'di. RQfllSfljr' ^ -T - ^ T» 6 ^ PM U. up the year with a healthy trelua. Gov. John Evans mni. e» several acres of crop just broke through.

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Download "'di. RQfllSfljr' ^ -T - ^ T» 6 ^ PM U. up the year with a healthy trelua. Gov. John Evans mni. e» several acres of crop just broke through."


1 nrffntte l 3 " y Sk 5 j g j «r p l K th year, No. 188 d RQfllSfljr T T» PM U 6 Twn Falls,!, daho l O T f OR p~ D E m ne daho r c h e s sought tc1 «By QUANE KENYON M H e wl decde by July 233 whether wl lo order lo publ 3lc schools for nstnctona nal supples, ptxjllctng 5 worse w hlngs. "But they ddnt get the stale back 0on a bass where blls are APCapltol Wrter thespendlngholdback. Thebll llalsoapproprates$lt8ml m lllonto4hochecltw llh 1 m e frslt dw lam s: p a d fro m t sa sam e budget sy ear the nconlrasltoearer gloor loomy predctons., s ta te ] B o a rd of E ducaton tor fo lbrary H s ohce keeps daytoday accounts s < on the >obllgalonsjrclncu{ ncurredr B O S E (A P )d a hho o ; has an exlra$4 mllon there s enough money left ove )ver from the state p urchas ascs and new ecupment tor for the state budget, and he says l has been appore rent for t wll be up to the t Legslature to decde, surplus n lls genera] J fund. f State Audtor Joe b u dget year whch ended Son Sunday to pay for support! rted colleges and unlverst rsltlcs. Bose h last thtree ra o r for months that the le s la te w hether lo use the "surplus" $4 mllon for W llams says. $9.1 $a mllon. n spcclal sper jpendlng, wth $4 S tale U nversty.gets m e x tra $: S200,000 for would wnd up the year wth a healthy that purpose, or r to sc Ue ex tra m oney to trelua. Gov. John Evans mn llon carryover. W llams ;sad. sn fumlsh hngsjorlhft n m M nrrsnn. nx cntcrtoc balancc: of fscla. untlclpatel ateducncnmhthcwtrdgc! says t stll appears lk( lkely stale agendes wll T h a t s good news for daho school dstrcts..ue P erf rform nga rts. T hew ml rlon s td go nto a reserve account y ear. have to cut spendng 5 31percent n the next 11 A: m ong $9.1 mllon n onetme me appropratons College of Soulhem daho a t Twn F alls lo get the stal sute b ack onto an accrual ba< lassor. Evans drew crtc; rltc.>>m from Republcans for monlhs.... contaned cc n a last.mlnutc.vc ;chst!..s t r e e : :.. J 5rth dalo College a t Coeur r da lene wl lspayroll.. predctng budgel ;el problems jusl before the Based on current revenue estmates, t b ll approved by thelegslal s a tu n!.; u c o llo n j appearsthegtatew rtlhjeabout<29mlhon h >fet6aboutona4hlrdfthc.mo m nnpy Thn.<;ppn. r ; for equpment purch rchases. And a r s a g o, w h en th e stale fat raced a M ay 22 prm ary y e ekytons, House Speaker atcttocatlorar H lcatlonar ral progrus otcltlhe w adm nstratkm delftyeap payng Tom S llve y clnnret lms Kvans tred to m acelhe short «balanclng the h e budget for the (scal dl n g w as authorzed only f there w ere cnoueh e x tra $250,000 for equpm ent. som e blls ; untl afterv uly l. n effect shftng L egslature look bad by predctng a fnaneaj y e a r whch started Sunc unday, the governor sad sus rp lu s as of July l lo cover t. them nto the next y e a rs budget, shortage, when lr nfacl fa there w as none. Thursday. T he bll contans a $2 mlho lon appropraton Slatee offcals, ncludng Evans. ns, had xen Wllams ssald sa t w ll take about $6 mll llon lo > See SUB SURPLUS.onPageA2 Cvytgf F rday, Ju ly 6, 1 l l ff c F. l? ats atem flo }o d cre< Dgapp c a n a l > j r <. * crr, ByTheTmes*News s and The Assocated P ress JE R O M E "M slc sk rats a re beng... blamed for a canal djjeffljtjortheasl b t d h ere hursday that t sent a rver of...a.1 V? w ater through a rea ;a hay 1 and gran felds. Northslde Canal Co. m anager Ted D l sad a 20foot U bceak n one of. the com panys rrtga gatlon canals oc curred ; about 4 a.m. Thursday f f r l l n l momlngand probably lblys4heesultof. T»n T»t«New. phoo/wyeveson m uskratsunderm lnr n ln g th e c a n a ls N o rthsde s l CanalCorbuUdoTer j:er m o v e s c o r t h t o s h otn e n p lh e C a n o lt ja m rth tl a t g a v e w a y e a r l y TK rhursday m ornng, send d n g w a te r n to farm felds an d over roads earthflled bank. Dehl sad the " c a d, one of the mraa an ones n the n Q,n Thursday, bul Q arence Ml ll closed at 5 p.m. C rop dam age wus reported heavy b eans a re too s m a lto survve s t h e w as gong North Sde system,,, down and he ddnt expect cj carred 300 sec er.. Jero :rom e Hglway D lslrct man n The water collectedd along areas a t sev eral J felds and some remaned] w a te r and slt, but sad s< some of the damage to 0 be too severe. He sad p n dfeetofw aler.t hur lursday momng. gger. sa d w ater contnued lo flow below the canal bank an and s contnu under.water r at 5 p.m.. c o m m ay be saved. th ere w ere lh herelsprobablyj e» several acres of crop the"roads~and"fclds7 H e sad" ld n g n o T u n rw eexpecrn tto dropdown " D onald Brehm, whose farm s four T h e rupture sen w ater sr a b o u f tw d am age on just broke through." m e each of a num ber of, D ehlsad. He unlll the h e flow stops 11 wll be dffcull som etm e tonght (Thu: lursday)," he m les north and two and onehalf [ m les through farm fel< elds and n farm s. sad c o m p k y persor sonnel had been to e v a lu uate j dam age lo the hglways. /s. sdd." m les east 5t of.jerom e; sad he losl t depth s of up to three f e e;t t over some "C he of. montorng ra t acuvlt the problem s we had (n vlty on the canal bre reak occrred (our mles east st The counly road jusl jst below the about 12 ac acres of beans and hnd sx ; countyroads before cha lannellng ts m akng repo repars) w as th a t w e for some tme; m d fou Dur and threequarters mles b reak reopened by ear ry afternoon.,acres of cor :om nnd four acrcs o r R a y ~ w ay to another canal. No 0 m m edate couldnt get Canal company y and county r th of [ 8l 01 out c k s to jh e. break Jerom e, Mller sad water :er but tlose three others a 1 rm leor more under w ater ler. The hay. he sald Was ; estm a te s ot dam age were :%avsa5re. <>because ofthe hghway departm mud. W e had to haul ent crew s were had was /ashed away a shoulders on aw ay w ere stll. under ler water by already nll; 1 the bales b ut had nol been Dehl sad after a fnal suney of n drt and b.. able to close the break 1 buld a roadw ay as we :ak n the bank by several U roads and Uree remaneded evenng,.. rem oved from the fleld.:he sad the the area about 5:30 p.m.. that w ater w ent n, he lesald. Rulngg allow!.. By RCHARD CARELL L the exclusonary rule generally g com plele," llrer rennansald., natonwde that. VwAssoclatedPress (or for years ; have blam ed the A nalysts predct :t mr ore shouldnot jlcom clnloplay. Although lhe he decson s lmted to th those exclusonary rule for forlettng c rm nals go free WASHNGTON The Suprem e Court, search S w arrant use o A 1 n m argnal or nonexstent t benefts occasons n whch wh; polce get court w arrar ants, on techncaltes. produced 1 by suppressng evdence (5bl (5btanedln lls wordng ould cou lead lower courts lo app concludng a, term that a t generally ; expanded p lyl loved," Pres resdent R eagan sad when, objectvclj lly reasonable relance on n a subse, to slunlonsln Hn whch polce acted n polce powers, Thursday weakened the 70 dete 1 the asked w hat he thought 2te r polce msconduct. Tle r of the co u rts rullnf. le new decson quently nvaldated n search w arrant m l canno reasonable bul t w rong opnonthat t no n o th e r decsons, yearcold "exclusonary f rule" by decdng Umt perr s,lhecourt: U 3rm ts exceptons based on the lhe soo<l rath or tuy h< he substantal cost of exc xcluson," w arran lw asneeded. et evdence sezed Wth defe< efectve court w arrants po< R uled th al the government lawfully m ay Jllcc offcers who beleved the tey dd nothng,.ny. lyconwhlteavrole for hec B court: Evdence «[rmalbxollogrstudontswho 5fClTaant8lmrtmtml wro rong. Butonec e of the dssentng justces. W llam J..searcle.ssom>H fajfc nwlny also,mbhl.come,un(ler :re, ral 10 reener torh M he draft. The courts 52 G nthehaam ayoflts963*84tct r tu h.th e v o u t u r e n n a n. vw as sharply crtcal o f t h e l The 63 decson m arks the frs t tm e sncc <;nr,e decson. goodfnlhexccd cept lon trc a tc d llu rs d a y * rulng. upheld.aj982.] 982.1awchallengedbyMln ld.tla tw h c n ju d g o s o rm ae g ls l6 tro te sn al< c appears the courts vctory y ( over the But even jn H 1014 th a tth e natons sllg h est court has mls st n ts lm ted form, the decs: son nesota students. ta k e s lh a t v o la te a defe nd d ar a n ts r g h t s. p r tl An \m endm ent (protectng aga gansl un m ark s a m ajor tmrrowed the "excluslonary rule drawn lo and jor vctory for the Reagan ad Usod cases from m Pasco. W ash., and San d p o lc e rea so n ab ly re ly on U ose c o u rt rea s n ljle le polce searches, and sez ezures) S m ln stratlo n and law enforcem ent agenc lelcs.s eecau OURT on P ag e A2 Freedapes show K enned eajolnng offcdas on1 rghts some3 mpro>perlys sezed evdent ( ce nto) court actons.boston (AP) Nearly rly 10 hours of Kng lel 200,000 mlarchers a to, secrety recorded Whte e ) House tapes. W ashlngtonand delvered }d hs famous. r e le a s Thursday show w an earnest j [ " Have a D ream " speech. P resdent John PTKennw medy cajolng A t*thatm cettngr Roy Wlkns, then o w.v. m ayors, governors and! congressm en executve secretary of the U Natonal. L B E R N T O N of the P bneersrtem H sand SmoklMToohTJll T" to accept ntegraton n the South and Sg A ssocaton for the Adva mncement of JVewsvryfer large 50 tra c ts of the W hte Clouds s and ar Mt. Borah roadless j support hla cvl rghts prog rograms. Colored People, tells the p os have been excluded from m c a bul tbat daho Sen, : lle scratchy rocordng ngs, m ade 21. dem onstraton proved CHUM A form er ant ntlfrust law yer fo; ja mes e McClure has successfullyully lobbed through t h e y e a rs ago n Kennedys B 0 O val O n c,».. m assve publc support ear Tro Co. wll fly ntothe le VWooc R ver Valley full s Senate. Ths bll desgnates ales only 526,000 of the r also. nclude dram atc m< meetngs be : rghts. «S y " f. Hs arrval s.expccted to cat ause.q u lteastr., 1 state; eselghtm lulonacres as wl( ldem ess.f sgned by. tw een Kennedy andmla ar rtln.luther., A. HelsR< Rep. John Selberng, M)Wo, h[o. th e charm an of a!prcsl sdcnlr eagan..thls bl.would ; t m e a n s th a f th e y JU ldglvejdahoatotalof { n o lm a rtn congress sslorsubrom m tlee thal~wl K n g Jr. wll h ave a large say 4 4 mhllloh acres o f d e m e s s, L uther Kng, or Roy Wlkns or n determ "T here s a danger we ew wll face the rmlnlng the fnal sulus of d< daho s eght mllon But before any daho wlldeme: Whtney Young (another mess bll becom es law, r cvl rghts a c re s of w orst race rot weve e vyer y seen." the V l. fn d l l t m d s. >epllngm onuntteemuahttve ave4tsaaynkev6lopngr cvl rghts leader warns } the th< presdent jrlng. the charm an of the Ho House Subcom m ttee a bll. th e U nted Auto Workers rs unon) on Publc naw hlte Jlouse.m eetlnj tng Sept. 19. le Lands and Natonal Parks, wll tour the Wood And any, dfferences between dream edup thla vrght een Housea n d S e n a le Jlabusness; R v erv. 1963, foudays a fte ra rb( o m b k ll Va aleyareaonm ondayaa; la p a rto fa flv e K la jr dle e n T jw m u s r B e T W M T h ey feel t tn ther hearts. Wl T h T o l n t meetngs T" B* m p se of daho lands under consld foorchtljnn a t nm ack sderaton lo rw lmcr hcuww>n m M rtlro nnh.l> yrhng] ng before a (nal bl] can Brm ngham, Ala. The tapes, released by the John F. atus.. w lncc congresslona] approval. f the: u dfferences cannot t Kng asks Kennedy lo ) send federal K ennedy L brary n Bos ostoo, cover srlng.. * a downhll sker and d b backcountry hker, be res esolved, then th e questlonof sfwl hattodow lthldajos ; troops to protect the cl cty s black conversatons from M arch * to October wll fly nto Kelchum from McCall 111 Sunday on a route roade Hess lands wll aw at anoher lersesslonofcongress. s P com m unty., sayng. "Somethng 19C3. K ennedy was assas flalnatfd the U at wll lake tj hm over the Whle Gou louds. selb lberng.ttljohaflfecelved mo; o reth ana.oooeltera {.d ram atc m ust be done a tth t su m e to followng monlh. on Nov. 22,1953, and. on. M onday he wll helcopter < over the Poneers, fro m 1 : 1daho conservatonsts urg u g addtonal vrtlder, gve the Negro n Bl Brmngham, Kng w as o t to death n 1908 the Nort]}< rtlem and S oulhem Lemhls. s, Mt. B orah and the ness 1 1desgnatons, now appeara ears, m les ap art from. U abam a, a new sens of f hope t and a P e a k a.a nearote Montana The perod was a tm e = 01 turmol, ma border. Thb flght M e anure n n acreage fgures for fo daho wlderness,. goodsenseofprblm U on." J O H [N N c ted to be punctuated wllh R K EN N ED Y v w hen dem onstratons an< 1 bref touchdowns to Selber erlln g sad e a rle r ths year r that tht he wll recommend B ut Kennedy p r e s s e«s reludancf.. T q p e s h ro. SSS 0QO]SJ)lt]je scenc vsta polnls, a v e b e e n s e c r e t sps ark ed ljy h e cvl r t s a mnm um of 1.2 mllon acres m of daho s roadless f a t tendng tpops, sayng g t t would not T llo s daho vst, ardently sw ept through the South. luy so ughtby state lands a for w lderness status. /atlonsts, wlllelp the congr eotflresdorulblltv, and, a ngressman to decde Tha o th er dsturbances t lat fgure wlu go much hlahe Jcethem face Kng appa parently sat slent d urng a. C Offce dscussons on the U 06» landashouldbe navbt] SlflfrWay;. n c lta te l,ta th frp resld en tteu s Kns ang. Ptr»tof m eetlngw lth K e m w d d oth ercv ll ~~n] n lulslwldemesa)!!] SQono troo w to t r n g peao lo be drawnjyj>yjtu nyye Ve4«feeomhendng.9 ml] m a m b c o m m h lllto n a c f o r addl all,weve g6l to gel Ul6 WU A>n6 commu rgnm em er u nlttoe. r. " b l e s p o... S *et O O hm>«eba2 P «" S et tberlng chars Housepanel Key lau Wmake] *rtqsurfvep m trovesrsalrc oadlesss land N. 1:1

2 A 4 TmesrNews, Twn t Falls, daho. Frklay. July Crt ra»uu ~f«y A 1 ; J u r y f n d s P< P a n c o a s t g u l t y; p e c d e e al a r y, M o n d a l e t o l crm nal cases. Noneth theless 11 has cocane and a S * Q u a X d rs b!e to M S ~ Mateo, C Calf., to rul6 Uat Ue h e bbcom e a poltcal lght tn ln g rod fo r from two Bu urbank hom es aganst fo u :..L O S ANGELES S (AP)( ~ A Jury h u ro day aj found BOSTON (AP) P ) New York Gov. B4ar «lo Cuomo and o rd er" partcpatng no * ; M a Pancoast : guqty o f f r s t d e murde der n Ue advsed Walter F. F. Mondale or h u rsd ay to m. akeupw J proceedhgs for llegal. jal. "T oday s decson gve ves Ue Amer drug rng,!... hmeballbatslaylng< n g o t model Vtek lofganjnla.runnng jnate.befors~ thed can p e( le a result we have sought for To get a w arrant, polce m ust cob tb e la te m lllo o a r e A N atooal Convent! enuon, but Ue partys lkely y nomnee, 5,,, ederal law requres publc le som e tm e," Ue justce ee D epartm ent vlnce a coun ourt Uat Uere s prolable lowonum, htw om anjuryddlberated dfor4% w asoonrom m llal lal about tsuggestlon. m d a lsto p «y ld e ~ sp e cla lal l sad... t gves reco ognlton to the ca"~to"b< 0 bcleve"u afacrm et a~ : ~ b o u rs before rejecu ctng U. Uat Pafr T he two appare arenuy agreed Uat Cuomo su s = S a ; S help 80certaln handcapped prncple lh at Ue asce :ertalhm enl of bee n o rs bbeng e commtted. coast rajghl have been b ypoouudover th e phc phone nlo canddate for Ue lhe No; 2 hmself, but " U > 7 c h l d r e n m ay attend publc schools, tru th s a prorty n cour crmnal Much bo fuf e wordlngurwwc s brevlnghehadklle dlled Mss Morgan when n fad act h ehad dlfferenfstando ro n wtentbeannouncem enta n d ju d g em atls tlu t j l would o l «3 ~ h o n v ) s «u ; 3e e" T h e Cvl L lbertm " U n l o r ~ o r o b B n e a r ~ ~ tsboudoe r.d ecjoeded totevtew C allfom lacourt ffl ju s tc e s to n :" :27pageop o p n o n could Ju su fy an o o t m ade. that could force tbe Boy John Roberts, execuuv Lve drector of excepton even when no warranfte = = = ==B «causehert6ade adedbotblmttcedtrandjodoc w )ceot:b y. = My:nstlnct:anc Hcluslona nary rule does not a p p ljjo JO."law deoortatta forces,. people charg largedwu reaso n of nsanty,, Jurore wll now c o l d e r Pan *ancoast s m ak e an early y com m tm ent"tb a vce pr r t l c p a t scoutng as an h WflMflphKtptfc; hdwovp sta te of mlod a t the h e of the m urder, lle e l nsanty. selecton before e Ue Uk conventloo." Chumo sad er.r,sa l d r U e = : TjgrJn n rb y rq lp f. gcc Onleer; fulngsacrfloes ndlvh duatgr Tby g, phew of tbe tla] s s scheduled to begn Mooday. em erged from a nm ore Uan oneour closed mr e e t M a t. s e t a sd e 3, B urger and JusUces H any de a rulng Uat could have wpng out any rmed; LoganA rport. kmun, Lews p. Powe)l. forced pul publc schools to provde vclhns ofgovemmental? 1 a w 5 L S, = S r «S k h s d v e r t n d a n a r l n e» rr "H e (Mondale) le) ddnt agree or dsagree. Cuomo yearround f. R ehnqulst and Sandra educalon for m entally don t know how, n. and em p O p.n : b an d jcap p ed.:eouru AmflnrmenLwe. SLAM ABADPPa P a k s ta a ( A P } S lk h h J chldren.. R oberts sad, JusUces 5 * Brennan, Thmgood forced a n ndan ArUoes JeUner to land n L Pakstan, on llursda: lday Bnd threatened to trow t S a l a r y f u mn, d s f o r A r F l o r h d a lle excl (cluslbnary rule, frst fash T he court used a Callfo foma case to MarshaU and Jcrfn Paul Stevens ds lonedbyue hlgh court n 1914, plays a c arv e o ut Uw cood falu U excepton, sented. 264 people award U f Uter dem ands w ere not t met, a MAM (AP) A r Florda can use $6 mll lllon to pay govenunent qwkwtnf smansakl salares, a feder deral Judge, sad Thursday, ly, but Ue Tbe bljackera. wbo ho sezed Ue Jet 00 a domesu< Stc flght grounded carrer e r \ w ants a<;cesstoc7m m kn n nore n ts from S rn agv, c q )tal l of K ashm r, to New rw Delh, accounls recelvabl /able to get back nto Ue ar. demanded tbe mmed oedate release o f all SUchs arrested a The company / w; as strugglng to resum e some operauntng T o u r d u rn g re c e n ta tau tkra b )rth at sect n nda s Punjab lost u o h s. gvng ts hghest prorty to reun O ooumed n t from Page Al noruem daho loggng 3 communty, c of wlderness areas n mllon acres sta te and a l a l lst s t of otfer actkns by U ln d a n baggage wllh pass lassengers, many of whom hac lad had been forest ndusuy represen entauves and A laska..,, government. stranded at Mlar lam n te U o n a l Arport w hen A r U>Ml»U<«demess deslgnatlob," sad Sen. Jam e s M tjaure. Mohammad Sharf, rlf deputy nformaton offcer e r fo r l Florda halted ope operatons. P a l F o rd, the outgong drector of Ue...M orerece ecenuy, hs commttee was. A fter theundavmon ndav stnt n locked n negotauons wlu McClure s jp s y c c r w <» ) «> e o n s < a d a d ln e o f2 a.m.frday r (3 p.m. MDT Thursda; day). Tuesday a fter flng fu for protecton from ts lls c re d to rs J u s t ry lnlg g to m press hlm (Seberl"" th e Wood R v e / Valley a area, Selberl* nergy and ud N atural Kesoures (Jomunder C hapter l l of Ue U.S. Banlcnqtcy Act. 1. n g l w th er enough a re a s Uat we wll ]] " 1ng svll fly w (st to tou our th e Bose m ttee. over ver the workngs of Ue T r o o p s k l l P u n j a b t e r r o r s t have a flghl U ng chance of m akng hs l3 N atonal Forest* before a attendng two wlderness ;s revew n process for road, bll as closet to ours as possble.... receptons Tuesdayy evenng less lands s bypassed bj by Congress on h y.tnhn NEW DELH, nda lla (AP) S e c u r ty forces kul cuedone L a t j o T W Onr * t f a v o r " c a r d t l < n Kvan nnd thsgoarount ound.. l a t e daho fon orest and mnng ndustry suspected Skh terro rrorst and arrested S7 oux y. Ue daho C onservalonl ; s u e. o n cc that lat agreem ent was readed Punjab state nursda> day. auuwrues reported. WASHNGTON N (APJ The AFLCO s s pollucal r e p r l aaf f l wjlalm be m h g f. D urng the p asl decade de, Selberlhg n early. May. a.flurry of wlderness The m an w as shot )ot dead n Gurdab u r dstrtc trtct, 280 drector sad Thun lursday th e J ra U o n wll no w l publcly wluseber erlmg d urng hs stale vsl, h o s.p la y e d.a pvotal, role le n some of c slatlon oa m les northwest o f tha tb jyan f fp ltj, a fte r a r g& o T " " e n d o rs c a n y fa v o r1 butjb enlexpecuons fo r tlkse vsts Ue g fe a fc o n S rv a tlo n sttjggrm or*"*senale. 1 dahos bll, however, has terro rsts fred a t a p polce patrol. Ue Unted News N< of Ue D em ocratc P a rty tcket because th ats s a decson apppearmnodest.. o(. U epasldecade... proved, to 1 b( be a m ore c o n tr o v e r t nda news agency sac sad. the nomnee wll 1 have to m ake.", Joe Hnso fson. a spokesm an for the le U nder Seberngs leac ladershp, lh e j..l f v 3 h a n tj Uose of ouer weslera The fve hgh prests s t s of Skh fam; meanwhle, e, me n John Perkns,, who wt heads tbe Com m ttee on w Waho Fores rest ndustry Councl, says s House Publc Lands b n m: m ttee. de s a te S e to Ue t acreage gap between secret n a b o ltalbuudng lj.n J n r lts a r tof»revlew Educaton, sad organzed labor vould even» abde by th a th e v le lews «Seberngs daho Up veloped th e legslatve p package Ual M caures : bll bll and the bul sought by rq> arw o rk o n tb ebab tottledam aged Golden Temp n o le.the th e selecubn of f S Sen. G ary H art, whose c somew lewhal of a based.opbe two nghts n Ketchum n.. M a n h e l d f o r v o c n g t h r e a t s where h e wl wl prau cally be a captve > resulted n a 1S80 act estal labllshlnu56.5 conservatlonl: lonlsls. holest such sbrtne. crtcsm of Ue AF AFLCO s early endorsement ntow aller purtunlty." F. M ondale angere< Bred m any n Ue labor movem ment. >p HUNTSVUJE, AUa. la (A P) A m an taken ren nw J a l e d e d t( t o r a l w r t e r f r e e H of Ue envronmental groups Uere," HlJlsonsald. d. custodyafterpollcesal sad he "began cursng and mawng; m B E E V L te:rh rl l.t A P ) E d tb ra \ terrr lch ard But Hlnsd ; ON! s S g eeat nson. sad. Ual..Seberng s th re a ts" v,4ten guard] rds prevented hm from movng m Hargraves, the frst lrs Journalst Jaled n 26 years n a trp wu also jso ndude nectngs F rday dob ertopresldatltes RaagH was leldtfarsdaynl tnlleuf svnrarascrwvas frs fft hursday a lte r a lav aw yefsad n n d Saturd rday wth resdents of a WOObond: he had learned the d(»u U of two sources U e l e r ru s P EETES. Stephen Lawrence» Halberg, 27, of Huntsvlle llle, was a rrested Wednesday y e evenng as Ue presdent arrved a refused lo nam e, H argraves, 34., had been Jaled Tuesday on 1 contempt O T U f p *! / u S r r =. a t the HuntsvlUeHadl adlson County A l rt,s a ld d Wayne V charges for refusln sng to denufy two counly offcals to. Johnson..aM adlsonco( County sherff s d u ty.... whom hc had pron romlsed confdentalty, when he con ootl jou nuedfrom aa l ; Johnson sad Halberj lerg had a cam era and w as tryng to suted Uem before w rtng a n e w p e r edltn toral Ual Wllams S sa1d~evah.y~staternents~ tysdent. l a l o a l behawsot stenpng o ff Ar For r c e One. Jd n so n s a l d guards * Thank God m m gettng out of jal." Hargr; aaves told ton hp hnr adavalable.h ow as rc r a t a F y g r HalBefgloslaybacK: o reporters after the n1 e a n n g. w t o see m>y y wfe and ~ portlneonth Ue lnform atonhejad:hh[ tt E m A l h ed ld n lc contactth so ffee.mhe e r 7 * 1 ntoxcaton, dlsorder lery conduct, harassm ent and a re haven t broker ken my confdentalty pledge ge at all. audtorsald. d. d R = fre= EL h k s = = slatng arrest. he added. Evans sale ald Thursday based on lat Appear] arng..c s tta x c o llkku ons, t appears lhe stale t o d alys WC B... V. w ll b e abo bpul?m mlllonshortof ff y nghtly through balancng tf the current budget. Tax July 8 e a t h e r offcals say Ue downturn n Ue slate economy has tasnt mproved because of Comng 5 ju ) u ly 9 : hgh nterest st rates. Gary Raf ffanelll & T h u n d c e r s h o w cfers co u ld f1 o r m to d ca V Wllams s sad he has no way of Sandy r Selby S< :, predctng : f Uat estm ate wll be....tw ta. FtUB, B o r q accurate. " m nol a fortune teller. «O o o ««tt; p rh T F o r e c a s t / 8 p.m. EDTD T. d a v r J u l y 6 aa;;,:.. hesad. " Partly cloudy today ujd d Saturday wth p r : = r r 4 0. S o t mm y But Ull Lhnk lh al under Presdent. ght chance ot Uumde Codt u s P! lertowets. Hghs l. >!V(J Ronald Reag ;agan, thngs arc gong (o 85 to 95 today tnostjy la the 80s falttrray tvgm 8 worse.. really beleve lhat Ue ; Jackpot, Nevada JgWwtU.wladsO..J/ admlnlslrallc Ulon w u r* keep * Ulngs. Dnner Showw s atn.t 6 pm. Cocktal Show Sh< at 10. * toaomph. Noftbcra Nevada aod Doct nctfaenutab: T together unl jnlll a fter the November : L Cal ; for reservatons PaflJy cloudy oyej «X nortbeastent H ]).> electon, and afler lhal, wewlll have Nevada today wdely s c a t t e r problem s. tbuoderstorms aad gusty wnds. Con 0 0 UDuedbot.Hlgha484o.fl8 B.flS.FalrtonghV wth lows 48 to 58. Saturda> rday mostly susny wth a slght chance of t aftemooo and evenng hunderetonns.. H Hghs 85 to 95. Utah wll be moatly (ar lr and hot loday... wth some solated tate e aflecnooa al thun H g h. l o o V y., M... dershow ers over Um mdountalns. P artly T e m o:e e 3 w es.p u cloudy lonlght and Saturdj urday wth a few Uundershbwer* lkely. Slj SlghUy cooler. Camat Prare aod Uw km kwwwoodluvbr Valley: : S a v f r o n t s 1 0 o n a 1... Partly cloudy today and! nd Saturday wth a alght chance o( Uundersl lersbowers. Hghs r l.r B3 to 68 today and 78 to 85 BSaturday.L Sl ow s! S h c /, c A "C 1984< G r a n d JM a rq u! toolght upper 40s wth 1 gusty g w nds at.. t m e s *. SynojMls: ranfall assoc soclatcd wth ths front. e c l( t degrees. Twn Falls h ad! 95 Thurs.. 1 lle shn to the souuwest w slery wtndflow sk le s rcm ;malnod clear over most of the dy j; afternoon as opposed to 877 fo f ra h lg h n tbe upper levels (aled t to provde the sta te wlu thecccptlonofthcsouthucst th Wvv n e sd ay. and Pocatcllo also ohad87for t: expected wanner temper peratures n U» whch hod j s< some scattered cum ulus am., the wlldny bul reported 33 a degrw a Froo BO ol c h a n g c s a s lo ngabyo.wown g youru r n e w c a r. J lower southwest valley lleys of daho c rru s clouds udsthureflayaftcm oon, n T hursday. hursday afternoon. T em perat atures n,thc southwest rc j 1,, T he pollen count n Twn Fall nluthr. tkl p l y t r, A weak Pacfllc cold (ron wll reach. m n e d mluch ud th c w n c Thursday afton daho today brngng tem peratures.as noon n s Bo Jose reported 90 degrees ancl (j.y was 57 pahclcs per cubc m eter of muchas lodcyeescoolerl te r n some areas Mountan Home9Sdegrccsatm<klay. ar. p l l s f a r ~ o fth erta tc.... tn ro n trasl. Utg cmpcfnutorttfe Starlev rccorclwl hp U c m p c r a l. : EUcept(orthe alght chanc* ch ofa (ewsnnkerw«rv er alleylncreasedlrom th«ttu u r o foru estatet h ursday mo Tomfng. 3t thuodgrshower? there wll m be lltue or no hghs rrwrte )rted Wednesday bv a s much as dcc c s. N atonal : " C o KnU>C«T a 6 «Pot»nd,Ore 3 S.. dahofll] 82 m T U S7 2 u s v e f l s K l" PesLo*Ange*» S» ~V> ts St.loul.. SMljTCrty W «M e; 6: McCall 7S» M... Msmons n U74 Ot StnFrjncuo (7 U 1 PoctBllo 677 $7,.., W6UflU«fOu«M Av* «a <e N... MUm[}«Kn ( Selle 73 y $., Salmon mn SO... Boon...ts n.. Uwtukt ; t t SJ... Spovan# n ctctgo n am.... Mlnnepolts 74» bt.m WlJhnQlon 67 rt 71 Twn Falls n n S.» NAwOrlflns W D nwr «Mln Pep» to N«wYw. a? 74 r S f d a h o M " = to "Sa a O K U tw rm O l,»4 71 f«!#t(ja/ r;» Ma Mf Mm Pcp UtlYga S: SO!!,! U Bo<so 97» M Nsnal 80 SJ... oot n u 1.01 Om*M t} Honolulj U TS 2 A S... pnmft.108 u Houlon O n 7.1» p.lsftuffl" n MJJ }} QuKr» ss r Today s junw.....,.»:1#p.m.. r~ ~lndl»n«)ol»... 7B «4.r~Ponf«J, Ue 77 JJ" S, 8? Hsctmjt «J1 Tom,0((0«jsuml»*,., :CBa.m,.. n d e x O Del l v e r e d c d r y w h e( r r e K B u s n e s s a89.. d ah o......a6 P< P e o p l e... C la s B lf c d C510 M agc Val a l l e y... C l Sfp o rts... B35 K e l V t a g l c V a l l t C o m c s N aton...a.. 3.A 5 Vc V a l l e y L f e... B5 D e a r A b b y......b6 Obltuarle l e s... C 2 ; WW e s t......a D P r d a y S p e c b lt T~ T. V.. B l3 O pnon...7 A4 W o r ld..... A6 ncl cjydngallthese ; < o p to n s: Electronc fuol ln[octlon /PJOS/TSRlS wdow w llo A M /F M 4.sp o a ; C l n n l a t l o a kor k o r: jlorob Pow or fro n t d n c b rokof Crculaton are e m anned between 7 and 10 a.n leurtty; dally. MO pervwk; Sunday, sdowoh rodols T odlo a.m.only.ryou ar.n«p«tnr «&wrtay Tt Bl p«r lwfc n*«awlt Twn c o m lerl «ot *Sporr» trctgnvpntn Lruan.Duol fnf.llncra aper by v a.m.. ca u» nf lumoer tor your lly. SlJ0pcr««tt;StBday.7Mp«r«cd t o w cr MoorrtQ & w ndow vslstccrj0.woo!4l s Wdclowor bodyt ly d o a re a : andsmuy. tl.7d per «edl MjU Kteot>Uaa«) atbpak] «Doluxo * b o ll/w h c c l covers ors S p o o c ro l fnger erlp mouldngs; JeroroeW eodelhkodm Ung.Haflerman ~~ ~~ ZZS3ft253S ~ tad * are m aable ccty w tm tttrtar.dcl Mhfwyl 1Hcovy dulvbonoftf S oot. snglocontfol p o w o r From S ro o rc n d 1 bu b u m p o r Bd;d«Dy»Dd SwUy. m a tt fu J. J B urleyupertpauk )ak] akley, JtnooO*. 5 M.P.K. bym pcrsytlom1 Ar condlonor mon }nuol guards h l B n tt ftuo; dally onty. r. nwou.. Oxford whfo BuhlCasUeford. Gloss tntod H A. S o buh : flfs trt (ncoua t a.10, u nootta MSUO; lollhondrom oo o cc control Rool c ooch vnyl... lock group,, pewor : FUerRogersooHoUlster Sunday ooly., n nonu n es. S ac03m SlO.tb, neeua (tatsljo. mrror/clectrccloc clock Emssons systom alltudo Tw lnfau s and all other s r a r n»>thWJ0, ) JO. S&xla aod *crvknnan rata, by m tdo AutOfTtolc overdrve mahaly. o. Duol rolo horn ; W ordng elmo (4 80 per monu tor l( dally aad SBlay, ronsmson S J m fflb s. f you h ave a news Up > or r wsb to talk to s o n e 5 n b Ue edtoral departtftent, call 7WMS31 S. between 9 :X a.m. ar a n d 5:30 p.m, weekdays. To report laste : Dews and q>orts results aft4 after5:30andon ;:2 ; ~ w eekends, ca 7SHS UaatDtonuCloa «loa 1THES x n m l o t o s " n«t1m»;ewt tm U [»*>Uafaad daly at m Thrd SL W L O v e r 3 0 Y ears Tho E a s e s t P la c e n Th h o W orld To B u y A Car A d v e r t l s l l l g Bm81aka. ka.td*«twgg(brkt«r Palll, daho ). Gm e, by MtOe VUey Nevxpe M[QnAvo. q E.... LTw ln F o ls f you wsh to place an ; advertsemd ent, call 733<S31..aassfed ( ad s pouat pad al T«ta Pan* by n e Tme m N «>. omdal dtyaaltgmyoewwefpt uugb Fhlay from 6 a.u. lt M H );pnn:and C T J "o rc» T o e rr S v * L tmtll noooonnatlon on n djay adss acn*«daua U n o t Uk week OQa«ld) letal Mk BUM*wn m r t J

3 . son def fendsh ls trps Q Ge mtral AAmerca a, Sra... \ g r e e n v l.r, S P.C.(AP).. The em m enl t dd ( not plan to lake acton d e p a rtm e n l "w o uldj»l )l standjn the.rev» Jesse Jackson on Thureday de agalnstja w ay of a t by Jackson o n to lh es o v le l r rfendedhatrlpatocc er entrala m ercajackson sad there were 6lh efp 6n :>n d fls havngb g b ro k no law leal prsor soncrehusovetjjnlpn.ttal al And as.to.dscusslngjl the S akharovs n v t e s v o u. t o o u r 1 1 t h A n n v e r s a p r, y C e e b r a t o n.a n d s p e o a! andcharget U et leaga adm nstra could use se hs help, and thal he slll 111 w th the Sovets, Hugh ghes sad : ". T tlonvh uslngdlverslc rsonary poltcal b l e n d e d tjrunl< s h o w n g jd tdvst the SovletTJnlonand po ft P m d e t p n l s w o d clon ttcnow that p rratc edtlcns bave ~ m e n s w e a r : l n e : f o rze B akand. = H o l d a y s S h o p o u r c o e c t o n o f F a s h o n P r o f lel e s f o r F a ll T etorlc Toquestlon thecm rsoulh Afr Urc,a possbly before the gen h a d m u c h luck n the Sov*et Unon 1 shau c h e p gge a t n y (foregn) e ra lelecl w lh the Sakharovs." H He suggested M epaer m at l wll ever!r meet to release " f our )ur govem m ent wll not n l th e Sovets mght not admt Jackson. a n d p a c e y o u r s, p e e / a A Q f c t e f f r o mn t h d H o d a y e o e e tl q n ~. " r.. 5ry p le.l lh e y UnlonwlD A lo notp m e by dsouowlng ug Jackson hederaoco cratlcp res ; a re there, ard educate le chldren c f they a Vsa,, expectoo lead a peace dentlal hopeful, s vlstl tlng fam ly n J o n u s f o n n f o r f m a m o d e l n g a n d s p n n n g d e m o n s tt Urt a t o n. lltlcal. prsoners f f they are there, r,.an d.to Jeed :th e.6 ungrylerfere wlh m y vsa, and the Sovet for th at purpose. e re there," Jackson Jn told a n e w s msson 1 lo the Sovet Unon," he sad.! G reenvlle throughsalur rday. > W e a s o w b e g g, v n g a w a y $ C c o n P e n d l e t o n mn e, r c h a n d s e. conference. Presde dent Reagan, tourng a Gen R egardng Sakharov, R g a n sad P r d e n t R eagan o on Wednesday e ra l Molo olors aulo desgn plant near a r on W ednesday: " do beleve that to M e e t G a r y C o otk k,. S a l e s R r e s e n tn a t v e f o r P e n d l e t o n dscouraged Jackson n from, ( gong to lhe. Sovet Unon and m d seeknghhe Detrot on Thursday, w as asked about Jackson s ns desre to go to the Sovet ntervene... on ths v very d elcate m a tte r on Sakharov X)v gnores W o m e n s w e a r. release of Sovet dlssdentandre Unon. Reagan sad he should consult d t. thngs th al mght be go n g on n the Sakharov. R eferrng : to Jackson s. trp wththes e sta te D epartm ent.! quet dplomatc c h nnels th a t we lo Cuba that won theh release of 22 Asked d f l such a trp would cause a h ave gong forward." F r d ay y, J u l y 6 t h l 0 : 0 0 a. m. 5 : 0 0 p. m. A m ercans and 26 Cubans, Cul R eagan problem n for the Unted States, s. thj that the state Jackson responded S a t urr d a y, J u l y 7 th 1 0 : C Q O a.m. 5 : 0 0 p. m p. ad lh at th e Logan m A ctp ro h b ts R eagan repled: con t now. m m m e n l m aylavebeenh( ;he frst revela. A m ercan ctzens from fror conductng su re the le State D epartm ent wll bc lon lhat such ncgotlatlo :lons are gong negotauons w th f m E m r r U r f r UU SUCH ncb( em m ents. However, R eagan sad s; the gov n Was] ashngton. Stale D epartm ent spokesmlan a John Hughes sad the te gong on, certanly dd d not w ant to com ew lthlnam leofthe lem.".. vy. VtchhJacks<»on gves earnncgs to cfg artes KANSAS C. Mo. ). U (AP) S nger on the lot tour, whch begns tonght at M chael Jackson, safd ld Thursday he Arrowhea lead Stadum n Kansas Cty. w ll donate to charly hs h; money from Jackson 5on, w earng sunglasses and d P rkm JffM tvathrafm t4m d «y, Jw lytth. hs fam lys upcomng concert tour hs trader demark gltterng outft, sad Q m atk M U w H tdto and th a l he ho longer wants fans to be hehadas)< asked lour offcals to arrange requred lo m all n $120 fl for a chance to a new tck cketdlstrbuton process, one buy tckels. th at no o longer requres a $120 m all w ant you lo know low that when o rd erforablock of four $) tckets. frst agreed to tour, : 4 decded to Prospec Jectve buyers had to send n a [*< donate al! the m oney n: make from o u r $120 mone )ney order to gel n the tcket... H p erform ances to char larty," Jackson lo ttery.pc People not plclced al random sad n a bref hews 5 cc conference ap lo get llckc ckels wouldnt gel ther money pearance. N ether Jacl Jackson nor hs backforsc rseveral woeks, m ahagef, F rank DlLe Leo, sad how There ro has also been.a lot of talk k.,. m uch money m gh be Hjgven.lo g Char aboutthle ef prom oter holdng money for )r ty. tckets that ddn t sell," Jackson sad,. There have been pub! mblshed reports readng : from a statem ent. ve [e L L / t h a j a m g n an a hnnstonckttc s ask e d olurprohtolcrtq r ena ue m au guaranteed as much as $40 mllon. orderlckc ckel system as soon as pqssl A lter Jack so n s appe ppeorancer pn> ble so that lha no one, wll pay money mntffns flnnmmrgd n lst of f more ctes unless they rtey get a tcket., p L o 5 = = < C o n o o) ll e u m * * B«.U.look (.(.t.ser 311 C e nr ta tj r rshe*rs«.rom;or». j 1 Croup : S%Uch6 $099 nwwnallhonlvell*) em>ltrtf«jrk..ool jrs >4lUM>.b*cg< bachg.ourkt llll h»m) l.r012"wllb (BVto $799., B(HM)e Saln.»tewnpo.qg»pa«m... " Vyo. bodound S.,.. :... :...M * : Udl12wd8V l l K 35% OFF "V No Srr. *. SaUcltd... y B.p r.ad C *»ymh : 1 RdN 12 wde 0(HBllllgllt) (N No, 40054, BlBBads45% OFF mawcos&veresols 1 [ytttw»... 35% 0FF. f a m t e S t twdevlnyr l d Vdl gl[ah~20%.0ef. La fl mond colora 2 Rolls knperal < «.0 >.... {l)4tll.fa.l.m... (J)W.m.t. J m... S C CwMryMlkUr r g R o lls G w wdb VyK.... t.*rycol»..»tl«&mr 900 M\ C a r e lsf.asolll.>.m.,. t s. R.S.S7.9J>o:4. Sm Up To 70% [ KTCHfNP MPRNTS,,, Umltdlooc Brace Hnlwtn wood foors J tnvr*. OtdstEn Ends dl m utntuh protmtta KTCHEN PRNTS }celo< lochofl hootfront j! A nyr# gularp ALL CARPETS 1 f* B m e o H orrdw o SAMPLES T th ru July ly ls 5 5al«tf*m E»d Exdudvd «2 5. T Z SolB rqx fl m a y = = 5 l 3 * g Na aton = r =,. m m 60 Lacs. 3RolsL«lees Dazzler $049 to U» q.fl. 3R0USMC MOHAWK OANCNO AntaN.gtfm ftnttlc tnultnolojk dkulput*,»onh OFF j s Fonee Jah raw eav a... H... 6 Carpels Va Prce noo% yon.....,.«okd,rtofk.»tv«, vsjt.! plua.ccrom«ttop>nlt peres. Save Up u p t o m t o W.. a,. Cotton " Pftntt Ucfu«ll flop/o~ b f.lll.f lh... lefm Snm toe " S m nrts #% Of# of A nys u g g #»t«d Mgg L U tc:arp a r» t N ot n Stock... rl. tl thv F l o o r s ancj r f A n t e r o r s ; h e o e n t 9 t f g ;S O t. Ployrn lymot* Cooler, lghtwoght R o M o r S ta r " Sheh o e S c a te s.vnym rl S o e c o rb a ltrb S c lt S* r" N ylon Baclc Paclc k. Alum ondcompoct. >oct. Suporlor coomng copa G rls 110; b o y s orange g e, s z e 4 o r 5.. num fram e, adjustal able straps, by. 1 6 Rog. 1J9.99! l S o v o >RoB. R lo g Gym Sot. F«ouro». WO w jwng. trop :dlownglldor. OO,»k y tooor *.lo g O y m S B t.r o s [ p r 28 8 World Clot* Frtb**. F noerlng. Suporlor bo loonco o n d lll. #41C. lla M C H ck > 1 eoucr B g R e d " S le e p n g B a g.4 l b. polyfut 4 season con o m fo rt!, Condor 500 DolocolMlaJobU bl» Boot. Sporon bool. Twn hull or chombor» or». Rgd o * * ) ponton lloor. Rotod jof moto otof>to3% HP S l ; W 89 J* S w n ft ] «f j f m ====55. r o f : L j j g Z T\.Fl. 9:30 a.n..9 p.n l S»L 9:3 T v mw F a n s T O a E G M B a c lm n to n f.fff V o lle y b a ll S e t. R a c k e ts s,, f t o O u net, ball & }BEOENT J m L... 1Frlday,juy6,l084 Tlmes lo N e w j,t w n F «M a «lo «2 9 9 p T p u ) = = S =... A W 3 m an H oxagoal Do o m e T e n t o f nylon taffeta w th w ater terrep e le n t cpated roof & floor. 3w ay zpp ppered s c r e e n d o o r amftertcrectwlnlow 10Wr7X7X52"T r T\ c r p l l y \ C o le m a n C o o le r C< o m b o. G et a 12 gal. fam lysze PolyL lyllte* cooler,"plus a 2gal. L llo scar plersorw lslze l c o o le rr:.b o th o roone n e low prce! S l F lo a tn g L a n te rn.. P lastc D u r a b e»am a r F la sh g h k wth h o u sn g, 6 V battery 7 ncl. tw o * D alkalne batteres. m. 6 p.m. > S u n. N oon "sp..a, M ffharge BfuLakesBlvvd. N l t! 8 7 V A E U E S, O U R r R A D T O N \. j j, " ;j

4 k t m A4 T lm e s e w s, Twn Falla, Fall daho July notxxqqoodse >vbaus ".. T W WOamEHeuftft B O S T O N fy olu d u never seen a snowball n W UfflCBak* PublhB. Al Advtntlng MArugtr.. July,co n sd erth eca case of Geraldne Ferraro, *sm t3f sc*cjfrr. OnTuesdayrthere representatve from Q u e Swhm HagcnJa: = = M mgnaeduoro n caryrolled tntohet leh hnela m tervlew wfth W aller F. Mondale..bA t ckedbytpo Nelll.endor orsed by three congresswo. S f / M f romen and canyng favortee Wl l M v s w. F m,,, 7 { j, Themem! emberroftheedlorta boardb a n d w rtg rre f lo ra ls" mf 5 MN5 are a n Stephen Harlgen and WlDl /DlamE. Howard T* ~ thtn atlonalo rganlz lzatontorw om enfn O W rr: d flbcurftpwse A ttlm esltw asn tct c lear whether F erraro was sn r controlbfthsgrow : A \6UMADeN ngsnow bal!,orrunnng to calch... up wth t. But even tl the norm ally cautous Ann m AMOMeNT Lews, poltcal drec ector of the Democratc NaUo Uonal / 7 Murder vct tms are Com m ttee, enthused ed: She sour Sally Rde. Shes ( U carryng nto that me neetng the hopes of somany y X T wom en. lkel ;ly to b e womerr n Jean Arbaugh «em s to*prettygood."ne hem eellngbetw eenpast and d C X Well, the dayafter, >r analyss of he m s t y J ( betw een Mondale and F erraro ranged from.oka: kay The reco :ent murder of M arlyn. to be one e of a contnung sere rles ot male volence hopeful vce presden ents was gven a 7 on a scaleof 50fl. f g tolo. aganst won omen n the Magc Valle; ley n whch the female W hatever ther pen rsonal relatonshp, t appean sared vctms hav ave beet klled., thal the very pressu ;ure for a woman vce nthetpas rasttearrsevenuchnc acldentshavetccnrrffd presdent had begun 1 lo t m ell the sn o w b a bl localfy. n [n the same perod, no.women havebeen,. around the edges. M l»th kllng men. For the T h ecam p a lp fo ra record, here are the a woman vlcepresldenlseetn etns jm A S S jb E L f ] lo h av e run nto a clas fe m je vctl ctmsnour valley,(t assc double bnd lhal often onunty n the past ftnsnar lsw om anpurs rsulngpow errlfw olnenalt ryearr= around watng for the J l.«faveos Oster, a 67vearold HaJSltonj/oman,;was H 5 5 t w wondehngt"! r H a y e w to b p?. beaten to death wth a baseball b bat and her house set o re d. f they m ake ce nose, organze and confront H av ew eb lo w n ll?" on fre. Cor ry Sellers, 17, has bee leen charged,wtl(lej; they often lose becaus use theyre consdered too W exler s well aw are ( of the double bnd of women murdct. Th R Jy. le n rhe motve s unestablsh shed: a n d pqwer:!l!.<jph.«tlt: osltlon weve alw ays Ueel.. fstrckyenougf ttnvgotle M p re u u re A Carllene me Gllespe, 27yearn rojdeeaf mute, was o o d m a n ~.. t sfkewalkfagthroug/: jugt a m ne Held. P a r t o f the th a t gflo m ake these cl changes n the busness word, lerstandlnghow loplay t." beaten to death. Boyfrend Jerry y Pennell was charged o r n m anstream pollt lles. Bul t takes a W omen, and certanly nly Geraldne F erraro, begar wth frst degree "torture ; murd rder, and convcted of partcularly delcate U touch lo nfluenceam a who b s electon year as the e V.P. longshot because there voluntary m manslaughter. TemM axlmum Entente s 10 sessentlallym aklngh g hs choce for the post of m a t l o h, sbm<r"ne newnesb, the arg u m entran,. w as no pressure, no consconsttuency, no lobbyng. t years, but : junlorpprtner. t usually translates to 3 three tl or four years n he should g o /o r a wom Oman. w bulduelronlc f they yfall bflckto a longshot T he presdent of NO OW, Judy Goldsmth, s one prson.. :.! N o w ltlsb en g sald d tl that choosng a woman would Jd. b ecause the pressure, th the consttuency, the who fell nto bolh the! passve and aggressve traps ps lo o k lk e h e lsty ln g! Ranae Loddy, a 38yearold Jackpot J [tbavold rsk, the rsk o fa lobbyng became so nte ntense. woman, was th s poltcal season. n r two easy lessons of w hat not w alkout o r a floor fght, 5ht. nstead of standng up for Long experence n 1 do double bnds suggests that klled wth S a shotgun..doug Rober erts has been charged.to d o, NOW went fromm takng a trust walk wth wom en, could Mondale be accus of cavng n lo they.are, used bypw ple lookng for any tool to wth murder ler. The tral s setforau ng : M ondale to callng for; >r a confrontaton... w om en? o b stru c t change Nobody XKly s worred aboul the Hart M arla 1 n the fall, NOW pre T erek Velasquez, a ematurely M dorsed Mondale. 25yearold Buhl le T he charge s, b n the hefaceoft, absurd. "People} lobby. The people whose 10 seem most concem ed aboul ThelargM l femnst organlratloffnlhe country ~ MDmal, wa! vas snot n her home, a re reactng, says Ann n Lewls,"as f t w ere a th e negatve effect of pressure are those.who, deep e, jjemetrlo Beltran.. begansoundnglketh the NatlonalOrganzatloh fbr or keenly orchestrated cama pagn to put a woman n. dow n, don t beleve thal al Mondale wll choose Cabrera, aj a 27year;Old llegal ale len whoworkd wth M ondale Women. Then a the annual conventon,. t shotaslfhalfadoze tozen strategsts got n a back F e rra ro, o ranyolherw rwoman. o... h e r a t a Buh uhlrocesslng plant, ha! las been charged wth Goldsmth w arned o r f" "thunderstorm s" and room and s a d, t s tlm tm e lo ncrease thepressure. M y guess s lhat Mond ondale wll sm ply choose frst degree lemurder. r No tral date e has ll been set. conventon walkouts f f Mondale ddn t choose a T he ssue acheved mo momentum from the grassroots ts. som eone wlh whom he s personally comfortable. : t h l f r < cheromewoman;;was < genunegra&srool root&movemehl: lvcepresldenwa& hsoh soldobandenksew as Untl very recently,, the dea of a nomnatng a klled wth 1 a shotgun. Thomas But deep n th e publc Frankln Guthre was subconscous and, for all w< we p re tty good at. Hell 1 look for a vce presdent who". woman to te vce pres sd ehtw asp arto farsk know, n M ondale s &ub Subconscous, lurks the fear of f w ll be to hm as he was t( to Jm m y C arter. Bul then, strategyrm ondale rw, waydownln thewlls. A few P pusny t o s a n a wmp fmpy men. Kven Mondale j Qyw aan gvtfrrery[5< r6od season for Mowballs. ; s e c o n M e g gge ; e.murder.charge, wl pecncts.hererdag lere aren t gong tn m ake the f advlsepannewexlerrv Prwhohasbeenexcltedbout m ud15y lanaentence. dfferepce. fhe wants s to show some gltter, some le the possblty of F erra : > C atbyaalce ll G l t t e l, a e ld~buhlwomanrwas l r r shorffjw rhofelongwthtachl h hapr Wayne Lee, Her. formertrboy oyfrend; Keth M ax rrosencrantzfwas "defter T a ro, drove to work one day Ellen Goodman wrtes fes for j The Boston Globe. charges wth two counts of frst dej legree murder: A jury. know m ore about."outh, G ood deas, b Dut m ay not work luthouses" (modera ones, calle( led T h e p o ln lsa re,ra nmy: y : ;. ; retum edtnu publc restroom s a u g h te r convctons }, ), tl than most folks. ns n both deaths, 1.No outhouse" canb Well now, sumbuddy be kept free from ly gonna spend $700,000 ths An can prove lhal. Marlyn Bl. w 1 asln charg eof n Jean Arbaugh, a 36yearold 3 vandalsm, o r kept d Jerome lean e a r and useabler Unless, there year, an* anuthers2,2n t m ljun of m y an yur funey f m antenance of 80 schot Aools n Las Vegas (for a short. s a fulltm e,round woman, was shot 15 tmes wth 1 e a rfle. Her former th ru On outhouses es? the dockfattendant. Sure, / tm e, drove m e banana; m as). Also, closer to some of e v e n know that s not fc feasble. Dont blam e me, L. ; husband. Jar lame Charboneau, 24,,ls charged wth the J e s wat a eoldam 1 n mlnul now. aln,1 agn sum [1 you.th ecleanln g o fgglacobb Square, bolh of d d n t nvent some peopl eople, or gve brth to them. Bul j : m urder. placc, besdes thcsagel e brush lo answ er natures A tkns m arkets, Chate. ateau Drug, and m ore than tb e re s no avodng the h e : truth, that som e poor, : c all,o rg ltacu p p aco ffc ffee, to keep from goln asleep Of cdrse, ep c a re lo rem em ber. Nel e, t may be concde dence that all these Jelghborsof mne, look care of f Qncvllzed ndvduals a t thuh wheel. Heck, [ d lls dl do exst, always have, and drove truck for a lotla mles. S. th e re st stop, (very muc vctms are! women. w nuch used, and apprecated), But from what alw ays wll. we know of the way O ver one mllon mles 3 of ( em. know about coffee, e. H ghw ay 75 and 20 nter tersecton. n whch won: omen have often bteh 1treated t n Amercan a n th eneedfo rahunk( k of sage brush an a H T he above represents n tso n eheckofalo lo f 2. Conoperated vendl jndlng m achnes? f sure k n o. socety, we thnk otherwse, prvacy. "outhouse" experence, ce. All bad. could tell you of about em. Theyarenot ntended to be, but they ate n th e Arb rbaugh case, the vctm NQW.lhose.therevend: dn machnes? Help the m repeatedly souglt m y and other s experer rlence,of whch s dsgustngly y.., m agnets!.som edudes d esh o m eln o n lh em as daho Commsson for r the 11 Blnd, that there s a rgh nterventon nbylfe t ght worse, m en o r women. authortes. The; hey refused, clamng You mght get one heck of a a c c u ra te ly as a hoalseel seekng mssle. A ndjusl as sm art and good thng,?. Plantng wld flowers, etc., s h o c k a tlh a t.d o n th a v she was n a r?lntlnhshlp nf mnf tal rnmhafvpnpgc! lave to beleve me, ask anyoneg effectvely, destroy them hem. They couldn t c are less; s o m b u d d y t s u m odrdeas7theheck)fhs; whcrffcleanlngptftcr bllcandsomaworthy to quote Jeron rome County Prosecutor DtOan Adamson, som buddy got ther bra alns n the seal of ther pants, s. slobs. No, not anm als, s, t brds don t even m ess n organzaton benefts 1from fro them. 1. D oesfear r f( for ones safety or llfe requre a potental t ju st won t work, no more m n a pck jth a brolcen 1 th e r nest. Dogs dont tev v e n " d o l n ther yard. vctm to shov low mmnent danger handle. Yuhclon th avel to beleve me, even tho before the authortes know, they do 11 nm} mjne. 3. So Everybody con complans about the w e a th, but nobuddy ddss hthln hn to mprove t. To quote " step n? f t does, maybe laws s need c changng, Jbeov.ed.W ll Rogers,t"A Jge property owners, and a a m ju sl an ordnary dude, JAlknowlSW hultreabsn hatrthbsecasc5tws dsturbng questons th e p ap ers." All 1 know w la s whut s seen n publc about the waj ray n whch.volence s s often vsted upon. t e t t e r S restro o m s. women vctm :1ms, Crhne does not fol ollow demographcs. <, 4.N o, m truly sorry, can k ers, realtors, larg e j 7, 1 dohot Have theansw ers, 1 t chooses mo nore commonly from a among the poor, the Consder cover rng coulee v arety of rch, w ho want anted more. Not one word who has prayed to G<}d ; young and the female,. Before the proposed swmmng SV pool, f and when, fo r answ ers. He helped n. aboul any wage e arn er, T. o dsom e, and lold m e, f you, or small farm er havng Women mus ust wonder f ths countr s placed at the hgh schc hool ste, nol only the c a n send a m an to the try has passed much th er say. s t any wonde moon, mo( you sure as heck oughl d e r lhal a conventon of p lannersof the pool, but: Jl the p arentsof the nnocent to b e able lo provde a beyond tte tme when brute st t strength. was what * w heelers and dealers WOl would endorse a convcted convenence to h epubllc./ ;ntle ones who.would be e usng the pool, should take J felon? So. agan, mobbe some m e one ( should do a 11ttle. j, counted. agood. hard cok at thell J treacherous coulee on the re searc h, ask other peopu R O BERT JOHNSON ople. n other arens, how do. Some may ly argue that the men n were provofed to east sde of the hgh scho twol. TwlnFAUs. you handle ths here ll or ol problem? ( dd. Now,! these acts, Nonsense. When do wor ords justfy assault, Wc a re surrounded by ly coulees n the north part of that works. Gol a lot of rgood goc deas.) rapeorm urde der? town, but ths one strea( acherous. am also hopng Leave Bradley 1/ fa m ly a lo n e T h sh erep ro b lem sulre re an t ju s nldaho.sum [ th a t m aybe tho coulee co: could be covered wth a road, There s no 0 excuse e for these acts a Com eontm esn ew < and, n our vew, the /s, cnou s enough. Leave p laces, g as statons donl n c even have oulhouses>",r fnlshlgoff Madrona St. )t. N. and releve some of the e R ch ard B rad ley ln p eace ace. «... law should de Closed, m up. Fedup, just heavly wth thos lust sad, No m ore, enuf.c ose who; perpetrate traffc n lhe surroundng n g a re a s created by the H e won t be readng allthenam ecallng, aw reddy." them. lyftd se sehfences merely sgnsl lalt hant s 1 rght m any aclves lhal a re c already takng place. hatefllcd artcles you re lre n l n g anyway, so why D d you ever try lo fnd n dtl a n o u lho»sejnablg to«ssault7tap< T T J E A J te A R R s e N m&k6 hs kxr m other anc M d olher famly mombers cty noneom hem /lne,be 2, bg buldngs? fn you do j ; Twn Falls A socety whwhch values llfe,.whethe h e rjts a m a n so ra w h o Jo v ehlm sufferlt servos sc no purposerlm ure flndoneryoupeyrsurcrm :rmroncy:nars to payor woman s, sho ths boy s fam ly have be«hould look at theneq equty whcbthese been th ro u g enough hurt th a t m an o r woman who 10 ve" n there every durr; N o w ords from1 w age earners and sorrow to last a lfelln clme. m n t t s avalable. sentences and d these ncdents suggest. T he press dd a bangup upjobcoverngthe JERBERUN STAN PHLLPS J. Republcan conventon al atsun.valley. t quoted T w n P ans H e y easonfhrsn o, Frday, Ju ly 6,194 Jackson thes latest examp )/e of g food/o trune for Rea tgan f tesm J a d n shows non olcctlon.. H s answ er no camfaw twaddled rhe s frequm tly M d M nphllosophlc babble: "hadtorc$pec peclthe s, sovcregnl m s w bra jp "Gorge 1tyohlBlatlon7lstertora ntegrty,, and { the rght of ther goverra m B S W A SH N G TO N Jess sym ptom s of s h y n. He = := :p te r c ln 8 ] y.audlble about an d Tespecally bolstero scath n g dsapproval of o fsos c la la rra n n e n tsr~ Operatcas as they s w flt: When you hea l u sltlsa n o c c a slo nnfornslonlshment fc \ Jackson such unwonted deference low JwbenW sjndlgnatkmflae lagsrafrtdkhguba mthorttyr: y, you can be sure m at nstfst and Ncaragua. the hosplla llally of a communst o r Arab S m v T : Ja c k so n hlm w ththc 1the redhot mpatence nto p o w er m ltarly and movng ng toward.but neve ver before have Amercan tajc orhum an rghts got t good { vbratons" fu ullscaledcm ocracy" w asa * slc "slow process." helped fum md such a plgrm age for a pol from Fdel Castro, who 0 gave gt hm a few E v en f you assume, as Jackso tson docs, that famer :rca s, a s Jackson seem s lo [>thlnk,a..poltcal prsoners as can :ampagn props. ndc dependence was acheved, u s l declared, naton that esteem s people n proportlo rtlonto. (C astro h a sa bountful J supply of such 1n 1776 r (w hat does he thnk happe ppened al ther ablll; lly to create telegenc uproan S. t h e n J O. :prlsoners.) Jackson, whck vhose moral grandeur s Yorktow n h» 78?),lt s p llarttrth a r n k ras thcpubllcr c m a y com e to endorse~jackso t a W f r a subject ntroduced by y hm wth he does,.that d there w asam lltary dctatorshp mmensea lappreclau onofhlm self. [ndefatgable energy, fou found n Ncaragua a unt ntll Actually, the Constltut tutonal Snce the 1968 conventon and the 197 regm e he consder s a fhn drv totonol r/y; was called bee becausc thera McGovem m te takeover, the Democratl atc P a rty / f regm e has never permtt ntted an electon, was too lttle central authorty ov v e r th e n h a sb e e ntryng lo eunge the t a t of \ V b o asts of cxportlng.war.ta r.to USalvadorjmd h a sn > >bust b consttutonal tjcmocracle: cles th at w ere extrem sm m. T hat tant lpne re a n fot forthe!concentraton cam ps for persons { who a r e loos losely lnked underthea rclcs c soc f steady defe }fectlonor the m oderate Demo m ocrats n m recondled to t. Jackso; kson prased t for Cool oofederatlon., w hogaver! Ronald Reagan m a r g n lool f j C m archng tow ard "democ nocracy.peaccand Wlhat s nterestng about Jack* ckson s vfctory. Ja lackson s helatexam ple leof c reco o d lla tlm g m e n t s not that t s stupd 1 b ut that t s Reagan uc uck. : J a c k s o Q n t yyfor f o hstorcal parallels lufuuy, alm ost panstakngly, so. Obvously Jackson! ns collaboraton wth dctator torsw bo ;s alw ays entertanng,, and never more so e a n d h s deepest thlnters sa t down dw andloathe hs : ocountry hasg ven some Dem :um.w ben.oaa B C s nl Ths Wedc wth D avd, a s koced e :How can we concoct anop< apology for:follown fng nghtm are.fn October J B rnkley," beexplalmx x tl thal N caragua s Sand m dlnlsta tyranny? So the proble b lem s not thal Republcan ons run a televson commerc rcal wth S andn sta dctators are d dong better than Jackson c k s a s nane as s any chld ludwhose. no spokenw w o, only sx otographs tsflashed F arrak h an. ( 1; respect hm v e much, sa, A m erca s FouDdlng Falh alhersdd.the supp says Jack so n calls U.S. " p p ly of convctons s d l ro pwo arrogance." n When so m e ; rtlo n ateto h s on the scree e e n : Jackson huggng tbe terrortst n jp ck so n.) And d Jadcaon J huggng a nervously. Sandlnstas bave welded cd dctatoral < power supp y o fh lsfa n sb u rn e d a pply o( nformaton. Thoproble t)em shate...a rafat. J ackson d grnnlaew tth S yras un e e l fflw of Uncle 5am! a A s s a d,j.. grnnng Mondal tdale. Does Mondale have fo ro n ly flv ey u rs, wlerej ereas "Ute gap between seem holdngasw asu kalno; e m s to relsh the challenge of r defendng n onelland and a d u b n J * the kller of Ma; larncs. Jackson fawnlngove ver anyth n g anyt nythlng at a ll lo say about A m ercan lndcpcndeoc«,j a revoluton from ndef * th e other, Jadcson defensble fotthobeneflt of leftl: rftlsldclatore. Castro. Jac) ckson beng jolly wth Ortega sad of hs campagn, fgajack son s travel v? Brtan n 1778, and a PTesldeotbelngelected... res T h a ts not w hal w Ja( Jackson w as askod whether he le t told C astrodeader of lh< flhlaboulohyes pf ta. * n l7 8 9 w a sl3 y e a r9. F?or «Amerca,as for the th abt t a q u a rte n f a centuryohllcta ctatorshlp refers to the h c lm te d S ta e s f "theenem hj y o f border, le a d l ngetwnongtratlon s : S andlnstas, "tb e tratfuk Utlon between comng shoul ould suffce and that t s tme jfo ran humanty."."jackson huggdg tbe ant& Semlle n a tu rally enouj 4gh, fealured delestatkm of wh George Wll wrtes esforncwsweek. fl

5 :2:E)cten ton Gfenv< /oys profested WASHNGTON (AP AP) The State D epartm ent sad n hursday u r tbe Sovet detenton or two Amer n ertcan dplomats WhUe they w ere ehg ngaged! n ther... obrm al dplom atc dud u tesreflects a growng effort by Sovl( ovet a uthortes to. l n tw th P lrp wplftfrp John Hugbra, the Stale St D epartment sp o k esm an,sad the er eag an ad mlnlftrauon h as lodge dged protests both ETW oscow and th te e U n lte d States agan st the volaton on of the mmunl, ty l p f U,S; dplonuts tsjo J n P u n je la n d.. C r g e Glass....."Sovet conduct n n ths case has been reprehensble s a and totally uncalled for," and wc ve condemn t," T H ghes sad. We e are absolutely. : BatsHedUatMr. Punel andm r. G lass w ere not nvol volved n an m perm ssble actvty; H ughes sad Pumm ell. e a poltcal offcer, and Glass, a J cc consular offcer, w ere d etaled by Sovet authortes fo r two hours W ednesdy n after beng. takeolntocustodywh whfrtelkngnpth a Sovet ctzen on a Mo: Moscowstreet. H e sad Sovet autho thortles also confscated as num ber 5r ( of documents th a t the Sovet ctzen a hh, a d gven them.the A m ercan dlplom mats hadn4 had an opportunty to exan xamlne.the.docu m ents and ddn t know ther contents, H ughes sad... H u tm sad the Sovl O veta.alsojeled tem s b d n n g to the >e d dplomats, H esald he dldnu know the dentty of the Sovet ctzen o r what the, m eetng was about, but 3ut another senor > offcal suggested the he meetng was * related lo t h e j e r t.q. e ts ovletdlssl B u t the senor offcal :lal, who spoke on condlllon he not be d c e n tlfl sad eyen f the A m ercan n dplomats d! were talk n g lo a S o v e tdlssldent, they w ere wthn ther rght ghts. t would be perfectly legtmate functon for.them, be sad. H ughes ndcated U.S. offcals. C h aven t ruled out the 1Amercans Ar w e r e... SAVE n C w alkng nto som e so: sort of a trap. T hey w ere arres rested awfully f q a lc k y ; 4 d r ONYOUR R NFW F T h e departm ent spc spokesman alm y u r h e a r s t o c r a t s o f f u r s, s h a p e d an d s a d the Sovet acton tons volate the V enna convenuon gua S a n te e ln g.the ranrantjruftu plomnbtrrperrofbb a 0 0 ; C 3 3 u r e n t r e s t d c c fro m any form of arresl rest or detenton. /lnk, F o x,.o p o ssu m, Rac a c c o o n, H e sa ld t also v olates! Sovet pledges m sjorveqlan Blue Fox. Red lea F px. Wha!a; a t H e ls ln k l a n d M a[ad d rd fo rfre e r contacts between Sovle vlet ctzens and Deautfu lw ay to lve! Ou 5 ur sa v n g s m ak e. others. t e a s y to bw/n. C h o o s e ; a n y m e t h d d o f H e sad the volaton )n of 0 the mmunl p ad aym ent th a t s u ts y o u j b e s t. ; ty o f the dplom ats was compounded b y th e Sovet refusal to p perm t them to H ( Regular " 4 c o ntact the em bassy mmedately. mr Jo w o n ly Party ea ard for Molo otov M O S C O W ra P ) Vyacheslav V M. Molotov, theloyallleute utenanfof Staln w ho was denounced and kcked out of th e Communst P a rty Mn n has been read m tted to th ep>arty=sovetf.= arl.= :=~ l o t o v o u s t flcals sad Thursday...The94yearoaM 6lot( d urng Nkta S. Khn hnshchevlsde S n l l o n. drtve and anc branded a, m em b er of an antlp tlparty group.. R e;w rts th at be h been rehabltated h a v e been heard n Mosc oscow lately.. A Sovet Foregn Ml Mnstry Press > D epartm ent spokesman nan told report who asked f thle e reports t about Molotov were true: Yes, Y< t s tw. CH. HARGE T ON YO U R P ARS V S C H A R G E AND G E T A N JOTHER 1 0 % N C HRST n M A S W e can confrm t. He sad lhe DO COLLARS. B U Y O N THE PA R S L A Y A W A Y P LAN. MA A A K E A S M A L L D O W N PAYM ENT dcc8onhad~beenma ad e recently... AN N D G E T A N E A S L Y A P P O R e VED P AYM ENTPLANH F R O M U S M ANAVE VEt NO RTH : butw ould gve no.detal tals and would... r ww N FALLS. (20e> OPENDAL,Y 106 ({SAT. S TlLSSO ). n o t go nto reasons for the lh< acton... Ss a v e 40 V : Rog. t $159" ; 2 2 D o lu x o D y n o m a rk V \ \ MM o w o r ; 3.5 HP B rg g s o nd d. \ W. v. SfS fro fto n o n g n o. A d ju s1 t a b l e w h e o l h o lg h t. U " m. f / : k..., y. f r t.. K v W f m g m U,f 4 ra H f B m a W f. A S l lk. 7 Frday, Ju ly j J Rog.$T2T S o y * Tlmese 3<flW8, Tw n Falls. daho A5 2 9 *8! o m o r k * M o w o n g g s a n d S tra tto n M l to m p. com p o n s o H n g c h o k o c a r b u r e t o r.. Cra*» Fts rotary lypo CroM Calchar, F* folory typo S a v e» H 11 H P D y n o m o rk R dng, Wow#*r. Koy slo s ta r t B r g g s & S lra M o n 3 6 " w n Dode ong g n e. R aar.d lsch o rg o cu tflr ttng dock. >Blvd. M 16 m

