Levinson Durbin Recursions: I

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1 Levinson Durbin Recursions: I note: B&D and S&S say Durbin Levinson but Levinson Durbin is more commonly used (Levinson, 1947, and Durbin, 1960, are source articles sometimes just Levinson is used) recursions solve Γ n a n = γ n (1) efficiently, giving us the coefficients a n needed for best linear predictor X n+1 = a nx n of X n+1 given X n = [X n,..., X 1 ] in doing so, L D recursions also give us coefficients a m for X m+1 = a mx m, m = 1,..., n 1, the best linear predictor of X m+1 given X m = [X m,..., X 1 ] partial autocorrelation function (PACF), also known as partial autocorrelation sequence or reflection coefficient sequence will state L D recursions without proof (B&D have one; S&S leave it as exercise; will give alternative proof in Stat/EE 520) BD 69, CC 113, SS 112, 165 XI 1

2 Levinson Durbin Recursions: II to keep track of best linear predictors as sample size n increases (and to emphasize certain connections with AR processes), will switch notation from a n to φ n henceforth we now write X n+1 = φ n,1 X n + φ n,2 X n φ n,n X 1 = φ nx n where φ n [φ n,1, φ n,1,..., φ n,n ] simplify γ n (1) to just γ n so that γ n = [γ(1), γ(2),..., γ(n)] in new notation, L D recursions solve for φ n in Γ n φ n = γ n recall that Γ n is covariance matrix for X n, so its (i, j)th element is cov {X i, X j } = γ(i j) XI 2

3 Levinson Durbin Recursions: III referring back to overhead X 13, will denote mean square error (MSE) associated with predictor X n+1 as v n E{(X n+1 X n+1 ) 2 } = var {X n+1 X n+1 } 3. = γ(0) φ nγ n = var {X n+1 } φ n cov {X n+1, X n } BD 69, 70 XI 3

4 Levinson Durbin Recursions: IV for n = 1, have X 2 φ 1,1 X 1 equation Γ n φ n = γ n becomes γ(0)φ 1,1 = γ(1) solution is φ 1,1 = γ(1)/γ(0) = ρ(1) associated MSE is ( ) v 1 = γ(0) φ 1 γ 1 = γ(0) φ 1,1 γ(1) = γ(0) φ 1,1 [φ 1,1 γ(0)] (making use of ( )) = γ(0)(1 φ 2 1,1 ) = v 0(1 φ 2 1,1 ) with v 0 γ(0) Q: why is γ(0) a natural definition for v 0? note connection to AR(1) model X t = φ 1,1 X t 1 + Z t with {Z t } WN(0, σ 2 (1 φ 2 1,1 )), for which γ(0) = σ2 BD 70, SS 112 XI 4

5 Levinson Durbin Recursions: V given φ n 1 & v n 1, L D recursion gets φ n & v n in 3 steps 1. get nth order partial autocorrelation (more on this later!): φ n,n = γ(n) n 1 j=1 φ n 1,jγ(n j) v n 1 note: sum is inner product of φ n 1 & order reversal of γ n 1 2. get remaining φ n,j s: φ n,1. = φ n,n φ n,n 1 3. get nth order MSE: φ n 1,1. φ n 1,n 1 v n = v n 1 (1 φ 2 n,n) φ n 1,n 1. φ n 1,1 BD 70, SS 112 XI 5

6 Levinson Durbin Recursions: VI as a first example, reconsider AR(1) process X t = φx t 1 +Z t, where φ < 1 and {Z t } WN(0, σ 2 ) have already argued (X 14) that X n+1 = φx n φ n = [φ, 0,..., 0] and v n = σ 2 for all n since MSE is σ 2 accordingly, let s apply L D recursions to φ n 1 = [φ, 0,..., 0] & v n 1 = σ 2 and see if required forms for φ n and v n pop out step 1: recalling that γ(h) = σ 2 φ h /(1 φ 2 ) for h 0, we have φ n,n = γ(n) n 1 j=1 φ n 1,jγ(n j) v n 1 = σ 2φn φ n 1,1 φ n 1 v n 1 (1 φ 2 ) = σ 2 φ n φ n v n 1 (1 φ 2 ) = 0 XI 6

