ul^lr-risim or 200 ib»-wonk to 25 iowor Ann Sotliorns dnugh- About 125 head U.S. 1-is i: "PP-* " " " B" - ib s - 5 4,O O H M i» ^ W 6 ^ - " ^ ^ - ^ " ^ ^ 23.75; some 2-3 uneven welghta Center." on na no ne, n n.<nvi.ii._- irtn A n r t i v MVi 23.0P-23125; 2-3 MCWCOibs txcellent SELECTON W.iS ; lbs ; -avo-aoolbs 2l;B ; few londsaoo^aaibs Cattje 800; calves 50; Steers and licifors about B(oady but. not (inough for a reliable m a r k e t lost. Cows conts low-.- n r ^ U o d - o lw lo ft» flte «r» 4 ^ flh b fr ~ 34;))5 rhib h-roodflna c lv o i? in j2 5 ^ 1000 lb imjlfess , uti.fity a ndcom m ercialcow a 24.00^8.00 utility dairybrcds 20, ; Connor and cutter 2i: ; m ixed cuttcr and low utility nt -24;2a:2m...^ T -... ^^io o M W )n - S m a U r- flu p p ly - o t> - slaughter iam bs.qlcndyutaufi liter owes scarcki] top ahnm lam b price 31:50. o U m p o t l e d 1!W 0 5 D AH LAS LLES ANEMONES RANUNCULUS ; 3 " Ro.un9.or SqCiortf. P «a l P o l l D o i.j i f f y P flo l P o lle li 3 E a c h o r 35* D o i - i()- Jtffy-(»iiBt->«lla t r l n - w l n F a l l s F E? D & C E, n t. T33-U97 Som ething NEW f.or you f f t R M E R r SS 36 SHORT MX GRAMS,.a r ls t ie y t h a t w i l l m a f u r «. d t. t h a i a m» l l m * (T v /e o f t h e M -.v a r ie lia fr o r ^. n o t. n o r m a l ly r o it «d in t h i» a r «a ). T h «i«ss- 3 6 S h o rt M ix G r a in s o r e a d a p l a b l f to. a ll a r «a «o f M a g jc V o llo y. ( f o r m «r ^ y i l a n t «d i n >(> c a u o f 3, a c r ««w i t h d v e r a g a y j a l d i o f b u.l p e r d c r o. S o m tf y l a l d i io b u. fr o m R t jp o r l to B u h l.).... P e rfe c t G r a in to u t s fo r c o v a r c r o p fo r A lf a lf a, C lo v a r A D C S EED & FEEO U L U D C i COMPANY Track Une ^ Phom 733^373 - Twkt F>h, daho B u r e a u o f T e s t C o n tr o l a n d the f e t o L r J X d th e F a r m w ^ n g S i o n, h e s a id b t a " H t O B u re a u o f l ^ d M a n a g e m e n t. P o l o T y p e P r o d u c e rs, n c. n o w s u p p o rts the g o v e rn o rs c o m p r o m is e b ill. - = P o u i^ a io r ^ c h a n g e s - w e r e ; m a d e. to t h e p r o p o s e d le g ls li t t io n, H p l llf i e ld s a id. E lr s t, e lim in a t io n o f th e six- d a y p i c k e t in g p r o v is io n ; seco nd, e lim in a tio n o f th e l i * s chool b u d g e ts in th e m id d le o f P r ie s t s a id d e te r m liia t lo n of th e an y_flcrea- w o uld- h flv c- tfl- -Leglslntloirnvhreh"w ould be t fe a te d w a s m a d e fr o m thd m o v e, m o re a u th o r ity to th e c o u n t o f e g g ^ t h a t w e re la id la s t ~ s ta te w as d e fe a te d in th is f a ll a n d t h e s u r v iv a l over- the s e ss io n, H o llifle ld n o te d. w in te r. J e r o m e C o u n t y - E it e n s lo n A g e n t D ili P r ie s t s p o k e to th e d a y e m p lo y m e n t re q u lrs tn e n ts m e e tin g a b o u t b e a n b lig h t. H o befo re ^ i n g a p e titio n c a l l i n g / s a i d in J e r o m e C o u n ty 67.2 fo r a v o te o n u n io n rc presen- a c r e s w e re p lo w e d d o w n t a tio n ; t h ir d, s tre n g th e n in g th e d u tie s o f th e A g r ic u lt u r a l L a b o r b e c a u s e of b e a n b lig h t, a n d.h e n o te d th at th e c o u n ty w ill h a v e B6ai-d, an d - fo iirth rp c it O ia s lfln - 2 fl,(w a ~ a c re 8 u n d e r K e b e a n * ~9~~ * D&G AUTOMOTVE AttCTC;CAT OUTACO Snewmoibllai - MoiorcycUt^ COMPETTON «r PEASUBE Com pltlt-parli, Acccitoriai! Satvi<a - X U aniljvv*.:s J?U 305- * V i r *»»»»»»»»» <r» <r» Hr» <r * _ #. #». M e t a V B u i l c ( i n g s - U U T - T a V O lm - i w o w c A W o m. GLYNNMcNEMAR COHSTRUCTONCO. P h J S l r.. t R u p e r t, d a h o. m nise M A K E P L A N S N O W T O A T T E N D O L R O P E N H O U S E S e ^ a V O N n A Y & T U E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 0 A N D 2 1 f u ] E 5 S - J o i m U c ^ f U m ^ t e a t t t i i T r a r~a:bf^ M o b e l P r i z e W i n n e r N o r m a n B o r l a u g p l u ^ i h a n y o f t h e l a t e s t d e v e l o p m e n t s i i i a g r i c u h u r e.., S e e w h a t s r e a l l y n e w i n. F a r m E q u i p n r ^ e n t f o r 7 2 f r o m J r i t e l ^ a t i o n a K H a r ^ l e n ^ " ^ ^ ^, U s e d E q u i p m e n t p r i c e d t o _ 8 e l l /. t - F R E E C o f f c f e. a n d b q n u t s J U s e d P l o i i t e r s No. T516 $ 1965 Loekwood, 4 row-.., = N o i - T i 3 & T967 Lockwood 4 row - N O r ««6 - T967. Lockwood 4 row No Lockwood 4 row N «n Lockwood 4 row No J i m. No Lockwoo^ 4 row... No W63-L1iiekwB0c -2~H>w~ N o n Lockwood 2 row No Lockwood 2 row _No Johw.Daarc 4 row - N o ; 1468! - $ 1966 ohh Daere*4 row j ^ o..i 667_ ^ l _ : : T966 John Deere 4 row locn 1967 j^rbofr9s^ftw-^l-s90 # 1 ^ 7 A A ^ - ^ J o h i U J e T S! l.» 5 - S a /. U U No f t i r r i ^2400 ^2owr *2400 *475 No Jolin Door«4 row No N a a John beere 2 row ^2000 *475 i(plohn Deere 4 row. No m e 4 row... " N ^ : t 683 *900 TTJc X P W Used Cufting-Gmding Etjuip. 802 N o, Lockwood Seed Cutter»2sa ^ m \ - looa N o,t S «7 - - S* Lockwood Seed CuHer... ^ ^ M A G G - V m E H M l W W P M E r t T h i r d A v a. W. " ilf J r Hr «r,» * * «*,* >r»u M l «r * * 0 < n T>^ln Falls, daho j M U l u M U u M u U f c. H i W A Y 24 Finest in the field!" P H O N E 436^701 jtu P E R T ^ p A H O :

10 - ) f l m «- 4 w i T w in P»ll<, H«ho F r d.v Filer B ^ lis l choir to cqncerllz^n F^ t ) n e y c o a l k e o r x 5 f t h *. c r P i w t s C Choir will give n concjcrl ontlro choir. Sajiurdoy in th o doht) Falls Sunday tho choir will prosbnl First Uaptlst Oiurch. o concert n tho Amorlcan Foils A youtji banquet will bo hclc^ Baptist Oiurch, olcordln^ to at-0 {).mr-and-u)9-gospouiirob.rcv.^^y-watson^postor.--- will sinr for the banquoj. TTio. G L d s r s 1972 ALMANAC m e t f o K w e A S K in tf)!. G i. p B i = i % V A R T H O L O M K W Oiu* o f tlu- m o i f t lu iu ^ it f u l. iiiu-^cioiun.n,js*.u liiin :ld.,litu )«ji.s B a rtu o lo n ic w., H e U rn c io iif. ilic M.iit c r tlirnvi> ;h l i i i f r ic m l, M iilip, w fm ^.MHicnmtcc tli.u lie u m s tltc M o u.lli. VtOu-H U ;irttiol(^ - hc. ii d lie *»»»»> ~ N.i/ V jr r t i. lie u o m ic r t t C T ^ in tlk -rc.ui>;- KOiul tiling fittnc oiu «f - N.J /.ire tli?. hf h.ul.1 r c p iit a lio n u n t il l i f uvci H e m oved fro m d o u h t tii f a it l e \ i..u m e t l, " R.ih h i, th o u.«rt tlic Sotj o f G o t), tlie K in x o f r^ T ^ d itlo V i th a t la rtlu d o tn e W c\~ie m le ii th e C lir is t ijif h ie t ic e f a r b c y o iu l. / s r.w l a f t e r tlic K c s u r r c c f io n, t o t f t h ir ij; n t li.i.itjil c.iv lf jf j t lia t c»)ntu»tfnt. th e G o sp e l o f M.itth w w. T h e C lik is t ia n t h u r t h in " i«y p t ( ( lo p t ii ) h a s / u a iiy e a r ly M-ritin^^S tra c e t! to ilu- p e r v o n a lit y o f B iiith o li> in e \v.- ina ciyhl lug illuil oluni luctniili ler ttoming. ifnil 4i (g>k <h»ck D o x c,» hii n*wm>op»(. f 0 Ooi KoJii. Citi Slalion, H»» Yolk, H T h ri$tia n unit a j t e f TWN - An-E«ster Group Vrriet at the home of brenkfiist will be held nt 10 (>,m. March 31 in the Qiristiiin -Chtirc h RcnowHlib Hh. Planii for the brcakfaist were made at ih.e liist meet^n^ of the Mrs. Maurice Allen.wljli Mrs. Uba Allen Kiv^inR the lesson. -(;«)up-2-inet^l-thc; ipme of Mrs. laiiphlfiogar wlhrmrii. V. J. Davidson assustant hoste.^ Christijin Womens Mljlipn and Mrs. Philip Schmidt tivin(» Service: tlie lesson and Mrs, John Parish* Pat..Brown, Commimity Kivinn (levotionst Actlrjn, Gcntcr representative, ^ave the pro^ram at tho meeting*. She described cffort.s to feed tran.sients and others..ncodlnc io od-iram JTlie Pantry located in the old ho.spital bulldink. "* TVlrsV Floyd SinitTi," 1971 presuient, announced that G dozen place settings n Corninyware had been purehu.sod for the church kitchen. Group 3 m thc.hdmc of Mrs. James ngalls wltli Mrs. tobert Wilson RivinK the lcs.son and Mrs. Walter Brose [giving devotions. Molher*.s Club met nt the home of Mrs. William Gofj witli Mrs! JTimes^ind.sey asmsfa h t hostess.- Scott Hnrmon.demon-slratcd the microwave oven. Mrs. Bud Huddleston gave devotions. Film slated Sunday TWN KA.M.S - Sumlav morning programs, at the Finst l^esbyterian Qiurch in iv in Fulls will include a film at 9:30 a.m. and.regular 11 a.m. services.,. * &ason.s of the Seventies * will be.shown at the 9:30 a.m. service. Rev. Hobert~V»m^est.will.speak ut n a.m. on "Wlio Tlie third and final lenten dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tliursday in the church dining room. Tliis is a potluck dinner with a guest speaker, Kev. Catlioli«conclayc A n n i y e i i s a r y. SHOSHONE - Tlie fjds Relief Societys Anniversary Shoshone Ward will be -hi)uliu-7!30-p;mv^uu^duy-flt-l!io:^hurch.- A potluck dinner will be served and there will _ be a program, Mrs, M. J.Diile, president, said. - 3 a.sked to tnktf thilr own";." t^ible service, Hu.sbands of members jjj-e to be Hiiests. Richfield has R 1 a i t i j e ^ ^ p f a b -Gnrn-afimrrqundation Stewart, Carey, conducted the Another. counselor, Pres. niame"stake LDS"Quar-lurly Joseph TvienTaileyrndted the Conference at Richfield and power and authority of the ad(lre.ssed the. 5&0 members priesthood and challenged men attending, holding -the priesthood to He set goals for improvement respect it ahd to be fiiilhful of home leaching, holding and true to the church" at all fam ily home evenings and limes, siicrainent mcetiug attendance in the stake riiirlng the comtnr _ -Newly.appoliiCed. high. wu^hrulm im nm lmvdthaiau Kcnnelh Blackstake meetings will be held in burrit" Shnshonc7-anrt William Zi(?kf{r^if, Sun Valley, spoke on Hailey after general conference their new Scouting assignment. in Aprif. Stake Clerli Myrdn Johnson vzickiiraf reminded leaders to aioshonf, read the ro,ster of f " Ro"! «nnipli.. n hol<un«church authorities for the " "y P" W illiam Barnett,. Jerome prayer and sustaining vote of the members, studying the Presbyterian- Church. Ne\j-. v\ll voting wa.s ijnumitnous in.scriptures. members will be honored and Uie affirmative. other speakers included speciarmilsrc planned. C o n G e t t J P ^ h P D G f e d a y : TWN FALLS - Tlie Concordia Lutheran High School Qiolr will appear n concert at m m anuel. Lutheran Church,, 2055 Filer Ave. E, at tt p,ni. Hiirsdny. The choir, made up df 40 young-people from the nortliwest di.strict and Montana is under the direction of Pajn Mueller, Concortjlu Lutheran High School ^re tain s a resident facility for high school boys wanting to study for the m inistry of the Lutheran Church, Filer circle meet F L F.R Tlie Judson Circlt^-^ M rs: Della D u n ln ^ B u h l, hosc of the First J^nptiijl O u irc h will. w is h in g tr a n s p o rta tio n jn «y meet i\ li p j u. M onday-at the contact M rs, Elza Prough, h om e of M rs. J im Webiiter.. E ach m em ber s to bring a ^ new or fyvorite dish and the recipe for it.. Mrii, DumUd RanKom D ianne Uan.soni w ill be in charge of the devotional.service.. Tlie Y outh Bible Club, will - tn uouj>t-ji4i» p,» v ^ w w ia y - 4 tt- Uie church, Mrs, Pearl Nelsi-n w ill furnish refreshments. N aom i Circle will tneel at J p.m. Hiur^jday al he home of Foe Piornp t Pick.U )O F -O EA D -A N tm m - Oocyio Oi>^)ulc^e(/ TfUflu - - PHONE C O L E C T - - TWNFALLS COOWHC ^444- DAHO HDE & TALLOW CO. SfBVNC J H i N t m MACfC V A U (r GOODNG SEED CO., GOODNG R AY McCORD, W ENDELL S H ELD S, BUHL M Twin tails Feed & ce,twin Falls 73^ Has liblii: DEKALB w / r i r > a w e R i» i.a n r T / A \l -1 SEED CORN S E V E N T Y M ag ic Valfcy w om en atlcndcd the dnhfl Council of CathoKc W om ens annual day of rccollcctlon W ednesday a t St. B enedict s Priory, T w in F ob; They ncluded fro m left, M rs. A. C. T n ix o l, diocciran church comm unltlcu chn lrm nn, R updrt; M rs..^ ur L.ogosx, Sotith C cntrn deoncry prosltlent, Slioshbne; -Pnthcr-SlmeonT-tllrcclorr-M nr-tv^r-tappenr- Ttre... Ttmlmnnrnrrimrch uiiniii^ttctr-hphtr- (uid Mrs. William Last, diocesan. vice presitlenl, Jerome. Walter Bowmirri, 5retrrchT fn-esldon!5ls(thcstakewomcn-v-: - counselor in the. stake auxiliaries - Mrs. Ken Dixon, presidency, urged rncmbers tovrlehflcd, rlmary: Mr.s. touch our-famlllofi-aboui-lho-4vordell Rainey, lallev, _qf YWMA. and Mrs.. Doris... Joday and to "build our lives Biir^n. Carey, Relief Society C o i i f o r l s o t i i i T l mu.sic including folk,;;rehriou*r^ folk, goapel.^-anlheinhi -biicj. bershop and popular. *.... c o m L i. J / m e r c l a l _.8, R E S D E v lt A L L A N D S C A P E C O N S U t J i N G tree AND EVERGBEEN ;-TRMMN& i m m i M l l M M l C A U S fio-n eei SolocuvoHorOicido NOil h^bicide on sugar beetjs UseecQnom igal Ro-Neef -4ieffe>teiete"i?ef&Fe-yeu-plaRt lo slop weeds and give; ^ your sugar. bee(s a strong start. Assures easier thinnrng.helpsbuildbig - j yields. Use Ro-Neet6-E /, liquid or OtG granules ^ and stop-lhe tough est grass and broadleaf weeds..., / - -nutgrass,ni_ghlshade,-^-i piqweed.wstergrass-, foxtails and many others: See us now for Ro-Neet. FARM SERVCE CENTERS F l E R v :, ; v 7 C v v. P H O N E 3 2 * a H A N S E N... P H O N E V... Dinner AlMed by Lutherai^s S ilo S fto N E. A -potlucl.^. Uinnor-honoring- un- adult con* firm o n d jin d h ig h nqhool r»rnhiinf«>q 1^qphAfhilf»H for MflV 7 at Lutheran Church, CioodiDij^ " Tlie Lutheran School for the Deaf at Detroit. M ich., will^be recipient of the Lutheran, Worfien s M issionary League Easter thank offering. Mrs: Kurt Wcstimdorfreporled htmemode cookies iad_beeil3enlt<lsingle collere students and scrviccmcn.. Mrs -James Brt ^^reported success of a potluck held in honor of Henry Bowlin, who - completed instruction and was recently conflrmed- Mrs.LyleTliomassoldthenew waste baskets for the kitchen and both rest rooms were gifts from M r. and--mrs. David... llobblns. Memtjers voted to quilt several quilts this year to add fimds to the league -treasury. Soveral pairs of pillow cases hnv? been embroidered and crocheted for the gift dijipluy, BE READY FOR SPRNG ir R ig ir r io iir - N S T A t E A T f l l H ^ j Were well stocked in irrigation COUPLERS and SUPPLESand S m ln K L E R S r - U QHTHE by trained and experienced men with proper equipment to dovouh o b right. WE HAVE ON Ra n d A LARGE STOCK OF ANDERSON-MLLER RRGATONCOUPLERS JOB REPAR SAVE TM E, MONEY AND TROUBLE by having our Qualified, experienced crew.,. with modern Portable equipment. :. do S P R ln K L E ra V C N G N YOUR OW TTElDr teasnotvnd FNANCN5 G.T. NiW COM B, nc Y O U R AN DERSO N -M UER " DSTRBUTOR OFFCES AT - ^ Tw in Falls, Blackfoot, Kotchum, TWN Ka..S - llie Northwest Christian College Wayllghl4irs will appear at First Cliristian Ch^irch at 7::iO Tuesday, The group, from NCC, Euuene. Ore,, sinus a variety of- THiMErsoil and systemieaction ineans extra^rotectioii;^7 iinprove(lie;i^e&yield Appllod whon yoir plant potalpos t h im e t ^ 10-Q Soli ond Sy temlc naoollolde fllves you a "built-in barrier" against nsoctb and virus dlse^ases sproad by nsocts. A barripr that providos-oxtendod-cpntrolra"protoctlorr-that:oiye9-,you-beller- Bizo ana quality, oigqor yioitfb and crop prorirff, : ^ - Hero s whot THiMET doos for you:, Provides truosysrom/c action Qoninst aphids, iqolhoppors.. leol mlnpf8,nnd psyllids,, Controls wiroworma ond fjoa bootio larvae in tho soil Helps provont psyllld ydtlows and purpio top corrlod by ncoctft T ^ L: : EllmlnatOs drift probloms and hazard to beneficial insocts. Ordor t h im e t or forlilizcr imprognated vi/ith t h im e t (roro yogr UupplioK.,, - ** Beforouoino nny. poatlcldo, atop and read he.lobel, ir p i L v,. - *. -

11 ik i! F r ld a f r M i T r e M > r l W T l m * i» N * w «r ^ w l r r l * «m r l d a h «r n t t ^... R o b y n n o B a r n o s, s o a f o S, p l a y s p l d t i o f.or E x c h n n r i P /lot oxcjiange " C/ioryrCdofcTT^isl ^ -7. f l o f n o S / W o f f b r f g & i ^ g, A u i t r u i f w, rri H p n * ; omondmig schoof m Twin fq//s._c/v/;fng a o n e^ y e a r s )a y os o n e x c h a n g e s iu d e n t. ~ rr ; Shfl is spunsom c/ b y </ie --- Au stra ia n m iss dtten d s -JERO M E -Pd-biaptor-of p laim o din Jh v liaiau a^tu r^ Beta a ^ a Phi will hold a so- U wnbcrln at 10:30 a.m. at U «ciol at Jackpot, Nov., March 25. home of Paul Rom ^ey, 2132 _Mr8,_^Jack-:_A dain8*_club^_m nplo,_slldo_flhow s,_a-con prosidenl, said UiOBoclm will bo otfuctlon and operating clinic, for mombbrg, their husbands ond n luncheon are planned. i m tt Q w m. A bua Xviil- b g : ^ : clmrtored for the ovonlnr to TWN FALLS ~ A tefi n take tlw Rroup to Jackpot. honor of Erma ^ t t, grand ^suortlanofrdohotnlernauonil jk k OME Comp Frnn tda, Ofdof ofjob S^Daughters, will Pome will mbet. Friday witli be given by Twin Falls Qiapter Mrs. Hnzol vlo. No. 29, Order of Estem Star, at Uie Masonic Tqfnplo from 2 to 5 JE R O M E Barrymore Club P ni. Sundoy, March S. will meet Friday with Mrs. Scott Gullck for a potluck. TWN FALLS A1Rohweder luncheon onbm.twln:fqilfl,.wulicceivc^ Richfield KNG H LL - Debora l i n Phillips, Rock. Springs,. Wyo., - _ C o x r a n d U ritto r- ili^ - P!» m.lp a - b ro th c ro fth e b rld o g ro o m rw o ro ^ ^ ^ A ^ «4 - ^ were married l n ^ 2u m. ^ u b l 0. ui^»8- - s J C l w ^ V J C? ft thn Uiristl and Janice Cox, ac home of the bride s parenu, companled by Mrs. Lee Nichols, a n n O U n C 6 C P ^ JE R O M E - Bapti-Weda and. th e bride is the daughter-of pravldca vocal music. ^11 church skating party will bo Mr. and Mrs. Qi^de Cox, King nio coupje was jonored at a ~ RC H FELD Pam Piper,-hold in Twin F a lls, Mon- Hill bridegroom la the son recoptlon after the ceremony at Richfield High School Junior, day, March 27. -ofjamo8phllllps,glcnnsferry, the Moose Hall, Olonns Ferry.-hns-boen seleclqd to attend - irinc Jhii-brJdc a_tqblo^^cqvored Syrint^o Girls* State n June. JE R Q m R - St. Denedicl!fl. M o n t. inh]igp7- T cm n?^t^t- w»h-fl::^^(u D h t^ug htciij)l M rjm tl - llq SD ltal_guild;fl St..Patrick s JE^ROME. Mlsaionary Per Cont.Club Convention to bo ^nrty (or Bible Baptist youths wld at the Fontalnbleu Hotel, _^11 bo at the church a f 7:30 Miomi BoachrFla. p.m r S ^ t iir d a y. i 1. Speech contest Rov. Larry Maxwell of the four*tlcrod. wpddlng cake Mrtf. Lyle Piper. dlnnerslance w ill be held g»j ^ 4 * / % j-j Glctms Ferry Baptist Q j u r ^. ^topped r r with - a miniature bride The Americoh Legion Friday night at the Blue Lakes r to r m o d th tf c ««n o n j r u n d o r w n l b rtd c B r 6 D iir in im ~ a r c h w Q y - u x ilia w lll- a p o n h e r tr ip C o u n t r y O u b.- - : A r y s o i^ r i- o f T t e t - a n d - ill e s - o H h e - y a U f t y r - S ^ o - h M ^ r l lo lp a t e d - b - P e p w h ite dalslea- a n d h e a r t s o f g la d io li..pcorla.j - M r s. W illiam P h illips ^ S h e carried a caacade Caldwell, aunt of the bride, who bouquet otyellow roacbtids with baked ond decorated the cake, yellow satin stroamera and an servedit. Mrs. Grant" Finch, E nglish. ncc handkerchief Sprlngiflod, Ore.presided at the -belohglngtoonount.sheworco. punch bowl. Mrs. Vom on *TW1N FALLS Robynne of Sydney. lls one of the three nto Boise she could see nothing necklace belonglnb" to the ^ Banies,-lB,-w aa -R radualed -ln largegt^ttira^n-the-country : - ^ jut-rb ro w ji^ vop tano irr :irciia. Jhe. nf<^ffmbec.jco^ htfilrjchool in Her parents operate a news with no leaves and no snow. teccky Cox, Wells, Nev., Ulster Mrs.F. C. Anderson, King Hill,. W p lio n g o n g, A u s tra lia, a n d a f f e n c y - w h ic h ± iy o ly e s - lh e * s a l e ---- S in p o - t h e n, s h e - h a e - s o o n. of tho bride, waamald^of^wnor. -decocfltcd the brlde!a.tablc ond ^ay she receives a second otnewspapers, magazines and plenty of snow. n addition to Janice and Qiristl Cox,sisters the knife used to cut the cake, diploma from the Twta Falls other material. She has an older the many storms n Twin Falls of thft bride, were brldeamaids. Vvonne Decker, Glenns " High &hodl... sister attending the"unlvers»ty since January, shehas vlsued Floyd Johnson, Glenns Ferry, Ferry, w ^l n diarge of the Snce January she has Wollongong and a youffger was best m an."d avid -Cqx, guest book. Mrs. Dick Griggs attending... high school in Twin brother in school. -r brother of the fcride, nnd Joms and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were n Falls os an exchange student When Robynne learned she charge of the gift table. sponsored by Uie Twin Falls would be coming to dalio she Special guests were Mrs. Rotary Club. read Statistics about the area Monitoring Warren Browm. Skamackawa, Miss Barnes is currently ncluding weather nformation. ^ residing with... the Edwin... Cook... From -her* i n a r c h she con- ^ nearby ski resorts and learned to skl 1 cant say have learned, but rather am learning." she said. jthis summer she will realize a llfo..long-ambluohr^.a.viajuo Disneyland. n Australia schools open in family in-twin ipalls where dudeddaho n. January would Cheryl, a high school senior, s be covered in a heavy mantle of her exchange ^slater. beautiful white snow.she had January and run the calendar Her bbme town, Wollongong, never seen snow and w as., year, closing in December, withapopulatlon of 70;000, s looking forward, to a new ;ex- which made t possible for her located oh the costem coodxj perience.- - to enroll for.the second Australia, about.50 miles south nstead, when the plane flew semester n Twin Falls. riiirlnn tvxo 19 mrtntvio oh<» u/ill DEAR ABBY: hope you wortt think thla la too dumb to answer. Can a girl get pregnant from kissing? DALLAS DGAR D A U A S i No. B u iu i B XMd bectntan. ^ - PEAR ABBY: Will yoii p le w help me? a ^ my father and my two brothofv were killed n a car accident. Since am the only one m y mother.haaueft, ahe bablerm e something awful. She wont lot me go anywhere without her., live only odft block from school, but my mother walka roe to school every morning. f have to stay after achool, mv mothrtr gonim tfl Mhon! and tands-oubildft.ipnltlnb-fng me. t is so bad, Abby, that dpn;t have arty friends left^ My mother doesn f even like for me to call anyoneon the daughters my own age, she explained., Robynne says she "plans to attend the university in her wme town, after reluming to A ustralia and w ill study - economlcr-dt -geography:she a S*.^pes to tench or work for np industry or*tarije business. ^ Schools n Twin Falls arc lfiuclv dlffcrenl than in Australia, she says. - We ore highly regimented. We wear uniforms and do pot ~ have tho- opiy)rtunitjl-j>ti u/ft rin, here to ctiooke our own schedules Wliere we have only pbohe. 10 subjects in our-high school, f complain about the way my mother bablea me,*ihe--- tliere-are-94 in the Twin Falls cries and says dont love her^ DO love her. Abby. but school." she sold.. _ mo! to have HAVU and ti«ukis other ^irla t uaed to Becauae she has alhsady completed high school, be an A and B student. Now dropped down to C a and Da. ta gotten so that my mother wanta to comb my hair n the morning. Pleaia, b«my friimd, and help me. - PALLNG APART D E A R F A L U N G ;, _ Y o u r _ m o ib w.h ii iu f f e r t d J a. t f ^ n r lb!? _ -llflis. aad the shack, glus het-lflmllneai-has-ii^srebuy af. Tecied tor"m «itiir^insbirtotnvm rarty^ one to tell Her troables to. And she may need medical altentlm. Tell yottr selml eoiumlor what youve told ine, f you have m eottselor. eoaflda la your favorite teaeher. Or year mlnliter. Whea your mouier gels the help she needi,. sm will it«v babylag yeu. wuek «dll solve year problem. and your mothers, toe. 6>od lack, lleaey. DEAR. ABBY: w u j«iu y disgusted with that coiloga kid whose roommate suggest^ t h ^ share an ^apartment with two glrla.^lua boob aakl they would be mutually beno-. men living on. the premises, plus they would all save a few b u ^ l la thla fuy for real? f the ^ l a are atudenti, they are mn ccollege o u e «to u > study, «i u i i y not, i i Mta U iwash w nout o u nsome i n e ietk a j e K» ssoeka. o c i a. Didnt u i a n i tlus b o y f M o S im y * w f im C h h im to f» «d - W m i«u >i d p ic k u p h U t h in g!? W t a r * d e u h «c o m a o ff «i p «U «g > it r a n g o r, to cook for hu^add do hu laundryt! hope thla d l^ wikoii.19. and loon.-and iffhoie glrla k i ^ what they are Batting into and ailll- want UVe with ^ those two guys for th^ sake of."aecurity," And to lave a fow bu^ks. they alldeaerve etch other. P ls0 U8TED-rN-i. r w etui. WiU* U ABBV. B «imm. Lm Aug**.*. CiK HM, Ptr pmmtal r*>)r a h d y c u o w s tv e iim c f»,n «n k i!d Y e ll o w, r o s e b u d s a n d w h llo a u b,. G l r l s. U a 8 uo a n d G ir ls T W N F A L L S - A m e e t in g o f M o b c T o a T lm lflr o s s»ot^euow,and-whlto-:ddves.wcte-bihwcen-m(!_uoia^-l!i::c!u^li,u!!b!!j! L^Ji<Uthlr.(ULYl5im.,lPoc!tlc d ils ie s,.. a a n k e d b y y eu o w ro s e b u d s a n d h a i b e c r S t l v c, la v o lle y b a ll N o r t h w e s t R e g i o n. N a t io n a l The bride, glven.lntsavrlaae t t r o j S m «r n i r c n k e T «r n B i k r f -» d J t «c L ^ ^ --- ;---- M o deutallroad Association, S.. b y h c r - J a t h e r, w «: «i n? o r - T > y y e D o w rc a n d lc s ^. ta, - C o lo n ia l cngui gown of white lace yellow ftbbon at the last regular moqlihg^of Her olbow-length VpU wm held.the room was decorated Plentiful»xltibr-ViFipnPP=^Hbe contestb y a t ia r a o f y e llo w ro so lh id B." ^w sltc ta,q ( y e llo w a n d w h ite wulcorhimteatthocotlnclllevfil. TWN FALLS - The United States during the April 15 moeting of Department of Agriculture urges homemakers Council 7 n Twin Falla.. not to abandon the egg after the E i^ e r Bwiny Mrs. Clara Bodnor dlroctod hfls-vanlahed-noxt m onth. " table toplcsandi Deanna VoUmcr,. Officials fr.ormthe USDA report eggs ore n won the traveling trophy for tho plentiful supply QM aro a t a good price naw and best topic of the evening. will be through April.. systeni- - attempted. imsiut majn_cxtrcmoly_plontifuljypjyy Deanna Vollm er led tho grnpn )iilpe nnd all sorta of_canned ^oggeandthbii ^ aa cranberry-ltems. F a m e rs reaped a^lwuntlful Young conducted Uio lexicology --crop.olbdtli.grapgs and cranberries.last year lesson.- _ and the surplus was canned to avoid waste, the Mary K. Sharp ntroduced USDA reports. A lda Strong, tobstmlstrcaa.. M rs. Strong ntroduced speakers,-mrs. Groeta Smith and AUeen Llndcmood. Mrs. Smith won tho Uue pencil for the best speech. March meeting set W ash., grandm other of tho TWlN^FALLfi - The next thci club, at the ho m o, of bride, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. moating of Genevieve Bird. P hillips, Caldwell, grand* Womens Club,will bom{irch 10 D o r o t h y M c C r a c k o n, parorvtfl of the bridegroom, at tho home of Pearl Allred. prcaldont, conducted a short Other.guests attended fh>n\. A May luncheon was business meeting. _ Rock SjylngSiJVyo^_.S_Erbgi._dlacusscd at the last meeting o f.. u - - V.M OSCOW - ifn iv e rs lty of " ^ 3,0 r e ; Wellfl, N ov.; M ld S o -, *. _ diiho electrical engineering students are attem pting to oroduce n prototype heart..rupert,boise; Melba, Kima, Mouhlaln Home, FUer and Fairflold. ~Af(br.u mnoynioon trip to Sun - ^lleytthe-couple-is-tthome n ^ system which will be - Vienna F o r y. com parbble with those hobrldelsasentorargnsnna prcaently-on-the-marketr but- P«rry H igh School Tio- w hleim inoflopi-feaent n6w flnd- tn d cgroom la-employed- b ; ^ nclginal lnfnrmntlnt\ n thp Dnvld Clark Snrlnkllnfl Co. possible experience n family display and tecordlng of the living, so notall of tlie families heart structure. King Hill, -The bride was honored at a live--,wlth will-.have sons-or -Thc-atudents-hope -the new- -bridal--shower at the LDS Robynne s taking business courses, life management nnd soverol othe subjects notavailable in her own high schooh :.Ml33 Barnca anid there la tremendous in flue n c e. in. Australia now from the United States much more than from England as was the cose in years past.... Not only do many Amerlbons visit there, oa^h year, but a great deal of money from the United Stmfellhaa boon invcsled n land and business there, she.output systems will aid medical Qiurch, with Mrs. D. 0. Docker technologists in th e detection and daughter, Yvonne, and and prevention of potential Mrs. Chorles F a rris and cardiac failures. ^ u g h te r. Angle, as hosteasoa. BRDGE. _ By Jacoby Singletoii 8 Cues 3 N.T. N O U T A K io a:>.-.. 4*KQ1U2 \vkst K A a x.m i T7T A J ii Ti 4 :i V7f>.^)2 V A K 4 Q A fl. ) >! 7.*) ;i A!4 S O U T H * A Q 7 V Q 10 H 4 K7.-JHouL-nUmx.Scntli. Kas ra Pas.1 :rn.t. P..SH.. - Oppntnirlt ad SolM ll - N.T, Pn.sN rtettrng-th diam ond.s p arade hom o. l in u lly. South saw there, was a w ay to m a k e his conin ic t._ lf...a V (;s t :s - jln t :lc lfln, s p a d f w e re tho e ljjh t or nine je cctiild h a n d le lu is P s c a s e. South w a s i^o in g to lo o k id io lic i f W e s t s s in t> le to n w e re t h e j a c k h u t S o u th d id n t c a r e a b o u t h is c h n ris - n\q,: ju s t hl.s h id. - S o u th le d (i c lu l) t u ^ m m y a n d. p l a y e d d iin u n y s 10 o f?tmtr-eov(trod^lthiin L ia c k..^ V A U il- d r o u b c d _t h e. eight a m i n<»w S o um w as llt jc lovni. H ack to d u m m y w ith, _ ^.. it.c Q n d- club-lo -lo ad- n-lo w - spade. E a s t p layed low and, South put in ihc seven-snot. B y O sw a ld & J a m e s Jiic lttiy 11 held a n d ho h ad his fo u r ~ S h t ilh l o o k n - v e r y j m i ^ ^ ; ^ 0! l s U r l i, k 5,... diced loov at th a t six-otiluw <HtwirxftrT NT t*m n-an?rr^ m o nds lend, lie could live hdppily w ith any^ other open- inft^wnst pnt-»fp!hc nee and T c t i r n i c d ^ hh c i D - d o n n m n t l l c t l - li.. h liu lln u h p i im um like to obtain a Work permit and.south W lllir- th c p r o b le m o f,v.,«i, K»»i S o u ih 7go^a Job for the summer as a (ndmg eight JrlekH hoforo means Of learning morq about giving up the lead. >Yi>ii. Soiilh, hulti; th o a r e a a n d a,m e a n s o f sup-.oiir clubs were ehsy and A A K ( ( A 4.V A 2 4 * A K fls were three, spadoii. Four «o m o o t,b e r h o p os fo r WhlU (ln you hicl? t r a n l w lillo h e re. spades would come right, in ^ w 1/ the jnck Would drop nil * A-BM vno rliili. not «p«n " T h e tr(m b lc.l u lu i b o ln s a n 0110 np m lc. wlhftf <li is E asl.had opened tjjc bidding-.-j!,!* -"5**i : e v c h n n g i M U d e n t, s l i q s a i d, wuh one spade i/nd 1un* c m v h Ui(lii w ilf te panuvtl " l» t h o j h o r i t l m o w o a r o.h o r e. surely * h ad fivo o f s ix (lui-jmt. v ir iu ill.v.n o.rjir tic e (ho _ KAiuo w ill lib piw it o " iin o clukv, W o m e e t m a n y n o w fa m lllo a the hid. Thc> im M id Js noi q u H u ulnmk- -H h r l- f t im n iin it mir hlr ft"lprolrfr»wnlnb~ m u s t th o it le y v c lh c m.* * M is s B n m o s s a id a(ie lio p B a,to r e tu r n to W U h l t e d S l a t t s a f te r ;. c o m p lo t ln ij- h e r - o d u c a rtlo rt, p o s tib ly ^ fe r a.o n iie r atay^ llti* filn u le t» n ja c k. Pori.slhlb. but \ m ((kely, W n s i.t h e r e ; a n v o th e r w a y to Keope fo u r tqt»a vjrqujw Tm N Y n ii d o opiti n n u.c liih. h iu \ H >ude lvrck.*;? A 7i r n f t * p tn y ih ndiulik- o rti»- W o u ld n l- \vurk-_.-nn>ve w» k- )» in i.. W t»i<<lo y o u d o now., n o w a y i n get- in.ll\ is-en<l«!..a n K W u r T n n io r r m r7" " r ---- r E valuators. were Nettle Magel and Kathlo McKool. Mrs. Magol aervod its timer. Ethel Martin waa general evaluator for the e v o n ln O n d proaentod a red penoil:to Mrs.- Ruby:Bdxro gucst; OPEN=FRDK S=l T19P.. F R D A Y N G H T i P i C l i i i m i eolyesetrant REG. $ Jost Teceived! The areatest^ald ein polyester pants we ^ seen! Elasticizecf waist band,.. extra long lert^h...assorted patterns.. assorted colors.. excellent fitting style... sjzes 8 to 18. Dont miss this special. PANT SUTS R E G. T O $ 6 0 i 0 0 ^ : v - ^ Eycellent selection of the best on the market. Styles for Wearing right h&wl Junibi- and misses sizes ] frorn 6-18.* Fabrics are polyester dhd blends.- Youll be pleased you shopped Friday Night! <

