VALVES. V-Series Two-way and Three-way Globe Valve Bodies, Components and Assemblies. F e a t u r e s :

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1 VALVES V-Series Two-way and Three-way Globe Valve Bodies, Components and Assemblies F e a t u r e s : Heating and cooling applications for non-corrosive fluids Steam and hot water flow control Complete valve assemblies or components available Electric or hydraulic actuators and linkages Two-way flow and three-way mixing and diverting valves 1/2" to 6" valve sizes The high quality V-Series two - w ay and thre e - w ay globe va l ves are manu fa c t u red to exact specifications and are designed to provide years of re l i abl e s e r v i c e. The assemblies are designed for heat i n g / cooling ap p l i c ations using steam, wat e r, glycol or other non-corro s ive fl u i d s. The V-Series assemblies should not be used with combustible f l u - ids such as na t u r al gas. The V-Series pro d u c t s a re ava i l able as complete assemblies but most users purchase the bodies, actuators and linkage s s ep a r at e ly for convenient local assembly. Valve Bodies Va l ve bodies are ava i l able in the two - w ay configur ation with stem-up open (norm a l ly open) and stem-up closed (norm a l ly closed) ve r s i o n s. Th re e - w ay mixing and dive rting va l ve bodies are also ava i l abl e. Va l ve body sizes range from 1/2 inch to 6-inch pipe and 5/8" O. D. copper tube size. Va l ve b o dy styles include; screw thread, union and fl a re d in cast bro n ze, fl a n ged in cast iro n. Actuators D epending upon the ap p l i c ation, three classes of o u r a c t u ators are suitable for use with our va l ve bodies; linear stro ke hyd r a u l i c, linear stro ke electric and rotary stro ke box style actuat o r s. See the Actuat o r s section of this cat a l og for complete details. Linkage kits Most actuators re q u i re mechanical linkage kits speci f i c a l ly designed to couple them to the va l ve bodies. S everal varieties of l i n k age kits are ava i l able to mat ch the va l ve bodies to our range of a c t u ators for va r i o u s ap p l i c at i o n s. Complete assembly instructions are supplied with each kit. Complete Valve Assemblies Complete va l ve assemblies consist of a va l ve body and selected actuator coupled by a mat ching linkage kit. Usually customers order the body, actuator and l i n k age kit indiv i d u a l ly and easily assemble their ow n va l ve assembl i e s. Howeve r, among the many possibl e c o m b i n ations of b o d i e s, actuators and linkage s, there a re several standard ones that may be ord e red from the factory as completely pre - a s s e m bled va l ve assembl i e s. 3-2

2 Valve Model Code Refer to the sample va l ve model code below for the fo rm at to use when specifying model nu m b e r s. When va l ve bodies only are being specified, the C o n t rol Fo rm field will alw ays be specified as "VB" and the Actuator field will alw ays be "000". When a complete factory assembled va l ve is being specified, the Control Fo rm field will ch a n ge to one of f ive options (VA, VC, VF, VP, or VS), dep e n d i n g upon the type of c o n t rol action delive red by the selected actuat o r. The actuator and mat ching l i n k age for this Control Fo rm are then identified in the Actuator field by replacing the "000" with a p rescribed three-digit code identifier for the selected combination. This three-digit code is only used when specifying ava i l able factory assembl e d va l ve s. A description of ava i l able 3-digit codes fo r the Actuator field, wh i ch specifies factory assembled va l ves is given in the Va l ve Assembly Tabl e s b eginning on page Sample Ordering Codes for Va l v e s : Control Form Body End Fitting Actuator Pattern Valve Size Control Form Body End Fitting Pattern Valve Size Port PP Code* Valve Body V B Valve body only, no actuator Valve Assemblies VA Actuator with two position ON-OFF spring return V C Actuator with two position ON-OFF nonspring return V F Actuator with floating control non-spring return V P Actuator with proportional control and slidewire feedback V S Actuator with proportional control and analog input Tw o -Wa y Stem up open, brass trim with disc, 1/2" to 2" Stem up open, brass trim with disc, 2-1/2" to 6" Stem up closed, brass trim with disc, 1/2" to 2" Stem up open, s.s trim with disc, 1/2" to 2" Stem up closed, s.s trim with disc, 1/2" to 2" Stem up open, s.s trim, 1/2" to 2" Stem up closed, s.s trim, 1/2" to 2" T h r e e -Wa y Mixing, 1/2" to 2" Mixing, 2-1/2" to 6" Diverting, 1/2" to 2" Diverting, 2-1/2" to 6" 1 U n i o n 2 F l a r e d 3 Screwed or f l a n g e d 4 Union sweat Actuator None, valve body o n l y X X X A c t u a t o r / l i n k a g e assembly code for factory assembled u n i t s 3 A n g l e 4 S t r a i g h t a w a y 5 Globe, flanged 0 1 1/2 inch, reduced port 0 2 1/2 inch, reduced port 0 3 1/2 inch, reduced port 0 4 1/2 inch 0 5 3/4 inch, reduced port 0 6 3/4 inch inch, reduced port 08 1 inch /4 inch /2 inch 11 2 inch /2 inch 13 3 inch 14 4 inch 15 5 inch 16 6 inch * Size codes for 1/2" to 6" valve size 3-3

3 VALVES Valve Selection How to Select a Valve E a ch va l ve assembly consists of a va l ve body, an a c t u ator and a linkage kit. The instructions and t ables in this cat a l og will guide you in selecting the proper components or factory assembl i e s. 1. Determine the Application Criteria Fl ow type re q u i red t wo - w ay, equal % or modified linear t h re e - w ay, mixing or dive rt i n g Fluid type (hot wat e r, steam, glycol, etc. ) Fluid temperat u re Inlet pre s s u re re q u i re d Existing piping or tubing size 2. Determine Valve Control Form Required The Control Fo rm specifies the type of c o n t ro l action for the va l ve assembly. Th e re are six diff e r- ent control fo rm s. Fo rm VB specifies the va l ve b o dy only. Determine the desired Control Fo rm for the va l ve assembly in your ap p l i c ation from the table below. 3. Determine Required C V G e n e ral info rmation and guidance on valve sizing is presented in pages 3 35 to Sizing the valve is the most important valve selection criteria For Control Fo rm VA and VC (ON-OFF), C V value does not affect va l ve body selection. Use the largest C V ava i l- able in the desired pipe size to size the va l ve. For Control Fo rm VF, VP and VS (fl o ating and pro p o r- tional control), go to the section in this cat a l og on va l ve sizing (pages 3 35 to 3 43) to determine the C V n e e d e d for the ap p l i c ation. To determine C V, the fo l l ow i n g parameters must be identified: inlet pre s s u re fluid temperat u re fluid specific gr av i t y fluid fl ow rate in GPM (liquid).. or fluid fl ow rate in lbs./hr (steam) Valve Assembly Control Form Form Control Action Spring Actuator* Input Signal VB None None None Valve body only VA Two Position, ON-OFF Spring Return (NO/NC) RSE Dry contact, single input VC Two Position, ON-OFF Non-Spring Return RSE Dry contact, dual input VF Floating Non-Spring Return LSE Dry contact, dual input VP Proportional, slidewire feedback Spring Return (NO/NC) RSE Dry contact, dual input VP Proportional, slidewire feedback Non-Spring Return RSE Dry contact, dual input VS Proportional, analog input Spring Return RSE Analog VS Proportional, analog input Spring Return LSH Analog VS Proportional, analog input Non-Spring Return RSE, LSE Analog * L S E : linear stroke electric L S H : Linear stroke hydraulic R S E : Rotary stroke electric 3-4

