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1 TWN-FALLS COUNTTS SCRAP QUOTA TONS. 'Coccltd so far 1,966 tons tate BULLETN WLKES'BARKE. fmil. Jta. (UA ~ n «walh WUkn-lUm lout, ooe «f tb» krr lockli n lh«i(rik«of PeaiiS7t> TVilft't 15,000 kslbnelle mlnen. Toted UO («t:«tedar to ttism to work t«- Nine rrigated daho Cotmtlcs - VOL 25, NO. 237 TW N F A L L S. D A H O, M O N D A Y, JA K U A llv 18, 191S tmur or DurMd nr ClryiUtloo AoxliM 'ttn aid UalM Vrmt PRCE 6 CENTS EGHTH ARMY NEARS TRPOL British, Germans Trade Blows on Berlin and London Damage Heavy in Nazi Capital as RAF Hits Hard Bj- Til* AmociM r m j L O N D O N. Jan. 18 A slronp force o f R A F bombtrs liiiil hurc fires jicro?.s krlln in the renewed w n r of the aiiiitals 1a.sl iilch t. liu t sliffi'tkcrflcfense.s o f 'lh c G crm nn city look toll o f 22 planes compured with only oiu; th e previous iiiklit. l/om!on s anlhnircruft Runners meaiiwliilc threw nazi raiders into confusion liy (he fiercenes.-? o f th e ir barniro durinr two assftultn nst niwlit nnil r.irly today when the attack' ers 'lo s l 10 of perbnps GO plane; O^nr.an ffforl-v nt rrtillallon for iht mlcbty»iuck wliieli ipparenl- Jv rtuthl Berlin dffnufs nipjilns l>*lurtiiy nlsht»tr«rrlallvfly mlltl. london'.i cround tiins ihrtw «p a rurtmn of Mpfl and fire mort Umndertnji»nd powerful itmti inyihlng litoicjqiipr' f «r hetrtl belort. of u^lns to rime tli» bombers ««ay tmm Ulal objectives»ntl nio Uie p»th of nljhl fljhterj. the cunners aimed for bulbe>es cllrrcu.v Oft the alurjsliiit bomber?. The nlshi'i has brouflil 'lo more hsn ilif number of enemy aircraft dwjqved over BriUln since Uie atirt of the var. lle«ty Defente n ie bfcrrace.vliowtred Lniidon rx»now»itli jihell fracmtnw *e>tral pfr^om mere killed oundrd h.v, ijiflla ulilcti eiplwfo mlj- afier Mrtklng Uie cround. T»ie rirlne combined Wlh newsecrtl «nil aircraft deticrs lo make o spec' taeuur TVre *ir fn\ni«it wintunce<\, boo) ' rf»w.lte»n J iefenijrt oper»uart». "OerUn v m asaln a'.lacked br a s.tronb fore* of our hra\y bombtn Jatt r.lcht," the air mlnl^tr>- eocnmilnique Mtd. "A creal imd of bomta»a.i droppea anti, by the end of tat tiuck. Urse ftrw TTip bftmbers fler n brtjht moon- lthl m most of llie lioo-mlli TWind mp, but cjicountered nomi clouds o^ e^ the larstl area. Jn con' trail to the Uchl cpimrulon B.H' \irday ntgm. the atr mliibtrj' fsld tfterr «t it miny nimbats with enenvv fljhtcrs." One of these «rep.-'ned»)ioi down. Share n Tell Pwumably nail nlsht flthtc kj«l antl-bircrafi cuty Muml n t tou.of-tlie a bombers officially i., po.ied here ns lost, Tlii Ocnuan raao. n a brtadrasi recorded n lioadon. boeutwl thb fljurt by tmo. n atldluon to the new bomblnc ef Berlin, the RAP fenl fighters affaln.«t frelshl tmltu, barufj anil irurti?*r«tn5 lip Gennatw 1 Pnncr. HeUlum and Holland. Tli fpt*;-j lajted 13 hours. The air wlnlmry sold that of the netny-betnbers»hlch sttiic): at London few f' them penctralrd the oyier drfertw^" 'Bomh.'»Trt dropped at a iium- V r of jcacrun m ater Uuidon awl rpu1hea.m Fncitnil.' n rrpw^m'i^soow-damae* was done. «i*u» 1, CUi..' > FLASHES of LFE b r o h t e r l t KEW CUMBfpLANtfT Vnn Ja n. l»-prt. Max rejuiemiather of C iuw bia, Ptnn. wai asalp^ed to ambulance duty at the atm j trcrpuon center and orderrd w & to' t*tk \ip iini patlenu He wt no Ume in ttllln* Uie alck soldier, suffertns a minor UU Rta. to Uie tnflmarr. JV «* P 't Hari7 Peiut^f ; ateheiwhu brother. COLORFTl. C O Q tm ie, O rt. Jan The Rer. Charin M. Brown la the Methodlil paalor, althouth the Rev. O. iv.^or*y wbiututm ecra-^onajlj-. The r5jl»fop*jl»ni have ArchcJfacwi. U- White fllllnj ta un» U1 rvb. 1 when their new rector vrtm. He's the Rer. Robert L, Or«n. NO S&ST! DOfSE, da, Jan. S-Square- Jawed Master Set. Oeorte Yuhaa o! Oowra fleu, a heatr bomber cmner. *ir* U alm s hli nerrea- Sohe CTOchels. H el finished a dmjer tcarf ar.d U halfwajr through a t«d>.v;st«d. ---=RaU»er-pr*ily.-eh»« KTCOSD SAS'SAS c m *. Jan. t - Reniy Meade has b(«n a lawtcr 33 }'car>-^e'u plead hu tint cut caa sjnct 191T. next week. ReUWi rtctnllj as probate l>f» m ntm nc jwl^te pracuce. Before h li j-ears u Judje, he r w m m ty auiutcr. Heads Demos FRANK C. WALKER Frank Walker Nifiiied Leader Of Democrats CHCAGO. Jail. B (,!,-Poilmn.v ter Geiieriil KWtik C, Walker todaj 'chniriiian of Uie Demo r>ni»l commulw lo tiicccet EJaard J. Flynn, who rr.ilgnm t» become amba.vnclnr. n'lnliter plenl' potentlarj' and perronal reprejentu' live of President Roo.-cveli lo Auj. iralla. Walker, nlio hail berti expecled by polluca! oo-er\er» to»ucce«l FljTin. wa.i elpctrd wllhoul a du' senung vote, llh nomlnallon. ihi only one plarrd before ihe commit' by Culberl U Okon. for nior of Csllfomla.»lio dr. tlnml U»t \HHlPT V»ftlkri> fader ship "we can look forward lo the ls«'ballle wlih the reformation of 3rf lines Biid wlui ixpreremiloii from social TTit nomination was seoondrd by Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller of Pennsylvania who a.vienrd. -we're slvlnc the PreMdenl a stronjt right arm n rrank Walker." FYAfc-UL Me* Hale, commltleeman ff^jp n ^ n a. moved that Uie iionilnftu<^ / be closed. Before rellrlns from the 'thalrmanihlp. Fl.v»n lold commluee members lie believed t w a.^ Uielr counsel and infhiencc "tihlcli made pomlblb a contintianc# of our Uem*; ; ocrauc conirol in congre.is when' manj' of ws doubted that such con- Unuance of coiitiyl was p i^lblt.- 12 Die, 11 Hurt n Georgia Wind ATLANTA. On- Jan. : (LR) toll of at leiut'ls llve.t. and remitm n njurlts to more Uian 100 per* sons. trporl'i froin outlying eteas vealed Uxlay. Tliosc killed included a soldier at Port Denning. Oa.. four memben of a farm family new Orltfln. &lx Nt' crow n Pike connt>-, arid an unidentified Negro»t Cuthbert, Oa. Confers WASHNGTON. Jan. (,V>n. D. SffllUi. Jerome. da, ona of the (our membets of Uie ciieest wuon of the dairy ndustry co- -ojtcram rcdnnflnw snftrofnci' of price admlnutruuon. haa been herelfor several days for a group conference. BmlU> told R*p. Dteotshak. R, da., that the committee had been transferred to the food ad- mlnutntiod ot Uie departneni. (it asrleullure may scon eease to exbl 01 M L Y P O U N D S AP By The Aiwflaled Pres* Allied nlr forrca kepi i:p ilielr t*o-(livy b.-vtutltiit of the JBpnne.^< n Biirrai and their steady pound' ns of hf* nvnders ^hlnpln^i and in the. jolomons-ncw Guli area over Uie wrck-end while AmerlC\l.^ on GuiulnlCBmit braced for Hn expeclcd nra- ciiil.iujlil BKfilnsl thclr improved j)osltlon?. lliree nlr nttacka ukalnit Uie Aiiierlc.-vni on Guudnlcaniil, nniiouncrd by tjie navy, lii(llcat«l Unit tlic Japniire «crc prepurlng for nnollier iletermlnrcl nltrmpi, lio»- ccclly. to resiilii Uielr former po-.iuon» on auiidolcniml. Such efforu nlreiiily Have tuken r licivvy loll of enemy shipping, planes bik Kollow llejwated AtUckj ' ibkls. Ulc first muul-planr on Gunclitlcaiinl tlnce asi Noiember. followed repented allempf.i by Uie Japiuie.K lo rc new trooix-i and -lupplle.i B.'liore. llir navy rejwrtcil two day.i bro that UnilMl Slalcs plnuri iiuacked fliir group of five tjc.'iroyers luid nn- DolJi grouiw «erc diimuscd. iiit t w u not disclosed olieuier they. nccompllihed'* any landlnk^..maj, Grn. Mlllaril J- Hnrniot commander o f the anny air nnd crouncl foree^ in tlie south Puclllc. declared thut the.-.coix: uf allied of/ni.'>lve plan.-, extended far bejond GuBdftlcanal, fc iald t WM the aim of the airs to "iinhliigo the Japanfjc rom. TV.' Q\\lnra. lj\c Dl.^mtt^ck atchlpelnpo und thft Solomon slinda. United Suics bcmbvn again pounded Jnjwne.'.c.ihlpplng, porta and air bn.'c.s n the New Gulne.-i nne.ie merclmnfililps dluiiukwl n a Uireehour raid by KlylnK.TurUcj'-'e.^ on he harbor of Rabntil. New Urllaln, Gaiurday nl«hl. Raid Airdrome* Alrdromra ot Rabaul luid Mabbajif, supplies at Lac. dockj at.madang and Flnschafeii. nnil an enemy Unnjport near Admiralty isl.ind were otlicr bomber urgei-s. Tlie JajMiicse r-eni Si mcdliii boinbcra ami HO flshu-rs iiraln.it th allied bo.\e nt Milne bay in New Uiiliiea. bill u coniinunlque from allied hcadquiirier.s r.ild dam.ige wu unlmiiorlmt and there were no eaa- UAlUci... On Uie New Gulne.i land froni, alllefl forve.i cut Uic main road n the itst of Jupiner.c forces at Sanananda and killed 120 Japanese. Gen. Sir 'niomiis Dlamey, Auj- talian coinmniuler of allied ground iroops under Gen. Douglas Mnc- Arlhur,.'aid n n hrondcxsl lasl ir C U R y DROPS: OHREE BELOW winter's flnrers grlpiwl 111# lightest of. the 5CM01 n Twin Kalis Monday mornlnu, when the mcrcury dropped to Uiree degrees below rero on the olflclal Uiermomcter at Uia bureau ot enlomolocj". and plant QUaranUne- weather.ntauon. Tliat was the minimum for Uio period covered by the reading, llie temperature remained at Uirec below r^rro L 9 a. m. Wllh Uie swiftest de.-cent of Uie mercury nto sub-wro depuu Twin F a lls householdens encountered plcutj ot trouble tfo«\ ' pipes. Motorht.1 who hadnt been able to secure enough anll>freer«were caught nhort n many coses, and steaming mdlfttora were a comlon sight. tlnofflclal temperatures n rounding communities were reported even colder than n Tnln Folb. The Buhl and west end area report* ed nfonnal readings unywhere from five to 10 degrees below rero; one Hollister rancher e.samnied 13 to 15 below n Uie Salmon urea. Jrrome, Burley and Rupert all reported readings s-eu under»ero. Beten Twin Falls householders by earb' morning had colled Charles P. Larsen, water department superintendent, t«report pipes frozen aj a result ot Sunday night's drop. n most cases the freezing occurred between the meter and the house, which h left lo Uic waur consumer to thaw. ' l^rsen advised tliat residents allow* trickle of water U> flow from fa u c^ during Uto night while the cold ipell lasts, in order to avoid Tl'eeiliig afld 15i5Sn)o difmtir-no' plumbing. DESGNER DES ATLANTA. Jun. 18 </T>-Mr3. Ane Lee WUet. 70, of phllotjflphia, artist aikl deslst\«c o( sos\e o! moat wldely.knowd nemorlaj stained glass rtndovs n America, died lodojr.aftncumonli. Red Cross Train Bombed bynazis in Africa iilv vat war 'a: luual" by the naxii. U. K. and 'renrh MilJien niprcl llie rcinalna which»ai blasted/tuid burned by German bomberi ntunbla. Note the clearly vlsjbl«painted atop llic-^ar.ln forerrottnd. ic E O R G E O AS 010 AGE AD UOSE, Jan. 14 Mlnilen. R.. Cnnyon, today sugrested tliat a "compulsory nsiivftnce" law whldi would "provide an annuity for the Aged and ncedv rltlsenr." on n Mib- KUtule for the.-enlor citizens' gnint.s act. which he r.alil.^h ul(l be re pealed. n his oplnlnn. The nsumiica.a'stcm he pro' posed sliould lie drawn up after ml- Joumment ot the 37ih somoii of the leklslalure by Uie Jolni comniltlei appointed lo -iiucly the tenlnr clt' rens grnnt.i act, ik.mc. anil woult n n.ieti.se parallel nn a suite biusl the fedeml toclal ffcurliy net. Payroll DetlucUonj ould provide for tiayroll tieducuoas or similar contributions by :vcr7- per.wn "durliik hu working. enrs" to be held fnr rciu old age aji a i«>;w^l'>n. 'DeUlls would liii'e lo lie worked oul by the commlilee.' he s.ild. "but t.seem.h lo me Uie plan could o[>erati n some -Mieh innmier nvihr jires' ent tinemploymtiit co'ni )enr:\llon law now worts, "f Llilji legljlalurr (loe>n't.vt up r.ome permanent souiuon for Uie l>e!iilon problem'li'fl Rolng to be l>efore iw every twi> years from now 7jarp'l n an nlrr- JiL L irnore the problem nt\d expect here to stay." to dle-u's Methrfi Outlined tjndcf hu plan, which hr empha-. ^ d U still n Only tenlntlve form, matching of the employes' eonlrtbuiloiu by ndustry and the xlaie poralbly could be iounhl a.s one meuiod of providing an ncome. Some auch permanent program iu.\t be Mt up for Uie future, he belleve.s. and n adtlllloii BddlUonal action ought lo ix" i-iken before Ui eltrblature adjourn.^ lo ncren.-.e present public, n.v.l-'lanee grants n "an amoifftt necc.wir>' lo meet Uie lncrea.slng ccst«of living. and.to re.submlt Uie senior c1u:en,s' granu act to the volera bs a refrremlum which would "embody ways and means of rablng revenue necesearj-." SXA Telcpliolo)» lied CroM train lied 'roti lymbol House Measure Would Allow 4-Year USB HOSE, Jun. 18 (U'W oaitcllo's pcrenniii! pet bill, pte.itly modified, wn.s introduced in th e dalio bdusc-of roprc.seiilalivos today. The hill provide,^, in effect, that the state hoard of education may decide wlielhur the U niversity o f daho,. outhern branch. Hhall have four in-.steiml o f wo.year courrfc.i of dalio Fliers Help Destroy 2 Transports lly TJOmillN WANT \ UNTED STATES BOMBER CASE JN EASTERN NDA. Jan. Jfl (Delayed) i.v; Employing n new bombing technlt]ue. United Stftte,^ bomber* nlmost certainly destroyed Ewo-JapaneM-lranspotta louling tons far wuth of Rangoon yesterday n one of Uie moit siicce^tsful quick raids n this tlirater. Scvernl dahoans parucl pulrd. Reluming plluui reported they had left one 7,000-lon vessel overturned nnd had damaged anouier, Uiongh the tmn. 'porta dodged frantlcnlly n efforts to «cape bombing, ilnncn gnored nn e.ncorting conttntrale Uie merchant vc?jel.s and one bombas rnld to have scored six dl' hlln ()n Uie larger of Uie two. the crew of Uie plane were.lcut, Dewey Cinch. 25, Wallace., pilot; Sgt. Gerald Peck, M. Rockland. \da,,.sldeguiiner. ind Sgu Oordrtsm Grlms. 28, Boise, da,, engineer. \ nuscli. a former Oonraga unlrcrilty *ludeni.\ said he luw many nen iumplng'lnin Uie.sea after one of the (Jilp was su'uck. Tliey swarmed ever Uie sides tp bees around a li^ehlve." he declared.."and 'm ccrlflln scores drowned. Tlie Japs muit be short of fighters. Ki a matter ef fact, bombing Ls becoming monotonous becnuse we never have compeutors." f Russians Push Forward And They Don t Expect Nazis Baeii By EDDY OUMORr WTH THE RED AfLMY SOtmi. EAST OP ROSTOV. VA MOS COW. Jnn. S tr>-'nie young but alfong Ru.t«lao army fghung back K> fiercely «vd c«\twe«uy. driving the bejt of Uie German uoops before t. s an army tliat has learned much nnd. oddlj'. leamtd a lot from'lta enemy. At the moment all nlong ihu front the operauon 1* one of beau. tlfully-umed eiklrclemenu, There la no secret about Uie red imny UcUcs whkh have put Uie Qermans -TTioJlusilBns scout and, tlwt.hi*^ gin their mclrilinneht with fasttnovlng iihlta which nclude airplanes. air aledgea which can go more than 100 miles an hour, cavally and motoriad infantry. When artillery Ls needed to blast Uie Gerrnans from Uitlr posluons they have pvtrily el t and t s plenty big. T^irougl'i til iji whole drive here the artillery has been 1Uie real wckbone. Soviet mobile milt-s have achieved great skill n ciilung up the enemy s front. Tlielr tnnkji, on wlilch tommy-giinners ride, strike with great effect. Tlie Uu-'j.Un3 assert, U\il U«tc medium unk. called Uie 31. s the be.st medium Uuik n Uie world. Tliey nlso have aleda, tlie honedmwti variety, by the thousands. \Vhen Uie anow gets deep they are viuil lo baule operations. But 1 have yet lo see Uie GemiBns using any of Uiem. The commanders mpress one with their great. confidence n victory, ^ y all say HlUer won t coaie ^Tuil'Ctng-hgck.next sumroer. Every soldier iiid tilflter 1-talked «1th poesessed a deep, almoal relli- loua faith. n Premier Stalin s dlrec- Uon of the war. Tliey ia «him full credit for everj thlng. The fighters are finely equipped n clothes. Up here at Uie front we hare been lung well-far belter Uisn we eat n Moscow. Htiidy. Slncc the days of the old dalio TechnlciU iriitliuie. lorerunner ot Uie nouuu-rn branch, the-proposal lo JncreiLse the nsutuuon's cotirto of study from 1-ao to four years ha.s been oti L-.suo before tlie legislature. Carries 12 Namn Tlie bill introduced today carried tlte ni»mt',s of ]3 si«njor» Hcnd- ricks. Anderson nnd b'lwnson. all of Unniiock: Mny. R,. Poer; Nelson. R,. Franklin: Andcr'on. R,. UUighain: L<-onard;.on, R Clark: ^bert, D,. Tctoii: Aiidru,-.. O,. Bonneville; Miller. D,. Elmore; Brunt. D.. Bonneville, and Holm, R-. Jelferr^n. ' Tlie liou.se p.viicd four bills which would allow *hc suk board of educ.alloii lo.',.mc temporary teachljig permit.', to persons wtio.'e quallflcatloji:, nre below ccruflcatfon jtannllow parolo by Judgr* of :id offcndcrr.; amend the Lewis., city charter nnd provide foi pc».tlnk o< iiollcc of probate matlers. Cul» llolldaji Aho ifiiroriuced n OiPhcw:i bills wlilcli would clunlnnte Wa.'h- ngton'ii birthday, Caliunbus day Pioneer day, armliuce day and day: of general elccuon as. legal hollrelnle to lmltalloiis on bonk luid dcpasltor.s accounts, ant providing that track bujcrs of agrl cultural produce must make at ilemlred statement to the grower. ntroduced in the seiiat* was i bill which provided means tor parts and jwrlloiw of cemetery districts to withdraw from the dlsulct, Pai.'-ed tin;ininiou,uy n Uie senate as a bill which would allow ncrea-ie menibershln of a board of Ute of benevolent, social and Uroux R-isoctfttlons ftotn Uitee five. daho Air Soldier Chutes to Safety SHREVEPORT.'li., Jan. 11 (J>- Staff SKt. Rnymond L. Downing. 33. radlomnn-buniier. of Montpelier, da, paracliuted to safety along wlui four other members of a bomber crew Saturday night when the craft developctl motor trouble and crash* ed n fumea near Tehana. Tei. A slxtli member of Uie crew. Corp. Donald \V. Kauenbergcr. 22. Mt. Carroll, 111., wua killed w hen his patdchute failed to open. Tlie two-inotored plane was from Barksdale field, near Here- NO TOPEKA. Kan.. Jan, 18 ijpr- Tom Potter la Uie new no-m»n of Uie Kansaa etnte senate. Ke^s been *ergeant-ftt-*nn.s '30 year* but he's never aald no so often. Most eommon plea* he's nov re* fusing: - Rubber baixls. pleiue? Paper clips, pleaae? carbon paper, pleuef era^rr. please? MORGENTHAU ON VACATON WASHNOTON. Jan. J8 vr>-seercua>- MorstnUiaii. who his been 111 wlui a throat allmcnt Sot two weett. h*a gone to Havana, Cuba, lo rtcupcratc. British Reported Within 100 Miles OfKeyNaziBase SOVETS fian ON VE ERDNS AS H E A L L B A G K ly HENRY SHAPRO MOSCOW. Jiin. B (UTJ-Ru-'Jla ajinounred new guhis today on five major batuc froni.s niong the 550- mlle red army ofen.slve line between Voroneiii and the northern Caucasus. On the south Voronetli front, red rniy men were wluiln 110 mlle.i of Charkov; on Uie DoneU river front, they ruptured he rallroud Junction of Mlllerovo; n the Swllngrad area tanks. nfantry and cavalry were ripping nto Uie remnnnl^ of 22 Gerainn dlvl.ilons now numbering only about men:-oa Uto lowtr Don front Russlaru were wiuiits ts mil** f>f aik'-i-v Urr Catic.i us they were only SO inlles from Armavir, whenee a railroad leads Uiroujlj UiB Maikop oil fields to the Black sea. Take NaxJ Garrison Driving Uicad Uiroughout Ui# night.-louut of VoronrtJi, the Riuslwix took several new nhabited places, wiping out. almost the enure garrison of one lorufled town and capturing 1.US Germans including ft colonel n atortnlng aoother, the noon communlque said. On Uie Donets front, llie Russians look three populnted places n a single secuir. Tliey killed about, 1,000 Germans, tlie noon communique reported; knocke<l out- neveii tanks and 20 field guns nii<l captured 300 prisoner*, two t,inks, 20 field guns. "1 t^cka and two war supply dumps, U'pe Out Nesls n Uie Stallngrnd nreo, where Uie reilitance of the trapped Gennan army wa.i nenrlng-lts end., Uie Russlnns s >eilt the night wiping out addlllonnl 'iicsls ot German reslstnce Lsolated hi foruflcd villages. One unit, overwhelming a rcslst- (C*nllnii«4 <n riia >. C»1aan ) NO OECSON ON LOS ANGELES, Jan. 18 (-P>-Tlie jesllon of Jeopwdy arose today n mixiruint side Kitic to sti demand* for a mistrial of Uiree counts of statutory rape afalnst lovle actor Errol Plynn. Under the law,. defcndajit n Jeop.*irdy cannot. be tried again. t appeared tliat, f Uie stale s mouon for mistrial s granteo. 1i lid be nece.vmry for the praiecu' tlon to prove Uiat proccedtngs si fur have not placed tlie hero OL t^ittny A ronvantlc film svdvtsitvise n Jeopardy. Otherwise, he would automatlcilly go free, llie state asked for t ruling ot mistrial Prldaj. contending that two women Jurors had made prejudicial itatements. Jurors, at the time ot juestlonlng, are asked whether they anj' pre-concrlted-ncuoas, as defendant's guilt or innocence. The state alleges that the two Juror* had. before the trial, expressed Bucli views blit had denied during ques- Uonlng. having formed any opinions. Tlie Jury wa.^ excu.*ed as Superior Judge Leslie E. Still convened court. Defense Altomo' Jerrj Gelsler ralf«l the Lssue of Jeopaitfy n % formal nouce. of opposluon to the mistrial motion.which.he simply illeged has no basis n law. He con-,ended tliat the trial, having proceeded to Uie sute of tesumony- Uklng, had pul hui client n.jeopardy. Swiss, Nazis End Trade Pact_Tak 3lN. SwltMTland. Jan. 18 C A R O, Ja n. 18 (/P) The Hritish eighth arm y, Rwceping ncro.s.s L ib y a a fte r crnckinc Field M arshal R om m ers defen.hos a t B u e ra t cl Hnun, wa.*! reported w ithin 100 milch of -Tri ioli-loda> ~jn-n-thruht_appareiitly de.sitrncd to by-pahst M i.surata an d other poinl.s aloiiff the A frican coiwt. Sofnc pri.honer.h were taken. A co m niunitjiic from (t;n. Sir Bernard L. M onlb om cry R headfiuarlcra 'announcing th a t the vanguard of the Briti.sh oikhth arm y had rcitched the vicinity of Beni U lid indicated th at hi.s forcc.s were takiiifr a.strai>?hl line acros.i the Tripolitanian "h u m p in on e ffo rt to «et to Tripoli by the shortest possible route. Oeni Ulld U approximately 100 miles from U>e neiireit point on Uie coast and approximately the uinie distance from TrliMll. Montgomery s announcement said h'al lls forces were n contact wlui the enemy last evening in the area between Deni UUd and the coftstal villages of Tauorga and Blr Dufan after advancing more than 80 miles. Lone luiue Prent liie British communlque ndlcatfd that Uie Libyan batuefront was more Uian 70 miles long, stretching from the area of Tauorgfl. 22 miles Muth of Mlsurata. and Blr Oul&n. eight miles faruier south on the coa-slal road, to Beni Ulld. i?hlch U on a road letidlng acrweountry ^ ^inl ^ and Bir & fs Tjre coii'-*'' neeted by a desert tnxckl The advance meant tliat Mont- gonier7'< elghui army had crossed wadi Sofeggm. the lost of thtte gulclies n whieli it was thought Rommel might attempt b stand. BrlUsh obserrtri said Monlcomery was tiring hard to bring Rommel to batue, bill that the wily Oerms» commnhder wu dotns M l>cst to avoid a major, engagement by fghung amau-ncare dewying- «e- Uons by day and reurauns night. Avoid Rugged Country. By cutung across Uie desert and by-p.-issliiff.ntlsumla. Montsomerj-'a forces would avoid some rugkcd counto- along Uie coast which Rommel would have found favorable Xor defense. Howcier. f Uie British should at the same time contlmie Uielr drive nlong Uie cowtal road; Uiey rooit would be in country under cuuvauon and wlui plenuful water alt the way lo Tripoli. Allied bombers, meanwhile, continued their nmault on Rommel s bn.se of supplies with two attacks on Tripoli yesterday. "TTie allied air forcea pre.wed home a contlnuoai offensive over the battle area and our flghter-bombera and fighters found many good tnrgels on enemy raniports wluidmwing to Uie west." ihe bulleun said. "Considerable damage ^wos inflicted." Allied airmen also attacked two ene.tiy vessels off Uie Tunisian coast line and bla.«ed the airdrome on Lampedusa sland, the communique said..ouier atueks were made on the coastal rofld east of Tripoli between Zllten and Mburata and on the highway leading westward lo tlia Cantlnit<.*n P>tt i. CtlBsn T) S A N E O R BLASS AT NAZS ALUE3> HEADQUARTERS N NORTH AFRCA. Jan. 18 United SUtes llghleta and bombers pressed theu- ttrtal onslaught against German land nnd air communicauons today while repeacm showers kept ground operallom at a virtual ilandtull. Lockheed UghUiing P*38s Uiot down a pair of Junker* 62 transporta reluming lo Sicily from Tunisia yesterday and a Junkers 88 bomber which was headuig for Tunisia. U was announced. At Uie same Ume D-25 light bomby Mitchells, liammered Uie railroad Junc- Uon at Gralba, 30. miles southwest of Sfox, with on escort of P-383. Bomb* were seen to hit the target. A dust storm hindered further obten-auon of the results. nie RAP said light BUley boinl>-.rs machine-gunned and bombed German transports-morlng itfppuca and troops from foru at Sfax and.. TunU lowsnl the battle Jront 8at», -NegotlaUona wrwmi Cfftnerlaoj ind Germany for i new txad# treair ned today without an (ireement anc r(tnro.^r after several months' ot dlsciu*. T b a P ^ iw ip t out over tbsu tdr i lot.5, tmannatodktrvutftutfmjua^ \ Future economic cxcbangta irlu k»rt.-n» tranipatilttta bett iwpi! on the basu of individual trant'- nr la lappiy u» loku Of fle n.. icuonj. WalUier UinrtnK. -. -