6 A etlm esn ew a, Twn Falls, daho Frday, Ju ly 6,1S84 r B r l H y " " 1 "DAHO PALLS (A P 7 1 T h e c ty of to BPA.whc hch s the regon s power TdafoTallsTasost aboufj: ;«)(rfr h b le sale r. TBPA B sells the power HacR S ta te n et 3ts re c o rd ea rn n g y e a r because of problem m s wth ts to th e cty at t] a cheaper rate. BPA has B O SE ( A P ) TThanks h a l least n p art lo three bulb turbnes. But cty cll offcals co n tracted hgh nterest rales, the [ lo buy the cfy s power s ta le receved a reco ecord return n helast year s a y the loss s nsgnlfcan by nvestng dle funds, ant and wll untl S ta te T reasurer sr M1 arjore R. Moon sad noraffectelecycal rates. Thursday the stale T hs y e a[t r B: P A ~ w flrpaythecty receved UonMnthe17AonU6n3 eajast k6hdr4w E lectrc Dvson Drec tc to r Steve about» for power produced, prevous oneyear r nterest earnng m ark w as S H am so n sad lh s $14.1 mllon, set l a s t J!f5T)/ lass l 5 ~ H anbun &al ald rb u l because th e year. sm allcom parodtothek $6rlmlHlon tu rb n es have The nterest come m ed by the state was about Bonnevlle PowerAdmnlsl )ut $910,000 more than > straton wll n ot producng lng, the cty wll lose about estm ated by the Legdature when t worked p ay for debt servce and d on the state budget j, d the $17.1 $100,000. e a rle r ths year. m llon the cty.wll collec x t n power H arrson,. w who. s puttng together ra dtorjoew lllflr lans r t earler r the d.s a l to re s ld e n tla l custo r f a y h a f d a h o d f lomers ths th e E lecrc : Dvsons budget for next y ear. up w th a general fun fund surplus of about S3.1 mll lllon as of Ju ly l. year, sad ral rates would be ncreased. Last sum m er m arked the The Pubc Schoo! OOl Endowment Fund, whch. frst tme n ext y e a r SPRNG ClOUPONSP PECALS now.has aboul $160 only f BPA ncreases ls m llon,generated j$15.4mllllon th e cty, had to shut down durng 1983rM VfssMoonsadrThat s Ml ls:phmt r a tes. For.) r Vour Eyewear Weetfs s. also a record. bccause of d «g n problem m s snce 11 B PA last rased ts w h o T e rats ; C T h e m oney goes forpubllc school support, c e on.llne n 1982, H an UTMn sad, la s t Novembe ber, causng about a 10 $ 1 0 O F F! A n nvestm ent pool P roblem s wth the turbne xwl for local government gene m eratcd $3,219,199 last es gener? p e rc e n t Jump Buy Par np n cty elecrc rates, Prce of 2for1 year. M ss Moon sad ad, also a record. The pooled to rs wll take about four mc Ml nvestment Ttonthseach B PA offcals fund has >, lls sad the next ncrease Contact Lenses* generated 12.2 mllon to repar, he sad. Vsual Exam B u y P ar of lon and $2.9 mllon n helast st two years, she sad. would not con Mme untl the sum m er of Dallywearor The cy sells all pow crlt tproduces j E x tenclo d W ear Extended g Wear ~ C o n a c t L e n s * j M ssng r n m a te ls re c a p tu re d / $ 2 5 O F F, & Get a FREE BOSE (AP) An daho State Pententary ry mlnlmumsecurty College * h res busne Frames, Lenses & G et t h e 2 n d Par p of Glasses! essdeah nm ate who faled to 10 relum from an eghthour r p & Examnaton PalrF R E E l (Up (Uf to $70 Credt) pass June 8 has been captured. MOSCOW (AP).T h e d drector or. h a besan whon wl Charles McQulUen grarnt* pygrorrg fftr WardenArvonAra \ \ravesaldrobert*<3man7 mr<3rnewm eajow5, * tunlverelly re slg n etfth rp exjst lnd ecem ben9821t w as apprehended n n Nam pa W ednesday nght af of Oklahoma has been «after an nvestgaton h Mected lo becom e exec tecutlve drector of the led offcers to a meet lelng between Glman and hs lls grlfrend. h e a d the Unversty of daho hos C ollegedaho Board dof ol EducaUon. Dallyw(ear e T nted S oft Contac tacts*. A rave sad Ll. JeJ etry r R m ond, whose nves vestgatlon led lo the of Busness and Economcs. T h e U Cl conducted lluee. dean C o m e n a n d c h o o s e th tl e c o lo r lh a t b e s t s u ts you. /o u. C o lo rs a r e b lu e, eapturet ppedr ed) tedntdtandtlsanldcnufled*!d*m cnrd r8t jnyn rfore+ rngd acw hos a q u a m a r lo w e rb r o w n rj o p a z T m b ejp tocu c e e n W ednesday after the \ woman pcked G lman up p n front of a Nampa The selecton of Raymo londd acej also a buslres n e professor a t the Unlrestau ran t. ends an. 18month search (or f( a dean versltyolokla kahoma. wreslstance..hewas.servlnfl j H E V;W HTNGS..O.N.X X. J c for lewd and lasclvou ous n d u c t w th a m nor anc and was schcdued for L m ted lo o n e c o u pon o p e r p a te n t, o lf e r olod o d o n E x a m s a fte r parole early next year, A rave sad, J u n e 13. G llm a n w a s hheduled e d lu betatagnedu: 7Tjncscapc~ChlSrge3 LASER Lan nl Levelng Demo lostralon Thursday n Fourth 1 Dstrct Court n Bose, esa. *2 w e e k tral p e ro d, sad.. f n o t s a ts f e d w th c o n ta c t le rs y o u o n ly p a y fo r v s u a l e x a m. A ssa u lt Ssu s p e c t flees!s court Jdahx. Ealls lc osng wthgceneratc ors Larry. yw atferson Fa rm l yy1l, 12, 13&l 14 6 m l e s S o ).. o f B u r le y &. O a k loe y H w ry. E a s t m le o n S o uj tl t h \LL WEtCOME BL UEAKE ES O)PTCAL L l a k o s M a l l J MALAD C lfv (AP :AP) A m an w anlett for r assaullng a offcer here s beng sought afler fleeng fromm the Oneda County courthouse. G regn elsen, , bolted from offcers bef )efoe a prelmnary hearng M onday on 1 charges of forgery, resstng hg a rrest and assault on a polce offcer. Oneda County She Sherff Ken Wharton sad NU Nelsen attacked hm whle tryng toescape pe before another court appea»earanceonjune20... W harton sad an allponts bulletn has been ss ssued for thecapture \ 1 search n southeastern em daho and northern Ulah. "S earch coo n tn u es f o r youth ; LAMONT (AP) A u thnrtlessayan np.r nftrfllsftflrch.,fora 1 1R.y«>nro M Rnlt TnlfAf lce ty.boy presum ed drowned ed n the Telon Rver. wll resum e today. hopng th e body o)f f } Kyle Jensen wll surface» before the search resum es. A ground search s nol planned, the depu putysad. Jen sen dsappeared Sunday whle tubng on the th Teton Rver near F rem o n t. Aulhorltess es. sad he s pr& um < to have. vedrowned.... M oney targr e te d for jol ob less BOSE (AP) The slale of daho has beer een gven more than $300,000 for speca] 11 retranng prog;ams for r jobless workers at K am ah and Pocatello Elo. B oth a re a s have : been ht hard by plant closu asures. On Thursday. F ra n k Casllas, asslsl slstant secrela7 n the Dep A partm ent of "Labor, handed Gov. John Eva vans a check wll help retran Jobless workers n both com m untes. About 190 Potlatch h Crp. saw m ll w orkers were 3re lad off al Kamah w hentheplantrclosc<» e d earerthlsyearra ndj djustlastweokend, P o tlatch announced d some! 350 workers would d goontem porary m rlo u g h atltsu w lsto T he s ta le P rvate ndustry Councl wll use $155,494 $1S to tran 75 to 100 w orkers n new jo lob b sklls, : offcals sad. At Pocatello, the! B ucyrusere plant closed d last 1 year, causng sm larproblem a.algrantom154;612 wll beaed ednbannockcounty for retranng. H gh co ulrt r o v ertu rn s 5 rulng 1 BOSE (A P) The le daho 1 S uprem e Court h as ts ruled r unanmously th at a dstrct judge erred when he ordered dsn smssal of a federal court acton brought t by form er e m p lo y of the le B anker Hll Co. at Kellogg. T he Suprem e Court r t sad T hursday D strct Judge Jam es Towles could not ssue the ord order becausc state courts have no jursdcton over federal courts. And the court sad a unon w as not a party to the e 1lawsut, sol could nol a g ree lo seek dsms mssal..tle Suprem e Curt lrt upheld m ost of a dcclslon ssued by former judge J a m e s Towles : n a law sut brought by Bunk hker Hll aganst the, UntedSteelworkersofy of Amerca. lsuper SNGLE complete o M b e d.. 2 m M We.wer8.tl)«re.atUfl UflrgMtnelWB 1 bouglt out he Urge] rgesl West Coast K U u p p J tu U n m u m (tou rltm tntt an the savngs are patset ssed on to you (he cuslotbn flurry for r best telectonlj W L M T E D 1 ADUJLT EAS Y LST EN NG C ontem portr n r y & G o ld e n C< lasscs ~ P n e r n L a ttn n, 5 9 a.m, J o h n 1 R e m n g to n, 9 a. m. 2 p.m., D o u g N e ls o n, 28p.m., G reg G v e n s, 8 p.m.mm d n g h ta n c L. MAKE A ME MEMORY ON KTF1270 THE TRADD T O N C p N T N O ES S.. T... K T w /n F a lls daho Sncb 1928 : \ Z M O R E M U S S C ALW AYS J t h«e ;b e s t SATN WATERBED SHEETS K w d a y s s sa m e AS 2WAY padded " 6 D O O R SY S e. A C A P S, J, PEDESTAL. 1 7 Pr. M, S shtet Pack MottfM* H w a t Pads Sh ShMt a n S lybr H f S u o SPEOAl. SPECAL SPEOAl a t «r b» d B W a t «H a d Mattress ASTttCHAROE VSAVW DAYS A Y S S A M E A S C A H ~ ~ H ON APPROVED CREOl leot N u : s w A n B lu e L a lc e s B l v d : U l BED PRCES NCLUDE... lu nle S SH E JB Ugancon LKR. Fll KT / r a v Tra Tradton f l n WUl Wrw PED (StU td EG K e M lsr. tfm»l(«flv<)t)<».m > FDUWMlAllY E 3 S 5 S r a FERBEDS j 5. m VEESS m. H VATERf M 7 fo r r watebbed B j f HEATER A ly S n g le~ «o r, e d 6 e s t t / o n / j*

7 P p l o). m a t n a b b e d, j P E N T JO B N T fe"fl fb m e r Ngeran transport o r t A sso c a te d Press s m nster, Um aru Dlkko, and the two :wo o th er me n en were portedly taken under yaondon Kdnapp appers g ra b b a polce guard to o hosptal and.aues Q jgncl N gcrlan offc ffcal Thursday. tloned bj by detesves from Scotland Uld had vowed tfl brng down tbe Y ard s 1antterrorst ar u a d. f K a s c a l l Dkko ts "m ost o hetos found aht:w an ted. T h e.f o r m e r trasport r m nster w as ently dld lldnolncet specfcatons, b u n d le d nto a yetllow wvan a t about T heeor consgnment was opened n th e LONDON(A P)) "Ananony d e a le rs r ww h o s u c c f u l y T r d " d e r 12:30 p,m ; a n d d r v en away. from hs presence ce of a Ngeran em bassy stal staff mous p rvate coll ellector pad a th e pctu cture called "Seascape; le s.. a p a r tm e n t blo c k u e a r Marble? Arch n m em ber, er. The report dd not say why wh; word record prce X of 7.37 mllon Folkestone tone" at a Sothebys aucth e c e n tra l L o n d o n neghborhood of the con Mnsgnment dd not mec neet pounds, the equ ulvalent of JlO. tlon, woulc ould say only th at thoy acted B a y sw a te r. w ltn e s:;e 3} l( told polce. specf cal catons. mllon.n Londono 1 on Thursday for f o r " " an n s anonym ousprt vatcco: MlkoCobb re Theao jla m e n t: ggoncytyportedthatarblod lack ;a:seascapo.palntod EJdbyrlhO:BrUl6h = a e c to r! p o r t th a t w ltn e :sse s >sad s Dlkko was m s rwas 4w artst.>.m.wtrtm> refused todsclose the mad;!rtbut p re sr= re p orrty t s r r r s t r u g g l t n g t r m s R M cldnappersr»th~t)ackmmercwlcs e: from the cargo area rca. The p antng had! dbelongedtothc b u y e r arp o rt cargo termnal, snaonay. n a drugged and quoted offcals of n Lagos a s sayng the e b l a c k,a s l h e v a n s ) e d1away. whch wa; stuffed nto a c rate U was sealed off by polce, lafe U rd Clark, the art hstoran. T here e labeled dplo govem m t e w, was a report mmedately ment wos not nvolved, n n....t h e o re lg n O ffc e.sa sad t asked the. Dlkko o has 1 beendescbednth( ({je known a s Kenneth talc bag g age 1 ( Clark who pres a fte r the{ h esa le th a tth e b u y e rw a s Thureday lay s events. Dlkko w as rre e. N g e ra n H gh a 3.m mnlsslon, or em press as s Shagar s S brothertnlawrbu but enlcdu e BrlKsh televson tc seres th e Dalloj ;The reports sad two. Ulas M useum ln Texas or other men puted to 10 have 1 am assed m ore than $1 Sl b a ssy. to e x p la n w h y a m em ber of ls a campal pagn pamphlet prepared fo: for "Cvlsaton." w r e found n "dlplom another m atlc" cntes a t bllon d r U.g. museum, but no condurng the tenure of ousted :ed sta ff w as a t th e a lrp o rtl 1 Thursday. la s jy ea r s Ngeran electons denle< nled.xjggalt Brothers. rs. the London ort flrmatlon : th e c a rg o. term lnal fll nf StanstpH Preslrpnt oncwuldbeobtanod. < ad the frst hnt ths. Arport, 30 mles northe theast of London, T he Brtsh Broadcastng Corp. and. l d o l a p o ssb le n c d e;nt n t cam e when" polce surrounded 1 a Ngeran ndepend ndent Televson News sad ld S ta n ste d c u sto m s jffcc cers telephonecl Arways plane. Dlkko w w as n "satsfactory condl th e F o re g n O ffc e and j reported A polce spokesman nan a t Scotland ton. The e domestc ( news agency P ress ss d o u b ts abo u l a c llp losmatc n consgn* f Y ard sad le could not confrm the Assocatk jtlon. quoted polce source m e n t, w h c h n o h r a lyy would be m ORGAN r e p o r t s. a s 4 e m lan a n was dead. m o n e from nspc ctlon, )n. lhat appar ADSCHOL LES M.D. SPECAL s p l e a s ee d t o a n n o u n o e t hl e a s s o c a t o n ssan forgven Vttackk s "cs la V S M lelse0rtcc XO, Egypt (AP) E gypt sad rt Thursday la y lth a d d e d to resumefull Va o f. T W N FA lls.. AlzAN[ BT0tMSTEADV1TlT7. dplomat lallc relalons wth the Sovet e t W E C W T S p n s h p j C Unon but stressed the move would uld T s w r TOUHOKrr...H.WCDONT m f o r t h e p r a c t c e o f D e r r a a t o l o g y 1 not.affec ect ls c l< tes lo the Unted d. j g R V E y O l «B U P R C E a t «States and an othe r W estem natons. r e s m K\ZST\ O samn a ElBaz, drector of Presl 5 2 g( e A S u u p A v B n ad s m" W e s T ~ 7 n d ent Hos osnl M ubarak s poltcal offce, ce,. : MANAMA, Bahran (AP) ran told a news conerencfe nodate has la T w n F a l l s pesum edtaattacksor roncommerdal bee n.se tftfot r.lh e exchangex>tam p s n the Persan Gulf Julf on Thursday, bassadon ors wth the Sovet Unon. But u t X t C S S S S "". umbvpfond burle slghtly dam agng" ;" a Jopanese l e usual ually authortatve newspaper )er RLEY ( e f f e c t v e J u l y 9, 11 9 S <! ; c u r a te d ol tanker n an ar strke far AlAhram a m. sad the move was a from the ranraq w ajfr yfront. ;.L r;?? tesdbyearly d l August. M arne salvage sour ources reported th e re w ere no njures les to the shp s o cre w and that t was s salng sj toward a M th e S trat ot Hormuz.. t \as the frst «ran an attack on shlppl ppng snce June 1 d and followed ar strlk rkes Sunday by caq on shps n tho northern not end of t e P ersan Gulf n ear ranan ports. B ahran s Foregn Ml Mnster, Shclk* M oham ed bn M ubarak rak, meanwhle, \vas quoted as urgng raq and ran to t and frelrhters. a n Gulf wll fght back f atcrlanregstered t t k e d. CTES7D. ma D T O ]! J h e 270,000ton Llberl m1 P r lrusur q r d m rtcrf tt t o Jupan Lln c m... s a v e 2 4 Rog , tw r;w ashh 75m lessouuwestof & h s Lavan sland, n the southern 5«}CUon o n c r.t he» attack c f lr te U t 15 hours after the fe Prmrose had. ( c d 250,000 tons of crude c r from the H R E D TrA A c ~ JlD SeuU Araban port of R ast anuraand S P E C A l L.. J W M ds& rted for urope. dam age s mnor nor, and there s J R ollor Cob b n o t a n d M ochanlcs Ch :host. A ll s te o l nom eed to send salvage ge tugs to help c o n s t r u c ton..3 draw ers.lft top..sn g o d o o r. L J o& lhe tanker," sad a spokesman for g x W h le 6 lost, tt D u b a Marne Salv< alvage Assoca re a c h by telej ;elephone from e \ 8. 1 / «B ahran., The Prm rosew as.att.attacked n n. tjjlm U B t t o n a l w aters, far f from the mll V l tto operatons zones.) R E D T ) 5S. of raq and \, shppng sources s s sad. ran a n d. y W SPEC) A L.... have been at w ar sn c e m. \ M 6 * YD. t F lotfold F< obrt P ote o u frl,. j n 3 e B rte s o u fc o te d thth aa n > n a n k e a f o b r c TPrced by fhe pece. e 5 o Je cto D o casy targets J Jot* modem ag jfraft. They speculated the ranans * v t e d.to rem nd the. world and p A c u la rly raq and ts Arab flnan. cclbackers n the gu f, tj that they.wll V 1, r o n d to raq attacks dh ranan j J s p t e the attack, ruf e Prm rose K T t e j j : proceedng " a t full s " V f f \ S a v e t<tfuu tlestn1t~0f~n f Hormuz, the A V R o g. «. 9 sjm tegout]olof.thegulf f.th e s o u rc e s! R ogh T l9, addng there w ere e no n njures to M f ;rcwof2gjapan&sc. e. t 8 ~ «> detals w ere mmedately 1 1 \ 1, a jr a b e on the type of f jets je or rockets U r B obby M a c C a r Soot. R e 7 9 * n the attack, fn Tokyo, a spokesma man for apan K c ln o r ty p o ;o r sc s e a t fo r n Q uokor S ta to 30W r5 6 s sad the tanker was w ht twcc f c n ls & f o d d lo r s. G asolno c n d o u f V c M otor O l. F or nfff. one projectllc per penetrated an.. w \ / / sd fo fy s h e l d a n d S h 3 o s s > Rog fo m o tv e d o s o l = engn es. e ( e room boler but t tl there was no y s y ste m. 8. N» 0 e j s l o n.! 60 Kordllo Jllo Kkhon G arbage Bogt. 13goHon»( n lro. / ; j o y j.s. env( H e e ts wt th o v e f Ghef tsc O W (A P )U.S 5..A Ambassador SovetForegn A Uur la rtm a n and Sov nyko. met for M nster Andre Gromyk n uday, but a n "... a U t an hour on T h u K ff V4 V ( 3 e a s s y spokesman wou vould not say /JR f M w h at w as dscusscd. 3ver an hour, lthey m et for a bt ove who spoke on s41& the spokesman; whe nllfled. "They c «ltlo n hc not bc denll mutual nter* dscussed questons of m otelaborate, C e H e sad hecbuld note ency to s s ro r n e:q «[c[alnews agenc o/o "but tjave nr p o r f the m eem grt! Hartman had d etals other than to say Ht WSSTf" s a v e a r a a F Fsrz W " E n to r o requested the meetng. lnn m o n t C o n f e r. F b o r b o e b a ll E q u p m e n t. B ats, All Toblo Lom ps offcal would s f ru c to>n, n, p o c o n f n sh. N o. JM 9. oves and more! Mony stylos lo chooson Stock. T h e U.S. Em bassy off 50 fro m : stons about u n B r z n ot respond to quest vas to dscuss w hether the m eetng was 1 \ cement lhat t th e recent U.S. announcen est to m eet n. accepted a Sovet request about bannng.. V enna ths fall to talk abo w eapons from space. d possble that t w as also consdered pc S a v e 6 9 mss the Sovlot!lnrtTTan wanted to dscus; dplomats on d e la to n of two U.S. dp o m c e r Jon ; l p w W tfaesday.pq ltlcal t fflcer George V o F*UTDe l a consular offc tw hours for j G 1 wcrt; detaned for tw zen, accord "ta lk n g to a Sovet ctlzer sman. P h e n te x " E llto v Y an a rn. 7 o z. n g to an em bassy k c s m le Sovet am s u p o r s k o n s o f lo n g w o o rn g, ;M ato ly D o b r :, the 5 > 3 0 B»g. $89 :norfq d n q 4.p ly O lo frp to :.S o v o $ 1 5 Rog. 4 4,99 S a v o $ 3 < and sad the Momow on Wednesday an Sovet Unon w S g 9 9 U nted States and theso Jt whether the : w m negotatng" about 1 9 *59 d. 9blor. 4 shelves. 3 boskots. V enna talk could be held. BMX Halmtt ntt. Chn tfop. (told down.jlam«n.prda Naodlvl. Clo«t Oaublor W, 98"odusloblo. accepted the hornejt. Unted States acc noodlo S flavor pocko.. Oronlal Adjusts to 68". to bold space R»g.$W......«M Jflfle 29 Sovet request to 1 uygpopq talks ths fall,bu butsaldthat ~ r tlv» 4 lw» S m d e y r M y L o n H a n d! M o8c0w. should also b?, n l...,, 11 RAN CHECK tnsssuesf f W bmo u w o r t n. POUCY d fd s s other nu<;ear a h n s : M on.f r.as : 3 0 a. m 9 p. m. S a t. t. 9 :3 0 a.m,6 p.m. * S 3 un. N o o n tl 5 p.m. need m eetng... n. C h a r g e SZtlrtnan s last knounce r l. r :~*vlt!rg rom ykow a5lra prl. y l b : J t L d orld 4 tagged a s * b a ggage! " l l y Twr F= a llsa t703b]ue Lak k es Blvd; N Ff day, July 6. f ao4 TlmTosNflW8. Twn Fals. dafo A7 ery perso on buys mllrhpt mmtng y [

8 .;... By CHRSTOPHER] APBuslM ss Wrter T he natons mfl] rted T T m rad ay l sales n June comp 1983,but sad the gal b tfro m earler n the Ju n e sales wore u.: S e a ra.r o e b u d rc larg est retaler. Sal p d rc e n fa n rm a rt Co J.C. Penney Co.; 11.7 erated D epartm ent ; 14.6 perccnt a t Daytt Those stores a re the ffthlargest retalers, E a rle r ths y ear an th e postrecesson j reached double dgt. percent or rt er. R obertchr8tlan,«wlh P ro v d e n t Natl Phladelpha, sad the year w ere comparson o f.th e.recesson. He f l a r e s w ere much mo: w th th e Wall Stree Lynch nc., sad expected ncreases th ond h alf of the year t those posted n June, a; ther eyes on the Q rls "w hen you m ake all yo ;M any retalers tally ther sales nthefna.l th ey ear... M o r t c...washngton (AF " th e average fxedrate tng percent. percent n May and ll th U d tralg h tjn o n lh h j perccnt7 accordng to H om e Loan Bank Boa.. d a y.. A fter ra te s ht l4;o O ctober they declned t( n F ebru ary before st agan. H ousng ndustry c blam ed rsng mortgaf allo ff r sales, th e g< ported lasl week lhat hom es declned n May conseculve month, percen to an annual r unts, R ates.were a l a up adjustabe ratem o rt{ accounted.for 65 pe m ortgages laken oul month. Consum ers pad a n av percentfqrdjustablo r«. wth lmts on the amo n M ay an d 1.M percent F o r adjustable rate m. u n l m ted changes, the w as 12.84~percent~ for3 up from percent n 1 percent n Aprl; Adjustable mortgages Clos NEW YORK lapltnutaay Konl pteos (ot Jew York S EChanflOlssufl: P Stl««U ll ( AMF o M9 J6W AMHCp... SlttO 30.. ASA 3a &39 }!> AD1UD t.70 Aotle 11 U 1tlk AenU 7.S4 S 6»»ft>. AttPffl.1 10 <ra AlPgPw 160 ; 108 An3cp SM H AllSSlr K. 3 ; S39 ODt AMlCn *?6 0 AC W33H Ama 70 S10a9)t AmMo «1 }?A AmAOf > AQr»f>d 3.7J 331 S5H... AO;ct. 1.C0 t AmC*n «S5 <5V ACy«n ?M 71. AE(Pw ;» «1 161, : AEp 1.;a 1 US 79< AF»mll UV AHomo :.»4 1 TO91.JJH AH05P ?«V.... Am;K 0(j J KJ,. AmMot 7J7 4H AN1HJ t t : r n r vv.=: Amstg 160 «las?«h AMP J ? 31 t Antctrp 341 Ancnot a7l 76H AelOn.l4l>. 14 UO ArzPS rt u h Armeo.« AttrWn.7Q e \, Asaco 40 m o? ) AsflOl AsUDC U UH AHlctl 3 ;:&71 4. AlllCp.U S AuO»> s. ;; ss: j ; a ; j j j j j eb Bkltll.97 5S8 B * :wb4au 141 VA DnOno n.eso BnkAm" fljusen s % OlTt» ; 4lt B»1C0 J.n » floker BalHw S A7 78 B«At 1* k, *7 P n o X BetjjB r Betnsn eo 4SJcnr>» 1! BJekHH V m 1 llj 40 T v Bo» a «?«.» n OJlUl 1 J 0.\ H 1 t A E m l s a!r UNDSAY The e r releas Confej nfljor retalers re search :thgy: had strong sum er mpared wth June hghes gans had slowed a Fam theyear. rose to e up 7.5 pcrcent al Ju n e k C o ~ th c natlons~ month; Sales were up 6.3 Home CorpT17percen at strong 11.7 percent a t Fed sam e,: nt Stores nc. and w hle ]ytonhudson Corp. rose to Je second hrough S ean ers. n terms of 1983 sad ts r n s l and for all of 1983, lalnmc: sales ncreases S2.52bl gls, wth some 20 June s,.parttcu 1,chlefeconomlsl wllh fhe Natonal Corp. n For 11 the more dramauc begns sons wth "thoplls percent K c.sald he June Secon more reasonable. onseasc reet frm Merrll ncrcasf d hs company from $l.: 5 through the sec F o r th r to be smlar to bllon, }, as retalers keep bllon, rlslmns season * Penne; yourmoney." Ju n e re ally 50 percent of m llon a al.three months of.were up froms3.8 gagera (AP) H o m e... te mortgoge ht C O f l d t marked the " f,, ulhaaheverage R to U)e Federal * oard sad Thurs perccnt n!d to percen! startng to rse sq f offcals have se :gage rates for a e govemmen re. S4 la t sales of new klay for the thrd 52. droppng 4.4 n rale of up n June for 12. ortgagesttvhlch H.p crcen U o f al ffl pj out durng the B CAC. 1average of ratfl mortgages mount rates can HlJUBjHCCenledxhangc enl n Aprl. they a re m ortgages wth th re e yea h e average Yale m brtk age u n c r T h l a s o n c e a yea n May and T he nun ng fxed! Res wth unllml n June to sn g p aay n«dut:yer » SlOCl BumW 164 J7 8 7 Chfl. Button c s,, 8*,;, ss 7HrH tsn »«> cjtno a 40 JO : S. :rc7. r u 31»f CjtlHw ( Olk< W CJHlCk >: 3H CKpT rso w 3: 9 ), h Cclnsn (J 7W S CotlSoW rso r> CtMPs. e 6J1 bh. 4 CfSo,* 84 U?S 1 U. t CemtUt SV CtMoofl 5e H CssAtt C >1, cnmotn CnmSo 40, ; s.., cncrtn ZJO /J S s s ; 1! t ChTTCf W } t \ Cntylt,M CuCtr &3 70 H ClStE llo 71«,n Ctoto., Vl ColK 40j «m ComC Cosco W CotaP*! C«lP«n 140 lo 137S 79 W ColllAa % ColGJ CmCEn » V, CotKlo «rt Ctn«E COnFU g K4 79< * H CttsNG CotsPw < H CnttCD. 7M T 4 Cnttotn:»a H34CT55., a H CotnG 3 2 1C V k«4 CtocUN V. H CrwnC*! V «H CrwjBl » J. V? Co w"..m 1 " 341 % 0 r A Otu J 1 70» ! OjtlXf «?4 Tfl7a, % D»lOft (, DtfCO rt \% DylMd H 0»,lPl , DflBte ?6H y, r U et To e h H Ol«tnS V) D S "*! eo. H Oljn#* 170?14<m 45H d «s s h e sales reports concded wlh jase Thursday o f a s u r v f y ferenceb oard ab u sln ess rch organzaton, that sad a er buyng p lans w ere flt the yea lest level lasl month, am lles wth plans to buy new ca! to 10 percen of those surveyed e m 8 perwnj t h e p r th, the Conferehce B oanlsal lebuylg plans, whch wc: ng n M ay.rem aned.about.tl e, 3.8 percent versus 3.7 percen e plans lo buy m ajo r appllanct to 34 percent from 27 perccnt. ars..,the w orlds largest retallc ts a le s lasl month, wth ma\t s n applances and home enle Tent m erchandse, w ere a pecbr bllon, up from S2.35 bllon That month n lum was cujarjy strong month compare fhe depressedales of ;June l982: r the retalng fsc year, whcl S wth February, Sears sale ;nl from J9.61 bllon. :ondranked K m art cted gan; asonal goods such asfans and all ase. Sales totaled$.96 bllon, uc $1.84 bllon. the fscal year, sales were$7.7 1, up 6.9 percent from $ ney, ranked thrd, sad sales n reached $ l. bllon from $945 n a y e a r ago. F o r the year, sales up 17.6 percent to $4.48 bllon 3.81 bllon. ates soa >mparhg mortgc Monthly paymon n doh.ns on a SSOOOyaOycgf mongago loan. yw or T 620 Plxedral o o o r. y 5 6 p. 540 % ,., Nov. Nov. Nov eo %» 14.B5* ARM ncros rao HxcdTac*orR:e2 pcccn e*90 Tt.Oorw CuCt, SouM r, gcshavohglerralesl)eoause e usually adjusted once every e a rs whle the ra le s on capped ges are generally adjusted /e a r. lum ber of m ajor lender? offcr jdrate m ortgages rose slglty to 72.9 percent, up from 70.5 r c e s 0 13 Uo/nRs 7 56 l 8 }lur Do»Cn 1M > ssst;.; bk" =s s,s!), S S F!S5 5 31V. H DuQLt OJ9 7 \ E H EalAt 677 1!?<!» 13V.V EtntsE ?«! J S S p, 1 H».FMC M "otu s r t 1 v»» FcSets n % FoflNM ; 70 V. FOOOS , 1 w. FnCpAta 7 39]] <» FnSBat 45 Posm 80 9,105 W FQkSy s : 39> FBkfla 1 6a: J :.35h.V» : Fstcnc : fjnlsle 5J ; 74 Fleortn 3« ; F jf f n * 7 j~ 75 fpte FwGen to 7 8, FfOtMc , 1SH» rt Ftuenl rt o(3 74H7H GAF 619 l 57rt GTt 3 7M90 ; 13 Ganoll s J 73rt GnCoto 1MB : 37..l GnFd J 31ft* A GnHov «* Gnmsl53?11»5 : 73U* H GnMlls 7 74, 10 4?J 5 " t e t r l Z Tm 13 TW 4 35 GonsctS H.? GaPC U GlWFn H GlUCtln H H oflnuo 11. s n 78rt Cdt.ch ?1 7, &3.» H. GootJrt1.40S ( 17rt. S Gould ( 39H A Ctaca C 30M rt OtAPe ! QtVfftfr: 68 n t jj l 34».. Gtern u r. Gtum s W) ! 73J rt GlWs J75 X 78U S GtSU W 5 4j«.c 44H m H H 5». mrt. tl , MaDln rt H»tltK MtpR«ft 80 8, 1) 17 17h. HoelaM 75< a 19 H Hem s a 8 n 17 Hotculj S H«rPK.J n l f F e g ( lh the Federated, whch 5jrue~natlflftlvlde under a n» r e» s a ld J ue s a t e reach con. com pared wth $731. years ago. Kor the year, sales w ere up11.9 { v cars bllorfrom $3.l7blllk yed n Ffthranked Da}rt< vlous Ju n e sales rose to $6 sard. $609 m llldn..f or th.a c re c js a s e.w a s j6.8porce» cent; D scountng the re mces opened stores, Dayton t. wereup 8.3 percent n aller, 8.4 p ercent for the yea llte SlxUranked Montg fcord subsdary of Mobl a }n n June sales ncrease o; 7as a $595mllllonfrom$543 t.w. Woolw 982: dom cstctm d forelgn hch w ere up 5.3 percent ales from $500 mlllon. expandng re o n a l dl ;ans ton headquartered j ar Ark., sad June sales 4lo8 to$52sm onfrom, up Dscountng newly o W alm arts sales were 7.75 n Junand 19 percent 7.24 date. May D epartm ent Slo s n 9 retaler, sad June s (945 mllon, up 12 perce les mllon. lon T "ranjtedr.h.m sad June.sales were$: ar by l4 gage loans lrate** ~ B S L : Nov. 63 c x S esa.. z r SC percen t7"lhet)crccntag( ry J juslable ra te mortgages <xl ra le changes also ncn cd pf»rrf>nt fm m 4 f; porcc lhenum bcrofendcre ( Jf* able rate mortgage.s w : y dropped slghtly to 50, percent. ll HOl>(..y 11 S! ;. ; * Hol[lCt> JO 14 &43?4,. Mololln lw> 17 Houslol 170 ]! KouNG 194?7 Honll 4.1 A / j. rt jj t?.lp jo s 7 J } 59, y llf jd TM 7? rt llpowt ,!, ;= :» a, meco S rnn.r fo!.. " 5" 10 6rtT J HUlk? S 9 lo H BM. 3U ,. H ntflj. 1 OS 14 H l < nlhjr. 3 > nm.n ! S S * f,! nj7 1 «o 64 Srt «6rtK ftjtl 174 5!?! ; ; 5 1?; KjnPC U > XulDc S KollOflO M 10 S l U 57rt v, HnohH j J? W 1 Kopms» <1» M J,.., n ; >.. LTV» 3.1 ll rtt " K m U o n?,5, s : r t s M? tlk, u k....v!! rtrt L u c,5?9ht.t MOMG.. 44 J5 *10H M*CfDH V) 13 n..s;sr,.>» g ; as a n 7..1 Masco 44a J7t U T hopcrflteachalns J num ber of names, *ed$872m tllon: S J X!F S erated.m W } percenrto $3:S5 over lon: sentjrtonhudson sad $698 mllon from n me the year, the n r ~ P n M nlto«;83 bllon cordt lossa revenue of newly sllvel onhudson s Sales n the month m d >ar ndus rts; U 2L tgomery W ard, a Corp.. reported a of 9,6 percent lo.aay. 3mllllon. Vol?salerro t U n e t lo $526 mllon and t lncn~the~5wfy64:90 dlscount operra J** n Bcntonvllle. ro s rose 44 percent m$365m} llon: bnuj opened stores, vlth re up 23 percent takng ft /or the y e a r to dence Am( (ores Co.. the No. 3 sales were $408 Mnn; cent from $365 21; Cj 22%; M acy C o.ln c. Sunsh $389 mlron. Hecla. Hol > r w / \ J compa M / o.. second : H u pany s. mllllor second q u arte = t t s t 2 E AmouM. gctjffornkn: es wth lmted creased to 45.4 eslscn «>nt>h ow everr,?. n»»p, r o rfe rln v a F A t b w lll nb lm lu : " p o r r e n l t r o m.j Ytckj U V MjyOS , V. MavlQ 7 40J 74 4M7 07r.;7 ; MctJcl Mt McDtlcJ Qrt> McUnD V; f.(cgg(j l r t. McGtH ? 8 ; McKc..J >6 1.1 MwO lrt M l a TSL l/rt MOSU T54 37> MWt 7 68 fl 18. rt MMM H, MnPL U 6.t MotlhUt lort rt MfDU? ]9.., MonP« MotQ.m 4 WJ lort* rt Mefto» BO 47,. rt M0"l«5 « MlFul Sl Y t 17S0 6. NCR r :6< NLnd 70 r s s ; : r >». rt NjP31?.?0.J NalFO rt NatQyp 1.76 to rt. H Nl 75 TT 7r75 V.r. RCTml 5 M 176 TTt rt NovPx 7 76 K NtftQtl 340 V.; ll: w m Fr 9 4Mfl7. V,. hotlkso 3.J Noton 08 J , NAPn NomlUt t » 11; NtOPS J. rt NoSlPw 3 74 r ; a, )".... Nllnl }lf% Nonon 7 < !». NOf*S 180 NYrJX n mnrtgv ~ U rt rt OklaGE Oltl «Omstk.U 87 rt ONEOK t:«79h T OWCTlCWO Owcnll ( MUUZ.0«lonl.40 33>* t». P %. rt PPG» J9rt. rt PacGE t: h PacUg 31fl PcTp n S40 J 9)1 5 PMtCP :.J7 t oj"!? * rt PanhEC TTO 9 16K. rt. 5 1 (&3 10, < PaPL 748 P *4.. H Ponnrol JTO 1.49a 44rt H PepsCo U 87 5H rt PetkCr , rt Plot 1.7. ST98 6H 4 PhnoD J t9 77W. PnWEl 7 70! h 1 J. PtUOy J >, rt on>o» 1 J , P.lnO VW >t7.th rt PtHlft z J n t e j r j e s t z = f e a r s d r a g t o e h f d o w t NEW YORK(AP) Concem e r, nleresrate prospects n ts to c k rcestum bllng lursday n th e lghtest tradng more thm sl x w e e k s. Precousm e:tas stodcs re rded.so m R o th e b lg g e st»esastho] rceofgoldand ve> fell to U lelr lowest levels nearly two y ears. He Dow Jot es average of 30 lustrals d ropped 9.72 to 24:561 w n n g o u t th fr 0 polnt g a n.l t posted on leay. befo re the July 4 holly... /olum e on the New Vork )ck~exchat.be La meto~wno H onaresrrdew nfrom lllon n the prevous sesson the ghuat total snce a 90mlloftsharelayonMay )rokers sa d actvty was jected,lo.rem an.lght n Hrh hp f fh nf h a good m any nvestors ng an ex:tended ndepen cod aybrejk..mong mln (hg. slocks, ASA 3/ to Sl: Homestake ng2, to 2 1,6; Asarco 1% to Campbell R ed Lake 1=4 to ; Callahan M lnngl/ lo 17; shlne M nng =4 to 10>, and :1a Mnng!, to 154. blday nrs led the actve down 4V4 a t 38,. The pany est m ated a 10 per t eamngf! declne for the jnd quarter. u e s Tocl d ro p p ed t o. y sad t w ould take a $175 lon prclak wrteoff for the >nd (juj (u 1. and luwued ts rlerly dl./ldend from 21 5to l2t:entstrshare: NE. Wasn. AP Stlected tlom»oft tno.pokjob Stock Ecfano UslM Slocks. 8kl A»ke Sclvet ( * Rescve Hesoutcc T0.50 7:? s r " SUua *6 nn 7 /5 jy TO.J Ccr.c.;n» 3! Old?5 0«flf. lfr4 :eun«f.. Plat ets M "" PlJUts cnes. B 73 Buck# s S.,. 1:!S Mte J.75 Unted la ! 56; Pnoum. loa Pabd Mt a 3;a 75,. pouge M rt y. proclg H* H PSvCO C1 34 p fn ] 43V. PS.EG :! 3 4. H PuQep 17 J4 31H H PullcHm u a ss ** l nrspuf* M 44, 7 3 T9 V. RajoQ, loa %. RuchC 4 6 3: Brt ReaAr H 4?8" « TTrt rsjmh M d?7 71., H8B*s *» llj. 13 nock rt rt notot 1?0? 4114 TV, rt 18 5?::0 9 Ra>n : jj s s H ;? nyoors 1 altt!c1n»sch: r6 4, 74S rt Sale*, ;0 37rt Stnaqs. : 1 71 d34?h SFoSP. n 7 9:1 n r. x Scnrpo M r. 52! Scflnb 1» <0 3H ScollP 1 18 llj h S**tTG Sa a 3 r t s 4,5 T 16 H BhullO 10 7 M 3 Stolr 7 0 7:5 7.1 V. Shf.n rt H.Sgtal a o!" 7rM l H S 0 6 7a;a. BHv sm m Sonal m 19H SCalEd 4 ] S rt FE? *n5? r5!rs r" S ;7 76H rt SldOOn 3 1 a V1 saucn l0 31»** rt S61DD 1, SlBvft/ 1, 3 s~jm4w4 H supto : 1 13 t? 4 rt rt.supo wd «h t r t Syb/Oft t.l 7 7m Synlo l.l : Tl.TECO 7 :?,17T; 37H TRW?! m l de* H TaeBoa 1 t?4ft tana } 9 ( «H Tolflyn. 1 5f 34H r t T ura Tetnco 78 z= = = S o v U J WASHNGTON V e t Unon h a s tonal 225,000 me ern longterm agreen x ls fec last Oct. l, lng D ep artm en tsald lng After a threen.the U.S. gran m a re m ed purcha t»,cf rm nm ng U ld purchasesslncel els nearly «mllon [30 n a n B M to lh<> on Quotatons from K gjj. m atey 2 p.m. All bds. nterdealer qu jfjj nclude retal marku] P nm m tm tnn *TV< gg proyjdedjyjdw ardl on a Moore Fn. Gp, 20. Qy n lennnpas 2. EongT lber 22.,as TrsJolst Consd.Food W estem Unon,j,g Utah Power K M H l a U ke. NEW YORK JAP) Sugar t» a x "*! SUO.MOU., 7, ll2.000lb».;c»n8mrb. d Sob J!:S 11:!! L l l 10 Oul Sep 72, r* Nov 7 U 2 08 Ptev. ules lM.:cont»peflb, to.. h ss? Jt: Jan " T m 544. Mar le S3? 838 Cs geo 11 Ptov.salo) Pto» daya ootn m ua! coln Ss S K S S ; K K : ". S S! S :S a :S S ; Jun <75 Auo M Oef T3 FflD 44 M X Apt Pto..sato»24, slv e r *.g 65 Aug «00 Scp $ Puc 8160 &3J.5 4 Ss 20 M*/ f. 80 *M0 1OS Sop 9» DCC * Jan Mat May Pt»>* MlM?0 09f 13 NEW YORK (AP) Fnal Oc 30 lot lhutsday.juys 3 S T 0 C K S 0p#n Hchlw Cloa r u 65 Sk S K Stk nr H H? :«2*0 10 2M 575 rt Jjh H. j o.n lrt [ %. / j;; : n = l!! 7 5 K n"! d S» ;;:s r H Tra>{«. M " p w V r t Tnfo " ulss.jj;; rt UAL s V. u sfg t H unldy l r H rt H W H V ~7 B n3rrt ; ; «js ff S f v. «.n. J S V. C.c m 1! JS r,!: 1 S m J P * s ; s»:!: JS.;.s.Ms. j5 L ;E s s s r f» s u! r. u gf.* S! s;,*r5 S fs!» l l?» 5 * ~ tn S S. wd U. l:!s.. U T S Sl. rt f, «!» : 5 S B ;?H ColdW 17 ~ n GlflFfl,» V S S S :?. s S J f e t s b u y r m p» N { A P ) n e S o A lth o 3bought an add buyng: letrlc ons of w heat s t a r U b n )u sh e ls~ fo? J u l n w /earu n d efa n e w boughl smenl lhat fooetf pan ; 1. the A grculture dthursday.. 7 The s monlh absence n departn: narket, the S ovets as r lases last week, otherde 4aest s a le s r Howe astfrdaytotal Uelatfes on tons, all \1eat. w heat s NASD at approx Alberlso bds nterdealer daho P\ quotatons, do not D artk n cup, m arkdown o r. C.P. Nal eq u o ta lo n sa rc HOrorCo ). Jones 4.Co. Cmy.Ps Bd Ask M aytag B arry W st. Sec Morr.Kr StAm.R G ates Le. gar fuute radno on pocatell r.and Cocoa Eehange. nlstmouna Oh Low S«ttl«Ch(j.. ( ll ooteem!j l r S SlS S BS ff JSr,!S JS zs SBr :6.:0 bll.)«y{6 6l PORTLANQ up<. artljfto «f man By ral. NolMllwl U 0 6 No:<«hlla( 14 5, PORTLAND», Tur3day (o curren smp cwt. No.l 90t( > WflM.JJO,! whlft ««K.;f,r 10 pel prok» >j! P! sse ss f.. ro loto ]? P«! ftok « J «fl 391, ,10 P* Oroc > l l E f B. Pnos: 1 a f f ff: =X :! 2...? o P 4 9 3smnTwTnffr M.SSA*«>clallon.ft, Wanob«*nla T M W M y / T l r s P! H V ~ J a V o t s mdrpnn Oo«Jon«avoraoB «M M 3M BS notne/n sptm.;: SS.Hatdml aco * ** ** nl ES S >Vrt \V lnsl UU \j\ DOS S, h7 rt V, =ae » rt l 160 1? 4» 3 0 * h om «6 35l>. wl s:; S n ; K; CO 6 7 a 7 r t r t W co V?4 S! 1*97, B"69 78** H m :on H m >149 7rt Wl sep h rt w " S. r u»,.»!!: Dyn V xs :atb z ee H je tw YORK (AP)TnufSday n» 1 prces lor Amorcan Stock ns langemuej: jnl f / VS! 1!?! K K»!. " t J, S am.70. : H * Ma 11 S V M» ell Mr: E H M» j. M c S5 gg Dr l * l* al d6 H U P4 Jl 174 6H PE 3 4 r uc so m Ran OG 37S 9V.<. H Res n X 10 H S«c % rtsol R WSun on 18 as art Sun fl saa 18H* V5TE fd H rt Tch, P. 183;.«7 W 6H Tch; n?4« H T. < 3 g W.V Trar.» a 170 W M6 Tob J S TS 4 A UFO S U t S 5: m, VtO JJ 28 lao u» o 17 5 «d 1 7 H rt,wslt? 1 * Sf g H rt W*d A8 Tlm asnew a,tw ln Fala o r e w h e a t = th o u g h th e la te s ts u r g e o f ng s su b sta n ta l, by no m e a p s ; a l y o r d pa ce. n o n e w ee k Of r975; for o rara p le rth rs o v le a " J ght 9.0 m llllot rton s o f t J n; e ~ s a le w a s rep o rte d to fe 1 rtm e n t by p rv ale e x p o rte rs, e q J re d b y J a v U lo jr g u r d e tals w ere dsclosed. a t S t w U m a te d fa rm p rc e o f.. ls$3.35perb ush e]. j L d rls o n 2 5. o P w r.c o K r a f t Natonal rcorpram: P sy rc e n l: 34: o a l e c h. <y yw rght «c.b ank 18.00, Knudsen s U a rje l m.s t s aelld (APJ daho f»<m Bueu unan qraln reportnuruay: rnlo Whoa. barley hd ced sprtnfl whsat com ptololnl, rtd,to wnsr wtoal (10, ss E b s.? land j lup 3); oa,oo lomdyl: LANO fap) Mornng ronds lor grant a Ponland Thursday (oreuhon shp. rhaeuownoat3aa LAND (APJ Olds al 1:30 p.m. MOT, y (or grans arrong al Pontnd (or smpmon1t)y;j..((uck.otmrqo pa 8«c«<>Kwn, ewe.b«r{ and sanum, vo hft elubftm t t c a Ml,". ~. l dwnarwhm.proten anprololn. prololn 4,71 POloln proten. 4 (3 rtft*m»pf1no«rn»4l : proen 4 7g croeln 4.gt proen 4.n... w h n s 4 j 18.00,3,;.eo. tnd 2 otf 1 al 17 09, 16 al 1800! and 2,o( no 8d.:4«17,00.13 al 18.00, and 2 ok lho m ft y m n ro n T o ro onj»opfo6«olsnng of reoortnfl naandsoragecnaoaj,?5pv%rv..st.".r.r55k torquoallonsoblalrmwoekly oa h?v"osdo.«tl! j l S t. d *2!] y. 3.W.. o.5. MTl a;s.x. r w S S!!. r.ra!,v s ""»ss t» sprng, Augusf d«n,«ry Ad bje* d n g f l o B S r a h f Unocal " j UpOhn H2H... Waehov SU*.» Wackn SO 27. =w m C frf 687J m ew M Warnrl } H. V) WshW 7.48 S 38 18rt r.. WolsF STS 31 WnAlrL 7U 3 rt WUnlon 1, H.rt WslgE U rt Wtyoth WhfrlBl H1 Wnllak \4 rt Wllam TflH rt WnD a H Wnnbo.10*. to,731 s 2 l rt wown sm rt Wynns /H * u Xoto 3 9~on 38h ZaloCp 1.7« rt.JonllbE 10 2S7 Z3U H tnpo g» H nslsy u (nlbknl,08«154 4rt... MCCJHd H+ rt. MOORS h Matm 0( Jm Mrsfln rt ModlaG * rt McnE tb 19. rt NjPalnl W= H NP/oc.,96«. S.45 16H4. r t S» r S S PolLow r rt PrenHa 1.64H 7 42rt T Hm sm H+ H Rostl A H rt Soccap, f r t r t Solllron h H Sunaf H+ U Sundnc DO *5. V * "TeHpn n ~ " J ". *.,,,! TobM«a 16 log * ffssss!! t, Vrb m* s Votnll Jjn... >v«.e J, J! J J ; J ; Fala, daho Frday, Ju ly ,

9 2 Mlarkdsts F rday. Ju [y 6,1B64 Tlfne m eab w a, Twn Falls. daho Afl Op«f Hgh Lo* 8 CAOHPOTATOeS a S r S S S S X «, 40,000 M.:doQanpwSDba. Nov J.eo D.12. Dec S :S S S S:13 S :2 = ; Mar... 4.» 4.» t ».14 Jan. Aar K S S S S S S :S 7: Estm ate! ted crop w ater u: se Ju ly S May 4.M 437 S. ; s!;!? S a ; ,75 79 «+, sl. salea 134. Ptev. salet tt U k X,...S S Jun Dtajr Dtfjr f l y AccumuUtodWatorUw.OOObU.dolanperbbl Prev. tala. t : ; ~ c C «rcfr«m ra»<h lm usflp roct) (CTjrnodalatfowD r S.? O e r 2«*4 29.B ».91.CROP g f Jay wtbelowthrejuy< NonaJS JOJS. > C0as*l;c< tl;c«ntap*r ;U fal/a J E S :S f. l l f f l T : ; 78, B.7D...33., , t a?. S S S Sg s s s s a. : s K 19 r;20 g g lslvbnslttlnn! ~ a 3133!??.0 o P. C orn.20» " : \.S V.T T HEATlNQOtL. :s.c o m J ;8 2.1 W. G ran.32 MMM.20 B T T f T r r... j f f n T T T 7 7 rfav.sae! 4les #.70 T7t»».09 Ptevdayt ytop«n.nl 13,999, ollt,»4a. L. t > A y n a l ; l l ; l S.G raln.39» /P d slre.33 0 JO = g g o L6 1S rll M r Lawns; J33}z.31 ;33"..33,6 ~ :3 l.b "2.5 ~ 3:0~ B E n g gq s m Q Q rdloaqo (AP) Odn a r" f r o m.. j thulythuxhy! ;. 01 y». & g 5 NEw.rc YOPK <AP) Spol nofllartoutmeu meu. *. S 1«eentt lo 4W cents ar.fsw#*.cnnsa pound. U.S. dasnnalons. 1 KMrwmmsconuKHordt f Jaljwry rtj«yajl3.«. S N H R R v R ~ lm u C T O N Every Soturday 10 A.M. 3» W. s f f r s r s Mts ", were 3V>cents lower Lead 3204 }: centuapound. Anllqu* Audlon Frst Sundoy rof a*v«ry month 10 (U eentt Monet xth July at tl.t7vt a busjel; Zlnc*90c 90cantsaf>cund. dellveted. and oym nt wea 30 e«n nl forat n all delvery Tn*M.3t (4.3tarMesWeekcompo9eb. 6**.... monha wth July at U.n a bushel. bu»r, Alumnur U64.B0 Handy & Hrnfn (onty daly oa Q<tCAQO<AB Futuf CQJOlrPlgfltUlfl, CrW z M O J N P l Y U rm 9 S7.fl5 Handy S Hamjn fonlr dt.. AAERE ALLtSON EVENNG SALE SA S.OOO bu m lnlm nn b A dvarlltem ant: July 7 f r s s s 4 S., J8.14S fot roy ounce, NY Como tpo spo n u 3.46W.47.04V..momhcloj s» K ~ V 77V4 3.7SV4 ]78!03 * Plallnum U 3.Wh 3.sm.0V4 troyounce. Provoay8 opon no,947, 7.UPW. up " Lease :l09edtue;. M attar* A Osborn* Aucton S*rvlc* ury. UTOWOMOO nr 76 b lt«1k, N lum U4!> 00t3S2.00 domestc merchan TUSDAY, JULY M1O FLER FOOC OD CENTER RON ANO LDtA WLS lylson EVENNG. AJ»r*rt(e*m*nH JqKr»*r B,mbufnln1mumj <b Wall Aucllan*«r«Sal*( Manag* ag*m*nt 1 " F o r a t r " > 3.12M.oa " h Om 300 ]oo M 2.S3U 7.»«U>.OOSt, M l 3.oa»,08V u y <t. p H. rnonfs. rofur>d. re< recon. rosorvo $300, total of payr Ju; 3,HV» 15U, ayn*ntsjb53r04rofotno 09o" ll allowod mlle< T H ratd X T T m r T a eogo ponolly ovor * pe por ml*, cop reducton J2500. r, r Yf«v.MlM58.SOO " TolaMuoa ncepton. AND ALMA LEWS )n Nol ooo taxes xtro, HOUSEHOLO MSC. REAL ESTATE EVENNG SALE Prevdytopsn U,1$4,ol Adv*rtla«m*nt July 10 M *tt*nm1ll Aucton S«rvlc* vlc* S m elltjam sc son s f f S! : U 1.7SU 1.79U.OOV Mar l.btw 1.81«tm.MM.Bt.02V1 a 1.83.U.07 THE SATURDATJUL SCNMC OTORS locketfarmequpme PMENT j j B For O v e r 3 0 Yea. ;ara T h e E a se st P la ce n T Adv*rtl«m*nt July hr 12 T The W orld To B u y A Car r Eat*a and A noelata Audo M Q tn A v a.e E.... T w n F o l. jclon*«rt l> , r T s s S S B 5«:,!:g > Z:5S. *. "? "...t h t h l S, ~ j:s u j. 7.W r!o j 7 1 T l F 3 r " MlesST.lJl....PtBvOayaeptnlflag, >.»«!.» : ell «.40 « oer «.M M,as 1.34 U * ! r S : S g : g = :?? f ; U U.47 ( las odt 1,29:, r / E S S f f l S " " " " " ;:g g : a?? =:5! Nov Ce.SS 7.» ::S =:?!. s s g.40 g *..10 X ules.4«?.P(a».ue9H< P>avd»y a open n,ds, ud«ud« « *.15 Ocf. SJ.*5 47,77 0*0 00 S4.U F«b54aSS.71 ; ; ;. s :s k :2 S ; a $ l : J S ,?S S8 44 *:5 Fefl 7J.W 74,7} J;«l( Jj.w ZlVn o73.oo7r3=r«a L. g s s ] : t.sae9ll.:7s.pre«,a*tasl3. P(«ydtyaopenm1B,3Sl.olll X. g!v..m tufet tragno on lhe V uw*fe#rtte Chfl. J JO., loll d ".... A T T E az 3 ae! p3 E 5 a Mon tah BJell majkestt easy. J s t a s a l w a ty y s, s m p l y d a 1l 1, + t h e n u m b e r. n a t s a l l t t a k e s t o p l a c e d r e c tt z d a l e d c a l l s tvr t t h n y o u r c a l l n g a r e a. A n d s t n c e y o u a l r e a d y h a v>e t o u r s e r v c e, y> y o u c a n m a k e ; t h a t c a l l r g h t n o w. 4 j v o r d a b o u l, t c a l l n g M r e aw s. A s a r e s u l t o f t h e B e l l S y s t e m b r e a k u p o n l a n u a r v , f e d e r a l r u l n g d v d e d d a h o n t: o t u o l o n g d s t n c t Z T c u l l t n g ar e a s. T h e b o u n c ls a r e s o t e a c h a r e a a r e o u t l n e d o h t hl e m a p.. \,. W e h a n cd l e a l l c a l l s m y T h l a t m e a n s t h a t 1 c a l l p l a c e d f r o n BE o s e t o P o c a t e U o D,, f o r.. N n s a n e e T w o u l d l p e l sr t e d o n y o u p h o nl e b l l a s a V l u n n r gt r B F l l T a l l, ~ V B rt c a l l s p l a c e d r o m o n e a r e a t o a n o l ) t h e r f r o m B o s e ; t d L e w s t o n,. / J*a>cc a d e : s o u t h o f t h e S a l mn co n R v e r. o r e x a m p l e w o u l l d b e c a r r e d b y aa n o t h e r l o n g d s t a ln c e. c o n p a n y o f y o u r r c h o c c ; j N C t B m f y o u v e c h o s e n A T & T C Co o m m u n c a t o n s t o ). c a r r y t h e s e. c a l l s, t h e d c h a r g e s w l l a p p g; a r u n d e r t h e A T &: T p o r t o n POCATELLO (AP) dtno range ano feedlol "SAnLE «auflh«f seera 9te t07st29 lb. helerg» b. 7 7JM7J 2 lb. 41,40.90; :.. a S t X tooflar nelars no puoo: aaujh aubher Hcllen sleets " sv e ep Good, enolce e sl. slaugnter lmbs no, uo>e: leedar lmb» no quote. Lj*esoex aucon Pfofluc Sucers L<aslock Mar. kulng l Jeoma Tuoday: ulllly ano commht4at coms U.OOS.OO: hstry faador ador steers 9«.00t00; DO: Stocker steers 64.00: a r ; ;. r ; a» s Holsten spr ; bab* dlry calves 4900; utlty commer.. ea, bult h»v> >avy.leea«rn«feta j mvrs M.ovW.OO; cowtno quota;.dary l.ofto.oo: laeoar smbs ts steady to dollar ngnec feeder eals sedy lo 10 lower. lot OMAHA, Neb,(AP (USOA fsoa) Omaha lvestock makalquoaont Thursday, Hooa: 1.B00. Bow and gu. setdy 10,?5 lowar and njane. S n K e * 3 t t n ;. ta acr>fl trade. W94.25.U5131, ew 27S24J (b tues are U.OMJ.M Sows: pdcas ara.90 to 1.00 DOlower wtrmsolb... a:asprleed rom 4S.00 lo to.. Cale and calves; 900. Cow l> prces ate avaragng steady w and commercal prced om r 47. s S S H and bonng utlllly range 39C024 0 Wllh hgh dresana to 44,00. Canne an and fovr culler ae.... 3Q.O>n!tO. Other casse not 1tasted.... t ol\c R, n, o f y o u r M y l o u n t a r B e l l b l J l,. H o w e v e r, y o u m l aj y h a v e t h e Mountan tomr 1(1)1 d.h,. F>, o p t o n o f c h o o s n g o t h e r c o m p a n e s b e s d e ; s A. T & T JtK «>calclo 1 Wn al!s L n e c k l o c a l a d v e r t s n g o r y o u r. Y e l l o w P a g e: s f o r 1 t h e. s e c o m n ] p a n e s. F n d o u t m o r e w t h o u r f r e e r o a d m a p a mn d l o n g d s t a n cze b r o c h u r e. T h l( e b r o c h u r e c o n t a n s a h a n d y r o a d J r m a p o f d a h o, w t h y o u r l o n g d s t a n c e c a l n g a r e a b o u n d la a: r e s c l e a r l y m a r k tee d f o r q u c k r e f e r e n c e. P l u s... p o v d e. s d e r aa l e d f o r m o n 1 b o u t O u l s m t : e. n c l u d l T g ~ t h e w Tk C le r a n a e o l h o m e a n d b u s n e s s f e a t u r e s wv ce o f f e r. T o r e c e v c y o u r b r o c h u r e, f l l o uj t t h e c o u p o n b e lb o w a n d s e n d j t n t c o u s.... O r c a l l o u r L et. s t T a l k C e n t e r t< o l l f r e e a r 1 S O O D s r o v e r, h o. w : e a s \ L o n g d s t a nc e G a l l n g c a n b e s w\ h e n y o u c a l l o n M1 o u n t a n B e l l. > rfllng aqj!ulapj=jr. :ruck and ral bde lor qran derveted to Ccaflo. jflorououons tom USOA represen bda from n la termnal eevaore. procflssotg, mlls and merchar chandsert aller t:}0 p.m.canahlma. Tue. M«n. No. 2 SOM wheat No. Yellow aoybean 3.<A 3.44U U am 3.96S P3.42V) No. 3 Yellow Corn.3.Jltt.e3.4V J, S r elermlnalelavalorblds. n.q.notquoted. r " M/lountan Bell M o u > n\ t a n J B l l lo n g d s t a n c e. = ~ N O o} t h n g c o u l d b es e a s e r. CH)CA00 (AP1 (UStJAJTfw tepofed Tnuraday lot me mafc onwednasoayflueonolday; y. ". ; NEW YOBKAP Saterrr chang«cln*t5moha«llvel L s s s.; S EChange ssues, tradng nattttu wrn). t mor. n*n Mod nn 4J< 877.H K S Weyerhar 5 9 ::*!! TranseoEng tn.h a s S J s» J f WatnrCom K 8MJC MJM U fumada nt.k nn NCR Ons 80,71 J.VX S5U 1. & r lmm s. S» S s r 2 5 " M.Tt ED3 1 5uaM «, a F R E E road m nap and Lptg ddstance brochu ure. S e n d f o r a J D enver. C o lo ra do o f e s. 1 w a n t r o k n o w m o r e a b o u t M Vlounan < Bd lony dt s t a n c e.*. P c a s e s e n d m e 11 f r e e l o n g d s t a n e e b r o e h r c, e urng r B road map ol mm y s t a l e. N A M F,! A D D R E S S, C T Y * 7 P H n N F ( " ~ l AmAtOl)f., S T A T E ( ) Mounlan B e l P.O. Box VP L l.m r c q ql u c s t n g th s.f o L m y b uj s n e s a. m r c rc ejq u e s tn g t h s f o r m v h od r m e... M A. B m m m m w a rn \ H M M H

10 ... B E V E R," Masss a. (AP), An. dental records aod J«wdv r araonlst apparqjuy rst c ttw o nresna round «0 rth etrrb ck lesra to «M lc " r l seedy roomng bou Mne that quckly deptlsth M had klentlfled three vctms by r turnedlbdtwddlngtn T n lo a n ln f ln d T W ffattnemoon. n e Fve were T dentlfled u lr Q klled 14 downxh chxt n d e n ts ;a Wettoesd lesday;... ngtobcoostlls»e of seafw }qrrcfu O state offld sad llu leffc a caaeof delberate " y. By MCHAEL WNE N K... " the Consttuton, wrt / Los Angeles Tmes s otten to ptotect ctzens from. Whle nvestgaton R( made the arson araon, d Mayor F. John M o o a searches lke those J staged by Brtsh soldlersjn, determ lnatoa, offldt dals Med to den callng] Qg t aborruyng devekmeot WASHNGTON] Law enforcement offlclals 7 a ~ m a ly s s A n colohlal Amerc Tb The court prevously has held n U f y s t t o r U e b y daro vctms lhaborr wrrfyfagsloy." that evdence found d Vwth an llegal search warra w t.ctvu lbertarans alke agree that lursday s could not be used n a tral, even f t proved Supreme Court decs: dslon narrowng the 70year*ol old decson gves reconj»ng tlon to the prncple that tte U crmnal condkl. ntfl fl a ptorty la search warrants s ow crmnal Cvl lbertes expe se sought and obtaned by polce pers charge Thursday s ruunj lng : launchztgj fee: Jnstlce system. renders that deterren renl toothless, b e c a u t allow: s " B ut although enfon forcement experts soy.that wll r t l l T 7 r r B u f J a j : e fe,tl6m, 1 rveteranof the Ne>( ew llegal evdence to be thrown out only f a warrant a n t scape CANAVEU EW trflar(a P) Justfou four~secods> before ~t)lscovery t lead to swfter prosec secutlon of lawbreakers, crtc tcs Y ork Cty polce force wbo s a senor fellowat the ssued recklesslyoru r unreasonably, No decsons are e] qsected untl next to llfrb 11 ff wlth a crew of slrr A forecast an equally y swft s rse n polce searches sool f W ash ln n w sed PPolce o Foundaton, dffered. Burt Neubome. ;~nnocentpeoplc=w Tvtfrpotentlollydramatlceffet legal drectorof tbe Amercan, an weefconzanewjauc p h /tn f f Ofr~COmpH<» Uecordeted ahallto tbe engoel fleets?thfl rcallyopens S the door for those few bad Cvl Ubertles Unon, predcted the decson wll space shutue Dscov wery and whether frng \ sequence se. wben t detected tbe ort tle average ctlzer zen s rght to prvacy. cops who a re lkely ly tc to abuse tbe search warrant t trgger a quantum n upsueof polce ntruson nto n the shp s maden Such dfferences 9 separate sc the two sdes on almc n nght wlu be fauureof eofanenglnevalvetoopen. m ost procedure, h e sald. "T fere s no remedy for an tbe lves oflawabldlr dlngamercans. modfed, NASA sad d H u r. Analys lysls gf tbe falure s CMtlnulpg, ; every queston surro TDundlhg the mpactotlhe.unreasonable search hanyroore.. a. Neubon)e5ad. The courts readlngof the A d e te rm ln a to c o 1 court s decson, alre ready vewed as the most»uld be made next wth:jpo ;Xo(W lnsulattapnfa l T he decson stemos s from f a Burbank. Calf., case exclusonary rule ma; nay be perfectly adequate to odea] d< Tuesday, s d an dncyxaeanan. hydrogf raportantcrmlnal ll justce j opnon n years. The len whch a U.S. Dstrlcl rlctcourt dsallow the wth a polceman tt*o volates tbe exclusonary ru n le T he launch was 21 Jborted June 26, possble< canddate for blame.. court sgsrullngcrea reates o goodfalh exceptlor tlon a d m l lo n as evdence nee of quanttes of cocane and M n bad fath. But t s s c( J completely nadete to dea le a l. to the exclusonary y rule, allowng judges to admt nt o th er drugs sezed und jnder an Ulegal warrant, wlthapollcemanora J llegally sezed evd«magstrate who smply hlaant s " dence f polce beleved they TheB urbankpollcer ceman who oversaw that gven serous conslde deraton to Fourth Amcndmen : casewasjubllantrn Nolnnocenfcpersoneverwent o tto valoesbeforeletcts: tst = Enforcementofflc flcals; who argue that the jallb ecauseofth eexcl Xcluslonay rule, Lt. Davd Aboutl5,000oftheo le offlclals empowe ed to ue suppresslonofllegal] galy sezed evdence allows N ew sham sald. t only onl put gulty petle back ont< nto searchw arrantsarej e justces of the peace, mwy ; crmnals to escape e jal js through legal loopholes, 5, th e stre e t. wthout legal tranng ng, Neubome and others noted H w l were elated. San Dlcg Hcgo County Dstrct Attorney lye ted. d t sa la n d m a rk ddecson e c n the rltdrectlon n : The cotts decson on wll lead polce to shop for T "... Mller, presdent of f the Notonal Dstrct Attomey l e y s, forlaw enforcem ent, added Assstant Los Angele sles offcals w U gran rant warrants wth lttle. ; Assocaton, called ] tlx the rulng a great day for the h e, Polce Chef Robert Vemon. 1 justflcatlonrpredcte :ted.callfomlaattoroey=:r:= Amercupubcad ml furlawefutmm."...p ro tecs ev ap n sfu uhreasonable x Md ra nd MarehanOQause, e, a membfer onbentlonal Attorney General ll Wllam Frcnch Smth sad the th> sezurcsth eessenceo» of the Fourth Amendment to Assn. of Crmnal Def( tefense Lawyers. :. A10Tlm 6»ewa,Tw Twn Fans, daho L B S a t l K V ;. a S f v X p V ** B l l l.... m FALLS STORE m ONLY l l JULY 5th71 V / VJMALTER CARF t P E T l j ", # SPEC CAL P U hase7 «:! E a r th T o n e s n B ro w/v r n, R u s t a n d B e g e V C 350s(], y flrc rd s j KTCHEN &C c a r p e t V PRNfl f s M u lt C o lo r, H g h L o w! S m a ll R o lls & Rerm n o n t s A G r e a t P r ce e. S p r u c e u p y o u r d t c h e n l g W M r a m O N E / SUE BTLE BLEND T w o G o l o r s O n l y! \ * Bc e g e s S S ro w n s * D( a r k B r o w n S R u s f s q. y a r d s! A $ V a u e.... L m tt e d t o S to c < O n Ha n d! A F O r o 1 4 ATOUl UR TWN FALrSTO ORE... 4 SA ALE ENDS JULY 7th *0 H g l a n d Ave te. E a s t, Frday. July».1984 M g F Y W V : 2 7 S s q.,v b r d t l : e a u t f u B a r g a n s! C A R P E T B A R CG A N S! ~\ / r o c DS V «R e t n n a n t s. R ph E n d s DC s c o n t n u e d F u ll R o lls S c u lpjt t u r e d M u l t E a r t h TT o n e s A ls s o.... K t c h e n P r n n ts s q. y a r d s.!. / / y / T O r j \V / J t k = S O D wv s q r y a r d s! amtsj2ep CEsJ B 91=ULL ROJ LLS M :,. : t l u r r y j L. l e s & w g o f a s t, ta s NEONTOr Ver) r y P o p u l a r S c u l p t u r n T w o C o lo r s A S p e c a l B u y... L m t e d S u p p l y! 9 q. P ( cnc G o o d es! H O T D O G S : Mf! 4u r e r P.lP ls h * O r o n q e U r t r a B r o w n B ;... F R E E B A L L O O > N S ts Fun To S a v t h V Volco f W / " jll r ; B N. f l f.m A r s o n ll k e l y f a t fe S U l F m r P n f c n ~ n c n r < W H L y w m c p " ~ 4JPRG P o w e r d r v l v e n ~ 2 " b e B t e r b a r / b r u s h T 0 l o o s e n s d e e p d o w rn n d r t. 4 p o s t o n D a l A N a p a d j u s t s t o v a r o u s c a r p e t h e g h t s. T o p l o o d n j n g l a r g e c a p a c t y d s p o s a b l e d u s t b a g. O t r M o d e M * n.f rl.«:3 0 *,m m.. *.9 p.m. S a t flso* 8 p.m Sun. N oon 5 p.m. J X w n. R s s U B B u FERTWOWll mvac = y S r Po w t h 5 0 % e x t r a s u c t o n p o w e r. tttsh E u r e k n U p r lq k h a s t hl e p o w e r a n d c l e a n n g e f f c e n c y The mos uprght y ( T W m t a l b la z e C A y S Z 3 m L T Z y o u n e e d. " M o d e1 l r H f m o r o w o r f :. 1 BSt powerful you can buy.. Y PRCES 5 EFFECTVE El THRU 1 SUND JDAY.JUY 8H at705blufr4el akes BlvdrNEr H

11 featu res, ;w! X, enter e rta n m e n t fc 88 m H U:h E = = = = p = w r. ;, ; 3!j. r?: r. Mm H H P l l W C a n n o ntball, *Conan~ j J u s h T PempleofDoem down a notch n B2 >w.phod/dor Daj\S»HUTT : P lay. a y e rs a r e J o n H u n t, left eft. a s H a ro ld H ll; C a ro rol l Bounous, Mr. Pardo; C h a d B o u n o u s, W lntn th r o p P a ro o stoft O ; By TERRY RCH HARTLEY H 1912, the conman \ s foled by two unforsecr 1 TlwesJlsxssQjjesj. esdondent. en w orkng on the play >snce sl tryouls at the e n d b f r e v e lo p m e n lsrh efa f a ll3 n o v e w th th e o cral a l A p rll n d W e recorr o m t n g a l o n f r e a l l r s S e llbrarlanpano leache Cher, MaranParoo the onl> T W N F A L L S : lly adds. By BOB DOYLE T heres g jnna l>e trouble, V alley am and Uree y ears ago. Ue Wood e. HV onew ho really knows 1he s a crftnv but s wllng tc ; frends, rght here ll n R ver Cty. And t wll lo Publcty drector. Reed Tucker, agrees w th (, TlmesNewscorrcspomdent Rver Mu: M usc Festval was bom. llb <. be.n T g n o reth lsu n sav o y y f fact becausc she loves hm. ;...th e rorm of TheW e M c Man p re se n t by t th at and then some."ll Ths s on thp «mmf» pnru/h h y e a r, n n addluon a( lo Ue Bakken Strng"" pm enhsthecontnglouplh z= t zrk m beryrl D SrStac rl DUlllante or Northsde le 1Playhouse. Tucker says.. SUN VALLEY n :n a natural am Quartet!t, Ue Hertage West Brass generated n thetow ew nfor songanddancethat p tdaho Fne Arts ludtorum Aud July 12,13, and 14. lal o n lrw e dontp erfo nmtsoften:* m phlthealerofsurroundl dlng mountans, Quartetfr!tfrom SaltLake Ctyalsowll nfects even our charlf orlatan. wth Ue swlfuy mov J;.; L ynley F reemm an s : )vlng w aters of be on Ue producer of ths burgcon he program p, along.wu pansts.. T he author got [ m uscal comedy lhat tha m any of hs deas for the u "B y the lm e you get e t a full cast, orchestra and d T ral Creek m utterng n Ue back j a y has a cast of approxmate Mauchley, Mal and Alexander ately m uscal from hs own background snce he spent ( everythng together. 11 ll s a full undertakng," he e ground, Ue Hertage f Joo.M arya nh San West B rass B ragnsky langer s dreclor, John Hu sky..... t hs e a rly years n lhat la t type of envronment. Gong says, addng. "We pad d $600 3 just for Ue scrpt. Quntet opened the thn rd annual Wood < plays th e lead role e of ol Harold Hll and Renee Allen on from these sm all 11 town tc begnnngs to m ake hs,1 Tucker, who also play lays Ue mayor of R ver Cty, perform ances wll feature y. R ver Musc F estval h as th e lead fem ale Je roleof M aran Paroo. wuanoutdool w d a s s j own m ark n m uscal c T he M usc Man, crcles, Wllson played flute jg says lhe muscal wll 1la st about tw oondahalf. al a H composers from Mozart to d f. concert before a sello lout audence ol J J S X an," b6ok, m usc and lyrlcs by and pccolo n John Phlp. Sousas band and jj houre. the characters 5 w wll be n Ueme costum e. pcnckers a t Sun Vallej ssohn. o nlersprersed wu Ue : leyst rall Creek, : Meredth Wllson,, s sa muscal comedy based Jd on contnued by w rlng b». W llsons memorlesc lg books, songs and. of course, a n d settng wll nclu :ude realstc background d Cabn. of popular musc composers, esof hs chldhood n owa. m uscals. s c e n c Q. Dplln and John Phllp,Sousa. Ths was.ue. frst ;.(.slx..peror=.<...=?:j. ">" p J l l s protagonst,h,harold Hll; s e sllckrconn... "ne Mslc Man" t) ng salesman of muscal " troufw lllson hs greatest nstrum ents and t>9 s l " d o n lw an tto g v eo m ances sponsored for r the t Sun Vnlley " S y of Ue compostons were b?nd acclam wth Tony aj e o u t Ue mpresson th al the costum es. f and Grammy awards. The te th s perform ance s o C enter fo rt e A rts and ld Hum antes w rtten s specfcally for th araber only for LDS m em bers, a u th o rd le d Ju n e lc of o ft ths year.. H e travels acros :ross the Mdwest promslr T u ck er says emphalca: su lllaco m earep erform rr an cesju ly?, o rc h e stra Lras s and bou Ue B rass quartet sng M uscal dreclo; Gene :ally. " ts open to Ue publc Conley, choral dreclor J townspeople he wll 111 delver d these nstrum ents 5 and at Dr and w e ro solctng all U c 9.11 and S. and Bakk kken strng quartet descrbe P a t B ales, and chbrec th e support we can get. )reographer Krsla Kely are» provde free, musc c lessons e f they wll p ay hm G eneral admsson fo Ths concert seres frst cam e about th em selv lves e a s cham ber musc for "T he Musc M an" s» n n kept busy from all hl advance. hs acton whch ncludes 19 adults, S3 students 17 and aj Urough Ue efforts of [ Bud and Ellen groups.. E B nce R o b e rts, H ertage : under. Tckets can be m lcal numbers O n» <?mntl pm M o and vrtually neverendng lg p u r c h a s a t CrowleV G r n, who moved to Sun St; Valley from West s french hom player, calls <?Y S Drug. Sftnrs F a s y,. slghtest thng about»ut the nstrum ents and couldn.dcker.l um ber and Klds KloUea and Toys n dn Songs n c l u d 7 6 >Trombones.* Tt "ckaltue. ;. gve legtm ate lessor jsons even f th at was hs nten Twn Falls; Sounds no n acem ent f6r "Ue M tl nnesota tpgeu eru :r to play a sm aller verslon of E asy n K m berlyr lent. T alka.lllllo," "Rock x:k sland * and Goodnglt H e sm ply takes thle en money and absconds, (t H endrckson Sewng Ce..orchestra s classcal mn usc Uey so w hfull a t aa p h o n y performs:. M y Someone. C enternjerom e; Sounds 5 Uoroughly enjoyed. Beng people of Hertage a g e W est s trombonst, Randy V H owever, when hereaches R ver Cty, owa. 1 E asy n Burley. Phone n Fem ale lead. Renee ee Allen says t y have been reserv au o n sm aybem ade n bycallng aflen acton, Ue GreeS werenslnunental Thornton. on. sad, t s more ntmate, emoons. nbrngng theakkev S trngq uartet C h am be er r o rchestras w ere desgned to ofm nneapols to Ue le Wood R ver >Se p e a n l p P 1... ; W offer: HX)ffere r r n r f l d f l f H m u s u e < a u d r / rdaho s clone ~ O W S T p p n H eretc 9 ofd ue B 2 cancf m ore. F rd a y,j u ly e 6.l.t9 8 4 V. ~ Rob)o tse, A rtst frnds matera lals anyw here ByPATBEAN TmesNews wrter B D S E C la jo S B all fdsah objects n funny place c e s Junkyards and flea m arkets. " A aw B am gkaffbs Jeentfdhg recenu yhasbeengor ang nto Ue creaton of a Seres of fancful robots, w hlcharenow ondlsplay a t Ue Bo%. GaJJeryof Art th ro u g Aug.5: The Unversty of Cl Calforna ceram lcsts robots a r re m ade from teapots, cloeks.radtoa o sandvacum n cleanerandblcyclepa p arts, among ouer Ungs. StrcUy a tongue n cc h w k exhbt, /awctytot =1, electronc behavors lo h flashng lghts to playng a bull lltn rado. J Exhbt vewers can m press b u tto n s and step on floor pedal lalstother A sone w anders thro rough Ue exhbt,.jau g h te rc a n b e h e a rd d ; from varous spots around the galle lery; One com er n partlcj cular seems to bfrtheeatalysteroud objectotu clghtheara r n e s s t : out to be an adult robot lot wlu a workng d d lplaeedjnanobvtou&postlononft defnltelym alerobot. :. No more explanatononu sonen e o n ehasto 1 see 11 for hmself. Qne robot, entnpd aj a p e.g u a td ja s redlashlngeyes. Anot lother comes complole wth a bullt n clock rado. t s notyour average geartejchbt, that s for sure. N or s Baley s accon om panyng exhbt also on dsplay y a t Ue gallery. fytu o u re n Ueneghborhoodof Bose! belw een now and Aug. 5. a vst lo th e >gallery Just m ay provde a chuckle cle c o r two. Ju st don t take Ue a rts t ; serously h e e v d w U y doesn t ) t s "D r. G ladstone s 5 EBgfool tak e hm lm s d f that way. ;. M useum, an earler w work created by G allerj lery hours are 10 a.nr. to 5 p.m. ; Ue artst that pokes fut un a t the world T u alayu y rough.frdayandnoontos. of scence. p j n. bn 3n Saturday S and Sunday. Wood,, opens p l W o m a n e 1 l a c l r o f n n a r t h t n «R pm encesxb t sum: mer ses rc s E em barrassed of sklls netc 86 Revew rtestval brass >s quntet w rc se t/ : By BOB DOYLE Bragnsky. : TmesNcws c o m e mlal d Tlc perform pel ances wll feature e classcal 1 com posers from Mozart to. s u n V A LLEY n n a natural an M en d ell w hn. nlersprersed wth the F B a s q t W. p h th te n o f surroundn, dng mountans, works of f popular m usc composers, s, g w th th e sw ftly movln Vlng waters of t t J o pph l t nandjohn PhH llpsotlsap : V T rall Cre e k m u tte jn gbrthetjflck: M any of o the. compostons w e r 0 o o d m g 7 : ground, tb e H ertage je W est.b rass w rtten specfcally s] for cham ber Q untet opened the th rd rd. annual Wood orch estras and both the B rass quntet R v er M usc F estval wt wllh an outdoor d Bakkc cken strng quahet d rb e m GOOE 5ODN(r=G06dT06drgD6a... : concert before a sellout audenee of themselves a s chamber* m u sc " m ualc... tc, g«mm nf rr m g th : pcnckera a t Sun Valley. s Tral Creek groups. B ruce Roberts, H ertage laughteh r and frendly banter ; Cabn. W esls ftf l c h. b o m player,calls. ar«tbe e plans for Ue B a s > :Thls waa the frs t ofslx perfor d a m b r.m r usc S0l0l»lswh0C0me. H pcnc lc scheduled Sunday a t tm m a o e p o a s o re d fd ntbe h SunValley together to to play a sm aller verson of tpafslnc rosdln jjj ; C w te r fo r t M A rts and d Humantes H w hat a full; llsy m p h o p erfo rm s. BUll to a m HTH pfertomu tmaoces Ju y r; H ertage W est& trombonlst, R a n d y T lw B pcnc WU begn a t 11 ;9,11 and 15. T b o m to. n,ja ld.fb.m o re nllmale.. m a.m.wl wu M ass nue park. Ths concert s e H «frst came about Chamber r oo rchestras w ere desgned lo " fouowefl m s t e p s n s t e a r through th e e f fo ls of Bud and Ellen dowhatu lbe/<am e m ples.playln C Q UslAodaucUoL.. : t G reen, w ho m 6ved to Sun Jun VaUey from people s cd h a m : Translated, that th er natve Mnneapols, lls, and found " neahs any ny la rg e room n the bouse, n lc p lates, of b arbecue ;no replacem ent for tbe the M nnespta T he, wealth tfthy often kept house m u s amb ;orchestra s classcal chc h c ra a n d trnuhlngs wll musc they.so clans Wlle leu of hrng a full symphony cost.adul dulta t8 and d U d rra 6 to v M boroughly enjoyed. Ben lelng people of toenttulan nn Uer guests. :.:.l2 y ears rsold$3. j: 3 : acton, the G reens w ere e nstrum ental w h en aasl s k f a llfv e m u s l c l * n brngng th e RnHrpn Strng $tj Q uartet w ere fron om th e Salt Lake area. 7 : " W of M nneapols to the B \ Wood Rver nonton >sad, s F o u r of us are. Howe the carryng Aftenx enxkm gam es o f w elgbpt ; V alley and three years ago, the Wood ever, tuba player s from ngw lld oc befortbefallc t H :R l w M usc Festval waj was bom. TlUs Honolula, uluch v, does m ake t d ffcult. of b eat a t o r w eak of tm b. T t» r H 3. n addton to the BakkenStrng to a rra n gjepracu e ces. O H wxm u P td. w e U to a w c a r r e :Qu th e H ta g e V B r a Th. lecuge g H «m m a j = n D t = Cty alao wll! be bn t program, a lc g tg u wth pansts w asn t app ~ u a l r p p a r t lo the overflow au *3ay M auchley, andd Alejtonder See SHA andabult blllty cao c a n y t b. la K ESPEA R EaoPaflsB S T h e c a s t s T m M c cd onough,boston, left. ft: T o n y C a rre rlo, S eatfje a t : T om W lllm orth, C a ld w e ll 1 z