4 Valve Selection 4. Select Valve Body For Control Fo rm VA or VC (ON-OFF), use the criteria identified in (1.) ab ove to select the desired va l ve b o dy. Make sure the va l ve body selected has a pre s- s u re rating suitable to the fluid pre s s u re. Specify the largest C V r ating in the desired pipe or tubing s i ze for that selected va l ve body. Remember that ON- OFF control action re q u i res an electric actuator that uses the stem-up open version of the va l ve body only. I f the selected electric actuator is a spring re t u rn t y p e, the va l ve can be configured norm a l ly open or normally closed as determined by assembly of t h e a c t u ator linkage. For Control Fo rm VF (fl o ating), only an electric a c t u ator and only the stem-up open version of t h e va l ve body that meets the ap p l i c ation criteria may be used. Make sure the va l ve body selected has a p re s s u re rating equal to or gre ater than the fl u i d p re s s u re. For the chosen va l ve body, select a va l ve s i ze (PP code) whose C V is nearest to the C V d e t e r- mined from va l ve sizing. In some cases this ch o i c e m ay re q u i re the piping size to be reduced to fit the selected va l ve. For Control Fo rm VP or VS (pro p o rtional contro l ap p l i c ations) using electric actuat o r s, you may select only the stem-up open version of the va l ve b o dy that meets the ap p l i c ation criteria (stem-up closed actuators re q u i re a hydraulic actuator). M a ke sure the va l ve body selected has a pre s s u re r ating equal to or gre ater than the fluid pre s s u re. I f the selected actuator is a spring re t u rn type, the va l ve can be configured norm a l ly open or norm a l ly closed as determined by the selection of the actuat o r. For the chosen va l ve body, select a va l ve size (PP code) whose C V is nearest to the C V d e t e rmined fro m va l ve sizing. In some cases this choice may re q u i re the piping size to be reduced to fit the selected va l ve. For Control Fo rm VS (pro p o rtional control ap p l i c a- tions) using hydraulic actuat o r s, select either the stem-up open or stem-up closed va l ve body that meets the ap p l i c ation criteria Make sure the va l ve body selected has a pre s s u re rating suitable to the fl u i d p re s s u re. For the chosen va l ve body, select a va l ve s i ze (PP code) whose C V is nearest to the C V d e t e r- mined from va l ve sizing.. Remember hydraulic a c t u ators may only be used with va l ve sizes up to 2". This choice may re q u i re the piping size to be reduced to fit the selected va l ve. 5. Select the Actuator For the chosen Control Fo rm, consult the actuat o r selection table on page 3 18 for an ove r v i ew of t h e a c t u ator types, control action, torque and trave l time to assist in determining the full actuator s p e c i f i c ation. Note that there are many models o f a c t u ators ava i l able from the company in our c at a l og, but only those with 180 of t r avel and those with ava i l able linkage kits may be used for control of our va l ve s. Control Form V A Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, two position with spring re t u rn and single contact input For an electric actuator with two-position ON-OFF c o n t rol action and spring re t u rn, select the EA12 a c t u at o r. The EA12 may be configured for norm a l ly open or norm a l ly closed operation by the selection o f the ap p ro p r i ate actuator linkage. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 22 to determine i f the EA12 actuators have enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. Check any temperat u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the t e m p e r at u re tables on page Control Form V C Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, two position with non-spring re t u rn and single contact input For an electric actuator with two-position ON-OFF c o n t rol action and non-spring re t u rn, select the EA31 actuat o r. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 23 to determine if the EA31 actuat o r s h ave enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. Check any temperat u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the temperat u re t ables on page

5 VALVES Valve Selection Control Form VF Electric Linear Actuator, floating control with non-spring re t u rn and dual contact input For fl o ating control action the MF or MF a c t u ator style must be selected. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 24 to determine if t h e s e a c t u ators have enough fo rce to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. This pre s s u re rating must be higher than the fluid inlet pre s s u re in the ap p l i c a- tion criteria. Also ch e ck any temperat u re re s t r i c- tions on use of this actuator as noted on the t e m p e r at u re tables on page Control Form VP Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, proportional control with s l i d ew i re fe e d b a ck, spring re t u rn and dual contact input. Note that floating control action can be accomplished in Control Fo rm VP if s l i d ew i re fe e d b a ck is i g n o re d. For spring re t u rn pro p o rtional control action, the b ox style Models EA42 or EA44 low torque electric a c t u ator may be used. These actuators may be configured for norm a l ly open or norm a l ly closed operation by the assembly o f the ap p ro p r i ate actuator linkage. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 22 to determine if t h e EA4x actuator has enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. This pre s s u re rating must be higher than the fluid inlet pre s s u re in the ap p l i c a- tion criteria. Also ch e ck any temperat u re re s t r i c- tions on use of this actuator as noted on the temperat u re tables on page Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, proportional control with slidew i re fe e d b a ck, non-spring re t u rn and dual contact input. For pro p o rtional control action with non-spring re t u rn, the medium torque models EA52, EA54, EA56 and EA58 and high torque EA76 electric a c t u ators with dual contact input may be used. C h e ck the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re tables on page 3 22 to 3 24 to determine if the EA5x or EA76 actuator has enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. Th i s p re s s u re rating must be higher than the fluid inlet p re s s u re in the ap p l i c ation criteria. Also ch e ck any t e m p e r at u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the temperat u re tables on pages 3 19 and Control Form VS Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, proportional control, spring return, analog input The new EAxx-A Series of b ox style actuators with i n t egral micro p rocessor based electronics are ava i l- able with analog input and sw i t ch selectable 180 s t ro ke. The EA42-A and EA44-A are low torque spring re t u rn actuators and are selected for norm a l ly open or norm a l ly closed operation. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 22 to determine if the EA42-A or EA44-A actuators have enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. Check any temperat u re re s t r i c- tions on use of this actuator as noted on the temperat u re tables on page Electric Ro t a ry Actuator, proportional control, non-spring return, analog input The new EAxx-A Series of b ox style actuators with int egral micro p rocessor based electronics are also ava i l- able in non-spring re t u rn ve r s i o n s. The EA52-A, EA54- A, EA56-A and EA58-A medium torque actuators and EA76-A high torque actuators have non-spring re t u rn action and accept analog input signals. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on pages 3 22 to 3 24 to determine if the EAxx-A actuators have enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. This pre s s u re rat i n g must be higher than the fluid inlet pre s s u re in the ap p l i c ation criteria. Also ch e ck any temperat u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the t e m p e r at u re tables on pages 3 19 and

6 Valve Selection Electric Linear Actuator, floating control with non-spring return and optional analog input. The MF non-spring re t u rn linear stro ke electric actuator with fl o ating input (Control Fo rm VF) m ay be conve rted to an analog input actuat o r ( C o n t rol Fo rm VS) by the addition of an optional a n a l og input card (MFC-420 for current or MFC-8000 for vo l t age). Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on p age 3 24 to determine if the MF actuator with analog input has enough torque to shut the va l ve against the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. This pre s s u re rating must be higher than the fluid inlet pre s s u re in the ap p l i c ation criteria. Also ch e ck any temperat u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the t e m p e r at u re tables on page Hydraulic Linear Actuator, proportional control, spring return, analog input For pro p o rtional control action the EA81 hyd r a u l i c a c t u ator accepts a 4-20mA input signal and is our most economical actuator for smaller va l ve assembl i e s. Note that the EA81 should not be used with fluid temperat u res below 40 F. Check the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re table on page 3 25 to determine if the EA81 a c t u ator has enough torque to shut the va l ve aga i n s t the expected inlet pre s s u re criteria at the va l ve size selected. This pre s s u re rating must be higher than the fluid inlet pre s s u re in the ap p l i c ation criteria. Also ch e ck any temperat u re restrictions on use of this actuator as noted on the temperat u re table on p age Options Note that options can be specified in the actuat o r model code, even though they are not listed in the A c t u ator Selection Table on page Unless noted as ava i l able factory assemblies in the Va l ve A s s e m bly Tables commencing on page 3 27, selecting a c t u ators with options re q u i res that the actuat o r, va l ve body and linkage kit be purchased as sep a r at e i t e m s. 6. Select the Linkage Kit The suitable va l ve / a c t u ator combinations are listed in detail with part numbers in the Va l ve A s s e m bly Tables beginning on page Th e s e t ables provide the part number of the mech a n i c a l l i n k age kit that couples the selected actuator to the desired va l ve body for that ap p l i c ation. The MF series, when used with 2" or smaller va l ve s, re q u i res no linkage. 7. Valve Assemblies vs Valve Components Once the va l ve body, actuator and linkage are selected, they may be ord e red in one of t wo way s. It may be ord e red fully assembled if the combination is an ava i l able factory va l ve assembly. Ava i l able fa c t o r y a s s e m blies are noted in the Va l ve Assembly Tabl e s commencing on page The part number will commence with the code that designates the Contro l Fo rm (VA, VC, VF, VP, VS). Only those entries in the column Ava i l able factory assemblies may be o rd e red as full assembl i e s. Note that the actuat o r re c e ived with this assembly must confo rm to the c o n f i g u r ation of the actuator specified for that entry. A ny other actuator configuration of options not s p e c i f i c a l ly delineated cannot be ord e red as a fa c t o- ry assembled va l ve. I f the selected assembly is not listed as an ava i l abl e factory assembly, the va l ve assembly must be o rd e red as body, actuator and linkage components and assembled locally using the complete instru c- tions provided with the linkage kit. When ord e r i n g the va l ve body, actuator and linkage sep a r at e ly, the full model numbers for these components must be specified (see the Actuators section of this cat a l og ). 8. Examples See the valve slection examples beginning on page

7 VALVES Two-Way Valve Bodies Introduction Va l ve bodies are ava i l able in two - w ay configurat i o n with stem-up open and stem-up closed configurat i o n s. Stem-up closed models are restricted to use with hydraulic actuat o r s. The linkages used with electric a c t u ators are only compat i ble with stem-up open b o d i e s. Sizes range from 1/2" to 6" pipe size or 5/8" O. D. SAE 45º copper tube. Selecting the proper va l ve body re q u i res the fo l l owing dat a : Fluid type Fluid temperat u re Po rt size (C v r at i n g ) Selecting the proper port size re q u i res the fo l l owing dat a : Inlet pre s s u re Re q u i red fl ow rate in either GPM (liquid) or lbs/hr (steam). I f the customer is using on-off c o n t rol, just select the va l ve body with the largest port size in the requested pipe size. Remember the fo l l owing ru l e when sizing the va l ve for fl o ating or pro p o rt i o n a l c o n t rol. At least one-half o f the ava i l able pre s- s u re must drop across the va l ve body when the va l ve is fully open. An ove r s i zed va l ve body will result in very nonlinear control action. It is better to have too small of a va l ve body than too l a r ge of o n e. Please refer to the section on va l ve sizing ( pages 35 43) for complete dat a. Model: VB PP Union Angle Mount Two-Way Valve The VB PP series va l ve body has a right angle fl ow pat t e rn. The inlet has a female pipe thread. The outlet has a union for easy i n s t a l l at i o n. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2 inch through 1-1/4 inch pipe size. Stem-up open is the only c o n f i g u r ation off e red. The factory assembl e d va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuators only. Fluid Type Stem-up open Stem-up closed VB PP Not available Size 1/2 to 1-1/4" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250(up to 400 psig below 150ºF) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 281ºF Maximum. differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port 3-8