7 Levinson Durbin Recursions: VII step 2: yields φ n,1 φ n,2. φ n,n 2 φ n,n 1 = φ n 1,1 φ n 1,2. φ n 1,n 2 φ n 1,n 1 φ n,1 φ φ n,2. φ n,n 2 = φ n,n 1 0 so φ n = [φ, 0,..., 0] as required φ n,n φ = φ n 1,n 1 φ n 1,n 2. φ n 1,2 φ n 1,1 φ , XI 7

8 Levinson Durbin Recursions: VIII step 3: v n = v n 1 (1 φ 2 n,n) = v n 1 = σ 2, as required note: partial autocorrelation φ n,n for AR(1) process is φ for n = 1 and is zero for n = 2, 3,... homework exercise: run L D recursions on MA(1) process as 2nd example, reconsider stationary process of Problem 3(b): X t = Z 1 cos (ωt) + Z 2 sin (ωt), where Z 1 and Z 2 are independent N (0, 1) RVs ACVF for {X t } is γ(h) = cos (ωh) (same as is its ACF ρ(h)) starting with X 2 φ 1,1 X 1 (n = 1 case), we have φ 1,1 = ρ(1) = cos (ω) and v 1 = γ(0)(1 φ 2 1,1 ) = 1 cos2 (ω) = sin 2 (ω) XI 8

9 Levinson Durbin Recursions: IX now let us get coefficients for X 3 φ 2,1 X 2 + φ 2,2 X 1 (n = 2 case) using L D recursions first step φ n,n = γ(n) n 1 j=1 φ n 1,jγ(n j) v n 1, yields, for n = 2 (recalling γ(h) = cos (ωh) & φ 1,1 = cos (ω)), φ 2,2 = γ(2) φ 1,1γ(1) v 1 = cos (2ω) cos (ω) cos (ω) sin 2 (ω) = 1 because of trig identity cos (2ω) cos 2 (ω) = sin 2 (ω) XI 9

10 Levinson Durbin Recursions: X second step of L D recursions, namely, φ n,1 φ n 1,1. =. φ n,n φ n,n 1 φ n 1,n 1 yields, for n = 2, φ n 1,n 1. φ n 1,1, φ 2,1 = φ 1,1 φ 2,2 φ 1,1 = cos (ω)[1 ( 1)] = 2 cos (ω) third step of L D recursions, namely, v n = v n 1 (1 φ 2 n,n) yields, for n = 2, v 2 = v 1 [1 ( 1) 2 ] = 0 thus X 3 is perfectly predicable given X 2 & X 1 : X 3 = 2 cos (ω)x 2 X 1 = X 3 thus, for all t, X t is perfectly predicable given X t 1 & X t 2 : X t = 2 cos (ω)x t 1 X t 2 = X t (Q: why?) BD 77 XI 10

11 Aside Step-Down Levinson Durbin Recursions: I application of L D recursions to AR(p) process yields, for n p, Y t = φ 1 Y t φ p Y t p + Z t Ŷ n+1 = φ n,1 Y n + + φ n,n Y 1 = φ 1 Y n + + φ p Y n p+1, i.e., Ŷ n+1 only depends on p most recent values and, when n > p, not on remote values Y n p,..., Y 1 associated prediction error is Y n+1 Ŷn+1 = Y n+1 φ 1 Y n φ p Y n p+1 = Z n+1, so MSE is v n = var {Y n+1 Ŷn+1} = var {Z n+1 } = σ 2 given φ p,1 = φ 1, φ p,2 = φ 2,..., φ p,p = φ p and σ 2, can invert L D recursions to get coefficients for best linear predictors of orders p 1, p 2,..., 1 and associated MSEs XI 11