12 B2Tlme8ew8. Twn Palls, daho Frday. July 6,19f =pea enda Tc p f D o c f f l gcd r ~ HOLLYWO HOOD (AP) Camxn lremllns" ts" dc d not 0 ) aw ay ether ball n add ad C 6aaa the D e s l r ~ postg$9m n n k n» a t 1.5U screeos for j y > o o 7 w «/te m 7 S F T: H e T m» N e\n enleralu t/n m e n f ln c lu * j:a J)re a L 4Judglngcontes u ( t,, an aurtlon, }n. sheep m ade bg ashes sf\ at theaters over R * 1 al70.4m lllknb Ml total s (our weeks, caetktarrmrtorn n h e TmesNews, Eox 548, 3, Twn hookng, w eght can tarryng and m uscal entertal talnment. th e w eeken e knockng. "ndana Ajwther new nen release, "B achelor FaUs, 83303, or brag ttoourofflce, tt m V lr d S t..w W.W e TTeOnkar Dancers %rs wll pek onh. M ass vhl be held a t oned and U be.temple of. D oom " a P arty," flnlshec shed N o. 6 fo r the weekend must recdve your nouct >Uce by Wednesday nooa to prlntt pn lla.m.c o sto flh e3 ddnner l wll be $6 foradults and $3 for couple of notches down tbe lst of wth $4.8 lllk)a>at mll 1,081 tbeatera, la thst weeks "Frdaj f d v Specal.!. The lstng n the chldren......topgrossng gmovles. r. whle "T te K arate Ka K d" was seventh cendar s free, but eve veats must be open to the pub ublc. T h e n e w m moves bothsequels wth $4.5 mlllor lon a t S3S theaters, K E T C H U M Trhe h e Kp Attaway Band wll play p! a t 9 landed thrd and fourth am ong the Here arethe top 10 g r o e flms p.m. a t Whskey Jacq acques on M an S treet nl& tchum,.1. J fn8jms ns n the Unted S tates an d J o s t weekend, d. wth Jl studk), u n e r o f 6/Today e y 3t weekend d p lrg Trv w eeks n leaae,.wtyj[endgrnm rejeas ;ftad=; SHOSHQ N E TThcjnnual01cJnm h c ej3ddler e rsjara d la n a jo n ea s ": t o J o 5 u L t h e j e w t o t a l g ro s s. B 01S E R ods teww ax artw ll perform ata.pjrua >at the from 10 a,m..untu d a rk a t the sm A aryl. kdaon.the.b 2.bock couldnoldsplace Ghofltbuster sters, Columba,~ ;2 Bolae State Unversty y Pavlon; Tckets. $15 an d JJ2 Jl 50 Goodng Cty P a rk n : Shoshone. Attractons w 11 n 1 clu d e "Ghostbusten ters" and "G rem lns," m llo n, $ ml mllon, four wedb.. wll b e on sale a t all SelectaSeat outlets. To re s lunch and refreshmcn nent booths. whdvrwent( toncrtwoforthe fourth M o n t e s Gremlns s W a r ner Bros, $9 ~ M C 7ffr~V fr o t«te ;B S U Pavlon, straghtw eek. ek. mllbr;$70.4nl 4nUllon,fourweldB. U nversty Drve, Bo?e, l?e, Purchases b y Vsa SHOSHONE n The,e Desert Sun D ancers wll hold a "Cannonba! ball." a starstudded.. t than ffth n the face of the new "Cannonball all Run U," W arner M asterc ard,andbymmal wll be charged a $1 per.u r tcket publc, scjuare dance nee a t 8 p.nh a t the Llncol» ln Ele racn g y a m n n j.whch B urt Reynolds, { competton, takng n $5.7 mulon a t Bro3.,$8.3 mluc lllon, ooe week, convlmw charge. m entary School, 210W 21. Fourth, Shoshone. le. John D on DeLus use,.d ean M artn and. ] 1,546 screenshowever,, a ll U ese "Conan the le D estroyer," U nlvenal, Kwalser of Loveland. nd.c0l0t ana D lck~fu cf 1Rupert Sam m yd avl vlssjr. reprse ther roles r moves stll l y ked lll«e a r». 9 mllon, one week. JEROM E F ast Fov Foward, a varety band, wll H play wll be the callers. : fro m th e l0rglna!ns>ared aw ay \ B Buge S126 "ndana Jones," a Param ount $5.7 al9p;n.althew oodcaf Cafe and Lounge n Jerom e. w th $8.3 mllon a t theaters r mllon "ndana Jo n es" ha: a s b e d mlto;<128.ma ; m llo n, weeks. TW NFlA L L S TThe T G am blers dance band wl wll play F rd ay throuj ough Monday, tb e enter> n ts frst sx weeks of relea«sase.. M chelor P Party".20th C e n tu ry JE R O M E The Fox utdance d band u l play a t 9 p.n p.m. a t at9 p jn rb td o rs B3ar n Twn Palls: ta n m e h tnlew e v perd aly V arety T h e o n ly flm th a tcconcevably o Pox; $4.ffM lon Uon,one week: UeSm okosh(njerom ome. (... : n r d Tuesday.»y. c o u l d accru em o reth an* n ~ ndana "The Karate atekld" polumbla, 4.5 " C o n a n t hthe p tro y e r." wth jjones" ths summ m er s ml»lqn,tl24ml lml1»on, tyqw«lrb KETCHUM T b fr«w ptttawayandwtrplhy "G hostbusters," whch has hc talled Rhnestone," ne," 20th Century Fox, p.m.w bskcyjq cques tes on Man Street n Ketchum..... jo n ed b y fom)rm er basketball s ta r W lt. ; $80.5 j mulon n four weeks, cs.,the flm $3.5 mllon, $11.5 $HJ m llck two weeks, SUN VALLEY T The H ertage W est Brass ontpj Q C ham beraln n and t snger G race Jones, starrng s Bll M urray, Dan n Aykroyd S ta r,t rk U, PA am ount, $3.1 TWN FA LLSTTeC le Gamblers dance b and wll m play an<l the Bakken Srng ng Quartetjyll perfonn at 8 p g s hefty $6.9 mllon at 1,120 and Harold Ram s w e d UtUe s lg mlllqn..$59jjal] at9 p.m.atd n r. * R ar ln n: lw n Falls, ; L scrcens lor me the weekend. ot g fadng, commandlng a st strong $11.2 "Top. Secret, a t, P aram o u n t. $3.1 = avalabw a l Chapte pter"o ne BwksUre n JK et tchm T Jones" could do no b e tte r mlll onat " 1, theaters last weekend... mllon, $9.3 mllon, tw ow eeks. ~ WENDELL n e m TSth Annversary celebraton wll Gemn Art n Halle alley, and th e Sun Valley Ccnter ( contnue n Wendell. Bn Breakfast wll be served fro from 7 Gallery n Kelchum. 1. ~ ra.m.to noon altbema M asonlctem p!feoorthd : * S tr «r A lm n m ly T ) fcad a r concert wll be held at2 pjn: p Dun ; n lean dal ho s clo necome 2 s b a c k n th e cty parc, and a dance daj wll be held a t 9 p.m. n tha lu 10/T?sday ByW AKATSU SUNODA p n so rto fclo n e 0 ofa man named A f l s d & * e re ; ssw rter \... Ttnwnn [g a r a c t e f l n UT eofpa"u e une. the Smoke Shop n Jerc lerome. N early 20 yea /ears ago Frank H erbert. 7/Ss Saturday. j Esew hebe.aj!, a young grl named L.. burstonthesc: sclscctlon scene wth. Sheeanaj w hose 0 seem ngly has thean d v elsm p ly ( called Dune.," whch JEROM E F ast Forv orward, a varetyu ad. wll play 1 1[/Wednesday A ablty to comn nu m and a n t to ld th e sto ryofaplanetof o f th at nam e. at9p.m.atthew oodcafe afe and Lounge n Jerome. sandworms, whch wt some beleve to ThcplanetWW z asonthevergeof JE R O M E TheFox dance band wll play at 9p. be gods, s also sogrowg ngup.»p.m.pt dehydraton, andthenatlvesdealt JE R O M E T h e F o x X dl dance band wll play a t 9p.m.m. a t hesm okeshppnjero ferome. And M other xsq>erorof"bene Su.w lththeproble lembywearng thesm okeshop o Jerom me. e 1 ancent school of m ental tlaj hat enabled them t o t o g, o o y rw la m th e rb bodym c olstureandllve K6CHUM,..The. Her yertagewestbrassqulntetc o tr a te w c U h serotwaletdany: «J ~ th e B akken Strng Quarte u le t wll perform a t &p.m. a t y, t turns out to be... Ths*Bcarcly< tyofwaterlnevltably Gessert, an Church of the B l g v )d n Ketchum. (Tckets. $5? ea a S r TWN F A L L S Tne h Twn F als Cty Band wfl { h an w flltln g fo r. produced a unlq nlque culture, ahd Books...! a n d p h y c t ace avalable at Chapter ter,one. Bookstore n Ketchu hum free concert at 8:15 p. p.m. n the cty park bandsh shell n H erb ert s descr e novel s so full of... G em na rtfn Haley. :y, the Sun V alley Cen S Twn M s..., scrptlonofeveyaspect sblejargonofh erbert s.. oftw o n h lm av, awards and acwt Unfortunately, t G allery n Kelchum. t t s m poble to m ake f o U o n g o ffy. TWlN F A U :jmusc M ans. The book becam e : ~nohngworth,w M an" wll hp n r n ;ofltw thoutstudyng Besdes, the no p KETCHUM The.Klp Kp Attaway Band wll play y a gj 9.8:15 p.m. a t the Fne he A rts C enler a t the Colle l p e f su b g en reo 7 eo v c v c w r : p.m.atw hskeyjacque3( es on M alnstreet n Kelchum. L.... Southern daho. The e p ecologcal scence 1 lncom prehensbl perform ance s sponsored 1by b the fcton. nventon that. Kmberly Stake of th( the LDS Church. Tckels.,W$ for.snce then, tht 0 w t ants to begn from the theauthorhasw rtten TWN FALLSTTeG e G: am blers dance band wll Dlav pl or students, are avalable at Crc "Hcjretlcs, lke the others,: any sense out ofl rowley sequels, Dune Messah." 1 wever, can n o w. so. "Chldren t9 rm ra td o rts * B a rntwlnlalb n. 5 DrugTfoundsBaayrTu nearlv as mpressve asth eor Tuckerlum behm dkdsclou 1th tbe publcaton of m p e r o r o f D u n e. Twn F als; Hendrcksc :Dunel.nthes$nse.thathec Dune.".. :kson Sew lnc cnter nuerome ne. and nqw com es the f he p u b lshttressued tb e W E N D E L L O n Saturday, r July 7, a s p a rt of tho 7 7=f, Sounds Easy n Klmb< effth,"h eretlcsof new spectacular jnght of fmag Anyone \rtmwj mberly. For reserved tckets, le " g l o s s y of term s ; : P u n e." As the book opens. the ghnl s. s not begnnng, howev A nnver sary t elebrahon, an. a breakfast w llje eld tn 7 a.m. to noon at the loofo F Holl on West Ave. A; a ten :ennls etejsnoheretcs, tbpp...tournam ent wll be hel< held a t the c ty p a rk and McGnns Parc; a kds s parade wll be held a t 10; 13/Frday dahoo Falls hos sts battle oj agnaton, orgnal "D une" nln " t a... a n d a ll bands...a.m.; th e Wood R ver G G range wll hold a shootout )ut a t... O F W daho Falls h as sur sum m er, each of the lol.cltles untty. Bands, 6ollect n 77 10:4S a.m.; the m an p arade wll be held a t l l a.m.. ; lt h e JE R O M E T h e F ox o x dmce band wll play at 9 p.: p m. a t 3 as one of the 101 ctes audtons au( wll have one wnner *7777. F u rther n... K w anls wll hold a fsh 1 fry fr; a t noon n the cty p ark; c; the t the Smokeshop n Jeron rome.* natonw de to 0 h host the fourth annual partcpate pa n 10 regonal fnals A m ercan Legon horsesh eshoe tournament wll be held at "W ld Turkey yf country ay halso be obtaned by r Battle of Country the October. ndsley Ave.,. Nashvlle, 12:30 p.m.; free entertan anment wll be held n the jccl lty T W N FA Ll Musc Ml Man wll be present) m e d a l B ands" compeu )ehuon.,..!s holdng ; BntUe or Counll parc from t to 5 p.m., an oldtme style show wll be 5held hc 8:15 p.m. a t the Fne ne A rts C enter a t the CoHej ] Rules and regulatons fo e r each to Nashvlle a l 615; ber 2, each of tbe 10 ra t 1:30 p.m.; a frem en s beer b arrel conl& t, a bea jeard Southern daho. The e perform pc ance s sponsored b flh,local audlllo, lons wll be held begn nt n te re ste d n audtonng are Edsdurlnfe a formaton nay Ulsts.wll com peten judgng, and the beef raffl affle wll be held a j 3 p.m ;; anc and a Kmberly Stake of the LDS Church. Tckcts. SJ f.. nng Thursday y a at the Matacjor Lounge a at t MatadorLounge wrtng 50 U nh. nds a t the natonal f n a r fre e s tre e t dance wll be 5heldat9p.n?. adults and $3 for stud tudents. avalable a t Cro a nd w ll contnue one nght a week for m ay be obtaned by contactl: Tenn, jy Johnny Lee and Lane Drug, Sounds EJasy, Tucker Lum ber and Klds Cloth thesln flvcconsecutke ve.aqe.kst thaendf Spero.vlce.presldent of Wld for bands. On Novemljer W E N D E L L T h e Cour Ounly Fever B and wll play / aa t 9 Twn Falls. Hendrlckso kson Sewng C enter n Jerome; avauable regonal tlnallsl ; p.m. at the Stver Spur nwv enddl. ~ Sounds E asy n Klmbe n b erty.f o rre serv tc k e ts. ts, c a ll l. B9976, o r Nashvlle, Tenn. j q2j:q37jd tlr[ny the alter emoon. :tln g J a c k to be hosted by J. 8/S Sunday M d Turkey Brody. TWlNFAELS Th{; The Sw lnng S x te s n c er a u b wll hold a publc dance mce at 830 p.m. n the loof? 1Hall, G O O D N G T he Goodlj odng Basque Pcnc wll be held hc 235 Thrd Ave. E.. Twn Twl Falls. Musc wll be by the. a t 1 p.m. n the West P:»art.ln a r Goodng. Actvtes wll Floyd Whte Band. r o nfve lu m FU JN Ml UN( H m r B, LEAR NNC MundbLto., G y Q. u r J b e a r t s x c: t you order the Al:PVn = StlTlQmn n u a l Ctttlege > We serve! y o u l o t s o f m o :ontentwhenyo s sh q t > V a c ato n ffllets, l hot n he, L e a r t y d a L c h o j d a h o S ta teul n v ersty f = ± : e o l l le g e : Pocat atelloj L French r fres and d c r e a m y c o l e sst l and flaky fsl a t SU JulvJL6 L6 19..,: : J X Andwedo o n t s t o p a t t r s)wder,golden l g o... "J j b... Dack for seconds d s, t h r d s, f o u r t ;law.. ] F n d s o m e t hhng r you lke from 116 workshop offer erngs, ncludng reflls are on. us. S. :. sts you can gc ~ 39lcrrc cfldren a g e s 4 4 yrs. ; and younger w ~ : Skpper s 3 A l l Y o T e a n E E ths or rrore. Th< 28 for all a g es n a r ts and c r a f ts rr realandweser e r v e t e v e r y d a j " 15 on 01 o utdoor actv tes 3S a n d p h y sca ftn e s s 4 o n m usc St 3top by today. latrt alram BaHrQlc rttvorksttop l y T D f t h e r w e e l c Plus29 add jdtonal w orksto lo p s. Sam ples are a to u ch of the e orent, make your ow n MTV Vdeo, breakng ng, how to buy a W m hom eeomp u te rp w h a tk n ghtsw ere?eary H k e rm a g c a n d w tchcraft,, selfesteem an d m any m any m ore. e. Vecatlon College s M onte C arlo Nght wll b be hedtuesday, f,: r July 17. Day ly c are wll b e aval alable fo ra m odest 5st cost. A tte n d a n c e " s w thprasses. s. A day p a s s s $7.00 an d a full Alalay. Eve 1 = E a t = w eek p a s s ; : s $25. R e g straton t for V acaton n C ollege b e g n Ss Ju ly 9 1 3! c at th e A lum n H ouse, 554 S. 7th ;h from 8:30 a.m. 3 p.m. For more nform atonn call or.2;.r Blue Lakes Blvd. Mo ryday. 1 Block South of The Lynwood Sho DAH fostat t C w m m n f zdfttcuthm l JU L Y TE UNVE <nra~nd «n4 $uwa ERSUX umacrsntlaa. ~ : L lorth loppng Center rg l e....: :

13 M us Contnued d lro r m P a g e B l M u re performances, the schedule Jels n e te r, Haley,pe perform ers, the a s folo )ljows: B akkeo Strng Qua uartet and the. dlence th a t heartl the tl group at Tral Satu tu rd ay, July 7, 8 p.m. Pre P rt H ertag e West Brass5 CJuntet. Creek. T here w ere c t tut) standng ova> sbytcrl 43ranChurch of the~b godd "odd. T ts a r e $ 5 f o r e al c a c h o h n a n c e tons from th e crowd wdof650. l50m ore W arm n Sprngs Road, Ketchum. Per and can be purchased n advance at people than there! were w prnted tck formle er r s, the BaUcen Strng ( a rtet, t Ue C hapter Book SU Store and the Sun ets," sad JacquelUn!llne Schuctt of the th e He Hertage West Brass Quntel an( and V alley C enter Gallery 7 n Ketchum. at Sun Valley Center, er. "t s almost a Ja y MMauchley, a pano and organ. G em n A rt n Haley ey. and X Lbra certanty th at we l vell t>egln future Mom anday. July 9. and Wednesday day. Book Store n Sun Vall dley. Consderng festvals wth a late nftemoon con* Ju ly, l 8 p.m., both a t thethe Open pera the sellout for lhe frs rst performance, ; c ert. S cluettsad.. House, 3e, Sun Valley, same program n a; as t s strongly recommj n a M lh a l Uck Saturdr d a y els be putchasfdjma lv a a f t r hey Z For uosc who* ma nay wsl to attend SunB naaytjujy u p.m. the LBcftj erty may notbeavallableat a j J h e r. S h a k m Contnued d lfl m P a g e B l,. dence re that heard tha group at Tral ral. Monday, July 9ar and Wednesday. C reek. There were two standng ova )va J u ly n,8 p.m..b o th aat the the Opera, d o w h at.h e.n amle e mples, 1 play, n./ lons frc from the crowd ol 650," 150 more lore House, SunValley, sa lame program as : people s cham bers. s. Translaled. that people lhan there werc prnted tck ck S aturday. m eans any la rg e room n the house, e ts, sad Jacquelne Schuetf of the Sunday. July 15,8 p.m. the Lberty >.r The wealthyoftgn 1 kept house m us Sun Valley C t e r. t s almost L s a Theater, Halley perform ers.thc j clans n leu of hrng ng a full symphony certaln,lnt ty tfa rw e f begn future ure B akkenstrngq ua) arte t a n d t h e. toertertalnthelrgues jucsls. festval! >als wllh a late afternoon con :on H ertage West Bras.sQ julntet4. Wllt f all lve m u s c c e r t /schuersoa; S T ckets are J5 for eac ach performance Ju n o r were from tje Salt Lake area, F o r those 11 who may wsh to attend and c a n be purchased d n advance a t r Q Tlomton sad; Four of us are. How future G performances, p the schedule e s s the C hapter Book Sto tore and the Sun G alsjeans ever, th e tu b a player p s from a s follov lows: V alley C enter Gallery lonolularw hch dote y.lnlkctchhm..at Select group by. makcltthfflcult SfllUh Urdy. jm y V, a p.m. Pre Cemlnl A ru n Haley, y, and X Lbra Bll Blass. C alvn Klen lo arran g e practces. sbyterla ran Church of the Bg Wood, od. Book S lore n Sun Valle lley. Consderng and others. JThe H ertage «ro u p m a y n o l W a mrsprngsr oadrk elchum rper er th escllourfoflht flrs t performance. R cg:o$55:00 practce togetler lhal h often, bul t form ers ;rs, the Bakken Srng Quartel. lel, 11 s strongly rccomme: nended lhal lck wasn t apparent (o 0 the tl overnow au th e HpH :edlage West Brass Qnlpand qnr pt«; tw» [n T Q 9 9 J a y Mlauchlcy, a pano and organ.....maynotj)eavaloment. ntjhcjpo.l H Z N Tdbts e espearee G erm an Kaf.>r Wlhelm Wl ned to = = st h e? je u re «an a 3 u n 98 : M ore lhan a mlllo lllon Brtons lned ateblttl nohj (he.streets of xjndbr or flov to.. vew the /uneral processlon n of the Lz C laborne DukeofW ellngton. at the OUTC DOOR NJN j l Sportsw ear J A R B D G E. N E V A D A S e >electgroupo(sprng& h.. The Unted States tes " a n d P a n a m a SUn um m er s p o r t s w e a r. sgncdt nre. rynw 1903vJltch a g ra n te d the Unte< S tates rlj r lg lls jo hjlc lhe... Panam a Canal. DEEPPT BEEF ( PARB QUE M,jytY * M T z l< /3 Off~ n 193G. Germ any and taly re : 35 : 0 0 P. M.» 3 " t l v ve e M ustc Frl. & S at. Ng g h t s C E 3! l 2 X j L n?" A f v y S W WH leetl 3 NAV u VEE r* K v PusJW SOLnxa! 5 S h * p. jystthttdarr Rec eg. $ N l C tlearanc)e Ngw J L ades JJunor l. Sportsw e! z z G * Tops hu Pam n g Tnena jal Pant: nts Now 7 L ades D re sse s S.elecU td U D Sze96o0: 1/3 Off Jl Jum jjsuts SUVV rer. CONTNUES All M en s & M en n s & Boy s Boys Syyn m w ear O P Shorts A Ladle s s & Boy! t s J u n or G; als Jack( :kets Swmwes kor ~ tg n 4verg Vs Of t>eec group. Vs Of All K ds Swm w ej Vs Of Grt s D resses W b l u for or..jur J u n o r g &, S ] sn [a n M h ru sj sze 14. by Vllage ager. S elect grc group. 1Vs Off Vs Of 1 f Frday, July Tmos meandws, Twn Falla, daho V3 3Off verghlsum m ef. T...M ckctsb) sbyor. Rog. $31 B 31to$45 Now. LUE LAKES MALL., byglora V anderbll. S zes 77 to 1( 1 4. R eg. $26 to $29 Now 1 7 «M en s l s Jacke kets. > a r H sum m er jack "a ets by OP, London 1 Fog. a nd P en W est.. S lz e s S &M, & f Reg. $ 41 5l( 10 $55 ~ N o w, 209 ~ ta d le e s Sporl )rtsw ear Ff 1/3 3 Off Z r.. ; y t r w >1 ~ \ S J S portsw ear Junor Gal ] ~ Terry) rycloth ~ OP S p o n s\ ;w ear Tabt > b v vaustln:h&.whll/hlle S ta g. J Va Off Entre Stock. F arm ers jrs M arket" pattern 2 c olors. Szes S 52x52 to. 60x84. ~ Reg. 2 lc yaro l w < $21 AlN N O U N C h NG CACTUS 5 P E T E S. GR \EAT HONDAGV AWAY. Lac ad es Sp( portsw ear by Kc Koret.,. S elec ect group. Vs Off W e re gv lvng aw ay a th reew h eleled Honda ATC three h; nghts a w e e k a t J Cactus P ete e s Report Casno. f TeryTtTOT hotsdayrfrday an d S u n d dc wy drdw thrffe aek5 y.w= jnncrs. A t V p.m! ve a w/ay a y $250. At 9:30, $500. }. ya nd a t 10 o clock, a Hon londa ATC 200S. All y o u have a t6 d o to w n s pck u p an entry.blank n th :he e casno, b e c t least 21!1 y e a rto ld ;3nd n c b e p r e s e n ta t tt>e dra\ rawng.entrcs a rc vald thn j g.. rough S unday evcnnps; s o a n e n t r y Cc early n th e w e e k gves s you th ree ch an ces to wn n that week. E n te r thle e < G reat H onda Gveaway /ay a t Cactus P e te s R eso)rt rt Casno. A n d g e t o u t o W a e k p o toor5whecs, R V u Q C tu! spet«p Sell jelccl group. 4 f e» p f t p f p r f f y p y r ttngrfxntnglyang f ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ a c kcpoxsevadat p Lades P urses Vs Off All L ades s Hats Vs Off G als Knt * Wern f s ~ Tank Top Poplr ln S lacks. Rog. $7.00 Now 3 M en n s Walk k S horts B elled Sh shorts, byfarah. ah. jj Reg. $18 8 to $ 2 1 = = o w = Szes 3 0 to 4 2 w a s l. R eg,.to$3( $30.00 N o w. y = =

14 : F rank and! JErnfest : THS ApTae ft t h a t j h a k k ppe W P F T H E f lst f y g» c M A F t r K A p c T s T y A U W A Y J W A J tt h e P P J T a Tt T H f. r t h e w a p m t h.... Al..H Q yss,j f o H e e p p g r A E A r, g u o t e m T H g f ~ T 7 H r a r fr r d E o s " epb P fe.?rs63flr/»npsee m J A V e V T W E a,w R E T T H??l R y ~ X R ( 5 0 ln ( S o v e r! ; : KeEPl PlUaPcrrAUOpTTO TO. l J ~ ~ j \A; R E T H v? y ~ m H\ C c H o M E < 5 e n s T <? ~ S M V a T o t POTHBMTocARRYr " CARR> R y T H e 0 A & T H A r " N TMl ne SA 6S OP \OUD6 ru B COa(!e0!* &ROC 3CERESFROM1 / S r S m N * ; Tl THE CAB ~ n C j H E Z S d BroomH( lda r. LOOKT ft.u.w wt T p o n t U e M v e e:p p,,o R «E le HA«SHE E WA«V LUNH N l ANP / Q e a w e e! J k n o k p r o v e p tc TO BE A FU E h er r NOE NTHE PROPEU T! «0 U W E O OF CHEAP PUT t: l A T B lt m eu fcf O ep! = ; =goa H agar WM G aso ln e y e y Thsafesnhgr*?j! S j e S >», t U t4 tlt5 S O oullcftaxl/ltax 01 : \0uttaourwau;«oufoo, G arfeld. / J U M P T H R O D G,.. L t h e h o o r p olokv o h ) TheBornfco. / VJHATOJA. Daly crossu/on 5 3 : :, P 3 = }=p= j!!=s=: s j t : S E ~ t : s H 5t >? W Tm esnew s. Twn ln Fas, daho. Frday, July 6,1984 r o Horrljle n o t t b u srl J a t o u c h W 0 j S V E 5! S E 2 3 j ~ k JGH / HEV.<5A l A T S J l O s e r pavre / f f o m c s 5 M E S S,0 1 A Y?/W O jta R P le L R \ f S HAPPENNG? / M PR E T E N P N S } f TO TEA CH / < ( n \ PO O K V ) r! r 7 ~ t : T o A T A L E C T TWO C T 1 B S ", \ r M AH.M MOTMUCH ( RfAPT TRAVELOf?UgS MVSELP u ACROftaf tfts T 29 O n ed g e 49 ln< ndan 20Yaloman 1 T h lcltallc. allco 3 3 P a a s o v o r SO N( Nonconlorm 22 Played a Q. How m any U.S. Navy L.M women a re qualfftd to r r S Conor r 34 Fam ly sl stsolb part Boyd fly jels, m ultlenglnedarc arcraft and helcopters? hnghthoc hood m om bon kl knd 24 Dvng A. Eghty, a l last report, jort. And 13 of them a re on ~ a S lnflor a b b r ;. 5 3 rnentha apparaua actve duly as helcopterpl rpllots. 35D lsav ow» 7 * C c ~ <. >,n r r r 12 l»fdanco 36 Dary le llauro 26 Lulol alovo h a t s TTWaTno 37"S5Hfoa STH* HTSElom 7 Onotlme CESARANS ;s. toppor 39 Take to 60 m mago W m bledon. llot couflec lj...o ne out n T rhflhlfshp w\ 4 a t sccoaboutm ow sm by: 16 0 eo p b>luo tu o 40 Knttng 62 All Alamos 28 Mouths; Lat. cesaran. n 1946, one Would you descrbe out of 50 w as so delvered. state 30 Amorcan as "degradng" lh al vehcle.why U schange.?.asks.acll j 18 Chrlstmm ac as 42 O n as (oks 63 n LKelamo Japanese "k n d w n asu e rckshaw aw?certany. contendof~ nclenl.ltjsafer.foru e.. dw lo r. Or so says a m f f l song 4 3 R o a.o l horsos 31 Sto. fcals n ndas Calcutt :utta. Theyve, burned 18,000 xllcal le researcher. W hat Ue pbsletrclan fears most, 19 C asno } B russola 64CChurch h, Mare lchshaw s so far. The men who pull Uem., thl U lsauu o rly n ler Js fguros the m alpractce sul, 44 A djust soats 32O lrge... however,don t feel allth 1 Uat degraded, sayng t s n alu rlpp p 3? y< n n n o r. 4S nolll... f)o Bep. a knd )ck Holmes dd not smoke a r Bg Bon 6S Opp. to 35 Teeth ol? a lvng." Or words to that fe c t. A mssonary Conan Doyles Sherlock hlv t»nt<vr (tp ~ rlnfcckhw fdub u n c D " SS~ :T 3m vrr37ussfm m go. ln J a m an d o lh ep 4)paj«rUuuuu:v«dstemK Tnopwcar a d eers talkerb or carlo0 47 Placo lor. 38 Par ol msslonnrlcs popcarlze zed ll throughout SouUeasl cap. But W llam Gllette s Sherlock Holm es dd.! 24 Ponon1 a lodge DC DOWN Sl hr. Asa. To convey godllnesj less, presumably. G llette was a lumofu»<entuy a c to r who «25 Stlnglnoa lo s s button 1 F«Fsh 41.Dofl5at adapted Ue Holmes stores for the Amercan Nowwyw now nnta to< dfewelglt should f o r g e t: SWgt; : tdayt Pu»ta Solved: 3 Op Dpora song 43 01slloum> f you wegh 140 poundsn dsoujnm a calore per ll m nute weyou steeper gont 45 ntorwovon p and a calore and a half M r Why truckers n elhn e e ro aa;teet h ao ad ed : F T f f f l F m s 5 SStans l 46 Dovourod mnute whle you walch :htv, tan k er truck rollng down vn U Ue freew ay? F g u re t s t r E w r ff T R" s j r j e Bn 3rewngald 48 Annoyanco. about 42 Umes as heavy y as Uat lltue subcom pact o y d 7 n nanoc 50 P artola To buld a hgjway brk brdge, fgure aboul $6,000 a c ar n front of ll. =ppp s rlm m w w l S H F u u vewoy * lastoner fool,, p / f n 5 m R 8 P=>osl o 51 Comprohonxchange slon state banned Ue pesuclde s T Wle Ue Unlled States u t 5 S D u B ««( T s 1 f r E r u : n 9 U.lyplant h mont ACUPUNCTURE DDT, ll saved Ue lves of r mullons of m osqutoes, Start*?5gE)etffmBton=: Loo. M alara s on Ue rse. e. ~QrWhonvcnlcd Ual tave S3 StuM a L.Orental mcdlcal treat* «S f f r f f B Rj CO rontldence 54 Revorborate, m enl c a ll acupncllr rct = Fur. w hskers, fleece,, brsues, qulls theyre Jcurry. 55 Portal A, Chnese solders ofs. )f S.OOO years ago. accordng all har. tf s. edtegend. VVhencvcnoly s f c f f l f B l p l f f & sec copoor S9 Bunyarrs sllghuy w ounded*arn arrows. Uey realzed Uelr >611 mnelor e blado A ddress m al to L.M. 4. Boyd*ln ] c a re of tb pther aches and pans dsappeared. Dew>aper. ; GEMf.{May21 to jue re 2 T T rl VHGO (Aug. (A 22loSept. 22)fyou SA G T T A llu S (No. 22 l6t)ec.2l) PSCES (Feb. (Fel 20 to M arch 20) You set up appolnlm ents for plc leasurcu at cooperate more m wth fnancers you Beng wllh as m any frend ds as possl understand 1 now how to m ake your lly Horosccope Vwll ld your sprts. Com( me to a fne can add consderably oc lo present ble who can be of assstanc nee lo you s surroundngs more attracu ve aod a roement wllh your ma nate n the asse ts. Your u r Judgment s not so Bood wls&lqdny.behnddy \. c h a rm ng and evenfnb s h o m d g e t busy enrty as the sun sets. CAPRCORN (Dec. 22 l( lo Jan. 20) on lhat.. MOON CHLDEN (June me 22 to July LUA (Sej G EN ERA. TENDKNCl Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You a re NCES: The know how to jo make Ucm work well n 2.. Gan { Ue favor of hgherup ups and the F YOUR R CHLD C S W R N T 21) Get busy at mprov ovng home hghly magnc gnetlc loday and can cheer d ay tm e s excellent for yon yo to get n Ue fulun*.?. Much care n drvng s affars publc \ n general by dong J some s work DAY...he o and Uen do some er r sh ahe wll be one who can entertanng others up and touch wth whomever you want to be needed, nd gan ther help for some well. \ S tale y our wshes and d don t keep m press ouers. at.1 abode n the evenng. v cntureyouh lers favorably because of a u have n mnd. t... assocated or olledwtthlh n Ujfc dys TAUHUS< thfemboluedup. cooperauve S <Aprl 20 lo M a y 20J B e...! :0 (July 22to Aug: 21 l)b e c o o SOHPO! nature nal and Ue ablty to 0 ( O c l.a o Nov. 21) You nlead and to come to a new gwandtxtter alcrl to wjol otever.s exp«of you perah p.aquarus {Jjm. 21 to Feb. 19) Get be precse, vew lhjcffllar allc llfk hnd ls/» f.t rf>nl?f» yt so so 1 be sure to gve a lne : : ~ u» d o rstaw > lfa4dth l> cm1, : your.ptvaulw sbc Lvou n to n cw p ro jcctsd u fln l V U n w M f y l o W ) f anysparc educalon, Tea< ftr"jmljnujl n jahl ululr work; pursuethctnl r e a c h n «to be.sm «h~ g> v nrlrraqucl ajotdplomanc f A lle S (M arc 21 to Aprl Wl Stu. pnf mot; te ou t >c ):hy later.j p tm e and m ake new conlac Sets of real recluse and lo F o tje tjh.l, prvale a.wlc lely and.lx. faslon. Tako : to m ake frends wbo a re ; r ctm traclfl m adew llh parukrunl paj,ue «ay. ko no rsks ulh a srang, worth. «Set up an appontme nent for Ue worthw hle whf who can h» nf fontrtnt«. f fu tu re r o flm o rh e ru r Uroughout U eyeaxs,r?. t j; r n H v m z B e e tl Crtt < O s } 0 > Q S h o t e h m C m m $ "FETTUaHALFffCO, ~ " v,* % / r M R 1» tc O K m k T A l l. ro s s E P S M J P w T H OfCOURSB, :s,t S A.t. 1. f l y MTHEaW j m m u n m m e 54M E «N.. ] j SNS,pePTEA,...ANP Sl R3&1CNCKBMPK.* V A n d y W k z : r z... B l o n c L " W P e a n z a r d o f d t l e B a l e y > l y C a p p \ r l n J 3 v THE13E luts rsr]5 S 3 : S & L J M A V B Ef V w e SHOULD ~ Y /! 5 e T A 55PE ll A SJOlf=Jg~S E C r ONj / \ ~ f { 3 7 = M O y T 1 1 \ Z F > C U R e V :v\cndert<j4 ACj.BEASLEy... S ksmaj! A c< 7s7oT sow 5E ANYTHNG ONE OP C TMOSE JELLY LUC rcan coo POR VDL» OOUG JGNNUTS HE WAS.?. EATN NC5 WHENJ * >.. HE LE / s, l J W 7 u j Z B Z! 1, r j Y c n J HESPB " P E N D S HALF H S T M H S V y to rfo N B y W O / O THER HALC M J T 1. c : 50WE d a y s v 6 u LU(D<rN T O T H N G S r / c l o u d s "m N K?1 ; r. j 3 ; * llll

15 r n t E R * = T hle e F ler Hlffl~Sch o o rclasst rofts53754 and 55 wll. hold a reunon tod «d ay and Saturday a t Canyon S p rn g nn, 1357 Blue L akes N.,T w ln F alls. a An nformal socal hour WT sschedfled a t 7 p.m. today wth a banqu quetat6;30p:m :S aturw f6u followed by a d a. P o tlu c k o ffered f o r sn : g les TWNPALLS 1 Magc Valley C hrstan Sln Sngles Wll bold a potluck pcnc and famnly lj nght Saturday a t Shoshone h a FaUs. Persons., attendng shbuld d mn eet a t 5:30 p.m. a t A lberts rtson sp a rc ln g lo tto c a r pool. Brng a cover tfered dsh and table servce.. MW ore.m ornform alon W o m en 1 tosaluteatan erca TWNFALL) Salute to A m erca" wll Vlll m an Womens Club m eetng a JtboHoldaynnrEl: ln K h an d R u th farrarw tlh st JoyceC rlder, Cald aldwell, wll speak. Call Dorm ) tn a * L O T 7», or. D orothy J&mes, , for reservatons. ~"L fe=savl l n g c l a s s s c l; h e d u l : TWN FALLS 5 A class on adm nster terng cao p u lm o n ary TesusctattFnonrj n r tq lls d ld rtn wll De rft H e a f l T n r H o n a r n the m aternal/chld unt at Magc Valley Reg egonal Medcal center. B rth n g room o renta t to n s e t T W N F A L L S y A brthng room orentaton on wll be held a t 7 p.m. M onday n th e set second, floor conference roc room at Magc Valley R egonal M lc a J C Center. The fm s $5 for ths ys.slnglbcass.desgded fo r p a n t s and ther support persons who wj wsh to use the brthng room. P artcpants nta m ust preregster b y calur llng between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mon rlondays through Frday. f e TMESNE E W S. n a r s f F F n.adverts P H N t t t e y l f e p p e M [ a s s e s K o l d r e g l 1 j L = = = : m p s leutoh..1 : a UMER SKATNG * 4.t»apo>, T H E m D O P E N 7 d a y s O P E N e t4 5 * S T A R T 9 :O C 4O M SEU B S ] DAtV7T00*925 D W l M 3 Q l)9 ;2 5 f S b k a. j ; SAL r.s U N.3 :1 5 5 :2 0 7 ;2 5 f ;...! ;. f e v r WbEthelaujhauo job dm :.cant tadle...they eyneed 3 a amanoutsdetlb t e l a u. ~ 5 ; E 2 EH /gl 2 s F O R T H O F Y O. augtt hlnrtheecrefrtc rtokarate4rn 7 fostpowerfdnflls lsfet H tk pardhhsft. e ~ " = = ~ L E C E :ndx)eallswg :...N ou n trthards. NEWADVENTUR p S : ;,C o n (c o le d ntjc hc cnymcrtns r r *.. r Khalm Cl) lc% (he m buprcnu L K j ~JOfO n\ n ly o c n a n d o n a n ;, ; bu uuu )JJnd(l [(jcjt... W ho,lhlpolvcf lorccover. 1 H jmm llllllll0lj)dtf 2nd WEEK! / ; 1... H " f w y r Frday, Ju ly C B M 5ERE/«Y )UR LFE! VV e F s E S 5 r E T B nfflact flm jb w a.l w lo f a llb. d a h o M oph NM1..TU8S. r * J. D ALY»OOONlY, g H T ; ; / v ; s e e P belw!. W chalfengc.fotfhccannol.1 7. capture (ht; Horn n lrtr. r theuorldvllbcplutyrd A R no D V m B F s C H WW ARZENEGGER JS E E M rs T H SPECAL ADVANCE SHOW M C OF A M AJOR PCTURE O N SATURDAY NGHT D A K O SEE NDANA JONE COME TO NDANA JO N tr JNBOTHTOWMSOH SAT. AT»>18ANDSTAYT0 jm ry h tsg rc a :, nto eternal darh>es....~ 259:30 ~ j Q j S Q 9... S f j T h e l. S Y L V E S T E R " t o P 1 1 y S S g twn g g Knockout Com DALY 7 :1 0 9 :2 0 e< *y D O L L.Y SAT.SUU N. 2 :4 0 2 : s 0 5 ; :1?09;20 0!;) :. O N B P AR T O Can a tough New wyork cob dver betxjnedn nto an overnfght ;H.. aansdtlonly PbJ=CR:ountty=gtl@= from Tenressee?t«3rd p3 BG b " W E E K E n f j ~ 7 n. \ J : f S M C A L C " W E W l y t> v l ACCEPT DSCOUNTS W NFATON " %?.*r F!CHTEK tfj. L. HUJRVNOS, % 6 SOON w *" Mnd tha r7 :0 0 J *! ls a M " M m L j n r. u a h 44$7s00 HARRSC ORD, DAr VTOO lat.sun. 2 t J dventure has a ne, t must be ra danajones; w S c. J :. PM. he dance ) tl floors back at the Hc Horseshu :: CasnonJaekpot,4Mtt4v6rhtko lckngusg for your fancy y footwork. There s evenaspecal prceonc vdrnksdurr ng the veek, a and a $1.95 buffet at the Horseshu lo keep you gong. So step on nfo r the Horseshu for som e hot rtnkq gnnh fnnh anr la s t ] Nevadaacton. n. Now playr /ng n the W estern Saloon S... ta p N McG xlllcudd\ EB. Tuesday aysunday 9 pm Za m 3 J [ SaO Mu j U J U Q t f l K s B B S M SB T Zack <!nblolry pj,. r B gong A B ftst *omelhlr J 8 P G dllfb l.sa T.SU N. :4 S «S T A R T 9 :0 0 fltrsnr* f tpe Ha w jsp E S a,. K 5? y a n n p e D K tsfflf m "d e s t n e d t o b e t h e YEARS " N o b o dly y k n e w v h e r e h F c o f h1 e 0 f r o m. Dur heww o s r h e b e s t r h e / d e vfe rs r: e e n. DALY 7 :0 0.9 :1 5 SV.S U N. 2:004:30 7 :0 0 9 :1 5 W M j... \ ; : H O R S E Jackpot, Nevada. k ESHUG/S SfN d j r LG NO l PUS H V H S T E V E N S P B L B E R C P r e s e n ts OWNTSSthJWEEt E K d p FRDA YTN GOOD DNG 13 = P NFULLDOLB LBY STEREO ATTHETWN CNEMA " E. naw Tato»tM m >rt.nj..ar:; y, FU..TUES. s. M 0 «V N)Nyj l g S M : : lsa!.v..> 1 R e y n o l d s D o m U e L u S6» D e a n M M a r t n * S a m m y D a v s, J r ; j T h o p o p c b m V f c f.tf a n d S N r l e y M a c L a l n e < J H R s E ms,. 7 S / l l O H f tc n e n. 4 B o n t TOW NS v ~ ~ ~ DALY 7 :209:30. 7! j A T. S UUt N.1 2 :5O 3:0& 3n07: : 3 0 ~ 7 : Z 3 :; S S S f e T O

16 lanemba 5y 11 skof nra B4T 1m fls N ew s.t wrwln lr F a ll, d a h o ;F rday,jul) )uly6,1b84... W o M r a e c F rth sklls day t DEAR ABBY: So: you thnk y o u v e r H H. h eard t au? WeU. pc please dont m ake a. (ace o r roll your e> eyes up nto your heod when you fnd dout 01 w hat 1 want. Pm Abgal F s shf ry F rst off, am no 10 dummy, but there VanBuren1 Choce ol C odr Halfaul.scallops or Deep ep Fred Shrmp. a re tm es when 1 th Ulnk am. There J,. ncludos Sal alad Bar. Ffonch Fos, Hot Rolls. m ay be others wbo ho S]ffer from the Dear Abby/ C o m b ln a to n D n n e r.t T..... san\b problem. f 5 P.M. Untl 10 P.M. Lso. vou m av prnt : ths, but for heaven* ens sake don t use J t o & A c u j v y r,, m y n am e. S A R T P E H P L E X E D rv es rmlany h :.... am a 22yearod old m arred woman ust as do m any of the men Wwh h o. w ho sa b so lutey ly stupd! calleduem J fy o u suspecltha Ual T com es U) m a tm «can count money,,, fancee s stll n busness,, ask asl and f tace m y tme m e lc a n llg u re o u t? agan, and dont take a smle efor how much to tp, but l( m n a bg swer.. h a rry } draw a com] D m pleteblankl R c cently went to a sale w here all nwrtaendse was marked mc 25 percent off, and fet kc e a fool because coudn t fgure how w much n d have to pay for a dress marce rkedjllo. 1 dcy M y tf. mow they offer r c classes for people, wtm) arc llterate, e, but how about {l.... peoplew holeed.tol 0 leam m ath.from.!r~zzz th e twttom up? m \ a asham ed to adm t need that cnd of help. (Nobody would beleve t.).. ~ " PENNSYLN kxvanadummy D EA R PRNNS «SYLVANM ; 1 wouldn t call anyone le s a dum m y" who ; 0 g T l 1 1 } recognzes a problen lem and seeks to 1 r t UMU. r a solve t. Call your.cou county departm ent. s of publc educaton f and aj explan your f 9 s H need to eam m athf r from thetx)ttom ". up. nqure about t adt 5 educaton 89SS <. d a sseaflndy r vatgtm problem should be as assmple to"solve a sa d d ln g 2 and2.( ltf t fgures.) l j " " fl./. ; r S r o o N G E r z t 121 4lh A v e.s o.. T T w n F a l l s LvoCountry M u sc p Ml} X EAAOT TONS Monday NlgR j h t;. ; M X EM O TOO N S F DEAtABBXj.vc r o f o lo w y o u r.f at Fanne PantyH fh d se c 6 m m e n ts S S S w th am usem ent and Jd f< feel t s m y d u ly r = to sh a re wllh you oner m o re u se f o r old panty h o s e F a t Fann m n e o ro U e rw se. Va[f = :. cu t the leg port w ru on nto. U u ee peces, and use them le m to tle up rn y tom ato plants. The st tr e tc h y m a te ra l "doesnt bte nto > Ue tj ste m a s th e j)lan tco n tln u esto g row u. 1 = L...l= R E N E le,l rt O L U M B U Sn: DEAR m : Tha m P M ty s e ;>vere created for "tom "to atoes" n Ue frst place. \ s.r :J ) E A R. A B B Y : l!!anmallover! A l/t.z le tte r suggestng ca cauton n gvng dogs,tq.qgw owners t ads brought to mnd la a : story heard. k tten s he answere ered ads readng F re e togood hon: o m e."u p o n n * " t vegatlon,. t w as s found th at he collected kttens to feed to hs pet boa constrctor! H ow can we protcct Mt these helpless creatu res? j ANOTHER :ANM/\L A LOVER $ DEAR LOVER: Nc Never gve more th a n one pet to a person. And before. gvng the "helpless 5 creature away. be su re to tell the pro< jrospectlve owner a Sj A w y o th a t you wll be d;:oppn png by from tme y T tottu losec lowthe thelturt B llow gettng along. l2>,w o9onal C o l o r TV. Whle 111 p lq 8 r :.\ CONFDENTAL TC TO OLDTMER N PASADENA: Befon fore you pul down, th e youlh of today,, read Us; "Our youth now love luxury, ry. ney nave baa m anners, contempt t for authorlt> S lcpbln0,;a ft.4.db tondtuners.;.;w.,l \. they show dsrespect :t for fc therelders a n d love chatlern plac laceso fexerd st They no longerrlsc wh( when elders e n te r... the room.. They cor contradct Uer p arents, chatter befo )efore company,, " ( f e j n gobble up ther food K j a n d tyram jze, th elrteachers. Socrates wrote thal at n Ue ffth ; J U t : cen tu ry B.C. : D E A R A B B Y rm engaged lo a lovely woman, but we wc may have a problem. % 1 % W hen her phone rngs and am p resent, she says, " 1ca anl talk to you v w V ; now, have company ly never "My fance s here." She says the. cal jalers are old boyfrends who Just call ral to talk to ler. nnwn her longer th a n J h ave told m e that fatsheusedto.be \ k \ m acallglr],604asked her f t was true. S H B T tarrb v cw jrstr straght answ er, sh e ju st smled. Now m begnnng ng to worder. nt A b b y.d o calg lrlsevern crm arry? W ;S y tt «m n A > lj/f M C a s! t SSO»tO P E R P L E X E D NM JMUKWONAGO oroqfw}1h 2.;p o o d se m l0 [ o(j u to V...: r t t t w lte r lu rn!o b la 5 p tfa k «r6.y r f FRD AV 1Y SEAFOO OD 1/ A llb A RTON... f W t Y l» 6 * A P P A B H O r u n H. 4 U H. N m m o P M r f l M ark D ejt Julo July 3 J u ly f22 2:......C*lLTO U.»at P E N : 2 4 : H m 9 3 o h v o r t h H R s rtfco K o r d o r f o o rd plo y e r. 9 b r. 4 > B a n d S te ro o R a d o C < R o u r d «r. F e o tu r e s lllut lllum :. \ d o.6colo, LED s t e r e o )n d l.. V ) rb n d b o tt e ndcofor. r 4. s: H p fr.. r r nct 1 s /.» * T p : f e J lt>. a 9» 9 B : " " w a * n r r r f g f t t : V y..., ft U s f t J ; a g u. 0 A 9. v o f l9 \ 7C ; fl<st804 M 1. v e w..v$ y ~ V ".V Twn Falls at B lu e L ak es 19" >" C o lo r T V. S o ld s to fo 0. w th Q u to m o tj c J n o. tu n n g Blocl< o c k m a tr x p c tu r e tu b e.. 9)1 1 C = = s5v C T v :Ba g ], : W «S a nl y o c S t s r e o S y t o m.. «A M l/f M c a s s e t t e d o c k a n d V k t u r n tat a b lo. P lo y a n d r o c o r d.» #GOC n v e » R o g ; MlnlB l B o o k s h o lf S t o r o o. Rec o r d c to n q o r, A M /F M /F M " s to r e o r e c e v e r, d u o L s p o a k *. 1. S o Vv e B R o g.3.a 6 < l l a s g U T o tno o U p ffl j lafaflflll rr R a : b W.... M Y o r x c S t o r o o... A M /F M /M P X * G a s a r t e e c b f < f e f f Q c k R layob r r,. P r o g r o m m c b e tm o r, B o o s t e r E q u a l z e r, S p o ak k oq r s.,# S a v< e t o $ 1 4 \. R o g. tt o $ W r r o n.t j o p h o n o.. o c too n n c lu d o s d o s k o n d \ \ j r r 5 w a l l p h o n o s. Y Tv Y O U \ C H O K»g w * 4 0 g ; M au\de/lf[c./y564bapl., v o * » 9 o rdj a o: P h o n o. W th h /lo w v o u m o c o n tror oll, m u to k o y & A C aoc d o p t e r. f p T # 7 8 9W. 0.. W S W & M S j s B l v d. N. ) T. S A V V C * * T. 6 0 \ \ «sou q t.. j l r a r g t! > Q 8T111 J, a s a a ~ S O r

17 f w G ctty h l u n t n g ff o r rrjr m ph rkches s ByDAVBLEWS K ldc ary g tlt s P "Tnf<Ndw3wter fsneste an d M «m p an c a nj y s W o r d n g = n e com pany has been on the sl furaphand other m l ltu sle and downplays wtho th e a rea H ddellaays.u JOl complyng wth th e je q u su at G etlyalnlerest n the q u ln n e n t,b!a n w e c e lrstc. th e com pany s presence there slo p o e d n lheearlyl880s and lere. says! d, House T ru m p h Mne HALEY Gelty y M 5. (s r n precous and base m e t a l a r lalngco. has.begun... says, have. d say hs s sort of a ve operated off and on hrough routne program,". T rt rumph M nerals, nc o ghoutthe. The p rm ary on ore n th e W ood R ver V a ll! e x p lo ra to y.work.at.t sl th e.o ld T rlu rap h.m n e vhesaysr*; h TO 5palented J rs th a lfo f flh ecentu ry : jnlnln, and lhet rum u. northeast of Haley, a company offu says, ng clam s n the w a, R fnph Mne w as galena ore, a srupcrth ouse,. House G etty has fled the requre says m ners worked hero ln ured. bat conflden presd \ and com bnaton of ; "We ve m ade an agk greem enlw lththeow ners ta t: ldent of the corporaton. ls clam s n 1930 and f slver, lead and znc. Rddell l, plans wlh lhed aho 1 from t agan opene tho D epartm ent of elude ned for a says the Trumph th e re to go n and 1 ]< look a t t, says Paul e the Trum ph. North Star l ;r and t ndepen short lm e 1 ph f also has traces of copper, L ands an d the Stoshone Dsl ne n 1973, he says. )slrcl Offce of the dence G elty has L R ddell, U.S. mnerals e m nes lhat connect each exploraton m anager other n the Gely also laken a few unpalented e B u reau of Land M anagement s the second m ajor ol compa ent for operatons n. area, >. pany lhat clam s around th< the Trum ph Mne and last. for.tbecom pany,au* u*oelyowned )ranch of BE h as senl1 lane C ounlyrofflclalssay: ltsm n erals dvson ntoy. ". Tfe o~blane yearstalced39clal f GfettyOUCo. le Trum ph and North S tar fre frontthevalley C ountyloe: x l j t t h f o l d K a s m O a n e T h e com pany, however, has ha; not fled a p lan o fth e oexplore ths summer. Rddell says the com; le E ast F ork of the Bg Wood th at s e a s f o pany now has drll rgs d Rver whle Exxon f lhl e Trumph, furuer q) tbe w th th e U.S. Mne Safely M nerals Co.. the mnng dlvl and H ealth Ad.the vlslonof E as F orkpanyon. :, on the ste, whch 1 a re preparng to take n ndependence fronts ndepen... lendence Gulch the naton m n lslrallo n n Bose a s requ q u re d b y the Mne to the on s largest corporallon, ba; )ascd on Tom Markland,. : sam plestodelennlne te th e value of the mner, S s le north and near lheelkho h om sw tlon of gales, hfts and, chef of Ue B ureau of afety and Health A c f o n1977,w s ; a sslak ed clo se tol,000ca s~ W nam th e ct am sn:m ln rals for the :ty of Sh Valley. le stj stale Land D epartm entrsays a ls a t th e hstorcal Blaj BlalneCounty mne sle. Bm b Blane Com, a federal mne nspector or. H ou :ounty and hasacqured severj ral stale th at G etty also )use sat rum ph M lner : lwe thoughtwe woul w ld gve t a go and see f Tals also own and prvale has sent U>e requred certfed alem n erajeases w e can come q> wth cenl unpalenled clam s n lhe =letterlo h lso ffc lth anythng nterestng," anyth q: hearea... Exxon s o ffcefo rex p lo rato n o fu je r n g, Blansays. s now drllng on ts mlnera Hou; ral hold. M ascot Mne. Hou Rddell says. )use says lhe lease wth the However, he says. Ue Mascot lhe ol ganl s*.ngsllfat.n< G elty ls subject to a fne : nclude around acres nc f ah nspector confde of Blane lette r s not marke< dental and he cannot commem enl on L...County terr, rked.!confdenuallasja.geay.s erraln. " other notfcallonfc on f o r r k n BlalneCounty. B...S C a r a N e g r e te, l e f r. m e e t s l e r h f fla m ( ly T lc lu tln g K a t h y M a g e e, r g h t, a n d Ca am p F r e m e m b e r D e b b l e M a g e e, c e n t e r By DAVD MOFFAT lng.strlp. TlmesNews wrter.. Bulf Ue le dea of a curfew for Uose.....u n d w llyl e y; e a rs o ra g e h a s.b e e n ra s e d. rt: ~ J A C K W " T h e Elko County a num ber sr o of tm es n Ue past, h e sad, MexK t e a n wvomen} hosted Board of Commssoners >rs s set to act a s a resul esult of w orres over kds T hursday on a recomme lendalon from safety, ouer othe acts of vandalsm and T F A l S A group of younglvexm le a n ex ch an g e of dfferent 3nL cultural deas between n G dfferent nallons, and d almos 1,000 Amercans th e Jackxt town advlso sory board th at absenteesn esm from Jackpot schools. w om en, eag er to lear :eam about Amerca and shar lare M excan and Amercar can fam les, adds Keenan.. o l m ages wll vst E urope, un Latn Amerca the a curfew be eslabllshed.f< Lfor teenagers. Orraboarc oard m em ber who pushed for th e r knowledge abou bout Mexco, arrved Thursda day T hrough famlyand gro pdup actvles, the Mexcan n Mddle E ast, Asa and Afrca on sm lar The recommendaton wv as approved the. Aeasur sure, Sharon FelUnan. says lo begn a fourweeks ;k stay n the Magc Vcy. w om en wll leam aboul x>ut A m ercan lfe and also 5. hom eslayandstudyprogr ograms, by the fvemembe r boa oard at ts lasl lardysm n and ar absenteesm a re w r s e share ther own wayohl 3f lfe w U ther hosts. J h ls y e a r m arks the T he women, who 0 a a re cosponsored by the Ma Me } frsl lme, however,lhal.. m eelng.n.june.becau lusc JacK poh s n jacq M55rtK t S h T ru 6 sch ro st jra)r lhe M a T re Val Councl T re V al CouncU of Camp Fre, nc. and tle l< has been nvolved wth the an unncorporated town vnshlp, howev o ther Elko C Counly lown. o. T he Experm ent n ntem alonal Lvng, a 1 pro g ram of hom estays.sa E xperm ent n ntern lernatonal Lvng program 1 o, says Keenan, / er, ordnances affectng g the town can A "21 < dealer and m other o fa of nonproft organaton on wllh afflates n more J T he group of women BratUebort),Vt.,wUl ll ve wlh selected famles s n t en,..al ofw hom speak ; be adopted only by the le commsson 13yearod old son and a 15yearod th a n SO countres, has 1been bc< conductng Uls type of f R nll«h u; ll avnllnhlo V jerore, TwnTalls s s B h l durlhgthclr stay :>loto.ta]k lo ndvduals or :*.e rs.. daughter, sl; r, she says sh e w as surprsed ;ay, educatonalexchm ge e snce ls establlshmen n) organzatons about Mex hsaysm ary L o u K een? en(mrexeculvedlroclor of the lexco durng therstay, JackpoK Justlce. of..th( the.peace Ja y m ore oppos LpnQH /)f) grftp? a t a 1932, says Keenan. R M a T re Val Councl. saysk eenan. F o r more.! nformallon or to a rra nge Snyder says the curfew v jproposal sur lown meetln letng. She takesu to m ean h s y e a a o n e,:sha6ay8, s som e.o O O t T he purpose of the ter s tay here s to promote! ar ) am eetlng w lh o n e o f the hew o m ent T er a llh e faced a fter atocenraclo to f vandallsrh, p e o p aeve theldast>dog e \ nsde, an Experm enters wll com ome lo the U.S. from nearly C am p F re offce a l 73362) 1 4. n w hchsom eone kno nocked o ut a especally lyonschoolnlghts." or num ber of lghts on the : Jackpot land S eec «e CURFEW oo Page C3 Westeern States Hol )llerng[contest proves hovvlngsu uccess By DAVD MOFFAT lll tlle... H ayden says lhe contest grew TmesNews wrter out of a She h eard 1T he two had dstngushed t< *d a about the Jackpot contest fn tem selves from "reendc from a an d wound t up wu dctm ent of the days before r wu Ue squealng of succllng e rados and frend wro ag f feld of elbhl dchberately >had hj lstened to a report of 11 ly sm all to assst thlophnn nncs." whpn ncghhnn n lasl p g s hesad. mnual W estem States rt t nsdfl.thelc yoarb n a C n tn e w ork ol three Judge dges slualed at w ykm rroll.owa,jadlq.6tatlohrsh a r h e tle d l tw a s spontaneo a t 5 p.m. loslen rofto neous,but reay g ro d = Hollerng Contest, sponsor sored by Cactus Pele df howls from her entry n Jfferen t dstances from n Ulhe contest Us y ear wth a tr the conleslants. neghbor WppHalvorsen has orng farm s. : sue succeeded n a sport doml B.auccesaWednesday; Ha; Hnyden.snd 1 vst w esem m relatves, he sad... nated by men, Hayde lydensad. ev en t organzer Carl Hayd ayden, publcst for the "O rgnalty, volume and J gnallty a c r lle r la grew" j r d n R e SU houphc casno, sad Tursday. endurance, are varous s ntonatons rholleflng a n d T o g ln g are She told hm she te o: once had to force herw ay a skllful fanner ww hhat.l takes low nthechar e r could use ferent sklls, hamplonshp, ac lo send 1 s, Hayden sad Halvorsen ga Mve fl th e owa state e contest aganst 25 men.. a complex varety of messf jt op.honbrs.w ent to Maj MargaretHalvorsen, a cor wordng to Hpyden. ssages. su c h.re n d to n o)f f herwlnnlng 1 hogcall lhe r W hen Ue Judge?e told t her Ue contest was a s dotl lle chorw, d r m lk the cow fo rm er natonal hogcall callng champon from m golng beroretheholl hollerng contest. The occbsun m S he she asked Ue ponted ques m c e C ty,jow a t B ut n lhe calotf," endurance w as the lom orrow,"hesays. a performanc mce bythe Lnks," a Renobj b "W here does!s women s lb ft nto tha?" dec n s W n rr holleredfor 13 h n nvm lr a spha "cakff" )" sne oesefl ja n S sro econds on one breath and OTscnrhasbeenahooltcac legaysurroundngsnfthctfa d H alvorsen 1 7 Ward, a casnobartenderdefendlng h v 1983 seo and hopes lo rem an one for vroom. WlU no answer at Ue ready. Ue Judge «conds. allow ed h e r to enle nter Ue contest, whch she retrng, Hayden sad. "S h estarte rted l a s lhe coarse voce of a hog. prom ptly proceeded led lo t wn. hesad. ~ ~ O r t l W W e r T s t l f t JlStes euu lower w m R e p o r t ::: M o s t s t t a t e s e x c e e d d a : h o s t a xk r a t e s s ym ( W J. H, A By AV>MGF5V\T sta te s m sw m term s of ts ts slate and local tax level, TmestKws wrter E v ans budget offce, say a y s nearly 36 stales passed n th e as 15 years dalto ; ho s rankng n ths regard m ajo r lax ncreases n eu; jlher 1982 or h a s dropped 14 notches, fro TW N FALLS Only y s< seven stales n lhe naton from29thposlton overall n R U PERT A Rup p ert teenager fell., W hle he agreed daho (x>s sales tax hke probably J1968. w as wounded n the t roouth by an. T he downo wned teenager was taken h a d sta te and local tax c rs ra te s lower.th.an daho n sen t t back up n lhe ran ankngs, he speculated lhat T h e organzaton clam; llms hls m eans several 3t unknown assalant whle wl be and. to Mndoka ka M emoral H o lta l by 1962, accordng to a watchd chdognohprofl agency. jum p m ght not have take aken l oul of the low 40s or o th e r sla te s h ave been An A ssocate Taxpayer: /e rs of daho newsletter also ncreasng taxes a t a faster )r th ree companon* wer. hgh 30s. ere settng off hf ompanlos, \»o also.were rale. nflaton and the p 1 flrew orkson Ute bank l(o f Ue Snake uldcntfm sa y s daho has the lowest total stale and local tax e propertylax.llm llatlons ed: ; The b o y w a s : Accordng lo the assoc; ocatlon, each dahoan p d dacltjjy.21c lcg&atro u tt h tho w ako o f tho Ono d R v er the nght of Julv B a r a f e c n s L r t t o l the fw e s tg n s ta Qtes. ts " anveragcofj850;07ota ata stale und lo c a n a xe n P e rc e n t nllatve m ay also as be part ally responsa te and local W e s, whch n " T h e, whoee nw lame and a g e Hoq>tal n F Pocatello and la te r to, 1982,up from $ the yearbefore. And t s ays dabo resde ldents pad only 77 cents n, b e. wu nol be released 1 unul today, th e Utah fad faclty. A buuet b ad ht O ther h g h l ts ofthe J report are as follows: ~ federal taxes n 1S63 for r every $1 of federal grants. The. 1982Tgures on state w as lsted ln~stabl ble co n d th m lh e boy n 1 the Ue mouu a n d lodged h daho ranked 36th o oul of lhe SO stales; n th eyreceved. co m e from the U.S. Depart n T hursday evenng at L artm ent o f Commerce, are LD SH orotal tbebackou )T Ue neck, N evarez sad. percaplta ncom cof ts resdents, a m easure of Tle proftablty of hls th taxtoad rallo was. th e m os recent avalable elo to >f n Salt Lake Cty. lh e o rg Z to n ; A descrtpu rplonof U evefalde w a s wealth, n was 37th h n 1981., The ncdent occu curred about unavalable. le. AU Uey (Ue b<s>exceeded by only 13 states tes, the m ost heavly taxed A s such. they, do not t represen the 1.5 cent As n 1981, daho was S < 4Sth am ong the slates n n three mles south and d alm ost two c o u l d wwas a Uat a shot w as fre d beng Texas*ard the least sl heavly beng the Dstrct x x tem porary " ncrease nlh 1 the sla le sales tax n 1Da3, lerm s of total expendlun :ures by ts state and local...m les east of Ru lupert, sad a n d o rpe.u e U. knew l. Ue boy. o f C oum b and Vermont.. o r Ue p erm anent retenton ( of 1 cent of that ncrease governm ent n The te stale has dropped fromn... M ndoka County CUef efdeputybob w ent down m c cored wlu blood.. n 19d2 each douar of [ federal ad cosl 84 cents, th s y e a r. 32nd place n N evarez. At about 11 p;m;; the four N evarez sad ladl The a re a w b e re tb m akn g dabo the Bth bes "deal" among the 50 S ue Bowman, assstant t lo U W esterberg, says t s n only wo areas s dal daho not a t the botlom of lhe e teenage boys from R upert.y «re w ereplayng l w a s u n l t, sta te s. reaso n ably safe lo assumn e daho s rankng wll be lst of t w estern stales for ether taxescollecled or r l f t n g lreworks whe h e n.a v e flld e " T b e y wv m J ust out tb ere settng, T he assoclatton, whose presdentls RusseU on th e r se agan because ; of l s ncrease, expendlures made. T h «s e areas a re property taxes s " d a rg e d them." T h 1)? scattered off flrecrack r a c k m ndng tbere W e s te r b e s dedcated 1 to lo lower taxes and greater collected and expendlures m ade for h rte r educanlh; ; S he sad th e organlzat) 1, a n d la te r returned t mlqn does not have the to tbe a re a, ownbuslness, ess, NevareKsad. Uon, n whch t ranks nnth tax accountllty. c a p a b lty to tel h o w m uch of a rse wll be w hen they thought.lhe t The leeaagcrsc >evdw el»d;:..nevare2 z V ) d n. release tbe Aa., aueh, l tsnew 8letterganorallysbow od.an T he num ber of slale le and ocal v em m ngone. jsctax pakages u vu been caotmedto buy s nghgl em ployees declned 1.8 per 5 rovlng sltualcn n laudn a t lolbe ou>er states, pcrcent from 1981 lo 1982 to p assed byanum bev nfother h e rsla te s recently. 3. se t off tbe lrevroto 1w v a shot sa d th e ra«y> cast chh w fw rh 45,194. T he num b ero f slat daho dropped two nolch tches frpm 41st among the late and localgovernm ent L a rry Schlchl. deputy adm ad ra n g ro m hevehfcle nstrator of Governor e a n d lb e b o y vesugbtktn. BL... ; empoye(<!«hnd ncreased d sl steadly durlgg the 1970s.. J H& r y p., J */. v Obtuares/host sptals C2 Sports C3=5. Scoreboard C4 :4 7.. J... G f ty rlfp ff < b y t f a f f e; j a m ByAWNECTE<;ARV TmesNews wrjl, tempors,> rs ta fe u v e rsh e d g e d th e r luck, nud{ ludglng bum pers and ja y n g... chcken n for a sooj.u vprm jtenes. TWN F A ls A f teter the last b l But unlke J e lr a f f lc t a o r e m e l S of color and lhe fna nal easplltllng ropblltan s areas, few horns looted a n d fj. boom, thousands of Tv Twn Falls res lttle name e<alllngoccurred. dentsum edjom ew ard o n thejourth tw asj a8b0rng,:av realle3t 0f f only to fnd them selve /es slltlng.oul a patence," and a n "everlovng. f. m ndnum bngtrafflcjj Jam: m ess," holday re v d e rs rw aled on j Congeston after pop jpular events a t Thursday. la y Bul ouer Uan Ue an jl. ;. the College of Soulh hem daho s noyance :e of o spendhgover an hour nothng new. CS offc [clals have ds leavng ; Um Ue cam pus a fter 35 m nutes a. ru?«w r.,the, na alhlut fy ff nnanlnft Mrt tto North Campus Road onto Blue Lakes n o te v en a l fenderbender r e s u l t Boulevard for several y ears now. Twn Fa F alls polce say Uey w ncudlng talks lasl weel ;ek between cty prepared cd f for lhe traffc. Well. alm c l. managertom Courtney and CS P res T he back ck ext from Ue College of dcnu C oraldm eyertw looffertbuwhe SouUem< mdahoaventtmsuperrtwdas problem m ayhavehll h ta n e v rh lg h three~offl(s fflceft anduw casels wove! W ednesday nghl. o rd e r nto Ue m ass of cars leavng the ;! T h e tow nhasn fhads such a taste of cam pus s on Falls Avenue and at Ue J blgdtyllfe.wluunltsln m lls snce , ntersecuo cuons at Blue Lakes Boulevard g when the lasl frework: rks dsplay was andw ashlr shlngton Street.. held, say Twn F als po: [lolce. Or f you tw asv S nhere drvers were fendng l. Hstentom6stof.thos< )sewho..walted. for.uemse msdvesuwtueyhad.towat P w hle polce unsnarled d Ue m ess, t s th e longest gest. "No one was gvng up n e v e rh a d s u c h a ja m.. Uelr place n lne. one young m an ; The rarty of the occason m ght sa d after ; spendng a n hour w alng, have accounted for the J generally good SSee e e TRAFFC on P age 03 V F rd ay rju ly 8, n Tlf m o sjjo w j.t w n F «u 7 l d» a n d a l l s s p a r k LJ c u r f e w o r d n a ln e e f o r J a c k p o t Teenag ger shot n 1 mouth byxmjtt mknownas w l a f t r