12 1?_ F fllli, d a ho F rid a y * AA«rch 17, 9?3. / r Z T T - Vlontana singers set three events TWN FA l.r^ - Three np- -pearimces of tlie Now Gencaia, -«n cciinienicni folk alnyind from Montiinn, arc sclieduled in MiiKlc-Valley next week, u n d a y. - a t the -i F ir s t Presbyleriim Church, in Twin FfllLs for n 7;30 p.m. concert. Tljyy will perform diirinj^ n noon n.ssembly Monday at the ViiHey CanipuH M inistries n l M ontana m iw lc. They also offer a vorlcty Slate Uniyeraity, Bozcm im. The of m usical nurpbcrs^ rnpglnb Rroup is sim lljir to m a n y othors fro m th e trndulonfl> " fo lk featuring; m u s ic w r it te n m a a a" liturny to Uio modern recently by church composera in f o r m i» r ^ c o le b rn tio n type for use in worship services «n(} programs. - fciitu rin i! j- uultur, o c= SQme.o -thclr->muilc-conj;uit«p o f t la n d c h o ir to sirig S u iid a j _cqmpaniinent rather-uian the o (. aopgs of the m arkot place,,,. - usual cluirch orfjan, milsic w ritten for Uie popular T W N A concert of B lb le ifiao nter-dcnominntional slated at Burl^ DURfcEY AToncort-bjrth Adolphinn Concert Qtolr at fl p.m. to,day at the United Methodist Church w a s. ah> noynced at the WSC8 meeting. _WSCS_racmbccA-miidc-plahs-L to liost a.dinner for the.slnggrs. who will stay ovomlghl in lho hoirrestjfchurehmembcrsr Mrs. Wallace, Shaiplcs gave Church nffic ia lssa y tlie m u a ic m ark et wiui signincjince for the in s p ir a tio n a l m u s ic w ill be is of particular interest to young, ehurch. ^... preflonted by^ the 40Volce in Blblo m ajo r courses, ngroups but is also enjoyed-by. -.An addition to Uiis y e a r s A m b a s s ad o r C h o ir fro m eluding for degree^jjrogrnm s M a d n e Ellonborgor ac- 601 She<han«S».-Narth companicd by. Mrs. Mack " " r a y JONES. MNSTM ilifjh School in E)doh and on l>ersons flf all. ages.. repertoire of Uie New Genesis M ultno m ah School of the B ible, Founded n lff36, under tlie Crouch aanfj.. DROWN, YOUTH MNSTER Thursday, M arch 2U, will The New O eneais lo gs g r o u p is he w ellknow n rock Portlan d, Ore., a t.7:30 p,....m. leadership of Dr.. John G. Mrs. Ellenberger gave (lib/a School 9 ;45 p.m. perform in an^uior evonin({ thousands of-miles each year mpern nurt>ber, "Jesus Christ: Sunday., Wonhip.1 TOO o.m. concert 111 7:.10 in hii for appearances. around Superst^ir". Tlie concert will bi? givenqt enrollment of almost 700May 700^ a y ej.ouch r- ^t- y" ttfanirtfiji. 7;00 Burley First Presbyterian MohUimi and adjoining stntts. Jack Jennlngs7formcrl)astor "Tyi6r"Slreel Buplist"amfch. -sttidents and-ovet-^oo-evenincr-! i mm rcaj t h ^ " Hiey appear in climrches, on of the United Presbyterian Thd choir s under..jht*. school.students. srrintiirfl an/l_mi«o tu Till* New- Genesis. i.s Hit*, liptlsebn illj \lw^^... T^nTlWnlK WtiStlinr.^suirector op... alritliorirot i-rilnk lijiitdil, hu kibullc ismvneu... lituiierftf. told g legend. Mr7* Redfield masical Jittn of Uie Ecumenical convontinns with -folk-rock. Umgroup. Multonomab- Sehool- of-the U^e musiofllprogrmn guvt.ttv^oalng prayer." VkflCOMES VOU ~ i?. A largo cfom adom&d with lflm i3oica j ^ c r e n 1 conclave - p i a n i t ^ - itupkrt.-.elder" Bernanr p, nrnpktwnkrnrrn.*!sjfltflnt itr the Council, of Twelve of the :LDS!ChurCh._wiU-spenk -nt the Minidoka Stake Conferenct? Saturday and Sunday. Stiike President Rodney A. ~Hfln?n;n-~9ftld vlbltor^-.-itriiwelcome to the rfundpy morning session at loa.m. n the SlakD~ ^ Tabernacle,cornerofBtlwmdG. -TWN FAL.S - Tlie third Street. Rupert. discu.sslon in a series of Know Elder Brockbank was named Your Religion" lectures will be nn Assistant to the C ouncil of given fl p.m. tonight in the LDS Twelve on Oct. 6, He wa.s West Slake Talwrnacle, Twin pvesident of the Scotland Fall.s. Mission of Uie church and George W, Pace, a member of. completed his term of service in Uie College of Religion Faculty - flddiliiin to his new respon- ^ib iiitirs. He was managing dir-*t of the Mormon Pavilions at Uic New-York - World FTiir, Heml-sfair ^Gfl in San Antoiiui Tex., and Fxpo *70 4n Osaka, Japan. Twin Falls W S C S m eet Thursday TWN n :a l l s - The Women s SDciety of Christian Service of Twin Falls will meet Thursday in the Fellow.ship. V hh. nie meeting will, be in observance of prayer and self -----denial for the^ison^ ^votlons will.begin-at ii:3u -followed! by. a-sacrificial; lunch 60nT Hostesses for Uie luncheon will be members of Circle -1with Mrs. H. 0. Wldener, leader, and members of Circle 5, Mrs. John Heck leader. Program will be "Open up Your U fe with Elsie Undgren as loader assisted by Mrs. Russell Potter and Mrs. T erry Sullivan. FM.ER The March 2l meeting of the Young "Mothers CounrihService will be different from former meetings., _ fill: yi uu()~wllt~ tlie church nursery, llniy will Uien trave] in cars tu hc-twin >^Us Mortuary-where Willium Boyd -wlll-apeuk-to-ukma-on-tlie-kubjeot,-i^a-glihd *).o6ks at Death. All young nfiolhers are invited to attend groiipincltides all motlicrs of childrcminriertlrrr* years of age., Lecture loniglit S^ealcer-at-Buhl H U H L -> d Mrs. Harold W; r.retzlnger will.^be (lunnti jr special service Suncfay nk)rnlng al the Bulil Oiur-ch of UiL Nazareni*. Dr (Jrfl/tnitT will <l»tlivcr Uie serinou on CHirisl s Sfcoiul Coining, nic.sfxjcial service will use the first half of the ijunday School liour from 10 lo 10:30 a.m ; and all of the worship servkt; u l.l u.m. Supply LUXURY SHAG BRQADLQQM ~~WBy-buy from-la tmpte iwatth ^ n n ri y n ii fi w h o l y o u r ru g w ill lo o lc lik e ^ n y o u r h o m o. - - Q y«or wear gudranfae fycaedi fh A /tmauirttmentt * ^ C h o o it from iftvtral;<olon- Ea»yl«-clian NyloW * * ^PECALLY PRCED ONLV^ ^.,.vd. _ nitalhd with hbovhut pad. C J A C O B S E N. Advancad dmigii Jtcobian momoi U itu rt convtmanca HAMMOND S K. - WaihtnOMn S». N.? E a s y, L o w (.«sl ^ liil l» l i, y, 7 [ v u i ) ^,,, : - C f a i i c / e B R O V / m TirHazarene^ set talent contest TWN FALl«S ^ A zone talent c o n te s t w ill be h e ld a t th e First- Q ju r c h of th c;.n aza rene tn.^^v ln F uilis S im d a y - a ftc r n o o n..l. - Y o u t h g r o u p s f r o m e lg h l c h u r c h o r g a n iz a tio n s w ill be, t a k in g p a r t. T lie,*p p o g ra m.w ill - xjglri at_2 :3 0 p jt i^ J n th e T\vin F a lls C h u r c h..n a d d itio n to th e ta le n t c o m p e titio n, th e re w ill b(v. n 7 nn o L Prlpturn q i ji f^ify.triving Uiird^T distrlcr quiz director, will conduct the at Brighahi Young UniversllyiL-cotllesl. will deliver tonight s lecture, Sunday morning Rev. Joe "W h at t Means to Know Chusluin. pastpr; will speak on Clirist."... "The Demands of the jjw and Tickets may be purcha.s-ed at Uie.Sacrificial C hrist."...j., Uie door for for adults and Special musi^ for thejlay will 75coiita for stmlenls.t^e public be furntshed. by Uie mbcedis invited. quartet an d l the bos-s youth group. A nur. iery is available for morning and evening scr-vicos.- Union Pacific iias been serving 7daho for nearly nmely years, and is stft! doinq ii Union Pacilic-.ias quq -bnu. ol Uio top^m ptoyers-ohhe Slale-as-w cilafi.iia _. tl:ie leading taxpayers. But Union Pacific is fielpiny idaiu.giow in many ouier ways. sucli as Working with"stale, couniy. and io l.i oiiicials in jripginq an average o al leairl one new business a montii to the State ovt*r he past three or four ye.irs " Establishing anddeveloping fiew ifuiuilm.ti ^ c t r u a s ; ; Bfinginq sales nnd uuuisuial OoveiopnHonl people frpm all parts o tjie fahfoadtolearn. tirsthand what daho has to Dtltif ptam - site scekers-and tyunsts Building a niihion-dolicir diesel lot n/nolivo -inbpeelion-tiervtee ana-fwnning repair Jaeifify, % at Pocatello Maintainirjg _w6 major Pacific F^uit L.vpiijss -ropaif and mam^enancw.shopu ailpocuteiio ---- nr^c Mc-lnipa (Pl-b bu \> owned l)y l\p) Establishing favorable rates and providing special equipment lo exparid niaikuts )or fdatio products. s- Pfovtdtng H-ie tnesl faikfrifi^pf Hnitnfi m. Arne^ica for dalio.shippers. Building dafio export sales witfi corviaififi ^taruarservile (u rtihjut W^sfCoab;! ports These are )ust a lew of the ways m whici Union Pacific is involved, okering service bbnefits for daho as well as a wider diver siiication of )ob opportunities (or people Twin Follt FU U G O S P El CHURCH with try lo youth &. tomity. PantMOiloi rioitorian, ~tp»iiuoi. MinlilftflfV pumroiiiftiw i. TW ai- -QMMe-GefTKStale- UNON ^RAH-ROAD Helping to Build a Strongar nduitrlal daho u iie s fo r m e d th e b a c K g ro lm d d e c o ra tio n for th e m e e tin g. RefreshroGnts were served on a table covered with a lace cloth purchoacd.-by. members-xvith d o n a te d bonus stam ps. JOst Received Shipment USED - Railroad Tie$> $-a-7-s n lofs o f ^ o c h $250 c ic h Plenty of FREE.PARKNG Bqnkfirjdf Welcqmo: - ND^RSON L U M B E f { C O, ddiion- A ve. E oft^ First Christian Church C ru sad e Hct- V. 0. BKASSFEU),.TlliM, Okl>, itlu.cobiliul «K rim»l. TOU«4k-tfe«Uig» «t tlu P in t A u e n U y ol G«d Church, Twin i U t t l r t l i l L J l,bl.s«rvl«!< contlnlm li*kuy ««e >t Monday u d S atnnlay throuth April 1. H ie tmtbue li Tnvltea;^^ TYU«ST«*et BAPTST CHURCH 2B8TYlM STtreT ~ 9 : S o n d o y S t K o o r 1 1 :00-Mornlno Wofttiip ^ 6 : 3 0. J r. 3 l. 5 # * f V S u n g P o p l «^ > ^ n iw t t r e r H t n m l g _Paiter SUNDAY;. _Suo-5choQl V.1 3 A J A.- W o r t h p U.OOA.M YpuihM tg... A<30P.M Oo»p«Hour l».m. KTF 1370 KC Sundoy a l 9:00 \ M. C o! W a - # * r f a t T t q n «p «r t o > t o n.. FRST ASSEMBLY O F GO D N. Locut & Shoup Ava. E.. Twin FalU, tdoho slpresbvteranchlrfh 2 (iy.5 th Av<,-. N, l l U iun< ih e.c u iir lh a u M u )- l i t t h o r l a n \ e s t C h a r c h S c h o o l a n d. Discussion 11:00 Worsliip -. -.

13 f c e a s i ^ p p r o v e d : W ENDEU. ThD WcndLll To quality.for liouslnii, Uio projoct a llc i opposition City Council Thursilny nium nppllcnnts must cam loss tlioii. from councllmon. liojpocliil ppproveil liic cnsb of, ontvlhlrcl >9,000 imriunlly. mmlnd was colw to rovlow blocic of city ptdpcrly for Votini! for the motionwore Uie nmtt«r. ^QUtmUlmuiUWara.bodiMiiv-^tty-^ounollilrwft-BBte-BtllCTlir^SiimTOrlrTniitnijttCTirTimi--- ^ -lowlncomc lipi slni! unltil, > Harold Slmorly. und Dale Uicy boui.fct tlio onrllor report. At a special ideetint! wlui Olllteri; Vernon ^ason voted was a m lauhdcmtondlng members of.the Wendell OButet the lease. bocausd. of- lack.of Houalna Authority, the 5oundl Membera^of tlic Wendell iom iuunlciillon with the voted 3-1 to lease the property louainn Authority nclgde.ed Wenilell-liouslnii Authority. At lociilcj on West Avi). A. to the McNutl, chairman ;. Lurry tbe previous mooting Bittcrll Wendell-Housins Asiioclntlon.,. Petoraen, accretal-y, and motioned to table theslgnlnijit., Tlio«H»Qctullonls«non-proHt.Charles Miller imil Chnrles U>c lease untlv a few hcls were ckol entity formed tarep.reaept Freeninn. Thoy were uppojntcd elbrifiiau- ^ Uil- Clt., Del Tailor, of the by in 1970 to Mrs. Nelson Kln«, who Federal Hoiiaini! Authority n determlne_jv iclheiijvondoll~opernl<!a-the-coiintry~sloro; -...GooillnB, said he is complevihii vneeilcd a idw-income liouslni; woufd have io find otiier oppllcntlonfor a loan from the- projcct, ^ accomlnodatlons for her THA for $161,000. to be made to MayorEuucnc.Soares eafller business; TheOld Flrehomo -op would-ruzed-for-tonslnicmonof r G ooding moves GOODNG ( U P ) > armers le ach ers, some resident? lent their trucks and students donned sweatshirts and worked and tctichers lugyed the fur- side by side movinr furniture, niture as Goodinf li^h School books and supplies. moved to its new $1.4 niilllon The new 23 classrooms and -planrthuf^d{fy - " " h a llw a y s ^ e e o ro lo d.iw the School was dismissed school colors drew ohs and Thursday and- F rid i^ so ahs as the student tramped students could lend a htuid in lhrouch~fflmr new home,. tile move from the old building The compltfx also indudes a crectcd in 1912 to Uiu niuderu- new (>yinn^sium with structure on the west sule of towm: ~ ---- Besides students and.sch»ol Ryjiinusiuin. Gem dairymen re-elect Burks JEHOM E - tobert Burks, We feel Uiut support price.s Wendell, was rcclocted should have been raised to tlb» president of d a h o G e t n»l>t r cent of parity and Uiey were ^ not. Tliey were niaintalne<l a t. tiie same level ys a y^- i o g o ify. /Vyriculture SecretaryL^ulz, D airym en Jnc. iit U m ^ n H u a l meeting TTiurSilay. Also re-elected were Jack Nelsen, Jerome*, vice president. ^ and -yons Sm ith,.secretarytreasurer, - nunio of neu: sc^lidol B i a l n p ~ C a m a» ~ :^ - C ^ 8 N io - E lm d r * G o o d ln it.jc ro itk ^ M a g ic. L in c o l n V a rlle y M l i n d o k a T w in F a lln Frid a y, Warch 17, 1972 Dinner set SHOSHONE Final plans fur the minual athletic dinner will bo made by the Booster G ub at a meeung to bo hold av& p.m.-monday at the hi(;h tichoo! building. Joe Berriochofi; president,_.^,ldjhe b«nquel. - Will be on April 13 and uryes members-of the club to attend the meetinr to complete plans..-^-r«h}i«oled^ fo r th rce»ycm G w rg e -Be e rh ie H d -fie id n tei te im a nsdirecto rs were BurrcU w d A lb e r t J c n t ic h, W a l la , ^ W U lia in s ^ U n c o ln Count>^-WaU«.-WaJili,,-audilor-.-- : ---- KBTGHUM - icfitchum -Ctt>-stir months andljc lly-residenr district; Carl. ixk)nard, Twin Smith told the group of attout Clerk_ B etty^ Coles has for three montiis: F a lls d is tr ic t, and B u rk s, 10^^ p e rso n s a tte n d in g the a n n o u n c e d h o u rs fop v oter Tlie clerk said if a resident Wffndftll-HnncrmarLdi^LcicL-. m o e tjn g. ih at._w a- O G m V D l.. r e g is tr a tio n r l o r, T iinsday*s ha d vnl nd in the jn u n id p a l co n tin u e to e m p h a s iz e its special bond election. election last fall, ^th e y.a re cheese production and that The ~ office will be open from 7 registered at this time, but if Patrick Healy. Washington, D. C., secretary of tho Niitionul Milk Producers Federation, was guest speaker. Healy discussed current legislation and noted that a supply management program for the m ilk ii^usti-j^is bein^j studied byth^fed^alion and by OonRrcss, r O u p to ineerthursday SHOSHON-E NlUl orth H sitlo JUU Comrnunttiea ^<<iiiinmiimi;a art^ji nr<> itff nr^m-fmn imiinlhes, ni.,, will meet m lutend. Wives- of delcyatea are p.m ^ M»n]^ttan Cnfc. Shoshono,. Kenneth Blackburn and ~ AllTiefcgntes fronv^tmmlwr^ rerry H>Kll0CK^iQat3nrm\-iira of commc_rcg_ip thc_nqcth SiHe in cliarnc q f^ proernm P ress decision not fin al -floodlns- A-GooUinK-Chflmber of Com- -meitctjffletnr said Ttiufsaay ilinra dtcfsion to limit chamber press covernge was not unanimous. James Wilkins said he and another member of tile chamber s ll-man executive board, Vern occupied by lunho sl NnUonaV- Bimk,. J ijp. piirpoae ;if. tt}c-4twwr- Chamber ft-esldcnfwnlterihticke--wiis-oxprcssly to delay Timca-Neivs reportage until after the fjiader could print, explodes. MOUNXAJN HOME (.UPX).- A Mffuhhiin Homo woman wos.njured Thursday nigbt when,, her home exploded and then Authoplties-sald -Mrsi^Lucilie- Pannono, 20, was treatod for, first, second and ihlrd degree licke hod said the declslon was iuianlmons. l?urns a t Elm ore County ^,. Under the policy.reporters could attend Uie Memorial Hospital. Nc s M ^ i i ^ X O t e s t e ^ ^ ^ p p M je lla j lc c ia lg n ^ ^ no one oub wan ^ f f l H T t w a e r of WHklna Sales nnd be made brhobcn.... n the home when ^ 0 ^ Nelson; manaser of Uw Goodme tonnck of the According to Wilkins, "We disagreed that t btew off the roof, nnd Hi Bank of l^o rargucd tho chambor^s new policy was possible to yiveout news reloasoa Uu-ough a iho stdea of ho structure * was discrimination and they couldnt control weekly outlet, because of the time lag. We felt -A fire followed the blafil. No the news that way, Wilkins said. the news should ro out when jt tinppens when- surrounding homos WOfc _ T lie chadlbcc-cqmmiltc0-votod-to-channel lim L M v a ;"" ^ damageda»r-a-result-of-the news re p o ^th ro u jb Jb e.pulihaher. if _ th ---- ^^;O otttoum dx aw ee.iu w lll im JlU d»im d _^niilnn-.n,l.^llr -T hi;.t,-==^ - G o m!in i- (^ u n lj^ tc a c Jc r ra i- H a H c n 7 T v h o "is a l5 6 the chambers publicity director. actjon by the Chamber, he said., "and would like to see it rectified if possible." occurred shortly after 10 p,m. City C ounci^an Jphn Hllcr said.firemen were nvestigatingtile cause of the explosion. r P a ir lie p * id 1 letes A m edic Rotary ex p hears ju b jim. By RUTH M LLER TimcB-News writer P A R F E t D Thursday wo^ Doc K o^ b J)ay,tn Falr^. About 200 people attended a _P.t]>jck ^dinner, including Dr.. Kearns son and wife, Mr. and from Nancy Packliam, California, wliowas the first safety-tttlk, baby. Dr. Koawjs delivered- James KcArn#, Bdltcv^Wb ijboul^^jo years ago. SHOSHONE A program on d w ghters;.^joy-.-.leo,.. r-mrs.. Lyle Hupfcr<gave Dr. safety -was g iv e n - a t the, ^ a s * sponsored Fairf[e!fl, and ;Suzy Kearns, Kearns a gift t)n behalf of tho VVcdnesdoy.Rotflry. Club Thi^sday night at the American Boise, and their families. American Legion and Legion. meeting. L e s lie Stimpson, li^gion ilall by- the Camas Club A presentation was made to Auxiliary. Shoshone, tuiho. -state- -and F flijflcid Ch amber ot Kear.rii from the cliartiber of patrolman, was speaker. ^ K etck um lists Commerce, honoring Dr. commerce by ^arie-olson ai^d -A. 8 liilc _ p u a e n la tio n on DrivinjS while drinking * n - Healy said. Marlon J..Kearns, who lias Cham ber President Walter n atural resources. n the particular was discussed by-he - Re[X)rts were given by Burka; served og Camas Prairie s only Tanous. Marie is the 10-year«old Sawtooth Region north -of patrolman with -an putlino of Smith, general m aoager; doctbr for^nore than 30 years. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield was pre.sented, by what js being done to tryrto Lelefction data Dr. Kearns was forced into Charles Olson, the last baby Dr. forest ranger, Larry Weeks. combat this problem in daho. rcitremenl. By~lUness. n c hns- -Ktarns-doUviatcd. M rs^l li?y d._b acro n wa3_ Blockhurjj.was alab scrvcd as county coro rierr /T Telegram was r^eived. mistress of cereritotllcbr -pr-ogrum-ohairmanr^ H E asie s t way to picket.several re-modeling jobs have until 9 p.m. 4oday, and on anyone is uncertain as to been, and are now, being Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. whether or not they are BURi.KY The easiest way security.. even asked for-o meeting yet, so switching to a two-car conrpleleti.,, and? p.m. to 9 p.m. registered, tiiey may call her to walk a picket line *is ap- The strike continues-um idlw cjiavcjia system.** nccortjin He noted that _Uiree new_ -Qualified voters must have office,. narcntly to park o.c«>r bearing stalemated negotintiona,-fle Smith-told ho" Timos-Nows - Chief Ken Barty. been a resident of the state for * - cording tfo Fred Smith of the today. < trucks have been purchased along with new cheese equipmet and th a t uxpilttl9*qn_q _liic. pre.sent building is still.underway, *, B an k p laiin in g W e n fe ir b r a n c h W en d ell holds p ollu tioii m ee^t W E N p E L C ^ Aldrlcir^Ceahujr HTllsted sediment, Bowler. Bliss, told a seminar on Jivestock washes, pesticides, pollution at-wcmiell-thursday-fertlllzers and irrigationosthc afternoon that every living five m ain, ag ricultural W E N D E X - J, F. Hamilton, Shares are 99 per cent owned thlnu is a. polluter to some pollutants. o t, - T y f lp n w ^ degree. T"" everyone m u s t National Bank, said directors of Ciooding counties, he said, A m em ber of the daho develop comrnon sense and the bank are seeking a branch. Dave NlchoKson, HagermAn, E nvironm ental Council and learn to jive w itli.m any of in Wendell. is banr dlructor in the Hager- Magic Valley Recreational- todays problems f our culture Hamilton siild an application man-wendelj area. JohriBlnck, Council, Upwler said f an contjnuqs to survive. has.been (lied with the ad- chairman of the bqarj, is a :. aestlielic-^utooraenku* to-- -Evoryono- has more- questionff Tt«lniatrotor*of-natidnalbanltsr potatr-produccr in the Wendell be accomplishcd.through public tlian answers, and f we expect Portland office. f the request is area. pressure and environm ental to-clt^aii6 tha-onvlr^monlawp granted, new quarters for a _ "CSnlfol, llie,{)dv(m:ate8 must must be prepared to pay a high bprneitofficc wllf bulr^ inc -application was made p r o s o n U u l s u a l _ a n d _ v i i r j i a l _ p r i C 5» : i. K o e s t ^ a i c l ^ BflTllTbTncrola.wlir bcglnj»rt)ocauso~df popiiintion growtii nmterlal at public meetings ond economlo»umy^)hhe-wefnicti-^nd fabl*gwwingidar7~... let tiio people tho Judge. rei lapji, hirsaldr^ho^nswer-^ Gooding Jerome, area th s industries n Uie Wendell area, Bowler said that(l2 por cent of Hcs n whether wo will n.cccpt a week. lie said.. tlio land n daho s.federally change n priorities" Wlioro Tlio Farmer s National Bank H am ilton said the Tup- ownod. Ho urged Uioac present U cos a balance of nature. of BuW was chartered n perware factory, neaf Jeiomo "on strike" signs ln*front octi firm. daho " Elripr6yers Council, pnc:tar- ts~pafkcd--ai:-thrr Sheer rhctnl workers striking Boise, which itcts as a m ed iator - ^ front of the firrft, firm s front door for a couplc of Wes s Welding of Burley have between emolover and union in recently came to the fttten* days, th «i» Jf la moved mid o found this lactic works to disputes. tion of Burley police, who told second car moves in. After.ikrfecWon._ Til? struck pie firm "Tiie union hasn t theunion members thev could- anbther-couplo of doys» the first ; cven not pork a car on a city street car is returned. several irionthsaro gycriasuofl >.tiskcd.for (i meeting yet, so we -for more than 72 hours, t s legal." Barry aaid. Wo around w^y^os. and union have no progress,to reportt ~-~The-union-roBpbndcd_by_. -Cfln!t-dQ..anythinaiabput it.* f JKgcnnan. nterest low JE R O M E A meeting n Jerome on l o w ^ t ^hotulngbrtiko up sfiocuy after t began Tuesday ^nlgh.t b ^ U s o only two pboplo appeared,... y.t hrlc y WnlllmitonVa miinibqr ijt a group of nterested Joronio cltlzeiu trying to obtain low cost housing, said pert t contactu are now being made lodbterihlne n..ost n iho project., Wnlllrigton said f enough ntocoal s shown, * possibly another,.meeting wlu bcr achoduled latet. ^ i. envlrgnn)entallbt and tho Homo, fmprovom ent Club, developer. spoke briefly on Ecology As a vlsilal ald, ho showed Tlirough ijiws, negula tjons and - before and after slides of tlie Codes." Bo«Canyon and othel- Mrs. Hugh Caldwell Wendoll, Thousand Springs urged tho homemakorsotsoiit ilovelopmcnta to fight pollution by looming Uo -«ald-thou«and-- Springs j! y_pr<un»mtldjibj!yng Jjy_ area s an o u m p lo of tlto Uiem. She suggested Uiat cloan- multlplo tlso M W o p iraw i^;f T ip "" >>OBUtltlciltl«n cnm-. thu basic odvocatnl.tknl iiie palgns coud bo used a i a com- Box Canyon, with the eleventh miinlty tool.,. ~ largest spring n the,world be The aemlnor.was sponsored completely prbserved and set-hy the-exterslon j-clti:^* of aside os n.national monument, Gooding Coun& at tho Wondoll, Ed Koostor, Gooding Coiinty Civic Club, idorolhy.oriavo, DxtenBlon agent, spoke bn "Tho extension h6me economist, Econom ic F o n ilb llliy of introddeedttiespeakers. C lie n t v ig M a t i i u H c y «lleiil vgu n ronl of Wess WeMliii, Barley, Sheet raeul workers slnick;ihicthh:;»*»<jis WohUMM oliutiu)pn>grenmm l^iim w rterf n negotlauoni. Tlie Wonlui.ataiUVM*) )l eiir wlui."on strike" slgiu n rout of the llnu.,v :