8 Two-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Model: VB PP Union Straightway mount two-way valve Stem-up open VB PP Stem-up closed VB PP This series has a straight fl ow pat t e rn. The inlet has a female pipe thread. The outlet has a union for easy installation. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 1-1/4" pipe size. Model VB-7211 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7221 is configured stem-up closed Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuat o r s. Fluid Type Size 1/2 to 1-1/4" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure, seam Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution:Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1/2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port Model: VB PP Model: VB PP Flared straightaway mount two-way valve This series is designed for connection to copper tubing rather than pipe. Mounting is designed for tube with a 5/8" O. D. SAE 45 fl a re. Four C V r atings from.4 to 4.4 are ava i l abl e. Model VB-7212 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7222 is configured stem-up closed Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuat o r s. Fluid Type Stem-up open Stem-up closed VB PP VB PP Size 5/8" 0.D. SAE 45º Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution:Solder and tubing must meet or exceed working static pressure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* Copper tube (in.) 1 / 2 * * Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port ** 5/8" O.D. SAE 45º 3-9

9 VALVES Two-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount two-way valve Stem-up open VB PP Stem-up closed VB PP This is our most popular series. The va l ve body has female pipe thread at both inlet and outlet. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Model VB-7213 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7223 is configured stem-up closed VB-7213 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. VB-7223 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuators only. Fluid Type Size 1/2 to 2" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, Steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port Model: VB PP Model: VB PP Union Sweat straightaway mount two-way valve Stem-up open VB PP Stem-up closed VB PP These va l ves have unions designed to be swe ated to copper pipe. The va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" t h rough 2" pipe size. Model VB-7214 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7224 is configured stem-up closed VB-7214 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. VB-7224 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuators only. Fluid Type Size 1/2 to 2" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, Steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution:Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port 3-1 0

10 Two-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount two-way valve This is a continu ation of our popular VB-7213 series. The va l ve body has female pipe thread at both inlet and outlet. This va l ve is ava i l able in 2-1/2" and 3" pipe size. Model VB-9213 is configured stem-up open. VB-9213 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with electric actuators only. Fluid Type Stem-up open Size 2-1/2 to 3" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam VB PP Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature range 40 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, Steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) Model: VB PP Flange mount two-way valve This va l ve has a cast iron body and 125 lb pipe fl a n ge at both inlet and outlet. It is ava i l able in 2-1/2" through 6" pipe size. Model VB-9213 is configured stem-up open. VB-9213 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with electric actuators only. Fluid Type Stem-up open Size 2-1/2 to 6" Flow type Equal % Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam VB PP Cast Iron Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE Composition 125 (up to 200 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Fluid temperature 40 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam Chilled or hot water 281ºF max, Steam 35 psig max 35 psi 20 psi Caution:Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution:Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) 3-1 1

11 VALVES Two-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Fluid Type Hot water 300ºF max, Model: VB PP Steam 100 psig max Screwed NPT straightaway mount two-way valve Stem-up open VB PP These va l ves are an upgrade of our popular VB-7213 and VB-7223 series rated for higher inlet pre s s u re and fl u i d t e m p e r at u re. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Model VB-7253 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7263 is configured stem-up closed VB-7253 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. VB-7263 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuators only. Stem-up closed Size 1-1/2 to 2" Flow type Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam VB PP Modified linear Bronze Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Spring loaded TFE Teflon 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 100 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 340 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam 35 psi for normal life 35 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution:Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port Model: VB PP Fluid Type Hot water 366ºF max, Steam 150 psig max Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount two-way valve Stem-up open VB PP These va l ves are an upgrade of our popular VB-7213 and VB They have the highest rating for inlet pre s s u re and fluid temperat u re of all the va l ves we off e r. They do not have a disk and will have up to 2% closed state leakage. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Model VB-7273 is configured stem-up open. Model VB-7283 is configured stem-up closed VB-7273 factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. VB-7283 factory assembl e d va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic actuators only. Stem-up closed Size 1-1/2 to 2" Flow type Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Maximum inlet pressure for steam VB PP Modified linear Bronze Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Spring loaded TFE None 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 150 psig Fluid temperature range 20 to 400 F Maximum differential pressure for water Maximum differential pressure for steam 35 psi for normal life 50 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01* 02* 03* 04 05* 06 07* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port 3-1 2

12 Three-Way Valve Bodies Introduction Va l ve bodies are ava i l able in thre e - w ay configuration as mixing and dive rting va l ve s. Sizes range f rom 1/2" to 6" pipe size or 5/8" O. D. SAE 45º copper tube. Selecting the proper va l ve body re q u i res the fo l l owing dat a : Fluid type Fluid temperat u re Po rt size (C v r at i n g ) Selecting the proper port size re q u i res the fo l l owing dat a : Inlet pre s s u re Re q u i red fl ow rate in either GPM (liquid) or lbs/hr (steam). I f the customer is using on-off c o n t rol, just select the va l ve body with the largest port size in the requested pipe size. Remember the fo l l ow i n g rule when sizing the va l ve for pro p o rtional contro l. At least one-half o f the ava i l able pre s s u re must d rop across the va l ve body when the va l ve is fully open. An ove r s i zed va l ve body will result in ve r y nonlinear control action. It is better to have too small of a va l ve body than too large of o n e. Please refer to the section on va l ve sizing (page 35 43) fo r complete dat a. Model: VB PP Flared straightaway mount three-way mixing valve Mixing va l ves have two inlets and one outlet and are c o n f i g u red for combining two fl u i d s. This series is designed for connection to copper tubing rather than p i p e. Mounting is designed for tube with a 5/8" O. D. SAE 45 fl a re. C V r atings of 2.2 and 4.4 are ava i l abl e. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hyd r a u l i c a c t u ators only. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Mixing Size 5/8" O.D. SAE 45º Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Maximum fluid temperature 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 281ºF max 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution:Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution:Solder and tubing must meet or exceed working static pressure requirements. Valve PP code 01 02* Copper tube (in.) 1 / 2 * * Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port ** (5/8" O.D. SAE 45º) 3-1 3

13 VALVES Three-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount three-way mixing valve Mixing va l ves have two inlets and one outlet and are configu red for combining two fl u i d s. This is our most popular series of mixing va l ve s. The va l ve body has female pipe t h read at both inlets and the outlet. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. Fluid Type VB PP Flow type Mixing Size 1-1/2 to 2" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 281ºF max 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01 02* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port Model: VB PP Union sweat straightaway three-way mixing valve Mixing va l ves have two inlets and one outlet and are configu red for combining two fl u i d s. These va l ves have unions designed to be swe ated to copper pipe. These va l ves are ava i l- able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Mixing Size 1-1/2 to 2" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 281ºF max 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code 01 02* Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) * Reduced port 3-1 4

14 Three-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount three-way diverting valve D ive rting va l ves have one inlet and two outlets and are c o n f i g u red for dive rting a fluid to two diff e rent locat i o n s. The va l ve body has female pipe thread at both outlets and the inlet. These va l ves are ava i l able in 1/2" through 2" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with hydraulic and electric actuat o r s. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Diverting Size 1-1/2 to 2" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 20 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 281ºF max 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) Model: VB PP Screwed NPT straightaway mount three-way mixing valve Mixing va l ves have two inlets and one outlet and are configu red for combining two fl u i d s. This is a continu ation of our popular VB-7313 series. The va l ve body has female pipe t h read at both inlets and the outlet. These va l ves are ava i l- able in 2-1/2" and 3" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with electric a c t u ators only. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Mixing Size 2-1/2 to 3" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Bronze Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 40 to 281 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 300ºF max 250 (up to 400 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g )

15 VALVES Three-Way Valve Bodies Model: VB PP Flange mount three-way mixing valve Mixing va l ves have two inlets and one outlet and are c o n f i g u red for combining two fl u i d s. These va l ves have cast iron bodies and 125 lb pipe fl a n ges at both inlets and the outlet. They are ava i l able in 2-1/2" through 6" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with electric a c t u ators only. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Mixing Size 2-1/2 to 6" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow B to AB, closed port A Flow A to AB, closed port B Cast iron Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 40 to 300 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 300ºF max 125 (up to 200 psig below 150 F) 35 psi Caution:Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size ( C v r a t i n g ) Model: VB PP Flange mount three-way diverting valve D ive rting va l ves have one inlet and two outlets and are conf i g u red for dive rting a fluid to two diff e rent locat i o n s. Th e s e va l ves have cast iron bodies and 125 lb pipe fl a n ges at both outlets and the inlet. They are ava i l able in 2-1/2" through 6" pipe size. Factory assembled va l ves are ava i l able with electric actuators only. Fluid Type Flow type VB PP Diverting Size 2-1/2 to 6" Flow pattern stem-up Flow pattern stem-down Body Seat Stem Plug Packing Disc Static pressure rating Flow C to L, closed port U Flow C to U, closed port L Cast iron Bronze Stainless steel Brass Spring Loaded TFE None Fluid temperature range 40 to 300 F Maximum differential pressure for water Chilled or hot water 300ºF max 125 (up to 200 psig below 150 F) 35 psig Caution: Freezer protection required for fluid temperature below 32ºF (0ºC) Caution: Fittings and piping schedules must meet or exceed working static pres - sure requirements. Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Port size U" port ( C v r a t i n g ) Port size L" port ( C v r a t i n g )