12 Aside Step-Down Levinson Durbin Recursions: II given φ h,1,..., φ h,h & v h, compute 1. φ h 1,j = φ h,j+φ h,h φ h,h j 1 φ 2 h,h 2. v h 1 = v h /(1 φ 2 h,h ), 1 j h 1 step-down L D recursion yields φ h 1,1,..., φ h 1,h 1 & v h 1 start with φ p,1 = φ 1,..., φ p,p = φ p & v p = σ 2 apply step-down recursions to get φ p 1,j s & v p 1, φ p 2,j s & v p 2,..., φ 1,1 & v 1 as opposed to usual L D recursions, step-down L D recursions do not make use of ACVF γ(h) for {Y t } in fact, given φ 1, φ 2,..., φ p & σ 2, can use results of step-down L D recursions to compute γ(h) (yet another method!) XI 12

13 Aside Step-Down Levinson Durbin Recursions: III to do so, return to overhead XI 4 and note that γ(0) v 0 = v 1 /(1 φ 2 1,1 ) γ(1) = γ(0)φ 1,1 next go to overhead XI 5, grab φ n,n = γ(n) n 1 j=1 φ n 1,jγ(n j) v n 1 and manipulate it to get γ(n) = φ n,n v n 1 + n 1 j=1 φ n 1,j γ(n j) and thus γ(2) = φ 2,2 v 1 + φ 1,1 γ(1) γ(3) = φ 3,3 v 2 + φ 2,1 γ(2) + φ 2,2 γ(1) etc., ending with γ(p) = φ p,p v p 1 + φ p 1,1 γ(p 1) + + φ p 1,p 1 γ(1) XI 13

14 Aside Step-Down Levinson Durbin Recursions: IV to get γ(p + 1), γ(p + 2),..., make use of an equation stated on overhead IX 50: γ(k) = φ 1 γ(k 1) + + φ p γ(k p), which holds for all k p + 1 note: can now argue that AR coefficients φ 1, φ 2,..., φ p and sequence of partial autocorrelations φ 1,1, φ 2,2,..., φ p,p are equivalent to one another (in particular, φ p,p = φ p ) we now return to our regularly scheduled program... XI 14

15 One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors (Innovations): I given time series X 1, X 2,..., can use L D recursions to find coefficients φ m 1 for X m i.e., best linear predictor of X m given X m 1,..., X 1 define X 1 = 0 and X n = [ X n, X n 1,..., X 1 ] letting m = 1, 2,..., n, can generate a series of one-step-ahead prediction errors (or innovations): U m = X m X m collect these into U n = [U n, U n 1..., U 1 ] so that we can write U n = X n X n BD 71, SS 114 XI 15

16 One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors (Innovations): II can write U n = A nx n, where A n is lower triangular: φ n 1, A n = φ n 1,n 3 φ n 2,n φ n 1,n 2 φ n 2,n 3 φ 2,1 1 0 φ n 1,n 1 φ n 2,n 2 φ 2,2 φ 1,1 1 inverse of A n is also lower triangular, so let s write it as θ n 1, C n θ n 1,n 3 θ n 2,n θ n 1,n 2 θ n 2,n 3 θ 2,1 1 0 θ n 1,n 1 θ n 2,n 2 θ 2,2 θ 1,1 1 BD 72, SS 114 XI 16

17 One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors (Innovations): III since C n is inverse of A n, U n = A nx n leads to X n = C nu n ; i.e., time series can be reexpressed in terms of its innovations recall that L D recursions give v m 1 = E{(X m X m ) 2 } = var{u m }, m = 1, 2,..., n can use so-called innovations algorithm to get both v m and elements of C m (note: take sum with upper limit 1 to be 0): θ m,m k = γ(m k) k 1 j=0 θ k,k jθ m,m j v j, 0 k < m v k v m = γ(0) m 1 j=0 θ 2 m,m j v j start with v 0 = γ(0), get θ 1,1 & v 1, get θ 2,2, θ 2,1 & v 2 etc. BD 72, 73, SS 114 XI 17