14 14 flm*f-newirtwln Pallf, daho Fridty, M im h i ramilv emeu* -T W roo NB ALLEV --FO RECAST FO.R SATURDAY, MARCH 18. l72 : A cluy when most of your, friends will be interested in iittuining the besl pos«ible lienltli riirough bcnoficial trcnlniunis ihcy.; will want to show off to nd^antuge the ijiiproved attractiveness. Followina this the desire for romancc. plus, 3 stronn ArTeS (Mor. 21 Jo Apr m Uoolrio an udviscr for-bocjj iden-that-wllhjolp you advance inohc-ncax-iuturc-ulanjiuw, to «ave morp money so that hui!cj up a si/ahlc rcierve. Oe more iluirty ^ TAURUS (Apr o V1jy_2U) Hiing out your fincm _JCttUrM_SO.-y.O}LAfln JOflk*-* a li.ood r.iipicsfiion_gn: tjinsc yo i - dail with-inbusiness Acjept an im i.ii on fo< a Kaciat-uwont extended lo you GEMN (May. to June 21) ^ ou.uc ubic.lo delve inio new pleasures now Hhal could lead to- more producik^.xhanneli-in-lh«iifuturc. V-our-miuitioii is workine accurntclj- - De lure lo follow it WZARD OF D K ERRY DRAKE would be efltcn auvo," he says, "if it were to shriek whc^ phed ^n-og-flquoal-wharw4ubbad-with a foikjl.truo-«juugh.=n«verthought of that bofore. Won t thijik of it ngoin,.either, if m l>>ekv^ QTERES Q. itow m any buildings does the U. S. Goyerranent own?" A. Almoftt^ut not quite half a trullion, Q. SN t t a fact two-thirds of a ll the long distance telephone calls aro m ade by woihen?". A.Fcom - hon^ plw ros only -. ~ : -W nic lt-ib -tho-oldor-^lhd -pyranudiu )U ii;>pt-0(u i]c -U nutl- wairofchihff? A.Tho pyramids. ^ MSTER, wouldyou like your son to go into poutlca?.\)ll8tcr8.decided thatwas&livcly query to put to fathers nationwide. And. seven out of 10 of-same said no. not that, never. Or words to that effcci. - i.. SPEAKER i4)lfi&ifr-ufiually-m add-ohh»ttt(^phtm ner-«peakeihm h>the professional circuit. Qap. clop. He is thought to be a witty im- <euow-who-loves h l9 - w o rk M m - to ld rh o w o y ;^ - th a ia - n o t- - -tiuitc. righl-mosl«juch- speakers^ lcs-sald,-dosplw. thelr-^ ass.lgrunenla. Most, like old Mark Twain, are in financial hot water. They need the money. Otlierwtse. phooey. ts true. DD ALREADY tell you a skunk never sprays ih ^ the wind? Might have.

15 m n TW ^ R evti^ - rfitarch.171- Wa Tlm«li:N»wiVTwlri F»lli. djrii NEW v o n ic (U P j::stocirc.f.,t r prlcej wefe Brm- «ll*r, nibrt ES re«"«than thr»«houra of trading....friday ontliirniiw Giehange vfllli. ChiuMn i ChipH Ch«Oh ijjd 40 >S1 S}<4 i l > M«r OM.t0 U ) )]>«31 V VU V. MMfcot M»1 1 i f 141 U% UV4... MUrMldVro lol )««J la u Si 4t U U -... MjirtHF S )]* 1]4...*->»>- daho f e a iiie r R^port^ A» 0( 1 p jn., the Dow J M M c tv w ndustrial,avjrago waj up 6.S2 «>>»» to D4103 and ^andard & Poors ci*uei}.» SOO stock hdai gained 0.38 to cm SH H 107.W. Advsnras «i*ed g K * "? _cllnosjm Llo _608^oniU.fiUi4,jy,;.^!S^ ssuos trodod. Voluma totaled - D.l million sharm, appfoxlniato- ly a million undor turnover after three houiii lliuriday, At jmotfier time the market might hav; made p sparkling gain on the impetus of the s t ^ m c ir CP lnlt JJ»» JJ» Mil Gyp.Oi UO « OKlaNG \.U OlinCorp U4-. QmTfc 719 W S>i 1» > White - Motor-jumping m o r^ "om tf >m than Q point opieco. Chrysler oup^ns^ gained H. Ford went against JSSmitc" the trend with a loss of H. = Steels rom, led by Republic, Eaiitm Air- - uprdbt^andzdu jg^lrstm k^fcleirc^^ = = = D c th le h m d in itip ^ Eastm en-k odakr^lch;to lro^tim duced ~flve hew oameras Bucaii o lo " niursday, Jumped 3 ^. EUo- F«b«ro*«o > wherein the group DuPont rose pjlfrc^ clis m, Union Carbide % and Dow and Monsanto H apiece. e»rtmiru. Superior Oil led the oils lower- Ei.."!*".! ^ wlth-b.drap-o^-lh-karp-mogw _% El Co 3 Oulbord.M 1 r OwcnC>^ ri Owen }> Pac C» r*4 P«c Ltv > PacPetn «a ;. - P «cp m 1.44.U - J a _ R c _ ll 1.70 P«n Am WA ju iu m i. i.ig - Sprin g -fever w eiither continues A cooling trend should begin cxpected to bc the same. Saturday n the western The extended outlook calls for Louise, S alfu ke City o 65 3 r -&tilfrnricisc(lc 7 Q _ ill 19} 10* v» * : j 33S 33a >>.14-34>k. 2.C J8.«^ H!i-_ll5 ii:. j»o i4 t i r t H Twin Falls, northslde.burjey-.1 TiiH sccllonsapreadlngtouecaston 0 coojlrib trend..beginning tn n fis. U ^ h 1 H «* >er Old Sunday, Th^rsday 8 high Saturdny which will conunue in if r r t L H? 1 m?n unseasonably.warm temperatures reached nti. lhe.tlirough.tuesday. with _ ^turdny._ovcrn,lbht laws M-to m u c h - J il J lia ^ a tc M d n abiii. = ^ ontod-bt-4javeili^iind-»hew^^»^ld-ll(w-ftir-twni SeotUc c *... Spokane c (i Tompp c S5 Washington cy G Wlchlta c M 4) W4 \l» W t -,7* UVi ] >> V.4^ f 41^ 40«41<«., JO )]> JV i, - 11» J " * P«nnPL «0-. Ptnhtoil,10 PM pct 3 U P*pllCcj 1 W l*if to«p h *lp D 3 to t lt n<4 m JJi-j J)> Phll«E( 144 ir 3S* 3S J14 JOj J0»«- 4t JSJ» MS S>i J41 7J>- J 9.4 P» 40»» 4t*^ - - 4J»»- btiaook^for s W, partly.cloudy and cooler. apprdach the,. Oregon and t 34 s llp ii^. other losprs* inolud»d-getty-and-ooold»otal-.joo N*«J l i 74>l 34 lowsin the» s ond Skies arc expect^ to bo S a turd a y ;?.. W ghs aro\ f?w i n ^ r Wood n ver Vplley; _ - ij o u s t e d to have only limited mpectad to drop Hv«degrees or 5h 8 o v irth o Mntral daho. F a ^ tonight with variawo effect on our weather-in the more in soiithetn daho, v m o u n ta ln a. in c r e a a in a doudlncm on Satyrday. Hlgha.-form-of-vari«bl«-clcydlnya- E arly --- morninb low cloudiness lq lnilli>iit»h fur f w i n F a l t s ; ^ T e m p e r a t u f e i VMtffrrlny_- ~?Cs*c..,, - M uirday^b cnance oia w ^ temperatures were n the ;509 Tuesday, with a thieat of rain Lastyepr. Ov^ernlghtlo \y»m ; showerji mainly over thegdj!!a_w llh.low eiillsja3iu :niaauh!-fron»^astern-ercimr1hrflm ih 0utlook for~snndby,. partly panhandle. Valloy. Tonlght*s lows are southwestern fdaho. H 1 0 U W f is - a a ^ ilt UU -U l)ti> i 13 t 3S>» S? 40 a 40 40<4^ J V* JO U, 13 4 JJ S4 ^?H - 3t<* }> - - On HOf CD - 0«r- in tir ]k G tnm illt a andfcalifomia Standard Jg Magnavox, H o n e ^ell and «Cbhtrol.Data dsl more thana"^ co7p point apiece in their m ixed ctmsk^i io group. BM rose 1%. Texas g!!"2o>-4^ nstruments,fairchild C o m c ra r ^OoQ & ulladl^iwd Spci^ H B ^ CKF(K>d i lo were fractional galnerat... Burlington Northern rose V4 in the m ixed rails. Airlines biased,= groups by fractional margins. oi p.c.. M t. Disney added W. S w ".wi Wrlgley 21^. nternational Tele- phone, enmoshod in embarrass- y^. -^ y ing Sonatc-hcarlngs, dipped Vii. cooayr^.11 * t fell more than-s-niursday. cr*n* u\o American Telephonei which slumped almost a point tliura- day on lower per share for the okw«i u? quarter, rose V4, ^ 41 Pullm tnln >< P u rtic p 14 it 30>i PufoUt to 3S a.i Rtltton * Havthon,tO li 4i>t 4}>. 4l>i RCA Corp t H«4M<.flRaadnoCo S r 1 t R«P SM 1 no ]4>t 3JiB }4>l.B«vlonlrw-l ;3 *... -n»yninoa / u r?! ;jw»l 30T 30H -DJ»M. 4-U i4 _ 47 J7 }t>» :t» * i RO*n$T ltd f* 41 47H 4 7H -»* Bobthtw 70 n s 14 «HothG _2 _ H*w York (U P l Fallowing i» a iitl o( bid 4tvl Aiktd j. B nc«i nn-aaiitm l»»» fund* t guottd bv -, -m«n&so nc JiutuaLFunds O ulb S4 O P P N H M fo i. UnKuf^d H»rll> 3 «t 1.74 Op Aim 14 0* S 40 UNON H R. O v e r. T h e C o u n t e r H a. la ln a fl r 37.M *»... rsh }4U 74U~ < » / - >* 34 33» 3 ] H^ 3*nt H» + 1 P.M. PRCES NW VOW stock txchador S ) J J l. 34V. 107, S 41i W» t,.. M S * «< S J S - l k 110 9t^«}i<.» W 13%*» > U-i ( >4 3S** Si.^ > JSS K t 30 JO» lii - OullM 3.»a«*»4»(. 103J j- l. Cull Oil 1"> 410 3tM> J4».4 3t» - O o lir... CrMnCt.94 Or*yhd Cp Crummn ulll.w» H -17 -» 37** NEW VO RK (U P )-S «lk l» d l(ock«on lb* N«w York Slock Eichtno*. S>l»llhdi) Hlon Low La»t Chg, :7l«+ A tfnim h AddrfU »< 3(i«f H - i Admiral Cp 44 34>«34t 34<i- >i A tm «U M M 2St t44 t l l 41^ «tj> Jklf Prd.JQo " l i 413- t l 4 l i-. Alrco ~.)0d 371» ) 33U-31)* Alcan Al.M 170 3U«7» AllaoCp.TOb 44 l l i ) ] Alh HaclaMn 3k Haini H 1,04 H trcul*,3sd H trih y. 10 H tubliln Hcwlll P 70 HUton luj V<- Hobarl r Hownar -W 7>««- *» Holt Elactn Hoi nni 7J 7-1 V 17t«7H 17Hr- 3S 47 44^ 4 t)« } to)«41^7^ 74 liu.7s*< $4» 5$». 114 S9>i S i S9>r> t l j S011NJ>.LSd SdOMo ^"74) *34*» 7. Homaitk W >i rl!lls/^.!i - 1 W - W T i- T. HflftyWl-l-W i m tr i4 t^ ~ ^ Thiiriday March t d Atk Abtrdn ADM thaltyi Crwlh 717.S7 COfl» irtw ,so Cntin gw ConM n 117.1,17 C o n lf«ilrrh -5M t; t: Corp Ld l U C on lf»-c 44.J3.JJ^,C w n43*l ^,M,i4 _ Cwn Dv l. l t 4.<1 Oavldo D L A W A R.OROUFK Dacal S7 Dalw F li t } 14.1* Op F rimpaxffnoou-jar^pivn mp Or OTC 5*< M,J9 17,40 i_raiam l -l9.l Un C ipi U.04-1S44 _ liv.q P t U J.U.J J l«,r A U.R iv. f.m.kloq. nd S SS 4.01 Pa Mul S 11 M S lnl*owi 11,0911M Panr> Sq 7, nv Co A 14,10 11,17 Pnda Pd nv Ould n 07 PllOfm nv ndic 1,09,. Plrta S ,01 -Bo» )7,S13.?S Plon En l 9.SS imrt StiallO 7t40 SlarraPc.M SlonalCo.40 tim n Co 10 SlnoarC 7 40 SminK&F 3 S CalCd 1.S4 SoulhCo 1.30 SoNalO 1.40 SouPjclllc 7 So Rail 130 SowilPS.74 SquaraO 97 Squibb 17d S Drna Sid Kolltmn SidOCai7 90 SdOnd 7 39.* tin ilu L B(/l ln»urn S AOviltf.S 37. S74 Aaina Fd 11 J Afutura S 77 S 77 A Ce Fd S1 Allitala 11 S 14.S Alptia Fd 14.S 1404 Amcap F J Am Ovrt OJ A;»i fqlv ] A M M P R tl fu N O l Caplal 10 19)1.14 incom»,u nviim Sptcl (lock f, An> Grth 4,93 7.S7 Am nvtl S.9S 1.91 Am Mut 9,S7 10,44 AmNf Or :403 4.«0 ANCHOR... O R O U P r Caplal ,11 Fnd nv 9.4S 0 U Crwlh ncom Vapltir S1.7S4 07 Wa Nall N.5 U 37 Atfron D <i) Audai F S4 70 A x e HOUOHTON: Fuivj A Fund Stock M Amesci 5 31 i u rc> ra 14,«j -/T larlfil 1S.}t 14,73 >11 Sp C M OM TOKn dtvagn Draci Cp 7.11.S -DodoCi -l4 41-U4- Dr*i>«l E S D R ay> U O R P O rvi Fd S3 D U U.V Sp incm la T O N HCWAROi, Bain Fd lv,lf Gwin F ,91 ncma P 11,70 13,79... _ rd^u B b irlfi e o n re OQlyOr.M O.t} qlv P r.4,7 0 S.31 fn d Am *.09».» e o rtt C l 1l.)3 1S.ST Hun Tri r m t r o - 7, E m t o v Equity F Falrfia 13,4f U.4) phi Dura FO Capti S.44 fld ^ L T Y OROUPi Ond dtd r -C ip iu ,11. Contra Cv 55tC 9 59 D tt. 10 E l t n DS NW D ip r ) M trtu a ir.jj- Slock Salad 9,St Var Pay u nv n *( 4,U > Orwlh 4, ncom T r il Ul T r il Sh W^ilalFndSl-Ot vy Fund 9, Jinuil> tf ( ) (i> JH in o th ,41 Jdlwilln K ly T O N t COM a i 9.1SK.03 C ull B >3.11 Cuti R4-l.10 f9 7 - Cirtl K C u ilk t ,U Cut t l 71, S Cut ,79 Cut! S3 «.«7 10,97 Cult S Apollo P o lirt., Knickr Knkr Clh L m iv c f L9K crm U.9 L tx Ratti L ib ly.f d Lfa nlv C * Orw -lu i.fim - Nall nv 9.S W nihl U N TSO PU N D : Accum Com ow ConUnc ncom ,97 Sclfnc 147 9:50 "vwar -Variad 5, Vlkno Or WallSt er~949-o.s -W lu i.m u ^ Waino aq U 73 U 71 W LN O T O H OROUPi E ip lo r 75. t v a tl Mo^^n :---- O u «l«lu fll fmt NAU>» m au ly n»»n. All b ld l n t* r bmi. nlirdmlar qu*l«hmi, -tiown «r.. down «r cemmliimn.-(n im -4 u «l» «- llint a n pfovldad b y.!. W. ftlac*.- PUnnd Un FdCn 1 11 it 3 P L CRO USA A C l t* R ic v H o w a r - : \5 i o v u lo so io-u Orwlh V A.U LNS PDi Nw E ra Nw Hor Pro Fd P ro P o rll Proy^ldt >5.31 S.ll Provd v a l Lna 7.44 Vai inc Val Spc ,94 V A N C i la N D R : -O04.C - 8 J Trutl i..W llllv lu l-u JtQ. W tllln Wlndit W ill nd 4 so -7:17 Wincap 7, Wnl 0th WltCOn«t l w rin Pd Z io i l ; 1 U U L 2 $. Kellwood" 3 l 5 ( r M -Knud. 22: Vi P acrengr ^ P fe _4.00^ 4.25 ^ l U R o y c e.21 First Sec. C GarrotlFr «;0 0 daho Pwr S ilv e r PUTN, P U N D i Bqully l l. i r OM ] Onifth nc nv V lll l P v*vaa lo.m ii.s i n a v w * ^ ,33- n ifllrl la o H lir 3 S Schuiir C U O O tr POti in ir nv Balanc, Com Spacal K C U R T T Y P O : Equity i lnvt«t U ltra F U.9 R L tc T ^ O P D t: Am She Opp Fd (p i (h rt SDKl 11711^17 univallabla. NEW YORK (UP) Hawly ---- & Harman Thursday quoted iu>. Radio waves travel 180,000 ver at cent* per Vine miles a second. ounee^ down 0.4.ceiits. Heres how the Big Winners in Las Vegas did it!. s Eail)! Times reall) iliscessa]^ n yourptis^cafe? f you thouffht the big win>. nera in La» Vcgha were the. hrrhroljinff Ramblcrs-think u u o in! T h e b ig w ih h c r a were the luclty people who, w n v b n c f, ntea t e d t h el r - - * hrvviuis Am Hkt 07d Am Alrllnat A Ornd 7 79 A Drctt 170 Am Can 7 70 AmCvan. Am rel 70a Am Eiporl Am Holt 40 A MtJma 77 AmHotp 77 AMatCa 1.40 Amer Moior t l 17> tt>4 t7 > JO > H V. 19V,- 717 J9 «79i 79* i 5» < l l l 3 -* S daho P 1.70 idtaidat 70.J!!C c n l[u.l«.. ll Pwr 3 30 mperial Cp NA C 40a inar Rn 3.M nland $113 nipcopp 3 B M 5 40 ini arv > l l l l 39 l l l - H -- > JJ W J l t > lt>* lt>«- > ( l l t l l a 134 5>«51> «71 0< 59>. to « » «- « it S ,.1> 11. loh lo i C» - l * _ l,. 4 - l «131 14t« ) ;= S D «tin n.. Sup Oil 140 Swill Co,70 Tandy Corp T«l»dyne li T*neco 113 Tviaco l.4t T a ie T r ls? T«OatT 153 TmC usu to 1.97 UM Fnd 4 10 ir?n;oiohii----- n, T T >> 43>> f ]S ) >< i 17>> >. 44 1» l l l l l l 117l 111*. T«P LT 57d Te<a» Util 3 t«57. SM» T e»lr0ft i 1<«- ThlQkOl 40 9 i 9>. Amatak.tOa AMF ncp AtnpaK Cp A m tlar 1.70.Anaconda Aaco,Old. Armco t Arm t Ck.10 Aihl Dll 1.30 A iw c Tran* At RlChlldS - A tilt Corp Avco Corp. 41»» >. 31i 31>«t >* 51*. 5 9 S 4.H 411 j tl» l,4 - J a n lll U J*{ POM 91 1l «H 1 H - JohnMv t 13^ ll l 11^.+ ^* John Jn.40a 47 71H 3 m >3H.. JonLoon JO H 47^ 43 «4^ a. lo n t t L.lld 73 34H » Jottani,70 4 t0» * JoyMo V «-»- ^ 41 7««>3^- «KaitarAt so M. 1 9»d-«K C S b ln d ^1 14V. 14»* KinOe-1.41 U 70?k TO i 70Vi+. > W 45). 45Mi-« ^ > 54 > - )» »» 17* 171* »<. 31»«37V ^ 49 49^+ >» -----K,K * Hi- 1 4 l 4H i 41)... - tl^* 34>*»1W. Timken Traniam 55 Tra Un l.3 l Tram W Air Tricon 1,57d TRW irvcp 1 TOmCin Po* UAL incorp UnCarbida 7 Un ei4c 1,31 UnOCil 1 M Un PC Cp si.^ir 44 79» »i 14«--U.U < i m llu i > 31U 77 41> l t» 17.. * n 1 Hv... *»» Kinue-1.41 u 74*t»t««A lr fr T B J " 31 l l i Si. OikarOir.76 Oingor Pn B tih nd.30 B tal Fd 1.14 B K k m.13d B m h A r.40 Btll&Hl.40 BandiH Black Dkr H U Bpalng C, >.<. 3H 31^- Bolt* Ca l^ l H.. i m SOU SOAii- ^ K iy ia rr 40 SOS 17<4 im 14V.- Kaliy H H >4. K in m itl H 44A. 44H4- KannKOtl 1 11 si4 SO{i )» Karr Me, m 31t» 3 l»» - Kdd 3 ik V, 40% lo W -U i KmbC 1.M k t \.ik Alt! K riiti 19 34H 34» 34V»- M 31V, 31 1V H 731«U U -f ^ 339 3«77V, 371*,, 44.45^ V.-H U% 31» 33-l >^ 34 34W- ^ *3 441* 41H -44^«.f 109 U3)» U «- V, 39W J9>*- V. Kra to a _ - Krooar 1 U> i^ordan 1.30 S 3<.«. 31 3l<«-f U _noro-w c.iu------l i i l i _ i i i i _ i n i i t - H i - L i i r s i i o _ i h -. i m n. r. i. B 0»tC d 3J4 l i r j i u, t*h -P ~ i W -19V*--»9W - * k u r n t n c H Lihm n :V4d i«17 *--4 US O y p tli US ndul.13 USPyCh,14 U Stm ll, 35d US Sll 140 U it o b 1.34 UdUllllt.94 Unlv OltPrff, S K n i- UlihliL 1.9^ V ir lin A lio Co 47 10>i S-. 34W >03 3 m.7 V U Oayrk or Oaacn H t 11..Dcacon «ro«^ K J Berkvhr Dondttk kut Fdn ll Drown BULLOCK. F U N O :, Dull Fd n o t Cdn Fd Dv Shr N 1 w d NY Van ] to om un 13J4 l l y Dutni.fd l ) (i)- CO Fund Capim r Cap nvl Cap Shrt Cap Trin Canl th i 4.U CHANNiNO r u N o ii. Batncd 1744 J J t -.Oom lk t.r? 5,93 Orwin ,W incem ,u c a OtTONi lbtwn7r3t13:«# Shamrk (7 ) D Saltm F t A Y L B : fh A R H to O R P Trand 77,a Canad Comti 4 t l 5 11 FNANCAL Cap Dv 11, Enlrpr PROORAMSi Mutual 15,57 15,57 Flat F(j «.S Dyn 4 11 SO LORO A ijli Harbr Legal L 17J 7 U.. Pace Fd SHEARtO N FO : Apprc 10, ncom 19, nvail 13, Mutual 15,57 15,57 L O R O A ijli i-m ino 4» 4t4 Aflllal 7,3t 7 9t Fin nc Am Out V tnt Ond dab 19 ttfd Va ,01 Lulhtrn F R S T Maona 9,3410,3 - NVRSTORS: MaonC D lic Fd 9, Mantiln S.ll 4.15 Sh Dean Orin Fd S Mkt Owl Side Pd S to ck -p -O H iro M M ie O : SOMA FU N O li tt Mulll ,11 Fratm C#p Shr l»l Nat ndp F.T nv " BryilH 3k j^ LlbbyOwn 3 / B fu M y l H** s h S7»i-f» Uoo^AAy^ * B fo ro u p m 13 39<i 39 39U, ^ B ro ro u p U t"~ <<i 39 39U.... Lino Tame Bruntwk,14 3)3 lo-i 49>i 49<k-f <«,.Llllon 3 lik -B u e V T! n r v v t V h.v H * M Lockheed Qudtf Comn 34 \iu S». S». LoawCp 1 04 BulovaW H 17>-. 7>.- > Lona S nd Burl n ^ >i-t^ «Lon SG 1, Buri-NO ) 4.1^^ lucky S,50. Ourrohl,40 70 U9W 119/. t#*.*! ^ - Cim p S1.M 31 30»«30^ 30««-t- <^ -Can Pat Vd 14H 17«^i-f *4i t3 S 441,;, 4S -f 31 13^ 13i.«3U, m 1 9 ^ rw i 1** V, 13U 71 i4«* -55^ U 3tt» «MS 30^ 10>«>30H4 V S,50 m 3 m 3 m i i i - la i*.0d--*> 1 UUi SOH 3.«+. L v k i Vtin 14 «u r t h W athw 1.34 W ailar 10k W tbinc. UO WUnlon 1.40 Watto E l.94 W tlvac ).05 W ayvrhi,u W halpllt Sll Whirlpl 1.40 Wh Cort.400 vemp i.n i m juv t»» - * Can Pat Vd 14H 17<^i-f >4i M icy R H 11 43*4 4 m 43U+ tt. K :.T t t» >( H >. 3W SO. 49 ^ U J 4)1.-3m? * * c Spaci C w ivir.».,.. eouiiy 4.7S S ir :» ):S!:8 incom Vanlur 134 1,14 Colum SS COMMONWUTH. TRUT» r - A A B 1(1.43 1,U Ml.73 1,17 Concrd 3.U U.U Fd n O r MASS FN C L; Ventur FO U N D RS, M T Smilh D 11, O ROUFl M G SB to r T.14 Grw m ,13 MD 11,4714^9 So OanF nconr ,11 MFD Swtl nv CUSTdOAMi M (F Ors l. n 4 79 Com Fd l. J f 4.33 F r O fw l T,n 1.43 MuOm p 4,M 7.11, O lvatll-. 1,* ONTO MuOm Tn ,11 *n>/aon MAT t i c F D i Bllanc J BondSr Dlvldn. 4 ^ 4,94 PtH Sik 7 l ncom S.A An3>0iing1B$e, The trl m c n d o u.s K» o w th o f th e L a s V euas artmi h a s m a d e la u d in v e.s lm e n t n vviiuiiiik occup atio n. C la rk C ounty p ro p e rly v alues a re u p 1)75; in 10 years. N ye C o u n ty p ro p e rty values are u p an iih touiulink 250^ in l t sho rt yearii* T h a t s the - k ind o f profit- thftt-m nikcs bik w in n e r s. A 0 F 4 l. l i 1,34 Fiducy r,7» 7,79-, S T N R O F O li ilin c J.1t C i^ l ,43 f f, c S f h - - i : s n : «om (i> ijal Owh Olbri Or 7.J 7,*i- N e U lia... OROU^Ci NA Ml... ^....,Kn< A(WM F l.f f f.l) N iuc m l.7-9) 14»yn(ri Bill Fn<» 1.41 *.41 NaUwlh -1? M U W T ^ Com Slk li.h 1)13 NlwlOfl. il ] T iictin ^ ll.lin.v ) -O lh JA N ^ 49~»ai ^ NMf VNM-U.U -t T ^ i :- M- j M Orih O T S w.m Nthlll i J?? 0vird _ 4.N34.N N itl vir C JsKo" llo cu Sr 1,34 *,14! l * V. o u p f, h ncom U? ms? T M" MJ u ir -13,15 14-W-..hwi t«, S7» 17^-- <4 Commodity Figures 11 a.m ; T o d a ^, PMv. - - liio# CJoM 11^, liw--»jn. W O M U J.S3 S.a S.S#i-.3.M- M,W S4.70 S4.M, M.67 M.S M.» M.W. M.O X.a- 7i.»-niM~xija ll y r a Corp »«14»- j H-.-f ( ^ J p 5 r R e t g t v ^ ^ ^ S h i p T i T» n r ^TJSEiy.Vow, N ye C ounty is the location o f a new,, recren- tiln- oriented city, m aster nlanneci for 52,500 people. ^ h «called Cnlvadn Volley, and J t could be your chnnce -witj\.a money-back «unr- antec to bp n w inner in --- Nevada s- hiiul-boortr Cak-- vmfrvnltcrtrtttktinrhhinn! now. ts growth estnbliflhed. Yet its still in, itabckinnink sto«es-which offers you the-humekind of invefltmontopportuhitier- LthiU UHi<,Huh«tnntini; profit,fqr early jm H VcRnH May. dakb PoUtoM May Maine Potatoes April UvecatUe. A ii^ livecattle June hogi,. treh-n)t«at JanllhR 1.40 A arojtl.soa Aiid Control,^ P lr 1,100 A rk L io 1.30» ± W - iwtdycp l 3, »- U 34 33^ft 33*1 1 3 U m 34<» S m -f ^ «... *4 i m 31V 31Vy- t 3K. 39, K lou.j O h l«7 *» - ^ 3 7V> ««7W - ««34 331* 3 * - 3 m Railroad Ties. a**-* Manly of FREE PARKNG jtanliaiili.walwhria-:, J u l y «a v «M ;W ^ M.S O 1 U.0 U m w J f i S r t w,, A p r i l «U v» f. c ^ l lli i;. l M " M, J M \ O u o l o lio n ilf o m lo u j i N ;-8)M «n C o., ^ l o, F a l l s. ThePuuycol. The oransoiwcei lourthntm ixei upflipulck... r ^ a cat. Barlender.Vnilnnt PiisJiycat Mix and Early Tmei mnko it purrfcct. Aik76rrniTant Uuycai MlxatyouYr^^^ food. ito r e ;^ 8«4 Paiiycatnlaitcf,* jejid $2.95 to:barly Titvlei Puuycni Glnues, RO : B6)r^7T, Mtiple Plain, Minn. 5535^ * * H n u r. um,v.iimci mlui;, Couiiviui.