18 J M e By BONNE BARD Jl TUneNews wrter : BURLEV As8ls : tn sd e sfo le d an"ea nuutunum securty pr laoweddesdaynlght. A Jaler, Stan P a s : j u n by two prscm. W M ftm M ng OA n tg hl Paasey requlredroe cjefom f o r w a By BONNE BAQU) JO TlmeNews wrter. JEROME Jmproveroentprojectl re q u re som e econom: to keep t w thn (he ava Jero m e Cty Coun T uesday nght approve lldch~plpe for a pw Publc works Drectc sad engneers have 12loch ppe wll be ade " c a y allofthewatert t pumps can producer" carry water from tb6v mluoogaloo water ; Ro»Ea<eprsesofJ Cty rov GOODNG Cty bt procedures.were cla Goodng Cty Councl Ml Last month, d ty a Hobdey expressed c perm Jt applcatons w presented to the coud constructon had actua:... l e q u u u e u lucr e] practce. M ayor G ene H eller to M ooday he had revlewet w th buldng nsoecto d u r e a n d H o b d e y O b l Emma E. Nelsc BURLEY Emma Spcduute dnct (onnerly T uesday n Spokane. lt»e funeral arranaem a n d wul be annoum M ortuay n Burey ; M afy dnasur R U P E R T M a r y Edf R upert, ded Wednesd MgDOrtal Hosptal. B orn Aprl 10,1915. a t w a s educated n lm a,.buslneaa school lo T u la...rteda lvlnw U llam Bur S e p t 29,1933. He ded n l n 1937, they moved (a a b e h e d snce resded. Sh( o r th e Catholc ChunJ. Survvng are: a son, B u rto n of R upert; a dau A U p h ln o tb u rey ;4 «" &» d g ra s s o f DUloa,. a r d Patterson of Colonu E J*. Patteraon of R>e efalldren; and se T h e rosary wu be recl Sunday a t rfansen Mort R w tm att arthebttu celebrated Monday a t ] NcbolasCatholc Church tbe tov. Artura Escbbed S e r y JE R O M E Tbe funer J e a n A rbaugh, 36, of J e r Sunday, wul b e b d d toda Je ro m e. Bural vrlu be n te ry. Frends m ay call al fro m S to lo a.m. HAZELTON Rosat}... J a m e * Sharp, 19, of Bob H attltoq. w ho b p r e s u m E S 7 «a td on Mooday a t l S n t S S r S t s y BO m. m wll b e celebrated p.m. a t tbe church. he f tb at memoral cooulbuuo B U w p Kelly fund.. HAGERMAN A m er (o r G la d Keel. 68, of H d ed last Sunday, wll be July S.Tt3 p.m. lalhe Hag O S MAQ R E Q W N A W Al J. Scott Scboes and J a y C Breaoe L. Bales, Mrs. boma K m berly: Mrs. D.B. Mootgon Buhl; M rs. M chad F u t r of r>»rw<<n H ardy of OoUey; B randoo T. W alts of Othello, ftoybural Be Ju a n lu B. Cox, U rs. D ale P. P e rrn e. a ll of Tw n Falls; Roj o d RayDOod L. H atneld. au of W nuam W. E dw ards of FU er: h F t l d t O verln of Km berty: Eo. Q fjn n W r rtl taf» ~ A d a ughter to M r. and Brs. T " ;6 S T JrM s.n o w j,t w ln l :r jumpc D JO N E s sslstance from four "escapeattem pt b y tw o prflooera n Cassa County ht. assey, 31, of Burley w as BCttera about 10 p.m. as b e ghl.locktq),. accordngto < medcal attenton, Crystal ~ ( l e o f f c a te r s j s tc JONES co n ta c t bouse. Ahothe e w ater t e m c s f o n ctlnjerom ew ll r o f th e mlzlng measures ap e rm a n avalable fundng, S l o a n found n < J t m a y b< K tor Lanny Sloan p la n s for ve ndcated tbe S lo an t adequate aod wll structlon r t beney Tgera d ~ tf a cto r Tfl e rt h rln e s w r b egan wo 6wel to (he new H e sad \ T storage (ank. been n eo fjerom efathe w asalsoo ves to c6rr( r buldng perm t p re se n t larfled by the jv lth b e.s 1 Monday. Once a attom ey Cecl by McClt concern (hat m eets bt w ere.notbeng.a n d s s u e. tudcl untl after P e rm t tually b egunand~ the perm ~egucj "Ul lc a/uc L U H eller sal r told the councl Councl wedtheskuaton t seem e( ;to r Marvn Mc re p o rt wa a a d tb e <l(y.8 report»sl tu a re! (son: u E; N d m 92, o f chapel Su r y of Burley, ded c hurch unt Tho (an jements are pendng contrlbutg ju n by Payne scbool.. A g n e s u rto n R U P ER l Edna Buton, 69. o f. Rq>ert, dl< sd a y a t Mndoka Regonal M Rftm Ml, a t Dell, MonL, She m a rre d Ps m a. Moot, and a She w as vn Falls. Sbe m a. Church. Burtoo a fd ell on " A raem o r n l9 6 0 r d a y a t o a d to Rq>ert, wbere w th H ans She waa a member arran g em e on. AlvlnfWllllam. daughter, Bemece Uava E D E N S j m a l.»»o Sprtagj nnd upct; n grand,1] aoven great M ortuary ol j s u n w U m W S HEY B U l t 11 a.m. a t SL H eybum, d rch lo Rupert, wth M em oral H< bedo as celc<)rant. Bom July v c e s neral for Marlyn MeUwdlst C Jerom e, wbo ded. thedrecto oday at 11 a.m. n oftwnfall Ull l l H. n J o o m T a m o, T W N F / a.m. n Str sary for Mchael 3obe, formery o f afr e y n o ld m eddrajffledjrtll a t 7:30 p.an Ue KM BER c a u rc h,c assla A lle n. 73. ol Bobe. Memoral day. wll be ted Tuesday at 6 Reynolds F le famly suggests B ural wll t uuors be made to F re n d s m aj a w T s S o la S lp lm e o f tlx» oeorrecty ahouldbavel memoral scrvlce Y au m a, Wa f H agerm u, w h o ; be b d d Sunday. SHOSHON H*gennan Unted John E. Pot p a l s U2C VALLEY jm m C A W J B r te ft Admrned y C. MarUBdale, both of Tw n F sm asjyrght and Lorene K. H a ll.; gomery and Mr*. J a d t Sknner, bc of daho F a lb ; L ew b Roy of Je n ly: Mrs. Dale G. Gfford of Rug Wash.; and S a ra S..Jam sc n rltsn l e PaUersoQ, BeUy J. W ard and T Roy H. Anderson. E dw ard W. B r U of Bubl; Albert J. FlUmore of But r : NcoleC. Melody of M urtaugh; 1 ;E n a M.R e ed o fh atd to o :a «lm B rth. s.lhomas Wrght of K m berty. vlnfalls,daho Frday,Julyf edbyn sad, and was treated a t ( Hcltolandreleased,. Donald Garbald. 29,ond; w e r e arragnednplflhdla Court n Burley Thursday, attem pted escape, a ssault of a s persstent volators. Bo $100,000 each and (heywere county jau. = ( l a s a W P a» e y T v a r r evenng lockup of all of (he called down the hallway advls a l s s e e k c e m m p r c ct for the w ater lnes and pump Jer..decslotTue«aynlgJL or ellmnalng the brck exler e punp houseand substltutng lanent metal sdng. Q.saldabouts2,ooowlll J )e on the ppe subsdtuddn and r $6,000 on th e tero r of (he louse.... adngon4hfram buntof r ock n excavadon work, Sloan sad, be possble lo revert back to orbrckngthebuldlng.. sad Ralph Thornton to n on nc. of Burley, lhe con T fe rt )fa s e n e o M h e T J ro ]«rtr work on the tank ske last week, d very lltue rock blastng has lecessary. The lank, hc sad, loonfered lastweefc rect buldnj t procedures arc n keepng e.stale unform buldng c o d e,! a buldng has been nspected Cure, he can certfy that t buldng code requrem ents u eap erm l. lt fees are pad lo the cky and m ( ag)llcalons are presented.oujct roupjfuvy"uu sad. olm an Bob Molne added thal ned the buldng nspectors.slm ply(dm akethocouncll )S ATll be n Paul Cemetery. tds m ay call n f th e tf lo r tu a r y Sunday attcmobn, and at the t untu U tctlm colhem ass. c fam ly suggests th a t. memoral 1 Jtlons bc made to the St. Nlchoa.s / S Taylor = SRT Agnes Taylor. 71. of ded Monday at Magc Valley s Medcal Center. M a y n n n,,f l R p n r ;.,tta..j Paul P. Taylor, ;as a member o( the JUeran noral scrvlcc wll be tcd Satur,0a.m. n h e R rt Cemetery, ansen lotuary n charge of *1 m ents.. C...V sl 1*Tex McCgn > r = Davl"Ar te x " McCan, 83., ded WedTKsday at Mountan neral arrangements arc pendng be announced by Whte yoft w nfalls.?esendez. URN Roy Resendcz, 71. of F, ded Wednesday at Cassa C: J Hosptal.. sc uly 21, 1921, n Elga. Texas, le sc t Church. TTe scrvcc s under. T ton of Reynolds FHucral Chapel n a l l s. \ F A U Gravesde servces» c y E.S lm p,, of Twn Falls, MoDday. wll beheld today J t 11 Sunset Memoral Park n Twn!! rlends may call untl 10:30 a.m. olds Funeral C hapd:nt w h" aly The funeral for Alex A.. of Kmbery. who dlodtucs q\ be held loday at 2:30 p.m. n dl ; Funeral Chapel bf Twn Falls. c be n Sunset Memoral Park. Cl n a y call at the fchapcl untl the,. ol l e s l c e. Ono ol hs su ters was U lyldentnm lntheobltuay.she p ve been lsted as Ann L am leyof M Wash. ch Sl ONE n a funeral for Dr. m otter. 90, orsnosnone, wno ded C c.or Caudll and U R asm ussen Jll Mlnldoka n Falls; and Douglas Chrfslcnso lu. a o l FortW ayne,lnd.;andc (.b o th o f lerom e; Lor Caudll and daugl Rupert; Paulne \rn>yo all of lson of Mlnldoka: leatle Thoma and son of Heyl)um; and 1 Trudy A son lo Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. John Codl of E Burey; Heybum.. h ;M rs. Mnne mtn K alw rncstcphcnsan Rupert; G u a d a l P a l M randa of Burley. lye rmates t Cassa M emoral to retu Jld Stan.Hamek, 19, D lstrctm agstrate lay on charges of Lofajallofflce»A< d "Tw Bond was s e a re a, (re.remanded toth e thevu He wa (he jal s cells. He Crysl vlsng all prm ners locked c o s t c u t s o v e n r e n np C ouncl. m etnbers a plans fo r nstallng drv e s n a n sland a re a o fth n* the J e ro m e Post Off ng L B rayr~ Sloan sald p lan s call ft oe, lh e m all boxes wth me nd pantng th e sland. t w he to depost m all from vel ; ~ o n eth e r sde of th e sl cjc Cap t:.m lto,alonzo:tol d, funds fo r le. commun coordnator salary for y ear h ave been d e la y n* w as expecled to be alloc n but th e applcaton dl K. cu ren t appropraton as applcaton wll be mat d, expectcd to be avallab sum m er. n g V T o l a t o r ng aw are of w hat buldng n the cty, but the co ed actually approve the pen H eller sad the Good ordnance Js w rltc n. to. th e s ta te code a n d lh lsls g s e tu p to b e a d m n ls te rw l \ ) u» r m sntea approved use of a sm a a t around th e cty pump h s from E ast Park for a d< :ll noons. m arred Trno Andrade on Ocl r a t Elgn, T exas. n TO, they : Ue M lnlc ala drea, w here crew cohlractor (or farm lat l>ect felds. Hc was. a m em ber of Uk Apostolc Church n Burley. Survvng a re : lls wfeof Hej sons, Robert, Ruben and s c n d e z.a llo fh o y b u m.r Phoenx, Raul of B oseand sendez of daho Fals; nlne d Betty H ernandez of Phoenx J J a r t l n w. of J la r tn g «> T Perez of Lubbock. Texas, Ram rez and U nda Cartuja] : Ontaro, O re., Conne G o e z. Padrbn, both of Heyburn. Hem ahdcz of W e ser; and Nan qucz of S at Lake Cty; fve Clemente, saas, Joshue, / Vctor Resendcz, al of Waco, T< ssters. E llda Olvo and Orala botl of Waco; 43 grandchldre greatgrandchldren, A servlco wll be held toda< p.mr4n4hopanahypo6t<lc( Nnff and M ller avenues n E spccal servce wll be held Satu p.m. n th e church, wlh t Lawrence A lvarez offcatng. B >e n Pleasant Vew Cemetery. Frcnd9m nycalat.m c( Funeral Chapel n Burley today 0:30 p.m,; a t the chureh pro scrvlce ths evenng and pro sc rvlccon Saturday.. Tuesday, wll bc held Saturday nt Bergln Funcra! Chapel n 5 M nsonlcjgavcsldertesw lllb "*Sloshone CcmetcryTFrcnas m the (uneral chapel today and pr servce on Saurday.T be famly th a t memoralcontrbutlonsbe Uc Shrnera Crppled Chlldren. n S alt Lake Cly. Thoy may be chapel. STANLEY The funeral quclldc Neal Gllett, 66, of Star ded W ednesday, wll be held Sal 10:30 a.m. n the Stanley Co Church. The Hev. H arry. 01.lo. B ural wll be nstanl< T rcnds may cal n b «p to the funeral, from 10 to 1( McCullochs M oruary of Bur chargc "of arrangem ents, n * suggests lh a t m em oral conlrb m ade to the Salm on Rver Err Cuc"; CASSA MEMORLU, Aumued Lovclle Sm th, both of Burc loka; Jacke May olrqxrl: B rea nsort, bou of H eyburn; Chrstqphe d Cora Rasmussen of Oakley. Releaaed aughler, Susan Johnson, Donald K of Burley; Lesle Crafton and d omas and daughter of Paul; Melo( and WUllam CoUen of Rq)ert. Blrtb* rs.b ranm ayof Rupert, and daugh of Burey and Mr. and Mrs. Bran. tfm m n f* unrunntat Releaaed and son and Jd n fln a Arteap~bnj m a and daugate r of P aul; n Uhs tum to tbelr cells and then cl SrW lththeelectrealoekng e w alked back nto the halwa eryqae.was accountedor;l)e: vo m eo n tbe m m u m secur wo nm ates w ere hdng la C ystal sad, "and as he Jum ped hm and knocked hm las knocked around pretty g Tstal sad (he four trustes d up beanj hs crw ahd dne s r ~ c 1... RUE Tuesda: also approved vfrl mall box" S j f l v tho alley behndlfor blockng Off netal posts and wll be possble. f f f * / fehlcles drvng * *!oldhecouncl ~ unty dlvetjlon or Ue comng rjn c a n d ed. The money, f ocatedju n e27, Jto dd not. d e t r D l y m on. A new JloTMlOe. lade or lunds able later ths P. (tra ld c ) r ; n S pardng g was gong on f f»uncll dd not W l jrm lts., odng buldng Feltm an.j n «)rp o ra te h o u r8 aday ls ( h e w a y ts k d s ju s t o rf W hether. a r T a J S house, across " ; : Under th prosecuted h o u r s r r N ] msdemeam fne or a sx 3ct. 16,1936 F eltm an { ey moved to not to go art e be was a...p a t whoj labor n the hours, and U«Spansh ra jz Rudolphof d Paul Re! daughters, [ Ux, Tencha. W " s, Frances la, both of C.. e za n d Ja n le. r " m,.rachel ancy Bojo c brothers,.. Abel and. V Texas; two J l f alaostrosa, > ren; and 10 j J. tay al 7:30 T (Churchat J Burley. A turday at 2 K f the Rcv. J. Bural wll. lccuuo s J yfrbm2to ror to U>e T ror lo the ay at 2 p.m. (T 0 Shoshone. L bejeldjn n u a lla l T pror to Ue ly suggests betnadeto * n shospllal... «eftalue U fw Jac * tanley. w ho SaUrdayat Communty. xghey wtl ;z y 0:30a.m. C urey s n Te famly butloqsbe 1? S 3 2! S U 3 r rtey: Mandy endajambon, hereckertof 1 1 Mespelt and? J daughter of \ J :lody Ramsey C ghler»tom r. j ujam laonof ud aon, al of and Dane. / mecess 1closed the cell nearby dlsp ngequlpmenh a rd U fle d vay area (o sec T hethree o bevas Jumped andw ercab O n e o l t h, h th e s h o w e r h la.d S t a n d h e w alk ed by O th e h v se!m J o.lh e n o o r, re D o n e d L JS. H eld e n U n w n la m P w ho w e re not H a r v e s o n, jn e r a n to th e w e ro se rv ln Dspute ov( PERT A Rupert m anw day nlghta((er an alleged dsp J Ferrel], 40, who resdes on t, was wounded n the elbow a rfle. accordlnglo a Jlu p e rtp 1 (o Mndoka M emoral Hospt largedlttursday, : a ffc fw H nfldfram Papftr traffc. Not untl ra n nto ndheldupm yhand." polcewere statoned, the flowed more smoothly. C:pl. Trafton drew up plans for the h th eareo fn ep alg o w tletbut th w noung to bs s p up (he progresson from parkng lol on(o the road, he *t*}eet w ay»ty*lreq y»y a?l5* movng lo clear the CS lot and fte surroundng* t r f e w Cootlnued from P ae Cl on says n a town open 24 layjlsnotuncommon (o see oulonlhetow n a t l a. m.. er 11 be n a casno game nanage lo fnd some place to poclally f (her paren(s are a ngh( shft, she says, and hours are nol conducve to jvnl flt «?hnnl (jgy, the law, parents could be ed for kds caughtoutafter rn ev ad arth n w n alty W T e" lanor would be up (o a $1,000 5xmon(hjalsentence. m says, however, the dea s around slappng fnes on any hose chld m ay be out a fter Jd lhe curfew certanly wll K f a teenager has a late W A W V FR.SAT. 8 S ALL SWAASU j r.& m s s e : <ow. " ~ h \ f S hm sful bd llspatch area at the front of tl fed(hedlspatcber3of~thc*sltt e others went to Passey s ass; : ab le to subdue the two suspecl th e suspec(s had a rado batt ndthe other had a soft soled e they were nol armed, C " P o w a ~ T o d d ~ C ll a n T n, all of.the B urley.areat ht /ng sentences for varous re ver money w asshotn lhe arm J«spute over money.. shoe dea( on the 700 block of.d. repc )w areafff hs left arm leu rtp b llce report He was...t l ta l for treatm ent and p.m Burl area.ll hesayslm e nto gesled streets as clean a: An offfcer and a cade the nlersecuon, w tchn g pl, m anually and drectng the p lenlyof (hankyous"a om Actually, t was a goo h e on traffc p a tro l.jln.. Craffon says. Except ;S ~ rodeos, he rarely gets to hg ffcademy (ranng ahd 14 nght Job o r some spec 24 planned. e e But f a certankd s... the ordlnance wll allow. ne taken, shesays. q to would nol speculate re w hether the commsslo d pass (he recommendauo to < S "Blessed s th o spc s whoro m onfon of jy hath b o o n m o d r ; 7 3 M S M o r E SUN.ONLY UTS 5ES $ A 8 8 S u n. 9 L \ K. J l J All G rls 7 m s t S t y l e s (S m llor to llu s R e g. M t o NOW $ 9» fo frec th e ja l a n d h a d b e e n a s s g to a tlo n r ja l a n d a w e n fo rc e s s ta n c e W e p la n b n gl H a m e k w a s n" Cryslal charges and f a r~ D o n c h a rg e. C ry sta l sal h c f o u r bo(hw erew al(lngf reasons when (he ncdent oc leads to sh J a m e s L o c k e ltr 2 0, o f B u r e ; lootng. L o ck e tt h a s been c h a rj :adly. w eapon w llh n ten t to a p o r t. H e w as ben g held n Ml :u o f $24,000 bond. T h e :shoou ngoccurred a t F e m. L o ck e tt w us ta k e n n to cu rle y, pohce rep o rt. > rn n fht» rp n ry n r a s w e c o u ld." use." ; le st O rl e a c h h a v p U g tra ffc lg h ls e x p e re n c e, n g tra ffc w th tra ffc. 1 see a n d b re f c h a ls o fte n." «penca.a vlac ham bec M k e D olton ood n lg h l (0 b e o n T h u r s d a y L T w n E a lls, thephpne r p t fo r a fte r c a lle r s com ] o p u t h s p o lc e,. 14 years ex p e nvtocnwtrn e c a l e v e n t s o r a s k t o s t u d n E lk o s notorous, nothlngspe w.aellon to b e y o u p u t t on m a le r of enf te T h u rsd a y loncrs w ould o n next w eek p o t... ; n ro H s o l G o d : t e a l l : o r 4<sn S B g g g S "Alwoy$Flrtt Quollly Y o u r F am ly S to r e Bluo L a k e s M oll T w n f. 12*5? W onrfr; 109; S f c.,... r y l V \ T M 4 j s t r o t o n ) M jedom ssgoed worc d uty a round the. H te m a t bulldtag,*tebaldr: gvlngl(hem s6m etjo( foc.thetwlllngne33.to.aasfat r alert authortes, Crystal n jal on a n r o y!es sm lar charges n sevenl conlngrcrystafcsarfall ou a sw od tterree Bn y a a fy "" sad both "drfters ard ngfurther court f}pearances toccurred. hootng re ssu sp e c te d ln "th e : harged w th assaultwlth a ~ X commt m urder, polce 1 Mndoka County JaU n Ferrell!sresdence..atlA ) cuslody shortly after n n rlrpftnp (rafftff tn p to admt, U w as a p le a s p n t ce, h e Mys. D lre < g see a lot of people don t lee flc fu mmfrrftd lractof lton says no one c o m p la n day about the traffc ja m, but e rang.30or40jlmes.wth wmpmenung the flrew rks *a«9(rthb KUQ0 B r T S f t r was pleased to fnd jm enfeft behnd. study t more. ko County curfew s are specal/ he sad. But once on (he books, t s alw ays a * enforcng (. Classes r e [n F a lls ; S a t : l l. 6 * % S.... <. P y /...y... W f f. > m U

19 \od(\est,arndyounc gest, ntanted tol)dseball A llustarc Game NEW YORK (; A P ) N lm t y e a r o ldzza lrstarg am ethsyearr m lookng forw ard tm4 record wu a.m ERA la ln h s f r s t T lg e r a. ~ r o o W e > w lg3o6dm o» of th e New York Mets, Hernandez s Ue ALS" only l n e n r wouan toavetl s, to contrbutlngloaw ln.. Ae c rc a n L e a s e a He. ;.tbe youngesu pl«e L s Ue second hander. gtngw 1 p la y e re v e rn a m e d to aan, n TTeothferstartersareJ... allstar team, and ejoaqnnandujnrol o ld l««tp la y e fe S m e r= 6WySfG ato e age, a n a a llc Ulon to GoodevLea and HoUa»nd 45yeaMld PhU N ekro andwu. t of. the Sl. Lous Cardnals and Charle Lea of the mem m ber of Ue 1963 Amercan :, th e New T o rk Yankees, n League tea. tw m akng ng Uer frst allsuu appears uanees. Orosco, who llaa laa aaved 16 g a n th T y e a r one of the oldest, M ontreal Expos, led for the; m ajor league a t th Lhe age of 47, was older.. w eream o n g th>el6 G o su g e w U lb e on hs elghu au star* s souad the M ets tave e fo fought for frst place n Uw p ltc h e rsn a n» d to take lead wlh 13 w n srah d ft M aro Soto of the TB [Te o U v A h c a a ~ L e a p a rt n Tuesday agg u e p tc h e rt Slxortfem ays AllStar G am e n San lem lnu e Amercan League; SutlCT J N te a stt 8 a ld ; Of 0 f course we (Ue N L) oflt u) CncnnalReds,ulKha3 sflw a Lrecord.... chos< s by. Manage r J oealto to b elllo f Ue pnhssbtu... 7 F rancsco." xu; Andar and Solo on Uelr rurd. la st y ear, so U aya yeam hope to c o o t r b t o They are jolned by Brtc nce S utter ofthe St. B tlm ore O rofe v w 2game Gooden, wtw >leads lej ne wnner Jack andoroscsj scsjonhlssecond. a wn. W hatmakm uaf so exclung Us year s the Natonal League Lous C ardnals, who leads the NL wth 20 M orr rrls of Detrot, MUce Boddlc dldcer, 106, of Uatwe re (Ue Mela klets) dong so well a g a team. : y a l strkeouto to go y * 6av es,jcsse Orosco o tth fheme ets Al H olland: BalU lumorc, RchardD otson. n 1 4. of Ue w» sogge. e, who has» savg Uls s n and thnt mnkp<n: smyselectkmteveamore 8 u f the p h lla d e lp h tm 7 h t m Q.a n d :rl? h = z C ffc lcago;w hs :S ax. a D a v 0 to leam ot n ssd e c to T. t s m e anlngftl." ptchersham edl t M a n a g e rp a a lo w e n ro 0! r Gossage of he.sao Dego Padres. Holland Toro ronto. nbonor and ajn v eg e becaus : Phladelpha to a Natonal League team that at.an d Orosco a re the squad s d sonlylefthandd?...at UlobelU also selectedrell r pcks Ue ptchers. mmpn n t h a A e r c acan n League, Uw S e c to n s ~ also nclqdes four rrelefpltchers. r The kpuckleballng Nekro, who was Qusc senberry of the K ansas C lly S :" S s, S Paul Owens) pcked m e:" w ere Ue frst for r Boddlcker,Dotson, Be CaudUl t s,beenan n unbellevableyear, sad an d H ernandez. nam ed to four Natonal llv wll be Ue fouru appea L eag u ca;star leads d?ue m ajors wlu 22 saves, 1, B ; Gooden. From n C Bll Caudll o f Therea G ass A last year to tlw e a te so many t rd le v e rs 5 l n Uls ance for SUeb, Ul Ulrd for Q ulsenberry aod «team s whle wth the AUan Janta Braves, has an theo : Oakland A s and Wlle Hem m andezoftle league and there are so m any wto dese lervelt, second for Morrs.. fort Frlday.Juy6,1984 F TlmosN 95Newa, Twn Fals, daho 0 3 S 3 G e t a c q uja n te p la m s< c u e s to U rhlesh sta r t V B y L A m rh O V E Y orgnal la parugs. h e m e s a l l y wl 7!u Ue ; e s ;V e»» T //e r t waj vas the sze of the fdd that ; led cc w here they m ght unde dersta.ndsomeof MnlHn rocput thngstntopctpcct lv( e Tthcputtlng<.5 lm yncr crascsand"ue f B n L E Y P f lf wasjtl a w orffa lot on thetd?tounjflmentfeve. w ay the p utts roll on 1 c certan sectons / h w Jn ra c U c c Eounds h u r s d a y u t hgpynu ha/n Wtn /hflmpl npu,»j<sage C a.jv the dahosale l M S s A m ateur onshp p f{ l t wth (M handcaps, you yot m ght nol. T hat coudt be woru two o r B G olf Champonshp ) gc gets under w ay.con aboul atx flp a con, sad " r the th ree shots to them.o\ over Ue touma w ths m om ng a t Burey ley Muncpal Golf twotlm( me champon. The course docs oes m enl and Uat could : b be enough. So B. Course, thngs could change dll agan. n o th aave v t an extrem e amount of trou ro dont e ro p k,guyj yslke.,g enn f Most of th e ~172*man flght ble to J t l and l s n a t a ppe, e, B lakeley, Terry Spa packman. Dave partcpated n a getacqanted 1 partcul ;ularly the greens whch have P a rk e r, Ken Huznga?a and guys who sesson w th Burley f Muny M and none good speed sp< to them and are puttng [ng h ave establshed Uen jmselves on Us enjoyed t any more e than U Caldwells tru e. Th The good putters a re gong to )be e course. L any Bull,whocardc rded a 31 on th e th eones es to come out on top n the long Blakeley, who won h hs state ttle n front sd e an d ended Kl the t day wth a. ru n. Anc Uld tle people who have shown )wn McCall a few years s ago, sn t as * sevenunder 64. Bll (ll Slanwood of up well!ll prevously arc gohg lo show low postve beng at home ne s Ue ad Ue... h k H t f n t g n h o r o f ancf Pocatellos F m hmself, h: Moltor n o t ve [ ve tsachjh erglow nott yourow n D ave Moltor, who won wor the last lme played ats much golf n the lasl sx tra c k," he ponted oul )ul, because Ue the toum ey w as play layed n Burley, days S as have all y e a r and my bggesl est local gallery expects more from local dl have any numlx tnbers lo dsclose problem ffl s j m b u m." But he dl«l Ele!h croe.s,, 1 had 69lnDractlce ff layed wcj." lat more serousy, " m puttng b e:ter tt (T hursdav) wth four Lbofessoxfecl h rcadon th a n have h n a long tme. n fact, g fe p re lty good about the JJre. 1 haven t One who ddnt totce k e a Jo o k.a tth e ta k e sn rabackto4g75w u henlw onr w c n p j n e t h fltwflll LbuljnaybeJm coursew nrp ayettb 5SMtrMasngn s heretan ftjdngln feelng tha are peakng about the r{ rght tme. The who stayed home and tended the puttnga g well s always nce. f can ;an course s n good shap ape and playng furnture store whle lle father Clff m ak e a f few pulls have ev eo chance ce well. feel prelty confd MasngUl team m ed wll wlh Weser s Joe o f f n g g n contenton. :Malaytoplace~secofld1 ndnthcjackpot H 5T31 sad d t the greens were Thecham plonshp fl nghtwlll tee olf tw om an b est ball tournament oh exactly y to th e lkng of Maslnglll, fro m 12:30to2:40p.m 1.. today and lake Thursday. another r noted putter. Moltor s n a the early startng Ume le d e d N o 3. H a n a M ard ndllkbva retu rn s sh o t to esalutlay.t hat., Scott s consdered 1 a prm ; e favorte poston wll put t back for Uc n to understand Masngll s ;he afternoon on «every tm e he tees t up. stan d ard rd rght now. They combned to S undays condudng ro omd. l y f j. The champonshp >flght fll grew to 52 wn the e Holday H nn twoman best ball lall Host Professonal E arl Smpson Cavratlc Ova, Ev players wth the addtc lton of twotme a t Hlghh land of Pocatello l&st week. ek. noted Ue state oultln lngtoumamenl / mcehgjrschoo cardng g a lau n d er SHhe second day! y. w11 begln wu qual allfyng al Ue. y playeroftheyear, Jason W hle e M1 dtor beleves there are ; a concluson of play toda; lay. The puttng T l T f M eyertw effer o ft wnfals. l He and larg e nu num ber of golfers n ths feld sld cham ponshp wu be )c decded late L l y V a4th Ks bro th er Steve, a Bose 1Wmbl Stale team capable e < of takng the ttle, he cau lu S alu rd ay aflemoon, fo! followed by Ue b o b r m em ber: en te red th( he even t but tjone d!!ynutlway y s have tfl tflht nhfl )ut:z:sqpa:heh] fht:s:a:se r G R E B N E t Jaso n s nam ed was ovo jvcrlooked on the the local: :als. Beng home should help 2lp p.m. Saturday.»fc/af«fR ss W M B L BLEX)N, England Playng ng a t th e top of Uelr games, to p s ded e d M artna N avratlova and No. 2 C hr tr& E v e rt Ll U oyd stormed nto Ue H e a tto l<11 w omen s s sngles fnal a t Ue,, Wlmbledo don tenns champonshps lps 1. w th easy straghtset vctores rles Express 3S may be facng 125de legree hand heapheats there, ay... rpped. Urough : : J 2essoclatedPj dlercss.. wakwnentauyto lovakas Hana Mandlkova, y tough JU ju sl a jn a ttc to tg o va, sustanng oursel rselves for 60 mnutes. The h T se a r6 T 7 2 n jrw m ln u te s:, The LosAngeles. JesExpress, forced to gve up ts but t s an equals! stuaton for both sdes. lova, seekng her Urd con*. hom efeld advanta] ntage n SaturdaysUnted led. Stales "T he wnner r of ths game, goes to T am pa C!.sngles UUe here a t Ue e. Football League p; playoff gam e aganst the le Armna July 15 ttle gam ;ame),* added Hadl. Them " S aland" Lawn Tenns an d CJ r, f *W ranglers,now has fas to confront anouer dlsad motvatlnn ls. t Cluba d v a n ta je u r e r b. W et rbe abrneeded 6 8m lnut lb stop 10 excuses. f we use the heat ;tbp ta s one, then g w n the heat. we don t deserve v e to g o." \m ercan 4CaUy Jordan 63,., :.T h e N atonal Weat leather Servce sad a temper. w ratureof T he natonally lly televsed gam e w as to f 1Q5 degrees wth 20 pcrcent hum dty s expe xpmted n played n the Los Lo: Angeles Colseum untl days fnal wl be Ue fourth ru 1 : Tem pe, Arlz., by the 12:30 p.m. MST kckoff» t tme for Dvson dampo pon Express ran nto schec avratlova and Lloyd have 1 t the W estern Confen ference dam ponshp game, ne. But t n c ls wth the U.S. U.f O lymplf Commttee. Th S sfor Ue tue on Uese famned... r m ay reach 125 degrees down on the natura ral grass sw tch the ste 5 to the Rose Bowl or Anahe lurts. N avratlova has won the Ue ~ v.,.d loyngsurfaceofsu elm stadum fsun Devl Stadum. "th no success. s. ; prevous s Uree t n 1W8, 1979 and On Sunday, the Bl Brmngham Stallons wll L. 1 v % the H adl sad he also tred to convnce ABCT\ T V locha > S Phladelpha Stars n the E astern Confcrenarfn fn. th e startng lme m e to mdmomng o r early o ffa v o rte sfo rth e m en s (n s Express O ch 1 John Jc Hadl already h as m e o r gouuseuollclal :al64a6wtchuje;ametosur ansh p stllly e l n horuhnngr ng, V!553yer5eSon3fnwjs.a publc, ssue, sayngjso m d a y ln ljs c d, g j som ebody:a ngele3. g.no..l:jqhn,mcenroe.jo.jj 2 could actually de n t that heat." "T he league ha: has already decded t wll ka b J v an Lendl and No. 3 Jm m y Cjnnors. rs.!* Arzona Coa chgeo be here and, nrtnv. " m M George Allen laughed a t th e Mmment co A B C h as.d ccd. thtnlrjohnstnt jed lo stay wu Ue 12:30 st; start." Allen lo a afy s semfnals, McEnroe wll vll... made toonuch of t= g u y s dy s a d.j u s th o ppe e t jeeded P a t Cash of A usu a, th eres not too much wrtte lla. D efendng cham ; Vstuff...T heres a.ot m p o n M a rtn a N a v ra tl] t l l o v a s e r v e s t o u g h lot of gam es played n heat. H eatjt.c p u ld jv jverplay c w hat s takng placo. onnors, twce a wnner, here, ; played several n w worse condllons on AstroT glamplonshlp om gar e on L e n, wbo captured hs could to m akegoodcherejflo ur.jlrstyearj d re tu m s a n d p layers atu enetftradlngvou eystnra { m s u re J th T to o ; lngspeoal. rand Slam tlue~1ast monu M arunasu lpasm ev ewluvolleys..pont punct jnctuated wlu a smash. But do w th t. f you hav lave a Job to do, you do th e job. jot Heat, But.w e te not gong to have much of a < H eavllyfavoedto M VnherffU thefourh rjm t g 7WmMetkm:cfaampon :;j th at!sth eeasto fojur u r: problem s.". th a t s because of tens champonshp match.wll! the h eal. We n a bge vll consecuuve G rand : But AUen added k1 sss Slam* tue, to6k Ue at 3 ad pont 6n a rem arkable that hs d u b has a n advantase crow d and hope t dsunday. Uey dont stay aw ay." Navratlova beg M Ue e match wu a forehand d halfvolley : because we ve prac ractced n the heat h ere all yc year. t s W rangler oltlel fcals hoped to a ttract a s tlova. rapdly esublshng nolhng new to us. attendance fgure of 50,000 a t 70,021seal as one of the best women : LA S com ng ove over here and practcng Fr * r.. S tadum, but now expect between an d "sa ; ;2; 1 downueune ng double fault. T he center!er cort crowd passng shot, Uen b d d when Jordan en broke nlo laughter whe hen she turned nettedule ee ensungservlce retum. n hstory, was devastatng around and offered her r radcet lo Ue Jo rd a n he hdd servce agan, knottng. ; th e re s one thng learned fron beng lh the S N }? * g a m e 3 lj.b e b l}tacke<lout.onjocaltdevso a { Jordan, who played one o thter e r Royal Box, whcd ndue luded Ue Duke Ue score e a t M and brngng q \rtat T F ootbarceaguomd d tak n g m y tcamstomnne n n t o salesdontsm Sstzgstches on ths sunny, w arm pass 3525eUedub spre andd uchessbfk St. turned nlot alo the pl vold game., p lo y the Vkngs n 1 tho thl cold, learned lhat you J don d t get crowd. S h e lh a rh c W E jy e re; ra n d so d ld rrth rtfu f lf t gam ern avrau ovaldd usedtothew cath«jr. Arzona, thepc uld have played better EflClfcDyslonjunnerup for Jordan. ouer Navratlov lova fought h e r atloveendng t wth b erfrstace of» ~ H a d lsad tb e frst rst halfls not gong to b e that hattoughr playoffs as a wld ld card e ntry after beatng th m T but allrouhd thnk k l todeuce,aldedbydouble jlefaults on Ue the m atch. And when she w alked to ; ts the second half f thl lhat shows your condtonng. ng. thnk, 3510 here June C 23. 2: and served pretty well and Uld Urd and fourth polnls.. h e r c h alr for 1 Ue changeover, ber d d n t mak lake any glarng m stakes," s," Jordan Uen took Nt Navratlova to, sp rt and d o confdence appeared to be Jo rd a n saca d. "... tred a s h ard as s deuce n a game that. featured f bou soarng. tar spectaclesj Jbecomlerjade dbytrme,ove erexpo 9su re~ TWN F A L L S t was vas the bggest buldng p * any day ly of Ue week. The AUSlar Game, sad C learly, t t wu as not an ordlnary d ay. The rv e e v e rs e e n :. h e. dropped 30 degrees s t n 30 mnutes and th e to M y.!, s ju st one more. gam e sta rte 6 d n humd 81degree weauer, stood there, a t the bottom botl ofcardac M tr,and P lchers lr U»e bulpe llpeh tossed blakels over. O rmlaybe t j Ust pales n comparls rson wth Ue p apers sad 17 people succumt>ed U he hll," takng n Candlestlc stck Park. w as Steve neat Uelr feet to keep warm. Dust storm s sw lred U efrsto n e.. exhausu onao and fve more to h eart attacks watng wth ray mother«e r and aunt for m y around th e nf d d lana n d edded Uroughout Uw. uncle, who w as lost some Crump... M dcey ManUe was Uere Uat day, lay, a s.w a s before um pre lre StanLandos rased hs rgh ght stadum, s e n d n g m ew h eren aseaof ; c salng, sun d re s s y young Rl oger Marls, who had 33 hom m e ru n sa t handandyellc eu ed P layballl.. chrom e tryng to park ; the car. n one hand. 7 flappng and mycal/ CaUBuletln scorecard th e U mle. e T hatw as W arren Spahn unwncung. We w ere sttng st n the cheap se a ts, fa r off ol flyng. w as a copy of th e old San lan Francsco 1 n th e bdulpen, u ondf you adjusted yo ar the left fld d lne, and Ue leftfldder w as n Ca/Bu/eUn, whch hadf. T bcnnu etopofu n t fha ntnfh rjlgngtcr ** prnted the startn g Coj CandlestckParkDCXtTuesday, a y.to n o b w u Ja la rs Just so you could m akeou lo u tlh e s m o re th a n a sj p e n Ue dstance. spent ln eupsfo rth e g a sand a a th e n th e form of a c r a scorecard on the paj r.slngeoversecak ll)ase partcular exctem enl n tbeov :oq?ng23 o cfocks c shadow on Roberto Oemente nte sfa c e. frst f o nnlr mlngs deep n thought, deddlng ~fr6n t p a t m d r n]g l.n 6 bya lk alneu atsco scored a vn aod <nt tbe o tth a tln e e d e d lt; yex ytears, the 9yearold, mosl of U tbe )e o th e r«.lm Wlle M; M oysstood behnd home plate ate,p lay ln g w heu ertospt spend m y allowance to acqure h ad tbe startn g lneqts r e a NaUonals eaatos2. 3 for the 1961 A llstar fan >32. Koufaxwalked M ars, [ans n attendance that day and San Francsco p epper : w lu L u ls A p a rd o J o hhnny n G antscap > oro r a Dodgers cap a t tb e neab G am e m e m o rlz andpltlslh rghplratj ratem anager Danny has la v e become jad ed about such Jsp s] ectad es. Tem ple, and n Ue batung cage Moo: loose concesson stand. By the tm e returned tt M u rta u s tro d e lo Fora»year<)ld,theld{ ldeaofgolngtoam ajor. Th< to U Ue mound, f t t n g. rh e Gants a re lookng for a new lew stadum.. Skowron on launched awesome batung ngpracu ce se a t w th a Gl ants cap, Sandy Koufax was tobaccojulcealongu league baseballgam e wa was wondrous. But ths, do: lg Ue way. Koufajt w as goae, closer to dow n to ts an Francsc csco Uum Ue h o m e nuns n over Ue chan lnk fence ren. w o rk n g o n a tu ueehllter and Ue NaUonal ats a n d n h lsp la c e w of course, w as not Just an; as a sa a San Ftancsco G ants any major league gal ;alebattercd ghetto neghborho rhood called. rghtcer e n te rfld d. ed2l rlghthanderofnopa sparuculardlstncuon unters Pont wherecandlesuc ckparfw na Ttumg nlous Ulng happened. M dw ay y nnmp<1shm»<.r frst m dsum m er classc sc ever played w est of bu: }ul 125 years ago. San Francsco sco hasn t had a bubbleg gun h ero esu eredjn a Ream cj ng UroughUese e sevenu nnng, t s o t wnd p R ocky Colavllo Stre St. Loula. strode to Ue plale. H ad so pw er nnant n 22 y e a rs for the rofus " amphlth [h e a te ro f aete gray, paleorar rm g ean d 20.30,maybe b e 40 mllm an hour began to m any fans not been en S scurryng for lost LTheAUtar.Ganevllv U lretu m to. ~ M scbaljs 00 fahberaw ay than lan 1the TV set on mahlcot a g r c e n. ~ ; sw ecpln from Ue B«.yrThe lem perature5 ; See CRUM lu f!pcop«s»c4 \... f APL»MTT*a to C h rs E v e rt L lo y d du ur f n g lo sn g m a t c h /ert Llo )vd ledontt match

20 StfsS p fn l Basa By T he Assocated Pre ss extendj dng hs hllung streak to 0 a anoth er sngle lo scon ore Jm enez for a p late un umpre Al Clark on Ue preva jrtous J e n y M m phrey yr doubled hom e a B radc d Gulden s wld throw nto fght. c a re e H 1 8 g a m e s. 52lead..: pllch.. palroffrstlnnlng { runs,uen M k e fe ld n ln U e se y e n ln tln g o B a n S o x o v e r p re d... gg DaveW nfeldwent n t fo rlto ra sejlm T ~Q antner~and H obl Yo Yount tac osyardb lu D awwley l m ad e ltsta n d auempte pted plckolf of Kon U a rd e lre the Callfomfa Angels 127 Thursday Washngton s twonm l p]g hs leagueleadng bat lattlng average lo drove : n 1 two runs each and Ben B up for a M Houslt ston vctory ove r enabled [ed Mke Ftzgerald to r e nght, usng a g rand >d slam homer and eredaflverunsbctlrnnlng to jll Uf, Ogllvle le h a d U r e e h lts to le a d M o n tre a lrta C o s s g a sxtunsballeu luu y lesota over New York aukee.paslo aklandj:5forj } rjhe la.elght nnngs and., ad J lm Rce s th reer K rk ~ G lb so n s~th UHSFTunhomer d X a w e y su rre n Y o rk M( et5 a 43vcloryoverU e ers flfu stralgbtvcu ry.. E vans h ad a bunt tssj n e afler Wade Yank nkees slarter.r on Gudry had jjjj a. h l l t e d a sxrun n nnu nnng a s. dered one h t n Ue nnu as he eaned Cnclnnal nnatl R eds. The gam e w as called le Upshaw drove n four runs hs frst save of Ue nl wlh a sngle to tw o4tt OUeMhrtHghfvennngsBu JD etrolt snapped a foytgam floslna.5, e year. He h ad 14 after a l\h o u rj ; n delay wu one two hltshrpacetorontff to ak f f lo lastseason;7 cenler. R l who ht ta grand slam UeTwJ Wns D ave Engle walked lo leac lead stre a k b y beatng Tex exas 71. WU one : oulru n Ue hln th an d T )an l)flffsen ryo.vcr SeatUe.Up8haw..w Wednesday, b e n ht Ue frst ptch off Ue le sxu and Kent Hrbek sngled out, C het Lemon and d LarryH em don S 2 j ed Ue game wth three hlls n n h1 ls c n s H e s " R W» n 1 httng over the le /k le ld sen screen for hs 16th;.: G a jy G GaelU j u n d out, Uen Um the sngled and, one oul atcr,plnch.hltler la 2 atbats and a n 11game stre..h tter fothsfrsl.nu qun )o «n jja rr <C T *kjw and hom er., T w ns s stroked fve consccutve hts f,llg Johnny G rubb walke to load Ue Sutter combned on a Uree (W glb rnpm Sfftehw flelde t J c o r e o l h e o l y n m T (n(r GWrBB*Meu lur. pns a tta c k agal?$t Geoff o Zahn and re K en Grl Grffey s glove lo te Ue scor< two ru n s and Alon Trram r m ell sngled home run of Ue year to lead the xlu efoutnn second,wlu. ltha 8ed AUanta 10 n a gam e caljcd llevers Bruce Klson >n and Doug Cor 22. Dav )ave Meer slammed a ground lo te the score. Gbso,son followed w l U g loaded trple. a f te r seven nnngs du ouls C ardnals to a.3 4 vldtory belt. M arty B arrett : had Uree sngles,.rule do o u b!ejo L alm o su h e.sam pot, et hs 12lh hom e run of h h e Los Angeles Dodgers. G relg g lw alker.homercd.wlu lwo.o?o.ou R lg h l4 an d er See cott Sanderson, rtonyg lygwynnrwhodoubledhorea scored t h runs and ud drove n a run Houston Jm enez got an nfeld hl md mc K ansas Cty led Ba ;atmorc w l n the bottom of Ue nnu lo 0 1 lfl fresh off Ue dsabled d lst, ptched fve flrstlnnlr nnlng run, drew a basesloaded fo r Boston. whue Bll BU Buckner had. K rby/ PuckeU sngled throug >ugh two o ut n th e botlom 1 of the muyhen Chcago go to. a 76 wn over O evelan land. shutout nnngs, and d ] Ron Cey ht two walk wu wth two ouls n the nnth nnng four h ts and M ke Eft e r and E vans G uldy Jy s legs to score M eer and anc a heavy thundcrstomm w lp out th e D ave Nc Nelson, n h ls jlrs t majorleag :ague hom ers, powerng the te Chcago Cubs to to forcejj n the wnnng run a s th e San had three e ad. T ony A rm as drove n chase t Gudry. Mckey H atcher ther en gam e.t he rdn Canc 5 u wth an (f2 count ap p eara rance, p tc h e d lfre e scorele eless. a M vctory over U< he San F ra n c sco Dego >P Pa ad res defealedue Pttsburgh ; a ru n wlua s ornnngsngle, g f t e ed d ollever JavH ow ell wu vth on A! B um bry, whol 1hadword.s wth nnlngsc JS of relef to gan Ue vctory. Gants; r... P rates JS21. B B Legon standlr!! n g s S S S r! E S s S.. S P S 1 l1 f t. K K M! ::::;;:::!! 1:S!.J " " ". " Wnf JtSTbw>*>!,Mom.( *1 Clctga M9 * [M *lst»ngw. Ml.» fx, lumx r : : : l g z j : C r u m > t :.MH. C 4T 1m e»m,t wrwln l Falls, Weho NEV EW YORK ( A P ) ~ Ry y n e an d S lr B s. jb e rg. D a y l S U aw n y ar and. f T >/J SmU, who has s won four Gold H Glove3 forhlbtllcl c m e l d l n g r u t h l p r slona]lea pe 8 new generaton < of H H startn g shortstop (o for the second year sta rs s,, have 1 been selected.by Ue fa fans Jo n n g them n Um h e startn g U n e u p.m d le gmerget on to read, g;utln;oow.tre«lv!ng n s : ; 5 M : 4 s : v o t : ;! J B on fve allstar veterans n Q U the c h o b y fans across ssu ecounu yw ho shabot C arter earn ed hs fourth conmcutve n L s startng s lneup for Tuesday days c a s t 6, ballot lots, wuj.jje S an Garv rvey, hltug.28s!wju U four startn g catcher assgnma ent wth SSthAl All*Star Game n San Francsco, 5C0. D egofrst baseman an Steve G arvey, hom ers srs and 46 runs b a t t e d w as Ue 1,067,704 votes. B a H j p P L Sand jd b e Ue ChlcagoCubs secot: cohd the leadng., votej 5getter.nboU LrL!Bstartng jt f l bafemktfrom tn 1! l974 Am ercan Leagm s ta rte rs,.. an, basenu manwboleadsuemajorsw xltlr ~ DzzleSmlUofUe to4980,: : Uree Tomoed Wftdnftsday ly, W1twfa»nttrhprjM> Ut5 l r l p l e s..c a m e. 0Q;ln 1 la lora Sl. X ouls Cardnals; ; Ulrd basem an years. 8. *He led Ue bat6hng w th Lance P a rrsh.,seco c ( K d.b a s e n S u 3 H E the ev o U n g an d fln lah ed w\rtth l Z W l S c H m d t o f U Ue PhU addphla 1,701,08:,083 v o ttt b l,04l,4ffl for New N w m taker.and outfld lelder Chet Lemon. J 1.099,8 >,824.votes to beatout Steve Sa S a x P h n e s jz c a tc h e rz :G G aryz C arterrofz:y orkflj rflrst basem ank eu rk em andezrrofrtberd etroltjnger ers,:frstbasem an:: " : 4 of Ue le LosAhgeles and San Dego ego s M O ntre and AUan anta Braves cen oneoft fjwo runnersup to r lve m( ore R od C arew and outfelder «Regge Alan Wggns, V Ue early leaders rg a t te r/ra a e rt J a le Murp r y ; lh e leagues U ar 1 mlllbn r votes. J a d tso n of Ue Calforna Angels, secondbase. M V P for th e past twoyears. o:, Schm mldt, batung.297 wlu) th 16 shortstop Cal Rp) [pken J r. of Ue le New York Mets Strawberr; erry TW* s one of U» greatesl.u lngs hom ers >rs and.s6. RBs.,waa.second Hrt n Rn1Hmnr»t, Qrlolpgt., outfleldetd ave : «rftotdd«rtjfu>e Y earn1883rlc l y t t h a t«v e r happened ed to m e : B a l d Ueove y e rra ll o tn g Afotes WlnfeldofUeNew BwYorfcYankees, : ~ a r 6ur Uleld votergetterswunsesm* Stravrterry, wws rh lttln g j u s t r 282 M d bes beat o u t D s G rag J Net m d G eo r " B rett of ofoe K ansascfy J T h e San Dego Padres Gwynn, lea( Md hom ers and 34 RB! and h a s Ues,Ue Ue ouer runherq to pou m( ore RoyalSr Ue A m erca can Leagues lead H H H H ng Ue NL n battng wlu a.3s b e e n n a slu m p fo rtw womonus..uan a mllon. NelUes recev v e d n g v o te g e tte r. a g e Uutugh W ednesday,wa rm k n d o fd sp a p polnted ( Ual 1 won 1,041,15<,156. The NL and AL n reserves, selected O Z Z E SSM P T H n Ue outfeld votng wl a n d d ld n l play well, 11. Bul a Jo lo ru e Murp rphy, comng on after a slow sl< by th e All< tar ma nanagers, wu be MKE SCHMDT C ards* s h o r t s t o p. f.ta l.ff57., votng h a s to do wuh 7 how 1 play on th e surt,, s battng.278 wu 19 hom omers nam ed to d ay.. Ph h lll lles th rd b asem an r x " s cm Cm»rB CO">tcnc«r.un bjm u (Suen ;c ««Doe Hfef COTtt»c»cr>«rson.or NLstandlng ngs { * s s a ; t K S * " * JSo *3 ; 1 :S ) <n m Sju «n D.»90 Frday, Jul July6.964 v T g e n fym Paj PazeCS..... possessoosanacover.u wld Urow ow n the lou Ual allowed Nelle Fox ox to score all hew ay from dugout. r a n down tothe could and stuck " atm osphere would h a ve e tbeen electrc. frst base; se:.the wnd also w as blam ed c e d.o v e ra s fa ra s lchoulder.h o e... M llerw entu tohlsstretc retch, looked for th aler error. [ m ypro g ram o v erh lsshl.tookuebook o! overh tsleflsh o u ld eratk Mara. Then Mller r went w back to Ue dugout turned halfw ay around. eu at suddenly, the p tcher lun u rc h e d lw o. thnkng he d h be Ue losng ptcher, but and sgned ll. stulhave step s forward, and Landc n d esw as b e w o u nd dtq> the wnner wlu the hts Jt autograph today.. runnng o<tf4 fey)nd Ddhoneplate, 1 pontng a r t B j j U seum t ple.h e bya aron.1 M ays and Clemente. ljem enshaw,", n e c o n d l Myuncl< tele mssed all of Ual because. m not su re whether sc L boy, bauwy O Khllne, u fm u d o e e n on second, to h e hod bee. )cen d l tc h e d n Ue mddle. w as th e G ants clubhousj her, but t f, }. th d MUler had balked ked. M ller ofu eelgh U nnng to go gel Ue car. o r b attng practce ptchc! w as nv. p rotestcdloudly. clamn n lnghehad tto o k hm a n hour to gel back. ddn t m a tte r much. Hc e>u w lu u blow nofflhem ound.lan d e s s a l d l t through the th< traffc to Ue front of the unform and Us was the. ddn t malter; l was stll Ull a balk. stadum. Game. taw, wlerever.. n e o Boyercom m lued tedu eflrstof MymoU other, aunt and stood there, 1 w onder f Lee Mensha galnnext ; twdcmbarassagenpprs; wsvwbeqbe;r= v.:flm!d U es he s, wul be watchng ag... r f Ol : xw ledcoavllosgrotmnder, sendng w atchlngu. n e sd a y n l t : K aln eto n ew m n eln yng run. lle d sommeone n n a Gants unform A fler th e NaUonals falle aled to score n Uebot lom of tbe nlnuv r Boyer made a Uull Uou{ ought lookedllkestum ler, standng (Close cl to Ue NaUonal League orts edtor ol Steve Crump s the spor TheTm esnews. nber unl loadscon Calforna s plchtngfor r 17 hts S*luut * 0 < le>ar>gc«<l«>on< t S a z &. s s r p r r s a T S c.< a.t fa < 5 S " 5 K!» S. S,! S : 2 w a w s w s u! [ ««SsSl5.M.a S a a s : 3 a S 5nmCOWOcMtO. Rl» (. r a to n j n s g e ; j g j j B H jyjmp,., State amm parngs r s H S S S S " "... M M Pmt... z r r n j Ebldlters n sjtaftng f a h n c r r 1 S l v e S t a C tum ms 11. Mtmnt b p MrtConttvcKnO JACKPK P O T V ane vansandr ld SKTTOKSK;. (APP: a rd Drlggs of Utah led from start t to Danny my Edw ards took advan tlmum condtons, a n d shot a ll tournament here Thursday. Jhunder derpar 67 tyng longshot.. O T r a s s s :. n ns s : d p rlg g a;.h ad a 2S7rbasc,Bwt we re Bob Horytu lh and Don r r een nr o b erta f o r t h e f rs t on the be b<t net and g ross p er hole : per Thompson of Ulah, Z 270; Doyle Clark round d lead T T uray n Ue f f s ; twosome Te, n Ue frst flght, four ahea head G eorge Benden are of Mountan WOO,000 1,000 W cstcm Open Golf fnsh to card Ue low score n U twoklay ly Slver S lar Classc twoma man tage of o w hat he called."opcnuvton M C T o f J o e t w Malay and Clff Masnglll 111 of ( Home, 277; G ary P( Peery and G ary Touma m am ent. W eser.; They w ere followed by Ken H azelgren of Pres eston,.and Vc The rhe golf course s Just fabu F erro LU)dJtayJBleLQtOgdeo.JUtal ar tfnh Peterson and C arel 1Allen / of Ogden, ous, :, U the w eather w as beauuful Or,»r..t a fe T T D an U rlarteand B ert Ellott,tt of~tjlah7br275 < a n youve got a lot b greal Elko, Nev.. and Lew M ontrose an players, ers. T ha tends U produce P e te Bar Jarbler of Mountan Home,, Bob Moody, of Twn Falls, and Bll some C low scores," sad ;.Hal lal Young and H.F. SmU h of c B rake of F ler, comb; bred to wn Ue Edward ;a r d s,. whose younger u t a h at t 2271, and Mckey D uggers ;a d an Ulrd flght a t 266 wlu v K j. Van brouer h e r Davd won Ue Los y l e Duu ller, Twn F allsr and L arr d e rw erffand CTalne : of 0 Jensen, Utah. Angeles elm Open earler Uls andklmhollandofrutahra: at 268. S to vcs uglr {m otoandb ll s o h r ST F rancs.of S:y. Nev.. v... had.269;b ob Th.ea.ejcqres,Jnfact,were. the... nontoa. UOtO. U Rum baugh and Len eroy Atenclo d f lowest st n hstory on the "n Ue he second flght, Bll Bowde vden Colorado Sprngs, Co!lo., 278; Clyde usually Ulydfflcult BuUer Nad U cccn. OPd Bll Kelley were cham ps a t , M yers and Bll Phllllf llp so f Utah,.279, tonal Golf Club course, whch.. lead of M ark M lttenberger and and John Corbrdlge and 1 Dck Hen has sen served as Uc ste for Uls obnson of Utah/Other placer cers n m g senoljacq o C Se.. to u mnament an snce vtsyyc y S bmn.ctussnwx»m,. t g!. S a s «!.;. h T S XtY S. lj.»pr..c.>«<? r f e w T o 1 Mttonu Kore H ttk :.. DO., s..,rt.;u5.s <1 &tft Bjn «.» f,. r, g : S :. E»W.U sss S r 1 tl. lolkl M) t.t let AT,... K s f e s t s r w s s s 1 a.kw.r,o u c AL standngs ta rtwtn p r f f a e SetNw.O.uww.JBm..... o «L 7 4 /te; W W Q H 0*0 j { Softball :g «USFLplayoffs cvm{?w *art*s«< RKELe»OUS SuTMt.D tlotn.a AWrjm, r!f!l>b>t4l9 pm,0 Anottto* s..;r b W ;.r > r K a T k B s w 8 5 :v.,h." a > s s p * r s v s,.,. B U W ssa rrc.ffb.s.. L LLBER r m E St s a r e h a nps H U M ER TW N FALLS G Sralg r a Holbook of Ju ly 21. daho P als turned tn n th Ue fasttat tm e» P WdDwlaytwlU; n the m an dash of! Ue th super stock...d vson, but Chuck fg a «l u n d : H B H place flnflnq aneahhler heat n a l by D oug lg Bybee who won one heat and Hobbf DEFE END THE FR teedomwg ON n,tvrtnfjl», J. JeH 1 O )VER200YEEARSAGO t.twlnr*u. B:,. H«U At l.doflbroujmon, dow n the mh)>season m champonshp fnshed d t Ulrd n Ue m an event. ny H«nov*r. Buhl md SJrlver. Buhl. 3. Rlph Jccm. T UESDAY, JULY 1l O t h a t 7 P.M.!... fo r fll *n mn Rod Ander»onTwlnfflll84Von Ue., D m W)l»on.TwnF»:.j,Un. derbluffr acew ayw edn Bdnesday nght... m alt das l a s r Ue ouer.heat, whle t 3,Lnor«,Twnr»ll. J U N P EERROOMCAN> t ly O N S P R N G S NN 1 Ttt 1, >f» ShHwf; Buhl. A larg e crowd w as s or on hand for Ue P a u l WBerner took Ue pro trophy dash. llle MalD1, Bmned/Kunter.. ndependence D ay racr cng, accordng n hob F C «r o r t U r y 1357 BL LUE LAKES BLV lobby stocks, Ue mdseason r o. N., T W N F A h. P " rty Runyon. B. A to track owner R alph Jph Jones. cham p s D ave WUsoh, wtw also won a H «U A :l.d w u B y t)«p(ulw.0 em r.pul.3, Jlm Brooks of daho: F alls won Ue h e a t on n Wednesday. The team of FtlfUnJu, Twn Fll. J, Cort: F eatured sp eak er: Rev. M a t t h e w M o rr r l s o n o f n a RodAnderw.TwtnFtlU.2.P» J su p er stockfaeatandt d h y h o n o r t H u n ter ar and Bennett fnshed second at of OobPort. f o and fnshed second nth n Ue m an to hall m ld M w n, \rhnng the m an d a oh (j.l*crlbgmer B a t t l e f W a s h l n g t o n 1 at Trephyl.W enw. d o w n 6econdplace«upe perstock honors W ednesd sdayrtheouerheahvaswon Mam. Rdd Andensnr ndvduals and d famles \ welcome e t the halfway pont of f tl Ue season. by Don Broughton of Twn F a lls. JJJK mterly. l.byhw. k " etgdtered dnner,, flm, and ds f > C fag G ln te ro f Kfnb jnberly wrapped w h lle JTerSH e l nver of Buhl took Ue FaJls. 2. Quck k. cusson. Presenfn: ng a flm of a recer 3nt Relgous Llbertl rtes Rally held lg... * Snncrtoe up the mdseason p ro o s stock tue wth trophy dash. daj h e Hm 1. Jm Broolo. cuh,.. n Washngton D.C., featurng Dr 3r. Tm LoHaye, Rep. George a second>ace fnsh n Ue man The second half of the season wll Ge»k. 3. Boydllann. dash, followed n tbe ovc Dverol standngs begn at Jt Thundetluff on Saturday, m. ok. dtho Fll* Tnty. B reokf. *11*. Hansen, Dr. Josepl 5ph Lowery and ovej er 300 clergymen, Mtta 1. GrJg Holbrook, ly. Urook. 3. Norm Jooe*. Twn F«U Ou >ur to p o of dscuss! slon wlnclude;... :. J l a s t l e ~ l T ln e u p.ad shared yxrlungshot =ALLS J V)Ganchorches manage therbv >wn:dssetswthoutchs mnlstryshould d be? utgovernment he ralng, t nterference?. 2)Gancoj:ts de< lecdewhat a churcl 3) How are your relgous freedor >ms threatened by y t the jalng of seven Nebraska mlnsts.and the p orosecuton of the R Rev. Moon?. Thsjsanonde denomnatonal,no onpartsan ssue ol of concern to all Amercans. The dnner s sponso ored n Twn Falls s t by the Unfcaton Church; t s tme to put asdee our dfferences,, over an ssue that.affects us all L There s no char orge to the publc. :. For nformaton,, c contact Paul Carlson at M or wrte Box , Twn Falls, daho ho. ~As ths"s a catel tered affar, we wl ll have to confrm n your y attend.dnre n adygnce.

21 ; Lades*. TWNPALLS. hold ls monthly r Meetng tme w 8:30a.m. & n B U H f c a c Buhl~youngstere r;rteo..w llb e b el( f*. ; Events fo rth n : * ~ opm =:whnc] ;, barre] racng, gw?,<j The money wll ; w ropefelnthenf T r r r t5 Da0.0eQ»yW, The event wllt = 100m. H A L T 100mlle car rac< ; T heract lssla bug. dune buggy) O p e n tu J H A L E Y T t t t schednledlorhe J.*,. Classes a e sd sbow fulher nform M ora nc PHLADELPH. peaks and vauej ; f o r two consecutl. Mora, 48, wasr Assoclatedpress. He.took.thejob., frst USFL tran had barely gotten Stll,.the Stars choces, Natlona wanted another champonshp to nto the playoffs. The Stars reo recorarastneym D aley, TOLEDO, OWt LPGAtonrrand swngs, but shot delayed flrstro Claplc. The frontnnr H a g g e.b l g J m o r e nonwlnne Colleen Walker, Glengarry Count Peterson and storm, accompa n heuftemoonr W her thel t : e x p e. Oeck wth s. Lke a «1. t O L. rth j p s la V H H y l E ha3 he W T haj j M p C A K y C m h c m e K " p K P c* T j f j g 9 * f l o H g r o u p t The Canyon Sprngs Ladl( ly m eetlogtuesday a t tbe club! e wll bes p.m.august tee tme p t c v e n t a d s e x rv b a ra q o a lfle d fo rt} ] tel(lbere.tuesday.: threedlfferenl~age groups Acludeflag racbg,~f1gulg} goat tyng and breakaw ay rop wll BO to help Um f o BuU u 8 natonal hgh sd ool rofleone expensefrforlbetrtp. :::! ll be held a t M orrson Arena, b l e c a r r a c e. o Tbe thrd annual Haley H acw U bebeldatutewood a Saturday. slated to begn a t 1 p.m., wt gy and Jeep. Spectator admlssl h o r s e s h o w a T b e B laln e C D u n ty O p en P e H aleyr odeog roonds o n S s c h e d u lf to b e g n a t 9 a.m., w m ogktrattnn k a p» r cn? rmauoncan be obtaned by pb l a m c d o p U S P H A ( A P ) J h n M o r a l s a ( a tv e y e a rs. as named Thursday as USFL C ess! lob wth jh e Stars o y jo days lnng can p > l. By the tln tentoknow hlsplayers. ars, a grttty crew m ade up 3nal Football Leagueveteran e r dance, fnshed &*3 l to Mchgan2422. Ths year [fs. recorded 4 straght vctore! P e t e r s o n s h )Wo (A P ) Danne D aley, wl andtaurlpetersonbohfoue hot 4underpar 68s Thursdaj round lead n Ue new LPC unners were ore.shot ahead lg for he r 2fth career vctory; m ers, Muffn SpencerDevllh, te r. All had 69s over Ue untry Club. d Daley posted Uer rounds \ panled by heavy ran, delayed sn youre n hosptflyj enses aon tl state Farm for hosptal call Tprry.Qmll*! 634 Addson Ave. Twn Falls DHE » a oooa tetmnnnerb: KK coe. arwg HrwoodCnda l t h forj our money. See fory ofal.7s lter ofhanvooc Black Vttve. Vjuutn Huwood, Whtjou wll tw e you enjoy na fne ( more, for Umfed Urnc, \ dolw when you buy H \ Jrecu* Vll lhe coupon B Eoy Huwood Canda tlc choce Ucler cm. H arw o o d. Canadan M P O R hb here and slash o u rp rc e by nrwnj.vl tacraj CoXoa (Mn K. Bn 7. to m eet dles Golf Assocaton wll ubhouse... Jnes on lades dayswulbe s y o u t h s roeeed»:to)enefltu)efour : "th en aao n alh lg b sd o o l 10an d u n d er,1115 and ghf racng, pole bendng, opng. TQungsters who qual fed lo n a c tmonth n Rapd Ct; 1, begnnng at 7 Dn S a tu rd a y HUls OffRoad S a c e,a od Rver RecU on Area HtTcTasses ncludng B aja sson s $2. atm aley ah orsesbow Jasbeen naturday: ; 1., and Uere wul be e v ts phonng 7WW707; S F tc o a c h " a coach who r ttr e ttn # et seseofcon/derce Udt t o k S t o t»» t e l 4 4 «e L Coach of m e Y ear by The ysbeforeueopenngofue tme Ue sean started, he p a few hghprced draft ransad freeagenls who last season. losng the ;ar Uey took a.l&2 record res Us season, a USFL h are le a d, who never has won on the B ughfproblem rw U Uflr day to share the weather PG A Jam e F a rr Toledo ad of 50yearod Marene ry; Alce MUer; and U ree ln, M yra Van Hoose and he 6,240yard, treelned s wel before an electrcal /ed play for 75 mnutes ate B y o u r r t s t o p ncom e nsurance. r w w thcwhky lhat gve you more D bryourkr.comprc the prce. g odd 10 the prce o fa 1:75 lter of m nt fnd a hgh prce tag cn B wll fnd l the mooth, mld a ne Canadan whkj. W h u Tc.wc l cnd VoU upjo t h r e < = 5 Haw ood.jut follow lhe d ponbctewsthvhypaymorej p dan. When t comet (o value, S n ls k y l t p a y a to c p o s tr»n7;s>tft.)2l.ubkork.tx7mf V \ M 8 O O lfofate 002 L ost & found Q 03A nnouncem enla O07?peclal nolces "005M em oflalnotcea P e rm n a l3 ~ ~ Selected off( " O O Z Jo b so lln e re sl 008 S ales peo p le QQa mplojfdejl>qfn 010 P ro fesso n al servl 015 B abystters 016 S tu ato n s wanled 017 B u sn e ss opportu 016 n co m e p ro p erty 020 M oney to loan 0 2 M o n flv w a n te tf.~ 023 nvestm enl S2C nvstructlon 02eMU3fglfl93On9...lE G A L N O T C E.N THE DSTR1C1 COURT O F THE FFTl JUDCAL DSTRCT OF N A N D F O R THE COUNTY OF Tv/N FALLS MAGSTRATE DVSON ln t h e M atter of lhe T erm ln allo n ol he P a re n ta l R ghts of HUDE WLLAMS to he rano. c h ld. RQ U llm A Re HENDERSON, a mnor. C a s e N o. 829 ANOTHERSUM MONS THE STATE OF DAHO SENDS GREETNQS TO: Y O d A R E HEREBY NOTFED th a t a Peltlon h a s b e e n flled agansl you4olh6o l6tfotg our of m e Flth Judcal Ds trc Of h e SlalBordaho. n a n d lo r th e County of Twln"KaS. by G ayle D.. H eln em a n n. (ormerly G ayle D. H en d e rso n, (or T erm n a to n o( your p a re n ta l Tghts to the m nor c h r d n q u a f a H e n d e rs o n. You are h e re b y nollfed that h e a rn g on ths matter h a s b e e n se t for th e 25th day ofjuly, at 1:30 o c lo c k.p.m. You are fu rth ern o tfed hal un lo s s y o u a p p e a r al the 1 trae h e re n specfed, th e P e tto n er wll lake lu d g m e n t ag an st you as prayeu n sad Petton. t s e a l o r s a ld D slrcl Cour th s 25th d a y o( June " RCHARD A. PEJOCE C lerk By: s/o lann Jones M ) 6 p t «5 l e r k " = PUBLfSH; Frdays, June 29, Ju ly 6, a n d 13,1984. S o u tt " Celral Com m unltya ctona gencyla a c c e p tn o bd s for he 1985 a u d lle r a d d e ra m u st sh o w ablty to p e rfo rm an A loz At fa c h m e n t P Audt. All, a u d t req u re m en ts must b e c o m p le te betw een n a n d {T2085 (or Board approval. Bd p a c k e t avalable u p o n r e q u e a t.. A g en c y la conblderlng a J y e a r contrac, n e g o ta b le f fundng levft~"flh«noflfl egfhf cantly. S o u th C entral Comm unty A cton Agency t r e s e rv e s th e rght to ret.5.u se.a n y a n d a l.b ld a 4 B d a jm a tb a je c e v e d 5 by 6 p.m. Ju ly 20, 1984 km arked " Sealed Bd". R Subm t bds to: B.. S o u th C entral Com S m unty A cton Agency, tf P.O. Box 631, Twn Falls, e d ah o 83303, Attn; Betty 8 W o o ten a P U B U S H ;., ThurwJy, 5 ~ J u y 6,~throuflh and n 8 c lu fllnp M onday, July 9, Q A n n o m M m e K to g 001F 1orlt«neuterod cat. Black ltc«. o whllo t» d y, looka almllar lo Samaaa: ftaw ardtglw. LOST 6 /» : Femalo Cal Shw na*.araa ol Skvane har, dark body w/whlb(#et, chest & muzzle. Brown lea collar. 7347&50evaa LOST: Aualrallan Shop, whllo & gray, nylon collar. Loat W of Buhl up to MQc W ater Farms. 5C<030. ~ LOST: Flshlno pole and reel, betw een Farfeld ant* Goodng.Monday, evenng. Reward 9 3 *. f LOST: Fo* Torrlor, black. wth whte palches on ches, vcnty ol (fler between Harrson & Polk, laal Men 7/3. Call 73W 34. LOST: male Black & Tan Yorkshre Terrer, vcnty of Northvlew near ColleQe. 2 vra old. REWARD. 734m9. LOST: 2 Oak Chara on :M am U y:ncw.7/2soulh 01 TF.on.areetsJ3t,l}lTbeny. Rd. L K usl. Hghland; Blue U K e8 "S ro rw a sh n o tm n Street.S. C«n323(0«!t?r. S:30pm Rawara... Ck t l l t o d n e n t s Realesta 029 O pen houses 030 H o m e s lor sal J 031 O utoltow n hc BuhFer horr 033 KmberlyHan Je ro m e home! 036 R eal e s ta te ws 037 F a rm s & ranch f f e r s.038 A crea g e j o t s 039 B u sn e ss prop 040 C e m e tery lols 043V acato n prop BnclBS 044 C ondomnum; rvlces 045 M oble hom es )d lunaa 1; R a n t a l s * 050 Furn sh ed ho,05r U htufnlahedt! 052 F u rn.a p ts.& o 054 U nfurn. a p ts. 056 R o o m s for ren b M fl3 t& f= o u n r CT OF CHECKOALY N E W S N BUY & WEAR A LFETME UCENSE. [19 HOUND.DOGS "g NOWATTHETWNFALLS }E ANMALSHELTER lor LOCAT D:1396THAV.W. rpbmoranlonrmalotbown Swhlo S2. Gorman Shepherd, malo.... brown & Black 3. Malan Greyhound O < shophord X. malo, brown BY 5. Shepherd malo brown & on black «6. Lab. male, black Mf! 7. Shoohcrd X. malblack,,g. 8. Shophord)(r9ao7blacT j 9. AustValan Shophord. O lomalo. whllo & brown D. 10. OngoX.malo. brown rly 11. Old Englsh shoop dog. lor lemae. blocj& whto lur f,g H our35lo7pmonly Call.73M>660axt284 lat ler Bocauso Dogs aro brought lh n ovory hour, and SOLD or 30 DESTROYED altor «hors. fa ploaso callorylbljho pound dolly to chock wholhof your L pot has boon pckod up. Ths l " fs not an uptodalo lst. >0. Mxed dogs aro hard lo do ke scrbe, como to ho pound to a s soo l your pot s thoro. Como and pck out a puppy wou!gw»bgt»vo«yul!q o FOUND mllo North ol L L...Goodlng: Parl.DlnB0 4. Shepherd puppy, WPro* 5 monlhsold.mate.93*<066.. ;FOUNDf 6 rownlab, adull.nalcwhg paws.wm.whlld. atreajronnoaasnojrbnde chest, graysh collar. Call 73<9050. FOUND; Fomalo blond m Chhuahua byace Hansen, la Call ,. he FOUND: 2 Goldon Labs. )ra male«nd(emalermaehas to blue collar. 62»6010. en ADOPTON lor Houra Monrt 12:OOtnM:OOpm. 1. Female spayed Lab. gold, no 2,Male Aualrallan Shepherd cl, X, lyear. ng 3. Female spayed U b.x, fh gpldrayeare:. X MEANS CROSSBRED Shaller located on l mllt B* wes road, use the enlrance o 8 aw atplanl JU 0H tht e d ro a d Jro m JcA R.R a d lo.jm 84 Oog llcenaea mav now be p u rch se ed alth a Clly Waler Olflce,... m ;V.. C a ll..: b, fn o a n a w e r ty REWARD OP $100 for llndlng ly, small black & golden brown, nl fb m lsork atrrt arner. g Call or 137?lh Ave T O P a r k F r a!. 003Annou()CfeM t» WEMOVEOt...The..O veracre nsurance Agency s n new ofllce at 2 Man Slreet Soulh.. Kmberly (Soulhslde ol Persons loa New Addton] ol Phone 42»58e. We :fl. W elcom ey ourb usn o 005M d(norfalnotks?e.oom>ereonalg f S L c o f f o r c s ANONYMOUS C n?s«30q >r. [c re Jo b $ o lln t» f» «t t* C A R R Bt O n e r o u t o v o lo l T o r ry C o u r ts, A p p N o r t h,1 0 0 b o c k. of, b o f o r e 8c \o o a n d V f r e e. J o n o u r c a r r j n " n d e p e n d o n t". C a l y o u r o p p c o t u e ~ " N o w s lo d o y r T a S O t as& n d e x, 057R enlalm o Offce & bt u l n 061 G arage re t "w Merch c h e s 067 Msc. for s o ts.068 Compulor: roperty 069 Camera ec o ls. OTCW antedlo operty 071 S h o e s and j m QLsaleO Z la nlquea, e s for sa e 074 M uscal n f(lc e e q u 077 R ados. T\ } Furnture houses OSO Heatng & dh;bflsb3 082BulldlhQn aw p e x es G arage sa s. 4 d u p le x es 086 Frew ood r e n t..087 P lants &tr " B R E A S S S (Smokng, bvoroallng) m n HOTDE 73WH22 p A Problem s nol a problom whon shared. Monlal Hoallh As5oclauon.9omx<3 7am. rs KTS: DvocdrBankroplcy: Call or W. ncl. Eves. Wookonds. LADY ol 56 Wans Gonllo man (or companonshp fbra ; agos Ono whodoosnl O drnk &llkos to ravol & llsh. Call U d n j s companon.aop, X Wrlo lo Bok F60. clotms Nows. Box 548. T.F. PREQNANTN EEO HELP? Froo pregnancy tcsllng Holllno & Crss Cenlor d hours a day. S e le c te d offers 007Job9Ofntefest CASHER ATTENDANT. Sol qm sorvco gas & convonlonco. or Slore. Mus bo 19.and bon (rs dablo. 2 yoars roladd roal,n( oxporence projorod.mus. 3ur b o avalablo to work hs wookends. holdays and 1st ovonlnos Spm to 11pm do shlls. Part llmo postons, 3 to or 4 nghls por wook avala <ro bo. Postons n Twn Falls & py Wells. Nevada. Apply n ley D ohorly alfoarloss Farrs. "V Stnker Slallons Ad d so n E a M r Twn Falls, B across from KMart, Fear loss Fartls Corp., Equal [ U Employmenl Opporluntly KS M s S ~ N E E D E b 7 A py 85 Frday. Saturday Monday al Travelers Oass, >nd.84.exlt1b2. CHLD CARE. COUNSELOR lo work n Ueatment CBnlsr b s.. for adolescent boys. Send as resum e to laano Yonh = RanchTHf3B6y756TRDport7 DB3350, CONRDENTAL B O X N U M B E R S,,H The TmosNews cannot dlscloa# he dentty of any y advertser usng a box JnnumbBfHowflVflr..ffladafa. nterasled n a poston ol,. farad, bul daalrng lo avod aendng a reaume lo certan eompanlea can do so by addreasng your reply lo lhe JS! boxnum ber& placlnglllnan m envalopa addresaed lo:.. CltaalredAdyensngMan along wth a note llslng he companes you do nol warn your reply to reach. lf lhe!:: advertser la anyone on your lal. we wlldeblroy your faply. 1!1P COSMETOLOGST Faataagrownp unsex L. salon n the Northwes now 0, hrng.no cllental requred, s ln n g, frnge benells. Pleasetall Amber EXPERENCED fun llm#.rn nb aded.au leala.m am orlat. ce.h osplu l..ln. the., beaulllul at Salmon Valley,. Salmon. lh. daho. Poalllon open (or RN ol on the 117 ahm. exper on] enced n a amall hosptal We prelerred, competellve sala n and benells. Call collect =" and ask (or Olane Ellla. Drecor of Nursng or s s Kav Sprnger. A dm lnlatxal. e E N C E D Credt Man ager wanled frgtogresslve Busness. Agrcultural credt backqtpund a. +. Reply to C onlrollef;zaot27,auhlldehoa331b o m t e r e s t E R N P E D lo b j o : D o y o l C p u r f s, j p o w o o d o n d M o u r tc e k. W o rk o n h o r o d o y d k e e p y o u r a f t e r n o o n s r r l o r l e o m a n d b o c o m o : o t b n.. ] n t o th e..t m e s o r c o l B f e n d o fe 088Vare K S m oble hom os*noscr*!! & busness rental a te re h l S p a r m jn d raler r e n ta l, torno.spacb l o v A n m. h a n d l s e J S 5 K o rsale 105H ors lo rs Swm B equpm ent 106 Sh oe jlo b u y. H O Ppulf and clothng rrga e a ~~113 Farm: ll nstrum ents tl T arm equpm ent 115 Farm.T V s& ste re o s jre & c a rp e ts. r j q & a lrc o n d. 120Avlat 10 malerals 121 Boat: B sas ; f S p o r )0d 123Skn & t r e e s snoy O O t o ofheres m. ex per en c ed" ftror jem wanled. Cal526;2773. DENT MEAT CO. noods a mo hanc lor ndustral q«m antenance. Should have.///, oxporloncc wllh scalos. olecrlcal. & relrlgeralon. oxcollcnl bonolts. C Mr. J.F. Florence, or Wrto: PO Box EE. Twn >!lo. Falls. D QM MECHANC. Exporlonco H Only.good shop,oxcollont S" s. pay plan. Company bonolts. Call Sorvco Manager. Coo aoo ppr Mqlors. Elko, NV 702 GOVERNMENT JOBS. J14. $50,000. Call rolundablo lor P? world wldo job ollorlngs!n9plro<;lqry (3l2 66M347oxL m y EtSS. HELP WANTED: Ono good oxpofloncod sorvco plumb or. Jlus havo a oood sot ol hand loots, for Twn Falls and Wostoad. (Must bo sollslartor) FulMlme.» Apply: P.O. Box Twn Falls. dahoo MMEOATEOPeNlNGlor ObsloKlcal RN n a JCAH S HOSPTAL. Exc bonolts. nco Conlac Audroy Harpor. RN,,on. Droclor of Nursng )?a,l 0x1206. EOE. lustlbraran. Klmborly., ork Lbrary opon 14 hours pot and wook. Call Pf" LONQ HAUL Trulk Drvor S J wanted lo run 11 Wostorn la slatos. 2 yoars llalbod oxpo S s.ronco. clean drvng record. h 25 yoars or oldor (prolorrod). pm. Call ,1s;... Ad. MANAGERTRANEE* lle,!ar tl you qually. you wll toluol. <lovo J1.500 por month for 3 ntly months whllo n school. allon. lao?**and m fnago 4 m o n r oxpetonco..helpful, ss Sond Resume to 570 W bsr Addson. Twn Falls. daho 5 r ~ tsr NEEDED Experenced end Onnor Cook. Talk to Conne Ulh artraveler!a3l8rr ort; No~Expert«nc«Nfre«ssarY, ago makes no dkeronce. l you aro noat & aggressve r w e wll ralnrwrte P.O.Box. SQT.Twln Falls. daho. PART TME temporary clnc ad for Buhl. 2S hours por 1 w eek. appllcklon & ob do* scrlpllon. avalable al 542 Man Ave South, Twn Falls or 120 8lh Ave North. Buhl, hnv Spansh spssklng pre leered. EOE. poalllon Closes JulvS: tsn PART TME ROUTE SALES bv Household Research s (he lookng lor a part tme route tan person lo servce an, = r!o u * S ;h 5 h V 5 PO Must have van or plckro wllh }03 canopy & some Storage erea. Commlaalon. +,>n expensea, no nvestmenl. hfl full tranng provded, our EOE/MF. Send resume & our phone number lo: House: hold Research nsllulo Soulh West 72hd Ave,,ow p * MAKAQEn. O lt.0(1, Dealer seekng experenced U mensurate wth experence, a Sendresum e lo box 860. Elko. NV or Call.Servce Mansgerr on PERSON for daycare of el pu derly couple. Lght cookng r,. and very Ughl housokeep ut ng. Nonsmoker, non drnker. Call 73M7S2 or 73»eoe. ane RESUMES LETTERS Com Pulerled.. 73»e7M R0 U T E S A : O t w rfn o h s n n cth m ro p portunlty to earn *200 por u wook 10 start. $500 earnng Sond Rosumo lo 570 Wos Addlaon, Twn Falls; aaho SALES HELPWANTED, Experlonceo larm machnery saosporson. Apply al Wolverton nl. e 3rd Avo W. soo Ron Schorupp lor appl. SK NSTRUCTOR: Fully cortlllod sk nstructor wllh a mn. of 12 seasons full lme. experence wth mafor sk schools. Must havo oxper onco teachng advancod skng. n addon lo raco & nslructor clncs. Sosson ><0v lo Aprl Wagos begnnng at (55 por. d a y Commsson dqpon dng on exporlonco ta b lty r C onlaolobb ervce. fox Ketchum, daho 83340, l re ly o o d s 125 T A jal aub fllb S 126.C..128U a rm e rs market lllz&top sol y. gran &(0Bd. f s A rms for ren t 134 a stu re s for ront, 135 c oslock w anted f 3gH m alb reed n g *,,, 141V r s e s 142 n rseo q u p m en t no... 48A 3?P A jtry S ra b b lls :.. 152A( Al m s & ranch suppllos t 56 a ntlm plom onls " 15a a m work wanled goa 182 A R ecreatonal m a M M 172A a ts& m a rn e llems 173/1 orllnggoods 174 A ng oqupm ont 175 A o.w vehcles 340 B S&jobao( nlerest \?.JH E SOUND COMPANY has ah mmedate openng for a sorvco (ochnlc/an. A gggffltwfff(rrohwre«aueetotff~ g yoars exporlonco n tno,. rapar of HlFl soro equtp vftm el(orboltjom o.andc?r,, Wth roloronces s requred. Caroor opportunly (or the. k ndvdual that possesses a "rosponslblo; enthuslaslc 0, altlludo and a succosslul,n rack record of eloclronc. son/lco ond repar. Fol reco 7332l23lorannlorvlow: 1, THE SOUND COMPANY has o an mmodalo openng for an,2. asslslan manager. Sueoxporonc efa?d c mnmum ol twe years collogo oduca s* tlon. and domonstralo a succeed. Excellent caroor }d advancomon potomat lor b and enhuslasc.,ag > of gressve ndvdual. Full rolls sumo s requred. Phono DO for an nlofvlew.? THE SOUND COMPANY has an mmodalo,openng (or a car sloroo nslallor. Tho or canddate must "pofsos )H export Sklls n operatng all :s. lypos of power tools. Pro N. vlous oxporence n such 44 sklls s roqured. Ths s an oxcollom opportunty for a v mechanlcallylnclnod ndl ol vdual to sucoed m h o laslgrowlng oloctronlcs world. Full rosumo s ro* qulrod, Phone lot Jl an nervow. d: Coll to place your ] ) : claasllod ad. WeVo horo lo sofvo you. 0* * 4 3 t f l r r l W J O V / y k J, L! a ~ 15 1:. ). V S N ;, J.. * n )r T h e g r e L., b a r g a n r u H a s P a r e e a s 0 o n y o u b u d g e t. S h o p 11 c l a s s l f, t o s a v e ;. c a s h.!l (J... 1 n».... T M E S p p h o N e ; Frday.July6,1984 T l n e Legas Travel tralers 26C a m p e rsa sh e lls 27.M oorhom es t l l l y tralers S A U O r o O t lv B ; 31 A u lo s e n /c e... 92Autoparts& accb ssor(es 33 A ulos w anted 34 A utos for rent U Cycles & Supples 36 Heavy eq u p m en t O T rcks V a n s ~ ~. <2 m port s p o r ts c a r s <6 4w heel d rv es. 46 A ntlquoautos A u t o s A M C A ulos Bulch 5 4 A u to s C a d llla c 56 A u to s Chrysler 5f A utos C hevrolet 50 A u to s D odge S2 Autos Ford 56 A ulos LncolnMerdury 5 8 A u o s= O ld sfn o b lle 72A utq =L E anlac 74 A utos O ther 75 Aulo d e ale rs 40 B usness drectory.... d O T b a o n te re r 7s s o u CHEF a S yoars oxportonce n full A servce reatauranl. Call 7am no Ask (or Chef, Salary Com p. monsuralo wllh ablty, jr. Cactus Petea. Jackpol. d: Nevada: S THE SOUND COMPANY». l s*lojwt5on. S o >«;» le oxporence proforrod. as sopmo collogo woua bo E l* S 3 s". resume. Phono lor an nervow. WANTEb HELP al a srall laundromal, cleanng 4 drop ol laundryaonrlco. Call,t Sylvaal nr WANTED: Busness Toachor or for School yoar.,q.. ApplleallondoadllneJuly17. 96*. Contact Kon Black, no Supornlondont, Hagorman Hoh School Ja WANTED: ono daho a Lcensed Journeyman no Eloctrclan. Call lor Qg.ntorv8W rbe(ore9af»or all allerepm. 0 WANTED: Person lo (ll Ch portnanonl poslllon nvolv an lng bookkoepng, data pro a cossng, typng, receptonst dl & gonoral olflco for local ho CPA frm.formal educaton cs n tho abovo sklls s re ro* qurod, No work oxporence lot Jsrequred. t4t4.w fhour, dependng opon quallllca tons. Wrte b o x.160 Clo "f Tlmos Now8.POBox;546, Twn Falls. D fttn \ ( 1 1 U. * C v t x * J O C S : N S H O P V T S S E r " " 1 psj 3 r e a t a n s ) s s f e d a s y : l e t. ; f l. e d v e. SNEWS >a»new8. Twn.Falla, daho 05