16 Valve Actuators The three classes of a c t u ators that are suitable for use on our va l ves are linear stro ke hydraulic a c t u at o r s, linear stro ke electric actuators and rotary stro ke electric actuat o r s. Linear Stroke Hydraulic Actuators Linear stro ke hydraulic actuators such as the model EA81 are an excellent choice for smaller size va l ve s, up to 2 inch e s. They can be applied to either stem-up open or stem-up closed va l ve bodies. The spring loading sets the va l ve to the stem-up position. Linear Stroke Electric Actuators Linear stro ke electric actuators such as our CE ap p roved MF series mount dire c t ly on the va l ve b o dy. No linkage is re q u i red for va l ves of 2 inch or smaller size. These are fl o ating control units that stay in position when power is re m oved. The MF can be conve rted to full pro p o rtional control with the addition of a plug-in analog input board. Linear stroke hydraulic actuator Linear stroke electric actuator Rotary Stroke Box Style Actuators Rotary stro ke actuators such as our cul ap p roved EA series box style units are the most common fo rm used for va l ve s. The rotary action is conve rted to a linear s t ro ke by the linkage kit. Only actuators with a 180 s t ro ke can be used. These actuators must be coupled to a stem-up open va l ve body. Attempting to use these with stem-up closed va l ve bodies will result in phy s i- cal damage. Rotary stroke box style actuators 3-1 7

17 VALVES Valve Actuators Selection of Actuator The actuators in the selection table below may be used on va l ve assembl i e s. For details on the actuat o r s p e c i f i c at i o n s, consult the actuator section of t h i s c at a l og All actuators may be ord e red as components and assembled to the va l ve body component using the ap p ro p r i ate linkage kit component. Howeve r, a c t u ators with a three-digit Actuator code below may also be ord e red as complete va l ve assembl i e s. Th o s e a c t u ators are identified as part of an ava i l able fa c t o- ry assembly by using the (1) three digit Actuator code in place of the 000 and (2) the Control Fo rm code for an assembled va l ve in place of the VB (va l ve b o dy only) code in the complete va l ve assembly model code. In the table the Control Fo rm defines the kind of c o n t rol action the actuator will exe c u t e. Other than VB, this Control Fo rm will only ever appear in the va l ve model code in the case of complete factory va l ve a s s e m bl i e s. The table also provides important specifications to help select the correct actuator for an ap p l i c at i o n. These specifications include actuator torque (in-lb) or fo rce (lb) and travel time in sec. A c t u ators may use diff e rent linkage kits, depending on the va l ve body to wh i ch the actuator is coupled. Th e ava i l able linkage kits for a particular combination of va l ve body and actuator is defined in the Va l ve A s s e m bly Tables commencing on page ACTUATOR SELECTION TABLE ACTUATOR SPRING CONTROL ACTUATOR TORQUE IN-LB TRAVEL FORM CODE (FORCE LB) TIME (SEC) EA12 (N.O.) SR VA EA12 (N.C.) SR VA EA31 NSR VC EA31 with AV-352 (2) NSR VC EA42 SR VP (3) EA44 SR VP (3) EA52 NSR VP (3) adj. EA52-A NSR VS adj. EA54 NSR VP (3) EA54-A NSR VS EA56 NSR VP (3) EA56-A NSR VS adj. EA56 with AV-352 (2) NSR VP (3) adj. EA56-A with AV-352 (2) NSR VS adj. EA58 NSR VP (3) EA58-A NSR VS EA58 with AV-352 (2) NSR VP (3) EA58-A with AV-352 (2) NSR VS EA76 NSR VP (3) EA76-A NSR VS EA SR VS MF NSR VF 301 (210 (1) ) 120 MF NSR VF (210 (1) ) 120 MF NSR VF 303 (210 (1) ) 120 MF (w/mfc-420 or MFC-8000) NSR VS (210 (1) ) 120 MF NSR VF (210 (1) ) 120 MF (w/mfc-420 or MFC-8000) NSR VS (210 (1) ) 120 (1) Force in pounds. (2) AV-352 is a unique linkage kit. A separate actuator code is required for a factory assembly using the AV (3) VP Control Form can accomodate floating control if slidewire feedback is ignored

18 Valve Actuators Ambient Temperature Restrictions Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP VB PP VB PP 140 F 140 F VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP EA81 VB PP 103 F 281 F VB PP VB PP VB PP Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP EA F 140 F VB PP 93 F 340 F Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP EA F 140 F VB PP 88 F 366 F Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature VB PP EA F 260 F VB PP EA76-A 125 F 281 F 3-1 9

19 VALVES Valve Actuators Ambient Temperature Restrictions Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP EA12 EA31 EA42 VB PP EA42-A 136 F 260 F VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP EA44 EA44-A EA52 EA52-A EA54 VB PP EA54-A VB PP EA F 281 F VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP EA56-A EA58 EA58-A Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP VB PP EA12/EA31 EA42/EA42-A 136 F 260 F EA44/EA44-A EA52/EA52-A EA54/EA54-A EA56/EA56-A 100 F 340 F EA58/EA58-A Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP VB PP EA12, EA31 EA42/EA42-A 136 F 260 F EA44/EA44-A EA52/EA52-A EA54/EA54-A EA56/EA56-A 100 F 366 F EA58, EA58-A 3-2 0

20 Valve Actuators Ambient Temperature Restrictions Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP F VB PP VB PP MF VB PP MF VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP 125 F 281 F VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP MF F 260 F VB PP MF F Valve Bodies Actuator Ambient Max. Fluid Temperature Temperature VB PP MF F 260 F VB PP MF F 3-2 1

21 VALVES Valve Close-Off Pressure Tables E very va l ve assembly has a finite ability to cl o s e - o ff against inlet pre s s u re, the pre s s u re of the controlled fluid at the inlet of the va l ve body. The fo l l owing tables list the maximum pre s s u re at wh i ch each va l ve body actuator combinat i o n is rated. Note that these values are not the re c- ommended operating pre s s u re s. High diff e re n- tial pre s s u re across the va l ve body may result in e xc e s s ive cav i t ation of the va l ve seat, eve n though it does not exceed the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re r ating listed here. Please refer to the section on c av i t ation limitations in the va l ve sizing section o f this cat a l og, page This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ves with rotary box style a c t u ators that have 50 to 60 in-lbs o f t o r q u e. Note: The diffe re n t i a l p re s s u re across the valve wh e n closed off i s, in nearly all cases, equal to the absolute inlet pre s- s u re. The fo l l owing actuators are in this gro u p : E A 12 E A 42 E A 42 - A E A 44 E A 44 - A E A 52 E A 52 E A 54 E A 54 - A Close-off pressure rating for valves with rotary actuators rated at 50 or 60 in-lb of torque (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit AV AV-395 or AV- 329 Valve body VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP

22 Valve Close-Off Pressure Tables This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ve s with rotary box style actuators that h ave 220 in-lb of t o r q u e. Note: Th e d i f fe rential pre s s u re across the valve when closed off i s, in nearly all cases, equal to the absolute inlet pre s s u re. The fo l l owing actuators are in this gro u p E A 31 E A 56 E A 58 E A 56 - A E A 58 - A Close-off pressure rating for valves with rotary actuators rated at 220 in-lb of torque (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit AV AV-396 or AV- 330 Valve body VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ve s with rotary box style actuators that h ave 220 in-lb of torque and an AV- 352 linkage kit. Note: The diffe re n t i a l p re s s u re across the valve when cl o s e d o f f i s, in nearly all cases, is equal to the absolute inlet pre s s u re. The fo l- l owing actuators are in this gro u p E A 31 E A 56 E A 58 E A 56 - A E A 58 - A Close-off pressure rating for valves with rotary actuators rated at 220 in-lb of torque and AV-352 linkage kits (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit AV Valve body VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP

23 VALVES Valve Close-Off Pressure Tables This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ve s with actuators that have 1300 in-lb of t o r q u e. Note: The diffe rential pre s s u re a c ross the valve when closed off i s, in n e a rly all cases, equal to the ab s o l u t e inlet pre s s u re. The fo l l owing actuators are in this gro u p : E A 7 6 E A A Close-off pressure rating for valves with rotary actuators rated at 1300 in-lb of torque (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit AV- 358 Valve body VB PP VB PP This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ve s with linear stro ke actuators that have 210 lb of fo rc e. Note: The diffe re n t i a l p re s s u re across the valve when cl o s e d o f f i s, in nearly all cases, equal to the absolute inlet pre s s u re. The fo l l ow i n g a c t - u ators are in this gro u p M F M F Close-off pressure rating for valves with linear stroke actuators rated at 210 lb of force (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit none required AV- 672 Valve body VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP

24 Valve Close-Off Pressure Tables This table lists the rated maximum cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re in psig for va l ve s used with the EA81 linear stro ke hydraulic actuat o r. Note: The diffe r- ential pre s s u re across the valve when closed off i s, in nearly all c a s e s, equal to the absolute inlet p re s s u re. E A 8 1 Close-off pressure rating for valves with hydraulic actuator (psig) Valve PP code Pipe size (in.) 1 / 2 3 / / / / Linkage Kit AV- 611 Valve body VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP VB PP

25 VALVES Linkage Kits Most Actuators re q u i re linkage kits to couple them to the va l ve bodies. This is part i c u l a rly true of the box style actuat o r s. Selecting the proper linkage kit is critical to ensure proper operation. Physical damage to the va l ve may occur with the wrong linkage. All l i n k age kits are mounted in any upright position with the actuator ab ove the centerline of the va l ve body. AV-39X Series The AV die cast aluminum linkage with indication is intended for actuat o r s with 50 to 60 in-lb of ava i l able torque. Use it with EA12, E A 4 2 / E A A, E A 4 4 / E A A, EA52/EA52-A, and EA54/EA54-A on va l ve bodies of 2" or s m a l l e r. The AV-395 will mount these actuators to 2-1/2" through 4" va l ve s. Th e AV is intended for use with actuators with 220- in-lb of ava i l able torque. It can be used with models EA31, EA56/EA56-A and EA58/EA58-A on va l ve bodies of 2" or smaller. The model AV-396 will mount these actuators to 2-1/2" through 4" va l ve s. All AV- 3 9 X l i n k ages may be field assembled for NO or NC operation by setting cams. AV-352 The AV-352 is a unique linkage for gear train actuators that provides a mechanical adva n t age to more than double the cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re rating of s o m e va l ve assembl i e s. It can be used with 220 in-lb actuators to double cl o s e - o ff p re s s u re rating for 2-1/2" through 4" va l ve bodies and at rat e d p re s s u re for 5" and 6" va l ve b o d i e s. Use it with the EA31, EA56/ EA56-A, and EA58/ EA58-A actuat o r s. AV-358 The AV-358 linkage for electric a c t u ators is for use with the EA76/EA76-A actuators on 5" and 6" va l ve bodies. AV-611 The AV-611 linkage may be used to couple the EA81 hydraulic actuator to 1/2" t h rough 1-1/4" va l ve bodies. When using the AV in steam ap p l i c ations only, mount the actuator ab ove the va l ve body at 45 from ve rtical. In hot wat e r ap p l i c at i o n s, mount the a c t u ator ab ove the cent e rline of the va l ve body AV-672 The AV-672 linkage couples the MF series of e l e c- tric actuators to 2-1/2" t h rough 4 va l ve bodies. AV-329 and AV-330 The AV-329 linkage kit is used to couple in-lb actuators (EA12, EA42/42A, EA44/44A, EA52/52A, EA54/54A) and the AV-330 is used to couple 220 in-lb actuators (EA31. EA56/56A, EA58/58A) to 2-1/2 and 3 d ive rting va l ve s

26 Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VA, Two Position with Spring Return, Rotary Stroke Electric Actuator Available Factory Assembly Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Valve Type Valve Body A c t u a t o r Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3 Way, mix VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3 Way, mix VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA12 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VA PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-395 VA PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-395 VA PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA12 AV-395 AV-395 VA PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA12 AV-395 AV-395 VA PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA12 AV-395 VA PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA12 AV-395 AV-395 VA PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA12 AV-329 * Full part number for AV-391 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies: Available Factory Assembly EA12 s with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here - Refer to the Actuators section of this catalog for available options. EA12 s with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Control Form VC, Two Position without Spring Return, Rotary Stroke Electric Actuator Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA31 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-396 VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-352 AV-352 AV-352 VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-396 AV-396 VC PP 2 Way VB XX EA31 AV-352 AV-352 AV-352 VC PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-396 VC PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-396 AV-396 VC PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA31 AV-352 AV-352 AV-352 VC PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA31 AV-330 AV-330 AV-352 * Full part number for AV-393 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies EA31 s with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here - Refer to the Actuators section of this catalog for available options. EA31 s with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

27 VALVES Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VF, Floating Control, Non-Spring Return, Linear Stroke Electric Actuator Available Factory Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Assembly Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 3 Wa y, diverting VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF AV-672 VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF AV-672 AV-672 VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF AV-672 VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF AV-672 AV Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 2 Way VB XX MF NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR NLR VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 3 Wa y, diverting VB XX MF NLR* NLR* NLR* NLR* VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF AV-672 VF PP 2 Way VB XX MF AV-672 AV-672 VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF AV-672 VF PP 3 Way, mixing VB XX MF AV-672 AV-672 * NLR - No linkage required Additional Assemblies MF or MF may be used with the valve bodies or assemblies listed here. MF or MF can be converted to analog input proportional control with an optional plug-in circuit board - See Control Form VS. MF Series with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

28 Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VP, Proportional Control with Slidewire Feedback, Rotary Stroke Actuators Section 1, valves with spring return actuators Available Factory Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Assembly Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way, NC VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3 W, mix, SD VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* 3 W, mix, SU VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 3 W, mix, SD VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 3 W, mix, SU VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3 W, mix, SD VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3 W, mix, SU VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 3 W, div, SD VB XX EA42 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 3 W, div, SU VB XX EA44 AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* VP PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-395 VP PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-395 VP PP 2 Way, NC VB XX EA42 AV-395 AV-395 VP PP 2 Way, NO VB XX EA44 AV-395 AV-395 VP PP 3 W, mix, SD VB XX EA42 AV-395 VP PP 3 W, mix, SU VB XX EA44 AV-395 VP PP 3 W, mix, SD VB XX EA42 AV-395 AV-395 VP PP 3 W, mix, SU VB XX EA44 AV-395 AV-395 VP PP 3 W, div, SD VB XX EA42 AV-329 VP PP 3 W, div, SU VB XX EA44 AV-329 * Full part number for AV-391 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies: EA42'sand EA44's with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here - Refer to the Actuators section of this catalog for available options. EA42's and EA44's with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

29 VALVES Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VP, Proportional Control with Slidewire Feedback, Rotary Stroke Actuators Section 2, valves without spring return actuators Available Factory Assembly Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV-3911 AV-3911 AV-3911 AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV-3911 AV-3911 AV-3911 AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52 AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52 AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA52 AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52 AV Way VB XX EA52 AV-395 AV Way, mix VB XX EA52 AV Way, mix VB XX EA52 AV-395 AV Way, div VB XX EA52 AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54 AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA54 AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54 AV Way VB XX EA54 AV-395 AV Way, mix VB XX EA54 AV Way, mix VB XX EA54 AV-395 AV Way, div VB XX EA54 AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA56 AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56 AV Way VB XX EA56 AV-396 AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV-396 AV Way, mix VB XX EA56 AV-352 AV-352 AV Way, div VB XX EA56 AV-330 AV-352 AV Continued on next page Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

30 Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VP, Proportional Control with Slidewire Feedback, Rotary Stroke Actuators Section 2, valves without spring return actuators Available Factory Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Assembly Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58 AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* AV-393* VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV AV VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA58 AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV AV AV AV VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV AV AV AV VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV-352 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA58 AV-352 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA AV-396 AV-396 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA58 AV-352 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA58 AV-330 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV-330 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV-330 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 3 Way, div VB XX EA AV-330 AV-352 AV-352 VP PP 2 Way VB XX EA76 AV-358 VP PP 3 Way, mix VB XX EA76 AV Full part number for AV-391 must be ordered as AV , 2. Full part number for AV-393 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies EA5x or EA76 with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here Refer to the Actuator Section of this catalog for available options. EA5x or EA76 with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

31 VALVES Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VS, Proportional Control with Analog Input, Rotary and Linear Stroke Actuators Section 1-2-way valves with spring return actuators, NO and NC Section 1-3-way valves with spring return actuators, mixing and diverting, stem-up and stem-down Available Factory Assembly Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Valve Type Valve Body Actuator W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 W- NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2 W- NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W- NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W- NO VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix,sd VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix,su VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W mix, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W div, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 3W div, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* AV-391* 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-395 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-395 2W - NO VB XX EA44-A AV-395 AV-395 2W - NC VB XX EA42-A AV-395 AV-395 3W mix, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-395 3W mix, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-395 3W mix, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-395 AV-395 3W mix, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-395 AV-395 3W mix, SD VB XX EA42-A AV-329 3W mix, SU VB XX EA44-A AV-329 VS PP 2W NO VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 2W NC VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 2W NO VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 2W NC VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 2W NO VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 2W NC VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 3W, mix VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 VS PP 3W, div VB XX EA81 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 AV-611 * Full part number for AV-391 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies EA42-A, EA44-A and EA81 with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here. Refer to the Actuator Section of this catalog for available options. EA42-A, EA44-A or EA-81 with options are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

32 Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VS, Proportional Control with Slidewire Feedback, Rotary Stroke Actuators Section 2 - valves with non-spring return actuators Available Factory Assembly Linkage Kit for Port Size PP = Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52-A AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA52-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV Way VB XX EA52-A AV-395 AV Way, mix VB XX EA52-A AV Way, mix VB XX EA52-A AV-395 AV Way, div VB XX EA52-A AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54-A AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA54-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV Way VB XX EA54-A AV-395 AV Way, mix VB XX EA54-A AV Way, mix VB XX EA54-A AV-395 AV Way, div VB XX EA54-A AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA56-A AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV Continued on next page 3-3 3