16 LCLA, Long Beach set by players basketball players, matineii f p i ^ r e g ^ i o n a l s ^ h o ^ d o w n PHOVO, UUili (UPD-r-l^nj! in nsl ^enr s West finale hnd iind finished wlui-inpolnts ns seven pointa of tiie_iinm. BcljchSUitc.downt<UieUniver- went on to capturoj.ts flful- Uioonly Don in dpiiblo fl«uros. ngnjwtimhenildcdwobcrstiilc (it henritig-. Seniors Steve Chnpm an,ond M ik e McKnlrt, on Uie pcr-.. v P nrrell Groves walked off with manent,trophy whfch goes for -WAWNGTON (U P) -sjohrt bnakotbhll Jionorj whuciunlor --- Mackey, Ann Pngo nnd several. McKaln andsenlor Q m c k jluier afar pro foolbnll plny^^ tcstlfylnii n fnv<)r dt a bill Uiot a r j 3 niufadny. nlfiht nl tlio would sphm-dit N.RB (jrlor t, p. 5 sports utnilmll. «-----ure.-^.-wn.v : w»m w uin UCl4Alliumpud Weber SUilo 0 0- chhinplorjaliip. cent hnd gave Up Uio... ball.t W iltlcn - lm cm t" theearly exi t. ClmpmanXwn 7;wos named the M.Tlmrsdny niijhl in tlio NCAA- All America yiiard Ed Ratleff Urae? on atealfl, four by Ratleff. of- All America center Bill.., ^,.most most inspira nhpiralionol player by his Weot liijlonals. : of Un» Beach, Stiitc nnd ^nr Beach fell behind 4-2 in Walton. ^ «i-pngresslonfll hearing, fdiow -teammates while Tmt sot tlio: buho for-a i forward: -Cliuck...Terry tcadi.tlie. opening minutes but the, _^Jruin CQach,ohn Woo(l0n.. JGrp\^i.theAeHni-Cnniftlnjjvn3jL_ showdown remat^li between the Hcored fl pointii. loers zone cut off the San. removed tlie,fi-ll so phomore subcommittee studying -nnjjjeti,nost valuable sixth-ranked iocrs and No. 1 Using, a sai^ing zone * raneii/co storingatt^k and centcr. fronv tlio game one- P^ G W ^ ^^*^^ M^ckey, the pi^yqr, rated Bniins Saturday night for-^dcfenne, tjie -loerfl Hlmt off Sjin U ng Beach went on a 12*0 minuto. into the second half president o f tlie. Notional wrestling award wos tlie West -title and.a., t r ip t o - Francisco.from t itj-inaldeand spurt to. coast J o an. n-polnt when.he picked.up his fourth Plnye;s Asso*. tiivicioti.ijotwoon Twin. Fallsi -NCyk>Vfinalu.March.23.25JnJvQjLi-f9rcqd-the-Dori8-.lo-XiiuL Eom iiziltimi?^urgln ,_ifoul. He.liad Dnly-fouiLpQlntfl,.a. said, /wq n^ n^t t^,p s^^l^j,pj,^j,^pion8-in-anotjlpt. Ane!es.. liqlhido. Guard Mike Quick lill Fl^-tiine tiefcfldlng -chamr._senapnjow.-andjiever-rcturncd_. &ldp!i!. nlpk.? P ^ *^ Ml.-.P?J;.:_vote.oLtDammat(isJlarpet-won. UCj V edged Uie ^Ocrs S7-55 fflr fi points n tjie second half pion U C^ scored the firfit bociiuflo he wasnt needed, r sonally but ngulnst his power. the 141-pound statel tltloand r--. -, Junior Swen Nater took over He added, we-are against WcKajn was tltlist at 157. for Walton and scored 12 points the system and we would be McKain iolhs his older brother; n the second.half... against t whether nozelle or: {irrv r^nrm ii.uio L(mmiLs7 B e a r d h a s J a c k s o n v i l l e l e a d JALK«0MV!1J,>. la. (U Frank, Ue«icd saiikn M dot Beard battled a^gtlsty wind alid heavy hileljiuiroirsttowcrs-,,i 1 f t 11- Walton s "All Amenta teamc rovo Uio bull fairly well all toni:y_blbby-j<^a^tlll! N Noting "" that a** C U S TO M A U T O.? y- -.. Bruins wlqi 15 and fi points player has nrv, an,, avcrnijc-career avcrniic career S U PH O LSTER Y, A RC R A FT ^ hnr5dnr-fm-tr^m»»iat- iai- nft- in compgtttlrtu a.s lie po.tted-!rix.n iln tuilliy inu nu il UadsHbroTT- r : said llie average player, cant i.- ^ t d - t iik e X u n e ^ s lf u k a d lo v it J J b lr d lc r n n d n w o ib n B t o n i^ lu O t l i. l e c.r ^ f O ^ He was V M w stiitn fnriv^^rd Bob wait out thq-fiovora yoarb it A1 Geiberger in llu; round plough fl,9i:j-yard Hidden Hills two um ier a t that stage but D avis, averaging 2H points,, uikes for-a grievance to co of die *u3^wpuriri;m-i-.jii(.h.^nil- ^ ixigeyeu No. 4 and No. G. He imiced tlie Wiracata WlUi d Uipoimh hu chann^es of the ville Opon.. " ^iciberger, a pencil-thin Cali- rallleh ^ith birdies at 12 and fl points. Weber managed to hit National. jibor Relations «foraian..sank four.short birdie ro Uike the lead. only 20 per cent of ila shots,, - REDS w^i.-pfttt.s, fini.shing play.shor-tly Blbby andt- arrner kept the t j i U C S c i y S l>efore heavy rains drenched ^ Bruins ln~_i i i m C _ thoir shooting^. undw -lb feet in tifibhl.- 7 i on tlie 5fl~B-yar(rMt1i liole when of baseball. o a k l a ^d ( u p ii -Holdout pitcher Vida Blue,.deadlocked in a salary dlspute,.said iday ho baseball to accept anexecutive ^position in private indu.ilry. j Ts year s Cy Young awhre winner and mdst valuable player ip the American l..cague.told newsmen he had accepted hn offer to work full-time for _Purn-Stcel Product.s of ti)s l& feel-from the cilp.. 5<.ven, pinyor.i (inialiecl wo- pn;rsb U ng H.(U P)-H nrow stroko.s.back of tieard at 70. Joseph "Pic " Trjiynor, Hall of Tiiey ncluded former U.i. and Fame third.. baseman nnd Brilishi Opt*n champion Tony.hickllp,..e. Snead, Jim Murphy and tour unknowns Jim H/irdy anji, George Hixon;, ^ ArnoldPalmer, sfn^gling to get bin game in shape for the Masters, Doug Sanders, Tonj- Tiiy Aaron, John usier, Jim ( iill)ert. Hod Curl, Uick l/dz, liirry Ziegler and Jack Mont- former Pittsburgh Pirate manager during <the fading Babe iy age of 72. de^icntlon, work and excellencc. WE ARE STHL DONQ BUSNESSAT- THE OLD STAND * Nowisthetimetdbuylhat "G LEN C b " HyMHoist P O W E P A K g - Q g i S ^ U N D H l J o i N f S ^, f o t j A ny.!n»» q llq» io n t r u c k OR TRACTOR W e H a v e The la r g e s f S to ck W N e w P a rts f o r O f d e T *. C a rs 4 n - T h e ^ ln ld rm o u n ta in - W est See Us F irst.f o r^rts. T W l N f A L m i f f O f A R K Kimberly-Road Twin-Falls 7^ Angetes as a~vfce pr^esidetirin gomery-wert^-ftl-71. charge ot publlc relations.-- Defending champion-. Gary - Wearing slacks, a striped siwrus Player beaded a large, group at. shirt and sneakers, the 22-year- 72, while l,ee Vevino had a 73. old lefthanded pltchej- of tlie Jack Nicklaus, the only twohe made the announcement, y^ar, pa.ssed Excuse me for ilmlllng, but 1 am dead- serious," said Blue. 1 Thlfl is a wonderful op- WrtunUy for me and one-that 1 Joel J[_ sliouw lake. "** 7rTs withheep i^egret nnd sadness announce my leaving fhseball. hnd hpped my career nainent Bcartl, who lias toppud the JOO,OOQ, niark-eudi-of-tiic last fivi yi*hrs, sank birilte putts of 5. (). 4, 21K 10 and 12 feel. His two bogeys came when lie failid to hit the green on hi.s ap[)roach siiol, -ftjould-have-beerrlonger-while-it---- Beard--reoov«ring-from an- WQ9 s h o rt, it w a s p a c k e d w itli e a r p ro b le n ) w iiic h hain )ered- e x c ite m e n t.. ^. lilm e a r lie r in the y e a r, ^ l i d he MidMt.Kky S. MArnucMc 6V lonil.i Stole?0. Minnctoirt Mldwtil Lnunviiie ds. sw UtJuimrtr btdie «6. TcxAV» Witl UCl A VO. Wctirr ijtq 5( Lunu flc.ilti / t, S.1 NCAAColltO* lir n ii hn^lt) Ahron 7,1. Tt-nncsic# Sisip 49 (o *r Uiiiinuki- W. UAM NAA. louflflcrfitiflij) Ktillucky S ia. bl, U OlliAt. G nrjiut Welili 81. WMlcrn Hsu ClAiru. Wiic. 77, AuguU4na AuiUn, To*, n. We»lfiionl. C<ili» t Only Takes One Man limlnutes To nstall LARGE EQUPMENT MOUNTAN HOME, DAHO- Th«n Uft ACrou Rqllroad Tracki to Steckyardt. MONDAY, MARCH 20 t u is: SWrSTMtrHHPTlV «T nao (UH. ir-msh r FPaMffttiUODMiaiWTSMCWDS X O M E ie A R ty tl^ V E JL Y z lm n E rm ls C E L L A N E O a S - \ /, r TRUCKS AND CARS 1970 fo rd D io io l.5 ond 2-Spood, 39,000 mifoi fo rd Ton r u fk Chovrolol 2-Ton Truck Ford G a la x io 390 M otor. 1?.7Q Ford Pickup wiiii Ait. TRACTORS Jolin Dcoro Tractor John Deere Tro cloi w illi Kit) 402ty.telin D «< ;iil j.9 c!9 L _ 4 W huul D rive Joiin Doorc Troctor, r Johp Deoro Trtjctor 30-John-0 oi»-t«otto»^ ±L SPUD-EdUlPMENT A llii C h a lm e fi Potato Harvo^tur Dohlm oo Cro>i-O ver Dipgor lockw ood.4*row Planter. Acm e 3/Row P lan te r N ow. -John Deere 4-Row P la n te r O ld Lockwood Seed Elevotor.. Mileitone Seed Cutter. Pototo Sack Conveyor. Three 15-Fdot Bulkftedt. J.Row Rubbor Rolliir: BEETEQUPMEKT, 1970 A llit C halrr^art M o d el 4 0 0, 4 -Row w ilh Lifle r C o a d o r A llis;c h alm er» M odel " Row w ifii Liltu r Lo ad er. Tiie ab o v e cod be CohvertoHtb 3-Row A llit-c holm ert-d oublq Drum Oefol* - STport A llis C iialtno rs D ouble Drum Dotol-, iato r w ith S c a lp e r i- 12 M illo ti P la n tc ri.-- Two Jo iin Deere 12-Row Front C u ltiv a to ri. Two Jb iin D eere 24-Foot Bock D art. w o 12»Foot Ace Sm yier Typo Cuhipociieri. TLLAGE EQUPMENT. Joiin Deere 5-BottOfT) 2-Wey_Rlow. -Johf^-Deere 46oHom 2 V 12-Foot Kewonee Till and Pacic. John D eere 3-PropQ Subto ile r. 6-Foot ^co P b W P a c k e r. 12-Fopt Jo h n DeereDitcr. 13Foot D o r 15-Section W o o d H arro w *, MSCElLAiNEOUS Pipe T ra ile r Steel Fla tb e d W ith H o iit. -Jflhn-D oflrajifool-g roin-d riil Po rtable Lincoln D C W e ld e r. _ 1959 Delroiler 7 6 ^ 4 4 Mobile Home. i EUGENE SWENSEN; Owner... umllls,«^70lw^^^0lijl--h^5b^^^ - i, h,^ ( (^ m407_ Wthe cost Learn how hundreds of farm ers fhroughout Magic Vafley-haveveut eheck^atc costs,jnstallation and inspection time by using~the VO lco /sysfotti,. yttull be am aied^at the.price, the quality ond, the better job a VOLCO cfieckgate can do. Why t w in f f3%b Mlj^lorid Av*. E, B h a m ^ a - S S n - pay more and get less? Stop in, write or call any one of the convenient V O C O outjets and tee how a VO LCO checkgate can save you. time\and moneyl ^ ^ JfeROME S ls W.M a lh phon* s a «j4 a a t B i i i n, E Y V 3b3 N. Overland

17 ^rld«/,ltotch-i7,..197j..tmm-naw*prwln F«llii-(l»h<i->7- Veiifi\ and North Caf^ina gain jirtah MORGANTOWN, W. Vtt. to two field goals in.anmghu Qluhtminutosoftho (rsihnu wn» \Ugh n tho tfnmo w lu vil (UPD Thlrd-rnnkod Penn sur- mthuto atrctch. outecorcd Uto RotHna 12 ntrniuht pnlnbllh,pnp.boforo-fouunkout 3t65^to Sniith_}]in ^ bei\tvlllnntfvn7a-g7 behind PfiU Uircc points of tho load.- CnroUnJi atnrlcrs wcro slttlnii llnnklnsons 22 points Thursday/Blit 0 tlp-ln by-dob MoriR) on.tho bcnch wlu) thrco nlkht nnd-movo nto tho NCAA w ith 3:25 to goqnd two free porsonal fouls nploco. *,....A... lato... rally. gpve... DuHlngton,...EnsternneKlonnlflnnlsiiBnlnsl throws by A1 Cbtlor n mlnuto Wuyclk, the nalloas lending HUTCHNSON K onrr7 === hnlfrnio flr«thiihtwihj matter "TPcrrum kno<;k^ the ball out of-two^dftfoartoumcyr ^ lo s V c r r h u ^ r tppw in\a, of leadexchanges and tight bounds, giving CS one last filiot wlui 1:44 left n the gam olscpris ipros u^lih Forrum holding n - _chone<? * but Ufiirdiot:waa-Widc^4owa7-o-77-7f--WsS^^,^«-j r m jji.... North Cnrollnn.-nter.wrnppcd up the RBme. - ;- fiew Ronl perccnlagoshodtor^ andtc»^uiiritvq., mmolliatfl- 3 1 ^ itjvonlnge. CS blew lla dmnces on Robert Morris of-corthftge, H. Tnr-Heels slaughtered- Penri led from Uie start, finished wllh 16. points, but M lend t provided sland up for a But after Fcrrum hit Uie first turnovers, commltllng 10 t a d v a n c e d B u r lin g to n n South Carolina 02- rolling to an 11-polnt lead- South Carolinas Kevin Joyce - -»jiimoiiij:-)lmlor,:jolliifl<moucr--liu<>lmt-i>>-mi<>-«><)<>ii<l-liaur-ltlch agnlnbl-oliilimor-ftrrumr-ln-lmefa-braektt-aiiil-ellmlniitwl -^^ n U liic-oponlni^-siiinlllniil nili)way-thcoualt-lli<i-ll nnmcnt qimrlor-nnnlvictory Sobers lilt hrcotim osond Vic trco throws CS hit 12 o flo -b ul Morris w llh ts sccond loss. Knnio.Btttlnii 10 points fro m. boloro Vllllmova closod t)io. over, the-college of Sout»cm.Kelly, wliowound up^with 20 was eight for 15 n tho first Dennis John Wuyclk Moody Jili fi the 29 points last (or hnlltlmc- B»p to 3M1, Tlio daho Thursday night; / points, added a field goal for a hair-w hllo Fcrrum was six tor Uic owa ciub, while Gilbert j!o minutes of Uio first half to teams.jrodcd haakcui.uiroligh Ferrum, which now has won.1s^ lead. Vermtmdez scored 4. CS look Uio rebounding scored 23 for M orrls. 91 " 1 B " tlio - (rif six mlnutqp of tlie ed^e over ^ OvolulU,, Penn lind a G-polnt lend witli second half before Penn rnn off ; two strafght onc-polnf vlctbhea.for Fcrrum at that point before over CS la ihls event, simply Kelly hit twice and Wlllife oulsloadlcd the Eagles and Williams onfitto^send. CS refused to crack when.cs.went quickly into a 4 4 ^ lead byt iip-by-jiintlpplntoieflriy4n-tho Umt-^wits-tlto- crest. Ferriun outaliot tlie Eagles n nnouier consolatlon-gnme, " :21 to-go and seemed well eight straight points, four by fromuieflcd hltung27ofblfor Casper, Wyo., elim in ate d - " ommond of te cross-town Hanklnson and two each by 44 p er cent w hile CS w as 23 of P aducah, K y., 00-71, on the rlvnl before Corky Calhoun, the C a lh o u n and C o tle r to g ra b - S3.fiir - «T Xir - - «ont.- - ^ -sliootlnrol R o n ^ 0well=wltlV2S = = < J> ««^n > ^-lo»dor~wa».=theteblggostrloadt )f;tho nlght. _Txler,,.T x.,. erased a n d C la r k M o riin w ith 20, ^ --. W lod wlth -four:-personal -Secohd-rnnkedNorthtJarollna- scc^d.bolf. 5 Eagles hupnly..:.ppm bliwcd.:for. nye field goalf b ve r the las t seviin of tlie next eight poinu of polnt-jinfm m c dcflclt-to beat Arltonir-W eslem - of- V u m n -. tu rne d the i!omc- nto a. 11-fW.Af-thft... Hill iiim n BH/i i n H f^ i, Y y i r» i i t C alhuliii ULil uf H if i» n f iw «v hmi ifttitflqqginu tluil. nched back nto a lieat,56-all stay a point or three ahead. Jack James scored 24 points Buffalo. N.Y. ~ game, ViUnnovw UmUcd Pfi)\n Camccocks_2B-\l.ovcr U^c last WlllK5:20 ert,cslicd only once After the.-50*56, deadlotk, and Jerry Aliarthad 22 to lear -,... after Umt but nearly pulled the Qiarlle Thomas hlt^a field goal Tyler, which tralled.60^4 at the gnmc oufjust before tlie b u a e f a h d MnrkSandy a free throw half. Ray- Edwards and Greg * CSrw as 8chedu]e l to meet^ for a three-pojnt Ferrum lead. McDougald cpch. scored 2V for., Scm lnolerokllw /fit^im pnf. Dan DrcMcn got a cripple al the &mlnole njh H - H n Bt MH ^ MUMH WHlp p ilh. vanced to thp -geml-finals mljiute later Gene Stroebel hit a.ulster of Stone Ridge, N.Y nrgalnsl niflht TeTT Friday jump shot as CS regnined the- 88. to advancc in the consolation -lemlr TTien eume Vemjudee^bracket-. Ferrum. smallerbut a fiercc decisive tip follduod by tilr- "HutchinMh vvasled by Tyrone defensive and patient offensive novers. CS got the wll with 25 Pryor with 26 and Riph Moresen team, kept GSl from getting js^conds left land Kellys shot with 25. CQlcmnn lini^. nnything RUlri^i except for Uie Wlt^ 10 seconds rem aining trlbuted 25 for Stone Ridge, first five miniiles of the second wobbled the rim bui came out. which was ellmlnated fri)m the twlucky^ocks Marqu^^^ State do wns Gopher DAYTON, Ohio (UP)-~-Row- minded Gophers in the last 12 \ jumper at by Ron a "namit7flrn5u!itomi7jpomtata" Uie. game..! -----Harris wiui 2:fl!llo go in "tfir - lofld loui ronked FloHda State Minnesour. Vi^cFplayedUi(> Tialf^^;* T! io jt?0^6 victory over Big Ten last. portion of Uie regular n tlie first game, little diajnpion Minnesota n the season primarily -with a five- Ronnie Lyop,s scored^lo points NCAA Mideast l^eglonal Tliurs- man squad, was hurt considera- to lead Kentucky to a stirring day night after Kentucky upset bly wiicn 6-5 sophomore Keith U5-69victory over Marqui^te.. seventh-ranked Marquette Young drew his fourth foul with Lyons, smallest man on* the in Uie nnpnor l;24 rpm»lninu in tlm fir»it CQUft Ot cd a SCCOnd holf State and Kentucky half. Coach Bill Musselman Kentucky rally after the meet Satiirday^tiflerndon far started Young n Uie second Wildcats had trailed" 3 «3 at Uic Midcast title and a berth in tiaif and he-picked up-liis fifui halftlme Uie KCAA semi-finals next foulwith 11:32 remaining. Marquette ran nto foul Thursday ninht in ti)s Aniieles. Th<> r.hpthts nnu/ 17.7_l»iUti. trniih1f» tn thn.<<f»rnnd, hnlf nnri Hrett, a O-Ji senior forward, hl early minutes but never by fired in H of his yame high more Uian six points. Florida couldn t contiiln Uie Kentucky fast, break, lett by Lyons, Stan lotal in the sccond half when State Uod it for the first time Key and Larry Stamper, i the fiisl-breaking Seminoles at on a jump siiol by Ron pulled away from tlie derensive- King and look Uie lead for good Kansas Stale w ill Tifieet Louisville "AMES, owa iup)~six-. teejuh-ranked Kaiisas StAte, aftor-ulbwjng-an^u-point lead- atfr-in Uie _gt e,_huhu-fln-to- " ^ fe a t.a Stiibborn Texas team ^0-55 t in a scmiflnal roi NCAA Midwest reglonaf game frj victory. _ Thursday ninht. -kansas-stote-wiu-now-meet * t-jouisvluer which rdefeated 1-^-1^ Southwestern x)ulslana Bft-84 earlier Thursday night. n the championship finals Saturday afternoon,- The Wildcats owned a lead with 11 minutes remaining in. the. contest, t}ut the Longhorrts, led by sophomore Barry Robinson,, erased the ^Kfln,sns.StAlc_ eocland_toqk.jl 4M7 lead wlui. 5 minutes remaining. ^ Kansas State center-david Kentucky, which converted 22 free throws in the second half to only nine for the Warriors, hit on eight of nine one-and-onc attempts for >10 points after gottlng* to the bonus situation... -fcmblnlngt-^o^ 4. quette meanwhile, ^hich lost starters.jjcry ^cn elll and Marcus Washington and substltute Kurt Spychalla- on fouls. didnt gel nto the one-and-one th.e ;?eason against eight losses, Texas, which played minus two auirler3jinippedjoj8:a.-i untuj}:2u(uiq, n.thbjiralgame.-.louisvulo Morfluellfi, now 25^,.jumped-^ held o ff a late SouUiwosterh i grab an 88- killed in accident WNTER PA RK,C o16. (UP) A skung.accldent( during NCAA.compeUtion Thursday -claimodib^ifc-of a-20.ycpi^l4- University of Utah student. -David Allen Novelle lost a ski. witnesses said, after going to lend Uie Wildcats to a 15-5 downhill facing, and in trying spurt Uiat iced Uie victory. The to maintain his bjilpncc, skied win was "Kansas States 19th of" pff u,e course, and hit atree. Tlie accident happened shprtg c k p _ j 2 course on COPENHAGEN(UP.)-Trav«u ttle Pierre Trail. The Winter bllng across tho Sound te»;~ Park ski area is 07 miles West - tween Denmark and^js^wb^*~ort5eiivet\ ^. now fl rcbtrlcted to plineb and Authorities estim ated Novferrlei but a bridge s ellcs speed at 5 0 ^ mues per M schedule^^to-be-buut-before bouraffhotruckthctrcc:;^ l^obo. The clasil9l8 way. to His parents were idenufled as mako Uia crossing at proaant if Mrs. Joann Guseman of Salt to go by ferryro OOwlnute trlp-ljikoctly and David Novelle or. frontcopenhiuieiuttlilfllmp.t--.h= Qck-a r > to mi oarly lead.-fnosuy on Uie-scoringof Bob.Lackey, who had n^am e high 21 points. The Wildcota. however, rallied -to tio t ^ a a. ^ wiu) 6;35- - rem alning- ^nd the t battled on even terms the rest of the half. The game was tied with 10:50 remaining when a basket by Key and two free throws by 6-U center Jiip Andrews gave the Wildcats a lead which Uiey nevqr,relinquished. BGELOW KARPEMABLl O n - Location Professional Cleaning. K o rp o l-k o re method it your o^jufo^e -of-<^vali^y-wo>l<- m onihip b y cleonurt who ore fo n h ivo d and train ed ~ b y 8iOBlorv^r-C-arpet-<:lDCTr ing nitilute. C U S T O M F o o rs of daho AddliOnAv.E. Ph BUY RGD PLASTC RRGATON PPE for High & Low PressOVe main and lateral lines iat.. J x _ l r 4 ^ v «^ W «* t ^ Twin Falls V._^SeeJUj!Lfor- Geil^fPE T0O fsafactr by S U q m w a y 73d* STEM CAKT CtlAMNC < will NOY HAVE DRT NYOURMRPET. PUMPS F o r Q ll p ^ r p o B O f i S a lo s S o rv lc ie n s t a l l a t l b r v ^ P tn A N a N a A V A C A B C e P U M m Q U P.C O. i j ; So"Po7t(^ SUPER H-POWER LUG. WTH 25 BAR ANGLE TREADl ^rdejivers^pi.t<>-18%-m<>re tm ctioh ftia n 4 5 riirrl rp giilriil^ 23 Bar Angle tires, _ CALL US, FORLQN-THE-FARM ^ m t S E U U C E l FAST, EXPERT WORK! ANYTME. ANY TRE. ANYWHERE! J u s t c a ll u s i W e ll f i x y o u r tire on th e s p o t " or le a v e y o u o lo a n e r to u s e w h ile w e r e p a ir y o u r J i r e s l Sav65 on fuel costs and time by - ^lowing-nwre-flcres-inhess-tim th ^ 4 5 l^r angle tires. Gives double-life on hard sorfdc^ roads FULL 4 YEAR HELD HAZARDWARRANTY! $ x38 (6ply) +_6.43 tax and trade q i r i 15T5x38(6ply) SMLAR LOW PRCES ON ALL FARM TRES1 T h e ^ U N E W ^ T R L - R l f r H ^ T R E N G m N Y L O N G A S f N G tm PLEW DE5K5R~~^ HEAVY DUTY RM SHELD ta x * Ply, $ C C / tax x Ply f4 ~ M W r:a R ie S ~ $1095, ta x Ply B U K U K E S O J (.T i E ";K*iftyf >i BSbTTwtirfiitir Dkk King, TWn M l* - WeyS «*d Tetoj ^ trade t T t