2 Pagc-Xivo - - ROOSEVELT ASKED TO m TERVElSrE M GOAL MES[E DSPU TE j jrimes-news, TWN FALLS, DAHO Jlondw. M S One Belle, and AU s Well O B F O W L B Br-SnittEU, lullman WASinUQTON. 3%a. M Th9 l»bor bonki loitv wked Wttidtnt RcostvtU lo ln«r.-ene n jo-diy.4irue o. Pc..m>'lV«aU h irf coal tnltwra.,... board Mktd Ui«PreJldent lo demand tliu Uio work mrrtmuwly- quttt. df»»(d «t» bricx BPislon.»M Uken lo the OJoiue ttili fcllemoon by»lx WLB *W e'wu3 dfcldtd U) ftik, nrwiitniiu er» votfd»t»c«lt?nd mfcunrs lo Tf J«cl ft WLD pleii WUen Uie FrcilJenl will acl b ccruln. Hoard tnmbcr. tlmt ir VWliWltouse u[h>fnl to iho mtn lo ruume producuoi) ot vliully needed *iithr*ciu U snortd. the onnj m»r Uke over ihc mln». NhDwdown Afiloii WLB piilj^c JT>rm\>fT Ways\f 1-. MQr^f wld lie cowlclcrco llie illua- llon tt btweeti Uie Bovtrnmrni and the miner* «Wch. U tvol telued now. uoiild lead to pro- loneril wrniibllni: ««d mjich m o ^ icriouj (llfficultlcs when Die UMW eontrwt eiplres April 30. "Tlie vote ot Uie anlliraelte min- fr-1 to contliitic on firlkr," hr ^nlrt. "will be eiilliujlai.llcall>' rcfclvca n Derllii. Ko'i'e Tokyo. U v,-j» be 'o shock lo Uie people ot lliu country. " bcllf'c tlliil»ie ioy nc- llott bni'gi to Uve m:» auould be atrcmcd to me strlklnij mmrr.j. Union Presldfiit Jolm L, L«^ls retiped lo miue any»m<cme»l oiler SierdaV '.v o tlns.l^tm day how^ cvrr, hf told Uir (iirikfr* lo cut out JUi fool^hneu" nnd rclurn to work, wuliout Oflny. / llli Ctiolre ' ninl Xht Mrlic'n twuuiviasitt's-& dlrkt-clialltnse lo UwU' Under- t-iky. prtjldmil o/ a local UMW chao«r at T«n#qua, Pa.,»ftla. i d rallier work under the soldiers Uinn under Jolin U Le» lj.' ^ nie mlnenr<lffied U'e board de- '»piw a lom n ftnmiraclia production. Solid Fuel* Coordinator Harold U lekfs said Uiat jinuiracllo produc- Uoii lor tlie ft'cek cntlliib Jan. B -k m only 880,tW tons-h50,000 low evi lhan mlsln bnve bttu proisvkc^ W Uir entire ndustry had been moln- Ulned OR ft. tlx'day KMk bwls. Demand lelbm nia»irlker«contend th*t neluier the WLB nor iheir nkrnallonftj union hm taken clew lo fllmlnntc A 50-cent4-a-monUi ncrease n union dues, which preclpltaied thn walkouts. WLB Chairman wminni H. Davis jiformed Uiem Friday at «i emtrjency pub\le iitttrtng hifv the board coujd not consider Uiclr gritvanees which» l» nclud* t. de- macd for a (lal (3 a day vase n- «em«-uciul they return lo work, ii* nromlsed. howffver, Utat f they were uaatila to sblue the dupul«by'.means of the usual jriei'^cfl mtt- 'chlnery. flib \VLB frould uca* up Uj# w e "on ts merju." At the same Ume, Lewis told the striker* thal they must pay t l«jo minimum monuily dues in order lo remain merobmcl Vh«VMw. lie *ajd lie ijmpathlied with their demands for «a8«twrease* «wl promised lo ask for sub.itanllal nay rabcj when preaeut UMW con- traeu wlih anthraclle operators expire oa Apai 30. hevlrfhiey'd ro^l *ikr lo 'Uatid waleh" w lth ^ n d loaks 'lke job* luvld E1.7ind m Stone are ab«t to mbdoet her.for serrlct with (he fieri. Twin Falls News in Brief.'tfeet (ichfdulnl A joint'nieelliib ocwc D. A.. and A. O chamits of ifie P. & O. BU- rrliood will»«hrld ai 8 p. m. Tiie.v dny (\t Uio rrekljytfrtan cliurch pir- bra lo etleijralp loiaidpr's day. AH unaffulnletl *. E. Os were nvllea lo tklltnd. Former RcUdenl X'tiiU Mr. tind'mrj. urm R- Lawiiby and nfant non are vtsllljig liere prior to departure. for ilie west comt. ' The former re.ildenu rll Tn-ln Foils n J039 and their son bont n he east M montlu ago. Lfjlon «'lll Meet Monlhiy mtetlnb of ihe.tkln Faus American LcHlon posl'wlll b«held vhe Leslnn h»u ti. 6 p. m. Wtd- ntsdaf. Jan, 20, accordlnif jlo an- nounccwent by-harry Tnylft Po«commander. Arrani;ementa ifm b«made for a past commanders' banquet to be lieki n Febrvarj-. and all pa.1t commanders are urged t ^ i - lend the meetlns Wednesday. Taylor anld. Other important buslneis will be considered. The H ospital EmertfDcy beds only were btm- able at the Twin Palls county 8«>* eral ho«plt«] Monday. AOMTED Mr*. Albert Rue. UVem Smith. Mrs. Juel Huahej, O. E. Clark. Mra. 3. A. Crom. Baby Kemielh-SlanReT and R a ^ Moore lol of Ta-ln Falla; John Benntll. Filer; Kenneth D w. Hansen: Jack Goeruen. Eden, wid Mr». Gordon Merrill, Buhl. DSMSSED Mr». P. C. Gay. Mrs. Woodrow LlrlnBslon and daughter. Melvin SmlUi. Gary Kay. Mr*. John Schaus. Delvln Gardiner. Mr*. H. O. Thomp- aon And dau(hl«r, Mr*. William WUcoc tod aon. Joe lamphier, Mra. O. D. Col6 and daughter. Mr*. _ C. KuyltrodaSl..Urs. Earl Bruutr and daushter, Mra. Robert Preston and dauehter fcnd Ur*. O. R. *Pobln Mid iwn, all of Twin Falls; R. J. O-- HoJlisler; Mrs. D. R- M c l^. Mra -Jamea Pled wid d*u*ht*r.... of Muruuih; Norman jerd*n, Buh(: Harold Hunur, Flier, and Mra. Harry Wilson,.Jerome. W EATHER Twin Falls and Tfeinlly Coo- Unaed law teaperatv«tediy and tonlfhl Ul h jesjwday :7. low 9. Low hb»mn5nr -J. ' ' V41. Win. rnc. A1l.oq«ns ;j ;«AiUnU ' «S-»* Co. 6 MetU negular drill of Co. S, daho 'ol. uiileer reserres. will be held nt *;3C p. m. today at the cky Knrnk;r l>emonstrallon of first aid U on ihi projram. i l l E D H P O D N K H K JV.W intk _ Si! Keep the W hite Flag 0/ Safetv Flulno Sow stx days w Ufiout a <ra//io aeatn m otir JUaffic VoUey. Papuan peninsula of New Qlnea had be<n "praeileauy eliminated" as ell n-1ilefeale<l. United Stales aiid Brltl.-'h filers scored anew in Uielr blows from Wfsi against the Japanese in Burma. > a e n. Joseph W. Stllaell s hrsd- Quarlem n Chunnklng said Bhsmo, Kdvnneed Japenwe ba.io Dur-...had been practically ruined by heavy bombing and.itmtlne- P-W Warhawks, outnumbered hree lo ont. v t :t tajd lo h»\t btfcl- en off * liirje, fore# of Japanese plm\?s which tillficked ftn American ntr base n wesfem Chinn, t'our leros were bled m shot dow^l, four ouiers. probably.ihot down, and n Japanese bomber was believed destroyed. Only one of the P-4Cs wa.-i lost. From ndia Uie" RAF made lliree aluck-i on Japwiese positions near luihedauug. in Uio area wlirrn nrltuh forces hove pujlied to about 25 milts from U«port of Miyab.w the west coa.''i of BumiaV Two rl«r steamer* also were dawaced. The attacks followed a fialurday night raid on Uie Japanese airdrome at Toungoo. The JopanfM made two taclui on the Chittagong section of ea.*iiem ndia.,some casualtlej and damage were caused. DiSNTFED Tlie pct-l\vlng woman who twice ped/iled hcrmeavlly wided bicycle over Uie conunenlal divider beloro reachlns here last Thursday has bttn dcnulieil by M n. Noel a. Diilty. nbo 8 * «Uie tlnemui cy. cllil iv n meals and lodjtns FtWaj nlghl.-^ Mrs. Bailey said the woman gave her name as Miss Alice Thompson, and her age as 54 year*. The fact, that ML-J Tliomiuon went only- os Jar as the Bailey mnch. someuilng over llure milts west ot Tain Falls, after lenving here at noon. ndicates Uial bicycle riding was uphill business against the stu wind th*t blew Ui»t day. The woman had supper wlui Uie nailer's, spent, U «nlphl n ths nuicli bunkhouse, and had breakfast Saturday morning. She left early Saturday* indlcaung * prtfertnc# (or * v sr Job on the coast to an opportunity for employiaent as do- nieatic help. Which Mis.-Balley obtained Xor her. Ml**-Thomcoon arrived n Twin Falls Thursday Bltemoon. and aroilied Uie niem t of Mr^. Dan Powell. Wapsn W h «l tourist, camp.' by Jier fondness for three cats *h«her blcj'cle. ToHreman into Army E.' "Pele Roinitrr^. forrjier member ol he Twin F-.ilb' dcparlnicni. _Jefi Sunday li AMonlo. Tri.. auet wivlns luc arm}' air /orcc. Scltcled for Training Word lim l>fe» received l>y J*!r. and Mrs. J. H. TooUunun iroiii ilicir MH, Staff Bfil. Davis Toollim.iu. wmewhere in AustrrUia. that he h.\a been selected for officer's iraiiiini;. Sludle* Mechanle* Pvl^ Rnymonil L. Lowrr. -'oii of Lyia Lower, route tl«ee. Twin { 'all-;, has begun an nietisko cour.^c of -Hudy n avjauon medjanlm ai the Amarillo urmy air field. Amarillo. ite*. NpeeUlUt Study Cnarlcs T., Orlflard. :o.»on ot Mrt. Groce Orlffard. 331 T^lrd avenue easl, li now nl Uie naval training school for diesel operaton, li Cited on U\e cwnpus ot lo se. S ^te rojvse. w^bies. Jo. Her* on Leara Teclv. Set. Ray And<tf*n,?ta- Uonsd ol Dulclj Harbor. Ala.ika, is furlough to visit hli moth C O U R O P O S * c o N m t i WASBKOTON. Jaii.- (UB The suprrme court today upheld Uie conrlction of Uie AmeHcan M«l- le*l aisoclalloa lor m lhirii of trade in connecuui with KsSnght agalmt Group Hea!ih. tae.. a Wash- nglon medical ctmarraute orjaal*- ed by fo^emaent tapiojt*. The roiinff was unanimous, txcrpc thiv JvisUcra FrwRk M«T>hJ i n i Robert H. Jackson did not pwtjd-,pate. presumably because the lult :was n pro»rt»s while they w «sereins as aitomera general..ais- ' llcf' Owen J. Roberts wrole the decision. Thr rullne affirmed a defluon by Uir tourt of appeab for Uie DLi- irict of Columbia which held the pr»curc of medlcme wi "trade- wluiln the meanmi o! Uie anll'lrust law. and sustained fines ot U.SOO anslivm Uie.\MA and lioo agaliist the Dlitnct or Co. lumblw Mertleal socktr. loem at- filale of the A.MA. Roberto. bowtvtr. said U\«high court wax not deciding whether a physician s uracuce of'hl* PtofM- Sion ' ctsnjiltuies trade under the Shrrman act. He said the decision was ba.ied the llndlng Uial group health ^ operating n the.'pliert of business, even though t w u a cooperaure. and lhal there was a eonipiracy lo restrain and obstruct this buitaess. Bread-Slicing Simple: Just FoUow Rules f you hold the loaf of bjrad eorrecuy and if you do.^'l ptto too hard on the knl'e you'll do all right under the Utes. changt n living decreed by war nects- «it>\ That wa* Uie advice or one baker as the new govemmeni order.against pre-sllced bread became effective in Magic Vaiiey as in the nauoa as a whole. tzia- nauon of pre-sliclng is ntended a.1 one ot the WPB economic* tiy which'makers will hou b.-ewd prices at prejeiji levels. A few hints for thf householder who mav noi imve done ruj bresd slicing for ycar>; P il the loaf orv lu side ssont it.\nd it up in natural po.\l; U^e a gentle knife mo^lo.^." hu'. back and fortli. Keep your eje on (. le li\(fe den t.^ure aroiincl ilie kuchen. See that your knue U i^a.^ Simple, Un-t Jt? But Awfttfa M n whole ha.'inx tjcr.e t fo.- yfar^ to laic 5'. carelull.v at lirj'- Hender^on. and Missing: Those State Stickers The much-promised wlndihltld illckcrs which are to replace melal (Cjiei lo.'how'that moia'lsu ha«e ^ lid Uielr»ulo.-nobtle Ueetv.'e fee not arrived, as sched'jlrd. al office of Counly A.wes40f G«5Vi;e Chi.ils up lo noon. Ml'J Flora Dlcrker. the deputy. e»or who s n charce of the loilicp while A.VC.VMW ChlVls s tidin g the daho assessors m ns Ul Rol-e V.'.is week, said she ^rs to clcs-.e the office li»:f a liflv when Uie sucktrs arrive. "We ha\e v.ued about W tempo- rarr hceiw.v-.«he said, "and well need time to get Uieisc strwighvned when ihr slickers arrive. \ihlnk do thit n about a hsif day's Baptist Speakers RED CROSS K i G l O f t P A l P Red Cross' offlcula freea~6c6* will' be Uie pnacipal s p e iim ai a rrgtofvaj coofertoce of the Amedcaa a r t Crc«to b* htks h«t* Wedati-' day aceonun* to annouaeraent by Utv 4. J. tr- T «ia Falls chapter puhuclty chalnaan. The chief oblicl of Use eocltreoce U ' ducussioo of ncthodi of cainpal^* n* ta w ruad d r i ^ DeJetates freo nto* chapter* wu r*gulec at Uj* Y. W. C. A. n w «a i» :» a. ifi- and Uj» roc«ilai sw- attj will be held at Uie T." Chapter chairmen, wwr fund chairmen and ouier* art eirpccled to altenj twm. Blaine. Camas. Ooodtn*. Jerome Lincoln. Cassl* and Mtsldoka touiily c.*iapiers. and froen the BaW Hid Twin rails tiuipters. The-morTtig session will b«opened by POrreat Stewart. Bolst. daho kiate represer.tauv«of the Amertcaa ned Cioaa. Mn. JuHa 6»lt. cross field director at Gowra Held, will speak on 'Soidler Serrtc«. and WUloo Peck. Ueasurrr of the Twa Fall* ch*per, ai)o will talk. There will be a lunchecn at 1 p. 1 at the Park hotel, and the speak- r Uiere wi;l be the chattnaa chcojy _t the Twin PaEs chapter's *nnu*l dectiai. The luncheon ts open to anyone inierrsted la Red CroRs work, ovl TTMrtalitsns were lo tie aiaiie»t ned Cn»s he*di;aarle.'» by TUes- dar mortilns. Ths afiernood sea.%ion will be hem t the Part hotel. The pnnelpal speaker on this»«sloa will be V. H. Kimbrough. B o ^. daho Held dl- rrctor for the American Red Crosi. and assistant to Stewart. Seen Today ro K a»-4ic«3 ia*ws 03 CT * eery aio.-» abeu as c r * wwr crter talta etlkt... Baitief ah iw iae & a»p:i* hewty latktt, w be ti«3 Vs t tt trcata watef pipe* to tva treat althca&h h* kept atowa bunusc.sn t&e adso au nlfht)... C e r (^ Orar abic V> c b u c ^. as h t teus el tis pe«0daj wt»tt wiih fiw ra pipes... P v t Wli- with cc«thee strtag locm... Soldier aad g «tiyta* to keep «v n co M i2a atcstw U U :» ft. ts.....\bd Cc:ia MocT' i=aa whspens* anatbtjr to ts* ^crry binl'* ea her tsek. 8 H M NEARS KEY ENEMY BASE fr^ ri*«o^t TUnisan pen os K as. CosisJder- ah> liarftao was totjcted & these BUZE OESROYS ReT. G. Merrill Lea#*, top. rsder» the Baptist e«nroe»ll»n ran t«appear hetw Toe*day. Rrr. l«b«s ts * grwdwat* «{ the Celgat^Boehe*ter Divinity achool. wfttrt b«waa a ieli*olmau nct. Herman C. RJee. pa»k»r of the T «ia FaUs Baptist ehurcb. Rev. Eric Frjkenberg. below, an- tber member ef the team, was a nltajsnarr ts lodu from 1K9 unu Utl yr«r. when Ua fwrloagh was bsiteoed by war.- visited famllle.^ Got«ts Bolu Ensign Robert t«fright brle/ly-ln Twin FiUU en j^u.. Bolje. He has been vlslunp hi' father at nuperl while ftwnulns llnm word M to his ilvlffnmcnt for hu,naval indoeljlnmlon coune. GoM W U Meet Afterntion guild of Uie A.'censlon EpL\topal chuscjv will nvetl»lui Mri. D. P. Alvofd. 138 SUU» avrnue notui. ttt. ;3tl p. lu. Tlmrsday. A prayer book quii will be conducted by Mrs. E. LejUe Rolls and.\fn. \V. P. Frost will b«aisisunt hostess';^ BlrCi* ' Tij Afr. and Sirs. J. M. SJur.-.on. a in; lo Mr. and Mrs. John Brecken- rldge. a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Neal OtWliani. w son, and lb Mr. 'and.mra. Albert Rus, a daughter, all iot TwSh Falls and *11 bom Jan. 14 at the Twin Pali* county hospital ra#temlty iwme. Pulp Hauler* Varoed H. w. Brick" Zlmmtrman,»Ul«pollcrman. has Luued a warning to drivers of truck* hauling beet pulp to t» ture helr load b properl}- confined. Zimmerman sold ther«had been quite a few complaints of odorous beet pulp j-lng alona slrttis and roads. Two nl9 Nary T«-o more Tain Fnlis youths hate been processed hiio the navy through UiB county selectfvb scrrjce boird No. i; DeporUng for Boise to b«sworn nto Uie sea-going armed forces were Robert Let Band}*, 501 Feurih avraue w ul,» son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bandy, roulo two. Filer, and MelTcm Wojtner Hulbert. K>n of Mr. and Mrs. Vtm E. Hul- bert. former Twin Fulls residents now living n Boise. BoUi art 15 years old. MotorUiJ i.^ii 19U Firemen Answer Pair of Alarms n Frigid Wave Tt-.* T».ln Pwlls flt< departff-etit Sunday nljhi answered two calls n tero weauier. bi.'uc believed to hs\e ilsrted from a ^ho:t-rirc.:lt l:i electric «lr- 1»S bunml t.- wa.v up one wijl ot Siioab.iir.% shpp and nto the celling before it waji extinguished. Tiere was no flrt department esu- uie eit the loss txit tl.-emen said anslder#b> damage wiu done by cth!l^mt^ ar.d water.,tit alaim w tiiniwl in at. 8:30 p. m. Ttie sreond alaon cam<» i i». hour after U;e first, whfn spark* from a chlmr.ey brought the depart- mml lo t.*ie home of Mrs. Edna Becltwiih. i l l Blue L«kes boulerard. Firrmrn sold l.'-.e sparks cam# frcsa sool n U;e chi.-nney. and they pl»j-kl a strtoiti of water on tho roof 10 prevent t frota eatchtag lire- Principal Directs March of Dimes n i ^ Jan. 1B-Em*sl TtagUnd. prlnrt^ial of t,*ie Fllrr grade sc.*iools. has takrn cli.'^e o! premoutai cl the "march of dimes" n all achool roosts 15 viirt of tl-.e FV.er polls caaipalgn. accordi.-.g to aanounce- meni by Mrs. o. C. 0 *tis, FUer chairman. The nier Women's club b acun^ ly cooperating in the caapaun. aad will establish "wiihlcg weils" ' downtoi»-n.mores. The wwnen al'o have charge of pe.-sosal joilci- tatlon oj tcainbuuorm to the counly * polio fund. ii-s. Dans *aid.» S GAN ON V E T R O M mwny Jorc«. killed more than...,j Germans, took MO prlsoneri ar.i tapturtd 50 alr^iur.es. SS tinks..91 field cutis, l i ^ bi.tetled mor- tirs. 93 ruchsne gxms. more than l.oco tommy guw. and nftei. JO.OOd artillery ihells ajid 21 r^dio trjui*- mlf-ers. the communique jald. along with ouier cqtiipsik tl Several nhabited places and two railroad stauoas were taken during t^ie ntfh t on the oort.h Caucsjui fron-k resistarvre was' me; n the WTjtern outikirts of oae big inhabited locah^v. Tlie Russian anillert.- laid down a barrage wlileh smii.'ied eaesy drirnses and ihc ln;aai,7 ; and tanks, advancing Uirough mine n tlii. brc^t the German dtstr.se. penetrated to Uit town, killed mtft. tleitr^syed five tints an<l 13 trutks and captured priioncrs and spoilj, Civalr?-. pursuing the a»t.< forces in anot-rcr sector, dlaperied and 'tilled many of an ene.-ny l.ifanuy ccmpor«r. By taking MlUeroio the Rui4land won one of their b!; successes of ihe winter caajpasfn. Ji had heli) out. though the rall.-oaa'-had been tui»at^> and iiosuv.«li. loi wtfks. The red army now had the great Gcrmaiv vvipply ceaier tor the whole r«ictn and a raiirosd June* Uon wherr the Roitov-Voronerh rwll'oad meets the Lne runnlnj westward to the rich Ordrlionikidte- SUllno«MekeeTka ndustrial area of Uie Oonfts bastn. 300 Selected for Jury Master-List liame* ot 5(J0 Twin Fwlls count)' len hare been aejected by the board uf county commissioners a.i the renife from which Jurlea for ajt 1M3 senaiona of dbtrtct court will be drawn. The names Were chosen til prr«inet* from the roun* bs iht SoTwnbtt tenerwl tctiw. None of the prwpecure Jurymen. will *ctuau.v be eajed until hb name l;t drawn at one of the session* of court Order for drawing of th«tlale for the January term hai been held in abeyance uou compleuon of the master Ust. The full ^ names win be printed h legal adver- jtlonr of th«eoramissleaers' pro* OOODNO. Jan. 1&-Fire belterrd to have vtat.ed trcm w chla'.wt spark de«ro)-ed the roof of a two JSO.T apafcr.env ho'use owned by ' Mrs. Do.*a Crown, a fesldenl of California, at S p. m- Sundsr. Tlie dsm- ' age was estlmaied at ll.coo. The fire also burned throuih the ceulnj: of Uie upstair* apartment oc cupied by O. H. Haypock..M U-.< tumuure and clothing in the Hay pock aparuneni. as well as that c: Mrv Lee Andersoit downstairs had been removed to nearby ga-*ages and porches before the Ooodlng fir«de«partmcnt estlngulshed Uie blait. Two imes of hose were ujed. Bci'ause of the'vlow-wro weather firemen hsd co.i.\ld^rable dlf- ' ficulty in fighting the fire. One fireman became caught between the two strei.ns ot water, which rore to him. and suffe. td a slight shock when he came in contat*. with elec-... wiring. Other fireatn removed l^lm trom the root..\u'mtstt ct HT' tncc suffered fro»ted fingers aad ears. Chief Hrrbert Myer lald he believed the roof caught fire f.xm a chimney spark. He said the same hou.c caught fire two years ago. ap;xx.*ea:- ly from the same ci'uie. Ho«evr:. that occasion Lhe damaie ww so great. Only torw j.irttrlty orjy esrtay ai.- arui-^y^ ported was a Jwid oa Tla3ruk. Ltbya. in wbx^ fc'.:r o' atx att.acltag' era were M--4 to fcavr beer. *sct down, 'm e 0.1 : ^ rrportod a ^asa of ll ie planer ia the alhtd air o;»rat.-<rj. Whether R«dm tl»^«ad attempt anou-.er staaa ahsct of Tripoli or w«u -l r.e«eo'iato T iaiiia with the object cf. cmir.s wtlh Gen. Walther Nf.'ir-.ni'i»rta.r drt' Ttma aad Burrte was the ^aestica : the mcsteat. Tripc;i it-vel!. M hacuv hat:er*'j frcta the air l.^a^ its Coek faccitli were rtported alm st cauiahle. generally regartfed as ladefetisible. j:» 4s c o aiiitto pcajiile. howerer, tha; Rccmrl m:;h.t t.-y ;o f;ghl an- de'jc''-.: actl.-a la the Oehe! a cf h i l i aics; vs-iia Cf Ttt»all» h e» be. ;s said to have erected dtfesmr wcrts. William Poulson Passes at Hailey H.WLEY. Jan. lv - \ m :«- P c ilk f, C3. a Si-yeir restdeti! Wocti r.ver xtriaitr. d»d Stwday after-cca alter a year'*»ickr.t». He wai ssm tn tnjih.not.. S79. and marrted rta.~.j«white tn Salt Uke C.tT Oct. 2. KS. They cam* to Weed r.ver la U09 ^h.e?e he has farmed ss-.se. Surti^jsj are hl> chcirva. Del Poejca. il-s. Ne'.l* Mccse ar«s Mrs. Jack TVvli-*. Kay«y; Qrwat Poul- isxi. lytrie*. Ore_ an! Bi2 Pct::}cs', stationed at Cam? Pc:i. La. Ser«a grwr.dth.i:drert also The l» iy rejts at the Harrts M- nerat h «e peasstg froea Five 31ore Ships Sunk in.atlantic By Ttw.neciated Ptrwi.t-kmj cf rwo seutral a»j.hree Cwted Natxcis sh.ip*. Last Call Takes Mrs. Hawkins, SO BUKU Jan.»-M n. Mallle Haw- kia'i. 83. a lo-year resident of Btil-J. died Friday la the TwLt Fails hospital. Mrs. Hawkins was preceded la death by her htvijnd and oae rtbushier. She was a member of the BaptiM church. Surrtvtas are tour w /, Dyas Hawkins. Coral county..\rk.: Gu.i'- dv HawJttn.v Dviena, Wa.vh.; Cleo liawkin-v Buhl, and Stere Hawtia.% SUbnlte. da. The body rests at the Alb^rticn funeral home pending a.