33 VALVES Valve Assembly Tables Control Form VS, Proportional Control with Analog Input, Rotary Stroke Actuators Section 2 - valves with non-spring return actuators (Continued...) Available Factory Assembly Valve Type Valve Body Actuator Way, mix VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA56-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV Way VB XX EA56-A AV-396 AV Way, mix VB XX EA56-A AV Way, mix VB XX EA56-A AV-396 AV Way, div VB XX EA56-A AV-330 AV-352 AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV Way, div VB XX EA58-A AV AV AV AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV-396 AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV Way VB XX EA58-A AV-352 AV-352 AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV-396 AV Way, mix VB XX EA58-A AV-352 AV-352 AV Way, div VB XX EA58-A AV-330 AV-352 AV Way, mix VB XX EA76-A AV Full part number for AV-391 must be ordered as AV Full part number for AV-393 must be ordered as AV Additional Assemblies EA5x with any available option may be used on the valve bodies or valve assemblies listed here Refer to the Actuator Section of this catalog for available options. EA5x s with options, however, are not available as factory assemblies unless specifically delineated above. Color Codes Blue: Ava i l able as components for field assembly and ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Black: Ava i l able as components for field assembly but not ava i l able as factory assembl i e s, Red: Ava i l able as components for field assembly, but not re c o m m e n d e d

34 Valve General Information Flow Curves Fl ow curves shown below are rep re s e n t at ive of a l l s i ze s. All va l ve plugs have lower gain when nearly closed to enhance control at low demand. Mixing and dive rt i n g va l ves are nominally linear. Sep a r ate curves shown fo r A or B ports are not dire c t ly additive. Total fl ow with both ports contributing is rated C V. T wo - w ay va l ves with brass trim are nominally equal p e rc e n t age in the composition disc types and norm a l ly used for water and low pre s s u re steam. T wo - w ay va l ves with stainless trim are nominally linear in the TFE and metal-to-metal disc types, and norm a l ly used for higher temperat u re water and steam. Rangeability R a n ge ability is defined as the ratio of r ated to minimum contro l l able fl ow. For mixing and dive rting va l ve s, control beg i n s as soon as plug displacement allows fl ow. Th u s, t h re e - w ay va l ve range ability norm a l ly exc e e d s 500:1, wh i ch is the re c i p rocal of 0.2% nominal l e a k age. For two - w ay va l ve s, modulation occurs wh e n plug displacement allows fl ow through the are a b e t ween the plug and the port. The range ab i l i t y value is ach i eved by accurat e ly machining the plug and port diameters for ap p ro p r i ate cl e a r- a n c e. The fo l l owing are normal va l u e s, with 25% t o l e r a n c e s. TABLE 8. Two-way Valve Rangeability. Nominal Size Port Code (P) Nominal Ratio Standard Metric 1/2 15 mm 01 05: : : :1 3/4 20 mm 05 50: : mm 07 60: :1 1-1/4 32 mm 09 75:1 1-1/2 40 mm 10 75: mm 11 75:1 2-1/2 65 mm 12 75: mm 13 75: : : :

35 VALVES Guidelines Valve Packing Life Va l ve packings are designed to provide many years of useful life befo re they must be rep l a c e d. The actual life, under the standard specified cond i t i o n s, will vary depending on the fre q u e n cy of va l ve cycle and the condition of the fluid cont rolled. The more fre q u e n t ly the va l ve is cycl e d and the more contaminated the fluid is with dirt and harsh ch e m i c a l s, the shorter the life of t h e p a ck i n g Water System Guidelines All heating and cooling systems are suscep t i ble to va l ve and system pro blems caused by impro p e r w ater tre atment and system storage pro bl e m s. These guidelines are provided to help avoid va l ve and water system pro blems from impro p e rly t re ated water or storage pro c e d u res in cooling and hot water systems in cooling and hot wat e r s y s t e m s, and to obtain maximum life from the va l ve s. While all cooling and heating systems are s u s c ep t i ble to pro bl e m s, closed chilled water syst e m s, including those containing brine or glyc o l, a re especially prone to system and va l ve pro b- l e m s. The best way to avoid pro blems is to fo l l ow the advice of a professional water tre atment and c o n t rol specialist. Leak Preve n t i o n. D u r ability of va l ve stems and packing is dependent on maintaining nond a m aging water conditions. Inadequate wat e r t re atment or filtration, not in accordance with the re c o m m e n d ations of a qualified water tre atment specialist or the ASHRAE handbook, can result in corrosion, scaling, or ab r a s ive part i cl e fo rm ation. Scale and corrosion products can m i gr ate from pipe walls to control va l ve s, re s u l t- ing in stem and packing scrat ch e s, and can a dve r s e ly affect packing life and other parts of the hyd ronic system. This condition can be avoided by the use of p roper cleaning, tre at m e n t ch e m i c a l s, and storage pro c e d u re s. To maintain non-damaging conditions, the system should be cleaned prior to start - u p. Filtration equipment should be used wh e re needed, and reg u l a rly s cheduled program of w ater condition monitoring and/or tre atment should be fo l l owe d. C o n t rol va l ve operation should be stable and not hunt at any time. Exc e s s ive stroking of the va l ve stem due to improper system setup can result in prem at u re we a r. C l e a n i n g. N ew systems usually contain dirt, solder flux, and weld and pipe scale. Th o rough fl u s h i n g with a 1% to 2% solution of trisodium phosphat e and rinsing is re c o m m e n d e d. Wet Storage. I f the system is stored wet, it should be completely filled with pro p e rly tre ated water and i s o l ated to avoid slow leaks wh i ch can contribute to serious corrosion pro bl e m s. Dry Storage. If drained, the system should be air dried, sealed, and tre ated with a desiccant to preve n t atmospheric corrosion of pipes a major source of pipe scale. Pipe scale is dried rust wh i ch will slough o ff the pipe walls as ab r a s ive part i cles and migr at e t h rough the system. S t rainers and Filters. Many closed systems have s l ow leaks or seep age, resulting in water loss without part i c u l ate re m oval. Consequently, part i c u l at e solids often build up in those systems, resulting in d ep o s i t s. In open systems like cooling towe r s, part i c- u l ate solid build-up is not as common because cont i nuous bl owd own is used to re m ove solids from the s y s t e m. Side stream filtration is often needed in closed systems because there is no regular bl owd own to re m ove pipe scale, sand, grit, and other ab r a s ive or s t i cky part i c u l ate mat t e r. Abrasive part i cles must not be allowed to circ u l ate through the system. To determine whether a filtration system is re q u i red, perfo rm a visual inspection of the wat e r. Flush a line with turbulence to assure that a rep re

36 Guidelines s e n t at ive water sample is collected and observe the t u r b i d i t y. Let the water settle for five minutes and inspect for part i c u l ate that has dropped out. I f chip scale and part i c u l ate are found in circ u l a- tion, install some type of f i l t r ation device such as a Y strainer, a cart r i d ge filter, and automatic backwashing side stream sand filter, or a chemical pot feeder packed with ch e e s e cloth that can be rep l a c e d p e r i o d i c a l ly. Backwashing sand filters (sized at 1% to 3% of system circ u l ation rate) are often a good choice because they are simple, inexpensive, and e ff e c t ive. Lines carrying water to and from the filtration system should be sized for high fl ow rates to make s u re the part i c u l ate matter is carried into the filtration system. F i l t r ation is often necessary when chemical tre atment is started in a system wh i ch has not prev i o u s- ly been ch e m i c a l ly tre ated. The tre atment often disl o d ges old deposits wh i ch then migr ate to heat e xch a n gers and va l ves unless re m oved by filtrat i o n. B e fo re installing a sophisticated filtration system, m a ke sure strainer baskets are emptied reg u l a rly. Also make sure the baskets have not been perm a- n e n t ly re m oved a common practice when they fill up quick ly and too much wo rk is re q u i red to ke ep them cl e a n. B e fo re installing filters or strainers in systems containing glycol, consult the glycol vendor for pro p e r t y p e. Chemical Water Tr e atment. I f the make - u p w ater hardness is gre ater than 300 ppm as calcium c a r b o n at e, the water should be softened or a tre atment should be used that contains a polymeric dispersant material wh i ch fo rms a soft sludge instead o f a l l owing the fo rm ation of h a rd scales. M a ke-up water iron should be less than 1.0 ppm. M a n ganese should be less than ppm (0.05 ppm if the system has significant leakage). If not, an iro n / m a n ganese re m oval system or a n ew water source should be used. Water tre atment control addresses four pro bl e m a reas: corrosion, scale, deposition, and bacteria. For control, a nitrite or moly b d ate based progr a m is typically used in conjunction with testing and m o n i t o r i n g. The corrosion control program most commonly used is 600 to 1220 ppm sodium nitrite or 100 to 300 ppm moly b d at e, at a ph of 9.5 to Incl u d e a copper corrosion inhibitor such as To ly t r i a z o l ( T TA) or Benzotriazole (BZT) since uncontro l l e d copper corrosion can lead to corrosion of s t e e l. Note The addition of g lycol, especially automot ive antifre eze, does not assure corrosion pro t e c- tion. Refer to the manu fa c t u re r s literat u re fo r specific re q u i re m e n t s, including concentrat i o n s and materials of c o n s t ru c t i o n. C o n t rol of bacteria is important because bacteria can break down the nitrites. The level of b a c t e r i a should be kept at less than 10,000 CFUs (colony fo rming units) per ml of w at e r. Fo l l ow your supp l i e r s instructions for bacterial contro l. O p e r ate your chemical tre atment program within the guidelines set by your water tre atment supplie r. Monitor results monthly, sw i t ching to we e k ly i f p ro blem resolution is necessary. Control Loop Operat i o n. Va l ves should not be ove r s i zed. Set the control system operating parameters so that hunting does not occur, even at light load conditions such as Fall, Spring, and m o rning operation. Va l ves wh i ch cycle often or c o n t i nu o u s ly re q u i re a preve n t ive maintenance p rogram to replace wo rn part s