22 ~W T e. 006rSaleaPfl6p!fl WANTCO;e«pertOTce< ulom obllo salostpan fo new car dealarshp n Tw Falls. Send resum e to B«; Pg9. g 8 0* nm enew s daro e3303.applcaton! w lll o k o tm n t la lj O t[p f9 sa k )n a l HOME.NUnSNO & JHERA PYpfovld9<l 6y.ld#lo.Mom( Health and Hospcc pdrsonne. ncludes fospa oqupmen. supples anc.. oxyoen. ForJnlormatlon cal TOMOS or vst our ollce r tte Socal Securty Bulldlno. TRSRESUMESERVCE JM atjdup:.!.. ~ 1B42tAddlsohAVo734:g3<5 otsbabysltlere Any ago. Anytme, bul Frl. nqnta & durng doy Sol. Oroplns wolcomo SABYSTTNG. w Bleom e"lll3u 148 CHRSTAN CARE lor your chlldron. Fenccd yard, snacks and lunch. Ronsor>ablo.73M62S. DEE DEES DAYCARE tary cwd oducaldrrmaor 1fljflaSJ)!Porlonw coh nfl tor Chlldron. oroanl:od actv* lllos 10 promote dally learn* na oxp. Lovng ndvdual carn:call Doo Dee FUNFORALL Lols ol acllvttlos. lujljr part UP NFANT CARE. 95 steady. lenulmato roleroncos ro* Gulred. Call aoyaallagos. Famly raoo, pcncs, palt play & slory tmecall a 6S ltuatlon8 Wanted Tewn & wants won. 30 years * oxp. Please call 733Wf3 ask for A.J. Alexander. JDOHOUSECLEANNQ hard workng, dopendablo. Experloncod, rot Teenage boys lookng lor sum m er lmo jobs, pay noaoltjble. Call.73.4.?788, W B ub lnesso pptya. NOW OFFERNG a low seec propertes wltl oxcoment nvostment potental. Condos, duplexes, townhousos and sngle lamly hom es. Assumalo ow Jnterest loans.4 stm avalable wlh small cash oul lay. nqures nvllod 85pm., or eves. Swmmng Pool & m nol course. Part oral. mos summor but Year round n como. 73M Q2M }pen Houses / P N H O U 50( " B 840 Forwoy {corner c : z r 7b7drobm :;ss4.ooo.r \ W P Markf J 3 O ffce H< Moncoy hrough Frdoy doy a a.m. to ll o s n. D ead ln e S p.m: Mondoy.Frdoy lu. J lron Solortloy nnj Mondoy. N o tc e! CHECK YOUR AD ON th TON. horo hould bo TmoNow mmedolol nol bu rapontlbla (or norlon. R a te s... PrvbtcPorly Ad» }~ No. ol boyt 1 3 ln «Mnmum 5.50,. N o.olo oyt T T T Tha obovo ro o apply o ont wlhoul copy choc on ol m ovng to la " od od. O lher roo pvolloblc " s o ld fh o r o f r g o r a t o r.th o f r s t dayl M T m e a N e w s.t w n \ elected oj 017rrBu8 nes8ppptys. BSCAAMUyNefARfor Buy equlpmen?. nvenor Twn OM13.5W. Buldna leas 8«x S?00pornonlh,Cals3765e ews. belorenoon; lons cesson Traler. A mone maker. U500. Cal 324n = r or32«7649. FOR LEASE; Stanley Cor. urcat o rm utp8~5 :RA xcelenlcond.. Approx 23 ome.. sq tt buldng plus lot. Mal pce s t locaton. Monhy fl pllal "yoattyleasofonbobum nc and Cara4.2132,. SS. spot, prce unusually lov. E Ownor must sell because c health. s a gong payn busness. Al you have to d s step n and lake over. Th cale oar ncludos al equp owner wll pck up hs can / f. and. walk out o Sol lor dotal3. SSL WAHNwa : The TmosNows rt /our commonds lhal you n ard. vosllgalo. overy phaso c }on> nvestment opponuntos ospoclally hose (rom oul c stato or ollorod by a porso; loe moto or hotel. Wosoggoolyouconsul yourownattornoy.., he B6ltor Busnoss Bureau dahoconsumor Allalrs.o ask.lor atreopamphetan nformaton from ho Allorney G enerals Con Protoclon Dvson, Slate )dy, houso. Boso. d»>* re Phono = : WELLestabJshed Cuson use. OS, homo. 2car garago. al or lory approx. 17V4 acres. J Drect alnqurlos: 202Norl Avo.. Mall Sule 1184, Gran Juncton. Colo. 61S01. 7,. 1 acre zoned commerda ~w m 2bdnnhom er30x 5(?? shop. 806 N Blue Lakof across rom Dary Ouoon..... *89.900, U rry Jones.flM ltj 3 ;7 3 M «0,. 0. QBlncoma Property T, borly. J lor both. For more nfo call lnve8tmen> BUYNG or SELL real oslalo contracs. mongages, & Doods ol Trust at dscount, lew McCoys Brokerage. Box 391. w»» Twn trals WE BUY PAPER. Real Estate conlracs. deods/trus. ; z :s & o 3 ;,S rs S!; M*" Fast sortlce. Cal o; wrlo lor FREEostmate. j o l Metropollan Mortgage & Securllfos Co.. nc J n Blue U kes Blvd eves M )pen Houses lu S T O N a? t0 0 >f c l; Lncoln a Forwoy). 3 *eople s etplace J1931= 4 o u rs oy 0 o.m. lo S:30 p.m. Solur... oy for pubcoonfallonns 1 loy for publcolon Surday the FRS DAY OF PUBCA bo an orrot ploao coll The ololy. The Tma.NBw wll or more lhan ona ncorrect ( L J Q.5 0 J 4. 5 Q S [y only lo conecullve nter loqs. Prepoymenl requred odt and polllon w onted" able upon requel. vn Falls, daho Frday,July6 tffersbtet O gtnstrucaon f e M u s t c Lessons GUTAR & BANJO Lessons. begnnng or advanced. Ca mey " but ael, trade, re 6733 classfed s the ono place you can do t al.. S S B R w E z : Man or. 0290pef> Houses mfco CS>Home3 ForSal0 soot ASSUMABLE FHA vlng bdrm. bath, dbl garage. For nfo. Call42338l Ths BYOW N ER.5acresonroek qulp. Crook S ol Khnborly. Energy cane efllclonl 3 bdrm homo; largo 2 or shop & outbuldngs. Low JZDla*»nfcwllLnaoolale.&.. carry wth 1/3 down. 10% nterest. Call homo n vory nco area. Fnshed basoment. O hardwood floors. aundv lllos,, foom. vory large yard, AC. ulof Call73322k. *0«BV nwmpp Hnftfl a,,,,11 Central ar condtonng. "~ b lo cltc *hoal. "FurH shed basomen wlh pool table., lots of slorago. Now wrng, bam. O ffst:arklng (arage and shop.t.oooctn.. fnn. 10% nt. Wll carry papor tato.. DRVEBYANDSEE n o.*. THEN CAU S r T RANDYANDERSON Boaulluly malnlanod con lomporaryj Trlovol home n nolghborhoods. Foalurng 3, bdrms. 2V bath, famly room clsj wlh lroplaco, pato, doublo K50 garagorassum abloflnanc kos. rng.ft7,000. K 15l1.T *roh»....supor lamly lloor plan wlh 4 largo bdrm s,"3 batfs, Slorago galore, doublo car For Boehm Drve, 2nd home on left* Proallous solll entry homo on~rfl8 acros. m lovoy acreaoosubdlvslonrlaroe3 bdrm, 2 bath home wth 39, klchonollo ofl lamly room. *68,000 assumablo al 10 3/4%, 199, CndyDr1vo nd Jlrcplacos. over sq ll. Y and mature landscapng. 0 $60,000 assjm ablo loan at,.9%, roducod to * Dss. FOR SALE OR RENT: 3»7 Bdrm, S S Elzabelh..Blvd..Cal 733*6109 or or73454S5. ~ FORSALEBYOWNER Boauful 3 BR home, lu basem ent. 2 car garage, fenced yard w/dock. *49,»0 assumablo 9.%. Call us now at HOME4NCOMErcharmnB:: wolbul. good locaton. *40,000. Owner TS NOT OFTEN YOU CAN B U Y A HOME FOR LESS MONEY than ho owners havo n t. A total o( 5 bdrms, 3 baths, laroo double garago, spacous po, nto, ror n al lovoly earh lonos. Owners aro movng so lako advantage of ths onco n a lllq llm Q oppolunll C all Davd Lutz Realtora motfl evenlnos 73: H om M ForSale j o M F R O M G R A C O U S CO U N TR r : :.P o o A n e R D Q d B Q e c o u n l 7 > o o k c h o r s, c o n tr o l o r g o r a g o d o o r o p o n o A s k r g $ 1 5 4, A aftor.q su b sta n ta l d m t r n WHEES THE BRCK? F ths thorp 3 bedroom ho w thn wolkng dltlonco tchool con b e yourt. ) ho (T<en wth o famly room ond lolt of room (or lut ton, o lo h o t o (o coveed potlo. m aluro ond 0 tngle goroge. Ot Cng ovolobe. For UB.S ColTwolt T odoy [ \ g e : ] r r t S Q S A D m s y6,l9e4 : j : tttals o3(>home8 For Sale Call. L W NTEREST LOAN on tfl# MARVELOUS BRCK HOME. 3 bdrm, 2 balhs, &..(antastlc kllchen. m SpflclaculamcrQallQruwm.. & t»r. Room lor pool tablo. darctng, olc.. Elllclonrhoal r a A K M S " ;.ony*s9,so.dontwat = H A M L E n R E A L T Y (OyM raorhorteelservkk) OFFCE...73M07B, 3 Joyce C o te go. DaveHamlett...7XM030 xk LO N T E H E ST 9W% rgy assumablo loannowor rgo "COunlry home on 1 3/4 Xw acres, 3 tdrms, 2.balh, bg e.& y ard,. 5 >1199 tromtwn, 0% f=all8. * M ln lfla N G H E S e«t23003 M rm. doublo, "t. wde. 1 acro. Melon Vaoy. dfv J25,SXM bdrm on 1.9 acros rfoar lown for fxoruppor. 130, acros wlh a fxorunnor homo, bam, ng, $41,50CM bdrm on 5 acros. fed furbasomontrb/vacybar le, SnakeRlvorC8nyon,Bl1. ng, tsb,«50supor 3 bdrm on 1 no. acre.nce lamly room wlh rn F/PTpatoom acrd rsconc lor. Hagerman. Mus solll B41. ROBERTJO N ES R E A L T Y K 73W l«4or543«2 lnance.lbdr/t3th.7337«9. 9S NCE 3 BEDROOM homo on 1 3 Hoyburn Avo. East. Alum num sdng, (oncod back jo.. yard.sawoolh/o.lpay nc Schools.coso loshoppno. *43.000: CaH Ed Marxetlng Aosocalea ollco or Ros7342L 42 h S. X X :ar THECHOSEN FEW YOULL HAVE ROOM TO no BREATHE n ths spacous ly bl6v6 21 X VJ vng o 3 room,3bdrm.2*bathen1l lh ly room, hugo lava rock m. llroplaco, lols o( bulllns. & 10 doublo garago. CALL TO DAY 972 Gallop Drvo. * ns CHARM OF YESTERYEAR s 3 pmjalfltljluflugfluljlua.. unque older homo. Vory g. largo rooms wlh appro at matoy 2900 sq t. oxcolon locallon lor specalty shop 3 or prolossonal ollcos.,,h Oualllos for hstorcal lax V credts. *48,000. Owner t. nancngavatabto.,,,, UNBELEVABLE TRUEVEL homo wlh 1600 sq. 3 bdrm,?: 2Vbatt)s. lroplaco. kllchon. dnng room combnaton, us double garago, sprnklng syslom. & flv.pod. Youll ntrrrnaveonurrnooenm saffo >n. frst!! 1782 fmorollo. * RWN R E A U T Y.N C. 734 ] l d lo. " n g m n vsa 9 yoar om 4 )s. bodroom on South end ol Ko Joromo cly. Easly a assumablo FHA loan., Full tl basomen. Bv owner. 414 f l a o Avenue K rcan24:246 lorappolnmen. (OOHoesFofSale M t C GEM STATE g» g < T a M W B a f l B 3 TRY H O M E. 5V* m lo sw o s B o a u tf u lly d c s g n c d.k tc t 3 o k = c o b h o f s = E n a c k = b o lr c o n d to n n g, c o n tr o l vc n o r s, d o c k, s h a k o r o o f, sp A s s u m e lo o n o t 1 2 %. a n d 11 d o w n. Coll Lynn R a s m u s s c T Rght horo,... home localed CO ol ho hgh. ho, full boto DARNG V om woodttovo, well locotod lutu/9o»pon..o codof mu loncod yard ofocvq flr ro londcoptg bock t wre, Ownor (mon T ;M 4.3l,l S T A E A M DSONAVE7EAST:7*7; o n.. : : k &. (. n.... (. >41 ;, 7 T y «) 67 V SV 00 or 1/4 )g n to, Boy.ts ax AROUND m n T,, OaOHonssForSle 1 fkv lmc nam e yurfw n "p 5bdrm. 3rt balhs conlem. pary home.onjflcfcajarpe countrr»!ttewrtcrmatcrn ng room, (amlly room. roc.. reaton room, heal pump, calhodra celngs, 4000 sq ll olcom (ortabojlvng..la(sa 3< a r parago. ncely landn r Sawtooh/Oteary Schools, S19a.S00Cal.ownor rmllor Dp , nck ljj(»1= O u t0(lq M "0 HAGERMAN. Now home on * 1 acro wllh prvale lshng. pond, or HOME on Btllnqst/Crotfk. 2 bdrm, 2 balh. lvng room, dnng room, den & A/C. Freo walor..w.g o o., uluuuut juu tl cruuvu ur*,81 acres. Call WENDELLSmal homo, nco 0 noghborhood. on cornor JS ol. roconlly romodqed. u catoo.. A.llaor covorlngs. ;k Large assumable loan, & Phone B uhm er Homes 416 5lh St. *17,500. FHA 12% s fnancng. *170/monlh. 1 lorms. Call Klmtwrly4an3en )! Dosporao Mus sell* y Boaullu 3 bdrm. assumablo j. FmHA. *36, ! NEWER39DRM. 1 balh homo. For sale by Ownor. ;L Frosh patnt nsdo. w/new 1,. kllchon lloor,. que & n frendly noghborhood. 1. assumablo FmHA Loan ol. n * By Quallled buyer fl W/J6000 down. 709 Locusl fl SlreotrKmber1yr<g349a: 034eron8H6TBs 2. BDRMComplotoly rom c a o rffa rn o v ra b n a s r* carpels. W basomon, largo cornor tot, oxcelont locajl 038Real ELWanM Classlod readers aro J looknglor loms.lhoy.wanu to buy. Placeyour ad loday loroulekro!oonso t, OSCHomesForSale M REALTY o s t o f T w n F o ls o n c h o n.w jh c o r o m c. o r = w t h o tt o c h s d v a c u u m, o u to m o tc s p r n k ln g s y s te m s, n d o w n o r w ll c o rr y s o n. #l1684. H l WARM COHAOE. Very od lor tht prce ronge. lo lt tdo, now roof and ldng. fropoca. Storogo thod n red for 220 om pt, Tht t o p torler homo on a.lo>. Coll Jang. S29.S00. T E X m 3000TDSE YOU,Jbey! JVEft WTH (OTFanns Ranches v» B A R E 76A 0fO»re6tof m.. Buhl, full wator, *135,000 n:: c atrswetta... C DARES P. n 20 ACRES computerzed, }o doublafharrngbone f* 60 ACRES double 4 herrng. S rngbono, 20ACflES8 stanchon, 08 ACRES doublo 3 sdo oponor. 84 ACRES slnglo 4 sdo g SSaCRES double Bhorrng 1 bone ACRES double 4 horrlngn, bono. C. Somo ncludo cows >0 10c Blue Lakes North r«call73»e227 or RSH PONDS 40 Acros. NW d. olb uh,40clsllngonw alor y, fefet»t9th.pl«fly)lroom s. fo r.addtonal pondseccs: n enlly n hay & pasture. Nce vow ol valley, older ro = modeled homo, bulllln ranoo S ovon. oarh stove,. *205:000. Call Bob Jenson % Ollce or Ft. Ros, Marttetno Assocates Realtors :. > 40 ACRES n Melon Valley. polontlal ho walor. * ; wlh * assumable loan. * Tull waor, wl tradeoquty" 0 for homo or smaller parcel ol 5 land, Ca 543*6775, h 038Acre8Qe& Lots w BULDNG LOTS. noar & schools, oast aroa, n a. culdosac, lerns, ownor, f. Call , r BULONGLOTS1 /4.2M,S5 ll acre sles n Twn Fals,!77JoTomolBuhratoas7Prc<d....ton* thru* Matkollng Assocales olllco or Evonngs Cal Bob32.507aor. d42442., LOT FOR SALE at Murphy Hol Sprngs. Rver fronlage. ( cn c b d a m alu lfa llo ran d awnlng...askng *6900, Call 543S»76r543*S641. s MOBLE HOME LOTS for ro sale "Magc Vaoy Moblo. "E states. Fam ly& 8d u ly subdvson, WashlngtorrSl..1,. SJblockWostonPJwAa* ant Rd, oasv lerms MOBLE HOME LOTS n Wendell, Clly sower & walor. ow down. *3500 & up. Call A C R E S o lb a ro!a n d Mako olfor, cash or rado for eoullvcan ACRES mmaculate 4 bodroom, 2 balh, brck homo, largo (amlly room wlh carousol froplaco, cov orod pato, olcctrc hoat, S.uporjnsulajlon trlpj a n o wndows, doublo garago. corrals (or 75 hoad of calves, foncod, 10 shares ol TF w ater, frut roos, Twn Fals Schools, Mrkelno. Aaaoclates Call Ed ollco or home a43a C R E S *W W Ucom. merclal wth 3 bdrm homo. owner fnance ACRES, 4 bedroom houso. *75,000, 29% down. Tolophono , H3» B u 8lnBS3 Property MMACULATE sq ft w arehouson TwnFalls and locaton. Prcod to90ll~...wth good torms avalable. #14M4. GEMSTATEREALTY 7 w m NDUSTRAL LOTS wlh ralroad ronlago. 5 avalabo from 1.66 acros through 4.19 acres. Located n Vartoy n* duslral Subdvson ol Easland Dr. Soulh paved streets all ulles aveabe Cal Ed Marketng Asaoclatea ollco or Ros THNKNG OF A MOVE? ~Chocecommorct8TT)roporty * may bo lust what you nood. 3 lotszonodcom m erclal buldngs. 1 s 8800sq. f t 1 a 1960 sq. ll. Bolh heated &..nsulaod, Property h a s truck & equpmonl access. Overhead doors S securty fence. For moro dotols asfe for R a n Andorson at w eftem Ftotlty or eves * full block n downlown Twn Falls on 3rd Avo South." Over 18,750 sq t cf warehouse. Slruclure s sound, could use now skn;. 2 lols of parkng space, excellent lor lght manulaclurng or wholesale. reul wlh adjacent ground avalable. * Call Jane STATE REALTY 73W O O 50x38 Modern w arohouse..fadllyw no(tteesp*c«rest room, *400/monlh 4. *3009ooo8ll..PMC733JJT7. 1>/. J... Y 6 E S H A W S N y ; 043VacaHof) Property >00 cabn on Magc Reservor. Walkng dstance to ar slrp,* ownor wll consder torms. rt * Call Dalf Paltorson or j G E M S M C T E A L T Y 53 s1tp. Subdvson,. eocrclly n. ao trees, * ao M5Mobllf Homes BANKflEROMwstsallL.1971 Glonbrook 24x51. Altractvo lnancng OAC. Cal Torry at O...423SS??. BEFORE. BUYNG a now H Moble Homo *.Check wth. CARTER HOMES tor a usod onol DUUUS vuuyw O T EXTRA NCE 1963 Nashua. W 14x70. 3 bdrm. * or O *1500 down & assumo loan. ; a n» s a 5? : en tavqlyt883sahan28x52:3 : bdrm, 2 bath. Counlrysdo Vlaoo , 0. Nce two bodroom Broad on moro. Rent or sol. Depost,76 roaurod.n opols, 7340?36. es Ropo 3 bdrm db wde n famly par<»fler *5M down & modao occupancy. 733 n ty"sequoag84modol 56X24 ol 3 bdrm. 2 b a h s.2 X 6 was.. woodstove & loadedl On sae now only *27.W. You must soo to beleve at Magc Valley Moble Homes 7 e u r SFECA L! NEW KT 5 STONEHAVEN.9 J7B0 sq L3 JO... 2 b a th s,d o n «Reg*42,000 Now only *36,0001 =LAZY HOMES y e. (NexttoWaremarl) d OnlClfflberlyoad Wo Slll buy Moble Homo tros Carter Homes Q WELL BULT. Clean, 1057.,:tpD u.2bdrm.jutnshoo. close n. *5500. lorms or trade. Cal x64 Broadmoro " on fn PRVATE CORNER LOT. 2 r bdrm. 2 bath, bull ns. ll oxlras.. Low down, assuma l)q j:al 42WZ21. d 197Q M ARUn1flJt542 9r bodroom, V bah. n oxcellen shaoo , SAHARA 12x64. 2 :k bdrms. partally furnshed, m very good condon, *7000. V* or GOVERNOR, 12x60. 2!2bodfoom.app!lanco3.A /C. storm wndows, skttng.? Col allor 5, , 1979 GLQBESTAR bunkhouso sloops 6 f you have a largo famly beer look. * MOBLEHOMES 4 mles N ol Porrlno Brdge, T.F.Cal or*3a , 28x48 DOUbT E WDE Skyno moblo homo. Almos now, unque. 3 bdrms. 2 balhsmaslor ba1h ft wlh sunken lub. Al opon s th>amceltlng3...wood d o c k»s sm a~a own A taku ovor ~ pavmontsvcall : 2 bdrm 12 wdo sol up n famly patk. Twn Flls *600 down *125 a monlh. m m odato occupancy , ;: K l R e n t a l s. )d 050»Fumshed Houses or HANSEN Nce (urnshod 2 Bdrm mobllo homo, carpol. =7 ar.clesn.cal4235lw. ttsu nm m. H ouses, 1 A good locaton. 2 & bedroom. fu basomon BS wllh an addtonal bodroom..s, Flr6pTacor5290porrnontn ty Plus depost. 733* A NCE 2 bdrm house. at w /slorage shod & lroplaco. or S3fl41h AvoE. * *9075. attentjon: Wo manage a n knds of ronlal propertes, n. consclentousprolosslona. of Contact Mko Chsm al p ro e r a n ag e m o n t Co. ]?, ATTRACTVE 2 Bdrm Trplex. Slovo/reltp, garage. *275 f ulllllles, No pels,call ATTRACTVE, now. modem 2 bdrm. 1 balh wllh double garage. *335 por month. Call Property Management Co. e. TXT. =»«HrAufluat 6. 3 BDRM.2 * balh, slovo & rolrg n, eluded,n?3r73w8fl8. o 051Uffum. Houses AVALABLEn<uly1&rM>d(m, t balh newly remodeled home.*27s/monlh + depost & relerences. NO pets. Cal.734a87. CLEAN AND NEAT 2 bdrm, fenced yard. *300 + depost. references CLEAN comlortable 2 bdrm clos»o<towntown A a c h o o * nd Ave E CLEAN Bdrm, tub A ohow 1 arw /ahookup.1.froplaco,. garaoe. no peta locaton. Slove. frg, water, aatbage furnshed. * ;0915aler5weekdava. CLEAN 3 bdrm botween Candy.Cane Park, & Sawoolh School. S350 t *1l»Clesnlnodep T FLER. 34 BDRM. *280+doposll. nce, large. nsualed. Call FOR tease: Country home. 3 bdrm, 2 bam,famly room,. fropcerdouble car garage & V ol a basemont. Call nhyttmooseno an appolntmonl. FOR RENT OR SALE: 10 acres fenced wlh nce 2 bdrm. 2 bath. homo. Horso. barn & corrals, localod bo 3 ~ aoo a monlh. U ll BJ/2/r FO R 8A L O R R E N T ;3 Bdrm. * Elzabeth Blvd. Call or 734*. S4S5or73454SS. HANDYMAN NEEDED, 5 1. bdrm, v /d hookup, gas H ouses4 Apts forrent. s TheeC Property Monagen. LA & R D S HATE US ow n he homo ol your dreams todayl For a lmled lmo ony we are ollorlng a specal program lhal wll pay up to KOM towards your homo buyng cosls. nter ; osredrcarnowrottfolas~ or o v o s. LEASE WTTH O PTpfW jrgp;, vory nce; 2 bdrm homotn Hanson wllh33x33 shop " rfarago. *360 por monlh +. doposll alter3pm, up 4 2 down, *200 per month. t *50 dopos. Call Woslorn < Farm Sorvlco r NCE 2 BDRM HOME on 1 Good Street wlh appll ancos. *2WnAr1n oo J postr733*4994or J RENT LEASE OPTJON SALE 3 bdrms, 1. balh, (replaco, laundry, lamly room, t garage, carporl, on 1V4 acros, V way between, Joromo & T.F. *450 monlh. y ovonlnos & Wknds.. roalon room basemenl. *240 por monlh. Dck. 733*, 2365 or or SMALL NCE 2 BORM Houso 1 n Fler, carpel. W/D hook J up. nco yard, *125 depost, : *00/monh:Cal WENDELL; 4 bdrm. lvng " room, dnng room, calho dra celngs, bultn cab nols,maser bdrm & balh,, plus extra ft bath, garage wth eloc door opener lots ol sloraoe. *500 a monlh, 1..yearleas67CaS3a:64B Bdrm houso sngle garage,! 1 block from. 711 on Washngton *175 a m onth. 1 MayerA Assofr7347«5.1 1 BEDROOM. Slow, relrg,**": No pols, *140 + depos[,, Madson2 bdrm, ranoo. gas hoat, largo garago, *225 K r monlh. fst 4 last. Cal ekor4homflod r S DRM..C0S0 10 town., 33 2 rt1 rd v o fv o st. Call after 5pm. ;. 2 BPRM. Carpot, drapos. rofrgorator, stove. Clean. *240ronlh +.doposll. 2~B0RM FARMTOUSE. 20! mllos rom Twn Falls, South! ) ol Hanson. *160 )dop., rots requred ; 2 BDRM HOUSE. Basomen. ] lroplace, coso n. *260., m onlh+ *100 doo , ; 2.BDBMJtt.S!oo!oJLCp.upoj. (prelorred). no pels, *225 monlh + dopos. water 4 1 sampod.car BEDROOM, full (nlshed : r basomon, garago, fencod, yard, 210 For Avonue Wost, tnn X bdrm,lbalhrcarpot,hodk. 1 ups, gardon area. Evana Property Management, BDRM m.Avo Eas. ] : *265 per monlh + doposll. Call , 3 BDRM, 2 balh. fonced j 3Bdrm~spor nco nomo,, wllh loncod yard, freplace. } pao, double garage, wlh,. workshop. On Soulh j ~~Mavar"?)S»oc737ro. " ~,< 407 Washngton South. j Maturo coupo proferrod no pels. *250 p o r. monlh. garden spol avaabe. Ca ; bolote 7pm. J 052Fun.Apl& Oup. SUPER CLEAN 1 bdrm apt. j partly (umlshod. No smok otaorpets BDRM. Downtown...vory, nlce..lu«t.wator/aanjutn j *160+dep, Bdrm lum lshed duplex ( noar dovjnlown. *1M.a,. m onw Mayer & A**oc j BEOROOM, near S a l e ; n Twn, *155 a monlh, 32& > 5373 eves or leave mossogo. \ 11 UNTS complele wlh ca. \ be TV. *5Ck65 per woek, 1201 ( Kmbery Road J1SM150.P46.1A2l>drm.1 bam, tum apts.. waterpd.. t 290 2nd Avo. N. Evan* f t V perty Monoaement V c S13S«n. P74 1 A 2 bdrma : and Studos, u. pd. 317 < Shoshono St. Evna Prt> perty l<unag«ment. 734 W. *150. P«6 2 bdrm. 1 bath, rot, c stove 4 carpol. Water A v trashpad,re n o e d y rd, 18?" 7 Catnoy. Evana Woperty 4 ManaoemoTrtr734 r ?Fum.A p& D up. r A CLEAN 1 bdnn furnlshy (] apt, watera w ltalorpaa, tf40 per month: 73440n 19. EXTRA LARQE 1 Bdrm Ap., h e ttt wsar turnshed. ll Mhools. m 4*h lt."3orth. Call k tch en ettes and u sleepng rooms. Phono KTCHENETTES & Sleepng? floom a.. Clean.evflrylhlng ; furnshed, *45465 per week, 1826 Kmtwrlv Roao. LARGErBORMrstTtlltlos ncl except lghts. Downtown. *140 + depost. Call or LOOKNG FOR A HOUSE OR? APARTMENT? Call QuclS T. nce a QUET 1 BDRM lurnshed, walor 4 garbage l l 7oSoo"**7M rzfco furnshed apts. wlh ortt:: r: utltes.pd * plus. S deposll. Th rte C Property rn NCE1 BDRM furnshed ApC 9 all utllllos ncluded, *160. 0* or 734* SMALL 1 BDRM APT. n lrnjhud.allllllllllftm cept * l M 8 l K th Small 2 room fum apt. utl pd 4* Share Shower closen *140..HoukRoaltv downtown. Heal, waer j j d o p o slt, no pots. Call j ato ptexes. ~ ACUTE 1 bdrm duplex. *1M r ~ o r A LARGE 2*3 Bdrm, *280, a applancos, 460 3rd. N. CALL! A NCE 2 bdrm Duplex, wlh, W/Ohookup,e/c,241 Rch ardson Drve, *2 k » APARTMENTS (or ron, n WondellrRango 4 refrger*. torfurnlshed.63624s3... AnRACTVE 2 Bdrm Trplex. Stovo/relrg; arann... 1, M B.u r B a o?. n Clean 1bdrm ap. wlh slovo 4 frdge, walor 4 sonltalon pad. No pots. *150. Abbolls [1.Rontas7330«)7. room, ktchonrbalh,carpet. excollont tocalon. *250+ *75 cleanng doo. ulllllles nol ncludod Addson 1; AvoE n FALLSAPARTMENT 1. Coso 10 schools 4 shoppng. Chldren wolcome, mosphero. 1 & 2 bdrm apts. 0 MODERN 2 bdrm n 4 plex 1 near MV hosptal. App,. 3r7aK57&. " b " Newly remodeled cozy 1 BR. apt. Close to downtown. Hol l. wal. & san. furn. *170/mo., Lv.mossaooat , o NCE, noat clean 1. s bedroom n good area. *190 1 oor monlh. Hoat. T ~ sa n lla!a b r n d wale?: : furnshed. No pols. Call. f 733*8926 or NCE 2 BDRM. Nowly > carpolod, clo an 4 q u lo n ~ 7 *..«vllhn walkng dstanco o f. tho malls, laundry (acllos, ; Ono bodroom apartmon 5 opn Shoshono Street near, Clnc, *170 per month plus, deposl.733*1944. ; RENT.1S 125 permonlh llyou.: qualtyjsafltslnblssrtovey ; vow.cara41333 TWO 1 bdrm aps, *200 4 ; *150 at 324 6th Avo North,. > Twn Fals. Rango & (rdgo (urhtshod, haro washor 4 person, no pels. Call J or v Vory nco 2 bdrm apt n 4PLEX. Applances, AC. aundrv Jaclles, car p o rt,; ;. No pels. *265 por monlh.+ 0 sodnp 73:«f<Q ; 1, 2, or 3 bdrm apts., u n ; > lurnshod. No pots. C all )740. J 1 BDRM APT. *155 + d opos: t, no pols. Call 734&11 o r *2211, eraor, *150 + deposll. CalTTJ :, 1,200s q lla p t.2 largobdrms... m balh, W/D hookup. garage, walor & sanllallon pad, upstars unl, coso 10 ; 1 achools and ehopplng. *315 <, per. monlh + *150 depost. ; Cal or 733* lo OrW TrLarBrstnlarnjrf Slovo. water, A trash pd... yard. 600 daho Str<Sel n Fler. Evana Property Man* *100. F«7. Slodo apt, tef..... stovorbed.carpot "drapes; " 354 th S. Wes. Evans. 1 J190. PTH. 1 bdrm, 1 balh. now pant, carpol, frg & Slove. al elecl.. yard. 2229th Avo. E. EVans Property Management BDRM. Open beam collng, freplace, dshwasher, ds posal, Slove &. refftgoralor, jacuzzl. No pots, rotor*.oncos, * * 8708or73* BDRM ar condllonod basomon ap. Slove. rofrlg oralora.utlhlleafurnlsned. * or evenngs A weekends BDRM DUPLEX. Covered. parkng, nco yard, no pots. *260. seo al 32b Hoyburn" T Wosl days 4 ask for. Randy or evenlnos 2 BEDROOM apartment n. 4PLEX. Al applances, ul. ty room. AC, no pels. 207 Wlrschlng Ave. W. Avalable. mmedately. *260 plus;*loo depost. 4 2 n.. 2 nce clean 2bdm duplex e s close to Lynwood Shop. png Cenler *235 a month. MayerAA*aoc734.7PS. : PW. 2 bdrm. carpot. drapes, rof 4 stovo; dsh*... *»«>?;Acro8s..,(rom rsl. J78N tw ashlnglonra pt. 4Evntt P rtw rty Uanag* menl7ml4(f;:.

23 entals~m\ ferchand se F r d a y,j u ly 6, 1 fmb! mbsnows, T»ln F03, daho 67 0( fl7 M J «lte n» u s OTOWafrtedToBuy OTeOfflwEqulpcnemt O T B rfum.jc ah OTSrApplancaa.. > 0 6 M g e S a l e s MOBLt FflB r"orut V b u y n g 4 SEC tlnj C all. Stand. Qx:cllont condllc EARLY Amercan Sly Style ESTATE SALE. Hotpont t re ro Antlquo Aucllon ls t Sun ol forms of gold & slver. Ct Call oarly or lao Radk).TV4Sfefeo eo Chna, Dark pno llnlsh. Only frlgoralor, 18 cub ft, fros ooch month. Starlng Juno 3 L.. tnenta Gold. 633 Bl 77 {299. Calna Cl*ar*n< nce froo, harvest gold, lko new, now. PORTABLE Boll S.W S. Lakes North COLORTelevlsons., Use ««Center { , k sawmll. Compleo wlh. fl U, BUrNQ: Everythng n t gt oold >afgojeleclon.from{99. cubc nch Conllnon a 4» GOOD OLD Rolrgoralo Jlor, Ftgldaro sldo by sde S ro. ; ANTQUES;" Whlrlpwl 4 slver. daho Con Gall onglno. Accosorlos: edo3 loa302 N. Man , woks groat, only S99.9 J.95, rlqoralor, {449.o6. Banne nner rango Ford, much. sollpopolled, sharpall.. Only {299, Cans Qoaranc nce more. July 6, NSDE 5 6 CASH PAD for non work! COLOR TV conveyor rollor soclons,,, Cenjgr,7337n hofse c t o p saw. Mu jm rolrlgoralors. freezers, and a Woksnood.{75. FrgcfalrF Sevy duly duty 310MBurlcoS, Norlh,8 0 8 r,w lv m J ] 9 9, Cl KNGSZE bed. Tm ma nal w asher 4 dryer sel. lke GARAGESALE. Msc tems.", n n. {S99.M Bannor East 18th, Jeromo. July r e n t a n ewk h u j a ; ; ;, QUEEN SZE MatlrossTBc t y, WANTED TO BUY: vers ttlu:suntuwrtf4. colotvbyentng.nocre s p r n g s lr a m o r R a n ; lors checked. 204 MalnAv 4 2. o n d.ta b les. ramo e 4 Frgldalro 4 Elto 17 cut),b t, ll, QANTYARDSALE! hood; GE dshwashor: larr r N.CAlNS7337lt1. headboard ncluded, { rosllee rolrlgoralor, rator, Lamps, dshos. bdrm. sol, k & ond lable, WANTEDTOBUY: 7)3J2J 8 altor Bpm. { Bannor toys, baby crb, slroller.. 7jnnj 19" RCA color TV. SM9C Total prce rbf ol le m s n o n e 1 H o ~ TTSTwarebg? SupartnntQ Ttfllor botl BanffffT7Trr32r r $200: Color TV, phono0 4 Hagerman. Complolo wth matles: css. roozor. 16cu ll. vory dean, ad not toe: e x c e e d $100. Tnftes «, WANTED: 3 bodoom ho 25" Sanyo lomolo TV. 11 hoalor and rals. 2 week leks Qoodcond.{3W lj png pong table, relrlgera V. THE LARGEST s O n ol to rent, wth opton lo,)ouy. huv b 73,42 months old. { Bann a n e r old. Must sell, best olle r. lor, stovo. Barbe Hems, too e;,,;. Ph: Gonoral Eleclrc Upgh lqh many tems to lst.frdny. loozor. { Banne WHEN PLACNG lyog U R ors. rockors. stools. chah jlls 25" Sylvana console f nner July 6 4 Satuday. July 7,9, TV.. 2 SUPER TWN wth pode: HOV r and roll top desks. Tho M.u.. S Bann8r tals.bookcaseheadboard; Loc*tlon:Skylno..O rlvo.. : "THRFTES" S " AQUA MAGC Rocroall 3allonar METAL > ra m o Wndows, 072Antlque8 fj* KENMORE MCROWAVE /AVE rom Falls 4 Bluo Lakes Carlor Conlor ,2 f {too each: also 1 Oueenslz Pleaso uso ho follov tna,flfl lollol. lor RV8 or camp mpors. t20; Pckup Bumtjor 0: wllh dolrost. roducod Cflt Fourth Ave.E.. Twn Falls. ANTOUE 1890S Hgh Ba bookcase headboard, dot 3 to Norlh lght, go 2 mles East ntofmatlonquldo. Llkflnaw , 11, V.W. Van Bumbor {40: Cat {159. Can s.clearanceance on Falls to Doy Scout Buld...CallTW M. Boys Schwn drt t blko TRADE: Regstered quar WlcoxWhlo pump organ ja n n 078Fum.& Carpets ble pedestal walebcd. {25*... Call Center lng. turn loll on Hankns hose. 3 year oeldlrn Z ~ r JTnjfs:TaaV8J3.M chroma framo, mag wtc Mhools]PUREBRED Lab pupplos Y am aha dn bke. 400 CC,! ",s m "* BlAufFUL T m ~ G Joen o e MAYTAG washor ond,dver, yor Road, then loll onskylne 3. lom or toms nol nbl to Excolont condlllon." 1." {90.froo to good home. Cal V e l v e t Couch,STOO:am/ll oxcollontcondltlon.. {375. {575!.. Orlvo, waleh lor sgns,. good lshngfskl rg. C Cull Z oxcoodhoo., 7339S18or73324t2, 324<950. seroo &tun table n cabln SnS.OaApplHnces. Q a324:2«l, GGANTC Qarago Salo , M u8ltal. {75: Looks lko lo u /s ft(? (ft Amana mcrowave, loc.05? Wo0(S<lout>o.wdo.LOlrBef; oef; turnluro. tros, clolhos,. fs nov*bl Hbdllors.Fll ; Baby farng, 135. Cal ANTOUE 1890 s Hgh Back w/oaner top s power. r4b;0 3M. alor. clean. { Banne nnef Olc:;"startnn Saf; 127; Sn, 5,N oh m ltonnumbofoft tory prces dscounted WlcovWhlto pump organ ja n n *15P.Ca!7M5e80 B.nn»r73.114?1. 733:1421. H 453 Eastland Or.S. S K to S < S a «6. May cancolno refunds r G a r d e n Country nbulo v o ry good cond. Or OnlyCAStH (o good" used GRAMMAS.y a r d SALE 7. Noabbrovlallons. Froo to country homo: 3 < Free sol jp. Call collh serlouslnquros funlure applance: nces. 07JSewng* Crafts fefrlg RAT6 R. washer«lor 4 Ftday 4 Saurday, July No commorclal slnoss noutorod Black SHETLAND Pant Goldng, Jng. 678)226. lamly want ads only vcars. $85. Call , T BABY GRAND PANO. j 1 fjj. Bannor Funtuto fwlat. luly 6, 1984 dryor lor salo Call al629flllmoro. TwnFalls TROY TLLER, 6 l bult; Als(», Gorman prlghl COMPLETEsel o hadwoc wood SAVE MONEYShop Mel huge" " yard S : 8rfJ<m arao»«le9: Ex C 0 ll0 n t n d tll0 f tr 4 r CTll W rgrrrntr am tp; Eeertm m fnr fg Cothnu. shoes, lunoauu, ndton ""call%tl379 7 ra46985 or o y l a n l K l t r Guaraneed usod T.V.s,V.s. turn, snng equp, guns, Q oftho:rrh BfnEs::jn or eves Ccaancn ntlcf., tow pcluros 4 rames. bko. an Road tfls column o\ T JO " B B ke{10;10speed: bod. Used vacuums startng doyond whon you hfvn t K nen S, Froo tc Good G 1 at Plano and bench. Go ood Cnostablo25:W ashor{& 1730 Klmborly Road, ;. Ttquo desk, many roo Moms 24* MO: Reelorocl tape {35,00, Bann»r s omelhno to aell for or ft«homo. Molher a flood dnun l condlon. S950, , Dr er{150.call Schoo ranges 4 rolrgerar.::. 4 msc. July focordof.wth oxtra. lapos.,ttj L 5 3 a 2 3 ff pea. R th nm vftnr tora. ust»altprm.ceollenl?,lem Adam3j( mborlt,«h 3,W Jacks a ABBOTTS AUV jvo condlllon LARGE YARD SALE. Appll, Q p Q v M o n.jfrl. r l, 8 o,m.j! S ;0 0 p.m. > SUPPLY. 305 Shoshnr r ;, ancos. baby Clolhos 4 losol.!c073sewlnoa Crate 0 7 w n Q & Crafts Soars Kenmoo 18 cub l O Q O d J b ln e s u h o m U L ( S o to rd oa y» tl n o o n ). r/g ro /g arrc T m d ratd rrm TruokLano40urleyAvO;. Wostorn A lrlnotfaos months. 90 day guarantee, Boso to Los Angeles. Ju ulv, Classfed ClC rafts plans & patterns 0 " OO Buhl. Sat 4 Sun 95. { Banner r 20. {120, or ; MOVNGThurs. July , 5f8; UStD: V alablo..ljpeed =w lp R A G SonT l3yb T rm:. o, Mlcrowavo Oven. e {150. f g.erjuly 6. M.Small oldoak O M ndom Jnfum s». bullet. 8 char fomal dnng 056floom8 For Rent. 057Mlscellanoous Cheapor (fan paper lowl:. Sr gwawmecl.,! table, medum 4 Tg womens : sol. 48" round gold colloe,50t/lb Clatr aa. aflu A JC annu:ra.. nma. orna S wwrojlno"* saos.l436h Ave East, ~ " lon. Call tos avalablo, sorago she rhnh Anlquo glass, colocabos. Konmoro Sowng macmn,lno putlmlono A/C. J275 por month pl plus QC nclu Jed W estlnghouso hoavy duty MOVNG YARD SALE. 617 wllh cabnet & char, :(8 1(85. hoftnof w asher 4 drye. slack unt. 4h Ave. N,. Buhl. O57MobllBHom0 {200 doposl. no pels, wl FOR SALE; Gas Goll Can. ;j,l Call , { Banner x28 Konskllt. Partal M " nclum tull«l<«. : Furnlure; antques, ol Excellonl shapo. S600,00. 1,00! 1981 SCHWNN Su )( Or ronon p«n««nt 194 CU FT. Sears Coldspot spot books, and colocabos. oolf conlalnedoslravol tral ~ = = CJH ,, LeTour.S225.Call Shaw1 1al...tna tr»bv«l«p Rofrlo/Froc:er sldoby sldo L otsofm scellanoous.july Of. S2200. Call W antedtorent G.E. Alf condlonor, m w /co maker. Porcelan 1 on 5,6, you havo urtusod pto B.T.U.s. Excollon cond 2 Desks: Klngwator tvx ra. stool nteror. E!<C.COndl; jndl:nelghbomoodsale! r c(julpmont"n yofottn,sm o?.helocated EXECUTV JTVE lort7$200:6,000f;t.u.a>r Ar. doalm alrossosrshlphnc ton, {400. Call 734.S310. : 1542 Targheo,off N Locust. Exctongo ll forcash «*h Mh Q> noods 4 bdrt, 3 bath, lorm srmal. condtoner, works oood. )od. barjcp. Call " loctrlc.ranges sjarng nlng Frday 4 Saurday 93, aulcltacllng classfed dnng room + oallngspae pace, J75, 6.5 Horsepower Spol PO SOTRALER HOUSe ade ces ot{ Bannor , 0A K 4W A L N U T 0resses4 doublo garaflo,. oprnkl nker Kng outboard molor. runs wth electrc brakos lor s{t( {le. tables, Olc. Ncoly roml «1 onotavelecvrtwnjov a r or sroo a poco l bmgt CONVENENT & Atlraclv to hgh school, would lko L,. condlonor, TU. TU. s cparaloly. Call , otlcos lor ront or least yoaf fooso * 1 purchaj??mv Banner t. A/C, prlvalo. rcccnly y r possble heroaltor. month 6 boxes ol legal sze lod cr! modolod. downlown loc... ron nogolablo. Call n73 " C M!, lnljurnnat nrro.. ns? Kcenan r arb or 75CT>gg~ SAT. 86. Tons of stulll Gonoral Electrc wndow rar assorted colots: 11 bc):o 082Buldlnfl Materals, nlcowavo ovon. baby clolhes 4 loys, lypewrllos, t! 6411 or condtoner BTU,,TU, assorted colored ndex lub: L andscape lmbers, coral onal msc. Navajo Crcle ond ol CflLKon 9oy a U 7.wlro lllnnba5kot{l.wl.lr polofttroatedpo6h)oleftt jlos: «rru ofrlno«.ad<)l6onefl6l FEDlRMTUTLDNGnM 066M oblehomespc. : HARLE.Y.DAV10S0N4 wtool ho sot, rouch lumber Salucdfty,9:6j35mAvO.E, ;a :L electrc Goll Cat lo sale. ao. BlOLakos N. Has 2 olllco C05 FRUrrTRACT Moblo Park. nqulro at days: or runccs RED CEDAR etorlor.tntol lel Twn bods, typewrter, for ron. W romodol to 0 sut.nnoooutdoof / \ or. fencng. Channel Ruslc jslc onrlle4mlsc tems.. Largo spacos, garbago JO S oves, tenants &7334«1.! OeaCompulors Vgroovo. Whte Pne. Coral Ofal SX FAMLY BLOCK S A l sowor lurnshed.. HARVEST gold doutalc snk lumber ,3242t27 1 Poplar Avenuo. Belweon PRME OFFCES. Addlso dson Shoshono. Call 8S&2324, and range hood wth lan and APPLE PLUS.dsc "(S( t S t Ll TRUSSES Gangnal ong. eng. Elm 4 Locust. FRl.Julyfl. Avo. E. across ror rom llohl. Eleclrc.lumaco, drve. Vdeo. {looscrrn n n, Call collect lor roo quotes. Albertsons. Amplo paknc Kllchen cabnols. pouatalo Ef vslcalc vsllllo. mu sle sll l y r 5>es, y a r d SALE. Baoalns lan nom lo ln ju tetxh lolloy «. ;Oxen nooy. msc sollwaro. u!c( ; 326:5900qr l.. [ ]J " 1 1 s " "...ny knl mnalurs galoel July S 243 B M e r c n a n a 3 e rrn ;? B r tn t 1 PERSON OFFCE avallatl DAHO RVER CO Call alter Spm. ClltnJS tm Wllll nph dolls 2~WT10 SALES! 4" s T 7 ot tto Juslam ero nn. Sopa >opa FLOATTRP STAR PRNTER. Com m Jl \. 0» G a r a o e Sales, ;n[l pt\ n nm colot Knl Toyor West. Klmborly. Sarolo accoss. ar condloned >ned. 4nghlS3ys... modoro seral nolacc;... l f. hem cl 3 plr PU 1) COME ANO GET T! T urday. July Call Mlscellaneous July 1510 July 19 parallel nterlace, mn) Mull llllr Fun o 2 clnlh Evoryhngs g o fto go. Fl 3 FAMLY GARAGE SALE 2" Comrtoclal bulldlnfls s o 7~, Mddle Fok 10 Salmon non proaram5.s20a2459.1f).llfn /s /l c.nr ltclos day and Saturday, 9 to Hdoabod. kllchen llems, CUSHMANGASGollcarnc, Man* Avo Souttl 5 Eas, V salo. n good condlllo 11 ft P person + mt f. {Z,;S u c.cl pjltem. AdJ d MadronaNo l h. kds clothes 4 toys, lots ol btock & 1 block rom mall mon... gaqsj,, j je fee. Shorter 733:7505, fter «DONT MSS THS ONE E mbc. Saturday July ,200 sq tl& Sq ll. Cal rlps SvBlQbc wth a SSO SM O7lPWant0dToBuy. swnconsc ano tandlk Stnd to: Lols ol old 4 unusual sual 325Ea3lAvoB. Jeomo. Woslorn Really " F0RSALE:FurnlshQd8X ;X40 addt l flyng loe. All trans U.CC 8(oek«Clb t 4 p llomsfurnlturo. crocks,, old 3 FAMLY YARD SALE. Fr* rallor houso. located u up portallon lo & rom Slantoy, 2y WE BUY WORMS. ALL Type RedeM. toys. msc. 1/8 mllo Wost of day S Saurday. July *, For oxtra. summer teh help. Warm Sprngs Canyon. A(s( Also: moals, campng oqupmont, )n, and z es. Worm prod:s fo. ft «:ool.«.».h) # l l Twl. Follt Tlm.aN«w4 Fler on Hwy 30.Salurday r u n an ad n classlllod. t 85, Small applanees Suzuk 550 MotorcycK ycle. m orolnclodedlnplce, sajo. n Twn a 430 2nd Av Vve. ntr.dl.d4n can Bo 163. Old Ch»tte SU.. New» only. July lurnlture. chlds large fast. ls noxponsvo. and loss lhan mllos. 73: 733 Forcompletenlomalon,n E : Jeom e b* >a utl««>o> Tol, Hr frnt Hjm»..works.! ESTATE SALE. Small 4 largo atgo swmmng pool, clothng4 :, l7EasllandDr..TF. Ploaso call ; 1151:Fllef,3264SS9. Xddra. Zp. Palttm Numbtf. YOUH NtX.CHAUVn om llw applances, ktchen tems, 3ms. msc, 729 Greenwood Drve. 984 NrEULlCRAF CAAOG r "furnlluro. bods, lnean; ean;. 5FAMLYSALE: Ott 1/0 vancd desgns.3 l/e«glassw are. books, toolc. 30lB. very low prces5«10 {1.F/,. pjltfnt Stnd S Olds 4 many olhor ther Sal 4Sun,.9!:S. al 357 Oulncy, h tem s 10 closo up ho homo! f m b S All BooU nd CaUlofdd 50t 2 :~rrtloet3/4 Srorle"Mblor fx r oaeflrewood, tth. w w U t nd hndlnj., VC!t.C5lQL.SaLonll!.9:5 135Mh ( Clothtt On Padt FRDAY only, 9 to 4.2 chess!s7s A1 RREWOOD.rv Buy now 4 Savol Dollvccd» l!tf» S w H o «Q 3 l t plances. varety ol msc. nlsc and cul.to your szo. ColF" 132Qull Orfub 1769 BttoroolDr..TF oves. :... uu ddb rockq ulb... Furnlluro~5kls 4 lotsof ~of DRY PNE. Splt, delvered 4 l29 Qulck n Uft Ttnlcn (Ttsc., 811 Falls Avo Wost ;l t7.»7, stacked. The on. U8 nw1opt PltttwwlQulb Frlday3unday.106. :14ft<!pll.sm.{55!1 6.nuatxl lt]g»ttt RARAGE SA le Juv ~ Q " spll, med, {50. : = z ;& p,u.d u h to!l5.1a"l42ajjnavctaal.. rrrj 182*>spll, g; {45 l.plo* Shtw Olf «u*d plana to> naa* dalgnffl Clothng baby tems, msc n,"* Por7/V on pckop load projmt. pmm pvcry ry lm p<o)kl nama mv) number 1 SCtKhtt >lh Squwo or GARAGESALE. Bath vanly. TmesNews and MX) U M lo> Mch el> p<o M. 0<. Mnd t9.x) nd 1 UKf *11 ol Netdltpont medcne cabnet, mnors 4 FREWOOD FOR SALE.. 5 J 1 s BUSNESS PKry tlv.,«omt>o.uml» 1 4.CoRpkte Althn m sc Targhee Dlve, lve. Call or n*m(ke *cl l.*fv*col colofeafalos. S}.»S. AN or<»«c«r» 112P» Allum Saturday only 85. po»to8«p«k). tun ta; nemt Art d Hpn Cwhtt Z R ne W O O D.cureoryoar.r Cm KMlllodCrstl Z ls SfW+Rnt (BWt WM» ntlt" O AflAtSEAtErfrtdoyrSal Sat 76<ulrsplllr400.cul.Pralrle... Deporlo nm onc lftStJnl Senn urday4sunday,s5. Dsplay,pay Lumber, 21 mles west. 1A jferfs u nd er RECTORY... Bttoxsg KlntUn FKhlon c ase s, com pressor, gun mles north corral , 8Ubt lby.ok lntljnt Mont? cabnet, guns, household hold goo d dr y RREWOOD buy Qulltt lor Todjj tem s 4 lots more. 161 Bth 6th caly and save! Wll delver. Avo East. Call r $ 1, a d v e rts e d < sp e c a l low r< SPE ECAL! L N E S,? 0 DAYS s Jl 3 LNES, 7 roc A V S y f J *J * A r l S, S D A Y S. h m $ y o ) o 0 4 LNE...r f" 9 Dll

24 (> 8 T lm a s e w a, Twn Falls, daho. Frday. Ju ly ( " ~ [ j M ex z r c h a n d h s e R e c r ent a to n a l Q! jl 8 g VarletyFood. 007Hay. Gran 4 Feod loftsrfnb lspamw offc : ll5fannw ort( ". ALR ADYplct(od alravrbor* rles. Now Bvsllablo by ordor \f Ranbow Commodtytakng ma W EANERPG& Excoon, C! U S O M JA U N (ttfa N D Heavy duty John Dooro ACCUSTOM Hayng.. OUAUTY. SU cklng4.b *.. a rh f(rta u a o sr8tr»wbotn balorh :8ll belore6 30fvlcflSwalhlng.tHllng rlovng: Call m m p s o n Farm. At M.OO por oanon Of after 6 o r bo aacklno Trucklng:Buckat324402a.or plus tax. Call 3203 bo* twoon ALFALFA, GRASS. STRAW, Bruce, Alao twocn noon and <pm, WANTED ALFALFA (or ;, B s tw p CUSTOM QREEN CHOPcustom Slacked. Fas qually Swathno & Balng avallable. CHERRES REAOY. Bag : Sllago, Wondol or Joromo DARY 00/(T S. Eeollonl work, 2 wdo. Cal Jorry WAHTED Gran Throahng j aroa, or PNO. Call Dalo Bower a.. gota Rlvorvlow Orchard, 2 mlkors 4 show stock. $50 ) < or V SaOV for Top qualty com* mllos Eas( ol Ooarlakoss WE BUY & sol (ood whoal 14 6 and up. Call CUSTOM ( HAYNG. ALFALFA 4 STRAW Slack blnos, John Deere 7 m snd erldgo. C«ll543 7; L. barloy. wll pckup delver. EXCELLENT darv ooals12 ng, 2wlde. ownor oporalod, \ John Dooro 7720s. Hghly! sw alhlngallngsacklnq. 5131,or543aW BoTdaTrueklno «44a6. + l o n 8 a day. Call 734 f \... conscentous ownor opora*. Phono: or tors JO jeara thwhlrjn WE SERVCE & CALBRATE re p.m. CUSTOM HAY STACKlWG2 \ wde, 1068 ] t a y 8fackef ~Aoround~work. KWXl H, Cloar UKos Brldgo. Bost,t motors. daho nslrumorl, rams. PHONE~3244& o r~ «BALE, STACK GREEN ~Shooror324585T or Dog... Schedule oarly lor prompt W : ] 1 Flsher737590or lshng holos n J.4aalc : 624 4lh Avo Wosl sorvlco. Call CHOP. Rock pckof. loader Valloy Mor54M130. work WANTEDHAYHAUUNG CUSTOM HAY STACKNG. 2 J Jo n a s th»clc Fann. SV4 100 TON 131 Crop Allallala 11Q Poutfv& R a b b lta w$ ldo,.qually wotk. Call Mko BALNG WANTED; N.H. ( V V Call Scott Sheer Truckng »40... tnlbs W or jrdmo, ntfw S Hay. MOnon, c all 32CT93: Erckson. Homo or heavy dty. baler, qualty laklng ordors (or Qtoccol &.200 ton oxcollont qually 1st S balng lo your salslaclon. coullflowor, Roady appro*. culjn. gtuprlghl, no ran. «112lrrlgatlor c dav<nghm CUSTOM HAY STACKNG. 2 July15.32*4490 Raspborrlos, SlrawOorrlos S : QATEDPPE wde, dbl wde slacker, wll BALNG WANTED; R ecreatonal 250""fON NEW CROP HAY, Ghorrtes from Sunny Slope. &undorgroundpvc... travo or srng Now Holland balers. botwoon Burloy AHazollon, Call & Takng ordors now./?>44y4. Amolh rrgatonasuppy CUSTOM C HAYNG. 3 wde Bob Scoll. 87S577a stackng, S balng 4 swalhng. BOOM HAY LOADNG. 120Avlatlon SOUTHWCK 300 Ton, Extra cloan Dary FRESH VEGETABLES Jl HASTNGS Arnold Pruetl Call , HANGAR FOR SAL& Qualty Allalla. No ran damage..99% proten. 6t.2% CUSTOM BALNG Goodno Arport J Galod 4 Underground CUSTOM C HAY STACKNG; 2 Now rod spuds, poas. bools. Solrosh you pck thom Malhors wdo. w wl travel. Call Vnce TDN. Localod 2 mllos Easlol Call Jm Baker, mSo(.Buhl ot» Csll/d HW. D odo or 654M88..RRGATORS; Alumnum.C Cooke:? wr** ",* HAY.STACKNG;2wldo;wll.. :121B oats& A cc8m. " 6W 8W sprnkler plpo repars. Wo, CUSTOM C HAYSTACKNGr2 400 tons of (rst crop loko hay lor slackng. Joe STRAWBERRESARERPE c o n jo.lo, you.saylng you. harrow,h bods, two 3 w de. alfall8hay.$80perlon. Blalr, L fs OK, A unt BoaaMotor#».Tr»ll*r ;ntn ancy.y ou c a n h a v e g al Malhows Sorry Farm. Brng conalnors, 1W0S8 3V4 Lndsay or Kory * CALL: lmo 4 monoy. Cal Clydo slackdrsvcalf s GarPausbn, a lck c c u s e jjohnson 4 Morcrusor MANURE HAUUNG, hay. y o u re FAMLY," MagcValloyMarlna 6 lon of good s l cullng hay. sw athng,. bllng, dscng, North ol US Stool Planl. ; Knopp , CUSTOM c HAYNG., raw 7 U L plowng. roolllng 4 Fller.or4E.«.3VN.fluhl SPECAL swathng. 9 balng 4 slackng.. eevlnrudo 4 Morcury M oloa; nor8oanoolno SWEET. CHERRES.n o w nch doublogalod PVC, Call C boats 4 l.hlng tackle. ~ rog.$2.53.now«.28,tom a T Marna 4 Sporl Qda, lb s w o s.7 mllfls norlh ol 114Parn[fHD[efnenl8.114Fafm Jfnplamflnt3 314=EafnUmplem en s, 114Farmlmplfln9nt8 Fllor. 5«5330. or Kolloy FOR, RE NT: 4 acros pasluro, boal. Gardon Contor. Addson MurlauQh [ aroa ,.bo SprfnklerHoad Rebuld b good condllon. Comr EasrrwlnFalj twoon { 7 ond 3:30. : 1612 Malnrfluhl 54>66J3 ploto wllh rallor. Phono SWEET CHERRES wll bo LUSH. Guar, robudng or feson SUMMER and Fall * roady "alawandrojchard. meadow J RanBrd 4 Weather Tee.... Lomo of tro o ~ fu o rn ; pasluro. Good Saturday. July 7. From SE USEDASMWHEELlNESrS cludodt6oqlho&lq..cftt.: (oncos, los of wator. SO lo cornor ol Buhl, 2 mllos E, 4 N 200 > oalrs. Hll Cltv; 7842S9S. ym rs *5 w /lrallor.. Doublo trapeze. Supor condton. $ a t Agr5430e3OfHM4«... THE BERRY PATCH ;; mullp)ones or RaspborlosJlS.eSllat (80t)973e279allorjpfv J 11 loot 2 SPARK SALBOAT ; or lor sao. *150. C a c u. StrawborrlosJ11,50(lat 1 A C nl,..j& pasluro. ; Cunl3tJl3.f5Jlal 113FamSpflB allor Som. J GoosobofrlflSra.MKat j Coso~n T w T nfatljro J Lo0anborrlest14.40llat charge. \ Call Tom or All stooag bulldngj com Boat. 75.Mrso outbomd f f BoysonMrlSsJ M ; A C R E s V p astu le eackcaps$17.30lla) sprng Or summor grazno Ordor ahoad South c m. f r ewood FOfl SALE: Log 1 8 FOOT SK BOAT 4 Traler, ol Wendell, $1500 o th s. $50 per cord / 405 Buck ongno. oxcellen (6pm9pm) cast.calt ( 6)76383 ovonngs. condton. Call A \ \ 18FT 0AYLNER BOAT, 65hp. O 0aPol84Supple8... J 11.4T=Fafm mplements evnrude engne, traler..... ~ $1950. Ca ABYSSNAN KTTENS CASE roglstorod. Now avalabo. Howard Angus PanS :»l8o.callsa , TRACTOR SPECAUSTS A le JfTW AKC Groal Pyronoo pup ~COLOSTRUM (e d d a y d d GOOD 1 plos. Famly pots or worhno.h onors and bull calvos.or... sao or , Casoe30PTO,3pt:,,$4500 j V.~...!r j p g""f rtf vwt n Sr r y!! ; : l l fberglass. 140 Mercury /o. potty, snk, rofrgorator, groat skng, lshng. famly boat, vory good condton, $ AKC LAB PUPS, huntng COLOSTRUM Slaned bull 65 horso Merc, and easy A C"CA.PTO f cnlvos for sae. Cal T T T l E P load traler. Excollent condlshow qualty, wormod + 1 < 3 p t...$1250 ton. Call allor 5:30. yoar ol shots. Buy oarly DARY BARN lor tenl orwll HC806.cab,3pl...S7500 at dscount. >100, Call ssol ogulpmonlhartnqfono VERYGOOO pcu HERON Slalls. foodors. bomalc low 122rSpoftlng Goods AKC~Mala~OoldonOocker? lno, vacuum pump. "flou Spanlol puppy, 4 monhs QUNSFORSAm qnlqn bulk lank o(artafl8nos:too:32wm9 < C a a n a l c a b o r 3» 5 «4. FOR RENT: PASTURE lor PT 0,3pt...$ head of 600 pound MF1135,cab.PTO, f S ALES S j Call a l t e r s AKC MNTURE Schnauzor, ; anmals. $7.00 por month. 3 p l... $8500 Modol , 4. Holster. malo, avalabo June 30, <175. Call allorepm. * THE BEST trgger ob. 2 sols grps,2 LARGE Holsloln Hollers. Caso cab. ar. $22,500 spood loaders and case. AKCreglsorodUbflolrlov $? : Duo n July, ono or all. Call Caso cab, ar. $24,500 ore. 8 wooks old. 2 black NEW COLEMAN TENT. 9x12., w h. C a l l PASTURE calvos. Holsloln. hollers. 400 to 700 pounds. Twn Falls, daho AKC REGSTERED Black V\ll \ shols, U GAUGE Brownng Lab puppes. qualty ( " 1aulomatc shotgun Belgulm. Croodlnes. Males, UO L f POLLED HEREFORD mado, very good cond. antque 22 Remngton: fem ales. $75, , EBULLS, roady lo work. Call M, l DOUBLE 3 HorrnQ Bono., BEAUTFUL OOG HOUSES. * rlllo. $125. Call S1203. prcodrlgh!.122 WANTEDDARYHERO Calatlor7pm.3244Se5. Jellorson St. or call Complolo hordolerred. F O H O 9 N 7 G ca ro [lo r l2stfaroltfa[ef8 powor, (nc bucket, ncludes BEAUTFUL AKC Doberman palnl. $ Pups. Outstandng lempramonaroarsflono, all 104florseS GOOD USED 8x16 loc boot COACHMAN 4 polalotruck bod. Call,(l \v All 83 Models shots, wormod. S250 & up* : A.B.C. S o( Horsemanshp before 7pm. nslockoncloseoul, lerme. Jostamore Konnols , J, laught. Also: Anmals you H 5000 SWATHER. 1411, c a b.. BertHartuughMolors. ar..dqsc!:.j04040.cab..ar.. BORDER COCLEpUppOS: p, W. sa t W e n d e lu D. $25, parents are boh work ; lov/ hours; Jlly Round balo na dooa. A 1976 DOUBLE Brod Musc 5* [ carrlor 4 loodor; Now House Prcod for mmedate sal«; Mount Maro, ro 10 show.. Bale Chopper; Wll trado, RECOh M D T Q N ED... W J B tl ravol traler. Fu ly FOHSALEalfl,doohous«E Bll Lauonmor ~ sell<ontanod, ar, spaxo! and dog run. See at 711 Bela manco. Porfocl 1st horse or. tro. Loaded. Must sell by Clr. anytme or call y JOHN DEERE 7700 Turbo p youlh show horso, Prcod lo forappont, J combno. 18 tcador. \ G U A R(A N E E D & weekend. $8,000 or best; FUELDREAl sol, Lesle DYMACHt N E S. / ssee alkoa. space 41. excoon condton, ready to \ oca6e4ato?r RodOlo23:.4klxurnancOr ffwooks old, wll bo modum Show e qually. tranes! \ / awnng, landom wheels, so lr. szo.call Rona543<543 Sallon JOHN OEERE 7700 Turbo Sorvco MEYFrRGlSON combno. 18 header, JOHNDEERE U. conlaned. oood: JUST N TME for Huntng BEAUTFUL p rogsofod oxcolon condton, roady to T r a d o # D e sc rp to n soason* 6 wk:old purobrod Ouartor n T r a d o # horso Goldng Pal QOlCal D o scrp tlo n ROCKWOOD * BHtlany pups. Mako Exc. omno. Mus soe lo approc o y F o r g u s o , 1974 M TonlTrallers. huntng dogs&supor com LKE NEW Lockwood 8row, Contokdolvorywndrowor.: = M S o t f o r m v = = = = l = M m onsro O poasocar* , ~*DOUBLE g REGSTERED 1 /2* S 7 J D. M o d o l 6620.Do J J W / 1 6 P l a t f o r m T r HHr*: t n1 ~ P c k a r 6row culor Araban Appaloosa Fllly. lar w/dvdera. Call \l\ M.P.M M o d o l G W /C a b & 14 5» W e n d B M,D LABHAVEN U 6RA00RS. 4 x nce: 6 year old Araban Fve 12wook old pups, ro Maro l NEW HOLLAND SOO. 3 Slng / / P lo H oa nrm. S u p o r C lo an B U s Trad daughter J.D G W //C a b, 18 P l a tf o r m 8 S p r o a d o r. rjovng land & walor. Guar Mako u balor wllh Ford onglne. good. \ SELFcontanod SE 23 foot! ollor condllon M.F. AAodo p W //C a b \ R "Rancho a El Rae travo traler....antood.t40q.ca»54?63fl. t j7d."77c0»g, 1972 M o d o l OLVSRSWATHEft A o tfo rm rh y d fo 7 f l M Q d l a a a m a l, MUST SALHnCEPurobTob woll T ronod $375 Gonlo lor f c W 7 Z D T la ff o r m, C a b & A bodroom wth a doublo bod. Boston Torrlor pup. has kds: v Sorrol Godngmorgan typo. Well rened Cal shols. $100,734)9f9aller6. V. N NTERNATONAL PLOW. Culllvalor, roaron 1 NOW TAKNG Shoolng $35001dor kds; Blood Bay manure loader 4 olhor tems. > d o le B C E dlb lo B o o n S 2 J (not a sola}. Excollont qotv,..d. M o d o l 6500 EB M o d o l, ) djm dlllon ; VV/14 P la tf o r m 4 C h o prpvr p J 1B6220SHASTA D ogs lor Fall. EdahHow Goldlng, G 8 yeor old. hor,. Sloops 7. self contaned, to 111 Small 3pl ttacor. Cal \ Konnols. Gun doo & Obo oughbred o typo, gonlo $450:, s s lb, 13 P la tf o r m boloro 6am or alor donco Tranng, a3745?0. Sorrol S< Ouartor Horso Flly, 7 c 9pm. Soo 1 mlo East, \ B1 980 J.D. M o d o l 7720D good condton. $1500. Ca r? M o d o l 1460 A x a l F lo w W /1 6 P l o H o r m.c a b. AM ll r \ \ M ovonlnqs... POODLE OROOMNQ yoar y( old. Gonto lor Lades < Soulh olmoorvlowcornof. \ 1976 KT COMPANON. 2t CarBonrlo S50r545371: «; Efl q u p p e d, 2 0 P la tfo rm DJ.D. M o d o l 95 fool, sloops6, oxcollent; STACKERNow \ 734C7B6 FOR F( SALE OR TRADE; Reg ; dlosol/alr. sove $15,000. Cal d o l3 l5 V / C a b, P lo H o rm j ( condton : S slorod show qually Arab j o r ) 1976 ROAD RANGER 27 5lH S 5 g S r,. c a.. l., an. L r Stallon servce, Also 4 j r aqs tfo rm ll board your dog, Chor placo P] horso walkor. Call Three BU Snk Gran / ALLS CN CHALMERS,.CASE&.NEV :w HOLLAND lt o f fat rado or pckup Whool. AC. carpot. fully sell, tohtaht rarw lrconsder. Mller Konnol5,4?J eeweon 6:00 4 8:00 blanks;. Throo 20 Foot 6 mch 11 " 4 r n 6 T 9 8 o HH M o d o f U B O, 750 H o u rs A M RgGSTPRFO am 4 6:00 4 8:00 pm. > Augors Wllh motorsronojo V\ \ A X :. M o d o l M.G a > E n gln V O Z O / 2 4 P raa tlo T rn T M g n lto r "! Shophoro pupplos. 9 woots < N rods, bluos & blacks. Good w oll bfoko. $350, A O O O J H M ocj d o l G W /C a b conafnod, oxcolon condton, $ stock dogs, Call324MT5. Ca!l ] TftACTOf. 4 Wheel Onve, \ V G lo o n o r M o d o l E W / G r a ln 4!2 \ O Z T t r p o Ha tfo r m Shovo n from 5 back, 2 yrs \ r S B o o n E q u p m o n t lt» Wheel ROAD 3 Purebrod Brttany Spanlol HORSE H SHOENG by gradu old. good shape. $H.ooo. \ d o l P u ll T ypo C o m b n o A \ nu RUNNER, 20. clean, roady pups. Fomalo only. $25 alo larrlor, 12 years exp. Call Call3j44322 r,., \ oach Tf TomJonQs ovos. V 3345 Orar tf o r m wdo New Holland J )C a t o M o d o l W /9 Pla a t f o r m j to gol Prced to sol, $5600,, 1 678: ja a 7; S o n d P c k u p... M N A T U RE POODLE PUP H Horsoebounhlsoldlradcd. Slacker, e good condon. j PES lor salo. 6 mles on Home o( Ooc# Doctor. C r H M o d o 1420 A x a l F lo w al j. South BluoLakes.tunlol, 93. B Uvostock. PH , M r, 15 P lo tfo rm 1283 BALER, sol propollcd. / )C a s o M o d o l W /C a b, ZfrCampers&Shells ( 1? 7 S u n d P c k u p / CA r ju M P4ajvthovef9hotrfllr~ houso on rlqtt, $«oach. Hor80shc»m;j4TrJmmlng f old loadv. $10,000 Call l / Q0X0JM2JHJ H o d o a Q. A x t o l. F l o w 3/4 lo pckup. co box, stove, k jjn o w 4 fo!la n d T R 7 0 l o d o l P Call t o 7?5 ovomng "2(rp5ff t f o r m, M o n to r sln)crnoatorr4 acksr$900, t4 Hoslon / J r W /C o b,2 2 P la H o r m ; / c3 Call Farm ers market HUNTNGTONS hj Black Jack HydtoSwng u Swalhor wth tr al slud. $125 guar. So ol condlonor, n O C O JHH M o d o l C W /C a b,. / / OW 10«KAMPAWAY CAMPER. usod very to. 1 g ran d 4 r o ( o c m p. n r O O Z 1 3 P tah tf o rm f Sol Sell contaned, perfect Excollont cond, m S condton, compooly n. ~! "35 HP CA5E OC wtnlvo 7 r l : t suaod, su ooctrct wae (SeF antsm d ulookng for color to brood ppto 4 hydraulcs and ~umpr hot walor. doublo,*.. TOP QUALTY Allalfa Seed. P, 10? Black Wllh whle blanket, tr j =W M O W P PCKUPArrACHHENTr lo ad er.$1000. Call / s j r F l n c e lh HCC and d.,x S S snk, $2750. Call T:... sovoral lop varelos. Ordor t Appaloosa slud. B JOHN DEERE ttacor, /. rm W /P c k u p for M.F. rocove your choco lo/t fool K campor. Gaa nowl Froe delvery Nl NCE 5 year otdsortovmafo,. synchro, j no cab. 900 GREAT 1/ BobHamlllon. b/ broko & gentle, not lor kds, n slove. gas/eleclrc rg. 3 BEND Hgh llt loador. Call VW aver of fnance tll / Sway llgbs. Pony, good, j a $500. Cal ; / 1 Ja. n u ary, 1985 o r \2A. 6 \ / J condllon. $ H ay, Gran & Feed Rocky Rc Mtn Equne Conler NT. Combne: UsccVn h , Prolossonal breakng 4 q APR Fnancng o r V. 11 Ovorcab Socurly gran only, 1311, header, pck M / Can Campor. $1200 or bos ollor. ALFALFA ALYsTs. Hay ralnlng. Ho oxcclonl facnos. up and bal reels or /, probes on loan, no chatgo.. roasonablo fo ratos. problem f. O O J L j4 J H a p lclo tf o r m 7 % Cash Rebate C ! 4th Avo East. 73*0758. /34b3«y / Norlh Wosl U bs, 901 Norm horses bo wolcome ?. \ O v O H W /S oncl td r P c k u p 1976 SECURTY TRAVELER Lncoln, JgrDmo32»75l M.F. Combne, desel / 8 overshot camper. Now STANDNG SOKO Mammolh 01 ongno lor par3: Heath bean f/ / jacks, jach lully loadod, oxcellen ALFALFA GRASS HAY Jack, Ja. has oxcolen conlormaton. lot good bone & a H h P c k u p wlndrower mounted on 201. t condllon. $1500. Call 734 mx, $65 n ho Hold. S70 n CSw alhct A 5564or , T tlto8tackr93«sl02. OupTtT dsposlon C51l WLLTRADE E f p8 FOOT CAMPER. n Approxmatoly70 lonol 7343M3, 73 j MACHNERY HAULNG U 7 sulatod.lcebox, sule 2 burn er. qually.allalla nay. taloa j.. JOYEAROLO,jo GELDNG... lloldod Norm East o Guhl. Good Rr...Call propano.stove.sloap* 3. hunlng hoso. Wll For Prces and d addtonal nformaton Call call j pack, pa $450, Cal 73J.3272 or H910 Now Holland S w athcrr" A ATTENTON: Hay nrowers, boan Do Now Holland Balor. U 7(w?«r7 / cut dryng tmo by 33%. Balo. hay at M lo \ som TOSHorse f( Equpment molsluro or FarmWork (m {] Bargan CAA flerc ON, H : \ acall , 8" 8 OVERSHOT, Ja ck s, / lurnanco. portapoly, ba. tory. slovo, co box, lke / ne 3790 (or moro nlormallon. NEW 4 USED H orses Stock m S m Tralers. Farmers Excnanflo. CUSTOM HAY HAULNG \ C o m o r o # DAayHAY, cr sao. Wll JJ dollvor by semload. Catl Hagorman. D days, r wth Slack rolr.over, Cal \ ? 2: ovos. 3245S3V A ) / Magc A CUSTOM SWAThRG. travel FOR SALE; Approxlmaoly TWO HORSE TRALER, any atoa.. Scoll Baggott., Vall»y. y 500 torr,.oxcolon lrsl crop tandom axc, tac compart Qor5*3606S. SAL. ES fnc." H 11 new. Seo al ho 1st houaa North ot Falconhurst Dary, on tho Wosl sde,, 6FT SLDEN CAMPER. $300; AND BolAlr16llFu! Traler, Call e9v,ft~ w f DREAMER, Stove, hay. No ran, bg, 1 ton mont.exc. condton. <1250. j ove ovon.slnk. hoaor, cebox, bnfos. Call or or Ooan t. CUSTOM SWATHNG ) nol noluxo, $1075, Call , H esston swather. $8.50 por M " 18 STOCK SADDLE NO* acto or 6374«89 S : QREEN CHOPPNG condllon. sell or trade lor m 127M otofhom ea L oos Custom Farmng 1.5:..Caln3jS... CUSTOM swanng. balng & Junctc on Hwy. 24 & 2> Rupert, (dot haulng. Call.Pole Stowo V aho TAGO ARROW or or / / / \ Cht Chovy chass. cruse, ar. 1W 7S w lne = r CgFFZJQUOlfjMQ n. j ; T oll F r e e * 8 3 ;n X k L > T H M N rt» y rm REGSTERED Servce aao o> exchange (or Fall gtjm bushol. Marko prce.call p, o l boars, PH 0N E3244»5pJ pasturo orwllpayfopr"nr 28Tool Djra Therm ar con" : orl or Cj Call , dllonor. Mus sol th 1 Ave. Avo West j E [Ml