-ianiemcnts for services. New Radio Class Ready at Weiser Opening of a new radio eourre ai le Weiicr NVA traatiuig Renter available for both boys and KtrL* was announced by L. W. Fol'oni. NYA youth per>o.^nel superm'c.-. Foliom jald Uie radio cou.ie wcu^j mprove the prw etis of ycuni men going nto t.^e service, and would tit Sltls tor gttaitr capabilities la the WAACi or W«ve*. Tho«tallr.s the course ha»r all expenses paid by the government, and receive JO.N month. Tlie personnel juperrljor will be at -the emplovmeni office la Twin Falls Tuesday, at ihe Jerome employment office Wednej*lay mom- lag. at the Lincoln inn at Gcccllng Wednesday afternoon and Thursday momlns. and back n Twia Falls Friday. MERGER APPBO>XD WAaHNGTON. Jan. # WV-Tht senate lnler3lat«commerce commlt- tee unanimously approved loday a bill iiermitung Uie merger of Uit Weiiem Union and Pooul 'Telegraph cempanies. SENATE C0NF11WJ8 BROWN WASmNGTON. Jan. B (U9 The senate lodix imanlmously confirmed oppolntment of former Sen. PrtnU.*a M. Brown et Michigan as admlnblralor ef the office of price TOO LATE TO CLASSFY PENETgO Dasaad ctaiakm Stamp Dance HOMEDALB. d a, Jan. 1* WV- OwThee county* bond and *Umi> dan'ce SAtunlay wa* 'a h u «nikesj tharis to * abeep that was aac- Uoned off sertn llm*»».'. The sheep, donated la the first purt. hnaught * T^tal of bonds and atatnos amouatrd to more than»mdoo, Gecrw B- JU»e» of Bruaeau aald. OuntJ taejuded MUtcn a Hor*. ley of soda Spring*, speaker of th* daho hoa» of reprrsentauvw P O T A T O ^ GROWERS Get eur ctieuucss btfort m «n. W«art ahray* d Uw Biarttl. M ACK BRGHT TWlc FaS* OfTle* Ph Til ptlest-ji e o n s r «a a zotu sm u S S K E A N S l O E A R B W ' b u t was boahm on.» scale aad malsly»»a oaaflned lo V taxacv ' tie manber of casaaltiaa «o far «paft<4 it cot Urg*." Amoag tbt 10German r»ldfr^ ahot dowa ww* ft zwaier ait. a tw>>. taotored utility craft *hieh lb* Ocr- saa* to* for purposes rangta* fn o rteoaaaliaaace to <Ute-ec»b. " iiif air ttlalstry newi aerrtre credited four of th» bctnber* de- strnyed w> a BeautUh'.er Nr-i*drto. sayt.-4 that ti-m establijhe^j ft new silsht-.r.jhusn Trees* Dea*htoJ th*t Drflln at last was bemg f^pald heavtly f.v the scocrg- & f of Citlr t*loved city. Londoners neverutfleaa were wpadertng wheui- rr the Loodco-BerUn duel weaaj a retura of M M1 ejcperiencrs. The Rcrce radioed.^d^ af Hitler's gov- errmen; w*i^uitt»tenir.g full pm ax tariy Raid,.\D^;B dispatch broadca.it Trtxn ^tetua said a»trone Qerraan f e w ' raase l>.t e«ly mw.tr.g twvi an-.t thcwatids of exploutt ar>d ncendiary bm te wtte Crc^ped. Howev-er. Leodcn MXirce* eatlaiatrd t.hat not moee t.h*n so bombers participated in e»ch ratd-boui la.'t night ami this mcrrjag. Thev. jid no tm.-w- t*at public bulidsisi w»re hit and tadustnal dams^ wu slight. Htjh extilcftlie bceabs emea.si\e- ly damaged 10 hoa'es on one Loa- doa road at*l»<«a U-xanother duv- Jrj; t,1e trxmlng attack. Srreral ca.'- ' ca.'rirt wrre rrpc««rf at*i m ju e Salads K-arched Uie debris for olh- >Urk of bctr.bs dropped ta (wi** Lcsidxi dlil*vt during Uie nrst rsid wreaed a bl.vk of.\hc«ps. a big de- to.-eand many hocicx. A r.rewatrhrr atid a wrcvan wr.-e kcl-, wreral pervcii wrre Ui- Jured and oth.m wtie trajvped. DejoMistrale CwifldeBce T^,«^-iick txthaage ol blcwa demand U-.e U-jc.-eaj*d Jtrengih of her hcsae deferje*. which itmited uht* damage ir.rjrted la the London area ta a fracuoa of the havoc createsj fci Berlm. While the R-\P rv>ure<l more rx- VCcsrm arid l.n.-»adiar.e» on the n laa le.t la Hitler'* capital by frur- tflia ^>l».-kis Js,»rs the r-lghl. caaparauvrly few Oertaan plaars s-jcretdm ta per.etra.ting to the h^an of Latdan. The S»tu.-day r.uhl asault wv<. the flrit (n thr German capital «i: e Uie r.iiht of Nor. 7. H. and w»».^ar*rterjed as the hearjesl ta «h.v. i the city ever had b e o Fjb- e«td BrHl>h raiders. Retur=l.-.g pllats said ihev had jet ;tm vtitsie M mceo awwt»ad rt- poced ihjt l*r;e areas la Rerllii."jd been Uid xxi'-e br 4 0M and S-viN-pound t»amts and thkisanlj of acrnda.ie*. Admit Dattage The Berlia radljv wmch twually attempts 10 mlalmbe damajre c*u?» rd by raids oa German sc-^l. m*o«-' 1 rd that 31 persres had been Wiled ar»d»bxjt l a njured la Berlia S*tweet tssrewwi ta SS3 the l um»v ritv.. bit ladicated that th.e- inclally anacei»«sl ahiej. ^ j vas Ukely to p.-ove larpe^r w^-.ea xi neutral l»=c» ta trie wt^stem ;lu:tl^ 5-itce Tearl Hariar as re~ :\lr\l tv The.Wc^iateJ PrriS..\r.o;lier Cm-.ed :Sst;.-Ci.«<^ was suai ui a m the Car-hbean ar-i was ir.:l'iiel n the r-r-arr.o'uacci xj V iri up t.i l ii t Satui- ^^C^'tSe t^ialversarr of L-boat sirjtlajs cf J-h:?s off the At^aati: ccist ta t.*;e rrcjcat w^u'. fs aetr the h.-ttoca ca the Caittd c-t Ciaala. TT t-he Carlbbev-.. *i la ;.he r-i- oi ^:txs.^3 and 1:2 a the s«;th.miaaii:. dflcn.had been cleared awa.v- T>.e braadcast said that high ex- pcasivea and nctaiiarifs had fallen» drrje'j p^pula!ed a.-ras and re- r*arted t.h*t t.v huse De-Jt.'chlar.rt fo l> rear the tx mplc stadiuav la whim m»ny eirats ol the 1936 lo'.ts'.;^ glmei'wtre htii. had been rtuslly d»tro-ed. Cassian Elected.\ssessors Head Tioisr, Jan. S. r S<lh r. lur- ;rr cf Ca-ois ccor.ty t«<i4y was ele'tt- ed rtrjtien". «thr lia^.a.sw.a:u- tlca cf Crunty.Vuevvxrs a.' the jtoc? VA ar-aial th.ree-sivv cwa.'er.t\v., '«f.h all <t cc^r.t:rs re;>-.rtser.ttd. C.. Lc^i fff Cam u «--i=ty was r.amed!ecre*a.t- 1>-Te fslslative tntax fr-eral rropertr. were to sldertd a: a >e)u:a t.hb afteru^sa. N.\2i CArrniED ix BKrr.u.\ MAlOeTONE. Er.glaad. Jaa. V Police captured a member of the crew of aviennan bc<ab«who had made parac.hute landlsg aad was trying to get away la a suslen motor car after Jib plane was shol down early today. BEHER, U T E m o d e l USiD CAR MO BCCK Super deluxe *-door sedan. Complete laelirfli:* radio and \ajder»e*t heater. F w ttgbt. fine tirw. excellent paial M l OLDS M Model 4-door.sedan. Vrrr low mileage»ad S«sd «new iti ciciy respect t n m r n\ tx l o s t Orwer Da^ti. r > r. rrrcrtrd ts the shertff-i omw ths: he h»d lost aa iw-rir-cil mare t w s a trwlltt jcmewhttt aleas Rc<k creet. -Cmer 8b»b«M 5*. A Xad k n. V?.. Pbea* U] TV*»» / ir: --- or w r o u o Dsn-*: -» *» - - c a c. T O O A Y & T U E S, at Rcc^hr Pricts Fred Astaire ud Rita Hayworth Wtla Xt&)w bft You Were NeverLovelier L S x fiu a im ik v tb * - - S eosatioo il Sosjrs: rll*^.\ TOKUD TtUXADOS COLOB C.\»TOOS L.1TCST» T B Z NTWS ORPHEUm.\OtV.' End, Tuesday! Starts Wednesday jtnfmoon

3 >on(uy. January 18,1943 TMES-NEWS, TWN FALLS, DAHO PSge Three, E i S DEMAND D - aoise. J i b. 18 Uie Vpubllcaiu ol the dahcijcgul»ture tjon jtir i the b*h roulnj soon on t.'if wiiur cluicns" grant «i Lyuf,. >moer»l3 wlu. WV'TTcalnc inlo our U.Uxl week. um Sfti. Oforse Donart. D-. Vt»ali«lrj;tO!i. in d «v e done e» n Ui»l pfnod of Ume Uion. anj- or the iioai o.' recent yean. -f ihe majority parly doesn t cwx out with iome bllli prctlj won, ve'll dra«t one atnrndlng the r»r.uoo act the»'ay»c Uiliik t ijiould be done." Rcpart T tu Week Report of m e ^peclal corainltlee Mud,vlnc U»e act! > expected lo reliort lu rccommendnuons this week, nic move tf> ntroduce blu U r»i>e»l Uie nltiauve meaiurc Ls los- nz eround. Such K bill mlclit pou ihe ien»te. it la believed, but not ihe hmue. -n.rre nome talk Uiat (he best»» to cjrar tl»e d«ka for action on the hlchiy controvefilnl crant act «a.t to ntroduce a '*! tw t baits tax mtaamre. as f quelled b,v Gov. C. A. BolWlticn, linanre Uie act. Proponents of such a plan saj' the talrj lax bill would not i>am and U>ea Uie frlnlaturc couki set dosn to»-ork amending or repenllng ht cnnl aci. EllmlnaUon Planx Propofed atnendment^ uoulcl ellmtn»te provl-loii.'' for merilcnl and funeral benflili. provide ilrlcter re<^nre requirement.'! for eligible ipfffwaiii.*. and make other lecli lucal cli.mcfs, OalhrrinK lmpetu.% onionr Repul>. ifitu and DrmocraU nllke, b a tno\t to re )eal the direct prlmarj' 1»». Probably before such a repeal Wll,«-oulcl be ntroduced, nose; «oiild be counted to a.uure ts pas' An ecojiomy bloc." that would cui»nd!.a.\li deportnientbl oppro- vuslom e>en below Ujo'c request- <x) b}-the governor wn.'s laklnb.shape and belore the week Li out inai tilii control and come out witli i lilin for siream llncd'y*if sovern tnrnt more radical t h a W ^ men' ilonwl before. /t Buhll8-19Year Old Registrants n Draft Named nuu Jan. S-Polowlns ii a ll>t ol he B and 18 yeiir old boj.s wlio rrsutrred with Uie Twin Fnlb county lelfciive icrvlcc bo.ird No. 3 n order of their dmwlni;: Qlendon Derrlll nerr>-. noy Etra Sioddsrd. Jo;ei)li Clifford Hendrix, Choter Ejhim Partin. Frol Lee Shalf. Noel m n c L i SJiarp. Wendell Dile Ummon.1. Robert Frank Nlii- P<T. Rajmoiid Carl Le.vson, Newniiuj Chru Pclerion. Willlani Biihl Hop- 'ir, Jr., Lylr Dean. Novnk. Donald W. ArrhlhaU, RniUen Will, Jnipes CUnnl Montsonjen'-. D.irrrll Albert Moore, Barton Elwood Sonner. John T. DavL«. Seward Calvin Pritchard. Oeorse Junior Denton, Joseph Alma Hutr rhln.%on. Otto Svancara. Henrj- Albert MorrlJOn. Robert E\eret Weaver. JoJinnle Geonte Ruyti. Dale Roimal Corbin, Wllllmn Theodore Lemmers. Wayne Hownrti Goff. Esrneji Ray KrifTjh. Lennnrrf Gustav Pelerjfln, Norman Morris Robrrw, Kenneth Markey Mirnclc. Erwin AusuM Werner. Edwin Carl Shaver. F^ancl.s Eucenc John^on, Peter W\ndel LentinK. Cljde Adrian Liny. Kenneth Leon Cncle, Calvin Chri.vtlan Hahn. Don Robert Mitchell, Joe Rlward Adam. Don Olrn Clark. Tlioma.s Vernon Wheeler. Jack Alfred Wnecclln, William. Leon Woodruff. Cl.vde Luane Jacob' sen and Dean Wiii.slon Sls.%on. R U PE RT S.im Templrioii l.^ a imtlirnt at hr Rupert tnirral ll0^llltal, Kv'lCn Robert LeerlKht vblfe<l lls tnhrr. Robert Leerluht. belot? ixitiing for duty with the naval Mrs. Roy Jcan.s hn.s retiinied from P.valello, where.^he.. went brfon Chtbtma.^ to br wlui her mouier Mrs. Henrs' Cook, who underwen niijnr surgeo'. T5ic niouier» lomp' fthat mproved but U.sUll a lio.spltal patltrnt. Geo,T;e C. Orercal. clialmun of the bivinl of diroclor:; of tlir Mlnlli.ika irrlgauon dhtrlct: Bonrtl Mem* bffii O'car Petcn.on and Roy Marquer.v Sf,-rel.-in' Frank Ballard and H, Baker, couii.sel for Uie bo.irrt, wrrt in Boli.e on rcclajutillon bum- 'nnl hiv. been received hri e desui of L. M. WlllLs at Kirk; \iue. Ma. nfic^ a lon^ lllnri.a ); e fauier'of M. E. Wtll.i and Mpi, Nina Grace. Rupert, aiitl Mrs. J. n. Young:, Caldurll, M. Willis WM wiu^ hls\father\at Uie time of hti death. M». Wllhn wn.'s pavt 80 yenrx ot age nnd his vlsu«l here ievenil tlmex \ ' C ^ e Crass, fw s.t\em\ years tlrp. Uiy,sheriff of Minidoka county, has con# to Hill ricld. UUh. where he has accepted a ptaiuon. Mr. and Mrs. BU R e«l have retuttifd from California, where Uiey Npent two months at San Bernardino *lui Uiflr son-in-law nnd daughter. Mr. and Mrs, H a nr BlackwtlL TTiey returned by way of Portland. Ore.. where they vlsted Mr.', and Mrs. Ofon:c Donaldsonf Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Donaldson and Charles Donal±son..Mr. and Mrs, O art^ Peek and baby wrre guest-i of Mrs. Peck's grandmother. Mrs. Anna LaRue. Bishop J. Dean Schofield has retu.-ned from Callfoma.,'*herc he and Mrs. Schofield spent ChrUtmaa with their *on-ln-law and daughter. LleuU Qmor* Oroadlicad and Mrs. Broftdljead. Mr*. Schofield remained lor a longw vlslt. Lieut. Broadhead s stationed at San Mateo. Calif, with the army air corpv Clarence Bu.^h ha.'? left for Salt Like Ctiy. where he wu> receive tiraiintnv for bach nlurjes rtcewed while working at Hill field. Utah. Rev, Eugene Stump and Dr. A. E. Jolinwn haw returned from Bobe, whtte Uiey had auended a minuter- U1 mreung and a mecune o( Uie state board of ChrbUnn churches.. Darwin Goff..*»n of Mrs, Mary Goff, has returned from San Franelvo. where he was employed n V'ar work. Reb Gen. Johnston as Good As 43 Crop, VetcranTJiinks OAKLBV. Jan. JS-Oakley * tar north of the M»4on and Dlaon line but t can boaat of havins a r o dent who wort Urt yt^sorai ot jia j n the Cl»ll war. Re li Albert Sheppard. «ho m spite of hl» adfanced a«e iaxts a Uvely interest in Uie present conflict. reports of whicli reutlves read lo him from the newsjjapers. Because of mpaired «j eil«ht. he no longer able lo read fine print The Flereejt To Uic veteran, no war was aa fiercely fought ai the Civil war. <n which he enllsi«l when 18 years old and *t the end of which he wa.i n a hospital eonvalescinff from the wounds of battle. He enluted to vls father, who had been draft-,, from Boint panted by both armies fuct. And neiuier does Uie veteran be*. ere Uiat the General MacArthur?. Ttmo#henkos, Rommels had anj- hlnic on his Gen. Albert Sidney Jolinslon. B hom he followrd through many Confederate victorlw and defeats. But Mr. Sheppard. ha.i a contieclldn with the present ccnillct. Sen'ing n t ar«two srand^ons and t-gnuidsons. Bom n Virginia bom OcL g. 184S in Smith county. Virginia. }le married M iu Mary Jolinstcln on Jan. J3. 18F and came to Oakley in the fall oi after meeting Sam Worthington, i-ell-known Oakley cattleman, who laa n Virginia on a ml-alon for tlie Latter Day Saints cliurch. He employed by Worthington for years and nter opened a blacksinlui shop n Oakley. Mr. Sheppard was a fajnlllar flgre on Oakley for many years during which he walked to towti from lls home on the outsklrta everj- day Civil War Vet ALBERT SHEPPARD... Oakler Confederate rtleran, 91. who h»i two sgn* and two gr»ndion«n he pment war. He believed ihe onlj ^elerwn of he -mt eauk*' n (he state of daho..suff Cnrra'ing) :ll he fell and wai njured about.vnr ano. Hoaever. he still s ' to get nboui wiui Uie aid of a c U. s. Reporter Gets Look at Britain s Boinliing of Berlin By J.\MES MacDONALU New Yori Times Corre»pondent (UtitribDted br United Preu) AN ftap BO.MBER fftatlon SOMErWHERE N ENGLAND, J;in. 13 lub heart! the miktminiu volcc of Canadl.in Warrant Officer iniivisator) Clayton TJioiniwou sa>lnk: You're non- 90 miles roni the target.' Hardly were Uie wordi out of lila mouui when Uie ground gunners began r.cndlng shells up at u-%..'plltting Uie ^Uy wlui Jagged fla.she.s of light n.s they exploded. DUicr Uieir aim was poor or "ajtlppcr's" -Uhe HAF pilot anonymous bccuu.-.e ol RAF regulatlo:ui,i piloting was rxcellent, nicy did iiot lome- near enough for U-s lo hear Uie explojloii-s above the noise of our aiotoni. ' You're now nearing Uie target.",sald Clayton, as f he ucrc rrndiiik Mmr new.spai>er item he conxldcrtd of Kenernl nterest, Tlien MW Uie sight had lieani about from many of my RAP friends; Dummy fires lit by Uir Germans on bogus landing fleui., Uie mitation of freight y.iru.s, flimsy xuucturc.s dugulsed as important bulullngj, Tliese fires on Uie outslclrl.s of Berlin were nlendetl, of course, to make rtudhig airmen Uilnk Uiey were over the city and drop s on them. We gnored them..sees teal Thing \moment or two later. 1 saw th il thing..wnves of rnlder.s tlm d taken off before u.s back h. HrltaUi had found the t-nrgel, dropped Uielr loads nnd made way for w arrivals. nnd.slightly to the rlklv were several strnlght strliig.s t llkht.s, glowing like street lamp; which.seemed to crlss-cror.s e.ich other at rl^ht ftnglrs. Tlipy cnilse<l by ncendiaries Uint had JuM Hiirrt. Here nnd there n.-.lde Uiem were yelloft lire Kllniniering n the clear moonllrlit like elu.-,ter.s of gi)l<l nuggei.s. Here nnd there also were aiigr^- red p.iiclif.\ of flwne where hr.s were noliig lull bla\t, one giving off a long curtaln of slate-colored smoke, n ie white llglils iif OPEN LKTTKlt TO.SKN. AUN ON OLD-ACt: GRANTS Etllior, Tlme^ New^: 1 submit an open letter to Sen. Harr>' K. Harn: Dear Senator; note your apiwlnirfpnt laii of n coninilttreulb study Uie tenlor cltlrens grant act, believe dv of what linppcni of Washington wh sldillnr law wa.s jm.'je<! will help (immltter. Your commltlcc. ked to decide the questloi [ly decided by Uie people. Tli. idum s a' niamlate Uiat Uic rglslnure provide the money need 'ed to\put the net nto effect. YoiJ suggem a delay of al* month: until Suly, 1D«. Can you produc iny algnlllcant number of voters cho would not vole as Uiej' did Nov. 37 n thu county can take you to Uie home.s of a goodly if old people *ho arc slowly starving of mnlnutrluon, By Jub* some of these old folks will wlui U.S to accept Uie benefits of the law which two-uilrds of Uie people of daho have ptlv,«l. As to your bill. n prepamtlon "'to change Uie state nluallve law r.o that hereafter any nltiauve law- Uiat would require revenue to odmlnlster must nclude.! the meyiod of financing." Do you claim Uiat Uie people as a whple arc n a better position to decide such a question Uian the legislature? Do you advocate that Uie other finanelal problems of the euu be-thus decided? Would not Uiat theory do away wlu> Uie need of a legislature? have confidence that when tht»s' f you wiui axes to ftrlnd have flntslied yoiir whining l O honest Jegtslators will take Governor Bottolf- Ben^ advice and report a way to enforce Uils mandate of the people, without tiyinglo dodge or postpone. thank j-ou. Sincerely, FTCH U BALL itwin Falb) trei.u «\cei\(llatles lutuwl to yellow.' Uien red. lly thffe wa-s n blinding flami. u ureiit coiic of llkhi with lt.% the groinid nnd t,', evervvklenliik b»'r reaching lo the,',ky, Siinir "klle" hnd rrleavrd a nound bomb. We were flying at too great i» lifiglit to hear wlita nm;.l hiive been ii coo'.mi explo;.lon. mmediately after the big bomb bdrsl numrroii.\.small ftre% became mfrge^l n one Krr:it :ceuilng cauldron n which the skeletons of bulldlnt;:. were clearly dlmlnkiil:.hable, "riie lres were!.o bright they p;irlblly luumlnnled the bomb.almer's crnipartmrni,..luioiietilng o'.ir himiljnlnirr a^ he po.'c<! hlm-rll ovir 111.*. nstnimenu readv to aim. ^vfl Off Prr^cntly U wn.i our turn lo xjinlj. Wp hnd lifcn r.g-mgnlng. diving. climlilnff and tubiing our way UiroiiKli the enemy's frantic nnlw aircraft lire. Now we i veleil off on..tralghl cour;c, dlrrrily ncrorx the tnrget nrea. n Uie middle of t. Uie big Lanra.s\eT ktvpnl vip UVe a laiiprired fliilniiil: we hod re1eii;.ed bomb. We tore on rvcrtw.s Uie nfhit;railon b : us.viw nur lidmb m.-.t^but the cws in lolloiving plni^ci i Once iixi'ln we circled l< hlch fmm iiothrr <ilii'c:ic> irrndlarlr-; thh i.ecotid run" hc dill nf\jur mold tliiuls (llr'-cuy iindrrii Heavy wrlshl.i driijiiyd on ii ixidilrxl flour, Tliri'P iinu-;urcrnft lirlls had con: P uncninfortjiblv clo-e ti<l btirsllng lranment.s iirhe<l hc plane but did bu- dumakp or Hiivlni! c(um Skl i;>cr" mnib iilii c-luid K "Obi: lid -anidi ade t'ucps Evcha; ;lng pl.if,'; ivllli the flkh; nijlncrr, 1..at lic.sldc hr plu)!, wlirrr : could grl really kikk view. Over ny car plitmrs heard him 'Look nl that on*- down on right. f,-. coink i;t«kl.". the rlkul wins of Uie planp WH.s in my way. whereupon he fllpjyd tlip machine fur over on rlnht wing out of my ilnr of vbion. He was right. Tlip.lirp wu.\ "going good." und i ouldn t help thinking of the fires had. Pen n London during nlr ruld-, and to plclurp what must be going on dnivn bclyw. UniicciL'tomcd to gauging bomb d.-unagp from the iiir, cannot p^timatp how big ni\ ami wn.s on fire while wa.s llien-, but it looked picntv big, and still more flrpr wpre to follow, bpcan.'^e tlir nt t.s halfway murk For manyvnlleikm we.,pr<i away from the DPTlln.dl.strJct "Sklpperkrpt thc;planc diving nnd leaping iward, : avuu railed 'evasive ^lgned to prevent ground spotters from making accurate observations of the jilnnp'.< courje nnd rendering t nlmwt mjiofjlble for pround gunners to l.-a:e Mire aim, Ka»l Coverate Looking b.ick. 1 saw what rer.pn bled a blast fumiice n the dlslnnc nquiring how far awny we wer WM told 40 mlle.s. On we wenu How far now?" n.vked. Slxlymllp.s.^'.said Clayton. Homeward bound over Gennuny ints OcTOian-occuplcd tprrltory all hand.t kept a slinrp lookout for. nuiough there wasn't any anu-alrcraft flre Uicre wsi still the danger Uiat Munp enemy nlklit flgnten might be lying n wait for.i^t. Noiio appeared. But jevfml tsmes- hcard membpri of tho crew rcjxirt sighting planes n Uie dlstanrc.s.straight, ahead or to the slarbo.inl. to port, («astern. n eftcl\cm.p, alter a brief camlnntlon. t was found by UiO gunners, engineer nr pilot Uiat "Uieyrc our kites going home." inaloan KLLED BONNERS FERRY. tln.. Jan. 18 (-J-y-A tpc felled by high winds stniek and klum Fred Hill Friday whllp the Copeland district dairy rnnclier was clrarlng n rtmd from lls rancli house to Uie tilgiiway., SURVVES CRASH AT BOSE BOSE. J a n ^» t.v One crew membrr eicapcd wlui a broken arm and slioulilep injurlfs nnd 10 were killed in the cra.sh of a heavy anny bomber 10 miles soulhwesl of here Friday nuht. Tlie cr."uh had been announced earlier, at which tbne t was believed only nine had been killed. Listed by Uie Oowen Held public relauoil-. olflcer as dead are; Second Lt. Paul C. Painter. :5, Mount V'rmon, O.. pilot.' Second li. William W, Reed, Jr.. 20, Cai.hiiiere, Wash., co-pilot. Second U. Raymond Hayes, 51. Clarendon, Tex., navigator. Second Lt. Howard. Norton. CJT Tuba, Okla.. bombartller. Statf agi, Rollcn H, Enbaiik. :5. of Allen, OUa. " Sgt, Pa.vjuallno P,/>Patrl 10, of Nctcoiig. N. J. Staff Sgt. William J. OrlftlUis, 17. Oxford, nd, Staff Sjt, Ray A. EUierlon, Jr., :i. Ellcnaood. Kan. SUff.Sst, ChrbUan F. WeltdioM. 22. Oftkllii, N. J. Sgt, Arthur P. Mayer. BrookljTi. Tlie.Minlvor was SgU Jckseph Moiclckl, 25, radloman-gunner. Batavia, N. Y. Till*, pulille relauons ofllcer declined to comment on reiwrt.s Uint the crash occurred after a mld-alr coluslon ttlui anouier bomber, reported to have landed at tho Held aftcruard, sertoasly datnnged. A board of nquiry la nveitlgatlng the cro.-,h. Daring the Spanbh-Amerlcnn war nboiil 60,000 soldiers riled of typhoid cvpf a minor hninrd n this war. H O L n E V E ty T N G Zero Temperature s Felt at Hailey HALE\', Jan. Jft-Nclthcr Hailey ncir Soldier Creek fcire.si Matloiis reported snowfall during last week. Tlie anow already on the ground :.cttled all the way from one nch Kctchum to 20 liiehrs ai Gain However, the depth s.still almost twice what wa.s at Uils time last year. Cumulative fnuwtnll ohe year ago was <lio lnche.s, this year.'i2.t The lowest trmperntiire reached fi Uip wrpk nns rero wlih n nnxlnni of 30 nbovp, Tliere ha:, been coi fldcrablc foggy westlirr. REAR nml-a-new.s WANT AOS. Y CLASSES OPENED BUHL. nuhl. Jan. 18-Tlie rural resldeitv of Uie west cn d will soon liave the iwwrtunliy to i their own innchln:!/ _ with o lacal Uadciman ructor. A cour.ie will be s x>ii- \ored by the Buld.'Chixil dutrlct Kith Le^lle Jack.soii. aiirlcullure nitructor, as su >ervlsor, ShO ) faclllthe Buhl mi'lnnent bullclu^ptl tt:tli Edw! 1 Sew ng will t ard a.s n: jctor. Tools,.shop,\[)acf., nilruction. heat, light, i«-.ver ami certain :,uplilles u'lll be provided by Un- i.mte board for vocational erhicauon. nie only cost to thu.-.e allendini; will be for needeil repair p.irli. Tlie court.0 oiieiird at 9 o. m. today, Cla.'