18 K H grangers - MfJi. n r o r Mpe, Grnnio uctlvitlca chairmiin, reports t(ic Grani{e operntive meeting Miirch H in UiD Glenns Ferry city lu U l,. Mrs. Fr«mk Jones, gewin/* contest cluiirman, asked at a meet set A ir moutcrh Wltli -tcen-hije children are invi. tlie Flrat B aptist a u ir c h par- sonakii to^oryanlzu a (^roiip to - livcrctl- S lm psd n r- M ountnln-l> P -7 llp r n e.m o m b e ro fth o M iirlp o sn n le rcsto iu n aockine GranKtr, wiis iipprovcd us.lnauriiriciljimal_hc -1 ^ ^ R r o u 7 n if:l» :ll» T r :t n 7 - T T O M n ^ rl plac(}d. Vornon Bumgarner, Goodlnj^, wlio resi {nlj(j. Doniition.s of $5 to Care, the N a tio n a l., GranKC Youthmeetlnf{ Tuesday ni^jht Uiul anyone wanting tp be n the lx*nderalilp Fund and the daho Youth Hanch in.rncmoflal of lipwln^i contest o b ta in.a p» Mrs. Florence Adams Were plications from lier as soon as approved,,. -. po.mible; : V - Mrs. Tom Timbera-reported- TTe GratiKe vofjfid td sponsor, tliu Grnnic wa.<i~nwnrdedir tlic paintint* class! Tlie Gopher certificate and suimp for -help Knoll -t-hclub will contrthute to KiVen -l-l members from 1950 to. senthnn a member to Mrcarnp 11*71, Mr, and Mrs..»imWfl Uiis suinmor;, accepted the award at.thev Mrs. Joel YpuilK, Mfs. Frank jm n u a l -M kick off dinner held jqncsand M/s..lolmDavi?iwere * at the Veterans Hall, Glenns appointed to select j candidate Ferry. nsorec ; nitte Jimior, Hif h ScHoQl.queen itwrs. a t th e - fiim o re C ou nty F a ir n A u g u s t. Legisldiive Log inr inul uiidur inmpiil, *.»nrv- f ill U n io n,.stated. M rs.. R o y W a tso n, w ife o f th e B a p tis t p asto r., CQmpUio Slocli.^ F id iin g ^ E q u ip m o n U R o d t & H u n H n p & ^ R o o lt REDS» ^ 1 5 S h o > h o n o S i. S. FARM CALENDAR CLASSFED NDEX ll«aiy tollnd th«tolullon tovour wmt or ni«d n Th* Navvt p*0pl«r ta d ie r W in ta d co lu m n i> L lit»d b ilo w lith e Key 10 AAtnic v «llty i m olt d iv trillla d M «rhm pl«ct. Of lu r t to Read af»(t u i# theifl coluhifvi rtg uiariv YoO prq ilf n to m*nv w a v ii o Announeomonis D> Loit L r-ourxl 0] A(inoUic*i»M<ft «u Solocfed.O Jfors wiirar-finfjir n «Aanlo ti«h Opi«jfluiii» in U.*n hdpp> lo r<si{(. rou AOU drul lu/tcti ;otru> taii one o<i _C4*llelorU»n WcWdpirCooSing Mijuciiiiii Mcnpot r- «-Mu*rC<M nitrwntnu 4J-HiilK), TV t/mtrto **- f uffiiluf* t C«,pr< «-Appi.*,c#» 1 -Mf^ling 4 Acr ConUilt,jn.i Lawn, Form ^ Gordon S - Good Ttnngl la J»- tltntt, T rtft < t. Top ^>1.U -Pirm la v» -Hti. Qrt.n. FttU. V.itll. U A/>c,nil (kf MUiiy. H C«M>. « *1 H. i) 1 auorr i u*ui.u SO FA..H A P PY B RTH DAY 1o «wonderful girl- AAaV you-hava a tiappv day iin d,m A n v more lo tom e. SERGO MON- ALAN, YOU A R E, wolcomo a1 G E N E R A L l*rm hand an4 irrlgator. l:^(p*rleo^*d. Year round. Phont >?? 333V. W A N T ED : Gardener to m ow law n, cullivalaflow or bodi and ^prlnhle. Phon* «37fl30. Morchandiso at collect. Yellow Cab Company, HO //ai Avenu>~Soothr D X ^nfx C H E? Try ite a m and m a iu o e, women welcome. 301 S H E E P S H E A R n e e d e d tor Locutr. ; , 11:00 10:00. im a ll tidtd4>f shmpv 473:S7U. U imuoft ** AulOt >ut S<l* C.irv Y O U R H E A R T S D E S R E S POSSOLE CtiocU ror a tjottor job n lodayi Classitiod Ad&. >, W a l t o n,. SPEED - BKE 1 EXERCSER- Cytling fun ilnnulalii 1 1 help\ promote ph/vlcol f.tfic»» No~ )iou con hiv ojortiio, an/ li _ ol yeor ftgtjt tr, ;,.r dwn.tiomo. «fnf ofe ffuv FHii AN Oom ta -. A /!01L QUPM N.A r. BANNER FURNTURE >?» 2nd A*ir. W.. Ph V;.... Jobsofinterett. M jle A Female -W ffn A N D WFETfvi chdrer;; mart to work m siatioo and Qcncrai itore W om an to work irt cate and general tio rc Saldry p iut bodra ^ flnaroom Phono 753U7, W llkm s, Novaaa;, E X P E R E N C E D ihoe and clott>lng la ln m a r., permanent --- POSTON O PEN n Twin F a lli ir e a, e le c tric ia n, m u ii b t qualhiad to t>andle malnten(inc«leadng /Ma n u f a c t u r e r of AAodular fn d Pre Dullt Home* h a i p oiltion* open l o r Journeymen P lom bari. Scale l«w.w per hou Mutt be a reglit^red Journeymt. n daho- i>ili poiltioh o lle ri iteady em ploym ent, paid tiolpltal. "n ur«n ce. leven paid h o lldayi, and paid vacation. deal working condirioni. U. inttrm ttfl-contact, B o lie C aica d e > C orporation M<tnu(iCtl>r«d. Houilng Dlvnton,- DOV U lo r 47QWett FranMln Road, i M eridian; ldat>o 83i43. Attn. R. n e e d t w o trrlgators, 1lull Hme^Jj part T tm m id U W S lurnlshik}, N; do&ircd) Reply lo Oox T 4, <;0. Times Newi.. M AN W T r tttta C T O R a r iv m g. oopoficncc lo apply crtlliicrs. Posslbte^ar round vwrk for frgftl CU STO M ^ A^ JU RE r :S P R E A D )N G 3U LGO;S CUSTOM.PARMNG ;«0 3, 334-4M4 B u iltie u O p porf unity.1 APARTMENTS, all ranted. Nice location.. S.OOO down, term* on -balance w1.-; WE H A ye w Hqeule b u iln t^ i,»o ranr 5urrR e p tv^ o :t> o ir-t»tt «-o - -odapendab ib r ii.a iu c T iit4 n - y o u c jiiiil ^ with fn ln Jm u m -to H n v «n i equipment end nventory wtilctt will turn over about two iim e t m onthly. ncome potential AiUe. im p eo envelope for p ro m p i reply of rtpplication lo Donnely Diviribufors. J33fl Powell AvcoOe, Dron», New York 104*3 W AN TED W om an 10 i<v* <n and lake care ol eldfrly lady. Room, board, ana Sfll/iry. 67B 575B., ce p tlon aljy h ig h. A ll r e p lie i, Drictly conlldenllal.. C ONSOLDATED CH E M C A L CORP.-. FOR L E A S E : NorCQ.Walding SupolV Uullding, avtllabre approvlm alely 130 dayv Sae at SOC ]nd Avenue E ait. i. m f<et with dock. } reit )o m i;^ w B c e h m... GOOD BUSNESS opporiunltywitfi real nice home on sam e location. Pr.ced at- onfy i3a.000i p lu i nvonlory. Call Joan Sctiwarj or LAND O F F C E OF DAHO REALTORS, , ac ro ii from M in im u m n v e itm e n O fte n d - jn c o m ^ tu,000- T W f F T ^ A L L S R E A L T Y, m. V F U R N S H E D ^ p a r t m e n t i. in downtown T w in-f atli; -M,?00. dow n, with bank lerm t. excelleni lor a retired couple TT.»Drt!r-njTi--ir.i - 5s?k _a o rjin o,_o e rrn ijn i:q R!Q y m vik, «p4rtm oni».-juj-r»nted-^ T-o-teH ie-. F a r m S a U > d a p a r t m e n i fe i c o m p U ls o d v e r lit in g cov«r- a g e o f y o u r f o r m ia le, h a n d b t j l y n a w t p q p ^ r c o v r o q e _ (o v ar 7 C ^ 0 0 r e a d e r * - in M o g it V o lle y ) W d v d n c e billr a t e. E v e r y t o t e j i i t e d in ih i t F a r m C a le n d o r fo r 10 _daytbofowliq!fll7. M ARCH 18 Aucfionaort: lylo M otloit a Uill Moblay M ARCH 25^ MULl OROTHenSrCOODlNG Advartifamant: Muidi 73 M ARCH 18 AlEX SCHUZ & JM RUMM6U Ailvurl>t«n>onl Muich >6 i-r PlsAtu r«<u yaur *a AiiUAsd lor lirli ipml Th«t>" ^aiufoan ~ «m 10 i ; DOi, O ClQ>fqcnila TioKg Acit u»if>u vtirto ru* ufli 0 a(ioi»r flo rpltcin g... -*H h il * r... i ^ H e r e s ^ i n t e r e s t i n g i n t o d a y s W a n t ^ d s. f y o u re in terested in a u to a cc e sso rie s, yo u ll find tfie kind ^ ^ s w r m J B T T c ir - REd UCE ~e 7 c E ^ ll o id i with Fluidex, V.A9 Low weight lately with Dex A-Diel, S.91 at OSCQ DRUGS. a -j^rlvate nvestigator Service. AJ c o n lld v tila l. Pnoni 733 W3t - night 733 S773. w ioi S Main Weit N O TC E ANNUAL meeting ol TWin Falij Labor Sponsoring A ssociaiion M onday, M arch JOth a oclock at ine office. M AN AG ER Jam o sm RaltiDun PU LLER Df^TTiHdcorori wanteoi AAauiCVdllcy Pnone N atio n al Lincn-sutJp y. F U LL TM E M A D, e«pori*nce A NTED, rtll leveu PEQSCTNhEL SE R V C E of MaglCl -.y.dljgy.._t2<. Dliic L akm NoclhJ, M a l«h elp M ACHNST wiin lob ihop e i. pariyhce, able lo reap draw lnot Reply to Do* T j,, bitary o(3»n Avenue South. F H A C nv B WOMAN - _ m ake-up. e x ecutiv e p a v a ila b le. - V iv ian W P rodudl. Phone 4}3 i : E X P E R E N C E D FARM H A N D and : irrtobtorr«o»ttb w it tn f ie - io D r c * ir - mornlngv or ev^ningt H O U S E K E E P N G or dietary, ap DTCH.R ld E R i/,m u s t have ex ^ ^,^,1 V mitnn ^ --w ii, arv Mvon tu»iofner»t an >\von i TW O R R G A T O R S lor tube irrip ailon Two diesel equipment p ro x ilp a ie ly M arcn 1?.*... Housing and transportation lur nisheo E x p erienc ed an d wonce* reoulred. Top wages /ANTED m an tor cre More i Svrvicc m a p E npericn ced prcterrua Dul no neccssary Good o p p o rtu n iiy tor fldvane em ept Apply inpor^on. b io O TRES, j n i AdOiion Avcnui- W est rlends, get more out ol life and earn good- money selling Avon proauctsin -yout^tre^ t>oyr«.-ceu now or write Pt^yllls flniile Nq^ 2. K mhpflv datio E X P E R E N C E D m an lor irrigalion and general tarfn vwrk. House with the job Barton Sonner Salasmen or Salesvyomen POSTONS A V A LA B LE,<n Kol ch u m are^ for bank tellers Previous oiiperlunc* 6 months Phone A for a p p in lm e n t kqxal opporlunlly «m ployer M a T E L RESORT wanted to leaia proteistonai m afl-- - B fim nde..o fjoa n.. SU N T TRAJLER COURT, nice irar w,in. j.ic fo Sf, 46 room s ?Tin ttfir; conoilionmg. 1 large apartm ent. sm all aparfm eni Space for cafe Reasonaoiy p ric ed H ealin fnr <M iinr^. StaaOy FOR L E A S E ; U KO la 438 5S7^ EL KM M OTEL AND H O M E. U..u m ls and tra ile r c o u r t..h e ir s.s a y se ll Par betow DanK. appraisal. _ -..W!!. J/ao c.. Coniflc!..fnacafi? <i] \b iq K im o e rly Road -mcometropcrtt Orick 4 plex Northeast S houses on 1 lot, S7,500- Neat ihplex North area S9.S00. F ELDTM AN RE ALT OR S tl Pat ^ a w L ila M c K m n L ^ n *.21U Alda Stroi>o 7J3 0W5 AJ M oro « )69 bhum M.lM Autrloneeft; ^ efl. EiU - W A R B t R G n... M OVNG & STORAGE A L L E D W N U N E S c a U V O U K L O M L A f l i m, y 3 3. > 3 7 l W * d o n l m o v e = = T l i m i l W r «= W * m o w * - f a m l l l M - RANCHERS-FEEDERS -DARVilllEN nterested n Haylage, Green Chop? Pian to attend open discussion on these high moisture feeds, -T U E S D A Y, MARCH 2 1 s t.- 7:3 0 P M. HOLDAY NN Sponsored by;. MAKUVk USKDXVS -leois CUSTOM WOWCTSCO. mio SOH;.,, FW!NO,iC, m M ARCH 21 * i MEGRUE A dveilitsm en^ Match 1 AudioneertJ Wetl, Ellen wall &Meii*(tn)il)< M ARCH 23 JUUUS JASPEB FLER 7-At}v»m»em«nTrMdftK7i Audionoett: Lylt Mutleri & Dill Moblay M ARCH 24 KMB6BY-.NEGHHOBHOOD SAE Advarlit«m«i>l: Muich 33 Auclioitsdis. W ed EiUrs Violl ft Mc*»c.r»mitli MARCtfW~ MAX STAMN- A udionaeit: W ed. EiU m \ M ARCH 35 MORty a. Douv penonio, COOPNG V * Advertisemenl: Mui<ti 23 Audioneett: Wed. Eileri. W a ll). Metsettm.ilh - M A R C H E S a n t iq u e fubnltube AUCTON Adveiliseinenl; Muftti 19 Auctloneeis; Eotle A W adeouiguy \. M AftC H ^ S ETON HAS&CSRDM, DUPERT. AdweitUemei>ti Mo«h 33 - Auclieneett: GOylord t>hl11lps, till! EUes A OrvllSeort. MARCH 26 A V ljd ljf> U C fl6 N," ClENDAOL^Y, OWNER Advertliement; Match 33 ntffttanwi rrmbmirw M dbtrdot MARCH 37 C^AUDC> M V R T E B R E W E R,/ C A S T FO R O Adveiijsemenli Moicit 34 Audioneeii: lyie Moileti.. i. B ilhm al)l«v YQ UNJ MAN N B U R lfta R E Sr FOR PART TME W ORK!! n e w s in tfie Times- N e w s W o n t Ads Musi have good car. A p p ly AAornlng^ That w ill save you TM F M F W P C lll A X ir ik U r ie J la ^ ^ m oney Lost. Found LO ST Uig uiflck Labratlof. w (.hokc- chai^ And long chain, t swers to M lke". vicinity ElUiiUeth Ulvd. Cali «C H R S T A N K N D E R G A R T E N E n ro ll yo ur 5 y e ar old now lor next F a ll a t. m m a n u e l, L i i t l i B r * a Kindergarten. P& LO b t birtck b ifllo ld. containing m o ney. Social Stcurity c a rd and id fiitlfic a iio i). C vn cro u s trw a rd, y i j *. SlM C U l N o lic it L A T S it fm htoni- tfv-hftoerl# LeVov%. C a llo ie r l K o n fc e K.Jt» - «S4. U N W E D. M A T E R N T Y c a r#, docto r, h M p lta l and livin g pla n n AAountain M ano r. n c.. P. 0. Oox 31o: M 6Uh»*lh H om e71(l»ho PSMT, Ptw>n»f ^ ; siai. SHL-f :H V»N PT 18M U u ^ t by T lo cal, p ro lti» lo n «lty ira(r>«d, ttypno t#c^nlcj«n. Pihon# 4»-4)7«. ^ fil c O H p L C S A N O NYM O US. Twin, F a ili C o u d h o u u. W adn*m ay at, -8:3>) p.m. Al-Anon 3rd P k w. 7U. 7Wil. For lurther nform ation, 7M- 403C. WANTED DRVER TO ESTABLSH M O TO R ROUTE rln^heyborn A R EA. M usf hove sm all car in~good funning condition. "NTERES^TED PRNNGSr - T i M E 3 «N E W S - e i R e t t t A 1 l b f 4 D P T T Salctmanor Salttwoman )) Sjlaimonor S«l««womgn THE TMES-NEWS S NOW AAoking q file of boys and g irls w h c havie applied for paper-routes. Nbarly-ALL-o^nirxgs^will-be-filled J/o m this list in f you apply,.pr know of someone, who would like -a- paper* routor f ill-6ot- the application, below, and mail.rt to thetmes-news. S itu Jllo n i W x n ts d W A N T E D Rotp tillin g Sm all gardens, llowor gardens and lawn rmovating Phono 733 <990 ^ P R O F E S S O N A L s e. W ^, AH kinds, Problem figure a specially. M A T U R E 75 year old m a rrie d m an s e e k s p u rt lim e e m p lo y m e n t weekends Ptione O U R : S P E C A U T Y J S iia ^ n lu ss: C0gi!,0f F ir\ f llo o n in j (w a lls, co te r lo p s, u n sho w e rs, ic.) F rv u e stim a le s S l i : 733-T W lg T T Y C r N b lo r <ill occasions H um o n H n ir w ig s, c a s c a d e s w iu le t s, s y n lh jh ic w ig s, t>air pitccb Phone C U S T O M R oy o T L L N G and bifld c w o rk. Mouser B ro thers Phone T33T16J or C U S T O M M A N U R E H A U L N G L lll Q R D G ^ E C U STO M f a r m i n g w e. A R E. NOW Oeing cuiie< piewtng. AAoort*i nc. _ cu»1om plo w in g,...t ig a iin g, blade w ork, 733WM). D m ve r F in e, F ile r. No Job to big or lo im a ll. ^ r t n. - C 5 T 0 M P A R M l N O " a i lyp ei of farm w o rk, P lo w in g, g ^ u n d g r e ^ ^ tlo n niaty>lna. 334 ^ R E Y O U D U Y N C h a y? Save.n ro n ey. L e t u i re trie v e and ta c k ll ftu to m a tlca lly. G a r y T hletten or R a y.t ille y or N O RTH EAST are a, brick bforoom, 3 txilh, ropio possession.- ACE-REALTY 733 5J17 5 B ED R O O M home, lovely car pettng, 2] baths, call for appolntment at or > , U P H O L S T E R Y n m y h o m e.-tre e e ttlm a le s, w holesale m «le rla l U V. a B A C K H O E S E R V C E, (a ll 713-V B E D R O O M, d in in g a lc o v e, re p la c e, g r a g e. C em e n t M a b a u m e n t. Poplar Avenue. m mediate pouesllon. t14.s00. Nettle. M agel SH A W..aEA U Ty: 733.^8?.- DY O W N E R Q ric bedroom s, fam ll.y r c.. ea<;h s id e. M o rn ln g s id e t3s.500. O ^ e r w ill c a r r y M alter 4 00 p n- REALTY B E A U T F U L L Y F N S H E D * M ODE RN twm e with 4 bedroom *. 3 b a ltii,-b u ilt-in a p p llin c e *, full b aie m e nt w ith co m fe rtab ^ " V room, w a rm e d by F ra n k lin fire p la c e. Yo u m utt i m t h li h o m t at 839.7S0,.$13,000.W L L A p erfect 3 bedroom hom e w ith «lu ll finlthed b a iim e n l. Lynwood Realtyv. Alter >4ouri; Hariay M a ih trt R. j.sctiwendlmavi ja^kfllu iop