25 B c r e a t & n n a l A u t o nm o t v e Frday, Ju ly 8, 19W E S C & C C O U G A R 4 D O O R «84l N o. NS n 1626 N o M R a y m o n c u sro u g fls A TSFACTONS r/j OURDRWNOCOf< CONCERN TmeaJ lesn ow s, TWn Falls, daho C MotOfHofflea H & T r u c t a ~ ~ H at rw k s : ;l2rjnportsportac«... J C rjm p a ts p o (tc a ra ~ O A S S A MOTOR HOME!JS l g o n g t o SCHOOLm rant. 21H.. Sleeps fl : mst 1971 QMC PCKUP.Qood lood 1973 AUD FOX. Exc com t9770atsun810.4doorr W027 Bell DodVe ffl j r r fo R SA L E rclranrscfn on:. * D100 runnng condlllon. $650 er aller Som 73M2<4» or prosslon, good runabout )ut. spoed, stereo, college pckup. S800 plus tako O. car. cpnojon 1980 HONDA CVC ovor offor.71344or now lres. $900, , $ , keep rvlno. no. 3 ( 5 spoed. ono owner FOR RENT: WlnnebOO paymenla. Call 32<M239» t bo 5.. THE E A C E S " BOBBY WOLFF Class A. sloeps 6. generak sralor tweon7am.and2pr,).oraf 1974 FA r2rs6a N. gooc «d 1975 HONDA ACCORD.. 5 5V *?.., «cual mles les,. ftc.733.1or734j38l m... mvans condton, $400 or bes oler ler, spoed manual, slver, clean Ban "»"»f 0 >roo or Anta For salocall eves, TOGA 1971 NTERNjcSw S rl 19 PORD VAN. Part con. The #l n 8elo8rYe»r( afler PckupPosMr»:, du a U v o r 8loh.P/S.now.paln Br:HONDAACCOflOr p MUST6ELL1971 HONDA r s35( o Year." See ouf lantastl tastlc tanks, dual exluusl, 4 or bost ollor door.s unftfofa /T,A L/C CBrRuns greal,mako ollor llor, "The unfon jrlunac thng " NOn SO nh ~ 7 :6A Mln. Vow Olve or 734.3[y. u, 53M789 allor 8pm, ~ rt tjl9eh0fhr0frru a«lmttelor=4 el(»f(h=loflow he tl=baf b fl. L : = = a b o // thf} wnrl good htch, clean, S695 or 1974 CHEVY, Customzed. 157BTJATSUN FO.5 spd»n,vdd<sw AGON"po 3«p ~Habts arc so much ea sr to r j r q T T ohor. Call ; overhead consolo Sl 1979 VW RABBT. Now llros, ros. Excollon condf " b o n a n za nsose" sun roof. 2 door, $2600 cash ton, now ongno, $2600 " 01 " gve up than bad ones." 1974 CHEVY lon A A/ /T flhevrolet Cuslom Q 92 RVCENTER far shape. $1500 or bost Van, Ar. soroo, crusc, j?* 1976 SUBARU DL. 2 door, 5 or $500 down and $125 per <a Somerset Maug «0 Bloc«,O*«l111«l S... otl0f:a[l73m oxcollonl condlon. Call Cal spd. am/fm Cassollo. Runs ngmonlh.wll consder trado.,ss; M S a r! ". WEST EAST 1974 DATSUN PCKUP. Vo ,. wotll $1400. Ca JA Call before 8:00 B,m. ;,m. 1972, DATSUN AT. runs u n s K 5 4 T S Burloy. or after 5:00 p.m, greal. sun rool. spoko loko... VK0944 V J %..good condlllon. lc * mle : whools, $2600, , J96 K to S T Hours: MMonFr 1 aqo.j1000,call4872l?22., : tlmponsckktscjrs South had an easy tm e A n Sat.l3Sun.. 1W5QMC «lon S u b ban,... ; 1976 TOYOTA. COROLU Uu l7sauto Dealers TSrAutoDealwa J T S A u t o O e a J e r sw thtodaysspad<:gam e.rlt sou SOUTH lf?1 CLASS A Pace Arrov *co"ent shape, tral ralor AutomaUCrE>ocondr(l600; 20. Sell conlalnod. clearto! tooklw oofthn lroo fnesses to A A Q Jnoa anos htch; 454 ongno, loade aded Dm9om onlv. 1 n town Low mllos.. oxc $4000, Call roach the 10 lop. However, r e s 3 condlllon. t7b95.734w< SCROCCO. 5 spd.sun L 1978 reo NTERNATONA NAL, root, radals. 32 MPG. low w ere t not for fo W ests bad a q 1976 PACE ARROW mole Tolor D.T. 486 Engno,S spo< pood mles, best oler, , s Al\Aercury M/ arqus f K J l O habls.. South1 m ght have..h o m e. 28., Fully.OQulppoc ppod..,..tran3..2 spoed roar.axl * 1982 HONDAACCORD..< to r low mleaoe.opeondllof... neve r tjc d the lllon, Excollenlcondllon.Selll le thrd fnesse. v,,nomh etnfl aoorrp /S rs "spoodtran57 rnh1(> Knth lt<»ttt>», ;..s l e s Of...A/C, cruse.conlrol..am/fm B ~ D u m m y r~ j!,eal l. ayeensouth..thc.h hcbddng cassotto. Days & won the frst : fnesse and a 1982 HOUDAY.33. Chov allor 6 Awknds , trum p w as lc led 10 South s J " ftml North lajt 454. gas & LPnQne. 13.6C a 39,000 f f W r bost <1983 HONDA CVC 1300FE Se f r o m l ass 2* l>,v. mllos,. Mchelan. tro: tros. oftor. Call queen, losng tc lo W ests kng. AM/FM tape MPG; Pass 44 All Mydlde tag alo. rear boc NTERNATONA NAL. $5200. Call A Back cam c a another h e a rt. pass llnnow.call S speed ransmlsalon. and dum m yss acc won. n ~ lool Paco Arrow ~ spuud rodrlna. very goe good Wagon. E xcellerrcondl d u m m y fo rw. xes[!8n t c d lo n 5J! llkj condlllon, Faclory. propor wl h a r w a s d c s O tn : c a d n f e a F t four pano ~L.... tnod to b c th new! yn ««93. lh e ja s l.tm e door HONDA AC Ac South ro rrectl CORD. Sspeed, fully loaded, led,. etly took th e e r whch :h o: of hs fnesseare 12frUtllltyTralers 1980 SRS TOYOTA Pcku; :kup. MovngMus solt, S9100. Call wnnng dam,ra o n d tm e ssc Qjosa! = Excellen condlon,strtllrall rall many oxras, 73V2734; rtll4 764:2433 {Farloldl ovonngs "0 r. anathedeterrd dcrs w ere held A Solot doubto hopper ~ e r o.~ N e o a ~ somo wof<. only to.only..onetrur mm. um p,oneheart.....bdw 1980 TOYOTA Shortbed. Te dw ltht bca ccs M.OOO. 543S4S4 atter 7om, Top 73 RAT SpORT SPDER rod L condlllon. vory low mlloag< andoneelubr: tage. convortlbe, nood condton. lon. TBTANBeMAXtentrat rat ste et beltaroatl79moec~ nfs rsp. fffnfnotnptfr tp:j Wh.t f>an W«! V&t flr> tn hpnt SnuthJQlr axta, 2 sdes, oxcollonl "05> 1981 FORD 1 ton. V6. 4sp sp.. etc. Call Ed days. the gam e? He cannot guarwood haulor.j , M07. dual tanks. PS/PB. ll*< {xo ovonlnns. antce hs sde e. a * 7 3 ShaDO , ,! 77 AUD FOX. 4 door. auto. v l S b u h a n rnak ake South a hp "» J 8 Rfltat; $2425WholflMlfl: L l e a s a ~fsar(51b8s 4VPojalo"Tal rral $1750, bost olo/, or favorte to bte b tfe dust " n» = w f ««W h e r 6 e B tta k S& 2. Sltalbed. Exc, Coru ond. chback, Ssp..>orco, radals, lls, 132Auto, Part8& N e w re a r tres, J7500.CM to wn w th :ll $1695 or best oler. Traden >n 46 monh, rofund.rocc no a p p a re n t North South con: rosorvo $300. lotol ol poym oulb ontt $ lool mlloago Accesaores possble , ollowod , moo; toge ponolty over po... thought. P u t~ por mllo. cap roduclon $3500. : yourself n 2* 2* PAffTNQ OUT.72ChOYy.1/2. 1/2 J ] Totolduooncoplon 1$2977,73, S Nol looto loxot oxlr xro. J Souths ch ar. Wth V onlv one.2 TbrPckup, Call Taylor Re :... sure entry eft ntal 73U p22S75Rl5t}bUodradlals, lls, dow t, door lotkt. pos pow or toot,ondo.w holo.lo 50%. mounted on 6 hole HD HO moral 5ycrar/SO,OOOn 0 mllo lmtod warranty, cles&supplles " h o w M 13,195 U nless y our s d e m u stw n j«ru>rtsrddctt theleadas soon on aspossble, TW t seldom pays 5 t( to tell declar, a n HARLEY DAVDSON ssjs6«lds«a MfVTrtw FRFllfllDflfff nma"vvww* cordlllon. S No Aolomotc,, pq pc w o r toot, powor wndowt, 1973 HONDA 750. Full dross, SS, powor door locks, or. ar., tlt, crulo, 5 yoar/so.ooo new holmet 4. llros, «, mlollmllodvtorronlv. :y. 1ondm uchm orol.. oxcollonl condton. J12S0. M wll nogotato, l 1974 HARLEY DAVDSON N O W 12,995 Muo T T K FLH, U300. or. best ol{or. SerU OUS S d y /n g s Call OMEGAB U R 0 U G H A M 4 D 0 0 R 1974 YAMAHA 360 Enduro, No Alomotlc. potvor toot, powor wndowt. Noods work. {SO boloro 7pm. * or. flt, crulto, powor tr d>or lockt, ond much morol 5 yoar/50,000 llmlod d wv, arran ty. o n Se rous f u ur.. USED CARSPE ECALS 1975 YAMAHA 1T400, Runs : h o o s e f r c /u good. S550, 1976 YAMAHA YZ 80. «7S KZ. 1,400 actual n M d w 1H>95 m. larng, llko now, S900. ] f 9 8 VW SCRCeeeo J 5 Z 0 D A 1 T S U N J T 0 Y 0 T A PGKt U P S T A f T O N W G N N o >88 J N o 3 0 M "BffJ, XR100HONDA. Loss 17, 1984 P0HT1A a A n A C :K B 4 D O O R tfrtn 100 mles, *600. Call No Front whool 001 drve, aulomalc. powor MO. powor wndow*, t, po w o r dojfr lockt, or, tll, j Z crgo.amvfmondm much morol 5 yoor/50, Z HONDA NTERSTATE Wtm OKras J<soorca VfOJoTt CHOOSEFROM 73yca39,. 1S82 HONDA XR60 Ojrt Bke, flteat condlllon. t390 or bost >. N O W l ne,395 f 1. JM1978 G;! 5 M C V W oler. Call MODEUPE250 ru n $. J 4 Q D N. R, R A B B T = han 250 mlos7j1250rsu:jkr 1 9 M P 0 f f l A 1C C S B B D + D ( ) 0 R = N o.n d S4. J r OSaS.{ d a y s oor r No Aulomotlc. or, or. t ll whool, crulto. AM/FM N o ff rodlo. powor wndow wt. t p o w o rd o o r lockt, and = morol 5voor/50.000m m llo lmted warranty, MHeavyEqutptnenl CA8 &6BOC8ACKHOEHH~ W O W F o r a l njted j tm e V olksw agen 3p6lnt hllch backhoe;bll ~ w l l " c l s c o u r LoOQhmlller, HTM(X)0 anclt: Chrs Jo rd an D O JOHN DEERE O V E R 4 0 U S E D V o l k s w a g esn wll dsco um r t MOOO on ) D G E M E R C U R Y C L U B C: A B Z! USED E P H Y R Z 7 t h e NDUSTRAL EQUPMENT V E Hn C L E S 1984 S( Scrocco, fo r a to tal sov N o J,Q.4t0Backhoo.$ TO CHOC l O S t F R O j W. r g s. o f... J.D.310A Backhoe. S J,D.570A Grader. $66,000 : EtUOTTNDUSTRAL. 1963mOSMOBH 2000 lll C n b ls S SUPREME No Door. Aulom lomotl:. power teorlnq, pow COMPANY : L *53j «M ML193 N o prfaroknr~ntr~tllf~~cr v.:lrt0f9ecllon.hwy.fl3 ft h ,0 0 0 mllommlqd w or z Llm ltgd: w 3 t m e o n y J r 9 N c o t N z A u t o Dealers. ft n.d u m m y, whcb fnessee would you A N S W EsR: R : T h re e " c lu b s. V m; n n s. 77 DATSUN B210. Hat lat 175Auto Dealers USHO"VEGA"Wlnd5flolfl21n" Jn? Btallod, {75: Vdndors, doora, Late Ktodel l = = 8 THE» M 1 30*11201 on s SENMC : takcafterw tnn b d sa n u n c o n d OTORS whools & tros and all olhor her ace of hearts? s?. f l s th e lonal forc orce. f South bds wndows; Va Vooa hooker repeated trumnp p fnesse, the three dam lamonds, t s th e... hoadors, now. $S5: Monza 30 gam e s gone, e. West w ns, w eakest ; b bd he can m ake. boll, $75 wllh drums; 2 Voga For O ver 3 0 Year. srs The B a ses P la c e n The T W orld To B u y A Car cashes the heae art kng and T hree club :lubs shows a good. J South now loses a club and a the new sut r r a Volkswagen motel lugaapo damond, and the gam e goes, carrer. 6 ft. X3M»fl,32 35r7. one down{sou c quotont lo The Acc*. outh can sue VOLKSWAGON engno 23S). Dallu. Tezu 1S235. p tt tf D n C fp n M fltrfu n n tju n n o n cced f he ge? lesses th e c n d.» h rt tm lr7 T :ru lo rp o w o r wtrr poston.accucat ately.) for rf ply coprmh» fnesse. W ests should refu se r. Crossroads ( Bob Houston. Safs Rop Hom»Phone SBSfOl C h r s J l( o r d a n s U s e HA C. m 4 DOOR flfso HYSTER fok. J. No.: 734; Auldm otlc; c; pcw or.ttoorlnfl, "powor 12,0001b lltlno capacty, ly broko. or. lll, crulto, yoar/ mllo llmed AMPER A, MOOO.Cahe rd ay rd01 r wom ntytond m org a3r6360 evonlnos. Poptop, nce van. 2 SBOB CASEtdr.backhoo; Desel/torque. now tres. 5: N O W m l e s... %{> 4X0, cond. (13, Tro]an 19eJEEPCJ7 13«4W Ddr.dlosol/torquo. 19B3 cnuss :SUP1lEMEBR0lBHAM S m les, mnt nt.condlton... Wyd, bucko, new enno. 0 N o A utom olle, le, PCw er ttoo rng, pow or b «h «F 0 lr r 1l l r l W t(«;=am7fmmtorwhota;lo> r 7~ow m orol 2 yoor/24,000 ml mle llmlod worronly. = " V r t D A T S O N W A G O N 3 : 3» hm b ~ m H esrslldf 6h sh ft; a l r r. r Fof Sale or Trade: 1981 Chev..V lon PU, 305V6. AC. exfae, Rog $6625 mus solt 1980 CHEVy YZ28 CAMARO fort47g5orolfor.e7m372. "THUCKBEDS 1962 MONE m les, brov ow n m etallc... *... C H R L 0 2 D 0 0 R Cuuombulll manure 0 No. 647, Automallc. or. ar. ttt whoel, crulo. AM/FM spreaders. ront & rear end d. rado, ond much mpro el 1 : 2 yoor/24,000 mle llmlod.feeders, slage, beet g, & worronty. 1981SUBARU WAGON dudpbeds. Stck shft, cllamono d Slver m etallc... ; ROSS SMFQ M O W 8395 J 1981 BUCK. CSKYLARK " TWO NTERNATlONAl. 1 : MUS l U S T f l N G W door, lully equlpp p e d.....tbucks lb5a 1#e2.J» tf t.,n o.,640: Automotle,.olf OlrTtllr, crulo, AM/FM rodlo. have 18 gran & stock combnaton Dods, low mles, 6 u f H l l A N f ~ V ond much, much morol 7395 good condton, , Kcar, 4 door, loade l e d... WEWtLLPAYCASHor1974 & nswer P.U.s & 4x4s, Also 1977; & newer Automobles. Fronter Motors , ~.":964 CHEVY PCKUP Runa oood. S300 Call3265t CHEVY. P.U. Recently o w h u le d engne. New bderv, Exc. runnlngnndl ton, tteo, Call , 1966 GMC PCKUP. 3/4 Ton, Good Wood hauler. UOO or otter. Call z B e y & M c Kmborly Road. Offlce 1B69 DODGE PCKUP. Whto spoke wheels, new radal N o r m B f f l r o n q b e, O le r 1Relused CONFm u L o s v m F T P ho>ne 7332 RS JORD W V c o l k s w a g u 5 e d C a r s $ 7,4 9 5 $ 3,5 0 0 $ 7,5 0 0 $ 4,3 9 5 :$473~0V~ 5, : 1 «d P oy r S * h / l! " W e A m 10 P l e a s e " "1534 Blu* «tol<o«blvd.north;t Tw lnfalls m m a m 1981 C H HEVY %TON 4 X 4 C O N N o.n B O0 6 l 4 DOO O R. N o S ft M a 1980G V2 Tor 5J = 7 N o. N» l» 1978 DO TRANS VA \ U 4 X 4 P R E L U D E la. an o S7 m7 m>288 tn o rNTEF R N A T M E R C U R Y 1700 SERE J M C 1 9 8) 0 S U B A R U N 4 X \ 4A 2 D O O R J < o l W M ) D G E H O N D A d. No..Tw n Fols NTNENTAL 1789 n p <

26 T C O T m en aw nrt wvrtn n F a llsrd a h o CmportSpoflBCw» 1464WMlDflVM tta nlkw A uloa 154AutM *C«lll[c 168Auto8*Chevrolflt : A utblm urtntw Probltm? 1»rtos»Dodoe e «l4 l«n ry L Jn co ln,... 1B8A ld OdKnobOaDa 17}A u tm P lm o u th T**? 1987 TOYOTA U nd Cfula B c#u8*«fao««ckbt9 [J!««r a 0.f0 fl0 COUPE Ho Rod, CAOLWC Sedan D ha»dlop, Good condllol lon. w o r Almost. fflmaculalo, JUSTNSHEO another lno = 1977 UNCOLN Contnental e tc? Call Flora Ovsracrc l2.2qq?m 79aaltef6pm, very good atape, must seel,o restoraton by M & M Auto jo 182Auto»FbnlB Mart V, nce car, MOO. Call «ll a 01«a«)..Wholesalo book, : :j>ow ner oar. to yea o d tu lc a m n o.n a w *4100, w( aelt S3600 or offer. ffor.am/fm/ca»m tl* FORD F1M 4 X 4 Z wll Z l952 STUDE8AKER. 4 doof. mechancal records, new ftu, eunlre pant, now radal Nsl PNTO, Automatc 1979 VW Wa BbTt. Good 3ood (laltted atlof 10am. S S S f S "O lres. radator & carturetor. 0, tres, now Horso so transrnlsalon. M60. or besl 1977 MERCURY COMET S2450. Call Bear evenngs,0, pow er onglne. new offer. Call 73477W, Sport Coupe, very nk». P P m o l Ot.8 et 496?««197«FORD BRONCO 4x A/T. P/S. 302 VS AT, PS; 351 V8. alsroo, fad S 63 KASER Sun Valley area, * automatc transmsson, TSAutoDwlen r >n, 1980 FORD FESTA. Front font mles. t l» 5. Call new merlor, nuw chrome; le; wteel drve, low mleage. als. low mle#. U99S flm frm. 4 door, mlnt.condlllon... Hft4W»elDrtw. Clatt(8?&41<7 or S J5»A uto«chw rolet new.glass.& exhaust.an al S!; : J977.MERCURY BOBCAT..4 f you have a car lo aejcr. n 8Wcar.for M975 Aak Eart,o n «n about our OATSUN 4x4 wlt) Ca cat) " 77 B1>ZER. EKcellant con 1978CAMARO, Rod wltt!tt days734*1l)a5evonlnos W MUSTANG COfVOTV 1978 OUNO PRX. A/C, fon,.., 152rAul6«.Bulc); olt 1017" N9W T8fll8l8rdt)u11 WscKlouvera. Wackbra,? ( ; ~ W RANCHEflO. "Good ;;7tflL 6900m llef7supflf 1978;,MERCURY.CAPR.1. 1 fll.000.m U aa,. ooodcond n g lm. An, PS, A/C. T/W. \ ; 1982 SUBARU BRAT, am/fn TT 1973 CENTURON. All flhaoo. Mustaell63822a. owner, excellent condton. >n.tten[)0.ca»!s«88. ~ runnno condllon. chomo = S3300, or 7342M>. p o jr. 455 enolno. rollablo. 19B2PO<TUCPHOENXSdr tn cassotto, new lras, exc w heels. MOO, 42M141. You can t beat classllled funs oood. 1400,32451M. 1BM MONZA SPDER. 4 M6a395. condllon. JS700 or take ove sds for fast, economcal w Why alora t when you can rn Hatctbftck. PS. AC, AM/FM. npeed. 4 cyl. A/C. oxtras.,«l self t? Place a foskost,«t tnt glas, new t/res, oc poymontj BUCK SKYUflK?; 1066 EL CAMNO. $1200. Call al g a S» «M r y classfed ad todav, 73M931, tl, cond.?3*2a76aflor6omj. 78 FORD 4W0, spoct), Lmted. Very clean, loaded, lockout hubs, now palm, lalnl! 77 CHEVY 4x4. 56,000 mllw, f Call67833» " atter 7pm. los. prce noflotlable m am /fm aleroo cassollo. Csll 1 CAMARO, V6. aulo: 1978 CHEVETTE: Also Of ,. Csll > 22! ** llo oasy to advorlso n Volkswagon Boello, Csll classfed. Just eall jj;*.. g M O mles, $750.C a 175A utod stlo T A L tto P aw 175A uto Detlera : T P A u to O e le re rAutoDeler8 175ArtoDBlOT 175Auto Dm wb 175AtHoDMlefa THESSR So» T O R E A D Q U AARTERS MALLY OWNED < rusedc " l. 0 ( :ar F O R FRO )N T NO A U e tlo r Jno: vv m E E L DR * A» l O f t RVEt H» e T o» ; 197SMERCUV nygoucaxn; 19S SUOARU* 1981CTA l9zuercunr COUGARXR7. n 8rlflhr5ormo»ollle, R7 1978PYMOP tle, V:8"offg1r>o. pow er loeol VOAREWAGOH ~ Tw o"door. rjvo /o»pe3. local ownor f e u r d o o rrfo u r Beed d tronm trt lsslon, 15,000 col 1 ow ner, automatc ronmm lt tlon. Slver groy mofalll tt*arln g S b ro k o «,alr llle, rod nleror. outoalrcor>dllonlng. o lrco condlflonlng. oetuol mles. lke m olelrorm llon. 800= r : zsg kenew nlles. tuperb conoltlon. M w s mw O P W T fl 38)raa) SlllT76r 5 8 Brlglt yollow; 4 ~eyllfn ork blue rnelalllc. rdlvlduol «eo *CORDOBA:Wp ssotranoh: : 1981SOB (BM : 900 M * 6 3 # m m D n to f e p o * le o l >4950 ~ T378 TOYOTASB SR5 PCKUP" 1977 MRCURYcougar; DOOR MR, 980DASUH Cam per hell; locolly locc ownod: VBer) edgne, aulomollc tranm lttlon. p HB2102D00R 983SUBAR0 V T. g j 2T00 1. pow. All whte, ndvdual e ro>>eorfng braket. e c ja lre c ln n g lo o t, *1700 tpeod trontmlton, Ksm UBARU GL 4X4 Slotlon 1 W Wogor. pow er ttoorr>g, low M OO Staton Wogon. four wh w heel drve, brght...rnle*. C om eondt tee todoy. rod. puth bor. Ready lo go. $ 0 2«! g. t O O j j movec REWCABPCKUP MERCURYBOBCAT3 DOOR W hle. 4 posenger. er. long w hoel bote, Tuton lone blue, 4 tpoed trontm lon, t 1981HERCURH RYZEPHYR4 DOOR duol rear whool, 5 tpeod,»p# teel V 100= = el w h ee lt. / Lte bluo. 4pc poed ranmlon, H a 1980DODGE 1983 SUB< ybmu Omn M 4. Two /o [ Door H ofdep. four tpood. 4X4 Hotghbock, fou f.tp eo ed Jra n sm lsso n. mog whool, alrc( lr condtonng. mog wheout tloreo. perfec rfecl condton., = = 1381DODCEAll ARES 4 DOOR,m 4 cylnder. 4 tp sp d ronm lr( llon, pow er 1979 MERCURYMAROUS 4 DOO OOR 1983 HOKD HOACVCS 34M O >5 fleerng S broke*. Jutful Sullano whlo. outomotc c re ront Beautful el black m< molollc. 5 tpeed rontroo~ m lto tlon. *4500 p ower tteerng ond broket.. fnlnlnn AM/PM «!«>«~ L.et e Us Fnance n?ve«lare t Easy Sm«e(([J/aMso«s CAN ronm< OTPRS NC TMES E N M < ot d d A v e. S. 1rwn Falls s f ov r to v e r 3 0 Y e a r s T h e E a s e s t P la c e n T h e m W o rld T o B u y A Car. 701 Man Aver ere: T w J n J a l l s = Z t o m o t v te FrdayrJoly u l y r w taam<. <! L n S a v e = = = : rc m d lm o r q u Wf H F r a e o l c h a n g e a t " B l o n f f m y o u N <1 y o u r n o w ce a r.,, S e n t e r s n BS p o rfn f SB P A U M K» L o w/estp e, rgedtr r u c kn A mer HRCA W t h / ALLlHSST/Ns d a r dequpn PMENT. f overdrve. nterm ttentaa acuon wndsheld wpt Fall carpetng. Tnted glass. M O N T H l la= Swttt vngout sde nt w ndow s. W L l m D elvreredn nyvne*e. n th< le AAagc cvq e\ y ncludn ng drthesgj j t p n s : E lo c fr o nntc c fu o l n jo c o n * 44/P /7 5 R r5 w d o w h fo 0 A M /F M 4 s p o a k o r s t e r o o * * P o w o r fro ront r dsc broko?, s sldomoll radals r a d o S T w n comm f( fo rts o o fs S p t r o c o n v o n t j o n a r [ D u o l r o c l n o r P o w o r s fto o o r n g S w n d o w s *51 S f b o r t n h d o l l l f W d e lo w o r b o d y s d * D o u x o bol b o lf s /w h o o l c o v o rs " S pood conlrol fngertp m o u ld n g s. H e a v y duty u f y b a l lo r y. S S o o t s n g le c o n tro l p o w oe r F r o n t & r o a r e n d b ujn m p o r H * 5 M.P.H. blb u m p o r s y s f o m A r c o n d to n e r m o n u a l g u a r d s, O x o r d wh h to G la s tn te d L o f th o n d r e m o t e c o r n tr o l * R o o f coacl >och vnyl LcL o ck g r o u p p o w o r... m r r o r / o le c tr c c lo ck 7... * E m 5 5 o u S 3s y s f o m o t t u d o A A u f o m o tlc o v o r d r v o D u o te Fbrn * W a r n n g chc 0 5. tn tr?? S " S s o n.j... fmms Sfaffons TH M 701 M atn A ve. E. lesel N M O >TOR Over 30 Years The a zaslest Place n The Wor /orld To Buy A Car Jpasscnger seat) ratg. n E»t. Hwry > T cwnst V M p g * V FBm y 1984 L g h t b o l g o. b lu [u e v lry l ntq ror,to fdb«j «l ) o d r o d l o L l r o!.j u U :u u L p a,c a rp a t, 5 s p e o d t r a n ss ml ls s o n, f u ll t l n t g loss. s t s d e v e n t w n d o w s s,, n f e r m ltto n l. w n d s h e l d w pa e r s. NOWOK NLY... Qu >r«<k> Tov ">ar o«r d.p*nd,ng or how fol rm drv h, f ~ll (>fob<2<r m 14 Mazda s d r t t / t k H 5f e l U elfed radals. J E«f. H V M p g B2000 PCKL (UP n t o 5 p o R n? "Magc Valley s mport rt Leader" j 409 S con >nd Av..So7rTwn Fcll nll7j34.tl00


28 T Frday eye angpxcograms * S L.. : :. :. 0:130 0 D R T a3(8ter8 s Qudata: Tenneaaeo.OD.(D TOP 20 VDEO COUNTDOWN VN son Ford. Rutgor Hau auor. Frank Shmmerhom (Rchard Cronna). O G D a } ( 0 0 ( c )( 0D s ) N W 8 d. Jon "Bow aer" Bauman. s» dt ~ SHOW MOVE " B la d e bto W)6. vow atod doatfoy haaatunblrothora ta O T W O «COMPANY Y o ( 2 } o mwhsmoke R«g w a f (198g.Scl8ncaFrctron) )n)hafrt~ Q C E H T E N N A LTt>o~Maaaae?o~C6r~~and rd ho ll country ol ndana. (Par 5 O O B U 8 JK E 8 S R PPORT 0» (D 700 axub n Featured: an nterracal HJWHEELOFFORTUN UNE...marrflflajuj ln n d J y. a a l c o h o U n d A O PnM EN EW Sa fla ra n ft he atory of a Soulh Alflcan fffamb.yfeud paralyzed J to lofllla. Daytmee m o v s. CD DOCTOR WHO "H>)8norDEvJ",Tho: an NEWAN ANMAL WORLD Doctor ond Ssrnh lollov.low «"m ayday" VLLE NOW 8:00 10:00 JONTV) /) * * b "Sprng Break" (1983. coll tooplonoton thft tt 01 odgo of ho unl <Q> BOX 3XMQ From Madlaon Squaro (ONTV) * * } Engma" ( (1982, ;C D * *"P rdo 01. O T h o B lu o.g ro aa Comody) Davd Knoll. Slava Baaaoll. V«f#0. <POft to f 4) Gardon n Nom.Vo,k. Sm Susponao) Martn Sheen, Brgtte to Foa (9S 4. Dromo) Lloy loyd Brdgoa. Voro 1:30 JlochoO oluxttj Mlea. 7 J 0.., HBO *1* * Smokoy And Tho Bandt!lt <1976rCoffledy) J r rfsn tf d flo srn T n 0 w WEBSTER WobatorTjungloa 8:28 Chckor?*6 vory8 onrt=p5f Tg.rf, ««.rf083.aavonturo)ljbekogo(r" ) Watof9(on. a talont aud lodllon ol achool bocauao ol SHOW * * H Feat Tmo 108 Al Como medy) Oan Oalloy. son, Jorry Rood, e (11) THE DUKES OP 5FHAZZARD» Two atago rghl. h. thon loorna hea oxpoctod Rldgomonl Hgh" (1082, Cor Jomody) ColoaloHolm. CW * * * Tho Day Tho Earthh bondlts rob an ormofod od > cor. blt.daav lo porlorm n w wlh Bon Voroon on lolov Sm ap9 *. Jonnlor Jo a o A L e* v t*h "LoaH 0 8 ln.lt" lf lf «5 Q.,S to o d Slll" (1951. ScloncoFlclprxK antf LTlfnr7» orrh.w} ody)tom Crulso. Jacl w hen l appoara alot. (fl) lacklo Eorlo Haloy.»,nolR Z;CO olronnlo, llrjco ;Jo L ( S DONALD DOCK PRE8 lesents. TK)NFoaturB lurojl:.blcyclo./moway;.ffonkcht Chorloa O urnlno. dy) Dudley Mooro. 1 ):Bfan.ElzQbolh Aahloy. YOU CAN BE ASTAR AR Borry; Grondr.ndmoorj. 7:06 r 3:00,. ; <D Q) TENNS MAQAZlh KZNE Uptodolo ( S NFLS GGREATEST MOMENTS A O * * * * Touch Of Evl" ( SHOW * *! "Mr.. rnporlum" ll (1951.» "Dumbo; (1941. Rpntasy).An. nowa. provlowa ol upcc pcomng lourno rovow ol tho ho 76 ond 77 soasona. (R) Sus Suaponso) Charlton Heaton. ( Romonco)EzloPnzo. zo. LonoTurnor, monta, halrqclonal tpa and n poraonoll SHOW MOV Oraon CJN * * * "Octopuaa DVE * * H " Lovo Melvn" Wo Wolloa. J8sy" (1983. Advon q?] * * tv.ptotlaajromhoworld rldoltonnahr) ( lo & S u a l turn) RogorMooro. Mt * * * "Tho Socrot 01 N.l.M.H," lualcad D onoldo C onnon Maud Adama Fantoap7knTm alodrv o*«oror ( VDEO DSC JOCKEYS DobboRoync lynolda. ry CD * * * " F o n c y p o n ls " ( ,1 :06 Ellzabolh 9h fharlman. Dom DoLuao. O NSDE THE USFL Ths edton looka (ONTV) CTY TYLGHT9. 3, Com Q * * "Agont V ody) Bob Hopo. Luclllo Boll. or oh H A R M." (1966, (ONTV) ) *!> "Smlhoroona" (1982, HBC T. SconcoFcton) Mark HBO AOog jotflanc ork Rchmond. Won Drama) ) Su Susan BormnnrRlChorfl HoH. W O MOVE * * "Shlpw lpwrock" ( :00 (t Drama) Oavld Lfldd, 0< Advonluro) Robert Looan 4:00 gan. Mkk Jam l O 0 ) CS ) 0 Q SD (t 1} DALLAS Tho Crap. 12:00 aonolaon. HBO * * * >, A,Dog 01 Flandora" Ewngs partc rtlclpatlon n o charty rodoo.jo N TV? OLVA.N EWTnMOHM m t M... (ONTV) * "Homowork" (1982. Como C g ) * *» "Sparow" w " (1979, Myslory) (1959 [3, Dramo) Dnnlrt cc T cem nrm erconzcort topod n aklfa ond ;holrj)orbonal tho crlaoa. (H) Ogdon. Uloh loaturoa 1 01 Olvo Nowton (5) ( S M0\ 8:30 12:30 SH O W *** * "Tmo W alker" (1982. Fan WVE * * * "Bandoloro" sh John alnglfts.buch hla a aa"p ac hyacol.* {968, Woste SHOW c * * "Tho Mongo T,oo" S H O W.* * * "Roda da" (1981. Ortt o) tosy) Bon on f Murphy. Kovn Brophy, stern) Ooen Mortln, Jomos (,g "Hoart Alfoch and "Yo Youro Tho Ono Slowart. (1977. ; Oramo) Goroldlno Ftzgo gerad. Warren Boalty. Dano Kooton.» 4:30 Thnt..Wnn," ChrstophorPntr,, O WA LOQ. 00 CN * WASHtNQTON WEEK N Rlrfcnr Ar.J(gn?r<?g no REVEW 9 ; (D * * J h o. Grc GroQl..Locom ovo. dy)burtro t Roynolda. Lonl Andorson;... O BASALLTttonla~B7a Bravoa al Phlo O S ) A B«C COMEDY SPECAL Two 5N. * * "Strokor Aco" (t083, C< Como ChoBo" (1956, Comoc nody) Foaa Pokor. 6:30 dolpha Phlloa mon wth prot jrospecta br now Joba projy) Burt Roynolda. Lonl Andoraon. n, Jollroy Hunlor. SHOW * * * "Tho M ango Troo" 0:30 molurolylollo tl ol hor proaon boaa. r OWHEELOFFORTUNE HB O ffeem ANREPORTS S ) (D P.M. MAOAZNE E A 19yoarold O J*0VE WE * * "Ofl Sdoa" (t980. world chanplon ramp akaloboordor n Comedy) Tony Randall, Eugono Roche. Cable tele evson look afaom o ol tn gummb n Z r n CVC DAL lalogue Ulah. JVfc * * * "Cfcua World" O KELLY MONTETH T Tho Amerlcar> < 6< tna) John Wayne, Claudo converso)n gude comodan proaonla a vorl «rloty of alandup routlnoa and onlocotor lonakolchoa. / /. # GDTTCTACDOUQH * * H "Tho Llltloal Horso f you are a subscrbe! w r lo Magc Valley ) DAHO REPORTS 3 Thovoa" (19; [1977. Advonluro) Alaalofr Cablcvslonjookfor.blacks <. (SO <12}FA M U.YFEUUD 0 ; Sm, PootBor kstalonnumbcrs: Barkworfh: G D PRME TME ACCCS 188 (D FRDAY MGHT N1C VOPO FGHTS O K B C B o lse (C B S S) ) O CS ENTERTAtNMEN ENT TONQKT 0 E * *.H "Lovoack" ( J 2, 2. O N lckelodeon/a R T.TS { Foaturod; aclroas Angle nglo Dlcklnaon fom ody) Dudloy Due Mooro. Elzabeth P K A D B o s e ( P B S S) ) talka about hornowtvmo movo McGovern, O CNNAUantA (24b O M*A*S H Hawkoyo lyo roluaea to lovle * * 54 "Loan t" rboutdews) 5 4, 13 roloaao a woundod Koroa nedy) Tom Crulao. Jacho O K V B o se (A B C :)) 6 6 ( ~ 6 r O.K T V B B o se(n BJG) G CS BUSNESS RB>ORT 8: 18 O W T B S A U a n ta dw o d d e o t ) e (S) M*A*S*H Durng a D c< cold anop, 0 O WOMEN 4 N» JAZZ "Tho Vocallsla: O K T R V B o ls e ( ld depeodest) d ( 9 p olrol longohna aont to 0 Hawkoyo H( from Scatlng Ths hs unlquo alnglng radtlon 12 (D C B N (ChrsU an/m ptjjcservlcel nom obocom oa a much: chaoughloflo>~ la woll ropros r0b0nt0bnrd061mqnf0fy ~ «9 jc M V TT w nfalls commodty.. hol, boglna wt CKNBC/CBS) wllh tho groot Loua Arm 12 ; m SUPERBOOK atfono. D E S P N (2 fb o u rs pports) o ETRtfrnffTN 8:30 :D B n x R a n n e r ~ D FANDANQO Foalufod: 9d: < an nlorvow O S!D WALL 1 STREET S WEEK "Tho Bull (D N ashvlu en etw ork tk 15 2! wllh Mckoy GllOy. Markel la Ov Over": Guoat: ;Chojoa,L... ( U SA N etw o rk. m <n OOW nhyfna PH U... ga.aa SEBAu : ~ Rftfthgcu culvevlcopfaadonlond a U C U T V L L a k e!....u.3jl The lormofdodg odgor pehno chlol nvostmo, momollcor. Bankol Now greothoata tha nlornotlvfl (D M T V tm u slcc h am nrel)... 1 tlve look al tho York, r<tb«8«bb»flc«n«rwllhlato JC S D S a ltu k ftc Jlty.(CBS) lt; latenow arunfl ( g ) O g ) U;8rOCYMPC3CAH ra]«n :8 " T ~ f, 2 0 oxclualvo ntorvowa. (R)) U.S.6 oxo lla( f you pay extra for HUU or: sdrom L aav ogoa. Nov.)., >rsho»pe scrvccs. CD COLLEGE WORLC nld SER E S (D MY LHTL TLE MARGE"Go Norh look for:, HK3HUQHTS Young Grl" H B O H o m e B ox O ffce......: H... ~ c m MOVE * * * "Crala lala Al Cenlral (Q NEW COU JOUNTRY Foolurod: John SH O SH O W TM E, H, 20 Hgh; ( 1SQ. Oramo) Joanno Wood Harlord, C o am a x ward. Chorloa.Oumlngj 1 (DCFLFOOTB yre,alledmdnf6neawmoa 5 5. H3T.21 7:00 01 Brtsh Colutr lumbla Ljons f you are a subscrber lo. 0. anolher area cable Q CD GD Q THE DUKE KES OF HAZ. ON MOVJE * * * >» "Tho Ooy Tho? syslem, look for whte and d 1black channel num ZARO Two bondlta rob an n armored a cor. Eorth Stood Slll" S. (1951. ScloncoFc bers lsted under your cc communty. Statons tu l Oaay and lu k o aro orn orrestttd wherf < an) Mchaol R Ronno, Patrca Noal. 0a valablc lhal are not lsted abovenclude: a t appoara thoy ore tho croo :rooka. (R> 9:00 ( S O O D 0 ( 1 1 ) THE MASTER Mox. O (3 )(B 3 Q CB KU TV Sall L ake Cl :ly(n BC) ( t) FALCON CREST ho Maalor end a Brlah h aocrel a< agont Or. Lanlry la jal lallod. and tho poaalblllty G D K ld d a b o F a llscbs) fa team up lo roacuo a Sonot mator a daugh thal he may >y lurn alato a ovdonco ODKTVXSalt L ake Ct ;ty(abc)**«lor and othor promlnan 1 cllzona cl hold bocomoa o ae aerloua throat to Angola. C D K S L tl a k e C l ty(cbs) hoatago n a mounlan lortr ortreaa by tor (R) C D K PV PocateU ofa\bc) rorsts.(r ) O YES. MNST nster O L A. JAZZ Ljvo azz tror CD K U E W a ltl a k e C:aty ll (PBS) rom ho Llghl O djd tnsde E G STORY "810 Namo, Far houyc U U nofm naoa BoachColllor. Cam»9:AtooHntot. Carmon prvacy. (R) Q l>k B G L PocateU o(p: ;pbs) 10 CP K lf M d a b o F a ls <C (CBS) SW G N Q lcagch lade fl 8 Freddo Hubbord Oulntot M crae. Jmmy Wllhera e rapoon end OMONEYLNE fl5>u SA N N ew Y ork(s [Sports network) Subramanum. CD AUSTN CTY e rr LMTS Tompall and O Sl MACNEL / LEHRER tho Gloaor Brol 3rolhora perform many of / / NEWSHOUR /y o u donol gel cabe, look k for f slalon numbers thor hla, and Goorgo Stroll debula jn ( S O (2) BENSON When len Senaort la wth "Unwound. nd." nparenlhess: aelocled "Bachelor ol tho 0 Monlh". M by a CS BASEBALL Chcago Cuba al San (l)k M V T T w n P a lls (NBC/CBS) (f A valable n mos areas, racy magatjne. he la doluge S,,, ugod wllh mall Francsco Ganl ana..... (12)K T R V B olse(odep(?»eodent) flndrom aftlcollara.(r )l33... A v a a b lc» m cd arc;. c;. ( D a not«tuu FE W A t± «n «E T W E EEK K " t no Bull ( f f Y O n a w w Market la Over" GuaatVC P u b H n n fo rm a lo n chanr : Charlea L. D (Q) MGHT ft nnels c arry CSPAN FLGHT "Toko Ofl To.r W hen K TV X Salt U l< oc lj Booth, exacutlva vce pre prealdent and Amercano." (C o n g resso n al a ctv ty ), tho aprt ol rock and roll adversng. weather" Cy sgns off the ar, < T X L S ac ra m e n lo s pcked chlal ftveatmonl ohcer, Bank ol.nttw n A mercana a «colebralod. wlh Nlghl, an d /o r local pragram m ng. cd up n Heyburn. P al =r:=.yo»k..:. au l, R u p e rt a n d J u r l e y. Prog : Rangor, John fl. rogrammjoftforh... Cougar,. Tna Graelul r t ( S BAdBAfU MANDASU; U a< t(thb MAM> >. Dead, ndnlcv; y. JaaarneolosfaJonlsrol carrc andothora. L r r t e d J a o u s U h.. v P

29 " olls)... QOZlM OVJE VJE*jk.;."Gun 01 2an Przoh...8:30. ooru" (1059. (D VDEO DSC JOCKEY EYS SNGS Tho. Drama) Roborl Stock..SH O W 10 hstorcal and geographcal OW MOVE * * * Tho R005 Wo arr TOP RANK BOX ew STO FTHESUM E R fr.wne.v RoboM Mddloto OXNQ Govonn sgnlcanco ce ol somo lolksongs such :C J9advonluro)M elg bs< >son; ; B o v o n z r vfl B a r ry " O O PTH E LAVVMAKEnS } Ct Clorrospond. >0 ) JAClC BENN\ AUdla nfl nsh nulaw JNY Jnck crashes ho sot Bruco : Away" JoeT""Gl AlbngTto CO Sponctf ont Lnda Woflhomo and C mddlnwogh bout schc ndcokorob whoo Jam os Sh cheduled lor 10 Doggtos" Slowfrt S makng a mov and am "Caaoy Jonos" nro o»at1:05 <3113 lon Paul Ouko lor» rounds (rom Atlantc C,y an up. Qlho "J :ny,>.jj:.(b) mned, mnuto sunmarv ur Cov longoaadnur, (O VOEOOSC; ;CJ0CKEY5 MOVE j poasdruc SrrH BO W O V E * *. LAO 10 To Mdnght" 1:46 nclvlos 17(5. Rotnco) Conannco Forslun fund, (1903. Dromn) Chorl. nrlos Bronson, SHOW MOV 10:36 Tom OVE * "X Ray" (19Q1, Hor n Jonos Androw Slovons. g. S PQBJS.T.OWaH L.l (BW{MBLeO fdontupdat j:108lca=rfrbeh r ". : aw ESrO PR O U C H O lodays r.pr ow.... f t o T ovonls...o NNGHT TRACKS 0 YESTEnVEAR N NASHV 3HVLLE Foo (,Jj BARNEY ML! ONGHTTRACKS <1LLER A sol.proclamed HBO MOVE VE * *, "Tho Ocoaon". turod: an noyuw wm Mnc ncwsomnn. \ rammakot rs nn 11: 1 0 nrrosod lor roastno a f O f n j 12:10 (1960, Advo dvonturo) Chuck Norrs, Lou QD HAWA FVE0.0:60 chckcn n ho 0 ( park n an atompt lo SJ QD, MOVE * * "Vctory Al. VanClool.., (D M0U3ETEnPECE THEAT ATEH: 5undcnuas~n n n d o n d N o w d r k ; s, 11:30 2:00 tfrougt. lf) DAHO REPORTS caator, Krk Uougtas. O N E W S. q O Q. WERNGHT O V ~ t ENTERTANS NEWS WRAPUP ln M EM T0N lq H T DaZ5 U (Sj UJ lu lurod: ncross s / Ang.o Dcknson tolks MOVtE*"* * M r?r!h G o 5r nr o O WOMEN N JAZZ "Tho Vocalsl: (1939. Orom oma) Humphrey Bogart, Wl. Q )(l)n E W 8 nboul hor now TVmovo, f f shngton" (1939, Comody) Jo Joan Scalng Ths unquo sngng an tradton lamholdon. jn. O TWO S COMPANY Arthur. lur. James Stfwnrt. S well roprosonlod n 1 a dacumoa»o>,.4d.yo OOS OSC JOCKEYS, v r r./ v O AUSTN CrY UMTS l tthcke h OF THE NQHT Guos SO:.. that bog.ns wth ho gro jroa Lou9% f..... bfr by Clnl ond~bo punk Austr o n bond Mdnnh Ol. o TttgGoo7ns!awg~fl/rfun)uf6d jr6d ~!»o(l rcn SCT V TTTTT n n. " L Q ntg h ljraoks jgjfldefrjrantttvrlpcatlorjlu AnQoos Roms choorloadora. con P«oanRto A 3tnoG oods Ods savnga lolosas. Frankyn yna)ayo:(r) o d y o t S? :. (5 m w M fll e o o N eam 5chwbrl~4Chung;Caao TENNSMons t ($3QDNEWS NS dwndle, Margo and JorrV thlnl thnk Tom wll 10:60 Kosom; em; (R) somlnals (rom ho APE J.England Lawn 2:20 bo ncroasngly lomptod to qorn,oxtra o Tonns and Croquol Club). (3)C D B EST0FC F CARSON Host: Johnny 0 ) LOV.OVE THAT BOB C5)m MARCL ncus WELBY, M.D. monoy. Carson. G uests:. s: Julo glosos, Frankyn NEV NEW COUNTRY Guos; John Han on 12:30 2:30. (D BURNS AND ALLEN Ajayo, (H) : lord, OMONEYDNE..W. r ~ ROSS BAG BAQLEY MOVlfe * Ttd ChoDl Bpln Rowuo".. 11:00 S PSPORTSLOOK O (R) 0 ( 1 2 ) NDEPENDENT NEWS NSDE THE USFL (R) (1928. Comody) Charllo Chop O MflVE * r *. j P,o a s u r o Covo"» 0V1[ ) VDEO JUKBBOX CD LFE OF RLEY (0NTV>1NT1M, TMACY FLE,.. NASHVLLENOW CDYESTERYEAR N NAS (t979.romancot carconoonoforslund, ~ ~... 11:35 lashvlle E en... HBOMOVE"*"l Smofoy oy And Tho TomJonos tured: an nlorvow wth Me 2:46 A k TRBUTE n TO CHET ATKNS Tapo Moc Wseman, N MOVE. E. * "Puberty Bluos" Bandl Pan 3" ( 19B3, Advonu onluro)jack O L.A. JAZZ Lv Lve jozz rom ho LQhl >e 10 C Grand Olo Opry, hs muscall S..2:46 Jlo aj.c o m 10 Qloason. Jorry Rood. xnodyn o ( ou Schololdd.,, hount» CnlpJn.Hnt Uormoaa.SBachrCallor oronod lo d c olobraton sfllu lo sc h" o S H O W STEVEWONDl NDER COMES Capolja. CN MOVlg ***n?:lnn.f". Ad»uuru) Houor MooTo... oro. Mnud Fruddo Hubbar )ord Qunol, Cormon gutarst rsts who holpod Dsloblsh Nash rourns lo Oolrot.. whore Adnms /n u r m u n» c *..> M ch ne. Jmmy ny W therspoon and v lleos a st a top musc rocordno conlor. bogan, 10 porlorm a co >0T6ALL Edmonon Eskmos :olumbla Lons (R) suontytorcrun n ]o ToUfnaTRnrSTttllSnVd n LaSnTd rrdnns nnd tfbque Club) :06 6 ALL N THE FAMLY ths counlty. Hos: 5sl: Ford Rowan, (?) NDEPENDENT NEWS O K 6L t M 0N T at H T tnn CD700CbUDFoa turml. u ONHjHTTBA rracks / 3 TO BE ANNOUNCED comedan proaona nw aroty 3ty ol stand O TWLGHTZO ZONE Whlo horseback marrago runod by drugs. 3: up rounos and onlocolon skochos. ah< ndng. n wonlthy.g ly grl s nooly run down 12:00 allars; tho slory ol a S VE * * b "Young Doctors O (6J ABC NEWS NGHTLNE NE by anolher woman AWHtOE paralyzed lor llo, n Lovo" (1982, 1 Comody) Mchool a 103 ( D d l ) WMBLEDON N UPDATE Ul A (6) GONG SHOW JJ" CD BAOk **, "M ado For Each ACHELOR FATHER (D (!$ NGHT FLGHT "1 "Toko O To M ckoan.soan Young, look nl todays major ovuns s (D MOVE * * MOVE * * Johnny Troman n" Amercano," tho oplrl ol rock 1 and roll 3:20 >1 DOCTOR WHO "Tho Hand ndo Foar" Olhor" ( Oramn) Carolo Lom 7. D rom a)h ol Stalmaslor. Luano >na n Amerca s colobratod lod. wth Nlghl f S (D MOVE "The Goldon Stal Th) toool hnnd draws Sronot >noth rom a bard, James Slow nwnrt»0ll0n. n. Rangor, John Cougar., Tho T Grololul lon" (1949, 9, Wostorn) Roy Rogors. nucloar powor atalon, (Part 1 2 o1 U ) CD J MARRED 1JOAN JC " L a a, And TM <S =F; )FFSTAGE Foaur6d: on ntorvov Qw Oood. ndustry, and othors. ars, (fl) Oalo Evans. : wlh.nulh ulhoraan.sogol,; CN M OV E~**~ THb AHoroBconts Saturdday pro 3:30 3grams (1976, Comedy) Susan Playof, Anhony o CROSSFR FRE Andrews. 3:40 1:06 HBO MOVE E * * H Lovo8lck" (t983. O NGHT TTACKS Comody) Dudley Due Mooro, Elzobeh 1:2 0 McGovorn. 7:00 m a s c Q K D. rgrl oncourogos ho rosdons ol (D BEN a n d M E Slop np bohnd ho O 101 m 0 d l ) WME /MBLEOON o g o o d MORNN 4:00 JNQ MCKEY n nursmc sng homo whoro sho works lo sconos of Amercan hotc TENNS Womon 3 fnol (lvo 0 (rom story and ds N E W S /W ho (13) ALVE ANO 10 V WEAT»«R t / SPORTS WELL tormtho hor own ozr group, All.gnoand Lawn Tonna and covor how much Bonjar jamn Frankln Q NEWS md Croquet 0 v q e q dsc JOCKEYS J0(... Club)... B:30 ow os 10 0 Phladolphla church cr mouso CB SERGEANT (B NCAA CHAMP WT BLKO MPONS: THE CLASS q qa m D O SCOOBY ANO SCRAP OF 84 M E SO F 84 named Amos. (DTHE BLACK CKWOOD BROTHERS PYDOOSHOW EW LTERACY: AN NTRODUC c ;30 CD VOEO.DSC )SC JOCKEYS SHOW MOVE * * Snoopy Como S n ONBWSUP0ATE/HEALTHW HWEEKHom«j (972rC om t o COMPUTERS O LAST OF THE SUMMER ER WNE bm«dy)af.meled: O m f t ) 4:26 O (12) JOY OF QARDENNQ Q SrDAWELBOONE (SJROWANTMAnTN S UAUQff P N CN M O V Jg, "O ctopussy" (1903, (11 REX HUMBARD : (2) KUNG JNGFU 1:36 A d v o p lu r o ) ) M oore. Maud D JAMES ROBSON O 131 (.5J D BU(3 luqs BUNNY, ROAD. ELCOME TO POOH CORNER (5) THCKE OF THE NG JGHT Guoss: Adama.. (Q ROUR FABULpUS CHAR/ ARACTERS RUNNER BN E3TJUBBGuQ8lBuJaajaa Casey Jonoa. tho. Marlna a c and ho?) O (?) THE UTT1 PTTLES. Sooly.. C Cal Smth, Jack Groono, Tho 10 group Berln, D avd J H aasotholl OmVESTlQAT Coys, Casoy ol bnaosal dm la o ond. O STYLE WTH ELSA KLENSCH on Sators and Wado Ray. QATVE REPORT ("Knght Rder") and wfllo Ylo Calhorlno, ODENNSTHE MENACE lolnq HUMAN BEHAV DO T FOR YOURSELF rj*a<joro,com <OMTV) MOVE nnmalod loaturoto. OR AY YOUR BEST QOLF (R) VlEjfc:;Hom«worlt t l r ~ r Ody loam Schwartz & Chung, Casoy Comody) Joan (D CAR CARE CENTRAL Q (2)T N N ESSE SEE TUXEDO MOVE * * "Tho Wld Man Ol Collns, Mchool Mor 31 Ksom (R) O (ll> YOU: MAGAZNE FOR )R VWOMEN (5) N THE MX o" (1941, Drnmn) Frnnk Morgan. gun Fonturod: Wllt Smths summormor colloc (D MOVE * "Ba Bandt Ouoon" (t95l. Howard, 1:40 4:36 M M E R C A W ORKSr SA M ERG A 15) flq MARCUS... Advonluro) Bnrbaro. Brllon,W llord T o b o r. nsvtnbyrmd: LCN!M Q yeyr.t2rb03le l Ecnda:Rohut : f? ) g ) THE BSKTTS (1002, Com&dy) Burt Roynolds, lds. Goldo (Q MOUSERCSE E O YOU 3U CAN T 0 0 THAT ON TELEV H.wn HBO MOVE * * "Edd6 And Tho Cru. SON "Morkotng" "Mj Wlal wbuld you pay ly 1 T " r : :.7:30 n*»fs(l903.dtrnma)tombtfrongor, rnr tohavey O 13 t$j QD DUUQEONS AND AN ORA McchaulPnro. ou Cant OoTha On Tolo«aon> GONS 6:: 8:36 OJ <JJ jmefllcan BANDSTAND.41 O («J PACMAN RUBK UK ( CU BE/ O MOVE * * ** "s P ars Burnng?" Foaurod: Howard Jonos ("Now Song." MENUDO... ;...(SGf. Ornma).LoLesle Caron. Orson! t s Jf w " Love?"): Oonns Edwnrdc O MONEYWEEK Wfllt.1., ("Aphrod rodsac"); Grog Khns vtdoo l j PROGRAMMNG FOR THE EGFTEO Q Q;( "Rountod tod. T V a * S T E H O S () SSUES UNLMTED W S / WEATHER / SPORTS O STANDBY.... l q h t s c am eha m M A s n FU R N T U R E (DTHE LESSON ACTON N ow anl STERPECE THEATRE anmaton tochnguos (D AMERCAN SPORTS CAVA WALCADE oro,po,od n ths E WESTERNERS «A P P L A N C E S opsodo oa wo m n u M B Host Ed Bruco tahos vewers 8 lc 10 Rvor loko an nrdoplh look loc MBY... * B E D D N G at tho llm "Rock m ptnp 3do, allorno lor ntornalona onal Motor Rua; fumurjn RE ON THE MOUNTAN Guost: Low»onnlBhugua jrlng tho voces ol t:, * Spotls Aasocalon road racno. :ro3s. Nocroaaorchocko 0. Ooborah Harry, Lou.ou Rood. Earth, Wnd m td v r (DdJ JAPAN TODAY YOU: MAC5AZ1NE FOR WOMEN All <o>modlcua 10 pucmnuo H0O DONNA A HOT SUMMER "0 noro. Donl mss ths. ternkjht chanco tb tako hot od: Wllll Sm ths summer colloc w r r, * FrooSo Sorvcu ryoooacruro) Pop guoat Oonnn Summor oxzl >»los n a O (5) PUPPY.V /S, ) C O C B V D O O, NolongurmngoomorM, c oncorl lo p o d a t th o F >EO OSC JOCKEYS MENUDO g J YaucuncancUnv»c FLB Q REA Tf.yU f)m FN ra. l b?!jdrttt:ltfjl Tho Squr up. 01 tno /a ard 77 aoasons, (H) MNBSB K L V : P A M E N T 5 = po5 = rol" (No Dato)>1a Farrow. OOAUCHO ASLO W A S O (D NEW LTfERAC ACY: AN NTRODUC ApU>»15f r h< houo wc loul aaablshad cruct t to c ow n houohold U:00 TON TO COMPUTE TER8 10:30 d lqoaoth.nncqd1 >1noprnorTten M carred cc out. O CHARUE BROWN AND SNO( MOOPY O d 2 ) SPACE KlOE aocttes O CD ) (S ( ) QD BENJl. ZAX AND THE O NK:K ROCKS; VDEO JO GO ( S WLD KNGDOM )M AUEN PRNCE C L E A R A N C E & R E N 1 0 ) C ) QD..TAnZAN:.LORD.O 5.OF THE (D OOOO MORNNQ NQMCKEY :. O.T D ANGERMOUSE A m. "Tfoublo Wllh JUNGE (D COUNTRYCUPS PS G hosts" ) C E N T E R H On holday n Transylvana. O NEWS UPDATE MEDA, WATCH W/ / (Q (Q) 9CHQtAal mcseokraacaobom«ndf d Panloldovrrcomo~chO»ra~1 HOUYWOOOJOURNAC dlacussos boll MY conlrol. Kot Wollor.. loaguo da wlh Baron Groonback. rlns lagrosuc (D UNDERSTANDNQ HUMAN M EBEHAVondpossossonn n s aoccof. (fl)... ( T 0 latromourm Bnm drol BE ANNOUNCED : ssa K d A Avfl! North Twn Falla K ) R... ON MOVE **k. A: "T he Alomc Colo" O ELECT CTTON WATCH O d z ) B uaw m K L E (t082,.0ocum ontary ory) O (12) PbWVE * * H " A b b o lt And CCCHARtANDO r. :<OMTV) SUNSHWe*! <E*8 ON: THE WMTA.CostoUa ta :Moot J.Tn*;;Xoy*ton«rKbps; y a fy n Jt3? T T rn ev NH es t o a f f a t H B B r