.'.ea will be ftoin 3 a. m. lo * p, ni. every day except ijaturday and Sunday. All types of machhirry, sjch as tractors, truck.', farm mutorj, combines. plows, harrowi. disci, rake.s, cultivators ond»pp<!1iik. e<iuli)inent' can be repaired. Eauliimrnt such llvestck feetlers. hayracks, trailers and hog hotir.es can be cciasinicled. All rpsldenls wlio have machinery to re >iilr or eqiilpiiient to. build are nvited.to attend ihe.ve meeltm;.',. NKCE KLLED BURLEY. Jan. R-Mr. and.mrj, Bert Mahoney ajid Mr. anil Mrs. J, W. Snider altemled Uip lunrml of Mrs. Elmer Derry in Bobe..She was killed when tlie car n which she was riding with her hatband went over an embankment nn the daho CTty-Botse lilghway. Str.s. Berry was a niece of the Mahoneys and Sniders, as well, as of n, 0.!arrb.ou nnd Mrs. J. W..Schmidt, Burley. SAFEWAY Homemai&u* (JuuU Sonu ats in ihe menu Tl.rxr', t,n, >rr.l of 1..trel.h -.Vr.11 ll;n.e drli. iif.-.l. tli.t an U h».l («t.-.-..! H tl.i.. iriling)., -A..f.iiiidrs' rl.li.hiry. r"g-- f.rl,.,:.l all 'll.u.r rxt.a. that.loli't jr llir.lt J As f.ir A«rill ahje thev liavrruntli, : li;tlul..1 irrnirat..,:.ve. hr.-.ft',"«n'l ti llirv ;.rr, r,nl,l... t,'',.''..f the ll^t "lii/i irolllol.'ir.l,..tlryv f,.-k., too, f..rll,rv, A, li.f. iin<l >omr 1>. f y.,ii\r 1.1.t t s [. c.il re. MOCK CDin NObDlCS - : ll.....r l.vri r l l,:.y.,r fr. ilr.l ),r.,rl in 't li.-l. liirig. M.l r>iicr.. rflii tllmcli'fl inli^l iitiilri' ' uiiii SPANSH KDNtY-! renters and li< thin >li<-e.<. h -lly willirlii. ij.<-. with tomato uucr <.r r.mnnl mimlof nnd itraiii f.'r l.'i miiujlf. with rici-.ir?.it;lnlli, 8AKD lvtr CASStROLE-/l'l.<' liver»lirei in..1 Krr.iT..-4..e:.,le. i!»[. ss th»lirr.l,.ml oilier nir..t.lrl. :,^..fy,.utu^^h,,.' an<l lulr it> i: K) for n!«)ul 1':..r nnlil hwf tendet, iicliim'r o.^^r <liir.hg tlie niinulei. BAKtO MEAHT-\V,s, i l,ra,t. rrni<ive arterici siul <,nv.~. <imii:rr.«l..*>lv inn'sterii»t:lt i.r.s,l,h;lt. ' ill rore.nli. i..^n.>r<>m'r%.hrii h.nir.l'r Allow glh.iit -11:.iir. r<te.ili',ljiiih, sii'd l>ork lirsili.111'1sl-'llt.t lo.1'. for l>eef l.r.irl'.. ^lii^ prea.ar.1,.-art with vour fjv><ritr.rexiii;. sn.l h.ilie in a ^o.lrr.ste.,«ni(;l.*.0-r.) f..r alvml SU mihiitrs or iii.li! irsrl> ore ^ rll hrowned. LVES tlurctl)s-<irin<t iincont e,l.. liver.,ins ti.e \grin<ler s.m.il»-; riiniii;!i ik'itfi) egg»r 111cii 11(1mitlure. shup'" inlo'^p.ttie' rl ry quickly. GrenJ with whole Lf SjJeuj)/ llomemaitn' Bureau,1.1s i.i:i; wniniit. D.iet.M BULK m o m m non«r a t n you b»y 500d loodi n bvll (ii«<«.! ef «n Cin or p<cl<is«, Top qtj4lily btini, ilct, mllli, i<c., y piclfj und«r lu not! djlj Mnil»i)r topdlliori tit iht.i.ts.(.w.y. 2 Attend Church. School 28 Years WithoutMissing RUPERT. Jan. 18-Durlng the Bible school hour at Uip Clirbllun diurcli awards were presented 12 studrni.s for perfect nttcnd.ince. Gold pips for one year's -perfect nticiidance wrre nwurded. Jimmy Head, Bernice Barton, Allcp Marie Cnrl-rfin and Clara.McNeely. For two year'.s j)erfect altcnd»nce gold wreatlis were presented Virginia Head, Patton Head, HaMl Tranlliiim, Dorl^ TrunUiani. Arthur Tmntham. Gold bars were given Lillian Putch n i for four ye,irs, l.eona Stanley for six.vcafj iind Ellrab.-th John-!on lor 2B jeivr.i perfect nttendance. HonoroblP menuon wii«given Mrs. A. E. Johnson for :s years and Dr. A. E. Johiuon for 17 ycurs i»-rfect attendance. Filer Methodists Gather for Dinner FLER. Jiin. 18 Tlie monuily fellowship. nner nieeung of the Metliotlbt church congregation was held n the church basement. Members of the Ejiworih League were n charge of the program and "dinner arrangements. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Corde.s of Twin Fulls were guests. Mr. Cordes relatcd exiwrlcnces n Ahi.Nka during the gold nwh days. Tlie program inchnled vocal solns bi' Roiipr Vincent silth Dora Lp«JamersHii at the iliino; pliino solos by Janice lam.'^'y: a vocal.solo by Jack Williams and a read- lng by Dora Lee Jnmcrson. Beans it c Rice.:... 25c BiJans r r " * c Macaroni c Beans,.. 28c Macaroni S T jr " 23c Beans 25c Split Peas c Lentils. 1 0 c Tapioca... 45c Rice ' L "! ' : c PearlBarley 1 0 c Airway 2 # Milk Nob Hill r, r M i l k i r... 24c 33c Hills S3": Peanut Butter Lunch Box Brown Derby S piniillcsi 4 for V riuui \Flour Drifted (jno 48 lb. bug. ij:iiidv.ich e,rr;ul. 1 Pilsner,Beer, iit 29c 25c 34c $1.62 S2.15 FAHM-FReSH PRODUCB Tni:sK it i;m.s auk strukf T to m a iik k t c'h a.s'(;k.s ORANGES Jo'k DATES S r " i.r - Ch.Tllh, Tnll Cai Wesson. May Day Snowdrift 3.L Royal Satin 3'""."' Crackers Pancake Flour 50c 35c CABBAGE... 6 c CELERY LETTUCE GRAPEFRUT c & m s m c S -/ m j o m e / ity / S E ctiuns oesi<;n(o e covrcnminr' to «onaifl MAiKjT KtlATWH.ACH STO«fSTMusMfS ira ftsa aiiim 1 0 c Sc ALSO ALL SKAHOSADLK PKODV CK THAT CAN ro ss iu L v m: pitoci-itkii...45c Final Rites fo r' Native of Russia Held in Rupert RUPERT. Jan.» Funeral ten- ces were held at Uie Burlcj Mrthft- dlst tliutch lor OtoTst Kraus. R «. Paul Yuellng. Tacoma, Wash, offlclaunj. Bunal was n Burley cemetery. n charje of Goodman mortu-' ary Rupert. George Kraas was bom Feb. 3. leeo. n. Oobunka, Ru.ula. lie had been a re.sldent of daho for : yearf,» ycarj Of wlilcli were la Mli doka county. Songs were sung by Mr. and Mrs. Jake Klanun, Henn- Nelvert. Mn. Jack Starr, Mrs. Bill Fowler. Mn. HenfT KlarUn and Mlvi 3dena Klauser, accompanied by Mlsj rene KlaiJscr. Mr. Krau.i was twice married, both wives preceding him n death. Suf- Uvors of Uic first miirriuge arc Mrs. Lydia Omni. Porllan*. Ore. and Mrs. KaUe Gerlacli. Jolin Knrns, Dave Krau-s and Sum Kraus. Rupert. Of the.second marriage four daugh* lens Mirvive, niey are Tliana, Hannah, Rachael and Leah, all at home. Five grunddiiughter.s-ako survive. Pallbearers were George Nflwert, Dave Nelwrrt. John Neiwert, Alex Nclwert, Augast NeUcrt and Henry Nclwcrt. Bfllbh air forcc pllota cry "Tallyhol" when Uiey dive at the enemy. DoFALSE TEETH Rock, Slide o r Slip? rast:imi. >n pooiwr to l> U>. lip or r»k. S-n rummr. morr. or f«llnr. KAS.TKCT 1< lh..«.»h.1i, Dnn nni lour. Ch.»l» -pl«u..." <.l^niur. hr.ithl, (J.t KASTKKT N o w Oi/t Kvary ti(0«d o y n i l Th«Famllr Orel* M«a«>i«i ti rfhlgiitd for your rsmlly'i tiajnb-pltoiwr* and it t ysurt rer th«taking Mch Tutiday. Tlm«ljr «rtuu«. up-4h*-fnlnw>t fn*«l«ttvltwi, <p«cl«l r«()pti, heui*h»ld hintt and olh«r nltmtbig ((aturo art a r«gular psrt «f hli (prishlly megailn*. 0«l your!t»» top/«o<h Tuoday. 38c ""39c. 56e 45c- 79c 70c 33c, i 32c 15c nil tmt olwa lodir Household Heeds Comfort 23c Soap irr. '"':... 2 k Soap Dm Soap 1 White M-dgic c Sauerkriut adds varicly 2 1 c S«iiritr>i.l*»l [.<.it.l.lf li>ni.n.!ri;;:<.l«<e ;X s «3 MFeW Ay FRESH SMELTS NORTHERN SALMON; Piece. Ll.,... WHTE HALBUT,S"'r Plrcp, 1, PORK ROASTS b, m PORK CHO?S MOOD SAUSKRAUT SALAD- \V,.n mitin;:...-l l-l -ju-,.,.m. 1.,., ;.....:.,^ -n,,.,.ra.,11.,n M,r.-,.!f i,.,::,.>r"'i>n.l»n'-.triul... HOT POTATQ.SAUtRKRAUT SAAO - M.Lr.. ir f.> i,i^... 1 put....l,.l, m..., _ W «aro coopsratlng'... eooi>er»tinc with llie Govemmenr* j>!ms to <1««ti tlie coil «t livlajl Ou» ceiling pri««art msrkni or are parted _ foe foil of living" ilein».oui,pric»»«i*.. no liigker 1. o.fle n ten...,lhin our ios price*. y. SAFEWAY

4 PaRc 'our UUUM * Hi. u4 U. U n nln*... <«r laoninf. *t lit (Wmd Buwl Hot. Um Cau»«it. TwlTn'il^ Undtf 1h/l fiudscrinton KATEa DT HAl^rAT Wtho 4ih<iand Cks Cmnt lj' lb. aoblh Ullli. iirrnrjr-vtativi SECREC Y A N D C E N S O R S H C.ll O ii the war ro n l." says Sen. Jam es E. Murray of Montana in dlsciisslnb the governm ent's adm inistration of price controls and ratio n ing policies, "the key to successful strategy s secrccy and use of propaganda to acccsve h t enemy. The enemy m ust never be allowed to know our plans of war supply a n d distribution. "O n the home front, however, secrccy and failure to trust the pubuc ate futal. Tlw p ublic must nlway-s know w hat the governm e n t s doing and the bnsl.^ for action t takes. T he hostilities of warfare are bad 'enourh n themselves, but there are many other unfortunate things connected w ith w arn.i wcjj. T he government censorship and secrecy that are necessary during times of w ar are dam a g in g to any true dcmociacy. partlciilnrly» the official cen?or.i and those from whom th e y receive their orders are nclined to take advantage of such emergency powers, f. as Senator M urray contends. tlic governm ent s falling to take the public nto ts confidence on price control and rationing policies, and this by any chance has some ulterior,significance, then we li agree with th e senator th a t the American home fro n t is endangered. W o re heortlly in favor of. all secrccy and censorship that will help win the war. b u t f s uch practices arc being employed for any other purpose, they should no longer fic tolerated. C A L L S F O R A N NVE.STG ATON Developments since Governor Bottoifscn took office would indicate there is a real need fo r one of the recommendations he made to h is opening message to the daho legislatu r e an'nvestigation o ^ th e atatc'8 lltjuor dispensary set-up. The federal g o / ^ m e n t has presented the state with a b/ll h jr 5484,04 for the purchase of federal wholesale Uquor llctivses in six state-owned retoil outlets at which the Bovem ment alleges wholesale liquor 'eales have been made. n addition, the treasury departm ent lias asked payment of penalties for each of the stores where such sales were reported to have been m ade w ithout the required license. n cludin g the store n Tw;n Falls. A ll this s nteresting in lucl. but now t develops th at wholesale liquor permits have been purchosed for the'state stores a t Coeur d Alene, Lewiston, Kellogg. Caldwell an d N am p a.. To top t all^off. it has been explained th at, the federal license for-the Boise store was not purchased with fitate fund.^. f th at's the cose, who paid for the wholew le llccnsc and w hat was his reason? t w ould seem-thftt this is question enough to w arra nt aflfb fcugh nvestigation. JO R E F O R THE "G A T S Once the peopio'are convinced of the need fo r th e ir wartime assistance, they get right 'An there and pitch for Uncle Sam. \ This has been demonstrated n MaRie Valley a n d daho generally by the response to the govcmment a appeal for salvarlng cooking fa ts w hich are seriously needed in the m anufacture of m unitions. d a h o s collection of Jats has been as fo l lows: August, 7,891 pounds; September, 11,410 pounds, and October pound*.., M agic Valley s response increxsed in about the sam e proportions: AuRust, 1,451 pound.^; September pounds; October. 3,1GG pounds; November, pounds, and so fa r n December. 4,701 pounds. n "Twin Falls proper, where the C am p Fire GUs arc m aking the coutctlons voluntarily.' m ore th an 500 pounds of 'Brease have been rotjnded hp to make explosives for our fig h tin g forces. Generaily, housewives are asked to turn over a ll of their fraste cooking fats to their nearest m eat market, which n turn directs the salvage nto the proper chanhcl-;. Nice going, everybody. Lefs keep up the good rccord.' B U R E A U C R A C Y Prem ier Jo h n Bracken of M anitoba, new leader of the C anadian progressive conservative party. L<t disturbed aflout growing bureaucracy in the neighbor dominion. W ith- DU# passing upon the validity of his 'worry, here s company for hifn n misery: Before the war Canada had 75,000 Dominion govem m eht employes. n November there were an increase of CO per cent a n d b current average o f one federal em ploye to every 100 Canadians. W h en the American defense program be- -g»n-w&-had-l,011,068 executive-cmployes.- Now Mfe have approximately , on increase of roundly 200 per cent a n d a current average of about one federal employee to every 44 Americans. More th a n twice the burden, about five limes the rate of ncrease. T U C K E R S N A T O N A L WHRLGG ANTAGONZ: Tlif «T>ldemk of pomarmlatlee propoiiu dnrmib Uuougn Wly ecfrldo:'* here tiu pro- _. vokftj conccni *nd exasperation among key mfmbeni of conercss who UilnJc limt lucli premature ilucuijloai will ptkljcc ovcrwiarwence nnd imd 10 &general pltlng down UiroughDul Uie nation. Principal fllwrvltr U VLtp. Carl Vtsir.on. cuaiimim or Uie home naval adalrs com. mliicf. but he iptajcs for a hvrge and nfluential group. 'TliU U Kolnt to be a longer nnd tougher conflict Uiun the American dfe.ini." M> «the QeorKlnii, BAY TCCKER who la capllol JJll'i Uabon wajj wlul (he admirals. U s {oollili to dlsllluilon them or raue falj<e hopes. Wc cnnnot clo f*o big things al one Umo ana our ft/at job s wlilp Uie ixb. Uo one knowi»hat llie pouucttl or ecotwaile condll-loii a-tu be several years fronr now. NoboJy U lure of what dem Joflepii Siaim will have or whnl tlie Brllbh and vwloun govcrnnientj n exile will demand. Such tnik flklit now strikes me a«hog»aih." Tills nttuutle haa re.iulted n Uia refuinl of aeveral leaders to attend tjiider SecreUrj- Sumner WelleV jierlullcul &emlnnrs tn which he iket^iei (xjulble rc4 - lorntldii blueprints for the legulators. They ore rclucutit to mcixc any commitment* even by Uielr presence lest they should antagonize home folk who ara luffleletiily lioi-aued without being a^ked to trouble tlifmselves about remaking the globe»o far n a<l- r)kreat Progreulve dcplet: luurcei has alarmed cotl^e^val bomted of ihr United euvtfj i plenty, A long war may caw numerous conunodluet. in Ui( the fumoua slandartl of living itock n trnde of ndiutrtbllila ApproarUUiit exliaustlou ore tlcle.% M leiid. rlnc. mereurj- an [te and.. out n a consumption. Copper Ji) Dll rriervfs total appro production now nmouni everj' 34 hours, llubber rjur^ila, arfl n n iwrlloai olote. For only l fms will U be poj,^lblc to manutac: wiuin my rea-ionable lime, and th while prodi ind Uie c tural r xperl.i who < a land of pen etunl X jlinrp scarcity of oi)l!ilo«, and lower 1st has formed tlic pouucos. li iiidlspfns.-ible orron, 0.1 well cop- Uie ptcient trate of annual! foil US 10 years. Known malely JO billion barreu but to about lour mlulon barrels lul thi, due to Japanc.'c con- admlnutrntloii Jmve uixeii coknitmre oi me by raining prlcf.s on me:nl5 to iis to brink >ooi inlo development. TogeUier wuli fontrlbutlc our olllr.i anti neutralj, tupplles msy be ei dtsenl tllctnlorx. B\it, he Suilous drain n tu wlili nn lni >ovcrlnhecl clvlllutlon tn so far mnierlab w c conccrned. of tlie.so KUbiiU hoi pro THt.SOElHOl.TK-nig weaiwnj of thr mi em ninkp nrr iikhln ft major factor n n rfar. Tor while tliry were nrhelwed by Ui e»en.iatlonnl taiilc.\niul plitiii, they arc back n the llner'within n yriir therr h.-w been a revolution in (luiuirry anu Ul : United Nailoiu have been Uie chief beneficiary bcrr ihflr greaicr r< paclty. use of Uielr late»lar. in armiujienu:. imireelulntss and manulnclunng ca- live battle.oilp which blmtcd 32 Ja)llne.^e znas.md surface vessel.i v,a.-r forllfled wlui tjnxlal of^en^^vo and defensive cfiulpnient. especially anu-alrcrnft dcvcm. t wna like alioothik do»n clay p!keons,"'rimarked the ciipuiln who will.'oot( desenbe the combat before conkre-wlonal cdmmlllce.'i, Hift loj-mllllmetrr einnon, niiiunifd on clm.-.vl.v to Give Krcalcr mobility, itoppcd noiiimer.i.mechiini:< (l force.i n Uielr trncka and Uien senl him reeling, Tlir:,c ttliilorcmcnu chunswl Uitr wliolfi tlmracjei ot \jnvtles 111 the (k':.ert. Uie British admit; Liricer arllllery pieces, heavier powder chircra nnd more nccurato dirkiors account for Uie increased rffectlvent-m of nnd, sea nnd oerlnl Mrini!. Our linivy stuff s at ciut 60 per cent more efilclent than wnr. yearn aro. And Uis upert«confide that we have even more murdcrou.-i thimderbolu on Uie lui'embly Une wlui volume prouuclloii.scheduled /or late sprinn. WAKNNG President nooscveu made no aitcnipl to mliilnilic Oic huroenj which victory will lnii>a-'e on ever)' man, womiiii and child n Uils country, lll.i budget me.w«ke liatl Uie rurred rln# of Churchill's "blood, toll, tears and sweat" nddre.-j. Here are n few crhji fltcure.i v,'hlch.were lo.^l n hb extended speech but which piuiil n black treiusury Uiiatlan pleturc: Direct fedrrnl UnpotLs now txital JJ.tllllon i\irnr. or.itx llmrs ihn 1040 flkure: but he a.-.ks 10 blulon in luldlunn for Al Uie tlnio of Penrl Harbor wc were spendlns only two billion a monui for military piirl>osc5. ns aniilnst six billion.^ now nnd elrhl billion for Ujc m * bcal yeni, n ie public debt will be 135 billion next Jime, but 11 will war to 310 a ytar hence. t ca't one billion 41 million dollars lo finance hli mortiiase two years uro, nonevrr. carrying chafkes will set us back inrc«billion n 10«. With to much money devnled.lo Mnrtlnn acuvltle.i. Uie total of goods and services avalluble for Civilians per esplia will soon be only 1500 every 13 nionuu. And here the jmyoff; n cenli of ever} dollar expended by Uie cwfrnmenl will ro for costs of the nirurrle or to pay nterest on the public debt. Only JouT tfhu will be wed lor noimil lunciloni. So r. D. n. wasn t undereailmntlng when he gave this grim wamlng to capltol hill:. "n total wftr we are all -;'Oldl«r.% whether n uni*, form, overall.s or ftjjlrt uleeves." Other Points of View UrJesi coal men ai profl!, Uie alternatfvi lubsldle.s. and Uiry a: of a rglumate profit rr0nt.ks3 COAL, ' Rtccpnl 'wnkes»-rt being Tcttlvtd by workers n nu lliic.1 of endeavor, but Uic coal ndustry rad.n Uie parade. Dy contrtt-m, lack of proflta have prevented the ndujuj from earning anyuiing on ts nvested capital for the last n years, lo fact, for long period; ri Uie red, n the 12-year period d froiii 18:a.. lo 1H9,,. n.. ilualve averate of H coal compands impanks in Uie nauoi nation mad< iiverasb yearly profll of if T.SM.... But n Uie si an a»fra«e of companies suffered An avcrogc' yearly. operailnr lavt cf-ns.eoot These «r'r*lhe rovetnmenfr own flkwet., tiom Unltwl Elfties treasury reports on cor(>orauons. Tlic reo3on,s lor yie law.s are not hard lo find. Slxty-two cenu out of every doll.v received from'the tale of coal U paid out n wates. Ta.xes taite ]1 cents: ipplies ond equipment. 10 cent; selling cost.s, fl cents: illlrrt, 3 cenu,; power, 3 cent-'; depreclauon. " -pieuon. t c( ni; insu, 1 cent; ind ad- ministration. cent. nllowed to earn ft little morfl will ultlmfttely be govermnent co-itly for iho laxp.iyer n lieu 0 an ndusto.-wftllftco Miner. ARE \VK <iood SPOnifi RaUnning n this country- has been, W far. Ulvlal n eotnparlson with the rauonlng n Oriuin and ouier coucuies. Most, of the world was rauoncd before wc luirted. and li.-vi already Rone farther with U than the American people are likely to go, Dut from now on we ourselve.1»hittl go a great deal fsrlher and be a great deal tighter with nearly all Uie emcntlals of Life. And Uic ilehincis will nereue tmtu the war U over. Why shall we do ihls. n a land of plenty? We shuu do t because we niujl share whal we mve morp liberally wlih' our rtends and illle*. Wc «hau do t primarily lo wjn the war; otherwise our friends and alues touw ntrt eanv on. and oui w n Uik would b* immenwly hanjcr. But we do U abo for human decency. Otherwise we Americaai would desplie ourselves: and even U we won. we would live UiereofUr without friends. Verr well, noflfl Shall we all do t cheerfully and decently. a.i he British iiave done when faced wlui Uie need of division and equftllty? Or ihall wb try to hoard and hide ond cheat, and b# neluier sportwnen nor.pamois? Tliero can be only one aiuflrer amons tnie Americans. Caldwell Uewi-Trlbune.. Now hfll the bombs arc 'coming Die other way. Uie axis nauons ore anxious to call a hall to Uie bombing of clues. They abauld have Uioughl abotil ih it when Germany was having luch dellshtful sport bombing London.-Wallace Miner. TM5S-NEWS, TWN FALLS, DAHO POUND OK K.KSH We will cnil'.lder lodav Uie nu if Hob l^rrlkhl 'wi> Uilnk D-ib' actual first name Amo.^ but wel lup U%9,tl. Dob. Uie nupert uenl who ii.-,c( lo worn on Uie T-N editorial hlat and l-.n-' lately been on Uie Lewlstoi jxiper. flpplled nionul' ago for nava ^ll^l(:l eamml'.'loii, 'Hie commluloi flrjshy arrived along wlui word tlia htvould be aa-ilffntd to ndoctrlna tlon trftlnlng at Uie University of Arliona. So nob resinned hl«lewtbton BoL',c for phv^lcal a lion. finds- delay n lil< itance untu Uie navy sends bad: Rnlvrr from Wa.<.hlnRton. ted time Uiereof. one week tc i:he (rfi>e; *elkhtl (A bout wlui umslllltl.s 13 ixninili n eouplc of wet'k.s befnrr mill lie ll probably R;iln Uiat b.iek Wlihln 10 lijiy^., but no r.onp. He must wait for n waiver on that one pound) ^ ^ ^ FRST HAND Dew Pot*-.. Tso boolls she liwl read meant more to Mrs. Dorothy Re.viinld.-. whrn.%he relumed recently from a vlklt with her.-.nn. Lieut. Dick Rcynolil.^ lit Camp Ciordon. Oa.. where nhe na.% a p.itlent for a Umo ol the nrn-.y hfi'pltsl, Tlie ha'pltal fjvccd on the orlrloal tob,icco road, and not rw swavva.'i Tara, famou', sclum: for- Gone Nviih the Wind." \ A. A. P. A. HA.TNO SOMKTHSG THAT V.SKVER «TARTE> P--.ctlcally cnuullng the feat of shaking hand.s ^th the little man who wa.\n't Uf^re. the Rood old war production board cro-shcd hrourh with a honey Saturday. t l.'.sued nn order "h'uulng con- MnitUon on M airpoi\> prolrtu n 15!< Said he\\llspatch from Wa.>.hlnt :ton: "OneVof the alrporl-'< on WM halted ' structlc hox j woaldfrt build.»hlch consivuctlon at Twin FnlLA da." don't know.xcon- ouit rnie N ns. t h e moro.s's., KEEP c o m i.n o : Potter Man: You'atnrt«l t n(>w take 11 and like U.\ The First M( ou was painting Uie eelung. T1 : Seconil Moron juiked hi "you ROtta ROod hold on the bnish?" Tlie nrst Moron til. what about U?". ond Moron replied, hang on tight, 'm gonna mov< the Udder-, \ And of courr.e there was Uie Um«A Tnne for Greatness POT Sh o t s with the GENTLEMAN N THE THRD R O W The Ftnt Moron.sali to back Ut:e Moron aaid "well. e thicker,!," Tlie Flrr, rwkfd ftt him dl.'^stj )1, we mlsht ne boat tomorrow." The Canny Kar ' repllni Tlir> Kli:.l -The Of S4 lieutenant, ro: hli new uniform, he 'tiidlously looked himself over n the mirror, then started out the door 110 HUM iir.rt. -Doc Faneien RaKlng Canines for Arni] ' neadline. E\er^' litter bit htlm. LYCOPOOUM There wa.i much coamernalloi; 1 a ecrtain Twin rnll.i family when le piirenla received a niedlc.il re. ort (inybik hnl heir small daiigh. r w-w allergic to lyroi>odlnm. Pappy and mnmni}'. were itjniled. ndeci nwful. So pnppy looked n the dlcuonnn'- e found; "A larne and widely dutribuied genus of plants, typlfylm: the family lycopodlaceie. Thry are or creeping, with cverkreen nen'ed leaves n four to many ranlu. T^'ic spotawab nie borne n he o*ls of ordlnan- leave.