18 One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors (Innovations): IV since X n = C nu n, can write (with θ m,0 1), m X m+1 = θ m,j U m j+1, m = 1, 2,..., n 1, j=0 i.e., linear combination of innovations yields time series since X n = X n U n = C nu n U n = (C n I n )U n, where I n is the n n identity matrix, can also write m X m+1 = θ m,j U m j+1, m = 1, 2,..., n 1, j=1 i.e., linear combination of innovations also yields predictions HW exercise: innovations U 1, U 2,..., U n are uncorrelated BD 72, SS 114 XI 18

19 Aside Simulation of ARMA Processes: I often of interest to generate realizations of ARMA processes first consider stationary & causal Gaussian AR(p) process: Y t φ 1 Y t 1 φ p Y t p = Z t, {Z t } Gaussian WN(0,σ 2 ) recall that, for any t p + 1, best linear predictor Ŷt of Y t given Y t 1,..., Y 1 takes the form Ŷ t = φ 1 Y t φ p Y t p innovations are U t = Y t Ŷt = Z t and have MSE v t 1 var {U t } = σ 2 can use step-down L D recursions to get coefficients for Ŷ t = φ t 1,1 Y t φ t 1,t 1 Y 1, t = 2, 3,..., p and associated MSEs v t 1 (recall that Ŷ1 = 0 by definition) XI 19

20 Aside Simulation of ARMA Processes: II innovations U t = Y t Ŷt, t = 1,..., p are such that 1. E{U t } = 0 and var {U t } = v t 1 2. U 1, U 2,..., U p are uncorrelated RVs (homework exercise) implies independence under Gaussian assumption easy to simulate U t s: generate p independent realizations of N (0, 1) RVs, say, Z 1,..., Z p, and set U t = v 1/2 t 1 Z t can unroll U t s to get simulations of Y t s, t = 1,..., p: U 1 = Y 1 Ŷ1 = Y 1 yields Y 1 = U 1 U 2 = Y 2 Ŷ2 = Y 2 φ 1,1 Y 1 yields Y 2 = φ 1,1 Y 1 + U 2 U 3 = Y 3 Ŷ3 = Y 3 φ 2,1 Y 2 φ 2,2 Y 1 yields Y 3 = φ 2,1 Y 2 + φ 2,2 Y 1 + U 3 XI 20

21 finally Aside Simulation of ARMA Processes: III yields U p = Y p Ŷp = Y p φ p 1,1 Y p 1 φ p 1,p 1 Y 1 Y p = φ p 1,1 Y p φ p 1,p 1 Y 1 + U p can now generate remainder of desired simulated series using Y t = φ 1 Y t φ p Y t p + σ Z t, t = p + 1, p + 2,..., where Z t s are independent realizations of N (0, 1) RVs (these are independent of Z 1,..., Z p also) XI 21

22 Aside Simulation of ARMA Processes: IV knowing how to simulate AR process φ(b)y t = Z t, can in turn simulate ARMA process φ(b)x t = θ(b)z t since we can create ARMA process {X t } by applying filter θ(b) to AR process {Y t }: X t = θ(b)y t = θ(b)φ 1 (B)Z t, i.e., φ(b)x t = θ(b)z t (see overhead IX 47) hence can generate simulated ARMA series of length n via X t = Y t + θ 1 Y t θ q Y t q, t = q + 1,..., q + n; i.e., need to make simulated AR series of length n + q XI 22

23 Example Simulation of ARMA(2,2) Process: I consider ARMA(2,2) process given by X t = 3 4 X t 1 2 1X t 2 + Z t Z t Z t 2, {Z t } WN(0, 1), so that v 2 = 1 to simulate AR(2) process Y t = 4 3Y t 1 2 1Y t 2 + Z t, need to run reverse L D recursions once to obtain φ 1,1 = φ 2,1 + φ 2,2 φ 2,1 1 φ 2 2,2 = = 1 2, v 1 = v 2 1 φ 2 2,2 = 4 3 and hence v 0 = v 1 1 φ 2 1,1 = 16 9 XI 23