30 L u.... (WS.Comody) Fred CJartc, «f1c.lynn Barl. O M O V V "*K H«r«~Anool8 KES 0 ) CANOO CAMERA. 4:08 B ;. (D S O U D3 QGOLD Host: Marlyn McCoo, C B QROZLY ADAMS (1930. DfomB)! a) Harlow. Ben L y o n. HBO O M O V E * * * "S w a m p T hhno" r O W R E S T tfa... G uosls: Grc Grog Khn;Johnny M aths, C D W lo B tlh C K O K P U Y Y O tw m BESTOOCF{R) (082. B82, F a n ta sy ). Adrhnne Barba r a OOMALD DUCK PRE8EN SENTS HBO MOVE «K "Boar sland (1960, uous.... 4:93 g. Thompson m Twna, Eddo Rabbtl. Laura lus Jourdan..Tuboa. Chcago (vdoo). (Q STARS O f THE ORANO MO OL OPRY Susponao) Doa )oruld Sulhorland. Vanoa SHOW O T H S WEEK M COUNTRY MUSC to w MOVE * * "Snoopy Quoal; JohtConloo. Come Guoals: DolJy Panon. aarodgravo. n. Edde Rabbtl. } / WEAT> n 7 SPORTS Homo* mo" (1972, Compdy) Anmated. ( D S S S E STARS (R) )) CM MOVE * Waylon JenhJngs. Jerry) ry Clowor.. O RTANMENT THS WEEK Foa. Connp yroy(::,cln.m M.M OV Jk.*.*::Th«ThrsaFa( acas C D O C B B a K t O NNBC e NEWSM o K rk rk O ouglaalolkaaboutthe HBO THE UNFOROtVABLE LE SECRET A <1082. Dromoj a Nck Nollo. Dobra of Eve" Evt (1957. Drama) Joanne Wo kfood g YOU.CANT DO TH/ THATONTaEVlwestorn Drawr : comedan r<jroav<tjaayn<h : a lorn bolwoon hor slop: loplathor who (ONTV) OEXY r a MDNGHT RUNNERS : SO N Prl0flra s ~ 1s~n wants lo adopt hor and her 2:36 hor roal lothor Ths bond rom sode a prorty? C H S T > ) S SEARCH Colobrty guosls; rom Brmngham, England r t T who a atppoaodly workng THS H WEEK N BASEBALL ng n a dalant undor ho toatjorshp loo ol sngor / f f f t) 60 C 8 S NEWS, EydoGormo rmo, Erk Estrada, counlry. Adapted rom ho novol Toll songwrler~kev O.U9500 TYOURSEl SELPSHOW Curt ARA.MANDRaL & THE MAN. K ovnrowandporlorms U Mo NoLoa" byha Colmon non, "Show Mo." Thoro. "T Thero." Soon." CSJRE RENE MOVES N A young grl pa: 30SSBurbck and Avan Rooora oxnmno RELL SST 5STERS Guosts; Tonno9seo ON MOVE * H "Jowvs s 3 " (1983. "Plon B," "Ros lospoct." "Lars A To E" judgomonl oa a noghbor beh eloro housohold wrng,»ernltfpordrj cfrjorf BbwsoV Bouman7 Advonturo) Oonno Ouod. d. S o sa Arm an d.m Jusl Lookng,", ff" rnng what sho s roally lko, O PNNACLE Q ) NATURE RE O F THNGS Foaurod; a slrong. 3:00 CD NSDE STORY "B "Brg Name. Far " u * o o lor tho homo lulovson sol: Gamo?" A look at celub ds; tulps. 1t:00 O THE TOMORROW PEOPLE " S l o v THS WEEK N BASEBALL O f f C J FAT ALBERT T OrJedkan A MR, WZARD S WORLD Gurpov Qwd. Whch olten soemg lke MSTER Max. the Mastor and a:br»sh.sgc 3ccrel:aocnLtoam :up tores. AN l8omofbng=(fla [Pan ol S)rr...: rn S B S J Q O tf U.S r S o SbnT or"0pdn~0n E W S UPq PDATE"? WASHNGTON nnnuo(>o(o«lhoyar«povlod:1 o < «> M 0 v /e * T * 5 "/ "Room X om co" nnnorftaaongrnndolhor... Chnnplon(h(p(fromRochoa hoator.n.y.) D A L O G U E. T., pruct ncplos ofgunpow dor; mflk Kha < 35..Comcdy) Marx BroVhors, LuclleT F>" F, ccl ftensheld hoslngo n n mountan totjresa fou by torrosto. (R). CWLOREf Q T m y stcry O ) GREAT PER ERFORMANCES "Brd08 2» r»atw: ~ QBoyt3 j oanrj.o" 0 tj»uw uvyt H gw E s n w f y w o w * (D m ove * * Hola CrC roaaroods" hond Rovatad: d:brdoshoad Doaorlod" O m >ATNEE AT THE BJOU P Fe Seely. Cn Smth. Jock ck Groono Tho f ) MOVE * * V"Tho Gomes" (1070. Johnaon Satora ond Wm (1958. WoBtorn) Slophon McNolly. Alter apondng ng two yonrs n Control nd: Loo Gorcoy and Huntz Hall Vndo Ray. Rvo?yan ONeal, Clynos Azna Poggo Cooto. Amorlcn, Chorlo rloa jons hs wlo Cola n llon Dollar Kd" (1043): a 1944 SPORTSCENTER... ( t l )..MAMA.;.MALONE. M M am as YOUANOMETKTO Now YorkfofQn ff\ unbuccoflalul reunon, rl. slarrm g Edgar Koaaody; and a 5:00.. broadcnoj J ol tho day 19 monopolzed 09 CHURCH STREET STATC KTON Guoats: (Par 0) (R) p, Chopt( aptor 4 of "Z orroa Fght tng 0 CBS NEWS C ).ffl.su MLUON OO go grl who clnms thot Ono..Tno D lom ont)8,frcdm Murr. u Sunny GREATESTB 301XAB ", 1 " " " N E W SJjyE A T H E R X S PJ> fls nn flcedent n gpnco. C. * * * * A S tah sb ofn C3 )MOVE * * * Cordt rdnol Rchot (t949. WtfslbrnJ a. ) L.., L.B.., f u m VEGAS Oon tros lo protoct o lam nly fmds hmsoll abloo eom fnmn)fr dnc*maull, Jnno Tou:(}0357Bogrophy) Goo 3ooroQ*Arlas7SJoJhT htnfr nrroongklllooo.dy whol oppwa Mnoon OSuvon. (D THE EDSON ON TWNS "UFO" Paul 10 anovl curao. O SATURDAY CONCE kles OF THE UNEXPECTED.BHHQ.UNE, :Whn,t:!.Ahrat1, E HQHLQHTS (R) ho hrd knd ur unll ho loams that ts Domocras7 Guo8ts; Mark Grq f n r n s v r r o T r f n a porlec soluton whon a 5M O W A 4O V le t."tl0fl Xlflool (lq/y" ly Tom ond Anna modol of a spacetho Domocracy Projoct. Murr jrray 0 ) BK3 VALLEY At. old voung grl comoa lo tho toalt] salzalonthq eon Exproas Sup Jupor Run. ; w aot.yona)yt<w.. am l, Rcha hard out on ha parnora wtl.1,k spoled, adull dullorous mllonnrosu (Joan hoppnosa connol roaull ro (rom wfshos SHOW MOVE = * * *, My Fnvorlo (11) ECSHT S ENOUGH Tommy pro Ql ho Domocrocy Pr( P O, Z w sm wfswa Qono.. Yoor" (1902. Comedy) Poor O foolo. llo Jll wth hs c lass rng bul l s Kompton of Nowaday venture) Roger Mooro. Maud, 7 C d r a 1t;30 JooscuHopor. T ongero (ered b rh e r rotnantfornnkott h o Brookhoer o t h o Nntt <nttonblr«m«.,. (qmtv)! B W C0 EBCHLDnEKSF rfl M FE STT" (ONTVJON THE (Pjrt..ol.2) EXYS MDHO»T.BUNNERS HEARWTHROGER & Tfs band VAL ROGER ttj STA t ARS OF THE GRAND OL OPRY BUCK ROGERS rom lr< Brmngham, Englond? leadershp ol amgor O THE ADVENTURES OF BLACK 130 Guost:. >r.t: John Conloo. O NEWS UPDATE / SPC SPORTS SATUR. BEALfTY "Tho Pt Pony" Bln BlnokBoBuly O G D a J f ld C CBS! 15) CARTOONS.. DAY.Kovn Row landporlorm s SPOBTS SPECAL S H! "Show Mo." comoo to ho rodcuo whon n Vcky ftv) THE OTHER CAFE S COMED EDY f5)0dheehaw "There. Thore," "Soon." loaoa Schodulod: RO TOC ««lo ncno (ron. hor way n a swamp. 3WCASE Mnny of todays op cor :om O r*l SOLD QOLO "R espect." "Lnra A To E" Clovnlnnd. Oho] B NEWSMAKER SATURDA.Y nro loaturod m tha porlormanc jnco McCoo GucBln G»og uat lookng O SPECALCEL lelvery T m e Tn flt!! Lvr x M E flc v a TO P ten :tub: MahsrThnmpsonTwns rms. Eddo Rab. flrnvo AyoungE loe.kmolnadnoclmuj, m MOVE * * "n Old Othor Calo blt, Louru Urnngan. Tu T o to., Chrcooo O OVE * * * "The Nuh! 01 Tho d Cnonto" nalhor ol hor r *9 atrongth to aovo hor (193H. Wo9l«m) Roy Rogc logora. Mary njured nhoron...3 : (vdoo) G cnfrls" (9f>7, Mysory) Putur. Han,. conlcts bolwcc FSHNG WTH ORLANDO WLSOK Qtj O CE HAW Guosm. J. Mckoy t Glloy OToole. Oma >mar Shanl. (D COUMTRYCLPS and Claly McClan. Ton rom T, Hall. Mu llo nnd tho wnya lya ol modon soculy. 3:30 6:16 r e o YESTERYEAR DOl McDanel. Tun Honaloy,.DD avd Holt, lckc avol O ao: CREA1 EATNG ALTERNATVE (?) O MOVE (D [D SUPERCHARGERS E * * *. The Slence". S looks tho oro ol wor bonda SUPERSOCCER nda. "vctory FUTURES O T THE H E (9G:. Orumf THRD EYE "Undor The Mou lma) ngrd Thuln, Gunnel gnrdoa."(ood und gaa rolc (Ut FAME Dor.a encoum rotonng and (D O (J) USFL L FOOTBALL""Wosem toln" " A u fn ocsthopro Lndhlon auddon ank attack ombro thl) Bfl Band sound along wll d u c n n o lp la y th a s"! wth spoclal Conloranco Cho ;homponstp" Mchgan ho wna twr n thu hfo or dootl srugg s haunod"ud 0:30.. guo«t Rnlph Lovonborg. o 0 a beuma to vxporenco survvor ol Panlhors or Loa Angoloa Exproaa vo, bowoo «oon Mr Jonea ond tbo onom 1 aome a ghostly.o T H SSY YOUR O LFE Um <nlnnouu Bftlunn Donlh (Morch, M srs Atjona Wrnnglo Olorn or Houolon Com. (Port rt3ol0) 3 1 VSCOPE... blo»3 l«l GANGSTERS GREATS. f J NEW lewsmaker SATUROAY.TSANOOTHHR ENSONFVE MOVE PARODES. AFTERNOON Q) THS WEEK : N BASEBALL (DDSh JSNEY MAQAZNE ON THE AR E BOUNDER (Plot) A sun»> (11) U.S. FARM REPO E.NEWLAN1MALWORLD.CHU >URCaSTR ET.STAT]ON Guosl cbaulmckeanuemporfttjv AMERCAN SPORTS S CAVALCADE The D Onmondn. Fred Murr. unn AUASSMnTTAN0"3C <lh h! aslor nnd conerva 12:00 Host Ed Brucn ml nkos vdwora to Rver. Soult lh ""y thng Elao You Can" lvo bolhern law (Rchard Maaur) O KOSWORLO V MOVE * * "The sdu Callorna ] lc lof nofnnonn Molor VDE /DEO DSC JOCKEYS : L 5t.A B [L d[!!o (D jrw E AHE \M ERCANCOW BONO (J). (1 Blonco B5cr(.a2D flasmall s r,a s5 o 6 a )o lon roadfocmg SU> SUPER BOLFTS OF THE 70S Sug«J3rnma) r. Vmcont STEERBUSTN TNQThnnpacnl Hm d d c Regonal covoragu ol Calorn orno Angola VOLLEYBALL 0" V aapntlun.earl Hollman L ProOlympc Gnmo R»y L Leonnfd vs. W.llred Bomlo.menls tte Me ol cnwboya today. rom Ht Boaton Rod Sox or Alono to B{ ro v o sat u.s vs Aroonlm CAR CARE CENTRAL nlna (rom San Dego, ( ought ht ntasv eons, 1W79). roundups and nd trnl drvea to too rodoo Phlodolphn Phlllloa, Cnl) (J COVER STORY Y Guuat: rnne c rcuts wh.ch, Ch, have bocomo pg bus»vcsvacahttot a ) CBS SPORTS SPECAL Sc 100 ; O M MOTORWEEK O T LLUSTRATED HBO MOVE * * 7 "Mol. otano" (1902. (j) TALES Tto CrnclsDr Jock OldTmors S S.! DELVERY ntroducmo.es OF THE UNEXPECTED...Drama).. Burton. Cummn mngs....glynns Pfoot Ol Gult u l f CaMc.l<tcmJA(«hlng {H>OTG lc Q Q cnw lh. hm nq 11 (ONTV) "K (5v OVE * * * "Tho Groove, O NEWS UPDATE HEALTHV beng ho d o s s clown. 0 MOR ORE REAL PEOPLE 6:30 Tubo" (1974. CD ED H<My4E SHOW. w h " r r, 5 ttfs ; Comedy) Kon Shnpro, out on nor own and (3) O fffl f l WLO KNGDOM O N EW S... ncturdb«l?«.r <$) QREATPERFORMANCES,prQlnM tonaonndup o nckhe dacovers tlat mak CJ)30Mt. J MNUTES CKROCKSfVDeOTOOO O EVANS ft NOVAK brookn Soon aller Ton lonv 7:00 (.?) ATTHE MOVES lch.johannbuddonbrook D l!.lo.achos.hur.whal.ahc Q NEW5 O u: S) QDft EWSJWEATHER ;SPORTS 3!)MAMAMALONE.Mama;5j (! 1) MAQC VALLEY At Tom bocomos droclor ot yl thn t 4,m about horsoll ALMANAC bro.dcnsf o( so" (5)QDR( D ROUNDTABLE the day r. monopolrod AMERCAN SPORTS ( ( P a n 3 o t0 ) g.; 1.."!OCLMDNE.YMA> MAKERS. O je ENTERPRSE "CfosswndTnkB N T S CAVALCADE by a a.nnoo o2ftjvh(,cjflmajau3no g Ho«tEdBrucotakp5vow O (t2 ) MOVE * *. "O Ol Lmts" O NEWS UPDATE / SPORTS CLOSE OM" Two Twc lowonnor vor: : n ( ncj. ntplano manulncurors com m. Udo, Cnllarna for ntorna rnalnnql Motor t 3 q fu. Q Com«dy> Bob Hopo, p«l».lor lor a flgor lmro or tho mntkol (11) DFFREKT... Ooono/ po, Mckoy..2, yyorkngwof ot Snorts Anrocotonrondrn VOMEN, g, racn STROKES Arnold «;ccnp.:» (rom ha (1)1 DRAGNET Frday 3 ) SOUL TRAN O (12) MOVE E * * * rt6 Buc (S)NASH n y nnd Gannon (.po, uno s,.r ASHVLLE MUSC so.ks help lom the polce ERNEST TUBB Guoso... c anoor (1950. Advonluro) Yul B ( 1) ) \ n w ay lo alh rrv to n.sco K:r.u VEWS ;r>d..ly (f,rl2 u l2 )( n ) n(j oornnaaphc movo bu! buamw.s. q,o, SPORTS S«oly. Col Sm ll). Jach Groo room? Thu Brynnor, Cunrllonf an Heaton THE» roono. Thu b a s e b a l l Cl HB M o n r o e s Tto Mnnroos 0(1011 AMERCA "Julv Fourth on 0 CFL FOOTBALL Culgu Johnson Sstors and Wndo Ray Chcago Cuba nl Snn h>r Bury Stampofl spt al A lo< omo lo n huge dog hought ro bn look n ho b!3 collejje bll or:, lt Ottawa Rough Rder: Frnnc.acoGnns D VDEO DSC JOCKEYS >s.. n klur. 0"* bar.honll pn plnyors n to country, ON MOVE * * *, CD (NSDE THE USFL (R) (D WYATT EARP Otahomn" p tom P O EPCO COT MAGAZNE: WEEKEND EO 01 MuMcal) Gordon M (ONTV) GETTNQ N THE QAME 03 C.B, HEROES S A p a ro lru ck c rn n n d TON Ftu MacR.o, Shr,t. upcbmr Foaturod ct runnng bocomo : a.n mng Smmur Olympcn n loy Jonor, m.r wrn nnd cnten dspno 12:20 BO : Frank Of!rry bcyclf (ruo Lor. Angnloa: a report o. npora modband rados lo dot d.p n«hy Dana ol.1 way. Can 5:35 O M 0 V E * * * " 5 Cord Slut Captan Cmro. >t EPCOl.*ooemt, and a look loot al the Grua Ahcan ud(19cb, n,con.ralkm(,h,ock acker f*t>t; O DOWN TO EARTH Car naco. W «olojn) Onon Mofhf. ::l;.cl0n.c poll luhlno, To. (D TJ CANDD CA> CAMERA Hlchum.... «...!,:. f.jacquc3pccnh0wla.3d0t j] ( 4, Q, f t : T, j, j,j, HOOKER Allcrdccopl 0 TOP 20 VDEO 0 COUNTDOWNnko. ( Cnr Cmolvr. Jnh?. erndrrn n EVEN1NQ~ m qrhchetoc 0..nL n:nr.vsfte wo a s. O CHPS P ftnmc? rbcat B.rt,. O.T fjs S P G AA CboL P W estern Opon VDEC DEO DSC JOCKEYS r.o kdnapped qt wno wd 6:00 raoohoofu fpuno (7o D T7t% T Buttor Nalona HBO DOK DONNA : A HOT SUMMER NGHT lund. (R):;! KT O LORNE GREENES Wllh ha jockoy n ranlng; lugg ugglno s a Qo Club n Oak Bn NEW WLDER p N E W s u P Brook. ll) P o p quee lueen Oonna Summor Drzles n < PDATE D / YOUR MONEY lvng lor o (oon atrool porlorrr M. NESS lormo WO o.x6) TEC ECH TMES Foaurod; : c o n coort tn p e d a t th o P a c fc..... LJ LVNG WLD tuullctaou au boya tost thouvskll n o Bullnlo nto C (.5) ( s; SD NEWS... Rdo romp Dnolllo d dahos, OUBE, tho Amphlho lhtmlfo n C osta Moao. Call rtjrmg andd!hor, onvrof... O FOCUS ON THE ARTS. (?)O ( )U.S.0LY M P]CTEAAMTRALS. M nnnona romnora TSFoat,r«d: a ncnla prusurc sracvf tuluvson sys SHOWV MOVE "The Sgn suros on Arcas Amposol Of newsrool un dllnrunt mp U.S. Box Olla (lvo (rom Los S V ogos, em.(r).upoeta ol tho Natonal Park. Fou:" (19D2, (E Mysory) lon Rctordaon. >n. ara k.oc Nov.). OTHE BQ STORY RY Davd Ho Hooly R SEARCH 0 ) LTTLE HOUSE ON THE! O STYLE WTTH ELSA KLENSCl fcpfare SCHQ) TONY BROWN WNS JOURNAL Tho CN WOV aove "Thrnos n Ther ALLENS MyS!C ROOM... mr 05ttK EN T U C K Y :THHE E ULnMATE:,CuQflj#lMo KtjnExpasod" Th Tho ftalnana account S o d som (t9?<urflmo)polooneal, t bb MBSfB. JogWltlHmS f fl CALL OF THE WEST sl, EQUESTRtAN TRAL ConponTon C nnd nul Wllan 01 a man. who «uc tuccosaluy ntlratod EdFandc ndors. lams among the wnnoro ol tho (D PECOS BLL the U.S. Cho STARS OF tto Ku Kux Klan ond lved to toll oboul (ONTV) /) MOVE * * Walt2 Across )F THE T GRAND OLE OPHY sa longo Cup nnd seyernl ol FRE ON THE MOUNTAN Guoat; othor covotod GuoKt John (1003, Orumu) Anne Archer. Conlee Cor M k c C r o n a. tlh,» M v cr compolon q j 3) ALFRE f j. T v j J. FMPHT5HCJ)CKEBE 4.Tlfn05New8Tvv(rrFarB.lda. :. SENTS corkj; daho F r d a y.ju ly 6,9 e 4t r r... lnod.to wheulchaf. a

31 . fornod Hollywood drocl actor sooks holp (Q ERCST TUBB Quosla; Jeannle arts orts. Jfom a (fond n mprovln Waylon Jennngs, Jon Jerry Clowor ovng the valuo of Soely, Cal ll Smth,. Jack Groeno, Tho hs fundowt.bul valuabl< O Q ENTERPRSE "BuyOut"A A lo o k /, 04, lablo proporly! Johnson SlsU stora and Wade Ray. ata HyaClarfc. a (orm erq t S b T H E O n w S P O R T S HB0YE8TERYEAH < Dck C a v e tl SPORTSC G o n «ra! ed M * A > 8 r t ecaoe R r. MMofore aubaldary now"bno 01 looka et lh«ora of war b of tho l r o bonda, "vctory SHOW MON r «( hervtage6m t/ OER8 ONTREUX NTERNATONAL natl n a to n s la rg o a t experm ent QOfdQns.lL foodandgne g a s ralonng an d R O C K FEST STVALPorformanccs by omp employee ownoralp.(r)p O N E M U P O A T E /< NK «TELG HT"T*kB:0«To 3 fw A E s 6 f6 4 N; hp Bo Band sound alon long wlh specal. Adem An. Roger Ooltry, Cynd Leupv. O guost Ralph Lovenbdrg, 0 NEWS / WEATHER / SPORTS r a CS. AUSTN CfTY LM.anguago." a look at the many UMTTS Tompall and J Ja * n whck. he human form s»rg, a survvor ol Tho Protondo nders. Quoon, Bonnlo Tylor. (j) tho nlem ousboleano ee CD NOVA "A Feld Gude To. F Q n n.r ho. Qasor Brothors rs porform many o( V,!,,.. Doath March,. Thomas Oolb lolby, UB 40 and Tracy U1. Tor) Tory Poloraon" A portrat o( tho "ls. and Goon ed n mualc vdeos, foalurlng 7:30 mon.frommo Monlroux, Swlzorland. who whoso bostsollng guldobookt on wth "Unwound." z. r «Randy. Newman, and others. O.C S.C O m E BOW 3UNOBl(PloOA ornthology havtmflculfluwalc ( t ) SATURDAYf Y NKJKTLVE Hoat:~j vrv 9UOVO o*con (MlehQot lol McKean) tom (J) 0 barb RBARA MANORELL & THE popular sport. (R )Q Mchaol Douglas. Guc LLEYBALL F ProOlympjc Game Suos; Donloco Wll, Argentna (from Son Dego, pofflrly movog n wllh consotvahvo bfolhefln rlnlaw (Rchord soo Emo Fc Ford, Jon "Bowser" Bou Hol Hell Houso" (1073. Horror) Pa slo b. Natonal Club Masuf), Fror Fronkl, Roddy McDowatl. nh art(ord.c1.).(r, 1:06 : ( S O OB P C D (11) SL u 4e r k:a 8 t o p te n.8 L V E H.8 P 0 0 N 8 O (E9 MYST STERY "Lmbo Connecton" < (11) SMCM &8M0N RcTnc jfaa TjT Rcky mokes an omboffa jk t c t y u ;8:a arrassng conlos Marks susp spclons aro orousod when aro hrod by an omnoslac lo flm Hnd ou SOUO GOCO Host MCCOO, g S S S son (ollowno the schc jchool 0rch08tr0~ h o go6s loth > tho clnc Claro.was takon whoro,ho hasboon.for.throe m onths Guesls: Grog Klhn, n, Johnny Malhla, fttoackq concofl.(r) lo alter a mn nnor occldont ond fnda ha and why ho la charged wllh murdo dor. (R) Thompson Twns, Edd ddo Rabbtt, Lora 1;16 O TH S WEEK N JAPAN AN she has dlsap soppoarod. (Port 2 o( 3) (R) (D MNSTRY * SPECALS Brangan.Tubos. Chc hcago (vdoo), (5)03 NBA EW S } (D CHURCH STREET STATON 8T> Guobb: q kmove* * b vconlonnol Sum OMGHTTRACKS 1:30 Tho Oomonda, Ffod d Murr, Sunny Q FANTASY FA SLAND A woman (19 (1946. Comody) Joanne Cran. Cornol 11:10 ONEWSW rsmaker SATURDAY Soulh, warns roveng ongo ogolnst her unlalthlul Wlde. : CS) 63 MpvE * * r * Conlomlnuttt", MPtAD:,... husbandond nd a.dul3ccdunanl08plroa EJT J O E C L C 5C J.Q PK y8. (080,0romo)flofba rbara.e don...s tuart,, MOVE V E * * V "The Last Waoon" Dtuf/ 01 Tho Bou 10 bo on nlam amous hflhwaygan.jr) p CO eo MOVE * * "Edde And Tho Cru Whtman, (1958. W( Woatorn) Rchard Wdmark, aora"0983rd ram e):t om B ore Folca Forr Farr. w r f f g R B W f a f w f o V S S O ELECTON WATCH W u k u w u (2) O ( 0 (D (11} MA> MAMAS FAMLY Amjnda a tntrapped by a brutal swn SHOW MOVE * * * h "Natonal JL am SATURDAY NG< UGHT UVE Hds: 1:36 Moma sooks rovonoo on a c ar doalor der. Wyotl l( loads 0 rold on o plush poor w ons Anmal Houso" (1078. Com smody) Mchaol Douglaa. Quo uost: Donloco Wl lock PALACE who has sold hof 0 lemon. on. (R) country ronch.. Johr lohn Belush. Tm Mothoaon..! ( U J 1 8 j H ) LHEW8 O MOVE "ThorBnjcul. culonst (lo e o ; QD"08APPEA >EARNQW0HLD:A8AHTE CaW W W O V C **h " Bosl Frel w S a (B SOLD GOLD Host: >st: Morllyn McCoo. 1:46... Oromo) Pa RogoVs, Rob loborl Stophons. MARKETWOM OMEN ( : Corrbdy) Burt Roynolda, <?> qoldo Guests; Juce Nowton, on. Monudo, Peabo CN MOV lovte * * H "C roopehow " l O.M E R T 0N :JF LLM M.BOGRAPHY TWBJQHT ZONE Tho copton o( o How< awn Bryson;:oo:ackBO «Bon.B xllo:onyl(1982. Hon Horror) Hal Hobrook. Adrenne r OF THOMAS MERTON 1 A do.cumontary crashod B25" :25T)rrnborco>Tngro"out (ON :0N T V )0tA N A R088:F0R 0Nfc E AND Carey. Paul Anka. Cull ulluro Club (vdeo). Barbeau. 1 orwhotyoar+tts:for =0RA L 6 onoonclttdo"e nd nkm ystctndbo Cla acfrcrmcnrd fflco w v E Rn sj 8A T K >N W rt H F fte )T:w ~Lovt 1:38 35 ovo, Ant >Jo ttountaln ng nervews wllh Joan Boor, Lowtho Dala Lama. (D FRE ON >N THE MOUNTAN Guos: "Ro Ross." Topod from a 1983 conc< ;nough" and unos from tho al C S SATURDAYS NK3KT LVE Host: O FREBU QM NREPORTS. Mchaol Douglaa. Gue fonco Foflngholtondthe luoat; Donloco Wl WE8TO TOROOK HOSPTAL jftwvnrk llama, (fl) y P T OO PDSC JOCKEYS menbof steals Ooca a and G ophoro F L S H t T o k o o l t o " " 10:10 glrllronda. a young man n loarna la thot ha Body Languao uago." a look at ths many q n D TV can Vrgn" ]n" (1062, Comedy) Lawrence 3 MGHT TRACKS og Monoson. n. 0Dano Frankln. m olhora now husband s lhe sam o aoo ways n whc rhch tho human form la 10:16 12:00 a s ho. end a lorgotloncrl crnbrens show oxplolled n n musc vdeos, featurng O»<OVE "Tho Exoc 9. h*ovc * * * K Th0Sll0> Kocutlonor" ( 1060, 2.06 hos flostoholpaw thdfa drawn chld. (R) dy Nowmanrngoho et f n.v, P r a m a ) Paul RogorsrR rroberl SlophVnY TTRACKS MO VE * OUutJussy* T ONEWS AVEATHEftTa T SPO RTS Tfs concorftl rftaped n C a lu lo ln May b c S A B C t S OT1(XffXMERCA~( 1983,Ad«dvonluro)flogorMoor»rMBott,> d ) MYSTERYt "Quol A s A Nun" A ea< blonds s conceptual (ootogo, com 700C L U B Adams. L wa. fo notobnd.a.hwder lden.wlll.comp«l pulor.anmalo lon ondgraphcs wth por "M 0 V E " W * * ""T T hotq dng BA 2 :3 0 Jommo lo nvosllgalo > o 0 loollsh talo lormancobyt* y Twsted Sster. 10:30 Hero" (1043, Muscal) :ol) Carman Mran R O S8S BAQLEY a V nvonlod by he student#. ts. (Pan 2 ol 3) a MOVE * * * "Car W ash" 9:10 (1976, da, Benny Goodman, PK A KKARATE Al Jorry Smlh vs, John O Comody) Rchard Pryor. Goorgo QMOHTTRA CK Scm RTB U STna O J Carln. C fhre ON THE MC MOmTAN Quest: ny Davs >n a wollorwolghl bou sched O (12) MOVE **V, V> "Tho Anorv 9 QD GREAT PERFORMANCES "Bud Mko Cross. ulod for 80 8ovon rounda ((rom Allantc Hlls" (W 9. Dram Rob Robert Mltchum. pbuukb" su u un» ~Tonr~ff m v * 4 o v * < y «a < j o c kaceys E Cty. N,J.). r n R( j Gla Scala. runlch, Johann Buddonbrook O 8P 0R T 8T TOMQHT C ( dloa SPORTSCSfTER (BN EW 8 nd Tom bocomoa drector ol the 2:36 (B UFESTYU YLE8 OF THE R K «A N O (p h «) ;.!e O HOT.NECESSARJ MWLY THE OLYM. (J) MOV CD SPY "Chrysanlhofflum P a rt3 o t9 ) ( klove "Z ardox" (1074. xum" FAMOUS Robl obln Loach ntorvowa actor a r PtQS A humorous vew low of the tranng, SclencoFc M O V E * * V "HorbloF llo Rdos Agan" John Hlllorman 9 EVANS ft NOVAK Fcton) S oan Connery, Charnan. fashon desgner Hals n and roportng.that lote Rmpl (1974. Comody) Holon Hey Hayea. Kon Bor ton. aoap oper 3 MOVE * * "Lost Comm mpllng pera stor Doldro Hall. Donm and" wll take placo durng the 1964 Sum Dratro) Anthony Qunn, t no Dxon (Mrs. rs. Oan Aykroyd), actreaaqgg, Alan morolympcalnloaan 3.00 ffcountrycups lolon..... :...( a m ) Dobwah Rallln Kn and ontoraor Wayno g j SHOWBCARRED MOVE K * * * The Groove (D (3) ALFRED HTTCHC CHCOCK PHE MSWton. S MOVE * * K "Tho Val c h l CM M o v e * * * "Vll ;t074, Comody) Kon Shapro. SENTS A bandloador and n d a doctor aro (DJOHNANKE apers" (1072. Orama) Chartol 8 «ERBERQ >Bron Comody) Ncolas Cago, Belzor. both suspoclod n ho on.llnovonura. atrongulatlon or M0U8CTER 3:30 FERPECE THEATER a dollant woman bul Jt t s aha roolly (Q BOSSY 1 SATURDAY NK3HT LVE H ja CBSEAHW HUNT BARE AND FRENDS doad? chool Douglaa. Guos: Donloco nw! Quosts; Oolto te and Shollv West. Stovo nnm" : L r!! l. SALT LAKE MUSC CTELEVSON 1 3:36 D3JflDEO.D8CJQCK Ya:. 0 MGHJHACKf =EO R DEAW n t h e e m e r HSO MOVE * * "Boar r lalond" (1980, 0 PKA K/*A1 D rsw T C H Mo<:~8ook8 \b~ov«wte Jorry Smth vs. John pa ~ T ~ QENCYRO< Suspense) Donald Sulherl terlond. Vanoa ny Davs n a w otos sovoro boallngby a mobate t2:30 ROOA graphc cloaoup o( a " roallllo otnorgoncy m edcal team. sa Rodgrave. D TWLOHT ZONE An orbtng aatro at OCRO SSFW E ulod lor sever ven rounds** ((rom Atlantc u,o treatng crllcolly nurod crm e and CN MOVE * Jows 3" (1983. Cty, N.J.). (R) out paaaos nlo a world romork (SMOEPENOENTNEW vlclma. Advonlure) Donns Ouald, ad, Boss Arm* llko Ko hs own, oxcop for a fow S s STARS O f THEORY OLE OPRY strong. 10:00. detql otqlls, Guest: John Conloo. 3:46 MLLER On a cofleoloss (ONTV) MOVE * * h "Th 7 h., C. n. p,. 3 MOVE * * "Song 01 To* o jo g.. HBO ON L0CATK5N "An Evenng Wllh toe * * * "Monty Python Lve locl>u>aconlondwthan (494J DnsmpSfffljon nobstdr rd romaj Bruco. 043r7W «stem )RoyRogoro,H Ha,ry PobnJVlllamalTV:a:,> U M orkporlorm a lojlykopjj.bqhll.clflb2qma: Dorn. Stacy Koech. ttlng tho dosecrallon of hs Sham honnon. ha outrageous brond d ol humor n a <Jl) John Ceoso.MlchaOl Clo Palln... *... oncostors rom rem ans.ond.q h o o d.w h o..,...one.man ahow from S San R ancacoa 4: :30 Q ) O GD (D (D (11) P.O.P. Altor an (3) ( 3 CS) * D OANCCBHOW ch a tr = SHOWMOV 40VE * * * H " M rp av o rtto O (S d ( r a GD a b sen c e ol 20 yoars. a conartlst cot aud> NEWS DMOVE * *» "Beck Street" (U,,U a, SHOW MOVE * * "C utalns" (1063, Yoar" ( , Comody) Poor O Toole. donlym ovosbacknlo omanco) Susan Hayward, John Ga Q f Vornon, Sam antha Eggar. Josslca Har Karpor. : tho,llvos ol hs O FOCUS ON O N W arts Foaturod: a lormor wfoand holf two > grown grl sons. nowarool on dl D TH S WEEK M COUNTRY MU 4USK: 12: :30 dkorent ospoclb of ho quos Smd< lay proc uoss: bolly Parton, Edde Rab sbbltt, POP OOES THE CO< :0(mTRY CLUB (OMTV) OD OEXVS MR>N)QHr RUNNERS Srajtns..., Ths band d f(rom. Brmngham. England,. undor tho loaderahp o( alngor / ork ovnr ow fand porlorma Show Mo." <o." "Thoro. Ttero," "Soon,"* "Plan B," " "R " ospoct." "Llora A To E" 7:00 sh Columba or Calgary at Otowa (R) do Ra Radnor and Blly Crystal provde O CD (D (11) SUNDAY >AY MORNNQ CM M O V E** lotho. VDEO W8C JOCKEYE Y S and"lmjust Lookng". * * "Wlly Wonka And Tho vocoe ces (or varous anmals a s thoy p 4:40 Foaturod: ho bosl ol "N "Now Yorker" Chocolalo Fac octory" ( ,.Fantoay),paref< ro for thor own Olympc gamea. P ao.v HBOMOVE VE * * "E dde And The Crumagazno covers: proflo (lo ol former Gene Wlder., Jack Albertson. O O OO O N EW S baseball slar Emo Banka; ka; workora a (ONTV) ANMAl 7:35 sora" (198: Orama) Tom Borenoer, MLYMPC8 Anmated: G n AN a Duquosne, Pa. stool >1 ( factory, talk. dar ad n eran(»d d l landyorlffth 8:30 MhaolPor* Poro. Blly Crystalprovldo tho 8 DAY OF DSCOVERY :Qboul Jayor pollclos :4 8 v voces (or varlo rloua anmals a ath a y pro... 8:00 O WOSWRTES ( 3 O O O WMBLBX HK)HTENN8 paro (orholrow r r CD" MOV ow no lym pcgam ea. O t THT E ~A D V E K nm E 80FB ta dcta)tabernacle CHOR 40V E * K "Guyana,. Cult 01 :. M ons sngles fnal (lve B (rom n tho Alld OCroquot Club g v E T, Gono Barry. nnpdl(1bao, Drama) Stuart 7:08,. BEMT AlHY "Mon T /ap" Black Boa oauty 0 ( Z ) 0 9 ELECTRC C b( j England Lawn Tenns and TO BEAVER.,.aavos ves Vcky Upm a huge trap.ael le lo rt8w RtTTEN.1.. n England). calch ch poachera, ONEW8t4AKER8UN0A OAY ;, ( S HaPAWC REVEW 7 3 o a ll),[ffl m M B T m flq Q E R a (R ),, m K EW gthcqpglamt HSCOVERY... ff)o ORAL R ROBERTS ~ (JM JH O U NDTABLE NOVAK O WK m UPOATC / ON THE MENU TWN ad.ja M EG K EfM EO Y ras P A C E S } ( S Sm l SUNDAY MORNMQ Fooun ured: LARRY JONES (SJOYOFQARDEMNO S t h e w o r ld d TOMORROW ho > b b o tt o( Now Yorkor m agar atno MOUSERCSE.. V *«««< GD SESAME STREET (R) Q 0 (l2 } JM M YlYSWAQOART e covert vers: pro(lo of (ormar baseball,ta a r AMERKAN SPORTS TS CAVALCADE f f l SUNDAY MASS CBHERlTAOtO LOBFATHEm}«rl JoBanksrworttrraa aduqooa B*n* Hoat Ed Bruco Jak«a;>l«> o w p r» jo.l h n «" :. ± S M E. KENNCTH COPELAND D......D PERFORMA MANCE PLU8 HosrR.C ; Pa:8l.. stool factory talk about layof( poll p< RockConnlcut (orth the nlornallonal CB (D ONE DAY AT TETON M R S H A Bannon attends ds a mootng t>f wo of clos. SERVCE S. tlona Llmo Rock, days odvonturo wllh many ol ho an Nashvllloa clas lasslc car clubs: o vst Q JJERRYFALWELL B QT Road Race. NSTALLATON mala thal llvo a Telon Marsh n Wyo wllh funny car drver John Force: tn m r a (OWTV) ARTHURANOJ DTHE, S Q U A R E tnlnfla:jaeksdahth*v«tffr ~ nbvowwnrm rrmnnnbroa. ; (b ttarzan a.~ KMOHTS OF THE ROUNC JN O TA B l. V EERHEADDOORT Z "C O W T R Y S P O R T SSMAN M Bobby HBO MOVE * * "R ace For Tho Yon LL( ao Y D O Q L V E S:3S Lord goea tfhark.fahlng fl «wllh Jmmy koe Zephyr" (1081, (B Drama) Kon Wahl. QOOO MORNMQ MK3(EY ofsf S.W. DAHO O MOVE * * * H "Cap Ooan ofl Long sland n Now :aptaln Newman, 4, low York. George Poppard. Ql QREAT DRVERS Guest; Da< )avld M.o:" (1963, Drama) ) G rth L oom HKMM73»S7n Grogofy Pock,. : (D CFL FOOTBALL Edmon nonon at Brl SHOW AMMAL U.YMPC8 Anmated. Qll Peant anon. Tony Curts. j..., : Frday. Ju ly M flw T m e w 8, Twn Falls, MahoS

32 ... 9:00...J l: 3 a alor, B. Shlrlay Tompo. OTHEWOflLOTOMOffl Dpo T YOURSELF L F S H O W. PERFC RFORMANCEPLUS HoalRX, O B A SJALLAtlonln Srovos at P h l o BASEBALLChldabd Cuba j a f San D THS WEEK N O BELLE ANO SEBA8TU C COUNTRY MUSC Bannon 1 ol allonda 0 mootfno o H w o of 5T1AN dalphophl loa Francsco Qlanla GuoBta: Dolly Parton ton, Eddo Rabbll, Nashvllea HERALD OF TRUTH claaac cor cluba; 0 vsll H,. D.WAGON. TRAN Waylon Jonnnoa, Jorr j O O jseaa M E 8TOE lorry Clower., wlh funny c ar drlvorjotn F o r c o r a n fl EET:(R) C3 <1)0. JAMES KENNEDY UTCTNOON 7 (B MOVE * * *."The Young n HH e o fl" O (12) MOVE * * * "Evol Knlovol" jntorvoww»y w wlh Tho Yull Broa.,(1938, Comedy) Douglaa Fart lrbonka. (t0 7, Bogrophy) G Georgo Homllon. CN MOVE O N E W S UPDATE/YOU rour MONEY V. )VE * * H Contract On Cherry jr.. Jr,. Paulolto Goddard. SuoLyon. O ORAL ROBERTS 12:00 m Streo" (1977.( 1! Drama) Frank Snatra, O SCHOUSTC SPORTS ACADE 0 ( 11) FSHNQ CBRAWHDE O CDGDSD PGA QOLF Woalorn Opon u y THE T> NORTHWEST Verna Bloo 3loom. MY Keth W olljfdacusaoa ball d conlrol "South Fork Boao 0 ( t 1 ) ROBERT SCHULLER llnl round d C(lvo from Bullor Notono nnr 0 Rver F Ronbowa". (ONTV) M MOVE * * "MoroAnno" j)n(lpowo8alon.lnjoccof.(h ) m H W T B W S S O X RrrGsrClubTrTD daho ly (shorman Jo Jock Sweol demon (1978. Ad n uok urook, rj! m Advonlur )A ndrebpellol8r r CD VDEODSC JOCKEYS atralos ly polorna DOOOOMORNNOMCX «CKEY o w e s VAC /ACANT LOT. and rcka uaod lor jotn Julan SHOW MOVE * * * "Saddle 8H 0W M 0V 1E ***! llo t h e getngj;nlnbow:1fqul.t ulqolheaoulh fork fc h o M o n g o 0..(Bl...GF QEfMAH = R B 0F S88> 0N A l= Wu" ht (ld 3 6, W osorn)0d0r loylor. orjho Boso Rvor, T ro a" (1977. Ormo) ma) G oraldno SOCCER Julo London, "" EVENNQ Ftzgofold.Chratephor rpalo. (DFSHNGT (D MOVE, * * " "Shaggy" (1948, QTHE NORTHWEST SCtN n MOVE * * H "Gong n Slylo"Adventure) S R obort{. CW llovle * * "teo Cfl! Ca9lloa"(1979. O THE WEEf EEK N REWEW r tg; lstoyno,.: Qroodo (1979. Cornody) Georgo Burns, nsv A rt Joyce. erob Romanco) LynnHolly Johnson. Robby ( S FSHNG GFEVER F Con Carnoy. Bonaon.. O (12). M( (D NEW ANMAL WOF ORLD O G OCJO Ofl E D (11) 60 MNUTES MOVE * *! 4 "Rhubarb (OKFV) CRUSADER RABB ABBT (1951. Comoc mody) Ray Mllland. Jan Slor q, 2:30 0 dx ALFRED Hn HTCHCOCK PRE ( S ff GR GRZZLY ADAMS Tho ownor ol S:30 lng. 0 0!QBEAT OUTDOORS Jm T abor ENTS A normally mdmonnorod ml mnn an anmol nol bolovod lo bo a monaor O lt S W R rre N CD MOVE vsts Hawo a Hotoaka,la Crater :or and pancs ond alrongloa oa ho lown lloozy turns lo > G( Grzzly Adams lor holp whon * * 5 j "Tho Movorck 3! sola on Pugol S n d ; John B ragg 10 dom when sho rosata hs sodvancoa, a. hs anmol! ols llo s ondongorod,...v T 5T.TrreB»fU 8 E "c "Chlckon Run" Ouoon" (S (1955. W oalorn) B arbart "!:! J o ln1o jl Bwoua achomo. Borry SulMvon.. :v~t,;v5s/hl3vng tochnquoa. s. n 03 VOEO DSC JOO O B Y DDESGN E 5 Foolurod: onvronmongnora Bon and Jano.Thompaon Q EVANS & NOVAK..... rc N ;M O V E *** k Tho".aYrtppJ? loldoa(cno K lorm ul to COUHTR (TRV SPORTSMAN Bobb> Z? SNEAK PREVEWS Qonno Woodward, OVAA.FoldGMoToffot 1 Bfoofl on ormy offllflnrcffl tfhfeona; d g o e a sturklsbn0.:wlhjmm) a l { f n RORFBT co rn Doon ott Long P UVdU : MAGAZNE FOR WO fomen Rchard Boymor. Tory Polon lorson" A p o rlr of tho" mon ngb Now Ygrk.. ~ O SPORTS WEEK. urvutuus on. (R) M 0flM O N T A B E RNACLECHOJR W V E j t*.*. j;o c lo p «w.;,! S a a NTERACTQN j V ornhblogy O KENNETH COPELAND MQ (1983. Advent BOBOWABDHOGHESrHff enturo) Rogor Mooro, Mauc g jq rfsde lu ( 3 O ( S Q (D d 1) ) Nl NBC n e w s... sport. (R)C;) CS JERRY FALWEU Adorns. }TORY Homo moyoa. alllptwtoa, s M o l O YOU CANT 0 0 THAT ON TELEV R P«RPLEYS BELEVE T OR NOT lor*f or*r<fooumeol8»r6mpr«vtou«lrab oocro SON "Meda" TSAL ALLNEWtCLEAN d:a.laokattwo.lormarly.socro O (12) ROBERT SCHULLE LLER 12:30...ftoa los and llm clps provde ho 0 sub ER THAN..CLEAN 1 WHTER THAN Vor ovonts; a French moun CD WELCOME TO POOH H C CORNER. O gon g OR (MEAT Jump barrels wth 0 san< tance ot hs nvoatontbn OMhb llo WHTE Groon almo lurna lun whlo for tha onoor m n 0 o darng clmb; ho phyaoal (SnS H m H O L E (R ) loonoqo lgu ouroakalno chomp; vsl olth ho rocluavo bllonalro, show aboul modo hypo.po, foatsolyog yoga exports; marvola ol mod el nvadara. (R)... HBO MOVE * * "Honk lonkytonk Mon Saurday Mo Momlng Lvo. a comody ( tob2. Dramo) Clnt E>b E«#M00d J o workshop for tor young comedanb; an...2:35 " Gf(5J D CBS N S emo: nsecte Eaotwood oxpen domom JH GH CHAPARRAL O 45lJH a4d L ah 0U )USE.BobUla.and S / WEATHER / SPORTS lonslratoa ho aoroua aldo (ONTV) HSTORY OF THE OLYMPCS ( To roerakattnc tng. 3:00 Norm Abram tour ho 0 nowly n renovated O THE n ejl s s n j W E R s o R Y A... 10:00 O S ) US USFL FOOTBALL "Eoalorn D <D WLD KNQDOM Morln capt Pturoa House. (R )g young Jes sse Owena (Doron Horo O f fl (?) 0D AUTOAg Champonahp" New Jer. young wolrus, NSDE BUSNESS 3 wood) ontora Oho S tate Unversty (DVCTQRYGARDEN where hs rack ochevomonts lond hm... cmff8 a vtnlvl»lo n Toxaa). Tompa Bay y B andta or Blrmnghom our H an d "Y o u cnrry your Th n ; : " ffl HERfe CQMES Sam >;,:m E MAkNQ 1OTtrTnr/TT Sl7SpT?8! Godro"* ;arour round all doy long, but do you, h hnvo an OLYMPC, SYW YMBOL Sam Tho Brown. Gooroo Kennedy ond O YOU CANT DO THAT *T ON TELEV SK)N:PoleThoflopol< * * H.lT h o.n o rllflb.t ap o a :? ny dea how much t wooha? Olympc Eagle. ho ollcol ol symbol ol obbmorg orgon coslor. (Por t of 2) Slory). Rov Thnnoa. Anoe g a.w O O D W R S SHOP.A \ thol984oyrnpca,8 tp SUM UMMER SUNDAY; U.S.A. f «?r r a nr mn o mvsflf64ormolol work, wh TAROOOKES AMERCA Tln O (S) MSTER ROGERS (R lolnujunaaofnalmaajnyclj "[.aba G O SPEL COUNTRY Promse Fullllod And Tho Promao Bro (2) FOUR FRONT O NEWS / WEATHER / SF enda o moolng ol two ol nkod materals, (R) AEtOBXTCS15h? hkoahtw a.) Fly <on A1lon ( S POWERHOUSE cloasc cor cluba; o vs g ) NEWS / WEATHER / SPORTS1 n (R) Dosporly rogns r«for lon short yeara 5 O (12) FAME Dors oncourogoaht WLD, WLD WEST wth lunny cor drvor John Forco; on * 1 V VEGAS Dan s hred lo lnd out t \ why 4:36 on ol 0 play hot a "haunlod ( B (11) FATH FOR TODAY ntorvlow wth 1 Tho Yulll Broa, S * wlno " was klled by 0 ht man. O WLD. WLD WORLD LOOF ANMALS ng lo exporonco somo ghosl (D p. JAMES KENNED SHOW MOVE /E * * "Swam p Thng" D GREAT OUTDOORS 6:003 ly vsons j ool l hor own. Q3QUMBY (1982. Fanns ns/) Adrenne Barboou, } AUTO RACNQ "Von Scoy SOO" " O C BSN EW S (4) WALL. STREET JOURNAL REPORT. 0 WRAPAROUND NASHV HVLLE Lous Jourdon, on, ( Q)(l)S d G H T S E N O U Q H. & (D HAPPY DAYS S AGAN Fonzo fl) AMERC ( D d S WRESTLNG (ONTV) MOVE VE * * b "Anne" (1982. ) MOVE * * "Bolls O.Rosor RCA BETRAYS HER CHL oro" hos n rocontly dsol snbled mochnnc OREN (D VDEO DSC JOCKEYS Mualcol) Aoor oon Qunn. Alborl Fnnoy, 1 = 945, Woslorn) Roy Rogora. 0 Dole wto bloty rojoca nny ny olfor of rond 0 GREAT ( S SDELNES loak j Evona /nns. AT DRVERS Guest: 6 ovc g shp. Poorson 10:30 O D T V ) WRAPAROUND NASHVLLE O REGGE JACKSON JN S WORLO OF (D VOEO 3 DSC Dl JOCKEYS (D(31 ) a CANDO CAMERA 5PO R TS"W aof Sports O NCK ROCKS: VOEO )TO 0 QO rts" Tako o rp to n fl S. (ONTV) N n MOVE * * * "Thoy Got 3 Ql GREATEST M 0M E N T S ll2 >1 Mo Florda to walchyouno poopo portc nnda79y O CD SS) ELECTRC COMP. 0 ( DD a (D (11) SPORTSWORLD Covor >Ydnran d Rovow (ft) )vorod" (1943. Comody) Bob Hope, polo n such exctng,. 0 ( S THS WEEK < WTH OAVD Schoduott: Th aports aa anlng. hbo MOVE Tho U.S. Olympc Boakol Doroll )"rolhylnmour.. * * "Rnco For Tho Ynn. water akng nnd ocubn BRNKLEY boll Toam.mo moob ho NBA ArStnrs n dvng, c koo Zophyr" lyr" ( 9 8 ; Ornma) Kon Wohl, O NVESTGATVE REPOm ORT (lvo rom lowo Ha Cty. owa). 3:30 y j HEE HAW Guoss: Mckoy Glloy Gootgo Pop( oppnrd ( 1 3 ) REX HUMBARD O THE TOMOF 1 (D rrs YOUR BUSNESS. and Charly McClon, BORROW PEOPLE "Slovos Tom T, Hall. Mol THE THRD EYE "Undor Tho Mo /lounmcdono, Tnr Hensley, 6:06 (D ( ) WMBLEDON TENF ENNS (Joned 01 JodlKloh" Stophon haa daoppoorod? ty, Oovd Holt, «u o u p n" Mr. Jonoo voco sooma lo d NE * * j "Tho Revongors" n Pfooroas) Mona alnoloa Jlos (nal (rorp "d Konny los losoa ho only clo lo hs 1 drll O (U» WALL STREET r WEEK "The Bull rough ho loo ohd ho twns st, steal Markel s Ovor" Guoa W ostorn) Wllom Holdon. hoalenblanduwntonnl onnla.and.cro.wtoronbouloj J.(Porl.2.ol.S) uofll: Chnrles L. 6, o7tdoyon quol Club n Englond). O d$l MAQC COF 0 ouottthodnrknohtto harosc OL PANTNG an 4 0( 8) chot nvoslmonl ollcor. DONALD DUCK PRESEN 3ENTS O NEWS UPDATE / FREEMAN ( j PHOTO SHOW "Flloa. Dodg gno, York,. ARCH OF.,. "Am SHTESP CB TOMMY HUNTER Guos: Jm & REPORTS Josoo. CD MOVE d Burmng",Jon Gooll domonslrot rotoa GlABCNEW Sg, 7 MOUSET ETEPECE THEATER * * * "A FarQwcl To J (B SPORTSCENTER.A rm s" (1932. w lo ollor nnd corroc fo conlr lrosl O NEWS UPDATE 2. Dromo) Gary Coopor. / SPORTS SUN :STAGE AT THE GRAND OLE your prnts. (R) DAY SHOW MOVE * < :"JaWS w s 3" (1983. Holen Hayog. AdvomurpJOonmrQuaJr lle n cck r>.u.0,u». NEWSMAKEftUNDAY... ( «e 0 M A S*H 7:00 strono, Brdos" Throo LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad 8 r O NEWSCOPE monhuntno lomoloo. 0 ( 3 ) 1 5 ) SA LU TE TO LADY LBERn r lontv) GETTNG N THE GA GAME rom Enolnnd t nn arrve al fho Hnvon, onn.n ftrn,oxnrnno3q..yoftcly..c B4 (VSUBVyAL:OtQnoul 0utnn3;.O rphans 3 he perormers long n hs. V O G R E A T D :D R yer 9% M D y jj. U ppyle30nd«xplnn9 clul lulct TOTho Wld" Pel<n Uatr atnov.nnrfnlob0 bulo lo r tu lh Sll>re~of~Lt>orty nro Pearson. oom bly:q... looknllhoofongulnn n nnndtho etfona 37,n Alen; un. Hoy Charloa, hdchnrlo O STANDBY.,. UGHTS C/OlERA (D O l TALES S THE EDSON TWNS "UFO" Pnul P beng mode lo snvo OF THE UNEXPECTED? tho specos rom onmols Done lond, Krk Oouglaa. Monudo, ACTON Loonord Nlmoy domonstraoa; <Jon "fn Tho Onrds" lovoa hos hod a closooncqunor Of ol oxtncon. (R )q d Suaon Sfroaboro ond Tony Orlando, MnrO Osmond. ho slum s wlh proloaaonol Btunwoman b Max Gntl ero. d< t thrd knd unlll tjo looms thal d «.,,,o o. bu,.,. f l.l (?J WLD KNGDOM Brolhers, Anhony Ounr nnd LMCooAOOk«tlh.flf >.flmft::oclo... wonls ts own.p p ly Tom and Anns mgdol of abpnc uco ~»l THERES NO OAME \..0 0 E LKE THg ALLcnooH at groal q pussy." "Dond Mon Dont t W Wqar Plod" p, STAR GAME A hslorcnl «:30..T C 0 «ff (11) KNGHT RDER ond "Tho Thno." TOMMY HUNTER Guos: Jmm a momona ol paal ollslnr nroomosapro c nuuhl 7n. Q.SEECALDE t n loud botween wo Cnjun O W S PO K E SM A N DEUVEHY.KonflaolLTh.# j a concert promo moro wno lopod lve n (Q (J) Mchool must got KTT oul ot O NEWS / WEATHER / J) CANDD CAMERA 0(11)SU M M E R SUND)) SPORTS OmohnCvoAu 10AY.U,S,A, S T S s a n Audtorum.. HBO K no J " swnmp boloro the cnrs * f f l STATONARY ARK O M O V E,* * * "Tompeat" ( , (D COUNTRY SPORT! 0 (a!lastc RTSMAN Bobby.. " cd u C fz orrods c (R) ) WORLD VSON rcmancegaragebrnd comod tody)johh CoYsnVdtbsTGbhaRo ov lordooorsnarrfahn! h.n a w tm a m n r y g 5 ;j S oars oxomnes wnter wpora and tool londs loa ;" Joanno Woodword nnd M O V E ** "ThnkPost. Bt. Mr, Moto" g Q34 V V, d s. Ooan ott Long slond nn. W Jo lto.q SHOW >NowVork. Jnno Curn ;n sslor n 0 com odyabout 0 " (1937. Myalory) Vfgno Flold. Fl Polor ( 0 AMERCAN OW MOVE * * "Tho Sholt t 01 t MOVE * "Eght. W SPORTS CAVALCADE Lovo" rn bolwoon hor husbond and Lorro. /o" (1963. Comody) Morgan Far 01 Kung Fu" (No Doto. Ac Hos Ed Oruco ce lakos voworo to:/llmo chld d. / young sulor. Anlhony.Goary....C D FLPPER SPORTSCENTER RocK.Conrloctc ClCurforhTnnldrnotonol EN lngltpopsthososamo 1,CD MOVJE * * b "Tho Lttlos Lttr (ONTV) GETTNQ N THE Horao Motor Spoda Aa Asaocalona Llmo Rock ppolb lon Arhur Fedler ond ; Thovoa" ( Advonofo 3:36 luro) A1«Btof, GT Road Race, 6:06 O, O tho Boston n Pops Pc Orchoslro. (R) Sm. Polor.BorhwOfh UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUE lues OW RESTU NQ (D <Q)TALE8< 8 OFTHE UNEXPECTED COUS (f) ffhar lardcastleandmccor (Q 33) MOVE *, "From n Chna C JSTEAU TfflOudy Ol The R Wlh G onosls And d Corrupton" C Rod SHOW MOVE * * w "G Alter yoara Salmor "Gong n Slyle" MCK Tho 0 j ludge moola a man ho D eath" (No Oalo. Advonlure) mon" Jacguoa Coualoouand ( ol ryng, o couplo f*. U 979. Comody) Goorg. fnally producos crow w srge Burna. Arl houghlhad lad beonaontoncod lo llo lollow tho rod oockbyo aalm mon Cornoy. M«mngly.fM>rmfl G fp fr(lry e from Clovolan olandrohlo), m TOpRMflT Ttzm groponrgas z sr hoalaak tlr B N ( r F ~ o Atlnnle LMAUbe«4w4lk no/ocordbol a ol the ermnala oxblonco. E rr? T S n D W R E W 55 (RTq Wortd n 60 Daya" (95C, A 4:00 a 19) OUTDOOR DAHC Davd Nven. Shrley MocLan 2 :0 0 0 WO "Prohaorc OTW SW EE /EEK N REVEW FACE THE NATON Fah n Holla Canyon" QT) PURSUT luft OF THEMARVELOUS (ONTV) MOVE * "Throw. :,o r o u,t «o " p.?. g ) ff g SPORTS SUNDAY CJ CD f f l, AT THE MOVES CAROL BURNETT ANC Anchor" (97S. Comody) D Ropor Moywoolhor va. O NNCK O KNO FRENDS Host Qqoqo 00 Molly revlowa tho tnlolac ROCKS: VDEO TO GO... O TWLGHT ZONE A h r rjojunomohtwottlht g jtt S ft.husband.lurna tunl,hsorc Drcol nnd croatvo. laclora Rchard Egan, FSWNffTHENORTHWEST bout schodulod d lor TntoTVonasoorodrt 10 rounda (llvo rotn Q \ dramallzotron ol v.tuch losullo u] od7n~ho"aurroolat~movo* 11: VCTORY QAROEN ha own dnner hour.. LfesAnoolos); Kan a menl, updbto on ho Tour 7> «O M O C W S D D N D ff T>C WALTONS. O VEWPOHT znrrnnctocyt lcychrrae o: John Mad o tfe V O (12) UFE LFESTYLES OF THE RCH. OQDTAKNQAOVANTAC MEWBWEATHEflSPORTS... dona Journoya" ra looka a t mnor loaguo O MONEYWEEK basodollwhan EDTALENTSHOWCASE": oul tho comp hot 0 cob»< an tntamotonal lovor, n SQ m aolroslm m (fpeo PLET E TO PEOPLE SO SLOW prrch s o ft b a l l ( S MATNEE AT THE BUOU nent,. U 0(ffjPETACT1( N TOUCH CH JT10NUNE J ) MC CDOENTLEBEN MOVE * * * "Labon" (195) O NEWS UP0A TAKNG ADVANTAGE 3E. 0 MOVE : "Hodln Town" ( Dra 3*TE<OAME8 0 r W»a,onl CBOOSPEL COUNTRY onluro) Ray Mllland. ClaudoRalna na. ffl FLYNG HOUSE a (12) MOVE ma) Kalla Polatn.KathlSohm. Poll E "ThoStory o r Q JH HBO VDEO.JUKEBOX THE MUPPETS Quas: Madoln lno (D BG BANDS AT DSNE Soablacult" (104»949. Drarfa) Lon McCal <nhn 3NEYLAND Fea. QOSPEL a. COUNTRY n : lyrodglonnmlloforcttoa Hoalrar... (GPDRAOH QNETAgunmamueceaBtut BTTfrteSews, Twn FSaTl latbafo F H d ay.julye J84

33 ly solds up ton»l6fofc n confoelon conconjo9 o.9loocm l W 9:,!f»hlchUnnd2).....(P.ar.2) (1800, Drarr nvyckofh. ramb).barbar«edonrz:: : vdooclpa ( f l ) MOVE..Boy Cty Blu Sluoa Stuon Whtman. 0 SUPER BOUTS OF F THE Mko 0 SPORTSC CAWOL RC BURCTT AND FRENOS rscenter. (Pf (Premloro, Dramo) Mchaol Nourl RoBsmanvo, Vctor Qalt* url.kolly 12;0 lalndor (lought tn (OMTV) M0> 2;00 T... <OVE * * * "OclQouaay ::H m... 1 «0... Now O rloanarsapt.; 7 8 ). Jdotmon.! L O O R T S UPDATE. (rs a s, Advonluro) Rogor Mooro, Maud 0 O BY ( D z o U L E v n r Y() :Foatuf»B::orTytonmo; O SHOW MOVE * * * "Tho Mongo Adamo. ; O (121 CANYON FO FORUM loldbsfgr srgnora Bon and Jano Thompaon Tfoo" (1977, Dromo CD 0 E P C O r MAGAZNE: WEEKEN m o) Goroldno NO ED CLUB ON EW Ptzoorotd, ChrBlophor 8:08 T>ON TK Foaturod; con runnng boc nws s / WEATHER / SPORTS P 3Como a 0 FOUR FABULOL,OUS CHARACTERS 0 M O (ONTV) MOVE * * *" l. 8,.c k. 9 " FALWELL / dls dsqobo?; Frank Borry; bcyco DEPENOENTNEWS e > lo roo Cosoy Jones, ho e Martna and the 0 S U Rm Q asa T Matbo >( 980.0fam a) )R = b,.f o x 9 : 2 0. way; Captan Carrol; tho EPCOT >TExpo Coys, Casey ol baaoboll lamo and 0 THE worth, Paula ProntBB. /s r r s WTH LORN MAAZEL ronco " eoclronc poll takng: EXPLORERS "Afghonaton" n" ng; Ton Johnny Applosood aro an tho atara ol hla vst Algf.Heller:.JacQuea.Popn.how.to.l Alghanatan pror lo ho Ruaalon L ap Plannm fllfldm H ufatta; : ; 3 0 on of Clovolond Ol ( l COUPLE Oa O rchestra talks about the loko: Carolyn Jobs: Grandma D.J. J.. (D TENNS MAG> O.c o r d o n lo QAZNE Uplodoto O W luclng. 0( 0 Q).MEO VDEO Doctors dsc WRESTUNG F (R) scusa a nows, provowa ol Folxa bond os poymontont ol a gomblng )f upcomng touma C F L voroty ol modlcol lps. 1. FFOOTBALL Edmonlof) Eaklmoa )8.. 8:30 monta, nslructonol ll tpa ond poragnal abrllsh (D E R C A N SPORTS S TONGHT C O L L E Q E W O R L D S E sh Colomba Lon8.(R) SER ES ly prolllostromho wc ordoltonnt,(r) TS CAVALCADE S HGHLGHTS (R) Host Ed Bruco tokos vloworo vo to Lmo BEWND D THE SCENES Outtakos. 0 VDEO DSC JOCK ;06 Rook, Connectcut lor tho ho ntornalonal o and bloopors rom sovorol ~ 11:06 0 SPORTSCENTER ]LO GOLD Hoal: Marlyn McCoo. 0. Motor Sports Assocoton a C?J CD MOVE "Shon am poo" SHOW MOVE s; Grog Khn, Johny Matha. "Gong n stylo" a.. «. u r o=k GT Rood Raco. CT. <9 (197S, Comody) Warron Boatty, ty. Julo (1979, Comody) Go )Son Twna. Eddo Rabbtl, Laura G o»,=. B o,. A 3 o Chrsto.. Cornoy. ton. Tuboa. C hcago (vdoo). (D (Q) COUNTDOV/N TO r o M H ohlghta,... >0:00 g CB MOVE * * "d Rothor Bo. and provowa ol worldw dwde proury... JWNEY.> Y MLLER Tha 12th procnct 9 o Rch" CN MOVE.**,: 1:18 V (1964..Comody)SondfODoo.F. Robort.(98r..M ualcol)arfm. D WORL WLD VSON DcCQmQollonaOQlln (OMTwMovrentTtT porlcponls and world roc record updotoa. Vomonon 1 0 o trbute to ho lolo Jock *T ThoBoBrato (T) CB NEWS Whofohouso n Toxos (R) Soo, :oa" (1982, Muscal) (Z) (D AT T T H E M O \S O MOVE "Blondle n So yponon. G! n o l " ( To j Ml o v f r l T H " :! DA * Joanno Woodword and a.. Arthur Lake. "Exoculonors Song (F ) star n 0 comody about o GD ENTERTANMEfTT THS WEEK Foa SERGE RGEANT BLKO "Rocrullng Sor U 982. Dromn) Tommy Lc n bolwoon hor husbond ond fl:1 6. turod; Krk Douglas S lalka about tho floont" ONTERACTON payt.vyaaornlof Wooch. :Oraw ll;com odan CD EYESA =SAT1 O ) SURVVAL CREENVVRTERS./. WORD 11:20.Poo Woo Herman.... 1:40 Orphono 01 Tho Wld" P E Poul Mazurahyjalks obout (S) S)< ABC NEWS 12:16. SHOW.MC.MOVE * * H Foal Tmoa Al norrotob 0 look ot tho q to/9j»»a why the.thomos. ol 11:30 HBO MOVE "T Thngs Aro Touph fldgomont nonl Hgh" ( C om edy) ). tho olforts bong modo doto".m o " o nff nldejty ond now lloalylos o O NEWSMAKER SUNDAY A ro v < srrt9 0 2 rc Comody) ( R chard S oon Ponn onn, Jonnllor Jason Legh. aocepa (rom oxtncton. 1 (R)C (P havo bocomo Tohstfodom ark. (R) (T)! CD STATONARY ARK "Chooch" Morn, Tomr mmy Chong. CtN MOV OWE "Tho Kdnappng Of ( (?J MOVE * * > "F.l, WEATHER JSPORTS: POCATELLOCOPe :80 Thn Prr.%ty cadon" (9 8 0, S u j p g ) wl. j Ornmo) Sytvootor Stal E S OF HENRY.V "Anno Ol Q 0(12)JA { C K V A N M P E O ARTS VSTS WTH LORN MAAZEL lalnor, Hal Holbrook. Boylo. nry marros 0 Gormon prj 0 m J, l VOCE BROADCASTr Lorn Maozol, formor lor moesro of tho 1:60. Jjfe wy r ffc n tn e r a O T H E JESSE OWENS S vor las, tho marrage s ror) Bold [.ugos. art ol conductng. (1962. Com ody) H onry W nkler Owons focofdbrookng r (ONTV) CTY LGHTS 12:30 ;30 Mchaol Ko Keaton, onco ot ho 1936 Borln Oh NVON FORUM 11:36 O MONEYWEEK 2:00 l&wod by 0 llo of humn lantanartdoods SH EW S... fttt PA U LHO Q A N CS AT THE MOVES ovorshodowod by busnosn o s s l o u r e o n d g y JONES. O NEWS VS UPDATE / MEDA WATCH / O Cfm<nelhftfOO»oloKe»!»." S o ng Of ToKfts! 11: ) COUNTDOWN N TTO 4 Hghlghta HOLLYWO WOOD JOURNAL.evaatofySlore orfdwldcrprootym: GO ff)«8 Doran Harowood. Ronny», C( o,. d N o,. stern) Roy Rogora, Harry :SSMEWSmQHTWATCH S 3 ) ENTERTANMENT THS WEEK =K Fea compoltlona, prol )rot(lpa ol Olympc CD DENNS NS T» MENACE man Fol. (Port 2 ol 2) O J DSAPPEARNG WORL.RLO: ESKMOS )SC JOCKEYS tured: KrK Douglas talks oboul 5ut the PofCPnnls ond world rd record updates. ds MC MOVE * * "HoldDy Com p" OF POND NLET RACNQ Wold Endurance 3oyTV w ostorn"o row l": com< (1948. Romance) Ror Denns Prlco. Flora1 O ( t 2 ) 0 N STAGE AMER LoMons(R) Poo =00 Woo Mormon, 12;3S 36 j Robson.. ERCAA.nroy S l " ;; O MOVE * * j "H0 Hoppy Go Lovol/" VDEO show ncludng studo p< /E * * * "O ctopussy" 11:66 :0 DSC JOCKEYS (9 5 t, Oomody) Ver. Zero Ellon. Dovd (ONTV) cptobfrty gossp ond CO onturo) Rogor Mooro. Maud t) ED MOVE * * * "Condomn MOVE MC * * * "Thoy Gof Mo nnum Nvon. Ths w ooks guosto: Th Mchool Rotors (chofoo VE *, "Jaw s 3" (1983,, W o, p h :, " S Mchnol Jack so n s "Bo. Bool 11" ond " "" " ) O Denns Ouad. Boss Arm S B lars Coyerod " (1943. Comody) Thrllor" vdoos), Nol Soc... (fjn EW S «m"o v e * * "Eosy Monoy" (f963, fflbenhaden Comedy) Ro( Rodnoy Dangotlold, Joe r Por rtra ts to n 1131 YOU: MAQAZNE E F r e m e m b e FOR WOMEN ffoaturod: Wll Smths sun summor colloc 10:05 todays magc : mr oments. lon. (R). O ABC NEWS «S 0 VDEO DSC JOCKEYS O OPEN UPP. 0 SUPER BOUTS OP THE 70S Morvn. 10:15 Johnson vs. Vctor Golndc ndoz (lought m 0 (11) NEWS VS NowOrlonns, Nov., ZO).,.. 10:30 HB0MQV1E *Jk:Honk h jn k y to n k M n n t O A ttln THEFAMLYArch m fntfs Clnt Enst ;nstwood,.ky.lo..out.,onol Jod Jollorson has boon datng Eastwood. hs 21yenrold noce. CN MOVE * * "Wlly Wo Wonkn And Tho Q 0 ; SQUAT... \TTERS: THE OTHER PHL Chocoloto Foctory" ( ,, Fantaoy) ADELPHA STC STORY A polle ol poor Gono Wldur, Jack Alborso Pe.qPle m PPhladalphm h j who.j cqn y occupy hbnndo 8:05 >donod houses. O STYLE W m Q.SPOHTS PAGE /TH ELSA KLENSCH ; OM OVB** r*lp(&rtt:(.t97e.otn. BrStollonoTPunrBoylb" L. 0 ROCK CHURCH PROCLG CLAMSd ALCE A?co comnkostjuto an mproo (Ut OVATON "ntmnto lto ( etronoors," g,on atte n ononght sngng ongogen potrayl ol tho dsmog ogroonol n mont (n a tocnl ;nl nghtclub mnmago (Pnrt 2 ol 2); "Sn Smpo G lts." fl) HGHLGHTS TS OF THE DAHO FALLS.several populor tratjltlonol. 0 rl3].qnd. 4T H 0F JULYP YPARADE. Amocnn songs (Port 2012 o 2): Ro* 0(t2)S W TTCH C» n e e d " (Part 2 ol 2). MOVE * * * * "F orysocortd SH 0W M 0V te *** 3wn 3wnmpThmn Sro6" {( Muscal) Ruby Kcelor, (1982, Fantnsy) Adonnu nnu Borbonu. Dck Powoll. f = = E LOUS Jourann B (H )N A SHHV V L L E.M U S C JOHN bste: TEEN O D A Y OF DSCOVERY O 8EHND TH THE SCENES WTH FESS 9:00 PARKER Tako»ko 0 look bohndtho O C3) S;} 03.TRAPPER R JOHN, M,0. oconos ot >"T \"The Gront Locomotve 10 w allet sze n clu d es The nmwol olo cntcnly ll ll 0.m ontheldc hasolland.lo.leam.aboutthohstoryol Qrl nlltctod wth dworf arfsm Bondo Amcr.con rolro lroadng culmnatng wth 95e doposll Troppof, Gonzo and oo rh o p o d lo t l * ljl " f. Aubroy Nolsbn ntoo Btoto tool c confused OON OF ORYSDALE BASEBALL a p p o n tm e n t n e c e s s a r y. 9; urgency. (R) U.S,A. Tho JprmorJoagBfpllchoO lo s u bje c t n a p o r tr a t p a c k a. g 9e 5 «for each addtonal O CD ( MASTERPECE CETHEATRE O *" Hoals tha ha.nlormalvo look at tho.. S a tls sf a e t lo n g u a ra n te a tj o r vge. o t sasour selecton, )flvn" Thn llfat»ceng ono. wtt Bto nown nnd /our m oney.ba.! ~~~ A y A valable tr AddHc woman jons tho tonchnc hlno stnlf at 0 >clu»vo ntorv arvowo. (R) ~. Qomlyldo ond bofronda ono of ho old 10:36 ; P o n r a lts P a s s p c or boys, who novlnbly fols to n lovo CD m TAKE 2 C o p y & R e ssport to Photos w h h o rr(p a n 4 o l3 )(R\)Q )q r(d JACK VAN jtm tl. P E " y o /a tlo n O NSDE BUSNESS 10:40 j... W.TWLGHT ZONE An m mpovorshod C»..C8 S NEW J FtGOODEORPORTRATJ lewsn : 1 4 ptlcnbovorbuys o bolllo lo from f on old S " TS TAKEN THRU JULY 14 woman out of pty lor hor. 10:56 l Avalable at m ost larger 0 MOVE * * "Tho Groat :.lll o c o.o,l.o <»BD HAWA F FVE0 r Studo Hours: Closed ]er S ears ratal stores, Choao" <t956, Comody) F Fo... Po,>.,. Q , 11:0 0 jl es., W ed.. Thurs. & Sat. d 9Sunday & Monday.. 9;3(6;00 * Frday 9:308 JollroyHunlor, a U se your sele a rs C h a r g e! 0 TOMMY HUNTER Guo MTY PYTHON S FLYNG g JOSBO. 0 LONDON CALLNQ An n n: lo.do,opo,t ON EW SU PDA OAT / HEALTHWEEK 3 Sears Portrat F from tho cluba ond conco n e o rlm H o l n nvobllgolob a aeres ol LondtfrrwTh on ho Bceno >6 af> FrorcacaKPaftgof... Studo. S " f Frday. July lesnews.twn Falls, daho? nmea *

34 zmon lday cv enng p>ragra] Daytnu ; P v o h A M orhoelm s and ffv duca N BEA STA R ho Roluctanf Dobu. 3:00 s 08 specal guos star, tho ( D O ) MOVE * * Ro 8 :0 0. tonto" (1958. Comoc nody) Rox Harrson. SHOW f * * "Huckleberry Fnn" ( Susponso) Olver R ood.. n s broadcast rom tho CS CB * * l "B acklash" ( W est KfV!< >»" Adventure turo) Joll E ast. Poul Wnlold. OD VDEO w a c JOCKEY Knght nlernatona Cenler n H orn) Rchard Wdmark. Oonha Ro lood * *<ondlko Fov y s over"(1980:a dvon. ON * f * "G roosod Lghtnng" (1977. (D 6ASCBALL Old T. (01 Tmers Crocker pw«(omtv) * * W "Tho Young Londl ndlords" ufo) Jo «E o a l.r 6d Steger. S Bography phy) Rchord Pryor, Beou Brldg ~ * * * "Jekyll And Hydo.... VENNQATJ?OPS::SarahCS 1 o e h n g o n r O. C. ) r S Cl083.Dromo)KovlnSullvan,. M o r lo l 1 : a: 0 6 Da. \nd Wynlon.Maraols" Gram Gbba. 0:06 O * * * " F o m e ls a Tho Namo Of Tho <ONTV) my awardw nnnbw yflenm araola 7 r rrrro rll0 V E T lh k * r:ft W )0Gomo(l966.M yate atery) Tony Fmnclo Togeher TH8arafl04 A lperlpw a er Agan" (1982. Cdmody) Mark a Haydn trum pefconcerto c*. TokoRl" <1964, Dromo; CM * * * "The Sound And The mo) Wllam Hol and Jazz med to Fury" Susn SalntJamo mob. : Bonked, lold.boasarnflfong: ledloya wth Sarah VouQhan. (tg den, Frodrc March. (1959, Orama) Yul Brynner. J> who sngs Joonno 12;0C "Send n The Clowns" ond. vvo :00. Woodward. M s ty,l CS * * " C o u ro rogeousm g r.ponn" * * * Tho Sound And Tho Fury" (1944. Bography) ~, e w E L O F. F O f f T V N}NE E OFREEMAN ) Cllllord Evans Oramo).Yu Brynner., Joanne.., 3..1~ Z tt~mrtjr[tref4w 2 J W «A r W U rtla RC E rduddon " c toos of tte Connes Flm Festvol; seo brooks" Tom marres o volnst ho me Som my Ourallo newest e wotor trck, n Amaterdar jam, and hs brother Chrs audenco. O O (11) BES EST O f CARSON O (E <11) LATE NGHT WTTH Knoeboardlno. lan plans to lo ae up ha own buaneaa. SHOW MOVE * * "Strokor r Aco" Host: Johnny Carson, on. Q uosts; Buddy DAVD LETTERMAN Scheduled: come {D T K TAG DOUGH (P arl4 o ffl)c; 3 ) g :0.9 (1983, Comody) Burt Roynolda. la.. Lon...Hackotl.Ja.BngorJ< rjotlwloma,.lndlanrlchonnouncer cor Frod Copoaolla. Muhammad lch.hall,vatoranthoreoraong O DAHO REPORTS r e O CENTEM EWflAL "Tho Longhorns" Andorson. do Shoyne. (R) :Q D O (1 2 )F A M ty F EEUD U 0 Troll bobs R.J. Poleel (Denns W eaver) CM OM M O V E * * * "The Rood Wa Varrlor" 2 ) DOCTOR WHO "Tht The Hond 01 F ear" All. CS6D PR M E TME ACCE X 8 8 recruts a group ol cowhands to drlvo (1981. Advonturo) Mol Gbaon.. Bruce The ovl alen genus s Eldrod appoara. Q (12)N O ( S ENTERTAMME MENT TONGHT cattle lo from Toxae o Colorado. Sponco. WDEJ>ENOENTNEWS C (Port 3 ol 4) LOVETl ETHATBOe Faolured: Buddy E bsen an dscusses hl8 ( Part6olt2 12) ) 8:16 O <12) CHARLE S A ANGELS A llor.o.. 0 NASHV 5HVLLE AFTER HOURS Guest: upcomnb role n "M att HouBton," Hc...0 ( 1 2 ) MOV OVE "At Tho E ortha (D MSlOE BASEBALL A provc vew ol boautlul roller derby y s skater la klled n. Ronne McDowell. McC O M*A*8*H A new aore rea commander Coro" (1976, 176. Scence.Fcton) Ooug tomorrows AllStar Gome al C«Candle competton. Jll olne ]lns tho team lo s c a re s everyone n tho 0 4C 4077th wllh hs McClure. Pete eter Cushng. 1t:36 atck Park n Son Fronclaco. (R) * nvoslgalehermyster leroubdeoth. ffo JT O. mllltsrlsm, CSNEW8. 8:30.. MOVE * * * OBE fl ANNOUNCED The Chopman. T A SY SU N D v T B U 8 «C 8 8 R E P 0 RT D S N EEY Y 8TUD10 8H 0W CA8E O f MTERK>R DESGN Guost:,.h n R«Pof«" Drama ma) Elrem ZlmDal M»A *8*H W hon Frank hroalons to "Comng Your our Way" An nlormal hslo Sal Solodno. st Jr.. Jana Fonda. 11:46! leave. Hawkeye ond Tr Tropper lnd t fy ol the atu studos oature llma usng O Q j SPORTS T0NK3HT JACK BENNY Do Dons aon geta a WWNN. WNQATHANQGUONQ(R) m eans doublo duty for r th«them and nvent tralers the tl theatrcal term for q ) CANNON An aged attornoy s< Dontora booutlul 12:00 a woy to make hm sley. y. acenes rom m comng attractons, fn n tho way ol Cennone nvestlg O ONEOm 3)M UNE Jam es meets on old <DC8CO K a> ( 0 O COVB8T0RY G uestsrm arlo nldo mo rnssrgperaons cose.. F eoluroathonow adversary» (O R M T M T W O smond. Cheryl Cl L add. S uzenno q ) album "Breakng Hoar OBESTOFGROUCHO oarta." wth musc.controc; ; Chorlolto solb~awdy wlh 1(D FANDANGO Feotured; red: an ntervew Somers. (Q (B YESTERYEAR N NASHVUE P Pnn doos and ntorvowa 8 w wth Elton John. Seth. wth Barbara Mandrell. ( VDEO 019»SC JOCKEYS lure lurod: on ntervew wllh Madho Co (ONTV) MOVE * * 4 "Tho Kentucky O MOVE VE * *!» Bog. Barrow Or HBO MOVE * * * "Tho Learnng (ONTV) MOVT 3VE * * "Aunte Momo" Fred Movo" ( Comedy) Evan Sleol" (1973. Advonturo) Mko Con. Troo" (1860. Drama) 1 K Kyle Johnson. (1958. Come }medy) Rosalnd Russoll., 9:46 Km. Maalor Bong Soo 30 Han. nora. Kentlk nt McCord. Alox Clarke. Roger Smlh. SPORTSLOOK (R) 3g THCKE O F THE NGHT Quoss: SHOW F1FTH 0FJULY.R1 frlchardthom..!10:0q s r <B B E S T tc A ra WON c H oslsjonnny aabycom edlonjackla.v «rnonr 08 ond Swooslo Kurtx : st star n Lonlord O WMOVE "Concrete Boat" 0 C S G D ( S 0 0 a C araon. Guoata: Budd; lad, H.c k., lzz eorgo. Dr. Joy Browne. (R) W lsons comedy play ab abou a reunon (Premloro, Droma) Dra John Gotz. Oorlanno g BD ( ) NEWS.. snger Joo Wllams. Ln to a as h./n o.lh ) HELOR FATHER o> old ronds who wero onco colleoe Fleugel. DNANNY. f fl BARNEY MUER ER Harrla locea MOVE * * "The Boy And Tho a o t v l a t s. TOQETHE! D (QDVOt.ONCEtLO A look o HEREWTH 8 M R L AND J n....najont povortyjwhon h Buster". (1972. Drama) Vncent. 7:00 PATBOONE Tokng orho natrumont.ldaurhg ng.por gut. h " " S m ton.eorhotman; E O (3) (B BD 8CARECR0} ROWANOfcmS. (B N A SHVLL LLE. R HOURS Gueat; ormahcos by Leonard Roso. Cl. C o ENTERTANMENT n Tom oh T F m. o f f bstage t < Foolurod: an ntervew <*aneaor>and PaulTobeo: r WNG A spbcdl couror tal las to delver a RonTueMcDov lurod: etddr Ebson )n dscussos hs JS jbylord; S NEWSNGHT lopaecrot repon to Blly f Malrose, ond NFL S < GREATEST MOMENTS t upcomng rolo n "Malt llh ou.lon." p O ) Mt MOVE * * "Easy Money" Loo /ocognzes the msel D THE OOOD NEGHBORS "Back seno man n o Hghlghts ol 51 Super Bowl V Balllmoro S T J cks To (1949. Con Comody) Grota Gyn; Denns llftrshowng"arranda8 corr(b C0r ) CbltBVBrDallo rhow art om andb arbaroho W p,co. j M c b o y T f p j n r " : : : : " " nlclpoe.!, H epplly gj gjrx.av H her lrst harvos. (2) O Q D (D TV 8 BlOt to O PE R S AND HBO FRAGC GGLE ROCK W embley 0V D E O OSC JOCKEYS :.pr /vnk yu ; " J 0 t «8 : FFoBlurBd::Tomftnlclo3;anOB 3 MOVl * * H " T h e Graaem G. Gann" l;0 ob ogt>tlut.fo:ouol«fler 0 HBOMOVE? y E :* * 2 L n h e.b j8 K u 9 z e. : Dramo) Km Oorby. TonTM A W UW TPrW ags. Sostby ondb srbl Benton on Ore he ve den roo. gnum ahrodbya broma) Laurence Olver. Robert MutM,4uaonto. rch a nd eccentrc wo woman to partlcquvall tma..olpraclcoljqkes;e a(12)c A R 0L B U R N E T T. ANP gamos based orprvote;eyo.t: onatraleeound o NOW M PAte?BACKS TflENDS llmo rom tho 930s. (R 12:06 7 : elfects; e segm ent ol Robert Klen e Q GREATPERFORMAtCESlaud:<D B sfb eta Of NewYork.r(fl; DBURNSANDAUEN OWORLD WAR : 8EC LAre MGHT WTH DAVD (R> denbrookstt E O T E T.A R M V ;S u A! [:Tom3Bnes::vtollnlaLhorr= D Mm O V P * * : Oumbo" (1 S 4 rfhrf: O * <» E A T 0 m )0 300RS < Jm Tabor M AN7Scnodmd;~com odan O WORLD WAR ; 6ECRE JR E T M Y S l sterdam. and hs brolhor gy) f Anmated. vsta Hawas Kaloakt loll,.voleran horae racng O (S) MACNEL ;»5»[j C ro te r ond announcer / LEHRER Chrslon plane ans to set up ha own bus ( a n m NASHVLLE NOW aola on Pugel Sound; J( F Frod Coposolla. Muhammad noebt{poh4o: 4 8 ) Q a 0,, P OVATK>N VThe Bounty Ex] =xporl onstrotoscllmanglngtb a tbchnlquoa. g S ) O S M OV "Th The.Outlaws" OMONEYUNl mont (Promlero. Comedy) Chrst lent." looks ot tlo story ot Fel* e lc K r O CROSSFRE 12:10 rlstopher Lem VETNAM: A TELEVSON HSTORY Chrs mon. CharlBS Rocket. hrlatan and h la.b an d o l mutm llneera MOVE * * * "Qur Lng H ol" ( 1S «. VE * ;Wllhoul Warnng" "Am ercas Mandarn h ( )" from (Z) SURVVAL "Orongutar tho H.M.S. Bounty; "Benonl nl ond Advonlure) Randolph p h Scolt. Nooh lonor) Ja c k Palance. Martn utana: Orphans Amerca aleps ps n o hsl the spread ol Rosa losa" Now and equal partner r Wlh. Beery Jr....,..,0 f The Wld:Peter.Uetlno n S o u lh e sst Asa untl Mack look at tho orangutan lack n hs.buanbss. Benonl" f o r :" > MARRED JOAN "C. "Cowboy" Y2: and the ellorla Proslden Ngo Onh Olema.own gener lunoe beng m ade to save the e s jnos soom lo be ncreasng. (Part,r t4 o ( SHOW MOVE * * " SSmokey n And The GD MOVE VE * "Whoul Wornng" speces rom slslum agolnsl nst hm; g ey Bondl P o rt3"(t983.a ( dventure)jock.0 6 0, Horn lorror) Ja ck Pal«nce. Marln extlfctton. (R }q.. t w u g hft t z: o r c A smalltme thol q3 v VDEO DSC JOCKEYS leg looson; Jerry Reed,»d. Landau. O (12) CHLOREN RUNNlt MMGOUTOF M o s.a n e wt re rellectlon ol hmaell n e l e o TME BO MOVE * * "10 To Mdnt nlghl" CM M O V E * * * " Bl rr (1981. Drama) fflad C 838 S NEWS NQHTWATCH mnor. O R E A T E ST A M E RnC C 1083 O m m a rc n a rlm Br6m hrootltf;c 8 P 0 R TSCB T 6 < ffe R A N H ER O D AMOTWRL ~ Andr* Ralph m us stop an 1 nternatonal ndrew Stevens. FVE MU 11«6 e WJE CREEK "M..Qrd»r m Bn u a a.l Ordes: h<e*<n*n4tu!nnflem»l«t t0 ;6 MAGNUM. P.. nnl, 12:30.., a concert attended by hs students. s from England d a pa tfstra na N RULES FOOTB. fball eecentrlowon refnanrlopeftfot Q T g y fg arrve a th«haven. JK j e (11) TO BE ANNOUNCE <5ED Y O U C A NKBEASTAR B W poto n games based d on prvale.eye m t C T f t 3FRLEY r t O 700 CLUB Featured; d; the hdden (Q (Q) a LFR FRED HfTCHCOCK PRE to r... flmb.ffwjhh*.,93087<rj (D YESTER ERYEAR M NASHVLLE Fea crm e of ch Ud abuaehow jjearalm ost 8CNTa AnHfl.r s h n s n. p «. b h» 7 " A* U ~M THETAMLY Edllh anew ewera BENNY HU. tu/ed; an nlervlew nto wth Monha Carson. destroyed a famly. decdes nolhln( hlng wlt stand n hs way of " frendshp ad n he "awap" aec 0 M SOE >E BA8EBALLAprevlew ol O O UM BY ownng he own wn temple no even mup 1a magazne. 83H A W A flfv E lodoyb A.S MlStar Game al Candlestck 0 9 NA8HVXE NOW der. ABC NEWS VEWPOMT r T ed O N E D A Y ATTETl ETONMARSHA Parte fnsan BnFrancl8car(R) F CM MOVS * "Klondke Fever" Fe (1080. (DSPORTSCEl CENTER oppel onchora a look ol ssuoa BS of edvenlure wth m many ol he an SHOW MOV lovc * * "Summer Camp" Advwture) J e d Eeal, R ed d S Steger. HBO ON LOO> >CATK)N "Cartn On Cam levalon news reporno, leatu: turlng v* > Teton Marah n W y o (979, Com* omedy) John C. McLaughln, (ONTV) «8TORY,OF THE E O L Y M P K p u a :.C o m B dlan lar George Carln takaa a jpearoncea by network execull u1lves nlnos JacksoKole Valley. Matt Mchaol laela /Tab rfmwoutr»k» K * b a» «n r «b n. d:eadloobro«dcasl4oum au sl» lersb ( p B>COT MGAJME : EV EVENMG EDt c ars and every eryday llle belore a UCLA report on the resulls ol publc ; o opn O d S D A H O R E P C mt8 s TrtCKE O f TC.NtOHT Gueato; "of»su ftsurvey..... O HEWS WRAPUP..., Mary Crosby. a T»fnea.T» r a «9 l9,».w «h o E rd ay. July 8,.196 comedan Jacke Vembn.» TJON Footu lalured; skyscrapers; Frank.B CS CD (2) O O (S)< f f N E W 8 ;., B orrv;jho B PCOTExpcrlenee> n e w O N A N N Y ost Bttroctlb ;tl6n; Polor McWllams; mualc * a BUSNESS REPO PORT vdoo maknc kng... le moves WHEB. O f FOfrrUN rune 6:00. QPTUMENEWS 4:68. Together" ( (SffAMLYFEUO O C S C D) WMSS UNVERSE PAGEANT CQ M "E asy Monoy" (1083. J. OocumflnlarylThe 13. Como nomg Slones. Bob Barker a s m aster ol cor d) SHOWN * * "Strokor Aco" (1983, (Z) DOCTOR W H O T lat dy) Rodnoy Oangorlleld. Joo>Pe 13. J oan Van Ark a s h o ste ss ond * a la ( o o Comody) dy) Burt Roynolda. Con Andor» MOfgBtfflnPfobBlatr troppoa Ull Zulu fstjonos S atapoca guost star, ho gj m * * + SbT Mnor. (Par 2 of 4) SHOW ** VThe Shall 01 ThlBl9NowVor( on s broadcast llvo rom ho. )l Love" (t9 4 8, Comody) Henry Morgon. Rudy OW * * * * "Bll" (1081. Drama) Mck, k., ( S 80U D GOLD Host: 8t: Marlyn MCCOO. J Z S S (1083. Comedy) Morgan Fo Knght ntornatonal Cenor n Farchld. Volloo. oyroonc lonoy. Denns Ouad. * G uests; Grog Klhn,, Johnny J Maths. u [ Anlhony Geary..(D (Q ) * * " T h o R. Ttompsof Twns, Edd Rooko" o (1959. Com y)..**"w nt.a crc8b Toxaal jl dle Rabbt.tnorn 5To~(Tr>"fl 5" " "<r) M0VE **V, ~ 7:00 edy) Tommy Noonon on,jula N o w m ar >. Oromo) Anno Archer. Terry Jos 8. Bronaan. Tubes. Chcac ners Song" (Part 2 o( 2) " SHOW * * "Tho Hound.. C 01 Tho (ONTV) * * H "The Kontucky Fred CD (D TV S BLOCPEF ama) Tommjr Loo Jonos. Ell BashervNes" (1939. Myslory) fy) Boall Movto (1977. Cor Comedy) Evan Km, 2:00, TKAL JOKES FoatufO( urod; Tom B0sl0)r wollach Rathbono, Ngol Bruco. Mootor Bong Soo Hon, Ho HBO * * V L o v o a c k " (1983, Como / ond Borbl Bonton aro 0 N LNE Janos m oots on old ef CN * * "Grooaod Lghtnng" " ( ,,.0 practpol n u E d Mch J;00 «)udloy Mooro, Elobelh McGo 0 whon ho pursuoa o ahpplng Bography) Rchord Pryor, Beou Bu Bfdg (D * *!j "Horbo Rl C fa* ao o s. <( Rdoa Agan" (1974. ;.Charlotto..sola..owoy.wth oogfhont or Robert Klolr Comody) HolonHayo lyos, Kon Borry. Cloln 8 Stroota 01 seh, :,2 :3 6. 7:06... HBO * * * "Tho N owyork."(flj rho Loarrjrtfl.Jeae" ( >(D } * *, "HunloraAroForKW no" " rto H as C O KJD 0]MSSUN JN V E R SE J?A G 6/E oyur; O **j7 "Y o u G ot8tayhoppy*!.h 969. OrargvTr JaC W h sol. Alox~"0970.Dt. Droma) Burt R oym ls T T q w r