^ or iggregftied n *trobe-llke. sporophorc.i.",<hort, the report should have,',imply Uiat the gal Li ftllerglc to ChrtstmoA trees. ^ Uonesl. Uiat's what 11 bolu down to. FAMOUS LAST LNE... And non the army takes my denusl!... " THE GENT.E.MAN V THE THRD ROW H STORY VDF t w i n FALLS AS GLEANtT) FROM,THE FLES OF THE TLMES-.NEWS 1$ YEARS AGO JAV.. SJS Mr. arx; Mrs. R»lph.Jaulni are the larents of a son bom Tuesday, Jonuary 17. at Uie county general honpllal. Mfi. Albert Benoit was hoste.ia ti le ir. P. club at her home on SlxUi «nue east. n Uie bridge game.s the ncore fell' to Mrs. Walter SmlUi. Mrs. Jeff Hunt. Mrs. J, J. Wlnlerlioli and Mrs. John LeUer were guests Uie evening. With 13 days more to register motor Tehlcles without penalty under the iiew law. eioo motor rehlcleii are yet unreslslered. poloted out a Claud Stewart yesterday. VEAR.S AGO-JAS. S One of Uie worst flnn the cliy has experienced for several years occur>^ red last week when the seed warehouse belonging to O. W. Schwelger and \V. C. SouUi»-orUt. situated ttcraw tjie Oregon Short Line track, opposite the depot, was totally destroyed with thrlr eonient.t. Robert Brose. of Rock Creek, 'waa n Uie city Saturday looking aft^r bu.^lne.vs. Mr. Brose says that there U more snow ot the present Ume n Uie hllli iiouih ot Rock Creek hon at any time last winter. CARE OF Y O U R CHLDREN Br ANGELO P.\TR TELL THE CHLD A STORY if tlie first qualifications A'ould a.'.lc fur tcucher is Uie iblluy to tell a stc irj'. Aa Mothers vtt th cilm and best icn cn m cniiknow Uicy too.."ihould be nil kin knowledge of the.story. :hlld. practice, will m cllit oii; of uiiybcxly ; lis tonrue aild lls men A story i cnuonal mytlnii t s tvet oai. ot place t v applies to le ^tuniloii and t will carry more eldtit K'lUi the child tlxan any her comniunlcullon one can make. >.',:ead of scolding n child and lllng liim greedy when he reucnc. lor more than lil.i share, tell him. quit casually, Uie story of the Oreeay Uoi(. Leave Uie Uog lookliir down ol Uie water, his bone gone oeyond redcnipuoii; sorrowfully. DonT pohu tlie moral. Tiie child is quick lo see ond elicnily apply t to hlniiclf. He may have to lic.ir the etory»cvil Umes but that is not loo bud, Let him hear it until he knows li 11 Kill be goocl for whai alls him,,bl» Helpful ler nnd wt^aier aliojild Fables and bo able lo table to Uic occa-sloii. lu-iid Uiem lo Uie children. tcu Uicii o y r oiiil o4cr. apply them to dally hapijenliigi luid the children wu ab.',orb Uiem and apply Uiem too They-are second only to the Bibli stones in tlielr nfluence on char. Tel'l the Bible stories and»ul Uiem to-the occasion. Tne seleciloi of the rldii story s a matter ot experience and pracuce. All stories v.'ll no:.-.cne au children. Mothers and leacliers soon learn the nature of Uie child Uify are dealing wlui and irn to pick the story with neat crlmlnouon. One might heslute tell the Mory cf the naurhty children who called. "Oo up ihou Baldead. to Elijah ond wljo. n conrquence Were eaten up by the bears, know 8.nicy. sturdy young rascau whom Uie story would be a deiht, and a caution, and othc«to lidin t would be a nlbhunnin Bull le story to the child and tlic oc- ^.lunloii and there s lltue dotiger of making a tnlsiokc \ Rl.ffU Clillds Attention Stories tliould be u.«ed to divert ;hudren's attention ro.'n things liiftl Uiey ought not to do, from fear*, from wrong Uilnkln4- Just tvi t s good practice to hni'fe children!.hik wheii 0 storm s SaUiering. it is good to tell tivtnt a tlory 3f couraje and laughter and hope n Uie fact of coming trouble. s t true?" No su)ry ls\true, ind no good story s imlrue. tc wo Lell Uie children, "Jt can be \true tor you. as true as yon need U lo x." and go on from Uiere. \ AU kinds of stories arc molerla! :or mouiers and teochers; Blblo iiorles, fables, fairy tales, history, blogrophy all ore needed. Don t leave o'lt poetrj-. Teach tho children beautiful verses, a few psatow, hymns, lovely bits of prose that wlu :ome bade to Uiem n Umes of slre&s 10 comfort and sustolo Uielr wavering iplrlis. No home, no clautoom, complete wluiout ts itor}^t«ller. u.rruiur. >111 (nj h.tp lilt rr«paf«<j br An>»l alr hlrh cniit m ohulnxj hr '. r.rt of Tln>M-N.wi. i'. O.. 0. Y«tk. N, Y.. - MANY HOURS DONATED BURLETi', Jan. 18 Durley»t>men. 'lio.donated.ma.'0 ihan-70 hours «f lork lo Cassia county Red Cross chapter during Uie past month, were Mrs. Lucille Harding. 89 hours; Mrs. s Lowe. 78 i, hours: Mrs. 0. R. Marean,.T 'j hours, and Mr*. Charles Me>on»!d. 76^ hours. SpJendld response has been received the recent plea for chajr*. A N A LY ZN G C U R R E N T NEW S FROM NEW YORK SKU^-One of Ci* p «*i t «lorle«%f Uie car s t ^ oootwnr ot our soikt rrart^ryr rcr Cs* BTtrrrf ALBCBT UaiA.V, B- now a world) rtcorrl. The Asntiteaa m s B tfl hleh telugence. excelleai troltia* tsd 12* superiority of his wespccs art c&atf reasons for our feau. Tb* cuiaon. ras(«flndtn oad decomechonlcal detlees a n th* bca Uial foetortes can producc. Bui osr admirals do not m t oa ificae efta. Tiey hare beea* k n o n ta tioai a battleship in a drydoct. Jua; riding n lerel water. A c:*u«r w u Uien seat actou the bcztssa a=d the sights tel on he ac~ Justments were made to it* ctjulpment and at nlgtti bem=«t were token froa the stars.. Later the big Teasel wx nto a channel a&d aecsotre" rzcca stern lo keep her suoc'* ^ movable target was daccuteirc a: 23,000 yards. Salves wer* tl-ni iliecked by aa airplane. Uie shots peppered the oojec; every shell s^juck bt:t rca. hole volley enough lasce^i to do bustneu. Then, by consiaatly r th e a n ^ ' brigllt young seaiaea la the 'Of banking pffider 7lar.~t Uie projectile p.-operly. a degree ct tklll was altamed that iiomenau R0D8EE A dbuss-ishtsl York banker sajs that Hc=,:t J. Kaiser s 40u.-:dl. ;i of.' for a rerljij= if the Wagner act merely gue o whal baslnes.'aea»terr*h «t hope Uie ne» cor.jres.1 will ca, Al- Uwush big eiecu-dtes art W ia rii i own.uhes. Uiej are citca bumbling novices la piisiciy. Thry ' e iheir»eakoeij aad heiizate to tpeak out lu ceeung; lest aliould be afcuied of later ba;;:.--; >t the mcment the bosa the na^at the bench a.-t gettla* Manhattan oplnloa b usicss should bo fompeued to rrnder aa open accounifus of the siluxci 1 they colleet and spead. 0=ce due.s were considered eest egjs to eedistributed for the support c: siettbers during jirue pcrujvls.vow. ihe ys seeftily lor ca=;siia-3 purpcees ond cbijlcg. U.economic ruyallsts gtea«\l the ways in steie hou^ea a.-.il tiaucra: lenlslatures 1.1a imuar aaaaer thry lid prompilj' be quliitd thiw iih he provisions of ihe nrrupt prx:- ces laws and have ihelr e-a.-» pianed back by the phikcs. B4: jpiae- c:j po'ltlclam dare net <;-.:es:ii:a thir 'olin L. Lewises. Tlio flnanrier.cientlct^e^ a^:-ie wlaits thal ihe c'.d rooter toirraa if Wail street were to fcr th» pendulum swlnglig agal-jit capital- su. Those jklnfllats opcr»;evi u sh;? ej the c»cl=y. Tb* aaaeat s=3 c: the U-.herv be a.-r». tixk li set. he co «hs w«at veckxcsca t4 reas; i*=*ly gk=»sl a =» ii«cf Saaaei 0 <B,pen. F»crcsan«c- rtc^si a deal Lr Soth siiasftssrai oac en ^he e^.al.a9 t>: T»naea rather ch:*ina 1. Ww hi'vt he<a -«BU «a e ei coc:fr * : r i:.e i S-.a-.ei ars^y TDULUN Tr>»rJm :r.t= ah orta c ihe wtr:.i irrp =-':o New cz a acird ;ra Mar.- r = i K cct Va-»?a «Cuirj; S a i l iaa.-rs Wea^ixT f «i «tj ^ h i i heen j.-cat h^cpe is : rthe: i a i ' CtKihrp; a tiit.ar thr sirs^ tealrasy V>:h? a^u3t«a U a sa,t ihit Wejnzvi CLAPPER S OBSERVATONS NATONS AT WAR WASHKOTON. Jan. S A perxxl of complaint about lend-fose s inevitable wiien you ha\e a Uiat makes n midget out cf ai: vlous oae.1. high tajts thar arr ^3- T.J higher arii groeerx UiatarRjusLilrt--. ibout these do. pecpie have to walk «plaui a>!ut lucky caea wti> rtde Lt gevrralutomoblles- Witen t.here to oily complain about butter gcias to the foreigner. \Ve are sending for cwre siateriab out on lend-lease C-.aa w.r ever rome beck. Yet en<j-lea!e a not entirely tne-wsy traltx. 0 «ar forces in a number cf places e»er-'. (ras are recelrtnit ribstaatlal bcaeflt-s of lend-lf«.*e tld frcca fcreura fountrlev n fsct. we hare fjtd scc» lend-ease aid sent to us crer h*rp The D;iiish sent ui aati-aircrali guns for use on the east ccas: aad bmtage balioena lor the wek teas: Mast of the reciprocal au whic*: hoji enme lo w has beea t n a the United Klngdo.-n. b the fffra tnftlerlals and lerrtces taide a r oble U) our troops Lt EngUatl the middle eait, celand aad the Ts! l.sl0rdj. We hare received ortinerr. saiaz arms, grtnadea. land talaea. scuatj locators and radio locabco e?.:!>ment. Spitfires.»-pouad*r r= a. some 3.000,000 cuy plgt«a fcr target pracuce. e^ul^eat t a ct=ahl[». repairs cf balue tfsaage t? kl 'ressals. acd beaker We have received diawlajs. flcauons and produeuoa data fc: many ^ecret device*, stxh as raiii>. locator e<julpoient tor aatj-aircral! defease.^. The BrtUih teu our g-rernmeni that two-thirds cf the cvu and multarr labor arallah^ for mllllary works aed serrtcea 6a the United lusgdom s betas. ployed on work for Use Aiaerieaa army. We are getuag bcapltai. barvack.'. officers acccosmdauce: air fields, repair depots aad ether malnlenanee. We received 13.0CO bicycles for personnel traaspcrt ec air. JlcUs;.Th*-Sriilsh.-aa r*dct«- cat Bid. print the SUrs oad SOlpes and Yank, and recenuy they tspplled ChrtJtmas earts U> Aaserieaa eftnteenji. They hate also fapcheii ateam rollers, pile driven, co c k ^ ranges, and much minor eqjjggga; like potato peelers. cfiicc of war fafocsalsift rtdjtrca: *aa t a a pe»- ;ia=;? «a at wrar asri *;>» cl «a? a=«r * w. Gooding Of f i ( ^ Take Their Posts G o c c a a o..iaa. :t r,i-v- o:- Ecials e»:h ez c = te at t i* a: Uje haard <t esca.gr wrrt: Prwec a» i l. r. Sraa. At-esscr Bert Lcre. r. wkt.jr»c St. M. CSaoiJeegT. S = 3 V JSjSjw S. i sa?:. o: P=S>:k C ssaesas yii.tj:e C a.^ a*r i S. C «etts. «a i iainarc a r* a «srw ir. SSarS w»s eeir * aria: who ttot t i t caih tar'ts* rar & Seras t ^ b a r t re^r, ir a r C «a a e r eaisa t f bc- Zc* &T Sen fcotrt i-r[ --i~1-ri a»5s2*rcsi=- 9 M cr TWTc^ w::::! C sa rsa a r s c = «a T-r;'^,rBf-a;t 1

5 Uoaday, Jam urr «TMlSB-NEWS, TWN FALLS, DAHO Page Fiv«! SOCAL EVENTS and. -GEUB NEWS Jlyers, Kinyon Vows Exchanged A t Yuma Nuptial CASTLEFOnp. J«l. M.-X K. A- KWOC. CwUflort. h«x«t.*!f aaitttjitt «>l ih*lr orjv djusbter. MUs Ealof Klnrcn. Lok W s«'- jui TJirta. CalU, *V Vvam*. A rj_ i:» Suw Jv oomirs - saoncy Xc. r. The double ctzt^cay ^ p ciivscd la tee ciiaptl ol Ui. O-iitU Ji csurth by Her. L L Roi*--v The bnsf KOwneJ n bl» k nfrtsiof.w ir.d d t cirrtkl» tlr.ea tiaauercljlfr be'.3= l2f to her aoxixr. iaz k U'ilrj: old. ir.a sosirlmnfi borrowl»t-'- hrr penis. T^ie okji^e»m»rr«s^a!r.u^rb> L'ie br:ip TT5tsn'» t>reu '.tr. W Mrj- MJT.-3 ««m.t(j at C*j.tle- JortS i-'kj af.rndfd the local»^''.oolv She» "jj «5;endeO the Ccllesj diho»nd S:»le Nor Fte:;ow.r. sraduiiica s-'-.etautlit!o.t.e tyne «t Ciillrford a-lo it F WM secrrtilt o! the Y.W.C.V is d iptxtw or t. ie GL'J newrrrs ftl Tw1.t F»Us t*:o««cceptlci a ei\il wrvire»i>poin"jr.etil tlu i he*is- Quju-.eri»t Rupert. She haj tieen etr.plmed n Lm Ar.jtlra lor the r«.*-t tnc months and *tll conilna«w.ih her *ork tor ih» fiaratlcr. Serrraat M jm tenarrl ^ jtetf la Klrt-M Hie. Mo_ The coup:* -suited»t the K w c «ha-xe a >har. time a ia uheasercrant Mj fr> was jran:- e>i a futkiwh. * * Miss Goodhue s. Wed at Tacoma Jarian Martin Pattern roe YOTCC M.\TSOVS At la-t a.'trie that cccaea la la TTr.s;=-.v but U de;i,-ned for T o u r a ; P»ue «i : by Mar. U a UarUa. h e calur arvj fay rtbtc a bct 5ire k channsns j-ounc ei* But ihe *0.1 yoked t c iin and Cuj*; Tauthaad Ha:!er aad ilia : nnre. Opuoc-Jil.'VJe bauoeias. Paxterrt #112 a»y be ordered or.it» iiim at ss. a c. «. «and * i S t» 38 w;utrt3 3\ j a r ^ SX nch:». yard nbtca. Send SXTEEN CENTS la eosu f«- ihis Mana;) Mania patxcra. W -:e plal-.y SZR N.MH. AD- DSZSS a.->d s m x NCMBES. Ju!-t Out Kir Sprlr^x Pattera Bc»t! A icact;ral w*in* fulde.» i: i FRES j»tirrtii; ux tcak».oter< <^eaacrj; j=*.arl. ri5:^jc*t*^s^«xcrt. jporu. aad <yra:*u? it.tlrj.'or all *C«.- Paf.e?Ti Back, tea ctaii. S<tid rour ccdrr to Tl=f5*Ne»s, r»ti«ta Dep*rt3ic=u T *a Palh. Jcaha. YumaBride Mrv Cra M j«n «b* ' roalne Klojoo. Caatlrf«r< la hrr marriac* at T«aaa..Vrta. ^Uir >CTstlBt) Buhl Girl Weds Dakota Soldier Plan for Meeting BUHU Jan. and MnC John C. Oopdhue, Biihl. have annnunrrd the rwvnt B-jL*naEr of their daujhter. ilu a Ncrrsa Jeanr.e Goodh-jf. to AnSrr* Franlch, Tac.'iT.a. Wft-Oi. Thev were marrlfd a! U;e ra^:cc in o:>-r-.pla. Wa.-h- Dei J t Mr. and Mn. Kojd Paver. brp:her-tri'!»» sr.d «r r r ot the bnie. a:ter.ded tiie couple. Mn- it j. sni-a'.ed huh.vhooj in e.e cla.-.\ ot :SC. arid Jcr she v t elihl.t.intja h.as been en:r;o\ed la Tarcrr.i. The CtK:r> x.r.:.be at hcn:e n TfkC^r.'.y^ Bhere ha;.*! art raipliiveu l:i ee- Vt>rr. V., P -T. X. vramil er rae;»i J?reh.xr.e NJrv H. Ttenbem. > 0 ater.oe s.irrh. r»^^ rr : x a»peur.f to be» r. rivcn ::3 in the J-^h»:^.v>l b u ililn ; rr«n j s: w ^ a. R a * V, ei- ;ia=! th^ ;vx2 t ratiar.l-j: l^>!etn»;»; ^Caa Jcas:t» S-tclirT»1U *=3-»»T C3ria.ia» relat^rf w r.raj sas th ^ tjv.rsl E>e.T» x :!tr ii a x r ^. Club at Jerom e Picks Committees JSStCaiSl, Cccnml!*,«j rr» arcv'c,5»vi v> <'n tniwus; ajm?cr«ra.t-% at thi :»:*«o: Jcrarsf CivJt elub n»a> a=s.t=n.-*v2 rhal the bux a iocre pa-ties"»h :rh had i»t= h*ii os alterrvate aeetins rjtr. XS2 the thfty. O; tv arranr izrr. n ii a5s;.>:.-c XTrv J.V.15 PartirLon, i rv.v u «r^. G\i' r. r.. ^^.kw\-et. Mr?- Jvi-.V-. Shi'iT r >0.1 Mrs. A t Coast R ite s S.n ^ l's k S i ma KT5 v-cthf.vtv-ctf C: anil B C m.' Jan fr-mr. aid Mtx, auv::;arj. Hi Morru Gee. Bt:h~ haxr j C.1V n-fw-rr.t. V n.. One ;he tr.arrla5» cf their daajhter. Mi:,' ^ M:;.. Frank Uvaan Oer. to Ptc. Jc* fi. U-»e?;- ^ Mrv c u r t H.,eln..«<^a ot NL'. and Mr?.._ cvew.e'a. S. D j Th.e couple» a i tr.arr.evl a: r-'.v:;. '.Li fv.day. J1.-T. «. by Chj;lj--: r.' j- C lub Holds Luncheon nuh. Jan. :S-The tin; <%r U;e res- >-rar tor UV Ht~e Oolt-.ire club ci Buhl was n the wta or a lur.chrtxi at the haae or Mrs- M. A.D ratf rrcer/jj-. Mr:'-J-Jle Dalvs 3 d JJrs. Dal*-Flatiers w r* s s ^ is sr.c h9^:evfs 20 acssbe.t and «. > r-r»ti Mrs. Martc*,Yelie. a tajcv«r- Our Lforarv,* aiv j-wrrrd n il caa (TJeitl'aa* 0 Shower Hanoi'S Mrs. P. ]\cgomb!p':^!' Exchanges Mr^ P.4U1 McC«=i. hi.-=c^: \ O W S^ C Fr-,-Uy errrjr.; 1 i pl=l aid «. : M.-J. XYx-r-r Hanovvk. M--3. HoTord V York i Dnd.-e prtrr^ Rx-: Mr'. Hrrtrrt- KeA:.-^-.Mrr- lu rli^d Co-'Jcc. at R up ert Home Ceremony i. M-^. h.-or*ri.:; Srh. The tao-ccurte hr;;he«c. cart-..*d.-rrrr ;l la a p.r.k ^r^: «. _-.e ec-lor xtf=.t ; A.trr n :rned at <;'.;ir.ct ti^es. rix v n, 7u.i:?l r en* p^jil,«r.4 «X e bair 1 GuerL^ ucrr- Mrv MrCecii. hororee; Mrv Shere;; Gr»;jer. F",-' 5-» 'i r rr.trr.v.f. ler; Mr>. Jacx Ph;rp\ i t v Ca.-l'cc. 1t..vt * : M.T. llal U-ocd. Mrs. S5=iL~- M.-«. cnr-iva.-r- TA.T:?r Kibble. M li UjL-t p iile r., v M.T>. Ycrk. Mr?. Doc.\5d:Txv Mr?. c u- c:.u:e K ocsii. Mrv Chjries S..r^?r.! i.- Mrv Herb JJriL'xe.'triUa. Mr», [»-t v Cr^Ti-rd O-.t. -Mrr, Joii= C_.-rT. i TA'tr «.Mr?. Dcn:rr Rir 1 ; Hum;'.'--'ry ar.d Mrv fuy ^ Qol-'e. <' Mi-s. E;\rl W alter Entertains Group ih. FLER. JiT, S-Mr». Fxrl Wi;: ;:ertal.-ed 3: c? th* r. A cc^.an^ cl-i- Mrv W allur Bt: Tvin Falls., rei :e«tvl '.he-tev'i 'Fcr Cl tt.e U\-jr.s - Ttr uted. C. DiTls vsxiupuni:!. P: Red Cross acri Auxiliar\* Meets.. hen ihe^ aiiiliirr cl :ie M w :e me; Ust»e^t plaij xlse m;aer 5;r more Sccis. M n. Bcide Slater. Mrs. R u ti M-irph.r and Mrs. Maryirrt Weat«- special r-estj. * * W anena Jleets t the Warer.a c>.:s =e«u=s hej*»w k at the heme d itrv Cis. B«5bT. Mrs..V O. Jc*=.«a rertctrd that C;e Watanapo CMS? F.re frvcp had collected mere ihaa X pcunia of «a.'tc U t aaj wrrtal loo poi-i' ot sia ard aylca how. Mrv Joi oltca»3 j hcbtm t«> tie crct-t^ Red Gross Work KMBER1.Y. Csrsa tro a a*, schoci»in te Ci drrf-'tns Tcrt! xisder the i Britain s Bombings Eaemy bcmia fctud 0X3?«was tsa la.'-jtrt JOS: t» BTJ; ftr=3 tald.19*} to ih*- » cf January. H i j j t xcars «c n i Jar bsccbmn -ro.hrri wse= t m wrrr ti:>d aad $Xi} ts. - = ^ BrC mac::)»a» Oececsbe;.»Ui<a::y 31 killed aad ss a;-jrrd. :. s'5 *.^r kcri.'-'turj.'. «<lrcf =>TT :h^ 'pern.'.r.nrl dep.\rt' ai Ci.::,r Rei.Ti!., "u^h, i^-rrr h.ir..vt-d br^iil ;u.r:-> a: Lhe P j ^ f r h.vne Jollir«ur.r *:ve cx.-uzrjt' tr. r.v a. olrsiia :«r Tjr ^fff^tmre-^willdavis Entertains Club ;li RebriftJi Kenuhf h.ime or MttL ic*. T-,*L Cn-fTJ. tnt ra»~ > rv SCms tr. tr~ r»if3 a..«snsrjr ^ ^^. n '.K. C«-rr.J rc»?x'!r=-v Mrv R.-:?- STlp; ';w-a.'irtr:; Mrr,.V, <i rr^re- ^ - r r w c r r r. as* M:?. E. H. TVm' 3 tsss*t\tfwisjvi ;vcja;.r.a r-~-' :.t fr.iric j-ear a=jl T.v=r< K* L-'.oe; a i i-ie sn-. A; v lw.-4 ihf»eeu r^ re- «rre srr't.-; The rjert» ^e- -'ar.. K u\the h.-<me c: i t J. Arru-ii Tk----Jrr «;ih M.*V raf*-: k O M f m t WXHUVKK WiiPi tin 5W\SatuT itj atttrs.-v-c a: Uie *: Bariara O'StD.Tas ojses «Tre p^axrd r j i ^rsn r.x.--.t «is.v Mary. ic--o. ys-sima Hcrreih' i=>i US>> vrrr- ti pa^?3:cir sislsv The w v i Tnpriiac iifii ai u» Ji5»f (J Jin. Ex:!«# Guslsrti. Miss Helen Given Weds at Coastal Nuptials Jan. 10 M;, and Mrs. J. C. Given. Twin PalK, ha\e announced the mnrtlage t>r thfir diujhtcr. Jlelen Given. iu>*ood, Calif.. 10 Jaaiea n. n^ filb. Mil 0' Mra. Agnea iisalln, n' ; clfaroil.»i a 3 p. jn. ceremony Jan. '!0 at he home of the brldejroom'a cioihrr. Rev, n M. JonM. Prrsbyterian miri\'.er, i>erfonned the double ring cerrtnmy bffore the flerplace bank' ei Ti;U «iut* sladlqll atvl verbenla». Tlif bndr was jlven in marrlikc by Willlwi Kee. Mr*. William Kfe. c.->uj;n the bride,.\er\ed as brltje.v maid. Ceorje Pllklns served tin brupjroctfn as best man. T!ie bnde ^wore a. rose Colored Mrrft ' i l r r v? ' i i c c c M o r l e s and a co^^ate of rwtii and gnrdenl Mr,'. Ker's dress was sreen wltji cor?ji;e 0! jfilow ro*fbud.i. Folina-inc the ceremony a rccf tjon *a< lipld for Uie 35 rrlati' and frirnlv The couple cut n ;'-.Mi\l V.'.r Uirre-llcrcd ncadlns Tlip btnui! imlr left minediiitely.'or a.'!!«! irlp to SauUi Darbii; Mrs iu-aui 1.%a smduiilp of Twin Fills hu!i.vhool and Mr. nkiils «n.v cf»ciuiifd from liijcleu-ood hikii.vhn.»; nntl U, C. L. A. Both Pln.^fxi at (lie DotijlBS El SlKundO pl»ni n nslewood, '. Oji-of-iown (nir,',t.i incliidpd Mi J. C. Olvni and MKi KMlirr Give r ilii Ti'.U: Mr. and Mr.v NJacshc n;ir.it: iinri daiiuhlcr. Sliiirnn An frotti -oni; Reiir.h: Rex Dnkln, U Anse;r», Mi.'. GnrllU and Mrs. Di kin nrf rou'.ln.i of llie bride, * * * ChristianXJhurch Deaconesses Meet BVnlJ;y.'Jini,' ts-nealy elrclrcl rardnp'.ve^ nf the First Clirl-Hini churdi held ihelr annu.m niceiint imrnt.1 nncl nsinictlon n nt Mr.'i. Ted Haffmaii will Mr\. Hnrr\' S.irer n clinnie. :io::\ for.lenlnr commii' ict nppolntmnil' ;err innc;f.n follov Mvtn; FfUtvVAr>-. Mrr., _. H<-:brook; Mafch. Mr?. llalr Goch- 11. >tr;;. Chnrlr.^ Pottrf.n. John GorhiKiur: June M r H.irrv Snoeh Juli',>Mrs, Pc.ir :.MirviM. Mrs. l.lovd Cn:;. iber. Mrs. Eitks Sirel'.miih: Oftober. Mrs. Sum Oochnour; No. H.- E. Wl'de, nnd Dr. ffxhrr, Mrs Huki Mien,!:>. H. E Wlldc vrn? iinmrd t< tlif.(cacoiic:.^ niee:ink ncxi Jerome Rebekahs nstall Officers JEHOMK, J.iii. 1B-nM«lliil:.iii 1 Oilicrr. icr ihi- Jprcime SvTlni: Relx-ksh lo<lsp No. no ;vns lirlil ;» a-eek. a rap.ifily nuillcncc wlinr-; Tlie n.'-t.illallr rird by Mrs. deputy pre.'ldr!',;. by Mr?, Jp.uie naker, a*: ilcpuiv m;ir.\liiil: Mrx. Maude Jlaulrv, a' dciiulv j.pcrr;ar>-: Mrj. t.urv Wikv,.leimiv flnanpli! ffcrrtarv: Mr:. Helm Kennedy, deniiiv iri-.ir.urrr;.mr.'. E\-a S.tillh, (lpp.i:y chaulnln; M r. T.er.a Fiilker.in, drmilv n'ltle cti.tr* d!an: Mrs. Nettle Ftilkrn.on, deputy o;it.'l<le funrdlan. Newly nsllleri nfflrrm are Mr.<. Alvlrlft Doushrriv. a» iii'lilc Rr.iiiti; Mrs. Dora Stud>viii, vlre-praiul; Mtj.. MarK&rtt RMWrniie. co;\durlrev; Mrs, Mnr\' D foffmiiii. chap- nln: Mrs. Man- Keith, lu^llle nuar- n; Mm, Mnr>- Mntui. niit.-.kle cuarn: Mrs. f*! iport lo-llie iirbli Liia- Wiley, leti wi )?r crand: Mr?. Artie Jm port lo the vlre-craii Mr.v Moll; Cl«i left the vice tnind; Mr^. Mnrk-aret Hutteane staff captain, and Mr.. Alicc Calleii mamclan. * Jf. V. Report Given at Pioneer Meeting KmnERLY. Jan, is-wlien hi Pioneer club tnei l;ut week at thi h'.-cte ot Mrs, Walter Slattuhler. Jr. Mri. H. H. n.>.:ifr, pre.slcleni. np hoinled Mrs. Robert Denton. Jr.. iint Mr^. Jim Henn- to tli«l Uie USC cookie >r U lilleti (iuiinf the irontfof FVbruary. Mn. Ctri Emer.'.on Kuve a rei>orl 1 nfantile porali'sl.s, S!ie explained that t»o ntirsts frorn Tain TalLi are to be sent to Mlnne.'nUi to sludv the Sister Kenny treat.-ncnt. f enoufh money can be ral-.«l by the cft-u end people by..elllnk ilie March ol Dl.-iie»,booklel.v n niir.'e frdm hli eommiwlty Wll be ;ent. Tvi o books Tcere fujtd by mrmbers und tlie chib w>;ed lo flu one. Mr». J. W. Henn-. prosr.im chairman. intiwluctd Ucv. F- L. ktnberry «ho *poke on Ctilnu, RrfreihmenU table na.s rieconited uuj Mexican dolu jhal were rro-tj Mri. SUutliter's mouie) Ax.\kUns Mrs. SlaURtiter Mrt. Robert Denton. Jr.. Mrs. Roy Scott, Mra. Olen Hos.' and Mrs. Cliff Mmt ^ * W ed at Burley DURLE^. Jan. 18 fspeclnl)-el-.fr Dxlsht Qentrv. Aceq\sia. and Sylria Elsabeth Wink?:. Burley. rj:- rjrtd a marrlaje llcea'e here Jnn. 13. and»-err married that day by Probatp Judse Henn "', Tucker, *lth Gladys and Emery Winks wll. nesslrc he cemnow. MATTRESS REBULDNO RENOVATNQ WOOL CARDNG nxrton NATTnESS CO. 39 Seeend At*..S. Pbone Bl-W Bumper Headache Crop Faces 1943 Hollywood M'arllme reilrielloni hrlnj: mlrralne headartie«(o Hnllnrood'f Cap «tir* and primtuceri, hul upand-enmlnc joune frjluied playera like Doiiiia Ceeil. nbote, ran XDile at llie Dpportunllie* opened lo them. Group Discusses Ration Problems When the rlialmirn of tlic Heil Cro-r..'iiffl.-.l.vervlce co.iimltiee met aitli.llip local ineniber.-i of the fwsriti' wuillion emwvill.lee ealurdiiv nftrriioon plans were dbcus^til ftir clo?rr cooivrntloii between Uir lv,o f:ru\i(v%,, Tlie iwreiil ruininlitit hftii nrr.a.'ikrd for a nuirkloii <'N «t L to be prc.'.rni in e.icli one of tlic larerr urorery store.a to b.m.m buyers diirlni;.hie lir,'t week of railonliiit. law are uiiilrrwhy for tv vl;,v^nl eilueallnii dlriliiv to be put U l \vhere r»lluii cards will lie obinlfted Hist will Rraphlca«y i.how the point value of various ^ood.^ TJilj- commltiee Bill ako nrraiitre for «i)e:ikers to meet with till' vnrlou.i cliiu% to.ilvru;?; the nutrition v.iliie of ritliincd fiwd.v Calendar Tlie Lo:u'd 'of directors of the Y.W.C.A. mil meet iit 2:30 p. m. \Vl;dt^r^dav n tie Y- coom^. Pilniio'i- Hcbckuli lo<li:e will mi-ct nt 8 J>. li>. Tuesday ill Uie Odd Fellow.^ hall. > lter,w.. S. C. S, bludy cuvb w Thursday uflcrnoon, Jan. Jl. wlui Mr.v L- C, aillllrin. V Knull Oraiine will mi'cl nl f! p. m. Tui'.diiy, Members arc reguc.m- «1 to bring.landwlche.s. * * *.Moiiiitalli Rock GrailKC will mirt [or a rc;;ular Rf.'jloii nt 8:30 >. in. Wf.ncMlay. * * * S. Edward's P.-T. A. will men ai. (t p, m, T«e^d!;y til the r,chool, Gue.'t A[)e.iker will be Pbllce Chief Honarii OllU-ltc. «Cirri. four of Uie W, S. C. S. will meet at 2:30 p. m. Tuesdiiv lit till- home of Mrs, Michael ThrocKmorton, «7 A.ili street. Tlie lellef Mclely will meet n Uie firsi ward\room.