24 Example Simulation of ARMA(2,2) Process: II thus would generate AR(2) process using Y 1 = 4 3 Z 1 Y 2 = 1 2 Y Z2 Y 3 = 3 4 Y Y 1 + Z 3. Y n+2 = 3 4 Y n Y n + Z n+2, where Z t s are IID N (0, 1) RVs desired ARMA(2,2) process is given by X t = Y t Y t Y t, t = 1,..., n overhead VIII 24 shows AR(2) series (n = 100) used to form ARMA(2,2) simulation (n = 98) in next overhead XI 24

25 Realization of Second AR(2) Process t x t VIII 24

26 Realization of ARMA(2,2) Process t x t XI 25

27 Aside Simulation of ARMA Processes: V method described here deemed exact because of use of socalled stationary initial conditions (method used in R function arima.sim is not exact makes use of a burn-in period) source article is Kay (1981), which is just over a page in length, making it one of the shortest useful articles relevant to time series analysis (shortest is undoubtedly David, 1985!) XI 26

28 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: I reconsider one-step-ahead predictor X n+1 of X n+1 given X n, X n 1,..., X 1 in preparation for considering multi-step-ahead prediction, will now denote X n+1 by X n+1 n X n+1 n can be written as either a linear combination of previous time series values or previous innovations: n X n+1 n = φ n,j X n j+1 or X n n+1 n = θ n,j U n j+1 j=1 j=1 for a given h 2, want to formulate best linear predictor X n+h n of X n+h given X n, X n 1,..., X 1 XI 27

29 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: II first approach: replacing n in n X n+1 n = φ n,j X n j+1 with n + h 1 gives X n+h n+h 1 = j=1 n+h 1 j=1 φ n+h 1,j X n+h j above involves unobserved X n+h 1,..., X n+1, but replacing these with X n+h 1 n,..., X n+1 n, gives desired predictor: X n+h n = h 1 j=1 φ n+h 1,j Xn+h j n + n+h 1 j=h φ n+h 1,j X n+h j XI 28

30 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: III leads to recursive scheme for computing X n+h n starting with one-step-ahead predictor X n+1 n (we know how to get this!) two-step-ahead predictor: replace X n+1 in with X n+1 n to get X n+2 n+1 = n+1 j=1 X n+2 n = φ n+1,1 Xn+1 n + φ n+1,j X n+2 j n+1 j=2 φ n+1,j X n+2 j XI 29

31 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: IV three-step-ahead predictor: replace X n+2 & X n+1 in X n+3 n+2 = n+2 j=1 with X n+2 n & X n+1 n to get φ n+2,j X n+3 j n+2 X n+3 n = φ n+2,1 Xn+2 n +φ n+2,2 Xn+1 n + j=3 yadda, yadda, yadda, coming eventually to the desired X n+h n = h 1 j=1 φ n+h 1,j Xn+h j n + n+h 1 j=h φ n+2,j X n+3 j φ n+h 1,j X n+h j XI 30

32 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: V since X n+1 n,..., X n+h 1 n are all linear combinations of X n,..., X 1, it follows that X n+h n is also such: X n+h n = h 1 j=1 φ n+h 1,j Xn+h j n + n a j X n j+1 j=1 n+h 1 j=h φ n+h 1,j X n+h j can show that a n = [a 1,..., a n ] so defined is a solution to Γ n a n = γ n (h), where n n matrix Γ n has (i, j)th entry of γ(i j), while γ n (h) = [γ(h),..., γ(h + n 1)] XI 31

33 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: VI second approach: replacing n in n X n+1 n = θ n,j U n j+1 with n + h 1 gives X n+h n+h 1 = j=1 n+h 1 j=1 θ n+h 1,j U n+h j above involves unobserved U n+h 1,..., U n+1, but replacing these with their expected values (zero!) gives desired predictor: n+h 1 n X n+h n = θ n+h 1,j U n+h j = θ n+h 1,n+h j U j j=h j=1 XI 32