19 i Frld«yrM<irch-Wr->073-^Ttmo*-NowfrTwlnP«tHr4*(ah(r"1»^ GUARAlnEE RESULTS ONjmpEOPlE REACHERWANT ADS Place Your People Reacher Want Ad -Fo r as little as 7 0 *.p a r { la y ( Bo m c J o n 1 0 ln t «r l i o n i ) \ g O r U s o p u r T o l l P r o p ( ^ u m b. o r s ^ F r p / n o u r C l g s s i l i o ^ n d e x. w u,w!f h p.r m L ; «: uv-o W N ER.O bedroom, fireplact, flnish»d b«>«mbnt, o< r e d # c o r j i t» c J. P h o n # 7 ^ s Specials - C A t L ru S F O R - C O M P L - G - T E - O E T A L S. W P i n t M m t - o V r t r a d. 4 t J f l d r m., 3 J r p l. ;.. D Y ^D U L D E R. n iw S b M ro o m. r bath, fam ily room on m ain floor. Uarga kllchan an<f dining araa. E lk lrlc haat. c a n tn l «Tr con- dlllonlna. 3 firaplacat. 3 car at- la ch ad o a r a o t. 9-1Dfhi a cra country lot.?^on«altar «:DOp.m: o o.1 g.q o o o o o o o n. " X. i R E A L T Y 300 h ta d c a lt it ra n c h, Gc^dlnq a r t a. C xca llan t w a ta r and D LM - r ig h t i, G ood m p r o v a m a n tt, Good ta rm». 1A0 a c rm Shothona a r a a. F u l) w a ta r rlq h li, faad c o rr«l» for 300 haact, 7 nica h o m a i, 9^ haad OLM N ghfi), w itti ta rm i. 130 a c r l d a iry. W «odeli a r a a i 3 4 r U ^ M A C R E S o n o l t a c t. r o a d n a a r, J i r o m * -. H a a v y t o l l a n d n a - g o o d t a l a o f f a r t l l l t y. lo t h a r M - o f N o r t h i l d a C a n a l w a l a f. A. g o o d l l v a b l a o l d a r h o m a a n d u m a o u t b u d d l n o i ts O O. p e r a c r e. DPYDEN AGENCY A a c n K l o r R c g f l i H o m e s -SAk-eV-ftO BERT*-,, ^ ,000 T w o r a n t a l k. o o q d n c o m o. S^4.S O O L i k a n a w, m a n u l u K u r i o ; j «f e «i u r * t, 4 b a d r o o m ;. * U n l q u * i l y l i n g. v a r y c t i o l c o. area a re a r o o m i. -» i.s o o-vacafth-4~ B *fln -*reis2nsa!e O W N ER.. T R A N S F E B B E D - im u t f a i l - t p j i c l o u >, b V l c l L. h a m a. A A o r n l n O» l d a a r a a. 3 b a d r o o m t. F n l i t i a d b a i a m a n i w i t h - l a r g a R E A L T Y l026 N ^0*loko»B lvd T PH O N r nj-4767 C..Hotl#y Vy.lligmv Eldon-Gouoh i l SoH.t Quormt.on ~ tldp(k>r 678 e» ) Duilnatt Proptr^V C o m m e r c i a l P r p p e U y A S P E C A U T Y.. i ^ A a a a i f i l 10 > (40 3 b a d r o o m. n a t u r a l a a i. a o o d c a r p a l, n a w c u r t a i n t a n d w a t e r h a a t a r. n i c a k i t c h e n w i t h a p > p t l a n c a t a n d. d i t p o i a i, m e t a l a k l r t l n g, t t o r a g a t h e d. 13, 995, W A nifd-io - H c n c : _ 4lH Lnu«l_ W A N T Q O A R D A n d r o o m n c o u n l r y w ^ h O M d C h r l t t l A n l a m l l y. P i i o n c, FOR. SA LE ; 1970 Colombirt mnbiti. tomtt A4-K >i3p 3 bklroom, b ntft*, fu lly - c n rp c lc d. rtir conditioned. Cam collcci iijrioy 6?a953.t... ;... _ JiJO^ALSHOW tvg- Tha fin o s t f o o t u r o i m M o d e r n M o b U o H o m e l i v i n g. A ll iize * a n d Price r a n g o i n o w i n i l o c k. / h a r r i s o n - R E A L T Y 3 b e d r o o m, f i r e p l a c e, c o v e r e d p a l l o ^ M o r n l n a i i d e a r e a A i r c o n d i t i o n e d ij t. O O O, * 7l3 6848" fcllhl-f flovio ^» l l «f t o b b i n i i U E D R O O M S. «t e a m - h e a t ; - 7 o a n - i J 3;9 0 0 r - A C e - R B A V T V i ; BillRcilphx J-y Kobbliik ^ 5 ^ 9925, N E W - G 0 L O, _ M E p A L L l Q N, _.. 3_ b e d r o o m, } b a i h, f i r e p l a c e, c a r p e t e d. h e a t e d o a r a g e U 9 C O Z Y 3 b e d r o o m t u b u r b i n h o m e. tifcw 3 - b f l d f o o m ^ C 4 tp W ttd, - p l l a n c e i, d o u b l e g a r a q o... -, m e d l a t e _ p o s» o i i i o n. 173, 5 0 0, j ^ C E. «E A L T Y , A C R E S, l u l l s h a r u i w o l c r. F m r. i m p r o v c m o n t s 4 m il e s t o G o o d i n o o n g o o d H l g h w A y. P r i c e d t jl l. S O O wirti lt?fmr.rtvaila b lc_wp.-ikq 4 b A r e 39 A c r e s 3 m l l e ^ r o m T w i n F a i r s. P r i c e d 1 3 9, 50 0, L Y R W O O D R E A L T Y O l u. ; U r t k u s. N O r l h A l t e r h o u r s p h o n e 703". P.4?J, A C R E D A R Y. B S l< lh H o r r l n o D o n Q b A r n, b u l k l a n k, d o u b l e w A t o r. r i o h t, 3 t w d r o o m ~ T i o m e, M i l k 8 r e T r r T r t ( T e " i 7 a ; ( K» F O R S A L E ; S A l m o n R i v e r w A te r. 4{- s h s r o s, c o n t a c t C i t y C l e r k. 655 ; - L : C A S T 1. T F 0 R P - 78 a c r e M r m F u l l ; w a t e r ^ f p h ^ m o d t t - n - 3 b e d r o o m T H ls W E E t^, R u p e r t, d a h o T n 9 v y D Y O W N E H, 4f l. d «;rt5s n i P W - «l l - ^ N B W r M 0 0 N ~ 1t - L le d rifrh o m e. d ca l.sile tor dniry.*^.. 434fla C H O C E C O U N T R Y b uilding lo U, Phono , fo o ru rin o 1972 B U bd Y RORT ROYAL,-BRUUlCUF.L W AN T TO c a iri rent a la rm C n l l -Ock Uyrd al alter 1.00 ^,m. /. SM A L L, 1 R e t l r o n m iio u S f. Unturt>>%livd e a ciiit ^luve nitu r e l r l u i i f r t i o r. 7H 4J»5 E Q U A c o p p o rju n ity deale r. Somethlao.i tor ^ e v erybody., Peto Jo hn slo n, )04 South W A Shinuion.U lrpqri.r oad> l^ a rm i F o r R «h l j A W T H E N T t C A L L - Y S t y l e d, S p a n i s h c iir tin lamips, r u v iic olega nco., t» p i. T t l v c r n t t i. - ( t 733 J0 9 1,. R E C E V E D E u r o p e a n a n t l q u e i. pitcher, bowl sets, -commodh. ariivctc. wcndoli.niw and.. u lc b o a ri U se J. F^OR RUn t ".[za R M JlQ JLR E N l 340 ocrf^, ic n u lls N o rtne.nt oi Ji^ronu, Cltii * UPRGHT pjino, 40" eleclrlcrange. * M it««haneous f o r ^ le 3 L A R G E L O T S i n. N o r t h o t C l t y. L. S e. w c r w f l l c r.. i J 5 0 ( L. i! d C Q p e r c e n t d i s c o u n t o n t h r o e B 2 S A C R E S w im 10x55 ra ife r; or sell t j f n a c a l E J-bcdcoom 1 ra llo r,-lo i_ : r e n t S T R A t t B R - t f O U R T : : - i2 un ila..n Q w lu ll,.m o r e.- b e m o - ; developed on 4 a.acros. 3 bedroom ^ hom e, shade tre e s etc. T o tal p rice 1»95.000, L t N R E A L E S T A T E f CO Jerome, d»h0k374 4BM, f MOUNTAN CABN Futfy o q o ip p o d forvict* cyo p orjm o nj fo,p ro» e c f o u r c u tfo n tttfi. PAULS M O B tf. H D M T j tdqholj t l j f ^ L u S r R b not o nly n a s,c A r p els or soil U u lle jv u s p ilc s a lt and loh y, R w il ek-cln c snampooi>r J1 P R C E ^ H A H D W A R E 1 D O i T. Y Q U R S E L U t - ^ t w V i i p o o, * o o f ;Tg r i-y T "A>3 TTa\J{^ r ~ Ciflss;7Ar~ ~. -tu c( itu ru. c l o c k s - M A n y i t e m s t o - fc h o n -.v rc w n H e f tv > n A h lv ~ n r ic f t f 1 M u jic a lin t t r u m a n l* own uru iissia rmi~rp^orr;~ » ) l <1 C l. u k e u i < u n p o o ( r w i l h io m ).in io ii vo cu u m a iin iiit l ^ r t m u r c. 733 l42l. F O R A [O b w e l l d o n e f e c l i n o, cicn n. c irp ttls.wilht,dluc llu ih -i;- i E L E C T R O P H O N 19 stereo coniole w ith r. «tj:am -luly_^flhlt. iraci^ tape dock, A M, F M rad io, a ll lo lld sla te M «dlterranoan design. 733 N EW HAM M O N D O R G A N, rhythm e ffe c lt. save S lh Avenue E a s i, :. A T T tn T lo N 31 F u r n lu s t d A U n fu rn H o u M t R E M O V E CArpei paths and spols,. tiu ll beatiff down n.ip wit>> (liuik r & e K " XAKC>t L O D m il L E C T lo N type, s e lin iiv ir.-r o ils, rcla ik.w lo O Selloroi 1*35 S M A L L C O R O N A D O Stereo cp n to ia.- s a c rific e at tso. H agerm an ^ t«te-. 1 Fish H*ichar-Vr-M -rts ^ t ) Y O W N E R : i m m e d i a t e p o s & e s S io n, R o b e r t S t u a r l a r e a, n i o d e r n. < p e d r o o m b r i c k, 1 > W t UL..1.MM i i r, - O F - D A H O - R C A L T O R 5, , across (jom Sear*.- ii_ L lh lfc J * m llv _ iw m» - o n - H ayb u rn B ro ke r l o a l i n o s h e d J u s t 139,000 W E S T E N D R E A L T Y, 130 D r o a d w A y S o u t h, O u h l K e n P a i S H O R T A C R E n e a r. T w n, D it c h - w a t e r ^ d e a l b u i l d i n g - s l t r t p i^ P y L n u g b r e c r e a t i o n r o o m w i n s i f c i w ^ ^ y s l o m ; - l u U y - c a r p 0l «d. - c e m e n 9 b a s c m e n l. C K t r a l a r g e c o v e r e d p a l l o a n d f e n c e d y a r d w i t h s t o r a g e s n e d 90 p e r c c n r l o A n a v a i l a o l e. M u s t s e e 44> - a p p r e c t A t c j J P. - S p a c e l o r... - p a i n t e d i n i l d e a n d o u f. - c a l l - F r a n k, M O U N T A N ^ S T A T E S R E A L T Y M L S -Zai59Zi-Ji\a^S^ J b U K L t Y - R U P E R T --- A irn e w JlD E A U - ZB E D R O O A i- - t t t O A C R E - i a t l l e - r a n c h r t n G o o d t n g - a r e a,, g r a z i n g r g h t i 350 h e a d. 3 b e d r o o m h o m e, g o o d c o r r a l s ta S.O O O, M U F F L E Y.R f c A G O O D l i v i n g i n t h i s 3 b e d r o o m. P i b A i h h o m e p l u s o a s e m e n l. o u t d o o r - i r e p t f l c e, - < l4, J T - > b e d r o o m s, 1 s i d e w i t h f i n i s h e d b a s e m v n t f i r c p l a c e s, g a r a o o s, snr.nk!ino.iyi!om i-ncor_uyn«poil ^ 51^ J u n i p e r, 733 : , -. ^ N p l N!iURA NCb B 1, K e n M a l o n e <T A tw E S rn i 61 7 B»0r M lr r t «rtf«r l u l l b a s e m e n t. P r i c e 1 1 9, 5 0 0, m m e d i a t e p o t i e s s l o n. J o a n S c h w a r z, 3 S -S 60 «o r L A N D O F F C E ~ ~ U 3 A M 0 B E A L T O B S J 71A > - liuljuum hco^^-. W i t h S i n g le g a r a g e, f u l l u n l l m s h e d b a s e m e n t w i t h f r u i t r o o m. r u i t t r e e s, n e w p a i n t i n s i d e a n d o u t S lo O m o n t h. 1s t a n d l a s t l o r 150 cicdnjog.xi4)pasil,^hown-satur.dav. m o r n i n g 946 A s h O E R T S a b r t y f l i r l - r e a d y l o r a w h i r l A f t e r t l e a n i n g c n r p e l s w i l h Q l u e L u s l r c. T e n t c l e c t r i c S h a m p o b o r h BtJtL-OER5-5tf»»Pt-Y i ^ Q L C O - J P i N E T P A N O, a s s u m e - j m B l l m o f l t h l y p a y m e n t s o r c a s h. P h o n e > 04l). a c r o s s. f r ^ m S e a r s. -M 9 S Q - M M A C U L A T E 3 b o a r o o m 2 b a i n n o m e, H r f p r d C O, d o u D i c g n r a g e., iin t iil - c iia ie p o s s e s s io n. 174,200 O R i C K 4 1> o d r o o m h o n l e, l a m f ( O i n. i r e p l d c e, ( o r m a l <ii ~^» c u l l e rt! l 5 c a t l 0n - t? fr:00 fr mo fcld T M A N H E A L t O K i M tl9 ilb ( t Shdw L.M M ck in n iv A l c la. S t r o n u. M J 0905 Al Moryfln p-aedfboom--hom6,--hagerm«h area Fruit trees, berries, stove, f e f r i o e r > o r -, - - d t * h w a 4 h «r - f u r n i s h e d. F A R M Q U R E A U R E A L T Y ; S o u t h L i n c o l n. -Jertjmr: <-437B----- DOTT W A L L A C E, Out of Town.Mouses i> M 0 D E R N 3 b e d r o o m, g a r d e n s p b f, n i c e l o c a t i o n. C a l l a i l e r o n 160 A C R E S 107 i s h a r e s w a H i f, n e a t c l e a n 3 b e d r o o m h o m e S o m e - ; c o m c n t d i t c h. W C a l l J o a n ; S c h w a r z B 35; i 60 ( «i ; _ L A N D Q F - - R lc - lf _.ld A H Q ^ E A L T O B S l 6.. a c r o t s f r o m 30 A C R E S, 3 b e d r o o m h d m e. b a r n, - - l h e d i r c o r r «S r P r f c e - V» 3, P a u t - O a n a $ o r o u r b r a n c h o f f i c e a c r o s s r o m C l l y H a l l, D u h l, L A N D O F F C E O F D A H O R E A L T O f ^ S, d e a l t o r _ s t u d e n t s o r - l a m i l j ^ j r e m o v e d r e a s o n a b l y M U F F L E «5 " i n ^ A ll o d w h ile " y b u ; w a i l C o m p l e t e m u t d e r s e r v i c e i n c l u d i n g c u s t o m d u a l s f o r ; ELECTRJC ORQAN.J}uy..,UOwr.ty... o r o f l n W i t h A u l o m a r i c r h y t h m. L i k e n o w. s a c r i f i c e t o r e s p o n s i b l e p a r t y n t h i s a r e a. C a s h o r t e r m s. ; A l s a, S P N E T C O N S O L E P A N O, 4 R h o n e c o l l e c l, S i 4 ) o r - w r l l e * A d iu s io r, N o r t h O r c h a r d, Q o i s e, d a h o , "BROCKM"AR5 TRALER SALES_ ^ n l^ _ C lo s t : in ^ C a ll.7?: r S K o v h o n o T i r S > u t n r - r - j e a S B - P R e N C H. - W a l n u l - 5 p m» f ; : P i a n o 1550 P h o n e 733- S 71 o r A P A R T M E N T - F O R " O * ; A L U M N U M P L A T E S! 20 c e n t s 7005., hr-hcrb5,-f ler area, n m odiaie p ossession. 143,000. C all Gene HCkpkns543 <6AS or Paul D ana or La Vj O O F F C E O F D A HO, R E A L T O R S, across rom, Searj. SJZill T 67 tkii.d lioiluy 6/a 7ifA ~4tn Avenue< N e w s, T w i n F a G E T N T H E Si=»RNGOF T H N G S 7 D E OR O O M HOM E on cornertot: large, new tum aco, lots of sloraoo. tl0,500. LU XU R O U S and ultra moacrn. canl «uen-slarl-lo dmcrll)alh>i.-4 -MflrOOmTambloV^O^erJOrOfiirsQ, _tlj!laflaciou5,tlyina.lflnflicagttfljo. XTfection w jlh circular drive, value for S K M D E R L Y D U P L E X, first class 7 bedroom unlti,; With fireplaces. ovens, ranges and refrigerators. _ C * E n * l_ * r n flr J i_ P r lo * - l3st7m, R E C R E A T O N A L p o t e n i i. i l HAgerman area. 30.4icre w iih vcr good home 40 acrc bare urw R E A L STOCK SET UP JSOOdCvJcQ acres plus ULM. Lots of water Live, stream s, 3 houses, J>nrn. corrals and scale. Fields arc ; lon^od and cross fenced This --weold n iflk t W9,0b0. R O D N E Y P A U L S. S T O C K M E N S R E A L T Y, 600 South Lincoln, Jerom e, P 1?*50. 7 Wociroom TAMAWACK- nioi>,if homu. EMCiOn cohuition SiM nod ik.rico G E M STATL KEA LTY, H O M E M A D E T R A L E R Fully, equipped eacepi shower, sink NevQ akie tires , 1650 R E C O N D T O N E D > 60 wilh tipout living room. New Moon m obile home Partially lurmshed n good condillon , alter S.Ofi.p.m , F u r n it h t d A p ts, li D u p lix e t > N C E L Y F U RN SH ED b a s e m ^ t! ajia^imept, S90 Phone after 6, 734 ; kottsm AN CE MACHNE 100 pound capacity reconditioned 1 and working, at Moores. 704 East M ain, Jerome ST U D O - -A P A»T M B N 1 J room ^* w ilh ihowkrs, by week or n^or^th El Kim M o ld, K im U tr l^ Road F - l i H l N G - l O L L i. - _5H0 p y p S»eel-quH»ri-10-striwQi ceilent condition [ 45 R a d io,t V A S t t r t o! STEREO FM TUNER and 30 w att ampliliet;..t90. Ai&o, 4.irack stereo tape, reelto reel model , tcen«e» Y o u r j.lshmg Headquarters R E D S TRADNG POST, 115 Shojhone Street South. TTUOd D O n R L F lw D F N T E G R T Y F a rm s A R a n c h t i \76 ACRE F A R M 5 m iles from Twin Falls. Gopd Stqck setup. Cali ; -u s to d a y ^JW ln f a l l s REALTY^ 7S ; u A C fte S -all-hav ind- pasture, 1600 A C RE S, very productive «cr«so L fflll ortfin planled (orra S for 700 hcflo 7 -m<tchir<e»iw<ls, shop and large cellar, f a r m D U PEAU R E A L T Y, 702 SOultv Lincoln. Jerom e B. DON W ALLACE CHAMPON 6 0 X 24 3 b e d r o o m, iv i b a lh s, c o r p flte d, f u r n i s h e d,! x 4 w alls th r o u g h o u t. walking - q r o c c r y - s t o r u, c e i n u. i i e 9 i? r - o o t i o -!fi!^ n gyf.tor water, 3 bedroom home, good soli JUST L S T E D. 2 larg e commercial properlles on Norih Washinglon. One wlih com mercial tmlldino, one with 7 homes. BETH W C K H ^ m. R EA LTO R 733-<0Bl "M S" 7, Edno liith.jlalph Simmonv Jarrtd dih M A U R C E ST R E E T N O R T H. urick j bedroom, garage. cnced backo^ard, close to High, School UiK m - a M» 73»;SaS>r-fS»r5ftiS7-7,3 73O,- - m 5035, Ask about our 5 acre home files; BRAND NEW 3 bedrooms, plus in basement. 3 baih>. large walk n closet, fully --carpetodrtjpsffltrs a n o - d o w n rt firoplaces, double garaoo. Large cornel la t, eholco M erlti**^*-* lo ca tio n. - Q i;fsta na ing and~ dlflerent, A home you w ill be proud to own. Cali us anytimq u Terms, H A G E R M A N R E A L T Y, -3oFn--L^-ynen^7^44Ji 100 ACRES Some of llrebosl land n. M agic Valley. Sec lo believe. C L E A R LA K E S \ A G E N C Y, Buhl for K en Deecher ^ - A N N O U N C ^ E N T M A G N E " V4bedroom tome.wlfh 3 full.baths and only tll.sqp. Spaciol/iiivlng room haiaaw-carpellng,the large..a u ch enan d dining area are brignt ; and p taailrtt, Ap deal home fo r h fw tio le fam ily. This kind are la ldom offered for sale so call im medjately. SPLENDOR-N B A K E R S - FNE HOM ES and PLEASURE CRAFT Part% Suppliti Service )S YEARS SERVJNC M A G C VAUBV- Addison Avo.. W, BETTER BUY-SJ^r m A G C V A LLEY m i L E m M B s r z 3 o e d r o o m ; g a s - K ta t.o ia e Y F U R N S H E D 1bedroom apartment Carpeted, no pels, no children., Phone elderly. bachelor. Utilities fu r, nlshed..d «00«lf required 313 4ih Avenue East,- M-: UJnlurnUhedJLiilir r... 4 Duplexti P.P A J _ R f t l O S and exhaust fan, potato peeler and m ilk shake server or HOSPTAL Ded self adjustable, w ilh Simmons therapeutic m attress. t n s, Cali 433-S&44. F R A N C S C A N c h in a, Starburs. pattern, now disconlinued, serving plvcei, and 4 place settings for. sale, 733.7*7P_after 4^00, - ;jrapesroas-healrair-eei R A SE C H N C H L L A S lo r fun or prollt. Must sell m y Chinchillas ~&gcau«* of m oving, no place lo pets Lenore. 7J T H E - e e U N H ^ g llbor ju it.o lf the patio. The lovely home l» surrounded by 1^ a c r e i w ith u n d e rg ro u n d * tprlnkling tor i i i y m aintenance, nsldi) the house, you w ill find a fa b ulo ui".living room w ith a fealurm nclude, 4 bedrooms; 3 batha. and form al dining room. You m ay c a ll.iiq w for an ap- poinfmenl.-see t youll like t! "Jhu O*ol»f with Th» M o i l C ip «r i e n (» ", Single Wid««ond Doubt* W idci 3\4 mu^ Wt of W*H 5 PobU. Q p * n M o n d a y t h r u F r id a y 8 : p m. ; S u n d a y p h i U m U i i b y o d r a n f u p p o i n l m «n l. > h o n e Comc) S b W d o y T ft A R ~ C Y N W O O D ~ 1 m ature fom alei Range and retrlgerator, a v a ila b le. M A C ic V A L L E Y REALTY [R O O M Y 1 b edro o m, basunienl i a p a rtm e n t^ t^arp c t- a a od.. paneling, private entrance. All utilities furnished. tl VACANT 3 bedroom duplex. Fully carpeted. Deposit required. No peti. f160 month S T EAM C L E A N N G 8. high pressure equipm ent New. and used C h e m ic als, Specialized Equipm ent it O W ^ W AY bed lor rent, V4.00 a week...d ANNER FU R N T U R E W E R E B U LD hydraulic lacks at ABBOTTS AUTO SU PP LY. 305 ; Shoshone St, Sooth. N E B D LE PD N T TAPESTRY yarn, ; can.vat, ire w o i kits and stools Hours a.m. lo.4:00 p.m. 12»-U Wldfl> Morlotte Tamarack Sheftjy Columbio - - p lt a ie d to announce that M r. V r o J W lb o n l> now absoclatad w ith our o ffice. V rg ll has llvad n ih la a re a s in c e MO, m t f li -Witt icq u im T id ~ w ii)i property and v a li u m this area : a n d v ls ifv ^ m rh lrn rm e w ill D t g tio lo help on a ny of your re a l e s ta lf needa, Stop o r.c a ft a t the T a y lo r A gency. p T E f T E A L T Y Travel Troilers Motor Homes pave Homlett, Broker.PUoie call (onirl^ a) Af>»v-Hol m oi***-3-tjftlo--- AAohlliLtidmfiL. Open 7 Days A Week Mon. thru Sot. 8 to 6 Sundoy.l to 6 BAKE. AT ADDSON W fst ^ w l n P a l t ^B E D R O O M S with k d n basement. R efrigerator air-conditioned and Preclpliron. Quiet Street, shown - b^ ^ p o in tm e flt - lo ta t -price W E V E GOT 97.6 acre row,crop fa rm, has full water right plus Jrrloatlon W e lir L e t t o f young evaro e «a.-.g o o d out- buildings. m m aculate 3 bedroom ta m e, priced a t 145,000. Wilh terma. TAYLOdAGENCY HEY MOM! YOULL DANCE A JG TO THE DEAL Bricky4 bedroom, 2M-baths, formal dining rootm, family rotf fr fireplaces/new corpet.. : * 3 1, E x a m p l e.. ; B G x 6 4. * VA fina.ncfng Too/ 183p Kimborly Road,Twin Falls...* x64 GENTRY 2 Bedrooms } All Electric $AVE VA linoncing ayoiiobl* h a c i e n d a ^ - W ill-care (or elderly personin (^ o d care. food HOMES MOBLE AND MODULAR WEST OF HOSPTAL Twin Folh B ^ 12wideti 1 4wideii doublet ASO lots N aubley» ElKO, Unfornfilied Apts, * D uptem * C A R P E T S,co m e clean w ilh ouc MAC^lNE^-Rent HOST»l, Wilson Bales, Twin Falls and Jeromb,. AVON F G U R A L BOTTLES. Like new. Boxes, too, 196B 1972, 73J 3B89. w m e. f o r SALE: A set ol,chlid Cralt M o b ile (4om oi citive oilice cit ik F O R N lsh E D "1~ B edro o fh trailer. Adults, no pets, Traceys Mobile Pa^k. Highway 37, Paul. Wanted to Rent OAK c x e c O t i v i o i t i c e c te ^ k a n d c h f l i r, i t c e l l i l m g C A b in o t, 4 t f i o A t i n g d r a w e r s, 733 9B0 - G A R D EN t r a c t o r, p lo w, m o w e r, and s h r e j d e r, c h a i n l i n k f e n c e, c h a i n s a w F u s N it U H E. u p h o fm cry, estimates, pick up and delivl Jack Caiton, 731 7B03, STEREO R E C O R D p la y tr for sale, 51^733 0^8* * 71 NCH Z enith color TV; rucondo ionod an d g u a ra n te e d, jl74b at Cain e V - ZENTH T V :7V inch table m odel, re c o n d iilo n e d a n d g u a r a n te e d i t Cains TurnTfuriTC^FpiT B EG E NYLON coui:h and.c h air, -^olitt- O niltu ilp n -an d-flflo tfjon i_ dition. Chrom e dinette set with two leaves an u r chairs. 43-S406. HHGfOAfRE-deluxrWeVies-dryerT - very clean, reconditioned an d Ou^ranteed, (68 at Cains DNETTE TABLE Wilh extra leaf and^4 chairs. Good condition C O M P L E T E Twin S lie. B ed, m ism atch e d fa c to ry sp ecial.. R egu la r 1119,40. NOW 67.1>. Banner Furnlture., ,.CaLNA.5iMC.(ScJ >!ch?fi cupboards, student desks unfinished, various U N F N S H E D F U R N T U R E, highest quality, good selection, M ary Carter Paints,,1936 Kim-. berly Road /A N T E D : Usijl. fu rn itu re, a p pliances, roll top aeski. baby hinqi.flntidufiiiriyti.f.urfiltuiit^ FOR THNGS WORTH KNOW NG ri.-iik} h? "P erson als" n todays Ciassilied Ads. bedroom in country, lf U n f u r n U h ^ d ^ ^ ^ ta O.VplCxtl j 1 V. FOR SALE: 960 Doooe Sedan, 1700 m 9 Lind>tft-Mark,S.-lV6J-Eflft1-3il_. 6 cylinder engine Upright 20 Cu -»l. AmaoA l-rw iur. ilso. BB6.753S, NOW RENTNG 48 New Units Tile beautiful NORMAN MANOR apartments in Burley are now being rented. -Tiie»c-^quoi-oppoftunity one ond^wcrljgd- r,oom.,units are governmenf subsidized. The renjt you pay depends bn. your incortie. A lirftited.number of persons with inadequate housing, handicapped, or 62 ^years -ol age or ovel- with limited-income cavi-rent-for- as little as $41-;16 per month, A fqmily of 4 with,an adjusted inccswie-of $6,480 per year would pav_$m j-6-pbt-wonth.-a dport-. [ * m B a t s - h a v f i - C a t p e t ^ i ; a p B S, _ $ t o w 8, - r «f r i g 8 r. ^ qtor, garbage disposal, electric heat, electricity, water& 9lc. furnished. Ample parking, storage & laundry facilities.-. CAL OR VST^^TfiE OFFCE. V^ A T 1335 PARK AVE. RMR FV : W A NTED : Old slate and coutuv m aps. ou diaries, old s a o hisiory lioovs. <J>ir or w flte-h o r 1198, Twin F a s. -,41, Wanted to Ouy»i M i rvhiwioi!.e lor»tri1 C a Ui H^D-S. H A D N G, POST ^ H F O R SCRAP M tt A L - C o p p e r ^ ^ t s ^ u m ln u r t u RAdiator. Galleries, Etc. H.K O P P E L C O. 1572ndAV«nuv South W A N T E D TO D U V : " a»m ait powerful hand W nch U, WANT.TO BUY used 13 x 10 or. nfo office, c a ll 433-SS3 or wrili Box T. KimMrly< lilaho. - -~«nake-alvaihfku«ilo Saturday Weed d a y i i.norfh M a lf u J U tu n w W A N T E O rallroadtieft.any, jis o o ld \wagon wheels. V " valley Food. Qox idahtf a llr o a c fheels. W rltp Treasure -)x 3*; Twin Fali\.. 5 P ie i:e birch dining set Wltti SPOTCASH. For Furniture Appliances ^ T hingsofvalue BANNER F U R N T U R E _i2 J.Jn d Avcnu(LWfli 9 X 12 L N O L E U M rug i, assorted. ja tlerfis. *7.95. D A N N E R Twliv-<UUS M a g i c v a l l e y o p h o is te r y. covering all Twin Falls County. John Mainuy, 1702 Main. Buhl.S43v K in G S lz E h ide o ^ e d ; tu rq u o is e nylon friete, like new. tilb at 33^111- b r a n d n e w recovered e a rly A m erican s w iv el ro ck e r, ru s t nylon, $78 A t CJhnv DROWN -ttlaslic-reclinarr- ioi»-.4^t-i com iori ifjii in f, U 5.«at Caina L^ K TR K, UeiUKO B K ir ib W lin 4 heat, 3 cycles, only U9,S0. 90 d ay warranty, at M *..V ^ E le tr lc,«] _ Main Ave E, Open Mondays Hll Plano l i t M14 boiqe. Aden and Hlahw ay >]o. V3. The iralte*. Filar. datto.. O E R N u Ta S30 -tewlno m actilim l lie «nu se d 3 tim e «.C atw e ll T ra iler C m.l. G7i Phon^ ^