<i with Mrs. Juanlla Hull dkciualnb the Ulble 1L1 A inasttrplecc' 1» litcralurc. * J, U. club meeli with Mrs, Mnr- Eiiret Durbin, 810 Sfcont nvcnuc luirlh, at 2 p,'^i. Wednesday, A.i-.-il.-ilant liwtr;.^rs will be Mnc. Ethel.Stlnri',_Mrs. Mary Waite.and. Mrs. Norn ulllihan..mariners club will meet nl 0 p, in, Wei!ne.-day evcnlns hi the Pre-^byterUn church parlors, Mr. and Mr?, Herb Heatherliiglon ura in cliarkc of Uie protrrwn which will tcmure h» all Rlrls f,exiel from the liuh fcliool. and a «olo by ML^s Alice Gee, After a study period with Uie theme slnnrt Between the AmerlcW the runipu.^ room will be opened. Church Group Meets TJie Altiirl.M. cla.m of tlie Church of the Brethren met al the home of Mr.v Victor Mellon Friday evening. Mrs, Clifton Smallwood had chiukt ot devollonnla followed by Kamex directed by.mrs. E. L, kenberry. Tlie sroup will meet next w. Mf. and Mr«, Smallwood Feb. 13. flgn Sewihg MACHNES We have a limited supply of New Elglna with the "Triple Doming fealurc." ' K, W. SNYDER'S Sewing Mach. it Vacuum Shop Service for All Makes Phoue 1S43-R S31 Main W. Dy UAHU)\r CVBCU -HOLLYWOOD-Therr -wi:: such a thumping crop of hendaehej n Morlftomi hls jeat t-^at Uu«Li even some talk of aaplrln rauon- ng. Despite Uie bljuest box-ofllce piy. off n futn hlstotv tor 19«. and wiuv everr proopcct of 19«to[>pms thai mark, hnriu^sed pnxlurer' ndi-ate Uial Uiey'd sludly Aiicrlfice h lot of coin for n little >r.\c«nf nilnd. Tlie talnry rellliik, ciitiailmnii ot rrs' nctl^ltlr-^, llnillatiwi w cost ol set.', lire mid i;a.' ratlomnj rind cen.son'hll* a orrlp.^ atll keep studio head.1 pleading. pucailni, pondering. Wagr Freeie C'hllli 'em When UCM Jlnuny HynifJ of economic stnbllliatlon coiumlttre Uie freeze on.mlarle.s over Jlicoo. ho Uirew n rlilll into tlie movie liidu-'trv. Your blg-i screen ^avo^«^^ are afralj lo picture coijtmlimrnt.1 for llie yfar, Ajk i>n>diicrrs are afr.i make ftdvmice p\ans iliev up wllli j/rrli>l-\.'etr. technical nnd jv miidful of note.^ rt-m players rrxrettlng that they reached their sal:ir>- limits and don't care to work any more. When Mirh ii.'tar a.' Oliij' ea, for lii.^fance. compleirs 1 19«picture for her U'Ual $ fee^tjie lj hnvi- the clu lce of actins for nothing tlie rr^ ot the y rawng chickens mi 1. ThW miblil seem to the like ei\.sy clwlcr, nctrcs.^es fi-rl thar tect Uielr iwinilarj. iklng. on Qie hcrrrn #l k-a-'t thi ciicli year. Wor.it dllrmmii of ull f. flight slam of,bi>tti film.-, a ^AUclf-iW DfliK Ctiwby. flob lo;>e. Jack Benny nnd he temn of Ablx>;i ind Gastello. Tile latest fe<!rral eillrt Jivs hev can work n ( th'r medli but not both. Abbott and Ccwtello, nho»ere t movies blggmt bat-otfii-e attract! ll 1012, mvr deekled to pl.iv 7.10 t irulnlnu cnmp^ until M>v. w!i there Li i,ome hope (h:it Uie ffvjv sue may be cleared up. Tlielr s; 0 naltirnlly li pretty clum al 1 ospert of five miivlelr.v^ moinju ^ mortl profltnble talent. Agent* Are Dolfful About the only ronsol.ulmi ai;i iible lo acfom U4n ililnkinir rif t pllkhl of Uielr aketit.-, mmo ala;, have been the objects of oiiie resc - nl bccnu;.!' Ui numy'ci cs t!\ iioljing more.'tienuous th-nn n 10 per cent of thflr cller. arnlnf, Tin? dllfer e b<h 10 i>er cenl cut of ilie»3;5,ooo 1 Garj- Cooper wa.s p.-vid la^t yr "For W iom the Dell Tq!1«~ n: icr ctmt nr the R5 000 whlfh Rel to keep n 1013, ir riii'u: keep nil nkrnt-s' pllloai bci with MateJ^:r,sllort;.j:e% ur.d tlieceilm; 5f J5.000 per picture on nfa- ni.vle. rliils for :.eu'. have put n crimp tn lavish pro<tucuon pl:mj. Trmpor.irlly Uie nlluiitloii b belns e.i.'nl by a Hollywood vrrflon of pii'.l- ea.'e.- exiinipu'. UnlMr>al l,-;,iifrt Warnn niltatlnn navni de. trrvrr nnd recdve<l n ap!lc.-» ot n Hud-cn bomber n return. Tlir nii.nrtiy.p-«flglller.s built by Republic for ' Firing TlKer^ vcul re,ip n fivlr fortunt n rentals for other movie-;. So will Uir remarkable ti.ival gun built bv JKO teclinlc :ins from a hunk of oil well c.v,lns iind jwri.': of a brradmixing mai-hliie. Klim Supply Cui Con.Mimptlon of rmv film has been reduccci, too. but n spite of the re iltlng problcnii of cciiv'erviilon 1 ay result n ;i break for both ih H^Dvle bu'liic;.-i luid Mit ca.\lomfrs, MaM.MtKllos wimlif like to see c bl>- featur.", uboll'linl, and the film.^lit)rt;ii;e ni.iv force this n uttlng the iiuwber of plfli i;\l only Grade A feaiures.so t... s f U movie indu'. lin.'ure of anythin; exceisi moiiev. Dilt six-aklng for n- (llvlduiils, Milton Rrrle hw the best niimver; -Hnllywood l.sn'l KOlng oii the rock.-., i'.-i JuM that we're noln; to live viuuer ihe lock-s, li'j cliea[>er." Victory Book Campaign Opens nurley. Jan. B-Atlenllon of Cassia county re.'ldcnu s belrj; called lo the "vktory book campaign," behik i^ni.ored lhrou^}i Marrti :> by ihe Utnerlcan Library av'orlalli.in. Red Cft-.s and the USO for the purpo-e of collecting bookj for the nriucd force.?. Tlie drive s «ell undciway in Durley. wlui Mrs.. H, Harris representing he librar>' a.viocullon and Mrs. Charles McDonald, the lied Cror.s. T5jc VSO reprcsfntauve has ;,llll lo be nppolnlcd. Theme of llie c.ntiu-alicn s "Oooct, clean, readable boots that you axiuld give your son or a rtl.iilve." y ji TH E ARW Y - they say: Bethel Queen MM Margaret Halbert, queen ef lh» Jerami> belhet of Job'n laughtrrv (riiolb by t.ej»on!>wir rngtarlnfl Open House Held As. Farewell for Lt. F. J. McAtee Dr. and Mrs. T. P. McAtee held jxii hou^e Sunday afternoon foi le friptuh ol Dr, Frank J. Met«e «k> lias i^i'ceiitly been comils'loned flr^l llculenanl n Ui< o.my denial corjjs. \V(dnr.',ri:iy lor Snll L;ae City. 'rr thsn ~.i friends of Dr, Mcr c.-i.tc ditnr.g the alicnioon. F. F..Mc-Atre?va.s a.v.li!cd n n; bv.mr.s- Wilbur Hill. Mr*, y Wall. Mt'. C.iarles Hart, John Gr.iham, M n. Arlliur r..mrs. Tiriins Peavey..Mr;;.....lul M^^. Cmrlcs B, Uoriier table ' W.S.C.S. Leaders Take New Offices At a 1 p. in. lundieon Li.M week of le \V.,«C. S, KO menllier.i re^eii:, Devollcwis»ere led by Mr*, in- J. rv..ks «l!h Mr-s. C. H. Stln. 1:1. upiihliig ilip musical backaiund FiiKf-mr.k- the.s'l'.n tta' rondiirted. 3!ce and hr.t.-,r..tikin of officers.1.s held. Rev. H. 0. McCallLster tnsuill«l rs. >ar.«ns nrr-livnt; Mrs. W. R. e.prr.'trlent: Mrs. Scoll vlcc-pre.'.ldeni;. Ho«,ird and Mrs, O. \ice.prtadet\ia; Mn>. F, rc-eonlink- ecretary: rs. on. correspordlng i.ecre- M.--S May E. Ncwlon. recreitrles of other den.",d Die leaders of nine ^ a'j.0 JnJtalled, Mr?. A rthur Powers Elected CJub Head Election c\o.'flrcrs was held nl t.he fcl-monihly mretlng of Uie \V.-..sliln?ton qiuris club al the home of Mrs. Llovd Bulllvan ln.m week. Mrs..\run;r\Powers wnji electcd prr.s(dfiit: Mr?.Wr!hur Mori, vice- nl; M:^, cenrve Verberg..<ec-. -trea'urer >nd Mra- P. \V. Llvelv. rrixirter. Mrs.'Sullivan and Mrs.-Merkle Bi co-lio5[e»s during Uic social liour. Home and Garden Meet Scheduled- The Home and Garden do- ' partnicnt of the 20th Century club i^chcdulcd to meet at 2i30/p. m. Tuesday nt the Amcricat\ cgioti hall. _ Mr-s.. Wnllace' Bon d 'wj aptiak' on Frcnch. Canadizin.. home.*!. Jr.t. Russell.Miller is in chargc of the home eco* nomics division ot the pcofrrnm. Jfrs. Chnrle.s Caaey wifi be hostess chairman for the event. * Royal Neighbors nstall Officers At Friday Meet Wien the Ro}-nl Neighbor odg«met n regular 8e.>alon Friday evening JO members Of Uie Hansen clupier Joined wllh Uie Tain PaJla group for instolauon of officers. Tliose mulled were Mn, Ella Clanr. oraclei Mrs. Lillian Smith, vice-oracie; ML** MiTUe Andtrton. recorder: Mrs. Lena Kunkle, rectiv* er; Mrs. Winifred Whitehead, chancellor; Mra, Zelmn TreodKc, past oriicle;.mrs. Wilma Deer, faith; Mrs. if.vsle Olvcns. endurance; Colleen luppe, courage; Miss Cecilia Barile», unsdflslincia; Mra. FJorcnco Chrbtop.'ierson, modesty; managers. Mrs, Margaret Durbin. Mrs. Rebecca Knapp nnd Mrs. Cora Hicks; Mrs. Doroiliea Pulsler. staff cnpuin; Mrs.. Jleirn Mlnnlck. musician; Mrs. Angle ron, flagbearer. Tlie refreshment commltiee for Uie evening wiis Mrs. Cora Hlcfcs,.Mrs, Gcncvlete Hollenbeck. Mrt. Kntle George..Mrs. Nora Zucharlas and Mrs. Grace Turner. Tlie group decided to hold two metllnrs a month, the first belnit ft. 'oclal gathering nnd the second a bidlness sesdnn." ' Gooding AAUW Talker Outlines D e a f Schooling GOODNG, Jan. 18-Mn. Bert Powler was ho.mess to members of he Gooding branch ol the Amtrtcnn A'.soclatlon of Onlverslty Women, The prornam was on itie rdueatlon of the d^if. under the direction of Mm. nraiich Bird, A Ulk on A, A. U. W. fellowjhlps was given by Mrs- J, D. Cllboum. Mrs. Bird gave a-talk sketching he development nnd progres,s of the education of deaf n Europe ond the United Slalf.s. The talk was followed by n demonstration of apeecii and Up reading by Slate (leliool pupils urtrr the direction of Miss Mar- ' jo.-le.miller, primary nstructor at Uie school, and Mbs Mary Ellen Lane, ndvnticed departmenl tnstnicior. Tlie student.s taking part were Jerry Wilding, Enr Rowland. KeimeUx TUmer atvd D«lorcs Wright. n explaining the fellowship pro' K-am of he A, A. U- W. Mra. Kllboum told of the mportance of the work that fellows are dolna n the line of war held and also the work they (ire doing which Dolnis to ti;e end of Uie war and U««peace n follow. During he baslne.vs se.vlon wllh Mn, Fred Craig presiding the leglslauon to be.spon.-.orcd by A. A. U. W. Wfts dl'.cwr-'.ed by M n. John F. Cloiuer, legl.slatlve chairman and Uie branch a-s n whole. Mra. W, A. Carter was appointed genera! chalrof the annual dinner for high school nnd State school senior slru :hlch will be given April 13. 'Letters were read from Mrs. John Thomas. M.M Hcnriella Gunderson id.m1.ss Bonnie MacQulvey.. Betty A nn G l'iffin H onored a t"p a ity A sun^rlie birthday parly was gtr- 1 for Deny Ann Griffin, who wm four years old Prldav, by Mrs. Carl Cederburg at the (icdarburg nur-»er>-. OUier.small guesla were Mane Orltlln, Barbara Jean. BlUy and Ray Fiird and Alpliu Lee Cederburs. Bi-ity (ind lier mother. Mrs. Olndya Griffin, cut and served the large decorated cake. Games were enjoyed by Uie smail guests the rest of venlnj, - liera attending were Mhs -Wilmoth McnUre, Mrs. Vcrlc Ford and ^ny s tri^. ' To Help Prevent C O L D S from developing Pul a few drop* ef Vicks Va-tro-nal up each ooilru at the very ftrn oieetfl or dgn of nasal rrllatlon. lc«quick Action aids t > V A Nature'* defe <ses m st M TNEsaytce The favorite ciga* im cn io ibo A rm y, N ayy, M«- r in c f, a n d C o iic G u a r d is C a n itl. (Based OD actual tales, record* ia Pait Excbaagei lad'caa* ttcflj.) r

6 Page Six TMES-NEWS, TWN FALLS, DAHO Monday, Jtnuwy 18,1943 MAJORS START SENDNG OUT BASEBALL CbNTRAGTS FOR 1943 ivo Rulinjr# on Salary Limit YelRiHcived Br r.w i. s n ii:n T t.s N K W Y O llk. S iv P '- Thc :h r w m p tn 'iv lila n miij.ir cluh<. th o N.-w Y rrk <,iants. H n v k lv n n>>dt:its nr,. New York "iv n fin; tl-s \\(vk o:i annual 5-;ay,T,M,.or^;>T.tnK-Wr,oj:..- thi: nsho; lun-.x r.-.t;x O-.t ar.rc'-.;r.,-fvi t--f jovjj i>;.trr lalrrtv-o N. J-»: ti'' ir.t \\xt lilt* V» rrriijcr.t TJ U w «rrpi-.rlj TT.»v r.x if^k but hr frr 9U *» Qvitlir» ' txv."isi;r c*u> h itf putv:urr\l l-.u cl'-b iinwvi TMvd r»cc«tvr.j.v\. Onlr '.lo^llcht wra «h-"' mill rrlujti * " thf tntlrld rraiik CroM'ltl un:] t tlu! SNdiT ju-'pf; M»niftr MrC*rtl-.r. «l D;AlWs!.T»J M» litfjs «C:-.».':rv KfUrr!n carrr tl tlr'.i turjrn, hr:p«l hv Tuck Kick 4r;l lor Rr<l Kutlli'.s hi\ ttr'l... ne ltv.1»rif1 Uo;Uf Hfnu- >x-rv!ar cf, _ inrnu n err Uir.ch. Rlri* m ill onlv k rw it» Umr» t<«.! auv. Uc'..'-.'uu, W c rn llanl-u X'slirrv i.rrailv nrj-hil tt M'.t ; r Vlr Uri t ini hr ( L»o t>^ttxhfr rv.fv'trvl v' ni iln ti N-^rd.T rit?; tiv'^ '.;! Wilson Risks livbafight i Title Touight rnovidkncf:. r. 118 OJ!i. mi.rlil mi»on 1!»m br tlip blki;t r f.c mlxt for jloix) aii.l >r K.lX<» Mil) U. ix)-lhr *lt;i Kul Koiic Your n S)JUr). AaNtmll.'x. ftbatnlfin Hiu Kliu ; n l r«-»rrt-', lilv r. i.tlrafl l*uns s brr-aitii v hrf;< 6u! )<K m.iii.icr Lady Wrestlers Are Licensed On West Coast l.os ANOrrl.F^. j«n.-in iuri_nn nil.vjtm. m W tlip infllr.v rlwp >cniimy to twrvmi > bcomilnc ttirmlxrs of tlv l.ncll(-i of 'quf'umuih;! «i;l Hol bf pfniilurd to Tlip ccninu.'.'lnn 'Xiilr r»f!i ll.twrvl club to c; lilbltlimi miitfhr.\ racfi br!«ffii -ri-.il imlv wirj Mother Launches S. S. (iehrlk PO im t routunnll. M r. Jah. 5'--Uv.iiioiW'rtnc t!ir i«. S. Lo rtrlirtf. Mrv ClirVsUnr Gflirlc < 'Crw York vvl a pi\r: n uli: hr ^lf^c^b<\l M *ilic trnm rlbiii r iu!,1 r. TllP Ll!>crl\ rw York Ya fjrkfr iud 5 «.imr<t for ib<- ' immoti.il fir;! Portl:xnJ lisrlx'r Ashton Dog Derby s Suspended for Duration of W'ar \.-\llry. «!f!in!ti K-r,l hrr.viivlav. irri thr < Vl>v «.\1 mrr;i:ii\r.f S tn ANhlo\.. The Sports Round-up lt«lu'r.h ni-lrbton. Jr. n.-ir P v t. Lair. M rr ir l. -,p\>r XTr\- lira. K-.i ri.-^ cocrjr.u:u-.f. THE SC.VSltOlX ' r u t. t* car niad. K a piitt ahrvii» Uttfe M b«t «r» UtW (M r«m, r^rrpl baxv Utr at altht aflrr a viram> Jar dat «t M a unitr sccisf arxnr>««a U v«a raa Ltrp ^ c< «iad... f» * prtttj W CTtsfToiard br «tdr. U im i and rbork tuu af bsm i af an a im acul Uuprs and BOT than aicrthlnc riv. k rrv»t Ut» ««r. la« m* M m tbt-ulir la.\drt>. b«rrt D nj... t i««tiabt7 tittiut H W «Bkta h f nmsirt M M n t* n r... r. s.: ' At UT acma. thr almtf dtaam M M U a c ta «Tflc MCM abwt. '.'rvx-n A-bun- r..: ircr? flrr-' t fv'up'.r ot >r... t lound h.\-'f-.;ra«ti trarvpo.t.'xiiori tn;r,i.-.c fifld 0.TUir Rockr! Vatr..CarrticM a.tt-a,vs h.^ l>rrn Uirrr. ai';virr-ni:v broasi-i rui harri- «!;rn tj'.crr'i tic r-acf to n il; MorxTAiNS Tttr nl(ht brfmt thr M c rn Brar MeanUin f<w thrlr iralftinf iltr Mnrbedr rottttlrtl tj drrr fprdlnt on thr baxrhall fkld. tol Ut Blllr^ la hr nran-wl plarr»hrtr j*o ran put a roapir rt rn a hof^*- rarr... CurmtllT. thr pucf h a^rlh x.c tj^ «lalrr»pom rrntrr {«hrn thrrr'i n ««l CratBrinc akallnc. UU lo t»nd hr Wx atonr flfrroar? Jtl ibr «TmiiF lac urtklnn- kneim *a Ttii- la a... la lommrr. the weodx mai la in and teira thf U p»r Brar MaanUln. rijn * tjoo f*»t frto)»ber«hp llodw n wlnda ts haw. make- U a p«pour»poi tor dly toka. SfiOMT %mjlb4 L HJiTcoJ oouno ph:-'^r*l r«ndlllonln{ pro* iram h»» brrn an lmpm»lblllly..mvd thr «ont jart of ll ' Hut hrr «<vn1 put out a Uriliillr Ur> a.m [>. r:u-i(>;r for rxtrn ODTwniiiiliri (riiv t. M-hr. fn.* thrlr irit-'i itry-«iirfrv::v :n ' itir athlr illllo!tliiic prcvris thr OU r >.irlc tlir r«):;ri-. Thr m ult h thi n p4, ulate llir m-ioou ai s roxrr all hr lrrtllor» thr: «ant «n<l n othrr parl«ihi rami trr rorrrd lo >tav liomr. Ot tlir lurfact. l'i downrulit diirrini nallon. Tlirn llirrc'!, ravpl-bv-tnilii lro\!: «>, Tlir O irr u.'t,s ti.h :ill li.r.c i.ill fuita.'tny nl htrnir to.'iii «ln«hr irnvrl i>ii>l.lrmn nivl nmrrn! li^litni thr lrnu-.i>.)rliitliin Jivui. -ivrlrd rlr,i npiwar v Miu Garxirn irrr'.< no niliiii: ih n r, nil (l.iioo-mllr trld lo bo<ksi t nt^o;ii:.nl- Tlir 1k>v% < hrli> tho- -lirv aiilcl h-.\\ 1Jib lu :i hr. rcqw.st. «>U. thr major raiurt lia»e hrrn a\lrt) to»tay wllhln prr- «cri1^ lmlu aroun.1 hrr <i»it hill p.>rk«n ll>r ra^l-anll that Milt hrlp rul (lonn h DUbr«k-«'l 1 ml thr laii mtimtr-iitt;-.oul'lmiii. T«-X;i.s. ChlH.i T ciumbrr.-i of Coiiiiii t thoii^aniu of <lollnrr. Nov thr major lracur«arr >la nc to mall/iut rontrarli to h platfn ami not enr bois kiti rvaruj>»«rtr hr»t»nd» on i lutnrr limit nillntj. llir ' rio n Ml.tr>' for pu\ 1 lun tj;r < r Job takrii durlni: 1 lu; ihf/- Ciinnot br.i liwlrcl-.ltxi «i wiyil lull tj;cy limr Tlirii hrrr'.-i lltr cnsr of lip 111 scluii'. phv.'liml fllnr:.\ i>ro,;rnin. WlUi nm- kind of nn orviinlrall Ui- ^.nrriimnit.<lioiild li:tvp h oui;iii-d 11 'nvrnm th,it wa.\ rrii for in';,ii;ation m rvpry huli.' clu n llir i-o;inlr>' nl thr DrilUmlnc of Uir lfn:-«?rhool >rnr. And thr counir nhnuld Jia»r hrrn madr a "rnmpuuoo' ' fnr not onlr rvrry «rbool, but rtrry tnair MuJrnt. nut no such (hlnc «a* done; thr axrracr»rh6ol wrnt about lu u\uat bn'lnrvv and only now arr plan^ rrttlnc undrrway for n- Hallatlon of»omr»ort of a pro. Sn:i thrrr ' no imlformlly am r\m- :<hool hm it.%otvn dca^ nboiii whal tx hr br.'l fomi of conditiontni: uhpihpr i will help thp yoiint tnp!i»hcn Uiry rci nto thp.scnlcc.- thr ^fhools. tiir major,' tin: hp mlnom ti-ouw m e l.s a dfllrilli unvarr jcs" or "no''. on ihci< Jtfolllrm*. Wa\hlnHonl»n». of connr. br. nc finl and forvmnt land ofirn ahrad of thrlr rountry s wrlfarrl polllldanv. fan l nay yr»" or "no." _E<irest-Eir c-lo-ss App.'tulniatcly M0.T22 fortjl fli... J'frjiias «,839,B0 acrci for an rjlimatcu ln:s of tfi0j74,960 occurrtd n thr Unltrtl Stairs duptnc Mas: of Hifse firci «crc cauj«l by WtTtlcjineis. Nrttly-dp-Mcned rubbrr htru ' «-ooclfn corri arr.cxprclptl to. i.ooq too: ot rubber AOUUaU^. Kolfe Thinks North Traiiiin" H«lj)s Cluhs Hr LOU lu.ack rit:\v HAVEN, Conn, Jan -Nnw tlinl the wnr hn^ ioiluirrii trnltilns Jiiinitv., nl fur llie riuratlon. Jtobrrl <Kf<l) tolfp, rx-krw York Yontn third Mickcr. prrdlctrtl totlny tinl tall playrrs will be the brtl< for U. TliP. rtliin. 1 of ftolfr. Ynli kribnll ronch. mrntl.i the jnrc nrm.1 unil ruv ullriiriit.'i rillcn piikiiri! liir iilhlclrn once thty cli thr bnlmy.vmih iind hit iiorlli rrii cllmr.i. - Not n Shape 'Tlir iroublr wn.% ihr'y would k'pp you down there wniililn't itlve ynu ninurh tlnip to *i!ri nln «hiyi>r,' Mild Rolfc liinum hl.i iilivr-yrnr nirrpj hr prrrmtlnl Amrrlcnn rhnmps enrird n nsl Oclobcr j ifrlr5. hl^ Mutli. \Vr would ly in Flurtda n arxj thrn.itart ploylni; cnmrs. Ynu B-ould wnrm <ip your ftmi n prnetlcp brforc thr coiitr.it, thrn Jtnm around And cool off w.iltlnk for nc-.nn, which, wlirri ramp, found >mir wins cold t>vpltp tlili condition, you umim h4vp lo Ko nil out with n tliro*' ' Kft the battpr. Rrsult. f.ort iimi, lu d for Leu "A' tnr thp lpi;j. nil \oii coiilil i o;i llifvr Fnrldiv flrld-. u;i.i!ll Mill coiildnl run, Kffrrl, bad n ^V*^» «' ' '^d 'n 'l llir nnrl<lii trip. f po'.sililr, m Miro «hrn Umt linpprnpd lirltit plnyrr for. li' ol nlhfr.^ did, 1 Hltt;iys rlosi'.l Mi.ii an.1 nt my br^i wlirn ilip Ysr nrriird nir ^iicv.t." Rolfr, n PAtlvr of Pcnncnok. N. niul formrr Durlniouth basrb;ill cn mln, l5 "crarv iilxnit lik Yiilr Jc tthlrh hr look nvpr last Novriiit) Hh hcnitli. mpalrrcl liv ii nllmrni, hni mproved, t»h. Brazil May Be Offered.Joh At Detroit U. netrorr. Jun. in (UP Jr) lr;i.-ll, former All-Atnrrlcan fo irobably will be olfri r ixi- of A tllrr of i: it Uptroli Cliiirl.-i K. (Cin.M Dor.ils. ' Hip uiuvpr.slty ntlilcllc hoaril mtl vr-itrrdav niid nftpr con.'.ldcrlnk the (uiiillllf.iiliiin of three <MndUl.iiP5, t.iit;ilurlv clpi'klrd nil Hr,i;-ll,»<ir:>U rpt.iunpil ikfiitly to briioiiic ccacli o( thr DciriiU Lion;*' pruic.v'loiul i«)il),dl cuil). llrarll ;.ai<l lir liatl rccclvcd iioofflcliil»oid lf tlir ofut. Al pn:.cnt, hp 1-, ihp univcrr.ltys i;nuliia:r iiiaikikcr of iithipllc.-i. hacitllrul co.irli and hrad b;usk<'lbtill co.u-h. l>i)r;il.s bolh hrad fcmitljall fo.irh and atlilptlc dlrrctor diirlnn SPLT tr^ iitl y ; U V ;;uliitlnn.lln tlir j,t(irpbo.ir<l.ihowrd ii 29-;0 tl \va.n >1111 ltd, 33 all, lifter fivr-mlmitp ovrrtliiir. n ft r.cfoiid overtlmr. AuRii: uoii. 3C-34. Mpaiitlliir, a clip^'k of ;.rorc )CKiV,\u>v>oil Motiinoulli had won 1 rrk-illiilloli lliiir. 30.2!l. HiirrW-il oiriclau llnally w i sbpprrt br n hnppr thointht. Tlir ima-'ilrd Mii;iinoiUh tlir KWnc nil Aiika'iaim tlie overtlnip. Grid Coach Says Best View s From Grandstand KANSAS CTY. Jan. 18 <-V '1 Hind foiild havr tlonp n brilr Job of conclilin; from the ^l.1ll1^ rrj«ri.< Ad Llinl.'..iy. fonncr Okl.i liku^ mid Kan;as football mcnliir invn llfulrnnnt colnncl of nfaiito' tt an Ore',ion traliilns ciiinp. lr'.t brrn tia!rhln««ame.«rn i lix'ctator thl,' year, and 'Uir blcacli ritr.i tire mn.mpr mlmls really Uiki tlitiirj iipart ami pul tjiem loscuirr.' One Hrltl'h W ill pny liik hest prices for t;imo or wilii D R E D R A B U T - S K N S - Bring n your deer»kln«, tool daho Hide & Tallow Twin Kalli. Goodlpc Rapcrt Wliiz Kids From University of llinois lllnou «hli Kldi, rfl la ri*bti Jack Smllry, Art Mathlien. Krn Slcnkr, Cc Youth Stiffens Sagging llini Athletics By Turning out Best Basketball Quint liy KOllKKT.MtLLACE.Srrrlcrl CHAMPAON. Jnn, B-You iiimnrrnnird n the DB Trn cc irv. cltnilcl of athlrllc.1, f ynii not lirllrvp llliiou \Vlili Kltl.i ihe bcm n the cctmtry whfi ciiinr.-^ to ba>k<-lb:ill. and that Andy hlulj) will ix- thr nniiparpll of tlip roiirt-n bplorr hp flnlshr.i, Phillip WhU KlcL'i xm ifa!.on»oi: 'l'.'.tpin roiilcfcnco cli.niiplonu'l.'.ophonuiro.'i ftvrnifilnk 18'= r''i)ent ulth acldlmil,riu-. and r. iio ihp llfj Ten opfiilnii y ti»: rcpnlsrd Rrlroll-, M-25; ira.-,kii, GO-r; Ml.-«>url ; Cirrst Liikc^. 57-.' >3; lost n C,imn 41-31; and turned back aiunftird. 3Q-:g. jirc'rnl coiisldcr- hr ftr,^t hnlf with Clrrnt t.akri Uif i:,lol 'vrr played. llinois ril, 37- nl ihc iniitinl.'-lnn, and Uir cnnd half wns iirctly.wtfl. loo. llliiou rould ii-'i cniiip bnrk t«o t Camp Ori\n.. A. phiinipldn la.m iiml. Mai pm ;>ljiy-off Jii N#iv Or)r,ir.?.u.v) iiifct thr wp.mrrn wlnnrr. Stanford, Ro victory ovrr thr Cartllnnli thp oll^rr t^lk'^^ Mntllcstltni, :o to ^prn):. Lrad. Scorer. Phillip, n ;.trli>lnk of six feet two-and-n-hillf, 1^ lald lo x- ncap.ib!r of fcrulfj dbrtirrrrlr-.l. bill Tnu.^l ha'vp bcnl ii hi Mr i-;«lipd ;i;.i fpsmin whpn lie led ihr llliil n-. n duirrl v.llh DQ ixjlnt.:, ultlcll pbcpd him. sixth 111 thr cdnlrri'tif. t thr flr;,l Riinril n lll:io«hi'- nn ronfcn-nrr name'. Hr ua.s thp only roplioinotp rd on hr "All- tram. rhluljr.'. rlil'jinikr.v Grlie '.lack Smilev and Krn MniUp honorpd to n drk-rpr, aii( d by VlcT Wukovlt-1 ; rlnnliii 13 of li ( nfr: Metikr, rurrmlly thr radlni! ;nir. pr. (isllr<l nto hp flrr.t two roiifprcncp Kamri-ttlih Mlehlsnn nml Wl.seon'ln haiidlc.ippcd by nn.inkle njury, Tlir Kld;i.'.hovcd C.mtaln Hill focklni: ruihl h^irk nivlhr bciirh vhrn 11 took 0 r. bill trip, Ari Mill Clint Evans, Grid Coach Reported on Best Terms lly DAN.'tlcGrilli: ; KiLANClSCO, Jan. 10 fupi- - itloii of Clir 10 ixxslt 0.' Kniiluiil alhlctic.1 thp Ulillrj llv o[ California mean.? thp castr f.eonaril U. istubi All:.^Ol n le.id fooibiill coftch don't. niurc ii v.ith hf fiicl.5 of tlip Mtimtlcm, irllc whipiiliis-byv of vohi.!!<,r football fi.r i: iitoc-dlw v,tll-kiicnvn t :,rnt up to thr vaimtv by Kian din his ik'shinaii.vjii.iil*. lliil the boy* tli-fuiiiely li.ivo kl.-j' 1 iiiid niivde up... for lojlc.il n vil'w of the war^iuul Dip ttleil.sikirl.s plcluip, l\h tiu c ^rn.'.e;i.',nii on coaclu-^xoiily n thrlr j.ha ndly. of tltlnrlf^.'. th:it-lx' n C.illfomlii ;.hiidder at thr lhoii,:til ot,mlrrliin ui> lonlidvrrny n llinr. lur tlioe. And don't oi k<-1 h.i Allboii lia.\ been around Bcrkrly nin; riioiisli lo niakr cont.icu lit llir rl^ht pl-irr.i Tlia!'