35 *. Jl JJ ; Wally Gooroo. Dr. Joro frow rp.(r ) showmo.v j.v "Thoro. Thoro," "Soon,".(B.O M Q V ff < f * n flrtbbfn" (fl7b (: C tm nay~ Y: "PErTBrR Hopocl." "U araa t o E" Sub SuBpons«)ClvorRMdrJohn rolo O MOVE a lond.cd R BAQLEY: javoflo Pam pas" o n d l m JuH USl Lookng." ( Q :: o DAY8 rbreak V D E O DSC JbCfCEYS (1967. Advonluro) R & or CM MOVE * * toon Taylor, Ron * "Thn Vordct". Q NEWS V8 Jrt)6 SHC SHOWFRANKENaEJN Mary Sho Rondoll. D llo/9 (1982. Oromo) Paul Nowmon. Chorfolo (BCHKJO (JO ANO TW MAN CtNM O V E***!* "N..., CD OQ MARC WCUS WELBY. M.O. A mnn»tor Btory abou an a{>blous doclor or who Ramplng. Nallonol Lom, noodno oyo CDROMPE 4PERROOM ougory poalponos l ao ro croolas lfo. atorrno Robort poon 8 Anmal Houaa; < Powoll. 2:46 <1978. Comody).h a lh o m o y a ld l!3)bbtzfctnews tzr ly aoo hb lrst chld, Oav. Davd Warner. Calo Fshor and. JohnBoluahl.TmMolhoa d John o WORLD AT LARGE Gfllsud. Q GF CDVDEO DSC JOCKEYS L o NTEflOl OR 0ESK3N Guos: John (OMTV) MOVE * * "W altr Ac M DETBUSRE arestthes O NOW N P A P E R fj; K Sondno, Toxos" (1983, Drama) Anno An S O C A T > «U C M A? Q " (0MTV)M< MOVE * * * "Aunlo Memo" Q FREEMAN REPORTS [?......Q)ROW AN& MARTNS LAUGHN rorry Jdslrow.. (1958, C< Comody).Rosalnd Russell. 3:30 ; NDEPENDENT NEWS" * Rooor Sml smlh.... THE AM: AMERCANCOWBOY ANO V 4 2:0S O C R O S S R R E (D 700 CLUB Foatu>od «od: ho hddon STEERBUST STNG Ths spocal m doc B MOVE * *, "Tho Lost t Com. C O JMMY SWAGGART RT 4:16 cnmo of chld obuao.hov how ftjor almost umonts tho ) lfo ol cowboys lodny. from " nand" (95S. Advonluro) Slorno hov m a n o t h e r LFE 0)B MMARCUS A F WELBY, M.D. Or, Wol {tostfoyod a lamly. foundupn anc and Knl drvos lo ho rodoo jcn. Annn Maro Alborgholl. fs SPORTSLOOK (fl) by helps )S n.collooo fnslruclor realze (B CFL FOOTBALL Color olonry Slnrpod crcuts whch nch hovo bocomo bo bual BO MOVE * * "DocloDlolro" <Rny" R (f9 8 l. Hor O* o mus return to hs lrat love ol ers nt Ottnwn Rouoh Rde ldcfs(r) n o a so a (9 a wrtmo. :9aa..Comody) Oan AyKtpvd Donnn D B** (ONTV) OEXYS MJDNQH Q fftjunneps., (ONTVlNTlM rmacy.rv j j S A O>o 5>on 4:30 Thfs 6nnd rom Bmooh JlOhnm, Enolnnd 3:40 rn p o " under. 2:00 * 2: H0Q MOV/E.*.* * J.A.!la fc > "5 : r # s, d y Z 5ondw ftcrjnc3*lo 3VERNGH T L9 ]M O V E.* * fllllc Q H o tfe MMYSWAGGART" azonltonlumnn;<.9s2,t3 ~Srattft) Rtchardr ; 4:46 Tleseday ev enngp rograrr ns 6:00 (D.NASHVLLE LLENOW o r5 D rsj GrrTTHTEDl CN MOVE* * *, "Advonlurca 01 Tho 0 BLOODLNES Wltfurn«rss Fn Famly" (1975. Advonluro) ==4fl:3U SN SS RBPOfWan. Susnn Domonlo Shaw, 4) O (6) MAJOR LEAQU Daytmema) Joan Parker. Ruaso BoollHfl/doj. (ONTV). S e ALLSTAR J T T l G x e S GAME Tro md nonaon cn 7:30, 6:15 t o C.ndlngtck ParK (or f MAGAZNE: EVENNG ED sho **,"H oorncho8"(19e.l..1: SHOW * * "Huckloborry Fnn" (1974,( f E **C oonl ; a4amoljydg?faofln P n!«. ~ uo Tr arrol. ho EPCOT Expor (71 DOCTOR WHO "PlanD; anol 01 Evl" A :pus ol ho luluro; Polor 7:00. Pnlfck. 2:00 7 "Jaw s 3 ft9b3radvonlrb) lroland. :N * * j "Mr, Scoulmasor" (1953 ( ONTV) * * *, "Th "ho B,m Va,..E * *. S Jomndy) ;;, Clllon Wobb. Edm jn,und Bloc" (t Suap sponso) Joanno 3uad, Bosa Armstrong, Prnu... Moronu, JuanClaudo Br 2:30 (M>THEATEAM A1T Afflonnstnryn *5: O l 0 lb (1 1 ) RPTDE Cody s!5 tcomn(ty) Sandra D o o... John uram u lum oo SH O W * * A * ",y,w y l(9 a 2.C o m o :. South Amoncn tocomos ts 5nvn Paro.1. *. l l QD.: ** f.. * * Tho Mastor Gunfghtor:: ho nu ol n " " orua1ha3.aat«connocl J Ontllo U(jwt.,n lo A Tjnm >nm md n ntjno " ol mob. (R) 7;30 SHOW * *, " U vo 0 Movn" (1953. Woslorn) Tom Loughlln, Ron 01 :.vn<jo doaporadooa.fr "(R) O JOSEPH H PAPP F PRESENTS "Thu SHO HOW * *, "Tho Toy" (1902, Co Mua.cal) Domld 0 Jrtmnor. 0 Dobbo O Neol. CD GENTLE BEN Onnce And Tho Tht Raltond" pnvd Honry ly) Rchntd Pryor. Jack.o Guoson Roynolds 3:00. CD DONALD DUCK PRESEN SENTS % Hwanoj. pl,y ly aboul on rs s druogle CN * * S Advenluros os 01 Tho Wlder CD * * "T "Tho Chapln Rovuo" (1928,... 0:00 E Y O U CANBE A.STAH lo rnn culur nuaa Famly" (1075, lurnl radtonal ha Ch 9,. A Adventure) Rob Comody) ) Cl Charo Chapln. J ). * * * "Choyonno Autumn" (Po Po* ur Loonn.Suan Damon (D 10 WRESTLNG From Londovtr, loolunc lund. nouns pfosauroa m. ol nontoshnw. CN **» 2) <9R4. Woalorn) Jamon Slo* r s "Mr. Scoufmaslor" (1953, Md Amurcjs pjts ltsomod. Hch 5 Com ody) ) Clllon W obb. Edmund lchard Wdmnrk. Dreclod by J (D VDEO DSCJOCKEYS S O O: NOVA A "L 5 Years n Spaco" A Ford O * "Tho B g. 0 Soa" (1949. HBO MOVE * * BmMsM swd {1980, "uvey ot.1cc0 compl<5hmcnl3sncospu. (ONT DNTV),* * * *," T h.o v o a Lko 7 Ua" "ufo) Roborl M Mchum, Ja n o. <WTV) *<* * j "Losn lt" (1082. Com SuspoMht) QonnJc) SullVoffo ody) Tom oond. Vanoa rovow ol future ndvnncos ( Dramn) Koh Ca.rodno. Sl ncrubo. Jacko Eorn Haloy,, Shot :;,R<.d!.vo (R ):.. luy ly Duvall Ol 12:000 4:00 (ONTV) MOVE * * *. "Tho Onde O FREEMAN N REPORTS fl 8:30, >) * "Pol O G oa:: a:u 9 4..c o m o, * **J.80 Slops Tp Jonah" (1969, Wnrr Black (1907 Suapon ponao).l,ynn(, GREAT PEF PERFORMANCES Drdon cn >. dy) Jamoa Sfownrl. Pau auolto Goddard Dromo) Way Vayno Newton, Jo Von Floot. MorcJ.Vr.f Cauuc ermly nly llmf N * *.* *." 0 e c k o ".( Drat RcvTSMr lnd Orphnna O f Tho n,chn chnrd Burton, Polor OToolo., n o o ~ 4:30. 0;05 Slorn" Chtk rlo ;ntl Jultn. hoh mar O MOVE * * * "fpn r 1cnndualn! nllm/.board u o n 9:00.D "Hod n Town" (1978. Dramn) " * * * * "Bechot" (1964. Drnmn) BO * * a c a r sland (D m on Katn Polutn.Knth Bohr lotm. Rchard Burlon, Potor OTooo. Cordonncd Drum S, uaponr.o) Donald Suhorlond, Van SHOW * * * " M,d!<. tdhummor Nghts vnod. Roborl RcdonJ 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVE R urtarvo Se«Comody" (1082. Cc Comody) Woody 6:00 /E * *. Thu Lrnd Th... 6;30. Allon, Mll Forrow. SHOW *. Tmo Forfjo (J37r.. FCjjpn) JP 10:00 r * "ThoAdvflnu:oa,OlMaco O.VWEEL.0E.F0RTUNE CN * * 1UJ.:Hmodom"( r(l9 6 2, Dromn) Polo. J f lu y..adyqpluro)anm " (l aud.:.. r E P M. MAGAZNE Onr. )nr.m orolhm o O N W s nnlorworron. V ocosoyb ly Bobby l Rydoll Arnold Suno...W.rto hf. tmmor. Kno ly.nc. 1 y.no, n look nt (q m OVE * * Jofjnv Trnmn" llu worfd ntqor.l all ot.tfc tf.c.rrplanu (,g g ; Or.jmn) n) Hll Slnlm.r.«v Luann CD ANC ANOTHER LFE 3. TC TAC COUGH. CQ dd N E W S (») MOVE O.O DAHO REPORT (DYOl YOU CAN BEAST.\R... L *.* * "T h o Nukct.nuQulL... O BLOODLNES (D13G OLFlnK (l9 6 t;d ra nlornnhon Chllonuo (D T3 n ALFRED HTCHCOCK PR ama) m f Gnry Coopor Otborah ( 5 P R M E TME ACCESS RE D (lo SOUNDSTAGE Tho The performance Korr OD BASEMENT! JT TAPES SENTS JTS A womn wlo Qfowa lrod O*MsA?SHHftvrkey0 J ol ol ho htoo nalors nnotrappo HBOW OVETS kr..wn kn ap T». m J ACK BENNYPntnr BE> K. lell lo onlwer th e camp * * Edlju Ard Tho Cru hur mddlo.nod hur.bnd aozos s n Kochos ncudou nz, lmp whoj ho (,903 p, blues ond pop adap tho nurr.fs.f<j ovncuulod :, Drama) Tom Rctonour, onldcn lolkloro loll ol Jack flnnn n.1 den opporumly lo got nd dl.hm 1 lor l musc. MchtoP.r.! aong...; BUSNESS REPORT ONEWSNGHT lv {ONTV)MOVE O M A*S*HWh,m Hynry Or*XrZTh]««o.L.kolCDVlo VDEOOrsC JO C K E Y S ;nry a n k.s, j. ( g /.) o,n,<21theg00d.n GHB0 nn sfe rrpq o Tokyo Drama) Keth Cnrrndmo. SPC SPORTSCENTER..... al..tho harvost la.nand NGHrl? o Johnny <.oraon. unchuu d wld comgtnn jn 10 : SHOW. 3WRAPERCHASE;THESEC0N OR hm, 3ND cnjam athul J, aulhor Goro Vdal )ck. a ;20 YEARJ \R.Hufl..v3l.ahs.juralMnnoso Oa 0 (» 2 ) C A R O L BUF SY:M LLERnVo6"nl5?>pod 0. ( t 2 ) FAMLY FEUD ~ ~ ~ 7 r CENTNNtA NA.Tho Shoptordo;.hOfnclCl caw n.nna.bcona.ajnuudoubl jb ls FRENOS 1 prnly aut nnd then Qulflovn L CD GENTLE BEN Tho orowng tenson on bolwoon nrmora nboul Ul rolurnng n horo lo prncco low., moro shockn V. CD BURNS AND ALLEN :knanuws....gvrntntn nnd.cntlonynlv nlaplqdl.sjmd.th.lnn C J MMOVE C * * "Ensy Monoy" ( 190; >03. (D MOVE * *."Candor dorman" (1901, ENTERTA RTWNMENT TONQHT Fon 0 FANDANGO FenuroO nn 070a. ranchof Ol.vor S o c "PD! npdy)rndancyr.dan,ao«dd;r::o Jon Comoay) Mctao=Crw rwfofd:orvct Wllh Goorqo LndSfy combo (Tmothy hy Oulon) nllnlor Chnr P< sc.. c. Rood. t0:40. T lotto Ducklnnd,. djl y nn.nedornvu) a n d :1 6 NASHVLLE NOW... ) Q) M*A*S V S H 1 Grnno P ru (Horn Cloyulna a, Oho) 0 (n) BrunbnurH (Alon Kntr.a) CD SPC SPORTSLOOK (R)... O (TO WRESTLNG (R) SHOW MOVE * * At;tc r.cnn Advon o U.ko kq ho lw nto na own 9:20 (D VDEO DSC JOCKEYS 11:00 41 lj. "(lwn, Dr.ma) D.wd Nk, k rn n.c W r " om2) CO YO the hum an ANMAL.Th HBO MOVE *, "Jaw L V r.qo O M CQ A RRRETT E Stovo rocka down n S,.nd.T;;,,.. T 7 bn doplcn "nomo ofj<.qunjj;> Advonluro) Oonna Oua.d J ot ghoocoly vglonto, la.d. Bosa Arm " "2? d D onlorco luofco whore 7:00 j T 7 CD~MVTffTLE E MARGE "My Llllo sol man par.romnrohor lvn ;r,( " SHOW MOVE * * h "Yc la u.(t.j,. ; O ;3 ;5 ; QD MOVE * * \ Youno Doctors Wll Tlotu Clfrmoln!" n Lovo" Como Hoaly Uu A Mot<n()> (muj, n; mody) Mchaol EPH PA PP PR E SE N T S Bogrn CD NEW COUNT JNTRY Guoal Vorn Go«. 9:30 McKoan. Sr:n Young g Halot" Vow a thootrcal l<h,)su:;;.nd;.k;y,l..)grun rom. dm. HANDMADE N AMERCA Guoa S (ONTV) MOVE» * "Su uf fl cparntons.for o con. O lf f llm t ATEAMAnonrlory Counlry" (1974, Drama) lh o u n n a n ffl,... ro BE ANNOUNCED a) r Ernoc / s o obo.g V ; p q r )ro(ltonol"h om lol." SOrl VELLES GREAT MYS " " lllruclvlu M nra Tcamn and J aano STEELE An undo ndervortrt ngurp kdnapa jpohts TUNKSffl TEfllES J cl f)ojpomd3n (R) o npsn to ncrmu )n n r ftfe PH P A P P. g g j O MOVE * *, "Bu Bowoon Two Q s t QW. m».t g H SOFTBAM :Cw<««t.nn+lBmlet VPWnl r f f hontrlul o GHbA W3ETS7 bl oy)j hryem S JE R T E R GRETT WRTERS TAlNMENT ts TONGHT Fonrt)pr.neuf» ptcontnonn n tor t» con F«.ntr g d n dor: D cum :nqrt7?s;;y.> CANNON A tnmann beycl CO l l.p»homn.d. turod; angor Br J j : Nuwton, rovorto producjen ofh am nm lo" "T hok rcutzorson.a" P Ojm Oosher cv(joncpmcannof> :,n5 10:30 <T)MOVE* **~CaptDmKoa (9 a 5 : O. o MACNEL /,. LEHRER a m VETNAM; M: A TELEVSON HS """O aqolon ol ho unoplnnud doal am O ALL N THE FAMLY Archo snoahs Advonluro) C C l,lo s Laughlon. John NEWSHOUR TORY The Frst youno nuloaprl ol lo nphl. school m hopot pea of compol C nrradno. rsfvolnm War 104G m V p s 0 NOVA "2 5 Years n LOc 3co" A aur, 10<J" Altor oqhl EST OF GROUCHO m( ho hoh achool oduca Oh yonra ot lphtno ant S : :aon. (DMARRED. jran "Plot" vuv..ol.accomplfhmonrv«<no( moosputnk ro cm nos 2.5bl louseterpece THEATER ( ABC NEWS NQKTLNE NE..::C W RCHARD flna n provow.ot luturo ndvnr b rn o m n trst T jn K s RD EELZER: CAUGHT N vnncoa (R) French lobo llo Aflnn unpfo ul D.on YESTERYEAR,,, N NASHVLLE Feu eu O C flc D do T O N G KfT T Host; Johnny THE ACT Cor., Co: dan Rchord Bolzor a... BonPhu: ( R ) 0 1 nn mprvow Wllh B Cnrltslo Corson. Scheduled: outhor rg o L O jl P.CCfOma.ha, al.jujlcmun, w=y>fk.a=l 0 ( 1 2 ) GUNSMOKE a MnNFY NE & D 0CT0RW n0nk 0H 1Hand t 01 Poor" corhbdy club b(;.: h A Rsng Star = = (11) TO BE ANNOuNCSB" (E > c o n n e c t oons: n EAT. 0RNK AND~~ BASESALLHjjd * Tmora Cracko. A lono ldrap nwato to lobe t sprung on 1:06 CD 7 M CLUB Fonlurod. pro football. BE MERRY Jnck C.1SBC Cl; llrom Waahnoon. D.C.f hoplanntk ab lra.(p ort4( ) MCGARRP RETT Seve track down a.l nfl)tbqckjm..2qfndllc lhc.scalllq (5>. TW LQ H TZ O (12) CfURLES ANGl Snnlnwkn O N E B adlom porofl... NOELS, Charlo. aocfolrnool ol.t..gh.80clotyvlotont08; BaU«UFUnchl«y. (D NEW! ANMA w np n U t t a " 4 r t r =10c:tmlofCOTu»tc»WhOfO 6 Army nol,ho couna fal, al. (R). r~ C fn cc pnnncrs;. 461 h a f j j J 1 / t. r K T Frday, July TmesNt N0w s,t w nfall.3,l{j{hog... l ~ 1

36 ... tj:o : lurod; go jlonnmllof dfchoslrb... ( fl ff) HAWA FVE0. CD RODEO From Mesqute. Tc OFFSl Texas, (fl) SHOW MOVE FSTAQE Footurod: an ntervew * * ) " l L n a t Amer (0Q2, 102, Advonluro) Marlyn Cham bers. T : tn*30 jo r : p n ttrh o can.vrnm"{902, 102, Comody)Lawronco... 3:10 O 02) DAHO r e p o«rtt: S CD Q MC MOVE * * b "Englsh Wlhoul CCTHCKEOFtHENGHTGrn ju o ss flay Monoson, Dano J Frankln. F 0 MOVE * "Horooa Ol The So< Sad. O N E W S WRAPUP >. V T onr3".(l.(1049. Comody} Lll Palmer Pnrkor.Jr., Marln Shoon, Fro r.od Wcllard, WNTV) NTMACY CVFLE t, " (1940, Wnalorn) Bob Lvngslo O THCKE OF THE NQKT NG G uosls: flay Mchaol Wldng. W R. Court Hay (R) lon.. 2:00. HayH,H!tlon. Pokof Jr.. Mnrlln Shoo hoon, Fred Wtllord, O DSC JOCKEYS 12:40 O NEWS OVERNl 1NQHT. n. Coun Hoy. (R) HBO LFE OR DEATH N THE EMER O M O V E * * "Counolo on KJof ftm O V E * * *.. 3:30 ;M s 2 J 4! Y ;a a a 3 O C 0 { 5 ) " < 1 1 ) UAT :A T EN 0H TW nr<3en CY RC CROSSFRE T ( ROOM:Agrapnc:l<Jdbup ol o *( 1968, O m m a jja c k Lord. d. Sllrlov Uobbo b fhoynol, Bnrry Nol O J OAVD LETTERMAN Schodulod: como fonllo emorgoncy < m edcal toom Knlgh JMMYSWAQQART. nger Huoy Lew s,ro a tm g[crttcallj n Jrod crrmottd [Ql M O V E * ANOTHER LFE T O (12)N0EPENbENT. NTNEW S acc.domv vctms. O GREAT POETS, GREAT VwnTCpe! 958, Oran rama) Jollrey Hunor, q q,, 4 :0 0. «.PVE,TH4T B O a.. SHOW M0NTREUXJNTERNAT10NAL Ml fcflluruua.documonary on NOolPntnck DAYBREAK (D AMERCA.THE SEAt leautful Magnl ROCK PE FESTVAL Porlormoncoa by "ThoKroutzof Sonflto" T «la»y.» VDEO DSC JO n e w s j o c k e y s ; " com Dsney photoofopl faphy tokos you on Adam Anl. >n. Rogor Doltry, Cynd Laupor. O FREEMAN REPORTS (ONTV) MOVE : * *? "Loan l" CHCO AND THE MAN onunlofooloclolouro rom ho groat lond. Tho Proor )londors. Quoon. Bonno Tyler. 12) NDEPENDENT NEWS (1982, Comody) ) 1Tom C. j. a, ROMPER ROOM <D NEW COUNTRY Guost; Vorn Gos Thomas >Dolby, O UB 40 and TracyUll < lolbunetnews ffl TtKJCLUBFoaurod; ptb" dn. man. Jfom mmontreux.swtzerlond. < quartofljack Jm Zorn ol tho v1o VDEO DSC JOCKEYS fo SoalMo 2: 2.05 B O N MOVE "Val Valloy Grl" (18B3, 12:06 Seahawks. O MOVE *1 BUSNESS U TMES * * "Dosor B.nd " / qm tw...comah>.., V 7 ammgfcornh Fofo (jhcd JL N a W W T H D Ay j D S T E V E ALLENS ML r Oon "fled" B n n v 7. = :. T J Y. ). MQVE * * "H onrnehese s"... {O M TV rrw PO tec TT: w r s Ths concert Jmmy Aloe lock, snger Huey Lowo.. ond Paul Wllams. K T A R C D S E ay. M.D. Th. rs by ho London b&nd ncludotho nc porcnmpagnn tn manager, (fl) 1:05 4:30. V.. tsro.... th8p.move * *,"0oor sland 230 2:; lonol.m lme marrnge ol o coupo d " (l fflrossbaqley UfcW ftalluwlhjwwfflehatltbwg!*.*?,wl! Bop... lor ot a aonotorakcahddale s 2: :35 JS 12:15 MARCUS WELBY. M,D)..; ATH20 A socol O WORLD AT LAR( (D O ) TO 8E ANNOUNC»NCeO (3) COLUM P S S JMBO Alove tranglestjotrlnd latrerto QJlMMY.SWAQhAHT 37F>WT/«YT3LAN0 ~. ho murder Jer ol a sonalcral canddates adop n chld sullonng trom HBO MC MOVE * * "Eddo And Tho Cru :ru. tho same hbo MOVE * * mmnnnnnr fn dsonao... * "Deadly Force" sers" " (1983. Drama) Tom Soronnor or, <t9a3rorama)wcvngsh nunnrrtotct" Mchaul laulpolo. " O JOSEPH PAPP PR] PRESENTS "Tho (J) ED CBS NEWS NK3HTWATCH ngalls. Danco And Thb Rolroad o o d " Davd Honry CQ SPORTS rrscenter c CN MOVE T * The Adolo 4:40 lescono" g.g Hwnnos ploy obout.an n odsts 0 struggle 12:30 (1976, j, Comody) Susan Player. r.anmony 3:00 CN MO MOVE * * "Easy Monoy" (1983, B3. O CHLDRENS FUh to rolan culural radlc dllons ol hla Ch Q Mpf<gyt EyUNE Andrews. UNO, Comody. ody) Rodnoy Dnnoorleld. Joe [00 CN.M O M E ot.*.*,:. faoflfllanrt flnaabt» Froodom.J9a2geac.=!.. Amolco tsp fo a o n lo1 d r ~. CD UFE OF 0FRL5X O HANDMADE N AmV rca ~ A Guoat:, Woron. D B A C H ao n FATHER YESTER reryear N NASHVLLE Fea JacquosFoncbs, SHOW A " J W MOVE * *» YoungDoctors jrs (D BQ 8ANDS AT DSNEYLAND Foa turod: an norvow nr 30 wth Bll Carlsle. O ROWAN & MARTNS LAUGH 3:05. n Love ovo" (1902. Comody) Mchnol 3HN SHOW MOVE * A "Ango 01 H,E A T," McKo.n, uan, Soan Young. w y y v r. z T C T w x a L x j 4 c m T a r =. o 8;00 ~M ACNEL 1 L EH RER m O C S G D G D O O OD (D a CD NEWS NEWSHOUR U R VCTORAN DAYS O Q 0 T THE > FALL GUY Coll ond an Odff.BUSNESa REPOR ORT assault grou roup o slum OMperts try o. WHEEL OF FORTUNE JNE rescue a boaulllul talljumper rom a Daytmee moves O PR0h«NEW S brula Mbxcj (con praon, (R). 6:30 9:0( ( S FAMLY FEUD 3:00 (2) T>«Q\h GNA BACHAUER NTERNA (ONTV) W * * "Sunday n The Cc 1:00 Counlry CN * *, "Sommewhofo e n Tmo" HBO (2).DOCTOR.WHO "Plonot "Plj O. Evtl". TONAL PAJ >ANO COMPETmONMorvn (1974. Drama) E rnest Bor * * * "Swomp Thng",(1982. lorgnno. (1080. Fanlosy) C Whllo tho Doctor struggle Chrstopher floovo, Fanasy) ggos wlh ha pr Homlsch ho osts ho lhol rounds ol tho Mchael J. Pollard. sy) Adnonno B orboau," Loula la JanoSoymour, movol onomy. tho ahlp Jourdnn. p pungos tow ard Juno }2 compolon, whch n s 0:30 oblvon. (Part 4 ou ) t0;0 0:00 " SHOW V * * "Tmo Walker" (1982, Fan sxth year r approaches tho lovol ol P > SHOW Sr * * "The Advonluros MOVE * * "Squrm OtMorco ffl "Dark lrm" {1970. Hor auch prosl Journey" (1037. Oro y* Bo" Don Murphy. Kevn Brophy, slgous concorta a s tho Polo, Jr," (1973. Advonluro) Ann rood onscardno.patrc nmatod, mo) Vvon Logh. Cor rcla P earcy. Tchakovsky. Conrad Vodt. CN * r * * "Tho Throe F a c es 01 Eve" >" ky. Loeds, and Van Cburn.. Vocos by Bobby flydoll. Arnold dslnng, $ (t3j * * "The (H )R E A L PE O PL E A solute 10 po st Q (12) QUN! rhe Mghly Bornum (1957, CDrama) Joonne Woodword. d. UNSMOKE and proson Olympc ath 7:00 (1934. Booraphy) a thlotes. nclud (D 700 CLUl ) Adolpho. Monjou, Oavd Wayne, Wo LUB Foaurod; o dolonso ol cl * no Al Oonor, Ralor Jc CN * * * } "Moonohtng" (19Q2, Wallaco Boory, Johnaon, Dovo tho Amercan roo enterprse.system ; a co 2:00 Comody) Joromy rons. Eunono ; W otlloondpatm ccbrmac ne Lpn (ONTV) * * " E c h m ack,(r ) woman who hoes o c ". (1970, Fjma (ONTV) ho conquered poralyss lo gk /) * * * j"s o p h o s Choco" t" FU P PE R sk: ay) Rchard Allcrt.. walk agan. 1,. M Morcodea McCaA (1982,, 0 Oroma) Moryl Sroop, Kevn ( DONALD OUCK PRESE ESENTS CTNEW AN 7:05 brdge. Klne. WMAL WORLD. CD YOU CAN BE A STAR. NASHVLt LLE NOW, 0 * * *. " T h o G ross la Grc jroonor 11:0( 1:00 2:30 m g ) EDDE CAPRA MYS SHAm WNON ( p a, Comody) Cory Gronl. Joa oan Sm. HSO * * "Smokoy toy And Thu Bandt H 80 * * flncn Pof Tho CD VDEO DSC JOCKEYS CD NFLS mons. S GREATEST MOMENTS Parr3"(T983. Advon onufo) Jocke Gloa Zophyr" (9 8 t, Drama). Kon Wahl,, 0 AUTO RAONQ Wortd ld Rally.Champ f Hghlghs ol Supor Bowl V Mam 7:15 aon, Jorry Rood Goorgo opoppard P< onahp Acfopolo Rally (ron( Alhons. Dolphns.vs. ( OaloaCowboya(R) HBO * * Moon M ndnossll (982 S H O W * * * "Tho > Real R. Glory" (1939. SHOW * * *» " My Favorte Yonr".....Gfcoco).. (ONTV) THE E OTHER CAFES COMEDY Adventufe)Anmaoa: D rnm B>G arrcoopcr eronvotwo r, CCom a odytpotottbolo, Joas HBO MOVE * "Moo voon M a d n ess". SHOWCASE 3E Mnny ol lodoys top com CN * * * "Joan 01 8:00 Dl / Arc" (1940. BOfj caharpor per. (1982, Advonluro) Anmal nalod, ca aro loot )flturod n ths porlorm anco (5) (?) * * *. "Choyonno Autumn" Pa 2 ( " P W l l o M d B nan,. Joao Forror 2:35 SHOW MOVE * *.Snoopy S C o m o...tap o lo ls aan.francscos n. comody club. ol 01 : 2) (1064, Westorn). Jam es Slewsr; Sc llo UOS * 1 * *? "Tho flarrotls Ol Wm. Ho fno{ls72vcbmody)a ) Anmalod. Tho Olhor Calo. Rc Rchad Wdmark. D/octed by 3y John P "AOando don Shp!" (td57, 3OO" CySb.OrBmnjJonnlof J 6:05 7:06 DfOTQJJ.yfonQ Powoc..e u.u a y d.n o la n!3!!: ;. John! Gelgud. O PORTRAT OF AME MERCA "M s s o CENTEN ENNAL "Tho Storm Tho 6:30 t2;00 3:00, 00 r.* *,...J.V.cnnofofd.Rj.R anchs.htoaonoct.bya HBO HB *.*:JH onkyonkm aft~( 2 }. * * * ; "Ovct.T r.twsl. (1348, Dr.1 ; "Conjonnnl Summor" (1940,,..., dnwflslnlmg g blzznrd, LoyZendl (Grojpr» pram aj Clnt EoBtwood,.Kyle e Eaa Robun.N orton tof), John How.,rd. y)"jeannbcralrr. CornolW/ldo VWEEL OF F O m U fory Hnmoon PavoB *jl::octopjl0.3jc5.aa>ty/l llo) Rcg. CD P.M. MAGAZNE AE A look ot ho n Ponnsylvnn nnn: thn ral hands on py«o cg.trnroore.mnudadumf.. Mormon Mraelo Paooant; ant; n robot hot bnol reunon Oft whon Mulo Caby (Grog. daposos ol bombs. Mullnvuy) rdos nd through own ao ho J;m J.r Lot Culs. n C TAC DOUGH crack.onoa Gnser. 0.armod marksmnn 0 J f mg O FREEMAN REPORTS buhovs 15 o]ho:w 01 3( O. DAHO REPORTa a Don. (Pon Qo Q om 2) O CN M O V le*>* Thu Thfoo Fc.n fflsport 0 (12) MOVE * * ; r "Futurow ahtmentefl oworld.. 01 Eve (1957,O nm f f l 0 ( 1 2 ) FAMLY FEUD 0.. mn) n Joanne W ood SHOW 7:30 d (1076, o : SconcoFcon) Poor Fc MOVE MC * * * > My Fnvoflo Fondo, w(,d. DanUWaynu.. ( S 8 9 PRlMC.TUt ACCES :ESS EPCOT M MAQAZNE: EVENNQ ED= SV 8l,ftt?0nnnjr.... Ycur,,(19 (1902. Comoly) Putor OToolo. O (S ENTERTANMEK ENT TONGHT TON Foalure urod: mrado cure cr hoort 1 NEWS 9:00 ; Jujc:l Nl Hrpur, Foaturod: rock anoor Rod lod Sowbrt. dseosn: Joo 00 Cohn: tho EPCOT Exper SPECAL FRENDS OF. CHU HNA A O ST, ELSEWHERE... 9:05 o M A*S*H Radar hulpa lps out a lom b...enco now JW compujor rovuw; Poler foupo o( yojng Canadan puppet lolours cha mdrnago su auoma noaood lor g mq\/(e 3VE * * * "A Galhurn? 01 ; moant lor a Qrooh loatval and Frank s McWhams:»: S Splosh, r.nr r.cnod n to seldom soon art ol ll Black rocks whon ha a rnow brdo hoars e.glo3 (1983, Ornmo) Rock Hudson, choalod but ol an opport ortunly to per PKA KARA RATE Lflh Lnh Puppory. take hor show tc to Ch altractvo pat )oton haa mado n Rod T.wor yor aocuto a young aoldor. m o VDEO ) JUKEBOX Jl play lor ho doctor!! 1 alloclonj (R) nn d ) BUSNESS REPORT SHOW LONE 4E STAR BAR & GRLL Alma djg < R F F O (JO A WALK 0:16 K THROUGH THE mh O D Cc d ) M*A*S*H Tfoppor. c o a c h e d b y andd eaureoa»oard plan a gand weddng, VDEO DSC JOCKEYS 20TH CO m jr Y WTH B a MOYERS W RSE?SE RACNQ WEEKLY Hawkoyo, otlora ha norc ercam p boxng ond Mary Qel lelh h a s doubs obout whom HBC HBO MOVE * * "Honkytonk Mftf Holpng Hand d" A look.t tho 9:3 0 toumamontto prevent tho trnnaleronf shotealrovr.qv.na.nlolbuddyjnfoducoatmgt C tgagrd rnrtat C rnre nslw F. growlhollhobggc Govornmon con O f TS 3TS AT SOTHEBYS "Tho.j Dovotoar*att j.ceptdu!ng: thtt930g sosrm ctuon(n;p5 L«bo«h<n.< «j.c ollootonoftek avd nlol ff lf U W E R ON SCTV (ONTV) MOVE * * *, "Sop M hov and l llms aboul publc tow anm m a: to o r h e uxltaordmary co. CPTO.TMTM Crpco onram a D lucon ol Chnoao an o the lomous ado CD FANDANGO Foaurod: d:. on ntervew O Q ) [fl g uvn Klno.,. o MONEYLNE atcrbnlo] louao. wth (ho Slallar Brpthor. : E ) MOyE* * S.."W ord 01. TWLQHT~ZONEcomns Upon an old J <r monoalory occu CANNO 4N0N A Smple assgnm ent ds <E0avrd=tllrt5tOTT O SPORTJ RTS.TONGHT TlHonorV (1980 )80. Oroma) Karl Moldon, 8:25 7:00 RuoMcClonah lahan, OD NEW WORLD BAUET Fean alurod: p,g j,y a "Trulh" orde rdor whch S hold lodyguard luns nlo 0 complex cooo 0 CD (S C B S (11) CROS lossroads (D O ( S (B O ( t l ) THE FACTS O F Cyn 3yntha G rgory ancj F o rn rnando j jng bongn od man prsoner. r prvale te m/ostgotqr Fronk C onnon.. (Z) O (D CD REAL PE0P1 OPLE A aalute UFE When 1 a Hotlywocdtype c o e d B 3u onos to p a st and proson Olymp ffla N O T f«r U FE fflbesto T0F.GH0UQH0... l... rmplc ath letes, enrolls at Longloy; U Blar becom es...a:3b... ONE OAY AT TE TETON MARSH A ESTEf TERYEAR N NASHVLLE Foa ncludng Al Oerter. Rale aler Johnson. onrogod al hor boylrond s nlereot n (D D O ( S (11) OUCK FACT STORY. daya advonturo wth n many ol lhe ar\ lurod: on n norvow ml wth Cart Smth. D avow ottlrandpatm cccormaclc7(r) th e new atodor dem, ( R ) Q Whle ho network s on tho vere arge ol mats lhal lve al Teton Marsh m WyotVolley HYORO 0:45. O THE ARCHmECTURE E < OF FRANK O (D O NATONAL K GEOGRAPHC. canc?ancellnodtppyouckr**mr»wl W lnklofmnga Jackaon HoleVt U O Y D WRQKT The (hn nportrelt JROPLANE RACNQ BudwelBor ta k e s. "Tho Sharks (s Anoxamnalon ol th e wan wants Skp s save lhebho<>rand d lhor YOU CAN BE A STA TAR. flooallo (rom (re Syracuse. N,Y,). (R) a look at Amercas oreste a test archoct woy sharks llv lve, where hoy breed and jobs obs. (Ql ALFRED W HTCHCOCK PRE hrough hs lles worts and»nd he conro why they atloc. la c k.( R ) g (D 10:00 D MY LTTLE MARQE "Man arolea SENTS An nveslga versos lhal were.part ol )l hs h: gallon doerm nos O (3) (D ( personjl QQ Q (j) MOV love * * "Money On The Phar hanom Lover thal ho cause ol a won D ( ) G D O ( S O ( l twol aoeel Hf. womans dealh w os m f 11 wc \ "r::rr;8(le ( p a g2 r:l3 t NFW9 rh m a :j«a fo tv «J B n n c rr 10 Tlm «9N ew s. Twn Fall alls, W aho, Frday.July6,t 1, t984 f

37 ... 0 T H C R fw A 8 A ALW AY88UN (3 0 A ro C Y " MLLER Lugors pondng Kon Kortny R ogers, comedyleam Ma ack a O N E W S... SH N W a SOMEPLACE: : U FE N THE, rotlromoftr h 8K)8. hos ho lonoly napoclor Jam le. (R) U F E O f R t Y NEGRO BASEBAU LEA AGUES Jarnea consderng l»ove**?hom* n O kla h o g a malorder brde from tho <O D ( S ( t ) LATE MGHT r WTTH YESTERYEAR M ErfrTqnarnarratO BthlB N NASHVLLE Fea ma" (194 :hlb documon4frtfar Eesf WoUem) Roy Rogera. OAV DAVS) LETTERMAN Scheduled:...on tho.troalmont ol Blaek : come c tured: an ntervew wth «th Car Smth. George acka n tho bkae ENTERTA»"Gabby" H ayea.. 5TAWMENT TONGHT Foa dsn dlbngeoroow allsco. boll looguos or togrags H O R SE RACMG Wl WEEKLY (R) g a ted Amorlco. tured: rock ; ar alngor Rod Slowart. O. MOVE * * "Wngs 01 Cha 2:16 hance SHOW MOVE (R) * * * H " B le d e a H * saa SHOWBCAR A RREP f[ w 19CJ D fh nnnjlt»rb row nrf n 3AULTED NUTS An adult come ONEW SM GHT rancea Runner" (fa a z. Sclonc onceflctlon) Harraxmombe Ra (»w lhaketchea~p O T T n by1f= (TyTHEOOOOtlEQHBOf c b (e m a SH 3 0 ( (12)M>EPEN0ENTNEW8 flb e rc a a t.. Of Sufglton" Whan.Tom. 12: md tlove T H A T B 0 B = 5 E atltocloomed#cplo8rjc " *TMCKE OP THE go oflvaon o communo O O K (R ). DSNEY fmgazlne ON T W All a BAQLEY Kenny Bogofarcofad S S M a X «D NEW COUNTRY Quest: Jm Gla... c a r o l buf BURNWT AND Jame. (R). MOVE * * "Curtalna" (1983. D d S JAPAN TODAY (R) Horror) John Vornon. Sam antha E g g ar.. FRENDS O THE NEW W AVENGERS Koy govern 1:00 W CD BURNS ANO ALLEN menl securly poraonnol do ol appar 11:35 2:60 O FREEMAN REPORT RTS QU u o M O V E * * * T h o Yo Young n H eart" " " ly "otural cousos alter vstng a ) T O BE ANNOUNCED 5VE v K * * "Nght 01 Tho Jug O MOVE * * H "The Good Dlo. (1938 qm ody) Dug a glas Farbanks hoalth form.,(r) (F S) FANTASY SLAND Suspense) Jam es Broln, Young" (19SS. Myt Myatory) Rchard cllg orm a Jr.. Pduoo Goddard. O TH EARJlCHrrECTUREOF"FRANK C 11J45": Boaohart, Glora Qraha h a m e.. 0 NASHVLLE NOW LLOYD WRG lght Ths llm portrot takos S SPORTSWOMAN S (R) CDNDEPENOENTNEW EWS 3:00 (D (0) RADO 1 MO (R) a look 01 Amo Amercas groatoat archtect... 12:0 0, 700 CLUB Feature urod: a dolonao of 5 O. RACNG World Rally Champl (Fl V 060 OSO>K>CKEVS throuobajlx lloa a arkajn d ths cenlrow!d DBACHELORjrATHEB.f tho.amorlcan (roe ente.njerprjs.e.#yetonlb " P.: AcropollB Rally (from Alhons. HBO.NOTNECE8SAR1LY. 1LYJHE.OLYM. >0»3e s hol ll w wore port o( hs poraonal D THE ROOTS OF QOOFY Upon woman who conquero lorod paralyals to r ( R ; PCS A humorous vow ol ho tranng. Poloason lonoftllo :lo» oxamlnalon of QooTyTTTt Tomly...wolknonn. a:lg compellon. udonp ond d reportno r tho rrn wlsons Lo u sa n a, jfo e. mor Oympca n Los Angol< goloo. P fo» crawfsl (sh ond turnp casserqo. 0DOFFSTAGE C Foolurod: an ntor orjow N.Y.).(R) rck. CN MOVE * * 4. "So: Somowhero n chooso loas sl ond la sauco Potat. Q wlh vth Morlo Klgore. 1:06 O WORLD LD AT LARGE Tmo" (1960, Ffnlasy)! j ) c a!. t o h o r g C spre l DQ M O V **O neg oodt Tom MARCUSW ELB LBYrMOTDrnVof: 3;30 HfOvft. Jono Soymouf. HT ZONE Poople aaaumo (1954, Dromo) Josn Rco. Norman n Ws b $s unwod nece (aco coa wo vtal doc O CROSSf F R E... bo the poraonall; ally ol ho mask hoy oro dom. bm. alona ollocng hor oxp xpected baby, O JMMY Y SWAGGART ALLNTHGPAMLYe< DJUOEOJ)1SC J f J O C K E Y 1:30 10 ANOTHE THER LFE to quorrol ovor Archloa WOW HBO B O MOVE * * H "Tho Ocla( OO" O ARTS AT SOT OTHEBY S "The.3:3tS womon. :. * The Servant" (1980. Adventure) Chuck.JJorrs. a. Lee.ubosroz Collecton" CGono Klovan lol HBO MOV OVE * * "Honkylonk Man. o r«)abc NEWS NQHTL ULNE mo) Drk Bogordo. Soroh Voo on Clool., lows ho solo of ho extraordnary col (1982. Dra Drama) Cln Easlw ood. Kylo CN O W <B <t DTOWOtfTJ: AUMOVE * * * " O c to p u a ay (V ED JOAN "Coroor" Adv( V. J lecton ol Chnoao aort rta t tho (om ous toslw ood. dvonturo) Roger M o b ro r M oud f,,nnhm.n. troclov7tondqff! pu.<.<j\jfthntwt»tfyr* Auur ~ T l) ROWAN & m artn CD DOCTOR WHO "Tho 0«no) Dan Woldman. Deborah NSLAUGtff N O DAYBRE JREAK 2;06 DSNEY FAMLY Y ALBUM Guost: O N E W S sn" Doctor Who rolurns B LATE NGHT WTH DAVD Df Ward Kmball, plonol and s accused of f EESEBALL s p e c a l (Q C H C O0 A AND TKE MAN ETTERMAN Scheduled: como noden (OflTV) NTMACY FLE ff ROMPER ROOM tho proaldonl ol ho Tmtf* 11:06 Goor oorgew olloco. ls B lzznetnews N t W AVENQERS Koy goverr\ :60 9..YDEO.pl r O ( 1 2 ) CHARLESANQEN Q E L atjrna "»»c lyporaonneldoofoppar 0, O.P S C.g O C K E Y 3 3MCCLOUD"McCloudnvbslg rgvtst W O M0 V E * * S "SprCng Break" BUSNES NESS TMES troa 10 coch a compula julslvo gam bler " "v " " fa nl cousos ollor vstng a n exploson that klled o (ollowof olllcer , Comody) Jaavd v f Knoll. Stovo (ONTV) MS STORY OF.TKE OLYMPCS. who bonkrols Kjs habt wlh wth burglary! hoohh lorm. (R; ho hod token ha ploco ordly.(f (R, Baasell. t«3 MOVE * *» "w akbw ;o Mo Whon ra BENNYHU 4:08 J2:16. 2:000 SHOW MO O vordoeorc om oo yrelemokovocs: r M O V E..**!!Tmo Walkor" D MCCLOUD McCloud nvoalg flatos O n e w s OVERNGHT (1982. Fanl Morgo M oofo. ( a HAWA «h antaay) Bon Murphy. Kevn "es S n ooxploaon l hol klled a follow ol ollcer MOVE * * * "The Tho G host Break Brophy. JACK BENNY " Am Thft ThA Fddlor". 11:1 6 / whol >ho mtd taken hs place on duly. (P (RJ era" (t940. Comody) ) Bob G Hopo. Pau (TJ) HOT S P 0 J3 NSOETHE >E PQA TOUR ( 1Q D GD CBS NEWS NGHTWATCH loko Goddard. 4:16 HBO MOVE * * Stokc lokey And Tho 11:30 D SPORTSCENTER 8 0 ( 0 ) MOVE * *» T larcus W aby. M.D. Follower lotal aborton, fk young grt Qandl Port 3" (1903. Advo a,o» l«ro lj.c k...o j u o m ooreports n num" (1634. Bography] ogtoason, Jorry Raed. " 12:26,11,) Adolpho Mon. O NEWS WRA frapup O 3 NEW t SU.Wollaco Beery, > ho realzaton lhat aho mus WORLD BALLET Foolu y g oudohorow r own lfo. 10:36 O MOVE * * >7 "The Prdo Of Josffe Cynt :ynthld G regory ond Forno nondo v d eo DSC JOCKE?) TONGHT Hos: Joh Johnny Coraon.. Hallom" ( Dromo) Johnny Cash, Bu)o» <u onea. (ONTV) MOVE * * "Echooa" (1970, 4:30 Schodulod: sportscasor B Bob Uocker. Brondo Voccar caro. 12:30 Fonlasy) Rchard A Alllorl. 120 Ten Garr... C TMCKE : OF 0 TKE NQHT Guoata; Oa MMONEYLNE McCombrcJga, m y SWAQQART Thurssday evl e n n g programs Daytme m oves 6:00 lor Sal Loko 0 Cy shoppng; a hollcop. 0C5)(?)(.«00(5) C D 6DNEW S cr rde throuah fltlltllqmndxayon OPERFORMERSSHOWCASETfEW (D TC TAC DOUGH DOl WORLD PALLET Ths proa Drosontallon ol 0(1 $ ) DAHO D R: REPORTS 6;40. ho Now World Bollol Co Muaca) Tommy Sands, ds. Nck Adams. Compony (oo Q )0 ( l2 ) F A AMLY h FEUD HBO ao * * "Race For The Yan 2:30, ankoo (ONTV) * "Homework turos solo pbrlormoncoa a by b Fornondo ( } ) TRAD ) GRAND Gl OPENNG. Zoph; Bphyr" (1981. Dromo) Ken W. ork" (1982. Como SHOW * * * "Ocopuaay" (1983, Wahl, <jy) Jonn Collna. Mchar Buon«M»ndCyOlhla*Oory jory0 ( e H TTERTAfllMENT TONGHT E G«Of< haol Morgan., Advonturo) j r e ). R oper M ooro, Maud. O 00) BUSNESS REPORT RT Foaturod: ho oo0 okrdgob oya. j. 6:20 11:00 o AdomT >WHEELOFFORTUNE E a M*A S*H H H aw koyotocordm letlor CN< j**:condorm an:l(. rdflb C om ody) : 2;38 H * * ~ T n o T h ro o Foc6a~O rf O PRMENEWS " to hs fojhor r dolalnq ha day, n thq.(1957 Mchaol Crowtord Olva llvofjobd 9S7, 0 ram a) Joonno Woodw *.*>:Tho llppora ndthe W FAMLY FEUD... O.R. wth Q mho nhdtuk. 0 mlaang corpao Oavld wanjrth Bo * * l 7 "Melane" vd,wayno.. e" (1082. Droma) Rosoj j h ho o 5Story 01 Cndorolla" (1976, <>. D 6 C T 0 f l W 0 " "Pyromda P y Ol* o nda uunhopp ppy ollcor. Burton Cummngs, Qlyn ynla 0!CbnnorfohlBay)R )Rlchord.ChamborlalnOom. g rctm n w rtn u Q J BUStNESST SfEPORT SHOV SHOW*:**ThoHor *torcontatllouton* rr>o*creven~ Tnrdn.lo nn old counlry prory prc OW r* "Snoopy Como Hon n fff) M*A»S»H Allora bad aesson n» omo" a n l"(1 96g,:om edy)jr Jm H ulton. Paulo ( F n r rr o r a ) 972. Comody) Anmalod, 3:00 tho O.R.. Hawk wkoyo quarrels wth Fronk T " * TJTOld "n Collone" (1939, Weat THE JESSE OWENS hs STORY A ovor hs nadoc doquocoa. (hen lndsono 17:06 CN * * l j "The Pursu sull 01 D.B, Coo orn) Roy RRo ogera. Mory Hart.. younqjqaflnqwcna(dn (DorlotHorO ol t«own pallo lonts s alnkng (ost, \*. * * " AasaullOn A Qum joon.:por:c 9a.j\dvom uto). :o).troat.wjllams. cn *** TN>:Strpper"(19e3.Drb wood) onlors Oho statou flveraty (11}F A M»l)LYTE3Tho:wollknown L 9C6A dvonlu(o).funk.snatu J/rnn Roborl Duvall... ma) Joan }anno W oodward; R chard whoro hs rock ochldvomon monls load hm Chorlos Dcker :kona nlo "A Chrstmas s...., 11:06 «Boymor. 10 ho 1036 Botlln Olymp rmplcs. G eorg Carol" a relold wth Aox a s the mlsor : S:00... O...* * * " D o te c llvvo o Slory" (l9 S 1 r 4:30... Slonlord Brown. Goorgo Kennedy Ko ond lylood. (R) ) * * * "TonLllllo ndnns" ( Drnmn) Krk Douglaa. El< Eleanor Porker. cn * * "Thngs n Thor S eason" >4 J Oobb Morgan coslor. (Pqr > o r o f 2) C R C U S Myato ratory) Hugh OBran, Shrley Eolo lon., 2:()00 ~ (1974. Drarr rama) Patrca Neal. Ed Fland 0 ( 1 1 ) GMME A BREAK K Noll N plana a RN TN TN SHQW QW * * 4 "The Sgn 01 Fo our" O * * * * "Tho Soull oulhernor" (1945, ors. rodloftal Chrlslmas gomc Jllooolfer (or FANDANQO Foolurod: on nlorvow Myatory) lan Rchardaon, On Davd Dromo) Znchary Scolt. :t. Botly Feld. Jooy but dscovors ovoryor ryono s gong wllh Boxcar Wlllo. Healy. loly. 8:00. owoy lor ho holdays. (R) ) 0 NFLS ORE REATEST M(JMENTS Son CN N * * * "Stora And Srlpoa For orov 100, SHOW *** * "Profoaaor W agatafcs.] CRCUS of Football Pom< omoa.(r) Of" " (1952, Bography) Clllton Wo /obt) * * "ThoLlltlostH.t Horso Theves" J!":" tachno" ( A dventure) DONALD OUCK PRESENT lents CN M O V E t *** (4 "The Puraut 01 D.B. Debro bropogol....(1977. Advonturo) Alast astolr Sm. Potor Mchaol Mc McVey, Thoona McLollon YOU CAN BE A STAR Coopor"(l9B. B1. Advonturo) Treat Wll (ONT\ MTV) * * * "Thoy Qol Mo Ca. O Barkworth, 6: MOVE * * h "Drt Drty K nghfa llama. Roborl t O Duvall. ered jdm SasrC om ody) BobHofloTD Do?: 6W W *H rsm oloya rand Tha B a n d r H A Oog Of Flandora" : wo?kt : r ( a 7g " M y?o?v) ljo r j h n H llt a ~ ~ qhzc ly jjm o u f ~ POn 3" (.mbxbbvonure uro) Jacklo Gloa n uro urom a) Davd Ladd." Donald Donald Ploasonco. g 0 ( S ( g 3 C0 (11) MAQNUM. P.. 8:30 aon. Jorry floed.. Crsp. :0V0rs a cansprney wort h b o N SD E THE USFL A look at ho he troa lo help olp an old (rond, o (ormer dy) ) Jo John Coaaavaos. Gena Rowland nr." Comody) Goorgo Han upcomnochnmponshlpoom Sant Jamea, now «phyacjnftwhola SHOW MOVE * * * "Tho M aroj gootmmurderng u threo hosplol CM < * * 4 "Thngs n W l r Soasc T roo" (1077. Dromo) son" (OMTV) * * "ndepe 1 spendonco Oay" ) G oroldlno paona.(r) (1974..O ro m a ) P.atfcjo.Noal. Ed.Fla land 0 9 S 3. Droma) Kathleen FUgorald, Chrstophof Pflto. on Oulnlan, Davd......(3) 0 D QMMEA BHEAK NelloTa Keth. CN WAYLON JENNNGS T The country (.oj,,, dltlonal Chrlstmaa golalngoraortgwrltor porlorma na.songafw s rn,ogahor for Jo t 0:60 2:00 Jooy bul dscovers ovory q j h s olbum "Novar Could * * "Throe Llle Slaera" (1944. HBO * * * "The Lo Jld Too Tho ono a gong aw. sway for tho holldaya. (R) Dmmn Learnng T ree". B n n t l m Mork." ma) Mary Loa. Rulh Terry. r 0q0.D ram a) K v le J MABONALCHAKOVSKy.lcJ : Jo h n a o.a O K B jt P rt <0>ffV)ATALr0F FOUR < o * "Sng7 B S n g ( 9S W Toko a ponelralng look young grt com as lo ho roall aallatlon that o n e o llh o1 w words ( moat prestgous happlnoas canno roault from (ro w shes muscal compol jolltons n Moscow. ol ho BoDtloa. the Beach Boys. a and MOve * * * h alone.. V "Summertme" ss O (ACNEL / LEHRER E tton. o n jo h n. " ( Romance) Kalh slharlne.h epbum. T t r trtb E M A P FT DAYS J0M l* rfoa «n o "R o»» an B 8 ffj: OWrtCELOfTFORTUNE: GOLDSALUTES TTS help p t lroubledpattoh lghtuafl aenr. 0<12)QUN8M OKE...(Z) P.M. fmqazme A bt SUMlER Concert lootago but 1h«1h grt.takosan overdoe ol pllla: 700 CLUB Featured:. )d: ADS d le a a a... Fr

38 O A outm hffrn. S K o t o r s. * D NevrrjoMAL woft ORLD SEKTS bo becom es a horo. pc compotlonb. J. f proflos of.olympc Q O Q)MOVE * * "C ardboard Caval ral enashvxenow L.. <OMTV) MOVE * "Homowork (ld02. (T (DE)frERTANMENT TONOH: HTFoa partcpanlsand WO w orld/ocord updaos. lor" (1049. Advonturo) Margaret Lock ck *. (STO P RANK BOXMQ MQLlvo.. Comody) > J JoanColtns.M lchaelm or tu turod: tho Oak Rdge Boys. SHOW MOVE* ** # * T h o Road Warr) TvoodrS d Ftolds. (ONTV) MOVE * * ndopondonce ogn O MOVE *.* "Grzzly" (1071 )76. Dra or" (1981. Advon fonturo) Mol Gbaon. Q V D ndeodlscjqckeyb E «Ofty" (1063. Drams) ) Kl Kathleon Ounlsn. 9:06 ma) Chrslophor G eorge,. / Andrew Bruco Sponce.. Oavd Kolh. 2:06 (D ay N QW MOUSE Pf Prno. 12:36 D MOVE * * H "Tho Barons Afr Ur 7:30 10:40 THCKE OF THE T> NQHT Quosts; can Wa w a r" (968.Advonturd)R6dCnm T *.. ed0fflhffpam S.Yknown Charlos Dckons o n T t f O T t E( 5 ) M A * S Conno Slovons.. Frod f Wllord. Carl oron.. Joon Marsh.. mas Carol" s rotold f w A p x a s l h o, g g p g 9:30 11:00 Wollson. psycholog loglsl rene Kasaotla, (SHSP SPANK: REVEW... : : msorfy lead. { R ) ~ TTS TONGHT G0 HART TO HARf Tho Harts wll wtnobsa Arsencs Hall. (R) O ( S ABC COMEDY 5Y 1SPECAL Altor. BALLOT; NEGHBORHOOD "> murdorwhon the sprlual mont m to to n d O MOVE * * * " "Nono h Bul Tho Lone SHOW W MOVE "Squoozo Ploy ly " ney Jerry Marshall rotums roll to hs old RACY brdooroom ol.jonnllors bolove.vod Qunt y Hoar" ( D Drama) Cary Grant, (g g,, Comody) Jm Horrs, Jonn mn homolown wllh hs son Mork. oxpoct CANNO NON A daonchontotj occoun moots on unlmoly doah. (R) Elhol Barry moro. Horck. ck. ng lo lv»am ore.rolaxo laxod lfo. bul horo lla a conlblor ol a doadly notvo. Q O Vll NTERNATONAL TCHAKC KOVSKY.12:46 2:30 s a hllch. g. gosto p rotolost lc lsproduclon. OC COMPETTON Toko a ponelratr ttng look 0 SPORTSCENTEF CD ROS l o s s BAGLEY (D EPCOT MAGAZNE: EVENNQ ED T rofgroucho Of o 01 ono ol he world s mosl pros osgoua. j;c no N F6atu/od: Alan on Koy: MorJlyn SETERPlECeTHEATERn l musool compolltons n Moscow 3:00,w. O FREEMAN REPO Honckon; ho EPCOT Exporono YESTEfl TERYEAH N NASHVLLE Fea O CROSSFRE QHCULTUREU:s.X (D NDEPENDENT an MOVE "Croopahow w crootrvo arts: Polor McV nlorvowwth Blly Grammer. O TWLGHT ZONE On tho nmornng 700 CLUB Foatu atu0c/faosd3oaso (, > Horror) Hal Holbrook. Adrenne me. * TSCENER.... thnlaman lh o hong lor lollng 0 ono ol. cauooa and procau cautons Borboo. H B O MOVg V * * ;To hfl bgatol noghbora.ho tow >wnspoo. m fj waestlng [V L M Q V le *JL *m oyg oum < Comody) John COBSOVO o vol. Gona Row O GREAT POETS. GREAT WRTERS~P plo lno homsdfvos thrown nto nn (q /m /to RACNG rcd" (1943. ComecJy) Bob Hopo. SEpfw S E C O N O W oldonr: YEAR Hart vsts hs t CDM OVr**.*Vr"TRo Rod S S rural Mnnesota 8 : «13) m MARCUS (1946. Drama) Mora Shearer. S WELBY, M.D. A HBO MOVE M ** "Doclor De(rof: Mfl homolown ond bogns lo havo doubs (E) SPORTS TSLOOK (R) J* w >r. Anton fdofdod mnn loco co s ho problomol (g n.walbook..3.c.omcdy)danaykrqy{jdqnnn s ( ma r B boutrotum lnothofoo ropfocco tow:; hongfltransplanrd rdonorrohlsbtdlhbtoxon 10:00 0 ( D) l MARRED JOAN "Ballol" e:00 P. 0 (2) D G() S ) a C S ) O GD 0 (D (D HERE COMES SAM...THE M 1:26 3:M O GDU)0) SMON&S& SMON Rck and QJODNEV JEWS OF AN OLYMPC SYMBOL S d CN MOVH * 2*.* "Tho Strppor" q c ROSSFRE RO: A,j,.oro.80l.up.for.DrroBl roblon.chargoa o lo PERFOF FORMERS SHOWCASE! NEW 01 Olympc Engle, lhe olfcol syn: ymbol ol <*903, Dramn) Joanno Je Woodward, q jm MMY m SWAGGART grand thot by o crool rook who usos a WORLD BALLET Ths prosonlolon ol tht tlo 1984 Olympcs, s ho hondv Jwork ol. Boymor, CD ANO NOTHER LFE colobrly lookolko sarv jorvco OS a ronl. ho Now W World Ballot Company loa eo Bob Mooro, o voloron Osnoy art rtst. 1:30 (S S PORTSLOOK O (R) (R) luros solo ( pcrform ancos by Ponando 11:06 (5) ROWAN & MART RTNS LAUGHN.1 l)c W E R 8T h» CulonoTmn nocynnm G roooryrr.0 ) HART TO HART,The H ans wl vlnossa 1: 1:40 C oach hos o crush on hs oltracllvo g SNE> NEAlfPREVEWSWPnrGntfBr. 3:60 murrtnr wtnn tho sonlnl monl mor anfl 0 OREAT POETS. rs. GREAT WRTERS sh o w 1 5UoUnn" *03u OrTT3ocumo monnryottttnrobnr y, 0 MOVE * * h "P. "Pol Garro And vvooda vov vow ol w orkngclass.llo ( lobstmyatory) nn Ftchordson. jn. m eelson unlmoly doolh.(r) "W alden."... elly Tho Kd ( Woston) Jom os hoy cocnm nmont on clps from "Tondor... Davd Hoaty.. QT) BENNY HLL Coburn. Krs KrstoKorso foon. Morcos. " "Slkwood" ond "Flash O FREEMAN REPORTS *TS * donee." <R)... 11: 10 ~ HBO M OWETA Amon. O l..lottery Fah lahorly and. Rush QNEWSNU C5J D HAWA FVE).. can Vrgn" ( Comody) C Lawronco q n s ght EeW W S DNEGHB0flSM rfft" :..MOM90LPnnyEn»; rcnkln... ; ~ > >c MCCUNDHE.MAN h 1C : prson nn»l, on opprosood ollco w hon l appears op thot the Goods moy O DAHO REPORTS 2:00 CD ROMl OMPER ROOM vvorkor and on answ nsworng aorvce becom e lamous. on Jorrbogns to won O N E W S WRAPUP Q NEWS OVERNG QHT (D (13 l BZNET fl NEWS omployoo. (R)Q dor.whols sn tfo rh m. O MOVE * * * "Young At t Honr". ll) MOVE * *!>.} "Tho Ngh 01 Tho QDVDEC DEO OSC JOCKEYS O (12) MOVE * "Tho Alons Aro Q ( 12) ) CAROL BURNETT AND (1954. Muscal) Fronk Snnlra. a. Dons Hunlor" (1965. Susponao) Robort (E) BUS JSNESS TMES Comng" (10S0. Sconc oncoflclon) Tom FRENDS} Oo Doy. M ason, Moltndo Foo.. QD BURNS S ANO / ALLEN GJ S J THCKE OF THE NGHT Guoss; (SN E W S (D BG ea 3AN0S AT DSNEYLAND Fop Conne Slovens, Frod Wllord rd. Carl (D MOVE * * " O u m b o " (l9 4 l.f a n to lufod; Wooc oody Hormon ond Tho Young WdMson. W psychologs rono Ko lossorla,. sy ) Anmaod.. Thundorngt nghord, ArsonoHnl. (R) (D ds SEEMQ STARS S (B NASHVL tvllenow O (D ( S (11) LATE NGHT a WTH C D C C CD VDEO DSC JOCKEY <EYS (D QJ) RADH «>0 1 90(R) da DAVD LETTERMAN Schoc odulod; K C C C O N S U L T r A/ T O N & : 8:30). 03 VDEO D Dl OSC JOCKEYS. Gootgo Carln; profossonol wn vrostlng 0 3 f k (S) CD O (11) 1) NGHT COURT HBO MOV! )VE *» Molnnlo" (1962. n»a manager Lou Albano. Whllo otlomptng to vorl vorfy tho Ju d g es. ro m o ) Buron Cummngs, Glynms O (12) NDEPENDENT NEWS S P NA L E X A M l N A T O N crodontols. hs stall ;all nadvononly / O Connor, r. ((D D LOVE THAT BOB loam s that ho haa o a c crmnal rocord. ( SHOW MOVE * * * "Octopussy" (D (0 NEW COUNTRY Guos; Moo ) B Bondy. nlllleo leenfu lu renllf nlof " (R) \ ( t Ad»o dvonluro) Rogor Mooro. Maud (Q m (Ql TENNS MAGAZNE Upl )lodoo ehtrb»lc lehatpdatarm lnall 0 ARTST AM) ATH.ET1 LETE "Tho Puraul Adams, nol nowa. prttvows ol upcomng r lan er ptebum eeutd nd lo ehlrepretto ear*. f / j 01 Pbrfectldn" Paralols los ol artstc and CtN MOVE n * > "E acope From Now "«> monts. nalructonol lps and pon loufwaylelnlredue* flw llf alh lo llc.,.o n d o av o fa a a to oxptorodyofkll(19 l9at.sconco;fclonl Kurl. ly v prollos rom the world.of tenn nlm R, owr.»l«n.n*d.lmlllllf1 aganst tho backdrop >of ho Lake Ploc Russell. AdronnoBarboau. T :M PO YOU 3U HAVt tuvjntololymplca n.l to;.6 GDtDTO c a BEANNOUNCED, HMd*.. 0 ) MY UTTLE MARGE E "Sllom Msun..CEJTOPRAh )ANKB0X1NQ<R) < ) FANTASY SLAND a. NMk 111 rpen enpeln de«n dorstandng" lh* an 12:00 9. lew «beck h* pen end leg poln lov (D N EW COUNTRY Quos uest: Moo Bondy. 10:30 (D BACHELOR FATHER 4. Pann betw een he thoulder* Uk Nu ) TENMS MAQAZD AZtNE.Up todole Q ALL N THE FAMLY Whon he (D MOVE * * "Tho Chapln R Revue 5. rjht t nmumlet due le lr e u M l now s, provlows ol upc /pcbmng lourna houso nox *.<?oor.lo 1 ho Bunkora s lor (1928. (9 Comody) Charo Chapln. 4. Hvmkntorvew nbarm«otteot m onls. nsnclohal ps anjpsrsonsr 80le,"Archl cho. ond Honry Jollorson (D OFFSTAGE Foaurod: annt ly.prolloafrom lha.world )rld.ql.tannls(r).becomo.norv orvflualor.oppo8llo.roa»on»,wll W h a t g o o d 5 s 1Q Smokoy AndTho n bou whojr QjnOhUnovftJn(D.(D Q S lo O N O R Y o ll) Bandl Part 3" ( 19B3. M\ Advonturo) Jack,0.(TB..MAa 4A3TERP1ECE THEATRE To, U. U.8.A. The former Dodger plchng lo GBOSOftrJorryRood, d. Sorvo.Thom lom.almy Doys. ThOlfat groat hosts.ths.nlormatlvo look. >k.ot.lho... D octor: can:move * * * ::::sh ar otsndjslllpo B womanon. onalhooachlngsloll Bl bat c f y o r c a n t r a f f a r d r,f o ro v o r (1952. Bloflf ography) Cllton Bomlyldo and bofrlonds ono ol ho old oxc exclusve nlorvows. (R) W obb. Dobra P a n o la orbqys.wlwllh her. (Poarl4 o l 13) (R )g HB HBO MOVE * * (>. "Nght whonovlob}.follajnlovo... (DVDEO (. DSC JOCKEYS MAMAFFO h s. 5. e r v l c e s S OROABLE!.. L 6:36 Q.CEN TEM A LllTho. r h o J C r m o r T h o O js? C, NEWS NGHTLNE (1962. s Com ody) Honry W W endohs llooco a prooc oochor out ol hs. 0.( S ) (D) (l ( t l ) TOlGHT Hos: Johnny Mlc Mchool K oaon... hom o and tako am on n a socond mark. Carson. Schodulod; Muppot character Cth CN.MOVE * * * "Monty Pylho non Lve brngng Shocll Dumaro arc (Bran Kellh) Mas Pggy, ly. Al t fho Hollywood Bowl" (1982, ( nlo a batllo o lw ls wlh Phlp Wondell CD DOCTO TOR WHO "Tho Robola 01 dy) John Cloeso. Mchaol Paln. 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