37 VALVES Valve Sizing Information For Water GENERAL INFORMATION REQUIRED 1. Fluid contro l l e d : Chilled wat e r, hot wat e r, or steam. 2. Te m p e r at u re limitat i o n s : Fluid, maximum, and minimum. Ambient for actuat o r. 3. P re s s u re : S t at i c. C l o s e - o ff - Fully cl o s e d. D i ff e rential - Pre s s u re drop across the va l ve in the fully open position. 4. End fitting: Union end. Globe screwe d. Fl a re d. Fl a n ge d. Fl a n ge l e s s. 5. For re t u rn to a known position (i.e., norm a l ly open or norm a l ly closed): Specify spring re t u rn actuat o r. 6. Dimensional dat a. 7. C V ( fl ow coefficient) re q u i rement is calculated f rom fl ow rate and diff e rential pre s s u re. Refer to fo rmulas and tabl e s. For additional sizing and selection back ground info r- m ation, contact the fa c t o r y : RECOMMENDED PRESSURE DROPS FOR WAT E R Refer to specific va l ve data in this cat a l og for maximum allow able pre s s u re drops and cl o s e - o ff r at i n g s. A. Two-Position Valves T wo-position va l ves are norm a l ly selected line size to ke ep pre s s u re drop at a minimum. The diff e re n t i a l p re s s u re in psi should be no more than 10% of ava i l- able inlet pre s s u re in psia. B. Proportional Two-Way Valves These are usually selected to take a pre s s u re dro p equal to at least 50% of the ava i l able pre s s u re ( i. e., the pump pre s s u re diff e rential ava i l able betwe e n s u p p ly and re t u rn mains with design fl ow at the va l ve l o c ation). As ava i l able pre s s u re is often difficult to c a l c u l at e, the normal pro c e d u re is to select the va l ve using a pre s s u re drop at least equal to the drop in the coil or other load being controlled (exc ept wh e re small booster pumps are used), but never less than 5 psi (34 k Pa ). When design temperat u re drop is less than 60ºF (33ºC) for conventional heating systems, higher pre s s u re d rops across the va l ve are needed for good contro l re s u l t s. Refer to the fo l l owing tabl e. Conventional Heating Systems Design Temp. Drop Recom. Pressure Drop a Multiplier on ºF (ºC) (% of Available Pressure) Load Drop 60 (33) or more 50% 1 x load drop 40 (22) 66% 2 x load drop 20 (11) 75% 3 x load drop a Recommended minimum pressure drop - 5 psi (34 kpa). Secondary Circuits with Small Booster Pumps 50% of Ava i l able Pre s s u re Diff e rence (Equal to drop t h rough load, or 50% of booster pump head) C. Proportional Three-Way Valves Recommended Pre s s u re Drop - Bypass Ap p l i c at i o n : 50% of ava i l able pre s s u re, or equal to pre s s u re d rop through the load at full fl ow. Th re e - w ay va l ves in the re t u rn used to control heat output by throttling water fl ow to the load (by p a s s ap p l i c ations) are controlling output in the same manner as throttling two - w ay va l ve s, and must be selected using the same high pre s s u re drops if good contro l results are to be obtained. Recommended Pre s s u re Drop - Constant Fl ow Ap p l i c ations: 20% of ava i l able pre s s u re, or equal to 1/4 of the pre s s u re drop through the load at full fl ow. Th re e - w ay va l ves used with individual pumps to c o n t rol heat output by varying water temperat u re to the load (constant fl ow ap p l i c ations) are controlling output by mixing two water sources at diff e rent t e m p e r at u re s, and do not re q u i re high pre s s u re d rops for good control re s u l t s

38 Valve Sizing Information For Water In most cases the re q u i red C V falls between two va l ve s i ze s. If the pre s s u re drop of the smaller is accep t- able for the ap p l i c ation, select the smaller va l ve. CAVITATION LIMITATIONS ON VALVE PRES- SURE DROP A va l ve selected with too high a pre s s u re drop can cause erosion of discs and/or wire drawing of t h e s e at. In addition, cav i t ation can cause noise, damage to the va l ve trim (and possibly the body) and ch o ke the fl ow through the va l ve. Do not exceed the maximum diff e rential pre s s u re ( p re s s u re drop) for the va l ve selected. The fo l l owing fo rmula can be used on higher temperat u re water systems, wh e re cav i t ation could be a p ro blem, to estimate the maximum allow able pre s- s u re drop across the va l ve : Pm = 0.5 (P1 - Pv) Pm = Maximum allow able pre s s u re dro p P1 = Absolute inlet pre s s u re (psia) Pv = Absolute vapor pre s s u re (refer to Vapor P re s s u re of Water Table or Steam Tabl e ) Note: Add 14.7 psi to ga u ge supply pre s s u re to obtain absolute pre s s u re va l u e. For example, if a va l ve is controlling 200ºF water at an inlet pre s s u re of 18 psig, the maximum pre s s u re d rop allow able would be: Pm = 0.5 [( ) ] = 10.6 psi ( Vapor pre s s u re of 200ºF water is psi) I f the pre s s u re drop for this va l ve is less than 10.6 psi, cav i t ation should not be a pro bl e m. Systems wh e re cav i t ation is shown to be a pro bl e m can sometimes be redesigned to provide lower inlet ve l o c i t i e s. Va l ves having harder seat materials should be furnished if inlet velocities cannot be lowe re d. C V (FLOW COEFFICIENT) DETERMINATION The Water Va l ve Sizing Table or Slide Rule (refer to the fo l l owing page) is based on the fo l l owing fo rm u l a: C V = GMP or C V = GMP specific gr av i t y P P W h e re: C V = Coefficient of fl ow C V is defined as the fl ow in GPM with P = 1 psi GPM = US gallons per minute (60ºF, 15.6ºC) P = Diff e rential pre s s u re in psi (pre s s u re dro p ) Other fo rms of this fo rmula are : P= (GPM/C V ) 2 G M P = C V P a n d These fo rmulas can be used to calculate one of the three quantities if the other two are know n. Fl ow coefficients (C V s) for va l ve bodies are given on va l ve specification pages of this cat a l og. Metric (SI) Units K V S is defined as the fl ow in m 3 /h with P = 100 kpa (1.0 Bar) with the va l ve completely open. Fl ow is calculated using the fo l l owing fo rm u l a : m 3 /h = K VS P W h e re : P = Diff e rential pre s s u re (pre s s u re drop) in Bar (1 Bar = 100 kpa ) m 3 /h = Cubic meters/hour (15.6 C) P re s s u re drop is calculated using the fo l l owing fo rm o f the ab ove fo rm u l a : P= (m 3 / h ) 2 (K V S ) 2 These fo rmulas can be used to calculate one of t h e t h ree quantities if the other two are know n. Vapor Pressure of Water Table. Water Vapor Water Vapor Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure ºF psig ºF psig

39 VALVES Valve Sizing Information For Water WATER VALVE SIZING TABLES C v a WATER CAPACITY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE Differential Pressure (psi) P Note: This table is based on water at 60ºF (16ºC) 3-4 0

40 Valve Sizing Information For Steam RECOMMENDED PRESSURE DROPS FOR STEAM Refer to specific va l ve data in this cat a l og for maximum allow able drops and cl o s e - o ff r at i n g s. A. Two Position Zone Valves and Direct Radiator Valves Use a minimum of 10% of inlet pre s s u re (psig). B.Proportional Control Valves Other fo rms of the fo rmula are : Q = 3C V P x P 2 K P = ( QK )2 x 1 3 C V P 2 P 2 = ( QK )2 x 1 3 C V P 2 L ow pre s s u re (15 psig or less): of 80% of ga u ge inlet p re s s u re. When C V re q u i red is between two va l ve sizes and closer to the smaller va l ve size, re - s i ze for C V u s i n g 42% of the absolute inlet pre s s u re as pre s s u re dro p. Use the va l ve that is larger than the calculated C V. For steam pre s s u res gre ater than 15 psig: 42% of the absolute inlet pre s s u re. When C V re q u i red is between two va l ve size s, select the larger size. Note: K norm a l ly is 1 (K = 1 for sat u r ated steam). These fo rmulas can be used to calculate one of the quantities if the others are know. Fl ow coefficients (C V s) for specific va l ve bodies a re given on specification pages of this cat a l og. Note: Do not size steam va l ves on higher system p re s s u res using a pre s s u re drop gre ater than 42% o f the absolute inlet pre s s u re. C V (FLOW COEFFICIENT) DETERMINATION The Steam Capacity Tables or Slide Rule (refer to this and the fo l l owing two pages) is based on the fo l l owing fo rm u l a : C V = QK 3 P x P 2 W h e re: C V = Coefficient of fl ow Q = Lbs per hour of s t e a m P = Diff e rential pre s s u re in psi ( p re s s u re dro p ) P 2 = Outlet pre s s u re in psia (ab s o l u t e ) psig = psia (ab s o l u t e ) K = 1 + ( x ºF super- h e at ) Note: K norm a l ly is 1 (K = 1 for sat u r ated steam)