34 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: VII MSE of h-step-ahead forecast is E{(X n+h X n+h n ) 2 } = E{X 2 n+h } 2E{X n+h X n+h n } + E{ X 2 n+h n } = γ(0) E{ X 2 n+h n } = γ(0) var { X n+h n } since E{X 2 n+h } = γ(0) and E{X n+h X n+h n } = E{ X 2 n+h n } (homework exercise!) since var {U j } = v j 1 and U j s are uncorrelated, { n } var { X n n+h n } = var θ n+h 1,n+h j U j = θn+h 1,n+h j 2 v j 1 j=1 MSE is thus given by E{(X n+h X n+h n ) 2 } = γ(0) j=1 n θn+h 1,n+h j 2 v j 1 σn(h) 2 j=1 BD 74, 75 XI 33

35 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction: VIII under a Gaussian assumption, can use above to form 95% prediction bounds for unknown X n+h : X n+h n ± 1.96σ n (h) as example, consider 1st part of wind speed series x 1,..., x 100 after centering x t by subtracting off its sample mean x, we model x t = x t x as an AR(1) process X t = φx t 1 + Z t with φ estimated by ˆφ = ˆρ(1). = (cf. overhead X 16) based on x 1,..., x 100, forecast last 28 values x 101 x,..., x 128 x of time series and see how well we do following overheads show results from homegrown R code based on theory presented above built-in R functions ar and predict BD 74, 75 XI 34

36 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction of Wind Speed x t t XI 35

37 Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction of Wind Speed using R x t t XI 36

38 Predictions Based on Infinite Past: I rather than using X n,..., X 1 to predict X n+h, suppose we use, for some m 0, X n,..., X 1, X 0, X 1,..., X m and form a predictor to be denoted by X n+h n,m by letting m and assuming limit exists (in MS sense), can write X n+h n, = α j X n j+1 j=1 where α j s are set by a version of the orthogonality principle: cov {X n+h α j X n j+1, X n i } = 0, i = 0, 1,... j=1 BD 75, SS 115 XI 37

39 Predictions Based on Infinite Past: II refer to X n+h n, as predictor of X n+h based on infinite past X n, X n 1,... associated prediction error X n+h X n+h n, has MSE E{(X n+h X n+h n, ) 2 } = var {X n+h X n+h n, }, which can be compared to var {X n+h X n+h n } to see how much can be gained from having lots more data (recall that X n+h n is based on just X n, X n 1,..., X 1 ) BD 75, 76, SS 115 XI 38

40 Predictions Based on Infinite Past: III applying representation X t = ψ j Z t j at t = n + h yields X n+h = j=0 ψ j Z n+h j j=0 consider Z t s that make up X n+h but not X n ; i.e., Z n+h, Z n+h 1,..., Z n+1 replacing these h RVs by their expected values (zero) gives X n+h n, = ψ j Z n+h j j=h prediction error is thus X n+h X n+h n, = ψ j Z n+h j j=0 XI 39 ψ j Z n+h j = j=h h 1 j=0 ψ j Z n+h j

41 Predictions Based on Infinite Past: IV since {Z t } WN(0, σ 2 ), variance of X n+h X n+h n, = i.e., MSE of X n+h n,, is given by h 1 j=0 ψ j Z n+h j var {X n+h X h 1 n+h n, } = σ 2 in particular, for h = 1, MSE is var {X n+1 X n+1 n, } = σ 2 rather than v n = var {X n+1 X n+1 n } j=0 homework exercise: compare MSEs for specific MA(1) and AR(1) processes with specific sample sizes n ψ 2 j CC 196, SS 116 XI 40

42 References H. A. David (1985), Bias of S 2 Under Dependence, The American Statistician, 39, p. 201 J. Durbin (1960), The Fitting of Time Series Models, Revue de l Institut International de Statistique/Review of the International Statistical Institute, 28, pp S. M. Kay (1981), Efficient Generation of Colored Noise, Proceedings of the IEEE, 69, pp N. Levinson (1947), The Wiener RMS Error Criterion in Filter Design and Prediction, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 25, pp XI 41

Levinson Durbin Recursions: I

Levinson Durbin Recursions: I Levinson Durbin Recursions: I note: B&D and S&S say Durbin Levinson but Levinson Durbin is more commonly used (Levinson, 1947, and Durbin, 1960, are source articles sometimes just Levinson is used) recursions

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