20 -30-i-TlniD«4fJow».-Twln_F«U»,-ldaho-,Frldiiv* MaVch-17-/JV72_- We Guarantee Results or YOUR MONEY BACK wojc-rar-ty-ciotfcifiwi-advorjiwfs r-, Real E stato,b xclu d o cl_l_l. _J.. " ^ _ Your Poopio Roachdr Want Ad For A* Little as 70* Por nsertion ( 3 Linos Get The W ant Ad Hdbif And Saye-Money ^ Guaranteed Circulation Reaching 21,000 Homes E veryjust Dial O r U io O n o o f O u r To ll F re o K Ju m b e r; Fro m O u r G lo is ilio d n d o * W A H E R AND o drv^br, ry e r, couch,.. flww o u,u m uo r,v w e., r, fl iflb lp. g n i rsb Ktr lo era to r, good condlmon ih if.ld A lf ^ t w.ijit.f «in(j (Jryor. n,i<r rrrnnrlihoiircl <inil iiu<ir<tn vihli p.tlr,.11 Ciiins ; F R E E Z E R C lib lt type, only 19^.50, rtow ofiskot ahd W.d a y w a rra n ty, i:-«l-a A -4.-Y -E le ctric^ i4 llm «ln -A vft..e, Oper. M ondays H 9 p.m A PPRO XM A T E LV 10lono»th«v. 5 ton niiw «lf«ir*. f». ton. Pt>on«cullino h»y. Pt>ori# JS-SW too TONS O F GOOD q u a lity >»* Jr t*- 2rti cultino hay. 133 MurtauQt), , nd cuttino h a y. Dy p lc k i^ o r tru c k lo a d i a ve n ln o *.....A K C. M N A T U R E S ch fiflu io r W S C O N S N H O L S T E N Jind botf p u p p in (Exco llcnt blooa l>no& c r o it h e ife r And bull CAVC, 2 to }0.P h o n e U u rlo y. d?d 7093, a fte r d ]0, w e e k! o ld. A lio,. op»n b re d «nd A K C R E G S T E R E D N o rw e g ia n. Elkho o nd p y p». Shot*. Cham pion 388* cjuatity.,734- A K C p up p lo i. v a rity of pupplet, good buy on D a n o i. Qoaaloi and o th e n. M A X K E N N K L, 300 4fh - A v e r c a ir r w w a i n t r 534 M Sorlnoino h o K e rt. O o llv c rtd on approviil, lu b la c l to n ip K llo n and accep tan ce on A rr iv a l. :htppowa F a ll!, w iic o n ttn, iu W. P h o n e, O r ilc e ; , Rosldonce; S0. -R urley,-*d «h<» C W estr.f-i^ o rthio frq urleyto n ru» H E X d 4 m onth old H o lite in h e lfe r-c a lv e i. <4 H E A P c r o i i brad heifer and ite e r c a f v r i» SO H E A D 6 m onth old H oliteln he lle r C A lvei We a lio h a ve Holitelr> h eifer and bull c a lv e i 3-13 w eak* old. N T E R M O U N T A N P A C F C. D A R Y C A T T L E CO R.2 N o rlh A L L T Y P E S o lh o r ie j, bouohl. sold, H O R S E S H O E N G and rlm m ln g.l a v a r G ouqm, 7J34?94. m are* a n d T ih e tla n d m arei, alt tired to Jkck and ^ Jack alter 3:00.,. w ith 1413 hour^ ip lai with houri. 1 - With 1151 h o u ri D a y i Alter houri B O T O B Y power take o»t d itch er, m, good condition, Used 30 ho u ri Phone alten C a r n v J m p io m s iu ^ 19&8 M O D E L >046 New H olland nay. i> tacker..2 w id e, c«ccm cn t conctil>on, pnom* 53676S1.. PO R A dcttionstratlon of one o f the l* n c ii h y d r a u lic flr iv o n " f l m - m c fcia l m a n u re 4 p re» d # ft tt* ir L E O - S C U it O M P A H M N G.37AJ FOpO 41 H e atin g & A ir C o n d itio n in g por, condilm n S year old 17,000 D TU i w ilh iiuct Aod r c a iito r s. t SW4..iltiY 5,30 p.ft Dul.idino M a te ria ls RR TES «.30Tnicn. economy and ^ rouoti*1bmbepr-5pl(t-«edar-poit%r Post and rail* made rom plywood cores. Call Henry O av ll to order af Ray» American B6. SO G a ra g e S a l«t UOTTLES, antlquei, cllihei, --- qothsr elothino, romao*. "March 16lh 7lli 479 nd Avenue Weit. G ARAGE SALE Saturday 9 a.m. K 5 p.m. Sunday 9 «>m. q 7 p.rn E-v-«w-v-l4M4Hj Pn-^9-io-#-b4-«R rason ah le prices JlU_, Par Avcnut -iv- f»anrf irh lnm tn F a l R E D SPUDS! RDitie apples Oollvor some No Saturday saiei 1845 Osterloh, P la n t s, T r e p i & S h ru b s TjooTrDAijrvn^TTorfjtffreirumTT FOR SALE: Saw duil and woodchips lor corrals. Reaionable rates.. Phone,Larr.y-Shark..a4ai22n-. ^. 400bale> itraw. Phone 1,000 D alh first cutting hay.,-&:u. per. ton D r ^ S e w n e d fruit»nd hurtfwood. A P P L E W O O D.n o pickup load, you cut. Phone RpC15TETJFl5~5arTi6y«d mate. 1 lemale dogit ONE R E G S T E R E D femaleaolden O E A U T K JL SPRUCE and Pinc Retriever. Two m ale half oolden -lrrca...ydu:-iiich.nnp_diq-ja4-34m- - _R tlri# v # r_n w p i. 13^ After 6 00 p m or weecends C r a in A lit CUTTNG ALFALFA hay.»1 40. per bale Straw by bale or stack. J WANTED TO UUY Altalfa tiay Call U & Hay Company, ourloy, 67H 7S51 black cows, brcti lo Charolais bulls; m ostly calvi>d o ut. Also (jood -<lv"hfy-»-year;otd-<;tibrolbrt-tjutm7 priced roason^blc. Citircncu H O L S t EiN heifers, 70 head between (H)«un(i»T^30-heft(H40(H >- COCkAPOO P U P P E S for sale. Makemost-ndorable-pel*:-Phone CLASS AND started gun dogi.. -C«rman- horthalr puppies. Gobs, K i^ n e li, Boarding. Training 733 A k x l T E G S T E R e D Norwegian E k- Hound lor la ie. Have reolitrafion. Ready to go. Phone, after PO O D LE G R O O M N G, itu d ter vice, p u p p le i. C herl M ille r > Kenneli, W eif Redcap corner. Kimberly 473 S04 b la c k, -P o m o ra n ifln p u p p io i. i?.y E A R ra «lo n a t)lo, A K C lo is t e - - r f Joyce s kennol, 473 4B6 F OR S A LE ;. 5 pureorwl Germnn. W A N T E D Sprinucr h c lfc rs rtnd. by lociti UflirvmiJn. A RT FC A L Oreedlna to AOS groat,.^rnw nn njff*. n«iif»n^ hiniif-lt lyfin.e X C E L L E N T aunin\i C h n ro ia d nrnrii.viitin Or A irtt4«i>oa<iuvtj;*. Rijlls Priced ronsonflilo } u»«f... a v a iin b ie ouni; t; ;.. * evefiinos V Jerom e, Shoshonu. nthnrtu. UOA lfla r. --^ fl7, Burley, H n/fllon J: SELECT S t^ E S, NC All breeds, dairy beef. W alter Leitcti Phone }4 3 i6 5 a. c FOR SALE ~Tgw r:^gw ~r7»j in o~~i r pg n ro n Hereford bull: F H E S h or Sprinocr cows or hulters Guiir.inleed, Uuy or trade for sprfnolts or aeef. Hap or Clyde, Hufltiej, Oyni or A9 100 to 150 H olitein lieilcrs on h<ind Weighf -1,000 lo 1,350 pounds, two way* to financc. One to four ycari 18 MONTt old AOS Bros GOOD RAOY and ofl - s a le r A r k in d v - p f , Jerome. CALVES FOR SALE A l West of Duhl, Highway Soutfc^.U-Wcat. RU GGED 3 year old Angui bulls 1 -miie- West.--l»-mile?-Sbutft" of - V alley in te rch an g e Eden.... neaa. on nand at all ijm cs All heiferi guaranteed Also, looking for good HelifeVi. prtiigiy Heifers t o. b u y SO U T H E R N D A H O LE A SN G CO Tom Harris Agent.- Jerome, DOQ HEAD HEREFORD cowv plus JOO ticrtd Saimof\LRiver -Range rigtiis per cow and ranuou, n ls ^.s. r e a l t y,.;.3a921l or a ftcrh o u rs 733 R473 - C S t V E S l.lvlbtock fit: tdlyi;5 lor, 473 Z ip i.^u ll! J V or n W M l r.t A NGUb UUl. MONOAy M A «C H H E F E R S F Q R S A L E : 9.Af>( H o fo lo rd c r o n, 7 Ang r l- FOR SALEi 1049 New Holland ii«cw JL.»«Ad. Phone M. i J F «r m J. R a n c h S u p p lit i crui&er, 133 bajv capacity, e«. cellent condition. Phono U R E G S t A R P O H E R E F O R D. JU LLS. - E d w.c.e a k ln & S o n i Jerome334 S468. Highway 30. Evenings. HORSE SH O E N G, t e a m in g, and g ro o m tn g, 336^431, Denver Fine,"Fllef. T / th tjtj Uu,tarter Horse, also Dsa, standing- B f slud. tso MflK Rector ^6. "^P^m^urh *si n S rt? w \ T /ji*.k ry..r i iq an i, 6 p e rc*f) rfte re ti. ^ 0 * * TOa CTORS, priced frofn i? i «JOO to 1900 See *iitmlrbcle Hot.H ighw ay No ~r- 3 5 t 5 Z E L 1048 NEW HOLLA N D aljlom atic bale wagon. R epoitetiio n. than 50 nouri, tike new J7.9SO C O N D E 3 um t cowto-canmirk6f 3 BUCDuntj-733 8J93 years old, Phone 83? 443^ \ U g.j>d b rw h a _, j 6, 7 i 7... : flar.rel" HORSE, finished and rcjdy lo ub. Works a rppo, header 3 A t e f"bcforv-butt* AT ALL TMES FOR SALE: Late model Miiesione F a rm m p la m t n t i : potato cutter S or S -PflUl.-ldKho,.,. NT... dpota USED No 740 Heston Swainifr - n i i A u n -osed-nc- O*3-tntermrtrorT^, P /r.. 5-r.,r,.>, n.,«l flfli i n n Dae Wide. Self prop Mare for : S U P E R M Nve P T O and T A. n J ^ T fv d n r r in Z it T i ternatior^fli 5* W hay baler 374 ftn n tin n ti 4 B4 baled hay chopper Gehi OU rt -. r ^ f f ^ c n waoon Graind-vaier ieit S Olcf ( * unloadfr^i w agon, 1954 GMC irycn grain Met bed Phone ;dyly flrawi bar- tralier , M ASSEY FER G U SO N 100iuni plo* row corrrt().tlor J50 C i l f l a S t REGSTirvCD A N ou S BREEDNG STOCK BULLS, CAVY COWS AND HEF-F,^S 5 miles South, 1 mile W es of Jerome DEE HORD bee rom Uollrnjcr or U>li Hoiman FOR s a l e Miiononi* ii-cd cijiter rciii OQoa LOnQjion..Carl GilD-. *nc, T.v n Phone ^3-5 i;i 73] 5372 t r a c t o r s; vvd-45 Allis Cholmeri, SN Ford John Deere 60 CA^AC & Cultivotor ^ -^ D ise s h! K C W heel Type i (l. Evlv unoii ^ - u. O A D R s _ m a w s ^ RAKES, ETC m-qly.neux A C H ln ER r T W T T ^ 7 T T T F 7 B o a l i «i M a rin e llo m s - h i;e o 5 f ~ * * F a r m - lm p la m a n fi/ ^ ts Dorm ant S FOR PROFESSONAL 5p PESJ A N D FREb ESJM AJE ra y CON1ROL Time GEM SPRAYNG SERVCE Y ard And Tree Sp raying.. City and State Licensed BO N D 5D & N SU RED ^ TW N FALLS Appliance Repair Dacorating, Painting L lv iit o c k W anted Sick Room E quipm ent R E FR G E R A T O R S. ^ashprs. d ry ers, fanu cs Reasot>al>le rates 30 years Mpericnce Call S H U M W A Y A P P L A N C E R E P A R R E F R G E R A T O R S, Frceieri. ranges, w ashers, dryers, V E R N S A P P L A N C E R E P A R Flier. Avenue Wes E X P E R T painting, interior and exterior R easonable rates ART S T C D ESG N Complete resideniiai plan service Also, art work, etc Phone , Buni O rap trle i, U pholitlry D E A D A N M A L S picked.. up orom. -. ptiy. Call coljcl coiitjcl " 733 6fl3i, Goodin. >oodlng id & Tallow Co Mobile Heme Traniportlng H U G H E S. M o b ile non L o c a lly Owned i o m, c a rrie r Loc.»i rtnd t flstance J773 nosf->ital bb D S. rttu-i-rchrtir A dlk ers. c ru lc h c s. con v.tu-scfnl,*iils an d exerctsim (. ciwpmi nt f-or rw\t or sell C H b w i E Y PH A RM A CY TS77>Fall L ^ Everything for the Artist and C raftsm an, the creaive i, 330 Main Ave South, )1 F td G R F O R M Ooals Service and S ales. M ercur o utboa rd... m otors..qud L M AR K 11^ Blue Lfikei (llvd. N. A W N N G S Call R a m s e y s! 7M 1979 Theyje at 736 Main Ave. North, Blecifie Motor Oepalr Rewinding, Repair, small large m olori 74 hour sefvi Waile Electric 755 >id St Ofllce Equipment Contplete ime ol office i-oip ; m en, new and used Cttii liot> Snyder» S _ Ornamenfil iron - Trash a 4«arhage Service.-,KkS a n d bonb u j 44.ll ( fimntrr(,m>i,ln(t ros.acnrini t>.iui>n\) conln<ncrs special n.iuin.riptle or OulMde «ity Entertainment C arpal aeaning the besi cie.inmu. it costs tm inure STEA M C A R P C r CLbANUWb tioni* 7JJ 6036 BEA C O N C L U D C O L O T leer. P O O U S A / JD W tc H e S, 137JnO E ail, Twin -f alli. " M in im a. Quaiiy otfset ixitiimij ^ prjces Quick Cot)* ttot Tiid Si Wfst H L L t O t PlN Cl & t^pn-toving- Towrr ^ Cnnntrv.- 7J3 60HU ClarkS Carpel Care, new itk a m. inlection, conlrolled moisture, 1 3 hour dry tim e. 5 cents iq t,. Free eitim<^tes O G E LO.W.K A R P e T - K A R E Cuitom Floors of daho Ad Otson Avenue Ea>t, Phone _...^ C s, reloading p. 7i«miles. W. Jerrys o l Hose "» Hiway 30, W UTHRCK Sam Ttionias CtievVon sirt (;i> Tune akp s,.r..qalancing..ja5 A uj.uin a. j. West 733 9H74 h iln ii 1 > b E M V C t N*>.^.lu.jiy.. _^M roe-.i it>.n>r«.iinl riinoving All hiiths -r:ir n nti *::TriMv-- tow rrprt ii,,i-.lui.i,iiiy l.,w i t insured VQurmon^ C A R P E N T R Y work remodel or addition hy hour or tiy job E>p<irience<1 builder C O M PL ET E V A R 0 5 E R V C E S P R N G Cleon u p, co in p letu ya;cl.scrvico.. PQw iv..raking. tree shrub pruning, evlrgreen trim m in g, lawn renovating, g e n e ral clean up. free e s tim a te s expert. worktnanship A N Y KJND of hom o repair or r e m q d e lin g p a i n t i n g, panelihg, dry wall concrete, - etc, _ BACK. h o t iro n c h in g, ex cav A tion, c o n cre io. and carpenter work. Expnrienced. Oott-Milam lT-H Cdmpiate rv ic a or^ all 3<ycl».m o to re y c ia s. D l< G Ao»omoMve,-l5a Jn tf- A va rs T 7U-43M. Silos,refalning walii. eic - PnonBT734Wl---- Twin Faili, daho ROTO TL L N G an0 blade work No job too la rg eor irn all. givit us a call Gifts, Dridai Registry, Cards. Capdlev You nam e tl Kountry K o u s ln i, «1337 O v e rla n d,. Qur.l*y,_ -, G R A V E L, T O P J O L O R A V 6 L, fill dirt, lo p loli ^ ^ n 3 - m ln u tti ro m tow n, iv l Oallverad. Fng and T r a n i^ r t Co, Ja n ito r lu p u lia i s itu a t io n s, C o m m a rc la l or O o m iltlc.-.k R E F T,, ,.. ROTO-HOC5TlK-Trv.-rr -nr Sewt-r lciic%.tnvl.*-(ii cleom nu. Aibii o>i t>p» e«irtvarion / j j vsji or 7J0V C R A V L N S Sewer SPr, Seplic tank s.wi-f cleaning Power- ihiuipr free inspection 71] 0^J HAND CitiCL-t.,iri.j..rt.uir Tippep. Shw s 11.K ii.ihi SharTUtVed. i.h olnty m cw rr blades balanced. Most ail tool-, s h a r p e n o d SHANL S - M A ttjk K N N O SfcKVtCfc, 44J 5th AvenUD North / S4., M W* K^*..*««( «HV, H a m m o n d S R e p a ir C e n f v, W ashington S t. N _C ir c u lflr.-hflf)d onrt.ct>ain boifa. mootne iharp enu d - Charles Nant,- 733J ><t Ave. W est. S TW tu _ S E R V C E, luj. lo p p in g and ing Also stum p grin , v.acuuni C leaneri. Strvice l>,irtb. uri K iro y COm. -L.,11-1 Mfi^t-UthLT^ Tvyii}_f-fiHSj )ll.ition ii. 70r0l l-l POMTAHLl: weiditm, pwmns and irrig a tio n lin es- A lu m in u m, tieharc lalirications. 70 years. iwcl Law ranta Well Qntling H O L E Y 0. H E N R Y Twin,/^ilts (Smf M urlaugh or 4-JV 4591 Farn i m a ch in e ry y o u r fie ld? There is no better way you can "talk" to so many farm machinery users for so little as you can with an ad in the Tim^s-News ~^*Salute to Farmers" edition cdining ^NViday, March 24. Ovpr 21,000 families. All 8 counties of Magic # covered. f year business, is dealing or sellirig. to farmers, this sectior^ will get the attention... and action that counts. ; A ll-a d yartltin g fo r fhi» odition-rtiust bo received M ionday, M arch 20th. -f-you-wi(l^to poaicipat<h c a ll- u ^ nowl AdverlUih^Dopartmont, Timos- N o w i

21 GUARANTEED RESULTS or YOUR MQNgY Private Party classified Advertisers - Real Estate Excluded - -4^-- Your Pftoptff p«ach«r W ant Ad For a t little 0 1. ;. ; 7 0 ^ pj^r n isrllo n (3 U nm 16 0 «y tr f you Get Results Bg^ore 10 Pays Then Cancel A nd T ay For Number of Days Used - n i i i... : _. j -, U * H L U U tu d m Tha C la u K U d 1nd«x. iv~ Boafl t M«rint lumt CUSMMANTRACKtTBR JEROME MPLCMBNT.. limarna JEROM E / DAHO. LARSOM BOATw\dn>o»or, 7Wor ) h o r * r T r iit v. F iru hoyt* o l.w ttr P a in ts to r*.s o u m w tirw «n d tll, H. L. P*hrnl. Sporfino Goods D R U N S W C K.* P t i t i p o o r ta b le t.. CycUiASupplln FOR SALE: 1W0 Honcti 350. ax. ctllant condition. pho na.7 U 0l45 ailar S:00. H U & QVARN A 3S0 cycla. J u it rabullt. excallani condjllon. t700. ;i3 Ml9-or 243Tyt#r. W tt Y ^ A H A 100 cc.-trail. Good condition. 336-SOS, artar «: 30 p.m. W70 HU5CV-4p0 cr<iw, llw -now, y#r raced. C a l l. m» 3 i ^ allor HOOAKA 1969, only 800 m lla i, exceliont ih a p «. hill oenreci. U J0 OSA M OT O R C Y CLE. mileir Good coodhton , - Shoshone. _ -. W U NTERNATO NAL, wlt(i itof^ faaderfqood con d itio n.. 196A R A N C H ER O. good condltlort, lowmlltad«!..4.6s S08«.. t S.. o". OALLON-fuel delivery tank on i m Ford ti^uck. Ptunt.436-U36, R u p e rt D O D G g M o n tru c k w llh r t a m ^ n Jtock rack M.fi9 l alter 5,. W ill consider trade. r^rranty G M C.W on ^C yllrid er runs 6oodr F O R SA LE:lb73 CMC isprtnr400. Ptwine puhl, Jaap 4 WhMl Drivas u - Airtoi For Sala u HEVHO UEt c a r B la iir. bronie and whita. tw haal drive, iflc tran*ml*ilon. powirtieerino. front...1, dltc b ra k aradlor a. ikld plalm, weiiarn alda -vlaw mirror*/ air ^ d llle n ln g, bucket t*.llnlad g la*i. 3S0 V -l angina, E tt,w heal lock hub*. Chroma t. 4 mow tlra*. 4.M>0 m llh. ^ sacrifice, 14,3« ,or 734- ^ Autot F o r Sala O perate Y o u r Own, Automotive Repalr,S^op A re you a qualllied auto m o tive m e chanic? f you a re, read on ^, W e - w lll- - le a * e a Com (u rn lih e d autom otive rapa ncluding a ll auto m o liva repa q ulp m e ntand Hundred* o r to o l*.-a p p llca n l-^ u *t-b e -.. THATS.,. ; 1972 i- PONTAC -2 S. VENTURA ^ uj.. COUPE. S 1970 O L D S M O Q L E 443, W lo. ra m a ir. 455 cu, o n --H u r*t,.n ev f tire s. C ra g e r m a g i. tjooand takv--over p a y m e n t * , ewetvlnos C H E V R O L E T, 3 Ooor h ird lo p, 383 w llh 3 ipeed ira n im lttiq n. 360 :m ile *O n co m p le te o ve rh a u l PO R D B R O N C O, V -l engine, a x c a lle n t c o n d itio n. m ud-*now Ur.M.J afte r 6:M _p.i Aulot For. Sale O L D S M O n il E 98. Good body, m otor Tie e ()*.o ve rh a u l. F a ir tir e *, n e w g e nerato r, b ra k e s, d ru m s. Dost Oflar , D O D G E P O L A R A, 4 d 0 o r, a u to m a tlt lr a n * m l* ilo n. alrcondlllon*<l. Q«*i o ile r o vtr tlso D O D GE D A R T S W N O E R. v in y l top. Good condition. 340 _.»nq ln9. H Ou T c K S P E C A L, a uto m a tic, «4S0. 4U M U S T A N G, F A C T O rty A R : 289 3spoed. COOdihape: F O R S A L :; 1964 A m b a sia d o r»t«lipnw «gon, 6 c y iln d o r. 3 tpood transihl^&ion. -sharp - reaso nable J P L Y M O U T H, runs apod, see at 1467 P O N T A C 0 1 0, m o lo r,. 4 tpoed, now tiro s a fter 5..p.m.-.. and w M kend*. S iw w V fh lc lii ^ N o rtfn r t<3s. Slad. UP. 934 Sm. cooaino. M ASSBV Ferguion 3 bottom, J way,. 1*- plow yjk-jm. F O R S A C e < O R T R A O f ; 1972 YamB^a J- P. 433 ^now rri^ctilne: r «v U ^ r 4 ils r s ^ 1971 R O A D R U N N E R trav o l.ra ilw. 8 X 2B»oll contained. Call <23. 5WJ equipptd Soe At 1852 Klmberfy Road. U tiilly T r a ilt r i UTLTY TRALER for lala. Phona Haavy Egulpnnant FOR SA LE ar la aia 1970 Trail light... w afohir Mobil# _ M»t _ bad, foldino ftldm, grain trap* and n v H m - T * r p i P h - S h a - JT T T f Jero m t.,, Cat ^Jo. lljirjjd c r.= a ilm C fl. Michigan yard C ar No.. 06 TraKCflvafor with bucket and log fork tl.soo in ie rn a tlo n a l D 414 n d u s tr ia l, lofldcc and torraclno M flob, 1953 F O R D P C K U P ftp e e d, run* flood. Phone J E E P ^ toil pickup. V ^ ^ F O R D F.SOO. m -lon t r i^ k, good rubber. A.OOOfmlle* on new engine. Thl* truck * clean and *harp V 1969 C H ev R 0 L E r».-3 -«p em pickup with cam p er sh all a ctu ar inrtt77s(j,-7s3»-3575rwbnoeft7 r 16 v a n D ox. on 1966 F o r d.n 600, 96S D U C K. F a cto ry a ir, a u to riiatlc e a b u llt-o n o ln e r 3- *pd6d-roar.-«nd, long w h e e l b a s e., E x c e lle n t, cohdinon. One owner. Average co nditio n, 536.J20*.~- - mu<flfle.ownor;mu5l iell S 1043 C H E V R O L C T P C K U P.. W M A V E R C K, 350 autom atic, :yllndi "n d e r, 3-speed, New b ra ke s, vinyl roof, deluxe in te rio r,. low, w id e, b o x. C all a fte r mileage, S ^29. Jm p a H S p o r f l X f l r r autom atic tra n sm issio n s. R e p a ir thon w ill operate n co njunctionw ith a u to m o b ile aad tru c k d e a le is h ip. T h i* Q u *ln e * * O pportunity Drobably h a i t h i,b e * i. earning* po lential ol any re late d ^ opportuniry. * vo» ihlntt v ^ ^963 C H E V R O L E T M P A L A, 4 door -hard to p,, pow er ile ir ln o.- p o w e r -, b ra k e t,a u lo m a tic.u k e n e w. 337 V-, _a _4 & sa~170j AAain^ uhU ^ 1^ Jyn*mf>iiQn,GoQtLllro»uffKccllBnL. - 1V4V U U l ^ C S -400, flu lo m a ll^ T - T fls K in g ;- - fl^r e o n d itro n lo o. SPO RT K N G N A M P A CHEF R O A D R A N G E R TRALERS A ls o PGKl/P-CANOP/CS- -MADRON,. CA M PERS & TRALERS s ;^ ifs - denja ls.. Phone Tw*n Follk, daho Closed Sunday & Tuatdairv 12U Blueloket Blvd Eoil i Points 10 TRAVEL Q U E E N sell containod up lltlqn. C «m p ar«. l U j bpoht n in C ~ rsm p m m j»b a -once. Phone , after 5:00 pm K 36 pickup cam pw th an. lka new, also v ^ lft.te a r drop camper ira ila r, t»callwi1 cono»rion S4S....V. -» cab over Jecurlly cahipcr, in excellent cohdittonr> <arpetr-butan»-hoaur^ A ule U f v c * ^ - - P«r1i & A cctturiti 2 N E W 8 :3 5 X 15 recap Urea, «R am age Street, Twin Fall*. Ford pickup. UO engin e, co m p le te, w ith all accotvorlot. Never been driven. Call or s m 9 T R U M P H i _ j n _ 7 B o «T n u a a w» Cycltl A Suppllot. USEP NDUSTRAL t H P M E N -CAr-Gradw-*-^: M AKtOfftR- (HC modal wheel drive S JOHN DEERE R wilh oteca 6yo>dK aper J3.000 JOHN DEERE Model 5010 Scfoper S14,0OO HOUCN Model 1h yu<d loorier. $6,750 AUlb CHAlM trb Model HD3 D ELLOTTS Phonp67B-3505 BOB HOUSTON Satti K tprntnlaliyt.home phone > M O ftlte-r H O N E U.iO O Unil Unil T ru c h i 1957 N TERN A TO N A L 3 lon. W60 nlernallonal 3-ton with flatbed an d oyerih o t. jiviiml tlr.lye, Both have front 1»S8-**?toiTr»xtr»-ifTary C M C <^4 ton, good condition, w ith w ie ll c a m p e r , 7J i^-ton P tc K U P. Good irrig a tio n tru c k.p h o n e alter 5:00 p.m.^ i ; ^... HAVE C OM M ON C A RR E R perm it w ith t r u c k t for la le. Take* naorlculture Com m odlliei within is Q m lle ra d lu ta f Rlctxlleid. daho. Make ofler , Rlchflald, 1970 FOPD ton-303 V B, 4 ipeed, bum per, m irro r*,.radio, clean m lle i ;R E D 1968 E l Cam ino Plcl(up. new p a in t, goo d ru b b e r, r a d io, standard ra ntm ltsio n, 307 V-8;...lUQG or beit.pller..dil].b3l:fl}?6w 1958 ^ ton Chevrolet,pickup, j U p w d BRD G E ST O N E 100 cc trail bikes, Low m ileage on both 1905 Sherry L ane Q B. 960.F O R D : /i-lon. pickup with r- CBmp*f-itT»iir«630, aayi. after 6: M at Qla*lu» H A R L E Y DAVDSON 74, A iu lo c k. Motor*. ^ Run» good, good rirot* alter 6 p 1964 CHEVROLET.pickup Vj.ion. 4. :------«p # e d r lo n o ^ ^ b o x ^.:«3 - O ; Kawasaki 350 twin, beautilul condition, rtffw chain and gear* tor road or trffil, Hfgh^Ppe*. A rtfal mpofl^sport* Can buv at 1295 See at 6So Eastland Drive Nortti or call , H O N D A fo r.m e at M o ly n e u x.aaachlner v C om pany, F O R S A L E : 1973 H a rle y Davidson ip w T w i r ;. r Pflir < ^ o y if f lif t ~ P v» i~ 1500, n cuito m p a rt* M O T O R C V C L E or tn o w m obile ir a lia r. S J». C a ll evenl D a y * b u * ln n * V A M A H ^ r t w m i- T S J C T r w im - condition, SREATHSEE MOTOR CYCLE, VALUES!, 1968 H O P A K A,..., Z :U 6 g,k A W A S A!y^ ^, :, S Mazda -R O A D - T E & t T ia TK G A Z N E" X a r - n m - Y o u M L ik e t!! byota Corolla The cost is underwhelming. ^ *. WLLS Motor Co 236 ShD»honisi W rh A.o W ,. ikswagen bug or *m sll 1970 V olvo 4 door sa d an. e xcelle n t co nditio n, re aso nable p rice d. 1 o \wier. Call 733 S071. 9«T R U M P H 500 CC, Good con FACTOR tag lovcfteel Chev,air w ithout 3 0. J (.. g ra in bed w ith p o *«lb lllty of c a ttla bed ovenino*. 0A1SUN Bao f /n//orio>i Af.., DEAN MOTOR CO. a09 2nci Ave. S. ) Jaap 4Wh«al Drlvai 19i4 6 C O U T r4 K 4. Qood ContllfJon, a^^at P a rrot* Servle t pr call 543.?43 r r; 0MC:4W ti wt-arlvbrnaw jpcr m ile s. Good body, new p a in t, new t ir e i, *900, ^ ^ _ J959 Dodge power wagon. W in ch. _wryflv0e.b0fly.,734-42/8 auec.a ;fl0. e - Y e a / mport Sports Can Q ^ O rtlti^^t^pafltmenfand A FUUY, STOCKED PARTS a ^ i ^.idepartment, OUR MECHANC, BUTCH la^ape, K M A 7 n A ^ awats VOUR CAL. HEU REPAR ANV MPORT V..)flYOUMGHTHAVESERVlCeOEPT.OpeN<»a,m, iw M tu im M V iu. ^ ^ J f " * P "? W f «t> ^ «,S A T.B to lj f«n > n! c o M i N AND T i r liiiiv e t h i B ib k o t a iy ix - a TODAY F O R D S TA T O N W A G O N. 4 c y lin d e r, new tire *. t CU. M P A L-A S U P E R S P O R T, v e r y - cle a n. tl.lo O, C all S. FO R S A L E : 1944 M e rcu ry Com et, lockl condition. Can after Rick Brldy/«ll ii now aitocialad with Rico Chevrolet, Jerorpo, io llin g -n cw Chavr^lal* ondused cart end truckt. Rick invitoli u ll hit frie n d t a nd naighbort in ;o tao him. -RGE-GHEVRpLET 140 W ell Moin Jerome B E T W NOW Cart Uv«d Con C L A S S H e p - ~ - YOUREES; 1971-PLYMOJTH FURY _ 4,door; 14,000 octual milos, rodio. powor-*t*«fino Jika.fiow CHEVRbLETlmpdla-: 4 door, power ttegring, power due brplut, otiuol milet, oir. likt no.*^ FORDiGALAXE500, 4 door, y-8, automatic, oir, 12,000 actuol mile* FORD GALAXE door hardtop, power teerinp. qir, vinyl lop., S2995 *3095 J L P - 6 a m U M E H C o J Y B iitib la, S 9 9. S 4 tpeed ransmittion. radio. 124S5^ 1970 CHEVROLET mpola. 4 door hardtop, radio, healer, power steering, vinyl top, air MERCURY Marquis *3_ doot hotdtop, powet tleei^g onil btowe>, pit, thie new, bfond ntw lifn VOLKSWAGEN... *895 _g&lrgjhgrp^oew^ point, while lide w alli RVERA......^ door hardtop, pow«r ileorir>g and broktti wo tont paini, vinyl top, oir. *1795 J9 6 8 F.ORD h ton Pickup long wide box, 4 tpaed^ 6 cyllnid^l-faouiii -^9ii9-FOR15 GUSTOM door^ 390V-8, power tleering, new tiret, reql sharpi 1967 PONTAC FREBRD. *1395 Convertible, V-S, aotomatic. power Mooring, like new FORD O " PCKUPS " O DRVE N M LEAGE ONLY Y O U R C H O ie E - - C h o v / truck. s o lo s - a r o b o o m m g, -To c o n tin u o.. a t o - r e c o r d - b r e a k in g sales p a c e, w e h o v e se cu re d s p e c ia l s h ip m e n t o f o il t y p e s o f r e c fe a tig n a l- v eh icles. P o w e r fu l V-.9^ u p to cu. in. T u r b o - h y d r a m o tic a u t o m p t ic tra n s rn issio n. S t a n d a r d fro n t d is c breu es. C h e y e n n e s. S h e y e n n e S u p e rs. H y l a n d ^ 9ttiid tr im s." N e w tr e n d s. A v ailable with any po d carrying, com fort, perform ance or a p p e a r a n c e ite m s y o u m a y w ish to h a v e. C o m 6 in t o d a y fo r a : g o o d d ^ o l Stock # /4 TON CHEVROLET PCKUP F-QCt0f.y-0ic gondilioninq. below eye-line niirror*, heavy duly ip rin g j7 ouxtllorv springs, 350 V-fl engine, putom otic rohym iljlont-pow ort teoringr^so-m ^^-^ply liret, radi,q, guqget, 2 tbne.poinl, Cheyiuine equipped. lis t $ M,,...,,... S :,... A C E H A N S E N P R C E * ^ ^ -StockTH CHEVROLET3/ 4 TON PCKUP Long wheel bote, body tide moulding*; guage*,-door ed ge-gyard*, j,ttabihzer.. rear leaf tpringi, 350 V-8 engjno. 4 tpeed trontrtiiuion, power tteering x 16 6 ply (iret, radio, front -and rear chrom ebum per, full foam seot, power disc brakes, lis t $ : A C E h a n i s f n P R i r F - ^ ^ i l O? ^ ^ DATUSN EXCELl^TDEPEN DABtE USED CARS > MERC. MAURAUDER. ^2450!?lQir6nWgoonr-<»ufomQttc-iran«nft}*tion,-:;- 4nffltf>p~<oupo,-aulomQlic fran tm ittion. low miloogo.michelin tire», like new. factory oir conditioning, power tieering, ^-ADLLAGrz; J J Q 9 5. Sedan Dp Ville, full power and air con- dilioning, all the exirat. *395 _ - _ J9 6 0 CHEVROLET... 1/2 TON Pickup, 6 cylinder engine,»londard ti animi*sion..^lpowar-ond foclory air condifioning. truly a luxury jporli car. 19<54 0 i D S ^ CUTLASS...J3;?Q= $ _ " 7 p7pme~tia7dlop coupe, V-8bngine, radio. 4 ipead tronimistion, very sharp. power soot) o reqljipecial. 1968PONTtAO ^FREBRD- V6 engine, standacd.lrans[nittion. rodio.. ond oxcollent used cor value.,,1968mercurv$1 7 0 C k -COUGAR.!.. / T J h ardlop coupe, V-8 engine, 4 speed trons- mission, power tteering, radio, extra shop. : 1970 HARLEY -r971-chev;- -1 O g T V CAPRCE A a O U 1/2TON H ardtop coupa, full pow ^r a n d toctory av thl* ip.odaily tentoj pnd told. E > A y id S N - f ^ h 7 torcyde, is in good condition. 6SMC-. m JVTON.v. *2395 long\whdol ^aiavioetsido pickup, V*8 enginv. oufoftiatin trantm jjiio n, power j steering. Long whe<j base F liitjid o Pickup, - engine, 4. tpeed tro n w w o ri. with fo^lpry «, lo ip eed.. W6B KAWASAK.. 170lfoll.B 3 lro il,b tp >peed. e i is t iy s u iu ijr - ;1 2 0 ltd ll- \97\ SUZUK. ^ SO 30ENDURO PEDERSENS- 269 Main Ava. E d it. 733-^519 n H B H i l x M A Q C V A U Y M a iila ratery aftolnai ltan«l>v NtU- w A N K f MANY, MANY OTHER GARS -ihj-sfrtrk TO r^hoo.«^f f r q m i Y o u r e e M o t o r C o. Jack CoK ; V1 Kelly Houk J>6* MaioAv#,,S(!Uth^.."Used-Car_Rpw". - _ > i l 1, ^ ^, d i e V E U l C l BlueLokes Wvd.N 733-3C r