41 VALVES Valve Sizing For Steam STEAM CAPACITY IN POUNDS PER HOUR Note: Table is based on saturated steam. Inlet Pressure 2 psig 5 psig 10 psig 15 psig 20 psig 25 psig 40 psig 50 psig 75 psig 100 psig P* (psi) 0.2 (1) 1.6 (2) 0.5 (1) 4 (2) 1 (1) 8 (2) 1.5 (1) 12 (2) 2 (1) 14 (2) 2.5 (1) 16 (2) 4 (1) 23 (2) 5 (1) 27 (2) 7.5 (1) 37 (2) 10 (1) 48 (2) Cv (1) For two-position control (2) For proportional or floating control * P = pressure drop across the valve in psi Continued on next page

42 Valve Sizing For Steam STEAM CAPACITY IN POUNDS PER HOUR Note: Table is based on saturated steam. (Continued from previous page) Inlet Pressure 2 psig 5 psig 10 psig 15 psig 20 psig 25 psig 40 psig 50 psig 75 psig 100 psig P* (psi) 0.2 (1) 1.6 (2) 0.5 (1) 4 (2) 1 (1) 8 (2) 1.5 (1) 12 (2) 2 (1) 14 (2) 2.5 (1) 16 (2) 4 (1) 23 (2) 5 (1) 27 (2) 7.5 (1) 37 (2) 10 (1) 48 (2) Cv (1) For two-position control (2) For proportional or floating control * P = pressure drop across the valve in psi 3-4 3

43 VALVES Valve Sizing and Dimensions Valve Assembly Dimensional Drawings in Inches(mm) VA LVE BODY DIMENSIONS INCHES (MM) A C T U ATOR TYPE AND DIMENSION IN INCHES (MM) E A 81 E A 12 EA31, EA40/40A, E A 50 / 50 A E A 76 / 76 A M F X X S e r i e s Size " A B C D E F i g. E F i g. E F i g. E F i g. E F i g. 1 / 2 3-1/2 (89) 2-5/8 (67) 1-5/8 (41) 9-9/16 (243) V B / /16 (97) 2-3/4 (70) 1-3/4 (44) 9-3/4 (248) /4 (108) 3-1/8 (79) 2 (51) 10-1/4 (260) 1-1 / 4 4-3/8 (111) 3-3/8 (86) 2-1/8 (54) 10-9/16 (268) 1 / 2 4-1/4 (108) 2-3/4 (70) 1-1/16 (27) 9-15/16 (252) V B / 4 4-3/4 (121) 2-15/16 (75) 1-1/16 (27) 9-15/16 (252) /8 (156) 3-13/16 (97) 1-3/4 (44) 10-5/8 (270) 1-1 / 4 6-3/8 (162) 4-1/16 (103) 1-3/8 (35) 10-5/8 (270) V B / 8 4 (102) 1-1/16 (37) 9-15/16 (252) 3 1 / 2 4-1/4 (108) 2-3/4 (70) 1-1/16 (27) 9-15/16 (252) V B / 4 43/4 (121) 2-15/16 (75) 1-1/16 (27) 9-15/16 (252) /8 (156) 3-13/16 (97) 1-3/4 (44) 10-5/8 (270) 1-1 / 4 6-3/8 (162) 4-1/16 (103) 1-3/8 (35) 10-5/8 (270) V B / 8 4 (102) 1-3/16 (30) 9-15/16 (252) 3 1 / /16 (106) 1-1/16 (27) 8-3/4 (222) 12-13/16 (325) 13-1/2 (343) 7-1/8 (181) V B / 4 3-5/8 (92) 5-7/16 (138) 1-1/16 (27) 8-3/4 (222) 12-13/16 (325) 13-1/2 (343) 7-1/8 (181) V B /8 (117) 6-5/8 (168) 1-1/8 (29) 10-5/8 (270) /2 (343) /16 (360) /16 (198) 26 V B /4 4-5/8 (117) 6-13/16 (173) 1-3/8 (35) 10-5/8 (270) 13-1/2 (343) 14-13/16 (376) 7-13/16 (198) V B / 2 5-3/8 (137) 8-5/16 (211) 1-1/2 (38) 10-11/16 (271) 13-9/16 (344) 14-1/4 (362) 7-7/8 (200) 2 6-1/8 (156) 9-3/16 (233) 1-9/16 (40) 10-15/16 (278) 13-13/16 (351) 14-1/2 (368) 8-1/8 (206) 1 / 2 3 (76) 4-3/16 (106) 1-1/4 (32) 8-3/4 (222) V B / 4 3-5/8 (92) 5-7/16 (138) 1-1/4 (32) 8-3/4 (222) V B /8 (117) 6-5/8 (168) 1-3/4 (44) 10 (254) 4 V B / 4 4-5/8 (117) 6-13/16 (173) 1-3/4 (44) 10-1/4 (260) V B / 2 5-3/8 (137) 8-5/16 (211) 1-13/16 (46) 10-3/8 (264) 2 6-1/8 (156) 9-3/16 (233) 2-1/16 (52) 10-7/16 (265) V B / 8 4 (102) 7/16 (37) 7-13/16 (198) 5 1 / 2 3 (76) 4-3/16 (106) 1-3/8 (35) 2-5/16 (59) 9-15/16 (252) 12-13/16 (325) 13-9/16 (344) 11-1/4 (286) 3 / 4 3-5/8 (92) 5-7/16 (138) 1-11/16 (43) 2-5/8 (67) 9-15/16 (252) 12-13/16 (325) 13-9/16 (344) 11-1/4 (286) V B /8 (117) 6-5/8 (168) 1-9/16 (40) 3-1/8 (79) 10 (254) /8 (327) /8 (346) /16 (287) 27 V B / 4 4-5/8 (117) 6-13/16 (173) 1-5/8 (41) 3-7/16 (87) 10-1/4 (260) 13-1/8 (333) 13-7/8 (352) 11-9/16 (294) V B / 2 5-3/8 (137) 8-5/16 (211) 1-9/16 (40) 3-3/4 (95) 10-3/8 (264) 13-1/4 (337) 14 (356) 11-11/16 (297) 2 61/8 (156) 9-3/16 (233) 1-7/8 (48) 4-3/16 (106) 10-7/16 (265) 13-5/16 (338) 14-1/16 (357) 11-3/4 (298) V B / 2 8-1/2 (216) 3-3/4 (95) 15-15/16 (405) /8 (422) 15 / 10-3/8 (264) /2 (241) 4 (102) 16-3/8 (416) 17-1/8 (435) * /16 (275) 2-1 / 2 8-1/2 (216) 3-1/2 (89) 15-1/8 (384) 15-13/16 (402) 9-9/16 (243) 3 9-1/2 (241) 3-3/4 (95) 16-5/8 (422) 17-5/16 (440) 11-1/16 (281) 29 V B /2 (292) 4-1/2 (114) 17-1/2 (445) /16 (462) 17 / 3-3/4 (349) *with AV (330) 5 (127) 18-5/8 (473) 9-1/4 (489) * /8 (613) (356) 5-1/2 (140) 19-5/16 (491) 20 (508) 251/8 (638) V B / 2 8-1/2 (216) 4-5/8 (117) 15-15/16 (405) /16 (424) 19 / 10-3/8 (264) 30 *with AV /2 (241) 5 (127) 16-3/8 (416) 17-1/8 (435) * /16 (275) 2-1 / 2 8-1/2 (216) 5-3/8 (137) 15-1/8 (384) 15-7/8 (403) 10-1/4 (260) 3 9-1/2 (241) 6-3/8 (162) 16-5/8 (422) /8 (441) 10-1/2 (267) 31 V B /2 (292) 8-1/2 (216) 17-1/2 (445) 18-1/4 (464) 21 / 11-1/4 (286) *with AV (330) 8-3/4 (222) 18 (457) * /8 (619) (356) 9-3/4 (248) 18-1/2 (470) 25-1/8 (638) 2-1 / 2 9 (229) 7 (178) 17-1/2 (445) 17-1/2 (445) 13-7/16 (341) 3 10 (254) 8 (203) 18 (457) (457) 19 / 13-13/16 (351) 31 V B (305) 10 (254) 18-3/4 (476) * /16 (367) *with AV (330) 10-1/2 (267) 19-3/8 (492) /8 (359) 11-1/8 (283) 20 (508) Dimensions are shown in figures 1 through 31 on following pages (3 45 to 3 48)

44 Valve Sizing and Dimensions Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure

45 VALVES Valve Sizing and Dimensions Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure

46 Valve Sizing and Dimensions Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure

47 VALVES Valve Sizing and Dimensions Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure

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