-; one of,the rrm.irkiib:? tliiiifi.i ibcijt Stub, lie'.s la-strd iniixer llmn my California coach wllh hc cx- 'liilon of the mmortal Aiidy.smith if iidrr triun fame. The kovm ii.idr merry nl ihe rx]>rn.'f of Nlto Pilrr. who.\uccc<xlril Smith and Hill niirain. who fullnncd Price, hav< able ti j;nniir n coordl: ed Somr of Allbon';; frirml^ who liavr brllevr< all thry'vc heard nboul his.llrurd preonrlous iio-liliiiu now that EvAlB U n hr wddle Miould rrnieinbrr that Stub prouiblj' la payliiit ;)ulic ii bit n U-.aii tlu-y arr. n < hns jockril away (]U old-nioulah n hl;i : at imm»ll). ) i>:r. fn.iybr- ninrt And h noipil for ihrowlnk inoiipy dun-n dralnplik-: WanUd Combat Llkr many of hl.n brcuircn n the fhanu'ter-bulldlni; jirofi-.v.lon. Stub Wiiiited lo -shed thr rakkml idprshlrl he wc;;rs al iiracslri ri for inlfui 1. Uiil li iinbal duty a di.-k- anil liol llir brimi-off. When Kvan^ Wiv; named urailuali mnnak-ct. lil.i flr;.l ruiikrmuinlur; haiidoh.ikc came from Alll'-on. Cynl lal 0b\eivvvs mlahl- tliw «.Stub'.i only cliol-e n lls luln n survival, bul peri.oiv. clct.pi' lo ih ictne cliuin Uie grmure wa.', nenulnr At any rate, nil 1.1 sweeinc.y iini light at Berkeley. CAGE SHOKS HLAMK) NEW YORK. Jan. B.,r,-While m irn n-vlew 0<Tuplc.i.MacllM-i Jfluiirr Giirdrii for hr iiexl l)d:ly^ ho baskplbidl court will be re.miraced. O/flclal.t blamr the.^crnp mbjer ti.t.1 tn hr mamifacturc of th< player.s shor ole.sfor niakluk nrri-.s. ft mld.jrii.sun rrflnwilnk job. FARM FOR SALE fio ftcres north of nicr lit the Sucker Klal DUirlct, All Kood. deep noil, complete modem home.»225,00 per acre. have buyers for hoiiir farms und acrciikfa. U yt will sell, can me. K L L C O U n K R L Y rhone 431.R 444 4th Avr. 1 X'.eWrecking THS W E E K 1915 CHKVRO.KT STANDARD. RlRhl side Eood, mofor. cha-viu, rtin.sinlmlou and rear end n Eood shape. LoLi of body p»rta and wheeu.. _ * DO rontac, 4 1)0011, Body prrfect. right r.ldc KOOd, srlll on rlklil hide only. Motor, iransmkiion. rear end n lop,condition. VUl..ell all or part. e i m n q n f^ks Asn PLTMOUTUS.-All body itylea. and all motor and cha.via jiaru.- LuU-CfMliC-part»-l' -l>«rica.cqn!llllbn, Plenty of fcndrrs. Twin Falls A uto Wrecking rhone 137. Twin Falls. Boi OU Jerome A uto Parts rhone 41, Jefcmi, W rite, Wire, or Phone. W «S h ip C. 0. D., Tl\c oi^ly rrsftve cot\cp!ltd i Cliaiicr of brcaklnic ntn the itnrt liik llncuj) Ls Ed Parker. llkev,l:.r i Junior and ii slx-fool-tlirer ])er furnicr who ran.'k- MiitliLicn. i'lre SprraU< Any rninblnutlon ol llic:c :lx Cv craiirs bellt-r than ;lx fcrl tr,u-and a-half nrlir:...sr.i>hc>nioi.-.i Oliver Slmaff niii Art.hiffi 111 c of.1 breaks r ilixhl phnniird tin i.iimlv driiiraiior im.'iilnllrrrd by intrf-.;ln;: niid tlir rc.'lkprrvblc Uob Zuppkt thp Krldlron Mill- hr. y nthlilli dlrpclo lm,*.lirlb;ill cc;:irh nir fir., bull ivlth thr rr.miu thnt thr crkl dcrs lind thrlr l>p-.l.;j-nr,i)n n yrrr t.'i-cmi n hr n trend of.micccs i Old Ch Wl'.c Ohlf blk llr;. 1, bill -nir Kl)K"iirr wliia-jnc m r ii,vual wiiardy. use s Team To Beat on South Coast SAS FRANCSCO. Jan. S i.l',- Unlvrr;,lty of Snulhrrn California ook«more nnd nicrp today like he te.-vm to bt;ii n this yrar'.i Coa.M conforcncc.suuihcrn divmon a.'kelball chii.sr. Tlic Trojiuvs iirr ihr tr.nn lo brat, lat v f any of thrre rlvnb can, o iar Californhi hw tried f*lcp without r.ucce.vi nnd at.-vnford filer, UC>A liiu'. ycl 10 make Hip t-ffort. Hill thr Jrulns' cliancc will comr Krlday nlklit nl Lo:i AnKt'le", thu»:imr rvrnliik.stanforil and Callfnriila collldr ul Palo Alto to ;,rllle hrir lam-jiliicc arkumcnt, Callfornla'.t most rrccnl.'.elliarl; al the haiid.s of the Troian.'i c.inic 3:- 27 nt Ucrkclry Saturday nluhl nnd followrd n yp-32 defeat n La-. AliK- p c.', the prrvlou.i week. Stanford took ll;. trlmmliik nt nl i ulo Alto Vldny. UCLA wii.1 dir over thr ucpk-rnd 0 far n.1 conference play noe.^ bill ;[lll li.i. i a Kra-sp al lea.m on.second ilace by vlritic of lt-i victory iver Callforillii thr ttpek before. Wyoming Oub LoolvsBestin _ Big 7 League Dy CARL WELT Vnltrd Tms HCaff Comipondcnt Wyonilns university's rangy baikclball team today appearnl headed for nn easy lime n winning the so. called "Big Sctm" confcrcnce cliampiomhip Uib (ifftion. nnd aiwedy Keiinv Sailors pi forward, the >cowboy»,completely tmouieretl n cumo bul outcla.-.sed Unlyer^lty of Umh ^quad CS-B Sat. urday n the ^^cond of a two-game exlilbluon irrlo ot Sail Lake City., Other Scorea Brigham Yauiut unlverjlly defeated Utah Abkci at Xogan. Colorado Stale won over Coloruflo collrgr l i to 27 nt -trl Collln.v Weber Junior college downed Snow collegc Sl-34 al Ogden. Judging from tlielr overwhelming defeat of Ujc Utcs,' nnd from iheir oilier,jre.wft30n pcrformancea. Uit Cowboys are n a clois all by Uiem. telve.i, Tlie wo game.lerlc.'^, however, had no bearing on the conference aland- nga bccawc llie teams are n dlf. fcrcni divisions. Play Uils aea.-wn M orj a tiddly divisional, basis wlili a playoff between the wlmirra Utah will opcn.tli conference coiti- wutlon here next Salurclny wlira Uic Rcd^iklii eager* tangle wlui the Akkm, At the same lime Uie ensteni dlvbloii racc wlll-opcn witli Wyoming meeting Calor.ido State n a tfto name aeries. Tllp^p two»fe the only (earns comprung on tlio eaaterii.'loi>c hls year. Race! Tie Brigham Young s triumph over Uic AKjslrs Saturday pul Uie western division race hiio ii tie beiweeiriiio two iruinx which oi>cned Uio sea.^on JYlday iilglit wlui the AgRlrs winning 43 to an n liil uii.'url decision. Ur.i iiir lo.sliig hc finl night's Kame, tlie Y,sflii;wl today still reiiiithipd he rani to beat for the wi'.sicm dlvl.sluii cliarnplou.slilp. Color.ulo.'itiiip:. victory ovpr Colorado cotlexr turnril out a.s rxpectcuili-i;p. STOP in today,.it the Swift Hjtclicry. for your baby chicks! These arc chicks «hicli have ; proved tn many of your neiglilwis ihrir lag profit-mnljink ability. lo O frnl the he.nl thief. Jtfonger chicks down at Swiff# Hatchery!Tticyrel)cllefl)fc.iuw Swill experts select only 2-ouncc or liincer eggs from finest slock, then incutatc them - under tlie most modern icicniiric conditions. All chicks arc from pullorum levied' parent stock. USTN to this for a record 97 oul of every loo Swifi s Chick* were alut.ind hcalihy at fl weeks in tcils on 3fi0 diltcfcnl (V>cks. involvinr 105,000 diicks. No uondct/io many raisef3 are buying Suid's Chick/' ALVE AND 97% HEALTHY UFE TEST DATA 8.W E E K TESTS (1941) Nw.b«pol Aocil...)«9 ' 'n»n.b*rofehkw...lu.aoo.. A..i,t~li»ebairy % til Budge Maps Plans for Aj'niy Tennis and Tioii<l';i jankhig playpr. told lo- (iiiy of a pr(>l)o^:ll midpr which li9 hdjjc-s lo have rvrry army flying e.ule-.smjii^llli;,i racqilrt a;, a numlll of fiulckpnin«hh leflpxe.-i. Hr has.-.uhmltlrd he plan lo ftnnv autliorlili-,-;. he rcjwrtrd, along wlili \U\lAU> r,llsjw lliav tlini.'s htaul.i \it-, cullar UcncflU fur nir trainees. i Don rxiircu a call from his ^elpc H'.MTHcc board wluifn hrre nionuis and k fl today to (ipcnd iib tlmr wilh hli family at OaUlaiid. Calif. He rp.slkliid hl.s Job a.i dlrcclor of iihy.slcal tr.ilnlng for ilir Embo'-Rlddle -^rhi*il o; aviation and «,-i.s i.uccecdrd by hu brouier, Lloyd. " linpc to gn through an oklcep pandl<lalo!.fhoo.so l!ml may w»rk oiil the ))iiy.ilcal rducatliin program have n mind," hr ^nl^l. Don Uiliik-s liial a year or two n llir iinny will not hurl hli playliih', allliouhh lie eoncrtfes thftl a pliiyer must!.uffi r f he rrmalas iiway frmi. lonmampnl play for any lengtli of time. P O T A T O a i i O W E R S ^ )auc potilof*. \ CALL Oft SEE. ;. 0 w An 1) B R O T H E R S Twin Kalli rhone»-140. tetldence 20:iJ -iou-ll OlO «i s w i f i!., C H l C K P H O N E 185

7 no HS; Monday, nd)r Jaautry 18, 1943 TMES-NEWS. TWN FALLS. m'aho Paga Seven. m m }{l«h %tgti are b«tns PftJtl n»ar plunta Uuoughout the countn' -bu; ther're not prcvenltas #omb Jannen rom rctuniinc w T*'" ---rails county lo r«unie tlieir-asrlcultural puraulta. According to Don Albln. sfcretair of lia Titln FUlU county AAA comtnllti't. tome Jamer* who wrre ilmwn to the clucs by hl«h wasej have returned or are planning to return to the county to lake Jaxm4 again. ' don't bejlexc there *-111 be any dle fnrma in tlie county» ien the crc:> pliuiunks start." lie lald whci wked U t ttcro true that the ncl of mnniwwrr nnd ouier duhculufl x^er«drtvlnn fnnilllm off the fanw. tie Mxld thiit n number of land orncrs who formerly hud leajetl Un tract.1 are moving onto them a 0 t h u t he believed the numbei ntofi juld befev r than last ' 'Mie AAA libo *nld llitl frly mcl wurxrd a. fnn :re going nto fjurmlnb ' ai'' itita ycm. L ile S iu C [ [ S SE NEW RE60RO Wlinl Cnpl. J. H. Se;iv(-r. clerk o( 1-ftln KalLi county rrlfcilvr ^rrv. let board No, J,-clmraclrrltrd a^ a new record for the board»a«made jy the 68 rckbtranu.-cut lo Uolse xit Friday for final examln: nd liimiic nto the a All but four were nducted intf trte cnltited rewr\ c and civet Jiirlouglui until next Saturday morii' lug when they wlll.be tent to 'ort >oukla.v Uinh. to bcrln-uielr *ri f.ireers. C.ip:.il:i.Sr«irr.wW ijie fi^rcn. age of nccrplancfs w m thr hlglk Mure the board started sh fnlng t lauon-v lq nald n tlie day;: of tthrii tlir board give t>m >lrie phy.rlcal examl r were few titrndown* THS CUROUS WORLD 'MQ5T PEOPLE CACRYA MQCTGASE BECAUSE THEY CAN'T LFT T /' i V THUCLOW D. LUNG/ F A i C H S POOLNG URGEO TJie poojr*: ol tarm mnchlntry will be one of ilic objectives of Uie twin FnlLi county U.SDA war board and AAA commlttce during the wnr crop production rampaign which 111 be lnau[nirat-*d on a farm-to- iml; V nf nil William Fereosoo A ien WTH CECTAN TYPE5 OP ^ A U i.t V '^ /S /C y ^ ACTUALLY HAvE AN N OETECnsJC; JOM E JOBS OP T'S S O C E N FAVOR F EY-H OUREK DENVEn. Jan. 18 (U.PA Ttie Uon t itocuneii were on recort diy n favor a 10-hour wartime vcrk n t!i( UnllM Etale> and t ditor)' draft deferment fur writers, *lth army furlongha ty BRrlcutural men alread; ntform. RfM)lutlon!i outlining i^iut t ftre adopted over Uie week-end ai he c'twr.j ittjois CfXhe Amfri* an Malional Livestock a.uoclnllon'1 MARKETS AND FNANCE VkVWtf an 11 1^4P \ff nr.* C PED m CHCAOO.-Jsn. 18 WVA alack-' enlng n the demand from mlui. coupled irlth light but persistent of* lerlribs. caweil -Kheat pricu to itccde neatly a cent today. Uquldaticti vai never large n th««lirat pit, hovcvrr. and tradlnj; proceeded at a slow pace. Prices rrcovereil Mniewliat n the clo'ing mlnutej. awiough not all of tile earlier loiues were wiped cut. Wheat finished i-s lower. JJay»lJ3 j Uif (cckiimon. Hr r.' alxiut two-lhlrd^ of til e of that are. New Bus Mileage Reduction Needed Mr.i. E>orl3 Blradlcy, com crlntenclcnl. retuniitl late dtiy from»ol^p wiih il.e m there must be Mill fuilhrr rwlucllo n milemp nf Tv nrliool-biis roule.v 1 will be approved. Alter.a conterei noberb, Male n peri iiendent of public imlructloi)..1, Stradli. ' aik that t l.i ptiii <! lo eliminate erliipplns of ute.i, TULs. Mil haid, will f itail e of one- dls. trlel's 1 llie bwls t route tnlleages # ccrtlfle«l... rnbth reduced as. far aji powlble. N Mrs, Stradlcy said Khc would.confrr with officialt n the school dli' txlcta affected n the near future. The Tim es-news FARM SAE CALENDAR Farm ers Auclionccrs Tills column carries icdally listing of cve/y farm iaio advertlied n the nmej-news, Protect your sale date by Keiilng your advertisement n early. B U Y E R S ' ^ Wntch this column dally... U carries Dato of the Major Farm Sales la all Magic Valley, SALE OATES JANUARY 21 n n. M. anootks, AdTcrlbtmenl Janaary t - JANUARY 25 j. n. tono.adtcrtlmsunt, Ja a :: nilttce hope to ncic nf nrv.- ni.i. fiirmtrs thl'i ycfl A TTE N TO N! Cash P aid, For W orlhlcss o r Dead. CoK's, Horses nnd Price of P dla fo r D c a d Sheep Call Colcct Nearest Phone TWN FA.LS 314. OOODNO 41 R urn nt 5S~ DAHO HDE & TALLOW CO. PUBLC AUCTON SALE to be held 3 m iles south anti H : Twin FalU THURSDAY, JAN. t 1 P. M. HORSES 4 HEAD OP HORSES CowH 10 Rcgi.stcrcd Gucrnaeys, 2 registered Guernsey bull calves, 2 two-year old registered Guernsey heiferfl, 1 two-year old rcri.'jtered GuemBcy bull, about 13 grade cows and cnlvca. m plem cnla Good. lusortmcnt of nil fnrm mplcmenta. OR^M r^grootes TEBSS: CASn MLNKR HEGHTS Mrji. Jullu.1 Nnnnann. Mr, and Mn. OrorKO Wrbb and Jaughter, Eiidorn, si>ent j.evcral days vl:.lllng reutlvtli n Uliav..Mr, ajid Mr.-.. AlbiTt Klelnki.iif wrrr KurM.-, of hb brotlu-r. Cbrk Klriiikoiif. nndjtlfr lit niiix-rt, Mrs, F.lmer Joha'^on nnd son vtv ted hrr parenli. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Klrhikopf. Tw-ln J'alK Mr. anil Mn, Jiillii.-. Nruman eii- :aln«l r.cvemt'of thcl; r home, 'lic evening wn.i si^nt playing phit>chlc nnd shiklng. Tlji!Uc,'<lA'ivrrn,Mr. nnd Mra, Le.^lle Pel. Tf.on. Mr. lind Mrs.'fUchanl Van. lanl, Mr. and Jamc;. D.iylry \tt. nnd Mr.^. leklnilld Van.-.nnt. Mr and Mrs: Clmrles Stephcn.- on, Carl son ami Tnrnum Warr. Y.-.u- Sargant anti Carol Neumann re Mlvp<l hlkh score nnd Mabel 8ar. Kant and Fnrnuin Wnrr recctvcd li)v. nctrfsluncii'ta wcto served by the hostess. n BM llic father ol nnk Kal-.ihek vl;,lted s ns cabin boy Ji ;st of S o u th Park, tieuoaetr, BRB, W. J. nollentleck Clerk UUHL. Jim. D-aoberl Wuyn< mr. wo-diiy-old wn of Mr, nnd Mrs. Ftan: Mrar. died Jun. 17 iil tlie Twin Fall.*: iojpltal. Bc;.ldes hl-i parfnt.'. he h.sunivfxl by Carol Ann, hu.'.hirr, and Mr, and Mrs, Joe Travjilcrk.. Duhl, and C. MerWr. grandparenl^, ar^v(.^tclf rites coiklucled by Uev, Cecil O. Hannan; BuW MeUiOdlst jia.'tor. wcra held at 3 p. m. today llie DulU ccmeterj' under dlrec m of Ui8 Alberuon funeral' home Since the fall of Franca n alllol vcj-ieli have Aeen Ci Uirough the ol Doi SPOT CASH 165 HeadTA??L"E' n addition to o u r regular run of livestock have 90 HEAD HEREFORD COWS 75 HEREFORD CALVES 16 HEAD HOLSTEN D A RY / COWS, CALVES, HEFERS Tues. Jan. 19 The Jerome Livestock Comm. Co. F R A N K T H O M A S, Owncr-Managcr A head anyi ice con.'.ldrred a r.lon n the Bolomon slands. day nothlnc lr;.s than a Jap's head will do, AccordlnK to cumnologuts of Uie SmltlMonlan nstuutlon, the Solonons galnrd a bad reputation aa Uie cannibal Wands." Dut Uiere s little evidence tiiat the short, hairy Melanesian black men of Uie Sotomon.n were ever actual cannibal*. They Jiunted human belni* only bei.atrln.of..hum»n-«kuus-fm~ B Melanesian warrior added : prestlke among the people on earth are aa unr a.1 Uie nhabitants of th» ' Sdbmon-Wonds- Although occ«ujr\al traderi &nd mk%lonarle.i w e vulled the *rchl- ' pclago durlni; the past 100 yean, only recently have elhnoldjlsl* gone nto the dangerous nterior of the slondn and made ptraonal contact w-lui tho nauvcj.. NaUve* of the Solomon slaniu are. on the vhole, comparatireljr friendly to wwte men. Uj# Smith* ionlan cutnologl.sta said. Only oca Liland n Uie group ij on excepuosi to thl5 (he Uland of Malalla. Unul recently. Malalt* has been ft recruiting ground lor laborer! to work in Uie near by Australian sugar planuuons. AlUioujh thwe laborers proved to be excetluit workmen nnd learned to speak English readily. Uiey nvariably returaed lo their Uland homes u disgusted wlui the ways of elrlltzauon as trer. Home Accidents Peatha caused by principal typea orhomc Bccldctila durinj lllu sue. Falli ; bums. cooflamuom. and explosions. 6,600; pouont <ex> cepl BM), l.m ; flreanns, J 60; mechanleal auffoeauon. l.ou: poison BM. 000; all oltaen, 6,6Da n Rhodesia. Afrka, (lit Xroert ad miners are coowtln*.te*err«ceota# motor nhlclw toto.bow*- dniwn cqglpmcit tad ittirtltaung special ron rtma ta plm* «X rubber ures to sreet transpertauod <luflculues.

8 Page E ig h t TDES-NEWS. TWN TALLS. DAHO ilontkj-, JaniUiry l$, 1343 SERAL STORY ' AM A MURDERER' BY MORRS MARKEY OUT OUR WAY By J. R. w n j J A M S OUR BOARDNG H OUSE., with M A JO R HOOPLE THE BTORYi Thil i* the olorr e( thr ptrfrcl rrlmr'-llie raurdrr of CoL Wciley tope Mrrrlwelher to the lbr«r7 of tiii Lone n u n d «t*le «nd of the etrnt*. itsdlat op to t. ; Tlif C.o.ir7r vrrr Dinrh aure a( the motnrnl. ii t dlnnrr with ld«ilauchlrr Cjnthla. ^'rrd Wc»l and >i>>couun Annr, and Vauzl»n Dunbar. Dunbir tl forrirn rom<p<inden( and a new arqiulntancf. of whom Cynthia neemii partlrntarly fond. She hat lumpd down dalr«xlth «n l and with llpnrr rrrnlks anothrrsttrnlltr friend, lo for dlnnfr parly and «derolo her lime (o Dunbar. M ft STOnV- C H A m ru X TUTP arr raprlcps of liumiui bcliovlor which do not rradlly Elvr Uirni-.rl'cs to* oapture wltjijn ftplannloo' iihric'f. flucli WM Cyiitliift.Mrmwrthfr'.i jiprfcclly ojvlmin ronrrrn. on tlia' rvcntiik, «m> li'' comfnrt nnd fo' tcrminnieni of Vaiiirlnn Dunbar. Her nticiitlvpnr.'.'i, lirr rarrr <ptcrmlnatlim to fpl him at hla e.i.-i nnd to joolhe his liumor^ wrre. as tlip fayuu: eop.i. qiiur unlike her li-'iinl niprry-ro-urky r.plt. To Mjch nn rxipnt. ndppd. that fyrd Wr,\t 'cciuni- iiiihanpv. And when n o'cltck Mnirlt. l-'rcd W ot flro.-p from hb clinir nnd nqiilrrd rather nbnitlr uheihrr nnylxxly ntriidrd ROlnR to the dnnce M thr club. VaiiRlifvn Dunbar, naturnly. rrmaliipd sllrnl. And Cynthia Klnnced (t hini. Cynthia j*ud. "Cin on wltji Anne. PVed. We ntlkht......r a while. Any ril t^'eplionc the «tewnrtl hi hour. *0 you will know whether!0 fipcct 115." THi'n'f.hP Mlrl, "Cnt. onel, yollll not be nrrdlns Mllrhell, will you? Up wnnli to k Wiprpupon, Frrd Wr.^t nnd lls cowln Anne and a frot.-rlnit Mllchfll Ornce trooivd out of tji fltid KOt Uirnnclve.i nlo motor car nnd went off lo U; ilanclnb. Colonel Merrlarlhrr fin- Lthed hli clcnr. wntclilnk tlio who Mt n thft room with him nd'ttlklnit verr UHp. He reemcd tinrommodly preoccupied, V he lnkered nt libi dp.'k, looklntr,jtf hcm n the dull llnlii n.s f he nilrhl have Konirtlilni;, lul could nol qiilip make tip hli mind to uny t. Wlilch unusual bfhartor itiatie Cj'jitlili Slance fiharply at flm and fay. "YouTe ffpllni: All rleht. nmrt you. Colonel?" What? Oil, ye-i. Of roiirre." Tlien he said. "Good nlrht. Good nlijlit." And he went»lowly out of the room. O'nthla «ald to VauRhnn Dunbar, *'Lef,i wnlk down by the pool,' With hl.«ni.itomnry dellbitailon, he arftse and followed lier throurh the Prcneh doors ncrof.i the terrace, nnd Ml 'with her on the bench beside, the dark rectnnrle of water. Tlie fcrnt of tjio ra'fj wa.s everywhere, nnd the nlr was so *tl!l ihnt thry coulrt cnlch frnkinent.i of mti-.lc from thr orchestra nt hp club, n mile away, Vnushnn Dunbar waited for CjTtthlQ to Shr'frowiicd n little. "Tlie Colotrfi ureni! n mite botherrd /io m c th ln s tonlrhl,- Dunbar waited n nionii'nt. and then said. "Vou tire very lonil of him. aren't yoti?" The Colonel? W iy, wtiat a per- fectly rldlruli.his qticfllnn," "t only slriick me of courje. 'm bflnk frlshlfully nule tliat he Li nlwtiy.i the Colonel lo \ou, A trifle formal...." Shfl (lid not answer for a ninmenl. Tlien (ilie looked at him n the dnrknfw. 't's queer for yon to say tliat." she niiirnuircd. "Oh. ftorry " No. no. 1 inran-«cll. t 1 ot <5i;rrr." n i iry no: to Vou fff ttfjl iicvrr put fym lj;f Colonel until ihr purjlr riaya rc lo:;;; pi.*.t. And lia<!nt poil,t7i:'ubout that i:i yeafi, uilul '.'i '. H \fry jirl'alr itory?* :iiiiix».p i:o;. No, ol coiirr.r t kji-t. t wa.s litj way,- Hrr» Mitidcn ru-.li, r li.imlj cl.i'ix-c! n tirr ip nntl r fnff lo(ikli:»; O'U :irro-.\ lie 1..1 Obl-iKJ. i\ J)in rmirh ttiprc. illfd iirlorr 1 knew tirr. Al r!l-i- kn.)w th MrnnRf' till.'u to nt r.ut. h.-vl'j Miat lliry iiim nn-. ' ' t curloiu ll'.a! >o;i h.iir to ( pi>rn( lipcii ;.t):nfb<«lvnfrd'.jiil o.' linixtliuil tliliik like llial? AiiyT.;iv, ll'.r fjrl tl _ ran rr:iirml)rr " r rr fil>oii! tir ranch, nnil n crii. nl old <larllnc jnilrrful tin; H v.wr. fnrr Chrl-ini;iotlirr ix-oplr r )tf n f.c iix)!, to lofittilll.i of ll;r So t)iat'.i uh.1t dill. )C3 cut, x.!i:it klml < \mile fill. m, jii'i yrr uinl M ml.mill ii: Cried i Aji«- l;iiu-lii b.. Tlirn. ulk- S. (he Mnllirr KiiixTlor [):U'n nxim. and ilicrp, pr al: tlir pro;ilc n llir uurld. P C*io!ip1, 'Pip.\Ji>!iirr.Siijiprlor,!d. 'Mv rlill., Couhp Mrmur iirally utartfrt rallliik lilm Colonri Mrrrmrllifr, iind thrn Jii.'t Colonel, "Did tip inkp jou a'^ay lipii? Vnlii;li;in D;mlnr n:.l;ptt. aas f]»lft indpim. Two monllw l.ilrr. \Vc nrnl lo San FnincL'fo mid tlicn to bttnll. nncl 1 liad tiip nio'i nur>poii.i tlmp >011 rver lirani of n yo;ir llfp And lini «f».rnt lo Nr«' Or- ratu and Nr>v York, end tli^n ttp moved out lipfp :xr.d t hai.-ill l>fcti Ukr Clndcrrlla r;pr -'nrr." Clndprrll,!? Yri, Jii:l-yoii will fors:ivt mp. Cjntlila-lt b a little "Orpat J;faYcn.'l Von luvrtl'l pot ttic dra m.-.ont for iiiy:plf?' lmpai. 'lblc!' l!c ilmcklrd r.oftly, and toiiclicd lirr hand lor n niomrnt. llijl tell ir, tnc Colonri "pn"iirr» '>TTin? B.-ty, nowl n ia t s not llic bit of "None ttli.i[c\cr." Slip Uu^lifcl. 'ltil twenn tlic. '.ory. didn t 17 Tlie lirllllrik story of ii inalilcira life. n five rr*u ti:d iitj ntcrinf.-.ltin, " Pip niili 1.1,. Mr, Viitii:li;>iJ Dtinb.ir, -hat 1 ua;, iipvpr niilrm.'; enouull t«(w.lc thp Cooik' iiik )ip npvrr baitirrrd lo irll mp,.oli. yp5 lie dill, loo. He fiild he md bpcn travelini!, with a Krrai drnl of mporlant work to do, iind lir»a.i,'.orry that lil.s aflalr.i luiil made lilni iircli-.-t ii;c n ;iirli ii -.lialiipful Way. N'ltlir pfpd l»> M)r, of td'.llr.r. 1 w:i.'»urled off tn a lini- world luiti could havp cvrrjtliliik ' anted vmi'rr lw>vliik Mniirfc mo l>n- iarn - flji.llrd bl.il. l).ip:c.r;ili:r, L'H't