22 - -» Tlm i>r^«wt;~twlnrjillirttffiha-~fi^ltiav.-aaarch-17r!^»t z a irtb tc flc H ic r f t r P t n r W r r r g T M i K l i, TfofoTKoTSiTi 10A] P O N T A C ^ O N N B V L L C. P o w w -rilw rln o. r-condlllonino, good rubber, n«w p«lnr> R ia l.c H» n. USO. 433 a m. a lu r d,d.r 1971 M E R C U R Y ColonU P*rk taiion wagon, low m llta g *, will d ta l on pickup, and lakt ovtr [laymeoli. Call 734J34i. ( VO LKSW AGEN C H E V Y M P A LA C.ntom i,()ortc.u,(,.- J S? V H Air r.nnrf Vinyl?np ^2695 ~ n j? 7 0.v0[l^6 W A G fm ~ ", / Pti-»rni r llin. Hnfln - - " s VOlKBWAOrrN VpAin tl.195 S3AS. 1PM O L D S, > 7,000 actu a l m llw, 1949 C A ^ A R O SS C H E V R O L G T, m ile s, w n rra n ly» n 1945 P O N T A C G T O cno in e, m na w h re ls, 4 snood.for -» fllo.- M n k o j)lffr..? J ^ a ir, h o a d o r i, w id e o v a i, perlect VOLUME SALES MEAN. BG ^ A V N G S ^ TRY U S! Bill-Wonkmaa ABBE U RG U EN f ODS-BUCK-. b p p L - :,. AmpricanM oloril M ain. Avo C O U G A R G T. C lean, ^elow bluo Uookf-M aoarm an- &fat* P lih - HnfchorV, 37 49i3. ; m! 1963 Q U C K C O N V E R t ld L E. D uckoi ftbati, po w ar tle e rln o / power brflktfi. excellent condition. O rand - new top. -fecently C A R S P C K U P S W AGO NS ) m o d a l! N tw *n tl u i» d H o ndaa P a r t s, a t r v l c *. O p *o * Sundaya: v P O N T A C S. n U C K S C H e V R O L E T S OLDSMOniLnS., M i l l e r s a l e s L^ C ) R i c e M O T O R S H a n w n...4j3s17» Coodino, tlkho- TrytV You% Likef!. A N EW 7 2 OOLD DDSTEiR R 7. M anuidclurerv tu go«iled (a la il ptico. F««iotil. lotol lo io t. dealer p(i?p^r(ilior and opliont eilro K y o u lik e things... < libod -voulljiko..rq aclingjho Warn Ads on n daily basis. R e g a rd le s s o f w h a t y o u r fo v o r ito p astirrio is, y o u r e s u re,to fin d so m e o f th e th in g s y o u n e e d t o e n jo y it ry io re.cdvertiso d fo r s o lo in. J h e. o lu m n t o f T he-t tm e sn e y s W a n t A d s. A n d if, like m bn.y o th e r s, y o u - h o v e tir e d o f y o u r inte re st qr p b b y, y o u fin d th e W o n t A d s a fo s tijo w - c o s vy<^t o le t ptk ers k n o w w h a t it is^ y o 1 j rio"lorrger~ rleecrrh 7slV - ^ h o n o - c a U b.7 3 ^ 9 i3 1 - o n d o fr ie n d ly.a d - ta k e r w ill b e " h b p p v to h e lp y o u w o r d your_ % CADU4AC-DEV4UE. Fuiin>~.i A,r Coiul J Shciip 1967 PONTAC TEMpES.1 V H, All ( Uo Tx t.i z z z z m ) ; : " 1966 VOLKSW AGEN tkclk Mp. WW l.r r, ^ ^ J B 9 5 _ PO t^tlac E M P E S T... ^ r, ( -A.iK. luir.s. ^ T^ 64 DOUGE PO lara - ;ij< M( l. V( -K a o Tr(i.n 1962 MERCURY METEOR V H j o.ii,.., koiim. Nr-. r,, Sli.iip ^ ? V O L K S W A G E N ^595 a b l u e l a k e s V O L K S W A G E N..._ K im b c flv - R d _... \ m :MARCHi^ SPECALS 1963 ruevnorrr- -.jl-jula-xti-ciiauu;. --omrmntir rrnn^nii^uan" 96ci1m p.\ia lie 1V69 loho i!lj p,.v>rr irr-r,.i,, VOVt-UWtJ W/OC 1(1 VKOM 1970 egwi) l!l V6VOL(lS SUv;^ ilci-rlny S^9?^ ^... PCKUPS ; tv51 <. htvwoll. yil " 1V57 ronn lrvur- 3 tkt ri,l,..i ViV OMC U ku(* ^ "! J e T r n r v R o it r p i r n i r < i if rii^rnmfnmrff~rt - ft " VO (l)k l) t li MC V ).-r.gine *ro»m 19/1) ( Ml V «O lfl ll m il TRUCKS 1919 lord? ii)i< < fohd 3 ion V H r ipeed tr(iiitnii^tii>n <ini1 Nl -----T970 ClinffOlTT? i.iv. 366 V fi 5 Vi.rril 2 v,n-. tool tpud brcl r -TRAVEL-TRALERS 19M litu lllw V L l HAUH 34 lo, (lit <<ili<lilion<riq, te ll cunlcm ic. S4195 BRiNGS-MAG C=^ALLEY THE EXPLORER SPECAL SPECAL LUXURY FEATURES, SPECAL EQUPMENT PACKAGES AT. ;. "SPECAL"M ON EY- SA V NQ PRCES. LOOK AT THS EQUP MENT!! G V W P a c k a a «, V G ungino. 4 speed tra n sm iiiio n, g o u g oi, oil bath a if c ic a n o f, p o u n d fo n jprin^ji, B ply ro fo d M irei, re a r step hi ch. ip o cia l in terio r frtm w ith air foam io o l, ^umpor Q yq rd i, bright drip m ouldings. $PECAL:EXPL0RERPAN TS ; (A ll p o ft o l E x p lo r e r p o e k a g e ^ A --) DURANCE TAN GRABBER BLUE LMESTONE GREEN ($48 ohtfo ior-deluhv tutonu^- 50 F-lOO EXPLORER For/a LimHed Time Only «. Deliverod u Twin Falls P ic k u p s n o w in s to c k ; m o re a r r iv in g d o ily. NEW PCKUPS N STOCK TQ CHOOSE FROM!! A StCOt^lDr CAR? S E E P N T O! PNTO 2 -Door. Sedan FOR A LMTED TME ONL Y.. - t o o k x irth o T fo a iu ro t 160Ucc 4 cy lin d e r engine, floor m ounted 4 sp6ed tran sm ission, 3 speed h e a te r, A -7 8 w h ite sid e w a ll tires, co lo r k e yed c a rp e t, b u m p e r g u q rd s, bodyside m ouldings, - *1997 D e liv e re d n T w in F a lls 6 n Stock T o.choose From But Hurry! 24 PNTOS N STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM! SEE THEM NOW-!: FORD ATTENTON FORD & CHEV. FOLK. M CARL RCHARDSON FROM b o n a n z a Mo t o r s AND SAY DODGE BULDS ABETTER PCKUP! --:i--our-gab-s-the;;roomest Y o u r first lo o k in s id e tells y o u th o t- r.fiu t w e h o v e the facts a n d fig u r e s to p ro v e it. Sjnce D o d g e is th e -only a ll- n e w p ic k u p this y e a r, its been designed bigger th an any 6t the others ^0URTNDEPENDENT FRONT-St)SPENS10N S - E ^ t U S V E ^ _ C e rtainly, there ore other -kinds of 1.F-.S.. hut. -oajy d o d o e Qickups h a v e n e w ly d e s ig n e d c o il s p r in g s u s p e n s io n a s s e m b lie s w ith a buiit-m fp o n t c o n tr o l s tr u t. O n e test d riv e w ill s h o w y o u w h a t a d iffe re n c e it- can m a k e.. OUR TO UGHNESSA A PROUD DODGE TRADTON. T o u g h n e s s is a r e p u t a t io n d o d g e h a s w j o y e d fo r m a n y, m a n y y e a rs, -~W b stih ^-hdve t w i T h ^ et n ot er~ w c o n ^ sttov. y 6 u h o w " i f ^ y o l T i r c o m e in a n d.see th e o n ly a ll- n e w p ic k u p o n th e r o o d fo r ,D O D G E. D e p e n ^ b n - t! R e a d this a d a rid ta k e ~ a d v a n to g e o (. fh ose g o o d buys O V E R 4 0 N e w P ic k u p s a n d tru c k i in sto c k!! D O D G E D-lOO S w iip tlin e A d vo m urer, V-B-ongm o. o utom otjo A pow oc-uecting^ d u a l m irro ri, w hite vide w a ll t ir e j. rear ite p bum per, hecivy duty spnngv Suggovtcd Retail Price $ ^ W T C H - T O - O O D G t- A T BO N AN ZA S PRCE. 0 ^ D O D G E D-lOO Sw cp tlm c A dventurer Sp ort, V 8 t-ngme <3ulomatic. heavy duty spring^, :reor ste 3 burripor, p o w e r >leerino. a fid b r a k e s w h ite iid e w a lls ^ ^ ij^ e ite d Retail Price $ S W T C H T O D O D G E AT S O A A O B O N A N Z A S P R C E ^.. ^.... O O O v 1972 D O D G E W ,Cuitom Sw optline 4 w heel d rive V-8, 4 ip e e d tro n im iiiio n, p o w e r itooring a n d b ro kes, h e avy d uty ip rin g s, re a r itep bum per, locking H ubi, and much more. Suggejted Retail Price $ S W TC H T O D O D G E AT-., ^ _ OONANZAS.PRCE p O D G E D -lo O C ustom S w e p tlin o, 3 1B V -8, 4 ip e o d, h e a v y d uty»pring», loaded with other eklros. Suggested Retail Price $ S W T C H T O D O D G E AT S Q O O B O N A N Z A S P R C E......^ Z Z 1972 D O D G E D-JOO custom S w e p llin e, V -8, outo m o lic. heavy d u ly springs, ppw ar.jteerlng, plus many.fnoro txtra>. SuQQcited Retail Pric» $ S W T C H T O D O D G E. AT " ^ S O O O O B O N A N Z A S P R C E O p O O -. f Youve Owned A Couple O f Other Brands, TH SYEA R, BUY DO DGE. -, - S^«u»fofAn/Xin{^ O i Cor GLEN JENKNS MOTOR CO. MaiaAyimufl vjohn Jankint Gian J«nl<in», B ill WORKMtli " T H B 5 A L E 5 A E A C R _ N :, M & G G -. V A U V. i l ]2,4 3 m E L A K E S B LV D. N O R T H O P E N T L i 7 P.M. ^Ph} OVE-RlANO-ByRtEY- PHONE

23 A(>tei For U\9 - S P R t s H y BONANZA! MOTORS.1968 (CAblLLAC. dopr. Jully quipped, pow*r -irtj-o»k<-bnbli»trifotrtind w ljfdow ir faclorv a ir. w p i y y«llow with block vinyl (op. v«/y dw* mll«aq«, (o r it im m acujar* in iid t o n d r out ond pricad lo it ll now for only.. *2799 black, vinyl.»op... p>"._!tll ond rt^ pirttcftbndnrorritiironi-w onrnjr ^ t ^ 1967 CHEVROLET 4 dooriedon. aicallent runner, would, moke e*cellont tecond cor,.power tteermq and.broket. raal^^iharp pr ^ CHEVROLET Tmpolo 4 d o b rlibtdlo p, power itear- mg and broket, ioctory oir. vinyl root ond priced lo tell cjuickly Below book feolly thorp and J 7. eicalleni thope. * FORD LTD. 4 door ledan. Blue wilh filack v"<yl lop. power itaering gnd brokat, la d o ry a i(. vary low mileoge, locolone owner, priced lo tell now HURRY HURRY! $ FORD C aia< i«r? door HardiO rrbrortte wilh BocT ytr»yt- 6p, -pawvr^wlrmg a fd btokoi. local fine owner tar. you mud tae to believe how thorp lh<i Qna taolly it priced to tell now ^ T ~ 1968 PONTAC C aalina 4 dooi tedon. power Hear ing and biaket <uiiuy. arid poced to t«ll ^ PONTAC Colalinp 4 door 9 potvengei tiation. wagon, locol leote ta r. low mileoye and fully equipped wilh loclory oir. power iteering and braket, and all ih i Ooodiet th /> po w iih~ iaiio n wo- ^ oni h ii wont lo ll long at ^ ^ ^ PONTAC Bonneville 4 door^ordlop, factory a power tteering a n rm & «>, locql or lop. vary low (hit iilaage, wilh reol good or lor only 1970 PLYMOUTH- FURY door tedon. Cutlom. aulo- m aiic. power tieenng ond brokai. faciory air, very b w mileage, aacat- leni rubber, a ll mow white rad interior Thit one iv really O,\horpial For only ^ ^ COMMERCAL * UNTS * 1968 DODGE D 100. long wide bo>, VB 318 an Qine, 4 tnead trtintmittion, rafll good Tybber heavy duly ip ring l, Ofeol -Comp«t i f j lo r«n ly VFORD 7 ton pickup, oulomolic, V-Q engine, two lone point, aite lle nl lirat. reol vhhrp. locol one owner, priced lo tail now <oronly... $ DODGE j_wilqo._4_whttl^ii«^3ifl.jiiqiilt^. ipaed tronim iition,.b ro nd l i f i i r v * fy ~ la ^ m :ia b g a, ocat b ria owtmt, w orronly la il. hit it d g vo t rvcraolional unit and priced to i«ll. ^ CHEVROLET-^ l/2-ion.pjckup..iconomv-iptdql-&_ cylirtdar ngin*. 4 ipaad.lrai>tmiitior>; Kcallan pickup (or oil oround ute. n CHEVROLET.. 1/3 ton pickup, long wide boi, V-B, avtomatic, powar MfirirtQ and - -brak«i,-(otlorwiilr, locahamtdwinr pkku i ond prkid to wit quickly ol. ^1795 BONANZA MOTORS - i n b u r L e y * 325 o v e rla n d 6 Z Autoi l^er S«l> ««Autos For S«lo u Aufoi i^or Sjit -u^u>ot For S«l» A 1969 DATSUN.4 door> : 1965 CHEV. 3 on cab & chaiiil THS loll ol (conomy a1 - t Z C V ;0. S-(p««d, } ip ft d lag " C n o A C o r*ol good buyl O p U.... n iu ifu a n,n linaihap a.. Z \ 5 A 0 BLL WORKMAN FORD FORD M AVERCK2 door, floorshih, 6 cylinder, radio VOLKSW AGEN BUG, lots of extras and in fino shape 1970 FALCON FUTLJRA 4 door, standord transmission.; 6 cylinder ,,. T 9 ^ 7 VENTURA 2 door hardtop, V-8, outomotic, /. poworsteenng.radlo^roatcl0?in~ FORD GALAXE 5002 door hardtop automatic;*powqr stbqring, radio, special <..,,.. >r, V-8, " automatic, power steorltr^, ond bfokot, radio, cleorl, v ^ $ Q ; t l : : ^ a HTXr U B rii)«y ^ - * t«ix h - i> ^ a u - r^m,ft,m m,-twin-vn n, im wiptr^ U A in iifo rjiu ^ w. J»mo l>ors*l. THNK THESEN doh& io ldeit i^lhcolp-mmf ury Dealet - G^9"66-MEReURY COM ET do6r itd a n, (!»< car m da in, 6 cylindtr «n- - gina, aulom^tic trantmi^fion.-tconomy plut. a ic tl-. Uni t i f i, tlenn inncu ond out i. * W as$7?5., CAll MEBRl MiUPE AFER HOURS door ho(( top, mahoqpny in color, wiih m glch. ir»q all vjny! iqurior/.vto «nc)int..outom olic, tfoni-.... TMiOf>;y claon.vfty.nic*. Was $1295. /....V 8 8 C^llMER«U.LSHUP AFTER HOURS. t 7,34 306V m e r c u r y- M arauder 3 d6or hgrdtop,,a vary partonobla»ton- d o rd ttta ip o rit car. isqular luol angloe. ip lit. toni taal witli (ontole. ) ownar^ p*w< cor, trade- in, yellow Qold, organ oil»inyl int«i.or, H t o raol ihorrin SAVE!.!.SAVE!! SAVE!! Cali oick dey after hours.. FORD W Ton Pickup, V-8, 4 speed; hitch, miriors/realclean -F-ORD V«Tonr-long-wid&-boxT T9^5<5r 4 speed, hitch, mirrprs,.heavy duty throughput >:i O B G 1969 BUCK. ^ W A C H E V R O L E mpolo CuUdm 3 d o o r,hardtop, tquipppd vyilh lodory oif-condilionino- 1^ , FORD^V^ Ton, long wicfe bo^~ B*8, automatic^ custom cob, radio, hi^ch, mirrors. FORD Ml Ton, long wide t^ox, 3 speed, 6 cylinder, clean., CHEVY Ton.Pickup, 4 spee d, 6 cylinder, hitch, gopd tires - CHEVV Vi Too, long wide box, - 4 speed, big 6, hitch; mirrors, exceptionally nice M any More Fine Units To - Chooser From!! FORD ^730 M630 M 070 n o 9 o.^ 6 50 lh e - S a / fi5.1 e a d & to J A e.a q g ic Vgl/ey Bill Workman FORD 1243 Blue lokesblvd. North Phono AC RES AND ACRES OF FREE PARKNG.WNTER HOURS: 8:00 A.W. to 7:00 P.M-. BOB REESE MOTOR - - e o N T i N U E - S r r r t ^ ^ ^ EXECUTVE CARS AND DEMONSTRATORS Eouifped wilh 4 t)>eed ronimittion. rear b ro kff, power braket, 225 cubic inch angin#, 4t -omp. oliernotor. froni ond rear ipnngt. intulotion pockoga. oil pretture gauge, blight ihort orm mirrort. monilone paini, ttwdded wheel d.tct. Slicker Price ANNfVERSAAY o e u v m o in twin falls Equipped with 4 ipead trflyiiminion, 4. H cylinder angina, blo^k woll tiret; clgoi lighter, low line trim. Oalivarad in Twin Fallt USED CARS * USED CARS 87 UNTS \ k -i> T O C K ALL MAKES AND-MODELS -^ W6-M0STAHG--- ^ V-B. faclofycilr. an ntvvr s a r v t c n n SPECAl... * COMET 4 doof cy lin d if. radto. ttondard tranim iuio n, good liiiii. ANHivtRSAfiv s. i h r SPEClAi... M97 ^ 7- "1958 PLYMOUTH -4 door wdan, V-B. outomotic. -ANNVeRSARY SPECAL M PLYMOUTH- Fury. l l "4 door tadon, ioclory c ANNVERSARY ^ 1968 DODGE Coronet, door tedon, V-B, powar tiaaring ond b ra ka i. automalic, vtnyl (op.. AtsiNVEaSARY EKSA Sp e c i a l FORD 1/2 ton pkkup, V-8, 4 ip e id rnnv. ANNVERSARY, # ^SPECAl,.,. <../ * 179 im PfRiAL : i s ^ l r 5 0 O " LOADED - Slicker Price $ DEMON...SAVE sticker Price $ p o l a r a.... save sticker Pftce $ NEW PORT... SAV E sticker Price ^ _ ::72 N EW YORKER:. S A V E" Sticker Price $6<»22.ffi7 *300 *900 Finest Service Dbpartrnent n The Northwest, Where we Guorajitorf^to Takfl Care of Your C ar After The Sale : Y O U C A N D EPEN D O N m M766 -EVERY NEW-ANO USED CAR SAE PRCED,^ ~ j n 1967 bodge _ J C H fty 5 -fioort.rioitryirp^iwir"; ofl4^doer-t»don,-v-8, -,tmrfno««d-br.k.rtoetory-aiv-- i,,scr^^^ a n d.b ra liii r 987-sTc,*t r - * 169^^! AFTER THE SALE W E DONT FORGET YOU.,., YOU CAN DEPEND ON W... - V 9 ^ 5 ^ B a i^ W ilh rnl 4 dnnr tpdnn, gn engine, <^u1ot«olic,lrnnim iuio i1. powa u»t nglti for Cl jccond cat; 1971 MERCURY Monleqo MX 3 door hrtrdton. ui blue y.nyl top. blue v.nyl OCtOol milil, vatylhing on tltit cnr iv uil n«w iniida ond out. $AVE!! SAVE!! SAVE!!. CAlLElVN QfiOWN.AHEB HOURS MPALA..4 {l9of_l}0fdl00.-y,«llow-.wilh white, lop,, dor^ ^efior, aconomical v a lyjine. autqtiinnc trqnimii lion, powat (laaring, uii a gooilliitle car Was$895...M 8 8 CAUEVN DROWN AFTEtt HOURS OLDS 88 7 door hotdlbp, btaulitui red with motching in. lie tran»mi«)>oir WosSYsso CA ll MERLN ASKEW AF!^) HOURS l^ G H R - Y :S t & «300 4 dcof hardlop. Of* a»tremaly prpuy auiomo 1/ iplil ron! laql. eictllent liret. unmotrad tteering, 2 l«-e«letior wilh graan»inyl top, graon fabric _ iniofior. tfuely o line oulomo\>ile Was $795...^488 w nctio o ; SAi^n C A ll lo U ls -S lm A N A F E H H W lfis, W a S 3 ) i y y O... l O O U. CALt JUlES HARRSON AflER HOURS Elecio 3? y e itro thorp intide and out, and ol cb-unr fsdd rd, vei-~t5w~iv< iirag artull~ p d w i fifid - oir conditioning,.beoutilul medium gold melollic. vyiih w hile, vinyl lop,.bocqd* moiching loieiior, with jp lil l«onl taol, brand new lirat. you muti *te thit lunurycor SAVE!! SAVE! SAVE!!. AFER HOURS CAU JACK WA^LTpN = M ERCURY--r Monioray 4 door tadon, breaie-voy windpw. 390 regular luel V -8 engine,.aut0(nglic_j20n)m iv\j9n. pony tteering, on eicellent oolomobile Was $ * CAU lafiry AROAUGH AFER HOURS _ 19iLMEBCURY_MONTEGO Slolion W agon, ihit one it loaded wilh every- iking. excallani whitawoll tiret. regular fuelv-q engine, autorrtatic rontmlktion. powar tiaaring, loclory oir conditioning, luggage rock, woll to ^ o ll carpel»g. todio, haalei, jutl like brand new. you mutl tee thii la appreciota if. THESEN PRCED.... S A V E -A LJF.B -H Q R SJ1A LU A CC W ALQ N ^ 1968 MERCURY Moniagn itation wogon, we told thit one brond new. mect\anlct of il are aicallent. lullono white outtide. while all vinyl inierioi, economical 303 V-B angina, ei<ellenl 14 in{h lirat, li t a good one Was $ M088 CAU MERLN ASKEW AFTER HOURS »l 1963 MERCURY ^ e le a it liltia economy ear it-a good one,.big 6 cyhndbf.angrnf, ayioftio!kjron«mlnlon.::rimi ond JoaiiuBickJintAiuifcJiohUot-yout-ion-at^dauohttf-.^ Was $595.^350 CALL KETH CRST AFTER HOURS -., FORD 389 V-8 e,noine. 2 :b g ir«l, «Was $ M CALL LOUS SLMAN AFTER HOURS i g a i c r ^ Wildcot, wliiia with baaulilul browp top, power 4l«e<mgrpo«m--{><>te«:V-Bengine.^KC^^t whrt«wq tire». NOW...^ C A ll M ERN A SK fw A F fr HOURS 53^-351 f 1965 MERCURY, Montete/^4 doo< breeiew oy, midrtighl blue witk white lop, V-O tnglnej^^loinolic ranim itvon. power.. n»db..o.nd_qu[._qa^ad_iifttt;_: -.wouldftiolie eicellanl firtt or.kecond cor.,wa5.$i J CAU lous SlMAN AfTCn HOURS AR M F R r ilr Y Monlef*y 4 d o o rte d o n, we told h ji car new. local one owner, and rodad back lor it, ond ift ab io lu N ly p O U cl. (u>ly loodid ^:ik"tq crb>y"olr conditioning, oulomolic tranim m ion. powar tiaanng, regular lual V-B engine, e^celleni whiiawoh iiret, lo w m iliaga.- ^ Was $ M680 CAU iules HARRSOH AFTER HOURS 7J M E R C U R Y Comal cuitom tporl coupe, tjmt liltla economy coi t utl like brand new. eacallent whitewall tirat, wall lo w all corpating. fully equipped with Lincoln Mer- curv life guard datign lolaty aquipmeni. b<g 6 cy linaar engine, 3 tpeed tynctironned lran\m iinon, radio, haoiar, you muti (a< itmt one W as$ M 850 C A U DCK OEY AFTER H O U R S FORD FARLANE 3 door hardlop. extra iharp. madrat blueouiiida, wilh white vinyl top, matching all vinyl interior, aa- -calleni whilewoll o ll V-0 engine, oulomolic korjimitiian, real tporly.feolihprp. real dean. - THHSERTlirCDT:.. $AA/E * - J CAU KCTH CRST AFTER HOURS,, MERCURY MOtviTEGO MX itafion wagon, th ii local one wonar. t equip- -enceluot 9ornillitfO * bfr, power ilaeri driv»-thii o Was $1795 ^1560 C AU K TH CRST AFTER HOURS,, DEMONSTRATOR SALE Stock ^G-33 The sexy European 1972 CAPR 2000 cc Engina, radio, one ul out owly-cqp>{-d«monilcalafti.^ ipeed traniminion, powar --- ;^ iic -b ta k ^ riid ia ijita i^ te e l-w h e e ls,.j8 alh 8 u h!d tja c^ u tka t-4 s o f^!s 1 h n c = irb R tilo tio iu. lyifomv powef dom * hood,cecor group.. Sfashed to... $2663 C all Julei H o rriib n...^...i.. : or Stock ^K MERCURY COMET CUSTOM^- thit bfloutllul limje yollow cuifom 4 door tiat a wliito top, toddle nylon interior, motctiingnylon carpeting, radio, he6ler,>*^added d aih, w hitew qiltirei, wheel.covert, back-up liqhti. and Wfl guprant^^you-tremetiaauroqilwiteo^^^ Slashed to ;...;......^ GollTArlii-Tro : ar ? _stock,k M MERCURY MARQUS S p o rtco u p e, beautiful white iinfih with white-vinyl tport roof, green nylon interior, green w all to w all carpeting, 439 V*B engine, power jteering, power-braket, automotlc trontmittion, electric c ock, fnder tkirtt, whitewall bleted iret, 6 way power teat«front. bumper guardt, radio, power tide mirror, tinted glattj power uundow and of courte whitper airconditioninp., Sale Almost C o ll Elvin Drown, :... M or MERCURY MONT^EGO MX Beouiiful tultono white, occented pi ireen metallic ^bof / thli.automo&ile t equipped with*ventleu die giatt, flo tfiru venlila lotion. tyitem, chrome rocker portel moulding, upper body paint tlrlpet, nylon carpeling, deluxe tound package; front ditc braket, plut automatic frantmittion, whitewall tiret, power teering, radto; deluxe wheel coveri, maket thit dn~awfu1l/ ha^diome automobile. -SAVCT»r-tCA5f-rHC-flltS^YMW:0H We)AT0N)....,,-r- T T,. *3260 Call Merlin A l W or JS V Stock ij(m MERCURY MARQUS _. 4 door tedon, beautiful light blue, blue nylon nterior,^ wall to woll corpeting, beautiful cor equipped with power tteering. power braket. 429 CD engine, outomotic.trontmittion, electric clock, rear f*n d «r tklrti, whitewall belledtvet, front bumper^ guardt. radio, - tinted gloit, remote trunk releote, and of.courte y/hitper air conditioning, practir. Over-$12QO., Coll Dove G ie tie n.... i Stocki/^ MERCURY.MONTEREY -.N O W or 7;j..-7B9B 2 door hardtop iport couptr. thii it the lervlce moi>ao*n pertonol demonttrplbr, practicolly _np mjl«pncj really bod^d, thit it probably one of tl^ bet» lervlced cart we>hove,.oil over white, with green nylop interioran^onf^etey«qu1pp«dr-

24 T r -f, - Charles Boynton is President o f; " ^ t l i e ^ S a i t r b a i n j T r a n B p o r t a t T i T r i ^..^Conrpciriy, whicli opei atestheyellow Cab teet in Sait Lake City.. J-e te he won t run his cabs. onanythingl)ut Chevron j^asoline with.f-aio:? r v. We fy^re pretty skeptical about F-310 and went yp. This hasiit happened with F-31J).... mi1psjinit!,jiistt,otakea1nnk.theenginewar better mileage. But we did.. so clean the mechanics coiililh t believe it. And t - We re getting betterj^ilea^e, " notonlj^rewegettingbetterperformance,/ btrt- Llie cabs at:usybiiilii.iij.t e ttme in th^ engmesi., - ^ shop. My records prove it.. - ^ T^^here s also been more consistency in ~ ^ e used to get about ioy.uut) miles,out - the mileage ot our carstmtleage used to of a taxi engine, now we should get 130,000. drop dramatically after we ran a few. That s not only good forjisjau-fifljetes-tisthousand^m-itesraffi^-ftm-rg^xqttsitmijtiunlt^kee^^ piumie. - r - T f c S lit - ib H r i n r A cleaner engine means cleaner air, and that s more. important to me than all the money F-310 is saving us. -When-yo.u-ve-gat-iv-hundred- taxicabs on the street, you ve got a responsibility to, not theueast-ofwhich"is~doi^fmtffair:share :ir i^ m a k i- n g - t h a f e - e 0 ^ m m u m t y - -a nice placetoberl-f-we didn t have good clean-running cabs, couldn t live \4ith myself nor my familv-either. - don t know how F-310 works,-and.ldqnit^particularly care. All know is thkt it works, and wouldn t rim my ca bs on ail vthing-eke:;=alu have to do is look at what it s done for us to betqnvinced that,:- _ M 4 o - b e jjs in g 4 t. t s fabulous.stuff. mp in Che vion gasolines-. :> R -v-ital- engi^ii^p ar t3 c le a T i~ e F Lany other additive in aily ffasoline we know of.! V


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