9 Monday. Jauuary 18,1943 TMES-NEWS, TWN FALLS, DAHO Page Nine PHONE WANT AD RATES a Co»l-p«r-*ord day ;c per word 3 day* ic per 'ord per <Uy 9>^ars- Sc pe'r word per day A tnlnlniuin of 10 word* li /cqujred n any cue euuuled #d Termv-Cuh ' N T V N F A L L S Phono 38 or 39 N JE R O M E CONTACT MRS. OEOftaiA CHATDURN. C l E u t OUi 38 CLASSFED ADVERTSNG PJiono 2(jO-R DEADLNES Week day*, 11». m. Sunday. 0 p. m. Balurday ThU paper jubscrlljes lo ihe code ot euilcs ot the A4m>c1*Uwi Ot Nearspaper CloMlHcd Adverllilns ManaEcra and r«er\cs Uio rlshl to edit nhd reject any cliulined udverilslnk. "Blind ndi" ifti lng n *nmes-ne«'s box numilrlctly conriilenual and no nformation con be Klven n regard to the adverllicr. Error* should be trporled mmediately. No flllott-flnee will be made lor more tliivn one lncoi reel nsertion. P E R S O N A L S COLLlER/3. _ American. Woman'i Homo Companion. H month* 13.00, 88 U311C.1. J. HU. 637'W^ PNE drr.'wmnltlnj. ladles' tailoring and ftliitatlons. Tor appolnlnient Phone 1B09W. S C H O O LS A N D T R A N N G Ni:w cla?.\e3 n bookkeeping nm ^horttlllnd every Monday. Twli }^ills DaMncM University. C in u O P R A C T O R S X-RAYS a.'juro accurate adjustment, Dr. Uardln. 130 Main nortlj. Phone YOUR ni>ti and aches go quickly under my care. First treatment free. Dr. D. R. Johnson. Phone 344. U i Tlilrd avenue B E A U T Y S H O P S PERMANENTS Mr.^ Deium Phone over ndependent Meat Mnrket. EXTRA tpeclal price* on all pemu' nenia. Benuly Art* Acedemy.ArtUtlc Denuty Solon. PERMANENTS. lio. 800 JefBr»on treet. Phooe lots-j. fcuym# la u UcCab«. BPEClAl/»3.00 oil permanent, 1300; S0.00 ou pemanent V M daho Qarbcr and Qeauty Shop Phono 431. PER.\tANENTS M.OO up. All wor< sunmntcixl by expert operator, Knlshfs'Denuty Shop. Phone 041. Marcella Klaiia Thomas. LO ST A N D F OU N D STRAY-n>: About 4 wrek.' tko. 1 bliifk team. xmoou) moutji. Lcoi AMett. (J north. i wr.'.t Jerome. LOCT on Rock Crrek, lie; raiirh, Krey wumlft ma bridle when ln.it.*e 17-JO. G. C. Dnvl.1. Pile. S T U A T O N S W A N T lid H E L P W A N T K D W O M E N 1 'i^c Life s Like That H E L P W A N T E D M EN OOOD Auto mechanic, draft ex tion n.viurcd. Stendy work at top wnse.'. Write \Va.snli:h Melon 3503 Ojdcn Ave.. Ofiden, Ut^h. APPLCATONS wonted from boj S deslrlnk to sell pnixra oti d tonii streets after school. Apply Tlmes-News office. PRffT class watchmaker high grad work: writ* particulars rxperltnci. Milnry picture, etc. J. Je.viop.t Sons riflh Street. S.m T California. WANTED: Boy* 13 to 15 win nterested n earning extra money carn'lng a Tlmea-News newspaper route. Place your appllcntlon r for any future opening. Call Tlmes-News office. H E L P W A N T E D M EN A N D W O M E N SUBSTANTAL local flmi <^.^l^es office help. Experience prefei ' Excellent working condltloiui., fully experience ond qunllficat Write P. O. Box 813, Twin Pal U N F U R N S H E D A P A R T M E N T S F U R N S H E D A P A R T M E N T S FURNSHED iipnrtmfnt.i. ludecornted. re<luc<xl rates. Cloic n. 310 SlxOi fiust. TWO rooi Point, West. SMALL mwlrm npirini line Kimberly Roi 33: Blue Lake.i B O A R D A N lh io O i'm F U R N S H E D R O O M S LADY tor TOttld work. ParamoMoV Roonw. Board and room f desired..phone 430. \ MODEUN small hou.^ \fumlihed. Large \Phone 0488J1. WOMAN to carc for twin boys, one year old. Room, board, salary. Phone 104GW. «YOUNG ladles (3). D lo J3, for publlilier * coiiuct work n Callfomlj (lefea\o clues. Experience unnecessary-. m week while tramins TransportaUon paid. Rapid ad' vnneement. AvcriiKe earnings $40 week alter two week training period. See Mr. Burton. 2 lo 4. aflernoorvi only. Rogetson Hotel. (No plione calls). - H E L P W A N T E D ^ M E N OEWy-LEn. Rood n'l around benchmnii.hlkh gmdr work, n-rlte full (urtlculars. experience, falary pic* lure, rlr. J. Je.^-.op ft: Sons PtfUi Avenue, Son DegO. Calif. YOUNG man. about B. assist wie nublwier'a coiitnct work n Call' fomla defeav* city. Experience un* nectssao'. *25 week while training. TraiuportAUon fmld. lupld advancement. See Mr. Burton. 10 to 13, mornings only. Rogerson ttl. (No phone cnlu.l U N F U R N S H E D H O U S E S heat. Close n. Pho F U R N S H E D H O U S E S SMALL house. fumishe<f or ui famished. Clean but not moder 1007J.. COMPLETELY lumwied four room ioiwe. Ba:,emeii: ment. Stoker. Phone 73. W A N T E D TO R E N T O R L E A S E MODERN furnished hoilse or nparu ment, stoker heal. 2 or 3 bcdrpoms. ClQso n. Refercneea. Mrs. L. Webster, call.708 or 1040-w. By Nehcr about t»-o tewpoonfuls of W A N TED TO R E N T O R L E A S E ;0 TO 100 ACRES. Rood ftlfnlfa ground, sultable pouitoea. Cnsti rent. Phone 714 or P.O. Box 455, ' fl-room modem hou?;e 01 lent furnished. Best of ref. i. William G. Campbell. Er R E A L ESTATE W A N T E D FOUR or five room hou:;e. Close n. E A. Moon Real Estate Agency. Plioao ft er 31. H O M ES F O R S A L E FOR SALE: 5 room modem home almost new. Blue Lake.'. Full ba.'.c. ment. stoker. Robert.i A: liwon.^ New STRCTLY MODERN rlplex pays exceptionally kcxx nteresl on nvestmrnt. BEAUCHAMP 4: ADAMS 137 Main EuM Phone room rooming house. Close n. Furnl.'Jied. mi. tiouje, cloic n wlui 2 rm. furnhhed. lo trade for 4 mi. house, nn. modem house. Slciim lieiit. 5 rm, hou-ies. mod. except heat nil, liouse. modem exrrpt heiit, rm. hoiwe. moilcm with stoker. 0 Qcrej cloie in. Small house. E. A. MOON REAL ESTATE FAR.MS A N D A C R E A G E S F O R S A L E 5 ACRES. 50 shnrr-s water, bulldliim, well, clectrlclly. S luy Mntiii. Jerome. WO acres, 4 room house. Chicken house, brooder hou.«with yard*. Bnrn, i acre pn.iture. 1 norlti Wfsi Five Points. O. E. Hciu 518 Second iiorui. 20 ACRKS writ of Filer, fair m^ provrmeiit.'. A renl buy. *125 pei acre. $4,000 will handle. Roberts li Henson. 00 ACRlii. 4 we:,. 3 nouth Jerome, * 'enn.s. miirovrd CO ncrej hay. Koort,i md ground. 40 Acre.^ J norui Jerome. Good land. m- 80 ACR :s. good foil, north awe. strlc'jy Viodern. one story afiti room houv, A-1 condition, hardwood loor.v, bath, furnace. Splendid well pre.-aure sy.-item. Good oulbulldlnks). Price »12,000 will handle. Box Jl. Tlmes-News. 60 A. on hlutiway. Fair bldrb., deep well, electricity,»7,000-«w Pedeml loun. 280 A., & mi, home, larnn barn. 3 graniirle.v deep well, circtrlclty. 3 ml, woven fence.»35 per ocre.i Federal loan *0,000. CO A.. Kimberly ftlsi.. crop pmts, SANOER-BCKFORD 00 ACRES-rrisated, S ml. SW from Jerome, on milk, school\nnd mall route. Good house, bam W id well TliLs Ls a good farm n avjood location. Lox down payment, rei oiiable term.'!. \ Union Cetitrnl Life ns. Co. S. P. SWENSON, Field Rep. Box 1303, Jerome-Phone 406R,80 A, 4 miles from Jerome. Small bldgs. *80 per A. Terms. Pom. 80 A. near Wendell. Pair bldgs. 50 sliares water. 8J00. Terms.. Possession. 160 A NW Buhl. Pair bldgs. $130, per A. Temis. Pce.se.Mlon, ' P. C. GRAVES A: SON PARTCULARLY choice 80 with comfortable mprovemenla. On paced road 3 miles from Twin Falls. *375 per acre. 100 acres Buhl section, small m* ' iwovemenu, close to jchool.»80 per acre, 80»cre.s Biilil aecllon. 4 room liouie, good neighborhood. *4,eoo. mmediate possession. C. A. ROBNSON FAR.MS A N D A C R E A G E S FOR R E N T ONE acre, 3 room liou.-.e. with biusement. electric alove.i School bus. *15. Call 731. BUSNESS AND PROFESSONAL DRECTORY Appliance Repairing Baths and Massages The eu-well. 831 Main W. Ph liicuclc Sales and Service BLASUS CYCLERY Chiropraelors Dr. Wyatt rd Ave. N. Ph. 13T7 nsect Exterminator Bed Big fumigation. T. P. noral Co. Floor Sanding rred Pfelfle. 733 Locust. Ph. looe-j Sander-Edger rent by hr. Gamble' For nre and Cisually nsurance, Surety and Fidelity Bonds, see Swim nvcsunent Co.. Baugh Bldg. Keg Shop FARM S A N D A C R E A G E S F O R R E N T 5 ROOM hou.ie, garden falfa, pasture for 2 en house,»35. b nort hwpltal. Zella Jordai 3 acres nlowfl. chick-., >i west of FARM M P L E M E N T S tor duc. C 251-J8 Flier l l30 38 NCH John Deere grain and thn-.oier. A-1 conflulon. All belt.' drive belt, :.ecd reclennera, corruitated conc;,vr«, sieves. *000 C!i\h.. W. miel. care E. J. Kirk- Patrick, Dietrich, daho, vay Case tumble John Ure 14 nch. Mc-Drn. : >;ay hoi.. 10 nch. ( bean hullir, A-1 thnpc, on nibbi-r. 33 inch C^l^e Krnln thresher with..seed nluichmejitj. on rubber. ' Mc-Drc. tractor on Mrel. And many other items of farm equli>ment. GATES MACHNE SHOP, WendelL S E E D S A N D PLA NTS BLUE TAG ^''ell i><n F O R SALC O R T R A D E FURNSHED irni:-' for renl, lulits. ' *10, 330 Elm... TWO 5 room hoa'.es n Buhl. Will trade for Twin trills property. E. A. Moon nea! E'.tate, 301 Mahi West. MODEL 37 RcmliiKtoii l!ii: 22 Rifle wlth^llrll;^ or Colt Woodsman. Box 3 H A Y, G R A N A N D F E E D EED grinding. Moreland Service. Phone 318. Flier, calls off grlndlng.i Custom grinding Krtnd onywm over 3 totl 8c- Ph, 0400R1 Twin Pnlla or Pller 73JJ. Ph. cftll' off grrnmna MLLER MLLNG BEliVlCB PARM-MASTER" minerals help bring top market w s and ter producing dalry-ciiluc.. Uln Plelschman's type 8 rradiated yea.<t wlui vlumhi D. A^k for full detail*. $3J8 per hundred. Sears- Roebuck and Company. L V E ST O C K F O R S A L E 1,800 ELEVEN year year'hone. Phone ton. nieman. FEW pedigreed New Zealand Wilta, rabbllj. Junior buck.j and does. Miller. 300 Filer avenue. 115 HEAD whitefaced ewe lambs, fl'. wmth. mue east of Buhl. Plion 74-JB. Flier. Milton Llemian. 175 WHTE faced ewm. 3 to 5 years. Team of young work horse; LouBlunlUer. 3 south of Berge store. 165 HEAD 1, J. 3 year old Whltefaee nnd 15 head of rrklslere«l Hampshire yearling ewes. brc<l to Suf» folk bucks for Februiir)- 2nd lambing. Willard McMUlan. Route 1. L V E S T O C K - P O U L T R Y W A N T E D HGHEST cash pritef paid for poultry. ndependent Meat Company. Phone 1B3. YOUNG Spoiled Poland boax. Must bo purebred. Call Hestbeck, 2it.J13, Murtnugli. Mimeographing r. p. auslneis University, Phone 314. Money to Loan SALARY LOANS BlrtcUyconlliicnllal 15 lo»50 to employed people Osteopathic Phi/dclan Dr. O. W Rose 230 M N Ph B37.' Plumbing and Heating Abbott Plumbing Co. Trailers 1 Trailer Company, Phi Typewriters Solea, rentals and 1 Upholstering Repairing, reflnlihlnj, Crm fi Bru ley Furn nd SU E i'll. 551 B A B Y CHCKS BABY chlck.1 available ea ne.vlay. Swift ami ( Phono 18J. Twin Hal's. BCREWTAL sale. Ben Par Eden. GOO D T H N G S TO EAT JONATHAN lui pies for sale. 0386J-4. DELCOUS. Rome J. S. Feldhu:rn, : east Mnln. Phone H. W, nicileman. W A N T E D TO BUY WLL pay ciu'.h for a V buut- trailer ho' Hailey, daho. HATCHNG rkc.< from good flock;,ho illuxlr bland Red roosters, laycs HatchiT). WAJtTEU: WtMxl or good condition. 1 NaUonat plant. CASH paid for used furniture, itove* and circulating heaters. Moon's. Phone 5. WE PAY CASH for your car DeOROFF-WOOD MOTOR 351 Main Cast M S C E L L A N E O U S F O R SA LE ni-:staurant equlpmrnt; Stools,, coiiiik-r.s electrlcol uppllances. nquire 138 Blue Lakes. STOVE repairs, order then Sweet'* Pumlt;jro store \ BRNG n that broken window before Uicre U» shortsgd of kdm. No cluirge foi\setting. Phono 5, Moon's. \ 3UCK feauier-. fine for comforw or pillows. 75 cents per p. Poultry Supply. 141 Fourth ai OL drums newly painted 30 atic 50 K'lllon sires; abo iwo 275 gallon storage tanks. Robert Lei LEONARD relrlgeralor. olso brand new 30-3D WlnchesUr rifle with 50 ;.tii'll-v 545 3rd Avenue east. Phoni 10S4J. CONSERVE fuel-automatlc tliemioitnl controls fdr Spark healers nnd H. C. LllUe fumnces. Automatic draft nnd damper regulator sets.fillers, humidifiers, draft govemors, and chimney extensions. Robert Lee Bales. V-B NDUSTRAL power unit, like new: 50 i»und Champion blncksmltli trip hammer. A-1 shape; 150 pound blacksmltli anvil; 5>i cubic foot portable olr comprertsor; twenty 55-Kallon sfeel dmms Gates Machine Shop. Wendell. GREE.VH0USE sash, alies 43x08 and 30x87 nchu. suitable for broodi houses or hot beds. Large hot water lieatlnr plant with stotcr, AL«) i.crap lumber for kindling. Phone 2053J, evenings. TRU C K S A N D T R A L E R S BRAND new trailer, enurged box. Carries to. Call Monterey CourU 1041 \-TON Chevrolet pickup, good rubber, low mileage. Trailer hoaie. 7>5x10. good (1 tires;' Siej] gravel bed and holsu Galea dime Sliop, Wendell. H O M E F U R N S H N G S A N D A P P L la «C i:s - - apark heater>-just received fin shipment. All models ncluding b door type. Robert Uo Sales. FURNACE-S-Scveral new and used nioclel.s. One U'.ed ^to^;fr like new. One used coal hr;vlrr. OilP used nrue Norge oil hi ;it«r. lciucrl R A D O A N D MUSC BAND nstruments. Largo aasortioeni. Store. LEGAL ADVERTSEMENTS NOTCE OF EAniNfi prriton FOR DKTKRMNATKt.V o r in:insh ip N^-niE PROBATK COURT or 'rtvin FALLS COUtm '. STATE OF DAHO. N THE MATTCT OF THK KSTATK OF N. W. YOUNG. D<cfxsr(. Notice s he Elli M. Yoi of d dccedi her ih'utlon iirayliik that 1 determine the time ot the the decedent, the lleirs of Mid de ceased, Uic det:rer of klntl the rlkht of de.vcent of the r personal projyrly tjrlniiclni: tiecen.sed; and tjiiit the rci' fixc-d the day of K. ii;iry 1043, nt ten o'clock lii ihe U... of - 'aid day n the court room of ih roiirt. n the court hnuv. n tl City, nnd County of Tuin Fall State of daho, us the ll.t.e ni ptaee for tald iearlnk, ai;il nil nr: re.stecl am hereby flcd appear the t lid heo iny they hav cl placi now cau?e. it sal<l pctlilon OicuUl not be Kranteii. Notice 1.S further Klvrn vu Un mid N. W. Yoime died on ot ubou ;he 4th day nf l>ccmber. 1930, be ii«a re.sldenl of Twin FolU Couii- V, SlAir Of-ldidio. nt the time ils ilenth nnd the owner of a romiiunlty ono half liiti-iust n hotuehold lurnlturr and real e.'^tate t.ltu- Vnlh Couiitv. atftle f daho, described a.^ followj. to-wit,ot Nine n Bind: Fifiv 1-i.ur 0 Pall.i Towiislte; tliat the w. rr. Ella M. Vouni; cums sal. property a.s the.mirvlvliig fpouse 0. snld <leccdent, lierrhy made to thi ;i for furl r pai Gooding C. of C. Seeks Action on State Hospital GOODNG. Ja; Mon of action lo iliei lociil 1ibcrculojil ipltal comi)clr<l ami : oi>er.illoi of and h ipi;roprhitlon-i <r>iiimll[<-p of tl;i hoiim- were Alva Tlio;iiiwiii, Buuicl Bird and Cmrr.-.on Piii-mlrc. - Bolte rrvli'wfd the nlk Dr E L. Berry. Male public he;illh dle n.',t Rot Dr. Derry leiikth re K M BERLY. thr Twin l-'nll.i e follnwtn Jtihn Cion K.iirl n-ilti rji for Lancn.\le:.' tin and dnubhter :l Mr.^. Robert Ollll. M; J;ick WUernai Bohbli Mrs. Vlll n to Klmbrrly with Mr. Olln for few l-eek^ i.slt. e Lolun, faute: of Mn Clinrlr.t Grave.-;. i-fl for La.n Nev.. to work li Mrs. F. f. Poll.ird and Mr.«. Arl.Mingo have rft for Pocatello to visit their hil-.banc^. who ore emplnyed there. Mr. and Mr... Dee Elt-.on, Jerome, 'lleil nt lhaj. W. Henery home. Rev. Hoy Tltun nnd Mrs. Titus Tt'.ltetl n Ru xt:, ler gue.^u nt the hom( id Mrs. Wllll.im Martin 1 ul Mrs. PiUil Scott, Mr. Mrs. Bill WLscmnn and Mr. Mrs. Paul Seoii, jr., Hansen; nd Mrs. C. W. Ple.-re and sons rs. Ozelta HoiiKh, Tvln P.-vlk, r.and Mrs. Harold Hove and s Kimberly aid die for : 1 end 'ill be held i\t... Tue.^day at the liikh.'chool building ider the direction of rene Clark. Persoan deslrlni; to take :all Mrs. Carl iiiierson. Tlie home nur.'jng cla.vs met n Lhe Red Cravi room. Mrs. L. A. Tlioniaa was the irwtmctor. peraons deslrhik to allend arc n.^ked to cnll Mrs. Thomns or Mrs. Carl Emerson....,e that was produced 15 years ago may be put intoj production again for use n.towing troop gilders because t ho4<a,.lou- lundliitf s >eed and low wing loud. *. Gootiing Observes Woodmen Lodge 60th Anniversary GOODNG, Jan Moderi Woodmen lodge held an open meet ilebrale the " ' he solely which was founded J«n. S. 1883, t Lyons. i. A hbtcry of the local grder given by P. O. Requlst, prtcetlliig an *ddress by Clem Bhorb on the history of the society. Shorb told of the small'beginning which developed nto the largest of WO fraternal nsunince societies. State Manager Carl M. Ghi dlseussed matter* of lmportanc< members during war time. wtleome was extended by Coinul E. L. Hoodenpyle. BtiRner. wilmed by Ruistll Rcb. lii. nn. installed the local lodge of- lcem. Tliey were: Hoodenpyle, Chiirle.i Wlmmer. advlior; M Klnkatle, banker; D. B. Hofxlrr er.rort, and Clara Robivson, w. n ny.^lrr upiiei served. Mi BURLEY llrik at Mrr. -H.' E. lllc!);oo(l'.i e. Mrs. Hllliibralutt, formetl: 0<'ulclln. ttn.n n h ue-^t. n Vbnitlie club will meet wuh Mrs enret Jacobs. Each membrr wll 1; a mysterj- slor^- for erltlcum. ' Who ts n tor. J.o.c. cla-is of the held n pnrtv nt of Mr. and.mrs. Wlillon with Mr. Sav r fllkht n-'.truc- Chrlstlnr the homi BL^cho(f. rtalneil a' L. J. Ha*;ber;: for Mtn. Wilbur Popii. Ru-, n orlde nf Decrniljer. tanley Swnii'on s nking special k n airplane mechanics at the' Ua.A.C. n LoKan. Mrs. l.ronar<l Liir.ion and Mr*, iani Henderson arc sprndlng two it*ti itlhi rficlr huibands at MaoMle, Calif., where Uie men are n training at Comp Beale. Urut. Mnx- Gillette, who wiu^ recently mnrrieil to Elva Taylor, ha.' returned lo his jkxit at Fort Dotigla.s. His wife will continue hci teaching at SprinKdnle. Mr. and Mr;;. Carl lhlbenr ar< the parnili of n.^on. nt Lehl. Ui.-Ui. County Avsp.v.or Seth Harper ' attending the Mate a.vessors niecj- ng n Bolie..Mn. D:ile Rl.-hnrds ms relume, from Camp Calliin. Calif., where f.lie.^i)^ll twn wctks wllh her hil'ba ' Mrs. Georsla Alicrcromble, s of Mn, W. L. Bclfleld, ', rejw M /.nloihly 111the Brllleld h i... Lieut. Joe Hackniiy ha.i rflumed lo C.'Uiip Robf-riji, Calif., alter sprnd- 1ns n week with his parmui. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Ashcraft arc the p.irenl.' of a daiinhter. Mr. and Mn. Warren Woods and fojiillv will rave for OKdm to make helr home. Cathollr Women's li-n iirl With L:itiil>.-ri Kin :e j)liui.-; for the Eiiuna Uivtridge wils name<l pie.-.lilnit of Stinshllic chatiler Bet- with Mrs. Lvie WlllK il<-nl; Mr.n. Ellin'; Mrs. Minnie >od Allred, i eiion. t:ra;.urrr. anil Mrs. Kathi-rleTolmiiil. retwt'ed. Mn. Vvn Black and Mrs. Slrle Pow. the SacnJ;iwi Blftfk home with Mrs. Uruce Johit-.ou iui a cuem. Prl:rs to Mr^. C. A. Terhuns and C. Willin,-.. The True Sandwich / 3 4 s 7 a f 10 /3 S S /6 V 'S 'Y?/ u a 24 is n. ^7 a i i 11 JU 3S U is ia ks V 30 -J? - ** ** RESULTS at LOW COST School Performs Extensive Junior Red Cross Work BURLEY. Jan. B-Splendld re- Bpo.^.^e from the Miller echool pupil* U tliown n the report from Junior Red Croii of Uiat school. The children had a balance of $«from last year. Added memberthip dues ralied their funds lo $20.«O. Tliry have spent part of their money for express on gift boxes. Red Cro^s membership, and six uullly b*gj, leaving them $11.57 on hand. The school children hav^ollected and are mounting betwee/f 150 and 300 cro-.^word purrjes. made CO cartoon books, 4S esli trays, compiled TiO lo 75 book lengu) novels, six flomrr containers, collecled 60 politicly of silk liote tyjd Uiree lota of scrap incul Tliey liave also collected 2D0 comic -books, sent 200 new Christmas card* to soldlera in ho.'^nltals for Uiriii to mall to ihelr friends and and collected for soldiers 50 icrni. pads, 50 pencils, C5 Jig es and 25 decks of cards, rniber, Uie pupils sent 30 :1ft boir. 110 tlie children of SouUi They have completed 25 iniicnls wltli 13 more comle work s all done by vol- Drktrs of he Junior R«d Funds for Fight On Weeds Raised n Blaine Budget ;ia ili:y. Jon. la-blnlne county comml'jloiier* llnvo fixed Uie county bmlkri for 1843 os follows: Office ol the auditor and clerk of the dlslrlrt court, 18,415; sheriff, $10,- 440; a,yev/>r, *4,335; treasurer. J ;- prosecittlng nttomey. $3^05; eli'ctluii'. $400 founly commlisloners, 55,0:0 Miperlntendenl of public n-mrucllon, JV,fi70 county pliyslclan, Sl.OOO. i Relief. osnge, blind, child pen- 0:1s, charities, etc.. $21,345; dls- in teniirt. $3,158 probate court, $1,- Justice of the pence, *733 poor farm court liou.'e, $9,030 c t- oner, *700; iiuscellaneous, *0.750 social fccurlty. $800 weed control, 18.- MO nnd road and bridges. $34^20. The figures ore substantially Uie uime as n Uie D43 budget wlui the xceptlon of weed control. Several of Jie nioic vicious obnoxious weed* lave i.iki-n a hold n Uie county and irciiipt action nui.it be taken lo de- -tjoy them. Among llieae nvaders ire while top. puiicture vine, burdock, Canadian Uihtle and cockleburr. daho Will Raise Money to Repair U.S. Cruiser Boise BOSE, Jan, 18 (,1 ^-ia war bond lie camp;di;n to raise funds for ir rep,'\ir of the erulier U. S. S. Boise, damaged n battle off Uie Sglonion nlands during which t ;ook n the sinking of six Japanese A'arcraft. will be conducted n daho. Money ral.-ed Uirough war bond.ales Jan. B to Feb. 23 will go to-»nrd rep.\lrlng llie Bol;e. Tlie campaign will be promoted by Lion* :lub?, o. L Stanton, chairman of ;he Lions' committee, told. Collector Charts South Side Trip Prop'o.-fd tlncrnrr for tlie 1043 ncor ipalgn iced la.n nldit by Cecil A. P/ost, dr]iuty collector of interrml revenue at the Tnlii K.ULS olllce, Ttie lilnerarj- follows; TMln Fnllf,-Feb , 14,21, 28; March l-.'i. inclailve. Cni;W^d-Ffb l^iler-feb liiclu.dve. Duhl-Fcb. 1:1-20, nclusive. Holll.n/'r-Fcb. 23. from 0 a/m, lo 4:.70 p. in. Ktmbi-tly FtU , nclusive. -«J 2 i i u s i U u ^7 ie l: inirkdi ST. Drawij tl. RillRlout rura-. *rt»«nlln1r t. UB»«llnc is. Druilc* a s K " '

10 Ptge Ten t i : i e s -i :e \v s, t w i n f a l l s, i d a ; : o Mopday. January 18, ls-13 JANUARY WAR STAMP ALBUMS These Twin Falls Merchants say: A HALF-FLLED ALBUM S L ll^ A HALF-EQUP PED SOLDER" AAuDi Mule Co. The Album AleuBder-* \ C. 0. Anderwa Co. \ The Am»nw»f«d Huf»f Company * * MaUon D«aut7 S^on The.Marfalr Khop McVe;'! raplttntnl & llardtrare Hloart MorrUaa Tire Shop Alounlaln Stales mplement Compaojr lurrr Muiirare-i MerchuidUe Mart B e u Grovtn WuvhooM Auociadan Zkrlha Caapbtll'i SUirt Blwlu Cyeltf7 Or. n'kluce 0«nd Tic BoaUdrvin* * CUsde Brown -Miule 4i Fumlluce Co. MU«J. Bfownltif, nf. Clly Fnfl Co. Clot Book Store Conuofntij Oil Co * * Detvclirr Srot., nc. DuBonil tinlttkre Co. Duin»*-'SV»ni(f Mcule Sloro Filk'i. Kflllnj Atcnli for Scin notbork F^reitn Abo lnlrr>lniunnr«euhance ridftllj N»llon4j lunk'. rint F^enU Sarlnn A Lo&n AuocUllon Fon Trenifer * 0»nib5ts Clob«Seed A F(«d Co.. ^ ; Hoot Lambrr & Coat Co, Uooiler,Furniture Co. \ noward, Trtftor Ce. \ lludfon-cuxt hhm Store \ daho Dfpaftmcnl Store daho Efc Prodnem Co-op AuocUUra daho Ride '* Tallow Co. daho ncuojc Co. daho PowfT Co. f ntcribotmlaln 5«rd A FUf Co. Glen G. Jtnkln*. ChettoUi Jerome Co-op Crtamery Klnnty» Wbi>le»*le Co. M. n. KlDi Co. Rrrnrel'a Hardirve Ratlrr a Jevtler* National Laundfr A Dry Cleanen C. n. Nfljon. nc. J. J. Newbtrry Co. *. Oranir TtMiipertadon Co.. nc. The Orpheum and daho Tlicaten Oitrander Lnmbrr Co.» * racljo Diamond- lu j Company The Part Co.. TarUUn Laundcren & Dry Clranrn- * * The Park Hotel * * R. i G. Jewrlrti lued't lutevay Store RlchanUon'i Cleanrra & Dyeri R. L. Roberta. Jeweler. Rowlei-Mack Co. * * Safeway Store*. ne. 8aT*Mor Drof Sawtooth Co. Dr. Geo. P. Stholer, Optometriit ' Seir Mannfactarinr Co., \Sberwoo<l Typewriter Ezchanc* \ SbtU'OM Co.. a J. lolnim \ eierljnj Jewelry Co. \SQmoff Band A Orsrel Co. * -t A. Eweet * Son. rarnltun Geo. K. Taylor, Natarop*th T1me«*Kew«Trinidad Deaa A EJrralor Co. Twla.i'all* Bank A Trmt Company Twin Fails aiohuary Twin Fall* Motor Co. Twin FalU Jlotor Tranill Co. Jk * UnlQn Motor Co. Van Enfelenj Th«Vonta F L L A lialf equipped soldierxisn t ready to,fight, and neitlier is a half filled Stamp ' Album. Supposing a soldier would turn back after he reached the front lines,., No! He couldn t do that! Ybu re depending on him. And so is every man. and A woman in service for Uncle Sam depending on you,,, depending on you NOT to turnaw ayfrom, to neglect that halk filled album. Maybe it was fun to start your album to see it grow. But yoa can t be getting tired of it till Victory is, ours! Get out those half filled stamp albums. Make it a habit to shop for war \ stamps... to take your change in stam ps.,, and to fill up tliose half filled albums now! Stamps mean Bonds and Bonds will help win the Victory! «'! Asto Co. Matic Valley Fmmlnx Company Warberr^prei. Coal A Tnuxsfer Co. WhlU Moim«7

P a g e 5 1 of R e p o r t P B 4 / 0 9

P a g e 5 1 of R e p o r t P B 4 / 0 9 P a g e 5 1 of R e p o r t P B 4 / 0 9 J A R T a l s o c o n c l u d e d t h a t a l t h o u g h t h e i n t e n t o f N e l s o n s r e h a b i l i t a t i o n p l a n i s t o e n h a n c e c o n n e

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